This should give you all a chuckle!
“BBC foreign correspondents warn cuts compromise impartiality. Locally recruited reporters will be vulnerable to bullying Middle East governments, say senior journalists”
Hap tip to Ryan!
This should give you all a chuckle!
“BBC foreign correspondents warn cuts compromise impartiality. Locally recruited reporters will be vulnerable to bullying Middle East governments, say senior journalists”
Hap tip to Ryan!
Watchers of Yes Minister will remember that the way to deflect criticism is to set up a “review” and make get the result you want by appointing a “suitable” chairman of the review.
In this case, Edward Mortimer.l Who appears to have some serious form. Naive about Khomeini ? Ignores massacres of Christians in Africa ? Anti-semitic ?
I might be sympathetic to this. After all, they do keep recruiting compromised reporters in the US. Matt Danzico, Katie Connolly……
Just imagine if some of these local correspondents were bullied into adopting an anti-British, anti-Semitic, anti-American stance, whilst being forced not to criticise radical Islamists . . . . . .
I have visions of Taliban gunmen bundling these poor local reporters in to the back of Toyota pickups and taking them to secluded cave complexes where they’ll be tied up and forced to repeatedly read NUJ guidelines.
I suspect local reporters may be more impartial and more knowledgeable. Wouldn’t be difficult though.
“50-something Silver Fox, Own moustache & extensive collection of khaki slacks, recently bereaved, seeks new Middle Eastern chum for fun times on my (generous) expense account. Prefer chum to be male, Arabic and fired with the burning revolutionary fervour of the Prophet (PBUH), please.
Is this you ? Then E-mail me at and let’s get together soonest !”
This is just a blatant threat to become even more anti-British, antisemitic, jihadist etc in future unless the lecense fee goes soaring up.
So Jeremy Bowen might be replaced by a fully signed up member of Hamas………….Well I don’t think there would be any issue of a change in bias in that senario.
Sky News often use local reporters, I’ve not noticed any particular anti British bias because of it.
The BBC spouting shit once again.
“A former senior BBC insider said that locally-recruited reporters with intricate knowledge of the culture can be invaluable to foreign news coverage. However, he added that they are “uniquely vulnerable” to pressure not to expose wrongdoing because friends and family often live in the area.”
As if the locals wouldn’t pump out bias anyway, knowing what the editors back in London would love to hear. And as if non-local Alan Johnston was pumping out anything but pro-Hamas bias during his three years in Gaza.
And if Jon Leyne was pumping out anything but timid, submissive, pro-regime articles during his stay in Teheran.
It’s astonishing that the BBC really appears to believe that it makes any difference who in the field writes or broadcasts propagandist rubbish since it will always be carefully edited to make sure it remains pure propagandist rubbish before the public will be allowed access to it.
The ‘loyalty’ of INBBC’s locally recruited Muslims in the Middle East is to Islam and the ummah, not to the British people.
We are simply forced to pay for this Islamic propaganda against the British people.
But it’s all OK – because ‘moderate islamists’ have just taken Tunisia.
Watch this space !!!!!!!!!