Newsnight Weds 23rd about 30mins in. Paxo speaks debates energy bill with a balanced panel of 4 eco-enthusiasts. British Gas MD, Ovo Energy MD, Uswitch saleswoman and Friends Of The Earth hippy chick.
FOE woman remains quiet throughout until Paxo asks her: “How much is all this green energy going add to our bills?” I’m thinking ‘here we go – at last….’ But what’s this: She completely dodges the question and instead launches a completely diversionary attack on the useless British Gas MD’s pay packet. Now I’m thinking surely Paxo will badger her and press her to answer his question – just like he did with Michael Howard. But what’s this? He drops his point completely and uses her prompt to go straight back to bashing the British Gas MD.
Uh. The rest of the program was equally bad – with Huhne completely let off the hook by totally useless Paxo questioning.
It also bugs me how the BBC always speak of our EU government’s ridiculous ‘carbon reduction targets’ as if they were sacrosanct. Grannies can freeze to death and the economy can be ruined – but we can’t possible consider revising the carbon targets. For the BBC those targets are like the 10 commandments. Delivered on stone tablets. To be spoken of reverently in a hushed voice. Sickening.
The idea that we here in the UK are blessed uniquely with hard-hitting interrogative Rottweilers such as Paxman who deserve every penny of their huge tax-dodging salaries is a load of bollocks. I was listening to a New York radio talk show the other day during which the host asked a local Democrat politician the following regarding Occupy Wall Street:
“Let me ask you Senator Adams, you’re a state senator here in New York, how do you feel about having to spend millions and millions of dollars in this time of economic austerity – and these people are causing us to spend millions of dollars, the taxpayer’s money – on these bongo-banging fleabags?”
Chris Huhne MP – Prisoner number TBA
Liz Kendall MP – Shadow minister for oldies
Daniel Hannan -Right wing extremist nutter, obviously
Justin King – Sainsbury’s CEO
Jimmy Wales – Wikipedia founder
So – one from each of the 3 main parties, plus two extras. Very much a ‘wait and see’ episode, balance wise.
The test for the fairness of this kind of anti-English attitude is to imagine that the same hilarity and relish were to accompany comments directed toward – let’s say for the sake of argument – the Welsh.
I think that I’ve a reasonably grown up attitude about this sort of thing. So long as it is not genuinely hateful I would not get too excited about it.
The problem is that the BBC have set about playing a major part in enforcing various PC attitudes on British (English?) society. So for me it goes against the grain when Anglophobia breaks out on the BBC.
As a related issue I note that for all its funding, experience and market rate talent the BBC with its many foreign correspondents from around the world consistently hides from the British quite how much the rest of the world resents us.
If that story were truthfully told by the BBC it might change a few attitudes on issues such as foreign aid, the EU, etc.
Actually, the real question is whether or not there’s any connection between the BBC which spent all Wednesday gleefully reporting on a leaked RFU report into the World Cup fiasco, and the BBC that tut-tuts about ‘stolen’ Climategate e-mails, but otherwise refuses to talk about them.
Hey, Rob Andrew cops a bit of flak, but at least he’s not trying to freeze your granny to death….
I looked forward to seeing how the BBC would introduce Mario Monti…can hardly say he was elected can they…but not for want of trying I`m sure( he might have been elected to the Umbrian Ramblers back in `68 or something after all!).
Turns out that he WAS “appointed” after all…like Patten was “confirmed” as Beeb Poohbah Numero Uno…and Banda was “invited”-fine Thesaurus on permanent loan from The Scott Trust that they use.
Wonder what the German for November Putsches Ein and Zwei might be…and at least Hitlers one failed(unlike Merkels brace earlier this month, and an Adriatic separating them as well.
Merkel, Sarkozy, Patten, Mandelson, Brittain,Kinnock…lots of November criminals to replace those rough old brownshirt sweats of 1923 then?…
Anyone catch Bunter Connolly reporting from the tourist wastelands of Engypt this morning? I think he may just win the coveted Beeboid Dhimmi of the Year Prize, which is quite something, given he’s the new boy on the block.
The report was about empty hotels in Egypt and the catastrophic effects of the “Arab Spring” riots on the tourist industry. It seems that there were only 3 people in the large hotel Connolly was staying in (but one suspects he managed to eat enopugh for 100, so at least the kitchens were busy).
Anyway, one of the people Connolly interviewed about this sorry state of affairs was a local Al Qaeda – sorry, Mulsim Brotherhood – official, who, without any challenge or comment from Connolly, opined that having segregated beaches, strict dress and entertainment regulations and public beheadings (OK I added that…) would do little to dampen tourism. IN fact Westerners might even spiritually benefit from this new form of Koranic holiday! Not a critical word from Dhimmi (or should that be Dummy) Conolly.
Of course one gets used to the supine way large Beeboids tolerate Islamists. But what realy irritated me was the way Connolly described the Al Qaeda – sorry, moderate Muslim Brotherhood – demagogue? The word he uses was… “kindly”.
Kindly?! Think about it. In what precise sense was this man “kindly”? And since when is this a journalisticaly useful term. K maybe when discussing MOther Thertesa, but is it realy professional when describing Salafists??? And what does the dimwit mean? Was this man kindly towards Christians? Jews? His 3rd and 4th wife? Leftists? Egyptian Democrats?
No, all all likelihood, probably not. One assumes he means that the man did not kick Connolly in the balls when he walked in, did not insult his mother or whore women friends, did not poison him him, did not chop his head off in the traditional way etc etc.
No. The word was used, in true Beeboid Dhimmi fashion – to create a positive sense of this man. To tell us, the hapless viewer, tht BBC approves of such people, and that they are not to be feared, as they are “kindly”.
It is this sinister – and extremely unrpofessional – bias that we expect from the loathesome BBC.
Tel you what, you fat fucking biased and privileged arse. Tell me the facts, which is what you’re (over)paid for. I don’t need you to tell me how to feel. Especially as “kindly” people like these are destroying Egypt, and much besides.
Funny how Kevin “Teabagger” Connolly and his boss believe that he’s just allowing the man and his faction to speak for themselves, but was nowhere near as generous in his coverage of the Tea Party movement.
And here’s what Connolly calls the “alternative view”, from the deputy manager of one of those deserted beach hotels:
“We’re deeply afraid of the Islamic groups at the moment,” he says.
