I’ve just seen it, thanks for pointing it out. It’s depressing but not surprising. I keep hoping that sooner rather than later, something will be done about the bbc; but it doesn’t look to be happening any time soon.
By leading with the statement that;”The survey found that just 22.5 per cent of all staff professed to be Christians”, the Daily Mail article is written is such a way as to be deliberately misleading.
Delve a little deeper and you will find that: of those who responded to the survey 38% said they were Christian. Which funnily enough is identical to the UK average for adults aged 18 to 34.
Admittedly it’s less than the total number of UK Christians (55%), but there is a much higher proportion amongst those above retirement age.
Ah, the good old “false dichotomy”; if you are not pro-christian you must therefore be anti-christian. Favourate logical fallacy of all good bigots everywhere.
I wonder how many saw the ‘BBC cuts debate’ in parliament last week. Most of the speeches were done by Labour MPs, it seems we love and venerate the bBC and the cuts are unfair to such a beloved organisation. Well they are Labour MPs, either delusional or crooks.
Don’t expect any of the BBC’s ‘cuts’ to result in a penny being saved by the license-payer. The millionaires at the BBC are very keen to pretend that ‘we’re all in this together’, lest the populace start asking themselves why they are paying a license-fee at all.
Hence the spin about (the non-cut) cuts at the BBC. Thompson was in the papers last week weeping about them saying, ‘We can’t cut any more boohoo, we have to decide what sort of BBC we want boohoo.’
Well here’s a suggestion for you, Mark. How’s about a subscription-only BBC.
Having been to a BBC meeting the message was very much that ‘these cuts are ones that we can only do once’. It is obviously a message that is being stressed internally.
As an outsider I look and think the BBC expanded hugely around 2001 – ie many more stations and maybe the BBC should be cutting BBC 3 & 4, many of the radio stations with ‘extra’ in their title plus one or two that don’t.
I heard on this morning’s Today prog that Stewart Lee will be one of the guest editors over Christmas. That’s nice – we so rarely get to hear the worldview of left-wing comedians on Radio 4.
Stewart Lee – eternally stuck in an eighties student comedy timewarp : the material, the delivery and even his appearance are all straight from that Mary Whitehouse Experience era of stand-up. It’s like watching and listening to a nostalgia act, but with none of the accompanying fondness.
I’m only just recovering from hearing the Uber-Luvvie himself, Colin Firth, guest-edit Today a year ago, during which he suggested that those of us resistant to the wonders of cultural Marxism were mentally unstable. We aren’t the only ones. He then introduced Benjamin Zephaniah.
On Radio 5 beep .. beep .. beep……… beep …………. beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep
yesterday Phil ‘Poly’ Williams was interviewing Housing Minister Grant Shapps. Phil likes to think his next gig will be anchoring Newsnight, so in a bid to prove he’s just as good as ‘the big boys’ Phil spent the whole interview haranguing Shapps. As soon as Shapps started answering a question in would come ‘Poly’ with a ‘big boys style’ interruption, thean another interruption, then another interruption.
Poly’s style throughout the interview was (what he fancies is) ‘attitude.’ And when a polite but fed-up Shapps requested, ‘If I could just say..’, Poly cut in with, ‘yer, in a minute’.
I doubt very much that Poly’s next gig will be Newsnight.
A Saturday morning double-hander called Phil & Nikk In Da Bungalow is more likely.
Environmental activists have broken into a French nuclear power station, to highlight the “vulnerability” of atomic sites in France.
They’ve done this in the past at Sizewell, in my neck of the woods, breaching the outer fencing and scaling some of the buildings to hang banners and daub slogans. I think they may be on to something. A nuclear power station is a high profile terrorist target after all. I say let armed guards patrol inside the perimeter, with a shoot to kill policy should anyone gain unauthorized access. Then watch, after the first rainbow warrior gets some lead-in-the-head, the shrieking outrage as they protest that they are only peaceful activists who mean no harm and have a right to protest as they see fit. Unfortunately, the guards are not to know that Mr. Trusty-Crusty does not have sinister motives. Bang!
I think you’ll find that at all strategic installations there are armed response units in the close vicinity. What these greenpeace cretins are counting on is that the armed forces won’t shoot. I’ll bet they don’t try that in Iran.
I’m sure there are, John. It’s the apparent lack of an immediate and effective ‘response’ from those armed response units that needs to change. Considering the dangers we face today, letting these muppets climb all over the place at these kinds of sites must stop. They need a shock to the system next time they try one of their attention seeking stunts, to send out the right message to others.
This will come as something of a shock to BBC audiences who’ve been informed by previous BBC coverage of the issue. They’ll be wondering why the focus is on Pakistanis when they’ve been told it’s not really a Pakistani problem.
And the BNP have been telling people, who care to see beyond their prejudices, for over a decade that this has been going on. muslims in Blackpool and other Northern towns have been afflicted by this muslim propensity to abuse and murder, some cases, vulnerable white girls. And of course there is the case in Scotland where a car full of muslms abducted a young white boy, tortured and mutilated him and then left him to die. The subhumans then went to their ‘community’ who arranged for the culprits to leave our country back to pakistan. And islam is a religion of peace; don’t make me laugh.
yep! a shock to the miniscule audience on el beeb.3
R4 – R5 BBC 1 – BBC2 -BBC News, non specific issue unless
its ambiguous “asians”, or the latest incarnation “some families”
Given that the BBC is wholly unrepresentative of the population by way of gender,sexuality, race, region, urban, religion and politics perhaps there is an equalities case for institutional discrimination?
George R, I draw your attention to astute Guardian reader, audience figure geek and regular letter writer to that dreadful newspaper “Davidwalks” who points out that the study from which the BBC draws its figures (the BBG) also says “Alhurra’s audience increased from 26.2 million viewers in FY 2010 to 26.7 million viewers in FY 2011 and is within the margin of error of the target of 27.0 million viewers. Alhurra experienced huge audience gain in Egypt… (Alhurra is the US Arab language station that broadcasts out of a studio in Springfield, VA, USA). So the BBC’s boast “24m” audience does not support its statement “…international audiences are increasingly turning to the BBC for independent news that they can trust,” Alhurra is still ahead. However, real questions should be asked about Al Jazeera and its penetration into the US market. It is being touted as “independent” and a purveyor of “real news”. Yeah, right!
“The same 62,000 words that BBC Jersey have had for the best part of two months and, just like the Home Affairs Minister, BBC Jersey have not published a single word of it either.”
Here’s an example of a main problem with BBC political analysis of the US, from the recrent anonymous article on Herman Cain dropping out:
The former Godfather’s Pizza chief executive – who has never won an election – was propelled by conservative Tea Party support to the front of the Republican field in October.
So what if he’s never won an election? He only ran for something once before, as far as I’m aware – a belated run at a Georgia Senate seat. His problem then was his campaign manager. The President had only won two elections before 2008, both by getting his opponent disqualified.
Only political hacks think being a politician is a good qualification for being a politician. I can think of several Presidents who had never won an election before running for President. Sure, they tend to be famous generals, but so what? Most people in the US outside the bubble don’t care anymore.
The BBC sneeringly dismisses a succesful businessman, former deputy chairman of the Federal reserve Bank of Kansas City, syndicated columnist, author, radio host, minister and real-life rocket scientist as an ex-pizza man.
Meanwhile, pampered rich kid Ed Milliband is never described as an ex-office boy, even though doing Gordo McDoom’s photocopying was about the extent of his pre-politics life.
Unless of course she’s saving that revelation for her autobiography.
“While working for Clinton’s Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers I attended a National Restaurant Association meeting where I met a charming black man. I don’t recall the exact details but I think I let him have fingers and tops.”
Oooh well looky here 😀 I have just saved the planet from global warming and all I had to do was add the graphs below.
You may remember that our resident Lysenkoist David(I am too frightened to be a dissenter)Gregory who after reading none of the climategate2 emails somehow thought they contained nothing of interest. You may also remember that he admitted to me that he is too scared to report on NOAA sourced data that shows a cooling trend, aaah that well known sceptic/denialist NOAA eh?
The graphs below prove that there is no such thing as global warming the decade is up folks, you may remember that the CAGW cultists promised us that less than a decade of data showing cooling is too short a time period. Well its ten years and just look at the graph on the right, now either the graph is upside down OR there is a measurable cooling trend and just look at the provider of the data, no wonder then that the Durban disaster is too frightened to show the real evidence.
If David Gregory should read this far, you may be a niiice chappy and polite and reasonable but thats no excuse for closing your eyes to reality, the reality the BBC is determined to keep from us at any cost. Look at your precious BBC, your employer and your supposed love of science and then look at the graphs. I hate to say I told you so…but I told you so. Shame the devil and tell the truth, take these graphs and do a report on them if you dare.
Cassie were I to take my career in my hands (I am being deeply sarcastic) as a science reporter I’d want something a little more… scientific than “random graphs off the web” that I really don’t think you understand. For example they may be based on NOAA data but that doesn’t mean the end result is actually useful or indeed scientifically literate. You can make data say anything if you twist it enough, I seem to recall that’s the argument over ClimateGate?
Since I clearly can’t convince you of the scientific basis of the work of those studying our climate there’s another piece or research that I really think you should sit down and look at long and hard.
Have you heard of the Dunning-Kruger effect? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning%E2%80%93Kruger_effect
Er nope, have you heard of the ‘if I try to report on the decline of global temperatures I will get the sack’ effect?
You are claiming that just because the data does not point the in the direction you desire it is not valid regardless of the source? Are you actually claiming that because the data is not “useful” it the BBC should hide it?
On this forum you have actually admitted to all of us that real genuine data showing a genuine cooling trend will not be reported on by the BBC because it is not”useful”.
After all this time you have openly admitted to us that indeed you and the BBC have a deliberate policy of excluding information that you deem not to be “useful”. The graph I supplied in my post is REAL and it is genuine and cannot be contradicted, your reply was what I would expect of a CAGW cultist, you deny the evidence before your eyes because it contradicts your beliefs.
The data is clear, it couldnt be clearer David. The planet is in fact COOLING and the BBC will never allow this fact to be reported on because it contradicts the basic ideology of CAGW, allow this graph to see the light of day and CAGW theory is falsified, you know it dont you?
I dared you to take that graph to your editor(s) and ask them if you could do a report on it, I dare you David, I double dare you just to see what they would do and what they would do to you if you tried.
Below is the graph you cannot deny, you can squirm and you can wriggle and you can evade but the graph is real isnt it? I have enclosed the graph again just so you can look at it. And I have a counter proposal for you. Have you ever heard of a man called Lysenko? Look him up, the BBC is playing to his rule book, his tactics, his vision of what science should be.
“Have you heard of the Dunning-Kruger effect?”
Have you heard of a little thing called “the scientific method”? We know now who you are, what you stand for, and we know that the BBC is determined to hide the decline, to peddle the lie of CAGW even in the face of the evidence.
“as a science reporter I’d want something a little more… scientific than “random graphs off the web” that I really don’t think you understand.”
Here is how it works David, I show you a graph using valid data and you as a scientist look at the evidence I supplied. How can this evidence be more scientific than it is? Do you want me to write a thesis and have it peer reviewed in order for you to consider it? And as for the remark that I dont understand it, what on earth is there not to understand? The planet is cooling and has been for a decade, its not rocket science, its not brain surgery, it is real genuine data from the most reputable source.
