The weekend beckons and time for a new one of these to see us off …the floor is yours!
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The weekend beckons and time for a new one of these to see us off …the floor is yours!
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Sometimes I wonder how low the BBC can go. Radio 5 just now launched an attack on the parents of Jo Yeates for wanting the execution of her killer. The BBC are now lecturing them on forgiveness and how they should sety up a charity.
The BBC really are scum, yes I know you read this you BBC vermin. Piss off and die.
There is no limit to how low the BBC vermin can sink. I have more respect for sewer rats.
Incidentally, I read somewhere that that vile murdering b —— is an extreme left-winger.
Fantastic schoolboy howler on this piece by a BBC ‘Science’ correspondent.
On a map of Antarctica, some dunce has put an arrow pointing ‘North’. Er, on a map of the South pole, North is every direction away from the pole.
There’s another howler about the new glacier being formed due to climate change, but we’re used to that one.
So the experts say this is a perfectly normal, natural phenomenon, but Amos still gets in a mention that climate change might be causing it.
I just checked the map. Unbelievable !!! How thick can they get ?
Update, 2230 – idiotic arrow has gone!!
Amazing ! And to think it was pointing to the “left” as well.
Who would have thought ?
More proof the beeboids use this site to proof read the shit they put out.
Yes you read this site you BBC arseholes.
At least we get the BBC career progression here.
Youth TV…take drugs, get fired or hide behind a psssing rent boy until the BBC finds a Rupert or a Panadreou to scream at.
Catch up on the student Community activist radio that you could have done back at Uni…if anyone but your fellow toffs in turmoil…it`s called Radio 5 and is an ideal place for those creeps that wouldn`y bother their arses with hospital radio, becasue they don`t get the agent who`ll phone the paps for you.
When you`ve managed to offend everyone with your hand-wringing posh privileges…when you`ve been on Tony Blairs elocution courses and been a footstool for Mark Byford or Alistair Campbell…why then , there is Radio 4.
Airmiles and hypocrisy, private schools and paternity superinjunctions…then its Today for you , my boy!
Woman’s Hour 3rd Nov – an insult to the intelligence of women
On the programme: Women and the protest movement.
The insult being that in the section on women and the protest movement, there is the assumption that all protests from women are justified, good and have the overwhelming support of women. So the Greenham Common protest is glowingly covered. But what about those women who disagreed with the aims of the Greenham women? Or those who think those in front of St Pauls are wrong? The BBC by default think the protesters are right etc. You see? The BBC group all women into one ullulating vegan Guardian reading mass. But it’s a bit more complex or subtle than that, seeing that there are women in all political parties and thus very different worldviews. It’s a bit like the BBC approach to muslims – the assumption is that they are all victims, they all have one worldview etc.
Yes. This is like my comment on the Cain thread the other day. The left are the most arrogant, paternalistic monobrains around. They believe that they are such fantastic champions of what THEY perceive as the oppressed: – Muslims, Blacks, Women, Gays, the Working Class that they appear to genuinely believe that all these groups will share their opinions on all things, and will always follow their leads.
They simply cannot conceive that most women did not agree with the Greenham Common Soviet moles (or molls??), and that most women will not support these professional protesters at St. Paul’s. It is beyond their limited range of thinking ability that this could possibly be the case; so for them all women think alike (to be fair all those at the BBC seem to anyway) and all will support the same mad causes as them.
We used to piss on the dykes who protested at these places, they stunk, they never washed. Many of them now work for the BBC and Nu Liebore.
On the few occasions I have listened to Woman’s Hour , I have been amazed at how patronising ( ! ) , it is to women. It really seems to perpetuate the traditional stereotype. If I were female , I would feel insulted by that programme.
I wrote my post above before I read yours. You are spot on. Lefties, including the BBC, seem to treat these groups as if they are homogenous and incapable of thinking for themselves. How offensive !
Is Islam Not BBC (INBBC) catching up with ENGLISH DEFENCE LEAGUE (EDL), re-sex crimes against white English girls?
‘The ‘TIMES’ (Murdoch owned) has a two-page spread on Muslim sex crimes against white English girls in today’s edition [£]; even a few imams ‘Say abuse “disgraces Islam”‘.
Of course, the EDL has been campaigning against such Muslim sex gangs for some time;but the EDL has been reviled by Muslims, and deprecated by INBBC (which opposes the EDL as part of NUJ policy mandate), of socialist-Islam pact appears to operate politically in UK.
Note Channel 4s Dispatches programme ‘Britain’s Sex Gangs ‘ Monday 10:30 pm.
INBBC has ‘Exposed: Groomed for Sex’ BBC Three, in early December.
Note that both Channel 4 and BBC 3 programmes on this are, as the ‘Times’ reports, “both to be presented by British Pakistanis.”
Does this mean that e.g. INBBC does not admit that there are widespead sex crimes committed by Muslim gangs until some Muslims say there are ?
And only then, it seems, is it the case that INBBC may tag along and make a programme, presented only by Muslims who are ‘British Pakistani’.
Don’t mention the EDL, will you INBBC? The EDL has been exposing Muslim sex gangs for some time, despite the hostility against it.
INBBC still has an Islamic agenda set by Islamic interests.
The bBC, the shooting of 2 churchfolk in Northern Nigeria and an invented story.
Nigerian gunmen kill churchgoers in Zonkwa, Kaduna
At least two people have been shot dead and 11 wounded after gunmen launched an overnight attack on a church in northern Nigeria, officials say.The attack happened in the Kaduna state town of Zonkwa, which saw serious violence after April’s election.Kaduna is divided along political, ethnic and religious lines and the BBC’s Nura Ringim in the state says it is thought to be a revenge attack.Thousands of Muslim Hausas and Fulanis were forced from their homes in April.
So reading the bBC version of events the reason why christians were murdered is because in April, Muslim were victims of those Christians. Really?
Here is what the bBC isn’t telling you. Riots kicked off in Northern Nigeria in April because a Christian won the election. Now seeing as the Northern Half of Nigeria is Islamic it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to work out why Muslims rioted. But who did they target, why they targetted the minority Chrisitan population. It was Christians who came off worse in the North. (for some strange reason they didn’t riot in the Southen half of Nigeria) and yet the bBC as usual tries to pass off the thugish nature of Islam as peaceful and that actually the victims got what they deserved.
The bBC, the propaganda arm of Islamic terrorism.
Excelent post Pounce.
“Here is what the bBC isn’t telling you”:
“Erm, oh, haven’t quite thought this through…”
“Unidentified assailants”. Maybe they were Buddhists. I think , if you follow the history of the BBC reporting the massacres of Christians in Nigeria, you will find that the BBC continually plays down the Muslim element.
