I have long since given up on this government. David Cameron is not a Conservative, he’s a lefty, Euorophile, greenie fascist from exactly the same mould as the vile Edward Heath, the dangerous egomaniac who bounced us into the EU. Proof? Andrew Mitchell, Cameron’s international development secretary, has announced this weekend (reported in the Sunday Times P6, so not linkable)a £90m grant for the BBC World Service Trust (WST). This, as I have written before, is a body whose main purpose is to brainwash the developing world about eco loonery, and already spends millions doing so, with projects like this:
The major objective of Africa Talks Climate is to identify the entry points to engage, inform and empower Africans in local, national and international conversations about climate change. To achieve this, the initiative will collate opinions and then amplify the voices of people at all levels of society. “Climate change is the defining issue of our age,” said Peter Upton, Country Director for the British Council in Nigeria. “Climate in Africa is one of the most important issues that all people and governments will face. Africa will be one of the most affected regions but has done the least to contribute to the problem.
The whopping new grant – at a time when millions in the UK are suffering from fuel poverty because of the government’s renewables policy – will at a stroke make the WST five times bigger and, in effect, convert it into an arm of Mr Mitchell’s government department DFID. Be very afraid. It means oodles more bureaucratic fear-mongering projects, the goal of the greenies involved being to convert the developing world into West-hating, climate change fanatics.
The WST is run by someone with ideal credentials for this eco-zealot role. The boss is Caroline Nursey, a career tranzi parasite with no qualifications in any climate-related field or broadcasting. As an-ex “director level” Oxfam (greenie propagandists-in-chief) executive, she no doubt fits the ideal DFID mould of a disburser down the drain of millions of pounds of our cash. Her head of policy is James Deane, who formely worked for the Panos Institute. another body up to its gills in climate change activism.
I could go on. But the main point here is that this government came to office pledging to rein in the BBC as part of a so-called Conservative agenda. It claimed that it was going to cut back the World Service; instead it has now made it an agency of another government department, one in which normal laws of economics do not apply because the boy David has ring-fenced its budget.
Thus, in the WST a new bueaucratic Frankenstein has been created, one which will spray cash around the world in its lunatic dissemination of climate change propaganda. As I said, this is not Conservatism. And it goes beyond anything NuLabour ever dreamed up. Even Tony Blair is asking only for a few million from DFID!
There is hope!
I expect he is not alone in his feelings about the Socialist in Tory clothing.
The Conservative Party has nothing to offer a conservative at this moment in time.
Cameron is forever demonstrating that he considers the British people to be at the very bottom of his ‘progressive stack’.
I truly believe that he’ll be more unpopular than Brown by the end of his five years of mis-rule. He’s completely misjudged the nation’s mood when making almost every policy.
I now welcome the BBC’s anti-‘Conservative’ bias. Given that they’re too weak and pathetic to stand up to them, then they deserve everything they get.
Another term of Labour is a price we must pay for a real conservative Party to re-emerge, unless the backbenchers get their act together and call a vote of no confidence.
Thank you Mr Horbury for digging this one up.
Truly appalling.
In today’s economic morass every line item of public expenditure should be zero-budgeted, should have to be justified from scratch. On that basis the grant should have been wiped out altogether, it does damn all for Britain.
I object to being wiped out !
Yes; a reprise of two 2011 articles by Melanie Phillips on the theme:
“Boo me if you like, but it’s time to ignore the bleeding hearts and shut down the ministry of foreign aid”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-1389886/Foreign-aid-budget-Its-time-shut-ministry-foreign-aid.html#ixzz1da3ZcUmi
“Shameless cynicism on foreign aid beyond even Yes Minister ”
Great Ormond Street Hospital, an institution which seems to do a pretty good job, is constantly asking for donations on the TV yet foreign aid is taken out of taxes. Why can’t foreign aid be left up to the individual? If it’s good enough for GOSH…
Absoulutey crazy. Energy policy in sub-Saharan Africa is increasingly being moulded by the Chinese.
African dictators will, of course, take the money from stupid Western politicians, but the West is becoming more and more irrelevant in that part of the world.
