Lefty Andy Verity was tweeting about the fact that with the state of the Country people were giving up their latest iphone, but to quote “they’re not prepared to give up their Sky TV”
The irony is clearly lost on a parasite beeboid who gets paid by forcing people to hand over £150 a year or go to jail.
So who is running the UK? According to Radio 5 it’s Alistair Darling. This failed politician was pontificating on the BBC this morning, telling the BBC where Cameron is going wrong and what he needs to do to put it right.
Um didn’t he get kicked out of power 18 months ago for screwing up the economy BBC?
Why would anyone want to listen to Darling? Cameron gets’s a tiny mention in the 5 lite headlines. Who is this Cameron person? Can’t be the PM he’s not a one eyed Scottish idiot.
Only a Humphrys could possibly make me side with the loan sharks.
Didn`t get all of Humphs “fearless interrogation” of some spokesman for the LoanSharks Paddling Pool Association(or whatever), but everything I heard made John Humphrys sound like the ill-prepared stuffed truffle he has now become.
An aged embarrassment to serious news.
Surely Guido or Mc Mullan at the Leveson enquiry could be approached by the linen clad posse of privileges and plummy voices that squat up in Wood Lane…any hack could do better than poor decrepit John.
The bloke is obviously continuing to put his nose at risk as he continually splats into parked cars set up for his yapping, running to the Marxist Huntmasters piccolo.Poor old scrote can`t even hump the tyres these days!
As with Shapps a few weeks back-Humphrys is neutered every time words like “research” or “facts” get questionned…poor blokes maths is as bad as the rest in current affairs(who does their expenses, I wonder?-can`t be Tim Harford ALL the time can it?), and he soon splutters and slumps from his perch as soon as the research and facts with nasty numbers crop up. Even as cooked up and pre-digested for him by the interns there in Beebland.
Hope no-one at the BBC reads this, because Humphrys will get Today packed off to Southern Cross within a flick of a lavender-scented cravat at this rate.Humphrys has started to corrode it all from within, so must be allowed to carry on to complete the job!
Comedy Gold…I`m off to grab an unsecured loan today!
Karadic etc must pray every night that the Toady Tosspots comprise the quality of judges to be found at the Hague.
1. The big issue on the 8:00 Radio 4 News, topped and tailed by extensive faux-outrage on Today is the R£ report concerning payday lending. Unfortunately for Humphrys, his head was handed back to him on a plate by John Lamidey, chief executive of the Consumer Finance Association. Lamidey made mincemeat of the R3 report which we found out is based on yet another contentious and unexamined (by the BBC researchers) poll rather than a statisctical analysis (ie what is actually happening). Killer point is that there are so few complaints concerning payday lending that there is not even a category in respect of “payday lending” (ie small unsecured loans) in the official complaint figures concerning lending practices. So, in realityu, no news, just a BBC bigged-up non-event based ona press release from R3.
2. The BBC tells us – extracted from a press release no doubt – that the PM is going to “safeguard British interests” particularly those of the City in talks with other EU leaders. However, if you read what the PM actually writes (behind the paywall at the Times), his operatve words are:
“If we are changing the treaty that applies to all EU countries and allowing the eurozone countries to have new rules, it is also important that there are rules to keep the single market fair and open for key industries for Britain, including financial services.
Clearly, we will need to look at the right safeguards for Britain in the light of what is proposed. Our colleagues in the EU need to know that we will not agree to a treaty change that fails to protect our interests.”
Unexceptionable but actually just chin music: the concern in the real world – although you’d not hear this from any analysis or comment from the BBC or its carefully selected interviewees – is not with the single market in and of itself, it’s the way the bolt-on rules of that market and all the other crapola contained in EU directives damages both our economy (particularly the City) and our ability to rule ourselves.
The reality is that Cameron (confirmed by Ken Clarke elsewhere) has no intention of seeking to return to Westminster any power already ceded to Brussels and is ready to accept anything which, on the face of it, does not damage British interests. This is a sufficiently vague objective to mean anything Cameron wants it to mean (ie nothing). This lack of ambition (and the real danger it poses) should be the debating point, not a fatuous claim by Cameron that he will fight for British interests. Again, by helping the EU fanatics in and out of government to frame the debate to excludethe red meat of the argument concerning the EU, BBC bias and signature lazy journalism damage both the free flow of information and the opportunity for genuine public debate.
So grubby Liebore MP Stella Creasy (is that just her face that’s creased?) is demanding that these pay day loans be regulated. It’s all down to Tory cuts you see. So of course on Radio 5 she’s allowed to spout away. But hang on, have these pay day loan companies sprung up overnight? Did David Cameron pass some law allowing them to milk the poor? Or have they been around for several years and just WHO was in Government when these companies appeared?
Will this get raised by Vikki Pollard on 5 Lite? I think we know the answer there.
So some Albanian scumbag has gone on the run and failed to appear in Court. Some camp male on Radio 5 tells us he was given a British passport…..in 2008.
So once again we have the BBC sneering at the current Government for some vile scumbag who was given a Passport by Gordon Brown.
MarkyMarkMar 4, 16:30 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 A range of other topics were also discussed at the committee on Tuesday: Gregg Wallace – an external review into…
Lunchtime LoatherMar 4, 16:03 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Loved this bit: “”As I understand it today, the BBC has only made one payment to the programme maker to…
Fedup2Mar 4, 15:35 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Excellent news TTK Won’t give MPs a vote on military action in Ukraine – come on – let’s get this…
Fedup2Mar 4, 15:21 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Come on come on – there’s got to be a council out there ‘banning shrove Tuesday ‘ because it clashes…
Ian RushlowMar 4, 14:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The BBC bots and globalist lickspittles are being fully co-ordinated on this. The BBC article features a carefully curated comments…
Fedup2Mar 4, 14:49 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I wonder is the BBC bewilderment is mentioned is caused by a reversal of positions – normally the lefties want…
Lefty Andy Verity was tweeting about the fact that with the state of the Country people were giving up their latest iphone, but to quote “they’re not prepared to give up their Sky TV”
The irony is clearly lost on a parasite beeboid who gets paid by forcing people to hand over £150 a year or go to jail.