Frozen Planert – any good? I’m afraid I haven’t been watching it because…
I’m afraid I lost interest in David Attenborough as soon as he started promulgating this global warming myth that he appears to believe in, despite evidence that it’s not warming at all, and even if it was it’s not down to us.
I’m sure he’s a good maker of documentaries, and a very interesting chap, but the adoption of this nonsensical dogma which seems to be the norm in just about every programme broadcast these days leaves me cold.
Shame, because for me, it makes his output unwatchable. I’m heartily sick of being preached at when the preacher is so obviously off course.
Mr sell out got funding, an awful lot of funding on the condition of peddling the CAGW fraud, the series was created and funded with the aim of peddling CAGW propaganda using Attenboroughs reputation.
Attenborough’s involvement is minimal, as far as I know. He is merely parachuted in for a couple of shots in front of a penguin. I was in the “area” when they did “Life in the Freezer” – somewhat misleadingly named as about 90% of it was shot at Bird Island (South Georgia) which isn’t actually in Antarctica. After the crew spent a couple of seasons bobbing around on the “Abel J”, Dave sailed in on the somewhat more civilised James Clark Ross for a short stay at Bird Island and the aforementioned penguin shots.
Scotland teachers strike,
As far as I am aware education is a devolved power in Scotland. The teachers are going on strike .
This should be an SNP / Scottish parliament problem. Why isn’t king Al the Brute mentioned?
Interesting that when the Scottish teachers protested about this in June, the BBC laid the blame squarely on the Scottish Government, and the EIS went with the deal at the time.
Now that there’s an actual strike, though, somehow the Scottish Government was trying to help the teachers and it’s the UK Government who are the villains. Curious, indeed.
Israel boards protest boats taking medical aid to Gaza
No mention that the UN’s Palmer commission found the naval blockade to be legal under International Law.
The blockade is legal under International Law although the BBC disputes this.
“Medical aid”, what medical aid?
Watch the video here and listen to the reply when asked what cargo they are carrying (at 48 seconds):
Maybe they were all Reiki healers – of course they would be hung for black magic
No: “according to a spokesman for the activists?”
No: “said the captains of the Canadian ship Tahrir and Irish ship Saoirse?”
No. The BBC just says, decisively: “They were carrying medical supplies for the coastal enclave.”
Also, I was surprised to see they’ve reported the non-event at all. Turkey must have forgotten that they’d threatened to accompany any flotillas with a warship. That would have been worth reporting.
Last week on the Today programme Jon Donnison played down the ‘minor’ Saudi Royal’s offer of a substantial reward for anyone who kidnaps another Israeli hostage by stating that Prince Khaled bin Talal is a nobody, and way down the pecking order in the Saudi Royal household. Presumably this also applies to the other one, Sheikh Awad al Qarni. Donnison equates these blustering fanatics with “pretty strong rhetoric” from Jewish extremists who wish to reward anyone who kills some of the released Palestinians. Why, it’s almost as if he’d been reading Electronic Intifada.
If fanatical Jewish extremists are indeed offering rewards for extra judicial killings of released Palestinians, the alleged bounty is paltry in terms of relative equivalence. Moreover, there is no moral equivalence between Islamist thugs tunnelling into Israeli territory to kidnap a 19 year-old IDF conscript, incarcerating him for years in isolation without access to fresh air, light or humanitarian aid of any kind, sending mocking videos and taunts to his family and holding him hostage while demanding the release of hundreds of Palestinian criminals who were tried and convicted for heinous crimes against Israeli civilians in courts of law, who, despite having been housed, fed and educated in reputedly comfortable humane Israeli prisons, were still complaining about being treated like dogs, and were lauded by masses of brainwashed Hamas supporters as heroes at their triumphalist homecoming jamborees.
The BBC don’t see fit to mention any of this on their website, and the one link they give to it (Indian Express) brings up some sort of problem loading.
The AP report on it makes it eminently clear:
The Israeli military issued a short video clip showing a naval official calling on the ships to turn around. “The Gaza area and coastal region are closed to maritime traffic as part of a blockade imposed for security purposes,” the unidentified officer said.
“Your attempt to enter the Gaza Strip by sea is a violation of international law. We remind you that humanitarian supplies can be delivered to the Gaza Strip by land, and you are welcome to enter Ashdod port and deliver supplies through land crossings.”
When asked what the boats were carrying, an activist replies “we have no cargo.”
A statement from the activists later said the boats were carrying medicine and supplies for Gaza.
So why should these activists deny they are carrying cargo when questioned by Israel if they really have medical aid? Surely it would have helped their propaganda to have made that known from the outset. Later, they can claim they are carrying whatever they like, be it medical aid or poppies.
Question is, why does the BBC report it as fact, that they were carrying medical aid? Not even putting this assertion into quotation marks, or attributing a source for this statement.
Even when they have video evidence to show murders of protesters in Egypt or Syria they only attribute any figures to a source when they haven’t been able to verify it for themselves. Since here it helps to put Israel in a bad light, they give themselves carte blanche to stick it in.
What next? Jews using the blood of Christians to make their matzos?
‘No humanitarian aid onboard’
Navy forces tow Irish-Canadian flotilla ships to Ashdod Port after successful take over, say no weapons or humanitarian aid found. Immigration Authority holds hearing for 4 out of 27 Pro-Palestinian activists to be deported out of Israel
Asked what their final destination was, the activists replied “the human compass” and later changed their answer to “betterment of humanity.”
Hahahaha! 😀
Talking of betterment, I’ve always had a soft spot for this. I’m sure he means well. *DONT_KNOW*
Here’s a picture of the BBC article – just in case they stealth edit it.
Notice also, when the put the statement in the article that “The activists refused to co-operate,” AFP quoted the navy as saying. they made sure to quote AFP quoting the navy for that one.
‘The Protocols of the Elders of Zion’ is a fraudulent text, Jews claim.
24 hours gone and still no update or correction to the BBC unequivocal statement that this flotilla carried medical aid, despite the findings of the Israeli navy to the contrary.
It’s amazing that all these pro-Palestinian activists who feel so strongly that they need to do everything they can to counter the measures of ‘the evil State of Israel’, even by purposefully confronting its navy, and trying to break a blockade imposed by it.
Funny how they don’t go against the regimes of Syria, or Iran, Nigeria, China, and many other places in the world, to bring assistance to the ‘persecuted’ in those lands.
Wonder why???
Not in education, employment or training: Your stories –
“I worked as a Connexions Personal Adviser in Oldham for four and a half years until April when I was made redundant due to funding cutbacks.
The Neet figures are no surprise at all. Without Connexions there is little dialogue between potential employers, trainers and young people.”
So government cuts are to blame for youth unemployment, then?
