Guido had the goods here yesterday and now the Mail today. B-BBC contributor Alan makes some very valid points here..
“The recent ‘BEST’ report, not peer reviewed, on world temperature changes, was cited as evidence by Richard Black that the sceptics are wrong…..and that Phil Jones of the CRU has been proven to be a truthful and honest reporter of facts (despite absolute evidence from the emails and indeed the science itself to the contrary). Now it seems the BEST report and the conclusions drawn by one of its authors were best taken with a pinch of salt. The temperature hasn’t risen for over a decade, there is no proof that warming is the result of man’s activities to any large extent…..North America and Northern Europe have been cooling.
I wonder how Black will get out of this one…..having reported so enthusiastically and uncritically something that he believes rather than taking a professional, objective view? Black aside the BBC are adopting more slippery tactics in persuading us that global warming is having seriously detrimental effects on the world…and it never mentions any benefits.”READ MORE HERE
The BBC recognise that Attenborough can be a hugely influential figure havingbeen a fixture in most people’s lives for years from childhood onwards….atrusted, ‘fatherly’ figure. To have him hint that global warming is a disasterfor the world will be calculated by the BBC to change our attitudes and supportthe climate change movement.
When Attenborough slips in comments such as ‘this maybe the last time we seethis Arctic wilderness’ or similar statements throughout the programme it isessentially ‘product placement’ by the BBC using a programme about the Arcticto champion its own political agenda in a subtle and devious manner.
What is so clever is that there is no mention of man made causes for climatechange….so you are not alerted to any agenda nor do you then start askingdifficult questions that distract you from the message.
Once the BBC has it fixed in your subconscious that climate change is real andimportantly, harmful, it can move on to nudge you into believing the sole causeis man made emissions of CO2.
Look at Black’s piece on the BEST report….he claims it proves ‘sceptics’ werewrong about denying AGW…..but the report only concludes that temperatureshave risen…it states categorically that there is no proven link to man madecauses.
The sceptics though have never claimed that there has been no rise intemperature …they are ‘sceptical’ of the ‘proofs’ so far provided by somescientists…many of whom seem to be so determined to ‘prove’ AGW that theywill do anything to hide the truth….as shown by the CRU emails and now bythis revelation about one of the BEST author’s activities.
The BBC unfortunately is promoting a lie.”
Given that the B.E.S.T. [lol how wrong is that word?] is still with out any peer review and the heaters always shout ‘peer review’ at us! then black and the BBC have no defence . I mean just because some ones company send you a press release by the daughter of the man who wrote the report and who will make load of dosh if the report is published for his pro AGW company and by publishing breaking all the precepts of good scientific practice doesn’t mean you print the pack of bull before waiting to check that would be totally stupid wouldn’t it Black?.
Muller is a foolish liar [ask Mr Watts ] fame hungry and vain and deserves the kicking he is now getting from his academic betters and what ever the other MSM did it does not excuse thicky Black and his ‘best science available ‘ BBC morons!
Oh and as for Attenborough sorry but what ever nice piccys he gets of all those should be extinct [well Black said they would be by now?] cute bears in his end of the world show he is still a disturbed man who sees humans as some kind of cancer on the planet and want to thin them out ! funny I thought working at the BBC he could get the Dignitas number quite easily, then he could lead by example with the rest of the O.P.T. or overwhelmingly pretentious tossers to the unaware !!
Attenborough a disturbed man? Mistaken, or having a different opinion to you (and me) doesn’t render him disturbed.
And doesn’t take away from the outstanding documentaries he has produced over the years. Frozen Planet, notwithstanding a few subliminal and irritating climate change messages, was an excellent programme last week.
Although I predicted here earlier that the last episode will be a man-made climate change love-in.
When I look at a child I see potential and promise his lot at the OPT see a leech and threat to beloved gia ! so yes I think he’s disturbed in the same way he will probably think I am for my views only I don’t get to shout them in HD and with wall to wall Pr !
Spot on Matthew!
Heard the news this morning telling us that the 7 billionth child would be born today.
Let`s hope that Lionel Shriver won`t be let near any maternity facilities these next few days…those gloves of hers were not sterile surely as she did her Dr Strangelove impression on Newsnight.
To the happy couple a blessing from God…but to Attenborough, Porritt, Shriver, Ahmedidejadh and Hu Jintao…a parasite upon the earth!
As for how many Porritts, Gores and Attenboroughs/Dimblebys we seem to be able to support?…
Did like the UNs ponderous pronouncement…apparently the 6 millionth got Kofi Annan at the bedside in Bosnia in 1999(poor thing)…for this was to be “celebrated”…yet Ban Ki Moon or whatever will not be gracing the bedside of the 7 millionth for this will not be seen to be a celebration…but more a time for reflection!)
If you want to see the attitude of the creepy green eugenicists and Dawkins types…there you have it.
No more popping corks at the birth of the next Jobs or Savile!…but instead a po-faced time of reflection with a letter of apology to Rajiv Ghandis estate!
Can a condom double as a black armband?…sense we`ll be finding out round Old Compton St very soon!
Well I think that David Attenborough has done more than anyone to bring the wonders of nature into our living rooms and , also, he is one of the few Beeboids with a science background.
