Richard Black is very happy this morning. The thousands of fatcat eco freaks at the Durban boondoggle have reached an “agreement” that will lead to £100bn being transferred from the urban poor in the developed world to the kleptocrats who run Africa’s developing economies. And he crows that this lunacy is now enforced by law. His reporting throughout the fortnight he has been in Durban has been a one-sided trumpeting of the BBC eco creed, laced with quotes from his cronies. It’s all summed up here.
But the horrendous reality of Durban is here:
“The fear of the negative consequences of the emission of CO2 is being used as a tool to bludgeon the developed world into economic and political suicide. We in the west are told that we must commit this suicide because we must commit to a “Fair and equitable allocation of the atmospheric space, taking into account the criteria of historic climate debt and population…”
The is no binding agreement. They bhave just kicked the can down the road – agreeing to agree some time soon. “agree to work towards a new agreement….”
EU commitment depends on countries like India and China agreeing to join in. They won’t – they regard the West as the patsies, it is all our fault because we have had 200 years of industrialisation.
I like one of the comments at WUWT – describing Richard Black as a Green Parrot.
Patching over the cracks is all. Kyoto expires next year.
Durban CoP-17 stands as yet another stark reminder that there are armies of unelected, self-interested, bullying eco-parasites bottom-feeding off the general public’s indifference to the global fraud that is AGW. Supine politicians, intent on their own kind of theft via the creation of ever more stealth ‘green taxes’, are in active collusion with these criminal gangs of NGOs who travel the world, racking up the Air Miles, to berate and harangue and to lobby and spin their message of phoney climate alarmism in order to drum up taxpayer funding to meet their yearly financials.
Durban was, as I have suggested it would be, a heist. And it was, it seems, successful. It was theft on a breathtaking scale in which all the participants, under the full, uncritical glare of the world’s indifferent media, were permitted to smash and grab their way to $hundreds of billions of taxpayer’s money and calmly exit the building as if nothing untoward – or morally reprehensible – had just occurred.
The usual empty rhetoric and meaningless platitudes have been employed to describe Durban as some kind of ‘success’ for the world – when in fact the truth is quite the reverse. This was a shameful, immoral gathering of thieves and liars intent on promoting a pack of lies and bombast to swindle their way to a $100bn pay day. All they had to do was to turn up, walk the walk and talk the talk – they wouldn’t even have to worry about about journalists asking any awkward questions – especially not the BBC.
Richard Black’s reporting from CoP-17 has been unrelentingly ‘on message’, uncritical and self-serving. It has been a total disgrace and an embrassment to his profession. Not one word of what has really been going on – massive wealth transferance from richer nations to poorer – has been uttered by this man, not one suggestion that the grounds on which this entire edifice of AGW propaganda has been built and sustained might actually be increasingly unstable, riddled with faultlines and poor foundations.
The BBC have not acquitted themselves well here – their coverage of Durban remains defiantly triumphalist, entirely uncritical. Time will hopefully expose their craven unprofessionalism, their illegal bias and their entrenched distain for honesty and impartiality on these issues.
Meanwhile, I anticipate a ‘Durban backlash’ from climate skeptics far more informed and knowledgeable than myself – of which there are ever-more, growing in both numbers and ability to communicate. It is my sincere hope that these individuals and organisations, who are still being denied the airwaves by a viciously biased MSM, will eventually hold the BBC in particular (though not exclusively) to account for it’s wretched pro-AGW bias and wilful misreporting of the truth.
Just as British people allowed Labour to waste money on income redistribution policies in UK whilst the bubble was inflating but now that the bust has followed the boom support cuts, so the developed world will not supportthe blatant redistribution of wealth underr the guise of climate change policy… The party is over.
There is an added problem, I think. Now that Cameron’s the ‘blue-eyed boy’ in the eyes of the public for pulling a semi-flanker over Mercozy (and the benefits to the Former UK are rather unclear – you’re still half-in, half-out), he no doubt will get an added boost to his popularity. So much so, that when the Huhnatic returns from the Durban scamfest, saying “what a good boy am I”, Cameron, in his new-found popularity will say “good boy, Huhney” and together they’ll continue to sell the Former UK down the river, and erect monstrous collections of windmills, while the public blindly wave flags and shout “all hail the conquering hero” and “God save the Queen” (Diamond jubilee, you know…) whilst the country is wrested from the economic world and sent slithering down the toilet.
its good spin Dick Black has put on this moonbat festival because they havnt agreed on anything
theyve agreed to come to an agreement at a later date which is no agreenent at all
the effect of this agreement is just to keep that load of bollox also known as global warming in the news for another year or two
How can the BBC’s lead story on the World Service be that the nations of the world have agreed to START negotiating about climate regulations in January. That’s a story?
Richard Black ( the Green Parrot ) is lying if he claims any real progress in Durban.
Proof he is lying ? How about these two snippets from the BBC’s own website :
Loud wailing from the false-charity NGOs –
Waffle from the conference chairwoman –
Someone isn’t keeping the website fully on-message !
Odd isn’t it, how we are being taxed to send vast sums of money to the pullulating populations of Africa and Asia to allow them to breed unfettered, whilst our resultant impoverishment means that many of us cannot afford to have children? One member of my family opted to undergo sterilisation not because she did not want another child, but because she and her husband were finding it difficult to keep a roof over their heads owing to the inflated property market and high fuel costs. We in England, and Europe more widely, are now literally being taxed to death in a drawn-out genocide which is accompanied by population replacement from Africa and Asia actively encouraged by our own political ‘elites’ and happily supported of course by the BBC.