You are flailing David, you know it and I know it, who is the denier now eh? Stop digging that hole and look at the graph, the planet is cooling and therefore CAGW theory is falsified, accept it and move on.
Dont worry David the stages of a cultist finally accepting the truth are well known, I will be here when you open your eyes I can assure you of that, not to gloat but because there is hope for you yet.
Cassandra, What’s the matter with you? You are supposed to go away and shut up because you are too stupid to understand. That’s the voice of Science, by the way. “The science” has decreed it. Allegedly.
Away and die, die, die, peasant!
There is a saying that ‘all that is required for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing’
You are part of the scientific fraud of the age, you can either stay silent or you can do something. This fraud of the age, this great lie called CAGW is causing untold damage and huge misery, it is enriching the very worst dregs of humanity and impovershing and ruing the lives of ordinary people who simply do not deserve it.
You are part of the BBC, you are part of the CAGW fraud and you can do something honourable right now yet you choose not to, you choose to defend the indefensible to defend the scum of the earth as they enrich themselves at the expense of ordinary people. I wouldnt be so bad if it were just money but lives are being lost right now because of the CAGW fraud, the poor elderly are going to die horrible deaths as a direct reult of the CAGW fraud and you are a part of the grotesque fraud of the age.
You seem a decent sort, I can assure you that at some point you will be forced to see the reality of the CAGW fraud, but after the fact is not good enough, you simply have to be a part of the resistance because I promise you that if you are not then you will live to regret it for the rest of your life.
I am not telling you this because I hate you or want to score cheap points but because I believe that deep down you know the truth of it, you just need to accept it.
Beijing has underlined its concern that an economic slowdown could lead to social unrest in China, with the country’s security chief urging local officials to do more to prepare for the “negative effects of the market economy”.
Zhou Yongkang, a member of the politburo, told provincial officials that they needed to find better methods of “social management” – a euphemism which can include everything from better internet censorship and strategic policing of violent unrest, to a better social safety net.
The EU state being born right now has all the makings of another China, the euroslime political class must look at the Chinese socio political model and think to themselves ‘we want some of that action’.
The perfect blend of corpratism and elitist political class supremacism where perpetual power and the total subjugation of the masses is their goal. A rubber stamp fake parliament and a secretive politburo commission and a cowed masses. What could possibly go wrang?
I wonder…if the police here had taken a tough stance with the rioters this summer and gone in with considerable force to stamp out the violence quickly (as they should have done), or even cleared out the Occupy squatters before they had the chance to take hold…would the BBC ever refer to that as ‘social management‘ ?
Yeah, that’s always police brutality. I feel sorry for the police front line. They’re damned if they do, and damned if they don’t, and they all hate the current Government as much as the BBC.
The very small hours of this morning, yours truly is unwell and wide awake. For company he puts on the bedside radio which is tuned to Radio 5 Live. The first thing he hears is an item about a drought in Afghanistan about which the presenter asks “Is this drought Britain and the USA’s fault?”.
Could be worse, Anders. You might have been sickly enough to flick on the telly box and run into Dateline.
Fun edition this weekend featuring a round table of left-wing fantasists, including a black and/or African fellow who was nursing a semi over the idea that Europe and the West are now doomed, and to be replaced by China and Africa “because they have resources”. Yah boo sucks to whitey, basically.
(Obviously the poor sap isn’t aware that China not only has its own resources, but is busily and efficiently acquiring Africa’s too).
Unsurprisingly, this went down a storm with the round-table of (not noticeably Chinese, African or non-caucasian) lefties who fell over one another in their disgusting yearning that this might come to pass ASAP. Maybe the treacherous bastards might like to board the first flight to Khartoum or Lagos tomorrow, the better to greet their future overlords.
On this very subject, recent comment in The Telegraph by Damian Thompson: ‘CHINA HAS DESTROYED AFRICA”S FUTURE – Imagine the stink if America were to “barge its way” into developing countries, bribe dictators to sign over mineral rights in return for doomed infrastructure projects, ban trade unions & open fire on rebellious workers. There’d be protests outside the US embassy & a “withering play by Sir David Hare at the National”. Yet China is doing all that & more & what does the Left do? It yawns. At least China is getting things built, we’re told. But what good is that when Africans, given only the most menial jobs, never acquire the skills to maintain their new roads & railways? By the time these fail, the mineral wealth has been extracted. All this enrages ordinary Africans (Zambia’s President, Michael Sata, was voted in last year on an anti-Chinese ticket, & China loomed large in Congo’s elections this week), but not the UN’s anti-racism lobby. They’re too busy chastising the ex-colonial powers. Meanwhile, Africa’s future, undecided for 50 years, has quietly been settled for it. Something “close to slavery” is back – all thanks to China.’
A Doctor writes :
Take this presciption to your local radio shop (should there be one left) and have them tune your bedside radio to R3.
If the symptoms persist, then you will have to seriously try and give up your addiction of wasting money on your licence fee payment habits.
Drought or no drought, the BBC would never blame my involvement with your condition as I work for the hallowed NHS.
Compare and contrast the hysterical BBC reporting on the legal release of the Sarah Palin emails with their tight-lipped coverage of the latest round of nothing-to-see-here-the-science-is-still-settled-are-you-paid-by-Big-Oil ClimateGate emails Part II.
With the Sarah Palin emails, the BBC not only provided extracts, but included a link to a reader with the whole thing. The latest salacious (or, you konw, not) details on Newsnight. Entire programmes devoted to discussing them and dealing with them. Where is the equivalent for the ClimateGate emails? Which is more important, more newsworthy, has more potential impact on the entire planet and future of civilization?
Bill Cash invited into the BBC News Channel to debate the future of the Eurozone with a Euro gravytrainer. As Bill starts to refute the panglossian outlook detailed by the Eurofanatic, the Euroman smirks towards the pair of Beebette desk jockeys as if to say There goes that idiot again who just can’t appreciate the emperor’s fine new clothes.
If a spate of recent allegations proves true, Hollywood may have a hideous epidemic on its hands. The past two weeks have brought three separate reports of alleged child sexual abuse in the entertainment industry.
Martin Weiss, a 47-year-old Hollywood manager who represented child actors, was charged in Los Angeles on Dec. 1 with sexually abusing a former client. His accuser, who was under 12 years old during the time of the alleged abuse, reported to authorities that Weiss told him “what they were doing was common practice in the entertainment industry.” Weiss has pleaded not guilty.
The BBC sympathized with child-rapist Roman Polanski, so this is probably nothing to them, not worth their time, while it is important to tell you that Madonna will perfrorm at the next Super Bowl.
bbc3 exposed programme on muslim paedophile gangs nothing but an disgraceful apologist fest, the muslim connection deliberately distanced, check out at 12 mins in rochdale slotted in the problem not, paedophile pakistani muslims, but the EDL? dressing muslims as victims??
uh oh….bad sign.
Moves on to Derby, deliberately highlighting, that muslims go to pray the mosque is in a red light area? after dark its hard to tell the age??? of girls
…..uh oh…excusery attitude
Next Burnley, friday night by the pubs etc, etc young people out on the town….oops no pakistanis here, again excusery again bigging up the dutiful muslims, this programme is turning propaganda.
remind me what was its premis again?
next its manchester, another excusery imam, child grooming is not just a pakistani problem, its all our? problem, ie we all have to take our share?
islam here, is seen as some kind of pious saviour??? HELLO!
truly…..a disgrace,
Amusing episode in Paxo’s Guardian/LSE report liberal angstfest on Newsnight tonight.
Woman called Jane Pilgrim, who had her baby shop trashed, was on the panel. Slightly surprisingly, she started mouthing the usual BBC liberal platitudes like “we’re all to blame” and “locking people up doesn’t help”.
I thought I recognised her so I Googled the name and found the interviews she gave in August just after her shop was trashed ” They’re feral scum…. it’s no use mollycoddling them…. the police should take a harder line”.
The average liberal is quite capable of auto- brainwashing .
The BBC is run on that principle . Join up and with a little input from us and a lot of self flagelation and guilt you too can think like the average beeboid .
That Newsnight tonight was quite absurd. Are they all raving mad ?
Totally disconnected from reality and how the non metropolitan elites really think.
The BBC is in grave danger of ending up talking to itself . I suppose they kid themselves that Strictly Come Dancing proves they still understand us peasants.
This looks fun. The Global Warming Policy Foundation are about to publish a report prepared by Christopher Booker on the BBC’s bias on Global Warming. Foreword by Sir Antony Jay, co-author of Yes Minister, whose earlier experience of working within the BBC is summarised in rthe permanent quote at the foot of this blog.
The BishopHill website says
“The new report reveals that the BBC has not only failed in its professional duty to report fully and accurately on one of the biggest scientific and political stories of our time: it has betrayed its own principles, in three respects. The BBC has above all been guilty of abusing the trust of its audience, and of all those compelled to pay for it. On one of the most important and far-reaching issues of our time, its coverage has been so tendentious that it has given its viewers a picture not just misleading but at times even fraudulent.”
This resonated, if borne out or incapable of robust defence:
‘it has given its viewers a picture not just misleading but at times even fraudulent’
Especially intersting was the poster anaylsing the differecne between a journalist (Fred Pearce) addressing certain issues, and the BBC acting in its usual favoured source cut & paste role.
I wonder if we, as compelled funders of such output, have any recourse given the implied contract and terms of service in the Charter, which seem honoured minaly in breach?
Only if we have deep enough pockets to risk taking it through the courts, I suspect. Or simply not pay and then hide behind our front doors. Neither of which appeals, frankly.
Can someone please tell me when they are finally going to reveal that Will Gompertz is actually just an elaborate parody. When I first saw him I thought it must be Red Nose Day or April Fool’s Day but they keep the joke going long after it’s funny. I refuse to believe he is a real person, will they please reveal him as a joke.
In the spirit of ‘impartiality’, I think the BBC should install that all-important second phone line in support of an issue…
I’m guessing that the majority of complaints came from late night shopping ‘striking’ Unison members who missed the context of Clarkson’s comments… I know if that second phone line in support was installed natural osmosis would crush the UNISON out-of-context complaints.. you can see the whole interview on Youtube. End of story.
Why don’t these idiots check it out first before complaining? just saying…
Because the Beeboid Corporation only showed a truncated clip without the context. (God knows why as without the preceding remarks, it made little sense and negated somewhat the defence he and they tried to make.) It took some looking to find either a full report, full transcript or video of the complete interview.
I’m still in tears this morning, after seeing that poor downtrodden treasure of diversity on Newshite yesterday.
Just try to put yourself in his shoes: You’re lounging by a pool on holiday, when you start getting messages about the riots on your Blackberry. Do you stay and make the most of the nine days you have left abroad, or do you head back to London and start indiscriminately attacking police officers, members of the public and looting shops?
To think our racist government and their evil benefits system are forcing people to make decisions like this just breaks my heart.
I’m going to write to Trevor Phillips immediately. Never mind fuel poverty, the choice to ‘heat or eat’ is nothing compared to forcing these poor little Negros to choose between holidaying or rioting.
Yet another “socialist, human rights” fest this morning over hacker Gary McKinnon. The hacker that broke into the pentagon computer system.
Of course we have his mum and another friendly face extolling the need to change extradition arrangements with the US. Why?
