Mr Landale skips over the massive shift in Labour policy from being against the E.U. in the 1980s to now imposing a three-line whip on voting for an E.U. referendum. What happened to Labour anti-E.U. stalwarts like Mr BENN? He’s mighty quiet today.
Dr Miliband or: How I Learned to stop Worrying and Love the European Union.
The Today Programme was in Dhimmi overdrive this am. First I heard some Beeboid compare the Islamists in Libya (I kid younot) to the Christian Democrats in Europe….! Then we had the unedifying aural spectacle of Ed Stourton visiting a “normal Saudi family at home…” and guess what???!! She doesn’t wear a Niqab in her house! She wears… jeans!!!! Of course this came as a tremendous surprise to Dhimmi Stourton (or should that be “Dummy Stourton”?). But no probing questions at all.
After those items I had a quick, quiet, Kaffir vomit… and turned off the radio.
Just heard a female Beeboid from Libya state that the country spent the last four decades under an “elitist dictatorship”. As opposed to what, a humble proletarian dictatorship? Sometimes I think they just throw favorite buzzwords together for emotional effect, whether it makes sense or not.
Did the BBC report that the biggest cheer in Benghazi yesterday was when it was announced that the ban on having multiple wives would be lifted. So that nasty old Gaddafi believe in one man one woman, how backwards of him.
yep! according to 5live news & latest reports they are racing happily towards a sharia state…
wonderful………. the will of the people
π what could go wrong
mind you nothing wrong with that, no…nothing wrong with an ideology driven and growing islamist tendancy here at home either.
… problem no threat at all
“Dwight C. Holton, former U.S. Attorney for the District of Oregon, emphasized that training materials for the FBI would be purged of everything politically incorrect:
“I want to be perfectly clear about this: any training materials that portray Islam as a religion of violence or with a tendency towards violence are wrong, they are offensive, and they are contrary to everything that THIS PRESIDENT, THIS attorney general and THIS Department of Justice stands for. They will NOT be tolerated.”
Libya, Syria, Egypt, Arab Spring …..wonderful!…what could go wrong π
BBC News Channel just now giving free air time to “youth workers” who claim that the majority of looters in the “England riots” were just “opportunists”, not criminals.
No mention that three quarters of them had a rap sheet. That would have detracted from the agenda of the piece, which was to call for more funding for youth programs in certain cities. The BBC’s reporting on the riots has been really sad from start to finish.
On the BBC website report on these statistics the only commenters from outside the BBC (well, not actually on the BBC payroll) or “official” circles were two fake charities Family Action and the Prison Reform Trust. I won’t spoil it for you by telling you exactly what observations these “charities” made but, along with a lot of other social criminals, it seems I’m to blame for the looting. How so? Apparently I’m guilty of having a job, paying taxes, obeying the law and educating my children to do likewise.
‘There is nobar – informal or otherwise – on “politically incorrect viewpoints” [on the BBC News Website].’
I replied by asking for a single example of a politically incorrect opinion piece, as I couldn’t recall ever coming across one.
I didn’t receive a reply. Perhaps they knew that they were about as likely to find the secret of eternal youth as an un-PC opinion piece!
Can anyone think of an un-PC opinion piece that’s been published on the BBC website? Or even a vaguely right-wing article?
Will Self has recently written opinion pieces against prison and in favour of wind farms. It would be great if they had been balanced by articles in favour of tough sentances and against expensive forms of energy production…
And as for the BPBC’s (British Palace-Building Corporation’s) very own ‘coots’.
Lest licence-fee payers in these straitened times start to think, ‘we’d rather have that £145.50 than give it to you’, the BPBC has started blethering on about its own ‘coots’.
I know the BPBC have to fund the World Disservice now, but amazing how the dreadful coots have no impact whatsoever on the licence fee.
‘2000 YES 2000 JOBS TO GO OVER 5 YEARS NO REALLY !!!!!’ was the headline.
That would be 400 jobs a year in an organisation that has 22,000 on the payroll.
Two words for you, BPBC.
‘Big’ and ‘whup’.
I got two more words for you, but I’m too polite to say them.
Early signs of madness? Increasingly the BBC seems to speak only to itself. Richard Bacon’s hero, left-wing polemicist Michael Moore, appears on his show for a nice, long, cosy chat.
i actually tuned in to listen to the ray mears interview, bet the poor guy could hardly believe his ears, as that embarassing sh-t for brains bacon, kept trying everthing to push him to say something controversial?
you could almost hear him drawing breath…
bet he was well impressed with so called news radio, having to listen to that infantile twat.
“And what aspect of the the multi-million person, weekly, career-boosting, supermarket-opening potential first attracted a peroxide-sink clothes horse to `Strictly…’
Why would that bother right wingers in particular?
Perhaps they are particularly disposed to racism in the BBC’s worldview…
At least Mardell is generous enough to also acknowledge that:
‘I’ve been to many Tea Party rallies and whilst the hostility is strong, I have never detected overt racism, although I guess people wouldn’t come out and say it’.
We all know that Mardell believs the Tea Party is driven by crypt-racism. He simply won’t accept that it isn’t, no matter how many people have told him so over the last two years. It’s like we have to rip his head off and shove it down his throat.
He also says this:
Nevertheless, I wonder. Washington has written off Herman Cain as a lightweight whose day is done.
No, Mark. You wrote him off from the start, and as recently as the end of September you were still saying Cain was going nowhere. The Washington Establishment wrote him off because he’s not one of them. And, astute verteran political analyst that you are, you went right along with it. Is it because you’re prejudiced against white non-Leftoids or because you just follow what your Beltway media buddies tell you to think?
Right now Cain is definitely the one the other candidates are trying to take down. That’s how these things work. Mardell is vaguely aware that the man’s folksy message is sneaking through those racist skulls, but he’ll surely figure out a way to claim that a Republican vote for Cain is actually proof of their crypto-racism.
Yes – like Republican voters are supporting him just to prove they’re not what we at the BBC know they are. They’ll play the ‘subtext’ card – no proof needed, we already know it’s there. I think that’s called prejudice.
I can tell you Cain being Black bothers the Left a whole lot.
How DARE he thing for himself instead of falling lockstep behind their bought and paid for ‘Black Leaders’? Doesn’t he know that the melanin in his skin makes him the Democratic party’s property?
One wonders what this bunch of cretins would make of videos such as this:
What we seem to have with Mardell, Bacon & their ilk is what is often referred to as ‘transference’. The narrator in the video sums it up perfectly with his fisking of people like Jackson in that if the community he claims to speak for works out they’ve been raised like veal calves by their self appointed torch bearers and stood on their own two feet, people like him would be out of a job.
The BBCs favoured political party in the US is the party that brought us the Jim Crow Laws, The Ku Klux Klan, slavery and segregation – and who fought the abolition of these (and the introduction of almost every piece of civil rights legislation for a hundred years), tooth and nail.
Little wonder, then, that Martin Luther King, Jr. was a Republican.
Is there a place beyond the place that exists beyond the pale?
If so, the BBC would be beyond that.
On this EU lark, they seem to think no one will notice if they hammer away at Cameron on the daft premise that he is a Euosceptic, and the deep doo-doo he is in with an electorate waking up to zero democratic representation is nothing to do with Miliband E. A person who in power helped get Europe into this mess, and is equally complicit in making sure the Bristish people still save his stake in the sorry enterprise.
They have literally erased his ‘contribution’ from all reporting.
Do they serioulsy think that, as this latest bum’s rush goes South, their favoured son will be able to feed on the rotting debris of UK governance simply because the BBC have again run interference on his up-to-his-neck complicity.
Paying for this blatant rigging of the politico-media system is getting to be vexing.
Bobby Jindal – Republican of color – has just won re-election in a massive landslide. He got 65.8% of the vote in an open primary, and due to Lousiana’s odd election laws, that’s enough to moot a general election, so that’s it. How much of a landslide was it? Second place was 17.9%.
Democrats in Louisiana outnumber Republicans 44% to 41%. Even assuming that the 15% independents or other parties and every single Republican voted for him, that means at least 10% of Dems voted for Jindal. Why?
Because unemployment is a couple percentage points lower than the national average, even though the southern part of the state is still recovering from Katrina, the Gulf oil industry is still on hold thanks to the President (costing thousands of jobs), and the fishermen are still recovering from the oil spill. And he cleaned up corruption as promised.
