George here and welcoming you to a new week here at Biased BBC. I think a new Open Thread is in order so perhaps you would like to tell me what is annoying you with BBC coverage?
“I’m a little alarmed, however, to see Petrossa referring us to “Biased BBC” as though this outlet were itself a scrupulously honest and unbiased source of information about anything. It, too, is a propaganda outlet, in this case for pro-Israel, anti-Palestine propaganda, as a quick check of their claimed numbers of complaints about that issue will reveal – a truly unbiased account of the BBC’s output suggests that their figures are precisely the wrong way round. Trust none of ‘em. Even if you happen to agree with a part of what they’re saying, you’ll get sucked into the rest of their propaganda if you don’t pause to do a bit of cool, impartial analysis yourself.”
Most other comments hardly complimentary to Black
I can’t tell what he means there. Maybe he’s saying that most complaints about the BBC is that they are pro-Israel, which makes us totally wrong?
In any case, I fail to see what Israel has to do with Warmism. Unless he’s like Dez and Scott and a certain Newsnight producer who decide that one error discredits hundreds of accurate statements. Also, I notice that Steve C. doesn’t seem to have the balls to come here and debate anything.
It is an odd tack to take on a forum that treasures facts over poorly constucted tribal associations, especially ones that have zero to do with the topic at hand.
R4 Today John Humphries. Interviewing a union rep about the immigration row at the moment. While following a line of questions; rather than saying at what level was it sanctioned, he said ‘so it was ordered by the minister’. Luckily the female union rep put him straight that it is unknown at the moment, but he did not know what she was going to say.
The point being he should be inquiring not stating speculation as fact.
Didn’t you think she was very good, though? She answered the questions directly and clearly. Very refreshing indeed; makes you realise what a bunch of lying, deceiving cowards we have as politicians.
A “professional revolutionary” was how he described himself in court….lovingly, even longingly reported back to the helots here in the UK by “our BBC”!
Al least we all know now what the BBC/Guardian mean when they refer to their” PR” operations and departments from now on.
A wiser man than me asked how low the BBC would go in pursuit of their agendas…Millie Dowler, M5 crash as used by ROSPA etc…and my impression is that they go as low as to “get alongside” their victim or vulnerable pet cause of the day..but never exactly into the gutter with them.
Hence the You and Yours article regarding white cider and its taxing. Cue Caroline Lucas-Green and therefore good. Cue also some peddlar of antifreeze from big Pharma…or a rep from the drinks industry if we HAVE to stick to facts.
You`ll not be surprised at the others ranged against this wifebeating suit…some Scottish Health rep and the usual skip full of victims who couldn`t possibly have had any choices in turning to the fragile victims of Mister Booze PLC.
Let`s put a whacking tax on Mouton Cadets from 1963 on….assorted up scale Riojas…any vino from Tuscany or within 100 miles of Polly Toynbees house…and let`s see how these mindrotting dupes are costing us a fortune with out license fees!
Next item…why oh why is the Church not shafting the rich fat bankers(pt94)…after all it invests with Mammon, it is rich and irrelevant except for its tired cliched sermons…it is the problem and not the cause.
Swap Church for BBC and it`s exactly the same…but that would not get past the Now Shows editorial committees would it?
Still vogue and pose, smile and wave…the BBC oil tanker smarms and drfits aimlessly around its rocks…yet they`re using IOUs from us to burn whilst their cruising and slumming it with the poor continues…
Have noticed that the bBC cannot leave the St Paul’s nutters alone. The story has not changed in days but they still persist in going there and interviewing them ad nauseum. Could it be that bBC is wanting to deliver it’s masters message ‘it’s all the bankers fault’ and not linger on that it was all Labours fault for spending ‘toomuch too often’ surely not!
Yes…the bankers eh?
The first role of Government is to provide security and stability for its people.
The last Labour lot debauched absolutely anything and everything it was able to ooze its wounds around, and yet the BBC seem to have selective, Saunders-like Alzheimers…onset May7th 2010.
To ask any of the current shadowshite anything other than …we want our money back…how do we shoot you out of a cannon to the Hague…and how best to string each one of you up along your own Olympic route to remind the world what you did to this nation…well that is ALL I need to know from Labour!
All the Beeb seem to ask is…how do we get you back into those limos we`re keeping warm for you!
Yes Grant, the sight of Keith Vaz touring the TV studios telling us all of his (sudden) concern really slaps you in the face. He even had the audacity to say that this issue was so important because immigration is all a question of numbers!!!!!! From those that brought us mass immigration via an open door policy and silenced any opposition with howls of racism, this opposition-based conversion to strict border control really sticks in the throat.
How the bbC lies in which to promote its Eco message. Tuna fished ‘illegally’ during Libya conflict Evidence is emerging of unregulated and probably illegal tuna fishing in Libyan waters during this year’s conflict. Signals recorded from boats’ electronic “black boxes” show a large presence inside Libyan waters, a major spawning ground for the endangered bluefin tuna.Several strands of evidence, including a letter from a former industry source, suggest the involvement of EU boats… After the Libyan civil conflict began in February, Ms Damanaki’s office was set to request a suspension of all tuna fishing in Libyan waters, given that the breakdown in governance made regulation difficult. Misrata, a tuna-fishing base, saw bloody fighting early in the Libyan civil conflict On 7 April, Libyan authorities, in one of a series of letters obtained by BBC News, told Iccat that because of the “recent and exceptional circumstances” they were going to suspend all tuna fishing in their waters voluntarily. Three weeks later, Libya sent another letter to Iccat cancelling the suspension, without citing its reasons.
So the bBC’s resident eco warrior ‘Black the hack’ reports on how EU boats have been plundering the seas off Libya during the recent conflict with Gadiffi. Here is what Black doesn’t mention in his Pro Gaia article from May of this year: Libya Opens Up Waters For Bluefin Tuna Fishing, Threatening Species Recovery Plans As NATO forces assist rebel forces in attempting to oust Muammar Gaddafi, Libya has opened up its waters to bluefin fishing. And as WWF and Greenpeace point out in a dual statement, there’s no agreed upon regulation plan and no effective monitoring of what may happen there.
And: Plans for illegal fishing in Libyan waters unveiled International conservation organisations WWF and Greenpeace have called for the forthcoming industrial purse-seine bluefin tuna fishing season in the Mediterranean Sea to be suspended. The groups, advocating for the rescue of the iconic fish species, the restoration of the Mediterranean marine environment and a centuries-old fishing industry, sent an urgent request to members of the organisation meant to manage the fishery – the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT). The call follows a late intervention from Libya that it will now allow fishing in its waters despite having no agreed fishing plan for the season. This would make any fishing activity by Libyan fleets illegal, according to ICCAT rules. The current unrest in Libya means there is no chance of effective monitoring and enforcement of the fishery in its waters, risking fatally undermining an internationally agreed recovery plan for the severely overfished species.There are reports that several Libyan vessels, legally unauthorized to fish for bluefin, have left Malta bound for Libyan waters. Greenpeace and WWF share the belief that ICCAT member states should have prevented their departure.
Deuced odd, this borders/immigration thing.
Just had people’s favourite rentagob, Chris ‘Pants of Fire’ Bryant’ gracing our screens, alluding to oodles but not quite stating anything save what serves the 24/7 ratings/agenda maw’s need for ‘questions being asked’.
I was struck by one ‘tale’ he was told by an officer, showing an interesting bond that operates between civil servants of all hues, from security to opposition ministers to our mighty media.
And that was he ‘may have let in some dodgy folk who could have been terrorists’… because of government cuts.
<pause>…. <rewind>…
Er… did Chris, or our market rate talents not stumble a bit on the notion of this country’s border defences being in the hands of jobsworths who ‘may have let in a terrorist’ in ‘cos his shift was up?
Nothwithstanding the immigration Horlicks created by Mr. Bryant’s co-conspirators, letting this weasel capitalise of the consequences show where our MSM has sunk.
Now it seems Ms. May has flat out denied today’s gossip, and if correct then the BBC has been complict in a false rumour job with one if its favourite rentagobs.
Two entities whose credibility are well and truly shot. They were made for each other.
And did anyone see the wet lettuce Conservative MP – I forget his name – sitting beside Pantsman on The Daily Politics and bleating There is virtually nothing we can do about the EU ones?
For crying out loud! Is the man a helpless baby? There are loads of provisions in the EU rules that can be invoked on grounds of threat to security, social cohesion or the economic state of the country or whatever. Derogations can be sought and granted. What do you think we have a UK Representative in Brussels for? MEPs, Ministerial Councils? if not to represent what we want. Ever think of that, MP?
Did it never occur to him that there is no point in being in the EU if we just act all supine instead of shaping it and ensuring any necessary changes in rules so that we damn well can do something about “EU” criminals and terrorists? Otherwise, we can be overrun by criminals, terrorists and fraudsters who just managed some crooked means to get EU papers and rights. Grrr…he made me so mad. What is the point of these people being in Parliament or government if they haven’t got a spine or an idea?
We should just do what we want and stuff the EU. We have a trade deficit with the other countries, we are a net contributor and the worst that can happen is that we get expelled. What a trgedy that would be.
We hold all the cards, but our politicians don’t have any balls.
The long range weather forecast for Winter, care of the man from Asda on the BBC.
Snowfall at the end of November with flurries in December and then heavy snowfall and a harsh winter in the new year.
At last we got a reliable long-range weather forecast from the BBC. It came from the man from Asda on the BBC documentary “Will it Snow?” which is repeated tonight. The BBC did not interview any commercial weather forecaster but they did mention their existence and interviewed a man from Asda who presumably uses the Met Office forecast for a week ahead, beyond that the Met Office is fucked up by ideology, so the man from Asda presumably uses the long range forecast from Weatheraction. Asda and Weatheraction are commercial businesses that cannot afford to indulge in the warmist ideology of the BBC and Met Office. But it seams that the Met Office and therefore the BBC is being dragged into the real world by Piers Corbyn with Met Office recognition of the roll of UV radiation in weather. No mention of Cosmic Rays and Cloud Albedo . The BBC said it was not possible to predict long range weather, but then said that the Met Office was predicting a mild winter again. They also said that some scientists are predicting we are in for a period of warming, but they did not say that these scientists believe that manmade carbon dioxide rules climate. And typical of BBC bias, they did not mention scientists predicting a cooling using the scientific method of calculating t
he speed of the centre of the sun relative to the centre of mass of the solar system which then determines the length of the solar cycle which in turn is caused by the orbits of the Planets and which is how it is predicted that we are in for a long period of Global Cooling.
The problem with the Met Office is that it appointed Robert Napier Chairman. Napier is the fanatical uber-warmist who, as Chief Executive, turned the World Wildlife Fund into WWF, the climate change propagandist organisation.
Napier is the last man on the planet that should have been put into the Met Office post. So naturally the Government who funds the Met Office appointed a Climate Change Loyalist who could be guaranteed to cover their back as the whole warming lie unravelled. Not unlike putting Chris Patten into Chair the BBC.
