Very busy here so time for a fresh Open Thread. The site is buzzing but I just do not have enough time to cover all the material the BBC so generously provide! Over to you….
At 10:00 Aditya Chakrabortty, economics correspondent for the Guardian is given 45 minutes to promote shite economic policy in front of a studio audience. Chakrabortty is not just a lefty, he’s also a crap economist but, hey, at least the nonsense he’s spouting is favoured by the BBC. Tim Worstall here makes mincemeat of him (again).
Then at 10:45, in the last of his talks, Michael Dodd discusses “historian E H Carr’s theories on international relations and how they can be applied today”. Carr was a marxist (natch – why would his work be discussed on the BBC?) and, unbelievably, an apologist for Hitler and Stalin. As, I think, Orwell (would have) said only an intellectual could believe such nonsense.
Thanks for that Umbongo. Radio 3 is a hotbed for this sort of stuff. I pointed out Germaine Greer’s talk the other week. I guess there’s more to come. Has there been a change in R3 editorial staff recently?
The problem started about 10/15 years ago when many listeners decamped to Classic FM. Instead of reacting to this by reasserting Radio 3’s raison d’etre ie it is designed to be elitist, to broadcast classical music, challenging drama and intelligent debate. Accordingly, by it’s very nature Radio 3 will never be “popular”.
But oh no – the process of dumbing down started there and then: the introduction of acres of “world music” and, more recently, the celebritification (if there is such a word) of the Radio 3 (increasingly ignorant) presenters. Of course, this allowed in more “general” programming including opportunities to transmit items favouring the “narrative”. Hence tonight’s offerings.
Since the only point of having an organisation not dependent on commercial success is to allow it to broadcast stuff which is culturally important (although elitist), there is no point in having Radio 3 since what it broadcasts is now duplicated on Classic FM and Radios 2 and 4.
Thanks Umbongo. That makes sense. I remember one Controller of Radio 3 (back in the days before Classic FM) boasting of his “healthy” 0.4% audience share. We’ll keep an eye on R3 for more of the same leftie drivel slide under the radar.
Whenever Radio 3 delves into anything outside of music and literature, the result is always left-leaning. That’s simply due to the endemic Left-wing beliefs of the staff, but it seems like it’s been that way for a long time. I remember one Performance on 3 concert a few years ago where the program was Tchaikovsky and Prokofiev, and in the 20 Minutes interval, they brought in the ArchB of C to discuss something like the notion of Christian love in Russian thought (Russian philosophy and religion being his area of expertise, I think). But all the presenter wanted to talk about was what she claimed was the Russians’ love for Collectivism. The ArchB seemed baffled.
So I guess it’s only natural that when the BBC does a whole week of “Free Thinking”, it’s always going to be “Left Thinking”, and the History discussions will be Left-leaning as well. They don’t realize what they’re doing as they think they’re on the middle ground, totally representative of the beliefs of the public.
“Whenever Radio 3 delves into anything outside of music and literature, the result is always left-leaning.”
Two weeks ago the slot was filled by programmes about gardening. Last week it was Byron, gothic heroines, industrial heritage and an interview with William Hague. Next week it’s mostly about bird song…
And this, according to you, is evidence of endemic Left-wing bias?
I wouldn’t worry – no bugger listens to Radio 3 anyway. back when I was studying Media Studies (yes I know, hangs head in shame) it was common knowledge that it would have been cheaper to post everyone in the audience an audio cassette than it would be to broadcast it!
If you haven’t been listening, you’ll never guess who was this year’s ‘Thinker-in-Residence’ for Radio 3’s ‘Free Thinking‘ festival, “putting his personal stamp on several events”. It was the Occupiers’ friend, Dr Giles Fraser, late of St. Paul’s Cathedral. Yes, seriously, Radio 3’s ‘Thinker-in-Residence’! As one of Dez’s favourite writers might put it, you couldn’t make it up.
But you see Craig “free thinking” is only applicable within the limits set by those supposedly doing the “free thinking”. Apart from William Hague (not, I would have thought much of a “thinker” under any circumstances: what about selecting a conservative thinker: Roger Scruton comes to mind) the selection of “new” thinkers is largely a highly predictable crowd of one-note lefty academics and controversialists beloved by the BBC. I particularly enjoy the notion of “Young Ranters”. I didn’t hear that particular broadcast but I would be surprised if even one of the YRs ranted against any of the bien pensant beliefs propagandised by the BBC.
Also, thanks to Dez, I now realise that bebop – given 2 hours per day at the times (I assume) of highest listening density is – classical music. Well well, I suppose I should regret all those years of ignorance listening to Brahms.
“Also, thanks to Dez, I now realise that bebop – given 2 hours per day at the times (I assume) of highest listening density is – classical music.”
Did I say that?
Desperate stuff Umbongo.
But yes, one hour a day (not two) has been about bepop this week. Last week the same time slot was about Elgar; the week before that it was Scarlatti; two weeks before that it was Herold, Adam and Delibes; the week before that was Szymanowski…
No, Dez, two hours a day (not one) have been about bepop this week. ‘Composer(s) of the Week’ is broadcast twice a day – once at midday, then repeated at 6.30pm.
The World at One featured Philip Glass in that extra-luvvy duvvy section now that it`s fifteen minutes longer…like Pinnochios nose.
Anyway the empty Glass sneered at the hoi-polloi who think that the OWS movement has put people out of work locally and created a dangerous mess for those who live nearby…such trifles when his right to put out his muse is paramount.
Soon after, the next programme tells us of some brain quack who removed Einsteins brain when the greaat man died…and spent the next thirty years pickling it, sending it round the world piece by piece…so that we might measure or analyse his genius…didn`t work, but hey…the intentions were good!
My point…the BBC loves those who sing or act in praise of the People…who cannibalise and dismember in the right situations…and we the gradgrinds and cavillers really need to get with the programme.
That it leads straight back to Belsens ovens would be “regrettable”…but the Germans hopefully will allow a bit more inflation so as to test the hypothesis.
As a compromise, Glass and Stourton would settle for the international socialist ideas of Marx and Mao-they too championed “The People” but would not have the shoeshine boys and plebs get in the way of scientific and cultural progress.
Between these two bookends of The Truths from Frankfurt came a quaint piece about some WW2 Veteran/hero…Posh Ed saw no connection but it filled time until the widows poem was read…ah bless!
Think I got the BBCs classic Morality Play in ten minutes of airtime…and drew lessons that they`d rather we not try to learn. I love the sound of breaking Glass…Harveys, Stourtons, Izzards…
Laura Trevelyan’s love affair with the Occupy movement continues:
“They cheered and held candles” – “Teachers told me they were marching to protest against the privatisation of education” – “Cars crossing the bridge honked in support, and as the lights of Manhattan twinkled, the protesters cheered again.” The giveaway word here is “twinkled”. What a friendly cozy word for a news report.
Laura should be a little skeptical when talking to teachers from US public schools. The only hope for some kids I’ve met is to rescue them from their teachers and the system.
I notice that the Occupy cheerleader forgot to tell you about how her darlings harrassed a bunch of small children on their way to school yesterday. I’m sure she didn’t bother talking to teachers about that.
Some grade school students were forced to walk a gauntlet of screaming “Occupy Wall Street” protesters just to get to school on Thursday.
It was a wild day in lower Manhattan for most everyone involved, including elementary school children who had to brave the mayhem just to get to class on the other side of Wall Street.
In the middle of thousands of protestors yelling and chanting — some kicking and screaming – CBS 2’s Emily Smith found little school kids trying to get to class. Nervous parents led them through the barriers on Wall Street. The NYPD helped funnel the children, anything to ease their fears while some protestors chanted “follow those kids!”
Anyone with young children would be appalled by this, and disgusted by Laura Trevelyan’s deliberate omission of the incident.
Really not a lot of difference between Trevelyan’s gushing report and her spiritual ancestors reporting on the Aldermaston marches which, come to think of it, are exactly the sort of things the Occupy crowd would have been wasting their time on fifty years ago.
All happy folk marching for YOU !! A new world !! Those who can’t come with you (i.e. the slackers with jobs !) are all supportive of your enlightened cause !!
And lo, it came to pass that it actually changed precisely eff all squared. Which is precisely your future, Occupoids, little tho’ you realise it.
This week we had a dance instructor who felt it was important that her pupils also had “peace studies”. Not regarded as unusual by Kirsty Young.
On Radio 4Extra (Radio 7 as was) they are repeating sets of the programme from earlier years – with an intro. This week the guest was Andrew Neil – and the intro just happened to be an interview by Neil, grilling a Tory spokesman on the News of the World stuff. A skewed choice, nothing dramatic, hardly the most important interview Neil has even conducted – but yet another BBC dig at the Digger.
I suppose it is just Kirsty Young showing her known Labour inclinations.
Desert Island Discs has really gone down the gurgler – I don’t bother with it any more. In fact I bother with Radio 4 less and less these days, mainly because I’m sick and bloody tired of having greenie and/or left wing agendas thrust in my ears. I find it insulting, quite frankly.
I thought Anna Schur acquited herself well on Desert Island Discs.
True that she`s a peace studies sap of `68..but she did not fall into Kirstys bear trap of “you were a Jewish girl in an Catholic convent in Ireland, so do dish the dirt”…that she set up a school independent of the state, that she too had to deal with kids that couldn`t read (thankfully we`ve moved on from that,eh?) and that she was warned not to use her own name in offering a new dance/drama school as opposed to the one she`d set up, but been removed from( mental health…does Harriet still allow that?)
If you ignore the content od peace stuff etc, she`s so much better than most mendicants that nod and wink with Kirsty…the only way is up from Fransesca Simon, for example.
This past 24 hours there has been 2 protests in Cario, One by Christians who were protesting against the attacks on themselves which saw 21 people killed the other month found themselves attacked with bottles and stones and saw 25 christians wounded. This transpired yesterday. Today Muslims protested peacefully in Cario agaisnt the military intrim government. Guess which story the bBC deeemed more imprtant to report to the British public. The bBC, the propoganda arm of Islamic terrorism.
That was at 13.27, by 15.27 Leyne was forced to observe the following;
“Our correspondent says there is also widespread frustration in Egypt that, despite the overthrow of Mr Mubarak, life for the majority is not improving.
However, it is the conservative Islamists of the Muslim Brotherhood who are most vocal in these demonstrations rather than the young people using social networks who led the protests earlier this year, he says.”
“he” being Leyne, who has now been constrained to report the obvious. Obvious to most of the posters on this site, that ‘democracy’ and ‘ Arab Spring’ were not necessarily what the beeboids felt they were observing in the heady days of January and February.
Anyone want to analyze the following sentence spoken by a “student” at an Occupy rally and reported with customary sympathy by the BBC? There’s a question any competent reporter should have asked as a result of this statement:.
“I was working on my PhD in history and women’s studies when it became clear that I was thousands of dollars in debt and had at least a year or two to finish my dissertation.”
By the way, I didn’t mention the next bit: “I was thousands of dollars in debt – and had at least a year or two to finish my dissertation.”
So she isn’t sure if its going to take a year or two? In that time Obama would have written a couple more autobiographies. This woman hasn’t a clue about time or money management. God help her students.
“I was working on my PhD in history and women’s studies.”
Before I went to uni, I was told it didn’t matter what I studied. If I had a degree, I was told, employers would see that I had excellent organisational skills and a fine brain, and would be queuing up for my services. Sadly the reality was a little different…
It’s one thing for the taxpayer to be subsidising degrees in engineering, chemistry and computer science, but do we really need to be forking out money so people can study women’s studies?!?
Surely we have enough humanities graduates, and we need to be funding people to study disciplines that have some actual real world application!
I am not interested in her wasteful life rather in her testimony to the BBC as a member of the Occupy Movement, used by the media to blacken the name of her country. Once again we see that these poor mites who portray themselves as poorly treated by the evil society in which they live are, in fact, parasites of the worst kind. This woman has had a free ride in universities for years and is looking for more.
(By the way – love the fact this woman – a “culture junkie” – likes the Eurovision Song Contest. Says it all, doesn’t it?)
But Wimmins Studies does have a practical application. It allows femminists to get jobs over men in media outlets, to present programmes aimed at only one sex or help to provide opportunities for other like minded individual to do the same.
It would be great if the Gov. would tariff degrees so that ‘useful’ ones cost less than ‘pointless’ ones. Unfortunately, as with the National Curricullum what starts out as a good idea with noble intentions only requires a Labour government for it to mutate into a propaganda machine. Bets on how long it would take Wimmin’s Studies to overtake Emgineering in the importance stakes? A day?