BBC: Republicans are racist….more Stimulus needed…ZZZzzzzzzz…..
‘In 2011, only 48% of the Conneticut’s residents said they support the death penalty, far less than the national average of 61%. But the statistics have become meaningless since a horrific crime in an upscale neighbourhood left residents frightened and outraged’.
Larks. The BBC’s favourite son and Newsnight regular guest commenter Lord John Prescott of Creosote has just further shown what it takes to get to, survive and thrive as a ‘leader’ of this land, in office and beyond.
So one presumes they will be all over this like a nasty rash?
Or… possibly… ‘moving on’.
I suspect this one will keep the cherry vutures away for a wee while.
Have to say, Twitter is the gift that keeps on giving.
And when an architect of the PC-deranged system they co-created gets hoist by their own petard, the fallout is good to savour, hot and once chilled.
The BBC reports on the Commons debate was a joke. Instead of discussing the issue about an EU referendum sodding Toenails just spouted on about Cameron’s authority. No mention of the lies from Nu Liebore about promises of referendum’s either.
As usual the BBC want to write their own story and not report the FACTS.
Well well well, unlike the BBC scum Tom Bradby on ITV mentioned public opinion and the polls being in favour of a referendum right at the start of his report.
How come Bradby can report the FACTS but slaphead arsehole Toenails can’t?
When the Queen Mum died (Gawd bless ‘er) the trained chimps on the news programs were wearing rebublican purple ties rather than black ones. Colour counts.
“As the opposition leader said, ‘the trend is clear.’
“Ennahda says it models itself on the ruling AKP party in Turkey, another Muslim-majority country which like Tunisia to date has a secular state,” but considering Turkey’s behavior under the AKP, that is not exactly a reassuring statement. For that matter, Tunisia is certain not to have a secular constitution, without reference to Islam. In Turkey, Sharia has been on the outside trying to get back in; in the “new” Tunisia, it will get in on the ground floor.”
Heard the camel droppings that are offered up to us all every Sunday by Edward Stourton( what is it about that name?).
It`s called Sunday and is on a 7am-presumably deliberately set up to cause people to give up on going to church later on in the day.
It is THAT far removed from anything resembling “faith programming”…unless that now means trusting Rowan or Bunglawalla to create a clowns car out of damp hankies!
1. Are those nasty Calvinists going to thwart the Bleesed Alex up in Scotland over his plans to move us all into the 21st century?…cue all manner of LGBT types at the SNP conference warning off any Catholics or fundie Prods from saying a dickie bird.
2. Catherine Tate is asked if she found any good gags in the KJV as she “played God” in a celebration of all 66 books of the Bible.
3. Ed asks the new Ambassador to the Vatican about how he can possibly talk to them when contraception and gay priests still prevent any dialogue in ways that the BBC could envisage. That our Ambassador managed to say then that 95% of stuff is therefore agreed seemed to throw Ed…
4. Dawkins refusal top debate Lane Craig is seen as “amusing”…but Craig denies genocide so speaks in no name of someone who emailed in gives the idea that Dawkins bottling out of debate is approved by 2/3 of those who wrote in.
That so Ed?…or just the usual skewing of debate for your worthless loincloth of a show?
Just as well the BBC didn`t want him doing Today…so why is he allowed the graveyard slot that is religious programming then?
BBC London News is juggling with the figures. Some statistics are out today on the August rioting in London. The BBC headline with the fact that only 19% were known gang members, and seem to suggest we were wrong to think it was a higher figure.
Meanwhile BBC tell us 32% were white. 47% were black.
So, I make that 79% accounted for, leaving….urm….21%
Therefore what the BBC carefully avoided saying was that 68% were not white. Who says they have an agenda?
Some Occupiers have gone to visit GE boss Jeffrey Immelt, who is also The Obamessiah’s Jobs Czar. GE is a major beneficiary of tax breaks/corporate welfare, and the class warriors have finally figured it out (after everyone from the non-Left has been ridiculing them about it for the last month). The clown Immelt recently spoke out in support of them. It was only a matter of time, though.
This is turning out quite well – the left engaged in a feeding frenzy on their own kind. Lets hope they become greedy and discover that mass consumption is a good thing after all!
Following the recent deal which released kidnapped Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit for 1027 Palestinian prisoners, Egypt decided this would be a good time to negotiate a deal of their own. Back in June they had arrested a dual US/Israeli citizen, who had been working openly for an aid project in Cairo. They claimed he was an Israeli spy. Even the BBC tells us Egypt accused him of trying to stir up sectarian strife in Cairo on behalf of the Israeli spy agency Mossad.
However, on top of the Israeli denials, many Egyptians also expressed doubt about the allegations.
Sceptics on internet forums pointed out that Mr Grapel travelled to Egypt under his own name and posted pictures of himself on Facebook wearing an Israeli army uniform.
They accused the Egyptian military leadership of trying to use the case to divert attention from their own difficulties.
But they’ve agreed to release him on condition that Israel releases 25 Egyptian prisoners.
The thing that gets me about this story is the headlines the BBC uses to present it.
Israel says it has reached a deal for Egypt to swap a US-Israeli citizen held on suspicion of spying for 25 Egyptian prisoners.
So it’s not that Israel is to free 25 Egyptian prisoners… And here’s how they word it on the article itself Egypt to free ‘Israeli spy’ Grapel under swap deal It’s almost like they want the public to think that the Egyptians are really friendly and fair, instead of manufacturing these charges to lever a deal. I’m sure anybody wanting to word the headlines for this article to represent it more clearly could do a much better job, but then, that’s not the purpose for the BBC.
Honest Reporting have brought out an article telling of BBC’s glorification of the terrorists released by Israel in exchange for Gilad Shalit. The BBC’s Heroic Terrorists
I love the quote in the article about one of the terrorists fighting for Palestinian dignity.
Can anyone think of any people who are less dignified than Palestinians ?
‘The racial minorities look to identity politics as a means of self-respect and advancement – while plenty of the white majority in this country remain good, old fashioned Alf Garnetts – they’ve just learned to be less blatantly toxic about it’.
‘When I attend middle-class parties and cultural gatherings in contemporary Britain and see the paucity of black and brown faces, it occurs to me that for all the mood-music of inclusiveness, the real revolution has yet to occur’.
Most of the comments miss the point. Self wasn’t feeling guilty about racial discrimination. He was feeling guilty about class discrimination. He’s convinced that “poverty” is insurmountable, and the reason there were only a couple of colored people at his party is because the class war revolution hasn’t been won yet, and so all those black people are trapped in “poverty” and cannot rise to the social status which would enable them to be in a place where he would chance to mingle with them.
This, of course, is an insult to all poor folks of all races who somehow managed to rise above it or enable their children to succeed and advance in status. Single black working mother? Screw your hard work, it’s not respected by the likes of Will Self. No, only he and his elite whites can bring you up out of “poverty”. Uneducated white couple from broken homes, both employed, trying to make a better lives for your children, give them the chances you never had? Screw you and your hard work, only the wealthy elite like Will Self can raise you up.
Lesson learned from Self’s piece: Hard work and good familiy values do not pay off. Keep on having loads of children you can’t afford with multiple absent fathers. Keep on siring offspring with different women whom you then abandon. That stuff is totally irrelevant to your circumstances and your childrens’ chances for a better future. Don’t bother working hard in school, don’t bother taking a part-time job. Ignore history, it’s not possible for a stable family and solid work ethic to enable children to succeed above their parents’ status.
The wealthy elite will come to your rescue if Will Self has anything to say about it. This is the poison spread throughout society by the BBC.
As unlikely as I am to be invited to Will Self’s next shindig I would love to come as an observer. I’m betting there will be no more black people there than at the last one.
But he feels guilty about it, so it’s fine. As long as he writes a hand-wringing piece about it, full of cute turns of phrase and big words, he’s absolved of all guilt. It’s as much an indulgence (as in the kind the Church gives out) as a confession.
I bet a lot of those hideously white Beeboids feel the same way.
Ah yes the BBC web-shite magazine. A wonderful playgound for the PC and ethnicly diverse. Well except for the English who get treated to vile racist propaganda like this
Makes me want to puke. Where does one start with crap like this? Harold had no claim to the throne? So he wasn’t elected by the Witan then?
Henry V won the war but lost the peace – after his death no doubt?
And on the same day the BBC does an excellent program on the unsung heroes of Bletchley Park they piss on their memory and all the fallen heroes by saying we barely took part. Cunts.