“It’s probable that they will come to power. They will ban alcohol, bikinis and the beach because on Islamic TV they say that’s part of their plan.
“I’ve got no real problem with that – just not now, not in this political phase while we’re building the country.”
I’d be amazed if any westerner went bak to Egypt, when the who think kicked off when was if February or March? They tossers were slagging off westerners at the time.
To me, stay at home and spend your money in the UK and F*** them.
Hidden away by Guardian’s political chums at BBC-NUJ:
From today’s ‘Times'[£] page 7:
“‘Guardian’ apologies for accusing ‘Sun’ of doorstepping lawyer”
“‘The Guardian’ printed the allegation without checking with ‘The Sun’ or the inquiry. The newspaper admitted in court that its claim, published on the front page, was wrong and said that it would be printing a correction today, although towards the back of the paper.”
I saw most of this last night. There was a refreshing revelation that not all government spending is perfect, and the BBC even gave Robinson enough editorial independence to make a snide remark about how Gordon Brown called it “investment”.
But there were twice as many Labour politicians speaking than Conservative, including Alan Johnson and Mandelson. So much so that for the first twenty minutes or so, I thought this programme had been made in 2009, and I actually went to check the info to see when it was first broadcast. The only representative of the current government was Charles Clarke.
But despite the admission that some government spending was wasteful, there were two over-arching themes:
1. It’s wrong to spend money on anything which benefits the wealthy, such as museums. With that in mind, pensioner fuel relief should be means tested. Although, anyone watching the BBC on a regular basis will understand that woe betides anyone who suggests other benefits ought to be similarly governed. Robinson never got around to that, of course, as it’s not as simplistic.
2. The politicians – well, Labour ones anyway – only spend money because they’re obeying the wishes of the public.
“Curb on Romanian and Bulgarian migrants will be lifted in two years… when Europe insists we have to”
“Sir Andrew Green, chairman of Migration Watch, said: ‘With 2.5million people unemployed, it would be absurd to open our borders yet again to more unskilled workers.’ “
Radio 5 was a hoot this morning, firstly the phone in, not with Dame Nikki but his brain dead female sidekick with the squeaky voice.
The subject was the nasty press (they mean Murdoch press and Sky) so up first was BBC employee No1 who laid into the tabloids (well the Sun) and stated that the BBC always tells the truth and shouldn’t we have a state run newspaper to brainwash us (I mean give us the truth) all.
I spat my coffee out at that, needless to say my endless texts and emails pointing out the BBC has lied on numerous occasions wasn’t read out by the BBC, so I think we can assume the BBC doesn’t really believe in balance.
As for a state owned paper we already have the Guardian, well OK technically we pay for it but it’s run by the BBC and Liebore party.
Then moving on to another brain dead female (I notice a pattern developing) we had Vikki Pollard who of course was championing the public sector scum going on strike, hardly a call against the vermin going on strike.
How come no one challenged the immigration service who are claiming that getting people in to cover for them may harm our security? If they care so much about that why are they going on strike? what is the government supposed to do then just open the borders and let anyone in on that day?
PS The article also says the following, which gives the impression that Red Ed was a man ahead of his time; a sage voice in the wilderness who spoke about what everyone else would not or could not see:
“Squeezed middle”
Squeezed midd was a term that was ridiculed when Labour Party leader Ed Miliband first used it. Now it has earned a certain degree of status as global word, or rather two words, of the year.
That’s all a load of crap, twisted numbers. Reality check:
New data from the University of Chicago’s Steven Kaplan shows that, despite government bailouts, in 2008 and 2009 the adjusted gross income of the top 1 percent—a disproportionate number of whom work in the financial industry—fell to 1997 levels. All in all, the fat cats took a 20 percent income hit, compared with the 7 percent lower earners suffered in the aggregate. Few economists believe that the super-rich will ever reclaim all their pre-bubble earnings.
But if the wealthy are not as well off as they once were, the middle classes were never as poorly off as liberal pundits claim. Indeed, their case that income disparity is growing rests on the notion that national productivity grew four times faster (1.95 percent per year) than median household income (0.49 percent per year) between 1979 and 2007.
The BBC decision that the Pacific-Oceania region is now in Asia is apparently a done deal. They don’t even get a sub category under the Asia category. That is restricted to Asia Business, China and India. All the former Pacific region now have their profiles in Asia. I guess it is now policy.
What I didn’t realise is just how hostile the BBC has become to Australia – almost to anti Israel proportions. For generalised nastiness check out the Australia stories that have snuck in:
Apparently something under 30% of British immigrants didn’t stay. The booming economy, the heat, and wonderful lifestyle with friendly people and a very high quality of life were not enough for them. They were lonely! I can’t amagine why the favourite Australian disparagement for British immigrants is ‘whinging Pommie’, can you?
There has always been a fairly high rate of return. OZ is very selective in who it allows in – they are skilled, relatively properous and by definition mobile. A family might make a genuine effort to migrate, but find they are really missing the wider family back in the UK. Maybe the kids don’t fit in at school. Or an elderly relative back in the UK gets ill. In some cases – the intended job may not work out, or one of the spouses can’t find a good job. There are lots of reasons for returning.
The positive point is that larger numbers of skilled people have been leaving the UK to set up home on the other side of the world – and MOST of them stay there.
The BIG continuing story from OZ is the increasing revolt by industry and by the people against the carbon tax – that seems to get under-reported by the BBC.
The profile is similarly, shall we say, slanted? Four references to the Aborigines in the first six paragraphs. We know they had/have a rough time of it by Australia except in BBC is hardly defined by it.
A major historical error. The British founded the first European settlement in 1788 and named it Sydney. No they didn’t. The first settlement was at Botany Bay. When the site proved unsuitable they moved north to settle around Port Jackson, eventually named Sydney.
The gradual dismantling of the “White Australia” immigration policy in the decades after World War II heralded an increase in the number of non-European arrivals. Most would say the racial element to the White Australia Policy was dismantled in 1973. The restrictions to non British immigration were relaxed to allow in Northern Europoeans and then Southern Europeans and Middle Easterners. All White!