BTW, all three people interviewed are incredibly negative! It would have been good if the BBC have found someone who said something like:
“I am not saying it’s easy to find work, but where there’s a will there’s a way. Instead of feeling sorry for myself, I’m going to let as many firms as possible know what I can offer them!”.
I think potential employers may well be able to recruit without “Connexions” whatever that is !
It`s a load of failed Careers Advisers that Blair was happy to keep on the State payroll.
Nice logos every few years-lots of lapdance coordinators and courses in lesbian childcare braiding. Labout bankrolled non-jobbers who have finally been found under a damp stone!
Not even smart enough to be teaching assistants in the worst of Blairs Schools, but Guardain fodder one and all!
Purely out of academic interest, in a hypothetical situation, how would someone go about applying for a job as a “lapdance coordinator” ?
Whatever happened to all those jobs “That British people just won’t do”?
Oh yeah – instead of being done by low-skilled British youths as a means of gaining experience and starting on the employment ladder, they are being done by immigrants of all ages (who all vote Labour – so that’s just fine and dandy as far as the Beeb are concerned).
Nasser, Gadhaffi, Saddam, Mubbarak and Assad…the very epitome of Islamic socialism.
None of them are ever defined by their socialism…and the Islam hardly gets a mention either.
Funny how the TUC affiliates and International Labour Organisation neglect to mention their old chums, who all seem to have been on the wrong end of history.
Their bloody regimes…in particular the Syrian bloodbath that is going on…don`t get the blood going at the BBC at all…whereas any slur on Israel gets full airing.
Apparently there`s a link up between St Pauls and Homs in Syria…international solidarity and coworkers in the revolution so they all seem to think.
Like the bacon and eggs breakfast…the chickens of St Pauls make a contribution, whereas the pigs make the sacrifice-but their vanity and posturing knows no bounds.
Isn`t Papandreou a Socialist too…didn`t they cause the Greek crisis way back?…but yet again, the socialism bit is never mentioned.
Hope Homs Square has lots of empty tents, free WiFi and a convenient Starbucks…maybe the twerps at St Pauls might offer to occupy the Damascus Mosque if we tell them that St Paul built his smaller Cathedral there as a twin town thing!
Need I check up on whether Ahmadinajadh stood on some Islamic quais-socialist ticket?
Nah…thought not! Don`t blame Islam necessarily either as long as we have Mugabe and Chavez.
The West won`t learn that it`s all well and good to wish for Gorbachev…unfortunately you wind up with Putin!
It is funny that the BBC don’t go after Mugabe because of his Catholic upbringing. I mean Beeboids hate Catholics , don’t they ?
Talking of shit BBC journalism I see our favourite unwashed lefty twat Paul Mason accused Sarkozy and Merkel of wanting to get rid of Berlusconi, this is typical of Mason, right in the middle of a crisis the BBC go off on one of their flights of fancy.
Also am I missing something? The BBC keep telling me that the Euro is now saved, yet Greece is still in the same mess and will leave the Euro and Italy is going the same way, yet still the BBC talk as if things are sorted.
I’m not even aware that the banks involved have formally agreed to the 50% haircut on Greece yet.
4 billion pounds a year for the shittiest reporting on the planet. Press TV and Al Jazeera offer more honest reporting.
I figure everyone wants to get rid of Berlusconi.
Berlusconi didn’t look too happy today !
Probably Tony and Cherie are coming over to his suntan bed type resort next summer.
Cliff on tour, Robin Gibb a bit peeky…and Gadhaffi`s not been returning his phone calls for some reason!
No wonder he`ll be a bit grumpy…those freeloaders with their mitts in the charity funds again.
I think also that Silvio gets a bit grumpy when politics intrudes upon his life !
New series of Mastermind, the traditional weekly General Knowledge question about Islam.
I complained to the BBC about this a couple of series ago and on the very day I received their reply denying that such a thing happened guess what – a General Knowledge question about Islam on that evening’s Mastermind.
Anders, They’re just preparing us for our Islamocentric future. Public service, don’t ya know.
Not whilst Anders has breath in his body…
I bet the question wasn’t “Which character in the Koran consummated his marriage with his wife when she was 9 years old?”
This is great – almost worth it’s own post.
Jim Rockford takes on the Occupy movement…
Hat-tip :
It’s a site well worth visiting for regular sarcastic takes on the occupy muppets, as is this one…
Best show ever ! 🙂
Lots of good ‘Angel’ stuff in the sidebar once you’ve watched Hippie-Chick vs Home Truths a few times.
Thanks Reed.
Back when TV shows had great, unforgettable theme tunes. Mike Post rules! 😎
The news on Syria today from AP is that
Syria peace plan unravels; 15 killed in protests
BEIRUT (AP) — A Syrian peace plan brokered by the Arab League unraveled Friday as security forces killed 15 people, opening fire on thousands of protesters who denounced President Bashar Assad and said he never intended to hold up his end of the deal to end the violence.
The bloodshed, only two days after Syria agreed to the deal, suggests Damascus is unwilling — or unable — to put a swift end to a crackdown that already has killed 3,000 people since the uprising began in March.
“This regime is not serious about ending its brutal crackdown,” said Mustafa Osso, a Syria-based human rights lawyer. “Today was a real test for the intentions of the regime and the answer is clear to everyone who wants to see.”The article goes on with more details and salient points, including –
The violence was a blow to the 22-nation Arab League, which announced Wednesday that Damascus had agreed to a broad peace plan that also called for the Syrian government to pull tanks and armored vehicles out of cities, release political prisoners and allow journalists and rights groups into the country.
Officials from the Cairo-based Arab League could not be reached for comment Friday, the start of a holiday weekend.
The plan presented flaws at the outset, in part because it did not provide for any repercussions if the regime reneges on its commitments. There also was no mention of any on-the-ground monitoring to supervise the regime’s actions.So the story is as one has understood it – The Arab League brokered a deal with Assad to end the violent crackdowns on protesters, and Assad has treated it with contempt by totally ignoring it, and continuing as before, killing more protesters. It seems to be written by somebody who is as appalled by the Syrian regime as any moral civilized being would be.
From the BBC we get this;
Syria: Homs military attacks continue, say activists
Syrian military forces have resumed attacks in the city of Homs, activists say, despite agreeing to withdraw from urban areas under an Arab League deal.
Tanks have been shelling parts of the city, and medics at the main hospital told the BBC more than 100 bodies had arrived in the past two days.
Activists say at least nine people have been killed in protests in Homs and other cities on Friday.
Wednesday’s Arab League deal had called for an end to suppression of protests.
On Friday, Syrian state TV did announce an amnesty for anti-government fighters.