“Isn’t it time the UN became involved in the feud between Radio 4’s prickly PM presenter Eddie Mair and the BBC’s snooty business editor, Robert Peston?
They’ve been bickering all year and were at it again at the weekend. Mair, sarcastically: ‘Our business editor Robert Peston returns to PM. Robert, good to have you back.’
Peston, sardonically: ‘A great pleasure to be with you, Eddie.’
After a tense interview, Mair said: ‘Robert thank you, a delight as always.’
Peston, oozing insincerity: ‘A pleasure for me and I think it is wonderful that, despite these deep-seated divisions, we can get along in public – let’s not talk about what happens behind the scenes!’”
Have you noticed how when anybody non-Islamic bombs terrorists, the bbC goes well out of its way to highlight the civilian dimension. Be it the Uk,USA,or even Israel the bBC ensures the great unwashed are made aware that civilians can get in the way of troops hunting down terrorists. Here is an article written today about how the Philippines Government has bombed the camps of Islamic terrorists set on breaking away from the non-Islamic part and setting up their own kingdom.
Military forces in the Philippines have carried out their first air strikes for three years on separatist rebels in the south of the country...There were no reports of any civilian casualties.
Now ask yourself did the bBC do likewise when the Turks sent in 10,000 troops last week into Iraq in which to hunt down Kurdish freedom fighters.
You are right. When Turkey had secular governments, the BBC were staunch supporters of the PKK. Since the election of the current Islamo-fascist, government, the BBC have switched sides or gone very quiet.
there is nothing to worry about ???? no…nothing wrong with an ideology driven and growing islamist tendancy here at home either.
… problem……no threat at all
that comes from the very top
“Dwight C. Holton, former U.S. Attorney for the District of Oregon, emphasized that training materials for the FBI would be purged of everything politically incorrect:
“I want to be perfectly clear about this: any training materials that portray Islam as a religion of violence or with a tendency towards violence are wrong, they are offensive, and they are contrary to everything that THIS PRESIDENT, THIS attorney general and THIS Department of Justice stands for. They will NOT be tolerated.”
Libya, Syria, Egypt, Arab Spring …..wonderful!… what could go wrong π
Everything is shaped to maximise the enduring damage that can be inflicted to targets that offer the most tantalisngs results, be it for ratings or agenda.
So I am this morning treated to the ‘news’ that David Cameron cannot ‘count on the loyalty’ of a bunch of folk.
I take what happened more as encouraging that a fair hunk of Parliamentary representatives grew a slight pair and actually reflected the views of the country a tad.
That doesn’t seem a story the politico-media estate are keen to pursue.
And at the same time any mention of what happened with other 3-line whip imposing ‘leaders’.
Now is not the time to be run by such a cabal of spineless drones, with PR handled by a £4Bpa propoaganda machine.
Interesting that the BBC are reporting the Conservatives as split over Europe. There has been no mention of the 19 Labour rebels so far, at least not that I’ve heard. And if Labour aren’t split, why was the 3 line whip necessary?
I agree with you My Site, but it’s still wrong when the BBC (and Sky for that matter) talk about “Tory Cuts” as if they were the only party that had members going against the 3-line whip. Even Kate Hoey complained that the Labour splits were ignored by the media in her eloquent contribution yesterday.
Myth: The American colonists had nothing to lose but their chains …
As a colony with self-governing rights, America was far better treated than Ireland’.
Jeff, I too came across that article. Right at the bottom you find out they are extracts from the Guardians Simon Jenkins, latest book,who has this mindset which dispices anything to do with the West. (Read UK) But everybody else is ok..Islam,Islamic terrorism,China, Black Africans such as Mugabwe etc..
What is it with the bBC and advertising books by only leftwing wankers.
Yes, e.g. BBC-NUJ gave two BBC TV series to RAGEH OMAAR, Somali Muslim of Islamic TV station, Al Jazeera for the propagation of Islamic propaganda on:- 1.) Islam in Europe 2.) Mohammad.
While BBC-NUJ denies the existence of Islamic Imperialism, (BBC-NUJ has a myth: it does not exist!) -BBC-NUJ is quick and frequent in its guilt-ridden political bias against the British Empire. E.g, historian Andrew Roberts hardly gets look in at BBC-NUJ, compared with Islamic advocate and denier of Islamic imperialism, Mr Omaar.
I understand that Jenkins – who wites sometimes for Huffington Post as well as the Guardian – stated in his book that the dismantling of the British Empire was well-handled, and that England/Britain has historically been the most remarkable country in Europe.
I would not expect the BBC to include that sort of stuff. Just the drip-drip-drip of denigration is the BBC routine.
Scepticism is good. Wish the BBC was as sceptical about some of their pet claims. Arab claims to Jerusalem because the Muslim prophet Mohammed flew there, in one night, on a flying horse with the face of a man, from Meccah would be a good place to extend scepticism.
The 8.00 news on Toady had its first three stories as Tory bashing…and the next three as Big Pharma/Oil caricatures(you know…obscene profits, so unlike BBC Worldwide).
I`m guessing that the detailed Peston analysis of who voted for what re Murdochs Evil Empire recently is the BBC arming its chums outside who just might want to hunt down James Murdoch when the BSkyB shareholders get together next month.
I`m pretty sure that they`re already planning the ambush…why else would Peston be using minutes on the so-called “news headlines” to break down NewsCorps voting patterns?
Funny too that they used Gove to grill over Camerons lack of leadership…especially when their second lead story was about the IFS worrying about no Youth Centres to find sanctuary in after the riots…apparently it comes under “educayshun” these days.
Humphrys , however; didn`t want to know…he DID want to know how come Cameron could be the biggest Euroloser since 1993, unlike Sunny Tony Blair who REALLY knew how to buttter up his “awkward squad”.
Toady…a news-free zone since 1994!
Noted Humphys questions are as long and purposeless as Naughties these days…can an ear trumpet get blocked by earwax I find myself asking…even louder and over anyones attempted answer!
Rickshaw for Mr Humphrys…who is” far from FREE”,sadly for us
BBC continues to give headlines to the Murdochs – currently about the vote at the AGM on whether to remove any of the family from the board.
Robert Peston stated on the Today prog. this morning that the attack was led by Calpers. He did NOT say that this is the California pension fund for public sector employees – the employees whose lavish pension arangements have effectively bankrupted California.
Calpers is known as an “activist” fund – with stories in the past about funding Democrat-approved projects. I find it hardly surprising that a fund in the tank for the Dems is leading the charge against the Murdochs – one way to take a swipe at Fox TV.
Odd that Robert Peston didn’t mention any of the background to Calpers ?
But then – the inflated BBC US operation never mentions that California has been bankrupted by the public sector unions.
Roberts claims he was racially abused 5 years ago. Whilst that’s unacceptable, the BBC doesn’t point out that the fact that he’s apparently gone 5 years without receiving any racial abuse shows how rare racism is in top-flight English football.
And it would have been nice if they’d put forward an alternative viewpoint – maybe a football pundit saying something like ‘You can never eliminate racism completely, as there will always be idiots, but 99.9% of football fans behave in a non-racist manner.’
BBC News Channel has now twice told me that the “moderate Islamists” in Tunisia want a secular country. Why are they Islamist then? They just now had on some female talking head who said that nobody cared about how much religion informed the laws, and it would be a secular country.
That’s exactly what the BBC said about Egypt, and about Libya. Doesn’t inspire confidence.
Again the BBC says there’s such a thing as “moderate Islamist”. This is an oxymoron. I’m not saying there’s no such thing as a moderate Muslim (an argument for another time, sure), but “Islamist” doesn’t imply moderation. The Beeboids never say “moderate Christianist”.
noggin, I’m trying to make a distinction here. I’m not saying there’s no such thing as a moderate Muslim. In fact, moderate Muslims run my local deli and sell me beer. What I’m saying is that an “Islamist” by defenition cannot be moderate, and it’s dishonest for the BBC to use this term.
David P,
I agree with you. The problem is that the moderate muslims are as afraid of the extremists as many of the rest of us, but the powers that be in the West pander to the extremists, aided and abetted by the BBC who actually make the whole problem worse.