He is like one of those trustafarian crusties at St. Pauls – a complete disgrace to the Tory party.
And if I ever read another sentence like “…to engage, inform and empower Africans in local, national and international conversations about climate change” I think I will scream.
You can just imagine the beeboid focus group that came up with that pile of crap – yes Jocasta, I love the use of engage and empower and converstaion really makes them feel like they are involved.
Yes, I know a lot of Africans who would laugh at that and whose english is a lot better than Jocasta or whoever dreamed up that mindless drivel.
Sold down the river by those who have their heads up their own, and each other’s arses.
It will become very, very cold in the next few years. There will be insufficient power to go around, and most of it no doubt will be available to those who need it least. And it’s all our fault for living, and also for stupidly electing governments who don’t give a shit about those who elect them.
But where will they be, these wise men, when we are having our nuts frozen off? Why, retired in sunnier, globally-warmed climes, spending the money that they systematically extorted from us to fund their gold plated pensions (that money which was left after most of it had been squandered on tin-pot, third world dictatorships whose leaders are probably enjoying the same perks, in the same sunnier climes, and comparing notes, toasting their success, and the demise of the rest of us).
Why is it that we blindly walk into these things? Are we programmed that way – to be the authors of our own destruction?
Yes you can rest assured that when the power cuts start, Westminster, Islington, Hampstead and Brighton will somehow be spared the cuts.
Funnily enough it will be those nasty Tory rural areas that will be hit the hardest, the excuse? no hospitals or ‘skoolz’ in those places.
This news could not have come at a better time for many African cleptocrats (sorry) leaders. They have been racking their brains for ages trying to figure out how they can be compensated by the evil Europeans for causing all the droughts and hot weather.
Now they can relax because the big boss has now found a way to figure this out, educate them and pay for the claim. They get double points as well, because they have to sell their coal to China because they need the forex.
I am sure their wives and mistresses are busy putting together their shopping list for the next visit to Hong Kong.
I agree, I for one won’t be voting Tory at the next election, Cameron will be a one term failure, at least we got rid of Gordon Brown, but I suspect we will get the Liebore party back again, but to be honest I can hardly tell the difference between the current lot and the last lot. Few Nokia phones damaged perhaps.
Give this lot a try, Martin!
UKIP are a joke though, the English Nationalists are more up my street.
I’ll be voting UKIP. They are the only right of centre national party, with a full programme for government, decent conservative policies and are breaking out of “others” and registering at a national level. they will probably win the Euro-Parliament elections outright, which should be a springboard for taking a few seats at the next general election. Either way it should put enough pressure on enough tory MPs in enough marginals, to force a change in tory policy.
IF you support conservative policies, like low taxes, patriotism, small government, rewarding self-reliance, rewarding entreprenuers, rewarding saving, rewarding families and marriage, being realistic on science and climate, etc…. you cannot vote for those policies by voting for the conservative party. By voting for Cameron’s conservatives you are voting for labour lite. Slightly less taxes, slightly lower public spending than labour, a bit less totalitarianism re ID cards, but everything else is almost identical.
UKIP are not a joke at all, but are a serious party with a full programme of government.
If your MP is not amongst the 111 that voted for a referendum then vote UKIP, otherwise you will be voting for, or not voting against a grease ball, whichever party you vote for.
UKIP need to up their game I’m afraid, banging on about Europe is one thing, but I want an England free of Scotland in particular and the rest of the Union, I want taxes raised in England spent in England. I want more devolved regional power, if the scousers want to live on benefits then they can raise the taxes to pay for it.
UKIP are not interested in that, which is why they won’t get my vote.
“but I want an England free of Scotland in particular..”
Why are the conservatives so against Scottish independence when it would mean the end of labour in Westminster? They seem keen to keep things just the way they are. Cameron talks tough on the EU but does nowt “now is not the time for a referendum“, maybe not but while the EU is weak now is the perfect time to get concessions. Yes UKIP looks like a very good option.
Blair had “Things can only get better” during the 1997 election. Can I suggest this for the next election?
