“Why might the BBC be reluctant to criticise the EU?
Could one reason, apart from ideology, be that it has received over £15 million in grants from the EU since 2007.
Much of it goes towards media training for environmental pressure groups. £600,000 of that money was given to Palestinian groups. The BBC says ‘To conflate the work of the BBC World Service Trust and the BBC’s coverage of the EU in this way is completely absurd.’
Course it is!”
‘If it looks like shit, and smells like shit, you’d better not eat it!
While we are aware of a continual purposeful bias by the BBC, for the most part we can only conjecture at the motive. Knowing the truth, one can spot the liars, and then surmise on the motive for it. With this knowledge we can discover a more complete truth.
This article certainly adds to a more complete plausible motive. What’s ‘completely absurd’ is that the BBC thinks all it has to do to deny accusations is use an empty expression that suggests they are above suspicion as its defence.
Isn’t the BBC statement tantamount to a tactic admission that they are biased in favour of the EU ?
Surely though, according to Jeremy Hunt. you can always complain to the BBC Trust. I’m sure that you’ll get satisfaction there especially since, as a condition of keeping his EU pension, the Chairman of the Trust is forbidden from doing or saying anything “against the interests of the EU”.
Jeremy Hunt’s advice is relayed by “My Site (click to edit)” in this thread http://biasedbbc.tv/2011/10/open-thread_26.html#comments
I wonder if it isn’t much simpler than this. I sometimes get the impression that the Beeboids think being part of Europe is so great because of their visceral opposition to English nationalism.
David P,
Yes, like all Lefties, the BBC is driven by hate. So, since they hate the English they support any enemies of the English and that includes the EU.
While BBC-NUJ’s Ms FLANDERS reports uncritically on:
1.) E.U.’s centralising, federalising plans;
2.) George SOROS, financier, speculator against sterling, donor to ‘leftist’ political causes, member of the ‘1%’
Alternative views, marginalised by BBC-NUJ:
Here is ‘FOX NEWS’ exposing BBC-Democrat-like hypocrisy by ‘left’- ‘OWS’
“Ann Coulter On OWS: Walking Past Soros’ House To Protest Outside Murdoch’s Apartment”
(inc video clip)
Lefties hate people that are better than themselves, which is virtually everyone that is not a Lefty of course. They only like people that they think are inferior to themselves (People that live in inner-city shit holes that vote Labour and Blacks for example). That is because they are selfish as well as having an inferiority complex. For example a middle-class moron could only cling on to a middle-class lifestyle by obtaining a dumbed down degree in the arts and humanities and getting a job at the BBC advertised in the Guardian.
“Euro summit: Smoke and mirrors to calm the markets”
By Simon Heffer
“The media this morning seem, disturbingly, to be taking things at face value. Some of the BBC coverage has had the flavour of a report on the Second Coming. But then the institutional bias of the Corporation in favour of Europe and all aspects of the ‘project’ mean that propagandising about what happened in Brussels last night is the order of the day.
And those who have relied for years on the BBC to give them the details of what is happening in Europe, and with the European economy, will have found what has happened in recent months to be intensely surprising. The enthusiasm and selection of pundits on the airwaves so far suggests that the elements of negativity in the deal will continue to be played down or unreported.
“We must wait to see what the broadcasters say when the sticking-plaster nature of the deal becomes unavoidably apparent.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2054103/Euro-summit-Smoke-mirrors-calm-markets.html#ixzz1c4CKyu9r