George here and welcoming you to a new week here at Biased BBC. I think a new Open Thread is in order so perhaps you would like to tell me what is annoying you with BBC coverage?
The BBC really need to simply put a test card up as worn by a suitably ethnic person on a sandwich board.
However many channels they`ve got…just devote on channel to one message.
BBC1=Islamic apologies and anti-Israeli rants
BBB2=Murdoch Minutes of Hate.
BBC3=Tory Cuts
BBCNews=Green/Gaia worship.
Be far easier, cheaper and save us all a lot of inconvenient channel hopping to get the message.
Save us all a lot of money too…we could buy our own megaphones and wet socks to club ourselves with and have change from£145…lots of it!
‘TODAY’: still hostile to Council, and friendly to illegal ‘travellers’.
On and on: the BBC-NUJ political bias on ‘Today’ re- Dale Farm:- Justin WEBB and his barely veiled hostility to Mr Ball, Tory leader of Basildon Council; contrast that with the soft interviews in the field with hostile, illegal non-travelling ‘travellers’, now threatening to take over the property of Basildon Council leader.
I just caught the last minute or so of the interview. Am I to understand that Justin thought it was for the council to return the land to its green belt status, and not the “travellers” who own it and who had illegally put up the buildings?
I also see that ‘CBI cuts forecast for UK growth’ was quickly relegated to a minor headline (although I’m sure it’s nothing to do with the CBI’s pro-austerity stance).
Cuts to growth forecasts? What’s that in importance compared to pressure mounting on the home secretary or a court ruling on unmarried rights?
So the BBC is promoting the student march today as it has always provided advance promotion to most large left wing rallies.
There is no excuse. This is not a news event as it has not happened yet. By providing promotion the BBC will manage to guarantee it becomes a news event.
Once again we have the British (Protests) Broadcasting Corporation.
I recall worries about the ‘oxygen of publicity’ being given to terrorists. Now the BBC can roll up to these leftist events with a massive blood transfusion.
In fact the camera is a willing participant in events. Just as in the second wave of rioting in August the broadcasting provides publicity and added excitment to the participants and presents them to the wider public in a way that is out of proportion to their actual importance.
I switched on the news channel earlier, and there was nothing but coverage of the student protests.
I initially suspected that there had been violence, or the protests were much bigger than I’d thought.
But no, the BBC were giving a peaceful protest by 5,000 people far more coverage than there were to the bedlam that’s breaking loose in the finacial markets, and the fact that the world’s ninth biggest economy may be about to default…
…and remember this from October 2010? BBC Provided the meeting venue on the front news page:
“In London, demonstrators are set to gather outside the Rail Maritime and Transport (RMT) head office to hear speeches from Bob Crow, the union’s general secretary, and Matt Wrack, leader of the Fire Brigades Union, which is holding a strike in London.”
…and this from the anti-cuts March, 2011, once again from the front page. Time and venue provided. It’s like a billboard:
“What’s happening and where
Marchers assemble from 1100 GMT on Victoria Embankment and Lower Thames Street
People are advised to join the march late, up until at least 1400 GMT, to avoid long wait
Starts moving at 1200 GMT towards Hyde Park
Rally in park from 1330-1630 GMT
Speakers will include Labour leader Ed Miliband”
Just been listening to WATO (to use the Beeb’s acronym).
Three politicians on – Labour, Conservative, LibDem. All very balanced, no? Well…. the Tory was Lord Heseltine, so wet he could be under water. Add to that all three (the others being Kinnochio and Shirley “Grunwicks” Williams) are rabid Europhiles who wanted to join the Euro at its inception. They were asked the obvious question (any regrets on their stance then) and each was allowed to waffle away with no (even remotely) adverse challenges from the Beeboid interviewer. No Eurosceptic point of view.
To rephrase my point at the beginning: All very balanced – NO!