And they think we can’t see their invisible hand at work…
Funny how the BBC is suddenly dedicated to finding out what happened with all those non-EU immigrants getting incorrectly fast-tracked through the system now that there’s a Conservative Home Secretary. Back when tens of thousands of “students” went missing from the visa rolls, the BBC wasn’t so interested in pointing fingers.
I noticed something similar with regard to what appears to be the only Cable article concerning his recent negligence on the Beeb website. Notice the headline and opening paragraph Vince Cable sorry for confidential letters left in bins Vince Cable has apologised “unreservedly” after confidential documents were discovered in bins left outside his constituency office. Just to make sure the public are aware that ‘Cable is a real stand up guy, who takes responsibility for his actions, even when wrong, and owns up – expressing full regret’. Not even a mention in the article that just a week ago he was penalised by the taxman for failing to pay up to £25,000 in VAT – and this is the UK Business secretary. I mean here’s a guy just begging to be kicked from hell to high water. I also notice no Conservative viewpoint on his conduct in the article.
What’s the difference between the way the BBC portray him, and if he would have been a Conservative? The Conservative would have simply been guilty of gross negligence, and questions would have been raised if he could continue to do his job. Moral is: Cable = Responsible – responsible people keep their jobs. Guilty people get fired or worse.
As an example, contrast this with the way the BBC presents Theresa May over the immigration debacle. Theresa May: Numbers of unchecked at UK borders unknown Home Secretary Theresa May has admitted she does not know how many people came into the UK without proper checks.
How would she know? If the head of the UK Border Agency relaxes passport controls off his own back, how can a minister posssibly know how many people have come in illegally? In fact no one at all would know. If you open the gates and turn your back how can you count them?
The BBC do not seem to have any common sense at all.
If this story was about a Conservative politician, I’d expect it to feature in Radio 5’s half hourly news bulletins.
Chuka Umunna: The Shadow Business Secretary is a rising star in the Labour Party. A Labour frontbencher who has led the attacks on ‘tax avoiders’ in the City is at the centre of controversy after it was revealed his £1 million family home was funded from a tax haven.
So I tuned in this lunchtime. Radio 5 was a Chuku-free zone. I’d be interested to know if anyone has heard the story aired anywhere on the BBC. While I was tuned in to Radio 5, in one bulletin I did hear that David Amess MP (Conservative) denies that there was anything wrong with his expense claims.
Could the BBC’s failure to report this have anything to do with the fact that one of Umunna’s advisers is Diane Coyle – vice-chair of the BBC’s Board of Governors and wife of BBC technology correpondent Rory Cellan-Jones? See Robin Horbury’s recent post Rotten to the Core.
David Miliband just gave the BBC a talking point I bet you’re going to hear all week. He said that Cameron’s complaining about a “lack of leadership” in Europe is proof that his stance on keeping the EU at arm’s length is a mistake, that Britain now has no key influence in a time of crisis, and trying to get some sovereignty back is the wrong approach.
Of course because the one eyed loon from Fife saved the world. Then of course the BBC were pushing for Tony Bliar to be the EU President and for Gordon Brown ot be the boss of the IMF.
Luckily no one listens to the shite pumped out by the BBC.
The BBC have captioned this photograph as Fishing boats in Gaza have to operate within three nautical miles of the shore. I don’t recall Gaza with two enormous smokestacks nor could I find them in photographs. Does any one know Gaza sufficiently to confirm or deny that this is Gaza. Alternatively, can anyone recognise this picture as coming from another location?
Radio 5 was in fine form this morning, as I predicted at the weekend Dame Nikki just couldn’t wait to get stuck into the Tories over the 80mph speed limit.
Rather than have a broad debate over motorway safety all Campbell wanted on the phone in was Tories Tories Tories.
Then we got Vikki Pollard and the bleating of the BBC over the pikey scum at Dale Farm, NO ONE CARES ABOUT THE PIKEYS BBC, get it yet?
I have not noticed anything on the BBc about Iran and it’s bomb. Seems to be news everywhere else in the world.
Even a cursory look at the internet confirms this.
Probably not part of a ratings driven agenda for our premier news organisation.
When the ME literally explodes I suppose the BBC will at last cover it.
An unworthy thought is that as Israel is the nation primarily threatened the BBC has no interest.
Not wanting the other far-left Parties (or should that be Party) to feel left out, I’ve put something together for them too. I’m delighted to inform BBBC readers that they’ll be the first to witness my new master-piece. As you’ll see, I’ve managed to keep the quality just as low as the previous one:
I had to laugh at Gene Simmons (KISS) being interviewed this evening on the OneShow, on fine form and full of opinions. One being that the NHS would become better is parts of it where privatised and capitalism allowed to improve service in a competitive environment.
The dumstruck faces of the Beebiods were a picture. Not sure Gene will be invited back. 😀
Good for Gene Simmons!
Gets the John Malkovich Award for being rich and intelligent as well as discerning beyond reason.
Especially given the whole cultural pressure to play the rebel and live as the hypocrite.
Always get the idea that Alice Cooper has a similar independence of mind…hope it`s true, because I`m hard pressed to think of many!
Johhny Ramone was a committed Republican and member of the NRA.
But John Lydon takes some beating:
“If Elvis-fucking-Costello wants to pull out of a gig in Israel because he’s suddenly got this compassion for Palestinians, then good on him… But I have absolutely one rule, right? Until I see an Arab country, a Muslim country, with a democracy, I won’t understand how anyone can have a problem with how they’re treated.”
Yes, I remember Mr Lydon and Costellos playing to the Guardian gallery.
I too rated Costello in his prime, but he`s a typical leftlib stooge…early drunken racist outbursts now safely forgotten as he puts the old country right from Vancouver!
On several BBC threads, especially supposedly ‘tech’ ones like Rory ‘My Mrs is the boss’ Cellan-Jones, there are often posts asking why there is a near monopoly (another one) on Apple product PR over news.
From what is emerging in media less carefully controlled, wheeling out Watson is like turning up a first night red carpet do in a Spanish Basura wagon that has been left in the sun for a week.
But oen supposes even they have to give it a few minutes until they can bring back Prescott, so everything is relative.
And to have made it their lead item too!! ‘Newsnight’ made out it was their own story, but was it? Nick Davies claims exactly the same story as a ‘Guardian’ “exclusive”. Are they co-operating to flog this dead horse again?
Paxos never as brave as when he can sneer at those who don`t get his schtick.
His views on Italians and Greeks were typical public school Flashman crap like a sour pantomine dame.
Maybe someone with the data can work out how many man-hours have been frittered on this Murdoch story and draw the inverse relevance graph needed to what is actually of value to those of us in real like down here.
Tom Watson, Roger Harrabin, Stephanie Flanders….does ANYONE give a fig about their views on anything, what with their track records?
Oh…heard Susan Watts mention a brainstrom at Cardiff University in regard of mental illness…thought the Guardian didn`t like that…anyone know where Marjorie Wallace and SANE can be contacted?…
Aww, give Paxman a break. After all, he’s the poster boy for Income Inequality at the BBC. All the highbrow, high quality work he does, and there’s a greedy football commenter who makes 50% more money. Gotta love how the BBC places value on labor.
Yes, it is quite legal , but HMRC have been trying to tackle it for years. The politicians and journalists do the same for their freelance income so not much political will to deal with it. Surprise, surprise !
Paxman is a typical bully – calculates carefully and chooses a safe, weak target at which to aim a kick while making sure not to offend any person or group that would get him into the slightest spot of bother.
As for that smug and self-righteous Tom Watson, every time I see or hear him, I want to throw things. Isn’t he one of the Brownite thugs?
That’s a Greek island full of lazy people, isn’t it?<img src=”extra/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/img/smiley-laughing.gif” title=”Laughing” border=”0″ alt=”Laughing”/>
I predict that Taunton Rugby Club is about to feel the wrath of the BBC. Why?
1. Rugby is a bit more middle-class than other sports.
2. Taunton is unlikely to get the leftists ‘diversity’ tick, especially in light of 1. above; the membership is likely to be as ‘hideously white’ as a BBC management seminar.
3. They didn’t have permission from the council for their bonfire/firweworks display; the fact that they didn’t need it, is, of course, irrelevant; socialist dogma demands that you need permission from the govt to do anything.
4. They “offered prayers” for those affected by the crash. Uh-oh! This is fatal. The only way to have ameliorated the effects of 1-3 would have been to offer recitations from the Koran.
I sense it’s ‘target locked’ at Broadcasting House…
Apparently Sarkozy and Obama left their mics on after their press conference in Cannes last Thursday and were overheard by the press pack slagging off Netanyahu. When officials realised they asked journos not to report the incident and scandalously they agreed:
The surprising lack of coverage may be explained by a report alleging that reporters present at the event were requested to sign an agreement to keep mum on the subject of the embarrassing comments.
A member of the media confirmed Monday that “there were discussions between journalists and they agreed not to publish the comments due to the sensitivity of the issue.”
He added that while it was annoying to have to refrain from publishing the information, the journalists are subject to precise rules of conduct.
Given the number of BBC hacks in Cannes last week it’s almost impossible to think that none of them were present when this happened. Agreeing not to report something just to save the blushes of Sarko and Obama was an utterly spineless thing for a journalist to do. I’m going to see if I can get any sort of BBC response on Twitter, though I’m not hopeful.
But then, democracy, free speech and the 4th estate representing the public interest is so l’année dernière.
Off to a free, non-uniquely funded series of news outlets to find out what our national treasure, spoksperson for the people broadcast monopoly can no longer be trusted to.
Yes, this looks like another of those stories where you think ‘Thank God for the internet!’
It seems to have spread from a French website (Arret sur images) to an Israeli one (Ynet) and then been taken up by several American blogs (Hot Air, RedState, Newsbusters, Politico, Daily Beast) before, finally, beginning to seep into the MSM (the main Israeli newspapers, the New York Post, a New York Times blog, Time, the Australian, a few Arab papers).
Wonder when the BBC will get round to reporting Obama and Sarkozy’s bitching?
It’s all the fault of the French, apparently. Sarkozy, as you can see from the headline, is the one embarrassed by the story – not Obama (who was too busy “taking Mr Sarkozy to task”). The media silence issue is purely a French matter too, apparently (“For several days there was media silence in France about the exchange – a decision had been taken not to embarrass the French president, our correspondent says.”)
So no non-French journos involved in the cosy deal to keep quiet about the comments?
…and the caption beneath the photo of Sarko and Obama reinforces the main message of the article: “The comments – embarrassing for President Sarkozy – have only just emerged”.
So, not even slightly embarrassing for President “You may be sick of him, but me, I have to deal with him every day” Obama? Apparently not!!
I believe the BBC’s response falls under ‘crisis management’, but in the spirit of 0:10 they have managed by this ‘coverage’ to only dig a deeper credibility hole.
Well, from the BBC logo at the top of this video on the BBC website, it looks as if a BBC cameraman was there. Surely not without a BBC reporter or two?
SkytwitiusTim MarshallYnet is quoting Arret Sur Images which says mics picked up comments but as they were private media didnt report them.
Yes, one can see how that might be the case. What’s the term.. oh, yes… ‘Watertight Oversight’* (copyright R. Black. BBC)*Caveat – unless it’s an entity we don’t like/are not invested in, in which case it’s gloves off and ‘sources who say’ ho!