I lived in istanbul when Erdogan was Mayor and , believe me , he was a dangerous extremist then and hated equally by moderate muslims and secularists.
erdogan π …… i was being sarcastic
and to re iterate
look, people may be just get along guys………agreed,
BUT the distinction here
that is in spite of the Quran/Islam
not because of it, if you follow the Quranic teachings
you are not moderate.
you maybe a get along chap, but at heart not moderate.
just as an adage,
therein lies the fundamental problem, the larger the community
because of the “indoctrination/fear factor” inherrent in islam the more sway the ideology.
ie the bigger the problem,
whether a get along chap or adherrent.
Funny how there are no Beeboids tut-tutting about those Libyans leering over Gaddafi’s dead body, or fretting about how inferior they are to the British for wanting justice at the point of a gun.
Some Libyan ex-pat talking head just told Sopel that we shouldn’t be worried at all about the Islamist group in Tunisia turning the country into an Islamist state. “I assure you,” he said, that these people “want a coalition,” and will reach out and include all groups in running the country.
His reason for this confidence? The leaders of this Islamist group lived in London for the last 20 years. Does that instill confidence in anyone here?
Beeboid just now saying that Berlusconi is trying to keep his own country from becoming “the next Europe bailout victim”. Victim? Dopey Beeboids. The taxpayers of Britain and Germany are the victims here.
My my !
An astonishing piece of balance tonight in the ARCHERS.R4.
A character admits to shouting at the radio whilst R4’s Today prorgamme is on.
Whatever next ?
I hope you’re right, Jeff. The problem is – will they pay attention.
The electorate have been muzzled so many times on the EU!
=-X =-X =-X =-X =-X =-X =-X =-X
It’s why the Tories pretend to be liberally minded and why Labour pretend not to be old-fashioned socialists at heart.
If Mr Cameron thinks that he’ll get negative headlines unless he stands up to Brussles as far as the Lib Dems will let him, he’ll hopefully do the right thing. The last thing he wants is for our friends at the BBC to be gloating about splits within the Tory Party and a crisis of leadership…
I was stunned when listening to Today this morning just after 7.30 am. A Conservative (or should I say Tory?) was allowed to speak. Well I suppose it is 20 years since he was in Cabinet so maybe it was OK.
Lord Lamont was explaining in words of one syllable (ie so I could understand) the diffifulties that would be caused to the rest of Europe’s financial industry if there was a default. And to my amazement apart from one clarification (ie that The Market is made up of thousands of investors many of which are pension funds) the Lord was permitted to speak without interruption. What a difference. Instead of point scoring the audience were allowed to follow the argument. Should I write to the Today programme and compliment them?
Don`t want to be too sceptical or ascribe ulterior motives to the unthinking dinosaur of liberal pretensions that is the BBC but…
1)Lamont was on Newsnight the other night, and seemed a bit ambiguous about things Conservative…wasn`t sure if he wanted more Euro integration or not. Think not-but Gisela Stuart seemed much clearer and more correct in her analysis.
2)Even if he IS a good advocate…and I`m not sure yet.. do not be surprised if he gets strung along for interview as an old embittered Lord with personal failings well-documented…and is forever filed in the BBC vaults under Black September/Wednesday 1992…and that Tory behind him is the Tory leader today.
If that sticks Cameron to Lamonts catastrophic episode of Sept 16th 1992, then that can only help our Labour chums eh?
It was very early and I might have been half asleep, but I thought I heard an instance of the ‘c*nt’ word, used in error from Jim N. I think he had meant to say ‘committee’, but tripped over himself. Not actually sure how he got from ‘committee’ to where he ended up :o) Lots of harrumph and very apolgetic, but it woke me up with a guffaw. Toady prog about 06:13 hrs.
“Taqiyya alert: As Tunisia’s Islamists chalk up the first of likely many electoral victories in the so-called ‘Arab Spring’ in Tunisia’s elections, they are seeking to reassure the nervous, secular (i.e. less than pious) Muslims that they’re not going to set up a religious dictatorship. At least not right away. Why would anyone need to be concerned about that? Note the mainstream media article’s characterization of the winners as being ‘moderate’ — moderate according to whom and by what standards?”
2.) INBBC:
-is apparently full of optimism for the the role of the Muslim Brotherhood, and the implementation of sharia law in Tunisia!
The third of six new plays for The Wire on the theme of Conviction.
Finnish teen eco-blogger, Ulli Earthgirl, wins a competition to join a low-carbon expedition to the North Pole by foot, to measure the melting ice. Blogging her way across the Arctic, she has to navigate deadly cracks in the ice, as well as the treacherous currents of environmental controversy in the blogosphere. Soon she’s afloat in both worlds, as all her certainties begin to dissolve.
Are you a budding playwright?
Would you like your work to be considered for broadcast on Radio Bour.
Send it in and we’ll give it due consideration. Make sure it tickles our tummies though:, submissions about plucky Israeli soldiers taking the battle to ethnocidal terrorists, submissions in which the blessed poor are portrayed as heroin-ingesting rioting feral skanks on sink estates, or submissions in which Trade Union leaders are shown as anything other than selfless hardworking shining beacons of purity and truth will not be read.
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called βfirst among equals β which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I donβt know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
BBC-NUJ-E.U: goes light on the docile, anti-referendum, EU-philes of Labour and Lib Dems, who each get one mention by Mr LANDALE here:
Mr Landale skips over the massive shift in Labour policy from being against the E.U. in the 1980s to now imposing a three-line whip on voting for an E.U. referendum. What happened to Labour anti-E.U. stalwarts like Mr BENN? He’s mighty quiet today.
Dr Miliband or: How I Learned to stop Worrying and Love the European Union.
So are the BBC talking about Labour splits as they have kept on about the Conservatives.? No, thought not.
Dezzie, Scotty please explain why the BBC is quiet on this where they treated similar divisions for teh government party as major news.
The Today Programme was in Dhimmi overdrive this am. First I heard some Beeboid compare the Islamists in Libya (I kid younot) to the Christian Democrats in Europe….! Then we had the unedifying aural spectacle of Ed Stourton visiting a “normal Saudi family at home…” and guess what???!! She doesn’t wear a Niqab in her house! She wears… jeans!!!! Of course this came as a tremendous surprise to Dhimmi Stourton (or should that be “Dummy Stourton”?). But no probing questions at all.
After those items I had a quick, quiet, Kaffir vomit… and turned off the radio.
she wears jeans π
oh thats it then……a wonderul example, of hippy dippy multi culti
transfer all el beebots there instead of salford
a match made in pc heaven surely
Just heard a female Beeboid from Libya state that the country spent the last four decades under an “elitist dictatorship”. As opposed to what, a humble proletarian dictatorship? Sometimes I think they just throw favorite buzzwords together for emotional effect, whether it makes sense or not.
Did the BBC report that the biggest cheer in Benghazi yesterday was when it was announced that the ban on having multiple wives would be lifted. So that nasty old Gaddafi believe in one man one woman, how backwards of him.
yep! according to 5live news & latest reports they are racing happily towards a sharia state…
wonderful………. the will of the people
π what could go wrong
mind you nothing wrong with that, no…nothing wrong with an ideology driven and growing islamist tendancy here at home either.
… problem no threat at all
“Dwight C. Holton, former U.S. Attorney for the District of Oregon, emphasized that training materials for the FBI would be purged of everything politically incorrect:
“I want to be perfectly clear about this: any training materials that portray Islam as a religion of violence or with a tendency towards violence are wrong, they are offensive, and they are contrary to everything that THIS PRESIDENT, THIS attorney general and THIS Department of Justice stands for. They will NOT be tolerated.”
Libya, Syria, Egypt, Arab Spring …..wonderful!…what could go wrong π
Elitist dictatorship, huh? Sort of describes the stinking, hypocritical BBC.
BBC News Channel just now giving free air time to “youth workers” who claim that the majority of looters in the “England riots” were just “opportunists”, not criminals.
No mention that three quarters of them had a rap sheet. That would have detracted from the agenda of the piece, which was to call for more funding for youth programs in certain cities. The BBC’s reporting on the riots has been really sad from start to finish.
No mention of this, either:
Rioters were from 44 countries
An oversight, I’m sure! (clears throat)
That’s because they qualify as British as far as the BBC is concerned.
On the BBC website report on these statistics the only commenters from outside the BBC (well, not actually on the BBC payroll) or “official” circles were two fake charities Family Action and the Prison Reform Trust. I won’t spoil it for you by telling you exactly what observations these “charities” made but, along with a lot of other social criminals, it seems I’m to blame for the looting. How so? Apparently I’m guilty of having a job, paying taxes, obeying the law and educating my children to do likewise.
