I noticed on the remeberance parade at Whitehall The BBC kept refering to the terrible price paid for going to war. When of course it should have been the terrible price we had to pay for freedom.
The price we paid for the BBC’s freedom to spout crap.
Of course the price of not going to war would have been even greater.
Maybe too subtle an argument for the simpletons at the BBC to understand.
This might explain why the BBC are big fans of Italy’s new Prime Minister, Mario Monti:
‘As EU competition commissioner a decade ago he battled Germany into retreat over subsidies for the Landesbanken and forced France to break up its electricity monopolies.
He stunned Washington by fining Microscoft €497m (£426m) for abuse of dominant position and blocking the $45bn (£28bn) GE-Honeywell merger, the world’s biggest up to that date, after it had already been approved by the Justice Department, as if to say the Americans were failing on the job.
It was Super Mario who turned the EU into a global super-regulator.’
Of course the Beeboids approve: he’s ex-Goldman Sachs. The new ECB boss is ex-Goldman Sachs. The President of the US is the top recipient of Goldman Sachs cash. One of the first people His Administration turned to for help in the financial crisis after the election was Jon Corzine, ex-Goldman Sachs, ex-NJ Governor, and future felon for financial fraud.
Why do I feel uneasy every time I hear the name Goldman Sachs when used in conjunction with “government” and “politicians” ?
Wasn’t it Goldman Sachs whose Enron style accounting for the Greeks allowed them to join the Euro? Their name crops up whenever anything dodgy crops up in finance and politics. We still haven’t been told of how much influence they had in Gordon Brown’s decision to sell the nation’s gold at a rock bottom price.
As I understand Goldman Sachs were short selling gold at the time, but the market price was holding steady – until Brown told the markets he intended selling half the nation’s reserves. Now trailing his intentions was something that had never been done before, but it had the desired effect, lowering prices and saving Goldman Sachs from a huge loss.
You should definitely feel uneasy every time you hear about a government or politician associated with Goldman Sachs. They’re no more competent than anyone else in the financial industry, no more deserving of credibility than anyone else. In fact, I’d say that they’ve been among the less competent and trustworthy, considering they had to get bailed out by the taxpayers just like the other firms, and one of their top mavens (Corzine) not only bankrupted his own state but then ran another company into the ground.
They may be shrewd, but I wouldn’t trust the competence of a political leader who was a GS bigwiig these days.
BBC News Channel right now showing a seriously biased Jeremy Vine report on the summer riots in Manchester. 100% BS agenda: all the rioters were from the poorest areas, they wanted social justice, awful draconian sentences for innocent lambs caught up in the confusion and only stole a pack of smokes, social justice again.
No mention whatsoever that three quarters of them had a criminal record. No mention of gang involvement. Nope, despite all evidence, the BBC is going back to their original false Narrative on the riots. They think you’re too stupid to know the difference.
Correction: The News Channel is showing Vine’s sensationalist report again, and I notice now that, while they were all from the “most impoverished neighborhoods” and that a third of them were under 17, Vine actually did say that 80% had criminal records. Don’t know how I missed that before, as I was waiting to hear it. But that makes it all the more strange for Vine to spend most of his time talking about the “impoverished” and mentioning only the kid given four months for stealing a pack of smokes, and another innocent lamb who professed revolutionary politics but then really wanted to steal some clothes. If this is supposed to be a good summary of the full report (tonight on Panorama, if you can stomach it), then more time should have been spent on the 80% with previous and about what the vast majority did. You can see Vine’s agenda coming a mile away.
He set it up by getting a police mouthpiece to state that the innocent lambs in Manchester rioted only because they saw that London police were standing around and weren’t in control. No mention of orders from the top to stand down. No mention that there was planning for this in places besides Tottenham. Shifting blame away from the criminal element, as usual.
It’s certainly strange that, with 80% of the Mancunian yobbos having had previous convictions and Jezza’s stressing of the point that half of those convicted came from some of the poorest parts of the country , the two rioters Vine uses in his report are a lad with no previous convictions and a “privately educated” idiot.
Last Thursday on the World at One Martha Kearney was hosting a discussion about the riots. Very funny if you go and listen to the tone of her voice when she hits on the thing that clearly shocked her most of all about the looters – not their criminality or their acts of vandalism but their sheer materialism
Did anybody hear Stephen Nolan last night on 5live? The subject was ‘are there any starving people in the UK?’ It was Edwina Currie against the World, including Nolan.
Regardless of her views, Edwina was magnificent. Calm, consistently interrupted, and very brave.
She was accused of being a liar, was constantly mis-quoted, and at one point Nolan even incited a member of the audience to shout ‘burn the rich’s houses!’.
Grant…with our welfare state there’s no absolute poverty, which of course is no good to the shame inducing, grudge-pimping social engineers of the left. Thus the switch to the bogus relative poverty.
There is growing number of references on the BBC to food banks – because of the dreadful Tory government cuts (either said or implied). I am sorry and have only recently written in a comment but a large packet of lentils goes a long way to fill an empty stomach for less than £1.00 per packet. If you are starving you can eat for very little as long as you have had proper cookery lessons (or a brain).
Years ago, I was friends with a guy who claimed disability benefit of some sort (he was a manic depressive), and I was once annoyed to witness him quickly lose a load of his fortnightly payment in the one armed bandit in his local pub!
That’s not what the welfare state was designed for! Grrrr!!!
Mental afflicitions deserve to be taken seriously and with sympathy.
However, one might note that paranoid delusional obsession can manifest itself in a variety of ways, ranging from pyschotic aggression to thinking one is right and the rest of the world is wrong, and coping with this adversely to society as a whole.
Hence this does not automatically suggest that it is wise simply to shrug and keep on paying to maintain the results, however uniquely, from buliding up armies or £4Bpa propaganda systems (or both, in so cases, Godwin hat-tipped) that have long since ceased to pretend to inform or educate objectively, despite wild claims of impartiality.
That’s why the measure is actually of ‘relative poverty’ whci means it will always exist. The BBC and others then shorten the measure to just ‘poverty’ and bingo!
This morning’s radio news headlines were this report
“The UK labour market faces a “slow, painful contraction” with firms delaying recruitment of more staff, a key report suggests.
The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) predicted the jobs market would worsen in the medium term amid global economic “turmoil”” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-15715460
The BBC tried their best to hide their anguish a further evidence of how wise is the advice of Mr Balls.
The BBC online report goes on to say
“Last month, the CIPD reported that the public sector had been shedding jobs at five times the rate previously predicted by the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR).
The think tank called on the government to “call a halt to public sector job cuts while the economy and labour market remain in the current fragile condition”
“Think tank”?? It is a professional body, or middle class trade union, with many subscription paying members in the public sector.
Meanwhile the BBC do not appear to want to confuse their audience by also reporting this better sounding report by the bosses’ trade union
” Nearly half of Britain’s businesses plan to hire more staff over the next year, as the private sector job recovery continues, Britain’s leading business group will say today.
The results of a survey by the CBI and recruitment consultancy Harvey Nash will be welcomed by ministers, who need businesses to step in and create jobs as the public sector faces cuts.
The report found 47 per cent of employers are predicting that their workforces will be larger in a year, with only 19 per cent predicting they will be smaller, giving a balance of plus 28 per cent.” http://www.independent.co.uk/news/business/news/workforces-set-to-increase-next-year-predicts-cbi-6261973.html
Hey, that’s the exact opposite conclusion of a report I saw earlier on the News Channel. That report said that the private sector is being mean and doesn’t want to hire right now, as they are concerned about the current economic client and what the future holds. The theme was that the private sector isn’t “picking up the slack” like Cameron said they would after all those alleged public sector cuts.
We heard a small businessman say he’s afraid to hire and doesn’t think it’s wise to invest in growth right now. Then we got a clip of Call Me Dave babbling about low interest rates and promoting growth, which was – of course – followed by Red Ed saying the Government had “no plan for growth” and was “out of touch”.
Brendan O’Neill :- “Greece’s austerity junta: Regime of the Technocrats. “Brendan O’Neill reports from Athens on how the EU is using financial blackmail to force cash-
strapped Greece to suspend democratic politics.”
Celebrity feminist Germaine Greer appeared on Radio 3. The billing for the programme read: “Inspired by the Janis Joplin lyric “Freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose”, she argues that the pursuit of freedom has caused havoc throughout the world, and calls for a new version of liberation”
From a rambling, incomprehensible diatribe here is a real gem: “…When you hear that I am not condemning hijab, I don’t condemn the veil (I understand the veil as a social phenomenon), I don’t even condemn genital cutting because it’s not up to me to condemn it. It is not – my – problem! I have enough to worry about in my society when women can’t even eat, where twelve years old girls are terrified that their thighs are flabby…”
Sorry, Iranian Leila, but Germaine hasn’t a view on your clitoris being cut out by men who do not want you to enjoy sexual relations because she is busy thinking about British Susan who has flabby thighs!
I accept Greer has a right to express her views freely however horrid they are but this was on the BBC and there was no challenge – NONE – to her positions. She has spent her life getting away with this stuff and generations of young women have swallowed it hook line and sinker. And one of her main enablers over the years has been the BBC.
I urge you to hear the whole broadcast and make up your own minds before it is removed from the R3 website. If you haven’t time, listen from 23’00” onwards.
It sounds like Ms Greer is being a bit dishonest, and shying away from criticising other cultures to avoid any accusations of racism!
Does she seriously expect us to believe that she’s against overweight women feeling pressured to go on a diet, but completely neutral on the issue of genital mutilation?
Greer and Lefties will not condemn FGM because it is mainly practised by black muslims and it is mainly the women in some societies who encourage it.
She should read “Do they hear you when you cry ” by Fauziya Kassindja to get some insight into the reality.
Girls dumped in the bush and told not to come back to the village until the bleeding has stopped , if they don’t die, that is.
I could go on, but won’t.
Lefties like Greer make me puke. They don’t have an ounce of humanity in their worthless bodies.
Greer(both of ’em actually )…the results of spending all your adult life in academia and none in the real world.
She is also the worst kind of contrarian, always looking for a new twisted take on the same old nonsense. It takes her into some very strange territory indeed. Thus her recent bizarre appearance on QT where she claimed that young girls kissing their fathers goodnight was a form of ‘flirtation’. The innocent and natural turned into something sinister and unhealthy. This kind of crap is both insidious and downright weird.
‘Thus her recent bizarre appearance on QT where she claimed that young girls kissing their fathers goodnight was a form of ‘flirtation’. The innocent and natural turned into something sinister and unhealthy.’
And I bet that she doesn’t give a damn about the dads who get treated like suspected child abusers because they sat on their kid’s bed when reading them a bedtime story…
Reed, you put it perfectly: “the worst kind of contrarian”. If you listen to her in the R3 programme she twists and turns from isuue to issue, country to country and makes no sense in a real world. Her likening “hoodies” to burkas is another far too clever by half obversation that 19 year old students love. I guess its the sort of fodder that inpresses young minds full of mush. To be honest, until I began to think for myself I thought Greer was cool. But if any fair minded person who listens to her has to ask: “What the hell is she talking about?”. But you don’t get a good degree by fighting the lecturer.
Meanwhile I suggest that when she enters a room, all honourable men politely leave.
There’s nothing inherently homophobic about the phrase, although it’s funny to see Peston being criticised for the kind of thing the BBC usually criticise others for!
Did anyone else catch Guido and the bloggers in the front of the select committee this afternoon.
Very interesting to watch, also the mind set of the politicians who you can see were attacking bloggers for outing thier scummy activities.
Guido was spot on about why should we allow a judge to act as the arbitor of free speech.
The idea of a first amendment type law seemed to just go over the heads of politicians, who I suspect are still hurting for being caught out on expenses.
The bBC, so called pious muslims and lying for Allah.
How many times have you heard the bBC describe somebody as a pious Muslim? You know when the story is about dogs, Alcohol, gambling or even how they treat women. When it comes to Muslims in the west (read UK) the bBC bends over (5 times a day) as far as it can in which to promote the faithful as the only people on the planet who are righteous due to their beliefs.
Well, in the UK how many times have you heard about a Muslim getting caught out being drunk, be it raping a white child, Driving a car or even committing a murder, the bBC never seems to mention how these idiots who they have no problem promoting as pious , were breaking their very own rule book you know that rule book they use in which to win concessions from the Western Nations they live in. The same applies to dogs (Muslims are behind the largest increase of dog fighting seen in the UK for over 200 years) oppressing Women, building permits, terrorism, and walking into the country in which to claim benefits. (I won’t say sneak, as Customs allow anybody to enter and only arrest asylum seekers trying to leave the country)
He doesn’t get that it’s ‘his flag’ as well. Some shit (white skinny left winger) was on the BBC the other day moaning about poppies. His argument was that some people find the poppy offensive as they may have fought the British.
Sorry, but when you come to THIS Country you obey our laws and respect our customs. If you don’t like it then piss off.
Today has been a pretty torrid day on the markets.
Italy is still being slaughtered on the bond markets, despite Berlusconi’s departure. There are signs the contagion may be spreading to Spain. And it looks like Italy’s Treasury Director is about to resign.
But you wouldn’t know if from the BBC news website. It’s lead headline all day has been about the phone hacking enquiry!
Earlier today, I tweeted Tim Weber, who’s in charge of the BBC website’s economic news, to ask why the big stories of the day weren’t being covered, particularly as Spain’s bond yields were so high.
This was his reply:
‘You probably mean the Italian bond yield. Spanish bond auctions are tomorrow and Thursday. Well, we did lead w jobs most of am’.
Well, dear B-BBCers, I am off to Gambia, Senegal and, hopefully, Guinea-Bissau on wednesday for 5 weeks. It is a tough job but……….
I shall not be accessing the internet and my wife bans me from listening to the BBC World Service , ” Dat BBC stuff just make you angry, ah ! “.
I shall miss my mother and this website and , er, that’s about it !
Keep up the good work , chaps and chapesses !!
David P,
To my surprise Irn Bru is available in all the best supermarkets in Gambia. But, on reflection, I suppose nothing should surprise me any more about that part of the world !
Thanks, Roland. You will be proud to know that a Saltire is already in the flat we are renting there together with the Gambian flag waiting for the house we are building there !
Sorry Grant, I just wondered (facetiously) if you and your good wife could claim back 5 weeks worth of TV licence money whilst your out of the country.