Australia’s path to independent statehood began with the formation of a common federal state in 1901, and was largely complete by World War II. More nonsense! Australia became fully independent in 1901. It was hardly surprising giving the largely British nature of the population that ties remained strong. Australia went off to war for the United Kingdom in WWII. Is that the sign of independence the BBC refers to?
Politics: The Labor Party won a landslide victory in elections in 2007, ending more than 11 years of Liberal Party government. Julia Gillard heads a minority government. Or in other words the Labor Party won in 2007 and scraped in in 2010. I’m not sure landslide is the word I would choose. In 2007 there was a slightly over 5% swing to Labor. In 2010 there was a slightly over 5% swing against.
There isn’t room to fisk every word of the profile but the strong impression is a racist country with unpleasant ties to the UK and monarchy. Politically correct Labor government. Oh and attached to the end It’s an island continent with varied landscapes. Most people live on the coast. Surely this should have been the first paragraph?
Somewhere down the line the Aussies have obviously flouted strict BBC cultural Marxist guidelines. Hard as it may be to grasp if you are a fully-indoctrinated beeboid, not everybody wants their country to descend swiftly into third world claustrophobia & chaos, with near-medieval nutcases calling the shots as they dance around a million motionless wind turbines.
All this celebrity mewling at the Levenson inquiry is ridiculous. The BBC News Channel seems to think it’s the most important story in the world. Max Mosley offered to submit a plan to the inquiry panel about creating laws to force internet providers to block websites, and Levenson was sympathetic to it. Now J.K. Rowling is playing the victim.
Is there nothing else going on in the world today?
To be honest Daivd I sort of agree with ‘some’ of what the celebs are saying.
The newspapers are full of endless crap about celebrity life style (I personally haven’t bought a paper in years although I do visit the websites) yet real investigative journalism is missing for the most part. Yes the Telegraph did the bit on MP expenses, but that was dumped in their lap, they couldn’t fail.
When was the last time the right wing press really took the BBC apart? Apart from the odd writer like Philips, Littlejohn or Hannan none of the press really look at the waste of the BBC or the corruption of the EU?
Look at Climatgate, the media mostly avoid it, MP expenses most of the press totally missed the real Liebore corruption and concentrated on moats and duck houses. Even now the press still haven’t looked at just how many corrupt Labour MP’s there were (and still are)
Look at the billions wasted by Gordon Brown and Liebore, yet really there is very little in the press.
Newspapers are losing sales for a good reason, THEY think we want to read what sort of knickers JK Rowling wears, we don’t, what we want is proper journalism holding sleazy politicians and others to account.
Most of the above is now done by bloggers not the media, I agree why does the press spend so much time making up lies about celebrities when real stories like climategate are just ignored?
The BBC seems to be too big to take on and with the Murdoch press being badly weakened there is even less chance of that now.
I agree with Martin, that the ‘abuses’ are clear and as pervasive as they are bizarre.
But lordy me, the selection of champions are hard to empathise with.
I popped on SKY whilst making a cuppa for soem news on the world, economy, etc, and got a multi-billionairess trying to find her notes on something or other.
Frankly they all deserve each other, and the notion that broadcast is any less risible than the press, especially in matters of celeb and trivia, is daft.
Plus it seems a good week/way to sideline soem actual stuff that may not fit the narrative, from Arab Falls to dodgy press release retyping.
The problem is a lot of the ‘ordinary people’ who have suffered at the hands of the press didn’t want to take part, so whilst it does seem like a laod of whinging celebs in reality a lot of ordinary people have suffered at the hands of the press and had to live with it and only the big celebs are prepared to put the boot in.
I know for example Chris Jeffries is going to give evidence, how he was treated (as was Robert Murat in the Madeline McCann case) was a disgrace.
As I posted above there are PLENTY of real stories for the press to get into, but they just seem interested in churning up lies and crap.
Are we supposed to believe the lobby fodder at Westminster didn’t know about MP’s expense abuse? really?
The press kept telling us Gordon Brown wasn’t a liar or a bully, even hounding a woman who ran a bullying charity until she gave up her job. Soon as the one eyed c**t got booted out, all the press came out and said yes Gordon was known to be a bully and had a violent temper.
If anyone should be hounded it’s Brown and Blair both making millions out of thier lies and theft and mismanagement of the Country, yet no one in the press mentions Brown’s absense from Parliament and only Channel 4 have done anything to out Bliar’s monery making off the back of his years of failure.
Thing is the BBC get away with it, no one is interested in the outcome just that the BBC got away iwt hlies and bollocks over the whole Dale Farm mess.
I’m amazed Radio 5 hasn’t gotten in the same shit, they were worse than the One Show.
Will we see any punishment? Nope, business as usual.
So you give TWO weeks continuous coverage about a subject you are totallyu biased on, then givea poxy little apology. THOMSON MUST GO, IS THE least acceptable.
I’m certainly heartened by A BBC spokeswoman said: ‘We note the findings of the ESC bulletin, which we have taken very seriously. ‘Moving forward, The One Show has reviewed and will continue to strengthen its editorial procedures to ensure accuracy, fairness and due impartiality on all the programme’s output.’
So what happened?
But it said the programme had ‘failed to clarify that the site had been developed on green belt land’.
It also said it had been ‘unfair’ to the council in allowing a traveller to allege the local authority was ‘throwing us out on the road’ with ‘nowhere to go’ without giving it a right of reply.
Really, the council is obviously oversensitive. So the BBC omitted to tell its audience the real reason for evicting these travellers, and made it seem like they had no other place to go, I’m sure they were fair and balanced about everything else.
Rev Peter Mullen, in the Telegraph, driven to invoke the help of his Maker:
For God’s sake, let’s get rid of the infuriating pop music on Radio Four
Why is every BBC programme invested with a blast of pop music? This morning, the Today Programme reported on political matters in Morocco with the noise of rap as accompaniment. Moments later the programme’s resident giggler Evan Davis whisperingly declared, “I can’t believe it’s 20 years since Freddie Mercury died!” No programme escapes without this unseemly eruption of noise, whether it’s lions on the Masai Mara or the football results. The producers and presenters are in thrall to this trash – but they have no right to suppose that listeners are too. It is a form of institutional philistinism in keeping with the BBC’s relentlessly dumbed down, anti-elitist and faux-proletarian agenda. This is chiefly demonstrated by the fact that presenters do not refer to this noise as “pop music”: they have the impertinence and the ignorance to call it “music”. But music is Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, Bruckner, Elgar, Vaughan Williams and the other great masters. There is also something very appealing which in better days was known as “light music”: Strauss waltzes, The Merry Widow, Hollywood musicals and songs from the shows. But people had the taste and education to know the difference between such pleasant diversions and the aesthetic and spiritual grandeur of classical music. I wouldn’t want to ban pop music, but there is too much of it. Already there are hundreds of radio and TV stations which play nothing else. Surely we might preserve Radio Four as a pop-free zone? …
It’s not just on Radio 4, either. Ever tried watching any Beeboid TV programmes lately? I keep having to switch off Newsnight every time someone is doing an outside report segment because of the infernal noise that is laid over it. It’s the same on The Daily Politics and This Week.