Poor boy suddenly has medical condition, is terribly traumatised by what could happen, don’t like the US legal system, jail terms are too long, cannot get a fair trial,………………..
Hang on, he freely hacked into a major defense computer in a country that is our major ally. He knew what he was doing yet proceeded to do it. Excuse; he was “looking for little green men”. Yeah right.
Our wonderful MP’s take this matter up in Westminster for this man and start looking at what steps can be taken to ameliorate this situation.
A few weeks ago 100 000 citizens call for a referendum to look at EU membership because we are being dragged into a circus that many citizens now find unacceptable. The elite issue orders that this be stopped in it’s tracks.
I don’t get it. One man commits a serious crime and they’re all over it. Many in the nation are seriously concerned about the future of this nation’s involvement in the EU and the conversation is stopped.
Bang on. Everything the BBC has said about this case is garbage.
He’s not a poor young lad who was looking for the aliens. He’s a grown man who trashed hundreds of files then left racist abuse behind him. Calling him hacker is like calling a guy who breaks into a curry house and torches it a ‘lock picker’.
Ditto, bad as living with Aspberger’s must be, the one thing sure to make it worse is having the condition hijacked by unrepentent racist scuzballs claiming the condition made them do it.
Besides, at least he’ll get his day in court. Meanwhile, under the European Arrest Warrent, British citizens can be exported abroad to be held indefinitly pending the possibility of the option of them being charged, at some future point.
On the subject of the BBC’s flexible attitude to racism when it involves the US, it was good to note that the 8 AM news on Radio 4 informed us that it was ‘US’ ratings agency Standard & Poor that had threatened to downgrade Eurozone government bonds.
Yes, indeed: Americans. You all know what they’re like. Bill Gates, Barack Obama and Ronald McDonald get together every night to plot how to make the Eurozone look like an economic basketcase, even though it’s totally solvent in every respect.
Someone should tell them Fitch is actually French-owned, but still not recommending anyone load up on Greek 10 year debt.
So the same organsisation that goes to any lengths to avoid a simple statement about just who’s doing the ‘grooming’ of young white girls, has no qualms about shoe-horning in gratuitious references to national origin to pander to the anti-american paranoia of eurocrats.
Instead, INBBC waffles about the Egyptian voting system and low turn outs, rather than provide a critical analysis of the Muslim Brotherhood (as beloved by Obama):
“Egypt elections: Low turnout for first round run-offs”
You can’t help but admire how quickly and comprehensively BBC narrative constructions are disseminted via a few of its key commentators throughout the organisation, down to its every mouthpiece.
For example, every time the August riots are mentioned we hear the mantra ‘sparked by the police shooting of a young black man’. And I can imagine a BBC history book of the future labelling the incidents ‘the bottled water riots’. The children of the distant future perhaps drawing the conclusion that global warming must have really reached a crisis.
Now we have the narrative about the future of the Euro. Key players such as Peston and Flanders used to give us repeated reassurances that all would be well with the bailouts.
Now they have switched to the line that Euro currency collapse would be ecomomic utter apocalypse for us in Britain. This new BBC view has instantly filtered down to the likes of 5 Live talk show hosts and to One Show presenters – I bet even Dr Who and Basil Brush – if pushed on the issue – would be firmly on message.
But the German economy is sound. When the Euro currency breakup comes it will be sudden and well planned. Don’t be fooled. It is the EU political dream that has the left-wing commentators weeping into their glasses of Toscana.
The only dilemma I can see see for Brits is the choice of which Med country to pick for their newly cheap holidays.
As reported on this site, the BBC decided a while back to stop considering my complaints of political bias.
I asked them if this applied only to complaints of left-wing bias, and they gave me the following response, which I find a tad patronising:
‘You are entitled to make complaints about right-wing bias, but should they also be judged, over a period of time, to have no substance, the same expedited complaints handling procedure will be applied.’
I don’t think I’ll never feel the need to make a complaint of right-wing bias, but if I do, it’s reassuring to know that it will be considered (before being filed in the bin)…
Anguished howls from Red Andy Verrity, the R5 (anti-) business expert when interviewing a Insurance Fund man about the proposal for the funds to exercise their shareholding strength to seek to rebalance bank profits away from bonuses – “But shareholders didn’t even manage to get rid of James Murdoch”, Red Andy wailed. Some people are even more evil than Tories or bankers it seems & must be dragged into conversation as often as possible.
Arab Spring myths: misconceptions about the uprisings
By Roger HardyMiddle East analyst
Islamists are poised to take over the Arab Middle East
This, too, is a misreading.
Where the Islamists have done well, as in Tunisia, it is because they have learned from past mistakes. Does this mean they have learnt to disguise their intentions?
They cannot afford to alienate the middle class – or the Western states they rely on for trade and tourism. Remember this was written after the Egyptian elections
Palestine no longer matters This myth was rudely shattered when Egyptian crowds attacked the Israeli embassy in Cairo in September.The myth it seems was propagated as much by the BBC as any one.
Freely-elected governments, as and when they emerge,will more accurately reflect the will of the people – on foreign as well as domestic issues. Is he suggesting a Muslim Brotherhood/Salafist government will be LESS anti Israel?
The West can shape the destiny of the Arabs This is the myth that should have died. Western countries cannot do this, even in Libya, the one country where they intervened. Is it possible that Iraq just slipped his mind?
yep!…it seems that Salafists are the bad islamists, but the MB are the good islamists..
glad thats cleared up, turn over & have another couple of hours eh!
The BBC had multiple references on recent days to the suspension of the Herman Cain campaign for the Republican nomination – but continues to fail to report properly on the continuing surge by Newt Gingrich :
This surge has been going on for 3 weeks now, Gingrich has big momentum which could be crucial in Iowa at the beginning of January even without the level of local organisation on the Romney campaign.
Maybe the reason for the BBC’s disdain is that Gingrich smacks down really hard on smirking liberal journalists. He’d make mincemeat of the likes of Mardell or Naughtie.
Did anyone else see the programme about Facebook the other night? Emily Maitlis has come in for some criticism, personally I don’t care what she was wearing, but why does the BBC insist on using a lightweight presenter to cover a technology programme? Maitlis’s only tech savvy appeared to be getting a replacement keyboard out of a vending machine. The BBC does have technology reporters, yet the BBC seems to insist on using some bird who is a mental airhead and didn’t really know anything about the creation of Facebook. As an example Sir Tim Berners-Lee has been very critical of Facebook, it goes against his principle that the web should be open, Facebook is a closed system. This was never fully developed, nor was Berners-Lee interviewed for his view. It’s rather typical of the dumbing down of technology we see more and more off the BBC.
“‘I learned more about Emily Maitlis’s wardrobe than Facebook’: Outraged viewers complain over BBC star’s numerous costume changes during documentary.”
That the BBC supports FaceBook and twitter etc is no surprise as they try and keep the £4Bpa, but not actualluy invest in anything to justify it in cranking out ‘reports’ based on likes or RTs from their select ‘friends’ circle.
‘A BBC spokesman last night insisted that the programme had not breached guidelines. ‘
This will be dismissed out of hand. The Beeboids have no idea that this shallow behavior doesn’t suit. They think it’s fine, and will simply sneer at the unwashed masses for being distracted by the superficial rather than focus on the documentary subject.
I’m glad I missed this as it’s upleasant enough just having to watch her slouch and pose at the newsdesk on the News Channel.
They’re media types. It’s a big, famous subject, so hey think they need a well-known broadcast personality, not necessarily someone particularly competent in the field in quesiton. Stage Performer Maitlis doesn’t need to know anything about the subject at hand – she just has to get briefed beforehand, read out the lines, and react on camera.
That’s all that matters to them. Delivering Quality First.
was listening the the World Service today at about 1515hrs, during a very short interview (about 1min) Dick Black was asked why isnt the IPCC Moonbat Festival done by video phone. Dick laughed out loud and said it needs to be done face to face cos of all the wheeling and dealing that goes on
i noted, it was a very short spec on the news, and Beeboids are now beginning to ask uncomfortable questions to the believers of AGW within their ranks
also, last time i looked at the web site, Dick Black was described as an “environment expert”, now hes just a described as an “Environment correspondent” wonder why that changed
At least Mr. Brown shut the heck up having been presented, eventually, for the nth time, the undeniable consequences of all his idiotic words and deeds. Plus those he claims to represent can still (well, have the option) to kick him out for incompetence.
Mr. Black (sounding like a Reservoir Dogs homage this) however is guaranteed lifelong pulpit and riches by virtue of working on the most unaccountatble beat of the most unaccountable entity this side of the Reichsministerium on the Ordenspalais.
you cant put a price on the damage Dick Black has caused to the environment by attending this moonbat festival! we’re all doooooooomed unless we cut back on carbon by a week last tuesday
‘A washed up TV reporter stumbles onto a corruption scandal in Western China. Pursued through the desert by a psychotic spin-doctor and a world-weary cop, he discovers the real China: illegal metal mines, a fashion-crazed gang of girl bikers, a whole commune of Tiananmen Square survivors and the up-market sleaze-joints of Beijing.’
I know BBC-NUJ’s Comrade MASON mixes up fact and fiction all the time, but Mason ‘the novelist’ sounds like a bit of a joke, especially from the description of the book.
Here’s another bit:
“Rare Earth is a story about love, journalism, ghosts, metallurgy, vintage militaria and large motorcycles set in the badlands of Inner Mongolia and Ningxia. It is about the west’s inability to understand the East; one man’s epic journey across a dying landscape, where ‘thousands of pairs of eyes peer beyond grimy windowpanes into the moonless sky, looking for something better.’
The real description:
‘Parallel Universe’ “is a story about love, journalism, ghostwriting, lies, propaganda and large salaries set in the badlands of White City and Media City. It is about the BBC’s inability to understand the riots; one man’s epic journey across a dying landscape, where ‘thousands of pairs of eyes peer beyond grimy windowpanes into the moonless sky, looking for something better than the BBC.'”
Yes and look how prominently and often the words racist or racial /lly appear: three times in the first three blocks of text: the heading in large bold text; the summary para in bold text; the first para of the detailed report:Racist tram rant accused Emma West remanded after court hearing
A woman accused of racially abusing fellow passengers on a busy tram watched a film of her alleged rant when she appeared in the dock.
Emma West, 34, appeared at Croydon Magistrates’ Court charged with a racially aggravated public order offence.
I note that the woman has been put in jail on remand through Christmas & the New Year. I haven’t watched the video but her crimes must be worse than those of many a violent thug to be denied bail.
………….and her little boy taken into care by social services. No doubt the “racist” white girl will be deemed unfit to raise a child.
I am totally stunned at the attitudes of the police and legal system.
You have a white woman who has a verbal pop at some blacks in a tram telling them that she is sick of them and telling them to go back to where they came from. Not sure what triggered it as most of her comments were directed at a black woman. Something could have been said to trigger the attack before the recording was made. She is incarcerated.
Then you have 4 black women who use the same type of language to a white woman and then proceed to try and kill her by kicking her head in. This is not considered racially motivated despite the obvious language used and just GBH and they get suspended sentences because they cannot hold their alcohol for religious reasons.
And lest we forget, if Gordon Brown had had his way he would probably have locked up that other ‘bigoted woman’ Gillian Duffy for having dared to raise the issue of mass immigration.
Gordon never needed to worry that his state broadcaster would ever question his Government on this major issue.
