There’s nothing like a biased intro to a BBC debate Can Capitalism have a heart? – asks Sarah Montague on BBC Today. She interviews the Church of England appointed Ken Costa, who seems a reasonable chap, but almost entirely from the perspective of Swampy and his pals. Not a word of the disgraceful behavior of those protesters who have turned Wren’s masterpiece into a public latrine, whose excrement has to be cleaned from the very steps of St. Paul’s. The BBC, like the COE, collude with Big Sloth, to undermine the very system that allows them all to operate. Sickening.
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It’s always notieceable, by its absence in such debates, what forces have to be at play to uniquely fund the not inconsiderable wedge scored by the likes of Ms. M and her ‘guests’.
Given these morons want us to follow them into their utopian delusion maybe they should stop pissing off the world and it’s friends by these dumb actions and stuff like this=
ANTI-CAPITALIST protesters outside St Paul’s Cathedral demanded a free box of poppies from the Royal British Legion to distribute around their camp.
Their request, turned down by veterans who were turfed off their usual spot outside the cathedral, came on the same day two soldiers collecting for the appeal were allegedly jeered by protesters and called “baby killers”.
God they must attract some real jerks and tiny minded bigots and useful idiots, oh the red Eddies like them now so i rest my case !!
The Church of Beeb will have no competition soon…hence its cringing around Islam…as if that`ll save it!
Any thought from Garry Richardson and the Sports monkeys about the wasteful and unnecessary transport miles being frittered on this Olympic Candle of theirs?
95% fewer tourists next year apparently, but a lot more drugs and guns…so a win for the Beeb and its hooded correspondents.
Oh heck…not enough disability facilities for 23,000 Paralympic spectators/participants…didn`t Tessa Jowell or Ken do their maths then?…
As if, Tory cuts and Blame Boris coming down the track for 5pm I`m sure…
What an amazingly childish and biased segment. Montague asks how can it be right that people in the finance industry work to earn money for people who already have some. The whole premise of this discussion is that earning money in finance is in and of itself mmoral, wrong.
Nobody honest can claim that Montague didn’t clearly betray emotion when she was declaring how wrong it is for these City boys to keep earning large salaries. Would she be equally openly emotional about that football commentator getting paid 50% more than Paxman, and probably more than the entire Today squad combined? What a disaster.
I was waiting for the balancing question from the other side about how can it be right for some to decide that others shouldn’t have what they earn fairly. But it didn’t happen.
“Every company operates within a community”. Is this Sesame Street?
An interesting concept of morality from the BBC (as we should expect). No one has to employ these bankers, and no one has to bank with the companies that employ them (there are still some mutual building societies in the UK). We do however have to pay Montague’s inflated salary on pain of criminal sanctions.
My local whore, who only earns if she works (must be tough given the availability of the amateurs) is more moral than those who live off money extorted under threat of violence.
Once again the Today producers display their political bias with this Marxist valuation of labor.
“Not a word of the disgraceful behavior of those protesters who have turned Wren’s masterpiece into a public latrine, whose excrement has to be cleaned from the very steps of St. Paul’s.”
In the Telegraph (or Times) yesterday some CoE moron assured the reporter that whoever soiled the carpet inside (not the steps outside) St Pauls was a “hanger on” and nothing to do with the protestors. To give such an assurance the moron must obviously know who left his/her sh*t at St Pauls. In reality, I suspect that no-one actually does know but the CoE, in its rush to exculpate the anti-capitalist martyrs, has now become no more than a shill for the protestors.
Jesus did say a few things about rich people and heavens chances .
He also said a lot about envy and dog in manger attitude .
The Ten Commandments also include “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbours goods ” . Nothing in this fundamental piece of Christian theology about uber high salaries .
As the BBC is objective, balanced and unbiased, we can expect a programme ” Can socialism have a heart ? “.
It is easier for a benefit-scrounging squatter to pass through a shower, than it is for a Hampstead media trendy to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. (Apocryphal)
It is easy for Ms. Montague to snipe at capitalism from the cosy confines of the state (and tax) sponsored BBC.
I think that the government should introduce a new voluntary income tax so that Sarah could contribute more to help the feckless wasters who are currently inhabiting the steps of St. Pauls – I am sure that she would gladly donate a small percentage of her income.