You can understand WHY the BBC are so entranced with Baroness Manningham-Butler. First, she recommends that we talk to the Taliban. Now she wants to see illegal drugs legalised. Yip, she’s there kinda gal.
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Its very strange that the elite want to legalise drugs but are trying to make it illegal smoke in a car.
And shut down all our pubs. You know, those places where the common folk go to unwind, socialise and sometimes chat/swap information about the state of our country.
It’d be much better to have them kept indoors, infornt of the TV, being indoctrinated by the shite that they beam in to our homes.
Yes, hence all the stuff about crime on the streets. Stay in, stay afeared, love the Glorious Leader!
I do wonder about the safety of the BBCs car pool chauffeurs with all that dope and whiff of self-righteousness making for a lethal cocktail.
Look at what it has already done to the poor lambs brains…incoherent, terrified about the end of the world and full of low self worth-hence why they need to keep checking their payslips to see how great they really are.
I`m guessing that The Beebs take on this is that…hey you guys, a spliff cools mi dahn in the traffic jams…and the coke gives me the impression that I`m going fast like Clarkson, but not spewing ma carshit petrol into muvva urth…ya dig mi bro?…
On Radio 5 drive she was interviewed by a female beeboid. What do you think the first question the beeboid asked? Yep
“What about legalising Cocaine”
You can just bet she had a 100 fellow beeobids telling her to ask that one!
Remember when the Beeboids were up in arms over a plan to criminalize mephedrone? One line of phony attack was that doing so would give children a criminal record which would burden them for life. They’re always concerned about the chiiiiiildren.
Privileged am-dram old queen with the fearless principle and courage of her convictions that brings Shirley Williams to mind!
Both these gargoyles only need Warnock with them to complete the pack of three that probably put this country through the blender so it was mashed up nicely for nurse!
Of course the BBC wants euthanasia for all old fools but these three…
“Privileged am-dram old queen” Thought you were talking about Dame Nicky for a moment, CJ.
No need for euthanasia anymore. Energy prices, due to ‘green’ policies, should help cull all the old folk who finished serving their purpose in 1945.
Got to free up some space for more third world savages.
Reality aping fiction I think. Remember that Dame Judi Dench played ‘M’ and then joined a group of celebs and luvvies calling for the decriminalisation of drugs possession.
There I go linking to the Graun again.
Drug legalisation? We need it like a hole in the head
(Melanie Phillips).
Call me a drug-crazed loony statist but the Dame doesn’t go far enough. It’s not just cannabis which should be decriminalised but, effectively, the lot. Addictive drugs should be controlled and (as in the pre-1960s) provided to the druggies via a (fairly) relaxed state regime.
The present system, a product of moral panics of the early 20th century and the 1960s have produced what exactly: a massively wealthy criminal class, an avalanche of petty crime from druggies seeking finance for their habit and a non-decreasing population of drug users. Whatever the current state policy is on drugs, it’s failed – get used to it. In the same way that the political class keep trying to push the water of the EU, the euro and CAGW uphill, the supporters of drug criminalisation keep going despite the overwhelming evidence of the failure of the present system of drug control by criminalisation.
Umbongo, you are a drug-crazed loony statist
I’ve been called worse things in my time!
A joy thus far to hear a real trooper who has taught and created something quite exceptional.
She is Anna Sher and on Desert Island Discs-Kirsty was rather hoping that she`d have something seedy to say about her convent education with the nuns in Cork-but Anna was pleased to say that she was honourably treated as the one Jewish girl in a Catholic convent…end of THAT line of enquiry!
An exceptional lady thus far…but imagine Anjem Chouhury is already choosing his eight Khomeini sermons to give us all for HIS appearance on the show…”in the cause of balance” you understand.
Maybe someone could tell me why a Catholic Jewish local heroine like this one never got the chance to improve education in its wider sense…but Williams and Warnocks old incontinence pads continue to steep our schools in the slops of Beeb thinking-exhibit number one..Comprehensive Schools that gave us Dobson,Norris and those lovely Acourt boys…
Tsk. If you educate the poor properly then they’ll start epecting to get the sort of jobs the BBC expect for their kids.