“The interior ministry invites those who carry arms, who sold them, distributed them, bought them or financed their purchase and who have not committed any murder to turn themselves in and surrender their weapons to the nearest police station,” it said.Is it just me or does it appear as this is to show that Syria is ‘mostly complying with the deal by offering this bullshit ‘amnesty’. Yeah ‘turn in your weapons so we can continue slaughtering you without you being able to retaliate’. It galls me that the BBC can report this with a straight face. I can’t imagine if it was Israel committing similar acts that the BBC wouldn’t be making the immorality of such acts clear to us in every sentence.
The Arab League announced on Wednesday that the Syrian government had agreed to begin a dialogue with the opposition within two weeks. Officials in Damascus said they would release all political prisoners and allow journalists and rights groups to monitor the situation. Opposition groups in Syria accused Mr Assad’s government of trying to buy itself time. France on Friday said Syria was breaking its promises to the Arab League. French foreign ministry deputy spokesman Romain Nadal said: “The continuing repression can only strengthen the international community’s doubts about the Syrian regime’s sincerity to implement the Arab League peace plan.”
The final inclusion that France thinks Syria is breaking its promise – what’s that about? Everybody KNOWS IT! Also the French spokesman gives us about as much an understatement as one could imagine. ‘Strengthen doubts about Syria’s sincerity to uphold the deal’? There’s NO DOUBT – Syria has proved it hasn’t.
You think Britain has anything to take credit for? Then Simon Jenkin will put you straight.
The lesson is, do not listen to anyone who says Britain has a glorious past.
Note this:
“Instant histories of the war – not least Winston Churchill’s own – depicted it as Britain isolated and alone against the might of Germany. This was true only for a period in 1940-1941, when little fighting was done”
No mention, of course of the Battle of Britain.
The Christain civilization unfortunately was saved only for another 40 or so years. The BBC, Blair,and his friend The Druid of Canterbury put the final nail in that coffin.
What no mention of the war in the far east, the war in the middle east and the war in the Atlantic.
Nearly 300 ships were sunk in the Atlantic convoys from the summer of 1940 to the end of the year, the Germans called it the happy time, it nearly starved us into submission. Surely a wanker like Jenkins should know that?
The point that retard lefty wanker Jenkins misses is that if Britain had been forced out of the war or invaded not only would it have been impossible for America to fight Germany, it would have allowed Hitler to fully use his forces on Russia and would have probably defeated the Russians leaving Hitler free to dominate western Europe.
He’s also wrong about Agincourt, the battle was a big win for Henry and the English army, but it was a battle one of many fought in the war. A small half starved army slaughtered the prime of French noblemen, that was the victory.
No wonder our kids are retarded morons if the BBC pumps out this crap.
Twat Jenkins sees the war in pure numbers.
2015 will see 3 important historical aniverseries*. I wonder how much time will be given to them by the BBC?
*800 years since the Magna Carta, the 600th anniversery of Agincourt and 200 years since the Battle of Waterloo.
The BBC are more likely to commemorate 800 years since the start of the fifth crusades. Another chance to point out how its all our fault!
Not a historian but a journalist. (Guardian, Huffington Post etc), and that should be Sir Simon Jenkin (2004 – thank you, Mr Blair).
A sinecure as chairman of the National Trust (2008 – thank you Mr Brown)
Public school, Oxford, English-self-loathing, left-leaning hack and placeman. Once again I see the BBC is embracing diversity.
As I see it ,
I was just about to post similar when I read yours.
At the end of the day , Jenkins is just another bog standard , establishment, left-wing journalist, nothing more, nothing less.
His opinions on history, or anything else for that matter, are no more “valid ” than yours, mine or the man on the Clapham omnibus.
I still await a BBC documentary on the amazing gifts the British gave to the world.
It will be a long wait.
Instead we shall probably get Jenkins, or
similar scum,telling us how Nelson really lost the battle of Trafalgar. Yawn !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So why does Newsnight wheel out some dopey bird who was an advisor to Gordon Brown to give us some insight into the current Euro problem? Silly cow knows nothing of what is going on, wouldn’t a Government Minister have been more useful BBC?
Of course Emily Titless reminds us that it was Gordon Brown who saved the world…sorry the banks in 2008.
No Emily only in the warped mind of the BBC did that happen.
Of course the BBC will never make the point that saving the banks was yet another of Gordon the Moron’s big mistakes.
Whenever I moan about this useless government I have to remind myself that, at least we have got rid of that psycopath Brown.
Why does the BBC continue to peddle the lie that the Euro is saved? It isn’t, Greece is still screwed and Italy is next.
How is Greece supposed to pay back all this money BBC? Raise taxes? Sure that’ll work, NOT!
Perhaps grow their economy? Well they have tourism, but hang on they use the Euro so that makes them as expensive to visit as Spain or Portugal, of course if they had their own currency they could devalue and offer really cheap holidays.
Expect to be back to square one in a few weeks time, but the BBC will still be in denial.
Or, better still, holiday in Turkey. It is cheaper and 10 times better than Greece !!!
I am going to Skiathos next year – should I wait before buying euros? Despite the problems, Greece is still a wonderful country.
“Father-of-two beaten up and left for dead by Asian gang for being white”
My search of the BBC News website failed to find any mention of this story. Can anyone find it?
“Teenagers jailed for racist attack on shop owner”
My search of the BBC News website failed to find any mention of this story. My search of the Daily Mail website also failed to find any mention of this story. Can you find it?
I haven’t tried. The Daily Mail is a commercial business that is funded by the choice of it’s readers, and as such is entitled to cater to their tastes and outlook, as ALL newspapers do. The BBC is billed as a ‘public service broadcaster’ that is funded entirely by a compulsory license with no regard to choice, whose remit is to provide a service that is a counter to the commercial sector. That is why the BBC is rightly held to a higher standard.
…although I take your point that a news organisation can’t always report every story, if that’s the point you were making.
But, Reed , if a gang of whites had beaten up an Asian for being Asian, it would be headline news on the BBC . The BBC is institutionally racist against white people.
True, Grant. A story regarding a gang of racists violently asaulting a person solely because that person is of a different race would normally be very unlikely to slip through the net at the BBC. Curious that this one did.
Dez seems to subscribe to the ‘two wrongs make a unique corporate policy’ school of thought. With a course unit in food in mouth drive-bys that really are too epic not to be intentional.
‘Foot’… actually feet, before the cherry vultures decide a proof reading seam needs to be exploited.
good old Dezzie
living proof of the bbc “embwacing diversity” in employment
they don’t discriminate against people with special educational needs
Welcome, haven’t seen you for a while. Would love to hear your comments on the BBC’s coverage of the Euro crisis. Objective, biased ? What do you think ?