Just looked through the Sky and Guardian liveblogs from last Thrusday and as far as I can tell there was only one Sarko/Obama press conf – the one in the morning when they arrived. I would be surprised if the BBC didn’t have more journos present than any other news org, and the idea that not one of them heard the microphone exchange seems highly unlikely to me.
People are wondering in which language this exchange took place? They doubt Sarko speaks English and Obama Français.
At least Yo Blair! didn’t involve a language barrier. Or an agreement to keep quiet. These pesky mics.
Even though they’re pretending to be shocked, the BBC are gloating. (Sarko is indiscreet but Obama is just like us.)
There’s no doubt the BBC loves the sentiment esxpressed. Its Middle East correspondents in particular don’t hide their dislike of Bibi very well at all.
Here’s a photo taken by BBC producer Stuart Hughes in Cannes showing BBC diplomatic correspondent James Robbins and cameraman Anthony Clifford editing a piece for Thursday’s One O’Clock News. Footage of the Obama/Sarkozy press conference is visible on their screens. I wonder if either of them heard the open mic comments.
The BBC website says that the exchange indicates a “breakdown of trust ” in Bibi. But, no question as to why Bibi should trust slime like Sarkozy or Obama.
Given the history for this kind of thing, surely two of the most powerful brains in the world, and their entourages of fluff dusters, would surely by now only have done this on purpose?
Just, maybe, they are so thick and isolated that, along with the media rushing to ‘protect’ them, it has all totally backfired.
What the bbc ‘suggests’ is ‘indicated’ being more a matter of going with the exact reverse these days.
Maybe, on this basis, they should be compelled to pay me £145.50pa simply for misrepresenting the country I am proud of so badly?
Journalists at the bilateral press conference had been handed translation boxes but had been told not to plug in their headphones until the backroom conversation had finished. But those who did heard the revealing comments.
I smell a rat. Telling journalists not to plug their headphones in because they might overhear a private conversation? Pull the other one.
What, no Labour Party talking points today Nicky? Skidmarks Bryant not pushing phonehacking this week? No proposals to expand the state – don’t you agree that if people had to buy a licence for new shoes then in Leicestershire alone half a million blisters a year might be avoided?
Oh I see, you think we are interested in Michael Jackson. What angle to take? How does a corporation stuffed with self-important hypocritical champagne socialists tackle this one? I know, separate the ‘great art’ from the flawed man!
If the BBC correspondent(s) was not aware of this at time of the incident he/she has aware of it for four days. The BBC has a journalistic responsibility to update the article with this information.
One of the Toady Toadies today said that “even Christine Lagarde at the IMF wants Silvio to go”.
DSK isn`t Italian is he?…and if the IMF are seen as “an alternate” voice re the Euro fiasco, that really shows how shallow the meme pool is at the BBC…and as incestuous and crony-lite as the gene pool then.
All these brave media Johnnies that indulged Silvio as long as he let Blair get a freebie…or smirked at Gadhaffis harmless pretentions when Tony went a beggin`…seem to have found an old pair of Ruperts dentures. They now seem to want to bite all those hands that once tickled their tummies and left out some finger buffets for the accompanying hacks from the BBC etc.
Still…unelected governments of national salvation/unity etc installed by Fuhrergram from Berlin…comprising well groomed snake oil types unelectable at home, but well greased by Brussels…libleft technocrats that once held Lagardes handbag or disposed of DSKs spent tissues?…Hitler and Mussolini could only look up from hell and smile.
One Volk(coming)…one Euro( ve haf vays!)…and one Eurovision that will no longer be inclined to merely let Wogans jibes remain as its final judge.
No doubt the BBC will cosy up to the coming Eurodiktatorprinzip just as easily as when it produced “Protect and Survive”…as long as the left have ordered it!
The government (as is its way) shot itself in the foot by refusing to send any minister to talk to ‘Newsnight’ over the latest borders control scandal but, still, David Grossman’s report was hardly balanced.
Besides quoting an anonymous border agency employee, the PSC union and (it almost goes without saying) Labour MP Keith Vaz, he showed a clip from the House of Commons of Yvette Cooper attacking Theresa May without showing a balancing clip of Theresa May answering the charges. As there was no minister available, David Grossman instead posed more questions for Theresa May to answer, emphasizing Labour’s criticisms again.
Well the Tories have themselves to blame. May is useless, I get the impression Cameorn has May and Clark around as ‘useful idiots’ to keep the BBC and the Guardian amused.
Robert Peston has tweeted:
Banks come to terms with likelihood that UK’s growth will be sluggish for many years, victims of their own excesses
And there I was thinking that Gordon Brown’s profilgate spending & light touch regulation had something to do with it…
The balance being that even the Graun can find the BBC’s professional integrity to be beyond the pale… vs. well at least this shows how even the BBC is on (A)GW.
Personally, I simply find it all further proof of a bunch on minority incompetents p*ssing in each other’s pockets with, for some reason, me having to pay for a lot of the dross they concoct.
Excellent: splits among Beeboids/Guardianistas on wasteful wind farms.
Perhaps some Beeboids are seeing the sense of Christopher BOOKER’s analysis, at last (e.g. August, 2011):
Christopher Booker :-
“The BBC steadfastly avoids the facts about the wind farm scam.David Shukman’s reports on energy policy for the BBC failed to explain the true lunacy of the Government’s plans. ”
This is a case of life imitating the Biased-BBC blog. People here have been saying this for weeks, and the BBC went out and proved us right.
The Guardian commenters, though, nearly all seem to be angry that this is proof of Big Oil controlling the BBC Narrative. Their solution – and I think that of Carrington’s – is of course to spend even more money subsidizing “renewables” which can’t provide enough energy.
Heard another speed-dial rentagob fickie over the weekend on albeeb.
Owen Jones.
Apparently, if Shoutie Owen is correct, we are seeing ‘the biggest coots since the 20s’. Funny how these ‘coots’ seem to be transalting into ever higher government spending.
Shoutie went on to say – well scream – that 800,000 terminally-ill people have just received letters from the Tories trying to get them off Incapacity Benefit.
I was losing the will to live by this point, but fascinating to hear how double-weight halfwit Steven ‘How Are Ye’ Nolan was unable and unwilling to give the lie to these steaming great porkies.
Owen Jones – let me give you my official stamp – THICK AS PIGSHITE
What’s this?: A Beeboid, in outburst of patriotism (for Britain!) argues the case for BUYING BRITISH!
In an interesting and timely article, Ms McCLATCHEY puts up a significant case, which has been seriously neglected in recent years.
Her article goes along swimmingly until about half-way through, when unfortunately she seems to take fright at her own un-Beeb audacity and suddenly, for no good reason, brings Mr Maguire into it, thus:
“Political pundit Kevin Maguire says it would be a bit like shooting yourself in the foot.”
(He goes on to imply that UK sells as much to EU as it sells to us. Wrong.)
But despite that, the overall piece is well worth a read, and may shock a few Beeboids.
Because overpaid luvvies like you, dearie, wouldn’t be able to survive without your compliments-of-the-licence-payer gratis Blackberries and I-tablets.
Next question.
If you can’t think of a next question, ‘tweet’ Kevin McDire, he’ll come up with one for you.
You might want to make enquiries with Vodafone as to why BBBC is considered an adult site and is filtered out by their over 18 content filters.
Ask O2 the same question too as when I got new phones for both these networks they both stopped me from accessing this site until I had the adult content filter removed.
The ludicrous liberal lunchtime gobfest that is “The World At One” with dear Martha Kearney has been extended by fifteen minutes.
Thankfully we have a weepy Vicky Pryce talking to only the latest BBC sister about beastly men…does Huhne count then?
This, thus far has taken up most of that fifteen minutes…so it`s great that the BBC can visit EU grandees and talking heads to emote for so long and at our expense too!
Ah but…she `s got five kids…same as the Hackney unemployed single mother of five that the Beeboid in a previous piece had clucked along to.
Both parasitic baby machines in the eyes of Shriver or Porritt…but one gets the fifteen minute weepie, whereas the other is a vulnerable victim of the cuts…you`d have to be a Beeber to see the difference!
I keep waiting for the BBC to bring out one of their astute editors to tell us how getting rid of Berlusconi is going to change the course of Italy’s economy. Musing about an undefined new Coalition Government doesn’t answer that question, either.
The News Channel had on some Italian talking head earlier, but that was only to discuss the pressure Berlusconi was facing, what the fuss was about, etc. We’ve all known for over a year (well, those who don’t rely on the BBC for information, anyway) that Italy’s debt was insane and they hadn’t done anything to fix it.
I have yet to hear anyone make even a half-hearted attempt at saying that the Italians were magically going to turn fiscally responsible by Friday. The public vox pops are no help.
As soon as I posted the above comment, Tim Willcox had on another Italian talking head who said that one of the worst things about Berlusconi is that he “changed the morality of the country.” Apparently now, because of him, Italian politicians say one thing today, and then change their minds tomorrow. Well I never. I must have missed the centuries where they behaved otherwise.
Still no discussion about why the next Government will do anything differently.
Who’s ever heard of an Italian politician behaving in a Machiavellian way before? Before Berlusconi, every one of them – from Nero to Mussolini, from Rodrigo Borgia to Bettino Craxi – has been a paragon of principle and virtue! Have BBC pundits forgotten the sheer scale of the Tangentopoli corruption crisis in Italy in the ’90s, which (ironically) paved the way for Berlusconi’s rise to power?
Mark Mardell has tweeted a link to a Time magazine piece by Michael Sherer (a Journolista, natch), about how some forms of US celebrity are actually media contrivances. Sherer’s main point is that Herman Cain is nothing, not a credible candidate at all and never has been. This supports the opinion Mardell has had since day one, and stated several times, including at the BBC College of Journalism. So that’s why he’s called his readers’ attention to the piece. Apparently Cain’s popularity has nothing to do with the man himself and is merely a media contrivance.
Sherer says that, for example, the media spent so much time following Sarah Palin around and bleating about every utterance and Facebook post that it gave the impression to the public that she was actually doing something, actually running for office, when in fact she wasn’t.
I wonder if Mardell gets that this includes him? Anyone think he’s learned a lesson there, or does he just see this as Sherer taking Palin, and by extension, Cain, down a peg? My bet is that Mardell is blind and simply sees that this confirms his opinion of Cain.
Bias gets into all sorts of BBC nooks and crannies.
Thought I’d try out ‘Museum of Curiosity‘ (Radio 4) with QI creator, John Lloyd. Lloyd introduces himself, for a joke, as “The Professor of Ignorance at the University of Buckingham”. Of course, the University of Buckingham is Britain’s only private university, so it was doubtless a wheeze for Lloyd to link “Ignorance” with private education, making the institution a weekly object of fun. I doubt it was just a randomly chosen university by Cambridge-educated Lloyd.
Can`t find the comment about “stability” that someone has said…but would like to concur!
Funny that all these “destabilising political machinations” in Greece and in Italy seem to be wanted by the BBC…I thought that this was no time for a novice etc…this is not the time for a referendum or what have you?Let the cliches roll!
