Did you listen to this FAWNING interview with one of the Swampy’s gathered outside St.Paul’s this morning? Ms Colvin could not have been treated with softer kid gloves by Evan Davies and I noted that he was extremely respectful to her repeated references to the all powerful decision making “General Assembly” of the #OccupyLSX movement. It seems that the Nation must wait breathlessly on what the comrades in this ragbag collective decide and the BBC has no intention of challenging them on their “ideas” With Druid Williams and the other dripping wet apologists for Christian leaders in St. Paul’s having rolled over to the nihilistic anarcho-commies gathered in their tents, the BBC is now able to spin like made on behalf of this collective and invoke clerical support for their mad ideas. I notice the BBC have chosen not to give any prominence to the news that MI5 had Williams down as a dangerous leftist subversive in his earlier days – that’s the wrong type of story. Not all news is equal and the BBC is careful to ensure that it reports what best suits the narrative – in thiscase, down with capitalism.
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Consider yourselves lucky. In Oakland, CA, the Occupiers have now caused so much trouble that a major shipping port has been shut down indefinitely. This isn’t a criticism of greedy bankers or corporate influence on politicians: this is an attempt to shut down commerce entirely and bring a city to its knees. As it’s one of the busiest ports in the country, the damage will spread elsewhere quickly.
Contrary to Katty Kay’s delusional mewlings about their love for humanity, these Occupiers don’t care about how their actions hurt the poorest and most vulnerable. They are a destructive force, set loose by the President’s own class war rhetoric. He can’t dissuade them because He is one of them. There, I said it.
All you have is some misguided clerics and the BBC to aid in your destruction.
“this is an attempt to shut down commerce entirely”
Well, one business could end up shutting down entirely. The Oakland branch of Men’s Wearhouse closed in sympathy with the protesters – the customer response on the company’s Facebook page is somewhat less than supportive of the decision, as this screengrab I’ve just taken shows. An ideal story for BBC social media geek Matt Danzico? Tumbleweed.
David you have used the word that I was proposing to suggest : destruction.
These entities are destructors, luddites, and in a non-marxist sense anti-progressives.
Instead of thanking god that they have been born into a Western country with all that entails, they are determined to ruin a perfectly good civilisation to satisfy their own inadequacies.
Taking the bbc as an example, what good is it or those employed by it to our nation? I suggest that a test would be how worse off would we be if the bbc did not exist? I suggest not at all. If we didn’t have risk-takers and entrepreneurs in our country, how worse off wold we be? I suggest a lot.
If the CofE was to be purged of all the socialists, how much better would the Christian church in our country be? I’d say God would be overjoyed and so would we the normal people of this country.
Well said, john.
The halfwits at BBC Vews, when the usual nothing is happening with the crusties, have resorted to leading their bulletins with,
‘The occupation outside St Pauls continues this morning’.
Have to keep the story bubbling, don’t you see.
Folk on here sometimes muse on a particular report as to whether albeeb is biased or just incompetent.
The sorry truth is that they are both.
Its said that you are known by the company you keep. Here are some people and organizations that support the Occupy Movement in the USA – the movement described by Katty Kay as “endearing”:
DAVID DUKE former Grand Wizard the Ku Klux Klan
(Hat tip to radio talk show host Rob Johnson at 640 WGKA Atlanta who has sources for all names above on his website.)
There is one organisation missing from your list !
Plus: BBC-Democrat,
-as evidenced on ‘Newsnight’ tonight with propaganda by and for ‘OWS’ with fellow propagandist, Ms N. WOLF, ‘OWS’ protagonist.
I just want to hear an Interviewer ask them ” Just what exactly do you want done, who do you want to do it and to what time scale.” but all I hear is the unwashed layabouts making generised, unspecific statements which go unchallenged by the Interviewer.
TheGeneral, you’ve summed up my thoughts exactly.
I did my best to try. Turns out the ones who’ve thought about it more or less want a hodge-podge of old-school anarcho-syndicalism and a student fantasy economy, but with iPhones, MacBooks, and free internet for all.
I see, you mean they want the Labour Party back in power !
Heard the communards holding forth on Toady this morning.
General Assembly?…political/strategy committees?…priceless!
Utter presumption, but done in ways that will please the BBC no end.
Maybe the Guardian or Ariel can take adverts from the loons in regard of Strategic Directorate Facilitating Cordinators soon to be needed.
We now know what Jesus would do…laugh…and watch the po-faced, self righteous stiffs at the BBC go to hell in a handbag!
The “General Assembly” is a crock. It makes the group feel good, and tricks them into feeling connected to the outcome, but you can bet your ass that the group doesn’t decide what to vote on in the first place. That comes from the top, just like always. The Occupiers didn’t decide on the leaders, and they don’t decide what to put up for a vote. Only the select few really choose what goes on the agenda.
I wan’t fooled for a moment. It’s obvious to anyone who spends more than five minutes with them.
Anyone else notice that crappy luvvie Bill Nighy has been doing the rounds today spouting utter bollocks about the robin Hood tax and poverty. Why does the BBC keep giving these luvvies time to spout utter crap about subjects they know nothing about?
I’ve got an idea, these Hollywood luvvies seem SO KEEN to end poverty, perhaps they might like to make a personal contribution.