In most African states the average family has six children. Now you might ask why Africa needs help feeding its children, or help reducing its infant mortality rate. Or on the other hand you might find, if you look down gentlemen, you are looking at the answer to your own question.
Of all the things Africa needs, $100bn western aid to fight non-existent global warming isn’t one of them. It’s the Fake Charities like Oxfam who need the money – a cause to keep themselves going – otherwise they collapse, and good riddance too. They put off the day Africa starts to put its own house in order. Like an African Spring, BBC, or might that put too many Swiss Banks at risk?
Kickbacks to UK ministers and mandarins too…….
Jesus the BBC have that fat shit Prescott on again talking about climate change.
Prescott again? A man who manages to commit at least five crimes against the English language in every sentence that he utters (well, that is if you can identify where one of his ‘sentences’ begins and ends that is). They’d get more sense out of an average African grey parrot should they care to interview one.
Could they not find one in Durban to interview?
I expect Lardarse Prescott will be rowing his way home, now, to his sooty little cave in the hills, and candles and lentil/muesli pies, doing his bit to fuck the planet (whoops, he’s already done that – fat twat).
Reposted from the Durban Poison thread:
“Nations seeking a strong climate change deal” = Nations who want wealth redistributed to them. The end.
What else happened? Nothing except a bunch of mandarins decided that AGW was still a problem and the whole Warmist charade didn’t come crashing down like the house of cards that it is. No wonder Black is pleased.
The News Channel just said that there was a deal done to force the world’s biggest polluters to take action to do something about it by 2020. In other words, nothing happened, but the BBC is spinning it as something did anyway.
‘Historic’ agreement according to albeeb.
Not sure where this lies in the lexicon of albeeb (tired) journalese.
Is an ‘historic’ agreement better or worse than a ‘landmark’ agreement.
Perhaps a lurking droid could help me out with this one.
I too heard the ludicrous description “historic agreement” by David Shukman. What a fool ! No way will the US Senate – under any administration – agree to anything like Kyoto. So that means China, India and Brazil stay out too.
And as the years tick by, the reality of the flawed “science” will increasingly emerge. As well as the huge cost here in the UK of distorting the energy market to support crazy stuff like wind turbines and solar.
It is notable that the only party to appear to make any real degree of forward commitment is the EU. Just another sign of how detached the EU is from national electorates.
Pure Warmist propaganda on the News Channel just now, the female Beeboid talking to Prescott about the success of the agreement…er..postponing the agreement on Kyoto II…or something.
Oh, dear, 2020 does seem a long way off, says the Beeboid, “and of course each year it’s getting a little bit warmer.”
The evil US is part of the problem, as always. Prescott: “Mr. Bush didn’t believe in science.”
said Kumi Naidoo, Greenpeace International Executive Director.
“Right now the global climate regime amounts to nothing more than a voluntary deal that’s put off for a decade. This could take us over the two degree threshold where we pass from danger to potential catastrophe.”
Here is an ecofascist nut case talking about the supposed last minute Durban deal, the deal the BBC have exactly no intention of reporting honestly.
Now what is the “potential catastrophe”? Of course it is the threat to this whack jobs multi million payoff. Its all about the money. This hard left marxist window licker is petrified of losing out, that time is his enemy.
Just heard on the BBC that sea levels are rising and that global temperatures are increasing, they actually lied on air.
Look at the graph on the left and note that from 2010 there is a decline in sea levels.
Rising global temperatures claims the BBC? Look at the graph on the right and you see a decline in global temperatures.
The BBC are in fact nothing more than pathetic lying scum, engaged in a deliberate policy of misinformation and deception of the public.
It went down in 2010 because of La Niña, but both your graph and this one look like it’s rising again this year. But I still don’t think humans are causing it all. The “science” proving we are was rigged and faked. The climate “scientists” still claim we are, no matter what.
And here we are with another piece of the puzzle that the BBC is determined to withhold from the public.
Look at the graph below and note the red line, note the speed of the freeze, two months in and look where the red line is nearly at the grey bar which represents something that the BBC is utterly determined to hide from the public at all costs, it means the Arctic ice is normal.
BBC = bullsh*tting b*stards commune.
Huhne emerges suitably tired but ever-so-courageous in sticking up for the poor vulnerable choking planet.
The message is clear…if we all cared like Chris, and stuck it out at the table we too could be told that what we negotiated was crap in the eyes of the associated sucker fish from Greenpeace.
Until Porritt does the actual vasectomies…and Shriver bites off the goolies…Huhnes harpies and headbangers won`t be happy!
Still it gets Prescott back on the whoopie cushion to be all northern and sensible for us…Dave Angel eco-warrior incarnate.
Oh luvaduck…Sarah Montague does some show about the best of Radio4 this week and stretches it out to half an hour…seems she rather liked Marcel Wave talking about sex and writing letters to his imaginary friend…and this is so continentally brilliant and so outre!
Bernard HenriLevi talks to Jonathan Miller…you know you want it!
Rickshaw for Monty…let`s get Huhne to drive it please!
I’ve been particularly impressed with the Durban Rally.
No more so than with the delegates who managed not to be filmed falling asleep during the regurgitation in 600 different languages that we are all going to die / drown / combust before the last few trees remaining can be chopped down so they can arrange their next scare-story book deals to be printed.
Sadly, and isn’t it always the way when these things happen ? the BBC are going to have to get everyone with a wind farm to send them the electricity needed so as to brainwash us in HD Broadband that everyone at the conference was in agreement and there was never such a thing as the Durban Discord Accord.