And countless other documentary and entertainment programmes.
It is hard to imagine that anyone who is interested in politics, current affairs or even cookery or gardening programmes wants a lot of noise to compete with the presenter, narrator or reporter. Yet the Beeboid Corporation persists with this form of annoyance, despite constant complaints about it.
Actually, if I remember correctly, the Universe series was one notable exception where the Beeboids did turn down the volume of the accompanying noise – I won’t call it music. Usually they don’t pay any heed to listeners’ or viewers’ complaints.
BBC-NUJ still avoids reference to Pakistani/Muslim sex gangs operating in England.
While e.g. ‘The Times’ [£] adds more on this today, under its headline:
“End denial over grooming, says minister.
“British Pakistanis are targeting white girls, conference told.”
Mr Loughton, the Children’s Minister is reported as saying:
” ‘Trying to be in denial about the involvement, about any particular ethnic group, will not help the victims. There should not be political correctness around the perpetrators. This is a serious crime,’ the minister said.”
The BBC-NUJ is much more (deliberately?) vague in its latest rambling ‘report’:
How did the Beeboids manage such a longwinded report without once mentioning the racist nature of these crimes when carried out by certain gangs? I mean, the Beeboid Corporation is so supposedly concerned with raaaacism and so highly attuned to it an’ all.
Kuwaiti Shaykh Yasir al-Habib, a Shi’a, explains and justifies the Islamic practice of zawaj al-mut’a, or temporary marriage (lit. ‘pleasure marriage’), which is in a sense Islamically-sanctioned prostitution
“give me your sister in marriage, a marriage with the intent of divorcing after one night.” I could imagine something like that, now that you mention it. You know? Now, even if you find this repulsive, the Messenger of Allah didn’t find it repulsive. The Messenger of Allah approved this marriage by recognizing it. The Messenger of Allah permitted and authorized (temporary) pleasure marriages. Now even if they later put it in a written hadith that he later forbade pleasure marriages, the important thing is that it was present (during the time of the Prophet).
If the marriage was by nature considered repulsive by the Shari’ah, meaning it was not pleasing to Almighty Allah and His Messenger (PBUH), then the Prophet from the beginning would not have permitted it, and he did permit it?”
and this is to other MUSLIM women…….(from age 9 is….er ok???????)
i don t need to spell out, the perverted & abhorrent attitude these paedophile throwbacks would have towards a non muslim child
actually here is the link, makes you wonder what can be done…
the child rape. child/enforced marriages, 1st cousin marriages
the brainwashing indoctrination etc etc
what can be done with these kind of entrenched mandated attitudes.
As we know, BBC-NUJ barely recognises the existence Canada, let alone report on it; perhaps it’s because Canada has too many friendly historical British connections for BBC-NUJ.
On top of that, BBC-NUJ could hardly be expected to not censor this discussion in Canada, given BBC-NUJ preferential treatment for Muslims , and incongruously, for homosexuals. The consequence of such discrimination in favour of those two preferred groups is the negative and severe discrimation against all other people, such as the two people interviewed in this video:
Jamie Oliver giving a 10 minute Tories are bad Labour did good party political party broadcast on the Breakfast sofa right now. No alternative viewpoint or comeback given.
Has anyone seen his latest series? There’s more time spent ramming cultural diversity down your neck than cooking.
Wouldn’t be out of place you know where to be fair 😀
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Newsnight Weds 23rd about 30mins in. Paxo speaks debates energy bill with a balanced panel of 4 eco-enthusiasts. British Gas MD, Ovo Energy MD, Uswitch saleswoman and Friends Of The Earth hippy chick.
FOE woman remains quiet throughout until Paxo asks her: “How much is all this green energy going add to our bills?” I’m thinking ‘here we go – at last….’ But what’s this: She completely dodges the question and instead launches a completely diversionary attack on the useless British Gas MD’s pay packet. Now I’m thinking surely Paxo will badger her and press her to answer his question – just like he did with Michael Howard. But what’s this? He drops his point completely and uses her prompt to go straight back to bashing the British Gas MD.
Uh. The rest of the program was equally bad – with Huhne completely let off the hook by totally useless Paxo questioning.
It also bugs me how the BBC always speak of our EU government’s ridiculous ‘carbon reduction targets’ as if they were sacrosanct. Grannies can freeze to death and the economy can be ruined – but we can’t possible consider revising the carbon targets. For the BBC those targets are like the 10 commandments. Delivered on stone tablets. To be spoken of reverently in a hushed voice. Sickening.
It would also have been nice if the British Gas MD had been given the chance to finish a single sentence before Paxo abruptly interrupted him.
Strangely, Paxo seemed far more patient with the lady from the consumer rights organisation…
That’s the trouble with Paxman.
A logic, enlightening discussion has to come a distand second to his pointy-fingered faux-raged hectoring.
It can never be about the news. It always has to be about Paxman.
A million quid?
I wouldn’t pay him ten bob.
The idea that we here in the UK are blessed uniquely with hard-hitting interrogative Rottweilers such as Paxman who deserve every penny of their huge tax-dodging salaries is a load of bollocks. I was listening to a New York radio talk show the other day during which the host asked a local Democrat politician the following regarding Occupy Wall Street:
“Let me ask you Senator Adams, you’re a state senator here in New York, how do you feel about having to spend millions and millions of dollars in this time of economic austerity – and these people are causing us to spend millions of dollars, the taxpayer’s money – on these bongo-banging fleabags?”
Now THAT’S a question.