What has happened in many areas is qualification inflation. The petrol station attendant is required to have a high school certificate -> the bank clerk a B.A. -> the lab technician an M.Sc and so on. I have much sneered at (on B-BBC) B.Arts-B.Creative Art degrees. They have taken through the door for interviews on several occasions and raised my salary on others. Perhaps the employers don’t really care about the contents of the degree so much as use it as a filtering device in a time of unemployment?
Whatever the reality all the statistics point to university trained people earning higher salaries than non university trained. University is a hugely useful life and networking experience and if I had to advise a non technically proficient student I would still say a good humanities degree in something that interests you will do better than a mediocre degree in something that doesn’t. Many things you learn are not necessarily on the formal curriculum, anyway and you will be three years more mature.
Perhaps the correct question is how much effort and what sacrifices is the history and women’s studies student prepared for to take to find a job. What is he/she willing to do to finish the degree? Lyndon Johnson (LBJ) was prepared to clean toilets, are you?
“This measure is not the first of its kind. In January, Pakistani Interior Minister Rehman Malik “directed the authorities to block websites and [texts] ‘propagating an anti-Islam agenda’.”
INBBC deliberately censors the context of Islam:
“Pakistan telecoms authority to block ‘obscene’ texts”
INBBC doesn’t ever point to the global Organisation of Islamic Conference (OIC) campaign to ban all criticism of Islam globally; and INBBC does not indicate that the Islamic proclivity to censor and ban in Pakistan is on the same lines as that of the OIC.
just check out this 40mins in j barnes gets fed up with the drone of
racism and blatter, and asked the spokesman,(who incidently derbyshire was hanging on his every word) well……what is racism then?
a hilarious exchange ensues, this man/spokesman hadn t got a clue what racism actually is, starts pulling in religion, etc etc
Thanks for this noggin!
Note VD staying well out of the talking when Barnes asks Rosenior-“define racism”…before proceeding to blast him into orbit as the ignorant token placeman that Leroy clearly is.
IMagine he`ll be staying back with Garth, Brighty and all the others so he can get upskilled on what racism is…ongoing CPD for race grievance socksmen clearly necessary.
Noted too VD very quick to shut down debate about John Terry…sense that the BBCs “omerta” due more to getting interviews and nice seats for assorted Linekers and Thomsons than any spurious “legal” reasons…doesn`t stop them with Uncle Rupert or the Lawrence trail does it?…
you re welcome of course,
what was so funny, was this rosenoir, came back after the news bulletin and is still as bad, culture-racism, religion-racism anything you find offensive-racism…the guy is a total racism ignoramus, & still kept on,(barnes must have been in fits 🙂 )
The most important current news in the US includes further revelations on the Fast and Furious and Solyndra scandals. major allegations about insider trading by politicians in Congress – also by Warren Buffett ?, at least a fortnight of surge by Newt Gingrich, and impasse on tackling the US £15 trillion of debt.
And increasing public scorn of the Occupy Movement.
Yet stupid Laura Trevelyan continues to sing the praises of the Occupy people with nary a single criticism.
She’s not supposed to criticize it herself, but the BBC has yet to give time to a single opposing view. And it’s been two months already. Contrast that with how the Beeboids themsleves expressed negative opinions about the Tea Party movement on a regular basis – but only after the movement had been going for two months.
Also, I’m working on posts for both the ATF scandal and Solyndra, the latter of which is a scandal about much more than one company, to the tune of billions.
Let’s get this clear. Cameron is going to betray the British people by not holding a referendum on the new treaty. Cameron is going to abandon any plans to use the new treaty negotiations to redefine UK liabilities. Cameron will claim he has achieved what British interests require by keeping us out of the new financial services tax; a lie because the City handles so much of the EU’s financial trading.
While all this is going on the BBC is silent. Remember bias by omission is just as pernicious as by commision. Cameron and Merkel have stitched us up and no one at the BBC gives a damn.
Dan Snow (beeboid) wsa a hoot on This Week last night. His “well who cares about democracy” when he tried to compare what Merkel has done in Italy and Greece to the British putting the likes of Beaverbrook in charge of aircraft production during the war was a joke.
The left really don’t care for democracy, especially when it gets in the way of Socialist politics.
I listened to Thought for today. Unwise . A Catholic woman equating opposition to unrestricted immigration into Europe with a lack of Christian understanding. Rubbish of course but the steady drip drip of lefty propaganda never stops .
It will never stop until reality asserts itself and their dream world crashes around them.
Yes, indeed, and all this from a broadcaster which produces regular two-minute hates about the supposed influence of the ‘religious right’ in US politics.
As the BBC expends massive resources pimping a tiny handful of anti capitalist rabble 24/7 here is a growing scandal that is not going away, rather it is getting bigger and bigger. If Bush had been in charge the BBC would in like Flint, if this was an oil company and a Republican president the BBC would be on fire throwing everything at the story.
Energy Dept. pushed to keep layoffs quiet
Solyndra cuts not made public until after midterm elections
The Obama administration, which gave the solar company Solyndra a half-billion-dollar loan to help create jobs, asked the company to delay announcing it would lay off workers until after the hotly contested November 2010 midterm elections that imperiled Democratic control of Congress, newly released e-mails show.
The announcement could have been politically damaging because President Barack Obama and others in the administration had held up Solyndra as a poster child of its clean-energy initiative, saying the company’s new factory, built with the help of stimulus funds, could create 1,000 jobs.
Six months before the midterm election, Obama visited Solyndra’s California plant to praise its success, even though outside auditors had questioned whether the operation might collapse in debt.
As the contentious 2010 election approached, Solyndra found itself foundering, and it warned the Energy Department that it would need an emergency cash infusion.
A Solyndra investment adviser wrote in an Oct. 30, 2010, e-mail, without explaining the reasons, that Energy Department officials were pushing “very hard” to delay making the layoffs public until the day after the election.
The announcement ultimately was made on Nov. 3, immediately following the Nov. 2 vote.
E-mails describing the events were released Tuesday as part of a House Energy and Commerce Committee memo, provided in advance of Energy Secretary Steven Chu’s scheduled testimony before the committee’s investigative panel on Thursday. As a result of the 2010 election, that committee is now controlled by Republicans, whose aggressive nine-month investigation into Solyndra has focused partly on whether politics played a role in the company’s selection for a federal loan.
Amid the fallout from the company’s shutdown in August, the White House has said tough scrutiny of the department’s oversight efforts is warranted and has launched its own independent review of the loan program. Although the president has publicly supported Chu, senior White House officials in February circulated an outside adviser’s recommendation that Chu be replaced because of anticipated political controversy over the energy loans.
On Tuesday, Energy Department spokesman Damien LaVera declined to confirm events described in the e-mails or to identify who at the department may have urged the delay in the layoff announcement. He stressed, however, that “decisions about this loan were made on the merits.” In an interview aired Tuesday on NPR, Chu said that politics did not enter into any decisions he or his staff made regarding Solyndra and that there was no way to foresee the company’s demise.
The White House declined to comment Tuesday on whether senior White House officials attempted to influence the timing of the layoff announcement.
There are already calls for Chu to resign over this. He’ll be the fall guy, the President left untouched, probably. And it’s much more than Solyndra. Several other companies got massive amounts of cash for their connections, most of whom are also bankrupt or heading there.
Stupif bitch Fiona Bruce shaking her head when she read out the climate change crap, STOP IT, we’re not interested in your opinion or shaking your head like you’re telling us off.
Fiona Bruce. There is literally nothing she won’t do for money – giving out little socialist hints, showing off her legs – you name it, she’ll do it. And at her age too. What a stereotype she is, if you catch my drift.
The movement’s PR efforts drew derision from Fraser P. Seitel, managing partner of Emerald Partners and author of The Practice of Public Relations. OWS, he says, has “botched an opportunity to capture public opinion and achieve something. Americans, by every measure, distrust the politicians who run Washington and lead major institutions. So public opinion was ripe for the plucking.”
However, the movement blew it by having no overriding purpose, stated goals, or visible leadership, he says, and it is increasingly perceived as a bunch of publicity-hungry complainers intent on disrupting others who are making a living.
“Occupy Wall Street is right about one thing,” he says. “The whole world is watching. And it’s generally repulsed by what it’s seen.”
The whole world is generally repulse: except the BBC. And this is a bunch of Left-leaning PR hacks who are clearly sympathetic to what they think is the Occupiers’ cause. And therein lies the problem. Contrary to what all the media luvvies keep telling you, the goals are far more extreme than addressing corporate greed and income inequality. Only recently has the BBC started to be slightly more honest about the Occupiers and referring to them as an anti-Capitalist movement.
It took me a couple hours of talking with the Occupiers to figure this out (I knew it already, but had to hear it from several of them to make sure), and the BBC is still sanitizing the message and censoring the more important aspects.
I can’t stop laughing at the knicker wetting coming from our media over Sepp Blatter, the BBC in particular has been just going mental all day.
Yet as ITV sensibly tell us, outside of England no one gives a shit.
I actually quite admire Blatter, he’s a twat and as bent as a beeboid but I love the way he just carries on and the BBC spit their dummy out thinking they are more important than they really are and ‘demanding’ his resignation.
But as Jim White in the Guardian says(yes…I know!) Cameron, Boris, Becks and Prince William were all over him only a year ago..they were hoping he`d give them the World Cup.
Shameless, incompetent, corrupt and a Euroflabber…methinks that the BBC recognise one of their own!
‘thinking they are more important than they really are and ‘demanding’ his resignation’
Mr. Blatter is mercifully, not a problem I feel has great impact on anything outside the huffandpuff industry, but doesn’t seem a great asset to his avowed ‘sport’.
However, the BBC’s self-appointed role does seem… ambitious…
‘Fifa chief Sepp Blatter has told the BBC he is sorry for causing offence with his statements on racism but says he will not resign – we talk to Sol Campbell about racism in football and whether Mr Blatter’s apology is sufficient.’
The Now Show chundering on about the Daily Mail?…Ian Wright taking the moral high ground re Sepp Blatter, and a load of grinning ninnies making arses of themselves but with Pudsey Bear as cover for their “efforts” as talented Abba copycats or whatever?…and bloody Dimbleby later on.
Times are tough indeed…if we tell Anjem Choudhury that Pudseys middle name is Muhammad; might they get a bit better?..
Ah, that must be “Leftie, Climate-Change convert Children in Need” Anathema to me, make a point of watching something else. Isn’t Pudsey Mark Mardell dressed up to entertain the kiddiewinks?
Cleverly, Quentin LETTS comes up with THE candidate who would unite the British ‘political elite’ (Tories, Labour Lib Dem, plus BBC-NUJ-Guardian) as E.U appointed PRIME MINISTER:
“What if the EU chose our cabinet too? As a Brussels power grab leaves Italy run by officials… imagine if it happened here”
“Lord (Chris) Patten, the poobahs’ poobah. The chairman of the BBC was Tory MP for Bath until being booted out by the voters in 1992. He was then Governor of Hong Kong (unelected) and a European Commissioner (unelected). Just the man for the job! “There will be no need for him to give up the BBC chairmanship. ‘It only takes a morning-and-a-half a week, so performing both roles should be possible for a man of my abilities,’ he murmured, on hearing the news that Brussels had anointed him as the man to lead Britain.”
The Obama administration pressured analysts to change an environmental review to reflect fewer job losses from a proposed regulation, the contractors who worked on the review testified Friday.
The dispute revolves around proposed changes to a rule regulating coal mining near streams and other waterways. The experts contracted to analyze the impact of the rule initially found that it would cost 7,000 coal jobs.
But the contractors claim they were subsequently pressured to not only keep the findings under wraps but “revisit” the study in order to show less of an impact on jobs.
When the firm refused to lie, the Government decided not to renew their contract.
I don’t want to pour water on BBC’s month-long orgy of self-glorification that is Children In Need, but perhaps a droid can come on here and answer me this one.
BBC Children in Need is a stand-alone charity with 62 staff, a CEO on (the de rigeur public sector/ quangocracy/ brothers package of) £100k+, and a dozen trustees, all to disburse the (in the scheme of things) piddling amount of £43 million and at a cost of £4 million odd a year.
Why not carry on having the orgy, continue to raise the money, but just write a cheque for £43 million and send it to Save The Children. This would save £4 million a year.
I know this would mean a highly-remunerated CEO and 61 other employees looking for new jobs – but the donations are to help needy children, not create jobs.
You are unfortunately missing the point that Save the Children probably have a similarly well appointed staff to pay for, and, like most large charities nowadays is more of a pressure group trying to get the government to spend tax income on their pet schemes.