“You’ll want to read this one sitting down. Under no other circumstances in the known universe would anyone dream of applying this appalling double standard. If ‘sorry, I was drunk and my alcohol tolerance isn’t that great’ became a viable defense for violent crimes, the system would be overloaded with appeals tomorrow. But these defendants are apparently ‘more equal than others’ before the law.
“Virtually no one at all seems to care about the victim, who is still suffering panic attacks and undergoing counselling. Justice for her does not appear to be any sort of priority.”
the first sentence sets you up.
there is a rise in predatory paedophile gangs, in some
towns, pakistani men are “being blamed”
hmmm! correction convicted/overwhelming evidence.
“i just cannot understand why?”….really 😀
the clue is pakistani and muslim,
muslim… following the “perfect man”, their “prophet” the erm
“supreme example of conduct”, you know he taking non muslims as sex slaves, himself a paedophile, marrying a girl of 6, treating girls/women appallingly, as property etc etc.
In Pakistan… there has been for decades reports far to numerous to mention of abducting, kidnapping raping, gang raping, young non muslim girls, ignored because of the muslim connection by the muslim authority, (in this backward society, silence too is the norm), one can assume it is the tip of an enormous iceberg.
yet still….no …. no idea?…why why?
Admitting, these girls, are locked up, “sending in man after man”, a large
network, of “family & friends”, often groups all from the same mosque, family & cousins etc.
still no no idea… why why?
“pakistanis are now seen as perverts”… says our disgruntled presenter “brilliant” he sighs
(well better put, that along with, fraud/cheating, inbred marriages, honour violence/killing, aggressive association/non integration, terrorist murderers/and wilful complicition with the same).
Next wheel out J Straw … closely followed by the comment,”what he said was deeply patronising and offensive”. with the group who forced his sideways apology, given airtime. “you DO NOT racialise crime”..hmm really.
Our presenter, no still no idea ….so he opens a paper, surprised, “well there does seem to be asian names, & pakistani in the convictions”?…
goes to Burnley gang of Bangladeshi youths, who like “riding…??” , “taking blues, bangin bitches ……. but (of course) the problem is ….. racism”?!?!?
they like to, “get girls and take them to the park”, but often they get caught and kicked out”….. (one can assume their objects of interest here are not muslim girls) suddenly our presenters, interest rises, he interjects, you re saying
you because you re asian, you get kicked out of the park? … intimating racism?.
to be honest there is so much dis-association with the reasons, and bias here, & there is much more, its hard to know where to start.
If you watch it. it is immediately apparent, an unwarranted re iteration that Islam has nothing to do with it, absolutely absurd. The ridiculous assertion, that islam has some kind of moral highground re iterated again and again one final quote from a Pakistani. in Derby
..that says everything…. in Normanton at night he states nonchalantly
“you dont know who is a prostitute, who isn t, who is underage and who isn t” ? is he infering non muslims by any chance?
hmmm … what to do then?
“Outcry in The Hague over ‘paedo imam’,” from Radio Netherlands Worldwide, Dec 6
Al Maghraoui in Morocco in 2008 issued a fatwa approving a marriage with a girl 9
Rolly Polly laugh a minute ‘comedian’ Phil ‘Mao pies please’ jupitus was up to his old right on leftist tricks the other day wearing a Cuban flag neckless on Buzzcocks.
The should change the name of the programme to ‘please don’t mind the fat cock’
Next maybe he can go the whole hog and have Pol Pots likeness tattooed on his smug over inflated face.
Obviously Phil knows that all lefties are great and the murdered disappeared and prisoners of conscience of communist hellholes were all only mentally ill and in need of reeducation
And Scott Dez and the rest of the ‘Gays for Gaddafi’ steering committee , I know my avatar is El Che but it’s supposed to morph into Wolfie Smith and for some reason is sticking. Vauxhall Viva la revolucion Mis Amigos De Dorothy
I noticed the word ‘Muslim’ was heavily used on the BBC news tonight? Was it in relation to the Muslim kiddie fiddlers? Nope, was it to do with Muslim gangs getting pissed up and beating up whitey? Nope.
Why it was Muslims as victims in Afghanistan of course. But just who blew them up? The ‘M’ word was missing from that.
Norway doesn’t record the religion of offenders. The above statement is based on this:
“According to the police report there was a total of 186 of known rape cases in 2010… In 83 [assault-rape cases], the attacker was described as having ‘non-western appearance’.”
From this we are supposed to jump to believe that they were all Muslim despite there being absolutely zero evidence.
Dez, the problems in Norway and Sweden have been documented for years by Fjordman and others. You may not like them but what they say is there in black and white.
Hey, it looks like the BBC is inching away from their dishonest method of pushing their ghoulish Body Count Narrative when reporting on Israel’s conflicts with neighbors. In this report about the genocidally hopeful leader of Hezbollah, the BBC actually makes an effort to differentiate between civilians and military:
Sheikh Nasrallah has rarely been seen in public since Hezbollah’s 34-day war with Israel in 2006, which left more than 1,200 Lebanese dead, most of them civilians. Some 160 Israelis, mostly soldiers, were also killed.
The ghoulish Body Count Narrative is still going strong, of course (how better to reinforce the “disproportionate” response in the audience’s mind and quietly demonize Israel?), but at least now they’re admitting that not all those on the receiving end of Israel’s military effort were innocent civilians. A small improvement.
And there’s no sanitization of the chants of “Death to Israel”, either. We’ll see how long it lasts, though, as the BBC is known to revert back to form here after a brief peek into the daylight.
I’d still ike the BBC to have an honest discussion of how Hezbollah is still a legitimate “resistence” movement.
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andyjsnapeMar 4, 13:11 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 What pause in US military aid could mean for Ukraine https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/ce8yz5dk82wo “could mean” – could? “it may be months” may?…
Anyone else catch the article in the Mail about the anti christian poll at the BBC?
I’ve just seen it, thanks for pointing it out. It’s depressing but not surprising. I keep hoping that sooner rather than later, something will be done about the bbc; but it doesn’t look to be happening any time soon.
The ‘Conservatives’ seem to be suffering from some kind of Stockholm syndrome.
“Poll describes BBC as anti-Christian”
By leading with the statement that;”The survey found that just 22.5 per cent of all staff professed to be Christians”, the Daily Mail article is written is such a way as to be deliberately misleading.
Delve a little deeper and you will find that: of those who responded to the survey 38% said they were Christian. Which funnily enough is identical to the UK average for adults aged 18 to 34.
Admittedly it’s less than the total number of UK Christians (55%), but there is a much higher proportion amongst those above retirement age.
Click to access Religion.pdf
“the anti christian poll at the BBC?”
Ah, the good old “false dichotomy”; if you are not pro-christian you must therefore be anti-christian. Favourate logical fallacy of all good bigots everywhere.
Although it does show that the BBC has hired to hit its target demographic. Delivering Quality Gen Xers First.
Gen Xers would now be aged between 30 and 50 years old.
BBC employs lots of middle aged people! SHOCK HORROR!
I wonder how many saw the ‘BBC cuts debate’ in parliament last week. Most of the speeches were done by Labour MPs, it seems we love and venerate the bBC and the cuts are unfair to such a beloved organisation. Well they are Labour MPs, either delusional or crooks.
Cuts what cuts. Surely the Government is making savings to the Licence Fee Payer.
Don’t expect any of the BBC’s ‘cuts’ to result in a penny being saved by the license-payer. The millionaires at the BBC are very keen to pretend that ‘we’re all in this together’, lest the populace start asking themselves why they are paying a license-fee at all.
Hence the spin about (the non-cut) cuts at the BBC. Thompson was in the papers last week weeping about them saying, ‘We can’t cut any more boohoo, we have to decide what sort of BBC we want boohoo.’
Well here’s a suggestion for you, Mark. How’s about a subscription-only BBC.
Yer, thought not.
Having been to a BBC meeting the message was very much that ‘these cuts are ones that we can only do once’. It is obviously a message that is being stressed internally.
As an outsider I look and think the BBC expanded hugely around 2001 – ie many more stations and maybe the BBC should be cutting BBC 3 & 4, many of the radio stations with ‘extra’ in their title plus one or two that don’t.
I heard on this morning’s Today prog that Stewart Lee will be one of the guest editors over Christmas. That’s nice – we so rarely get to hear the worldview of left-wing comedians on Radio 4.
Stewart Lee – eternally stuck in an eighties student comedy timewarp : the material, the delivery and even his appearance are all straight from that Mary Whitehouse Experience era of stand-up. It’s like watching and listening to a nostalgia act, but with none of the accompanying fondness.
😀 So true.
I’m only just recovering from hearing the Uber-Luvvie himself, Colin Firth, guest-edit Today a year ago, during which he suggested that those of us resistant to the wonders of cultural Marxism were mentally unstable. We aren’t the only ones. He then introduced Benjamin Zephaniah.
Well, why not? It is a pretty sorry excuse for a broadcaster across near all topics.
On Radio 5 beep .. beep .. beep……… beep …………. beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep
yesterday Phil ‘Poly’ Williams was interviewing Housing Minister Grant Shapps. Phil likes to think his next gig will be anchoring Newsnight, so in a bid to prove he’s just as good as ‘the big boys’ Phil spent the whole interview haranguing Shapps. As soon as Shapps started answering a question in would come ‘Poly’ with a ‘big boys style’ interruption, thean another interruption, then another interruption.
Poly’s style throughout the interview was (what he fancies is) ‘attitude.’ And when a polite but fed-up Shapps requested, ‘If I could just say..’, Poly cut in with, ‘yer, in a minute’.
I doubt very much that Poly’s next gig will be Newsnight.
A Saturday morning double-hander called Phil & Nikk In Da Bungalow is more likely.
Over on Order-Order…
Quote of the day :
The BBC coverage got to the heart of the panda story:
“they may not understand English.”
For BBC-greenies: a missing incidental word?:- ‘ILLEGAL’,
as in:
[ILLEGAL] “Greenpeace France nuclear action prompts security alert”
BBC-NUJ routinely censors out that word ‘ILLEGAL’ when it is promoting its political chums at times of riots and occupations.
From that article :
Environmental activists have broken into a French nuclear power station, to highlight the “vulnerability” of atomic sites in France.
They’ve done this in the past at Sizewell, in my neck of the woods, breaching the outer fencing and scaling some of the buildings to hang banners and daub slogans. I think they may be on to something. A nuclear power station is a high profile terrorist target after all. I say let armed guards patrol inside the perimeter, with a shoot to kill policy should anyone gain unauthorized access. Then watch, after the first rainbow warrior gets some lead-in-the-head, the shrieking outrage as they protest that they are only peaceful activists who mean no harm and have a right to protest as they see fit. Unfortunately, the guards are not to know that Mr. Trusty-Crusty does not have sinister motives. Bang!
As usual, lefties want it both ways.
I think you’ll find that at all strategic installations there are armed response units in the close vicinity. What these greenpeace cretins are counting on is that the armed forces won’t shoot. I’ll bet they don’t try that in Iran.
I’m sure there are, John. It’s the apparent lack of an immediate and effective ‘response’ from those armed response units that needs to change. Considering the dangers we face today, letting these muppets climb all over the place at these kinds of sites must stop. They need a shock to the system next time they try one of their attention seeking stunts, to send out the right message to others.
