If the BBC does mention it, they will justify her position by providing the usual “context” of Israeli aggression and oppression. Bowen et al completely understand this woman’s desire to kill. Mass murder is okay if the cause is just.
There’s another freed woman who is even worse. Ahlam Tamimi escorted the suicide bomber who killed 16 innocents in the Sbarro Pizza restaurant in Jerusalem. She later expressed regret that he hadn’t killed more children. Arnold Roth, the father of Malki, who was murdered in the attack, was on English IBA News a few nights ago. Along with his wife, Frimet, he’d been campaigning to stop the prisoner release:
BBC-EU does not question where the rebels are among Labour’s ranks.
Are there no Labour MPs willing to stand up for British national sovereignty, and to allow trhe British people to have a vote on such a vital constitutional issue? Come on, BBC-EU, broaden you search.
Daniel Hannan:
“When they vote on the EU referendum, MPs should ask themselves just one question”
By portraying this as an internal Tory party matter the BBC can avoid any awkward facts about just how unpopular the EU is amongst the people
We must not worry our silly little heads about it. The BBC and Cameron and the rest of the EU fellow travellers will do the worrying for us and we can get back to Strictly come Dancing and that sort of preferred reality.
It is on this matter ,almost above all else, that the BBC is not to be trusted.
To a normal, fair person, the presence of a masked Hamas man in control of Israeli SHALIT is frightening, intimidating, but not apparently to BBC-NUJ, which seems to be encouraging
a cult of the mask and the burqa; and who’s at it but none other than Comrade MASON, (chum of masked man ASSANGE), and Father of the Chapel of ‘Newsnight’ and supplicant at St Paul’s (the other one’s) Cathedral.
And, of course, BBC-PATTEN wants Turkey as member of E.U. so as to speed up the Islamisation of E.U. with 80 million more Muslims; with as many Turks as want to, becoming immigrants in Britain (including Kurds, so that they can continue their conflict here).
Does being black AND Republican make Herman Cain invisible to the BBC ?
Her has been steaming through in the past month, hardly any local organisation but is leading in important states with early primaries, has by far the strongest degree of committed support (at present) among the leaders – and now the running AVERAGE of NATIONAL polls at RealClearPolitics shows him just ahead of Romney and way ahead of all the other runners.
And other polls have shown that he could beat Obama – even though he lacks funding and local organisation on the ground.
When Obama appeared on the scene, the BBC could not get enough of him.
Surely there cannot be double standards at the BBC ? Cain’s emergence is just as big a story as the small mobs of protestors in US cities they keep telling us about ?
Mark Mardell decided after the first Republican debate that Cain was a non-starter, in part because of he expressed an unapproved thought about Muslims. Mardell mentioned that specifically at the time. He dismissed Cain’s chances again a few weeks ago at the BBC College of Journalism, even though Cain was already gaining strength. The man derisively referred to as the “pizza millionaire” was otherwise ignored by the BBC until he topped a poll recently.
Curiously, Michelle Bachmann (to whom the BBC often referrd to as “the darling of the Tea Party”) got absolutely loads of BBC attention even though she never topped a poll. Mardell and other Beeboids have paid more mind to John Huntsman who has been dead last from start to finish. Because Huntsman, as Mardell and his BBC CoJ colleagues agreed, was the favorite of the Democrats. So it’s not just cos he is black.
On one level, I sort of understand that because the Beeboids are part of the establishment, inside the bubble, and engage mostly only with other establishment types, they will dismiss Cain out of hand by default because he’s not a professional politician. To media political junkies like Mardell and Co., private citizens who try to get in the game are a joke, mere amateur rabble rousers to be ridiculed. It’s a shock to them that Cain has risen as far as he has, and they fully expect him to tank soon. Pretty much all the US media talking heads have said as much, and the BBC looks to them for guidance. There is a certain amount of Liberal Establishment bigotry going on here.
Also, Cain isn’t the right kind of black man. He doesn’t behave according to the Leftoid rules, so it’s hard for them to deal with it.