I feel that I get more bang for my buck supporting a local charity backing a school in the Gambia, where I know the costs of running the charity are virtually zero because the organisers do it for love.
Yes, the smaller the charity the less corrupt/top-heavy it is. The kind of charity that never gets public funding. Or publicity even. Too small to bribe ministers with money or TV hack’s relatives with jobs I spose.
Do you want to know whether a charity deserves your money ?
Ask yourself ;does this charity have “spokesperson ” on the BBC at times , or other coverage ?
Yes /
No ?
If yes it is probably a FAKE charity (see Devil`s Kitchen ) that recieves more money from the government than voluntary collections .
The bBC remaining silent on deaths in Pakistan, I wonder why???
Have you noticed just how quick the bBC can bring you news from halfway around the world after the US has slotted somebody by use of a UAV. Well for some strange reason they are remaining somewhat silent on the latest Drone Fest, which is surprising seeing as two of the idiots who died for Allah, happened to be British: (For benefits only I should add) While the bbC remains silent everybody else is reporting how Brits Ibrahim Adam and Mohammed Azmir have gone to that great mosque in the cellar after the Great Satan sent a couple of Hellfires their way. What makes this even more surprising is for the family of Mohammed Azmir, its their second son to have died at the hands of an American UAV in Pakistan. Yet this no longer breaking news, doesn’t warrant an entry from the world famous bBC.
But that’s just it about the bBC, It doesn’t like reporting about the daily ugliness that prevails through the religion of peace. Which is why it hasn’t reported how yesterday 1 Christian priest and 3 Hindu Doctors were shot dead in Pakistan. I mean we can’t have the bBC telling the truth about the gay death cult that is Islam can we. Which is probably why the current news flash on the bBC website is how the MOD have named the two soldiers who were murdered by followers of the bBC religion in Afghanistan. The bBC, the propaganda arm of Islamic terrorism.
‘British’ Islamic jihadists fighting to kill British people in PAKISTAN:
“2 Brits thought killed in US drone strike in Pakistan”By Bill Roggio
“Two British Muslims were killed in a US Predator airstrike that took place in the Waziristan tribal areas about three months ago, according to their families. One of the men had fled the United Kingdom after being placed under a so-called ‘control order’ that is designed to limit the movement of a terrorist suspect. The other man, the brother of a senior al Qaeda leader who was also killed by the US in Pakistan, had been hit with financial sanctions in the United Kingdom due to suspected ties with terror groups.
The two Brits were identified as Ibrahim Adam and Mohammed Azmir. They were said to have been killed sometime in August, according to AFP. ”
AND no thanks to Amnesty International:-
“In July 2009, Abu Rideh, with the help of Amnesty International, succeeded in having the control order lifted. Amnesty International then sought to have his overseas travel restrictions lifted. He did an interview with an Iranian news agency in August 2009 and then disappeared shortly afterward.”
-given that you Beeboids want Britain to be fully Islamised through the continuing mass immigration you support, and given you will not criticise the key tenets of Islam, you should not, by your beliefs, report the above case of ‘British’ Muslim jihadists killing British people, to spoil the utopian picture of Islamisation you must propagandise to British people.
2.) Labour, Lib Dems, Tories:
you will be advised by your political party HQs not to mention the above such cases of ‘British’ Islamic jihadists killing British people lest this alienates the ‘Ummah’ in Britain which may support their ‘martyrs’ more than your political party.
Instead, according to political ‘principles’, all three parties will be advised to denounce the English Defence League, which, of course, opposes Islamic jihadists, sharia law and mass immigration.
Funny you should mention that John, as i just switched over for the bBCs coverage of tomorrows papers. Now for some strange reason they mentioned that they would for a change look at the insides of certain newspapers; The Times The Current Bun And the Daily Mail. I winder why that was, which is why tomorrow I will be popping into smiths to see what their front page air. Watch this space.
Well what do you know, I’ve managed to find the bBC write up on the deaths of these two men complete with names but wait for it, while not being present on any collective web page on the bBC news website. (World/UK/England/Asia etc..) the bBC article has a time stamp of 18/1617/11/11 aka 17 minutes past 4 on friday afternoon.
A little bit of stealth editoring or stealth hiding on behalf the bBC
Here are the screen dumps taken at 19/0024/11/11 (25 past midnight) of the major bBC news headlines as per their website. Note the lack of any story about the deaths of these two Islamic terrorists:
Missed QT live blog and the brillo show last night! (would only have had points deducted,..) so decided to torture myself with Any Questions this evening…Fatty abbot was on in full faux dripping ooze mode, however, If ever there was a blatent example of audience selection I’ve yet to experience one. The boos and jeers that greated any mention (x2) of the previous Govt being anyway way responsible for their actions was only matched by the raucus applause gifted the fast talking trot who turned the blame clock back to Nigel Lawson..ffs!
Anyone got that iplayer thing really ought to have a listen…it’s blatent and obvious evidence of biase…… again…and again…and again… we can’t fight this, it’s in their DNA.
Gave it five minutes.
Fat white Trot and fat black meeja junkie combine to tell the Brummies that the state of the nation is all down to the last eighteen months as opposed to the thirteen years preceding. The Tories have undone all that sterling work of Blair and Brown. We need more borrowing, more public sector “investment”, more state jobs and f**K the kids that can cough up for it all…the same ones they seem all bothered with,regarding unemployment.
Abbotts lad will do alright with his private education…yet the idiots in the audience clap and see no hypocrisy here at all.
Let`s hope to God that we`re not all as stupid as this shower of Dimbledunces in Worcester…they`ll be voting for Jacqui Smith next!
Anyone tell me where Hewiit, Hodge and Abbott get those sickeningly patronisisnf voices from…surely Thachers voice coach of 1975 has retired by now!..
Good old Nigel, repeatedly slapping these bland, lifeless, Eurocratic yes men in the face. I love the way they all groan whenever he is called to speak, as they know what’s coming. I’m sure they’d love to just silence him altogether, as he’s a very visible thorn in their side. Long may he continue. I’d love to see a UKIP MP in Westminster in the near future.
I don`t understand how Farage is such a lion over there in Brussels but a lightweight here at home where we actually need him.
Ditto with Hannan…we need these people here and setting up the politiv=cal alternative to the packet of three none of us will ever bother to use…who`d risk these fools in charge of our childrens pocket money later on?
I don’t understand why this is still (1am on Sat 18th) the main headine on the BBC news website!
Basically all it says it ‘British and German PMs agree to disagree on some issues, but agree on other issues’.
Hardly front page stuff!
BTW, I’m surprised that the BBC have been so quiet re. the relevation that Mark Duggan, the guy whose shooting sparked the riots, was unarmed. You’d have thought that would be like a red rag to a bull!
“At lunchtime today Angela Merkel and David Cameron held a press conference… …While all this is going on the BBC is silent. Remember bias by omission is just as pernicious as by commision. Cameron and Merkel have stitched us up and no one at the BBC gives a damn”
Jeff Waters:
“Cameron and Merkel stress unity –
I don’t understand why this is still (1am on Sat 18th) the main headine on the BBC news website… …Hardly front page stuff!”
‘The Civil Service prepared a paper before the 2010 election for the incoming government recommending that £3 billion or so could be saved by cutting winter fuel allowance, free bus passes and free TV licences. The mandarins were horrified when David Cameron – under pressure from Labour ministers who didn’t themselves believe these payments were a good use of public money – pledged that “all these things are safe”.
Hospitals aren’t closed, despite medical advice that more people would survive at a lower cost to the NHS, because politicians are frightened to tell voters what they don’t want to hear. Keeping old hospitals open is popular’
Now this comes with the proviso that I could only bear about twenty minutes of the BBC Pudsey show last night. I’m sorry but there must be something wrong with me because the sight of gold plated pension scheme Beeb heros hamming it up juxtaposed with BBC adverts for charity doesn’t do much for the normal and healthy digestion of my evening meal.
I’ve nothing against charity telethons as such but am I the only one who noticed that the sad stories presented – such as those of youngsters in Hull going without proper breakfasts is now no longer attributed to Neglect but to this new UK post-May 2010 term Poverty?
In this country we have a well developed benefits system where welfare cash tends to follow those with children. This has not changed recently – has it?
The BBC headline refers to Mr D’Oliveira as an ‘England legend’.
From his Wikipedia entry, that seems a bit of an exaggeration. He was a good, international standard cricketer. But surely the word ‘legend’ should only be used when you’re talking about the true greats of a sport – the Don Bradmans, Jo Di Magios and Peles of this world. Otherwise, it becomes so diluted as to be meaningless…
‘England cricket legend’ conjures up people like Freddie Flintoff and Ian Botham, whose heroics on the pitch will be talked about for decades.
To use a football analogy, David Beckham could be called an England football legend, as could Wayne Rooney. I get the impression that D’Oliveira was more like Gary Neville – very good at his job, but not someone who could make top opponents look average…
If D’Oliveira weren’t a victim of racial discrimination, I wonder whether the BBC would be referring to him as a ‘legend’…
Everyone at B-BBC, the sharp acidic witted (and informed scholar on religion),D Wood, has started posting vids, scuppering, drivelling whitewash of islam on major networks,
starting with a major special on ABC, where he surgically corrects their 3 blind mice of political correctness approach……..astute and concise, watch it through & pay attention to the end. 😀 …next up yup! its the BBC
Thanks again noggin!
Fine piece of Interfaith study…sadly our Muslim friends won`t be doing any such work, as long as the Islamists continue to get the megaphone and the chopping board given to them from their BBC.
It stopped being mine in 1997…
When I read the above headline, I silently groaned, and thought ‘No prizes for guessing what the BBC’s take on this story will be!’.
But in fact, this is a rare occasion when a BBC article can be criticised for showing right wing bias, as there isn’t a single quote against the proposed changes!
You’d have thought they could find a disability rights campaigner to quote, saying something like ‘Are GPs not qualified enough and honest enough to decide whether someone is fit to work?’.
The BBC even go as far as to make clear that this proposed measure isn’t just about the Nasty Party attacking the most vulnerable:
‘Both the prime minister and Labour’s Ed Miliband have talked recently about a “something for something” society.’
Early Saturday morning I suppose and the editorial lupins in their linens must have been down at the Mosque…Tim Piggott thinks that`s when they meet.
I too heard this and awaited the wheelchair bound asthma sufferer with twelve kids to tell us how this would shift her from her Willesden palace…and no BMA wallah screaming about their expertise being undermined.
Oh wait-they`re getting threatened by pointed Zimmer frames to sign them off until their eyesight picks up in 2020!
Either that…or the BBCs young bucks have taken the access ramps with them to Newquay this weekend!…no other reasons spring to mind!
Apart from the obvious that Comrade Ed found Purnells old scribblings back in 2007 and thinks it`s time to connect with us all.
He`s listening you know!
Thank you for your question.
Whatever faith that they would present as having, it would not be appropriate at this time to reveal this in the cases of Muhammad Al Hussein, Ismael al Muhammad or Eric Al Khomeini.
These manes would appear to be no indicator of their religious views..for Al Murray is not registered as an approved imam is he?
Allah Akbar…Caroline Liddle Thompson/ Polly Ashton-Kellner
I would love to see Gaddafi Jnr tried at the Hague and asked how much he paid those money grubbers at the LSE, it would make my day to see them outed for the hypocrites they are.
INBBC is close to Islamic AL JAZEERA in political, technical and cultural terms*; INBBC is unavoidably close to the policies and activities of its owners, the Emirate of QATAR.
For example, QATAR has been involved in Islamising Libya. Will INBBC be able to present anything but a politically biased report on this, given that INBBC is embedded with the Qatar interest of Islamic Al Jazeera?
INBBC has had a technical agreement with Islamic Al Jazeera since 2003
And, of course, INBBC employs Islamic Al Jazeera presenters, such as Rageh Omaar to do INBBC political propaganda TV series on e.g Islamic history of Europe, and of Muhammad.
They’re all jealous of Peston, as he gets insider info while most of the rest of them are talking heads who just read out what’s fed to them. Apparently he’s not a nice guy to his coleagues, either, so no surprise they all hate him. One can only imagine the kind of mind which prompted him to apply to be Controller of Radio 4, though.
To me, the most important thing in that artilce is the raising of suspicions that Peston got stories fed to him by Ed Balls’ office. Well, Peston admitted on his blog more than once that No. 10 ran announcements by him – and Nick Robinson – to see how they’d play in public. We all know it here, so I’m a bit surprised that Pierce isn’t aware of it.