Question Time panel (from Bath) :
Chris Huhne MP – Prisoner number TBA
Liz Kendall MP – Shadow minister for oldies
Daniel Hannan -Right wing extremist nutter, obviously
Justin King – Sainsbury’s CEO
Jimmy Wales – Wikipedia founder
So – one from each of the 3 main parties, plus two extras. Very much a ‘wait and see’ episode, balance wise.
hannan will bang out the faragesque eurospeak, otherwise same old.
BBC Salford local radio anglophobes were falling over themselves laughing at the England rugby debacle this morning.
Guess what…sportsmen are nagging for more money and have been going out to night clubs where drink and dubious entertainment are on offer.
Fair enough, it is all a pickle. Trouble is somehow I can’t envisage the Scots, Welsh or Irish getting the same pasting from the Beeboids.
Nobody expects the Scots, Welsh or Irish to win World Cups. Whereas the English view winning World Cups as a birthright. 🙂
The test for the fairness of this kind of anti-English attitude is to imagine that the same hilarity and relish were to accompany comments directed toward – let’s say for the sake of argument – the Welsh.
I think that I’ve a reasonably grown up attitude about this sort of thing. So long as it is not genuinely hateful I would not get too excited about it.
The problem is that the BBC have set about playing a major part in enforcing various PC attitudes on British (English?) society. So for me it goes against the grain when Anglophobia breaks out on the BBC.
As a related issue I note that for all its funding, experience and market rate talent the BBC with its many foreign correspondents from around the world consistently hides from the British quite how much the rest of the world resents us.
If that story were truthfully told by the BBC it might change a few attitudes on issues such as foreign aid, the EU, etc.
Actually, the real question is whether or not there’s any connection between the BBC which spent all Wednesday gleefully reporting on a leaked RFU report into the World Cup fiasco, and the BBC that tut-tuts about ‘stolen’ Climategate e-mails, but otherwise refuses to talk about them.
Hey, Rob Andrew cops a bit of flak, but at least he’s not trying to freeze your granny to death….
I looked forward to seeing how the BBC would introduce Mario Monti…can hardly say he was elected can they…but not for want of trying I`m sure( he might have been elected to the Umbrian Ramblers back in `68 or something after all!).
Turns out that he WAS “appointed” after all…like Patten was “confirmed” as Beeb Poohbah Numero Uno…and Banda was “invited”-fine Thesaurus on permanent loan from The Scott Trust that they use.
Wonder what the German for November Putsches Ein and Zwei might be…and at least Hitlers one failed(unlike Merkels brace earlier this month, and an Adriatic separating them as well.
Merkel, Sarkozy, Patten, Mandelson, Brittain,Kinnock…lots of November criminals to replace those rough old brownshirt sweats of 1923 then?…
Anyone catch Bunter Connolly reporting from the tourist wastelands of Engypt this morning? I think he may just win the coveted Beeboid Dhimmi of the Year Prize, which is quite something, given he’s the new boy on the block.
The report was about empty hotels in Egypt and the catastrophic effects of the “Arab Spring” riots on the tourist industry. It seems that there were only 3 people in the large hotel Connolly was staying in (but one suspects he managed to eat enopugh for 100, so at least the kitchens were busy).
Anyway, one of the people Connolly interviewed about this sorry state of affairs was a local Al Qaeda – sorry, Mulsim Brotherhood – official, who, without any challenge or comment from Connolly, opined that having segregated beaches, strict dress and entertainment regulations and public beheadings (OK I added that…) would do little to dampen tourism. IN fact Westerners might even spiritually benefit from this new form of Koranic holiday! Not a critical word from Dhimmi (or should that be Dummy) Conolly.
Of course one gets used to the supine way large Beeboids tolerate Islamists. But what realy irritated me was the way Connolly described the Al Qaeda – sorry, moderate Muslim Brotherhood – demagogue? The word he uses was… “kindly”.
Kindly?! Think about it. In what precise sense was this man “kindly”? And since when is this a journalisticaly useful term. K maybe when discussing MOther Thertesa, but is it realy professional when describing Salafists??? And what does the dimwit mean? Was this man kindly towards Christians? Jews? His 3rd and 4th wife? Leftists? Egyptian Democrats?
No, all all likelihood, probably not. One assumes he means that the man did not kick Connolly in the balls when he walked in, did not insult his mother or whore women friends, did not poison him him, did not chop his head off in the traditional way etc etc.
No. The word was used, in true Beeboid Dhimmi fashion – to create a positive sense of this man. To tell us, the hapless viewer, tht BBC approves of such people, and that they are not to be feared, as they are “kindly”.
It is this sinister – and extremely unrpofessional – bias that we expect from the loathesome BBC.
Tel you what, you fat fucking biased and privileged arse. Tell me the facts, which is what you’re (over)paid for. I don’t need you to tell me how to feel. Especially as “kindly” people like these are destroying Egypt, and much besides.
……..and hatefully persecuting/murdering non muslims, which is…
of course mandated by their ideology…….
hmmm tourism hotspot status?
taking a bit of a knock
ah the “wonderful” aryan….i mean arab spring
Funny how Kevin “Teabagger” Connolly and his boss believe that he’s just allowing the man and his faction to speak for themselves, but was nowhere near as generous in his coverage of the Tea Party movement.
And here’s what Connolly calls the “alternative view”, from the deputy manager of one of those deserted beach hotels:
“We’re deeply afraid of the Islamic groups at the moment,” he says.
“It’s probable that they will come to power. They will ban alcohol, bikinis and the beach because on Islamic TV they say that’s part of their plan.
“I’ve got no real problem with that – just not now, not in this political phase while we’re building the country.”
Good luck with that.
I’d be amazed if any westerner went bak to Egypt, when the who think kicked off when was if February or March? They tossers were slagging off westerners at the time.
To me, stay at home and spend your money in the UK and F*** them.
Hidden away by Guardian’s political chums at BBC-NUJ:
From today’s ‘Times'[£] page 7:
“‘Guardian’ apologies for accusing ‘Sun’ of doorstepping lawyer”
“‘The Guardian’ printed the allegation without checking with ‘The Sun’ or the inquiry. The newspaper admitted in court that its claim, published on the front page, was wrong and said that it would be printing a correction today, although towards the back of the paper.”