Anybody watching the BBC News Channel coverage of the latest “student” protest march in London can see a nice Cuban flag being proudly waved amongst the throng. What does that have to do with tuition fees? Apparently it’s all very nice now, but some of them “have been drinking during the day”.
On the BBC News site the ticker for latest news has made sure the affiliation of peers suspended from the House is known. Not something the BBC is always good at, for some reason.
Was someone looking for Scott or Dez earlier? By some strange chance, I’ve just come across a blog called Angry Mob run by a weird-sounding owner (I can’t make out his name: I think it’s Richard something) who gets into spats with Melanie Phillips about Winterval.
Anyway, who is linked to on the blog but one Scottie who writes about his avid devotion to the Daily Mail and his (I’m afraid very much secondary) interest in Biased BBC blog. Awww…I think I’m going to cry. :'(
Scottie: Sometimes, when I’ve exhausted poring over the Daily Mail for things that annoy me enough to bang on about them here, I like to see what other crazies in the world have to say.
I like to look at the BiasedBBC blog – they seem to think that as it’s license payers money paying for Radio 4’s Today programme it really should be a propaganda instrument for the Israeli army. I’ve no idea why a blog that should be angry about the wrong coloured ties being worn when monarchs drop dead is actually more concerned with god bothering nutters blowing each other up at the other end of the Mediterranean, but whatever makes them happy. It’s good to get it off your chest.
So there you have it, Scott beavering away about the Daily Mail and Biased BBC – which he can’t stand, allegedly – when he is not reading Beeboid Corporation press releases.
No irony with ol’ Scezzie and his DM-makes-me-angry obsession, huh ? π
Must remember to go to bed early on Friday so that I can be wide-awake and ready to post over there during the wee small hours of Saturday morning…… π
It’s not my blog – mine is a self-hosted one on my own server, not a Blogger-hosted one. And frankly, anybody with half a brain could have figured that out, since I’ve never hidden my name or identity on here, even when it allows juvenile idiots like DB to write petty and vindictive posts indulging in personal attacks against me that have nothing to do with BBC bias.
But like I said, it would take half a brain. And I appreciate that gloating at Millie’s “discovery” will have used up all the spare cerebral activity you had available.
Oh, yes, I remember another blog of yours we’ve seen previously. But you’ve told us before you use the moniker Scottie, as well as Scott. So is there now a Scottie clone who writes another blog insulting people here and also frequents Biased BBC blog?
Juvenile idiots are the ones who come on here to post insults aimed at the blog owner or other contributors and promptly disappear. There you go, insulting Buggy. Tut tut, Scottie.
Aha! I knew we’d gone into this Scottie moniker before: NotaSheep I fear that Scottie has appeared on my site to pass comment; this does not bode well. 12 June 2011, 12:12:56
Millie Tant Is he the same as Scott and is Scott and / or Scottie also the same as Scott M? 12 June 2011, 13:36:33
Craig Millie, yes they are all the same Scott. 12 June 2011, 14:07:50 Scott …I sometimes post here as either Scott or Scott M, depending on which authentication method JS-Kit deigns to allow me to use that day. However, I have never posted on notasheep’s blog, which is not one I’m in the habit of reading at all. ========================
I remembered someone telling us they were the same person. It wasn’t you who told us but that’s how I remembered it. It’s what’s known as an honest mistake. I await your acknowledgement and apology for accusing me of lying.
It doesn’t aid clarity that this exchange straddles two pages, but for what it’s worth, we mustn’t confuse Scottie with Scott/Scott M.
Scott is a much better class of adversary. As far as I can tell, Scottie merely lurks, despite once appearing on Notasheep’s blog.
I can’t make it any clearer. If you don’t know the difference between a mistake and a lie, you are a bigger dope than I thought or you are being deliberately obtuse.
Scott, I knew it wasn’t you straight away. For one thing, you’re quite right, we do know who you are. Although you’re not above the odd ad hom, you do at least engage with an argument from time to time.