But that just shows how useless the BBC is as an honest broker of news on US issues. If it doesn’t comfortably fit in with their worldview, it’s not news. However, if it’s something that ticks certain happy boxes (the Coffee Party or No Labels, for example), they’re all over it immediately. The BBC US division is a joke. Sadly, they’re untouchable, unaccountable.
Did you see John Sweeney’s Panorama about the Roma last night? It really tried to be politically corrected, but ended up looking like a remake of Der ewige Jude. I am suprised the BBC showed it, the BBC made the Roma look like a bunch of sub-humans. Half way through I thought Papa Lazarou would pop up a say, “You’re my wife now, Dave”.
The BBC has to feed the behemoth. Unlike ITV or other media outlets, the BBC has a myriad of channels and shows for which they must provide “unique” content. It’s simply inconceivable to them to use one report on different shows. Each show has their own unique, special feel, unique voice, unique audience, etc. No wonder it’s bloated and costly.
A story where the BBC can get behind the ‘underdog’ and show how ‘caring and concerned’ they are, can’t be resisted. So as many of the staff who can want to be visible on such a story.
Pity they don’t see the underdog as the residents that have had to put up with this illegal invasion for the last 10 years. Talk about ‘biting the hand that feeds one’, I doubt that there’s even one licence fee paid by these travellers, and I’m sure no TVL inspectors ventured onto their encampment to check who had TV’s in their caravans, despite the satellite receiver that would have been visible on the roofs.
Still the legal residents have no choice about paying for the BBC, so ‘screw them’ as far as the BBC is concerned.
Here’s a good article in the Daily Mail exactly how the BBC have covered this event and the facts which show it in quite a different light.
Amid the violence and hysteria, the hand-wringing by the BBC and the cries of ‘ethnic cleansing’, shouldn’t we recall a few basic facts about the travellers’ encampment at Dale Farm?
The first and most important is that the settlement on the part of the site in contention is illegal.
The travellers have known this from the start, when their application for planning permission was rejected because it contravened green belt policy. They chose to ignore the ruling.
True, some say planning law is too strict (although this paper believes the green belt, now under threat from another quarter, is among the nation’s glories, which must be protected with all vigour).
But what nobody can dispute is that the law is the law – and in a democracy such as ours, nobody is above it.
As for the travellers’ claim that they’ve been wronged because of their ethnicity, this is the opposite of the truth.
Indeed, had they not belonged to a minority, they would have been kicked off the land without ceremony ten years ago. As it is, they have been treated with huge tact and patience – often to the immense distress of their neighbours, whose lives they have cruelly disrupted.
For ten years, at massive public expense, they’ve been accorded the best that our painstakingly laborious legal and political systems can offer, consuming the time and attention of regiments of equality officers and High Court judges.
Throughout, the local council has behaved with absolute propriety and understanding. Now it pledges to rehouse them – even though many have spacious homes in Ireland.
In short, there was no excuse whatever for yesterday’s wanton criminal violence by the travellers and their rent-a-mob accomplices against the police and bailiffs who were performing their duty.
They deserve not one iota of public sympathy – least of all from the BBC, which depends on law-abiding citizens paying their licence fees.
Vicky Derbyshire on BBC local radio Salford is doing a nice bit of niche radio. She has some bloke – who sounds like Will Self – on to sympathise with unemployed female geography teachers in the North West. I guess it goes under the BBC banner of ‘original stories from across the UK’.
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 14:40 Weekend 22nd February 2025 “What about the NHS – they want to charge people to use it.” (c) Starmer https://youtu.be/SnLNtx3zOY4?si=T5_z1l6NK5InEwwu&t=117 “They were only truly…
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 14:34 Weekend 22nd February 2025 You should not vote against Keir – or you are the enemy! https://youtu.be/SnLNtx3zOY4?si=plHMmtPCKZZnjmeq&t=84 CANNOT STOP ONE BOAT. CAN STOP PUTIN!
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 14:32 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Reform are the FAR RIGHT NASTY PARTY (c) Starmer https://youtu.be/SnLNtx3zOY4?si=MI_iC9oUb3XDAmTM&t=41 “A dangerous right wing politics.”
