The BBC has one dominant running narrative since Cameron rightly vetoed the latest Merkozy plot. It’s all about the UK being “isolated”. It’s news bulletins have been loaded with this theme and even this Sunday morning, Nick Clegg is on the Marr show, chiming that isolation is bad news and being fed question after question which lays to the Europhilia of the Lib-Dems. We have even witnessed Michael Heseltine being brought back to our screens to warn us of the dangers of saying NO to the Eurocrats. Labour has been (rather pathetically, I must add) reinforcing the notion that Cameron has caused us unmitigated doom and gloom by…erm..standing up for our nation. The amusing aspect of this is that if one believes the polls, the British people overwhelmingly support Cameron, something one would never know from the biased BBC coverage. At moments like this, critical moments in our history, the BBC aligns itself with those who hate the idea of a free and sovereign Britain. When one reflects on that, it’s hard to conclude that the BBC is anything but the enemy within, using our money to undermine our Nation.
PS I note that Marr did not ask Clegg how he felt about UKIP going past the Lib Dems in the polls. Evidently some news is more equal than others.
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I don’t know about a turning point, but we seem at a watershed on the BBC’s control of thought techniques when they are trying to drive a public mood they prefer.
The response to the Clegg ‘attack’ claim, so far based on…err.. nothing, has been swift, brutal and extensive. Threads are hitting 1k in a heartbeat.
And the BBC propaganda censors are in overdrive.
Newnsnight has been caught stealth editting and then nuking via the ‘referall until it passes by’ technique, and it’s not working as well as it used to.
Helen Boaden, Mary Hockaday, etc, are going to have some explaining to do.
I predict a Newswatch ‘special’ where they do a CIN-esque can-can number with Pudsey to the tune of ‘It was the right thing to do (becuase we got it about right’, in hope that flashing their frillies will distract from the fact that their entire, £4Bpa, uniquely compelled, tax-funded media monopoly is a crumbling edifice dealing in lies and deceit.
Happy Sunday girls!
‘it’s hard to conclude that the BBC is anything but the enemy within’
Indeed, if the 5th column inches one sees devoted so far to selling a meme vs. reflecting reality is any guide.
‘BBC calling… BBC calling… Why do you resist us Tommies? We will prevail in the end…we have an LSE/Gaurdian poll that tells you so’
To be honest, to compare the BBC to Lord HawHaws output rather insults the memory of the despicable Nazi traitor.
At least Joyce actually had a view on what he wanted…Hitler with scones at 3, whereas the BBC just want the miltiKulti peace of the graveyard…onelove, one world government and one permitted broadcaster of approved opinion…guess who?
I despise the BBC for expecting up to get bedsores in a filthy soiled bed, until he are confirmed as being brain dead; so those nice EuroMengeles can practice their economic surgical techniques on the prostrate nation.
Sadly, the blood transfusion to the Transylvanian Zombie Community in Paris etc will not be happening now.
So Cameron replaces Berlusconi and Papandreou as the villain de nos jours…but they`ll all be having far bigger things to scare them sonn…and we shall still be a nation as long as we block off the EuroRat run that Clegg etal hope to use.
Fat lot of good it did the walking dead like Hezza and Ken Clarke-but it`ll be fun to watch them all beetle away from the rotting Eurodream in the meantime.
The BBC are salami sliced and slowly bleeding to death in front of the men(and women…of course!)…should make good telly!
No, Mezzas Boaden and Hockaday will have absolutely no explaining to do, because while Cameron is prepared to stand up to Europe, he is not prepared to stand up to the BBC.
They’ll probably just wheel out another BBC editor’s post trumpeting an increase in viewers, which equals quality.
The other meme is, “we got nothing out of this veto” as if protecting the City from a treaty signed and (yet to be) ratified by 27 with all the legal weight that carries, is nothing.
Well if you have 100 pounds in your pocket and someone tries to mug you, and you successfully protect yourself from that mugging, then you still do not gain anything, but at least you have still got your 100 quid!!!
The EU, pushed by “Merkozy” tried to mug us at this summit, and Cameron rightly stopped it.
So we did not gain anything, but we would have lost a hell of a lot more if Cameron had betrayed the British by signing this treaty.
From Miliband’s response, clearly he would have signed over the City to the EU, Lock Stock and Barrel!