Yet , when it comes to a referendum monkey(George) or someone who`s not offering Blair a freebie anymore(Silvio)…well elections are essential…as long as we get enough ex-EU libleft technocrats in there to crash awkward states inot the rocks of Brussels…and then the Fuhrergrams and ” peacekeeping forces” can go in afterwards.
One Volk, One Euro, One Way…and no others!
All I am asking of you during these difficult times is to donate a mere £12.50 each month to
Take the harrowing case of one little girl, her name is Sue Perkins.
She has been in the wilderness for over two weeks. Starving from a lack of attention, she has begun to hallucinate and now thinks she is a comedian.
Fortunately, International Left-wing Rescue (aka – the BBC) have fallen over themselves and rushed to save her. No longer will she have to suffer the indignity of hungry wild beasts smirking and walking straight past her as she drinks from the Serengeti’s rivers.
Here’s what your generous monthly pledges will support : Dilemma R4 Sunday 19th Nov.
And, God help us, a further 5.
Also, isn’t it considerate of the BBC to name the new show in her honour ?
I sent a complaint to the BBC a few minutes ago, and was pleasantly surprised to receive this automated reply:
‘We aim to respond within 10 working days, depending on how long it takes to investigate your complaint.
All feedback we receive is appreciated as it helps to inform decisions in the future. For information about the BBC complaints process please visit the how we handle your complaint page:
‘But it would have been even better if they’d told me how to contact them in the highly unlikely event that I don’t hear from them in the next 10 days… ‘
It’s freely avaliable to view in a locked filing cabinet in the basement of White City, behind a door lablled ‘Beware of the Leopard’
As another refugee from their clutches, I suspect Douglas Adams had BBC Complaints in mind.
Perhaps this site could produce a list of email addresses relating to senior managers and directors at the BBC & the Trust who take complaints of bias seriously and are willing to fight against the machine.
There must be at least one senior executive who’s not afraid to say ‘Hang on a minute! We’re not the Bolshevik Broadcasting Corporation!’
You will only get a reply once the drugged up spotty twat is not stoned enough to spew out the standard reply that you’re wrong and the BBC is right now shut up and pay up!
and the stock reply will tell you there is no point replying to their email as it comes from an automated box that is not monitored !
Also – their reply will NOT attach the text of your original complaint, the idea being that if you want to try to take it higher you have to reconstruct your complaint – by that time you wil have forgotten the details of it.
A system designed on purpose to fob you off.
“Who do you think you are, complaining about bias when we have impartiality in our genes”
PS Another good point about this new email is that, if you don’t hear from the Beeb within 10 days, you can reply to the complaints dept – – and CC in all sorts of senior people at the Trust and the BBC itself, to put added pressure on them! 😉
Note in the story that he also had to declare he doesn’t own broadband. I keep trying to point this out to people (not here as most know it) but if you own broadband you also need a TV licence as it means you are able to watch live TV, the fact you don’t or may not want to is not the point, the Crapita thugs and the BBC will bang you with a fine and jail.
I think they’re a bit at loss at what else to cover, being the main news is not, ahem, ‘on narrative’.
Either they, or their best buds, have shown to be incompetent, venal, hypocrites or all three, so naturally the best thing to do is head for the comfort zone.
-BBC-NUJ emphasis on reporting lax UK border controls is not to highlight security matters, or illegal immigration, but to try to make political party capital out of the situation (pro-Labour, anti-Tory, of course).
“We will never know how many people entered the country”
So what does the scum at the BBC lead with ONCE AGAIN? Yep phone hacking.
Then we get a classic, some fat ugly female beeboid was reporting about Wales planning to take organs from dead people unless they say otherwise. Thick female beeboid then states that Governments of ENGLAND, Northern Ireland and Scotland may…. the rest doesn’t matter.
Since when does ENGLAND have its own Government? Perhaps the BBC are trying to make the inequality of the UK invisible?
Yes I’d love an English Government free of Celts and Europeans!!!
Here’s an interview from this morning with the woman who has come out and accused Herman Cain in public. She’s on Fox News, by the way, so defenders of the indefensible have something to ponder.
Her accusation, the one which is supposed to derail the campaign and prove that Cain is unfit for office? He made “unwanted advances”. In other words, he hit on her and she wasn’t interested. This is a scandal? This is proof that he’s unfit?
The hype in the media, and promoted by the BBC, is it was sexual assault or harrassment. The “victim” herself says it was an “unwanted advance”. Lightyears of space between the two. No wonder he’s denying those accusations.
Cain will give a press conference in a couple hours to address this. The BBC is waiting to pounce.
Clinton did a lot worse than just hit on women. He really did sexually assault them. Ted Kennedy left a woman to die, and the BBC loved him anyway. Even if Cain is a slob and hit on a couple women with the intent of cheating on his wife, it’s not assault, and not the scandal the media has made out of it.
What was that Mardell was tweeting recently about media contrivances?
Here’s an excerpt from a column in the Nevada Journal from 1998 (Lewinsky time) in which the writer highlights the hypocrisies of two feminist icons who had rushed to the then president’s defence:
Many Americans keep checking the daily obituary pages for the official notice that the feminist movement has drawn its last breath. Certainly many of its leaders have been doing their best to undermine the movement. After former White House volunteer Kathleen Willey made plausible accusations that the president had grabbed and groped her, feminist movement icon Gloria Steinem rushed to Clinton’s defense: “The truth is that even if the allegations are true, the president is not guilty of sexual harassment because he took ‘no’ for an answer.” This is the same Gloria Steinem who savagely attacked Clarence Thomas even though he was never accused of even touching Anita Hill.
And Betty Friedan, another founding mother of the movement, wrote of the Lewinsky charges, “Whether it’s a fantasy, a set-up or true, I simply don’t care.” This is the same person who earlier had popularized the phrase “the personal is political,” explaining that men should be judged by both their public lives and their private lives.
I bet there aren’t any lefty feminists willing to make a similar case on Cain’s behalf.
I don’t know why the BBC are so up in arms that the NOTW used private detectives to follow celebs, the BBC and the Guardian will have used people to spy on others.
In fact one hack (Fleetstreetfox) who works for the Mirror happily boasts of rummaging through celebs bins and tails them. But of course that’s the Mirror.
The Today programme carried an item – by John Minell I believe – saying that various institutions were intending to vote against James Maxwell continuing as Chairman of BSkyB. With several quotes – anonymous, read by actors, just one attributed quote.
To be fair, one instititution was given an on-air quote … James has been the architect of much of BSkyB’s success, the shareholders’ interests are best served by him continuing. The report concluded by saying that News Corp owns 40% of BSkyB so it is “almost unthinkable” ? that James Murdoch would be voted off.
So how is this news ? The BBC is conducting a vendetta against the Murdochs with full backing all the way from the top.
Burlosconi is just resigned! Given that Italy might need a bailout soon, and that could mean financial armageddon, is this really the best story for you to be leading with???
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
Interesting comment on BIASED BBC on WUWT nov 5th 2.30am
“I’m a little alarmed, however, to see Petrossa referring us to “Biased BBC” as though this outlet were itself a scrupulously honest and unbiased source of information about anything. It, too, is a propaganda outlet, in this case for pro-Israel, anti-Palestine propaganda, as a quick check of their claimed numbers of complaints about that issue will reveal – a truly unbiased account of the BBC’s output suggests that their figures are precisely the wrong way round. Trust none of ‘em. Even if you happen to agree with a part of what they’re saying, you’ll get sucked into the rest of their propaganda if you don’t pause to do a bit of cool, impartial analysis yourself.”
Most other comments hardly complimentary to Black
Do I have this correct – this Steve C character is claiming that the BBC is pro-Israel based on numbers of complaints?
I can’t tell what he means there. Maybe he’s saying that most complaints about the BBC is that they are pro-Israel, which makes us totally wrong?
In any case, I fail to see what Israel has to do with Warmism. Unless he’s like Dez and Scott and a certain Newsnight producer who decide that one error discredits hundreds of accurate statements. Also, I notice that Steve C. doesn’t seem to have the balls to come here and debate anything.
It is an odd tack to take on a forum that treasures facts over poorly constucted tribal associations, especially ones that have zero to do with the topic at hand.
R4 Today John Humphries. Interviewing a union rep about the immigration row at the moment. While following a line of questions; rather than saying at what level was it sanctioned, he said ‘so it was ordered by the minister’. Luckily the female union rep put him straight that it is unknown at the moment, but he did not know what she was going to say.
The point being he should be inquiring not stating speculation as fact.
From what I just heard, it wasn’t, so the entire day’s output from Underpantsman, facilitated by Labour’s PR dept. seems to be at best.. precipitate.
The Editors and their grudging mea culpa section is soon going to be the busiest section of their online output.
Didn’t you think she was very good, though? She answered the questions directly and clearly. Very refreshing indeed; makes you realise what a bunch of lying, deceiving cowards we have as politicians.
I can’t believe this…
I have BBC World on as I write this. I have just heard Carlos the Jackal described as – I kid you not – an ‘international extremist.’
A “professional revolutionary” was how he described himself in court….lovingly, even longingly reported back to the helots here in the UK by “our BBC”!
Al least we all know now what the BBC/Guardian mean when they refer to their” PR” operations and departments from now on.
A wiser man than me asked how low the BBC would go in pursuit of their agendas…Millie Dowler, M5 crash as used by ROSPA etc…and my impression is that they go as low as to “get alongside” their victim or vulnerable pet cause of the day..but never exactly into the gutter with them.
Hence the You and Yours article regarding white cider and its taxing. Cue Caroline Lucas-Green and therefore good. Cue also some peddlar of antifreeze from big Pharma…or a rep from the drinks industry if we HAVE to stick to facts.
You`ll not be surprised at the others ranged against this wifebeating suit…some Scottish Health rep and the usual skip full of victims who couldn`t possibly have had any choices in turning to the fragile victims of Mister Booze PLC.
Let`s put a whacking tax on Mouton Cadets from 1963 on….assorted up scale Riojas…any vino from Tuscany or within 100 miles of Polly Toynbees house…and let`s see how these mindrotting dupes are costing us a fortune with out license fees!
Next item…why oh why is the Church not shafting the rich fat bankers(pt94)…after all it invests with Mammon, it is rich and irrelevant except for its tired cliched sermons…it is the problem and not the cause.
Swap Church for BBC and it`s exactly the same…but that would not get past the Now Shows editorial committees would it?
Still vogue and pose, smile and wave…the BBC oil tanker smarms and drfits aimlessly around its rocks…yet they`re using IOUs from us to burn whilst their cruising and slumming it with the poor continues…
Carlos the Jackal, former Marxist terrorist, now a Muslim convert who wrote a book called Revolutionary Islam. The BBC must love this guy!
but he admits to killing only about 200 civilians among his 1000 or more victims.
Have noticed that the bBC cannot leave the St Paul’s nutters alone. The story has not changed in days but they still persist in going there and interviewing them ad nauseum. Could it be that bBC is wanting to deliver it’s masters message ‘it’s all the bankers fault’ and not linger on that it was all Labours fault for spending ‘toomuch too often’ surely not!
Yes…the bankers eh?