By the way, take down the Saltire and replace it with (yes one does exist) the BBC flag.
If it achieves one thing, it will be that you may wish to extend your stay.
As I say, Bon Voyage to you both.
Ah…tell the Beeb that you`re related to Jon Snow…get a pith helmet and rant about the White Man a la Roy Harper…say you`ll be looking at the snow melting on Kilamanjaro( they`ll not worry where it actually is..its in the Toto song so that`ll do!)…that it`s all about the endangered species(budgies!) unable to find hardwood forests to perch in due to Lakeland Pencils needing all the blue ones for the Censors of Russell Brand(Fascist maan!)…and I reckon you`re a shoo-in for the Johann Hari Krishna Award using Panoramas good offices!
Maybe a couple of Empire Missives by carrier pigeon though eh?… got to be some election count worth the visit!
Children In Need coming up….mass exodus well-merited!
So according to the BBC news at 6PM the markets were calm today and all is well in Italy.
Well hang on BBC, Italy has replaced its Government with an unelected halfwit…oh hang on that’s a bit like Gordon Brown so no wonder the BBC likes it.
Also, it’s fine replacing these politicians with technocrats’ but what experience do these people have of foreign affairs, terrorism and other issues of Government.
Then finally, where is Billy Bragg and his mates? Remember them when the Tories were trying to form a Government with the Lib Dems? The lefty scum were prattling on about democracy, so where are they all now then with Governments being replaced without a single vote?
Here is a quote from a rent a twat Bragg
The Purple People are not motivated by the minute details of various voting systems that offer PR. Our goal is to rebuild trust in parliamentary democracy by making everyone’s vote count so that we may find the consensual government necessary to deal fairly with the difficult economic choices that lie ahead.
Where is Greg Palast telling us that the rights of the people of Italy and Greece have been stamped on by left wing loons in Europe? Legitimate politicians forced out of power and replaced by Merkels puppets.
Silence from the left and even the right are a disgrace.
‘So according to the BBC news at 6PM the markets were calm today’
*Mouth drops open*
The Euro has been dropping like a stone against the dollar!
As you say, maybe the lack of coverage the BBC have been giving to today’s economic problems is because they are confident that, with Super Mario in charge of Italy, the global economy is in safe hands…
What the BBC news at 6PM said was; “The markets seemed relieved, but for how long?”, which is pretty much identical to what was reported by The Washington Post:
“While investors are clearly relieved that experienced economists are in charge in two of Europe’s most fragile countries, reliable leadership is only the beginning…”
And they are both wrong as time will prove !
Whichever political slant the media have, remember they are merely journalists, with no specialist qualifications and , by definition, ignorant.
Here’s another #OccupyFail: Leftoids holding a forum supporting the Occupiers get invaded by other Occupiers and come away unhappy and confused by their fascism. You’ll laugh out loud at some of this. And the BBC will never report this stuff, so you won’t really know what they’re about.
No sooner had the panel finished opening remarks last night than a woman scampered up onto stage and yelled, “Mic check!” It was an orchestrated effort by several dozen activists to use the People’s Mic to interrupt a forum at Town Hall—a forum in favor of Occupy Wall Street, featuring three wonks and three activists from Occupy Seattle. Their stunt replaced what was supposed to be an informed discussion of the movement with an uninformative, shout-a-thon about process that consumed most of the evening. They booed opinions they disagreed with and drove supporters out of the building.
“I walked in supportive and left unsupportive,” said 69-year-old Mary Ann, who declined to provide her last name. “I’m turned off by the negative shouts, repetition, and all I can think about is a cult. And I believe in every one of their damn principles.”
Apparently the Occupy fascists refused to back down and let the proceedings continue until they had forced a vote from the audience. When it didn’t go their way, they did an EU-style, BBC-approved move: forced another vote. Things kind of went downhill from there.
Paula and Brian King also headed for the door early. “It was frustrating to listen to people shouting and interrupting,” lamented Paula. Brian added, “We are leaving because they are looking inward at themselves and their eccentric process rather than reaching out to people.”
Awww. Read the whole thing for a good laugh.
Just like I said before, this is the true face of the Occupy movement. Ignore the well-meaning middle-aged Leftoids, ignore the Union activists, ignore the idiotic emotion-driven artists and celebs, and definitely ignore wet Leftoid journalists who support what they think are the Occupiers’ goals. This is what the original Occupiers and the hard-core ones are really like. They are bullies and egomaniacal fascists who want to destroy.
And the BBC will continue to suppress news of this kind of thing and carry their water instead.
Shambolic, anarchist, activist leftards….produce chaos. We all had such high hopes for, and confidence in the movement. ๐ And some still think that these people are the key to our better future!!!!!
There’s also this from Occupy Denver – where they tried to ‘occupy’ a meeting of conservative bloggers. Mistake! It all goes wrong for them, as the rightful occupants turn the customary bullying and hectoring tactics on the interlopers with all manner of chants. Right back atcha, you self-righteous muppets.
With a purr on the BBC website Mark Mardell directs me to the new Michael Portello show “Things We Forgot to Remember”. (An aside: only the BBC, blind to any irony, could call a programme presented by Michael Portillo with the skeletons revealed in his university closet “Things We Forgot to Remember”?)
The broadcast’s message is that the Boston Tea Party was really “a murky and illegal act of vandalism.” Just a bunch of “thugs”, a mob, “not very nice people”. The resonant words are “Tea Party” – there’s even interview with Jenny Beth Martin of the modern Tea Party movement. Though if you take this BBC version as fact, perhaps the event should be renamed “The Occupy Boston Movement”.
The Portillo programme continues the current theme in many BBC shows about the history of the United States. There’s a smug tone of superiority about this stuff (something which would appeal to Mardell).
And the hidden political message? It’s there, folks. Listen closely to the end of the programme: “We have to believe this is the freest system in the world. IT’S NOT, but we have to believe that.” (27’00”) These words are spoken (unchallenged) in the programme by historian and author “Harlow Unger”. Who?
So I looked up Mr. Unger and guess where I found more of his work? Yes, folks – Drumroll and trumpets – THE HUFFINGTON POST. http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b01724mf/Things_We_Forgot_to_Remember_Series_7_The_Real_Boston_Tea_Party/
By the way, there’s some audio in the show from a Disney film “Johnny Tremain”. The Beeboids hate – HATE – Disney like they hate Murdoch. Someday, we may have opportunity to discuss that.
Louis, you’ll probably not be too surprised to learn that our wonderful druid anarch-bishop – the beardie one – is also part of the HATE Disney crowd. Yep – that’s right, the UK has the worst record for teenage pregnancies in Europe, a huge cultural problem with binge drinking and substance abuse, family breakdown and all the resultant social problems…but according to this twit, the biggest problem facing our young people today is the pernicious influence of Lion King DVDs.
Note how, in the BBC article, they just can’t resist this little verbose dig right at the end :
“The company, often cited as a prime example of globalisation by media cultural imperialism”
We could(and do) say the same about the BBC, except that Disney is funded by the choice of it’s customers, rather than by the compulsion of tax payers.
Louis, you’ll probably not be too surprised to learn that our wonderful druid anarch-bishop – the beardie one – is also part of the HATE Disney crowd. Yep – that’s right, the UK has the worst record for teenage pregnancies in Europe, a huge cultural problem with binge drinking and substance abuse, family breakdown and all the resultant social problems…but according to this twit, the biggest problem facing our young people today is the pernicious influence of Lion King DVDs.
Note how, in the BBC article, they just can’t resist this little verbose dig right at the end :
“The company, often cited as a prime example of globalisation by media cultural imperialism”
We could(and do) say the same about the BBC, except that Disney is funded by the choice of it’s customers, rather than by the compulsion of tax payers.
So the original Boston Tea Party was “a murky and illegal act of vandalism”, eh? How about all the acts of your darling Occupiers, BBC? Haven’t seen a single eyebrow raised yet, you biased hacks.
One has to ask why a US issue is the first up in this series. How much is this a part of British “shared memory”. Of what interest is this to the license fee-payer? Of course at 3:30 in, we learn the real purpose.
This is part of the agenda to create the correct Narrative for 2012. Step One: Remind the public that the modern Tea Party’s ideal is false, and associate them with a negative.
Sure, the actual history laid out here is more or less accurate (projected motivations and sneering aside), but there’s one problem with this whole thing. It’s clearly written by historians and wonks, all with a class war bent. We keep hearing about “the wealthy” Colonial agitators, but there’s obviously no input from actual business people. These taxes screwed the local businessmen. The Stamp Act poured salt on the wound. This is never a good idea, but all Portillo can do is waggle his finger at “the wealthy”.
Funny how Portillo and his comrade forgot to mention the Stamp Act during their character assassination of Samuel Adams, seeing as how that was his primary motivation. It was eventually repealed as well.
Why were these “very wealthy” Bostonians smuggling and evading taxes? Because they were getting screwed for larger corporate/government interests. It’s also funny how the same acts of violence and vandalism these people are scorning here are the same kind of acts for which the Left praises the Occupiers to high heaven. I’m aghast at the blatant hypocrisy between this triumphant clucking at how the Boston Massacre was really the troops defending themselves, yet all the violence between the “Students” and Occupiers and the authorities is totally the fault of the police, who are described as being overly brutal. Vandalism is bad when the Founding Fathers do it, but totally justified when the modern far-Left does it. Classic BBC twisted morality.
I also loved the bit where the Leftoid historian reminded everyone that we had to pay whatever taxes the government wanted. I suppose Portillo and his producers believe that they’ve completely discredited the Tea Party movement.
The most offensive part was where Portillo said that the Tea Party is linked to “the extreme wing of the Republican Party”. Scum. Wake me up when the BBC links the Occupiers to any extreme anything.
And whose system is freer? Answers on the head of a pin….
Well done, BBC. The campaign to protect The Obamessiah and turn the British public against us begins in earnest.
“The young Rowan Williams was once labelled ‘a subversive’ by a senior MI5 officer over his involvement with a group of Marxist, Trotskyite and socialist campaigners.”
The group also condemned Baroness Thatcher’s views on immigration. When she said she feared Britain would be “swamped by people of a different culture”, the Jubilee Group accused the Tories of “racism and creeping fascism”, adding: “It is a phenomenon which is far more dangerous than that of the National Front”.
How awful for them it must be that Thatcher has been proven right, and it’s their allies in the ‘dangerous phenomenon’ of New Labour that have provided that proof. Awful for the rest of us too, sadly.
Being proven right is one thing – having that acknowledged and acted upon is an entirely different matter. Immigration and the EU are still unaddressed problems, however right the dissenters have been shown to be. At least public opinion is not just very much in our favour on these two issues, but also recognised to be. The other two…still an uphill struggle to even get heard without shrieking moral outrage.
INBBC’s reporting on Islamic Republic of Iran has a ‘Press TV’ ring to it.
Compare these two reports today:
1.) ‘Daily Telegraph’ –
“An explosion at a missile base on Saturday killed 17 members of the Revolutionary Guard, including the brigadier-general in charge of missile development, Hassan Moghaddam. The incident’s similarity to an explosion at a major base housing long-range Shahab-3 missiles in October of last year triggered speculation both were the work of Mossad.”
About a week ago, I made a complaint to the BBC, and wrote in this forum about how impressed I was to have received an email of acknowledgement.
Today, I made another complaint, but didn’t receive an email.
The BBC must have realised that it’s counter-productive to send such emails, as it makes it easier for people to follow up on complaints when they don’t receive a response…
A teenager from Indian-administered Kashmir – jailed last year for fighting the security forces – is to be trained as a football coach in Brazil. Imran Ahmed Bhatt, 18, says that the course in South America is the opportunity of a lifetime.Last year he was imprisoned for throwing stones at the security forces….Imran, who comes from a poor background and left school at 16.
Yet another Islamic sob story from the bBC.This time targeted at India which while being evil towards Msulims not only drops the charges agaisnt this little thugs , but gives him a passport so he can leave the country. But the part which caught my eys was this statement from the bBC: “Imran, who comes from a poor background and left school at 16.”
What the bBC doesn’t tell you is the school leaving age in india is…14. So it seems poor Imran, unlike everybody else managed to stay at school for a couple of years longer than his peers. But you know where the bBC os coming from when they end their Pro-Islam,anti India article with: “It was then an affordable game for underprivileged Kashmiris living under the autocratic rule of Hindu royals.”
“Yet another Islamic sob story from the bBC.This time targeted at India which while being evil towards Msulims not only drops the charges agaisnt this little thugs”
Bizzare. In what way is this a “sob story” or target India as being evil?
They didn’t “drop the charges” – he was imprisoned. The fact that he was granted a passport shows India in a positive light.
“What the bBC doesn’t tell you is the school leaving age in india is…14. So it seems poor Imran, unlike everybody else managed to stay at school for a couple of years longer than his peers.”
Fourteen is the minimum leaving age; about 50% of children in India continue into Secondary education (15 to 18 yrs).
“But you know where the bBC os coming from…”
It’s rather more obvious where you are coming from… ๐
The German media have no doubt that these hideous people are socialists but the good old Beeb is there to tell us that theses socialists are from the right.
Nope mrs beeble “national ” is a concept of geographical area in which they protect them selves and their own, the German experiment was a total world hatred of the Jews no matter where or under who’s control which is more of a social construct not defined by land or borders say like the U.N as opposed to stopping Iraqi’s on truck at Dover!
I had a few idle minutes on my hands,and decided to educate the left wing moron……a tough job I know,but here goes! 1.“Nazi” was gutter slang for the verb “to nationalize”. The official title of the Nazi Party was “The National Socialist Workers Party of Germany”. Hitler advocated the nationalization of education, health care, transportation, national resources, manufacturing, distribution and law enforcement. 2.Hitler came to power by turning the working class, unemployed, and academic elite against the conservative republic.
3.The Gestapo began to confiscate and seize the homes, businesses, bank accounts, and personal belongings of wealthy conservative citizens who had prospered in the old Republic. 4.Public schools rewrote history and Hitler youth groups taught the children to report their parents to their teachers for anti-Nazi remarks. Pagan animism became the state religion of the Third Reich and Christians were widely condemned as “right wing fanatics”. 4.a pathological hatred of jews I could go on,but I don’t want to keep the leftard back from his colouring in books
Yes, the Nazis had almost everything in common with Lefties all round the World and throughout history.
The current Left-wing anti-semitism is just one step away from……..
