I suggest you might give this interview concerning the Leveson Inquiry on Today a whirl if you get a moment. Contrast the treatment of Roy Greenslade with that of Trevor Kavanagh. I was pleased when Kavanagh actually kicked back at the tangled Webb but it is a scandal that an interviewer takes such a blatantly biased position in the first instance. I’ve done a few debates with Greenslade myself on the BBC and he is treated as a real hero by them, no interruptions allowed.
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Interesting that the comment from Greenslade was, and I paraphrase: “The cancer of the Newspaper Industry, the NoTW, has been removed so we don’t need to continue with this enquiry”.
For me the not-so-hidden subtext is “Stop this enquiry before it gets to the Mirror and the Guardian”.
Shouldn`t Roy Greenslade still be having to carry the corpse of Robert Maxwell on his back in return for those years of slithering around the Man who took the pensions….at least until Gordon Brown pegs out?
How many BBC Trusties and Trusatfarians do we ourselves have to carry around like Professor Nod of The John Bull Printing Press Uni?
If Greenslade is a lecturer or more…no wonder the likes of l`il Justin get their pacamacs and an internet connection…
Five points to Kavanaugh for smacking ol’ Justin for his “scoffing”.
Greenslade was given a hard time by Richard Black for criticising fellow Gordon Brown crony Piers Morgan!
‘Prof.’ Greenslade’s Graun column is risible.
He is a partisan hypocrite who if ever competent now appears bordeline senile.
Half his output is spent obsessing about the Mail or Daily Telegraph.
If ever there was a ‘Downfall’ spoof of media sel-obsession and lack of awareness, he is it.
So… time for him to get a BBC series.