SBM – Selective Beeboid Memory. A collective, reflexive characteristic, evident in the attack of amnesia that befell the BBC when it came to remembering who was really responsible for the immigration disaster.
‘Marxist anti capitalist left wing agitators hate capitalism’
I was stunned, stunned I tells ya to hear on the BBC toady show that a hard left quasi Marxist progressive ultra (I)liberal think tank/pressure group COMPASS is attacking the wealth creating private sector for paying its bosses too much.
Never before have I heard such important news, my ghast was well and truly flabbered.
Obviously the report didnt include state sector fat cat pay, COMPASS probably thought it not important that state sector wealth consuming quangos/council chief executives/NHS bosses pay has risen to grotesque levels. Maybe COMPASS will come back to the BBC to moan about BBC executive pay some other time?
What was really suprising was that the BBC introduced COMPASS as a centre left think tank, well they got it half right didnt they? But “centre” is not descriptive of a hard left Marxist set up. The BBC bringing you all the news they want to, in association with their friends and allies.
I’m wondering if the “think” part is appropriate.
CLUELESS – sorry, COMPASS seem to have lost their bearings. Yet they will instinctively know where magnetic left is of course.
Hacked off – that’s me. Yesterday and continuing today it was impossible to escape (I include ITV here) the Dowlers and Hugh Grant. For one thing as I’ve said on here before, this term ‘hacking’ suggests some devious technical wizardry but when applied to voicemail messages this is definitely not so!! Now you would think any self respecting ‘hacker’ would not delete messages as it would give the gane away and this is what all the fuss is about. Listening to PM yesterday (I know I’m a masochist) there was a BRIEF mention that PM had contacted a couple of mobile phone companies and asked if the voicemails may have been deleted automatically… the answer was ‘YES’, particularly some years back when there was less disk storage for such things. Was this followed up? Not a flicker of interest.
The coverage continued unabated this morning on ‘Breakfast’ when media show man Hewlett prattled on that if Mulcare didn’t delete the voicemails then some other hacker did, and it was known that Mulcare ‘briefed’ other journalists on hacking techniques. That can’t have taken him very long!! Why can’t any journ-reporters ask some meaningful, probing questions preferable to someone who really can give an unbiased and informed reply? I won’t hold my breath.
And another thing… Sorry got to get this off my chest too.
I used the radio alarm at the weekend. Not ideal for my blood pressure. In 5 mins listening on both days came the drip of Climate Change propaganda. On Saturday we had Farming Today (6.45ish) fretting about the drier and hotter areas of Britain (no mention of the wetter bits) and on Sunday – Living World at 6.45am ‘Ironically ladybirds may actually benefit from Climate Change’. Well it certainly got me out of bed before I heard any more drivel.
Yes, I turned on the radio on Sunday, just prior to the weather forecast, and within 30 seconds came the words “climate change” – and that was in relation to ladybirds. Sickening, isn’t it?
Speaking of weather forecasts (and the daft presenters), has anyone noticed the Laura Tobin woman mention “clouds in the sky” (where else would they be?), and fog “outside” as if it could also be inside….
Yes, I heard PM yesterday in which it was revealed that messages could automatically have been deleted. It was a real WTF moment.
The whole basis for the current phase of this witch-hunt, that some hacker MUST have deleted phone messages on Millie Dowler’s phone, just disintegrated and it was worth a couple of minutes discussion, never to be raised again?
Sure, there’s a page on the BBC website, but I don’t know what prominence it was ever given. I certainly don’t recall it being mentioned on the 10 O’Clock News, although the Daily Mail’s vehement denial of Hugh Grant’s allegations was.
Why the hell was this never raised at the time? Would it have spoiled a good story? I can understand Glenn Mulcaire’s reasons for keeping quiet, as no-one would have listened to him in the Diana-like hysteria, but you’d think the Murdochs at least would have raised this question before the whole thing got out of hand.
The BBC has somehow omitted showing us any of the nasties that are involved in the Occupy stuff here and in the US. And the BBC has also omitted the large quotient of totally gormless idiots :
Great stuff if genuine. I wonder if they’ll reconviene the laughable Oxburgh and Muir Russell whitewash inquiries – they always promised to examine the rest of the UEA emails – but they decided not to because it would take too long or was beyond their scope or some BS. So now the sceptics and the WWW can do it for them. Thanks guys!
I think the cat’s truely out of the bag now. Climate “science” is a bust
All of those enquiries were the equivilent of a criminal being allowed a trial in which he could have his defence team conduct the ‘prosecution’ in front of a jury of hand-picked relatives and friends in a case proceeded over by a judge who benefitted from the crime.
They made whitewashes look honest and above board.
This has instantly gone viral all over the net. fantastic timing in the run-up to Durban and will the BBC be able to ignore this? Of course they will.
Only yesterday they had an article claiming (correctly) that CO2 has risen to record levels (record within the last few thousand years at least)
The implication being that we must cut our emmissions even more.
What they conveniently missed reporting is the fact that even the climate alarmists at the IPCC and at the global climate conferences are fighting to allow China, India and Brazil to increase their emissions way above what they are doing now, but only limit them to “per capita” the same Europe. This means that the global output of CO2 is planned to keep rising for decades to come.
Why should we cut our emissions by exporting our industry to China? Likewise in Australia, they claim that one tonne of coal burnt for keeping Ozzies warm in the winter is evil and will keep warming and destroying the planet, but exporting 100 tonnes to burn in China is perfectly OK!!!
There is NO sense whatsoever in the climate alarmist camp, only Marxist redestribution of wealth and extremist totalitarian fascist tendencies.
<1577> Jones: [FOI, temperature data]
Any work we have done in the past is done on the back of the research grants we get – and has to be well hidden. I’ve discussed this with the main funder (US Dept of Energy) in the past and they are happy about not releasing the original station data.
The Beeboids are surely spinning their wheels frantically to figure out a way to spin this away.
BBCSpeak: WikiLeaks hero Pvt. Bradley Manning’s illegal access of classified, secured files using hacker tools and sending them to St. Julian = “leaking important information about government activity which we all need to know”.
An insider in the IPCC loop releasing a bunch of emails that were not classified, not secure, legally available to him = “hacked/stolen private conversations which the public don’t need to know about”.
I see today the BBC on its flagship Islamic affairs/handwringing white guilt offering GMT is back into revolutionary mode in Tahrir Sq with the valiant demonstrators fighting the cruel hand of military rule. Good job we have forgotten the grinning George Alagiah and Al-Bowen informing us all of the new dawn of hope Egypt was about to enter as erm the military took over this spring…
Just a reminder that lots more E mails have come to light, vis-a-vis Climategate 2, just in front of Durban, and I wonder if that nice Mr. Black (or Mr. Harrabin) have any comments to make, before they jet off to enjoy their little pointless soiree?
> we shall need to identify someone specific to work on
> the communication to industry end) and I would
> be happy to approach Bob May or Ron Oxburgh,
> which would (all) you prefer ??
No wonder Sir John Beddington complimented Oxburgh on a “A blinder well played” after his whitewash report was published. Turns out inquiry chief Oxburgh was already a favourite of the climategate emailers. No suprise his verdict was “Nothing to see here… Move along”!
I’m going to conclude they are the real deal. I’ve posted a BitTorrent link to the file below. One big difference between Climategate 1 and 2 is that in 1, it took days for the MSM to catch on, now they are on top of it.
During the very first week of the Occupation in LA I noticed that the gender breakdown in its General Assembly (GA) and various committee meetings was roughly the same as the within the U.S. Congress. In other words, about one-fifth of those who were participating in the (small d) democratic part of this Occupy encampment were women. It was the same with the people who slept in the camp.
This is pretty consistent throughout the movement in general.
Say it ain’t so.
I’m not the only one to notice the Occupy gender gap. This issue is talked about at GAs, I’m told, a lot. Nearly every night at Occupy LA, the question comes up: “What can we do to get more women out here?”
I dunno. Bathe? Stop molesting them? Get a better class of clientele?
And this is from someone who supports the Occupiers with all her heart.
Heroes of the popular peoples revolutionary struggle they aint, down and out whackos, weirdos, off meds loonies mixed with the spoiled kidz of the middle class slumming it to show solidarity wiv da dregs.
Its all gone Pete Tong innit?
They represent who exactly? Most could not tell you who they are in a drug induced daze. It would be funny but for the legions of MSM hacks giving this tiny number of misfits a world wide platform to spread their incoherent crappola.
That’s the key to their media success, though. By deliberately (yes, I mean deliberately, because we know the leaders are very media savvy) keeping the “message” vague, they remain a kind of blank slate on which the media and the Left-leaning section of society can project all their hopes and dreams. Does that sound familiar?
The Beeboids know this, but continue their cheerleading anyway. Anyone who spends five minutes actually talking with any of them will know what an utter lie this is.
“a kind of blank slate on which the media and the Left-leaning section of society can project all their hopes and dreams. Does that sound familiar?”
Yep – and not just in relation to the US – we had one of those over here too! A large chunk of the American public seem to have rumbled the fact that their blank slate is actually an empty vessel a lot quicker than the British public woke up to ours.
<0810> Mann:
I gave up on Judith Curry a while ago. I don’t know what she think’s she’s
doing, but its not helping the cause>
<2440> Jones:
I’ve been told that IPCC is above national FOI Acts. One way to cover yourself
and all those working in AR5 would be to delete all emails at the end of the process>
<1577> Jones:
[FOI, temperature data]
Any work we have done in the past is done on the back of the research grants we
get – and has to be well hidden. I’ve discussed this with the main funder (US
Dept of Energy) in the past and they are happy about not releasing the original
station data.>
<0714> Jones:
Getting people we know and trust [into IPCC] is vital – hence my comment about
the tornadoes group.>
<3062> Jones:
We don’t really want the bullshit and optimistic stuff that Michael has written
[…] We’ll have to cut out some of his stuff.>
<1485> Mann:
the important thing is to make sure they’re loosing the PR battle. That’s what
the site [Real Climate] is about.>
<1788> Jones:
There shouldn’t be someone else at UEA with different views [from “recent
extreme weather is due to global warming”] – at least not a climatologist.>
So there are just a few examples for your edification, it would ne niiiice if David Gregory had a look, but Mr see no evil hear no evil speak no evil(unless they are denialists) will not be commenting I suspect.
“I gave up on Judith Curry a while ago. I don’t know what she think’s she’s
doing, but its not helping the cause”
This proves that Mann is NOT a scientist, but an advocate, a protester or a publicist, but NOT a scientist. A scientist has no place promoting a “cause”, but should solely concern themselves with establishing truth through the rigours of faithfully employing all of the scientific method.