Can’t have that Old Bean!
or even expecting …
random drug tests for all beeboids. we have a right to know whether or not their whacky views are a result of them being a druggy. name them, shame them then sack them.
they’ve nothing to fear if they’ve nothing to hide. zero tolerance to beeboid druggies.
well look at the time, it must be 4:20 somewhere in the universe, i have to go…..theres something i need to do
Sadly this is where I part company with BBBC -anyone who can’t see that decriminalisation/legalisation of drugs is the only way forward is either a drug dealer, in the rehab industry or heaven forbid a politician.
If people want to kill themselves by taking drugs – who are you to stop them?
And if you are concerned about crime then you must surely see that legalisation would reduce the crime rate.
The point is that there are arguments on both sides. Meanwhile a clear majority of the British public would come down on the side of prohibition – so what business has the BBC got to be constantly pushing for legalisation?
As one who in his younger days took many illegal drugs, and paid the price both in damaging my health, and gaining a criminal record along the way.
I`m rather of the opinion that drugs currently illegal should be made legal (subject to market prices, and not free on the NHS), thus they can be used without having to worry about the various cutting agents you find in street drugs, and also avoiding indirectly funding various types of criminals/terrorists.
However, I think that users should still be subject to the law, ie. people could be prosecuted for driving whilst under the influence, etc.
Also, employers should be able to adopt a drug testing regime for their employees (if they want to), and anyone who fails or gets caught by the police should face the same penalties they would for todays various alcohol offences, for example driving whilst unfit.
If they are just sat in their homes whacked out of their brains and not causing a problem to anyone else, well let them get on with it.
As a retired pharmacist I find this kind of statement both disturbing and frightening.
All drugs that have the potential to do harm, if incorrectly used, are controlled through legislation. So do you propose to dismantle all legislation so that anyone can buy anything they like? Are you going to only release those that the public like to use. Where do you start and where do you end? This is like saying; many people break the speed limit so we will abolish speed limits.
Most young people experiment with the odd substance. In your world most of these kids could experiment with some of the most addictive and dangerous drugs known to man. So in a generation you could have the implosion of the greater part of future society in a drug filled orgy.
The REAL problem is that insufficient resources are being devoted to destroying the chain of supply from the top using international protocols. To remove this curse from our streets you need to get to the source. Nicking small time users and street peddlers is a waste of time.
My 2 cents for what it’s worth.
I speak as somebody who has enjoyed, in my formative years, various substances that I would classify as mind enhancing and truly enlightening. I would also add that I mostly did it in countries, like India, where the ‘space’ to experiment with these vessels was in itself part of the growth that I can associate wiith the experience.
It is the ‘space’ that determines whether the experience will be positive or negative, and this doesn’t mean whether it is legal or not.
Alcohol is legal, in many countries we see it is used to enhance life. In this one we see it is used all too often as a means of escape, to where many lives revolve around it, and the resulting abuse affects society to an even worse degree.
In my opinion it is our modern society, and the view of life it mostly creates that really needs to be addressed. We have sacrificed real values for what the left wing mindset initially demands under the pretense of freedom. Since it doesn’t have enough foresight to see the freedoms that are lost by the same alterations, we become more degenerate. The more life degenerates, the more abuse we see ‘self’ afflicted, and the more even ‘innocents’ become victims of it.
There is no solution at simply legalising further abuse. If our society were truly enlightened, then I would agree nothing should be illegal for self consumption. The reason I believe that most here spend so much time addressing BBC bias because it is seen as one of the most insidious forces negatively affecting our society, and we need to try and bring it back into a real moral balance.
Thanks to all three contributors above!
I learn more from the likes of you than I will ever do again from the media…especially the monlithic cretinous and emoting BBC with its own agenda.
Maybe if we suggested heroin overdosing for the old ,past a certain age; we could kill two (and more) birds(old ones of course!) with the same stone.
Don`t tell David Nutt please though…
WOW, you may agree that this Lady has a fair point?