Mr. Peston seems to have a bit of baggage, and while Aunty can tolerate almost anything from ‘staff’ in terms of outbound screw-ups, if that includes p*ssing off the rest within the hive, then one can see why he might get shafted.
Mr. Mason seems to ne Newsnight’s ‘go-to’ guy, if mainly because of his ‘go-to’ gal and muse, Ms. Penney, with whom he appears in near constant twitter contact, turning her rather partial yoof view from the front into what all good British folk should think about anything. His blog also is gathering cobwebs, perhaps due to the paucity of comment, or the fact that, like BBC Scotland, a few folk are tkaing to challenge what he claims when clearly pushing a minority narrative. Though I have now noticed all the BBC ‘Editors’ have some ringers on tap, and when postings do actually allow feedback there are always a few (too many) substance free gushes like ‘this is so well written; one of the few editors to really capyure what we all are thinking’.
Along with Ms. Flanders, Mr. Mason also seems not to be identified with a neutral political past or current view.
Ms Boaden doubtless can explain. If she ever switches on the PC she leaves off not to find out about such things. Market rate indeed.
when postings do actually allow feedback there are always a few (too many) substance free gushes like ‘this is so well written; one of the few editors to really capyure what we all are thinking’.
and the bit they leave out is-
” have to go now-the nurse is coming round to hand out more of those happy pills”
Abdel Bari Atwan on ‘Dateline’ again today, bemoaning his fate:
“You know, I don’t know what’s right or wrong in the Middle East, to be honest. Say twenty years ago I was one of the most popular writers and commentators in the Arab World because I was against American intervention in Iraq. Libya…the Libyan people used to adore me, and the Syrian people the same. Nowadays, because I am against the intervention..I am the least popular person there.”
Shame! 😀
Still, Gavin Esler and ‘Dateline’ show no signs of falling out of love with the bug-eyed hatemonger. This was his 15th appearance on the programme this year. (The only other guest who even comes close to this tally is liberal American Michael Goldfarb, now on 11 appearances).
Alongside Atwan on ‘Dateline’ were left-wing Italian writer Annalisa Piras (‘L’espresso’, the ‘Guardian’), Ned Temko (the ‘Observer’) and John Fisher Burns (the ‘New York Times’) – a nice spread of left-liberal newspapers there!
The closing section just oozed bias, thanks to Gavin Esler. His introduction began with Rick Perry’s “difficulty in keeping his foot out of his mouth” before he posed the sarcastic question, “Is it just possible the Republican might just pick a candidate who can actually win?” That made everyone laugh, including Esler himself.
Having just been sniffy, Esler then said, “Not to be sniffy about it, Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich, very bright, clearly in command of the issues, but they’re not quite Boston brew.” [It sounded like he said “Boston brew”, whatever that might mean].
Esler kept laughing away at every insult Ned, or Bari, or Annalisa chucked at the Republicans, chipping in more of his own digs along the way, such as “How did Rick Perry become governor of Texas? That was the question that occured to me!”
The question that occured to me, as so often with Gavin Esler on ‘Dateline’, is ‘Why don’t you keep your opinions to yourself, Gavin?’
Here is the truth about the so called renewables sector, a truth the BBC do not want us to know about. A truth the BBC will move heaven and earth to hide as it sells airtime to big eco corporates as they steal public monies.
Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach
Sounds like a scam, huh? But it’s real. Let me explain how people (no, not you or me, don’t be foolish) can make a guaranteed 29% return on their investment. However, to make it clear, I’ll need to take a short digression. I ran across a National Geographic article on where the world gets its electricity. Here are their figures:
<img src=”″ title=”where the world gets its electricity”/>Figure 1. World electricity production by fuel type. Renewables (defined by AGW activists as solar-, geothermal-, wind-, and biomass-generated electricity, but not hydroelectricity) are 2.7% of the total electricity use. Data from National Geographic
You can see why the AGW supporters’ heads are exploding as the Durban climate party approaches. It is obvious from the chart that years and years of subsidies and tax breaks and IPCC reports and various urgings by well-meaning but clueless pundits and billions in wasted taxpayer dollars have not succeeded in getting renewables up to even 3% of the total electricity generated. Less than 3%. It must drive them round the twist to contemplate their stunning lack of success at making water flow uphill.
Despite that history, you know how they say on those TV commercials, “But wait! There’s even more!”? In this case, it’s “But wait! There’s even less!” Continue reading →
Children in Need of…er what, precisely?
A good education?…nah!
A family still together with a dad especially?…as if!
Some decent adult direction and leadership?…says who bruv?
Ah…but lots of autocuties doing their Gang Show End of Pier fantasies?…Queen/Abba/Jackson impressions?…unfunny useless picking of the pockets of kids with grooming and emotional blackmail?…well that seems to be just what the Doctor(Zeuss) ordered!
Let`s not hear a word about this lot doing any work at all…they seem to be rehearsing their wannabe fantasies for cheridee…and they`ve obviously learned nothing as we paid for their dancing lessons!
Their own kids will not be needing their mums…isn`t that what boarders and nannies do…and again we`re paying!
Pudsey is a BBC trustee…and I for one would vote for him to replace Patten if only I was allowed to!…then send him to Nigeria with a Muhammad label on him.
Children in need should be renamed middle class parasites in need, the so called charity has certainly employed enough of them. Its a showcase for B & C list fading celebs too, giving exposure to a growing list of talentless has beens and wannabes. Actual kidz comes way down the list of priorities with the slabvery of muslim girl children avoided of course.
Arf …Arf!
Bet he carries the BBC stash of drugs the other 364 days of the year…an internal examination might help us in confirming that report.
Bet there wasn`t a CRB check done among that lot last night!
Tha whole Gang Show has been on all week…a national embarrassment.
Families clearly no longer need Fathers-that`s what Harriet Harman and Jenni Murray or for…but they clearly need force feeding this self-cogratulatory showboat for nothings.
Hope the Salford posse now know who`s buying their chips for the next twenty years now! These southern moochers will hand over all but their drugs money…
repeated almost as often as some of their programmes,or indeed as
“The settlements are held to be illegal under international law, although Israel disputes this”
A member of the BBC “money”(i.e. anti-business) team was on Today enthusing over the report by the BBC’s cousin, “Which” about the iniquity of energy firms charging more to those who want the independence to pay their bills in loose change at the time of their choosing.
The BBC thinks that the “Robin Hood”tax would be paid for by bankers rather than the costs passed on to the customer, in the same way they do not appreciate that reducing the energy bills of the dinosaurs will be at the expense of those customers who make every effort to find the best deal.
What the simplistic anti-bank analysis misses is that banks aren’t owned entirely by corrupt billionaires – their shareholders also include pension funds and hard working people whose only crime was to choose to invest their savings in the stockmarket…
Am looking forward to the BBC gushing about brave Geert Wilders who was not allowed to come to this country in early 2009.
The hideously prejudiced and blinkered Labour Government of the day tried to keep him out, but it signalled the end of Islams influence…so Last Word can pay him the worthy tribute he`ll be due by then.
If Dolly`s a legend for not being allowed into S.Africa…Wilders is rather more surely…
Charlie FarleyFeb 23, 17:34 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Tomo , I’m in Hampshire / isle of Wight and Elections are cancelled until 2026 supposedly…….it’s everywhere that Reform are…
Fedup2Feb 23, 17:32 Weekend 22nd February 2025 First German exit poll suggests ADF got 20% – BBc sounded chippy
tomoFeb 23, 17:18 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Wiltshire has local elections in May just wondering if it’s only Labour places that are skipping democracy?
tomoFeb 23, 17:16 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Ever wonder (I have, often… – sad I know, but that dork ain’t worth £1million a year)
richard DFeb 23, 17:08 Weekend 22nd February 2025 The even bigger story will unfold tomorrow, in all the left-wing (i.e. mainstream) outfits, press, media, etc., where it will…
tomoFeb 23, 16:56 Weekend 22nd February 2025
ZephirFeb 23, 16:52 Weekend 22nd February 2025 “The BBC’s reporting conveniently ignores the core issue: the astronomical cost of net zero policies to the average British household.…
ZephirFeb 23, 16:50 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Bbc bias (lies) in a nutshell, once again: “BBC exposes its own bias against Reform UK in coverage of major…
vladFeb 23, 16:38 Weekend 22nd February 2025 The big story in the German election is the unstoppable rise of the AfD. The BBC can’t bear that reality,…
On Radio 3 tonight a lefty-fest (as usual):
At 10:00 Aditya Chakrabortty, economics correspondent for the Guardian is given 45 minutes to promote shite economic policy in front of a studio audience. Chakrabortty is not just a lefty, he’s also a crap economist but, hey, at least the nonsense he’s spouting is favoured by the BBC. Tim Worstall here makes mincemeat of him (again).
Then at 10:45, in the last of his talks, Michael Dodd discusses “historian E H Carr’s theories on international relations and how they can be applied today”. Carr was a marxist (natch – why would his work be discussed on the BBC?) and, unbelievably, an apologist for Hitler and Stalin. As, I think, Orwell (would have) said only an intellectual could believe such nonsense.
Thanks for that Umbongo. Radio 3 is a hotbed for this sort of stuff. I pointed out Germaine Greer’s talk the other week. I guess there’s more to come. Has there been a change in R3 editorial staff recently?
The problem started about 10/15 years ago when many listeners decamped to Classic FM. Instead of reacting to this by reasserting Radio 3’s raison d’etre ie it is designed to be elitist, to broadcast classical music, challenging drama and intelligent debate. Accordingly, by it’s very nature Radio 3 will never be “popular”.
But oh no – the process of dumbing down started there and then: the introduction of acres of “world music” and, more recently, the celebritification (if there is such a word) of the Radio 3 (increasingly ignorant) presenters. Of course, this allowed in more “general” programming including opportunities to transmit items favouring the “narrative”. Hence tonight’s offerings.
Since the only point of having an organisation not dependent on commercial success is to allow it to broadcast stuff which is culturally important (although elitist), there is no point in having Radio 3 since what it broadcasts is now duplicated on Classic FM and Radios 2 and 4.
Thanks Umbongo. That makes sense. I remember one Controller of Radio 3 (back in the days before Classic FM) boasting of his “healthy” 0.4% audience share. We’ll keep an eye on R3 for more of the same leftie drivel slide under the radar.
“…the process of dumbing down started there and then: the introduction of acres of “world music…”
A link to this weeks schedule for Radio 3:
Weekdays: one hour of “opinion pieces”; one hour of jazz/contemporary/world music; and twenty two hours of classical.
And this is your idea of “acres of world music”?
Whenever Radio 3 delves into anything outside of music and literature, the result is always left-leaning. That’s simply due to the endemic Left-wing beliefs of the staff, but it seems like it’s been that way for a long time. I remember one Performance on 3 concert a few years ago where the program was Tchaikovsky and Prokofiev, and in the 20 Minutes interval, they brought in the ArchB of C to discuss something like the notion of Christian love in Russian thought (Russian philosophy and religion being his area of expertise, I think). But all the presenter wanted to talk about was what she claimed was the Russians’ love for Collectivism. The ArchB seemed baffled.
So I guess it’s only natural that when the BBC does a whole week of “Free Thinking”, it’s always going to be “Left Thinking”, and the History discussions will be Left-leaning as well. They don’t realize what they’re doing as they think they’re on the middle ground, totally representative of the beliefs of the public.
As one wag has said, it’s in their DNA.
David Presner,
“Whenever Radio 3 delves into anything outside of music and literature, the result is always left-leaning.”
Two weeks ago the slot was filled by programmes about gardening. Last week it was Byron, gothic heroines, industrial heritage and an interview with William Hague. Next week it’s mostly about bird song…
And this, according to you, is evidence of endemic Left-wing bias?
‘The ArchB seemed baffled’
erm … that’s his normal state. 🙂
I wouldn’t worry – no bugger listens to Radio 3 anyway. back when I was studying Media Studies (yes I know, hangs head in shame) it was common knowledge that it would have been cheaper to post everyone in the audience an audio cassette than it would be to broadcast it!
and have you seen how much the stamps have gone up by lately??
If you haven’t been listening, you’ll never guess who was this year’s ‘Thinker-in-Residence’ for Radio 3’s ‘Free Thinking‘ festival, “putting his personal stamp on several events”.
It was the Occupiers’ friend, Dr Giles Fraser, late of St. Paul’s Cathedral.
Yes, seriously, Radio 3’s ‘Thinker-in-Residence’!
As one of Dez’s favourite writers might put it, you couldn’t make it up.