I’ll wager that the Scottie of the blog with an ‘or’ for a ‘nor’ is one of the commenters on the esteemed but defunct blog here.
May I have the other half of my brain back now please?
Looks as if it may be our Scottie. He is certainly loopy enough. I don’t remember anyone on this website saying that R4 should be a “propaganda instrument for the Israeli Army “.
Most of us just want the TV tax abolished.
But, good publicity for B-BBC !
Done and done. Can’t trust any of you buggers not to steal my moment before Saturday. π
N.B. Of course it’s possible that a comment posted to Scezzie’s ungrammatical blog will rip a hole in the space-time continuum, so my humble apologies to anybody whose wife has been unexpectedly squashed by a brontosaurus in the last few minutes. My bad. :-[
I just about caught that too. Lou Reed said that he hated show business – and he included the Beeboid Corporation in that. On hearing this, the Beeboid interviewer nearly had apoplexy before recovering sufficiently to splutter the Beeboid line that you will hear music on the Beeboid radio that you wouldn’t on the commercial stations.
Been a fan of the man since I first got hold of the Velvet’s banana album back in 68. Seen him many, many times over the years, even sat in the front row for the Berlin concert in London a couple of years back.
There have been ups and down but to hear him put down the beeboid like that was priceless… as he said; the BBC what a come down.
On the BBC’s imprudent coverage of Iran’s nuclear ambitions.
A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. Stupid people are dangerous, most especially when they have great power. In this case I’m not only talking about Iran, but the BBC.
There is no question that if Iran succeeds in developing a nuclear weapon it might well mean the end of the world as we know it. There is nobody on the planet that will not be affected in some way, and none I can think of for the better.
One scenario is that Iran tries to use it on Israel, which it has already threatened to do, among other targets. Besides the devastation that a war here would create, there is also the ‘fall-out’ of any oil presently coming from this area, which is most of the worlds oil, being rendered unusable because of the radioactivity that would be present. This alone would be catastrophic for the West. Saudi Arabia is well aware of this which is why it has an ‘under the table’ agreement to allow Israeli jets to use Saudi airspace in the event of a strike by Israel against Iran.
There is now increasing evidence that Iran is very close to having this weapon, so whatever the world does now to manage or avoid this threat is perhaps one of the most important actions that will affect our future.
There is no doubt, judging by its reporting to date, that the BBC wants the Islamic nations to overthrow Israel, and that the BBC by them would be recognised for having contributed to it. This is what it sees as BBC expansion in the world. This is the stupidity that I referred to, as they haven’t really understood what would happen to them should the Islamic world dominate, apart from the nuclear scenario I described earlier, which would as much be the end for them as anybody else. That’s without taking into account what China, which is in a win-win situation, would be doing throughout this scenario?
Since Iran first announced its intentions, this time has been coming. Now its imminent, how the BBC keeps its audience informed is increasingly imperative.
So what do we see today? Russia rules out new Iran sanctions over nuclear report
The BBC even shows in the article a diagram of an implosion device to trigger a nuclear bomb, presumably in case Iran hasn’t got it right. Otherwise how can they really think that this is important to people in the context of this story?
What the BBC is not telling you, and far more importantly, is the vested financial and political interest for Russia to be against further sanctions, as well as China. Instead it tries to make the reader believe that it is only (paranoid) Israel who has concerns, and by inference it is influencing other nations to take (unnecessary) action (we know how the Jews control the world).
The BBC did something very similar prior to the Iraq invasion when it didn’t report on the financial interests of France and Germany, who were most vocal opposing any regime or status change there.
This is WAY bigger than Saddam. If the BBC really can’t see greater sense, it is a part of the problem that will be catastrophic.
Loved some quote from one of the liberal elits cheerleaders on the news earlier.
She said that “it seemed sometimes as if the police outnumbered the protesters” when she was watching events unfold in London!
Thet may well be because they DID…but the hack was able to put this “impression” as but mere perception!
Poor saps can`t even be honest with themselves!