Dez he’s not a Muslim, that’s why the BBC didn’t report it. He’s a Sikh.
Dezzie is a master of finding tiny exceptions which “prove the rule”, but on the big issues he is usually silent.
But, personally, I find him one of the most entertaining posters on this website. Always game for a laugh, even if he doesn’t always get the joke !
Here’s one for a laugh, from Jihad Watch. We all know how the BBC always portrays American Fundies as ignorant and stupid. Well here is a piece about the BBC’s favorite religion.
Sudanese cleric blames Shi’ites for toy gun said to insult Muhammad’s wife, Aisha
Sheik Muhammad Al-Amin Ismail: I’ve brought you an example [of toys manufactured by Shiites]. We all hope that the brothers who supervise these products, and their import and export, will ban products such as these. Holds up a toy pistol The sound might not be so clear through the microphone. Why do they do this? Shoots the pistol, which emits shooting sounds and a metallic voice: “Go, go, go. Pull over. Save the hostages.” Sheik Muhammad Al-Amin Ismail: It says: “Shoot ‘Aisha” [the Prophet Muhammad’s wife]. This is for children. “Shoot ‘Aisha.” Pistols. This one costs five Sudanese liras, this one costs seven liras, and there is a large one that costs 20 liras. Again, the sound goes: “Shoot ‘Aisha.” Toy pistol sound: “Go, go, go. Pull over. Save the hostages.” Sheik Muhammad Al-Amin Ismail: “Shoot ‘Aisha.” Until when?
And now the video…..
Occupiers in DC try to storm the Americans For Prosperity’s Ronald Reagan Tribute Dinner event for the Celebrate the American Dream Summit. It tells me I was right to think that the Occupiers I met in Zuccotti Park who were giving out bus tickets to DC were seriously misguided.
Remember, these people think they have a right to do this, that they are merely exercising their right to free speech. And the BBC agrees with them and supports this violent behavior. Why does the BBC remain silent about what’s going on? The best they can do is report about the one incident at the Oakland shipping port.
Anybody at home: The story of the day is Greece, so as usual it seems most of bBC news go on a jolly to Greece. Nolan has gone, Humphries has gone, they talk to their local correspondent. A TV reporter has gone, well he is not on radio, so that’s all right. Given the backup staff, a nice weekend break at taxpayers expense for I would guess 100 people.
any body see
8.20am bbc 1 news, reviews the papers,
“no poppies for england shirts” all o a sudden, our reporter,
well….if ARABS WANTED TO HAVE AN ANTI ISRAEL SLOGAN ON THE SHIRT, THEY WOULD BE PREVENTED WOULDN T THEY,(in a rather brusque & indignant tone)……………..he then repeats the same comment
HELLO! ?? why the inference?? wheres the moral equivalence??
wheres the connection.
virrulent anti semitic hatred.(very high on el beeb agenda) or
trans national respect for memories of WW.1 – 2
and then its off onto climate change drone
all within 5 minutes.
not on iplayer yet
“Why the BBC must dump its greedy pundits”
(by Kelvin Mackenzie)
Read more:
Whilst in Europe this week, I was offered little language choice on the hotel TV system bar BBC World Service.
Fair enough.
Better than nothing.
One thing I noted was them pushing a thing called BBC Global Minds.
Just logged on to sign up, as invited:
Had to laugh at first option offered under ‘Which do you value most about BBC coverage…’
‘1. Its unbiased reporting.’
Helen Boaden moonlighting as a poll question rigg… shaper?
Had to laugh…
‘His answer was that I was wrong, that I had made my mind up in advance, that I did not understand the subtleties of the European construction because I am from an island.’
Tweak a few nouns, and that’s pretty much the default editor comeback for any viewer feedback on Newswatch.
Welcome to our world, Aunty.
Or for a Beeboid reporting on the US.
Will INBBC now clearly recognise that what is going on in Nigeria is violent Islamic jihad continually escalated by BOKO HARAM group against Christians especially, and against the Nigerian state, as part of an enforced war for the Islamisation of Nigeria?
Nigeria’s Boko Haram: “Whomever we kill, we kill because Allah says we should kill and we kill for a reason”
Note: no Islamic jihad perpetrators mentioned in headline:
“Nigeria bomb attacks ‘kill dozens’ in Damaturu”
I need to get out more!
Found myself listening to bits of “Any Questions” last night with little Dimbleby(the one who gets the African junkets, as opposed to the one who gets the Indian ones…two types of BBC elephant metaphor maybe?).
Anyway some prize quack called Richard Horton was the very exemplar…icon if you will…of Beeboid Hivemind!
Delingpole took his logic ad adsurdem and made him look an absolute swab..but I thought I saw the future Director of all things medical at the Beeb once Winston, Miller, Persaud and the rest of the Golden Era of Medical/science talking heads and useful sock puppets commandeer a passing cruise liner and into retirement.
Their pensions will be no problem to anyone but we who`ve ponied up for them!…we will have to go and fish for ours!
I also saw some tripe about Kurt Cobain and his symbiotis relationship to REM. Apparently, his death…and our incalculable loss…began and ended pretty much with Ronald Reagan and the whole Thatcher era.
Millionaires Row…vast drug habits and expensive rehab… own recording rights and record deals borne of enterprise and indendent companies like Geffen/IRS?….Reagan truly made their lives an utter misery ddin`t he?
Still…if we can bundle Curtis, Cobain and Whitehouse together as victims of Big Oil/too small a BBC/not enough socialism…then all will be well with the cliche clouds of noxious gas in their red braces and linen suits(hand made by coolies in Macau , you know!)
Fair comment..
‘Well that’s a shocker. Who could possibly have foreseen that the BBC would choose the left-wing Guardian, one of the lowest circulation newspapers in the country, as a partner in this venture.’
I actually find ‘The Editors’ on par with twitter for gift-giving Beebosity, with often a good calibre of reply slipping through when there seems no obvious way to ban ’em.
I predicty a closing.
How clever of Mark Thompson to find a way to hire a new digital media studies genius without using a penny of the license fee.
Occupy Boston invades and occupies the Israeli Consulate.
“hey hey, Ho ho! Israeli apartheid’s got to go!,” “long live the intifada! Intifada intifada!,” “not another nickel! Not another dime! No more money for Israel’s crimes!,” and “Viva viva Palestina!”
The BBC will never tell you about this, and will swear up and down that these people are non-violent and are frustrated by income inequality.
BBC employees in the US: You are liars and propagandists.
Couldn’t follow link.
Sorry, try this:
The scum at the BBC never miss a chance to use deaths to promote their own agenda do they? The M5 crash is terrible and no one knows the causes yet, but the BBC have already decided that speeding is to blame and that the Government (TORY) policy of raising the speed limit to 80 is wrong and must be stopped (the BBC doesn’t care about the speed itself just another chance to stick one on the Tories) at all costs.