But you see Craig “free thinking” is only applicable within the limits set by those supposedly doing the “free thinking”. Apart from William Hague (not, I would have thought much of a “thinker” under any circumstances: what about selecting a conservative thinker: Roger Scruton comes to mind) the selection of “new” thinkers is largely a highly predictable crowd of one-note lefty academics and controversialists beloved by the BBC. I particularly enjoy the notion of “Young Ranters”. I didn’t hear that particular broadcast but I would be surprised if even one of the YRs ranted against any of the bien pensant beliefs propagandised by the BBC.
Also, thanks to Dez, I now realise that bebop – given 2 hours per day at the times (I assume) of highest listening density is – classical music. Well well, I suppose I should regret all those years of ignorance listening to Brahms.
“Also, thanks to Dez, I now realise that bebop – given 2 hours per day at the times (I assume) of highest listening density is – classical music.”
Did I say that?
Desperate stuff Umbongo.
But yes, one hour a day (not two) has been about bepop this week. Last week the same time slot was about Elgar; the week before that it was Scarlatti; two weeks before that it was Herold, Adam and Delibes; the week before that was Szymanowski…
No, Dez, two hours a day (not one) have been about bepop this week. ‘Composer(s) of the Week’ is broadcast twice a day – once at midday, then repeated at 6.30pm.
The World at One featured Philip Glass in that extra-luvvy duvvy section now that it`s fifteen minutes longer…like Pinnochios nose.
Anyway the empty Glass sneered at the hoi-polloi who think that the OWS movement has put people out of work locally and created a dangerous mess for those who live nearby…such trifles when his right to put out his muse is paramount.
Soon after, the next programme tells us of some brain quack who removed Einsteins brain when the greaat man died…and spent the next thirty years pickling it, sending it round the world piece by piece…so that we might measure or analyse his genius…didn`t work, but hey…the intentions were good!
My point…the BBC loves those who sing or act in praise of the People…who cannibalise and dismember in the right situations…and we the gradgrinds and cavillers really need to get with the programme.
That it leads straight back to Belsens ovens would be “regrettable”…but the Germans hopefully will allow a bit more inflation so as to test the hypothesis.
As a compromise, Glass and Stourton would settle for the international socialist ideas of Marx and Mao-they too championed “The People” but would not have the shoeshine boys and plebs get in the way of scientific and cultural progress.
Between these two bookends of The Truths from Frankfurt came a quaint piece about some WW2 Veteran/hero…Posh Ed saw no connection but it filled time until the widows poem was read…ah bless!
Think I got the BBCs classic Morality Play in ten minutes of airtime…and drew lessons that they`d rather we not try to learn.
I love the sound of breaking Glass…Harveys, Stourtons, Izzards…
Laura Trevelyan’s love affair with the Occupy movement continues:
“They cheered and held candles” – “Teachers told me they were marching to protest against the privatisation of education” – “Cars crossing the bridge honked in support, and as the lights of Manhattan twinkled, the protesters cheered again.” The giveaway word here is “twinkled”. What a friendly cozy word for a news report.
Laura should be a little skeptical when talking to teachers from US public schools. The only hope for some kids I’ve met is to rescue them from their teachers and the system.
I notice that the Occupy cheerleader forgot to tell you about how her darlings harrassed a bunch of small children on their way to school yesterday. I’m sure she didn’t bother talking to teachers about that.
OWS Protesters Chant ‘Follow Those Kids!’ As Small Children Try To Go To School On Wall Street
They were caught in the middle of madness.
Some grade school students were forced to walk a gauntlet of screaming “Occupy Wall Street” protesters just to get to school on Thursday.
It was a wild day in lower Manhattan for most everyone involved, including elementary school children who had to brave the mayhem just to get to class on the other side of Wall Street.
In the middle of thousands of protestors yelling and chanting — some kicking and screaming – CBS 2’s Emily Smith found little school kids trying to get to class. Nervous parents led them through the barriers on Wall Street. The NYPD helped funnel the children, anything to ease their fears while some protestors chanted “follow those kids!”
Anyone with young children would be appalled by this, and disgusted by Laura Trevelyan’s deliberate omission of the incident.
Something else Laura “Occupy Me” Trevelyan forgot to tell you about:
Violent #OWS Mob Screaming “F*ck the Police!” Rush NY City Cops (Video)
@jtLOL ‘Jim’ ‘Treacher’ “Occupy” Protester Busted For Stealing Neighbor’s Furniture For Florida Encampment… MUST-SEE MUGSHOT
Really not a lot of difference between Trevelyan’s gushing report and her spiritual ancestors reporting on the Aldermaston marches which, come to think of it, are exactly the sort of things the Occupy crowd would have been wasting their time on fifty years ago.
All happy folk marching for YOU !! A new world !! Those who can’t come with you (i.e. the slackers with jobs !) are all supportive of your enlightened cause !!
And lo, it came to pass that it actually changed precisely eff all squared. Which is precisely your future, Occupoids, little tho’ you realise it.
Meanwhile – is Desert Island Discs going leftie ?
This week we had a dance instructor who felt it was important that her pupils also had “peace studies”. Not regarded as unusual by Kirsty Young.
On Radio 4Extra (Radio 7 as was) they are repeating sets of the programme from earlier years – with an intro. This week the guest was Andrew Neil – and the intro just happened to be an interview by Neil, grilling a Tory spokesman on the News of the World stuff. A skewed choice, nothing dramatic, hardly the most important interview Neil has even conducted – but yet another BBC dig at the Digger.
I suppose it is just Kirsty Young showing her known Labour inclinations.
Desert Island Discs has really gone down the gurgler – I don’t bother with it any more. In fact I bother with Radio 4 less and less these days, mainly because I’m sick and bloody tired of having greenie and/or left wing agendas thrust in my ears. I find it insulting, quite frankly.
I thought Anna Schur acquited herself well on Desert Island Discs.
True that she`s a peace studies sap of `68..but she did not fall into Kirstys bear trap of “you were a Jewish girl in an Catholic convent in Ireland, so do dish the dirt”…that she set up a school independent of the state, that she too had to deal with kids that couldn`t read (thankfully we`ve moved on from that,eh?) and that she was warned not to use her own name in offering a new dance/drama school as opposed to the one she`d set up, but been removed from( mental health…does Harriet still allow that?)
If you ignore the content od peace stuff etc, she`s so much better than most mendicants that nod and wink with Kirsty…the only way is up from Fransesca Simon, for example.
This past 24 hours there has been 2 protests in Cario, One by Christians who were protesting against the attacks on themselves which saw 21 people killed the other month found themselves attacked with bottles and stones and saw 25 christians wounded. This transpired yesterday.
Today Muslims protested peacefully in Cario agaisnt the military intrim government.
Guess which story the bBC deeemed more imprtant to report to the British public.
The bBC, the propoganda arm of Islamic terrorism.
That was at 13.27, by 15.27 Leyne was forced to observe the following;
“Our correspondent says there is also widespread frustration in Egypt that, despite the overthrow of Mr Mubarak, life for the majority is not improving.
However, it is the conservative Islamists of the Muslim Brotherhood who are most vocal in these demonstrations rather than the young people using social networks who led the protests earlier this year, he says.”
“he” being Leyne, who has now been constrained to report the obvious. Obvious to most of the posters on this site, that ‘democracy’ and ‘ Arab Spring’ were not necessarily what the beeboids felt they were observing in the heady days of January and February.
Yes; in contrast, ‘Jihadwatch’ has three quite different reports to that of INBBC on Egypt today:
Egypt: Coptic Christians demanding justice for October massacre attacked while marching
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians, Oct. 2011
Egypt: “Popular Islamic scholar” crashes concert to preach about the sinfulness of music
Don’t forget the BBC can only keep the most important stories and issues on their Mid-East webpage.
Like Bin Laden was ‘tender and kind’ – 2 days ago
not to mention Palestinians board settlers’ bus – 3 days ago
Seriously interesting and uncommon take on what is happening in Egypt from a Christian but not Copt perspective. The Christians of Egypt, Part 1
I see the BBC have settled on thier spin for the latest pile of shit to be produced by the IPCC, lots of possiblies, maybes and not sures of course.
Anyone want to analyze the following sentence spoken by a “student” at an Occupy rally and reported with customary sympathy by the BBC? There’s a question any competent reporter should have asked as a result of this statement:.
“I was working on my PhD in history and women’s studies when it became clear that I was thousands of dollars in debt and had at least a year or two to finish my dissertation.”
Clue: “It became clear I was thousands of dollars in debt”. Oh that seductive passive tense!
What on Earth makes them think that sort of nonsense degree will get them a job?
Do they have lesbian condom advisors in the USA?
With a degree like that she could get a job as a feminist bitch who distorts the past. On the Labour front bench, certain media outlets, etc…..
“It became clear I was thousands of dollars in debt”
how long did it take that genius to work that one out?
sounds like they’d be better employed learning some basic maths instead of poncey useless degrees in lefty nonense
womens studies my arse
The debt part didn’t occur to her when taking out the loan? Classic.
By the way, I didn’t mention the next bit: “ I was thousands of dollars in debt – and had at least a year or two to finish my dissertation.”
So she isn’t sure if its going to take a year or two? In that time Obama would have written a couple more autobiographies. This woman hasn’t a clue about time or money management. God help her students.
“It became clear I was thousands of dollars in debt”
So like all socialists she wants the capitalists to bail her out.
“I was working on my PhD in history and women’s studies.”
Before I went to uni, I was told it didn’t matter what I studied. If I had a degree, I was told, employers would see that I had excellent organisational skills and a fine brain, and would be queuing up for my services. Sadly the reality was a little different…
It’s one thing for the taxpayer to be subsidising degrees in engineering, chemistry and computer science, but do we really need to be forking out money so people can study women’s studies?!?
Surely we have enough humanities graduates, and we need to be funding people to study disciplines that have some actual real world application!
To end this little stream, here’s the full skinny on our star vox-popper of the day.!/xcarolineno
I am not interested in her wasteful life rather in her testimony to the BBC as a member of the Occupy Movement, used by the media to blacken the name of her country. Once again we see that these poor mites who portray themselves as poorly treated by the evil society in which they live are, in fact, parasites of the worst kind. This woman has had a free ride in universities for years and is looking for more.
(By the way – love the fact this woman – a “culture junkie” – likes the Eurovision Song Contest. Says it all, doesn’t it?)
But Wimmins Studies does have a practical application. It allows femminists to get jobs over men in media outlets, to present programmes aimed at only one sex or help to provide opportunities for other like minded individual to do the same.
It would be great if the Gov. would tariff degrees so that ‘useful’ ones cost less than ‘pointless’ ones. Unfortunately, as with the National Curricullum what starts out as a good idea with noble intentions only requires a Labour government for it to mutate into a propaganda machine. Bets on how long it would take Wimmin’s Studies to overtake Emgineering in the importance stakes? A day?
How come there are no men in her department? Isn’t that sexist ?
What has happened in many areas is qualification inflation. The petrol station attendant is required to have a high school certificate -> the bank clerk a B.A. -> the lab technician an M.Sc and so on. I have much sneered at (on B-BBC) B.Arts-B.Creative Art degrees. They have taken through the door for interviews on several occasions and raised my salary on others. Perhaps the employers don’t really care about the contents of the degree so much as use it as a filtering device in a time of unemployment?
Whatever the reality all the statistics point to university trained people earning higher salaries than non university trained. University is a hugely useful life and networking experience and if I had to advise a non technically proficient student I would still say a good humanities degree in something that interests you will do better than a mediocre degree in something that doesn’t. Many things you learn are not necessarily on the formal curriculum, anyway and you will be three years more mature.
Perhaps the correct question is how much effort and what sacrifices is the history and women’s studies student prepared for to take to find a job. What is he/she willing to do to finish the degree? Lyndon Johnson (LBJ) was prepared to clean toilets, are you?
Of course, Islam Not BBC (INBBC) perpetually shields, obfuscates the Islamic censorship which is growing globally.
‘Jihadwatch’ sets the context on this Pakistan example, which INBBC avoids.
Pakistan publishes list of “obscene” words now forbidden from text messages, reportedly including “athlete’s foot” and “Jesus Christ”
[Opening extract]:
“This measure is not the first of its kind. In January, Pakistani Interior Minister Rehman Malik “directed the authorities to block websites and [texts] ‘propagating an anti-Islam agenda’.”
INBBC deliberately censors the context of Islam:
“Pakistan telecoms authority to block ‘obscene’ texts”
INBBC doesn’t ever point to the global Organisation of Islamic Conference (OIC) campaign to ban all criticism of Islam globally; and INBBC does not indicate that the Islamic proclivity to censor and ban in Pakistan is on the same lines as that of the OIC.