Basically these “protests” are teddy bear picnics for the public sector shirkers. They are Labours payroll vote who are unhappy and unhinged at the prospect of having to give cause to how their jobs came about…and who actually needs them.
No wonder that the BBC staff monkeys are so empathetic and bovvvered.
Ask not for whom the bell tolls and all that.
Did all these protesters seem to find a conscience about the futures of their kids etc only after May 10th or so last year….whilst Blair and Brown brought this country to the tricoteuse baskets, all the public sector did was knit and say nothing!
So they can joing the rest of us now!
I don’t think I can face reading a whole article by that charlatan. Perhaps tomorrow, when I am feeling stronger after a good night’s rest, I’ll have a look. Can’t promise to see it through to the end, though.
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called βfirst among equals β which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I donβt know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
The BBC really need to simply put a test card up as worn by a suitably ethnic person on a sandwich board.
However many channels they`ve got…just devote on channel to one message.
BBC1=Islamic apologies and anti-Israeli rants
BBB2=Murdoch Minutes of Hate.
BBC3=Tory Cuts
BBCNews=Green/Gaia worship.
Be far easier, cheaper and save us all a lot of inconvenient channel hopping to get the message.
Save us all a lot of money too…we could buy our own megaphones and wet socks to club ourselves with and have change from£145…lots of it!
Just your average day for a BBC America journalist:
Pass the sick bag !
‘TODAY’: still hostile to Council, and friendly to illegal ‘travellers’.
On and on: the BBC-NUJ political bias on ‘Today’ re- Dale Farm:- Justin WEBB and his barely veiled hostility to Mr Ball, Tory leader of Basildon Council; contrast that with the soft interviews in the field with hostile, illegal non-travelling ‘travellers’, now threatening to take over the property of Basildon Council leader.
(item at about 7:50 am)
I just caught the last minute or so of the interview. Am I to understand that Justin thought it was for the council to return the land to its green belt status, and not the “travellers” who own it and who had illegally put up the buildings?
Italian bond yields are going through the roof, causing the FTSE and the Euro to tumble and threatening the global economy.
The BBC’s news site’s main headline? Yesterday’s news: ‘Border pressure mounting on May’
Nice one, BBC!
I take it that a few Labour MPs calling for May to go = Pressure mounting = A more important story than billions being wiped off the FTSE
Flawless logic as usual!
I also see that ‘CBI cuts forecast for UK growth’ was quickly relegated to a minor headline (although I’m sure it’s nothing to do with the CBI’s pro-austerity stance).
Cuts to growth forecasts? What’s that in importance compared to pressure mounting on the home secretary or a court ruling on unmarried rights?
So the BBC is promoting the student march today as it has always provided advance promotion to most large left wing rallies.
There is no excuse. This is not a news event as it has not happened yet. By providing promotion the BBC will manage to guarantee it becomes a news event.
The students have friends in low places.
Biased advance promotion link here:
Unless a protest involves literally tens or hundreds of thousands of people, I don’t think it’s a major national news event…
Once again we have the British (Protests) Broadcasting Corporation.
I recall worries about the ‘oxygen of publicity’ being given to terrorists. Now the BBC can roll up to these leftist events with a massive blood transfusion.
In fact the camera is a willing participant in events. Just as in the second wave of rioting in August the broadcasting provides publicity and added excitment to the participants and presents them to the wider public in a way that is out of proportion to their actual importance.
I switched on the news channel earlier, and there was nothing but coverage of the student protests.
I initially suspected that there had been violence, or the protests were much bigger than I’d thought.
But no, the BBC were giving a peaceful protest by 5,000 people far more coverage than there were to the bedlam that’s breaking loose in the finacial markets, and the fact that the world’s ninth biggest economy may be about to default…
…and remember this from October 2010? BBC Provided the meeting venue on the front news page:
“In London, demonstrators are set to gather outside the Rail Maritime and Transport (RMT) head office to hear speeches from Bob Crow, the union’s general secretary, and Matt Wrack, leader of the Fire Brigades Union, which is holding a strike in London.”