The BBC once assured me in an email that:
‘There is no bar – informal or otherwise – on “politically incorrect viewpoints” [on the BBC News Website].’
I replied by asking for a single example of a politically incorrect opinion piece, as I couldn’t recall ever coming across one.
I didn’t receive a reply. Perhaps they knew that they were about as likely to find the secret of eternal youth as an un-PC opinion piece!
Can anyone think of an un-PC opinion piece that’s been published on the BBC website? Or even a vaguely right-wing article?
Will Self has recently written opinion pieces against prison and in favour of wind farms. It would be great if they had been balanced by articles in favour of tough sentances and against expensive forms of energy production…
Sounds like the droning Self is back on the heroin again.
And as for the BPBC’s (British Palace-Building Corporation’s) very own ‘coots’.
Lest licence-fee payers in these straitened times start to think, ‘we’d rather have that £145.50 than give it to you’, the BPBC has started blethering on about its own ‘coots’.
I know the BPBC have to fund the World Disservice now, but amazing how the dreadful coots have no impact whatsoever on the licence fee.
‘2000 YES 2000 JOBS TO GO OVER 5 YEARS NO REALLY !!!!!’ was the headline.
That would be 400 jobs a year in an organisation that has 22,000 on the payroll.
Two words for you, BPBC.
‘Big’ and ‘whup’.
I got two more words for you, but I’m too polite to say them.
Early signs of madness? Increasingly the BBC seems to speak only to itself. Richard Bacon’s hero, left-wing polemicist Michael Moore, appears on his show for a nice, long, cosy chat.
Bacon’s ideal night would be him a jar of vaseline Marcus Pigstocke and Michael Moore and all stuck in a lift together.
i actually tuned in to listen to the ray mears interview, bet the poor guy could hardly believe his ears, as that embarassing sh-t for brains bacon, kept trying everthing to push him to say something controversial?
you could almost hear him drawing breath…
bet he was well impressed with so called news radio, having to listen to that infantile twat.
When I turned over they were griping about Fox/Beck/Limbaugh/O’Reilly, I lasted about a minute before Talksport went back on.
“It’s for charity!”
Where’s Mrs. Merton when you need her?
“And what aspect of the the multi-million person, weekly, career-boosting, supermarket-opening potential first attracted a peroxide-sink clothes horse to `Strictly…’
Just texted Bacon on R5. He is a mouth-piece for liberal America. He allowed Moore to say the Republican party was racist without challenge.
Mark Mardell writes that:
‘Would the fact that Cain is black bother any right-wingers?’
Why would that bother right wingers in particular?
Perhaps they are particularly disposed to racism in the BBC’s worldview…
At least Mardell is generous enough to also acknowledge that:
‘I’ve been to many Tea Party rallies and whilst the hostility is strong, I have never detected overt racism, although I guess people wouldn’t come out and say it’.
‘Would the fact that Cain is black bother any right-wingers?’
Is it ‘cos Mardell is whack?
We all know that Mardell believs the Tea Party is driven by crypt-racism. He simply won’t accept that it isn’t, no matter how many people have told him so over the last two years. It’s like we have to rip his head off and shove it down his throat.
He also says this:
Nevertheless, I wonder. Washington has written off Herman Cain as a lightweight whose day is done.
No, Mark. You wrote him off from the start, and as recently as the end of September you were still saying Cain was going nowhere. The Washington Establishment wrote him off because he’s not one of them. And, astute verteran political analyst that you are, you went right along with it. Is it because you’re prejudiced against white non-Leftoids or because you just follow what your Beltway media buddies tell you to think?
well i’m right wing,and i would happily vote Cain to get that prick Obama on the dole queue
Isn’t Cain leading in most of the polls? I guess they don’t tell the ‘officially approved’ story, so are ignored by Mardell.
Right now Cain is definitely the one the other candidates are trying to take down. That’s how these things work. Mardell is vaguely aware that the man’s folksy message is sneaking through those racist skulls, but he’ll surely figure out a way to claim that a Republican vote for Cain is actually proof of their crypto-racism.
Yes – like Republican voters are supporting him just to prove they’re not what we at the BBC know they are. They’ll play the ‘subtext’ card – no proof needed, we already know it’s there. I think that’s called prejudice.
Rightwinger to the BBC ; one who is overtly racist or covertly racist .
Damned if they do and damned if they dont .
I can tell you Cain being Black bothers the Left a whole lot.
How DARE he thing for himself instead of falling lockstep behind their bought and paid for ‘Black Leaders’? Doesn’t he know that the melanin in his skin makes him the Democratic party’s property?
One wonders what this bunch of cretins would make of videos such as this:
What we seem to have with Mardell, Bacon & their ilk is what is often referred to as ‘transference’. The narrator in the video sums it up perfectly with his fisking of people like Jackson in that if the community he claims to speak for works out they’ve been raised like veal calves by their self appointed torch bearers and stood on their own two feet, people like him would be out of a job.
The BBCs favoured political party in the US is the party that brought us the Jim Crow Laws, The Ku Klux Klan, slavery and segregation – and who fought the abolition of these (and the introduction of almost every piece of civil rights legislation for a hundred years), tooth and nail.
Little wonder, then, that Martin Luther King, Jr. was a Republican.
Is there a place beyond the place that exists beyond the pale?
If so, the BBC would be beyond that.
On this EU lark, they seem to think no one will notice if they hammer away at Cameron on the daft premise that he is a Euosceptic, and the deep doo-doo he is in with an electorate waking up to zero democratic representation is nothing to do with Miliband E. A person who in power helped get Europe into this mess, and is equally complicit in making sure the Bristish people still save his stake in the sorry enterprise.
They have literally erased his ‘contribution’ from all reporting.
Do they serioulsy think that, as this latest bum’s rush goes South, their favoured son will be able to feed on the rotting debris of UK governance simply because the BBC have again run interference on his up-to-his-neck complicity.
Paying for this blatant rigging of the politico-media system is getting to be vexing.
Bobby Jindal – Republican of color – has just won re-election in a massive landslide. He got 65.8% of the vote in an open primary, and due to Lousiana’s odd election laws, that’s enough to moot a general election, so that’s it. How much of a landslide was it? Second place was 17.9%.
Democrats in Louisiana outnumber Republicans 44% to 41%. Even assuming that the 15% independents or other parties and every single Republican voted for him, that means at least 10% of Dems voted for Jindal. Why?
Because unemployment is a couple percentage points lower than the national average, even though the southern part of the state is still recovering from Katrina, the Gulf oil industry is still on hold thanks to the President (costing thousands of jobs), and the fishermen are still recovering from the oil spill. And he cleaned up corruption as promised.
BBC: Republicans are racist….more Stimulus needed…ZZZzzzzzzz…..
‘In 2011, only 48% of the Conneticut’s residents said they support the death penalty, far less than the national average of 61%. But the statistics have become meaningless since a horrific crime in an upscale neighbourhood left residents frightened and outraged’.
Isn’t the subtext of this: ‘A normally moderate, liberal state experiences an irrational knee-jerk reaction following an horrific murder’?
Larks. The BBC’s favourite son and Newsnight regular guest commenter Lord John Prescott of Creosote has just further shown what it takes to get to, survive and thrive as a ‘leader’ of this land, in office and beyond.
So one presumes they will be all over this like a nasty rash?
Or… possibly… ‘moving on’.
I suspect this one will keep the cherry vutures away for a wee while.
Have to say, Twitter is the gift that keeps on giving.
And when an architect of the PC-deranged system they co-created gets hoist by their own petard, the fallout is good to savour, hot and once chilled.
Do you mean this :
I must say, it’s a bit rich for a thicko like Prescott to mock someone else for mangling the English language!!!!!
The BBC reports on the Commons debate was a joke. Instead of discussing the issue about an EU referendum sodding Toenails just spouted on about Cameron’s authority. No mention of the lies from Nu Liebore about promises of referendum’s either.
As usual the BBC want to write their own story and not report the FACTS.
Well well well, unlike the BBC scum Tom Bradby on ITV mentioned public opinion and the polls being in favour of a referendum right at the start of his report.
How come Bradby can report the FACTS but slaphead arsehole Toenails can’t?
I think you just answered your own question Martin!
Tom Bradby is a national quality journalist, not like the local government type dross that washes up at the BBC.