The BBC censored the real problem terms, and that this is really about stopping an “anti-Islam agenda”. What a shock.
Geller: Islamic Supremacists Envision a Takeover of the Internet
Victoria Derbyshire there was no link for this earlier…
just check out this 40mins in j barnes gets fed up with the drone of
racism and blatter, and asked the spokesman,(who incidently derbyshire was hanging on his every word) well……what is racism then?
a hilarious exchange ensues, this man/spokesman hadn t got a clue what racism actually is, starts pulling in religion, etc etc
Thanks for this noggin!
Note VD staying well out of the talking when Barnes asks Rosenior-“define racism”…before proceeding to blast him into orbit as the ignorant token placeman that Leroy clearly is.
IMagine he`ll be staying back with Garth, Brighty and all the others so he can get upskilled on what racism is…ongoing CPD for race grievance socksmen clearly necessary.
Noted too VD very quick to shut down debate about John Terry…sense that the BBCs “omerta” due more to getting interviews and nice seats for assorted Linekers and Thomsons than any spurious “legal” reasons…doesn`t stop them with Uncle Rupert or the Lawrence trail does it?…
you re welcome of course,
what was so funny, was this rosenoir, came back after the news bulletin and is still as bad, culture-racism, religion-racism anything you find offensive-racism…the guy is a total racism ignoramus, & still kept on,(barnes must have been in fits 🙂 )
The most important current news in the US includes further revelations on the Fast and Furious and Solyndra scandals. major allegations about insider trading by politicians in Congress – also by Warren Buffett ?, at least a fortnight of surge by Newt Gingrich, and impasse on tackling the US £15 trillion of debt.
And increasing public scorn of the Occupy Movement.
Yet stupid Laura Trevelyan continues to sing the praises of the Occupy people with nary a single criticism.
Bias ? What bias ?
She’s not supposed to criticize it herself, but the BBC has yet to give time to a single opposing view. And it’s been two months already. Contrast that with how the Beeboids themsleves expressed negative opinions about the Tea Party movement on a regular basis – but only after the movement had been going for two months.
Also, I’m working on posts for both the ATF scandal and Solyndra, the latter of which is a scandal about much more than one company, to the tune of billions.
Two huge scandals – BBC – zzzzzzzz
At lunchtime today Angela Merkel and David Cameron held a press conference.
The BBC has been completely silent about what Merkel had to say. She expressly said that because the new European treaty she is pushing only affects the eurozone there’ll be no need for a UK referendum.
David Cameron didn’t dispute this.
The comments directly confirm the Daily Telegraph story,
Let’s get this clear. Cameron is going to betray the British people by not holding a referendum on the new treaty. Cameron is going to abandon any plans to use the new treaty negotiations to redefine UK liabilities. Cameron will claim he has achieved what British interests require by keeping us out of the new financial services tax; a lie because the City handles so much of the EU’s financial trading.
While all this is going on the BBC is silent. Remember bias by omission is just as pernicious as by commision. Cameron and Merkel have stitched us up and no one at the BBC gives a damn.
Dan Snow (beeboid) wsa a hoot on This Week last night. His “well who cares about democracy” when he tried to compare what Merkel has done in Italy and Greece to the British putting the likes of Beaverbrook in charge of aircraft production during the war was a joke.
The left really don’t care for democracy, especially when it gets in the way of Socialist politics.
Snow married one of the Duke of Westminister’s daughters, if I remember right…just saying is all…
Well you didn’t think any of the BBC politicos were working class did you?
Time for re-education classes!
We’re all good eurocitizens now – or else. The ECJ has defined “xenophobia” – hatred of the EU – as a crime.
BBC 4 TV 9 pm tonight:
A selection of some of the best performances by African-American artists of the 1980s from the BBC archives.”
Is BBC-NUJ being racist here? Or is it fostering apartheid? Or is it denigrating ‘Whites’, who don’t get their separate programmes?
In a few decades times, after more mass immigration and ‘positive discrimination’, will Black-Asian BBC of the future dedicate any programmes to:
I listened to Thought for today. Unwise . A Catholic woman equating opposition to unrestricted immigration into Europe with a lack of Christian understanding. Rubbish of course but the steady drip drip of lefty propaganda never stops .
It will never stop until reality asserts itself and their dream world crashes around them.
Yes, indeed, and all this from a broadcaster which produces regular two-minute hates about the supposed influence of the ‘religious right’ in US politics.
Our oppressors succeed by makiing us feel guilty. It’s their common purpose.
So the Catholic woman thinks anyone should be allowed entry into Europe . I wonder if she feels anyone should be allowed entry into Catholic schools ?
Tweet from Robert Peston:
@tim_weber is wearing Bavarian threads to celebrate 20 years at BBC (really) & has started insisting we speak German
I bet the irony of that comment is lost on him! LOL!
“Springtime for Merkel, starring in no particular order…”
By Richard Littlejohn
Read more:
As the BBC expends massive resources pimping a tiny handful of anti capitalist rabble 24/7 here is a growing scandal that is not going away, rather it is getting bigger and bigger. If Bush had been in charge the BBC would in like Flint, if this was an oil company and a Republican president the BBC would be on fire throwing everything at the story.
Energy Dept. pushed to keep layoffs quiet
Solyndra cuts not made public until after midterm elections
The Obama administration, which gave the solar company Solyndra a half-billion-dollar loan to help create jobs, asked the company to delay announcing it would lay off workers until after the hotly contested November 2010 midterm elections that imperiled Democratic control of Congress, newly released e-mails show.
The announcement could have been politically damaging because President Barack Obama and others in the administration had held up Solyndra as a poster child of its clean-energy initiative, saying the company’s new factory, built with the help of stimulus funds, could create 1,000 jobs.
Six months before the midterm election, Obama visited Solyndra’s California plant to praise its success, even though outside auditors had questioned whether the operation might collapse in debt.
As the contentious 2010 election approached, Solyndra found itself foundering, and it warned the Energy Department that it would need an emergency cash infusion.
A Solyndra investment adviser wrote in an Oct. 30, 2010, e-mail, without explaining the reasons, that Energy Department officials were pushing “very hard” to delay making the layoffs public until the day after the election.
The announcement ultimately was made on Nov. 3, immediately following the Nov. 2 vote.
E-mails describing the events were released Tuesday as part of a House Energy and Commerce Committee memo, provided in advance of Energy Secretary Steven Chu’s scheduled testimony before the committee’s investigative panel on Thursday. As a result of the 2010 election, that committee is now controlled by Republicans, whose aggressive nine-month investigation into Solyndra has focused partly on whether politics played a role in the company’s selection for a federal loan.
Amid the fallout from the company’s shutdown in August, the White House has said tough scrutiny of the department’s oversight efforts is warranted and has launched its own independent review of the loan program. Although the president has publicly supported Chu, senior White House officials in February circulated an outside adviser’s recommendation that Chu be replaced because of anticipated political controversy over the energy loans.
On Tuesday, Energy Department spokesman Damien LaVera declined to confirm events described in the e-mails or to identify who at the department may have urged the delay in the layoff announcement. He stressed, however, that “decisions about this loan were made on the merits.” In an interview aired Tuesday on NPR, Chu said that politics did not enter into any decisions he or his staff made regarding Solyndra and that there was no way to foresee the company’s demise.
The White House declined to comment Tuesday on whether senior White House officials attempted to influence the timing of the layoff announcement.
There are already calls for Chu to resign over this. He’ll be the fall guy, the President left untouched, probably. And it’s much more than Solyndra. Several other companies got massive amounts of cash for their connections, most of whom are also bankrupt or heading there.
Stupif bitch Fiona Bruce shaking her head when she read out the climate change crap, STOP IT, we’re not interested in your opinion or shaking your head like you’re telling us off.
that REALLY gets on my wick
Fiona Bruce. There is literally nothing she won’t do for money – giving out little socialist hints, showing off her legs – you name it, she’ll do it. And at her age too. What a stereotype she is, if you catch my drift.
A counterpoint to the BBC’s cheerleading for the Occupiers:
Has Occupy Wall Street clarified its message?
The movement’s PR efforts drew derision from Fraser P. Seitel, managing partner of Emerald Partners and author of The Practice of Public Relations. OWS, he says, has “botched an opportunity to capture public opinion and achieve something. Americans, by every measure, distrust the politicians who run Washington and lead major institutions. So public opinion was ripe for the plucking.”
However, the movement blew it by having no overriding purpose, stated goals, or visible leadership, he says, and it is increasingly perceived as a bunch of publicity-hungry complainers intent on disrupting others who are making a living.
“Occupy Wall Street is right about one thing,” he says. “The whole world is watching. And it’s generally repulsed by what it’s seen.”
The whole world is generally repulse: except the BBC. And this is a bunch of Left-leaning PR hacks who are clearly sympathetic to what they think is the Occupiers’ cause. And therein lies the problem. Contrary to what all the media luvvies keep telling you, the goals are far more extreme than addressing corporate greed and income inequality. Only recently has the BBC started to be slightly more honest about the Occupiers and referring to them as an anti-Capitalist movement.
It took me a couple hours of talking with the Occupiers to figure this out (I knew it already, but had to hear it from several of them to make sure), and the BBC is still sanitizing the message and censoring the more important aspects.
I can’t stop laughing at the knicker wetting coming from our media over Sepp Blatter, the BBC in particular has been just going mental all day.
Yet as ITV sensibly tell us, outside of England no one gives a shit.
I actually quite admire Blatter, he’s a twat and as bent as a beeboid but I love the way he just carries on and the BBC spit their dummy out thinking they are more important than they really are and ‘demanding’ his resignation.
Presumably they don’t like Blatter since we mercifully failed to get the World Cup.
But as Jim White in the Guardian says(yes…I know!) Cameron, Boris, Becks and Prince William were all over him only a year ago..they were hoping he`d give them the World Cup.
Shameless, incompetent, corrupt and a Euroflabber…methinks that the BBC recognise one of their own!
‘thinking they are more important than they really are and ‘demanding’ his resignation’
Mr. Blatter is mercifully, not a problem I feel has great impact on anything outside the huffandpuff industry, but doesn’t seem a great asset to his avowed ‘sport’.
However, the BBC’s self-appointed role does seem… ambitious…
‘Fifa chief Sepp Blatter has told the BBC he is sorry for causing offence with his statements on racism but says he will not resign – we talk to Sol Campbell about racism in football and whether Mr Blatter’s apology is sufficient.’
The Now Show chundering on about the Daily Mail?…Ian Wright taking the moral high ground re Sepp Blatter, and a load of grinning ninnies making arses of themselves but with Pudsey Bear as cover for their “efforts” as talented Abba copycats or whatever?…and bloody Dimbleby later on.
Times are tough indeed…if we tell Anjem Choudhury that Pudseys middle name is Muhammad; might they get a bit better?..
Ah, that must be “Leftie, Climate-Change convert Children in Need” Anathema to me, make a point of watching something else. Isn’t Pudsey Mark Mardell dressed up to entertain the kiddiewinks?
Cleverly, Quentin LETTS comes up with THE candidate who would unite the British ‘political elite’ (Tories, Labour Lib Dem, plus BBC-NUJ-Guardian) as E.U appointed PRIME MINISTER:
“What if the EU chose our cabinet too? As a Brussels power grab leaves Italy run by officials… imagine if it happened here”
By Quentin Letts
“Prime Minister:
“Lord (Chris) Patten, the poobahs’ poobah. The chairman of the BBC was Tory MP for Bath until being booted out by the voters in 1992. He was then Governor of Hong Kong (unelected) and a European Commissioner (unelected). Just the man for the job!
“There will be no need for him to give up the BBC chairmanship. ‘It only takes a morning-and-a-half a week, so performing both roles should be possible for a man of my abilities,’ he murmured, on hearing the news that Brussels had anointed him as the man to lead Britain.”
Read more:
The best summing up of Patten I have read.
More job-killing by the President’s ideology:
Contractors Claim Administration Pressed to ‘Soften’ Job-Loss Estimates From Mining Rule
The Obama administration pressured analysts to change an environmental review to reflect fewer job losses from a proposed regulation, the contractors who worked on the review testified Friday.
The dispute revolves around proposed changes to a rule regulating coal mining near streams and other waterways. The experts contracted to analyze the impact of the rule initially found that it would cost 7,000 coal jobs.
But the contractors claim they were subsequently pressured to not only keep the findings under wraps but “revisit” the study in order to show less of an impact on jobs.
When the firm refused to lie, the Government decided not to renew their contract.
Can you imagine how Katty and the rest of the BBC’s Democrat stormtroopers would’ve jumped on that story under a Republican administration?