Obama Administration just fine with Sharia in “Arab Spring” states
And, of course Obama’s INBBC echo-chamber is fine with it too.
Something that might be worth watching on BBC 3 @ 9pm tonight:-
Something that might be worth watching on BBC 3 @ 9pm tonight:-
Typical. BBC 3 is always full of repeats!
This will come as something of a shock to BBC audiences who’ve been informed by previous BBC coverage of the issue. They’ll be wondering why the focus is on Pakistanis when they’ve been told it’s not really a Pakistani problem.
And the BNP have been telling people, who care to see beyond their prejudices, for over a decade that this has been going on. muslims in Blackpool and other Northern towns have been afflicted by this muslim propensity to abuse and murder, some cases, vulnerable white girls. And of course there is the case in Scotland where a car full of muslms abducted a young white boy, tortured and mutilated him and then left him to die. The subhumans then went to their ‘community’ who arranged for the culprits to leave our country back to pakistan. And islam is a religion of peace; don’t make me laugh.
Yes. Even Ann Cryer, not exactly BNP material, was motivated to speak up about the situation in Keighley.
When this happens you know something is going on.
Yes, it was (and probably still is) a grim situation in Keighley.
And in many other areas too, Telford being particularly bad.
yep! a shock to the miniscule audience on el beeb.3
R4 – R5 BBC 1 – BBC2 -BBC News, non specific issue unless
its ambiguous “asians”, or the latest incarnation “some families”
can t they be more correct, less offensive and chastise themselves to the er… ridiculous moniker bbc fave….the “P” word
mind you…you could be in a quandry, whether in this case it means paedo or paki
ahem!….oh and take note….not a “M “word in sight
Given that the BBC is wholly unrepresentative of the population by way of gender,sexuality, race, region, urban, religion and politics perhaps there is an equalities case for institutional discrimination?
INBBC’s ARABIC TV service, paid for by BBC taxpayers, but soon by BBC licencepayers, is apparently popular with Muslims of Islamic countries.
Isn’t that wonderful for the Muslims of the Middle East?
And NOT wonderful for the British people who have to pay for it.
George R, I draw your attention to astute Guardian reader, audience figure geek and regular letter writer to that dreadful newspaper “Davidwalks” who points out that the study from which the BBC draws its figures (the BBG) also says “Alhurra’s audience increased from 26.2 million viewers in FY 2010 to 26.7 million viewers in FY 2011 and is within the margin of error of the target of 27.0 million viewers. Alhurra experienced huge audience gain in Egypt… (Alhurra is the US Arab language station that broadcasts out of a studio in Springfield, VA, USA).
So the BBC’s boast “24m” audience does not support its statement “…international audiences are increasingly turning to the BBC for independent news that they can trust,” Alhurra is still ahead.
However, real questions should be asked about Al Jazeera and its penetration into the US market. It is being touted as “independent” and a purveyor of “real news”. Yeah, right!
Al Jazeera is more honest and less biased than MSNBC or CNN these days.
“The same 62,000 words that BBC Jersey have had for the best part of two months and, just like the Home Affairs Minister, BBC Jersey have not published a single word of it either.”
Here’s an example of a main problem with BBC political analysis of the US, from the recrent anonymous article on Herman Cain dropping out:
The former Godfather’s Pizza chief executive – who has never won an election – was propelled by conservative Tea Party support to the front of the Republican field in October.
So what if he’s never won an election? He only ran for something once before, as far as I’m aware – a belated run at a Georgia Senate seat. His problem then was his campaign manager. The President had only won two elections before 2008, both by getting his opponent disqualified.
Only political hacks think being a politician is a good qualification for being a politician. I can think of several Presidents who had never won an election before running for President. Sure, they tend to be famous generals, but so what? Most people in the US outside the bubble don’t care anymore.
The BBC sneeringly dismisses a succesful businessman, former deputy chairman of the Federal reserve Bank of Kansas City, syndicated columnist, author, radio host, minister and real-life rocket scientist as an ex-pizza man.
Meanwhile, pampered rich kid Ed Milliband is never described as an ex-office boy, even though doing Gordo McDoom’s photocopying was about the extent of his pre-politics life.
Meanwhile, pampered rich kid Ed Milliband is never described as an ex-office boy
Cain never got fingers and tops off Stephanie Flanders, though. That was his big mistake.
Unless of course she’s saving that revelation for her autobiography.
“While working for Clinton’s Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers I attended a National Restaurant Association meeting where I met a charming black man. I don’t recall the exact details but I think I let him have fingers and tops.”
Big mistake? Sounds like the luckiest thing that ever (or never) happened to him.
Forgot the link: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-16019624
Oooh well looky here 😀 I have just saved the planet from global warming and all I had to do was add the graphs below.
You may remember that our resident Lysenkoist David(I am too frightened to be a dissenter)Gregory who after reading none of the climategate2 emails somehow thought they contained nothing of interest. You may also remember that he admitted to me that he is too scared to report on NOAA sourced data that shows a cooling trend, aaah that well known sceptic/denialist NOAA eh?
The graphs below prove that there is no such thing as global warming the decade is up folks, you may remember that the CAGW cultists promised us that less than a decade of data showing cooling is too short a time period. Well its ten years and just look at the graph on the right, now either the graph is upside down OR there is a measurable cooling trend and just look at the provider of the data, no wonder then that the Durban disaster is too frightened to show the real evidence.
If David Gregory should read this far, you may be a niiice chappy and polite and reasonable but thats no excuse for closing your eyes to reality, the reality the BBC is determined to keep from us at any cost. Look at your precious BBC, your employer and your supposed love of science and then look at the graphs. I hate to say I told you so…but I told you so. Shame the devil and tell the truth, take these graphs and do a report on them if you dare.
Howdya like them apples?
BBC gets another panning…
That was excellent.
Cassie were I to take my career in my hands (I am being deeply sarcastic) as a science reporter I’d want something a little more… scientific than “random graphs off the web” that I really don’t think you understand. For example they may be based on NOAA data but that doesn’t mean the end result is actually useful or indeed scientifically literate. You can make data say anything if you twist it enough, I seem to recall that’s the argument over ClimateGate?
Since I clearly can’t convince you of the scientific basis of the work of those studying our climate there’s another piece or research that I really think you should sit down and look at long and hard.
Have you heard of the Dunning-Kruger effect?
Ha ha ha ha haaaa 😀 no really David 😀
“Have you heard of the Dunning-Kruger effect?”
Er nope, have you heard of the ‘if I try to report on the decline of global temperatures I will get the sack’ effect?
You are claiming that just because the data does not point the in the direction you desire it is not valid regardless of the source? Are you actually claiming that because the data is not “useful” it the BBC should hide it?
On this forum you have actually admitted to all of us that real genuine data showing a genuine cooling trend will not be reported on by the BBC because it is not”useful”.
After all this time you have openly admitted to us that indeed you and the BBC have a deliberate policy of excluding information that you deem not to be “useful”. The graph I supplied in my post is REAL and it is genuine and cannot be contradicted, your reply was what I would expect of a CAGW cultist, you deny the evidence before your eyes because it contradicts your beliefs.
The data is clear, it couldnt be clearer David. The planet is in fact COOLING and the BBC will never allow this fact to be reported on because it contradicts the basic ideology of CAGW, allow this graph to see the light of day and CAGW theory is falsified, you know it dont you?
I dared you to take that graph to your editor(s) and ask them if you could do a report on it, I dare you David, I double dare you just to see what they would do and what they would do to you if you tried.
Below is the graph you cannot deny, you can squirm and you can wriggle and you can evade but the graph is real isnt it? I have enclosed the graph again just so you can look at it. And I have a counter proposal for you. Have you ever heard of a man called Lysenko? Look him up, the BBC is playing to his rule book, his tactics, his vision of what science should be.
“Have you heard of the Dunning-Kruger effect?”
Have you heard of a little thing called “the scientific method”? We know now who you are, what you stand for, and we know that the BBC is determined to hide the decline, to peddle the lie of CAGW even in the face of the evidence.
“as a science reporter I’d want something a little more… scientific than “random graphs off the web” that I really don’t think you understand.”
Here is how it works David, I show you a graph using valid data and you as a scientist look at the evidence I supplied. How can this evidence be more scientific than it is? Do you want me to write a thesis and have it peer reviewed in order for you to consider it? And as for the remark that I dont understand it, what on earth is there not to understand? The planet is cooling and has been for a decade, its not rocket science, its not brain surgery, it is real genuine data from the most reputable source.
You are flailing David, you know it and I know it, who is the denier now eh? Stop digging that hole and look at the graph, the planet is cooling and therefore CAGW theory is falsified, accept it and move on.
Dont worry David the stages of a cultist finally accepting the truth are well known, I will be here when you open your eyes I can assure you of that, not to gloat but because there is hope for you yet.
Cassandra, What’s the matter with you? You are supposed to go away and shut up because you are too stupid to understand. That’s the voice of Science, by the way. “The science” has decreed it. Allegedly.
Away and die, die, die, peasant!
There is a saying that ‘all that is required for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing’
You are part of the scientific fraud of the age, you can either stay silent or you can do something. This fraud of the age, this great lie called CAGW is causing untold damage and huge misery, it is enriching the very worst dregs of humanity and impovershing and ruing the lives of ordinary people who simply do not deserve it.
You are part of the BBC, you are part of the CAGW fraud and you can do something honourable right now yet you choose not to, you choose to defend the indefensible to defend the scum of the earth as they enrich themselves at the expense of ordinary people. I wouldnt be so bad if it were just money but lives are being lost right now because of the CAGW fraud, the poor elderly are going to die horrible deaths as a direct reult of the CAGW fraud and you are a part of the grotesque fraud of the age.
You seem a decent sort, I can assure you that at some point you will be forced to see the reality of the CAGW fraud, but after the fact is not good enough, you simply have to be a part of the resistance because I promise you that if you are not then you will live to regret it for the rest of your life.
I am not telling you this because I hate you or want to score cheap points but because I believe that deep down you know the truth of it, you just need to accept it.
Your friend
Seriously. Read up on the Dunning-Kruger effect.
This is from the Financial Times, so you know some Beeboids know about it:
China to Prepare for Social Unrest
Beijing has underlined its concern that an economic slowdown could lead to social unrest in China, with the country’s security chief urging local officials to do more to prepare for the “negative effects of the market economy”.
Zhou Yongkang, a member of the politburo, told provincial officials that they needed to find better methods of “social management” – a euphemism which can include everything from better internet censorship and strategic policing of violent unrest, to a better social safety net.
“Social management”. Sounds like BBCSpeak.
The EU state being born right now has all the makings of another China, the euroslime political class must look at the Chinese socio political model and think to themselves ‘we want some of that action’.
The perfect blend of corpratism and elitist political class supremacism where perpetual power and the total subjugation of the masses is their goal. A rubber stamp fake parliament and a secretive politburo commission and a cowed masses. What could possibly go wrang?
“Social management”. Sounds like BBCSpeak.
I wonder…if the police here had taken a tough stance with the rioters this summer and gone in with considerable force to stamp out the violence quickly (as they should have done), or even cleared out the Occupy squatters before they had the chance to take hold…would the BBC ever refer to that as ‘social management‘ ?
Yeah, that’s always police brutality. I feel sorry for the police front line. They’re damned if they do, and damned if they don’t, and they all hate the current Government as much as the BBC.