Fedup2Feb 23, 14:15 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Hope so EG – but I suspect any ‘count ‘ these days to be modelled on the Obama/biden model …
wwfcFeb 23, 14:04 Weekend 22nd February 2025 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KkalM-JP_48&ab_channel=LancashireLarks
StewGreenFeb 23, 14:00 Weekend 22nd February 2025 There are two entrance doors on police stations these days One door is marked “for normal people” … go through…
StewGreenFeb 23, 13:44 Weekend 22nd February 2025 UK law says a baby is British through parentage. US law says ANY baby born in the US is American…
Emmanuel GoldsteinFeb 23, 13:33 Weekend 22nd February 2025 I predict that the AfD will do much better than the msm are saying. There will be lots of people…
Fedup2Feb 23, 13:31 Weekend 22nd February 2025 I think ‘councillor Sedgwick ‘ needs to be looked at with their political control of plod – was it phone…
StewGreenFeb 23, 12:31 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Zephir at 1am quoted the Mail article So it seems that Councillor Sedgewick had some send officers around to the…
Bin Laden: Dead, killed in cold blood, not trial
Al Awaki: Dead, killed in cold blood, no trial
Ghadaffi: Possibly killed in cold blood, no trial
Sadaam Hussein: captured, put on trial by his own people, convicted by his own people, sentence carried out by his own people.
BBC: The man who is responsible for the latter is a war criminal, but the former are kosher.
I bet the BBC does not mention this story about a Palestinian woman prisoner just released, who says she wants to go suicide bombing again.
To the cheers of a crowd of Palestinian children.
Now THAT is a true reflection of Palestinian society that Bowen et al never tell us, that they deliberately hide from us.
If the BBC does mention it, they will justify her position by providing the usual “context” of Israeli aggression and oppression. Bowen et al completely understand this woman’s desire to kill. Mass murder is okay if the cause is just.
Gaddafi killed but strange contradictions in this article:
He was found by the rebels in a hole in the ground (much like Saddam Hussein) and said, “Don’t shoot.”
Alternatively, he was wounded by a NATO attack on his convoy as he was fleeing the city, captured by the rebels and then “died.”
Difficult getting the truth out of Libya.
Anyway, good riddance to bad rubbish.
Now we wait with apprehension to see whether whoever assumes power will be better or worse than him.
They could be pretty much the same I guess.
There’s another freed woman who is even worse. Ahlam Tamimi escorted the suicide bomber who killed 16 innocents in the Sbarro Pizza restaurant in Jerusalem. She later expressed regret that he hadn’t killed more children. Arnold Roth, the father of Malki, who was murdered in the attack, was on English IBA News a few nights ago. Along with his wife, Frimet, he’d been campaigning to stop the prisoner release:
I wonder if the reprehensible Azzam Tamimi, Hamas propagandist, is a relative.
Just listened to BBC reporter Rob Watson on R5L interiew two Libyan ladies coming out of the NTC Libyan Embassey in Knightsbridge.
One of the them said her only regret is that Gaddafi’s death was not made more slow and painful.
Rob Watson then asked them: “So it sounds to me like you’d’ve liked Gaddafi to be put on trial?”
Lady 1: “No I wouldn’t”
Lady 2: “What’s the point of a trial? Everyone knows he’s guilty”.
BBC-NUJ and E.U Referendum vote.
BBC-EU continue to play this politically as simply an issue about which Tory MPs are split.
“EU referendum: MPs told to vote against Monday’s motion”
BBC-EU does not question where the rebels are among Labour’s ranks.
Are there no Labour MPs willing to stand up for British national sovereignty, and to allow trhe British people to have a vote on such a vital constitutional issue? Come on, BBC-EU, broaden you search.
Daniel Hannan:
“When they vote on the EU referendum, MPs should ask themselves just one question”
By portraying this as an internal Tory party matter the BBC can avoid any awkward facts about just how unpopular the EU is amongst the people
We must not worry our silly little heads about it. The BBC and Cameron and the rest of the EU fellow travellers will do the worrying for us and we can get back to Strictly come Dancing and that sort of preferred reality.
It is on this matter ,almost above all else, that the BBC is not to be trusted.