Noticed the Beeboid News/Reporters are heavily into red clothing at the moment pscholgical order from Liebour perhaps ??
Just normal for the BBC
yeah, it’s like when Labour lost the last election they all wore black as though they were mourning their loss
When the Queen Mum died (Gawd bless ‘er) the trained chimps on the news programs were wearing rebublican purple ties rather than black ones. Colour counts.
INBBC perpetuates the myth of ‘Arab Spring’.
If ‘Arab Spring’ means anything, it seems to mean ‘Islamisation’, which is fine by INBBC, apparently.
Tunisia: Islamic party claims lead in vote, secular party concedes defeat
“As the opposition leader said, ‘the trend is clear.’
“Ennahda says it models itself on the ruling AKP party in Turkey, another Muslim-majority country which like Tunisia to date has a secular state,” but considering Turkey’s behavior under the AKP, that is not exactly a reassuring statement. For that matter, Tunisia is certain not to have a secular constitution, without reference to Islam. In Turkey, Sharia has been on the outside trying to get back in; in the “new” Tunisia, it will get in on the ground floor.”
all together
………………..”springtime for hitler and germany”
We’re marching to a faster pace,
Look out, here comes the master race,
The poor lefty darlings must be bored of wanking over the Eugene Armstrong beheading video by now. They’re hoping for some new material.
Heard the camel droppings that are offered up to us all every Sunday by Edward Stourton( what is it about that name?).
It`s called Sunday and is on a 7am-presumably deliberately set up to cause people to give up on going to church later on in the day.
It is THAT far removed from anything resembling “faith programming”…unless that now means trusting Rowan or Bunglawalla to create a clowns car out of damp hankies!
1. Are those nasty Calvinists going to thwart the Bleesed Alex up in Scotland over his plans to move us all into the 21st century?…cue all manner of LGBT types at the SNP conference warning off any Catholics or fundie Prods from saying a dickie bird.
2. Catherine Tate is asked if she found any good gags in the KJV as she “played God” in a celebration of all 66 books of the Bible.
3. Ed asks the new Ambassador to the Vatican about how he can possibly talk to them when contraception and gay priests still prevent any dialogue in ways that the BBC could envisage. That our Ambassador managed to say then that 95% of stuff is therefore agreed seemed to throw Ed…
4. Dawkins refusal top debate Lane Craig is seen as “amusing”…but Craig denies genocide so speaks in no name of someone who emailed in gives the idea that Dawkins bottling out of debate is approved by 2/3 of those who wrote in.
That so Ed?…or just the usual skewing of debate for your worthless loincloth of a show?
Just as well the BBC didn`t want him doing Today…so why is he allowed the graveyard slot that is religious programming then?
I’m a foreign BBC reader, but I thought you might like to know what does the EU pay to the BBC, and what is it for:
BBC London News is juggling with the figures. Some statistics are out today on the August rioting in London. The BBC headline with the fact that only 19% were known gang members, and seem to suggest we were wrong to think it was a higher figure.
Meanwhile BBC tell us 32% were white. 47% were black.
So, I make that 79% accounted for, leaving….urm….21%
Therefore what the BBC carefully avoided saying was that 68% were not white. Who says they have an agenda?
They must be trying to protect the Chinese community.
Some Occupiers have gone to visit GE boss Jeffrey Immelt, who is also The Obamessiah’s Jobs Czar. GE is a major beneficiary of tax breaks/corporate welfare, and the class warriors have finally figured it out (after everyone from the non-Left has been ridiculing them about it for the last month). The clown Immelt recently spoke out in support of them. It was only a matter of time, though.
Other Occupiers – with Union support – are also now calling out another Obamessiah crony, a Chicago billionairess who was co-chair of His election campaign. Unions have tangled with her before, so it was only a matter of time.
BBC: ZZZZzzzzzzzzz
This is turning out quite well – the left engaged in a feeding frenzy on their own kind. Lets hope they become greedy and discover that mass consumption is a good thing after all!
Following the recent deal which released kidnapped Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit for 1027 Palestinian prisoners, Egypt decided this would be a good time to negotiate a deal of their own. Back in June they had arrested a dual US/Israeli citizen, who had been working openly for an aid project in Cairo. They claimed he was an Israeli spy. Even the BBC tells us
Egypt accused him of trying to stir up sectarian strife in Cairo on behalf of the Israeli spy agency Mossad.
However, on top of the Israeli denials, many Egyptians also expressed doubt about the allegations.
Sceptics on internet forums pointed out that Mr Grapel travelled to Egypt under his own name and posted pictures of himself on Facebook wearing an Israeli army uniform.
They accused the Egyptian military leadership of trying to use the case to divert attention from their own difficulties.
But they’ve agreed to release him on condition that Israel releases 25 Egyptian prisoners.
The thing that gets me about this story is the headlines the BBC uses to present it.
Here’s how they word it on their Mid-East headline page
Egypt to free alleged Israeli spy
Israel says it has reached a deal for Egypt to swap a US-Israeli citizen held on suspicion of spying for 25 Egyptian prisoners.
So it’s not that Israel is to free 25 Egyptian prisoners… And here’s how they word it on the article itself
Egypt to free ‘Israeli spy’ Grapel under swap deal
It’s almost like they want the public to think that the Egyptians are really friendly and fair, instead of manufacturing these charges to lever a deal. I’m sure anybody wanting to word the headlines for this article to represent it more clearly could do a much better job, but then, that’s not the purpose for the BBC.
It’s almost like they want the public to think that Gropel is a spy.
Honest Reporting have brought out an article telling of BBC’s glorification of the terrorists released by Israel in exchange for Gilad Shalit.
The BBC’s Heroic Terrorists
I love the quote in the article about one of the terrorists fighting for Palestinian dignity.
Can anyone think of any people who are less dignified than Palestinians ?
‘The racial minorities look to identity politics as a means of self-respect and advancement – while plenty of the white majority in this country remain good, old fashioned Alf Garnetts – they’ve just learned to be less blatantly toxic about it’.
‘When I attend middle-class parties and cultural gatherings in contemporary Britain and see the paucity of black and brown faces, it occurs to me that for all the mood-music of inclusiveness, the real revolution has yet to occur’.
Like something straight out of the Guardian…
Comments open for only 2 days.
Looking at many, one can see why this one was pulled lickedy split.
Open mockery of yet another previously sure thing BBC meme.
Most of the comments miss the point. Self wasn’t feeling guilty about racial discrimination. He was feeling guilty about class discrimination. He’s convinced that “poverty” is insurmountable, and the reason there were only a couple of colored people at his party is because the class war revolution hasn’t been won yet, and so all those black people are trapped in “poverty” and cannot rise to the social status which would enable them to be in a place where he would chance to mingle with them.
This, of course, is an insult to all poor folks of all races who somehow managed to rise above it or enable their children to succeed and advance in status. Single black working mother? Screw your hard work, it’s not respected by the likes of Will Self. No, only he and his elite whites can bring you up out of “poverty”. Uneducated white couple from broken homes, both employed, trying to make a better lives for your children, give them the chances you never had? Screw you and your hard work, only the wealthy elite like Will Self can raise you up.
Lesson learned from Self’s piece: Hard work and good familiy values do not pay off. Keep on having loads of children you can’t afford with multiple absent fathers. Keep on siring offspring with different women whom you then abandon. That stuff is totally irrelevant to your circumstances and your childrens’ chances for a better future. Don’t bother working hard in school, don’t bother taking a part-time job. Ignore history, it’s not possible for a stable family and solid work ethic to enable children to succeed above their parents’ status.
The wealthy elite will come to your rescue if Will Self has anything to say about it. This is the poison spread throughout society by the BBC.
As unlikely as I am to be invited to Will Self’s next shindig I would love to come as an observer. I’m betting there will be no more black people there than at the last one.
But he feels guilty about it, so it’s fine. As long as he writes a hand-wringing piece about it, full of cute turns of phrase and big words, he’s absolved of all guilt. It’s as much an indulgence (as in the kind the Church gives out) as a confession.
I bet a lot of those hideously white Beeboids feel the same way.
Ah yes the BBC web-shite magazine. A wonderful playgound for the PC and ethnicly diverse. Well except for the English who get treated to vile racist propaganda like this
Makes me want to puke. Where does one start with crap like this? Harold had no claim to the throne? So he wasn’t elected by the Witan then?
Henry V won the war but lost the peace – after his death no doubt?