The first role of Government is to provide security and stability for its people.
The last Labour lot debauched absolutely anything and everything it was able to ooze its wounds around, and yet the BBC seem to have selective, Saunders-like Alzheimers…onset May7th 2010.
To ask any of the current shadowshite anything other than …we want our money back…how do we shoot you out of a cannon to the Hague…and how best to string each one of you up along your own Olympic route to remind the world what you did to this nation…well that is ALL I need to know from Labour!
All the Beeb seem to ask is…how do we get you back into those limos we`re keeping warm for you!
It is hilarious to hear Labour attacking the government over immigration. Have they no shame at all ?
Yes Grant, the sight of Keith Vaz touring the TV studios telling us all of his (sudden) concern really slaps you in the face. He even had the audacity to say that this issue was so important because immigration is all a question of numbers!!!!!! From those that brought us mass immigration via an open door policy and silenced any opposition with howls of racism, this opposition-based conversion to strict border control really sticks in the throat.
How the bbC lies in which to promote its Eco message.
Tuna fished ‘illegally’ during Libya conflict
Evidence is emerging of unregulated and probably illegal tuna fishing in Libyan waters during this year’s conflict. Signals recorded from boats’ electronic “black boxes” show a large presence inside Libyan waters, a major spawning ground for the endangered bluefin tuna.Several strands of evidence, including a letter from a former industry source, suggest the involvement of EU boats… After the Libyan civil conflict began in February, Ms Damanaki’s office was set to request a suspension of all tuna fishing in Libyan waters, given that the breakdown in governance made regulation difficult. Misrata, a tuna-fishing base, saw bloody fighting early in the Libyan civil conflict On 7 April, Libyan authorities, in one of a series of letters obtained by BBC News, told Iccat that because of the “recent and exceptional circumstances” they were going to suspend all tuna fishing in their waters voluntarily. Three weeks later, Libya sent another letter to Iccat cancelling the suspension, without citing its reasons.
So the bBC’s resident eco warrior ‘Black the hack’ reports on how EU boats have been plundering the seas off Libya during the recent conflict with Gadiffi. Here is what Black doesn’t mention in his Pro Gaia article from May of this year:
Libya Opens Up Waters For Bluefin Tuna Fishing, Threatening Species Recovery Plans
As NATO forces assist rebel forces in attempting to oust Muammar Gaddafi, Libya has opened up its waters to bluefin fishing. And as WWF and Greenpeace point out in a dual statement, there’s no agreed upon regulation plan and no effective monitoring of what may happen there.
Plans for illegal fishing in Libyan waters unveiled
International conservation organisations WWF and Greenpeace have called for the forthcoming industrial purse-seine bluefin tuna fishing season in the Mediterranean Sea to be suspended.
The groups, advocating for the rescue of the iconic fish species, the restoration of the Mediterranean marine environment and a centuries-old fishing industry, sent an urgent request to members of the organisation meant to manage the fishery – the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT). The call follows a late intervention from Libya that it will now allow fishing in its waters despite having no agreed fishing plan for the season. This would make any fishing activity by Libyan fleets illegal, according to ICCAT rules. The current unrest in Libya means there is no chance of effective monitoring and enforcement of the fishery in its waters, risking fatally undermining an internationally agreed recovery plan for the severely overfished species.There are reports that several Libyan vessels, legally unauthorized to fish for bluefin, have left Malta bound for Libyan waters. Greenpeace and WWF share the belief that ICCAT member states should have prevented their departure.
Greenpeace and WWF share the belief that ICCAT member states should have prevented their departure.
I’ll bet they would support a navy stopping and boarding these boats, and see nothing contradictory to their stance on the Turkish Terrorist Flotilla.
Deuced odd, this borders/immigration thing.
Just had people’s favourite rentagob, Chris ‘Pants of Fire’ Bryant’ gracing our screens, alluding to oodles but not quite stating anything save what serves the 24/7 ratings/agenda maw’s need for ‘questions being asked’.
I was struck by one ‘tale’ he was told by an officer, showing an interesting bond that operates between civil servants of all hues, from security to opposition ministers to our mighty media.
And that was he ‘may have let in some dodgy folk who could have been terrorists’… because of government cuts.
<pause>…. <rewind>…
Er… did Chris, or our market rate talents not stumble a bit on the notion of this country’s border defences being in the hands of jobsworths who ‘may have let in a terrorist’ in ‘cos his shift was up?
Nothwithstanding the immigration Horlicks created by Mr. Bryant’s co-conspirators, letting this weasel capitalise of the consequences show where our MSM has sunk.
Now it seems Ms. May has flat out denied today’s gossip, and if correct then the BBC has been complict in a false rumour job with one if its favourite rentagobs.
Two entities whose credibility are well and truly shot. They were made for each other.
Of course nothing like this ever happened under Labour who kept our borders totally secure. Bloody hypocrites !
And did anyone see the wet lettuce Conservative MP – I forget his name – sitting beside Pantsman on The Daily Politics and bleating There is virtually nothing we can do about the EU ones?
For crying out loud! Is the man a helpless baby? There are loads of provisions in the EU rules that can be invoked on grounds of threat to security, social cohesion or the economic state of the country or whatever. Derogations can be sought and granted. What do you think we have a UK Representative in Brussels for? MEPs, Ministerial Councils? if not to represent what we want. Ever think of that, MP?
Did it never occur to him that there is no point in being in the EU if we just act all supine instead of shaping it and ensuring any necessary changes in rules so that we damn well can do something about “EU” criminals and terrorists? Otherwise, we can be overrun by criminals, terrorists and fraudsters who just managed some crooked means to get EU papers and rights. Grrr…he made me so mad. What is the point of these people being in Parliament or government if they haven’t got a spine or an idea?
We should just do what we want and stuff the EU. We have a trade deficit with the other countries, we are a net contributor and the worst that can happen is that we get expelled. What a trgedy that would be.
We hold all the cards, but our politicians don’t have any balls.
“tragedy” !
Occupy Portland: Head and Body Lice Outbreak Announced in OP Encampment!
Parasites on parasites 😎
Well I guess lice want to show solidarity.
The long range weather forecast for Winter, care of the man from Asda on the BBC.
Snowfall at the end of November with flurries in December and then heavy snowfall and a harsh winter in the new year.
At last we got a reliable long-range weather forecast from the BBC. It came from the man from Asda on the BBC documentary “Will it Snow?” which is repeated tonight. The BBC did not interview any commercial weather forecaster but they did mention their existence and interviewed a man from Asda who presumably uses the Met Office forecast for a week ahead, beyond that the Met Office is fucked up by ideology, so the man from Asda presumably uses the long range forecast from Weatheraction. Asda and Weatheraction are commercial businesses that cannot afford to indulge in the warmist ideology of the BBC and Met Office. But it seams that the Met Office and therefore the BBC is being dragged into the real world by Piers Corbyn with Met Office recognition of the roll of UV radiation in weather. No mention of Cosmic Rays and Cloud Albedo
. The BBC said it was not possible to predict long range weather, but then said that the Met Office was predicting a mild winter again. They also said that some scientists are predicting we are in for a period of warming, but they did not say that these scientists believe that manmade carbon dioxide rules climate. And typical of BBC bias, they did not mention scientists predicting a cooling using the scientific method of calculating t
he speed of the centre of the sun relative to the centre of mass of the solar system which then determines the length of the solar cycle which in turn is caused by the orbits of the Planets and which is how it is predicted that we are in for a long period of Global Cooling.
The problem with the Met Office is that it appointed Robert Napier Chairman. Napier is the fanatical uber-warmist who, as Chief Executive, turned the World Wildlife Fund into WWF, the climate change propagandist organisation.
Napier is the last man on the planet that should have been put into the Met Office post. So naturally the Government who funds the Met Office appointed a Climate Change Loyalist who could be guaranteed to cover their back as the whole warming lie unravelled. Not unlike putting Chris Patten into Chair the BBC.
And they think we can’t see their invisible hand at work…
Funny how the BBC is suddenly dedicated to finding out what happened with all those non-EU immigrants getting incorrectly fast-tracked through the system now that there’s a Conservative Home Secretary. Back when tens of thousands of “students” went missing from the visa rolls, the BBC wasn’t so interested in pointing fingers.
I noticed something similar with regard to what appears to be the only Cable article concerning his recent negligence on the Beeb website. Notice the headline and opening paragraph
Vince Cable sorry for confidential letters left in bins
Vince Cable has apologised “unreservedly” after confidential documents were discovered in bins left outside his constituency office.
Just to make sure the public are aware that ‘Cable is a real stand up guy, who takes responsibility for his actions, even when wrong, and owns up – expressing full regret’. Not even a mention in the article that just a week ago he was penalised by the taxman for failing to pay up to £25,000 in VAT – and this is the UK Business secretary. I mean here’s a guy just begging to be kicked from hell to high water. I also notice no Conservative viewpoint on his conduct in the article.
What’s the difference between the way the BBC portray him, and if he would have been a Conservative?
The Conservative would have simply been guilty of gross negligence, and questions would have been raised if he could continue to do his job.
Moral is:
Cable = Responsible – responsible people keep their jobs. Guilty people get fired or worse.
As an example, contrast this with the way the BBC presents Theresa May over the immigration debacle.
Theresa May: Numbers of unchecked at UK borders unknown
Home Secretary Theresa May has admitted she does not know how many people came into the UK without proper checks.
Theresa May = Ignorant
How would she know? If the head of the UK Border Agency relaxes passport controls off his own back, how can a minister posssibly know how many people have come in illegally? In fact no one at all would know. If you open the gates and turn your back how can you count them?
The BBC do not seem to have any common sense at all.
If this story was about a Conservative politician, I’d expect it to feature in Radio 5’s half hourly news bulletins.
Chuka Umunna: The Shadow Business Secretary is a rising star in the Labour Party. A Labour frontbencher who has led the attacks on ‘tax avoiders’ in the City is at the centre of controversy after it was revealed his £1 million family home was funded from a tax haven.
So I tuned in this lunchtime. Radio 5 was a Chuku-free zone. I’d be interested to know if anyone has heard the story aired anywhere on the BBC. While I was tuned in to Radio 5, in one bulletin I did hear that David Amess MP (Conservative) denies that there was anything wrong with his expense claims.
Could the BBC’s failure to report this have anything to do with the fact that one of Umunna’s advisers is Diane Coyle – vice-chair of the BBC’s Board of Governors and wife of BBC technology correpondent Rory Cellan-Jones? See Robin Horbury’s recent post Rotten to the Core.
(Spear) Chuka Umunna is well known for his hatred and hypocrisy. He’ll go a long way in the Labour party.
Your accusations are clearly racist, Beeboidal.
David Miliband just gave the BBC a talking point I bet you’re going to hear all week. He said that Cameron’s complaining about a “lack of leadership” in Europe is proof that his stance on keeping the EU at arm’s length is a mistake, that Britain now has no key influence in a time of crisis, and trying to get some sovereignty back is the wrong approach.
A perfect Narrative for the BBC to push.
Of course because the one eyed loon from Fife saved the world. Then of course the BBC were pushing for Tony Bliar to be the EU President and for Gordon Brown ot be the boss of the IMF.