I’m going to propose something called the Hollywood tax, basically when a film is made a special tax is paid by all of the actors and crews, the producers, film studion and so on, perhaps 5% of the payments and profists from the film, DVD, book, record etc. The money raised can go to the third world.
I’m sure the luvvies will back my idea 100% won’t they?
He was on Channel 4 News. What the hell does some arty farty luvvie know about tax and financial transactions ?
I represent the 99.9% – those of us who are not Celebrity Lefties.
Martin, funny you should say that. There used to be a 20% tax on movie ticket sales, from 1946 to 1952 – to raise revenue after the War. Eisenhower eventually repealed it, giving tax cuts to the wealthy.
The Hollywood tax, the celebs can put their money where their arses are!!!
“Anyone else notice that crappy luvvie Bill Nighy has been doing the rounds today spouting utter bollocks about the robin Hood tax and poverty”
Compare Bill Nighy – or any other current member of the UK lefty luvvie establishment – with Michael Winner’s recollection of the time he first told Charles Bronson about the script for Death Wish:
We were driving to Kennedy airport in 1973 to shoot the last scene of The Stone Killer, the third film we made together, when Charlie asked me what we should do next. I told him I had this script about a man whose wife and daughter are mugged and then the man goes out and shoots muggers. I mentioned that I’d had it for five years but no one seemed interested. Charlie said, ‘I’d like to do it.’ I said, ‘What, you mean you want to do this movie?’ And Charlie replied, ‘No, I’d like to shoot muggers.’
(Bill Nighy’s reply in similar circumstances: “No, I’d like to sit down with the muggers and discuss how we could overcome their violent sense of inadequacy with increased tax burdens on the financial sector.”)
Good point DB!
A good illustration of the removal of commonsense or any original thinking among the whole of the cultural/creative class.
That they think a transaction tax is the equivalent of storming the Bstille just shows the locked down thinking and lazy platitudes of those who once spoke for us…or at least weren`t all cultural greasers and hypocrites like Nighy,REM, Bono and the other paster saints and tin gods there at the Church of Beeb.
What would Muhammad do…he`d welcome the protesters and Nighy to camp out at Regents Park Mosque in a couple of hours time…let`s see how much against the system these chickens really are!
He`d certainly whack on a nice tax for watching films…a good idea above…let`s see how the luvvies like that one.
Call it a Cinema Licence Contribution maybe?
BBC-NUJ ‘NEWSNIGHT’ continues its blatantly political campaigning for ‘OWS’.
See final paragraph of preview for tonight here:
“And we will also be looking whether the Occupy movement is starting to affect the thinking of political and financial leaders around the world. Writer Naomi Wolf, who was arrested at the Occupy Wall Street protest, will be joining us in the studio.”
NAOMI WOLF = represents archetypal BBC-NUJ ‘NEWSNIGHT’ political view, tonight.
Ms WOLF, like BBC-NUJ is Democrat through and through; she loves Obama, and worked for Clinton and Gore.
WOLF is the kind of faux-‘feminist’ (they abound at BBC-NUJ) who ludicrously think that Muslim women wearing Islamic covering is a freedom!
Her views were skewered at ‘Jihadwatch’ years ago (e.g. 2008):
“Fitzgerald: Naomi Wolf and the hijab”
It’s all part of ‘Newsnight’s blatant political propaganda which we finance.
Presumably she thinks honour killings are also an expression of female freedom!!
REM holding court on US politics…well, the guitarist wasn`t able to come in case he attacked another stewardess…something in the in flight yogurt as I recall.
Now Bill Nighy and his chosen topic…tax policy since 1694.
Why the hell would anyone listen to an actor…the clue is in that word “actor”. the guy is a veritable taxi for hire with no brain, but can do good impressions of sincerity(given the right script…see under Blair.T).
Still he`s in Cannes…we`ll not ask where he`s staying, how he got there and if he has another turd from Richard Curtis to hollow out by apology of a “film” whilst he`s on the yachts of BBC rentiers.
No chance of us getting a few Somalis up there pronto is there?…they are vulnerable,you know!
It’s fascinating to watch Newsnight and all the other beeboid output over the Euro crisis. ONE question is never addressed by the BBC to these failing left wing Countries, CUT SPENDING.
Why not? It’s the obvious thing to do, all this bail out money when it runs out just leaves the same Country with more debt and unreformed public services.
So isn’t it odd that the left suddenly love Jesus? or at least use him as a lefty prophet.
I thought left wing nutters hated Christianity? Shouldn’t they be asking “what would Mohammad do?”
How does Diane Louise Jordan get onto “This Week” as a Christian?
Wasn`t she the one who only got the Songs of Praise job by pretending to be one!
Her opinions are absolutely laughable, but the Church of Beeb will be happy…she only says exactly what every other useful tosser working at the BBC has said.
Hitchens said it on the previous show…the BBC don`t “do God”…to quote St Alistair Campbell currently holding forth.
Presumably being black is all you need to be to get the white liberal elite throwing their money and mics at you…as Zephaniah gets his freebie back up to Brunel Uni as Professor of Creative Writing.
Maybe he`s writing all the BBCs Current Affairs scripts!
GAY&NEWHALF Search Engine Site!
Wrong site mate, you need to post this on http://www.bbc.co.uk