An outraged B-BBC reader brought this to my attention. It’s on the BBC Children’s TV site and it seems to take quite a positive spin on young girls pandering to the sexual needs of dirty old men. What say you? This could be seen as a virtual advertisement for a very murky activity. Surely someone in the BBC should have raised a concern over such encouragement to licentiousness? Then again….
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Well I’m having great difficulty working out where the party ends and prostitution begins ??
But trust the BBC to put it on the Children’s page !
Why am I not surprised?
Having seen what Childrens telly has been seeping into the bedrooms of our children for some time now; this is only the logical fruit of the BBCs attitude to children.
They scorn the Langhams and the Glitters…but this will be “exploring issues”…”empowering women”-and as that dupe Monique says…er “inspiring and aspirational”.
Where`s the fearless Womans Hour or collection of Polly Dolly Feminista trouts now they`re resting their DMs after the Slutwalks…of course…they don`t have kids…so you go girl!
Abortion Clinic or Gallianos Anorexic Emporium?..who cares?…as long as Jenni, Jane and Harriet get to lay the first wreath at the Ipswich Memorial!
An enterprise on the grubby side, certainly, and the report leaves something to be desired in the normal course of things – but on children’s news!!!
Get the children into paedophilia and they won’t kick up such a politically incorrect stink about those gangs of groomers. I wouldn’t be surprised if the BBC started campaigning for prostitution to be put on the national curriculum next.
These sorts of parties do go on, of course they do. Some women will earn their way through college this way. That is up to them. But for the BBC to literally advertise them on a channel that is directed at ‘younger viewers’ is a disgrace. The BBC are, as usual, ‘grooming’ our youngsters. Hey girls, if you can’t afford tuition/university fees, this is how you can earn a decent crust. I doubt these dirty old men want these women to do their ironing. They are going to pay them for sexual favours and that is all it is. Prostitution.
Then they will turn around and make a programme about how the cuts made the girls into prostitutes.
Saves looking for news when you can manufacture it yourself I suppose 🙁
“[Y]oung girls pandering to the sexual needs of dirty old men.” Alternatively, this could be viewed as freeloading girls looking for gullible older men and a nice meal ticket.
Either way, as one poster above acknowledges, this is borderline prostitution. Evidently, Newsbeat (!) appears not to think so…
That’s fair comment. This is indeed bordeline prostitution but Newsbeat seems to like the idea…
Indeed, David. Newsbeat treats this as a rather quirky little news item, doesn’t it? Bizarre, if a little disturbing.
Someone page Julie Bindel! Her head will explode if she reads this…
Small point of order. It’s on the Newsbeat site which is, I think, a Radio 1 site and not, as might be implied from the post, CBBC. Looked at largely by older children, I’d have thought, but Dez & Scott are bound to point it out.
I believe the BBC does similar parties but boys are invited.
Quite right Roland!
The land of Chris Moyles as opposed to John Craven eh?
Still…seedy and sleazy, much as Radio 1 and its like hope to be.
They call it edgy I think…doesn`t translate into Moroccan, but they`ll not need to bother with that!
What? Wealthy mean taking care of young women? Well, I never. What is the world coming to? Yawn.
It is a different version of prostitution, sure. If these were young men, they’d be called “rent boys”. But this has been going on for millenia. If it hadn’t, this kind of event wouldn’t exist. It didn’t spontaneously manifest in a vacuum. Yet the BBC is reporting on this as part of the Narrative that the current economic crisis is hitting (insert victim group here) hardest, and the evil rich are exploiting them. They cleverly let the pimp…sorry…organizer himself say it.
Sure, Greg Dawson (How many Beeboids are there in the US now? Or did your license fee pay for him to increase his evil carbon footprint just to do this?) gives plenty of space to the testimonials of these girls that it’s empowering, enabling them, totally voluntary and consensual, etc.. We all know that’s not how the womens’ rights mavens will see it. But the liberal BBC can’t be judgmental when it comes to these thingsl, oh, no, so it’s all matter-of-fact.
Now wake me up when the BBC does a similar report about the same thing going on for millenia in the homosexual community. As Roland suggests, there are probably a few people at the BBC knowledgeable about rent boys.
The only problem I have with this is that it is on a children’s news site. Other than that, the subject of the news article only reports on consenting adults performing wholly legal activity. If these ‘rich’ men are so shallow and socially pathetic that they have to pay for the affections of young women, then more fool them. Likewise if the young women are so shallow and empty that they are only craving material satisfaction, then more fool them too. However that activity is lawful activity between consenting adults, so no problem.
Reporting it on a child’s site however is somewhat disturbing.
The children’s site is “Newsround”, not Newsbeat. Newsround is better known for telling children that it’s only US opinion that Al Qaeda perpetrated 9/11, and that Israel is the enemy of Islam. There was also once something about instructing children to inform the authorities if their parents didn’t recycle or something, but I can’t find that link now.
Read the first two lines. No one said anything about CBBC, or children of the age Newsround is aimed at. The article in discussion is on a site which targets ‘younger viewers’. IE, those viewers who are probably about to decide what careers they want, decide what college to go to, decide how they’re going to PAY for it.
Apparently you didn’t understand my first sentence.
On this comment or the one where you’re thinking this is all about wealthy men ‘taking care’ of young women? lol, it’s all so innocent right? Newsround is for young children. Newsbeat is for older children. Either way, young, easily influenced people, being told prostitution is ’empowering’ for women, and the men are just doing them a favour, bless em.
Ivor, it’s not me thinking that, it’s what the Newsbeat article says. I’m well aware of what Newsround is, as I was one of those complaining about its 9/11 feature.
Having cleared that up, I’d like to see the BBC do a segment debating which is more empowering for young women: this Sugar Daddy thing or choosing to wear the burqa?
Neither are empowering. Young women (and young men) would easily make lots of money selling their sexual favours to rich, dirty old men, I just don’t want to see it made to look perfectly fine on a BBC website aimed at the age group who could. The burqa is a whole different ballgame.
speaking of missing links………..i’ve tried and tried to find the name of a bbc wales journo who was convicted of abusing children a few years back…….the story seems to have gone or I’m thick he’s not the only one niether……….
and the adults get this
Now, which of the BBC’s favourite communities has a penchant for grooming young girls? Can’t think off-hand.
Could it be the Cornish? Martin Bashir did a documentary on paedophilia there in 2005. But now all the nonces have emigrated east of the Tamar – and I hear they”re no longer good methodists, either.
Just part of the BBC policy of indoctrination children into sex , drugs and rock and roll. No-one should be surprised.
should read “indoctrinating”
Sorry, it is NOT borderline. Charging $500 for a date??!! The outrageous thing is that the BBC is clearly actively promoting this.
PS note the difference in tone between the sugar-daddy ‘article’ above and the ‘news’ covering Silvio’s Bunga Bunga parties!