Richard Black is getting pretty desperate. The reality is that nothing but hot air is emerging from the Durban climate boondoggle – showing maybe (though I am not so sure as Richard North) that the alarmist propaganda camapign is a busted flush – so overnight, he’s posted a crassly-manufactured story in an effort to give fresh momentum to his scare campaign. He tells us with wearisome predictability that “the science” has now found the only reason we are not roasting from greenhouse gases is because of aerosol emissions (a great double whammy, that); that the Himalayan glaciers are melting fast than ever (on a new sample size of 10 out of 54,000, the IPCC was right after all); and that even though we have had an economic recession, nasty carbon emissions are continuing to belch out of our filthy capitalist backsides almost as fast as before.
Mr Black presents all these theories for one reason only – the Durban talks are as disastrously divided as were Copenhagen and Cancun, and he is scraping the barrel to find something that will tell us otherwise. My guess is his latest scare stories will be as reliable as the rest of the outpourings from the alarmist camp. What’s Up With That has started the assault – to put it mildly, the glacier research looks – as I suspected – to be pure alarmist drivel. As I said: wearisome predictability. He is beyond parody.
I had a laugh this morning as having been woken by the latest climate scare story on the radio alarm clock I got up looked out of the curtains and saw snow. Its like a re run of the other year what with more climategate emails and then snow 🙂
And once again Mr Black doesn’t feel the need to offer his readership – the same people who pay his wages – the opportunity to comment on his latest work of fiction. Outrageous. Mr Black’s story here is the worst kind of aggregate pro-AGW propaganda – as Robin suggests, this is barrel-scraping of the most reprehensible kind, regurgitating alarmist claptrap discredited any number of times by faulty IPCC reports or cronyism as evidenced by the Climategate I and II emails,
Still, I’m sure Richard is having a lovely time out there at the Durban climate jamboree at licence payers’ expense. One can hardly expect him to summon the energy or the will to write anything of any real integrity when another sundowner, poolside, beckons so readily…
‘once again Mr Black doesn’t feel the need to offer his readership – the same people who pay his wages – the opportunity to comment on his latest work of fiction. ‘
Watertight oversight.
Actually, it’s a darn clever bit of engineering.
Somehow free to broadcast outbound loud and clear.
Anything back… tight as a drum.
From wattsupwiththat,
“10/54,000 = .0185 % That’s an impressively small sample size. Apparently Pachauri’s zeal to get back the Himalayagate claim of melting by 2035 outweighs any rational attempts at science. In any other discipline, a sample size this small would be laughed off as ridiculous, but this is climate science, where ridiculous has become the norm…”
So the glacier story is pure BS borne out of utter desparation.
It would seem that 10 glaciers in the Himalayas have been found to be retreating (or ‘melting’). There are are another 54,000 whose condition is not reported. More here:
From Greenie Watch blog :
” Professor Heinrich Miller is working down at the Antarctic Neumayer III station..interviewed by NDR (German TV station)…has been researching the Arctic and Antarctic for decades…NDR asks Miller about the trend in Antarctica and the climate-related changes…Miller says :
‘ Here almost nothing has changed. At least not near the surface. The average annual temperatures have remained the same. There are of course large fluctuations from year to year. If anything over the last 30 years we have a slight cooling trend….'”
I don’t suppose Mr Black ever reads any of the climate blogs.
we all know that Dick Black the Eco Twat reads this blog. Hi Dick hows the sun tan?
the coverage of this moonbat festival in Durban has been minimal. I think Dick has realised that everytime he opens his mouth, the public think fcuk off with your global waming bollox its feckin freeeeeezin.
its either that or Al Beeb has stopped believing in the teachings of the Goreacle and have started to scale back its reporting on global warming on news 24.
its either that or Al Beeb has stopped believing in the teachings of the Goreacle
More likely taking a deep breath for The Frozen Planet this week.
The only one he reads and contributes to is realclimate. The “teams” own blog created specifically to debunk deniers, regardless of how much evidence they have to ignore, how many cherries then need to pick or how much history they need to hide.
The BBC were prattling on about a new Swiss study which “confirms” that the “warming” since the fifties, is largely due to the presence of human produced greenhouse gas.
This from Real Science:
As they say in the article, it’s “full of shit”.
Seems that that there are less Black stories that the BBC allows comments on these days. The last one I recall, post-Clinategate II was overwhelmed by people criticising him. And that really won’t do. Dissent will be CRUSHED. By order of the BBC
It gets more and more like East Germany, now twinned with the BBC. Self important party members whizzing around in tinted window Zil limousines on “party business” insulated from reality and living the privileged life of salaries four times anyone elses. The whole lot disgust me.
Black gets more and more pathetic – or desperate.
Was it the OozleUm Bird that flew around in ever-decreasing circles until it finally disappeared up its own backside ?
He’s scaremongering here, too
All about speeding up the flow of wealth from rich nations to poor ones. Communism by the back door ooh er missus!
Black goes off his head about a crazy way to cool down the Earth –
…One end of the hose will be attached to a balloon floating a kilometre up in the air.
The other will be tethered to the ground, with a pump pushing water up the pipe so it will spray out at the top….