If you are going to cut and paste from a website it’s customary to put it in quotes and give a link to your source – rather than try and pass it off as your own words. But no matter.
“‘Nazi’ was gutter slang for the verb ‘to nationalize’…
Erm no, that’s just plain bonkers; it was, and is, slang for the National Socialists. Do you seriously think the Neo-Nazis quoted in the OP went round killiing Turks because they wanted more nationalised industry?
The only time the Beeboids remember that the stock market has the attention span of an over-ripe tomato and daily ups and downs don’t look past the next announcement is when the markets tank for some reason and they’re bitching about them being speculators who blow with the wind.
The BBC’s reporting of movements in the FTSE 100 is a classic example of bias.
The prominance given to a rise or fall depends on the political ramifications, but generally a fall of , say 2%, is headlined
” £ X billion wiped off stock market “. A rise of 2% usually mentioned briefly as a tailpiece, if at all.
The bBC reporting on their self made Passport crisis and half the story.
The bBC hasn’t let up on the government over how the Home Secretary relaxed border checks for European Biometric passports. Here is how the bbC reports on the story: Border checks were relaxed at 28 ports and airports New details have emerged in the row about the relaxation of security checks at ports and airports. Home Secretary Theresa May has revealed her pilot scheme to reduce passport checks on some citizens of EU countries was used at 28 ports and airports. The details emerged in response to written questions from the chairman of the Home Affairs Committee Keith Vaz. Mrs May also disclosed that more than 10m people entered the UK in August when the pilot scheme was operating.
Notice the language used, passports and not biometric, 10 million people entered the country all used in which to portray the HS of really messing up. Yet the bBC isn’t telling the full story. For example the only passport checks the HS relaxed were Biometric passports from Europe. You know that Europe where every country (As per EU regs) issues biometric passports. Passports I should add of a higher standard than those biometric passports issued by either the US or UK. (EU passports have to have fingerprints encoded on the chip) Now here is a Parliament article on Biometric passports issued when Labour was in power last year as dictated by a certain Mr Wollas: “The greater assurance and integrity offered by the e-passport enables border control authorities worldwide to spend more time dealing with higher risk passengers. Accessing the data held on the e-passport automatically, enables UK Border Force officers to use their time more efficiently on improved security and fraud checks”
So in line with the added security the HS relaxed passport checks for EU citizens owning a Biometric passport. Now seeing as 10 million people who entered the UK in 2010 cannot all have had an E-passport, It seems the bBC are playing with a ball park figure in which to try and discredit the current government.
In fact the reason why the customs geezer resigned is because he expanded the relaxed checks to anybody (Not just EU) with a passport and now he is playing the victim. tossers like him at HM Customs (who can’t even keep out banned people) are the reason why the UK is full of benefit scroungers from the third world. Of course when anybody looks funny at a terrorist the bBC is first in line to play the Human rights act. Yet the fact remains th HS has done nothing wrong, yet the bBC feels it has a chance to stick another knife into the present government , because they know if they win another election, they (the bBC) will lose out big order. Along with their Islamic terrorist buddies and liberal rapists who all flock to the UK in which to protest their innocence.
The BBC are also playing down that for the last FOUR years passport checks are Dover were ignored for coaches. Remind me of who was in power back in 2007?
Martin, remember 2010 is the new BBC year zero for UK political coverage. Nothing that Labour screwed up before then counts. Of course, anything negative for the Nasty Party resides permanently in the memory banks for ready access.
Poor old BBC, they really are shilling for their EU paymasters. Paxman looks so frustrated that ‘we’ are not in the Euro.
He gave Mandelson a verbal blow job on Newsnight then continually interrupted dozy Malcom Rifkin about how we are losing out.
Really Paxman, you think we are the worst off in Europe because we are not in the EU?
Did that come from the heart or were you ordered to spout it by your BBC bosses?
The BBC really are on a different planet when it comes to Europe, at no point in that whole debate on Newsnight did democracy or the views of the people come up.
That camp little shit Mandelson was spouting away as if he’s still in power, totally ignorant of the views of the people.
There’s a counter-protest going on in NYC right now against the Occupiers in Zuccotti Park. Sorry I can’t provide a link as I’m just watching it live right now on the local news. A bunch of local business owners are fed up with the Occupiers spending half an hour in their restrooms, disrupting traffic in the neighborhood, intimitading the locals, and defecating and urinating all over the landscape.
Nanny Bloomberg says he’s “trying to balance the rights” to protest and free speech of the Occupiers with the rights of the locals. The business owners obviously think that’s a load of crap, because, as one of them said, they don’t have the right to take over his bathroom or occupy his private property or disrupt his business.
Like I said before, it’s all lovely to say that everyone has this right or that, but the only way it can really work is if your rights end where mine begin. Of course, as we’ve seen over and over, the Occupiers aren’t interested in other people’s rights.
Good. I’m glad that decent people are discovering their right to protest and assert their civil rights. The fraudulent claim that this is a peaceful movement has been shown up in many different locations. As someone said in a blog post (can’t remember where) the whole thing has the air of a protection racket, with all the menace that implies – ‘do as we want and nobody gets hurt’. The moment someone pushes back, prevents their access or tries to move them on their true nature surfaces – the furious outrage that their entitlement has been challenged soon turns to aggression and violence.
As soon as they are backed into a corner, whether physically or figuratively, they go into self-justification mode and start asserting that they’re the 99% and shouting that ‘this is what democracy looks like’. In other words, anything we feel like doing is automatically supported by everyone, and is therefore entirely virtuous. It’s a way of being that comes from a permanently indignant anti-authority attitude. These people never grow out of adolescent rebellion – petulant children in adult form. This video perfectly demonstrates that pathology at work:
At least you live in a country where people will make a stand, David. This country is now full of sheep who are happy as long as they are fed their regular EastEnders, Corrie & X-Factor.
It’s a fatuous argument to say that because total government spending is going up there is no austerity programme. (Ignoring the fact that the uk is still borrowing money) it’s akin to individual deciding to stop buying food in order to pay off their credit card bill.
Total spending hasn’t decreased – so what’s the problem?
Whatever happens , the British will still be some of the best off people in the world.
The fact that some of them are whining about it, in the case of Lefties, for narrow political reasons, shows how pathetic some Brits have become.
They need a dose of real hardship to shake themselves to reality after decades of cossetting.
Even then, the future is bleak for the UK.
In this country there’s an awful lot who equate austerity with not being able to afford the latest i-phone. Particularly when they expect me to fund it.
‘It’s a fatuous argument to say that because total government spending is going up there is no austerity programme.’
If spending is going up, it’s not a very austere austerity programmme! ๐ And it makes a mockery of the ‘too fast, too deep’ hyperbole!).
‘It’s akin to individual deciding to stop buying food in order to pay off their credit card bill.’
Not really. It’s more like a household who have been living for years beyond their means tightening their belts in order to be able to continue paying the mortgage. The alternative is to end up like Greece…
The purpose of the state isn’t to act like Father Christmas, handing out goodies to one and all. A smaller, leaner state would mean that people and businesses get to keep more of their money, which they can spend and invest, boosting the economy. And it would also encourage people to take responsibility for their lives, and would attract fewer scroungers who think that, if they can remain in Britain long enough to have a kid, then they can stay here on human rights grounds and continue to claim our benefits…
Evidence now emerging that the Left-wing newspaper, The Daily Mirror, was involved in phone-hacking. Thank goodness I don’t have to rely on the BBC to get this piece of news !
The BBC have admitted that the last of the 7 episodes of “Frozen Planet” will be devoted to Global Warming ( as predicted by Roland on this site some weeks ago ).
However, other countries, including the USA, will only see the first 6 episodes.
The BBC say that it is standard practice to offer
“international clients ” only the parts they wish to purchase.
There was a nice comment in the Telegraph to the effect of “if the BBC were subject to commercial pressures in the UK, they wouldn’t broadcast this crap here, either”.
There was also a selection of quotes from various eco-crusties about how “outraged” they were and that the other, unnamed broadcasters should be “forced” to show the global warming episode. Er…how does that work exactly? These twats really don’t understand the private sector a.k.a the Real World.
It reminds me of the standard comment placed in any anti BBC story in the Mail (presumably by the BBC Astroturf Crew) “but [Sky][ITV][Daily Mail] are not impartial either”. Yes, but we are not obliged to buy their services…you dim lefty twat.
I see the BBC has gleefully aired footage of Republican candidate Herman Cain stumbling over a techinal question put by a reporter. Oh how funny to see a person being tripped up. No context of course and no footage of the eventual response just some sniggering comment that he “eventually gave some kind of answer”. This is not journalism, this is spiteful leftist assholes using their position to attack their political enemies.
No footage of Obamas howlers though eh? The BBC pimping partisan smears about Cain, but so far no investigation of the close relationship between the gold digging skank accusing Cain of harrasment and a top Obama team democrat. No shots of Obama stumbling over questions from the BBC.
The BBC and its unwavering support for the US democrats, its long term war against all things Republican. In fact the only time Herman Cain gets any airtime from the BBC is when democrats issue smears or when they can twist some film footage in order to make him look bad. How many times has the BBC aired footage of Obama brain freezes and autocue breakdowns? More importantly though is the gleeful method used, you just know they are pleased as punch to be able to laugh at their ideological enemies.
The BBC, disgusting dirty tricks, selective footage with no context, no footage or coverage of Cain answering hundreds of questions correctly, no context from the BBC at all in fact. Just childish playground sniggering and bullying of a candidate that the BBC hates. Ha ha ha, look at the thick black man, see how ignorant he is, ha ha ha. Just one more grubby example of BBC bias, you wont be seeing Obama doing the exact same thing on the BBC will you?
Nothing changes. How often has the BBC shown John Redwood making an arse of himself with the Welsh national anthem compared to showing Gordon Brown picking his nose?
Herman Cain is a self-made billionaire. He’s also an extremely intelligent and articulate guy. Perhaps the BBC wasn’t aware of the irony of their mockery…
Many politicians would have simply started waffling about their achievements or badmouthing their opponents, rather than answering the question that was actually put to them.
But instead, Mr Cain took a moment to think about his answer and make sure he’d understood the question properly. In my book, that says something about his character…
Can we have some ‘stumbling’ like that on this side of the Atlantic please?
I know Cain’s big weakness is foreign policy, and it was only a matter of time before something like this happened. But we’re a year away from the election, and I’m sure Cain would still ultimately be better on foreign policy than the first Post-American President we have now.
Excellent post, Cassie. I don’t know how the BBC could refute anything you have said.
Not that they would try. Their method is “deny it or ignore it “.
I have to say that Sky were just as vindictive last night about Cain and then turned on all the other candidates one by one. They were making snide “witticisms” about the Republicans, so much so that I thought I was watching the BBC.
Anyone like to guess on which side of the fuel debate Lady Nikki Campbell is on today?
In fact the whole of the BBC is of course on the wrong side of the argument, but fear not, they are not supporting the Tory Government but the Greenies.
Not when you live in – and never leave – London, like 99% of Beeboids.
As for those ghastly countryside dwellers who need to carry tools to places of work miles from home, well, who cares about them.
Liberals, such selfless, considerate, broad-minded, caring folk.
“You don’t need a car” says the BBC.
Not when, as I recall, they use a taxi to pop out to get lunch on the public dime.
Or, once suitably elevated, a chaffeur fromthe station in from the Home Counties… all on ex’s.
Even Newsnight’s Ethical Man resolved having to can his car by a) flying to Jamaica or b) hiring one every time his moppets needed taking to ballet class and pony trekking at the weekend (though there was one episode where they hit the Tube, which was hilarious for the amount of spoilt pink-clad whining. The kids were as bad).
now come on, the “dame” did find a lady, who had given up her car, and was happy,(from where??..central london?gunchester?)why?? (minor detail obviously), won the lottery?…..retired??
lives over her factory???….. we may never know, but as he gleefully states “well…..there, you are then”??????
exactly…those are the ONLY two words. it’s akin to the Nick Robinson’s a Conservative because he was in the Young Conservatives at Uni (surely making most of Labour either Communist or Marxist but of course these things only work one-way)
To be fair , I dont need a car . When I need to go to that food factory 50 miles away at 2 in the morning , including weekends , I could leave the car at home and not put fuel into it, thus not paying the government for going to work . I could take the subsidised bus , thus the government pays me .
Mind you I`d have to get up two hours before going to bed , or move into shoebox in middle of thar street near t` factory , or go on benefits .
That`s the BBC 1930`s mindset coming into play . Everyone lives near the mill or mine , walks to work when the hooter sounds (or if lucky has bicycle ), and there is a COMMUNITY . Usually of oppressed workers with local doctor encouraging trade unionism against top hatted capitalist mill owner .
With a car though , the plebs have more freedom . They can look beyond going down `t` pit and seek employment elsewhere , in a place not run by Hardacre family of Brass .
I see Panorama dug out Alec McFadden to comment on the ’causes’ of the riots in Manchester.
Strange that they didn’t introduce him as the violent Communist thug that he really is. Someone who’s been responsible for causing many a riot himself.
How and why do the BBC have contacts with such people?
a wonder…they didn t fetch in that idiot from the UAF…
Martin.”therw arr daaawk claaaaads over euwope”…Smith
a man who gazes through you & answers questions before being asked.
Needless to say Lady Campbell wheels out a ‘Friends of the Earth’ lunatic to tell us that cars are evil and that we all need to walk 100 miles a day to save the Polar Bear.
Interesting that the BBC haven’t decided to attack the Tories, you’d think that the BBC line would be those nasty capitalist Tories taxing the poor off the roads, but no, the BBC actually agree with the fuel tax hike so the BBC go for the climate change crap once again.
dude ๐ i am always amazed
according to muslim er “logic” (sarc)
they already rule the world ๐
why blow it up?
unless theyre making room for
more nobel prizes
Possibly as a result of Thick Vic Dreadfulshire’s heavily trumpeted Tottenham shotathon, Radio 5 Listeners had an article on stop and search. They cut to some silly little boy who they badged up as our Home Affairs Correspondent or somesuch.
The SLB rightly pointed out that under PACE the police need ‘reasonable suspicion’ before they can do a stop. When asked how ‘reasonable suspicion’ might be defined, the SLB went into full BBC smirk mode and implied it was whatever the policeman fancied it to mean at the time.