Luckily no one listens to the shite pumped out by the BBC.
The BBC have captioned this photograph as Fishing boats in Gaza have to operate within three nautical miles of the shore. I don’t recall Gaza with two enormous smokestacks nor could I find them in photographs. Does any one know Gaza sufficiently to confirm or deny that this is Gaza. Alternatively, can anyone recognise this picture as coming from another location?
It’s the IDE powerplant at Ashkelon. Which can be seen from the waters of the Gaza coast.
Radio 5 was in fine form this morning, as I predicted at the weekend Dame Nikki just couldn’t wait to get stuck into the Tories over the 80mph speed limit.
Rather than have a broad debate over motorway safety all Campbell wanted on the phone in was Tories Tories Tories.
Then we got Vikki Pollard and the bleating of the BBC over the pikey scum at Dale Farm, NO ONE CARES ABOUT THE PIKEYS BBC, get it yet?
I have not noticed anything on the BBc about Iran and it’s bomb. Seems to be news everywhere else in the world.
Even a cursory look at the internet confirms this.
Probably not part of a ratings driven agenda for our premier news organisation.
When the ME literally explodes I suppose the BBC will at last cover it.
An unworthy thought is that as Israel is the nation primarily threatened the BBC has no interest.
Many thanks to Max Farquar for posting my first attempt at producing political campaign material:
Not wanting the other far-left Parties (or should that be Party) to feel left out, I’ve put something together for them too.
I’m delighted to inform BBBC readers that they’ll be the first to witness my new master-piece. As you’ll see, I’ve managed to keep the quality just as low as the previous one:
Which “My Site” are you ???
I had to laugh at Gene Simmons (KISS) being interviewed this evening on the OneShow, on fine form and full of opinions. One being that the NHS would become better is parts of it where privatised and capitalism allowed to improve service in a competitive environment.
The dumstruck faces of the Beebiods were a picture. Not sure Gene will be invited back. 😀
Good for Gene Simmons!
Gets the John Malkovich Award for being rich and intelligent as well as discerning beyond reason.
Especially given the whole cultural pressure to play the rebel and live as the hypocrite.
Always get the idea that Alice Cooper has a similar independence of mind…hope it`s true, because I`m hard pressed to think of many!
Came across as intelligent, grounded and quite sincere. So what if he wears a lot of make up.
Johhny Ramone was a committed Republican and member of the NRA.
But John Lydon takes some beating:
“If Elvis-fucking-Costello wants to pull out of a gig in Israel because he’s suddenly got this compassion for Palestinians, then good on him… But I have absolutely one rule, right? Until I see an Arab country, a Muslim country, with a democracy, I won’t understand how anyone can have a problem with how they’re treated.”
Absolute classic!
That was impressive and I speak as a major Costello fan.
Yes, I remember Mr Lydon and Costellos playing to the Guardian gallery.
I too rated Costello in his prime, but he`s a typical leftlib stooge…early drunken racist outbursts now safely forgotten as he puts the old country right from Vancouver!
“BBC splashes out on £500,000 worth of iPhones, iPads and Apple Macs… as 2000 of its staff face the axe”
Read more:–2000-staff-face-axe.html#ixzz1d3ua61f2
On several BBC threads, especially supposedly ‘tech’ ones like Rory ‘My Mrs is the boss’ Cellan-Jones, there are often posts asking why there is a near monopoly (another one) on Apple product PR over news.
This must be a simple coincidence.
Even when more Beeboids move to Manchester, will they notice and report the local Islamic jihadists?
UK: Family of convicted jihadist faces eviction — police claim he used the property as al-Qaeda base
This will be swept under the “Islamophobia is on the rise” rug.
Yawn, Newnight running the hacking story again (yawn) wheels out Tom Watson (yawn).
The BBC a stuck record.
From what is emerging in media less carefully controlled, wheeling out Watson is like turning up a first night red carpet do in a Spanish Basura wagon that has been left in the sun for a week.
But oen supposes even they have to give it a few minutes until they can bring back Prescott, so everything is relative.
And to have made it their lead item too!!
‘Newsnight’ made out it was their own story, but was it? Nick Davies claims exactly the same story as a ‘Guardian’ “exclusive”. Are they co-operating to flog this dead horse again?
Was I dreaming, or did Paxo really ask why the Greeks are dishonest?
Isn’t that a tad racist?
Paxos never as brave as when he can sneer at those who don`t get his schtick.
His views on Italians and Greeks were typical public school Flashman crap like a sour pantomine dame.
Maybe someone with the data can work out how many man-hours have been frittered on this Murdoch story and draw the inverse relevance graph needed to what is actually of value to those of us in real like down here.
Tom Watson, Roger Harrabin, Stephanie Flanders….does ANYONE give a fig about their views on anything, what with their track records?
Oh…heard Susan Watts mention a brainstrom at Cardiff University in regard of mental illness…thought the Guardian didn`t like that…anyone know where Marjorie Wallace and SANE can be contacted?…
Aww, give Paxman a break. After all, he’s the poster boy for Income Inequality at the BBC. All the highbrow, high quality work he does, and there’s a greedy football commenter who makes 50% more money. Gotta love how the BBC places value on labor.
I seem to remember the BBC encourages staff to dodge taxes by setting themselves up as companies.
Yes, it is quite legal , but HMRC have been trying to tackle it for years. The politicians and journalists do the same for their freelance income so not much political will to deal with it. Surprise, surprise !
No idea why this posted twice !
Paxman is a typical bully – calculates carefully and chooses a safe, weak target at which to aim a kick while making sure not to offend any person or group that would get him into the slightest spot of bother.
As for that smug and self-righteous Tom Watson, every time I see or hear him, I want to throw things. Isn’t he one of the Brownite thugs?
Maybe Paxo should ask the Greeks if they think the BBC is dishonest.
That’s a Greek island full of lazy people, isn’t it?<img src=”extra/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/img/smiley-laughing.gif” title=”Laughing” border=”0″ alt=”Laughing”/>
Well done on 5Live, DV.
I predict that Taunton Rugby Club is about to feel the wrath of the BBC. Why?
1. Rugby is a bit more middle-class than other sports.
2. Taunton is unlikely to get the leftists ‘diversity’ tick, especially in light of 1. above; the membership is likely to be as ‘hideously white’ as a BBC management seminar.
3. They didn’t have permission from the council for their bonfire/firweworks display; the fact that they didn’t need it, is, of course, irrelevant; socialist dogma demands that you need permission from the govt to do anything.
4. They “offered prayers” for those affected by the crash. Uh-oh! This is fatal. The only way to have ameliorated the effects of 1-3 would have been to offer recitations from the Koran.
I sense it’s ‘target locked’ at Broadcasting House…
5. Rugby is a “man’s” game which requires physical courage.
Apparently Sarkozy and Obama left their mics on after their press conference in Cannes last Thursday and were overheard by the press pack slagging off Netanyahu. When officials realised they asked journos not to report the incident and scandalously they agreed:
The surprising lack of coverage may be explained by a report alleging that reporters present at the event were requested to sign an agreement to keep mum on the subject of the embarrassing comments.
A member of the media confirmed Monday that “there were discussions between journalists and they agreed not to publish the comments due to the sensitivity of the issue.”
He added that while it was annoying to have to refrain from publishing the information, the journalists are subject to precise rules of conduct.
Given the number of BBC hacks in Cannes last week it’s almost impossible to think that none of them were present when this happened. Agreeing not to report something just to save the blushes of Sarko and Obama was an utterly spineless thing for a journalist to do. I’m going to see if I can get any sort of BBC response on Twitter, though I’m not hopeful.
Anyone care to bet the BBC wouldn’t have tried to do the same for Gordon Brown re “bigotgate” if they had been able to?
‘Agreeing not to report something..’
That seems quite a big story in itself.
But then, democracy, free speech and the 4th estate representing the public interest is so l’année dernière.
Off to a free, non-uniquely funded series of news outlets to find out what our national treasure, spoksperson for the people broadcast monopoly can no longer be trusted to.
Yes, this looks like another of those stories where you think ‘Thank God for the internet!’
It seems to have spread from a French website (Arret sur images) to an Israeli one (Ynet) and then been taken up by several American blogs (Hot Air, RedState, Newsbusters, Politico, Daily Beast) before, finally, beginning to seep into the MSM (the main Israeli newspapers, the New York Post, a New York Times blog, Time, the Australian, a few Arab papers).
Wonder when the BBC will get round to reporting Obama and Sarkozy’s bitching?
kevinbakhurst Kevin Bakhurst Report: Sarkozy calls Netanyahu ‘liar’ – Israel News,,734… – very interesting read – BBC covering this today
Ah, and here it is:
Sarkozy called Israeli PM Netanyahu ‘liar’
It’s all the fault of the French, apparently. Sarkozy, as you can see from the headline, is the one embarrassed by the story – not Obama (who was too busy “taking Mr Sarkozy to task”). The media silence issue is purely a French matter too, apparently (“For several days there was media silence in France about the exchange – a decision had been taken not to embarrass the French president, our correspondent says.”)
So no non-French journos involved in the cosy deal to keep quiet about the comments?
…and the caption beneath the photo of Sarko and Obama reinforces the main message of the article: “The comments – embarrassing for President Sarkozy – have only just emerged”.
So, not even slightly embarrassing for President “You may be sick of him, but me, I have to deal with him every day” Obama? Apparently not!!
I believe the BBC’s response falls under ‘crisis management’, but in the spirit of 0:10 they have managed by this ‘coverage’ to only dig a deeper credibility hole.
Bakhurst to me:
4d2b DB @ .@kevinbakhurst When you cover this today will you include ref. to the journos – including any BBC – who agreed agreed to keep mum?
@kevinbakhurst Kevin Bakhurst @ @4d2b I would think so though as I say not aware of any BBC journos who were there
No BBC journos hanging around an Obama/Sarko presser? How likely?
Well, from the BBC logo at the top of this video on the BBC website, it looks as if a BBC cameraman was there. Surely not without a BBC reporter or two?
Heh. This is shaping up to be fun, as the thick plotten.
‘not aware of any BBC journos who were there ‘
Bless. How very Clintonian.
I wonder if the same will be trotted out for the next (non?)story as far as Aunty is concerned, on Order-order, that garnered this:
The BBC says:November 8, 2011 at 11:37 am
Not of interest to us.
Craig: “So, not even slightly embarrassing for President “You may be sick of him, but me, I have to deal with him every day” Obama? Apparently not!!“
The press pack is notoriously tough on Obama, so it can’t be the case that journos were worried about embarrassing him. /sarc
Skytwitius Tim Marshall Ynet is quoting Arret Sur Images which says mics picked up comments but as they were private media didnt report them.
Yes, one can see how that might be the case. What’s the term.. oh, yes… ‘Watertight Oversight’* (copyright R. Black. BBC)*Caveat – unless it’s an entity we don’t like/are not invested in, in which case it’s gloves off and ‘sources who say’ ho!
Just looked through the Sky and Guardian liveblogs from last Thrusday and as far as I can tell there was only one Sarko/Obama press conf – the one in the morning when they arrived. I would be surprised if the BBC didn’t have more journos present than any other news org, and the idea that not one of them heard the microphone exchange seems highly unlikely to me.