I don’t want to pour water on BBC’s month-long orgy of self-glorification that is Children In Need, but perhaps a droid can come on here and answer me this one.
BBC Children in Need is a stand-alone charity with 62 staff, a CEO on (the de rigeur public sector/ quangocracy/ brothers package of) £100k+, and a dozen trustees, all to disburse the (in the scheme of things) piddling amount of £43 million and at a cost of £4 million odd a year.
Why not carry on having the orgy, continue to raise the money, but just write a cheque for £43 million and send it to Save The Children. This would save £4 million a year.
I know this would mean a highly-remunerated CEO and 61 other employees looking for new jobs – but the donations are to help needy children, not create jobs.
Over to you, droids, I’m not holding my breath.
You are unfortunately missing the point that Save the Children probably have a similarly well appointed staff to pay for, and, like most large charities nowadays is more of a pressure group trying to get the government to spend tax income on their pet schemes.
I feel that I get more bang for my buck supporting a local charity backing a school in the Gambia, where I know the costs of running the charity are virtually zero because the organisers do it for love.
That point hadn’t escaped me 😉
Yes, the smaller the charity the less corrupt/top-heavy it is. The kind of charity that never gets public funding. Or publicity even. Too small to bribe ministers with money or TV hack’s relatives with jobs I spose.
Do you want to know whether a charity deserves your money ?
Ask yourself ;does this charity have “spokesperson ” on the BBC at times , or other coverage ?
Yes /
No ?
If yes it is probably a FAKE charity (see Devil`s Kitchen ) that recieves more money from the government than voluntary collections .
The bBC remaining silent on deaths in Pakistan, I wonder why???
Have you noticed just how quick the bBC can bring you news from halfway around the world after the US has slotted somebody by use of a UAV. Well for some strange reason they are remaining somewhat silent on the latest Drone Fest, which is surprising seeing as two of the idiots who died for Allah, happened to be British: (For benefits only I should add) While the bbC remains silent everybody else is reporting how Brits Ibrahim Adam and Mohammed Azmir have gone to that great mosque in the cellar after the Great Satan sent a couple of Hellfires their way. What makes this even more surprising is for the family of Mohammed Azmir, its their second son to have died at the hands of an American UAV in Pakistan. Yet this no longer breaking news, doesn’t warrant an entry from the world famous bBC.
But that’s just it about the bBC, It doesn’t like reporting about the daily ugliness that prevails through the religion of peace. Which is why it hasn’t reported how yesterday 1 Christian priest and 3 Hindu Doctors were shot dead in Pakistan. I mean we can’t have the bBC telling the truth about the gay death cult that is Islam can we. Which is probably why the current news flash on the bBC website is how the MOD have named the two soldiers who were murdered by followers of the bBC religion in Afghanistan.
The bBC, the propaganda arm of Islamic terrorism.
This is dog-bites-man stuff, doesn’t tick any boxes, so the BBC isn’t interested. The soft racism of lowered expectations.
‘British’ Islamic jihadists fighting to kill British people in PAKISTAN:
“2 Brits thought killed in US drone strike in Pakistan”By Bill Roggio
“Two British Muslims were killed in a US Predator airstrike that took place in the Waziristan tribal areas about three months ago, according to their families. One of the men had fled the United Kingdom after being placed under a so-called ‘control order’ that is designed to limit the movement of a terrorist suspect. The other man, the brother of a senior al Qaeda leader who was also killed by the US in Pakistan, had been hit with financial sanctions in the United Kingdom due to suspected ties with terror groups.
The two Brits were identified as Ibrahim Adam and Mohammed Azmir. They were said to have been killed sometime in August, according to AFP. ”
AND no thanks to Amnesty International:-
“In July 2009, Abu Rideh, with the help of Amnesty International, succeeded in having the control order lifted. Amnesty International then sought to have his overseas travel restrictions lifted. He did an interview with an Iranian news agency in August 2009 and then disappeared shortly afterward.”
Read more:
Political ‘principles’ in this case for-
1.) INBBC:
-given that you Beeboids want Britain to be fully Islamised through the continuing mass immigration you support, and given you will not criticise the key tenets of Islam, you should not, by your beliefs, report the above case of ‘British’ Muslim jihadists killing British people, to spoil the utopian picture of Islamisation you must propagandise to British people.
2.) Labour, Lib Dems, Tories:
you will be advised by your political party HQs not to mention the above such cases of ‘British’ Islamic jihadists killing British people lest this alienates the ‘Ummah’ in Britain which may support their ‘martyrs’ more than your political party.
Instead, according to political ‘principles’, all three parties will be advised to denounce the English Defence League, which, of course, opposes Islamic jihadists, sharia law and mass immigration.
This story is on Sky as well as various UK newspapers.
But still not on the BBC website as far as I can see.
I remain convinced that there are editors there who try to spike any story adverse to Islamists. Especially Islamists from Britain.
Funny you should mention that John, as i just switched over for the bBCs coverage of tomorrows papers. Now for some strange reason they mentioned that they would for a change look at the insides of certain newspapers;
The Times
The Current Bun
And the Daily Mail.
I winder why that was, which is why tomorrow I will be popping into smiths to see what their front page air.
Watch this space.
Well what do you know, I’ve managed to find the bBC write up on the deaths of these two men complete with names but wait for it, while not being present on any collective web page on the bBC news website. (World/UK/England/Asia etc..) the bBC article has a time stamp of 18/1617/11/11 aka 17 minutes past 4 on friday afternoon.
A little bit of stealth editoring or stealth hiding on behalf the bBC
Here are the screen dumps taken at 19/0024/11/11 (25 past midnight) of the major bBC news headlines as per their website. Note the lack of any story about the deaths of these two Islamic terrorists:
If you want to see the front pages – this is a handy site :
Yet again they have the wrong word in inverted commers.
It should be ‘British’
Missed QT live blog and the brillo show last night! (would only have had points deducted,..) so decided to torture myself with Any Questions this evening…Fatty abbot was on in full faux dripping ooze mode, however, If ever there was a blatent example of audience selection I’ve yet to experience one. The boos and jeers that greated any mention (x2) of the previous Govt being anyway way responsible for their actions was only matched by the raucus applause gifted the fast talking trot who turned the blame clock back to Nigel Lawson..ffs!
Anyone got that iplayer thing really ought to have a listen…it’s blatent and obvious evidence of biase…… again…and again…and again… we can’t fight this, it’s in their DNA.
I heard some of it – had to turn it off, it was so warped.
Gave it five minutes.
Fat white Trot and fat black meeja junkie combine to tell the Brummies that the state of the nation is all down to the last eighteen months as opposed to the thirteen years preceding. The Tories have undone all that sterling work of Blair and Brown. We need more borrowing, more public sector “investment”, more state jobs and f**K the kids that can cough up for it all…the same ones they seem all bothered with,regarding unemployment.
Abbotts lad will do alright with his private education…yet the idiots in the audience clap and see no hypocrisy here at all.
Let`s hope to God that we`re not all as stupid as this shower of Dimbledunces in Worcester…they`ll be voting for Jacqui Smith next!
Anyone tell me where Hewiit, Hodge and Abbott get those sickeningly patronisisnf voices from…surely Thachers voice coach of 1975 has retired by now!..
Shan’t even attempt to listen to it again after last week’s Trade Union hate-fest.
Another EU speech that will not be aired by the BBC
Good old Nigel, repeatedly slapping these bland, lifeless, Eurocratic yes men in the face. I love the way they all groan whenever he is called to speak, as they know what’s coming. I’m sure they’d love to just silence him altogether, as he’s a very visible thorn in their side. Long may he continue. I’d love to see a UKIP MP in Westminster in the near future.
I don`t understand how Farage is such a lion over there in Brussels but a lightweight here at home where we actually need him.
Ditto with Hannan…we need these people here and setting up the politiv=cal alternative to the packet of three none of us will ever bother to use…who`d risk these fools in charge of our childrens pocket money later on?
the BBC, it’s a gay old world
Cameron and Merkel stress unity
I don’t understand why this is still (1am on Sat 18th) the main headine on the BBC news website!
Basically all it says it ‘British and German PMs agree to disagree on some issues, but agree on other issues’.
Hardly front page stuff!
BTW, I’m surprised that the BBC have been so quiet re. the relevation that Mark Duggan, the guy whose shooting sparked the riots, was unarmed. You’d have thought that would be like a red rag to a bull!
“At lunchtime today Angela Merkel and David Cameron held a press conference… …While all this is going on the BBC is silent. Remember bias by omission is just as pernicious as by commision. Cameron and Merkel have stitched us up and no one at the BBC gives a damn”
Jeff Waters:
“Cameron and Merkel stress unity –
I don’t understand why this is still (1am on Sat 18th) the main headine on the BBC news website… …Hardly front page stuff!”
B-BBC in a nutshell.
‘B-BBC in a nutshell.’
In the sense that this is a forum where people think for themselves, rather than blindly agreeing with each other’s opinions? 🙂
‘The Civil Service prepared a paper before the 2010 election for the incoming government recommending that £3 billion or so could be saved by cutting winter fuel allowance, free bus passes and free TV licences. The mandarins were horrified when David Cameron – under pressure from Labour ministers who didn’t themselves believe these payments were a good use of public money – pledged that “all these things are safe”.
Hospitals aren’t closed, despite medical advice that more people would survive at a lower cost to the NHS, because politicians are frightened to tell voters what they don’t want to hear. Keeping old hospitals open is popular’
Nick Robinson –
Interesting that Mr Robinson wrote that in the Telegraph – I bet he wouldn’t be allowed to write that kind of thing on the BBC news website!
Comrades in Need.
Now this comes with the proviso that I could only bear about twenty minutes of the BBC Pudsey show last night. I’m sorry but there must be something wrong with me because the sight of gold plated pension scheme Beeb heros hamming it up juxtaposed with BBC adverts for charity doesn’t do much for the normal and healthy digestion of my evening meal.
I’ve nothing against charity telethons as such but am I the only one who noticed that the sad stories presented – such as those of youngsters in Hull going without proper breakfasts is now no longer attributed to Neglect but to this new UK post-May 2010 term Poverty?
In this country we have a well developed benefits system where welfare cash tends to follow those with children. This has not changed recently – has it?
Might someone be pushing an agenda?
BBC 5 Live pays tribute to cricketer Basil D’Oliveira. And guess what….his story is seen exclusively through the race lens.
So much so that the Beeb presenters are chuffed to bits about having received this Tweet:
‘I am a 35 year old black woman from Birmingham, I know nothing of this cricketer. What wonderful tributes’.
Job done BBC! 10 out of 10 points for diversity!
And now we know BBC Radio 5’s prime directive.
I don’t see why Mr D’Oliveira’s passing is a main headline on the BBC news website.
He wasn’t a Rosa Parks. From the BBC obituary, it appears he was merely a victim of racism, not a crusader.
Basil D’Oliveira was of Indian-Portuguese heritage. Did the BBC ask any Indians or Portuguese?
The BBC headline refers to Mr D’Oliveira as an ‘England legend’.
From his Wikipedia entry, that seems a bit of an exaggeration. He was a good, international standard cricketer. But surely the word ‘legend’ should only be used when you’re talking about the true greats of a sport – the Don Bradmans, Jo Di Magios and Peles of this world. Otherwise, it becomes so diluted as to be meaningless…
I think they mean a legend in England cricket, which he was undoubtedly.
I still think ‘legend’ is too strong a term.
‘England cricket legend’ conjures up people like Freddie Flintoff and Ian Botham, whose heroics on the pitch will be talked about for decades.
To use a football analogy, David Beckham could be called an England football legend, as could Wayne Rooney. I get the impression that D’Oliveira was more like Gary Neville – very good at his job, but not someone who could make top opponents look average…
If D’Oliveira weren’t a victim of racial discrimination, I wonder whether the BBC would be referring to him as a ‘legend’…
Everyone at B-BBC, the sharp acidic witted (and informed scholar on religion),D Wood, has started posting vids, scuppering, drivelling whitewash of islam on major networks,
starting with a major special on ABC, where he surgically corrects their 3 blind mice of political correctness approach……..astute and concise, watch it through & pay attention to the end. 😀 …next up yup! its the BBC
goodness where to start 😀
theres so much
Thanks again noggin!
Fine piece of Interfaith study…sadly our Muslim friends won`t be doing any such work, as long as the Islamists continue to get the megaphone and the chopping board given to them from their BBC.
It stopped being mine in 1997…
Doctors ‘must not sign sick off’
When I read the above headline, I silently groaned, and thought ‘No prizes for guessing what the BBC’s take on this story will be!’.