The programme then moved on to an article about a black 15 year old, Zac Olumegbon, stabbed to death by a gang of five. Adenoids Asmah was of course (and rightly) all tears and compassion.
The BBC’s two remaining brain cells aren’t wired to eachother.
The clear message of the first article was that the police abuse stop and search. The poor hopey-change, softie-leftie droids can’t actually work out with their under-developed brains that perhaps, just perhaps, the police use stop and search, not to harass innocent black youths, but because the police believe the stopped individual may be carrying a knife which he just might use to murder another Zac Olumegbon.
You see, a hopey-changey, softie-leftie, Home Affairs Correspondent is only a hopey-changey, softie-leftie, Home Affairs Correspondent as long as it’s someone else who’s going to get a knife six inches into his gizzard.
If it was him that was going to get a six inch knife in his gizzard he might have a slightly different opinion of what ‘reasonable suspicion’ should mean.
R4 Today 7.00: First item and therefore the most important; Theersa May may be in trouble as Brodie Clark is to give evidence. I get a mental picture of the bBC newsroom as a buch of ‘undead’ hanging round the only survivor, waiting to snack.
Theresa May is a fan of political correctness within the Tory Party, so they probably cut her a bit more slack than they would have done if someone like John Redwood were Home Secretary…
If she does go(unlikely), it would almost be worth the Tories putting out a false leak that her replacement will be Michael Howard, just to witness the hysterical spontaneous combustion of the BBC/Guardian/Indy.
‘Police in New York launch a late-night raid to dismantle the Occupy Wall Street protest camp in Zuccotti Park, which inspired dozens of protests around the world’
‘Inspired’ is a loaded word.
They shoud have used a neutral term, like ‘brought about’…
Loads of low haging fruit on this thread isn`t there?
EU…immigration…Islam and Globalwarming(all one word to me!)…sitting ducks all in a row as someone says earlier.
Add comprehensives to these and you`ll get your five ducks on the BBC wall.
That the BBC and their bootlickers are so spectacularly wrong on these five issues-and you just KNOW what their slant/angle/agenda will be as and when they deign to talk over our heads and to Brussels…you know…in favour of the great day coming when Mandelson will humbly heed the nations call…Germanys naturally!
Apparently had we joined the Euro as the Hartlepool monkey had urged…why the Euro would be right and dandy now-seems Britain makes a fine canary down the mine and can whiff an elephant trap a kilometre away…something like that!
I see the BBCs move to Salford as being a rehearsal for the staged Polish/German incident of 1939-no doubt the BBCs linen suits are being suitably amended to show EDL/UKIP logos, so Merkel and Kinnock can pose beside the bodies of those they “intercepted”…thankfully no longer a threat now the EU Peacekeepers are installed.
The BBC…Mandelson/Kinnock and Patten…Hutton and Toynbee…Peace Kapos more like!
INBBC’s censored, unmentionable subject; but not to Richard LITTLEJOHN:
“The rogue from Marrakesh:-
Mohamed Bouzalim entered Britain illegally ten years ago. Although Moroccan, he pretended to be an Afghan fleeing the Taliban because he thought it would help him obtain asylum. Since then, he has been paid more than £400,000 in benefits by falsely claiming to be paralysed from the neck down. For years, no one bothered to check his claim. His fraud was only uncovered when he was filmed dancing at his own wedding. He had travelled back to Morocco to get married. Convicting him of dishonesty, a judge described him as a ‘malingerer’. But the Government says it has an ‘uphill struggle’ to deport him because of — you guessed — the Yuman Rites Act. Bouzalim, who has a degree in Sharia law, even managed to prolong his trial by demanding an interpreter who spoke Berber. I thought that was a carpet. Apparently, it’s one of those multiple languages in scribble on the bottom of official documents. Since he also claims to speak Farsi and Pashtu, you’d have thought he might have managed to pick up the odd word of English in the decade he’s lived here at taxpayers’ expense. He turned up in court in a wheelchair, accompanied by two nurses, like Young Mr Grace. Incidentally, his brother and sister have been living here on benefits, too, although it isn’t clear what disabilities they claim to be suffering from. They’re both on bail, also charged with fraud. To hell with their ‘human rights’, they should all be put on the first plane back to Morocco.”
A couple of weeks ago on University Challenge they had a question about US presidential running mates. Dan Quayle was decribed as “gaffe-prone, famously misspelling ‘tomato’ and upbraided in a vice-presidential TV debate for comparing himself to J F Kennedy” while Al Gore was described simply as ” a future Nobel prize winner”. It was the BBC all over.
I thought it was potato that tripped Dan up!
Hope the BBC got it wrong…doubt if the likes of Moyles or Bacon, Lamb or Prescott would have done any better!
Heartwarming piece on the News Channel just now about Rep. Gabrielle Giffords recovery progress from being shot in the head. Intimate scenes of her in various states of health, with a brief interview of her now with her husband.
Did the BBC mention that false hype they and the rest of the media tried to push about Sarah Palin, the Tea Party, and the Right in general being directly responsible for her near-death and the actual deaths of several others? Of course not. The Beeboids will be denying they did that to their dying breaths.
Can anyone tell us what the noise was heard in the background during the 2 minutes silence on sunday at the Cenotaph. Three of us listening separately heard it for about the first minute but can find no reference to it anywhere.
Deborah, there’s a discussion about it on the popular but very unofficial British Army website ARRSE.
It does seem that someone was shouting at Gordon Brown (about half a minute into the two-minute silence). A policeman commenting on the site says he was 20 yards from a man shouting “JUDAS BROWN ,YOU ARE A LIAR AND A HYPOCRITE. YOU ARE NOT FIT TO LAY A WREATH AT THE CENOTAPH” “He then muttered ‘OK’ before being led away. I assume at this stage the METPOL had intervened, presumably to lock him up to prevent a Breach of the Peace.”
thanks Craig – with that explanation I am, amazingly, in agreement with the demonstrator if not his timing. Had assumed it would have been members of the ROP that the BBC had surpressed.
Craid & Deborah. I think you will find that was in 2007, at least that’s the dates on the thread in that link (unless I have encountered a time/worm-holed conversation Red Dwarf style!) ๐
Why didn’t Dez pick up on this mistake? You do realise, Craig, that Dez will mention this in reply to any comment you make that irks him, irrespective of subject?
If the News Channel live coverage I was watching on Sunday is anything to go by, the noise was a Beeboid talking the whole time, describing the slience.
I watched live and I thought it sounded like some kind of protestor, but I couldn’t make out what he was shouting.
There was a baby crying at one stage, but that just made me smile !
My favourite idiot is back on Radio 5 (Richard Bacon). Classic, Bacon is discussing public transport. Bacon of course being a rich left wing socialist wouldn’t be seen dead on a bus (those are you you lot) as he didn’t even know how cheap or expensive a bus ride is.
The BBC of course use taxis, limos and flights to move their beloved dross around.
Radio 5 is a joke, instead of asking WHY fuel duty is so high (to pay for the bone idle scum to sit around all day) the BBC just keep wanking on about public transport.
Same deal on the News Channel. Even though they admitted that more than half the cost is taxes, the Beeboid is still trying to push the public transport option.
He’s arguing with Steven Young and Mike Rutherford. It’s a bit of a muddled discussion, but the BBC view seems to be that 80% of the country live in urban areas and can easily take the bus anwyhere at any time, and that there would be no problem if all you lazy bastards stopped driving to the corner shop every day.
…and yet on Sky News their reporter was out at a petrol station with motorists filling up, and a fecking great calculator, working out for them how much of their bill was actually fuel and how much for the treasury. The reporter also put across the reality that for those in rural areas a car is an absolute necessity.
BBC-NUJ ‘Newsnight: with Labour’s MANDELSON, the E.U, and against UK government.
Have I got this right?;-
BBC-NUJ ‘Newsnight’ has got on the unelected ex-Labour minister MANDELSON, ex-E.U bureaucrat and big E.U political advocate to spread the propaganda that the U.K is marginalised if it campaigns for national sovereignty!
Who does ‘Newsnight’ have in the studio to present another opinion: Kinnock or Patten? Or both?
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called โfirst among equals โ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I donโt know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
I noticed on the remeberance parade at Whitehall The BBC kept refering to the terrible price paid for going to war. When of course it should have been the terrible price we had to pay for freedom.
The price we paid for the BBC’s freedom to spout crap.
Of course the price of not going to war would have been even greater.
Maybe too subtle an argument for the simpletons at the BBC to understand.
This might explain why the BBC are big fans of Italy’s new Prime Minister, Mario Monti:
‘As EU competition commissioner a decade ago he battled Germany into retreat over subsidies for the Landesbanken and forced France to break up its electricity monopolies.
He stunned Washington by fining Microscoft €497m (£426m) for abuse of dominant position and blocking the $45bn (£28bn) GE-Honeywell merger, the world’s biggest up to that date, after it had already been approved by the Justice Department, as if to say the Americans were failing on the job.
It was Super Mario who turned the EU into a global super-regulator.’
From http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/financialcrisis/8887513/Mario-Monti-needs-a-miracle.html
Of course the Beeboids approve: he’s ex-Goldman Sachs. The new ECB boss is ex-Goldman Sachs. The President of the US is the top recipient of Goldman Sachs cash. One of the first people His Administration turned to for help in the financial crisis after the election was Jon Corzine, ex-Goldman Sachs, ex-NJ Governor, and future felon for financial fraud.
Why do I feel uneasy every time I hear the name Goldman Sachs when used in conjunction with “government” and “politicians” ?
Wasn’t it Goldman Sachs whose Enron style accounting for the Greeks allowed them to join the Euro? Their name crops up whenever anything dodgy crops up in finance and politics. We still haven’t been told of how much influence they had in Gordon Brown’s decision to sell the nation’s gold at a rock bottom price.
As I understand Goldman Sachs were short selling gold at the time, but the market price was holding steady – until Brown told the markets he intended selling half the nation’s reserves. Now trailing his intentions was something that had never been done before, but it had the desired effect, lowering prices and saving Goldman Sachs from a huge loss.
You should definitely feel uneasy every time you hear about a government or politician associated with Goldman Sachs. They’re no more competent than anyone else in the financial industry, no more deserving of credibility than anyone else. In fact, I’d say that they’ve been among the less competent and trustworthy, considering they had to get bailed out by the taxpayers just like the other firms, and one of their top mavens (Corzine) not only bankrupted his own state but then ran another company into the ground.
They may be shrewd, but I wouldn’t trust the competence of a political leader who was a GS bigwiig these days.
BBC News Channel right now showing a seriously biased Jeremy Vine report on the summer riots in Manchester. 100% BS agenda: all the rioters were from the poorest areas, they wanted social justice, awful draconian sentences for innocent lambs caught up in the confusion and only stole a pack of smokes, social justice again.
No mention whatsoever that three quarters of them had a criminal record. No mention of gang involvement. Nope, despite all evidence, the BBC is going back to their original false Narrative on the riots. They think you’re too stupid to know the difference.
But I take it they mentioned the fact that so many of them were immigrants, presumably? ๐
Correction: The News Channel is showing Vine’s sensationalist report again, and I notice now that, while they were all from the “most impoverished neighborhoods” and that a third of them were under 17, Vine actually did say that 80% had criminal records. Don’t know how I missed that before, as I was waiting to hear it. But that makes it all the more strange for Vine to spend most of his time talking about the “impoverished” and mentioning only the kid given four months for stealing a pack of smokes, and another innocent lamb who professed revolutionary politics but then really wanted to steal some clothes. If this is supposed to be a good summary of the full report (tonight on Panorama, if you can stomach it), then more time should have been spent on the 80% with previous and about what the vast majority did. You can see Vine’s agenda coming a mile away.
He set it up by getting a police mouthpiece to state that the innocent lambs in Manchester rioted only because they saw that London police were standing around and weren’t in control. No mention of orders from the top to stand down. No mention that there was planning for this in places besides Tottenham. Shifting blame away from the criminal element, as usual.
It’s all going to be on Panorama tonight.
Vine’s report is on the BBC website now:
It’s certainly strange that, with 80% of the Mancunian yobbos having had previous convictions and Jezza’s stressing of the point that half of those convicted came from some of the poorest parts of the country , the two rioters Vine uses in his report are a lad with no previous convictions and a “privately educated” idiot.
It’s a wonder someone doesn’t start up a website about Jeremy Vine:
What about the vast majority of people from impoverished areas who didn’t riot and loot ?
I won’t be watching it that’s for sure as my blood pressure won’t let me.
Last Thursday on the World at One Martha Kearney was hosting a discussion about the riots. Very funny if you go and listen to the tone of her voice when she hits on the thing that clearly shocked her most of all about the looters – not their criminality or their acts of vandalism but their sheer materialism
Well , it must be difficult for a Beeboid to relate to anyone who is materialistic or likes money. It is so grubby.
Did anybody hear Stephen Nolan last night on 5live? The subject was ‘are there any starving people in the UK?’ It was Edwina Currie against the World, including Nolan.
Regardless of her views, Edwina was magnificent. Calm, consistently interrupted, and very brave.
She was accused of being a liar, was constantly mis-quoted, and at one point Nolan even incited a member of the audience to shout ‘burn the rich’s houses!’.
Shameful radio…
So, are there any starving people in the UK ? Answer, no.
In fact there is no poverty in the UK, end of story.
Grant…with our welfare state there’s no absolute poverty, which of course is no good to the shame inducing, grudge-pimping social engineers of the left. Thus the switch to the bogus relative poverty.
There is growing number of references on the BBC to food banks – because of the dreadful Tory government cuts (either said or implied). I am sorry and have only recently written in a comment but a large packet of lentils goes a long way to fill an empty stomach for less than £1.00 per packet. If you are starving you can eat for very little as long as you have had proper cookery lessons (or a brain).
Are people in Britain banned from using benefits to buy cigarettes and alcohol, as they are in some places in the US?
Erm, no! LOL! ๐
Years ago, I was friends with a guy who claimed disability benefit of some sort (he was a manic depressive), and I was once annoyed to witness him quickly lose a load of his fortnightly payment in the one armed bandit in his local pub!
That’s not what the welfare state was designed for! Grrrr!!!
I figured as much. It’s about the only thing on which I agree with Nanny Bloomberg these days.
“…I was once annoyed to witness him quickly lose a load of his fortnightly payment in the one armed bandit in his local pub!”
Compulsive risk taking (such as gambling) is one of the symptoms of bipolar disorder (what used to be called manic depression).