People are wondering in which language this exchange took place? They doubt Sarko speaks English and Obama Français.
At least Yo Blair! didn’t involve a language barrier. Or an agreement to keep quiet. These pesky mics.
Even though they’re pretending to be shocked, the BBC are gloating. (Sarko is indiscreet but Obama is just like us.)
There’s no doubt the BBC loves the sentiment esxpressed. Its Middle East correspondents in particular don’t hide their dislike of Bibi very well at all.
Here’s a photo taken by BBC producer Stuart Hughes in Cannes showing BBC diplomatic correspondent James Robbins and cameraman Anthony Clifford editing a piece for Thursday’s One O’Clock News. Footage of the Obama/Sarkozy press conference is visible on their screens. I wonder if either of them heard the open mic comments.
dude……on el beeb…..1 it enforces their anti-semetic
self delusion, 2 protects obama no matter what.
liar! goodness??? unreal
does that petulant diminutive , want to get himself educated
obama………slimy two faced innuendo……what a surprise eh!
Shows how stupid Sarkozy and Obama are not to realise the risk of being overheard. Idiots.
The BBC website says that the exchange indicates a “breakdown of trust ” in Bibi. But, no question as to why Bibi should trust slime like Sarkozy or Obama.
…then again…
Given the history for this kind of thing, surely two of the most powerful brains in the world, and their entourages of fluff dusters, would surely by now only have done this on purpose?
Just, maybe, they are so thick and isolated that, along with the media rushing to ‘protect’ them, it has all totally backfired.
What the bbc ‘suggests’ is ‘indicated’ being more a matter of going with the exact reverse these days.
Maybe, on this basis, they should be compelled to pay me £145.50pa simply for misrepresenting the country I am proud of so badly?
From the BBC article:
Journalists at the bilateral press conference had been handed translation boxes but had been told not to plug in their headphones until the backroom conversation had finished. But those who did heard the revealing comments.
I smell a rat. Telling journalists not to plug their headphones in because they might overhear a private conversation? Pull the other one.
More likely they were made to sign agreements to keep silent in exchange for continued insider access.
Even the Guardian‘s headline suggests that Obama will be sharing some of Sarko’s embarrassment: Sarkozy and Obama’s Netanyahu gaffe broadcast via microphones. The BBC is outgrauning the ‘Graun’ by attempting to spare all of Obama’s blushes.
Let’s remember that the BBC would have kept shtum forever if Drudge hadn’t mentioned it last night.
A media outlet I am finding time for more and and more.
Oddly, it’s free, too.
What, no Labour Party talking points today Nicky? Skidmarks Bryant not pushing phonehacking this week? No proposals to expand the state – don’t you agree that if people had to buy a licence for new shoes then in Leicestershire alone half a million blisters a year might be avoided?
Oh I see, you think we are interested in Michael Jackson. What angle to take? How does a corporation stuffed with self-important hypocritical champagne socialists tackle this one? I know, separate the ‘great art’ from the flawed man!
Please complain to BBC. This is the sort of issue where they might quietly change a headline if enough complaints arrive.
What is your complaint about:
BBC News Online
Address of the page:
Complaint summary:
Misleading/False Headline
Full complaint:
BBC headline: Israel boards protest boats taking medical aid to Gaza Inspection of the boats at Ashdod port showed no cargo was aboard.,7340,L-4143893,00.html This was confirmed by the Canadian boat captain when questioned over radio.
If the BBC correspondent(s) was not aware of this at time of the incident he/she has aware of it for four days. The BBC has a journalistic responsibility to update the article with this information.
Blogging about this in greater detail Five Minutes for Israel BBC Complaints Dept
The thin end of a very long wedge has long been left behind.
It needs to be arrested.
One of the Toady Toadies today said that “even Christine Lagarde at the IMF wants Silvio to go”.
DSK isn`t Italian is he?…and if the IMF are seen as “an alternate” voice re the Euro fiasco, that really shows how shallow the meme pool is at the BBC…and as incestuous and crony-lite as the gene pool then.
All these brave media Johnnies that indulged Silvio as long as he let Blair get a freebie…or smirked at Gadhaffis harmless pretentions when Tony went a beggin`…seem to have found an old pair of Ruperts dentures. They now seem to want to bite all those hands that once tickled their tummies and left out some finger buffets for the accompanying hacks from the BBC etc.
Still…unelected governments of national salvation/unity etc installed by Fuhrergram from Berlin…comprising well groomed snake oil types unelectable at home, but well greased by Brussels…libleft technocrats that once held Lagardes handbag or disposed of DSKs spent tissues?…Hitler and Mussolini could only look up from hell and smile.
One Volk(coming)…one Euro( ve haf vays!)…and one Eurovision that will no longer be inclined to merely let Wogans jibes remain as its final judge.
No doubt the BBC will cosy up to the coming Eurodiktatorprinzip just as easily as when it produced “Protect and Survive”…as long as the left have ordered it!
Brilliant ! You never cease to brighten my day !
The government (as is its way) shot itself in the foot by refusing to send any minister to talk to ‘Newsnight’ over the latest borders control scandal but, still, David Grossman’s report was hardly balanced.
Besides quoting an anonymous border agency employee, the PSC union and (it almost goes without saying) Labour MP Keith Vaz, he showed a clip from the House of Commons of Yvette Cooper attacking Theresa May without showing a balancing clip of Theresa May answering the charges. As there was no minister available, David Grossman instead posed more questions for Theresa May to answer, emphasizing Labour’s criticisms again.
Well the Tories have themselves to blame. May is useless, I get the impression Cameorn has May and Clark around as ‘useful idiots’ to keep the BBC and the Guardian amused.
Andrew_ComRes Andrew Hawkins BBC and FT rated as top political influencers in big new Brussels study
And they infleunce how,exactly, being a £4Bpa media monoply ‘n all?
Robert Peston has tweeted:
Banks come to terms with likelihood that UK’s growth will be sluggish for many years, victims of their own excesses
And there I was thinking that Gordon Brown’s profilgate spending & light touch regulation had something to do with it…
Silly us, Jeff, I know. After all, Peston wrote a book about how great Mr. Brown’s economic plans were.
In the spirit of balance…
The balance being that even the Graun can find the BBC’s professional integrity to be beyond the pale… vs. well at least this shows how even the BBC is on (A)GW.
Personally, I simply find it all further proof of a bunch on minority incompetents p*ssing in each other’s pockets with, for some reason, me having to pay for a lot of the dross they concoct.
Excellent: splits among Beeboids/Guardianistas on wasteful wind farms.
Perhaps some Beeboids are seeing the sense of Christopher BOOKER’s analysis, at last (e.g. August, 2011):
Christopher Booker :-
“The BBC steadfastly avoids the facts about the wind farm scam.David Shukman’s reports on energy policy for the BBC failed to explain the true lunacy of the Government’s plans. ”
This is a case of life imitating the Biased-BBC blog. People here have been saying this for weeks, and the BBC went out and proved us right.
The Guardian commenters, though, nearly all seem to be angry that this is proof of Big Oil controlling the BBC Narrative. Their solution – and I think that of Carrington’s – is of course to spend even more money subsidizing “renewables” which can’t provide enough energy.
Heard another speed-dial rentagob fickie over the weekend on albeeb.
Owen Jones.
Apparently, if Shoutie Owen is correct, we are seeing ‘the biggest coots since the 20s’. Funny how these ‘coots’ seem to be transalting into ever higher government spending.
Shoutie went on to say – well scream – that 800,000 terminally-ill people have just received letters from the Tories trying to get them off Incapacity Benefit.
I was losing the will to live by this point, but fascinating to hear how double-weight halfwit Steven ‘How Are Ye’ Nolan was unable and unwilling to give the lie to these steaming great porkies.
Owen Jones – let me give you my official stamp – THICK AS PIGSHITE
Actually I want to row back on my last sentence there. It was gratuitously unkind – and that’s just not me.
My apologies to any pigs who may have read it.
Oink ! Oink !
What’s this?: A Beeboid, in outburst of patriotism (for Britain!) argues the case for BUYING BRITISH!
In an interesting and timely article, Ms McCLATCHEY puts up a significant case, which has been seriously neglected in recent years.
Her article goes along swimmingly until about half-way through, when unfortunately she seems to take fright at her own un-Beeb audacity and suddenly, for no good reason, brings Mr Maguire into it, thus:
“Political pundit Kevin Maguire says it would be a bit like shooting yourself in the foot.”
(He goes on to imply that UK sells as much to EU as it sells to us. Wrong.)
But despite that, the overall piece is well worth a read, and may shock a few Beeboids.
“Buy British: Why isn’t there a new campaign?”
By Caroline McClatchey BBC News Magazine
‘Why isn’t there a new campaign?’
Because overpaid luvvies like you, dearie, wouldn’t be able to survive without your compliments-of-the-licence-payer gratis Blackberries and I-tablets.
Next question.
If you can’t think of a next question, ‘tweet’ Kevin McDire, he’ll come up with one for you.
You might want to make enquiries with Vodafone as to why BBBC is considered an adult site and is filtered out by their over 18 content filters.
Ask O2 the same question too as when I got new phones for both these networks they both stopped me from accessing this site until I had the adult content filter removed.
The ludicrous liberal lunchtime gobfest that is “The World At One” with dear Martha Kearney has been extended by fifteen minutes.
Thankfully we have a weepy Vicky Pryce talking to only the latest BBC sister about beastly men…does Huhne count then?
This, thus far has taken up most of that fifteen minutes…so it`s great that the BBC can visit EU grandees and talking heads to emote for so long and at our expense too!
Ah but…she `s got five kids…same as the Hackney unemployed single mother of five that the Beeboid in a previous piece had clucked along to.
Both parasitic baby machines in the eyes of Shriver or Porritt…but one gets the fifteen minute weepie, whereas the other is a vulnerable victim of the cuts…you`d have to be a Beeber to see the difference!
I keep waiting for the BBC to bring out one of their astute editors to tell us how getting rid of Berlusconi is going to change the course of Italy’s economy. Musing about an undefined new Coalition Government doesn’t answer that question, either.
The News Channel had on some Italian talking head earlier, but that was only to discuss the pressure Berlusconi was facing, what the fuss was about, etc. We’ve all known for over a year (well, those who don’t rely on the BBC for information, anyway) that Italy’s debt was insane and they hadn’t done anything to fix it.
I have yet to hear anyone make even a half-hearted attempt at saying that the Italians were magically going to turn fiscally responsible by Friday. The public vox pops are no help.
As soon as I posted the above comment, Tim Willcox had on another Italian talking head who said that one of the worst things about Berlusconi is that he “changed the morality of the country.” Apparently now, because of him, Italian politicians say one thing today, and then change their minds tomorrow. Well I never. I must have missed the centuries where they behaved otherwise.
Still no discussion about why the next Government will do anything differently.