I meant to say the police hate the Government as much as the BBC does.
China to Prepare for Social Unrest
And Jeremy Clarkson has only been there a few days. 😎
For some reason, this link just turned up on the advertising panel of my facebook page. They really need to refine their ad targeting algorithms. >:o
The very small hours of this morning, yours truly is unwell and wide awake. For company he puts on the bedside radio which is tuned to Radio 5 Live. The first thing he hears is an item about a drought in Afghanistan about which the presenter asks “Is this drought Britain and the USA’s fault?”.
I present this fact without comment.
Could be worse, Anders. You might have been sickly enough to flick on the telly box and run into Dateline.
Fun edition this weekend featuring a round table of left-wing fantasists, including a black and/or African fellow who was nursing a semi over the idea that Europe and the West are now doomed, and to be replaced by China and Africa “because they have resources”. Yah boo sucks to whitey, basically.
(Obviously the poor sap isn’t aware that China not only has its own resources, but is busily and efficiently acquiring Africa’s too).
Unsurprisingly, this went down a storm with the round-table of (not noticeably Chinese, African or non-caucasian) lefties who fell over one another in their disgusting yearning that this might come to pass ASAP. Maybe the treacherous bastards might like to board the first flight to Khartoum or Lagos tomorrow, the better to greet their future overlords.
Anyway, Anders, I hope you feel better soon.
On this very subject, recent comment in The Telegraph by Damian Thompson: ‘CHINA HAS DESTROYED AFRICA”S FUTURE – Imagine the stink if America were to “barge its way” into developing countries, bribe dictators to sign over mineral rights in return for doomed infrastructure projects, ban trade unions & open fire on rebellious workers. There’d be protests outside the US embassy & a “withering play by Sir David Hare at the National”. Yet China is doing all that & more & what does the Left do? It yawns. At least China is getting things built, we’re told. But what good is that when Africans, given only the most menial jobs, never acquire the skills to maintain their new roads & railways? By the time these fail, the mineral wealth has been extracted. All this enrages ordinary Africans (Zambia’s President, Michael Sata, was voted in last year on an anti-Chinese ticket, & China loomed large in Congo’s elections this week), but not the UN’s anti-racism lobby. They’re too busy chastising the ex-colonial powers. Meanwhile, Africa’s future, undecided for 50 years, has quietly been settled for it. Something “close to slavery” is back – all thanks to China.’
A Doctor writes :
Take this presciption to your local radio shop (should there be one left) and have them tune your bedside radio to R3.
If the symptoms persist, then you will have to seriously try and give up your addiction of wasting money on your licence fee payment habits.
Drought or no drought, the BBC would never blame my involvement with your condition as I work for the hallowed NHS.
Did anyone catch the PPE alumni love-in between David Willetts and Evan Davis this morning, both extolling the virtues of mass immigration and open borders? http://durotrigan.blogspot.com/2011/12/we-are-big-open-economy-people-have-to.html
I see the Guardian is having to report that Jeremy clarkson’s DVD has seen a big boost in sales.
There must be a lot of choking on Cocaine in Islington tonight.
In the words of that great thinker and social wit Nelson Muntz
Compare and contrast the hysterical BBC reporting on the legal release of the Sarah Palin emails with their tight-lipped coverage of the latest round of nothing-to-see-here-the-science-is-still-settled-are-you-paid-by-Big-Oil ClimateGate emails Part II.
With the Sarah Palin emails, the BBC not only provided extracts, but included a link to a reader with the whole thing. The latest salacious (or, you konw, not) details on Newsnight. Entire programmes devoted to discussing them and dealing with them. Where is the equivalent for the ClimateGate emails? Which is more important, more newsworthy, has more potential impact on the entire planet and future of civilization?
BBC employees should be ashamed.
…not much interest in this burying of bad news either :
MSM Ignores Obama Admin’s Fast And Furious Friday Afternoon Docu-Dump
Bill Cash invited into the BBC News Channel to debate the future of the Eurozone with a Euro gravytrainer. As Bill starts to refute the panglossian outlook detailed by the Eurofanatic, the Euroman smirks towards the pair of Beebette desk jockeys as if to say There goes that idiot again who just can’t appreciate the emperor’s fine new clothes.
Here’s some celebrity scandal news you won’t be hearing from the BBC, despite their fondness for it:
Recent Charges of Sexual Abuse of Children in Hollywood Just Tip of Iceberg, Experts Say
If a spate of recent allegations proves true, Hollywood may have a hideous epidemic on its hands. The past two weeks have brought three separate reports of alleged child sexual abuse in the entertainment industry.
Martin Weiss, a 47-year-old Hollywood manager who represented child actors, was charged in Los Angeles on Dec. 1 with sexually abusing a former client. His accuser, who was under 12 years old during the time of the alleged abuse, reported to authorities that Weiss told him “what they were doing was common practice in the entertainment industry.” Weiss has pleaded not guilty.
The BBC sympathized with child-rapist Roman Polanski, so this is probably nothing to them, not worth their time, while it is important to tell you that Madonna will perfrorm at the next Super Bowl.
bbc3 exposed programme on muslim paedophile gangs nothing but an disgraceful apologist fest, the muslim connection deliberately distanced, check out at 12 mins in rochdale slotted in the problem not, paedophile pakistani muslims, but the EDL? dressing muslims as victims??
uh oh….bad sign.
Moves on to Derby, deliberately highlighting, that muslims go to pray the mosque is in a red light area? after dark its hard to tell the age??? of girls
…..uh oh…excusery attitude
Next Burnley, friday night by the pubs etc, etc young people out on the town….oops no pakistanis here, again excusery again bigging up the dutiful muslims, this programme is turning propaganda.
remind me what was its premis again?
next its manchester, another excusery imam, child grooming is not just a pakistani problem, its all our? problem, ie we all have to take our share?
islam here, is seen as some kind of pious saviour??? HELLO!
truly…..a disgrace,
“overwhelmingly” muslim paedophile grooming gangs
“Top detective blasts ‘culture of silence’ that allows Asian sex gangs to groom white girls… because police and social services fear being branded racist”
What are our leaders doing? We have a minority community from a different culture who refuse to adapt to our way of life.
They have effectively embarked on a civil war against us through indiscriminate terror attacks. They are raping and defiling our women and children.
There needs to be conversation with the leaders of this culture. Adapt or die; because we have had enough.
Amusing episode in Paxo’s Guardian/LSE report liberal angstfest on Newsnight tonight.
Woman called Jane Pilgrim, who had her baby shop trashed, was on the panel. Slightly surprisingly, she started mouthing the usual BBC liberal platitudes like “we’re all to blame” and “locking people up doesn’t help”.
I thought I recognised her so I Googled the name and found the interviews she gave in August just after her shop was trashed ” They’re feral scum…. it’s no use mollycoddling them…. the police should take a harder line”.
Doe the Beeb employ brainwashing techniqies?
The average liberal is quite capable of auto- brainwashing .
The BBC is run on that principle . Join up and with a little input from us and a lot of self flagelation and guilt you too can think like the average beeboid .
That Newsnight tonight was quite absurd. Are they all raving mad ?
Totally disconnected from reality and how the non metropolitan elites really think.
The BBC is in grave danger of ending up talking to itself . I suppose they kid themselves that Strictly Come Dancing proves they still understand us peasants.
Strictly Come Dancing – the “circuses” part of “Bread and circuses”. Keeps the lower orders diverted for weeks on end.
If this the poor shop owner who the Guardian’s loathsome Zoe Williams referred to as ‘rat lady’ in this sickening article http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2011/aug/10/uk-riots-vigilantism-big-society
This looks fun. The Global Warming Policy Foundation are about to publish a report prepared by Christopher Booker on the BBC’s bias on Global Warming. Foreword by Sir Antony Jay, co-author of Yes Minister, whose earlier experience of working within the BBC is summarised in rthe permanent quote at the foot of this blog.
The BishopHill website says
“The new report reveals that the BBC has not only failed in its professional duty to report fully and accurately on one of the biggest scientific and political stories of our time: it has betrayed its own principles, in three respects. The BBC has above all been guilty of abusing the trust of its audience, and of all those compelled to pay for it. On one of the most important and far-reaching issues of our time, its coverage has been so tendentious that it has given its viewers a picture not just misleading but at times even fraudulent.”
As the BBC is so keen to trumpet the latest “report” on the Today programme, no doubt this one will get top billing. NOT.
I hope Christopher Booker goes for the jugular and skewers individual journalists at the BBC, as well as BBC management.
Meanwhile The Onion is taking the piss out of the IPCC :
This resonated, if borne out or incapable of robust defence:
‘it has given its viewers a picture not just misleading but at times even fraudulent’
Especially intersting was the poster anaylsing the differecne between a journalist (Fred Pearce) addressing certain issues, and the BBC acting in its usual favoured source cut & paste role.
I wonder if we, as compelled funders of such output, have any recourse given the implied contract and terms of service in the Charter, which seem honoured minaly in breach?
Only if we have deep enough pockets to risk taking it through the courts, I suspect. Or simply not pay and then hide behind our front doors. Neither of which appeals, frankly.
Can someone please tell me when they are finally going to reveal that Will Gompertz is actually just an elaborate parody. When I first saw him I thought it must be Red Nose Day or April Fool’s Day but they keep the joke going long after it’s funny. I refuse to believe he is a real person, will they please reveal him as a joke.
‘A BBC spokesman was unable to reach Clarkson because he was in China.’
From: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2070114/Jeremy-Clarkson-China-complaints-outbursts-BBC-hit-31-000.html#ixzz1fiLVirkq
If he was holidaying and had switched his mobile off, I’d buy that.
But given that Clarkson is in China to do some filming for Top Gear, are we really to believe that the BBC can’t reach him because he’s in China?
In the spirit of ‘impartiality’, I think the BBC should install that all-important second phone line in support of an issue…
I’m guessing that the majority of complaints came from late night shopping ‘striking’ Unison members who missed the context of Clarkson’s comments… I know if that second phone line in support was installed natural osmosis would crush the UNISON out-of-context complaints.. you can see the whole interview on Youtube. End of story.
Why don’t these idiots check it out first before complaining? just saying…
Because the Beeboid Corporation only showed a truncated clip without the context. (God knows why as without the preceding remarks, it made little sense and negated somewhat the defence he and they tried to make.) It took some looking to find either a full report, full transcript or video of the complete interview.
I’m still in tears this morning, after seeing that poor downtrodden treasure of diversity on Newshite yesterday.
Just try to put yourself in his shoes: You’re lounging by a pool on holiday, when you start getting messages about the riots on your Blackberry. Do you stay and make the most of the nine days you have left abroad, or do you head back to London and start indiscriminately attacking police officers, members of the public and looting shops?
To think our racist government and their evil benefits system are forcing people to make decisions like this just breaks my heart.
I’m going to write to Trevor Phillips immediately. Never mind fuel poverty, the choice to ‘heat or eat’ is nothing compared to forcing these poor little Negros to choose between holidaying or rioting.
Yet another “socialist, human rights” fest this morning over hacker Gary McKinnon. The hacker that broke into the pentagon computer system.
Of course we have his mum and another friendly face extolling the need to change extradition arrangements with the US. Why?
Poor boy suddenly has medical condition, is terribly traumatised by what could happen, don’t like the US legal system, jail terms are too long, cannot get a fair trial,………………..