Mental afflicitions deserve to be taken seriously and with sympathy.
However, one might note that paranoid delusional obsession can manifest itself in a variety of ways, ranging from pyschotic aggression to thinking one is right and the rest of the world is wrong, and coping with this adversely to society as a whole.
Hence this does not automatically suggest that it is wise simply to shrug and keep on paying to maintain the results, however uniquely, from buliding up armies or £4Bpa propaganda systems (or both, in so cases, Godwin hat-tipped) that have long since ceased to pretend to inform or educate objectively, despite wild claims of impartiality.
That explains all the rest of them as well, right, Dez?
That’s why the measure is actually of ‘relative poverty’ whci means it will always exist. The BBC and others then shorten the measure to just ‘poverty’ and bingo!
This morning’s radio news headlines were this report
“The UK labour market faces a “slow, painful contraction” with firms delaying recruitment of more staff, a key report suggests.
The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) predicted the jobs market would worsen in the medium term amid global economic “turmoil””
The BBC tried their best to hide their anguish a further evidence of how wise is the advice of Mr Balls.
The BBC online report goes on to say
“Last month, the CIPD reported that the public sector had been shedding jobs at five times the rate previously predicted by the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR).
The think tank called on the government to “call a halt to public sector job cuts while the economy and labour market remain in the current fragile condition”
“Think tank”?? It is a professional body, or middle class trade union, with many subscription paying members in the public sector.
Meanwhile the BBC do not appear to want to confuse their audience by also reporting this better sounding report by the bosses’ trade union
” Nearly half of Britain’s businesses plan to hire more staff over the next year, as the private sector job recovery continues, Britain’s leading business group will say today.
The results of a survey by the CBI and recruitment consultancy Harvey Nash will be welcomed by ministers, who need businesses to step in and create jobs as the public sector faces cuts.
The report found 47 per cent of employers are predicting that their workforces will be larger in a year, with only 19 per cent predicting they will be smaller, giving a balance of plus 28 per cent.”
Hey, that’s the exact opposite conclusion of a report I saw earlier on the News Channel. That report said that the private sector is being mean and doesn’t want to hire right now, as they are concerned about the current economic client and what the future holds. The theme was that the private sector isn’t “picking up the slack” like Cameron said they would after all those alleged public sector cuts.
We heard a small businessman say he’s afraid to hire and doesn’t think it’s wise to invest in growth right now. Then we got a clip of Call Me Dave babbling about low interest rates and promoting growth, which was – of course – followed by Red Ed saying the Government had “no plan for growth” and was “out of touch”.
BBC-NUJ’s ‘yes’ to technocrats governing a country?
Not surprisingly, BBC-NUJ-Labour presents the case for unelected technocrats (as Beeboid elite sees itself) running a country.
What’s bad enough for the E.U., is bad enough for Greece and Italy. And Britain.
“Who, What, Why: What can technocrats achieve that politicians can’t?”
Brendan O’Neill :-
“Greece’s austerity junta: Regime of the Technocrats.
“Brendan O’Neill reports from Athens on how the EU is using financial blackmail to force cash-
strapped Greece to suspend democratic politics.”
This exclusive posting from Jersey’s Former Chief Police Officer has been e-mailed to BBC Jersey. So far nothing mentioned on the “news” http://voiceforchildren.blogspot.com/2011/11/state-sponsored-paedophilia.html
Celebrity feminist Germaine Greer appeared on Radio 3. The billing for the programme read: “Inspired by the Janis Joplin lyric “Freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose”, she argues that the pursuit of freedom has caused havoc throughout the world, and calls for a new version of liberation”
From a rambling, incomprehensible diatribe here is a real gem: “…When you hear that I am not condemning hijab, I don’t condemn the veil (I understand the veil as a social phenomenon), I don’t even condemn genital cutting because it’s not up to me to condemn it. It is not – my – problem! I have enough to worry about in my society when women can’t even eat, where twelve years old girls are terrified that their thighs are flabby…”
Sorry, Iranian Leila, but Germaine hasn’t a view on your clitoris being cut out by men who do not want you to enjoy sexual relations because she is busy thinking about British Susan who has flabby thighs!
I accept Greer has a right to express her views freely however horrid they are but this was on the BBC and there was no challenge – NONE – to her positions. She has spent her life getting away with this stuff and generations of young women have swallowed it hook line and sinker. And one of her main enablers over the years has been the BBC.
I urge you to hear the whole broadcast and make up your own minds before it is removed from the R3 website. If you haven’t time, listen from 23’00” onwards.
It sounds like Ms Greer is being a bit dishonest, and shying away from criticising other cultures to avoid any accusations of racism!
Does she seriously expect us to believe that she’s against overweight women feeling pressured to go on a diet, but completely neutral on the issue of genital mutilation?
Greer and Lefties will not condemn FGM because it is mainly practised by black muslims and it is mainly the women in some societies who encourage it.
She should read “Do they hear you when you cry ” by Fauziya Kassindja to get some insight into the reality.
Girls dumped in the bush and told not to come back to the village until the bleeding has stopped , if they don’t die, that is.
I could go on, but won’t.
Lefties like Greer make me puke. They don’t have an ounce of humanity in their worthless bodies.
Greer(both of ’em actually )…the results of spending all your adult life in academia and none in the real world.
She is also the worst kind of contrarian, always looking for a new twisted take on the same old nonsense. It takes her into some very strange territory indeed. Thus her recent bizarre appearance on QT where she claimed that young girls kissing their fathers goodnight was a form of ‘flirtation’. The innocent and natural turned into something sinister and unhealthy. This kind of crap is both insidious and downright weird.
‘Thus her recent bizarre appearance on QT where she claimed that young girls kissing their fathers goodnight was a form of ‘flirtation’. The innocent and natural turned into something sinister and unhealthy.’
And I bet that she doesn’t give a damn about the dads who get treated like suspected child abusers because they sat on their kid’s bed when reading them a bedtime story…
The woman is sick !
Yep – demented or dementia – not sure which.
Reed, you put it perfectly: “ the worst kind of contrarian”. If you listen to her in the R3 programme she twists and turns from isuue to issue, country to country and makes no sense in a real world. Her likening “hoodies” to burkas is another far too clever by half obversation that 19 year old students love. I guess its the sort of fodder that inpresses young minds full of mush. To be honest, until I began to think for myself I thought Greer was cool. But if any fair minded person who listens to her has to ask: “What the hell is she talking about?”. But you don’t get a good degree by fighting the lecturer.
Meanwhile I suggest that when she enters a room, all honourable men politely leave.
Yes; Ms Greer has the same moral double standards so admired and practiced by BBC-NUJ-Labour.
Robert Peston fends off homophobia claims over ‘Queer Street’ comments – http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/tvandradio/bbc/8889306/Robert-Peston-fends-off-homophobia-claims-over-Queer-Street-comments.html
There’s nothing inherently homophobic about the phrase, although it’s funny to see Peston being criticised for the kind of thing the BBC usually criticise others for!
Hoist by his own petard! LOL!
It is funny….and shows the febrile nature of the cultural minefield which has insinuated itself into the public discourse.
For an explanation of Queer Street, and how Peston’s use was quite legitimate:
Funny, if it weren’t all so surreal.
Maybe the BBC will sack him !!
hope so!
Did anyone else catch Guido and the bloggers in the front of the select committee this afternoon.
Very interesting to watch, also the mind set of the politicians who you can see were attacking bloggers for outing thier scummy activities.
Guido was spot on about why should we allow a judge to act as the arbitor of free speech.
The idea of a first amendment type law seemed to just go over the heads of politicians, who I suspect are still hurting for being caught out on expenses.
The bBC, so called pious muslims and lying for Allah.
How many times have you heard the bBC describe somebody as a pious Muslim? You know when the story is about dogs, Alcohol, gambling or even how they treat women. When it comes to Muslims in the west (read UK) the bBC bends over (5 times a day) as far as it can in which to promote the faithful as the only people on the planet who are righteous due to their beliefs.
Well, in the UK how many times have you heard about a Muslim getting caught out being drunk, be it raping a white child, Driving a car or even committing a murder, the bBC never seems to mention how these idiots who they have no problem promoting as pious , were breaking their very own rule book you know that rule book they use in which to win concessions from the Western Nations they live in. The same applies to dogs (Muslims are behind the largest increase of dog fighting seen in the UK for over 200 years) oppressing Women, building permits, terrorism, and walking into the country in which to claim benefits. (I won’t say sneak, as Customs allow anybody to enter and only arrest asylum seekers trying to leave the country)
So how many times have you heard from the bBC that Muslims are not allowed to gamble. You know that angle of attack they are using in which not to pay interest on mortgages, student loans etc.. With that in mind here is how the bBC gets around how that lying murderous faith that is Islam allows its followers to openly gamble.
The bBC the propaganda arm for Islam.
I wonder if the BBC offered this tosser a job after interviewing him. He’d fit right in:
He doesn’t get that it’s ‘his flag’ as well. Some shit (white skinny left winger) was on the BBC the other day moaning about poppies. His argument was that some people find the poppy offensive as they may have fought the British.
Sorry, but when you come to THIS Country you obey our laws and respect our customs. If you don’t like it then piss off.
It would be his flag too if he made some sort of effort to intergreate!
Today has been a pretty torrid day on the markets.
Italy is still being slaughtered on the bond markets, despite Berlusconi’s departure. There are signs the contagion may be spreading to Spain. And it looks like Italy’s Treasury Director is about to resign.
But you wouldn’t know if from the BBC news website. It’s lead headline all day has been about the phone hacking enquiry!
And France is also being targeted now as well. Boo hoo !!!!!
Earlier today, I tweeted Tim Weber, who’s in charge of the BBC website’s economic news, to ask why the big stories of the day weren’t being covered, particularly as Spain’s bond yields were so high.
This was his reply:
‘You probably mean the Italian bond yield. Spanish bond auctions are tomorrow and Thursday. Well, we did lead w jobs most of am’.
No, I meant the Spanish bond yields… As in: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/financialcrisis/8889058/Contagion-fears-rise-as-Spanish-bond-yields-breach-6pc.html
Well, dear B-BBCers, I am off to Gambia, Senegal and, hopefully, Guinea-Bissau on wednesday for 5 weeks. It is a tough job but……….
I shall not be accessing the internet and my wife bans me from listening to the BBC World Service , ” Dat BBC stuff just make you angry, ah ! “.
I shall miss my mother and this website and , er, that’s about it !
Keep up the good work , chaps and chapesses !!
Have a good time, Grant.
You’ll probably be back in time for the snow (or so, I hear, Piers Corbyn tells Dr. Gregory).
Enjoy the time away Grant and Mrs. Grant. Who wouldn’t want to escape the miserable British winter. Warmth and sunshine…*sigh*
Stay safe, Grant. But we all know you’ll be missing Irn Bru most of all.
David P,
To my surprise Irn Bru is available in all the best supermarkets in Gambia. But, on reflection, I suppose nothing should surprise me any more about that part of the world !
enjoy your time away and don’t forget to let us know how you get on!
Sounds great ๐ Have a lovely time and enjoy the world away from the BBC. Look forward to read you when you get back – Cheers Matey
Thanks , Teddy, keep on posting !!!
Safe trip. I’ll fly the Saltire here while you’re away.
Thanks, Roland. You will be proud to know that a Saltire is already in the flat we are renting there together with the Gambian flag waiting for the house we are building there !
Have a good one Grant !
Can you apply for a 5/52nd rebate from Bristol ?
Bon Voyage to you both.
You have lost me there !
Sorry Grant, I just wondered (facetiously) if you and your good wife could claim back 5 weeks worth of TV licence money whilst your out of the country.
By the way, take down the Saltire and replace it with (yes one does exist) the BBC flag.
If it achieves one thing, it will be that you may wish to extend your stay.
As I say, Bon Voyage to you both.
Turas math dhut
Have a good trip Grant, your comments will be missed.
Ah…tell the Beeb that you`re related to Jon Snow…get a pith helmet and rant about the White Man a la Roy Harper…say you`ll be looking at the snow melting on Kilamanjaro( they`ll not worry where it actually is..its in the Toto song so that`ll do!)…that it`s all about the endangered species(budgies!) unable to find hardwood forests to perch in due to Lakeland Pencils needing all the blue ones for the Censors of Russell Brand(Fascist maan!)…and I reckon you`re a shoo-in for the Johann Hari Krishna Award using Panoramas good offices!
Maybe a couple of Empire Missives by carrier pigeon though eh?… got to be some election count worth the visit!
Children In Need coming up….mass exodus well-merited!
So according to the BBC news at 6PM the markets were calm today and all is well in Italy.
Well hang on BBC, Italy has replaced its Government with an unelected halfwit…oh hang on that’s a bit like Gordon Brown so no wonder the BBC likes it.
Also, it’s fine replacing these politicians with technocrats’ but what experience do these people have of foreign affairs, terrorism and other issues of Government.
Then finally, where is Billy Bragg and his mates? Remember them when the Tories were trying to form a Government with the Lib Dems? The lefty scum were prattling on about democracy, so where are they all now then with Governments being replaced without a single vote?
Here is a quote from a rent a twat Bragg
The Purple People are not motivated by the minute details of various voting systems that offer PR. Our goal is to rebuild trust in parliamentary democracy by making everyone’s vote count so that we may find the consensual government necessary to deal fairly with the difficult economic choices that lie ahead.
Where is Greg Palast telling us that the rights of the people of Italy and Greece have been stamped on by left wing loons in Europe? Legitimate politicians forced out of power and replaced by Merkels puppets.
Silence from the left and even the right are a disgrace.
‘So according to the BBC news at 6PM the markets were calm today’
*Mouth drops open*
The Euro has been dropping like a stone against the dollar!
As you say, maybe the lack of coverage the BBC have been giving to today’s economic problems is because they are confident that, with Super Mario in charge of Italy, the global economy is in safe hands…
The Global Economy is safe in Super Mario’s hands……… until tomorrow, that is !
What the BBC news at 6PM said was; “The markets seemed relieved, but for how long?”, which is pretty much identical to what was reported by The Washington Post:
“While investors are clearly relieved that experienced economists are in charge in two of Europe’s most fragile countries, reliable leadership is only the beginning…”
Yes, the pro-leftist, Marxist Washington Post…(!)
And they are both wrong as time will prove !