I scanned the list of emails quickly. They don’t look to be invented to me, unless there is a real poet at work.
I wait to see what other sites make of this – WattsUpWithThat and BishopHill in particular. Andrew Montford has not yet had time to comment – but others are leaving comments at his site. It sounds as though the Guardian and Telegraph are already reporting the story. Someone at BishopHill is saying that Richard Black is already saying it is a hack – how does he know ? The original ClimateGate emails were obviously an inside leak, NOT an external hack
My favorite so far is the one from Jones saying that Stephen Chu (the DoE) is happy to hide data from the public to help support the cause. Presumably that’s in order to keep funnelling billions to Democrat cronies.
The Beeboids are surely spinning their wheels frantically to figure out a way to spin this away.
BBCSpeak: WikiLeaks hero Pvt. Bradley Manning’s illegal access of classified, secured files using hacker tools and sending them to St. Julian = “leaking important information about government activity which we all need to know”.
An insider in the IPCC loop releasing a bunch of emails that were not classified, not secure, legally available to him = “hacked/stolen private conversations which the public don’t need to know about”.
On a related theme, A Tory peer has made the observation, correctly in my opinion, that what David Attenborough has to say about climate change is not worth listening to. While Attenborough might well believe what he pushes in this regard, but that makes him quite hypocritical as this skit by Spike Milligan, first shown I believe in the 70’s or 80’s, about Attenborough and the amount of pointless travelling he did in making his natural history programmes, not to mention the wasted money by the BBC in funding him. I’ve not seen anything by Attenborough since then that makes me think he or the BBC have changed in this regard. It will certainly give you a laugh.
I suppose it would be news if the new news editor of Newsnight was too the right of Gengis khan. Nope, another lefty, this one called Allegra Stratton.
The BBC when they get around to acknowledging climategate2 will of course refer to ‘stolen/hacked’ emails as though that would negate their content.
I didnt hear the BBC call the wikileaks files stolen or hacked did you? A tale of two leaks, one the BBC approves of and one it most certainly does not approve of.
I can imagine the scene in the editorial room as beeboids try and work out how to spin the scandal to protect their friends.
Yes, if you’re right about the sort of “reporter” Richard Black is, he will (a) concentrate on how the emails came to be leaked rather than detailing the embarrassing content of those emails (which he will almost completely ignore), (b) will keep repeating, over and over again, that the scientists caught up last in ClimateGate last time are great blokes who were cleared, cleared, cleared, and (c) will stress the possible criminal nature of the hack. Well, heeeeeere’s Dickie…. ‘New release’ of climate emails By Richard Black Environment correspondent, BBC News Though he says “if the batch is genuine”, its sounds to me if he suspects that they are genuine. Hence the ‘watertight oversight’ nature of his piece – which is, naturally, ‘broadcast only’. (It wouldn’t do to have people commenting on this story, would it Richard?)
Black has just updated his post to include a statement from the University of East Anglia denouncing the release. He then backs up the UEA’s account.
He hasn’t added any more details about the content of the emails in his update (surprise, surprise) and the link to the Russian server (where, presumably, BBC website readers can read the emails) didn’t work for me on either the first version nor the update. Funny that.
. . . and right on cue – at the (present 21:27) latest posting on this website – DB announces the winner of the UK churnalism contest. Yup it’s your favourite state broadcaster.
Whilst eternal vigilance all round the globe is necessary, and of course close to home, the obsession of certain media with a certain ME country vs. tip-toing around clear abuses in others surrounding it is extraordinary.
What… exactly… does the BBC, and any recent new Graun exchange schemers think they are playing at most of the time?
The BBC, just like so many others, believe that what Israel does is worse than what the Arab/Muslim countries do. Who else has an Apartheid State, etc.? Of course, they also believe that Israel is the root of the problem with international Islamic terrorism. The Jewish Lobby drives US foreign policy, which angers Muslims, you do the math. Fix Israel, and most other ME problems will simply melt away.
I see the BBC were reporting a miniscule rise in Co2 on the news yesterday.
They failed to mention any of the following points though:
– Greenhouse gases are a mere 0.4392 percent of total atmospheric gases.
– CO2 is only 0.039 percent of total atmospheric gases.
– CO2 is less than 4 percent of total greenhouse gases.
– Water vapor is 95 percent of total greenhouse gases.
– CO2 levels currently at 390 parts per million (ppm) lowest in 600 million years.
– Levels were as high as 9000 ppm over last 600 million years. Average levels for the last 300 million years is approximately 1200 ppm.
– In every record, temperature increases before CO2. In other words, CO2 is not causing temperature increases, contradicting the basic assumption of the entire anthropogenic global warming hypothesis.
– Even if CO2 is causing temperature, doubling or tripling only raises temperature by a very small amount. This is known as climate sensitivity. The IPCC invoked a positive feedback that doesn’t exist to overcome the problem.
– Carbon and CO2 are terms used interchangeably, but are completely different things. Carbon is an element, and CO2 is a gas.
– CO2 is essential to life on the planet. Reduce the levels and plants suffer. Plants are most efficient at approximately 1000-1200 ppm as research and use of those levels in greenhouses attest. Plants are malnourished at 390 ppm.
– Fewer plants means less oxygen; no plants means no oxygen and no life on Earth.
China’s real estate bubble is collapsing, just as I’ve been predicting for a couple years now. It’s serious, and is probably going to be the start of a real China crash.
All the BBC seems capable of on the biggest real story is one brief video report from a Chinese Beeboid about how China is working on banking reforms to prevent undefined “asset bubbles” and US banks are selling off their stakes in the China Construction Bank. The dots are left unjoined. The China crash which the BBC thinks is far more important is one involving the bullet train. That story is currently at the top of the China page, and has supplementary efforts so you’re even more informed.
In other important China news, China works to make more money from Hong Kong, Chinse supporters of Ai Wei Wei are posting nude pictures of themselves online in a show of solidarity with his fight for human rights, pandas are in still in danger, and a dog holds a graveside vigil.
I notice that the BBC have been pushing the leftie think tank that wants to limit the pay of top earners and have some sort of workers imput.
I notice the BBC didn’t seem to think that perhaps they themselves should be subject to the same standards. Howe often do we hear beeboids justifying their excessive salaries on the grounds of “it’s the market”?
I’d say Paxo is worth a million quid, as he brings something distinctive to the table.
As for the others, they could be replaced by someone at least as good, for a fraction of the cost.
And don’t even get me started on Alan Hansen’s salary! LOL! We pay him over a million quid a year, when you could probably get ex-players and football journalists to come in and give their views for free!
Alan Hansen? FFS! 100K being generous to him and Paxman. If they don’t like it they can fuck off and NOBODY would lose ANYTHING from their viewing quality.
It’s interesting, though, that the BBC is only just putting out programmes about government overspending and debt, now that it can’t damage Labour as much while in opposition. It’s not like this built up in the last 18 months, but perhaps they think they can make something stick to the current lot.
You folks might be interested in the research I just completed on media churnalism. The BBC comes out as far and away the worst culprit for cutting and pasting Environment Agency press releases:
Yes in theory that is possible. Its not something I’ll be turning my attention to soon though as journalists will find it easier to write off journos copying other journos.
Cutting and pasting press releases is another matter entirely though!
I see Andrew Neill has picked up on the Climategate 2 emails, he wants feedback.
By the way, Richard Bacon (the gift that keeps giving) had Red Ken on today, all I will say is there was as much sucking of penis as a gathering of beebids on Hampstead Heath on a Saturday night
The NewSniffer site is tracking the various versions of Richard Black’s ClimateGate2 story. He seems very fast at “churning” the press release from the East Anglia Uni – but after many hours he somehow still fails to include ANY of the content of the leaked emails. That is – he omits more than half of the whole point of the new story, but is careful to apply more whitewash to UEA :
Roger Harrabin has not commented on the scandal yet because the UEA CRU has not yet written it for him yet. When the fax comes in from the UEA then Harrabin will pin it up for us to laugh at.
David Gregory has been recalled until guidlines can be issued, what he can say and what he cannot. Dellingpoles blog has blasted through the 1000 mark, the handful of cultists on it are screeching like demented nutters, interesting times ahead, thats Durban well and truly f*cked eh?
“Seems there was not 3,000 scientists in agreement with Prophet Gore at all. Gregorys response to my request for their names was: ‘..that was a decade ago’ a bit cryptic, but I took it to mean that the propaganda has changed since then to ‘a consensus’.”
Huh? You said:
“…can you give me link to the names of the 3,000 ‘scientists’ quoted often by the BBC who endorse the global warming alarmism of the Prophet Gore?”
To which he replied:
“You do realise that’s a link that’s over a decade old?”
A fairly obvious response to your assertion that the figure of “3,000 scientists” was; “quoted often by the BBC”.
His reply wasn’t at all, “a bit cryptic…” – and you’ve misquoted what he actually said.
Given that David Gregory has become a bit of a regular on here, is he able to shed any light on why the BBC seem to be losing their appetite for covering the Brodie Clark-Theresa May story in so much detail? A week or so Brodie Clark’s comments to the MPs’ committee that he was “no rogue agent” formed the top splash headline on the main section of the BBC news website, but this evening Dame Helen Ghosh’s evidence to the committee seems to be languishing in fourth spot on the politics section of the BBC news website. Admittedly it’s been a pretty heavy news day, what with the headline allegations that reporters have been rifling through Steve Coogan’s bins, but why might this be? I wonder if they’ll be covering the story at 8.10am on the Today programme tomorrow?
I don’t expect David Gregory will comment – but you are spot-on about the way the BBC has shut up about this story since Brodie Clark’s story started to be punctured.
Got to say that Black’s piece is quite outrageously one-sided even by his own dismal standards.
I liked this comment: 8.BBCbias11
26 Minutes ago Richard forgive me for asking but the BBC Charter clearly states impartiality in reporting of news items is of fundamental importance. Your report in the news section of the BBC website is not impartial – why not?
There seems to be a concerted effort, and from the comment history coordinated (if failing) with outside glee clubbers kicking in after an initial series of critiques, to steer away from simply reading the emails and coming to own’s own conclusion what the words used by protagonists actually mean.
It at least seems accepted that these emails are genuine, but the best that can be managed appears conspiracy theories on hacks vs. other methods (the BBC’s support for any Wikileaks revelations blowing that attempted watertight oversight high ground away), the timing, or simply trying to dismiss things…. if I see the silly use of ‘yamn’ tried one more time…
Many have politely asked questions, which seems to have stumped the mods, even on OT House Rule-outs. The BBC, and such as Mr. Black are in the thick of this topic!