Basically, Cameron is a socialist. What he needs are daily injections of testosterone.
Just been watching the Remembrance Ceremony at The Cenotaph , only spoilt by Dimblebore’s Commentary and Sophie “Airhead” Rawarth. But , what are the bloody politicians doing there ? It is none of their damn business. Even Gordon the Moron was there, a man who hates the military.
Conspicuous by his absence was scumbag Salmond. That should be a headline on the BBC news.
There was a part of me that had hopes for a new Conservative government, bringing some normal sensible government after the delusional and soul-destroying years of Brown & Blair. Yet, here is Cameron, so out out of touch, so wrapped in this eco-loon nonsense, which seems to be blinding him from the reality.
I didn’t envy the legacy they were handed, but Cameron, is simply not the man for the moment, giving us merely more of the same. This even more disappointing because we expected better, and a little honesty. Integrity probably a bit too much to ask.
Who knows what will happen at the next election – if we are allowed one (the way Euro-style democracy is going) – one could hope that the days of the LibLabCon stitch up could be brougth to a close with some sensible, independent thinking and relatively ‘normal’ people. Fat chance!
Cameron is not the man for this moment. Just when you really need a “Nasty Party”, the only one you’ve got is one desperate to prove it’s not.
That’s right, LC; I’ve posted elsewhere – and the likes of Douglas Murray have also pointed it out – that if you accept the need for ‘detoxification’ then you are confirming that what your enemies say about you is true.
The Tories of the eighties were more hard-headed, rational and acted in the interests of the country. The economy boomed and they got four straight election victories as a result (despite having to also fight the BBC, not just their political opponents). Even more telling is how Labour had to pretend they had changed, and then as soon as they got in set about changing the make-up of the British people irrevocably through mass immigration, so as to shore up their vote in the face of losing the political and economic argument.
Only problem is that reality has now come-a-knocking and we have an elite so inured from the real world that they are utterly incapable of dealing with it.
I could go on…
The truth is nasty. Thatcher won three elections in a row because people like to be told the honest truth no mater how nasty. Cameroon is a metropolitan poonce who fell for the Nulabour PR strategy of depicting blunt Thatcherite honesty as Nasty.
Even Christopher Hitchens, who claims to be a marxist and not supportive of her politically, says that Thatcher was our last truly radical Prime Minister.
Cameron is pro-Islamising Turkey, pro-E.U., pro-foreign aid.
“David Cameron, Flogging His Wares”
(by H. Fitzgerald, 2010)
And BBC-NUJ-Labour is giving Blair’s appeal to save the Euro (and the E.U.) top billing on its ‘politics’ webpage today; this fits with its politics. (Is Blair UK PM, to be given inordinate propaganda?)
Does Blair think he should be head of U.N.,or E.U. or UK government?
The real ‘one-eyed jack’ Blair:
“Blair has sold himself to a foreign power”
So what happens with all those BBC job cuts caused by the nasty Tories forcing Auntie to absorb costs for the World Service? Or is this just more money given to the BBC for expanding their grasp another way?
Cameron could have chosen to be Thatcher-or at least have a mind to be on the side of the people against the State…we`d have settled for that.
As it is…he has chosen to be a retread of Ted Heath without the water wings.
Being so wet that he is in danger of drowning in himself.
Utterly useless and vapid, and won`t be able to go on much longer like this…and in danger of being replaced by Lord Brittain/Patten/Mandelson or the Family Kinnock bu Fuhrergram if he continues to bo so craven and unprincipled.
‘Fuhrergram’ – like it.
This is what it looks like, for those who missed it:
I remember , as a little boy back in the 1960s starting to take an interest in current affairs, asking my father what he thought of the Conservatives.
Without raising his eyes from the book he was reading ( he seldom did ), he simply said , witheringly, ” slow motion socialists ” and carried on reading.
Thanks, Grant. You brought back fond memories of my father, diverting his attention to the TV, nudging his specs to the end of his nose, and peering over the rims to tut his contempt. He often scorned the BBC, reserving his greatest disapproval for That’s Life and it’s host : “awful woman…exploiting people’s misfortune”. He was a proper ‘grumpy old man’, and right about most things.