Whichever political slant the media have, remember they are merely journalists, with no specialist qualifications and , by definition, ignorant.
Here’s another #OccupyFail: Leftoids holding a forum supporting the Occupiers get invaded by other Occupiers and come away unhappy and confused by their fascism. You’ll laugh out loud at some of this. And the BBC will never report this stuff, so you won’t really know what they’re about.
Occupy Seattle Disrupts Pro-Occupy Wall Street Forum, Drives Away Supporters
No sooner had the panel finished opening remarks last night than a woman scampered up onto stage and yelled, “Mic check!” It was an orchestrated effort by several dozen activists to use the People’s Mic to interrupt a forum at Town Hall—a forum in favor of Occupy Wall Street, featuring three wonks and three activists from Occupy Seattle. Their stunt replaced what was supposed to be an informed discussion of the movement with an uninformative, shout-a-thon about process that consumed most of the evening. They booed opinions they disagreed with and drove supporters out of the building.
“I walked in supportive and left unsupportive,” said 69-year-old Mary Ann, who declined to provide her last name. “I’m turned off by the negative shouts, repetition, and all I can think about is a cult. And I believe in every one of their damn principles.”
Apparently the Occupy fascists refused to back down and let the proceedings continue until they had forced a vote from the audience. When it didn’t go their way, they did an EU-style, BBC-approved move: forced another vote. Things kind of went downhill from there.
Paula and Brian King also headed for the door early. “It was frustrating to listen to people shouting and interrupting,” lamented Paula. Brian added, “We are leaving because they are looking inward at themselves and their eccentric process rather than reaching out to people.”
Awww. Read the whole thing for a good laugh.
Just like I said before, this is the true face of the Occupy movement. Ignore the well-meaning middle-aged Leftoids, ignore the Union activists, ignore the idiotic emotion-driven artists and celebs, and definitely ignore wet Leftoid journalists who support what they think are the Occupiers’ goals. This is what the original Occupiers and the hard-core ones are really like. They are bullies and egomaniacal fascists who want to destroy.
And the BBC will continue to suppress news of this kind of thing and carry their water instead.
Shambolic, anarchist, activist leftards….produce chaos. We all had such high hopes for, and confidence in the movement. ๐ And some still think that these people are the key to our better future!!!!!
There’s also this from Occupy Denver – where they tried to ‘occupy’ a meeting of conservative bloggers. Mistake! It all goes wrong for them, as the rightful occupants turn the customary bullying and hectoring tactics on the interlopers with all manner of chants. Right back atcha, you self-righteous muppets.
Pretty much everything I said about these people three weeks ago is coming true. Pretty much everything the BBC said about them is…..
Pretty much everything the BBC said about them is…..
d.all of the above
I go for “d”
With a purr on the BBC website Mark Mardell directs me to the new Michael Portello show “Things We Forgot to Remember”. (An aside: only the BBC, blind to any irony, could call a programme presented by Michael Portillo with the skeletons revealed in his university closet “Things We Forgot to Remember”?)
The broadcast’s message is that the Boston Tea Party was really “a murky and illegal act of vandalism.” Just a bunch of “thugs”, a mob, “not very nice people”. The resonant words are “Tea Party” – there’s even interview with Jenny Beth Martin of the modern Tea Party movement. Though if you take this BBC version as fact, perhaps the event should be renamed “The Occupy Boston Movement”.
The Portillo programme continues the current theme in many BBC shows about the history of the United States. There’s a smug tone of superiority about this stuff (something which would appeal to Mardell).
And the hidden political message? It’s there, folks. Listen closely to the end of the programme: “We have to believe this is the freest system in the world. IT’S NOT, but we have to believe that.” (27’00”) These words are spoken (unchallenged) in the programme by historian and author “Harlow Unger”. Who?
So I looked up Mr. Unger and guess where I found more of his work? Yes, folks – Drumroll and trumpets – THE HUFFINGTON POST.
By the way, there’s some audio in the show from a Disney film “Johnny Tremain”. The Beeboids hate – HATE – Disney like they hate Murdoch. Someday, we may have opportunity to discuss that.
Louis, you’ll probably not be too surprised to learn that our wonderful druid anarch-bishop – the beardie one – is also part of the HATE Disney crowd. Yep – that’s right, the UK has the worst record for teenage pregnancies in Europe, a huge cultural problem with binge drinking and substance abuse, family breakdown and all the resultant social problems…but according to this twit, the biggest problem facing our young people today is the pernicious influence of Lion King DVDs.
…and they wonder why the pews are so empty.
Note how, in the BBC article, they just can’t resist this little verbose dig right at the end :
“The company, often cited as a prime example of globalisation by media cultural imperialism”
We could(and do) say the same about the BBC, except that Disney is funded by the choice of it’s customers, rather than by the compulsion of tax payers.
And Disney’s output is more mature and grown up than the BBC’s !
Louis, you’ll probably not be too surprised to learn that our wonderful druid anarch-bishop – the beardie one – is also part of the HATE Disney crowd. Yep – that’s right, the UK has the worst record for teenage pregnancies in Europe, a huge cultural problem with binge drinking and substance abuse, family breakdown and all the resultant social problems…but according to this twit, the biggest problem facing our young people today is the pernicious influence of Lion King DVDs.
…and they wonder why the pews are so empty.
Note how, in the BBC article, they just can’t resist this little verbose dig right at the end :
“The company, often cited as a prime example of globalisation by media cultural imperialism”
We could(and do) say the same about the BBC, except that Disney is funded by the choice of it’s customers, rather than by the compulsion of tax payers.
sorry for the double post – can’t seem to delete one without deleting both ??
I had that at weekend!
If the US is not the freest “system” in the world, which country is ?
Certainly not the UK. Maybe Switzerland ? Anyone any idea ?
In Beeboidland, probably Cuba or North Korea!
…or Albania – workers’ paradise!
So the original Boston Tea Party was “a murky and illegal act of vandalism”, eh? How about all the acts of your darling Occupiers, BBC? Haven’t seen a single eyebrow raised yet, you biased hacks.
One has to ask why a US issue is the first up in this series. How much is this a part of British “shared memory”. Of what interest is this to the license fee-payer? Of course at 3:30 in, we learn the real purpose.
This is part of the agenda to create the correct Narrative for 2012. Step One: Remind the public that the modern Tea Party’s ideal is false, and associate them with a negative.
Sure, the actual history laid out here is more or less accurate (projected motivations and sneering aside), but there’s one problem with this whole thing. It’s clearly written by historians and wonks, all with a class war bent. We keep hearing about “the wealthy” Colonial agitators, but there’s obviously no input from actual business people. These taxes screwed the local businessmen. The Stamp Act poured salt on the wound. This is never a good idea, but all Portillo can do is waggle his finger at “the wealthy”.
Funny how Portillo and his comrade forgot to mention the Stamp Act during their character assassination of Samuel Adams, seeing as how that was his primary motivation. It was eventually repealed as well.
Why were these “very wealthy” Bostonians smuggling and evading taxes? Because they were getting screwed for larger corporate/government interests. It’s also funny how the same acts of violence and vandalism these people are scorning here are the same kind of acts for which the Left praises the Occupiers to high heaven. I’m aghast at the blatant hypocrisy between this triumphant clucking at how the Boston Massacre was really the troops defending themselves, yet all the violence between the “Students” and Occupiers and the authorities is totally the fault of the police, who are described as being overly brutal. Vandalism is bad when the Founding Fathers do it, but totally justified when the modern far-Left does it. Classic BBC twisted morality.
I also loved the bit where the Leftoid historian reminded everyone that we had to pay whatever taxes the government wanted. I suppose Portillo and his producers believe that they’ve completely discredited the Tea Party movement.
The most offensive part was where Portillo said that the Tea Party is linked to “the extreme wing of the Republican Party”. Scum. Wake me up when the BBC links the Occupiers to any extreme anything.
And whose system is freer? Answers on the head of a pin….
Well done, BBC. The campaign to protect The Obamessiah and turn the British public against us begins in earnest.
McKinstry (‘Express’) thinks that this is outrageous too:
But from INBBC: not a whisper.
Reed, do you mean THIS Archbishop of Canterbury?
“The young Rowan Williams was once labelled ‘a subversive’ by a senior MI5 officer over his involvement with a group of Marxist, Trotskyite and socialist campaigners.”
That’s the one – it all fits into place, doesn’t it.
(evil eyebrows, don’t you think)
One paragraph stands out in your article, Louis :
The group also condemned Baroness Thatcher’s views on immigration. When she said she feared Britain would be “swamped by people of a different culture”, the Jubilee Group accused the Tories of “racism and creeping fascism”, adding: “It is a phenomenon which is far more dangerous than that of the National Front”.
How awful for them it must be that Thatcher has been proven right, and it’s their allies in the ‘dangerous phenomenon’ of New Labour that have provided that proof. Awful for the rest of us too, sadly.
So Thatcher and ‘the right’ have been proven correct on immigration and the EU.
Just ‘climate change’ and Islam to go, and the world will be a better place.
Being proven right is one thing – having that acknowledged and acted upon is an entirely different matter. Immigration and the EU are still unaddressed problems, however right the dissenters have been shown to be. At least public opinion is not just very much in our favour on these two issues, but also recognised to be. The other two…still an uphill struggle to even get heard without shrieking moral outrage.
Not mine I’m afraid. Wish it were.
INBBC’s reporting on Islamic Republic of Iran has a ‘Press TV’ ring to it.
Compare these two reports today:
1.) ‘Daily Telegraph’ –
“An explosion at a missile base on Saturday killed 17 members of the Revolutionary Guard, including the brigadier-general in charge of missile development, Hassan Moghaddam. The incident’s similarity to an explosion at a major base housing long-range Shahab-3 missiles in October of last year triggered speculation both were the work of Mossad.”
“Iran says it has ‘controlled’ Duqu malware attack”
About a week ago, I made a complaint to the BBC, and wrote in this forum about how impressed I was to have received an email of acknowledgement.
Today, I made another complaint, but didn’t receive an email.
The BBC must have realised that it’s counter-productive to send such emails, as it makes it easier for people to follow up on complaints when they don’t receive a response…
Who, What, Why: What can technocrats achieve that politicians can’t? – http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-15720438
The article describes Monti and Popademos as ‘wise’.
Surely it’s not for an apolitical broadcaster to comment on which political leaders are wise!
Undemocratic or unelected is more appropriate.
Perhaps they mean “streetwise” of the streets of EUtopia .
But to ordinary people the BBC “wise ” means sly and oligeneas .
The BBC and fellow-travelling Europhiliacs, still clutching at straws. Idiots !
The bBC, telling fibs for Allah and half the story:
Teenage Kashmir footballer wins dream Brazil trip
A teenager from Indian-administered Kashmir – jailed last year for fighting the security forces – is to be trained as a football coach in Brazil. Imran Ahmed Bhatt, 18, says that the course in South America is the opportunity of a lifetime.Last year he was imprisoned for throwing stones at the security forces….Imran, who comes from a poor background and left school at 16.
Yet another Islamic sob story from the bBC.This time targeted at India which while being evil towards Msulims not only drops the charges agaisnt this little thugs , but gives him a passport so he can leave the country. But the part which caught my eys was this statement from the bBC:
“Imran, who comes from a poor background and left school at 16.”
What the bBC doesn’t tell you is the school leaving age in india is…14. So it seems poor Imran, unlike everybody else managed to stay at school for a couple of years longer than his peers. But you know where the bBC os coming from when they end their Pro-Islam,anti India article with:
“It was then an affordable game for underprivileged Kashmiris living under the autocratic rule of Hindu royals.”
The bBC, the propoganda arm for Islam.
“Yet another Islamic sob story from the bBC.This time targeted at India which while being evil towards Msulims not only drops the charges agaisnt this little thugs”
Bizzare. In what way is this a “sob story” or target India as being evil?
They didn’t “drop the charges” – he was imprisoned. The fact that he was granted a passport shows India in a positive light.
“What the bBC doesn’t tell you is the school leaving age in india is…14. So it seems poor Imran, unlike everybody else managed to stay at school for a couple of years longer than his peers.”
Fourteen is the minimum leaving age; about 50% of children in India continue into Secondary education (15 to 18 yrs).
“But you know where the bBC os coming from…”
It’s rather more obvious where you are coming from… ๐
“It’s rather more obvious where you are coming from”
So can you clarify that statement about Pounce mrs Beeber !
When is a socialist a right-winger? According to the BBC, when they murder: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-15714084
The German media have no doubt that these hideous people are socialists but the good old Beeb is there to tell us that theses socialists are from the right.
the clue is in the title
got that beeboids?
“the clue is in the title…”
Yes, and why do you blatenty ignore the NATIONAList part? The defining characteristic of the NAZI party is it’s belief in racial supremacy.
You blame “The Left” for having “open borders” and then blame them for wanting to kill immigrants?!
Does either of you know what cognitive dissonance is?
Nope mrs beeble “national ” is a concept of geographical area in which they protect them selves and their own, the German experiment was a total world hatred of the Jews no matter where or under who’s control which is more of a social construct not defined by land or borders say like the U.N as opposed to stopping Iraqi’s on truck at Dover!
I had a few idle minutes on my hands,and decided to educate the left wing moron……a tough job I know,but here goes!
1. “Nazi” was gutter slang for the verb “to nationalize”. The official title of the Nazi Party was “The National Socialist Workers Party of Germany”. Hitler advocated the nationalization of education, health care, transportation, national resources, manufacturing, distribution and law enforcement.
2.Hitler came to power by turning the working class, unemployed, and academic elite against the conservative republic.
3.The Gestapo began to confiscate and seize the homes, businesses, bank accounts, and personal belongings of wealthy conservative citizens who had prospered in the old Republic.
4.Public schools rewrote history and Hitler youth groups taught the children to report their parents to their teachers for anti-Nazi remarks.
Pagan animism became the state religion of the Third Reich and Christians were widely condemned as “right wing fanatics”.
4.a pathological hatred of jews
I could go on,but I don’t want to keep the leftard back from his colouring in books
Yes, the Nazis had almost everything in common with Lefties all round the World and throughout history.
The current Left-wing anti-semitism is just one step away from……..
sorry for the misnumber in my post
dez will no doubt point it out as a sign this blog is crazy
or something
If you are going to cut and paste from a website it’s customary to put it in quotes and give a link to your source – rather than try and pass it off as your own words. But no matter.