That they will never be answered, as they never have been before, is the biggest travesty of all.
At least there is an interactive outlet at last, after a bunch of broadcast only, but will this be a few day safety valve for venting before ‘moving on’?
Sa as the old boss…..EU policy transcends successive parliaments.
Regardless of individual faith or belief, I think most would agree that this is a country based on Christian values. While the BBC likes to pretend it possesses these values, the hypocrisy can be easily seen. First, it only extends to where any of those values pushed don’t have to cost them anything personally. Second, it doesn’t affect their main agenda, of which we’re all here aware. Third, they are only applied to groups that the BBC deem worthwhile to appease, but not extended to those regarded as less important – like its public who are merely forced to pay for them.
Which is why it’s reprehensible, with the resources at its disposal, for the BBC to fail to show how so many of the Islamic nations are treating other Christians resident there. Why do we have to rely on the internet media and bloggers to get the news that should be making the front pages? Instead of the subsequent pressure to counter it that should be applied, it is swept under the carpet and allowed to continue?
WattsUpWithThat has this email from Michael Mann to Phil Jones:
I would not respond to this. They will misrepresent and take out of context anything you give them. This is a set up. They will certainly publish this, and will ignore any evidence to the contrary that you provide. s They are going after Wei-Chyung because he’s U.S. and there is a higher threshold for establishing libel. Nonetheless, he should
consider filing a defamation lawsuit, perhaps you too.
I have been talking w/ folks in the states about finding an investigative journalist to investigate and expose McIntyre, and his thusfar unexplored connections with fossil fuel interests.Perhaps the same needs to be done w/ this Keenan guy.
I believe that the only way to stop these people is by exposing them and discrediting them….
Think he’d say the same thing about the massive amount of cash James Hansen got from anti-fossil fuel interests? There is no science here – only ideology.
“It was pooh-bah Patten in his pomp, a delicious spectacle”
(by Quentin Letts)
“Lord Patten was doing his normal pudgy pasha routine, talking not much faster than one word a second.
“Such was his outward torpor, he could have been extracting fluff from the deeper recesses of his tummy button and rolling it into little dumplings. He spoke over the top of some half-moon glasses with tortoiseshell frames and filled in delays in his speech flow with the occasional slow, elongated ‘errr’. Pooh-bah Patten in his pomp. Delicious spectacle.
What flows through the purpling veins in that lordly nose? Blueish blood?
Quink ink? High-table claret? His air was one of easy superiority. When you have been chairman of the Tory party, Governor of Hong Kong, a European Commissioner and Chancellor of Oxford University, it is hard not to suspect that you are one of life’s godlets. Oh look, Dorothy, it’s some common people. Shall we vouchsafe them a wave?”
‘Mr Johnson’s decision to quit his job as shadow chancellor came as a complete surprise at Westminster, even though he had suffered some criticism for his grasp of its more technical aspects.’
2775> Jones:
I too don’t see why the schemes should be symmetrical. The temperature ones
certainly will not as we’re choosing the periods to show warming
More comical lack of self-awareness from the Occupods. Anti-capitalists opposed to consumerism citing ‘consumer protection law’ – they don’t do irony, do they…
A bitter battle over the business rights to Occupy Boston has two warring factions of the revolutionary group headed to court next week.
“We want to take Occupy Boston back,” said plaintiff Paul Carnes, who claims he was an original Occupier and now is accusing four other tent city residents of breach of contract, inflicting emotional distress and violating the state’s consumer protection law.
I love how these people constantly demand certain rights protected by the State they claim to hate, while running roughshod over others. Where is the astute BBC analysis?
We kept hearing about the “boiling anger” of the Tea Party movement, yet not a peep from Beeboids about this kind of thing, which seems to be happening everywhere.
This has to be one of the worst newsgathering failures of the BBC yet.
Auntie Beeb seems to be trying a different tactic with ClimateGate 2 than it did with ClimateGate 1. The first time they simply didn’t mention the story even though Paul Hudson seems to have had early warning of the story breaking. After a week or so the story was everywhere else and the Beebs actions ended up looking both suspicious and stupid.
This time the tactic appears to be to mention the story but not the content of the emails and what it might mean. I suspect this means that in a day or two they can drop the story and claim it is “old news” if anyone complains.
‘Let’s start by dismissing the Labour-Guardian-BBC explanation: the idea that the economy is shrinking because of ‘the cuts’. As this blog never tires of pointing out, net government expenditure is higher now than it was under Gordon Brown.’
Not a big fan of polls, but I wonder, if asked, what the majority of the UK public educated and informed by our most trusted national treasure would say if asked as to the nature of ‘cuts’ and who is doing what?
That it would get traced to the axis above seems a concern.
A failed, corrupt, inept party lead by a lightweight political red hole, a minority newspaper, and a monopoly broadcaster who all are compelled to fund no matter what.
Nicky Campbell didn’t get the answer he was fishing for during a discussion about sexual exploitation of children this morning. Campbell mentioned that some people have claimed that there’s an ethnic aspect to the exploitation of children and invited Barnardo’s chief exec Anne Marie Carrie to “nail” this argument. I think he was expecting Carrie to mouth the same PC platitudes as her predecessor Martin Narey, but oh no! She replied that there “absolutely” was an ethnic dimension. The other guy involved in the discussion – who’s name and job I missed – then said that an overwhelming number of cases involved Asian men, particularly of Pakistani descent. Campbell wasn’t happy, pleading, “We have to be very careful here.”
I then changed stations to hear Peter Schweizer being interviewed about his book Throw Them All Out on Today. The book details insider trading by members of Congress and the cronyism of the Obama administration (we’ve given it a lot of linkage here on Biased BBC). In a recorded phone interview with the business correspondent we heard only about the insider trading and nothing about the cronyism. When the segment was over Evan Davis said he had no idea about this story and was surprised it wasn’t getting more attention. It says a lot about the BBC bubble that Schweizer’s revelations – which have been all over the conservative blogosphere for a week and a half – have barely registered with the BBC. The BBC’s US correspondents have ignored the Schweizer stuff, I believe out of ideological animosity to Andrew Breitbart (for whom Schweizer blogs) and, more significantly, because of the Obama cronyism revelations which they simply don’t want to report. The role of the BBC’s US operation is to demonise the GOP and defend the Democrats, so the Obama stuff must be avoided at all costs.
heres the link, and your right campbell jumps through hoops to dis-associate pakistanis…erm (asians) & street grooming.
m. williams “in evidence/court cases it is overwhelming”
from 1hr 6mins in (actually from 1hr 12mins, just listen to cambells response to mark williams laying out the facts).23/11/2011
Snoozenight included a short item on Climategate 2. Rather defensive I thought and it came over as one of those ‘well now you can’t say we ignored a bit of inconvenient news’.
Gavin Essler had a chat, you know how it goes – arms length, Beeb on Beeb-style – with a female Beeboid whose name I didn’t note.
The line was: well, it is only natural that these global warming scientists have to get involved in the world PR and politics to put their case.
There was nothing new….there have already been inquiries into this which exonerated all concerned…. the timing is sinister….yada, yada.
Full and balanced account? – I don’t think so.
The emphasis of the piece was put very much on the catching the of the ‘hacker’.
(Get it? Phone hacking scandal = bad. Forget the word Leak as in Wiki-leak = good).
“it came over as one of those ‘well now you can’t say we ignored a bit of inconvenient news’“
That’s precisely what the BBC reaction seems to be. Report it quietly then kick it into touch, so that Dr Gregory can always point to a link. Or call it “stolen”, as if that negates what the emails seem to show.
There seems to be a new irregular verb at the BBC:
I report
You leak
He steals
‘One of those who attended told the BBC that members of the association had “no input” and were “surprised” to discover Obama was on the bonfire’
And why is half of the article devoted to quotes from members of the Students’ Union and a former member of the university’s Labour society? Their views are irrelevant.
A bunch of kids burning an effigy is a non-story! If it weren’t for the fact that they were Tories, the story might have made page 6 of the local paper in St Andrews, but that’s about it! It’s like the BBC are trying to convey the impression that the Tories are still the prejudiced Nasty Party at heart…
Yes Jeff, and its just been on the Radio 4 news too. Its on the front page of the BBC news website.
Absolutely pathetic – they will happily splash this all over the news but they don’t tell you what is going on in Brussels at the moment, for that we have Russia Today (via YouTube), Fox News (via YouTube), the Daily Telegraph, the Financial Times, and the Daily Mail. Some are more factual than others, but either way, the BBC won’t engage – a big joke.
Obama effigy burnt by St Andrews Conservative students
An effigy of US President Barack Obama was burned over the weekend by members of the Conservative student association at St Andrews University.
The incident is understood to have taken place on Friday evening on the town’s East Sands beach.
Palin effigy to go up in flames
Sparks will fly in East Sussex later when an effigy of US Republican vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin goes up in flames at a bonfire celebration.
Thousands of people at the Battle bonfire will see Mrs Palin get a roasting as the race for the White House enters its final days.
Students accused of Israel racism
with the usual el beeb sideswipe
He said “Israel was a terrorist state and the flag was a terrorist symbol”
highlighted in large letters at the side of the report
erm wonderful bullet point..not
HACKING: more important to INBBC than MUSLIM SEX CRIMES?
While BBC-NUJ has apparently decided that its main political story of 2011 is hacking (especially if and when applied by News Corp); it has apparently also decided to relegate the significance of violent Muslim sex gangs.
‘The Times’ [£] (News Corp), and ‘Daily Mail’ this week have carried reports about ‘Asian’ sex gangs (word ‘Muslim is avoided), preying on white girls in Britain; INBBC has other priorities.
it shows the utter. shameful moral vacuity of this corporation….
i ask you what other orchestrated paedo network would get protection, (and obfuscation.denial see below)
it is well known/documented, with numerous court cases, where are the reports?…the indepth debates?, the phone ins?,
they can t wait to churn out dross on whether youre happy enough, on pseudo-anarchist bloody occupiers.
Does not compute in BBC land. I exempt them from the charge of moral vacuity. Their vacuity is such that any notion of objective morality is not even in their “How to make good TV and radio in a caring professional unbiased way” manual.
‘Sky News’ has something on sex gangs: it’s politically censored though, to exclude all reference to ‘Muslims’ and ‘Islam’.
And there’s a very unfortunate mistaken word in the text of the article (about halfway through) when the word ‘pray’ is wrongly used for the word ‘prey’.
