Lots of flooding over here in Northern Ireland. Here’s the BBC report and I will highlight the last few sentences for your edification;
Weather and climate expert Philip Eden said the current weather systems bringing the rain were taking longer to move on.
“Does this have anything to do with climate change? The lack of ice in the Arctic at the end of the summer may have contributed to the absence of westerly winds.”
Of course! All those catholics burning away on protestant bonfires must contribute enormously to global warming!
As somebody who has spent many a year in the Emerald Isle. (Mainly around Omagh) I can put my hand on my heart and say that there is good reason why Ireland is so green.
In fact on my last visit (A fortnight ago) and I got bloody well soaked on a visit to Belfast. (So much so it went right through my Barbour jacket)
In fact the reason why I wear Barbours and stout waterproof boots is down to spending 3 years in Omagh.
Oh yes, the rain currently pouring onto the Emerald Isle is moving North from the South. Not South to North.
Well, as long as Armageddon is not moving from the left to the extreme left, you wont need to dubbin your jacket just yet.
You might be able to claim compensation however against Philip Eden @ THEARCTICISMELTING PLC for misleading you with a story you neither wanted or was properly explained to you.
Rain – rain falling from the sky – just like it did 6 weeks ago when I foolishly stayed with friends in Coleraine.
But Eden refused to pay me anything as the connotation of where I stayed was contributory negligence on my part as far as he was concerned.
Good old beeboids – never let the facts get in the way of AGW spin.
Total Rowlocks ( I think that’s the word )
I’m getting fed up with these useless camp beeboids spouting their climate change crap. Down here in the south east today is was a beautiful day and quite warm.
How can climate change be responsible for such different weather over a small area like the UK? It’s utter utter crap.
How did the ice age happen? There were no nasty automobiles or businesses helping fuel the economy and spouting evil carbon in prehistoric times causing “climate change”.
This is MMGW stuff total nonsense.
The climate just changes, like the earth moves and cliffs erode.
It’s so tiresome now. A bit of weather – how can we link climate change to it. A documentary about human evolution how can we slip in a little climate change.
Palpable nonsense.
To be fair ITN were at it with their reporting on the population boom and providing 50% more ‘clean’ energy (maybe the Beeb did the same). Whatever happened to journalism?
While we are on the subject of feeling hot under the collar (or should that be wet?) in NI. Here is another article by the bBC which expresses their political agenda.
Osama Bin Laden costume in Strabane shop sparks outcry
There have been calls for the removal of an Osama Bin Laden costume from the window of a County Tyrone shop amid fears it could damage community relations.The Al-Qaeda leader was killed by US forces in Pakistan in May.
But a likeness of the man believed to have ordered the attacks on New York and Washington on 11 September 2001 can be snapped up in Strabane for Halloween.
Pound to a penny, the bBC won’t be visiting Strabane in which to push their political agenda. Gee I wonder why????
The lack of ice in the Arctic at the end of the summer may have contributed to the absence of westerly winds.”…or maybe they didn’t.
Philip Eden is a very good writer and experienced climatologist – he studies the weather and the history of the weather, especially extreme weather events. He is not an AGW fanatic, by any means.
Eden is minded to believe that man is playing a part in climate change but certainly not an alarmist lemming; he is comparatively open-minded. IIRC, he rejected out-of-hand the WWF’s report on climate change and extreme weather events and can often be heard downplaying the more exaggerated claims about extreme weather events.
That the BBC includes speculation about the effects of climate change says more about them than about Eden, I suspect.
‘In some cases a selection of your comments will be published’
Happens a lot in editorial, too.
One matters science, when I see the words ‘could’ or ‘may’ deployed in the manner of a gadget brochure over-egged ad headline that tries to disguise a claim as a question.
i done 2 and a half years there in the army, and it rained for about 2 years 5 months and 30 days of that time
Useful interview with Donna Laframboise, who argues that the IPCC is a fraud when it claims to be purveying pure peer-reviewed science. She show that it is heavily infiltrated by Greenpeace, World Wildlife Fund and other activists – with lots of other amateurs involved in report-drafting.
WWF has been provoked to issue a press release denying the charge, saying there is just “some overlap” between what its folk say and what genuine scientists say. Donna knocks that right on the head something smartish !
Plus – she is more telegenic than Patchouri ?
Thanks for this link John.
Am grateful that the likes of Donna, Robin etc are prepared to sift the IPCC/BBC horseshit on our behalf.
Thay these anti-scientific ignoramuses and trough surfers mutually re-inforce their own worldview is clear. That we pay for it and are expected to do as they say(note…not what they do!) makes us look a craven bunch of lazy peaceniks.
Sense things are on the change…I know no-one who listens to the BBC and believes a single word…unless they are Labor lollards or in the pay of the State from 1997 onwards!
And the irony of the piece being fronted by a Toyota Pious advert. Delicious!
Can any one explain why rain in a very rainy place is ‘climate ‘ and snow 30 miles away on the tops of welsh mountains is ‘weather ‘ ?
Ps the rowers who rowed nowhere are getting a docu-scary all to them selves on the BBC as part of the ‘we are all going to die ‘ pension protection series !
@BBCRBlack via Twitter
Thoughts on what the Berkeley climate work means – and what it doesn’t http://t.co/kVqz8bKZ
It’s a shame, therefore, that any other thoughts come to an abrupt halt as the latest closing shutter slams down on the blog.
However, ‘your humble correspondent’ is keeping up the good work on in 140 or less.
Apropos nothing at all, if the BBC is moving its output here, if one gets blocked for no good reason (other than having another view), can one pull the licence fee obligation?
A programme I thought would be free of BBC bias turned out not to be.
James May’s Man Lab had him and Oz Clarke orienteering across Dartmoor. Going around a reservoir they find the water levels have dropped exposing some shore which thus looks different to the map.
“That’s because of global warming, because we have had such dry weather” says Oz Clarke.
No, it’s because it is summer and the reservoir has been doing what it’s meant to do – supply water.
Typical drip drip of brainwashing bias from the BBC – unbabalanced, unproven and totally unnecesary in that programme.
David Cameron to miss Rio+20 earth summit for Jubilee – http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-15450273
‘Prime Minister David Cameron will not be going to the Rio+20 Summit in Brazil next year despite his pledge to lead the “greenest ever government”.’
A typically objective assessment by the BBC…