…and this from the anti-cuts March, 2011, once again from the front page. Time and venue provided. It’s like a billboard:
“What’s happening and where
Marchers assemble from 1100 GMT on Victoria Embankment and Lower Thames Street
People are advised to join the march late, up until at least 1400 GMT, to avoid long wait
Starts moving at 1200 GMT towards Hyde Park
Rally in park from 1330-1630 GMT
Speakers will include Labour leader Ed Miliband”
Just been listening to WATO (to use the Beeb’s acronym).
Three politicians on – Labour, Conservative, LibDem. All very balanced, no? Well…. the Tory was Lord Heseltine, so wet he could be under water. Add to that all three (the others being Kinnochio and Shirley “Grunwicks” Williams) are rabid Europhiles who wanted to join the Euro at its inception. They were asked the obvious question (any regrets on their stance then) and each was allowed to waffle away with no (even remotely) adverse challenges from the Beeboid interviewer. No Eurosceptic point of view.
To rephrase my point at the beginning: All very balanced – NO!
Did Pillock and Shirl say they still think Britain should join the Euro ?
Kinnochio actually said that if he’d been in charge there wouldn’t have been any euro crisis (!!!!!!!)
‘This is not a news event as it has not happened yet.
Biased advance promotion link here:‘
Fair point.
Has the headline evolved?
Curerntly it reads ‘
Thousands march in student protest over university fees’
If so, what was it earlier to reflect the situation then?
Anybody watching the BBC News Channel coverage of the latest “student” protest march in London can see a nice Cuban flag being proudly waved amongst the throng. What does that have to do with tuition fees? Apparently it’s all very nice now, but some of them “have been drinking during the day”.
On the BBC News site the ticker for latest news has made sure the affiliation of peers suspended from the House is known. Not something the BBC is always good at, for some reason.
Subtle aren’t they.
‘They’ would like to know what ‘we’ think…
Between the mods and the closers, I wonder how long this ‘un will last?
Was someone looking for Scott or Dez earlier? By some strange chance, I’ve just come across a blog called Angry Mob run by a weird-sounding owner (I can’t make out his name: I think it’s Richard something) who gets into spats with Melanie Phillips about Winterval.
Anyway, who is linked to on the blog but one Scottie who writes about his avid devotion to the Daily Mail and his (I’m afraid very much secondary) interest in Biased BBC blog. Awww…I think I’m going to cry. :'(
Sometimes, when I’ve exhausted poring over the Daily Mail for things that annoy me enough to bang on about them here, I like to see what other crazies in the world have to say.
I like to look at the BiasedBBC blog – they seem to think that as it’s license payers money paying for Radio 4’s Today programme it really should be a propaganda instrument for the Israeli army. I’ve no idea why a blog that should be angry about the wrong coloured ties being worn when monarchs drop dead is actually more concerned with god bothering nutters blowing each other up at the other end of the Mediterranean, but whatever makes them happy. It’s good to get it off your chest.
So there you have it, Scott beavering away about the Daily Mail and Biased BBC – which he can’t stand, allegedly – when he is not reading Beeboid Corporation press releases.
Oh, sorry, I forgot to post the link, which is to yet another blog:
Well done, Millie.
No irony with ol’ Scezzie and his DM-makes-me-angry obsession, huh ? π
Must remember to go to bed early on Friday so that I can be wide-awake and ready to post over there during the wee small hours of Saturday morning…… π
Oh, and shouldn’t it be “Neither Angry NOR Scared” ?
O Frumptious joy: I ‘as me furst post fur de ScezBlog ! π
Yes, you’d think Scott would know his neither nor from his either or, considering he’s supposed to be an editor an’ all.