Hang on, he freely hacked into a major defense computer in a country that is our major ally. He knew what he was doing yet proceeded to do it. Excuse; he was “looking for little green men”. Yeah right.
Our wonderful MP’s take this matter up in Westminster for this man and start looking at what steps can be taken to ameliorate this situation.
A few weeks ago 100 000 citizens call for a referendum to look at EU membership because we are being dragged into a circus that many citizens now find unacceptable. The elite issue orders that this be stopped in it’s tracks.
I don’t get it. One man commits a serious crime and they’re all over it. Many in the nation are seriously concerned about the future of this nation’s involvement in the EU and the conversation is stopped.
Bang on. Everything the BBC has said about this case is garbage.
He’s not a poor young lad who was looking for the aliens. He’s a grown man who trashed hundreds of files then left racist abuse behind him. Calling him hacker is like calling a guy who breaks into a curry house and torches it a ‘lock picker’.
Ditto, bad as living with Aspberger’s must be, the one thing sure to make it worse is having the condition hijacked by unrepentent racist scuzballs claiming the condition made them do it.
Besides, at least he’ll get his day in court. Meanwhile, under the European Arrest Warrent, British citizens can be exported abroad to be held indefinitly pending the possibility of the option of them being charged, at some future point.
On the subject of the BBC’s flexible attitude to racism when it involves the US, it was good to note that the 8 AM news on Radio 4 informed us that it was ‘US’ ratings agency Standard & Poor that had threatened to downgrade Eurozone government bonds.
Yes, indeed: Americans. You all know what they’re like. Bill Gates, Barack Obama and Ronald McDonald get together every night to plot how to make the Eurozone look like an economic basketcase, even though it’s totally solvent in every respect.
Someone should tell them Fitch is actually French-owned, but still not recommending anyone load up on Greek 10 year debt.
So the same organsisation that goes to any lengths to avoid a simple statement about just who’s doing the ‘grooming’ of young white girls, has no qualms about shoe-horning in gratuitious references to national origin to pander to the anti-american paranoia of eurocrats.
INBBC still doesn’t get it about the Muslim Brotherhood.
Andrew Bostom has a long analysis here.
“Qaradawi, the ‘Arab Spring’ and The Treason of the Intellectuals.”
And INBBC censors this about Muslim Brotherhood:
Egypt: Book by 1996-2002 Muslim Brotherhood leader says Muslims are “masters of the world”
Instead, INBBC waffles about the Egyptian voting system and low turn outs, rather than provide a critical analysis of the Muslim Brotherhood (as beloved by Obama):
“Egypt elections: Low turnout for first round run-offs”
You can’t help but admire how quickly and comprehensively BBC narrative constructions are disseminted via a few of its key commentators throughout the organisation, down to its every mouthpiece.
For example, every time the August riots are mentioned we hear the mantra ‘sparked by the police shooting of a young black man’. And I can imagine a BBC history book of the future labelling the incidents ‘the bottled water riots’. The children of the distant future perhaps drawing the conclusion that global warming must have really reached a crisis.
Now we have the narrative about the future of the Euro. Key players such as Peston and Flanders used to give us repeated reassurances that all would be well with the bailouts.
Now they have switched to the line that Euro currency collapse would be ecomomic utter apocalypse for us in Britain. This new BBC view has instantly filtered down to the likes of 5 Live talk show hosts and to One Show presenters – I bet even Dr Who and Basil Brush – if pushed on the issue – would be firmly on message.
But the German economy is sound. When the Euro currency breakup comes it will be sudden and well planned. Don’t be fooled. It is the EU political dream that has the left-wing commentators weeping into their glasses of Toscana.
The only dilemma I can see see for Brits is the choice of which Med country to pick for their newly cheap holidays.
As reported on this site, the BBC decided a while back to stop considering my complaints of political bias.
I asked them if this applied only to complaints of left-wing bias, and they gave me the following response, which I find a tad patronising:
‘You are entitled to make complaints about right-wing bias, but should they also be judged, over a period of time, to have no substance, the same expedited complaints handling procedure will be applied.’
I don’t think I’ll never feel the need to make a complaint of right-wing bias, but if I do, it’s reassuring to know that it will be considered (before being filed in the bin)…
KABUL: Islamic massacre.
“Afghanistan: ‘Sectarian'” [Islamic] “twin attacks kill 52”
Apparently, INBBC cannot understand the violence and hatred between Sunni and Shi’a Muslims, which goes back over 1,000 years.
Is INBBC wanting to blame the West for it?
Anguished howls from Red Andy Verrity, the R5 (anti-) business expert when interviewing a Insurance Fund man about the proposal for the funds to exercise their shareholding strength to seek to rebalance bank profits away from bonuses – “But shareholders didn’t even manage to get rid of James Murdoch”, Red Andy wailed. Some people are even more evil than Tories or bankers it seems & must be dragged into conversation as often as possible.
Of course we ‘shareholders’ can’t get rid of the BBC, even though ‘we’ own it.
Funny they never bring that one up.
Arab Spring myths: misconceptions about the uprisings
By Roger HardyMiddle East analyst
Islamists are poised to take over the Arab Middle East
This, too, is a misreading.
Where the Islamists have done well, as in Tunisia, it is because they have learned from past mistakes. Does this mean they have learnt to disguise their intentions?
They cannot afford to alienate the middle class – or the Western states they rely on for trade and tourism. Remember this was written after the Egyptian elections
That should have been Arab Spring myths: misconceptions about the uprising Blogspot was playing tricks.
Palestine no longer matters
This myth was rudely shattered when Egyptian crowds attacked the Israeli embassy in Cairo in September. The myth it seems was propagated as much by the BBC as any one.
Freely-elected governments, as and when they emerge,will more accurately reflect the will of the people – on foreign as well as domestic issues. Is he suggesting a Muslim Brotherhood/Salafist government will be LESS anti Israel?
The West can shape the destiny of the Arabs
This is the myth that should have died. Western countries cannot do this, even in Libya, the one country where they intervened. Is it possible that Iraq just slipped his mind?
yep!…it seems that Salafists are the bad islamists, but the MB are the good islamists..
glad thats cleared up, turn over & have another couple of hours eh!
the sharp as ever T.Fatah, tells it straight on the MB, Obama
in Afghan, sunni/shi were galvanised in hatred of GB/US, just as they are on Israel
soon as that ends whose next …… back to each other, (& Israel)
Another racial attack going unpunished. I winder if the BBC will be interested?
Muslim women not used to drinking walk free after attack on woman
Of course it’s those “enrichers” again. For a minority they sure do generate a lot of news.
Will INBBC censor this because it smacks of Muslim anti-white racism?
Girl gang who kicked woman in the head while yelling ‘kill the white slag’ freed after judge hears ‘they weren’t used to drinking because they’re Muslims’
The BBC had multiple references on recent days to the suspension of the Herman Cain campaign for the Republican nomination – but continues to fail to report properly on the continuing surge by Newt Gingrich :
This surge has been going on for 3 weeks now, Gingrich has big momentum which could be crucial in Iowa at the beginning of January even without the level of local organisation on the Romney campaign.
Maybe the reason for the BBC’s disdain is that Gingrich smacks down really hard on smirking liberal journalists. He’d make mincemeat of the likes of Mardell or Naughtie.
Yes, even ‘The Guardian’ has this:
“Newt Gingrich leads in Iowa Republican primary race.
Poll puts Newt Gingrich on 25% in first primary contest with Ron Paul on 18% and Mitt Romney on 16%”
Are BBC-Democrats running scared for their Obamessiah?
Did anyone else see the programme about Facebook the other night?
Emily Maitlis has come in for some criticism, personally I don’t care what she was wearing, but why does the BBC insist on using a lightweight presenter to cover a technology programme?
Maitlis’s only tech savvy appeared to be getting a replacement keyboard out of a vending machine.
The BBC does have technology reporters, yet the BBC seems to insist on using some bird who is a mental airhead and didn’t really know anything about the creation of Facebook.
As an example Sir Tim Berners-Lee has been very critical of Facebook, it goes against his principle that the web should be open, Facebook is a closed system. This was never fully developed, nor was Berners-Lee interviewed for his view.
It’s rather typical of the dumbing down of technology we see more and more off the BBC.
“‘I learned more about Emily Maitlis’s wardrobe than Facebook’: Outraged viewers complain over BBC star’s numerous costume changes during documentary.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2070340/Mark-Zuckerberg-Inside-Facebook-viewers-complain-I-learned-Emily-Maitliss-wardrobe.html#ixzz1fmIs5yiL
Interesting comments seem supportive.
That the BBC supports FaceBook and twitter etc is no surprise as they try and keep the £4Bpa, but not actualluy invest in anything to justify it in cranking out ‘reports’ based on likes or RTs from their select ‘friends’ circle.
‘A BBC spokesman last night insisted that the programme had not breached guidelines. ‘
Newswatch writes itself!
Surely the spokesman said that they had got it “Just about right”?
This will be dismissed out of hand. The Beeboids have no idea that this shallow behavior doesn’t suit. They think it’s fine, and will simply sneer at the unwashed masses for being distracted by the superficial rather than focus on the documentary subject.
I’m glad I missed this as it’s upleasant enough just having to watch her slouch and pose at the newsdesk on the News Channel.
They’re media types. It’s a big, famous subject, so hey think they need a well-known broadcast personality, not necessarily someone particularly competent in the field in quesiton. Stage Performer Maitlis doesn’t need to know anything about the subject at hand – she just has to get briefed beforehand, read out the lines, and react on camera.
That’s all that matters to them. Delivering Quality First.
was listening the the World Service today at about 1515hrs, during a very short interview (about 1min) Dick Black was asked why isnt the IPCC Moonbat Festival done by video phone. Dick laughed out loud and said it needs to be done face to face cos of all the wheeling and dealing that goes on
i noted, it was a very short spec on the news, and Beeboids are now beginning to ask uncomfortable questions to the believers of AGW within their ranks
also, last time i looked at the web site, Dick Black was described as an “environment expert”, now hes just a described as an “Environment correspondent” wonder why that changed
Keep up the good work Dick, we’re counting on you
Calling Black and expert on the environment is like calling Gordon Brown an expert on economics.
At least Mr. Brown shut the heck up having been presented, eventually, for the nth time, the undeniable consequences of all his idiotic words and deeds. Plus those he claims to represent can still (well, have the option) to kick him out for incompetence.
Mr. Black (sounding like a Reservoir Dogs homage this) however is guaranteed lifelong pulpit and riches by virtue of working on the most unaccountatble beat of the most unaccountable entity this side of the Reichsministerium on the Ordenspalais.
Is it 10,000 or 17,000 Warmists with their snouts in the trough at Durban ?
You could live like a lord on Black’s expenses bill.
you cant put a price on the damage Dick Black has caused to the environment by attending this moonbat festival! we’re all doooooooomed unless we cut back on carbon by a week last tuesday
Rare Earth – A novel by Newsnight’s Paul Mason – http://www.orbooks.com/catalog/rare-earth/
‘A washed up TV reporter stumbles onto a corruption scandal in Western China. Pursued through the desert by a psychotic spin-doctor and a world-weary cop, he discovers the real China: illegal metal mines, a fashion-crazed gang of girl bikers, a whole commune of Tiananmen Square survivors and the up-market sleaze-joints of Beijing.’