See -once again-that Cameron dragged the corpse of Miliband Minor under the eco-friendly golf buggy round the Commons at PMQ.
Looking forward to the BBCs editing of it all for the news bulletins tonight…if they even choose to show any of it.
The BBC seem to draw lines through things and move on very quickly if their boy takes a hell of a beating…the stayprest linen trews will be worn at half mast tonight…we get to see Jon Snows socks at such tought times…ties will be code orange I predict…that`s “alarm” as I recall.
Classic on ITV, in response to Cameron auggesting that people take their kids to work next week they interviewed a woman who runs a barber’s shop. “I really like Cameron” she said, even though she thought his idea was crap.
Can you EVER imagine the BBC allowing any sound bite on the air with someone saying they like a Tory?
The pathetic hacks who run BBC News Online can’t be bothered to report that the Russians are pissed off again at the US about missiles, and are threatening to target our arsenal in Europe, which is there to stop Iranian missiles. This was all supposed to be fixed when Hillary went over with that stupid “reset button”, wasn’t it? Must be the another one of those enemies confused by sophistry that Justin Webb was talking about.
Another foreign policy disaster, but don’t expect the BBC to tell you about it.
Meanwhile, Katty Kay is sending out a dishonest tweet about the issue of immigration. She described this Politico article (by one of the few non-JournoListas there) about last night’s Republican debate this way:
Biz leaders say immigration in the big security issue and US needs more of it to stay competitive.
Of course, the article says nothing of the sort. The candidates were laying out how they’d handle immigration. The only talking about security was Rick Perry, who said that the real security issue was keeping them out. The exact opposite of Katty’s claim.
If there were business leaders saying anything about security last night, they must have crashed the party and done one of those “mic check” things, and the media forgot to report it. She’s just making stuff up now. Anything to push a favorite Narrative. Perhaps she just linked to the wrong article, but I doubt it.
Just listened to “Malmesbury…Philosophy Town” on iPlayer.
Surprised to find that Roger Scruton…the only eminent philosopher from there that I know (well, since Hobbes at least) was not even mentioned.
Don`t want to state that it is yet another case of the BBCs bias against “the right” as they`d see it…but he actually lives there…which I thought would have been the whole point of making the programme.
Maybe a passing Beeb person can tell me if I`m right or not!…right (not in the “don`t even refer to it” way)
I see the BBC actually has managed to report that Russia is pissed off at the US over a diplomatic issue regarding missile deployment. They decided it’s worthy of the Europe section, but not the US section. Of course that helps keep people interested in US news from discovering the latest diplomatic failure of the President.
It’s in part because it’s election season in Russia, apparently. So a bit of sabre rattling to please the voters, and nothing indicative of actual plans? Uh-huh. Meanwhile, the President is back on the campaign trail in Pennsylvania. Russia is getting bolder and bolder, while the President sits on His hands. No critical voices allowed on the BBC, though.
Luvvie alert at 7.15 tomorrow evening.
Terence Davies will be holding forth on Terence Rattigan.
Some people seem to just get on the BBC because they`re professional Scousers, Cockneys;as opposed to having any relevance whatsoever.
Still the BBCs filofax gets passed along from civil partner to younger significant others sperm donor.
Bragg, Brigstocke…still in pencil since the Thatch era, and appearing on the BBC anytime soon.
It is typical of the BBC to present such a paean of sympathy for the jihadi family Of course it is all our fault the man’s three sons all turned to jihad. Not his fault at all !
That article is an insult to the rest of us – time after time pro-Islamist “journalists” and editors at the BBC pull this type of stunt.
I tweeted Ms Harman about the matter, and she replied:
‘Meeting BBC as shadow sec of state for culture media and sport’
I find this answer unsatisfactory.
If BBC decision making is completely separated from politics, then why is its director general meeting senior politicians?
If politicians want to be informed of BBC plans for the future, then that’s what the PR dept is there for. Why is a meeting with the Director General necessary?
I’d think it’s obvious, Jeff. Labour didn’t like McGregor’s appearance on Today, and felt it necessary to box Thompson’s ears over it. The Guardian frowned on it, so a Today producer will probably get scolded as well.
Despite the BBC’s claims to be independent, its funding is dependent upon the government. And Thompson probably figures that Harperson will probably be the no 2 in the next government, so it literally pays to keep her sweet.
If he had any integrity, he’d have referred Ms Harman to the BBC’s PR dept, and told her that her complaint would be handled just like anyone’s else’s…
atlas_shruggedFeb 22, 22:44 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Years ago, in Brighton, a chap had just parked his white Rolls Royce under some large trees. Right on que…
JohnCFeb 22, 22:40 Weekend 22nd February 2025 It’s a common trick at the BBC and they usually get away with it. The outrageous editting of the clip…
JohnCFeb 22, 22:38 Weekend 22nd February 2025 ‘Trump hasn’t got any plan’: Russians speak to BBC after three years of war ‘Oh’ I thought, why are…
atlas_shruggedFeb 22, 22:28 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Matt Goodwin Digging up some UK ‘DOGE’ flagged payments in bonkers Britain:
Guest WhoFeb 22, 22:25 Weekend 22nd February 2025 1️⃣ In 2007, the BBC faced an internal crisis over a misleading edit of Queen Elizabeth II walking out…
NiborFeb 22, 22:15 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Nick Robinson Radio 4 Political Thinking 5.30pm He interviews Heidi Alexander , the minister for railways . She says she…
Guest WhoFeb 22, 22:12 Weekend 22nd February 2025 She probably thought this would help. As a former @BBCNews journalist, I’m appalled at the decision to remove ‘How…
Fedup2Feb 22, 21:37 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Jeff the whole month has been 47 and his Cabinet explaining what they are doing – particularly with regard to…
Lefty WrightFeb 22, 21:36 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Fedup2 Who were the authors of said report. They need to be severely TRUMPED!
There is the big issue that the BBC won’t talk about – government debts.
However, Peston has made a start by listing the other debts in the UK
Now his figures are inacurate. The ONS has revised the figures for government debt to 158%.
Even that doesn’t include the pension liabilities of the UK.
Might be just me but I can’t see the words Gordon, Brown, Labour anywhwere in that Peston article.
SBM – Selective Beeboid Memory. A collective, reflexive characteristic, evident in the attack of amnesia that befell the BBC when it came to remembering who was really responsible for the immigration disaster.
‘Marxist anti capitalist left wing agitators hate capitalism’
I was stunned, stunned I tells ya to hear on the BBC toady show that a hard left quasi Marxist progressive ultra (I)liberal think tank/pressure group COMPASS is attacking the wealth creating private sector for paying its bosses too much.
Never before have I heard such important news, my ghast was well and truly flabbered.
Obviously the report didnt include state sector fat cat pay, COMPASS probably thought it not important that state sector wealth consuming quangos/council chief executives/NHS bosses pay has risen to grotesque levels. Maybe COMPASS will come back to the BBC to moan about BBC executive pay some other time?
What was really suprising was that the BBC introduced COMPASS as a centre left think tank, well they got it half right didnt they? But “centre” is not descriptive of a hard left Marxist set up. The BBC bringing you all the news they want to, in association with their friends and allies.
I’m wondering if the “think” part is appropriate.
CLUELESS – sorry, COMPASS seem to have lost their bearings. Yet they will instinctively know where magnetic left is of course.
I won’t hold my breath waiting for these people to complain about excessive Hollywood, pop star, and footballer pay.
Hacked off – that’s me. Yesterday and continuing today it was impossible to escape (I include ITV here) the Dowlers and Hugh Grant. For one thing as I’ve said on here before, this term ‘hacking’ suggests some devious technical wizardry but when applied to voicemail messages this is definitely not so!! Now you would think any self respecting ‘hacker’ would not delete messages as it would give the gane away and this is what all the fuss is about. Listening to PM yesterday (I know I’m a masochist) there was a BRIEF mention that PM had contacted a couple of mobile phone companies and asked if the voicemails may have been deleted automatically… the answer was ‘YES’, particularly some years back when there was less disk storage for such things. Was this followed up? Not a flicker of interest.
The coverage continued unabated this morning on ‘Breakfast’ when media show man Hewlett prattled on that if Mulcare didn’t delete the voicemails then some other hacker did, and it was known that Mulcare ‘briefed’ other journalists on hacking techniques. That can’t have taken him very long!! Why can’t any journ-reporters ask some meaningful, probing questions preferable to someone who really can give an unbiased and informed reply? I won’t hold my breath.
And another thing… Sorry got to get this off my chest too.
I used the radio alarm at the weekend. Not ideal for my blood pressure. In 5 mins listening on both days came the drip of Climate Change propaganda. On Saturday we had Farming Today (6.45ish) fretting about the drier and hotter areas of Britain (no mention of the wetter bits) and on Sunday – Living World at 6.45am ‘Ironically ladybirds may actually benefit from Climate Change’. Well it certainly got me out of bed before I heard any more drivel.
Yes, I turned on the radio on Sunday, just prior to the weather forecast, and within 30 seconds came the words “climate change” – and that was in relation to ladybirds. Sickening, isn’t it?
Speaking of weather forecasts (and the daft presenters), has anyone noticed the Laura Tobin woman mention “clouds in the sky” (where else would they be?), and fog “outside” as if it could also be inside….
I despair. Sodding BBC.
The fog IS inside. You are talking about the BBC.
Yes, I heard PM yesterday in which it was revealed that messages could automatically have been deleted. It was a real WTF moment.
The whole basis for the current phase of this witch-hunt, that some hacker MUST have deleted phone messages on Millie Dowler’s phone, just disintegrated and it was worth a couple of minutes discussion, never to be raised again?
Sure, there’s a page on the BBC website, but I don’t know what prominence it was ever given. I certainly don’t recall it being mentioned on the 10 O’Clock News, although the Daily Mail’s vehement denial of Hugh Grant’s allegations was.
Why the hell was this never raised at the time? Would it have spoiled a good story? I can understand Glenn Mulcaire’s reasons for keeping quiet, as no-one would have listened to him in the Diana-like hysteria, but you’d think the Murdochs at least would have raised this question before the whole thing got out of hand.
The BBC has somehow omitted showing us any of the nasties that are involved in the Occupy stuff here and in the US. And the BBC has also omitted the large quotient of totally gormless idiots :
Seems that Climategate 2 may be breaking…
Great stuff if genuine. I wonder if they’ll reconviene the laughable Oxburgh and Muir Russell whitewash inquiries – they always promised to examine the rest of the UEA emails – but they decided not to because it would take too long or was beyond their scope or some BS. So now the sceptics and the WWW can do it for them. Thanks guys!
