“Power without responsibility – the prerogative of the harlot throughout the ages”. Why Baldwin could have been talking about the State Broadcaster. Or the SNP.
Post World War Two the remnants of burnt out Europe were allowed to build up their socialist Nirvana (Now RIP) because the United States bore the heavy lifting of funding the DEFENCE of it’s borders. The modern European Nanny State was able to prosper because it got away without having to attend to the primary function of any real State namely securing the defence of its citizens. The Great Satan did that for them – and was loudly condemned for doing so. Fast forward to the SNP conference this weekend being trailed on the BBC for several days this week and in particular the way the BBC has treated Salmond’s Plan B – namely the UK can pay for the defence of Scotland, whilst the SNP can take care of all internal issues care of that lovely Barnett formula. Not ONCE has any BBC interviewer thought it appropriate to ask Mr Salmond on what basis he thinks it right and proper that Scotland should not be paying for the defence of Scotland? Salmond’s economic delusions north of the border get a free pass from the BBC.
The BBC are forever greasing the bottom of this rotting hulk of a lawyer in the hope that he will float on his own fat and flummery and be the Trojan Horse for the EUs grand plan to dismember the UK.
Everytime they laugh the old showboat that is Alex Salmond…it blows hard into its own tartans and thinks it floats unaided…certainly the BBC and Alex tell each other that!
Yet back it comes again…tugged back into Rosyth by dead of night, and the English can pony up for the perpetual running repairs and ineptitude. Then the BBC and Alex get another floodlit conference or puff interview to “relaunch” the rotting hulk that has downsized to a pedalo!
Won`t float either, but no matter…the BBC and Alex will it so and they have as much time space and lack of questionning as it takes.
We sent the wrong pox-riddled oaf back to Gadhaffis mob…stick electronic tags on Salmond, Sturgeon and McCaskill and get them to do drain repairs in Sirte for community service.
Line 5…launch(not laugh!)
Salmond is a total lunatic. Stupid, selfish , corrupt and dangerous.
You missed out cunning. Certainly more so than the other nobodies involved in Scottish politics, who haven’t a brain between them. Which is what makes him so dangerous.
It’s very simple: if you want Scotland to withdraw from union with the rest of the UK, you’re a plucky McPatriot, but if you want the UK to withdraw from union with the Continent, you’re a xenophobic nutcase.
It’s funny that whilst the BBC falls over itself to label the BNP as ‘fascist’ it has never once pointed out that the SNP is exactly that too.
I wonder why?
Quicker we say goodbye to Scotland the better (sorry Grant). Just make sure Salmond and his cronies pay their way.
The calculation is
‘Who will bung us more, the English taxpayer or the EC?’
It’s independence, Jim, but not as we know it.
Unfortunately Scotland with its 60+% of GDP coming from the State (read: the English taxpayer) is nothing more than an African village waiting for the weekly flight in by the steam chicken.
Independence as in ‘not being dependent’ – nah.