Careful now you don’t get carried away with the excitement and thrills of Scottie blog! π
It’s not my blog – mine is a self-hosted one on my own server, not a Blogger-hosted one. And frankly, anybody with half a brain could have figured that out, since I’ve never hidden my name or identity on here, even when it allows juvenile idiots like DB to write petty and vindictive posts indulging in personal attacks against me that have nothing to do with BBC bias.
But like I said, it would take half a brain. And I appreciate that gloating at Millie’s “discovery” will have used up all the spare cerebral activity you had available.
Oh, yes, I remember another blog of yours we’ve seen previously. But you’ve told us before you use the moniker Scottie, as well as Scott. So is there now a Scottie clone who writes another blog insulting people here and also frequents Biased BBC blog?
Juvenile idiots are the ones who come on here to post insults aimed at the blog owner or other contributors and promptly disappear. There you go, insulting Buggy. Tut tut, Scottie.
“you’ve told us before you use the moniker Scottie.”
No I haven’t. Because I don’t.
If you’re going to try and sound superior, it’s really best not to lie while doing so.
Aha! I knew we’d gone into this Scottie moniker before:
I fear that Scottie has appeared on my site to pass comment; this does not bode well. 12 June 2011, 12:12:56
Millie Tant
Is he the same as Scott and is Scott and / or Scottie also the same as Scott M? 12 June 2011, 13:36:33
Millie, yes they are all the same Scott. 12 June 2011, 14:07:50
…I sometimes post here as either Scott or Scott M, depending on which authentication method JS-Kit deigns to allow me to use that day. However, I have never posted on notasheep’s blog, which is not one I’m in the habit of reading at all.
I remembered someone telling us they were the same person. It wasn’t you who told us but that’s how I remembered it. It’s what’s known as an honest mistake. I await your acknowledgement and apology for accusing me of lying.
It doesn’t aid clarity that this exchange straddles two pages, but for what it’s worth, we mustn’t confuse Scottie with Scott/Scott M.
Scott is a much better class of adversary. As far as I can tell, Scottie merely lurks, despite once appearing on Notasheep’s blog.
Okay Mr. Matthewman?
So you make the mistake, state something to be true which isn’t (otherwise known as lying) and then expect me to apologise?
How very typically Biased BBC.
I can’t make it any clearer. If you don’t know the difference between a mistake and a lie, you are a bigger dope than I thought or you are being deliberately obtuse.
Scott, I knew it wasn’t you straight away. For one thing, you’re quite right, we do know who you are. Although you’re not above the odd ad hom, you do at least engage with an argument from time to time.
I’ll wager that the Scottie of the blog with an ‘or’ for a ‘nor’ is one of the commenters on the esteemed but defunct blog here.
May I have the other half of my brain back now please?
“it allows juvenile idiots like DB to write petty and vindictive posts indulging in personal attacks against me”
Looks as if it may be our Scottie. He is certainly loopy enough. I don’t remember anyone on this website saying that R4 should be a “propaganda instrument for the Israeli Army “.
Most of us just want the TV tax abolished.
But, good publicity for B-BBC !
Probably not good publicity, Grant. From my cursory examination there don’t appear to have been ANY comments at all on the ScezBlog EVER.
I could be the “first contact” !
Done and done. Can’t trust any of you buggers not to steal my moment before Saturday. π
N.B. Of course it’s possible that a comment posted to Scezzie’s ungrammatical blog will rip a hole in the space-time continuum, so my humble apologies to anybody whose wife has been unexpectedly squashed by a brontosaurus in the last few minutes. My bad. :-[
Lou Reed seems to be less than a fan of the BBC, listen to the end of tonight’s Front Row…
I just about caught that too. Lou Reed said that he hated show business – and he included the Beeboid Corporation in that. On hearing this, the Beeboid interviewer nearly had apoplexy before recovering sufficiently to splutter the Beeboid line that you will hear music on the Beeboid radio that you wouldn’t on the commercial stations.
Been a fan of the man since I first got hold of the Velvet’s banana album back in 68. Seen him many, many times over the years, even sat in the front row for the Berlin concert in London a couple of years back.