But, I am disappointed in him being taken in by the Great Global Warming Scam. Mind you, if he were a sceptic, would the BBC allow him to make the programmes ?
A thought-provoking post , as usual ! But your reference to Ahmed… whatsit has me a bit confused ?
This post shows that DV has no understanding of climate change or the arguments surrounding it.
“The sceptics though have never claimed that there has been no rise in temperature….”
Curry has done exactly that.
That is an outright lie about Dr Curry.
Dr Judith Curry denying that temperatures have risen in the last 100+ years? You’re having a bleedin’ laugh. She’s a luke-warmer, converted to that point of view by climate gate! Before that she was a trusting warmist.
Post starts with an ad hom. Really can’t help yourself can you, Dog Whelk? Try writing something without, might be an interesting experience for you.
Is it “Nucella” or Nutella ? Seems like one of those hit and run merchants who appear on this website in error, realise their mistake, deposit something unpleasant and never appear again !
Mr Attenborough, of course is a signed-up member of the climate change hysterics club. And I don’t regard him as a father figure more as someone who is now past his sell-by date.
The Japanese scientists have been doing some work regarding CO2 emissions which is reported on Greenie Watch website, It seems, assuming their observations are correct, that the developed Western countries are low emitters whereas the third world originates the most CO2. Does that mean we can now say the science on this matter is settled?
So who has a better understanding of the science of climate change? David Attenborough or David Vance? That’s a tough one.
or you ? – on your first appearance you lie about Dr Curry, a real expert.
Thinking about it a bit further, I think this response is appropriate and at about your level:
Troll, troll, troll your boat, gently down the datastream…
I think most of the human race, if they stop to think about, will have a better grasp of the comedy of the ludicrous proposition that this essential trace gas has any real bearing on climate change, than Attenborough. He may be a good producer of documentaries, but climatically he has no idea, rather like that other useful idiot the Buffoon of Wales. They have an agenda
Don’t feed the Troll !!!!!
The BBC can not help themselves. They have been sitting pretty up there on the bridge of the man-made global warming ship of fools and now that it is sinking fast they are still assuring us all is well.
Just this morning I learn from a BBC radio weather report, ‘This has been the warmest October for a decade’. When did they switch from description and forcasting to becoming the proud purveyor of such selective and meaningless statistics? – So long as it fits the narrative.
Meanwhile North America begins to freeze and in my humble experience I note that we in Britain usually receive our share of winter soon after.
However, BBC Weather on line did cheer me up: ‘We’re building a new BBC Weather experience for you’.
To which I reply: You been doing it for years now and it just ain’t working anymore!
Tuned in to Start Thw Week, which had been trailed as a Commonwealth Edition.
Andrew Marr and assorted love children clearly didn`t windsurf ALL the way to Western Australia, and I bet he`s not paying for his own red snapper.
Andys guests include all sectors of Australian society…Kevin Rudds bag carrier of old and politicos from the mining industry, media analysts and the like…a typical cross section of Ockers down on Circulat Quay!
Didn`t hear too much about the Commonwealth, although one person had an Indian name I think!
All I heard was about Global Warming…as if Andrew wasn`t doing his bit to melt the icecaps by flying round the world long after our Queen has returned! Such a loyal monarchist eh?
Apparently our Aussie magnolias also want more tax and spend, and more ignoring of those little people in their Moonie Ponds drabs. Gloabal warming is now way too big to fail…and if we avoid debates and plebiscites , we just might have a chance to save spaceship earth for our civil partners nephews!
At least I can see the One World Socialist-lite Fascism fluffing up nicely like a souffle down under too.
If we see the EU/bail outs and Euro projects alongside the Global Warming one…we can see what will be the nature of the hideous nexus of virtue and lime green jackboots that are the enemy within.
Actually this enemy is more often out in Bali or Perth, than “within”-seems to find it hard to “engage” with the little people, so flies the world to sek out similar nibblers of cocktail sausages to confirm its righteousness.
Can we get Quantas to keep Marr and Co over there?…until he and his fellow gassers have earned enough carbon credits with Gaia, in order to sail home…after all Ted heath might have done this!
One of your classic and utterly surreal posts, if I may be so bold !
“Gassers” should become the new term for Warmists.
But, you hit the nail on the head in comparing the Warming scam and the EU. Both are too big to fail. I don’t care except that these lunatics are dragging the rest of us down with them.
More power to your elbow, old boy !
The BBC will just ignore the story as they did with the recent CERN report.
It’s hard to attack global warming when you are standing up to your arse in snow. Yeah I know weather not climate. When it’s hot it’s climate and when it’s cold it’s weather. 😉
Oh joy, the UK is building two new power stations in Yorkshire. I wonder if the reason behind them being built there (as in else where) had anything to do with the recent shale gas find in Lancs.
Expect the bBC to see red, sorry black in not so distant future over this human rights crime against the planet.
Hmm… Yorkshire versus Lancashire – we’ve been down that route before, haven’t we? Shale versus gas/coal/oil- lets have a punch up at Towton again, and the winner has the right to demolish all the wind turbines he can find.