“‘Nazi’ was gutter slang for the verb ‘to nationalize’…
Erm no, that’s just plain bonkers; it was, and is, slang for the National Socialists. Do you seriously think the Neo-Nazis quoted in the OP went round killiing Turks because they wanted more nationalised industry?
as I said,I only had about 2 minutes to waste on the twat
and this is the best he can come up with
fortunately he doesn’t make the rules here….he’s just an annoying tick who doesn’t know when he’s not wanted
fart in a spacesuit springs to mind
matthew rowe,
“national ” is a concept of geographical area in which they protect them selves and their own…”
“themselves and their own” – lovely little euphemism that isn’t it?
Dez’s recent run of form (I saw he caught out a couple of people with good cause) has met a sorry end!
Tell me, Dez, do you think National Express are a fascist organisation? or National Tyres? The Grand National?
You really are a complete idiot.
So your reasoning is that because National Express aren’t facist therefore the National Socialists aren’t? Brilliant!
Dez’s 02:32 is a true classic.
The BBC are a hoot, they tell us that now we’ve got unelected halfwits running Greece and Italy all is well in the markets.
Except on ITV they tell us all the main markets were DOWN today and then that Spain is also about to go over the edge.
Just what sort of Cocaine is snorted at the BBC?
The only time the Beeboids remember that the stock market has the attention span of an over-ripe tomato and daily ups and downs don’t look past the next announcement is when the markets tank for some reason and they’re bitching about them being speculators who blow with the wind.
The BBC’s reporting of movements in the FTSE 100 is a classic example of bias.
The prominance given to a rise or fall depends on the political ramifications, but generally a fall of , say 2%, is headlined
” £ X billion wiped off stock market “. A rise of 2% usually mentioned briefly as a tailpiece, if at all.
Just what sort of Cocaine is snorted at the BBC?
The publically funded kind. >:o
You can be sure that Beeboids only snort the highest quality cocaine. After all , they can afford it.
The bBC reporting on their self made Passport crisis and half the story.
The bBC hasn’t let up on the government over how the Home Secretary relaxed border checks for European Biometric passports. Here is how the bbC reports on the story:
Border checks were relaxed at 28 ports and airports
New details have emerged in the row about the relaxation of security checks at ports and airports.
Home Secretary Theresa May has revealed her pilot scheme to reduce passport checks on some citizens of EU countries was used at 28 ports and airports. The details emerged in response to written questions from the chairman of the Home Affairs Committee Keith Vaz. Mrs May also disclosed that more than 10m people entered the UK in August when the pilot scheme was operating.
Notice the language used, passports and not biometric, 10 million people entered the country all used in which to portray the HS of really messing up. Yet the bBC isn’t telling the full story. For example the only passport checks the HS relaxed were Biometric passports from Europe. You know that Europe where every country (As per EU regs) issues biometric passports. Passports I should add of a higher standard than those biometric passports issued by either the US or UK. (EU passports have to have fingerprints encoded on the chip) Now here is a Parliament article on Biometric passports issued when Labour was in power last year as dictated by a certain Mr Wollas:
“The greater assurance and integrity offered by the e-passport enables border control authorities worldwide to spend more time dealing with higher risk passengers. Accessing the data held on the e-passport automatically, enables UK Border Force officers to use their time more efficiently on improved security and fraud checks”
So in line with the added security the HS relaxed passport checks for EU citizens owning a Biometric passport. Now seeing as 10 million people who entered the UK in 2010 cannot all have had an E-passport, It seems the bBC are playing with a ball park figure in which to try and discredit the current government.
In fact the reason why the customs geezer resigned is because he expanded the relaxed checks to anybody (Not just EU) with a passport and now he is playing the victim. tossers like him at HM Customs (who can’t even keep out banned people) are the reason why the UK is full of benefit scroungers from the third world. Of course when anybody looks funny at a terrorist the bBC is first in line to play the Human rights act. Yet the fact remains th HS has done nothing wrong, yet the bBC feels it has a chance to stick another knife into the present government , because they know if they win another election, they (the bBC) will lose out big order. Along with their Islamic terrorist buddies and liberal rapists who all flock to the UK in which to protest their innocence.
The bBC, the propaganda arm for the labour party.
The BBC are also playing down that for the last FOUR years passport checks are Dover were ignored for coaches. Remind me of who was in power back in 2007?
Martin, remember 2010 is the new BBC year zero for UK political coverage. Nothing that Labour screwed up before then counts. Of course, anything negative for the Nasty Party resides permanently in the memory banks for ready access.
Poor old BBC, they really are shilling for their EU paymasters. Paxman looks so frustrated that ‘we’ are not in the Euro.
He gave Mandelson a verbal blow job on Newsnight then continually interrupted dozy Malcom Rifkin about how we are losing out.
Really Paxman, you think we are the worst off in Europe because we are not in the EU?
Did that come from the heart or were you ordered to spout it by your BBC bosses?
The BBC really are on a different planet when it comes to Europe, at no point in that whole debate on Newsnight did democracy or the views of the people come up.
That camp little shit Mandelson was spouting away as if he’s still in power, totally ignorant of the views of the people.
There’s a counter-protest going on in NYC right now against the Occupiers in Zuccotti Park. Sorry I can’t provide a link as I’m just watching it live right now on the local news. A bunch of local business owners are fed up with the Occupiers spending half an hour in their restrooms, disrupting traffic in the neighborhood, intimitading the locals, and defecating and urinating all over the landscape.
Nanny Bloomberg says he’s “trying to balance the rights” to protest and free speech of the Occupiers with the rights of the locals. The business owners obviously think that’s a load of crap, because, as one of them said, they don’t have the right to take over his bathroom or occupy his private property or disrupt his business.
Like I said before, it’s all lovely to say that everyone has this right or that, but the only way it can really work is if your rights end where mine begin. Of course, as we’ve seen over and over, the Occupiers aren’t interested in other people’s rights.
Good. I’m glad that decent people are discovering their right to protest and assert their civil rights. The fraudulent claim that this is a peaceful movement has been shown up in many different locations. As someone said in a blog post (can’t remember where) the whole thing has the air of a protection racket, with all the menace that implies – ‘do as we want and nobody gets hurt’. The moment someone pushes back, prevents their access or tries to move them on their true nature surfaces – the furious outrage that their entitlement has been challenged soon turns to aggression and violence.
As soon as they are backed into a corner, whether physically or figuratively, they go into self-justification mode and start asserting that they’re the 99% and shouting that ‘this is what democracy looks like’. In other words, anything we feel like doing is automatically supported by everyone, and is therefore entirely virtuous.
It’s a way of being that comes from a permanently indignant anti-authority attitude. These people never grow out of adolescent rebellion – petulant children in adult form.
This video perfectly demonstrates that pathology at work:
“Of course, as we’ve seen over and over, the Occupiers aren’t interested in other people’s rights.”
Amusing video from OccupyLSX/St Paul’s – new arrivals ejected because they haven’t followed official procedure as dictated by the camp’s elite.
“Meet the new boss
Same as the old boss“
This is what fascism looks like. How about it, BBC?
At least you live in a country where people will make a stand, David. This country is now full of sheep who are happy as long as they are fed their regular EastEnders, Corrie & X-Factor.
The Austerity Myth – http://www.spectator.co.uk/coffeehouse/7330023/the-austerity-myth.thtml
Contains some stats that you won’t see on the BBC!
It’s a fatuous argument to say that because total government spending is going up there is no austerity programme. (Ignoring the fact that the uk is still borrowing money) it’s akin to individual deciding to stop buying food in order to pay off their credit card bill.
Total spending hasn’t decreased – so what’s the problem?
Whatever happens , the British will still be some of the best off people in the world.
The fact that some of them are whining about it, in the case of Lefties, for narrow political reasons, shows how pathetic some Brits have become.
They need a dose of real hardship to shake themselves to reality after decades of cossetting.
Even then, the future is bleak for the UK.
“Austerity” ! You have to laugh. What a bunch of spoiled brats !!
In this country there’s an awful lot who equate austerity with not being able to afford the latest i-phone. Particularly when they expect me to fund it.
Or just have a “riot” and loot one !
Dez –
‘It’s a fatuous argument to say that because total government spending is going up there is no austerity programme.’
If spending is going up, it’s not a very austere austerity programmme! ๐ And it makes a mockery of the ‘too fast, too deep’ hyperbole!).
‘It’s akin to individual deciding to stop buying food in order to pay off their credit card bill.’
Not really. It’s more like a household who have been living for years beyond their means tightening their belts in order to be able to continue paying the mortgage. The alternative is to end up like Greece…
The purpose of the state isn’t to act like Father Christmas, handing out goodies to one and all. A smaller, leaner state would mean that people and businesses get to keep more of their money, which they can spend and invest, boosting the economy. And it would also encourage people to take responsibility for their lives, and would attract fewer scroungers who think that, if they can remain in Britain long enough to have a kid, then they can stay here on human rights grounds and continue to claim our benefits…
Yes, unfortunately I’ve seen Dopey Dez’ grasp of economics before.
‘Grasp’ is probably putting it a tad strongly.
The old line about it being better to remain silent and be thought a fool springs to mind.
Dezzie almost understands economics as well as Stephanie Flanders.
Evidence now emerging that the Left-wing newspaper, The Daily Mirror, was involved in phone-hacking. Thank goodness I don’t have to rely on the BBC to get this piece of news !
The BBC have admitted that the last of the 7 episodes of “Frozen Planet” will be devoted to Global Warming ( as predicted by Roland on this site some weeks ago ).
However, other countries, including the USA, will only see the first 6 episodes.
The BBC say that it is standard practice to offer
“international clients ” only the parts they wish to purchase.
There was a nice comment in the Telegraph to the effect of “if the BBC were subject to commercial pressures in the UK, they wouldn’t broadcast this crap here, either”.
There was also a selection of quotes from various eco-crusties about how “outraged” they were and that the other, unnamed broadcasters should be “forced” to show the global warming episode. Er…how does that work exactly? These twats really don’t understand the private sector a.k.a the Real World.
It reminds me of the standard comment placed in any anti BBC story in the Mail (presumably by the BBC Astroturf Crew) “but [Sky][ITV][Daily Mail] are not impartial either”. Yes, but we are not obliged to buy their services…you dim lefty twat.
I see the BBC has gleefully aired footage of Republican candidate Herman Cain stumbling over a techinal question put by a reporter. Oh how funny to see a person being tripped up. No context of course and no footage of the eventual response just some sniggering comment that he “eventually gave some kind of answer”. This is not journalism, this is spiteful leftist assholes using their position to attack their political enemies.
No footage of Obamas howlers though eh? The BBC pimping partisan smears about Cain, but so far no investigation of the close relationship between the gold digging skank accusing Cain of harrasment and a top Obama team democrat. No shots of Obama stumbling over questions from the BBC.
The BBC and its unwavering support for the US democrats, its long term war against all things Republican. In fact the only time Herman Cain gets any airtime from the BBC is when democrats issue smears or when they can twist some film footage in order to make him look bad. How many times has the BBC aired footage of Obama brain freezes and autocue breakdowns? More importantly though is the gleeful method used, you just know they are pleased as punch to be able to laugh at their ideological enemies.
The BBC, disgusting dirty tricks, selective footage with no context, no footage or coverage of Cain answering hundreds of questions correctly, no context from the BBC at all in fact. Just childish playground sniggering and bullying of a candidate that the BBC hates. Ha ha ha, look at the thick black man, see how ignorant he is, ha ha ha. Just one more grubby example of BBC bias, you wont be seeing Obama doing the exact same thing on the BBC will you?
BBC low life scum?
Nothing changes. How often has the BBC shown John Redwood making an arse of himself with the Welsh national anthem compared to showing Gordon Brown picking his nose?
cassandra, why have you put a question mark on the last sentence? Surely you were stating a fact.
Aaah yes you have a point ๐
Herman Cain is a self-made billionaire. He’s also an extremely intelligent and articulate guy. Perhaps the BBC wasn’t aware of the irony of their mockery…
Have a look at the clip: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/15731843
Many politicians would have simply started waffling about their achievements or badmouthing their opponents, rather than answering the question that was actually put to them.
But instead, Mr Cain took a moment to think about his answer and make sure he’d understood the question properly. In my book, that says something about his character…
Can we have some ‘stumbling’ like that on this side of the Atlantic please?
Well said, Cassandra.
I know Cain’s big weakness is foreign policy, and it was only a matter of time before something like this happened. But we’re a year away from the election, and I’m sure Cain would still ultimately be better on foreign policy than the first Post-American President we have now.
Excellent post, Cassie. I don’t know how the BBC could refute anything you have said.
Not that they would try. Their method is “deny it or ignore it “.
I caught this piece this morning too. I think they excused it by saying it was just to make their audience smile – heh heh heh.
In this way the BBC shows their not above ridiculing US politicians and potential presidents, even when they’re black.
Just when they’re not democrats.
I have to say that Sky were just as vindictive last night about Cain and then turned on all the other candidates one by one. They were making snide “witticisms” about the Republicans, so much so that I thought I was watching the BBC.
Still nothing on the multiple blunders by Obama.
Anyone like to guess on which side of the fuel debate Lady Nikki Campbell is on today?
In fact the whole of the BBC is of course on the wrong side of the argument, but fear not, they are not supporting the Tory Government but the Greenies.
“You don’t need a car” says the BBC.
Not when you live in – and never leave – London, like 99% of Beeboids.
As for those ghastly countryside dwellers who need to carry tools to places of work miles from home, well, who cares about them.
Liberals, such selfless, considerate, broad-minded, caring folk.
“You don’t need a car” says the BBC.
Not when, as I recall, they use a taxi to pop out to get lunch on the public dime.
Or, once suitably elevated, a chaffeur fromthe station in from the Home Counties… all on ex’s.
Even Newsnight’s Ethical Man resolved having to can his car by a) flying to Jamaica or b) hiring one every time his moppets needed taking to ballet class and pony trekking at the weekend (though there was one episode where they hit the Tube, which was hilarious for the amount of spoilt pink-clad whining. The kids were as bad).
“You don’t need the B-BBC”say’s me !
now come on, the “dame” did find a lady, who had given up her car, and was happy,(from where??..central london?gunchester?)why?? (minor detail obviously), won the lottery?…..retired??
lives over her factory???….. we may never know, but as he gleefully states “well…..there, you are then”??????