Also, the BBC tells us that road deaths have dropped dramatically over recent years (hint hint Labour were in power proles) but didn’t tell us why, speed cameras? Gordon Brown (well he’s saved the world and the banks) or could it be down to things like road improvements and safer cars?
The BBC doesn’t care it just uses deaths to promote its political agenda.
I am surprised the BBC doesn’t blame Global Warming.
Or the cuts…
You could argue that carnivals should be banned. The roads were very busy because of the Bridgwater Carnival. It does sicken me to hear people use tragic events to push a political view point before any investigation has been carried out. The BBC thrives on conjecture, opinion and propaganda.
To be fair Sky was just as bad. Within the same spiel the reporter said there was thick fog that reduced visibility to zero and that a firework display could have distracted the drivers.
The media are vile, period; but I’m not obliged by law to pay for Sky.
The MSM is truly excelling again. As the M5 tragedy embers still glow, & no one still has a clue what happened, ‘calls for’ from any half wit activist banwagon jumpers based on their pet obsessions are what counts as ‘news’.
Maybe it was the lack of street lighting on the stretch? Equally daft I know. But oddly not an option I’ve heard, as that may not ‘suit’.
I can only presume that when you enter this ‘profession’, any hint of integrity is surgically removed.
Well spoken above!
Only the BBC and its speed freak/safety quangos and the usual patsies would use such an awful tragedy to push their own agendas.
The bodies have not even been counted yet, and these ghouls end up using them all like they did Millie Dowler!
Utterly despicable to find the RSPCA spook on the news talking as if she knew the first thing about it…and the call to ban traditional Somerset events/Bonfire Night/anything not permitted by the BMA/RSPCA/Brake and all the usual vultures.
Surely this lot should be grabbing sparklers from toddlers in buggies as opposed to dare entering the studios without a years notice and risk assessments.
All those cables, flashing lights…and noxious gases, backstrains from carrying their wallets?…
I was expecting to see some swivel eyed loon from BRAKE, Dame Nikki will no doubt wheel them out on Monday.
Oops…believe I meant ROSPA , not the RSPCA…but they`re all the same these days!
Just a thought…but at 8.20 pm I was enduring Jonathan Dimblebys extremely stressful and agitating gobbet of a show on Radio4.
Greening…and some grade A oaf called Horton were aimlessly mulling their nothings-and I think it may well have been a contributory factor in the acccident.
These kind of shows…rush hour Today….weekend getaway Any Questions…maybe should be grounded, pending an enquiry into the correlation between them being braodcast and all these accidents that seem to occur when they pollute the airwaves…serial diesel spills from the BBCs oil tanker need no longer be “acceptable” in this day and age!
The BBC says Israel boards protest boats taking medical aid to Gaza
‘No humanitarian aid found onboard Gaza flotilla’
The irony is that if there had in fact been aid Israel would have delivered it.
Can we expect a BBC correction? Not bloody likely!
And the BBC are at it again. This time over the tosser Brodie Clark who clearly broke the law in ordering staff to waive anyone through immigration they liked.
The BBC have decided that it’s Tory cuts at fault, so cue skidmarked pants Chris Bryant to moan about Tory cuts being the cause, when clearly this was a decision he made without any authority.
No mention of course of WHO got us into the mess over immigration in the first place.
I’m betting that Brodie will be found to be linked to the Labour party, the BBC, the Guardian or other left wing tosspot group.
No doubt if he faces criminal charges (as he should) the BBC/Guardian will support him.
Apparently Clark is a serial incompetent in every job he has had. So he must have been a Labour political appointee.
Best he gets a hefty payoff. £250k plus.
“bet” !
This clip from the Mail tells a lot about this guys dubious history. Question is – on what basis did he attain the posts he did, and why have successive governments kept him in despite his previous cock-ups.
Gordon Brown liked him then, says it all.
Common Purpose? Allegedly, of course.
And now it`s Archive Hour on the radio!
Twenty years after the death of Robert Maxwell seems to have brought out the brave and the bold at the BBC.
Seems that he was serial fantasist who couldn`t see a disaster without hopping a passing helicopter to leave them a soundbite….he had the unions supine and in his rather large pockets…and he fleeced millions of decent people of their pensions.
Alistair Campbell worked for him and the Daily Mirror used the likes of Callaghans son-in-law as his toadies and interns. He also wanted the Labour Party to remain useless, debauched and in his pocket!
Ye Gods…Maxwell turns out to be both Blair and Brown rolled into one!
Oh…here we go…Mossad ran him…45 minutes without blaming Israel for something may be some kind of BBC record!
So Campbell, Greenslade, Brenda Dean…shameless cabs for hire for any crook with a Labour rosette…plus ca change..
Mind you, Cameron is the new Ted Heath I`d say…
When TV began, women were only ever portrayed as perfect wives. “You could not build shows around them,” says America in Primetime executive producer Tom Yellin. “The evolution of the independent woman on television follows women’s evolution in society.” –
Like something straight out of the Guardian…
Yeah, “I Love Lucy” was built around a perfect wife….er…hang on….
…as was The Mary Tyler Moore Show…no…wait…
Some uncritical PR for Labour and the Occupy London movement:
I don’t understand why a protest by a few thousand people in an island with a population of 62 million is deemed so newsworthy…
If official figures say our population is 62 million, I’m guessing it is nearer 68 million.
Andrew Gilligan on BBC-NUJ-Labour chum, LIVINGSTONE:
“Ken Livingstone says Tories should ‘burn in hell for all eternity’ ”
George, what a toss-pot Livingsturd is. I wonder how that kind of ‘grown up’ language would go down in the debates? He does his opponents work for them without realising. Good to have Andrew Gilligan always holding him to account.
Andrew Marr/The politics show.
Every flipping time, what ever the topic it is go to the relavent shadow minister for labours view first.
The BBC are pushing the phrase ‘Tent City’ to describe the St Paul’s crusties. Of course this conveniently circumvents the need to call it ‘Anti-Capitalist’.
Meanwhile, for INBBC: on the Islamic jihad massacres in NIGERIA-
Nigeria: Muslims misunderstood Islam, shouted “Allahu akbar” as they murdered 67 in gun and bomb attacks on churches and police stations
“Modern-day anti-jihadists are fighting for freedom against violent absolutist thugs who justify Islamic violence and array themselves against the freedom of speech and other basic rights. The Leftist/Islamic supremacist Orwellian campaign to demonize anti-jihadists, whitewash jihad, and cast the aggressors as victims is, quite simply, evil. “
Been away for a few days but there seem to have been a lot of major news stories around. So why did ‘Sunday’ with Ed Stourton, for the second week running, waste about half the programme on the concerns of the crusty campers around St. Paul’s? His opening words were:
“The Labour leader Ed Miliband has joined the chorus of warnings that we should take heed of the St. Paul’s protest…We shall devote a substantial section of this programme to asking whether there’s such a thing as a moral market”.