But in fact, this is a rare occasion when a BBC article can be criticised for showing right wing bias, as there isn’t a single quote against the proposed changes!
You’d have thought they could find a disability rights campaigner to quote, saying something like ‘Are GPs not qualified enough and honest enough to decide whether someone is fit to work?’.
The BBC even go as far as to make clear that this proposed measure isn’t just about the Nasty Party attacking the most vulnerable:
‘Both the prime minister and Labour’s Ed Miliband have talked recently about a “something for something” society.’
Am I dreaming? LOL!
Early Saturday morning I suppose and the editorial lupins in their linens must have been down at the Mosque…Tim Piggott thinks that`s when they meet.
I too heard this and awaited the wheelchair bound asthma sufferer with twelve kids to tell us how this would shift her from her Willesden palace…and no BMA wallah screaming about their expertise being undermined.
Oh wait-they`re getting threatened by pointed Zimmer frames to sign them off until their eyesight picks up in 2020!
Either that…or the BBCs young bucks have taken the access ramps with them to Newquay this weekend!…no other reasons spring to mind!
Apart from the obvious that Comrade Ed found Purnells old scribblings back in 2007 and thinks it`s time to connect with us all.
He`s listening you know!
Brumistan again.
I wonder if any of these ‘men’ are Muslims.
I wonder if any of them believe in Islam.
INBBC report:-
“Four Birmingham men face terrorism charges”
i might be being a tad, greasily “islamo-faux-bic” ;-D
but i would concur with your assumption.
think the names give it away. ;-D
i refer you to the post 4 up… next…
ought to be the whole bloody corporation
Thank you for your question.
Whatever faith that they would present as having, it would not be appropriate at this time to reveal this in the cases of Muhammad Al Hussein, Ismael al Muhammad or Eric Al Khomeini.
These manes would appear to be no indicator of their religious views..for Al Murray is not registered as an approved imam is he?
Allah Akbar…Caroline Liddle Thompson/ Polly Ashton-Kellner
INBBC’s ‘Arab Spring’ = Islamic Winter. E.g. TUNISIA.
INBBC report:
“Islamist Hamadi Jebali of Ennahda ‘to be Tunisian PM'”
Tunisia: Islamic party figure who announced aspirations to caliphate selected as prime minister
An ‘incident’ in Londonistan:
INBBC report –
“Four Metropolitan Police officers injured in London”
Will INBBC’s chum, Ms S. Chakrabarti, of ‘Liberty’ and LSE governors, now spring into action to defend ex-LSE donor, Saif al-Islam Gaddafi?
“Gaddafi’s son ‘captured in Libya'”
I would love to see Gaddafi Jnr tried at the Hague and asked how much he paid those money grubbers at the LSE, it would make my day to see them outed for the hypocrites they are.
INBBC is close to Islamic AL JAZEERA in political, technical and cultural terms*; INBBC is unavoidably close to the policies and activities of its owners, the Emirate of QATAR.
For example, QATAR has been involved in Islamising Libya. Will INBBC be able to present anything but a politically biased report on this, given that INBBC is embedded with the Qatar interest of Islamic Al Jazeera?
Libya’s UN Ambassador Accuses Qatar
* Many ex-Beeboids work for the Islamic Al Jazeera English based on the London Embankment :-
address:Al-Jazeera Satellite ChannelWestminster Tower,
3 Albert Embankment
London SE1 7SL
020 78204820
Map showing Al-Jazeera Satellite Channel, Albert Embankment
INBBC has had a technical agreement with Islamic Al Jazeera since 2003
And, of course, INBBC employs Islamic Al Jazeera presenters, such as Rageh Omaar to do INBBC political propaganda TV series on e.g Islamic history of Europe, and of Muhammad.
“He may sound like a Dalek doing a bad impression of Kenneth Williams, but why DO so many BBC stars want to exterminate Pesto?”
By Andrew Pierce
Read more:
They’re all jealous of Peston, as he gets insider info while most of the rest of them are talking heads who just read out what’s fed to them. Apparently he’s not a nice guy to his coleagues, either, so no surprise they all hate him. One can only imagine the kind of mind which prompted him to apply to be Controller of Radio 4, though.
To me, the most important thing in that artilce is the raising of suspicions that Peston got stories fed to him by Ed Balls’ office. Well, Peston admitted on his blog more than once that No. 10 ran announcements by him – and Nick Robinson – to see how they’d play in public. We all know it here, so I’m a bit surprised that Pierce isn’t aware of it.
It’s odd that Mr Peston hasn’t appeared on Newsnight for ages…
OK, they have Paul Mason, but that hasn’t stopped them from asking Stephanie Flanders to appear.
And btw, why does Newsnight need its own economics editor? It seems like an un-necessary expense…
Mr. Peston seems to have a bit of baggage, and while Aunty can tolerate almost anything from ‘staff’ in terms of outbound screw-ups, if that includes p*ssing off the rest within the hive, then one can see why he might get shafted.
Mr. Mason seems to ne Newsnight’s ‘go-to’ guy, if mainly because of his ‘go-to’ gal and muse, Ms. Penney, with whom he appears in near constant twitter contact, turning her rather partial yoof view from the front into what all good British folk should think about anything. His blog also is gathering cobwebs, perhaps due to the paucity of comment, or the fact that, like BBC Scotland, a few folk are tkaing to challenge what he claims when clearly pushing a minority narrative. Though I have now noticed all the BBC ‘Editors’ have some ringers on tap, and when postings do actually allow feedback there are always a few (too many) substance free gushes like ‘this is so well written; one of the few editors to really capyure what we all are thinking’.
Along with Ms. Flanders, Mr. Mason also seems not to be identified with a neutral political past or current view.
Ms Boaden doubtless can explain. If she ever switches on the PC she leaves off not to find out about such things. Market rate indeed.
when postings do actually allow feedback there are always a few (too many) substance free gushes like ‘this is so well written; one of the few editors to really capyure what we all are thinking’.
and the bit they leave out is-
” have to go now-the nurse is coming round to hand out more of those happy pills”
The dull bigotry of BBC Europhiles –
Farage’s Rage Going Viral
You know your movement’s over when:
#Occupy Portland Leader Forced to Lecture Minions About Pi$$ing on Banks (Video)
Abdel Bari Atwan on ‘Dateline’ again today, bemoaning his fate:
“You know, I don’t know what’s right or wrong in the Middle East, to be honest. Say twenty years ago I was one of the most popular writers and commentators in the Arab World because I was against American intervention in Iraq. Libya…the Libyan people used to adore me, and the Syrian people the same. Nowadays, because I am against the intervention..I am the least popular person there.”
Shame! 😀
Still, Gavin Esler and ‘Dateline’ show no signs of falling out of love with the bug-eyed hatemonger. This was his 15th appearance on the programme this year. (The only other guest who even comes close to this tally is liberal American Michael Goldfarb, now on 11 appearances).
Poor old Bari, lamenting the loss of his dictator paymaster.
Alongside Atwan on ‘Dateline’ were left-wing Italian writer Annalisa Piras (‘L’espresso’, the ‘Guardian’), Ned Temko (the ‘Observer’) and John Fisher Burns (the ‘New York Times’) – a nice spread of left-liberal newspapers there!
The closing section just oozed bias, thanks to Gavin Esler. His introduction began with Rick Perry’s “difficulty in keeping his foot out of his mouth” before he posed the sarcastic question, “Is it just possible the Republican might just pick a candidate who can actually win?” That made everyone laugh, including Esler himself.
Having just been sniffy, Esler then said, “Not to be sniffy about it, Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich, very bright, clearly in command of the issues, but they’re not quite Boston brew.” [It sounded like he said “Boston brew”, whatever that might mean].
Esler kept laughing away at every insult Ned, or Bari, or Annalisa chucked at the Republicans, chipping in more of his own digs along the way, such as “How did Rick Perry become governor of Texas? That was the question that occured to me!”
The question that occured to me, as so often with Gavin Esler on ‘Dateline’, is ‘Why don’t you keep your opinions to yourself, Gavin?’
“Boston brew” is presumably a snide reference to the Tea Party.
Black armbands at BBC-NUJ and ‘Liberty’?:-
“Ken Clarke hopeful of deal on European human rights laws”
Here is the truth about the so called renewables sector, a truth the BBC do not want us to know about. A truth the BBC will move heaven and earth to hide as it sells airtime to big eco corporates as they steal public monies.
Make 29% On Your Money, Guaranteed! Posted on November 18, 2011 by Willis Eschenbach
Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach
Sounds like a scam, huh? But it’s real. Let me explain how people (no, not you or me, don’t be foolish) can make a guaranteed 29% return on their investment. However, to make it clear, I’ll need to take a short digression. I ran across a National Geographic article on where the world gets its electricity. Here are their figures:
<img src=”″ title=”where the world gets its electricity”/>Figure 1. World electricity production by fuel type. Renewables (defined by AGW activists as solar-, geothermal-, wind-, and biomass-generated electricity, but not hydroelectricity) are 2.7% of the total electricity use. Data from National Geographic
You can see why the AGW supporters’ heads are exploding as the Durban climate party approaches. It is obvious from the chart that years and years of subsidies and tax breaks and IPCC reports and various urgings by well-meaning but clueless pundits and billions in wasted taxpayer dollars have not succeeded in getting renewables up to even 3% of the total electricity generated. Less than 3%. It must drive them round the twist to contemplate their stunning lack of success at making water flow uphill.
Despite that history, you know how they say on those TV commercials, “But wait! There’s even more!”? In this case, it’s “But wait! There’s even less!”
Continue reading →
Children in Need of…er what, precisely?
A good education?…nah!
A family still together with a dad especially?…as if!
Some decent adult direction and leadership?…says who bruv?
Ah…but lots of autocuties doing their Gang Show End of Pier fantasies?…Queen/Abba/Jackson impressions?…unfunny useless picking of the pockets of kids with grooming and emotional blackmail?…well that seems to be just what the Doctor(Zeuss) ordered!
Let`s not hear a word about this lot doing any work at all…they seem to be rehearsing their wannabe fantasies for cheridee…and they`ve obviously learned nothing as we paid for their dancing lessons!
Their own kids will not be needing their mums…isn`t that what boarders and nannies do…and again we`re paying!
Pudsey is a BBC trustee…and I for one would vote for him to replace Patten if only I was allowed to!…then send him to Nigeria with a Muhammad label on him.
Children in need should be renamed middle class parasites in need, the so called charity has certainly employed enough of them. Its a showcase for B & C list fading celebs too, giving exposure to a growing list of talentless has beens and wannabes. Actual kidz comes way down the list of priorities with the slabvery of muslim girl children avoided of course.
Pudsey needs to be investigated for possible sponging off the state, he has been carrying that same injury for years.
Arf …Arf!
Bet he carries the BBC stash of drugs the other 364 days of the year…an internal examination might help us in confirming that report.
Bet there wasn`t a CRB check done among that lot last night!
Tha whole Gang Show has been on all week…a national embarrassment.
Families clearly no longer need Fathers-that`s what Harriet Harman and Jenni Murray or for…but they clearly need force feeding this self-cogratulatory showboat for nothings.
Hope the Salford posse now know who`s buying their chips for the next twenty years now! These southern moochers will hand over all but their drugs money…
It would be nice to see an internal examination not end with the result “We got it about right” 🙂
“We got it about right”
repeated almost as often as some of their programmes,or indeed as
“The settlements are held to be illegal under international law, although Israel disputes this”
each equally as untue as the other
All BBC staff are CRB checked when working with children on events like Children in Need.
Ah, no wonder they sent Jonny Dymond to the States.
A member of the BBC “money”(i.e. anti-business) team was on Today enthusing over the report by the BBC’s cousin, “Which” about the iniquity of energy firms charging more to those who want the independence to pay their bills in loose change at the time of their choosing.
The BBC thinks that the “Robin Hood”tax would be paid for by bankers rather than the costs passed on to the customer, in the same way they do not appreciate that reducing the energy bills of the dinosaurs will be at the expense of those customers who make every effort to find the best deal.
What the simplistic anti-bank analysis misses is that banks aren’t owned entirely by corrupt billionaires – their shareholders also include pension funds and hard working people whose only crime was to choose to invest their savings in the stockmarket…
Am looking forward to the BBC gushing about brave Geert Wilders who was not allowed to come to this country in early 2009.
The hideously prejudiced and blinkered Labour Government of the day tried to keep him out, but it signalled the end of Islams influence…so Last Word can pay him the worthy tribute he`ll be due by then.
If Dolly`s a legend for not being allowed into S.Africa…Wilders is rather more surely…