And on the same day the BBC does an excellent program on the unsung heroes of Bletchley Park they piss on their memory and all the fallen heroes by saying we barely took part. Cunts.
Daily Mail: Ephraim Hardcastle column:-
“Isn’t it time the UN became involved in the feud between Radio 4’s prickly PM presenter Eddie Mair and the BBC’s snooty business editor, Robert Peston?
They’ve been bickering all year and were at it again at the weekend. Mair, sarcastically: ‘Our business editor Robert Peston returns to PM. Robert, good to have you back.’
Peston, sardonically: ‘A great pleasure to be with you, Eddie.’
After a tense interview, Mair said: ‘Robert thank you, a delight as always.’
Peston, oozing insincerity: ‘A pleasure for me and I think it is wonderful that, despite these deep-seated divisions, we can get along in public – let’s not talk about what happens behind the scenes!’”
Read more:
Have you noticed how when anybody non-Islamic bombs terrorists, the bbC goes well out of its way to highlight the civilian dimension. Be it the Uk,USA,or even Israel the bBC ensures the great unwashed are made aware that civilians can get in the way of troops hunting down terrorists. Here is an article written today about how the Philippines Government has bombed the camps of Islamic terrorists set on breaking away from the non-Islamic part and setting up their own kingdom.
Philippine military bombs southern Muslim rebels
Military forces in the Philippines have carried out their first air strikes for three years on separatist rebels in the south of the country...There were no reports of any civilian casualties.
Now ask yourself did the bBC do likewise when the Turks sent in 10,000 troops last week into Iraq in which to hunt down Kurdish freedom fighters.
Turkish forces ‘kill 49 Kurdish rebels’
That would be a big NO.
You are right. When Turkey had secular governments, the BBC were staunch supporters of the PKK. Since the election of the current Islamo-fascist, government, the BBC have switched sides or gone very quiet.
well…quite right too…(sarc)
there is nothing to worry about ????
no…nothing wrong with an ideology driven and growing islamist tendancy here at home either.
… problem……no threat at all
that comes from the very top
“Dwight C. Holton, former U.S. Attorney for the District of Oregon, emphasized that training materials for the FBI would be purged of everything politically incorrect:
“I want to be perfectly clear about this: any training materials that portray Islam as a religion of violence or with a tendency towards violence are wrong, they are offensive, and they are contrary to everything that THIS PRESIDENT, THIS attorney general and THIS Department of Justice stands for. They will NOT be tolerated.”
Libya, Syria, Egypt, Arab Spring …..wonderful!…
what could go wrong π
el beeb must be brimming with joy
The media really are a one track line of dross.
Everything is shaped to maximise the enduring damage that can be inflicted to targets that offer the most tantalisngs results, be it for ratings or agenda.
So I am this morning treated to the ‘news’ that David Cameron cannot ‘count on the loyalty’ of a bunch of folk.
I take what happened more as encouraging that a fair hunk of Parliamentary representatives grew a slight pair and actually reflected the views of the country a tad.
That doesn’t seem a story the politico-media estate are keen to pursue.
And at the same time any mention of what happened with other 3-line whip imposing ‘leaders’.
Now is not the time to be run by such a cabal of spineless drones, with PR handled by a £4Bpa propoaganda machine.
Democracy it isn’t.
Interesting that the BBC are reporting the Conservatives as split over Europe. There has been no mention of the 19 Labour rebels so far, at least not that I’ve heard. And if Labour aren’t split, why was the 3 line whip necessary?
Yes the BBC website is all about the Tories, with a very fleeting reference to the Labour “rebels” as an afterthought. Blatant bias.
Sadly I can find no sympathy for the Tories any more.
I agree with you My Site, but it’s still wrong when the BBC (and Sky for that matter) talk about “Tory Cuts” as if they were the only party that had members going against the 3-line whip. Even Kate Hoey complained that the Labour splits were ignored by the media in her eloquent contribution yesterday.
‘Myth: Britain won World War II
Myth: The American colonists had nothing to lose but their chains …
As a colony with self-governing rights, America was far better treated than Ireland’.
Myth: The [Glorious] revolution was glorious’
The BBC sets the historical record straight and tells it like it is…
Jeff, I too came across that article. Right at the bottom you find out they are extracts from the Guardians Simon Jenkins, latest book,who has this mindset which dispices anything to do with the West. (Read UK) But everybody else is ok..Islam,Islamic terrorism,China, Black Africans such as Mugabwe etc..
What is it with the bBC and advertising books by only leftwing wankers.
Yes, e.g. BBC-NUJ gave two BBC TV series to RAGEH OMAAR, Somali Muslim of Islamic TV station, Al Jazeera for the propagation of Islamic propaganda on:- 1.) Islam in Europe 2.) Mohammad.
While BBC-NUJ denies the existence of Islamic Imperialism, (BBC-NUJ has a myth: it does not exist!) -BBC-NUJ is quick and frequent in its guilt-ridden political bias against the British Empire. E.g, historian Andrew Roberts hardly gets look in at BBC-NUJ, compared with Islamic advocate and denier of Islamic imperialism, Mr Omaar.
I understand that Jenkins – who wites sometimes for Huffington Post as well as the Guardian – stated in his book that the dismantling of the British Empire was well-handled, and that England/Britain has historically been the most remarkable country in Europe.
I would not expect the BBC to include that sort of stuff. Just the drip-drip-drip of denigration is the BBC routine.
Scepticism is good. Wish the BBC was as sceptical about some of their pet claims. Arab claims to Jerusalem because the Muslim prophet Mohammed flew there, in one night, on a flying horse with the face of a man, from Meccah would be a good place to extend scepticism.
Bugger, you go there first :p . In my anger I’m, afraid I posted somewhat intemperately above. Apologies.
Actually, no fuck that. I’m still mad as hell.
If only I had a torch and an angry mob …
The 8.00 news on Toady had its first three stories as Tory bashing…and the next three as Big Pharma/Oil caricatures(you know…obscene profits, so unlike BBC Worldwide).
I`m guessing that the detailed Peston analysis of who voted for what re Murdochs Evil Empire recently is the BBC arming its chums outside who just might want to hunt down James Murdoch when the BSkyB shareholders get together next month.
I`m pretty sure that they`re already planning the ambush…why else would Peston be using minutes on the so-called “news headlines” to break down NewsCorps voting patterns?
Funny too that they used Gove to grill over Camerons lack of leadership…especially when their second lead story was about the IFS worrying about no Youth Centres to find sanctuary in after the riots…apparently it comes under “educayshun” these days.
Humphrys , however; didn`t want to know…he DID want to know how come Cameron could be the biggest Euroloser since 1993, unlike Sunny Tony Blair who REALLY knew how to buttter up his “awkward squad”.
Toady…a news-free zone since 1994!
Noted Humphys questions are as long and purposeless as Naughties these days…can an ear trumpet get blocked by earwax I find myself asking…even louder and over anyones attempted answer!
Rickshaw for Mr Humphrys…who is” far from FREE”,sadly for us
BBC continues to give headlines to the Murdochs – currently about the vote at the AGM on whether to remove any of the family from the board.
Robert Peston stated on the Today prog. this morning that the attack was led by Calpers. He did NOT say that this is the California pension fund for public sector employees – the employees whose lavish pension arangements have effectively bankrupted California.
Calpers is known as an “activist” fund – with stories in the past about funding Democrat-approved projects. I find it hardly surprising that a fund in the tank for the Dems is leading the charge against the Murdochs – one way to take a swipe at Fox TV.
Odd that Robert Peston didn’t mention any of the background to Calpers ?
But then – the inflated BBC US operation never mentions that California has been bankrupted by the public sector unions.
Jason Roberts calls for more action to stamp out racism in football –
Roberts claims he was racially abused 5 years ago. Whilst that’s unacceptable, the BBC doesn’t point out that the fact that he’s apparently gone 5 years without receiving any racial abuse shows how rare racism is in top-flight English football.
And it would have been nice if they’d put forward an alternative viewpoint – maybe a football pundit saying something like ‘You can never eliminate racism completely, as there will always be idiots, but 99.9% of football fans behave in a non-racist manner.’
BBC News Channel has now twice told me that the “moderate Islamists” in Tunisia want a secular country. Why are they Islamist then? They just now had on some female talking head who said that nobody cared about how much religion informed the laws, and it would be a secular country.
That’s exactly what the BBC said about Egypt, and about Libya. Doesn’t inspire confidence.