There was a section devoted to which song would best capture the anti-capitalist message, introduced by Ed Stourton with these words:
“The American Civil War gave us ‘The Battle Hymn of the Republic’; the French Revolution gave us the ‘Marseillaise’; and the Labour Party adopted ‘The Red Flag’ as its anthem at its founding. We thought the protestors at St. Paul’s should have a song of their own too…” [What would Kevin Maguire make of that?]
The doubtless carefully-chosen suggestions from the various vox pops all chimed with the sentiments of the protestors (“Money
can’t buy me love”, “The lunatics have taken over the asylum” by Fun Boy Three) and every passer-by seemed to agree with their cause. That is suspiciously unlikely.
Then there was a report by Trevor Barnes from the City of London where various City types were asked to defend the morality of their work, and finally a long discussion with a fund manager, a drippingly liberal Radio 2 ‘Thought for the Day’ bishop and a ‘blue socialist’ academic – a typical bit of BBC panel-stacking (towards the Left).
It wouldn’t be ‘Sunday’ if there wasn’t at least one mention of the child abuse scandal in the Roman Catholic Church. This week it came during a beeboid-on-beeboid discussion of the Irish Government’s decision to close its Embassy to the Holy See. If that wasn’t enough grim news for the Catholic Church (and it seems that ‘Sunday’ can never give us enough bad news about the Catholic Church), there was a report from Poland on the rise of an anti-clerical party in Poland “at the expense of the Roman Catholic Church” – though this enthusiasm may also have been prompted by the same party [the libertarian Palikot’s Movement] having got a transsexual elected to the Polish parliament for the first time, about which Adam Easton’s report made a big deal. [Checking out the BBC website’s reporting of the Polish elections shows them keen to talk about this party and its pro-gay rights, pro-drugs liberalisation, pro-abortion agenda. Oddly, they fail to mention its pro-business, low-flat-rate-taxation policies. Not being interested in them, do they just not notice them?].
We also got a tribute to a leading British Salafi muslim, killed in a bus fire in Saudi Arabia, from his friend and fellow British Salafi, Abu Khadeejah. I thought Salafis were supposed to be the extremest of the extreme – so extreme that even the BBC uses perjorate terms (like ‘conservative’) about them – but, from this interview, it seems I couldn’t have been more wrong. Salifis are anti-extremist nice guys. Apparently.
Usual stuff for ‘Sunday’.
Thanks for listening on our behalves Craig!
1.Catholics…word association test=child abuse.
2.Saudi Arabia=religion of peace.
3.St Pauls lot=only living the way that Paul should have written out on a Green Party flyer.
4.Capitalism=useful only in as far as it carries the BBC/public sector-and thus prevents the need for them to ever fuss about how they might have to actually work for a living.
5.Free speech=only if it props up or defends the BBC chosen positions or narratives.
All I need is one more classic posture re religion and I could create three pantomine horses from the above five ends of the above.
Still… Points of View spikier than I remembered it re their residual bias…and Glan Campbell on Songs of Praise was good tonight, so a couple of reasons to be cheerful
I echo CJ’s sentiments Craig. Thanks for listening to all this stuff on our behalf. You’re willing to go the extra mile and face down BBC horrors the rest of us can only imagine. You’re like the Biased BBC equivalent of John Wayne storming the machine gun post in Sands of Iwo Jima!
The Sunday programme with its anti-Christianity agenda in general and anti-Catholic agenda in particular would make the old Soviet anti-religious propagandists blush.
New Pat Condell.
There is only one Pat Condell. If he didn’t exist, we would have to invent him !
I notice that this video has 4,702 likes, and 745 dislikes. The 745 however have the backing of the BBC and as such have access to a worldwide propaganda organisation.
And this morning on Radio 5 Listeners, Anita The Chin Anand will be broadcasting live from outside St Pauls.
Alternatively, while The Chin is ‘taking a sideways look’ you may wish to watch paint dry, wood warp, or glass weep.
If you go to the Radio 5 Listeners website and click ‘The Best Bits’, nothing comes up.
BBC taxpayers fund another pointless world BBC-NUJ ‘survey’:
“Rich world ‘pessimistic’ but developing world ‘upbeat'”
‘David Cameron has said the UK will give more to the IMF, but the money must not support a eurozone bailout.’ –
The BBC needs to be a bit more critical about this.
It could be that the Treasury has £40 billion burning a hole in its pocket, and fancied pledging it to the IMF. But there’s a voice at the back of my head that makes me wonder if some of this money might be going towards bailouts…
I’m probably being paranoid – I’m sure the timing is entirely co-incidental…
Cameron is just as sleazy as all the other EU ” leaders “. Is he stupid or dishonest or both ?
Both. Without question.
He has that awful flaw of believing that he ‘gets it’ and you don’t.
In the same way that he ‘got it’ about Andy NOTW, his cast-iron EC-referendum guarantee, his ‘I love the NHS’, his ‘Big Society’ and all the other stuff that he ‘gets’ and you don’t.
Mr Cameron keeps saying that Britain has never lost money through lending to the IMF.
To reassure the British people, I think he should remortgage his house and lend the proceeds to the IMF…
Despite having the usual left-wing bias in its guest selection, ‘Dateline London‘ with Gavin Esler was a bit better this week, with Eurofanatic Marc Roche encountering considerable resistance to his absurd ‘nothing to see here’ defence of the Eurozone (“There is no crisis,” he began) and some interesting disagreements over Iran and its nuclear programme.
The bias kicked in again when Gavin Esler turned to the most left-wing panelist, Guardianista Isabel Hilton, and asked her about “the eurosceptics within the Conservative Party who see this as apparently some great opportunity to renegotiate the British terms of being part of the EU.” As regular ‘Dateline’ viewers would expect, Isabel expressed her concern that this was “a great danger for the United Kingdom”. Esler interrupted her, not to counter her point of view but to put Marc Roche’s similar point (“which is a fair one”, according to the ‘impartial’ Esler) “that if 50% of your trade is with one bloc and you have no say in it, which would be that future, that makes things potentially quite difficult.” No surprises for guessing that Isabel Hilton agreed, and went further, “Absolutely, it will be extremely difficult, not only for that.” No one put the other side of the argument.
So no-one mentioned that the UK has a very large trade deficit with the EU and that is the main point ? Mind you none of them probably knows what “trade deficit ” means. Ask Steph, she can explain it to them !