I think the cat’s truely out of the bag now. Climate “science” is a bust
All of those enquiries were the equivilent of a criminal being allowed a trial in which he could have his defence team conduct the ‘prosecution’ in front of a jury of hand-picked relatives and friends in a case proceeded over by a judge who benefitted from the crime.
They made whitewashes look honest and above board.
This has instantly gone viral all over the net. fantastic timing in the run-up to Durban and will the BBC be able to ignore this? Of course they will.
Only yesterday they had an article claiming (correctly) that CO2 has risen to record levels (record within the last few thousand years at least)
The implication being that we must cut our emmissions even more.
What they conveniently missed reporting is the fact that even the climate alarmists at the IPCC and at the global climate conferences are fighting to allow China, India and Brazil to increase their emissions way above what they are doing now, but only limit them to “per capita” the same Europe. This means that the global output of CO2 is planned to keep rising for decades to come.
Why should we cut our emissions by exporting our industry to China? Likewise in Australia, they claim that one tonne of coal burnt for keeping Ozzies warm in the winter is evil and will keep warming and destroying the planet, but exporting 100 tonnes to burn in China is perfectly OK!!!
There is NO sense whatsoever in the climate alarmist camp, only Marxist redestribution of wealth and extremist totalitarian fascist tendencies.
My favorite so far:
<1577> Jones:
[FOI, temperature data]
Any work we have done in the past is done on the back of the research grants we get – and has to be well hidden. I’ve discussed this with the main funder (US Dept of Energy) in the past and they are happy about not releasing the original station data.
The Beeboids are surely spinning their wheels frantically to figure out a way to spin this away.
BBCSpeak: WikiLeaks hero Pvt. Bradley Manning’s illegal access of classified, secured files using hacker tools and sending them to St. Julian = “leaking important information about government activity which we all need to know”.
An insider in the IPCC loop releasing a bunch of emails that were not classified, not secure, legally available to him = “hacked/stolen private conversations which the public don’t need to know about”.
I see today the BBC on its flagship Islamic affairs/handwringing white guilt offering GMT is back into revolutionary mode in Tahrir Sq with the valiant demonstrators fighting the cruel hand of military rule. Good job we have forgotten the grinning George Alagiah and Al-Bowen informing us all of the new dawn of hope Egypt was about to enter as erm the military took over this spring…
Some necessary reading for INBBC’s ‘Arab Spring’ propagandists:
“Arab Spring? This is turning into the winter of Islamic jihad”
Read more:
Thomas Cook, which has 1,300 branches throughout the UK, is staring into the abyss.
Why is this not a major news story on the BBC news website (yet ‘Ex-footballer addresses Leveson’ is)?
It doesn’t matter to them if private companies fold and lose staff. Only public sector parasites are worthy of sympathy.
Just a reminder that lots more E mails have come to light, vis-a-vis Climategate 2, just in front of Durban, and I wonder if that nice Mr. Black (or Mr. Harrabin) have any comments to make, before they jet off to enjoy their little pointless soiree?
Love this one:
> we shall need to identify someone specific to work on
> the communication to industry end) and I would
> be happy to approach Bob May or Ron Oxburgh,
> which would (all) you prefer ??
No wonder Sir John Beddington complimented Oxburgh on a “A blinder well played” after his whitewash report was published. Turns out inquiry chief Oxburgh was already a favourite of the climategate emailers. No suprise his verdict was “Nothing to see here… Move along”!
Natsman this one could be a real laugh to see unfold and i note mr Black is in a few !
Before we all get carried away, do we know these are genuine?
No, we don’t, but it seems, on the face of it, highly likely n’est pas?
I’m going to conclude they are the real deal. I’ve posted a BitTorrent link to the file below. One big difference between Climategate 1 and 2 is that in 1, it took days for the MSM to catch on, now they are on top of it.
“Over 2.5 billion people live on less than $2 a day.”
“Every day nearly 16.000 children die from hunger and related causes.”
“One dollar can save a life” — the opposite must also be true.
“Poverty is a death sentence.”
“Nations must invest $37 trillion in energy technologies by 2030 to stabilize greenhouse gas emissions at sustainable levels.”
This is what sickens me too. How people like Harrabin and his sidekick Black can sleep at night is beyond me.
I look forward to Laura “Occupy Me” Trevelyan or any of the other intrepid BBC “journalists” working in the US investigating this:
The Occupy Movement’s Woman Problem
During the very first week of the Occupation in LA I noticed that the gender breakdown in its General Assembly (GA) and various committee meetings was roughly the same as the within the U.S. Congress. In other words, about one-fifth of those who were participating in the (small d) democratic part of this Occupy encampment were women. It was the same with the people who slept in the camp.
This is pretty consistent throughout the movement in general.
Say it ain’t so.
I’m not the only one to notice the Occupy gender gap. This issue is talked about at GAs, I’m told, a lot. Nearly every night at Occupy LA, the question comes up: “What can we do to get more women out here?”
I dunno. Bathe? Stop molesting them? Get a better class of clientele?
And this is from someone who supports the Occupiers with all her heart.
Heroes of the popular peoples revolutionary struggle they aint, down and out whackos, weirdos, off meds loonies mixed with the spoiled kidz of the middle class slumming it to show solidarity wiv da dregs.
Its all gone Pete Tong innit?
They represent who exactly? Most could not tell you who they are in a drug induced daze. It would be funny but for the legions of MSM hacks giving this tiny number of misfits a world wide platform to spread their incoherent crappola.
That’s the key to their media success, though. By deliberately (yes, I mean deliberately, because we know the leaders are very media savvy) keeping the “message” vague, they remain a kind of blank slate on which the media and the Left-leaning section of society can project all their hopes and dreams. Does that sound familiar?
The Beeboids know this, but continue their cheerleading anyway. Anyone who spends five minutes actually talking with any of them will know what an utter lie this is.
“a kind of blank slate on which the media and the Left-leaning section of society can project all their hopes and dreams. Does that sound familiar?”
Yep – and not just in relation to the US – we had one of those over here too! A large chunk of the American public seem to have rumbled the fact that their blank slate is actually an empty vessel a lot quicker than the British public woke up to ours.
Climategate 2
Here are a few for your enjoyment
<0810> Mann:
I gave up on Judith Curry a while ago. I don’t know what she think’s she’s
doing, but its not helping the cause>
<2440> Jones:
I’ve been told that IPCC is above national FOI Acts. One way to cover yourself
and all those working in AR5 would be to delete all emails at the end of the process>
<1577> Jones:
[FOI, temperature data]
Any work we have done in the past is done on the back of the research grants we
get – and has to be well hidden. I’ve discussed this with the main funder (US
Dept of Energy) in the past and they are happy about not releasing the original
station data.>
<0714> Jones:
Getting people we know and trust [into IPCC] is vital – hence my comment about
the tornadoes group.>
<3062> Jones:
We don’t really want the bullshit and optimistic stuff that Michael has written
[…] We’ll have to cut out some of his stuff.>
<1485> Mann:
the important thing is to make sure they’re loosing the PR battle. That’s what
the site [Real Climate] is about.>
<1788> Jones:
There shouldn’t be someone else at UEA with different views [from “recent
extreme weather is due to global warming”] – at least not a climatologist.>
So there are just a few examples for your edification, it would ne niiiice if David Gregory had a look, but Mr see no evil hear no evil speak no evil(unless they are denialists) will not be commenting I suspect.
“I gave up on Judith Curry a while ago. I don’t know what she think’s she’s
doing, but its not helping the cause”
This proves that Mann is NOT a scientist, but an advocate, a protester or a publicist, but NOT a scientist. A scientist has no place promoting a “cause”, but should solely concern themselves with establishing truth through the rigours of faithfully employing all of the scientific method.
I scanned the list of emails quickly. They don’t look to be invented to me, unless there is a real poet at work.
I wait to see what other sites make of this – WattsUpWithThat and BishopHill in particular. Andrew Montford has not yet had time to comment – but others are leaving comments at his site. It sounds as though the Guardian and Telegraph are already reporting the story. Someone at BishopHill is saying that Richard Black is already saying it is a hack – how does he know ? The original ClimateGate emails were obviously an inside leak, NOT an external hack
In the Guardian story Michael Mann seems to suggest that the emails attributed to him are probably genuine.
My favorite so far is the one from Jones saying that Stephen Chu (the DoE) is happy to hide data from the public to help support the cause. Presumably that’s in order to keep funnelling billions to Democrat cronies.
The Beeboids are surely spinning their wheels frantically to figure out a way to spin this away.
BBCSpeak: WikiLeaks hero Pvt. Bradley Manning’s illegal access of classified, secured files using hacker tools and sending them to St. Julian = “leaking important information about government activity which we all need to know”.
An insider in the IPCC loop releasing a bunch of emails that were not classified, not secure, legally available to him = “hacked/stolen private conversations which the public don’t need to know about”.
On a related theme, A Tory peer has made the observation, correctly in my opinion, that what David Attenborough has to say about climate change is not worth listening to.
While Attenborough might well believe what he pushes in this regard, but that makes him quite hypocritical as this skit by Spike Milligan, first shown I believe in the 70’s or 80’s, about Attenborough and the amount of pointless travelling he did in making his natural history programmes, not to mention the wasted money by the BBC in funding him. I’ve not seen anything by Attenborough since then that makes me think he or the BBC have changed in this regard.
It will certainly give you a laugh.
A pure gem from a genius !
I suppose it would be news if the new news editor of Newsnight was too the right of Gengis khan. Nope, another lefty, this one called Allegra Stratton.
The BBC when they get around to acknowledging climategate2 will of course refer to ‘stolen/hacked’ emails as though that would negate their content.
I didnt hear the BBC call the wikileaks files stolen or hacked did you? A tale of two leaks, one the BBC approves of and one it most certainly does not approve of.
I can imagine the scene in the editorial room as beeboids try and work out how to spin the scandal to protect their friends.
Yes, if you’re right about the sort of “reporter” Richard Black is, he will (a) concentrate on how the emails came to be leaked rather than detailing the embarrassing content of those emails (which he will almost completely ignore), (b) will keep repeating, over and over again, that the scientists caught up last in ClimateGate last time are great blokes who were cleared, cleared, cleared, and (c) will stress the possible criminal nature of the hack.
Well, heeeeeere’s Dickie….
‘New release’ of climate emails
By Richard Black Environment correspondent, BBC News
Though he says “if the batch is genuine”, its sounds to me if he suspects that they are genuine. Hence the ‘watertight oversight’ nature of his piece – which is, naturally, ‘broadcast only’. (It wouldn’t do to have people commenting on this story, would it Richard?)