Two words: TOP GEAR O:-)
exactly…those are the ONLY two words. it’s akin to the Nick Robinson’s a Conservative because he was in the Young Conservatives at Uni (surely making most of Labour either Communist or Marxist but of course these things only work one-way)
To be fair , I dont need a car . When I need to go to that food factory 50 miles away at 2 in the morning , including weekends , I could leave the car at home and not put fuel into it, thus not paying the government for going to work . I could take the subsidised bus , thus the government pays me .
Mind you I`d have to get up two hours before going to bed , or move into shoebox in middle of thar street near t` factory , or go on benefits .
That`s the BBC 1930`s mindset coming into play . Everyone lives near the mill or mine , walks to work when the hooter sounds (or if lucky has bicycle ), and there is a COMMUNITY . Usually of oppressed workers with local doctor encouraging trade unionism against top hatted capitalist mill owner .
With a car though , the plebs have more freedom . They can look beyond going down `t` pit and seek employment elsewhere , in a place not run by Hardacre family of Brass .
Of course the BBC happily lets staff FLY down from Manchester to London to do the news then they fly them back to Manchester again.
But as this is the BBC that is harmless good CO2, not like prole CO2 which is bad for the planet.
“prole CO2”. I lke it. So apt.
I see Panorama dug out Alec McFadden to comment on the ’causes’ of the riots in Manchester.
Strange that they didn’t introduce him as the violent Communist thug that he really is. Someone who’s been responsible for causing many a riot himself.
How and why do the BBC have contacts with such people?
a wonder…they didn t fetch in that idiot from the UAF…
Martin.”therw arr daaawk claaaaads over euwope”…Smith
a man who gazes through you & answers questions before being asked.
Needless to say Lady Campbell wheels out a ‘Friends of the Earth’ lunatic to tell us that cars are evil and that we all need to walk 100 miles a day to save the Polar Bear.
Interesting that the BBC haven’t decided to attack the Tories, you’d think that the BBC line would be those nasty capitalist Tories taxing the poor off the roads, but no, the BBC actually agree with the fuel tax hike so the BBC go for the climate change crap once again.
ahhh conflict ๐ of interests you see…
some things are just more important than anything else.
with perfect timing…
4 arrests in Bham….yes 4 MEN….on terrorist offences 1 WOMAN for aiding & abetting……
hysterical hindus?…bombing buddhists?….miscreant methodists?
angry anglicans perhaps?……
ohhhh!……Pakistan mentioned……anybody???? any idea ๐
Well that only leaves the Catholics or the Jews.
dude ๐ i am always amazed
according to muslim er “logic” (sarc)
they already rule the world ๐
why blow it up?
unless theyre making room for
more nobel prizes
Possibly as a result of Thick Vic Dreadfulshire’s heavily trumpeted Tottenham shotathon, Radio 5 Listeners had an article on stop and search. They cut to some silly little boy who they badged up as our Home Affairs Correspondent or somesuch.
The SLB rightly pointed out that under PACE the police need ‘reasonable suspicion’ before they can do a stop. When asked how ‘reasonable suspicion’ might be defined, the SLB went into full BBC smirk mode and implied it was whatever the policeman fancied it to mean at the time.
The programme then moved on to an article about a black 15 year old, Zac Olumegbon, stabbed to death by a gang of five. Adenoids Asmah was of course (and rightly) all tears and compassion.
The BBC’s two remaining brain cells aren’t wired to eachother.
The clear message of the first article was that the police abuse stop and search. The poor hopey-change, softie-leftie droids can’t actually work out with their under-developed brains that perhaps, just perhaps, the police use stop and search, not to harass innocent black youths, but because the police believe the stopped individual may be carrying a knife which he just might use to murder another Zac Olumegbon.
You see, a hopey-changey, softie-leftie, Home Affairs Correspondent is only a hopey-changey, softie-leftie, Home Affairs Correspondent as long as it’s someone else who’s going to get a knife six inches into his gizzard.
If it was him that was going to get a six inch knife in his gizzard he might have a slightly different opinion of what ‘reasonable suspicion’ should mean.
Sorry, did I say ‘Tottenham shotathon’.
I meant of course ‘Tottenham shoutathon’.
Freud and all that
R4 Today 7.00: First item and therefore the most important; Theersa May may be in trouble as Brodie Clark is to give evidence. I get a mental picture of the bBC newsroom as a buch of ‘undead’ hanging round the only survivor, waiting to snack.
Yes, the BBC is in full-on ghoulish mode, stalking Teresa May.
Theresa May is a fan of political correctness within the Tory Party, so they probably cut her a bit more slack than they would have done if someone like John Redwood were Home Secretary…
And wouldn’t it be wonderful if John Redwood was Home Secretary ?
If she does go(unlikely), it would almost be worth the Tories putting out a false leak that her replacement will be Michael Howard, just to witness the hysterical spontaneous combustion of the BBC/Guardian/Indy.
Italian bond yield are currently above 7%, despite a technocratic government being appointed and the introduction of austerity measures.
And Spain’s bond yields are now above 6%, putting them in the danger zone.
This is EXTREMELY worrying for the global economy!
So why aren’t these developments addressed in any of the top 3 stories on the BBC news website?!?
Because as far as the BBC is concerned the markets are calm and the Euro is saved…yet again.
The BBC believe the shite pumped out by 2 beds 2 Ed’s Flanders and Brown lover Peston.
Only on ITV and Sky do you get the real world reported.
ITV told us last night (funnly enough via ex beeboids Laura Kunnesberg) that Spain is close to the tipping point.
Perhaps she had enough of having to vomit up the lefty bile of the BBC on a daily basis?
It would be interesting to know why Laura Kuenssberg left the BBC…
Has anyone heard any rumours?
Kuenssberg is as Left as any Beeboid. Nick Robinson wouldn’t step down and give her the top spot, so she found a better offer.
It’s also rumoured that she was offered Michael Crick’s job on Newsnight, which prompted Crick to leave the BBC!
Needless to say the vile Vikki Pillard is almost in tears at the human dross being cleared out of the park in New York.
‘Police in New York launch a late-night raid to dismantle the Occupy Wall Street protest camp in Zuccotti Park, which inspired dozens of protests around the world’
‘Inspired’ is a loaded word.
They shoud have used a neutral term, like ‘brought about’…
And this from bbc.co.uk…
“More people started arriving at the scene to support the protesters after they sent out a mass text message alerting followers to the raid.”
“raid” makes it sound as though what the police are doing is illegal. Oh, silly me, of course it is meant to.
Loads of low haging fruit on this thread isn`t there?
EU…immigration…Islam and Globalwarming(all one word to me!)…sitting ducks all in a row as someone says earlier.
Add comprehensives to these and you`ll get your five ducks on the BBC wall.
That the BBC and their bootlickers are so spectacularly wrong on these five issues-and you just KNOW what their slant/angle/agenda will be as and when they deign to talk over our heads and to Brussels…you know…in favour of the great day coming when Mandelson will humbly heed the nations call…Germanys naturally!
Apparently had we joined the Euro as the Hartlepool monkey had urged…why the Euro would be right and dandy now-seems Britain makes a fine canary down the mine and can whiff an elephant trap a kilometre away…something like that!
I see the BBCs move to Salford as being a rehearsal for the staged Polish/German incident of 1939-no doubt the BBCs linen suits are being suitably amended to show EDL/UKIP logos, so Merkel and Kinnock can pose beside the bodies of those they “intercepted”…thankfully no longer a threat now the EU Peacekeepers are installed.
The BBC…Mandelson/Kinnock and Patten…Hutton and Toynbee…Peace Kapos more like!
‘Britain makes a fine canary down the mine and can whiff an elephant trap a kilometre away.’
I was a bit bemused by those comments!
Does Lord Mandleson think that, without Britain’s guidance, other EU countries would stumble, Inspector Cleuseau like, into elephant traps?!?
Monkeys, canaries, elephants ! Are you angling for David Attenborough’s job ?
INBBC’s censored, unmentionable subject; but not to Richard LITTLEJOHN:
“The rogue from Marrakesh:-
Mohamed Bouzalim entered Britain illegally ten years ago. Although Moroccan, he pretended to be an Afghan fleeing the Taliban because he thought it would help him obtain asylum.
Since then, he has been paid more than £400,000 in benefits by falsely claiming to be paralysed from the neck down. For years, no one bothered to check his claim.
His fraud was only uncovered when he was filmed dancing at his own wedding. He had travelled back to Morocco to get married.
Convicting him of dishonesty, a judge described him as a ‘malingerer’. But the Government says it has an ‘uphill struggle’ to deport him because of — you guessed — the Yuman Rites Act.
Bouzalim, who has a degree in Sharia law, even managed to prolong his trial by demanding an interpreter who spoke Berber. I thought that was a carpet. Apparently, it’s one of those multiple languages in scribble on the bottom of official documents.
Since he also claims to speak Farsi and Pashtu, you’d have thought he might have managed to pick up the odd word of English in the decade he’s lived here at taxpayers’ expense.
He turned up in court in a wheelchair, accompanied by two nurses, like Young Mr Grace. Incidentally, his brother and sister have been living here on benefits, too, although it isn’t clear what disabilities they claim to be suffering from. They’re both on bail, also charged with fraud.
To hell with their ‘human rights’, they should all be put on the first plane back to Morocco.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2061539/UK-immigration-Hard-working-Polish-plumbers-countless-criminals.html#ixzz1dmRox6id
To hell with their ‘human rights’, they should all be put on the first plane back to Morocco.”
Absolutely, George!!!!!!
scumbag beeboid autocue reader John “Sober” Sopelpushing the Herman Cain “gaffe story” on views at one,introducing the clip with a smirk
funny thing is,when you actually watch the clip,there’s nothing about it even remotely questionable…..
clip ends,and Sober has a good laugh
sorry beeboids,FAIL
any chance of showing us Obama planning to visit “all 57 states” of the US?
or any of the myriad other REAL gaffes Obama has committed?
Obama shills,one and all
and racists as well
A couple of weeks ago on University Challenge they had a question about US presidential running mates. Dan Quayle was decribed as “gaffe-prone, famously misspelling ‘tomato’ and upbraided in a vice-presidential TV debate for comparing himself to J F Kennedy” while Al Gore was described simply as ” a future Nobel prize winner”. It was the BBC all over.
I thought it was potato that tripped Dan up!
Hope the BBC got it wrong…doubt if the likes of Moyles or Bacon, Lamb or Prescott would have done any better!
It was potato(e).
I stand corrected on that detail – thanks for getting there before Dez!
Yes, Dezzie boy would have loved that one !
Heartwarming piece on the News Channel just now about Rep. Gabrielle Giffords recovery progress from being shot in the head. Intimate scenes of her in various states of health, with a brief interview of her now with her husband.
Did the BBC mention that false hype they and the rest of the media tried to push about Sarah Palin, the Tea Party, and the Right in general being directly responsible for her near-death and the actual deaths of several others? Of course not. The Beeboids will be denying they did that to their dying breaths.
Can anyone tell us what the noise was heard in the background during the 2 minutes silence on sunday at the Cenotaph. Three of us listening separately heard it for about the first minute but can find no reference to it anywhere.
The bias angle – why isn’t the BBC reporting it?
Deborah, there’s a discussion about it on the popular but very unofficial British Army website ARRSE.
It does seem that someone was shouting at Gordon Brown (about half a minute into the two-minute silence). A policeman commenting on the site says he was 20 yards from a man shouting “JUDAS BROWN ,YOU ARE A LIAR AND A HYPOCRITE. YOU ARE NOT FIT TO LAY A WREATH AT THE CENOTAPH” “He then muttered ‘OK’ before being led away. I assume at this stage the METPOL had intervened, presumably to lock him up to prevent a Breach of the Peace.”
thanks Craig – with that explanation I am, amazingly, in agreement with the demonstrator if not his timing. Had assumed it would have been members of the ROP that the BBC had surpressed.
Craid & Deborah. I think you will find that was in 2007, at least that’s the dates on the thread in that link (unless I have encountered a time/worm-holed conversation Red Dwarf style!) ๐
Oh jeez, yes you’re right Llew. Sorry Deborah! The mystery remains unsolved!!
Why didn’t Dez pick up on this mistake? You do realise, Craig, that Dez will mention this in reply to any comment you make that irks him, irrespective of subject?
I’m giving Dezzie a few things to dine out on at the moment!
Don’t feed the troll !
If the News Channel live coverage I was watching on Sunday is anything to go by, the noise was a Beeboid talking the whole time, describing the slience.
I watched live and I thought it sounded like some kind of protestor, but I couldn’t make out what he was shouting.
There was a baby crying at one stage, but that just made me smile !
Craig (sorry for the name typo earlier), when I first read the post in your link for a horrible moment I thought Gordon Brown was still around!
Sorry if I have left a crumb for Dez to feed on! ๐
My favourite idiot is back on Radio 5 (Richard Bacon). Classic, Bacon is discussing public transport. Bacon of course being a rich left wing socialist wouldn’t be seen dead on a bus (those are you you lot) as he didn’t even know how cheap or expensive a bus ride is.
The BBC of course use taxis, limos and flights to move their beloved dross around.
Radio 5 is a joke, instead of asking WHY fuel duty is so high (to pay for the bone idle scum to sit around all day) the BBC just keep wanking on about public transport.
Same deal on the News Channel. Even though they admitted that more than half the cost is taxes, the Beeboid is still trying to push the public transport option.
He’s arguing with Steven Young and Mike Rutherford. It’s a bit of a muddled discussion, but the BBC view seems to be that 80% of the country live in urban areas and can easily take the bus anwyhere at any time, and that there would be no problem if all you lazy bastards stopped driving to the corner shop every day.
…and yet on Sky News their reporter was out at a petrol station with motorists filling up, and a fecking great calculator, working out for them how much of their bill was actually fuel and how much for the treasury. The reporter also put across the reality that for those in rural areas a car is an absolute necessity.
BBC-NUJ ‘Newsnight: with Labour’s MANDELSON, the E.U, and against UK government.
Have I got this right?;-
BBC-NUJ ‘Newsnight’ has got on the unelected ex-Labour minister MANDELSON, ex-E.U bureaucrat and big E.U political advocate to spread the propaganda that the U.K is marginalised if it campaigns for national sovereignty!
Who does ‘Newsnight’ have in the studio to present another opinion: Kinnock or Patten? Or both?