As John Redwood put it, there are millions of jobs in China that depend entirely on trade to EU countries, but as China is not in the EU these jobs presumably should not exist. It’s a facile argument that should be easily derided if the right person were to ever be invited on that show.
‘Broadcasting House‘ discussed the Tobin Tax. First we heard the views of a few “anti-capitalist protesters”, then Paddy O’Connell talked to the left-wing economist Professor James Galbraith, son of “the legendary” [Paddy’s words’] J.K. Galbraith, about Tobin himself. So a broad spectrum of purely left-wing opinion then.
This was followed by a report from Cambridge, where A-level students were competing in a economics computer modelling game to simulate running the British economy over a ten year period. Ed Balls would have enjoyed this report. Paddy guided the listener through the game, spinning it in a very political way through the use of some highly loaded language.
The first team “cut government spending but did little to stimulate anyone else to spend”. A recession resulted! “As the bad results come in, Plan B is born”, said Paddy. So they increased government spending. We didn’t learn what happened next, but as another team was announced as the winner maybe Plan B didn’t turn out as planned. Paddy O’Connell wasn’t saying. He did talk of another “Plan B” though, this time over VAT. Paddy spelled it out for us, as a 3% rise in VAT (uh-oh!) had to be reversed by 1%. Again what happened next, Paddy again wasn’t saying – but I note this team didn’t win either. What won it for the winning team was “increasing the money supply”, according to Paddy, who prompted the children to agree. The inventor of the game. Prof. Tony Cockerill, gave another explanation as to why the winning team won (they balanced tax and spending and had some spare capacity in the economy) and, in passing, mentioned that the other teams had all over-heated the economy, suggesting to me that their Ballsian solutions hadn’t turned out too well after all.
This whole thing sounded like a Labour treasury spokesman spinning a story rather than an ‘impartial’ BBC presenter telling us what really happened. Then that’s Paddy O’Connell for you.
Next up was a feature on how great radio is, quoting various people praising…the BBC (Radio 4 is “a benign presence” was one quote). Former hostage and BBC Radio 4 presenter John McCarthy loves the BBC. David Holliday, yachtsman, loves the ‘Today’ programme. David Walton, British Antartic Survey, loves the BBC World Service. So a piece supposedly about how great radio is ended up entirely being about how great the BBC is. It was an extended advert.
Besides the amusingly unfocused comedian Jimoein, there were two former beeboids on the panel – former Radio 4 controller of BBC Radio 4 Mark Damazer and former BBC presenter/reporter Bénédicte Paviot (now of France 24) – and they drew almost all their stories from the ‘Observer’ and the ‘Independent on Sunday’.
There was some fascinating testimony on starvation from a doctor who survived the Warsaw ghetto though, plus a mildly amusing James Bond story, still this week’s programme generally lived well down to its usual standards.
Sgt Stryker takes another hit on behalf of the platoon.
The children probably think, if the money supply is increased enough, we will all be millionaires. I mean, increasing the suppy of money sounds like a good idea, doesn’t it ?
Compare and Contrast these BBC reports and features on a “rise of Islamophobia” in the US:
Beyond Belief – Oct. 4, 2010
In this programme Ernie Rea and his guests explore the history and place of Islam in America, following recent tensions over plans to build an Islamic cultural centre close to Ground Zero in New York. Confusion over whether the building will be a mosque or a community centre have fuelled suspicions over the motivation of those behind the plans and given rise to a wave of Islamophobia across the USA. In the countdown to the mid-term elections in November, is such anti-Muslim rhetoric politically motivated or are Americans having a long overdue conversation about the place of Islam in their society?
Brooklyn mosque row reflects wider tensions
Debbie Almontaser, of the Muslim Consultative Network, a group advising Sheepshead Bay Muslims, says Muslim Americans will stand up for those rights against what she calls a national epidemic stemming from Islamophobia.
Assignment: American and Muslim – Sept. 26, 2010
America’s Muslim minority is coming under considerable pressure these days.
They are experiencing attacks, verbal and at times physical, on their mosques and on the Koran, and from politicians using anti-Islamic sentiment in their election campaigns.
Many young Muslims in the United States feel isolated
The rise in anti-Islam rhetoric in the United States is making many of the country’s young Muslims feel isolated.
With these BBC reports and features about the rise of anti-Semitism in the US:
Oh, wait…sorry, there aren’t any. The BBC has censored all news of it, as usual. Well done, Simon Wilson and Matthew Davis. Fortunately, other news outlets have more human decency than the BBC.
el beeb and their islamo-faux-bia,pipe dream on the concocted phenom, the lie intended to deceive, the totally false concept.
The term “Islamophobia” a crock for two reasons. The first is the fact that it is a deliberate attempt to conflate criticism of a belief-system with hatred of a people for the colour of their skin. Thus “Islamophobia” deviously attempts to be allied with the real horrors of racism.
But “Islamophobia” is also a nonsense term – though this is a far less popular aspect to point out because a “phobia” is an “irrational fear”. “Claustrophobia” is irrational because enclosed spaces tend not to kill you. Being scared of small rooms is irrational. Exaggerated and faked stories abound in journalism. But despite this, and as a mounting death-toll asserts, there are a considerable number of reasons to be fearful of some aspects/versions of Islam. Women, gay men and Jews have particular reason to be fearful. As do commuters in major European cities and continental film-directors. It’s not “phobic” to be worried about Islam.
It is eminently rational.
That is why the Fake term Islamophobia is so dangerous, el beeb, just like all other islamic propagandists, are both morally, and intellectually bankrupt
‘Miliband issues St Paul’s warning‘ was, amazingly, the second story on the BBC News website when I got up this morning. (Why would that be?) Just as remarkably, it’s still near the top of the running order, in 4th place, as I’m about to go to bed. So many big new stories from around the world today and yet Ed’s deep thoughts stay near the top of the BBC’s news agenda all day (now joined by Wallace and Gromitt, 3rd place).
Strange organisation, the BBC.
Got to be a Beebias Index here Graig.
Time of day, presenter bias brought to bear in advance, choice of items,% interruptions( as opposed to Eslerprompts etc).
The graphs would speak for themselves.
If we set Laurie Taylor and his bloody sons at B.I of 100…and Toynbee as infinite limits (theoretical ones)…we could rank these rankers so we know who`s getting the Beeb Brown Nosing Award.
Heard a bit of Points of View and Feedback…people saying what we say about wasted money and biased reports do get a soundbite.
But Vine and Bolton see it only as “jury being out”,” two sides and who`s to say?”…and in the end it`s all down to the savage cuts.
Watson & Crick.
Miliband & Boaden.
Labour & BBC.
Inextricably, inexplicably entwined.