I see theBBC are bleating on already that Gaddafi didn’t get his ‘human rights’, neither did any of his victims you BBC arseholes.
STFU beeboids.
Sadaam got a trial. Bin Laden, Al Awaki, and Ghaddafi did not. Who’s the cowboy again, wanting justice at the point of a gun again? I forget.
Who does INBBC support:
either Qaradawi of Muslim Brotherhood,
or Robert Spencer of ‘Jihadwatch’?
“Qaradawi, you magnificent bastard…”
Of course, we licencepayers pay INBBC to give its fellow anti-Israel Egyptian ‘journalist’/inqusitor the chance to defend the indefensible.
“Gilad Shalit release: Shahira Amin defends interview”
To a normal, fair person, the presence of a masked Hamas man in control of Israeli SHALIT is frightening, intimidating, but not apparently to BBC-NUJ, which seems to be encouraging
a cult of the mask and the burqa; and who’s at it but none other than Comrade MASON, (chum of masked man ASSANGE), and Father of the Chapel of ‘Newsnight’ and supplicant at St Paul’s (the other one’s) Cathedral.
“V is for what? The meaning of the mask”
“You magnificent bastard! I read your book.”
Beeboid twat on BBC 1 news still wanking on about Dale Farm. “You got a scrapyard back” moans beeboid.
No you lefty twat the law was enforced.
Is this much different to INBBC?:
Sweden: Imam’s on-air call for death for apostates from Islam on state-funded radio “not hate speech”
Of course, BBC-PATTEN reports TURKEY very differently to ISRAEL.
“Turkey steps up offensive in Iraq after Kurdish raids”
And, of course, BBC-PATTEN wants Turkey as member of E.U. so as to speed up the Islamisation of E.U. with 80 million more Muslims; with as many Turks as want to, becoming immigrants in Britain (including Kurds, so that they can continue their conflict here).
Does being black AND Republican make Herman Cain invisible to the BBC ?
Her has been steaming through in the past month, hardly any local organisation but is leading in important states with early primaries, has by far the strongest degree of committed support (at present) among the leaders – and now the running AVERAGE of NATIONAL polls at RealClearPolitics shows him just ahead of Romney and way ahead of all the other runners.
And other polls have shown that he could beat Obama – even though he lacks funding and local organisation on the ground.
When Obama appeared on the scene, the BBC could not get enough of him.
Surely there cannot be double standards at the BBC ? Cain’s emergence is just as big a story as the small mobs of protestors in US cities they keep telling us about ?
Mark Mardell decided after the first Republican debate that Cain was a non-starter, in part because of he expressed an unapproved thought about Muslims. Mardell mentioned that specifically at the time. He dismissed Cain’s chances again a few weeks ago at the BBC College of Journalism, even though Cain was already gaining strength. The man derisively referred to as the “pizza millionaire” was otherwise ignored by the BBC until he topped a poll recently.
Curiously, Michelle Bachmann (to whom the BBC often referrd to as “the darling of the Tea Party”) got absolutely loads of BBC attention even though she never topped a poll. Mardell and other Beeboids have paid more mind to John Huntsman who has been dead last from start to finish. Because Huntsman, as Mardell and his BBC CoJ colleagues agreed, was the favorite of the Democrats. So it’s not just cos he is black.
On one level, I sort of understand that because the Beeboids are part of the establishment, inside the bubble, and engage mostly only with other establishment types, they will dismiss Cain out of hand by default because he’s not a professional politician. To media political junkies like Mardell and Co., private citizens who try to get in the game are a joke, mere amateur rabble rousers to be ridiculed. It’s a shock to them that Cain has risen as far as he has, and they fully expect him to tank soon. Pretty much all the US media talking heads have said as much, and the BBC looks to them for guidance. There is a certain amount of Liberal Establishment bigotry going on here.
Also, Cain isn’t the right kind of black man. He doesn’t behave according to the Leftoid rules, so it’s hard for them to deal with it.
But that just shows how useless the BBC is as an honest broker of news on US issues. If it doesn’t comfortably fit in with their worldview, it’s not news. However, if it’s something that ticks certain happy boxes (the Coffee Party or No Labels, for example), they’re all over it immediately. The BBC US division is a joke. Sadly, they’re untouchable, unaccountable.