Black has just updated his post to include a statement from the University of East Anglia denouncing the release. He then backs up the UEA’s account.
He hasn’t added any more details about the content of the emails in his update (surprise, surprise) and the link to the Russian server (where, presumably, BBC website readers can read the emails) didn’t work for me on either the first version nor the update. Funny that.
Richard Black is very busy. He’s on his third version of that article now and it’s still little better than a UEA press release.
It probably is a UEA press release
Well, Umbongo, he has quoted most of the UEA’s official press release in that article.
. . . and right on cue – at the (present 21:27) latest posting on this website – DB announces the winner of the UK churnalism contest. Yup it’s your favourite state broadcaster.
No one listens to Black. He does not even pretend to be a “journalist” He may as well work at the UEA as a PR man with his chum Harrabin.
Patrick O’Flynn of the Express has tweeted:
‘Can anyone save me 18mins by telling me the conclusion of BBC Business “Are Greeks lazy” investigation?’
Isn’t the question the BBC are posting racist?
Surely it’s no different to asking whether any other ethnic group is lazy.
Wow! Was Bowen off duty?
A rare sighting: a positive article by a Beeboid on ISRAEL:
“How Israel turned itself into a high-tech hub”
(by Katia Moskvitch)
We can assume that the editors believe this balances out all the demonization of Israel. Job done, critics silenced.
Whilst eternal vigilance all round the globe is necessary, and of course close to home, the obsession of certain media with a certain ME country vs. tip-toing around clear abuses in others surrounding it is extraordinary.
What… exactly… does the BBC, and any recent new Graun exchange schemers think they are playing at most of the time?
The BBC, just like so many others, believe that what Israel does is worse than what the Arab/Muslim countries do. Who else has an Apartheid State, etc.? Of course, they also believe that Israel is the root of the problem with international Islamic terrorism. The Jewish Lobby drives US foreign policy, which angers Muslims, you do the math. Fix Israel, and most other ME problems will simply melt away.
Already slipped to the bottom of the Business page. How long before it reaches oblivion where only a BBC supporter can find it?
Mr Black has had to report the release of the “Climategate 2” e-mails. Didn’t take as long this time, I suppose.
I see the BBC were reporting a miniscule rise in Co2 on the news yesterday.
They failed to mention any of the following points though:
– Greenhouse gases are a mere 0.4392 percent of total atmospheric gases.
– CO2 is only 0.039 percent of total atmospheric gases.
– CO2 is less than 4 percent of total greenhouse gases.
– Water vapor is 95 percent of total greenhouse gases.
– CO2 levels currently at 390 parts per million (ppm) lowest in 600 million years.
– Levels were as high as 9000 ppm over last 600 million years. Average levels for the last 300 million years is approximately 1200 ppm.
– In every record, temperature increases before CO2. In other words, CO2 is not causing temperature increases, contradicting the basic assumption of the entire anthropogenic global warming hypothesis.
– Even if CO2 is causing temperature, doubling or tripling only raises temperature by a very small amount. This is known as climate sensitivity. The IPCC invoked a positive feedback that doesn’t exist to overcome the problem.
– Carbon and CO2 are terms used interchangeably, but are completely different things. Carbon is an element, and CO2 is a gas.
– CO2 is essential to life on the planet. Reduce the levels and plants suffer. Plants are most efficient at approximately 1000-1200 ppm as research and use of those levels in greenhouses attest. Plants are malnourished at 390 ppm.
– Fewer plants means less oxygen; no plants means no oxygen and no life on Earth.
China’s real estate bubble is collapsing, just as I’ve been predicting for a couple years now. It’s serious, and is probably going to be the start of a real China crash.
All the BBC seems capable of on the biggest real story is one brief video report from a Chinese Beeboid about how China is working on banking reforms to prevent undefined “asset bubbles” and US banks are selling off their stakes in the China Construction Bank. The dots are left unjoined. The China crash which the BBC thinks is far more important is one involving the bullet train. That story is currently at the top of the China page, and has supplementary efforts so you’re even more informed.
In other important China news, China works to make more money from Hong Kong, Chinse supporters of Ai Wei Wei are posting nude pictures of themselves online in a show of solidarity with his fight for human rights, pandas are in still in danger, and a dog holds a graveside vigil.
Your license fee hard at work.
I notice that the BBC have been pushing the leftie think tank that wants to limit the pay of top earners and have some sort of workers imput.
I notice the BBC didn’t seem to think that perhaps they themselves should be subject to the same standards. Howe often do we hear beeboids justifying their excessive salaries on the grounds of “it’s the market”?
Is Paxman worth his 1 million a year?
Is that dozy newsreader worth her 92K a year?
Is Dame Nikki worth anything?
Is Richard Bacon worth shit?
Will the BBC give ‘their shareholders a say?’
I think we know the answer.
I’d say Paxo is worth a million quid, as he brings something distinctive to the table.
As for the others, they could be replaced by someone at least as good, for a fraction of the cost.
And don’t even get me started on Alan Hansen’s salary! LOL! We pay him over a million quid a year, when you could probably get ex-players and football journalists to come in and give their views for free!
Sorry Jeff he’s not worth a worth a million quid!
Something distinctive? Um… sneering. 😉
Apart from that, standard Labour / lefty fare.
Paxo is an entertainer!
His sneering is part of what makes his interviews such great drama!
Watching him talk to government ministers like he’s a headmaster telling off a naughty child can be very funny!
I bet the Newsnight ratings are highest when he’s presenting.
Whether he’s worth a million quid is debatable, but no-one can accuse him of being bland! 🙂
We’re talking market rates here.
Would iTV pay Paxman a million a year?
No chance.
I doubt they’d pay him aa 100K
Alan Hansen? FFS! 100K being generous to him and Paxman. If they don’t like it they can fuck off and NOBODY would lose ANYTHING from their viewing quality.
November, 2010, Channel 4 TV put out a feature on Britain’s debts:
“Britain’s trillion pound horror story”
December, 2011, BBC-NUJ-Labour’s Robert PESTON, better late than never, is putting out two TV programmes on Britain’s debts.
It will be interesting to see how little he blames Labour government’s 13 years for this, and its ‘spend, spend, spend’ of misapplied ‘Keynesianism’.
“UK’s debts ‘biggest in the world'”
There’s also a program tomorrow night at 9 on BBC 2, with Nick Robinson – Your Money and How They Spend It.
From this article, it sounds like it will be an interesting programme:
PS If anyone hasn’t watched the Channel 4 programme, I’d recommend it.
It’s interesting, though, that the BBC is only just putting out programmes about government overspending and debt, now that it can’t damage Labour as much while in opposition. It’s not like this built up in the last 18 months, but perhaps they think they can make something stick to the current lot.
You folks might be interested in the research I just completed on media churnalism. The BBC comes out as far and away the worst culprit for cutting and pasting Environment Agency press releases:
Excellent work. Have blogged and linked.
Many thanks DB!
Good stuff
Is it possible to check whether the BBC “churns” Guardian articles ?
Cheers John.
Yes in theory that is possible. Its not something I’ll be turning my attention to soon though as journalists will find it easier to write off journos copying other journos.
Cutting and pasting press releases is another matter entirely though!
Reading some of the emails from so-called scientists is sickening. This is not science.
<3062> Jones:
“We don’t really want the bullshit and optimistic stuff that Michael has written […] We’ll have to cut out some of his stuff.”
I see Andrew Neill has picked up on the Climategate 2 emails, he wants feedback.
By the way, Richard Bacon (the gift that keeps giving) had Red Ken on today, all I will say is there was as much sucking of penis as a gathering of beebids on Hampstead Heath on a Saturday night
The NewSniffer site is tracking the various versions of Richard Black’s ClimateGate2 story. He seems very fast at “churning” the press release from the East Anglia Uni – but after many hours he somehow still fails to include ANY of the content of the leaked emails. That is – he omits more than half of the whole point of the new story, but is careful to apply more whitewash to UEA :
I have just seen another ludicrous piece by Black – bemoaning the fact that climate sceptocosm is more common in countries speaking English.
Poor diddums.
I just noticed
Roger Harrabin has not commented on the scandal yet because the UEA CRU has not yet written it for him yet. When the fax comes in from the UEA then Harrabin will pin it up for us to laugh at.
David Gregory has been recalled until guidlines can be issued, what he can say and what he cannot. Dellingpoles blog has blasted through the 1000 mark, the handful of cultists on it are screeching like demented nutters, interesting times ahead, thats Durban well and truly f*cked eh?
Oh yes, troll central has had to drag trolls in on overtime over there. I’ve been making hay – happy, happy days!
I think Roger is waiting for Jo Abbess to sign off on his contribution – there could be a bit of a delay.
Seems there was not 3,000 scientists in agreement with Prophet Gore at all.
Gregorys response to my request for their names was:
“..that was a decade ago” a bit cryptic, but I took it to mean that the propaganda has changed since then to “a consensus”.
I expect that only Black, Harrabin, Gregory, Jones and Mann (and of course the “conservative ” cabinet) are now the “majority of scientists”!!! Even the One is not doing enough to tackle the catastrophe acording to this lemon.
John Horne Tooke,
“Seems there was not 3,000 scientists in agreement with Prophet Gore at all.
Gregorys response to my request for their names was:
‘..that was a decade ago’ a bit cryptic, but I took it to mean that the propaganda has changed since then to ‘a consensus’.”
Huh? You said:
“…can you give me link to the names of the 3,000 ‘scientists’ quoted often by the BBC who endorse the global warming alarmism of the Prophet Gore?”
To which he replied:
“You do realise that’s a link that’s over a decade old?”
A fairly obvious response to your assertion that the figure of “3,000 scientists” was; “quoted often by the BBC”.
His reply wasn’t at all, “a bit cryptic…” – and you’ve misquoted what he actually said.
Tilting at windmills perhaps?
I like it!
David Gregory has been recalled until guidlines can be issued, what he can say and what he cannot.
😀 😀
Given that David Gregory has become a bit of a regular on here, is he able to shed any light on why the BBC seem to be losing their appetite for covering the Brodie Clark-Theresa May story in so much detail? A week or so Brodie Clark’s comments to the MPs’ committee that he was “no rogue agent” formed the top splash headline on the main section of the BBC news website, but this evening Dame Helen Ghosh’s evidence to the committee seems to be languishing in fourth spot on the politics section of the BBC news website. Admittedly it’s been a pretty heavy news day, what with the headline allegations that reporters have been rifling through Steve Coogan’s bins, but why might this be? I wonder if they’ll be covering the story at 8.10am on the Today programme tomorrow?