(Love the ‘slow motion socialists’ putdown – how true of our current lot!)
How remarkable , your dad reminds me so much of my late father.
I wish he was here today to see the events in the EU , the unravelling of the Euro and the appalling developments in the Middle East. ( all predicted by him ).
But, he reserved his greatest contempt for the BBC, and his greatest admiration for the Israelis.
He would have loved this website !
Grant, I’m sure this site would also have appealed greatly to my Dad, were he here to see it. He loathed the BBC’s contempt for the traditions and history of Great Britain.
My old man was a good predicter too. As someone who worked in the banking sector for many years close to the USA, he was very scornful of certain lending practises, and said it would all come to a head at some point. He also insisted that to be a successful bank manager, it was essential that someone should climb the ladder from the bottom as he had done, in order to fully understand every aspect of the business. Witness those four ‘bankers’ being grilled by the Treasury Committee informing us they had no previous experience in the banking sector before becoming managers. I would like to have heard his running commentary of their appearances!
One of the worst hypocrites is a Tory MP in my area called Graham Stuart who is vice-Chairman of GLOBE UK which is an expensive international quango that promotes the Climate Change scam.
You’re lucky. My local Tory creep is Zac Goldsmith.
Cameron should have been toasted the moment he imposed the three-line whip on the EU referendum vote. That he was allowed to get away with that really tells you all you need to know about the flaccid bunch of buffoons who currently label themselves “Conservatives”.
If people manage to retain the memory of that single disgraceful act until the next election then Cameron, and the tories, are out of office.
Unless of course, the party manages to grow some balls and select a leader with his (or her) own pair to provide some decent leadership.
If we did get a true Conservative at No 10, then presumably the more egregious parts of the evil empire which our national broadcaster has become would be culled and sites like this would not be having these discussions, much as I would miss them.
Well said !
This is what UKIP should be capita;ising on right now, and then running election campaigns on, at both the EU and generals.
Nothing to add. Cameron says it all.
Cameron is winning no firends here:
Perhaps he does not want to offend the Germans.
Disgraceful. Does Cameron have no shame ? Anyone would think he is just a marketing man with no experience of the real world.
DFID should pay for “Trade not aid”, not warmist, propaganda. EU import tariffs – for revenue, not protection – are the very bane of the small third-world farmer’s life, and keep prices high in our shops too. But the beeb would no more preach that than it would blame Spain for stealing our fish.
The BBC bleats on about poverty in third world countries, but supports the EU which is partly responsible for that poverty by operating protectionist policies. Beeboids, lying hypocrites as usual.
FWIW I am not quite convinced that Cameron is a leftie europhile greenie fascist and suspect it may be an act because his (out of) focus groups tell him there’s where the votes are. I can’t believe that an old etonian son of a stockbroker could be anything other than a proper Conservative. I note also he has cut back on the hugahoodie, hugahuskie stunts.
Judge by his deeds of course.
And if he is a leftie europhile etc then may I wish him a haunted middle and old age living in a crappy timber-framed new-build on Dalgety Bay, fingernails bitten beyond the quick, and staring out to sea in a black depression wondering why we, the simple electorate, were so foolish to ditch a man of such extraordinary talent and far-sightedness.
Well he can certainly afford a house at Dalgety Bay, which is more than I can !
A film for BBC luvvies?:- ‘The Iron Lady’.
“The Iron Lady is a winner: Margaret Thatcher has converted even that lefty luvvy, Meryl Streep.”
(by Cristina Odone)
Now seems a good time to remind everyone of the ridiculous Ms. Harman and the ‘Government Equalities Office celebrating the achievements of women and ethnic minorities’ nonsense.
All individuals are listed by name – except one :
🙂 1976 Shreela Flather elected first Asian woman councillor in Britain
=-X 1979 UK’s first woman Prime Minister
🙂 1981 Baroness Young becomes first woman Leader of the House of Lords
Well spotted , Reed.
Is Shreela Flather an anagram ?
It sounds a bit like “Sheila Fraser” pronounced by a Chinese.