So who is running the UK? According to Radio 5 it’s Alistair Darling. This failed politician was pontificating on the BBC this morning, telling the BBC where Cameron is going wrong and what he needs to do to put it right.
Um didn’t he get kicked out of power 18 months ago for screwing up the economy BBC?
Why would anyone want to listen to Darling? Cameron gets’s a tiny mention in the 5 lite headlines. Who is this Cameron person? Can’t be the PM he’s not a one eyed Scottish idiot.
Only a Humphrys could possibly make me side with the loan sharks.
Didn`t get all of Humphs “fearless interrogation” of some spokesman for the LoanSharks Paddling Pool Association(or whatever), but everything I heard made John Humphrys sound like the ill-prepared stuffed truffle he has now become.
An aged embarrassment to serious news.
Surely Guido or Mc Mullan at the Leveson enquiry could be approached by the linen clad posse of privileges and plummy voices that squat up in Wood Lane…any hack could do better than poor decrepit John.
The bloke is obviously continuing to put his nose at risk as he continually splats into parked cars set up for his yapping, running to the Marxist Huntmasters piccolo.Poor old scrote can`t even hump the tyres these days!
As with Shapps a few weeks back-Humphrys is neutered every time words like “research” or “facts” get questionned…poor blokes maths is as bad as the rest in current affairs(who does their expenses, I wonder?-can`t be Tim Harford ALL the time can it?), and he soon splutters and slumps from his perch as soon as the research and facts with nasty numbers crop up. Even as cooked up and pre-digested for him by the interns there in Beebland.
Hope no-one at the BBC reads this, because Humphrys will get Today packed off to Southern Cross within a flick of a lavender-scented cravat at this rate.Humphrys has started to corrode it all from within, so must be allowed to carry on to complete the job!
Comedy Gold…I`m off to grab an unsecured loan today!
Karadic etc must pray every night that the Toady Tosspots comprise the quality of judges to be found at the Hague.
More churnalism on Today:
1. The big issue on the 8:00 Radio 4 News, topped and tailed by extensive faux-outrage on Today is the R£ report concerning payday lending. Unfortunately for Humphrys, his head was handed back to him on a plate by John Lamidey, chief executive of the Consumer Finance Association. Lamidey made mincemeat of the R3 report which we found out is based on yet another contentious and unexamined (by the BBC researchers) poll rather than a statisctical analysis (ie what is actually happening). Killer point is that there are so few complaints concerning payday lending that there is not even a category in respect of “payday lending” (ie small unsecured loans) in the official complaint figures concerning lending practices. So, in realityu, no news, just a BBC bigged-up non-event based ona press release from R3.
2. The BBC tells us – extracted from a press release no doubt – that the PM is going to “safeguard British interests” particularly those of the City in talks with other EU leaders. However, if you read what the PM actually writes (behind the paywall at the Times), his operatve words are:
“If we are changing the treaty that applies to all EU countries and allowing the eurozone countries to have new rules, it is also important that there are rules to keep the single market fair and open for key industries for Britain, including financial services.
Clearly, we will need to look at the right safeguards for Britain in the light of what is proposed. Our colleagues in the EU need to know that we will not agree to a treaty change that fails to protect our interests.”
Unexceptionable but actually just chin music: the concern in the real world – although you’d not hear this from any analysis or comment from the BBC or its carefully selected interviewees – is not with the single market in and of itself, it’s the way the bolt-on rules of that market and all the other crapola contained in EU directives damages both our economy (particularly the City) and our ability to rule ourselves.
The reality is that Cameron (confirmed by Ken Clarke elsewhere) has no intention of seeking to return to Westminster any power already ceded to Brussels and is ready to accept anything which, on the face of it, does not damage British interests. This is a sufficiently vague objective to mean anything Cameron wants it to mean (ie nothing). This lack of ambition (and the real danger it poses) should be the debating point, not a fatuous claim by Cameron that he will fight for British interests. Again, by helping the EU fanatics in and out of government to frame the debate to exclude the red meat of the argument concerning the EU, BBC bias and signature lazy journalism damage both the free flow of information and the opportunity for genuine public debate.
Clarke rejects EU power grab call
Nothing emotive about that headline, is there?
So grubby Liebore MP Stella Creasy (is that just her face that’s creased?) is demanding that these pay day loans be regulated. It’s all down to Tory cuts you see. So of course on Radio 5 she’s allowed to spout away. But hang on, have these pay day loan companies sprung up overnight? Did David Cameron pass some law allowing them to milk the poor? Or have they been around for several years and just WHO was in Government when these companies appeared?
Will this get raised by Vikki Pollard on 5 Lite? I think we know the answer there.
So some Albanian scumbag has gone on the run and failed to appear in Court. Some camp male on Radio 5 tells us he was given a British passport…..in 2008.
So once again we have the BBC sneering at the current Government for some vile scumbag who was given a Passport by Gordon Brown.
Vikki Pollard is not happy. Some survey thinks most people now think that a lot of poverty is down to people being bone idle. She’s NOT HAPPY.
Her voice went up in that awful “I’m telling you lot off” way she often does.