There have been ups and down but to hear him put down the beeboid like that was priceless… as he said; the BBC what a come down.
My perfect day
Oh, yes, I forgot that bit where he said the Beeboid Corporation was a come-down for him. The best bit!
Why do Greece and Italy have to have “austerity measures” while we in the UK have to have “cuts”?
On the BBC’s imprudent coverage of Iran’s nuclear ambitions.
A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. Stupid people are dangerous, most especially when they have great power. In this case I’m not only talking about Iran, but the BBC.
There is no question that if Iran succeeds in developing a nuclear weapon it might well mean the end of the world as we know it. There is nobody on the planet that will not be affected in some way, and none I can think of for the better.
One scenario is that Iran tries to use it on Israel, which it has already threatened to do, among other targets. Besides the devastation that a war here would create, there is also the ‘fall-out’ of any oil presently coming from this area, which is most of the worlds oil, being rendered unusable because of the radioactivity that would be present. This alone would be catastrophic for the West. Saudi Arabia is well aware of this which is why it has an ‘under the table’ agreement to allow Israeli jets to use Saudi airspace in the event of a strike by Israel against Iran.
There is now increasing evidence that Iran is very close to having this weapon, so whatever the world does now to manage or avoid this threat is perhaps one of the most important actions that will affect our future.
There is no doubt, judging by its reporting to date, that the BBC wants the Islamic nations to overthrow Israel, and that the BBC by them would be recognised for having contributed to it. This is what it sees as BBC expansion in the world. This is the stupidity that I referred to, as they haven’t really understood what would happen to them should the Islamic world dominate, apart from the nuclear scenario I described earlier, which would as much be the end for them as anybody else. That’s without taking into account what China, which is in a win-win situation, would be doing throughout this scenario?
Since Iran first announced its intentions, this time has been coming. Now its imminent, how the BBC keeps its audience informed is increasingly imperative.
So what do we see today?
Russia rules out new Iran sanctions over nuclear report
The BBC even shows in the article a diagram of an implosion device to trigger a nuclear bomb, presumably in case Iran hasn’t got it right. Otherwise how can they really think that this is important to people in the context of this story?
What the BBC is not telling you, and far more importantly, is the vested financial and political interest for Russia to be against further sanctions, as well as China. Instead it tries to make the reader believe that it is only (paranoid) Israel who has concerns, and by inference it is influencing other nations to take (unnecessary) action (we know how the Jews control the world).
The BBC did something very similar prior to the Iraq invasion when it didn’t report on the financial interests of France and Germany, who were most vocal opposing any regime or status change there.
This is WAY bigger than Saddam. If the BBC really can’t see greater sense, it is a part of the problem that will be catastrophic.
A link to see some of the vested financial and political interest for Russia in Iran.
Loved some quote from one of the liberal elits cheerleaders on the news earlier.
She said that “it seemed sometimes as if the police outnumbered the protesters” when she was watching events unfold in London!
Thet may well be because they DID…but the hack was able to put this “impression” as but mere perception!
Poor saps can`t even be honest with themselves!
Basically these “protests” are teddy bear picnics for the public sector shirkers. They are Labours payroll vote who are unhappy and unhinged at the prospect of having to give cause to how their jobs came about…and who actually needs them.
No wonder that the BBC staff monkeys are so empathetic and bovvvered.
Ask not for whom the bell tolls and all that.
Did all these protesters seem to find a conscience about the futures of their kids etc only after May 10th or so last year….whilst Blair and Brown brought this country to the tricoteuse baskets, all the public sector did was knit and say nothing!
So they can joing the rest of us now!
Not BBC related but this piece by Huhne is pricless. Read the comments. I hope Huhne did.
I don’t think I can face reading a whole article by that charlatan. Perhaps tomorrow, when I am feeling stronger after a good night’s rest, I’ll have a look. Can’t promise to see it through to the end, though.