“Newsflash: the BBC discovers government waste ”
(by Janet Daley)
I saw most of this last night. There was a refreshing revelation that not all government spending is perfect, and the BBC even gave Robinson enough editorial independence to make a snide remark about how Gordon Brown called it “investment”.
But there were twice as many Labour politicians speaking than Conservative, including Alan Johnson and Mandelson. So much so that for the first twenty minutes or so, I thought this programme had been made in 2009, and I actually went to check the info to see when it was first broadcast. The only representative of the current government was Charles Clarke.
But despite the admission that some government spending was wasteful, there were two over-arching themes:
1. It’s wrong to spend money on anything which benefits the wealthy, such as museums. With that in mind, pensioner fuel relief should be means tested. Although, anyone watching the BBC on a regular basis will understand that woe betides anyone who suggests other benefits ought to be similarly governed. Robinson never got around to that, of course, as it’s not as simplistic.
2. The politicians – well, Labour ones anyway – only spend money because they’re obeying the wishes of the public.
Get ’em while they’re young:)
Mass Immigration continues into Britain.
‘Daily Mail’ has this, BBC-NUJ doesn’t:
“Curb on Romanian and Bulgarian migrants will be lifted in two years… when Europe insists we have to”
“Sir Andrew Green, chairman of Migration Watch, said: ‘With 2.5million people unemployed, it would be absurd to open our borders yet again to more unskilled workers.’ “
Read more:–Europe-insists-to.html#ixzz1edAdfXcV
Radio 5 was a hoot this morning, firstly the phone in, not with Dame Nikki but his brain dead female sidekick with the squeaky voice.
The subject was the nasty press (they mean Murdoch press and Sky) so up first was BBC employee No1 who laid into the tabloids (well the Sun) and stated that the BBC always tells the truth and shouldn’t we have a state run newspaper to brainwash us (I mean give us the truth) all.
I spat my coffee out at that, needless to say my endless texts and emails pointing out the BBC has lied on numerous occasions wasn’t read out by the BBC, so I think we can assume the BBC doesn’t really believe in balance.
As for a state owned paper we already have the Guardian, well OK technically we pay for it but it’s run by the BBC and Liebore party.
Then moving on to another brain dead female (I notice a pattern developing) we had Vikki Pollard who of course was championing the public sector scum going on strike, hardly a call against the vermin going on strike.
How come no one challenged the immigration service who are claiming that getting people in to cover for them may harm our security? If they care so much about that why are they going on strike? what is the government supposed to do then just open the borders and let anyone in on that day?
‘brain dead female sidekick’
That would be Rachel Burden sp?
Asks overlong rambling questions, interrupts when the interviewee has said two words, and talks about ‘my children’ all the time.
So much like every other droidess then.
‘According to data compiled by economist Edward Wolff in 2007, 99% hold about two-thirds of American wealth, meaning the top 1% has nearly a third.
However, the Guardian has crunched the numbers and says the divide in the US is more like the 0.01% v the 99.99%.
I’m sure the Guardian is right – they obviously are a far greater authority on economics than a professor of economics…
PS The article also says the following, which gives the impression that Red Ed was a man ahead of his time; a sage voice in the wilderness who spoke about what everyone else would not or could not see:
“Squeezed middle”
Squeezed midd was a term that was ridiculed when Labour Party leader Ed Miliband first used it. Now it has earned a certain degree of status as global word, or rather two words, of the year.
That’s all a load of crap, twisted numbers. Reality check:
New data from the University of Chicago’s Steven Kaplan shows that, despite government bailouts, in 2008 and 2009 the adjusted gross income of the top 1 percent—a disproportionate number of whom work in the financial industry—fell to 1997 levels. All in all, the fat cats took a 20 percent income hit, compared with the 7 percent lower earners suffered in the aggregate. Few economists believe that the super-rich will ever reclaim all their pre-bubble earnings.
But if the wealthy are not as well off as they once were, the middle classes were never as poorly off as liberal pundits claim. Indeed, their case that income disparity is growing rests on the notion that national productivity grew four times faster (1.95 percent per year) than median household income (0.49 percent per year) between 1979 and 2007.
The BBC decision that the Pacific-Oceania region is now in Asia is apparently a done deal. They don’t even get a sub category under the Asia category. That is restricted to Asia Business, China and India. All the former Pacific region now have their profiles in Asia. I guess it is now policy.
What I didn’t realise is just how hostile the BBC has become to Australia – almost to anti Israel proportions. For generalised nastiness check out the Australia stories that have snuck in:
Why are so many Britons leaving Australia? By Mark Bosworth If you reached it from the Asia homepage the delightful headline is Down Blunder. Other Australian stories to be featured: Australia inquiry after wrong twin foetus terminated, Qantas Twitter contest backfires, Australia sued over cigarette law and Fatal Sydney fire: Nurse charged with murder All negative – all minor tabloid stuff.
Apparently something under 30% of British immigrants didn’t stay. The booming economy, the heat, and wonderful lifestyle with friendly people and a very high quality of life were not enough for them. They were lonely! I can’t amagine why the favourite Australian disparagement for British immigrants is ‘whinging Pommie’, can you?
There has always been a fairly high rate of return. OZ is very selective in who it allows in – they are skilled, relatively properous and by definition mobile. A family might make a genuine effort to migrate, but find they are really missing the wider family back in the UK. Maybe the kids don’t fit in at school. Or an elderly relative back in the UK gets ill. In some cases – the intended job may not work out, or one of the spouses can’t find a good job. There are lots of reasons for returning.
The positive point is that larger numbers of skilled people have been leaving the UK to set up home on the other side of the world – and MOST of them stay there.
The BIG continuing story from OZ is the increasing revolt by industry and by the people against the carbon tax – that seems to get under-reported by the BBC.
The profile is similarly, shall we say, slanted? Four references to the Aborigines in the first six paragraphs. We know they had/have a rough time of it by Australia except in BBC is hardly defined by it.
A major historical error. The British founded the first European settlement in 1788 and named it Sydney. No they didn’t. The first settlement was at Botany Bay. When the site proved unsuitable they moved north to settle around Port Jackson, eventually named Sydney.