BBC accused of ‘overstaffing’ as protesters pull out of Dale Farm
Must have thought it was Glastonbury.
And then there’s BBC-NUJ ‘Panorama’ with more propaganda for Dale Farm ‘travellers’ who won’t travel, together with their political fellow travellers.
Did you see John Sweeney’s Panorama about the Roma last night? It really tried to be politically corrected, but ended up looking like a remake of Der ewige Jude. I am suprised the BBC showed it, the BBC made the Roma look like a bunch of sub-humans. Half way through I thought Papa Lazarou would pop up a say, “You’re my wife now, Dave”.
The BBC has to feed the behemoth. Unlike ITV or other media outlets, the BBC has a myriad of channels and shows for which they must provide “unique” content. It’s simply inconceivable to them to use one report on different shows. Each show has their own unique, special feel, unique voice, unique audience, etc. No wonder it’s bloated and costly.
A story where the BBC can get behind the ‘underdog’ and show how ‘caring and concerned’ they are, can’t be resisted. So as many of the staff who can want to be visible on such a story.
Pity they don’t see the underdog as the residents that have had to put up with this illegal invasion for the last 10 years. Talk about ‘biting the hand that feeds one’, I doubt that there’s even one licence fee paid by these travellers, and I’m sure no TVL inspectors ventured onto their encampment to check who had TV’s in their caravans, despite the satellite receiver that would have been visible on the roofs.
Still the legal residents have no choice about paying for the BBC, so ‘screw them’ as far as the BBC is concerned.
So none of those arrested were “travellers”. The BBC acted all through this episode as a “recruiting sergeant” for the “rent an angry public mob”.
Here’s a good article in the Daily Mail exactly how the BBC have covered this event and the facts which show it in quite a different light.
Amid the violence and hysteria, the hand-wringing by the BBC and the cries of ‘ethnic cleansing’, shouldn’t we recall a few basic facts about the travellers’ encampment at Dale Farm?
The first and most important is that the settlement on the part of the site in contention is illegal.
The travellers have known this from the start, when their application for planning permission was rejected because it contravened green belt policy. They chose to ignore the ruling.
True, some say planning law is too strict (although this paper believes the green belt, now under threat from another quarter, is among the nation’s glories, which must be protected with all vigour).
But what nobody can dispute is that the law is the law – and in a democracy such as ours, nobody is above it.
As for the travellers’ claim that they’ve been wronged because of their ethnicity, this is the opposite of the truth.
Indeed, had they not belonged to a minority, they would have been kicked off the land without ceremony ten years ago. As it is, they have been treated with huge tact and patience – often to the immense distress of their neighbours, whose lives they have cruelly disrupted.
For ten years, at massive public expense, they’ve been accorded the best that our painstakingly laborious legal and political systems can offer, consuming the time and attention of regiments of equality officers and High Court judges.
Throughout, the local council has behaved with absolute propriety and understanding. Now it pledges to rehouse them – even though many have spacious homes in Ireland.
In short, there was no excuse whatever for yesterday’s wanton criminal violence by the travellers and their rent-a-mob accomplices against the police and bailiffs who were performing their duty.
They deserve not one iota of public sympathy – least of all from the BBC, which depends on law-abiding citizens paying their licence fees.
the thing that annoys me about the BBC, they assume that everyone is left wing and gay
This will thow ’em in a tizzy then..
Wrong kind of Cameron on the line?
‘A joint parliamentary committee says it wants a “cultural shift” so that posts under pseudonyms are not considered “true, reliable or trustworthy”.
That’s Nick R’s entire body of work buggered then.
Love the most favoured comment as an Editor’s Pick.
‘No-one should be allowed to post anonymously. ‘
Says… 90. ExpatKS
Also funny the thread got yanked within a day.
Vicky Derbyshire on BBC local radio Salford is doing a nice bit of niche radio. She has some bloke – who sounds like Will Self – on to sympathise with unemployed female geography teachers in the North West. I guess it goes under the BBC banner of ‘original stories from across the UK’.