I don’t expect David Gregory will comment – but you are spot-on about the way the BBC has shut up about this story since Brodie Clark’s story started to be punctured.
I expect he won’t – he only contributes to a comment that he has at least a 100% chance of proving wrong. That is why he does not pop up too often.
Seems like Black has been well ande truly tumbled.
Looks like Harrabin too !
Scroll down to 3rd response at 6.38 am
tut tut
Got to say that Black’s piece is quite outrageously one-sided even by his own dismal standards.
I liked this comment:
26 Minutes ago
Richard forgive me for asking but the BBC Charter clearly states impartiality in reporting of news items is of fundamental importance. Your report in the news section of the BBC website is not impartial – why not?
There seems to be a concerted effort, and from the comment history coordinated (if failing) with outside glee clubbers kicking in after an initial series of critiques, to steer away from simply reading the emails and coming to own’s own conclusion what the words used by protagonists actually mean.
It at least seems accepted that these emails are genuine, but the best that can be managed appears conspiracy theories on hacks vs. other methods (the BBC’s support for any Wikileaks revelations blowing that attempted watertight oversight high ground away), the timing, or simply trying to dismiss things…. if I see the silly use of ‘yamn’ tried one more time…
Many have politely asked questions, which seems to have stumped the mods, even on OT House Rule-outs. The BBC, and such as Mr. Black are in the thick of this topic!
That they will never be answered, as they never have been before, is the biggest travesty of all.
At least there is an interactive outlet at last, after a bunch of broadcast only, but will this be a few day safety valve for venting before ‘moving on’?
Sa as the old boss…..EU policy transcends successive parliaments.
Ooops, bit mangled, but chain of custody of this policy is intact….I’m doubling my RNLI subs.
Regardless of individual faith or belief, I think most would agree that this is a country based on Christian values. While the BBC likes to pretend it possesses these values, the hypocrisy can be easily seen. First, it only extends to where any of those values pushed don’t have to cost them anything personally. Second, it doesn’t affect their main agenda, of which we’re all here aware. Third, they are only applied to groups that the BBC deem worthwhile to appease, but not extended to those regarded as less important – like its public who are merely forced to pay for them.
Which is why it’s reprehensible, with the resources at its disposal, for the BBC to fail to show how so many of the Islamic nations are treating other Christians resident there. Why do we have to rely on the internet media and bloggers to get the news that should be making the front pages? Instead of the subsequent pressure to counter it that should be applied, it is swept under the carpet and allowed to continue?
Muslim Persecution of Christians: October, 2011
by Raymond Ibrahim
Hudson New York
WattsUpWithThat has this email from Michael Mann to Phil Jones:
I would not respond to this. They will misrepresent and take out of context anything you give them. This is a set up. They will certainly publish this, and will ignore any evidence to the contrary that you provide. s They are going after Wei-Chyung because he’s U.S. and there is a higher threshold for establishing libel. Nonetheless, he should
consider filing a defamation lawsuit, perhaps you too.
I have been talking w/ folks in the states about finding an investigative journalist to investigate and expose McIntyre, and his thusfar unexplored connections with fossil fuel interests.Perhaps the same needs to be done w/ this Keenan guy.
I believe that the only way to stop these people is by exposing them and discrediting them….
Think he’d say the same thing about the massive amount of cash James Hansen got from anti-fossil fuel interests? There is no science here – only ideology.
The injustice metered out by these people is astonishing. If governments were not using this fraud to tax the very air that we breath then the “scientists” behind this charade would have been locked up years ago.
Oh, great:
Obama to Occupy Wall St. Protesters: “You are the reason I ran for office.”
He owns the OWSers now. This is His legacy.
“It was pooh-bah Patten in his pomp, a delicious spectacle”
(by Quentin Letts)
“Lord Patten was doing his normal pudgy pasha routine, talking not much faster than one word a second.
“Such was his outward torpor, he could have been extracting fluff from the deeper recesses of his tummy button and rolling it into little dumplings. He spoke over the top of some half-moon glasses with tortoiseshell frames and filled in delays in his speech flow with the occasional slow, elongated ‘errr’. Pooh-bah Patten in his pomp. Delicious spectacle.
What flows through the purpling veins in that lordly nose? Blueish blood?
Quink ink? High-table claret? His air was one of easy superiority. When you have been chairman of the Tory party, Governor of Hong Kong, a European Commissioner and Chancellor of Oxford University, it is hard not to suspect that you are one of life’s godlets. Oh look, Dorothy, it’s some common people. Shall we vouchsafe them a wave?”
Read more:
‘Mr Johnson’s decision to quit his job as shadow chancellor came as a complete surprise at Westminster, even though he had suffered some criticism for his grasp of its more technical aspects.’
More technical aspects? He knew less about economics than your average GCSE Business Studies pupil!
LOL. As opposed to the less technical aspects. What is this – art class?
He always got confused when delivering mail and the house numbers went beyond 20.
2775> Jones:
I too don’t see why the schemes should be symmetrical. The temperature ones
certainly will not as we’re choosing the periods to show warming
I wonder in what contxt this was framed?
More comical lack of self-awareness from the Occupods. Anti-capitalists opposed to consumerism citing ‘consumer protection law’ – they don’t do irony, do they…
A bitter battle over the business rights to Occupy Boston has two warring factions of the revolutionary group headed to court next week.
“We want to take Occupy Boston back,” said plaintiff Paul Carnes, who claims he was an original Occupier and now is accusing four other tent city residents of breach of contract, inflicting emotional distress and violating the state’s consumer protection law.
I love how these people constantly demand certain rights protected by the State they claim to hate, while running roughshod over others. Where is the astute BBC analysis?
We kept hearing about the “boiling anger” of the Tea Party movement, yet not a peep from Beeboids about this kind of thing, which seems to be happening everywhere.
This has to be one of the worst newsgathering failures of the BBC yet.
Auntie Beeb seems to be trying a different tactic with ClimateGate 2 than it did with ClimateGate 1. The first time they simply didn’t mention the story even though Paul Hudson seems to have had early warning of the story breaking. After a week or so the story was everywhere else and the Beebs actions ended up looking both suspicious and stupid.
This time the tactic appears to be to mention the story but not the content of the emails and what it might mean. I suspect this means that in a day or two they can drop the story and claim it is “old news” if anyone complains.
We live in interesting and amusing times 🙂
‘Let’s start by dismissing the Labour-Guardian-BBC explanation: the idea that the economy is shrinking because of ‘the cuts’. As this blog never tires of pointing out, net government expenditure is higher now than it was under Gordon Brown.’
Not a big fan of polls, but I wonder, if asked, what the majority of the UK public educated and informed by our most trusted national treasure would say if asked as to the nature of ‘cuts’ and who is doing what?
That it would get traced to the axis above seems a concern.
A failed, corrupt, inept party lead by a lightweight political red hole, a minority newspaper, and a monopoly broadcaster who all are compelled to fund no matter what.
“The great cuts lie: The unions and the BBC wail over public spending cuts but, in fact, Britain’s debt is increasing”
By Simon Heffer
Read more:
But the Tories have themselve sto blame, when do you see a Government Minister challenging the BBC and calling them out as liars?
NEVER, so have no sympathy for them, the Tories deserve all they get, it’s not like the Tories are short of help in outing BBC lies.
Nicky Campbell didn’t get the answer he was fishing for during a discussion about sexual exploitation of children this morning. Campbell mentioned that some people have claimed that there’s an ethnic aspect to the exploitation of children and invited Barnardo’s chief exec Anne Marie Carrie to “nail” this argument. I think he was expecting Carrie to mouth the same PC platitudes as her predecessor Martin Narey, but oh no! She replied that there “absolutely” was an ethnic dimension. The other guy involved in the discussion – who’s name and job I missed – then said that an overwhelming number of cases involved Asian men, particularly of Pakistani descent. Campbell wasn’t happy, pleading, “We have to be very careful here.”
I then changed stations to hear Peter Schweizer being interviewed about his book Throw Them All Out on Today. The book details insider trading by members of Congress and the cronyism of the Obama administration (we’ve given it a lot of linkage here on Biased BBC). In a recorded phone interview with the business correspondent we heard only about the insider trading and nothing about the cronyism. When the segment was over Evan Davis said he had no idea about this story and was surprised it wasn’t getting more attention. It says a lot about the BBC bubble that Schweizer’s revelations – which have been all over the conservative blogosphere for a week and a half – have barely registered with the BBC. The BBC’s US correspondents have ignored the Schweizer stuff, I believe out of ideological animosity to Andrew Breitbart (for whom Schweizer blogs) and, more significantly, because of the Obama cronyism revelations which they simply don’t want to report. The role of the BBC’s US operation is to demonise the GOP and defend the Democrats, so the Obama stuff must be avoided at all costs.
heres the link, and your right campbell jumps through hoops to dis-associate pakistanis…erm (asians) & street grooming.
m. williams “in evidence/court cases it is overwhelming”
from 1hr 6mins in (actually from 1hr 12mins, just listen to cambells response to mark williams laying out the facts).23/11/2011
oops try this link
5 live Breakfast
‘Campbell wasn’t happy, pleading, “We have to be very careful here.”
Perhaps Gameshow could come on here and tell us why we have to be very careful here.’
OK we on here all know what
‘majoring on Northern metropolitan cities’
is BBC ‘code’ for, but as uual the droids show their utter unprofessionalism.
Snoozenight included a short item on Climategate 2. Rather defensive I thought and it came over as one of those ‘well now you can’t say we ignored a bit of inconvenient news’.
Gavin Essler had a chat, you know how it goes – arms length, Beeb on Beeb-style – with a female Beeboid whose name I didn’t note.
The line was: well, it is only natural that these global warming scientists have to get involved in the world PR and politics to put their case.
There was nothing new….there have already been inquiries into this which exonerated all concerned…. the timing is sinister….yada, yada.
Full and balanced account? – I don’t think so.
The emphasis of the piece was put very much on the catching the of the ‘hacker’.
(Get it? Phone hacking scandal = bad. Forget the word Leak as in Wiki-leak = good).
“it came over as one of those ‘well now you can’t say we ignored a bit of inconvenient news’“
That’s precisely what the BBC reaction seems to be. Report it quietly then kick it into touch, so that Dr Gregory can always point to a link. Or call it “stolen”, as if that negates what the emails seem to show.
There seems to be a new irregular verb at the BBC:
I report
You leak
He steals
The Newsnight blog regulars are a diverse bunch.
None seem very impressed with the facts, or how Newsnight opted to ‘deal’ with it.