Fitzgerald: Ten Things To Think When Thinking Of “Moderate Muslims”
if you piously follow islam, it is impossible to be a “moderate” it is an extreme ideology.
PM Erdogan: The Term “Moderate Islam” Is Ugly And Offensive; There Is No Moderate Islam; Islam Is Islam
spoken like a true (moderate??) islamist
This was kindly brought to my attention..
‘ to audiences who rely on us and often love us.’
The one that dares speak its name, ‘like’ this, perhaps?
Not sure how any offering other views will fare on another ‘we are right’ blog.
el beeb, & the moderate???? “islamofacists”……
don t even need an analogy
Again the BBC says there’s such a thing as “moderate Islamist”. This is an oxymoron. I’m not saying there’s no such thing as a moderate Muslim (an argument for another time, sure), but “Islamist” doesn’t imply moderation. The Beeboids never say “moderate Christianist”.
Come up with a different term, BBC, or shut up.
you are correct david, a “moderate” muslim is still totally supremacist
& there is no moderate islam period.
noggin, I’m trying to make a distinction here. I’m not saying there’s no such thing as a moderate Muslim. In fact, moderate Muslims run my local deli and sell me beer. What I’m saying is that an “Islamist” by defenition cannot be moderate, and it’s dishonest for the BBC to use this term.
David P,
I agree with you. The problem is that the moderate muslims are as afraid of the extremists as many of the rest of us, but the powers that be in the West pander to the extremists, aided and abetted by the BBC who actually make the whole problem worse.
I lived in istanbul when Erdogan was Mayor and , believe me , he was a dangerous extremist then and hated equally by moderate muslims and secularists.
erdogan π …… i was being sarcastic
and to re iterate
look, people may be just get along guys………agreed,
BUT the distinction here
that is in spite of the Quran/Islam
not because of it, if you follow the Quranic teachings
you are not moderate.
you maybe a get along chap, but at heart not moderate.
anyway as said that is maybe for another day
just as an adage,
therein lies the fundamental problem, the larger the community
because of the “indoctrination/fear factor” inherrent in islam the more sway the ideology.
ie the bigger the problem,
whether a get along chap or adherrent.
Funny how there are no Beeboids tut-tutting about those Libyans leering over Gaddafi’s dead body, or fretting about how inferior they are to the British for wanting justice at the point of a gun.
Some Libyan ex-pat talking head just told Sopel that we shouldn’t be worried at all about the Islamist group in Tunisia turning the country into an Islamist state. “I assure you,” he said, that these people “want a coalition,” and will reach out and include all groups in running the country.
His reason for this confidence? The leaders of this Islamist group lived in London for the last 20 years. Does that instill confidence in anyone here?
Beeboid just now saying that Berlusconi is trying to keep his own country from becoming “the next Europe bailout victim”. Victim? Dopey Beeboids. The taxpayers of Britain and Germany are the victims here.
Nick Clegg – Euroskeptics won’t get their way as long as I’m in government.
70% of the electorate – Don’t Let the Door Hit Your Ass on the Way Out.
Ha ha ha it appears old Gaddafi was buggered before he was killed, that must upset so many male beeboids!!!
My my !
An astonishing piece of balance tonight in the ARCHERS.R4.
A character admits to shouting at the radio whilst R4’s Today prorgamme is on.
Whatever next ?
Jim has gone up in my estimation. Unfortunately he is a minor figure of fun in the village, a harmless eccentric – declaiming in Latin etc.
Sign this petition for another EU referendum!
Let’s keep the pressure on the government!
Sorry for the off topic nature of this, but it’s worth sending round to as many people as possible.
Playing them at their own game. In the Euro world – when nations don’t vote the right way, they’re forced to try again…
Beaten to it by Jeff!! :-E
Only just though! π LOL!
I have a feeling the petition is going to go viral!
I think the contempt for the public that MPs showed yesterday has really hit a nerve with people.
They are supposed to be our servants, not our overlords!
I hope you’re right, Jeff. The problem is – will they pay attention.
The electorate have been muzzled so many times on the EU!
=-X =-X =-X =-X =-X =-X =-X =-X
Modern politics is driven by opinion polls.
It’s why the Tories pretend to be liberally minded and why Labour pretend not to be old-fashioned socialists at heart.
If Mr Cameron thinks that he’ll get negative headlines unless he stands up to Brussles as far as the Lib Dems will let him, he’ll hopefully do the right thing. The last thing he wants is for our friends at the BBC to be gloating about splits within the Tory Party and a crisis of leadership…
Re- INBBC’s ‘Arab Spring’
“The Arab Spring is becoming an Islamist takeover ”
(by Con Coughlin)
I was stunned when listening to Today this morning just after 7.30 am. A Conservative (or should I say Tory?) was allowed to speak. Well I suppose it is 20 years since he was in Cabinet so maybe it was OK.
Lord Lamont was explaining in words of one syllable (ie so I could understand) the diffifulties that would be caused to the rest of Europe’s financial industry if there was a default. And to my amazement apart from one clarification (ie that The Market is made up of thousands of investors many of which are pension funds) the Lord was permitted to speak without interruption. What a difference. Instead of point scoring the audience were allowed to follow the argument. Should I write to the Today programme and compliment them?
Don`t want to be too sceptical or ascribe ulterior motives to the unthinking dinosaur of liberal pretensions that is the BBC but…
1)Lamont was on Newsnight the other night, and seemed a bit ambiguous about things Conservative…wasn`t sure if he wanted more Euro integration or not. Think not-but Gisela Stuart seemed much clearer and more correct in her analysis.
2)Even if he IS a good advocate…and I`m not sure yet.. do not be surprised if he gets strung along for interview as an old embittered Lord with personal failings well-documented…and is forever filed in the BBC vaults under Black September/Wednesday 1992…and that Tory behind him is the Tory leader today.
If that sticks Cameron to Lamonts catastrophic episode of Sept 16th 1992, then that can only help our Labour chums eh?
The Islamic Republic of PAKISTAN.
Is INBBC catching up with ‘Jihadwatch’ on Pakistan’s support for Taliban?
“Afghanistan: Pakistan accused of backing Taliban”
By Sam Collyns Series Producer, BBC Two’s Secret Pakistan
Of course, ‘Jihadwatch’ has plenty on this over the years, e.g.
It was very early and I might have been half asleep, but I thought I heard an instance of the ‘c*nt’ word, used in error from Jim N. I think he had meant to say ‘committee’, but tripped over himself. Not actually sure how he got from ‘committee’ to where he ended up :o) Lots of harrumph and very apolgetic, but it woke me up with a guffaw. Toady prog about 06:13 hrs.
He spends so much time in the company of them, it’s bound to slip out every now and again.
1.) ‘Jihadwatch’
Victorious Tunisian Islamists seek to ‘reassure’ secular Tunisians
“Taqiyya alert: As Tunisia’s Islamists chalk up the first of likely many electoral victories in the so-called ‘Arab Spring’ in Tunisia’s elections, they are seeking to reassure the nervous, secular (i.e. less than pious) Muslims that they’re not going to set up a religious dictatorship. At least not right away. Why would anyone need to be concerned about that? Note the mainstream media article’s characterization of the winners as being ‘moderate’ — moderate according to whom and by what standards?”
2.) INBBC:
-is apparently full of optimism for the the role of the Muslim Brotherhood, and the implementation of sharia law in Tunisia!
“Tunisia election: Partial results suggest Ennahda win”
BREAKING NEWS: Global Muslim Brotherhood Claims Victory In Tunisia
By Kate Clanchy
The third of six new plays for The Wire on the theme of Conviction.
Finnish teen eco-blogger, Ulli Earthgirl, wins a competition to join a low-carbon expedition to the North Pole by foot, to measure the melting ice. Blogging her way across the Arctic, she has to navigate deadly cracks in the ice, as well as the treacherous currents of environmental controversy in the blogosphere. Soon she’s afloat in both worlds, as all her certainties begin to dissolve.
Are you a budding playwright?
Would you like your work to be considered for broadcast on Radio Bour.
Send it in and we’ll give it due consideration. Make sure it tickles our tummies though:, submissions about plucky Israeli soldiers taking the battle to ethnocidal terrorists, submissions in which the blessed poor are portrayed as heroin-ingesting rioting feral skanks on sink estates, or submissions in which Trade Union leaders are shown as anything other than selfless hardworking shining beacons of purity and truth will not be read.