The gradual dismantling of the “White Australia” immigration policy in the decades after World War II heralded an increase in the number of non-European arrivals. Most would say the racial element to the White Australia Policy was dismantled in 1973. The restrictions to non British immigration were relaxed to allow in Northern Europoeans and then Southern Europeans and Middle Easterners. All White!
Australia’s path to independent statehood began with the formation of a common federal state in 1901, and was largely complete by World War II. More nonsense! Australia became fully independent in 1901. It was hardly surprising giving the largely British nature of the population that ties remained strong. Australia went off to war for the United Kingdom in WWII. Is that the sign of independence the BBC refers to?
Politics: The Labor Party won a landslide victory in elections in 2007, ending more than 11 years of Liberal Party government. Julia Gillard heads a minority government. Or in other words the Labor Party won in 2007 and scraped in in 2010. I’m not sure landslide is the word I would choose. In 2007 there was a slightly over 5% swing to Labor. In 2010 there was a slightly over 5% swing against.
There isn’t room to fisk every word of the profile but the strong impression is a racist country with unpleasant ties to the UK and monarchy. Politically correct Labor government. Oh and attached to the end It’s an island continent with varied landscapes. Most people live on the coast. Surely this should have been the first paragraph?
Somewhere down the line the Aussies have obviously flouted strict BBC cultural Marxist guidelines. Hard as it may be to grasp if you are a fully-indoctrinated beeboid, not everybody wants their country to descend swiftly into third world claustrophobia & chaos, with near-medieval nutcases calling the shots as they dance around a million motionless wind turbines.
All this celebrity mewling at the Levenson inquiry is ridiculous. The BBC News Channel seems to think it’s the most important story in the world. Max Mosley offered to submit a plan to the inquiry panel about creating laws to force internet providers to block websites, and Levenson was sympathetic to it. Now J.K. Rowling is playing the victim.
Is there nothing else going on in the world today?
To be honest Daivd I sort of agree with ‘some’ of what the celebs are saying.
The newspapers are full of endless crap about celebrity life style (I personally haven’t bought a paper in years although I do visit the websites) yet real investigative journalism is missing for the most part. Yes the Telegraph did the bit on MP expenses, but that was dumped in their lap, they couldn’t fail.
When was the last time the right wing press really took the BBC apart? Apart from the odd writer like Philips, Littlejohn or Hannan none of the press really look at the waste of the BBC or the corruption of the EU?
Look at Climatgate, the media mostly avoid it, MP expenses most of the press totally missed the real Liebore corruption and concentrated on moats and duck houses. Even now the press still haven’t looked at just how many corrupt Labour MP’s there were (and still are)
Look at the billions wasted by Gordon Brown and Liebore, yet really there is very little in the press.
Newspapers are losing sales for a good reason, THEY think we want to read what sort of knickers JK Rowling wears, we don’t, what we want is proper journalism holding sleazy politicians and others to account.
Most of the above is now done by bloggers not the media, I agree why does the press spend so much time making up lies about celebrities when real stories like climategate are just ignored?
The BBC seems to be too big to take on and with the Murdoch press being badly weakened there is even less chance of that now.
‘Now J.K. Rowling is playing the victim’
I agree with Martin, that the ‘abuses’ are clear and as pervasive as they are bizarre.
But lordy me, the selection of champions are hard to empathise with.
I popped on SKY whilst making a cuppa for soem news on the world, economy, etc, and got a multi-billionairess trying to find her notes on something or other.
Frankly they all deserve each other, and the notion that broadcast is any less risible than the press, especially in matters of celeb and trivia, is daft.
Plus it seems a good week/way to sideline soem actual stuff that may not fit the narrative, from Arab Falls to dodgy press release retyping.
But is it really worth two hours of News Channel air time, to the exclusion of all else (except sports and weather, of course)?
The problem is a lot of the ‘ordinary people’ who have suffered at the hands of the press didn’t want to take part, so whilst it does seem like a laod of whinging celebs in reality a lot of ordinary people have suffered at the hands of the press and had to live with it and only the big celebs are prepared to put the boot in.
I know for example Chris Jeffries is going to give evidence, how he was treated (as was Robert Murat in the Madeline McCann case) was a disgrace.
As I posted above there are PLENTY of real stories for the press to get into, but they just seem interested in churning up lies and crap.
Are we supposed to believe the lobby fodder at Westminster didn’t know about MP’s expense abuse? really?
The press kept telling us Gordon Brown wasn’t a liar or a bully, even hounding a woman who ran a bullying charity until she gave up her job. Soon as the one eyed c**t got booted out, all the press came out and said yes Gordon was known to be a bully and had a violent temper.
If anyone should be hounded it’s Brown and Blair both making millions out of thier lies and theft and mismanagement of the Country, yet no one in the press mentions Brown’s absense from Parliament and only Channel 4 have done anything to out Bliar’s monery making off the back of his years of failure.
Here’s an #OccupyFail post from Natalie Solent, formerly of this parish, at SamizData:
Upon what basis can an Occupy protest ask someone to leave?
Well worth a read, as she succinctly highlights the hypocrisy of these little tyrants.
Happy Thanksgiving, DP.
Thanks, DB.
Link down?
The BBC continues its quiet political activism:
The New Deal photographer who chronicled social justice
“Social justice” is a politically loaded term, and the BBC needs to seriously rethink its use.
Another day, another apology for.. from an in theory objective news broadcaster.
‘A One Show spokesman was also unavailable for comment.’
Maybe they know what happens if you go on record but the edit suite gest there first.
Thing is the BBC get away with it, no one is interested in the outcome just that the BBC got away iwt hlies and bollocks over the whole Dale Farm mess.
I’m amazed Radio 5 hasn’t gotten in the same shit, they were worse than the One Show.
Will we see any punishment? Nope, business as usual.
So you give TWO weeks continuous coverage about a subject you are totallyu biased on, then givea poxy little apology. THOMSON MUST GO, IS THE least acceptable.
With so many BBC staff attending the eviction surely anything ‘overlooked’ in their reporting must have been really minor.
I’m certainly heartened by A BBC spokeswoman said: ‘We note the findings of the ESC bulletin, which we have taken very seriously.
‘Moving forward, The One Show has reviewed and will continue to strengthen its editorial procedures to ensure accuracy, fairness and due impartiality on all the programme’s output.’
So what happened?
But it said the programme had ‘failed to clarify that the site had been developed on green belt land’.