Who’s ever heard of an Italian politician behaving in a Machiavellian way before? Before Berlusconi, every one of them – from Nero to Mussolini, from Rodrigo Borgia to Bettino Craxi – has been a paragon of principle and virtue! Have BBC pundits forgotten the sheer scale of the Tangentopoli corruption crisis in Italy in the ’90s, which (ironically) paved the way for Berlusconi’s rise to power?
‘Well I never. I must have missed the centuries where they behaved otherwise. ‘
As other threads are noting, it seems the BBC has this odd notion of ‘good’ pols and ‘bad ‘pols, and a very quaint, DNA-embedded view of who is who.
Mark Mardell has tweeted a link to a Time magazine piece by Michael Sherer (a Journolista, natch), about how some forms of US celebrity are actually media contrivances. Sherer’s main point is that Herman Cain is nothing, not a credible candidate at all and never has been. This supports the opinion Mardell has had since day one, and stated several times, including at the BBC College of Journalism. So that’s why he’s called his readers’ attention to the piece. Apparently Cain’s popularity has nothing to do with the man himself and is merely a media contrivance.
Sherer says that, for example, the media spent so much time following Sarah Palin around and bleating about every utterance and Facebook post that it gave the impression to the public that she was actually doing something, actually running for office, when in fact she wasn’t.
I wonder if Mardell gets that this includes him? Anyone think he’s learned a lesson there, or does he just see this as Sherer taking Palin, and by extension, Cain, down a peg? My bet is that Mardell is blind and simply sees that this confirms his opinion of Cain.
If Mardell turns that tweet into a post on his blog, it will be well worth spelling the moral out to him in the comments.
Bias gets into all sorts of BBC nooks and crannies.
Thought I’d try out ‘Museum of Curiosity‘ (Radio 4) with QI creator, John Lloyd. Lloyd introduces himself, for a joke, as “The Professor of Ignorance at the University of Buckingham”. Of course, the University of Buckingham is Britain’s only private university, so it was doubtless a wheeze for Lloyd to link “Ignorance” with private education, making the institution a weekly object of fun. I doubt it was just a randomly chosen university by Cambridge-educated Lloyd.
And it is the only UK university not controlled by the Left !
” I doubt it was just a randomly chosen university…”
[eyes roll] It’s a joke shared between John Lloyd and the curators of Buckingham University who, unlike you, possess a sence of humour.
I stand corrected. Excellent use of the ‘ad hom’ there, Dez. 😛
Craig, do you think ‘a sence of humour’ is a bit like a sense of humour? O:-)
Lefties are famous for their sence of humour !
Dezz why do you pop up only when a bbc comedian gets a comment ??
Can`t find the comment about “stability” that someone has said…but would like to concur!
Funny that all these “destabilising political machinations” in Greece and in Italy seem to be wanted by the BBC…I thought that this was no time for a novice etc…this is not the time for a referendum or what have you?Let the cliches roll!
Yet , when it comes to a referendum monkey(George) or someone who`s not offering Blair a freebie anymore(Silvio)…well elections are essential…as long as we get enough ex-EU libleft technocrats in there to crash awkward states inot the rocks of Brussels…and then the Fuhrergrams and ” peacekeeping forces” can go in afterwards.
One Volk, One Euro, One Way…and no others!
B-BBC Emergency Appeal.
All I am asking of you during these difficult times is to donate a mere £12.50 each month to
Take the harrowing case of one little girl, her name is Sue Perkins.
She has been in the wilderness for over two weeks. Starving from a lack of attention, she has begun to hallucinate and now thinks she is a comedian.
Fortunately, International Left-wing Rescue (aka – the BBC) have fallen over themselves and rushed to save her. No longer will she have to suffer the indignity of hungry wild beasts smirking and walking straight past her as she drinks from the Serengeti’s rivers.
Here’s what your generous monthly pledges will support :
Dilemma R4 Sunday 19th Nov.
And, God help us, a further 5.
Also, isn’t it considerate of the BBC to name the new show in her honour ?
I sent a complaint to the BBC a few minutes ago, and was pleasantly surprised to receive this automated reply:
‘We aim to respond within 10 working days, depending on how long it takes to investigate your complaint.
All feedback we receive is appreciated as it helps to inform decisions in the future. For information about the BBC complaints process please visit the how we handle your complaint page:
Thank you again for contacting us.
BBC Complaints
NB: Please do not reply to this email. It comes from an automated account which is not monitored’
Not before time!
But it would have been even better if they’d told me how to contact them in the highly unlikely event that I don’t hear from them in the next 10 days…
‘ But it would have been even better if they’d told me how to contact them in the highly unlikely event that I don’t hear from them in the next 10 days… ‘
It’s freely avaliable to view in a locked filing cabinet in the basement of White City, behind a door lablled ‘Beware of the Leopard’
As another refugee from their clutches, I suspect Douglas Adams had BBC Complaints in mind.
Perhaps this site could produce a list of email addresses relating to senior managers and directors at the BBC & the Trust who take complaints of bias seriously and are willing to fight against the machine.
There must be at least one senior executive who’s not afraid to say ‘Hang on a minute! We’re not the Bolshevik Broadcasting Corporation!’
You will only get a reply once the drugged up spotty twat is not stoned enough to spew out the standard reply that you’re wrong and the BBC is right now shut up and pay up!
and the stock reply will tell you there is no point replying to their email as it comes from an automated box that is not monitored !
Also – their reply will NOT attach the text of your original complaint, the idea being that if you want to try to take it higher you have to reconstruct your complaint – by that time you wil have forgotten the details of it.
A system designed on purpose to fob you off.
“Who do you think you are, complaining about bias when we have impartiality in our genes”
‘Also – their reply will NOT attach the text of your original complaint.’
Surprisingly, it did!
Perhaps the good folk at the BBC have been following this site and taking our criticisms on board! Not likely, but you never know! LOL!
PS Another good point about this new email is that, if you don’t hear from the Beeb within 10 days, you can reply to the complaints dept – – and CC in all sorts of senior people at the Trust and the BBC itself, to put added pressure on them! 😉
More tales of harassment and abuse by the BBC.
Pensioner endures 39-year TV Licence fight.. even though he’s never owned a telly
Note in the story that he also had to declare he doesn’t own broadband. I keep trying to point this out to people (not here as most know it) but if you own broadband you also need a TV licence as it means you are able to watch live TV, the fact you don’t or may not want to is not the point, the Crapita thugs and the BBC will bang you with a fine and jail.
Do you know of any case that has been brought against someone who had broadband but did not watch live TV on it?
Hacking at the ‘NOTW’ is now the main story on the BBC News website.
As Martin says, ‘yawn’.
It’s not even hacking.
It was covert surveillance, which AFAIK is legal.
‘Tabloid spies on celebrities’ is hardly a major news story!
I think they’re a bit at loss at what else to cover, being the main news is not, ahem, ‘on narrative’.
Either they, or their best buds, have shown to be incompetent, venal, hypocrites or all three, so naturally the best thing to do is head for the comfort zone.
-BBC-NUJ emphasis on reporting lax UK border controls is not to highlight security matters, or illegal immigration, but to try to make political party capital out of the situation (pro-Labour, anti-Tory, of course).
“We will never know how many people entered the country”
“Border chief Brodie Clark ‘treated with contempt'”
Melanie Phillips:
“The REAL crisis that explains the chaos at our border controls ”
Read more:
So let’s take a look at the top news stories.
1. RAF pilot killed
2. IAEA admit Iran is building a nuke
3. Euro on the point of collapse.
So what does the scum at the BBC lead with ONCE AGAIN? Yep phone hacking.
Then we get a classic, some fat ugly female beeboid was reporting about Wales planning to take organs from dead people unless they say otherwise. Thick female beeboid then states that Governments of ENGLAND, Northern Ireland and Scotland may…. the rest doesn’t matter.
Since when does ENGLAND have its own Government? Perhaps the BBC are trying to make the inequality of the UK invisible?
Yes I’d love an English Government free of Celts and Europeans!!!
‘So what does the scum at the BBC lead with ONCE AGAIN? Yep phone hacking.’
Worth repeating, as did I above. Call it an homage 😉
Here’s an interview from this morning with the woman who has come out and accused Herman Cain in public. She’s on Fox News, by the way, so defenders of the indefensible have something to ponder.
Her accusation, the one which is supposed to derail the campaign and prove that Cain is unfit for office? He made “unwanted advances”. In other words, he hit on her and she wasn’t interested. This is a scandal? This is proof that he’s unfit?
The hype in the media, and promoted by the BBC, is it was sexual assault or harrassment. The “victim” herself says it was an “unwanted advance”. Lightyears of space between the two. No wonder he’s denying those accusations.
Cain will give a press conference in a couple hours to address this. The BBC is waiting to pounce.
How many women did Bill Clinton hit on before he became President, not that the media would care.
Clinton did a lot worse than just hit on women. He really did sexually assault them. Ted Kennedy left a woman to die, and the BBC loved him anyway. Even if Cain is a slob and hit on a couple women with the intent of cheating on his wife, it’s not assault, and not the scandal the media has made out of it.
What was that Mardell was tweeting recently about media contrivances?
Here’s an excerpt from a column in the Nevada Journal from 1998 (Lewinsky time) in which the writer highlights the hypocrisies of two feminist icons who had rushed to the then president’s defence:
Many Americans keep checking the daily obituary pages for the official notice that the feminist movement has drawn its last breath. Certainly many of its leaders have been doing their best to undermine the movement. After former White House volunteer Kathleen Willey made plausible accusations that the president had grabbed and groped her, feminist movement icon Gloria Steinem rushed to Clinton’s defense: “The truth is that even if the allegations are true, the president is not guilty of sexual harassment because he took ‘no’ for an answer.” This is the same Gloria Steinem who savagely attacked Clarence Thomas even though he was never accused of even touching Anita Hill.
And Betty Friedan, another founding mother of the movement, wrote of the Lewinsky charges, “Whether it’s a fantasy, a set-up or true, I simply don’t care.” This is the same person who earlier had popularized the phrase “the personal is political,” explaining that men should be judged by both their public lives and their private lives.
I bet there aren’t any lefty feminists willing to make a similar case on Cain’s behalf.
The hypocrisy of the Left !
I don’t know why the BBC are so up in arms that the NOTW used private detectives to follow celebs, the BBC and the Guardian will have used people to spy on others.
In fact one hack (Fleetstreetfox) who works for the Mirror happily boasts of rummaging through celebs bins and tails them. But of course that’s the Mirror.
The Today programme carried an item – by John Minell I believe – saying that various institutions were intending to vote against James Maxwell continuing as Chairman of BSkyB. With several quotes – anonymous, read by actors, just one attributed quote.
To be fair, one instititution was given an on-air quote … James has been the architect of much of BSkyB’s success, the shareholders’ interests are best served by him continuing. The report concluded by saying that News Corp owns 40% of BSkyB so it is “almost unthinkable” ? that James Murdoch would be voted off.
So how is this news ? The BBC is conducting a vendetta against the Murdochs with full backing all the way from the top.
Not more bloody News of the World Newsnight!!!
FFS! We did that yesterday!
Burlosconi is just resigned! Given that Italy might need a bailout soon, and that could mean financial armageddon, is this really the best story for you to be leading with???
Rant over! 🙂