A snip at just £10!
I know BBC-NUJ’s Comrade MASON mixes up fact and fiction all the time, but Mason ‘the novelist’ sounds like a bit of a joke, especially from the description of the book.
Here’s another bit:
“Rare Earth is a story about love, journalism, ghosts, metallurgy, vintage militaria and large motorcycles set in the badlands of Inner Mongolia and Ningxia. It is about the west’s inability to understand the East; one man’s epic journey across a dying landscape, where ‘thousands of pairs of eyes peer beyond grimy windowpanes into the moonless sky, looking for something better.’
The real description:
‘Parallel Universe’ “is a story about love, journalism, ghostwriting, lies, propaganda and large salaries set in the badlands of White City and Media City. It is about the BBC’s inability to understand the riots; one man’s epic journey across a dying landscape, where ‘thousands of pairs of eyes peer beyond grimy windowpanes into the moonless sky, looking for something better than the BBC.'”
“A washed up TV reporter…”
Ah, an autobiography.
When Muslims Drink:
I’m sure there’s no racially aggravated element here that one would rightly expect to attract wide coverage on the BBC.
The young ladies 4 black assailants only called her a “white bitch” and a “white slag”.
Meanwhile, this unpleasant but non-violent incident receives no end of attention:
Yes and look how prominently and often the words racist or racial /lly appear: three times in the first three blocks of text: the heading in large bold text; the summary para in bold text; the first para of the detailed report:Racist tram rant accused Emma West remanded after court hearing
A woman accused of racially abusing fellow passengers on a busy tram watched a film of her alleged rant when she appeared in the dock.
Emma West, 34, appeared at Croydon Magistrates’ Court charged with a racially aggravated public order offence.
That’s as far as I read.
I note that the woman has been put in jail on remand through Christmas & the New Year. I haven’t watched the video but her crimes must be worse than those of many a violent thug to be denied bail.
It is for her own protection. So they say.
………….and her little boy taken into care by social services. No doubt the “racist” white girl will be deemed unfit to raise a child.
I am totally stunned at the attitudes of the police and legal system.
You have a white woman who has a verbal pop at some blacks in a tram telling them that she is sick of them and telling them to go back to where they came from. Not sure what triggered it as most of her comments were directed at a black woman. Something could have been said to trigger the attack before the recording was made. She is incarcerated.
Then you have 4 black women who use the same type of language to a white woman and then proceed to try and kill her by kicking her head in. This is not considered racially motivated despite the obvious language used and just GBH and they get suspended sentences because they cannot hold their alcohol for religious reasons.
I thought that, following Macpherson, a crime is racially motivated if the victim says it is?
Perhaps a bit naive of me to believe that this would apply to white victims.
However, NASA has discovered a place just crying out for “enrichment”:
Kepler 22b – the ‘new Earth’ – could have oceans and continents, scientists claim
And lest we forget, if Gordon Brown had had his way he would probably have locked up that other ‘bigoted woman’ Gillian Duffy for having dared to raise the issue of mass immigration.
Gordon never needed to worry that his state broadcaster would ever question his Government on this major issue.
U.K.: Gang of Muslim girls who savagely beat non-Muslim woman let off because “they weren’t used to drinking because they’re Muslims”
“You’ll want to read this one sitting down. Under no other circumstances in the known universe would anyone dream of applying this appalling double standard. If ‘sorry, I was drunk and my alcohol tolerance isn’t that great’ became a viable defense for violent crimes, the system would be overloaded with appeals tomorrow. But these defendants are apparently ‘more equal than others’ before the law.
“Virtually no one at all seems to care about the victim, who is still suffering panic attacks and undergoing counselling. Justice for her does not appear to be any sort of priority.”
el beeb 3 expose on muslim pakistani paedophile gangs
it is now on iplayer.
the first sentence sets you up.
there is a rise in predatory paedophile gangs, in some
towns, pakistani men are “being blamed”
hmmm! correction convicted/overwhelming evidence.
“i just cannot understand why?”….really 😀
the clue is pakistani and muslim,
muslim… following the “perfect man”, their “prophet” the erm
“supreme example of conduct”, you know he taking non muslims as sex slaves, himself a paedophile, marrying a girl of 6, treating girls/women appallingly, as property etc etc.
In Pakistan… there has been for decades reports far to numerous to mention of abducting, kidnapping raping, gang raping, young non muslim girls, ignored because of the muslim connection by the muslim authority, (in this backward society, silence too is the norm), one can assume it is the tip of an enormous iceberg.
yet still….no …. no idea?…why why?
Admitting, these girls, are locked up, “sending in man after man”, a large
network, of “family & friends”, often groups all from the same mosque,
family & cousins etc.
still no no idea… why why?
“pakistanis are now seen as perverts”… says our disgruntled presenter “brilliant” he sighs
(well better put, that along with, fraud/cheating, inbred marriages, honour violence/killing, aggressive association/non integration, terrorist murderers/and wilful complicition with the same).
Next wheel out J Straw … closely followed by the comment,”what he said was deeply patronising and offensive”. with the group who forced his sideways apology, given airtime. “you DO NOT racialise crime”..hmm really.
Our presenter, no still no idea ….so he opens a paper, surprised, “well there does seem to be asian names, & pakistani in the convictions”?…
goes to Burnley gang of Bangladeshi youths, who like “riding…??” , “taking blues, bangin bitches ……. but (of course) the problem is ….. racism”?!?!?
they like to, “get girls and take them to the park”, but often they get caught and kicked out”….. (one can assume their objects of interest here are not muslim girls)
suddenly our presenters, interest rises, he interjects, you re saying
you because you re asian, you get kicked out of the park? … intimating racism?.
to be honest there is so much dis-association with the reasons, and bias here, & there is much more,
its hard to know where to start.
If you watch it. it is immediately apparent, an unwarranted re iteration that Islam has nothing to do with it, absolutely absurd.
The ridiculous assertion, that islam has some kind of moral highground
re iterated again and again
one final quote from a Pakistani. in Derby
..that says everything…. in Normanton at night he states nonchalantly
“you dont know who is a prostitute, who isn t, who is underage and who isn t” ? is he infering non muslims by any chance?
hmmm … what to do then?
“Outcry in The Hague over ‘paedo imam’,” from
Radio Netherlands Worldwide, Dec 6
Al Maghraoui in Morocco in 2008 issued a fatwa approving a marriage with a girl 9
child sex normal in islam, memri tv
Islamic Clerics sanction child sex http://www.brookesnews.com/060901islam.html
Pakistan: Muslim Rapes SIXTH Underage Christian Girl –undhimmi.com/…/pakistan–muslim–rapes-sixth-underage-christian-gi…
Pakistan: 12 year-old Christian gang raped for eight months, forcibly …
etc etc etc etc
BBC 3 this took me 2 mins to research, ….oh whats that?
“NO…no idea…why WHY?”
Rolly Polly laugh a minute ‘comedian’ Phil ‘Mao pies please’ jupitus was up to his old right on leftist tricks the other day wearing a Cuban flag neckless on Buzzcocks.
The should change the name of the programme to ‘please don’t mind the fat cock’
Next maybe he can go the whole hog and have Pol Pots likeness tattooed on his smug over inflated face.
Obviously Phil knows that all lefties are great and the murdered disappeared and prisoners of conscience of communist hellholes were all only mentally ill and in need of reeducation
And Scott Dez and the rest of the ‘Gays for Gaddafi’ steering committee , I know my avatar is El Che but it’s supposed to morph into Wolfie Smith and for some reason is sticking. Vauxhall Viva la revolucion Mis Amigos De Dorothy
I noticed the word ‘Muslim’ was heavily used on the BBC news tonight? Was it in relation to the Muslim kiddie fiddlers? Nope, was it to do with Muslim gangs getting pissed up and beating up whitey? Nope.
Why it was Muslims as victims in Afghanistan of course. But just who blew them up? The ‘M’ word was missing from that.
Aliens perhaps? Jews? Americans? Brits?
Frankly, I don’t care. The place is an irredeemable shithole and we shouldn’t be having anything to do with it.
man…….its gotta be jews, after all
“Muslim ‘Rape Wave’ Reported in Oslo, Ministers Blame Israel????,”
Israel National News, Dec 4
all that and running the world as well
:-D, how do they find the time
“Muslim ‘Rape Wave’ Reported in Oslo”
The naive Norwegians don’t know what’s hit them.
“Muslim ‘Rape Wave’ Reported in Oslo…”
Norway doesn’t record the religion of offenders. The above statement is based on this:
“According to the police report there was a total of 186 of known rape cases in 2010… In 83 [assault-rape cases], the attacker was described as having ‘non-western appearance’.”
From this we are supposed to jump to believe that they were all Muslim despite there being absolutely zero evidence.
“Ministers Blame Israel????”
You seem to have missed this from your post:
“according to Yehuda Bello…”
tsk tsk….. the link IS there dear. maybe you missed it
heres another http://youtu.be/rPNO2BVT1NM
in case you miss that one
another http://youtu.be/g7t5ZffkA0A
Dez, the problems in Norway and Sweden have been documented for years by Fjordman and others. You may not like them but what they say is there in black and white.
Actually that’s an insult to shit holes, I’ve been to many shit holes and they are far nicer than Afghanistan.
I see Guido is reporting that Andy ‘the ponce’ Burnham has been reported to the Parlimentary standards Commissioner for being up to no good.
Want to guess which ‘world class broadcaster’ won’t give it a mention?
Unlike the lobbyists who ‘claimed’ they could get the ear of the Tory party, the BBC had no problem mentioning that.
Be interesting to monitor the BBC to see if bum boy Burnham gets a mention, if he does it will be this sound bite “I’ve done nothing wrong”
Of course not Burnham. Hope you’ve got your make up ready.
Are you mixing him up with James Purnell by any chance? Andy Burnham is a straight married man, as far as I know.
Well he wears more makeup than Caroline Flint does.
Hey, it looks like the BBC is inching away from their dishonest method of pushing their ghoulish Body Count Narrative when reporting on Israel’s conflicts with neighbors. In this report about the genocidally hopeful leader of Hezbollah, the BBC actually makes an effort to differentiate between civilians and military:
Sheikh Nasrallah has rarely been seen in public since Hezbollah’s 34-day war with Israel in 2006, which left more than 1,200 Lebanese dead, most of them civilians. Some 160 Israelis, mostly soldiers, were also killed.
The ghoulish Body Count Narrative is still going strong, of course (how better to reinforce the “disproportionate” response in the audience’s mind and quietly demonize Israel?), but at least now they’re admitting that not all those on the receiving end of Israel’s military effort were innocent civilians. A small improvement.
And there’s no sanitization of the chants of “Death to Israel”, either. We’ll see how long it lasts, though, as the BBC is known to revert back to form here after a brief peek into the daylight.
I’d still ike the BBC to have an honest discussion of how Hezbollah is still a legitimate “resistence” movement.
With what has been going on in Europe. France and Germany seem to be insisting on the Financial services tax as part of the current deal.
No doubt this is for political reasons, as such a tax would damage the UK most – but also surely make Europe poorer as a result (?)
But Cameron is interviewd here the BBC man implies that Cameron is blocking the treaty that would save Europe.
They may as well be working direct to Merkel/Sarkozy, and they are our state broadcaster! Great….