Meanwhile, over at Mr. Black’s blog, the last term I’d use (though he tried to seed it) is ‘yawn’.
Obama effigy burnt by St Andrews Conservative students –
The headline is a bit misleading, as:
‘One of those who attended told the BBC that members of the association had “no input” and were “surprised” to discover Obama was on the bonfire’
And why is half of the article devoted to quotes from members of the Students’ Union and a former member of the university’s Labour society? Their views are irrelevant.
A bunch of kids burning an effigy is a non-story! If it weren’t for the fact that they were Tories, the story might have made page 6 of the local paper in St Andrews, but that’s about it! It’s like the BBC are trying to convey the impression that the Tories are still the prejudiced Nasty Party at heart…
Yes Jeff, and its just been on the Radio 4 news too. Its on the front page of the BBC news website.
Absolutely pathetic – they will happily splash this all over the news but they don’t tell you what is going on in Brussels at the moment, for that we have Russia Today (via YouTube), Fox News (via YouTube), the Daily Telegraph, the Financial Times, and the Daily Mail. Some are more factual than others, but either way, the BBC won’t engage – a big joke.
Compare and contrast.
Obama effigy burnt by St Andrews Conservative students
An effigy of US President Barack Obama was burned over the weekend by members of the Conservative student association at St Andrews University.
The incident is understood to have taken place on Friday evening on the town’s East Sands beach.
Palin effigy to go up in flames
Sparks will fly in East Sussex later when an effigy of US Republican vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin goes up in flames at a bonfire celebration.
Thousands of people at the Battle bonfire will see Mrs Palin get a roasting as the race for the White House enters its final days.
And here’s a 2003 BBC report about “colourful” protesters burning an effigy of George W. Bush in Trafalgar Square.
DB, that’s worth a full post, I think. What does His skin color have to do with a political statement?
Maybe they just don’t like His golf game.
It wasn’t mentioned on the latest Radio 4 news,nor is it on the front page of the BBC website – they’ve realised.
This St Andrews Univ?:
“St Andrews student sentenced for Israel flag racism”
Students accused of Israel racism
with the usual el beeb sideswipe
He said “Israel was a terrorist state and the flag was a terrorist symbol”
highlighted in large letters at the side of the report
erm wonderful bullet point..not
HACKING: more important to INBBC than MUSLIM SEX CRIMES?
While BBC-NUJ has apparently decided that its main political story of 2011 is hacking (especially if and when applied by News Corp); it has apparently also decided to relegate the significance of violent Muslim sex gangs.
‘The Times’ [£] (News Corp), and ‘Daily Mail’ this week have carried reports about ‘Asian’ sex gangs (word ‘Muslim is avoided), preying on white girls in Britain; INBBC has other priorities.
Asian gangs who groom teenage girls for sex to be finally targeted in crackdown
it shows the utter. shameful moral vacuity of this corporation….
i ask you what other orchestrated paedo network would get protection, (and obfuscation.denial see below)
it is well known/documented, with numerous court cases, where are the reports?…the indepth debates?, the phone ins?,
they can t wait to churn out dross on whether youre happy enough, on pseudo-anarchist bloody occupiers.
and its NOT only teenage girls either
(1hr 6mins in)
5 live Breakfast: 23/11/2011…/5_live_Breakfast_23_11_2011/
Does not compute in BBC land. I exempt them from the charge of moral vacuity. Their vacuity is such that any notion of objective morality is not even in their “How to make good TV and radio in a caring professional unbiased way” manual.
‘Sky News’ has something on sex gangs: it’s politically censored though, to exclude all reference to ‘Muslims’ and ‘Islam’.
And there’s a very unfortunate mistaken word in the text of the article (about halfway through) when the word ‘pray’ is wrongly used for the word ‘prey’.
(Report includes short video clip.)
“New Plan To Tackle Child Sex Grooming Gangs”
See -once again-that Cameron dragged the corpse of Miliband Minor under the eco-friendly golf buggy round the Commons at PMQ.
Looking forward to the BBCs editing of it all for the news bulletins tonight…if they even choose to show any of it.
The BBC seem to draw lines through things and move on very quickly if their boy takes a hell of a beating…the stayprest linen trews will be worn at half mast tonight…we get to see Jon Snows socks at such tought times…ties will be code orange I predict…that`s “alarm” as I recall.
Classic on ITV, in response to Cameron auggesting that people take their kids to work next week they interviewed a woman who runs a barber’s shop. “I really like Cameron” she said, even though she thought his idea was crap.
Can you EVER imagine the BBC allowing any sound bite on the air with someone saying they like a Tory?
Neither can I.
The pathetic hacks who run BBC News Online can’t be bothered to report that the Russians are pissed off again at the US about missiles, and are threatening to target our arsenal in Europe, which is there to stop Iranian missiles. This was all supposed to be fixed when Hillary went over with that stupid “reset button”, wasn’t it? Must be the another one of those enemies confused by sophistry that Justin Webb was talking about.
Another foreign policy disaster, but don’t expect the BBC to tell you about it.
But what the Obamessiah worshippers do find time to report is that the President’s personal assistant is leaving. Gosh, how newsworthy.
Meanwhile, Katty Kay is sending out a dishonest tweet about the issue of immigration. She described this Politico article (by one of the few non-JournoListas there) about last night’s Republican debate this way:
Biz leaders say immigration in the big security issue and US needs more of it to stay competitive.
Of course, the article says nothing of the sort. The candidates were laying out how they’d handle immigration. The only talking about security was Rick Perry, who said that the real security issue was keeping them out. The exact opposite of Katty’s claim.
If there were business leaders saying anything about security last night, they must have crashed the party and done one of those “mic check” things, and the media forgot to report it. She’s just making stuff up now. Anything to push a favorite Narrative. Perhaps she just linked to the wrong article, but I doubt it.
Just listened to “Malmesbury…Philosophy Town” on iPlayer.
Surprised to find that Roger Scruton…the only eminent philosopher from there that I know (well, since Hobbes at least) was not even mentioned.
Don`t want to state that it is yet another case of the BBCs bias against “the right” as they`d see it…but he actually lives there…which I thought would have been the whole point of making the programme.
Maybe a passing Beeb person can tell me if I`m right or not!…right (not in the “don`t even refer to it” way)
I see the BBC actually has managed to report that Russia is pissed off at the US over a diplomatic issue regarding missile deployment. They decided it’s worthy of the Europe section, but not the US section. Of course that helps keep people interested in US news from discovering the latest diplomatic failure of the President.
It’s in part because it’s election season in Russia, apparently. So a bit of sabre rattling to please the voters, and nothing indicative of actual plans? Uh-huh. Meanwhile, the President is back on the campaign trail in Pennsylvania. Russia is getting bolder and bolder, while the President sits on His hands. No critical voices allowed on the BBC, though.
US voters want the Supreme Court to declare ObamaCare unconstitutional, 48%-40%. Only 70% of Democrats support it.
BBC: Look over there – the Amish are feuding!
Luvvie alert at 7.15 tomorrow evening.
Terence Davies will be holding forth on Terence Rattigan.
Some people seem to just get on the BBC because they`re professional Scousers, Cockneys;as opposed to having any relevance whatsoever.
Still the BBCs filofax gets passed along from civil partner to younger significant others sperm donor.
Bragg, Brigstocke…still in pencil since the Thatch era, and appearing on the BBC anytime soon.
Islam Not BBC (INBBC) slyly presents more reports like this, censoring out words: ISLAMIC JIHAD and MUSLIM:
“East London father haunted by sons’ radicalism”
For INBBC: more on one of that Muslim family,
the late Islamic jihadist, Ibrahim Adam:
“2 Brits thought killed in US drone strike in Pakistan”
By Bill Roggio.
Read more:
Note how INBBC presents its report (above) only from viewpoint of the Muslim father of his Islamic jihad sons.
INBBC does not indicate that these sons are the proven enemies of the British people.
The Muslim father does not apologise to the British people.
In fact, INBBC merely provides the Muslim father with political propaganda to make the unrefuted (by INBBC) assertion:
“Blaming Western foreign policy for how his sons have turned out”.
Was this INBBC article written by:
– an Islamic jihad sympathiser?
– someone opposed to British non-Muslim people?
It is typical of the BBC to present such a paean of sympathy for the jihadi family Of course it is all our fault the man’s three sons all turned to jihad. Not his fault at all !
That article is an insult to the rest of us – time after time pro-Islamist “journalists” and editors at the BBC pull this type of stunt.
Tweet from Harriet Harman:
‘Visit with @Helengoodmanmp to BBC to meet dg Mark Thompson and team’
Why is the Director General of the BBC meeting with the Deputy Leader of the Labour Party?
I thought the BBC’s political neutrality meant that it didn’t answer to politicians…
I clicked through your link and saw this tweet from the Shadow Media Minister:
“@MichaelDugherMP: Heather McGregor Offensive idiot. Yeah but bet she recruited more people to socialism than we ever do!
I think that should answer your question.
I tweeted Ms Harman about the matter, and she replied:
‘Meeting BBC as shadow sec of state for culture media and sport’
I find this answer unsatisfactory.
If BBC decision making is completely separated from politics, then why is its director general meeting senior politicians?
If politicians want to be informed of BBC plans for the future, then that’s what the PR dept is there for. Why is a meeting with the Director General necessary?
Maybe it was a ‘progress’ meeting?
Yeah but bet she recruited more people to socialism than we ever do!
And, at the moment, all parties present were probably aware that paper, or email trails can be ‘problematic’.
I’d think it’s obvious, Jeff. Labour didn’t like McGregor’s appearance on Today, and felt it necessary to box Thompson’s ears over it. The Guardian frowned on it, so a Today producer will probably get scolded as well.
Despite the BBC’s claims to be independent, its funding is dependent upon the government. And Thompson probably figures that Harperson will probably be the no 2 in the next government, so it literally pays to keep her sweet.
If he had any integrity, he’d have referred Ms Harman to the BBC’s PR dept, and told her that her complaint would be handled just like anyone’s else’s…
Allegra Stratton clearly has an eye for detail, as this tweet shows:
Tories need ethnic minority votes to retain a parliamentary majority | Inside Politics
Interesting that, of all people, Michael Crick tweeted her to correct the error…
Indeed. Worth savouring the competence being bought in…
allegrastratton Allegra Stratton Tories need ethnic minority votes to retain a parliamentary majority | Inside Politics
MichaelLCrick Michael Crick @ @allegrastratton What “parliamentary majority”?
Top start, luv… luvvies.
If they can just spat amongst themselves, twitter will be even more delicious.