It also said it had been ‘unfair’ to the council in allowing a traveller to allege the local authority was ‘throwing us out on the road’ with ‘nowhere to go’ without giving it a right of reply.
Really, the council is obviously oversensitive. So the BBC omitted to tell its audience the real reason for evicting these travellers, and made it seem like they had no other place to go, I’m sure they were fair and balanced about everything else.
Yes happy thanksgiving to all our US readers. Hope your Turkey looks as good as this one (I think some more stuffing is in order!).
Oh and the girl is a Tory!!!
Rev Peter Mullen, in the Telegraph, driven to invoke the help of his Maker:
For God’s sake, let’s get rid of the infuriating pop music on Radio Four
Why is every BBC programme invested with a blast of pop music? This morning, the Today Programme reported on political matters in Morocco with the noise of rap as accompaniment. Moments later the programme’s resident giggler Evan Davis whisperingly declared, “I can’t believe it’s 20 years since Freddie Mercury died!”
No programme escapes without this unseemly eruption of noise, whether it’s lions on the Masai Mara or the football results. The producers and presenters are in thrall to this trash – but they have no right to suppose that listeners are too. It is a form of institutional philistinism in keeping with the BBC’s relentlessly dumbed down, anti-elitist and faux-proletarian agenda. This is chiefly demonstrated by the fact that presenters do not refer to this noise as “pop music”: they have the impertinence and the ignorance to call it “music”.
But music is Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, Bruckner, Elgar, Vaughan Williams and the other great masters. There is also something very appealing which in better days was known as “light music”: Strauss waltzes, The Merry Widow, Hollywood musicals and songs from the shows. But people had the taste and education to know the difference between such pleasant diversions and the aesthetic and spiritual grandeur of classical music.
I wouldn’t want to ban pop music, but there is too much of it. Already there are hundreds of radio and TV stations which play nothing else. Surely we might preserve Radio Four as a pop-free zone? …
And I say Amen to that, Rev.
It’s not just on Radio 4, either. Ever tried watching any Beeboid TV programmes lately? I keep having to switch off Newsnight every time someone is doing an outside report segment because of the infernal noise that is laid over it. It’s the same on The Daily Politics and This Week.
And countless other documentary and entertainment programmes.
It is hard to imagine that anyone who is interested in politics, current affairs or even cookery or gardening programmes wants a lot of noise to compete with the presenter, narrator or reporter. Yet the Beeboid Corporation persists with this form of annoyance, despite constant complaints about it.
Yes it comes up a lot in complaints about the BBC, Radio 5 are guilty of it big time, why do we need music to announce the travel news????
Oh it’s been done that way for years is the answer.
I know there were a lot of complaints about the last Dr Brian Cox series on the Universe, people complained about the music.
There should be an option to watch it with no background music at all.
Sometimes it can be done well, the Top Gear special across South America had some great music in it and was well blended in, but it wasn’t full on.
Far too many beeboids just stick some crap on top of the sound track for a show and think people will like it.
Actually, if I remember correctly, the Universe series was one notable exception where the Beeboids did turn down the volume of the accompanying noise – I won’t call it music. Usually they don’t pay any heed to listeners’ or viewers’ complaints.
BBC-NUJ still avoids reference to Pakistani/Muslim sex gangs operating in England.
While e.g. ‘The Times’ [£] adds more on this today, under its headline:
“End denial over grooming, says minister.
“British Pakistanis are targeting white girls, conference told.”
Mr Loughton, the Children’s Minister is reported as saying:
” ‘Trying to be in denial about the involvement, about any particular ethnic group, will not help the victims. There should not be political correctness around the perpetrators. This is a serious crime,’ the minister said.”
The BBC-NUJ is much more (deliberately?) vague in its latest rambling ‘report’:
“Plan to tackle child sexual exploitation ”
How did the Beeboids manage such a longwinded report without once mentioning the racist nature of these crimes when carried out by certain gangs? I mean, the Beeboid Corporation is so supposedly concerned with raaaacism and so highly attuned to it an’ all.
Kuwaiti Shaykh Yasir al-Habib, a Shi’a, explains and justifies the Islamic practice of zawaj al-mut’a, or temporary marriage (lit. ‘pleasure marriage’), which is in a sense Islamically-sanctioned prostitution
“give me your sister in marriage, a marriage with the intent of divorcing after one night.” I could imagine something like that, now that you mention it. You know? Now, even if you find this repulsive, the Messenger of Allah didn’t find it repulsive. The Messenger of Allah approved this marriage by recognizing it. The Messenger of Allah permitted and authorized (temporary) pleasure marriages. Now even if they later put it in a written hadith that he later forbade pleasure marriages, the important thing is that it was present (during the time of the Prophet).
If the marriage was by nature considered repulsive by the Shari’ah, meaning it was not pleasing to Almighty Allah and His Messenger (PBUH), then the Prophet from the beginning would not have permitted it, and he did permit it?”
and this is to other MUSLIM women…….(from age 9 is….er ok???????)
i don t need to spell out, the perverted & abhorrent attitude these paedophile throwbacks would have towards a non muslim child
shame SHAME on the bbc
actually here is the link, makes you wonder what can be done…
the child rape. child/enforced marriages, 1st cousin marriages
the brainwashing indoctrination etc etc
what can be done with these kind of entrenched mandated attitudes.
to the bbc, see the ideology your protecting
Good article on BBC’s under-reporting on real events in Egypt
Egypt: What is happening behind the drama of Jeremy Bowen’s tears?
As we know, BBC-NUJ barely recognises the existence Canada, let alone report on it; perhaps it’s because Canada has too many friendly historical British connections for BBC-NUJ.
On top of that, BBC-NUJ could hardly be expected to not censor this discussion in Canada, given BBC-NUJ preferential treatment for Muslims , and incongruously, for homosexuals. The consequence of such discrimination in favour of those two preferred groups is the negative and severe discrimation against all other people, such as the two people interviewed in this video:
“This Has Got to Stop”
Jamie Oliver giving a 10 minute Tories are bad Labour did good party political party broadcast on the Breakfast sofa right now. No alternative viewpoint or comeback given.
Has anyone seen his latest series? There’s more time spent ramming cultural diversity down your neck than cooking.
Wouldn’t be out of place you know where to be fair 😀