Informed opinion has it that it was not a summit, just the European Council. It does not sign or propose treaties, only an IGC meeting can do any such thing. So Cameron did not veto anything, all he did was say he would not accept an attack on the City. At an IGC a treaty could have been proposed and he could then have used a veto. All this is readily available on the ‘Net for those who care.
When are he BBC going to ask Milliband how he would have voted on the EU proposals had he ( God forbid) been our Prime Minister?
An informative piece for anti-Tory BBC-NUJ:
“Ten myths about Cameron’s EU veto”
Richard North (‘EU Referendum’) still reckons media (and not least BBC) has misunderstood what happened in Brussels, and that we are being shown the wrong picture.
Authors of our own grief – by Richard…
Hopefully the fact that behaving like a conservative makes him more popular, won’t go unnoticed by Cameron, and hopefully the blatant bias of the BBC over the last few days won’t go unnoticed by Hunt.
Not holding my breath though . . . .
As I predicted not a mention of the polls in support of Cameron on the BBC.
We can only hope
“A BBC spokesman said: ‘The Freedom of Information Act protects the BBC’s editorial independence, with specific reference to our journalistic interests. The BBC has strict guidelines on declaring personal interests, in order to ensure the integrity and impartiality of the BBC’s reporting.’
That is beyond parody.
The BBC spokesman’s statement is absolutely accurate – as far as it goes. He left out the final sentence which is reproduced below
“With the agreement of the BBC Trust, the BBC has opted to ignore the guidelines and thus the BBC’s reporting is completely bereft of integrity and impartiality”
Off topic… but simply the best video on youtube….
More authentic if the outside reporter had been stood in water, in the rain & with his sound & vision contact breaking up. Also why no mention of climate change?
BBC-NUJ, the global empire-building propagandist, and its political values:
when a British Prime Minister dissents from Euro deal, he’s ‘isolated’;
when an Indian maharajah dissents from Britain, he’s ‘daring’:-
Interesting long article about an obscure topic – cribbed from somewhere ?
But why do we have to pay for this stuff ? That’s probably the only thing filed for many days by that BBC reporter.
If writers want to reminisce about the Raj or its passing, that’s fine. Salman Rushdie earned lots of money from Midnight’s Children, Paul Scott wrote some excellent novels eg Staying On. But they earned their money by SELLING their stuff. BBC staff don’t have to sell their stuff, they can just doodle away at our expense.
Nice work if you can get it !
Good point here George!
If we can see all this as a breakaway from the colonial imperialists in Brussels, then Cameron may well be our Gandhi!
That ought to please the reflexed autonomous response of the Leftlibluvvies…say no to Empires yeah?
Does anyone else here use the BBC mobile site? Their headlines over the past few days have been revealing: Osborne’s defence of the veto was preceded on the main page by his name; apparently there was no room to tell us that it was Clegg and Milliband who think that “Britain is doomed and isolated, woe unto us!”
Been thinking about this “isolated” meme that the Beeb (and toilet paper suppliers to them) seem to think is a big deal!
I think they`re what they`d say is “empathising”, “resonating” and “in tune” with their imagined lily pad of a country ought surely to be feeling. No handshake from a Simian philanderer?…no schnapps from the Stasis pastors daughter?…oh the shame!
After devolution and regional assemblies, after Copenhagen and the AV vote, after Murdoch and Ross/Brand…the BBC have every right to feel that their view of the world is despised and loathed by the rest of us. From the rioters to Bin Laden…they are always on the wrong isde of the argument, they lose and continue to burrow and yap away to everyones increasing contempt.
Supremely irrelevant but we paid for their f***in` suits and Moleskines!
Hence the BBCs/Libleftluvvie isolation meme…a true cri de coeur by proxy…now how about another go at getting a congestion charge for Manchester..but never Salford please!
Truly terrible howls of pain from these eternal losers in every sense but financial…and we`ll be seeing about that very soon!
Transparency was never meant to reveal their bankruptcy, uselessness and venal incompetence…makes Goebbels and Reifenstahl seem nuanced…and din`t they want one Euro run by Merkels munchkins as well?
Look at myth 4; mainstream blogs have picked up on bBC bias.
David Davies’ remarks about Clegg whingeing :
“Not much he can do about it – he has to stay in the Coalition. He has the best seats in the plane – but no parachute”
An ideal time for Cameron and Osborne push back on more of the LibDem nonsense – like Huhne/Global Warming, and St Vince. The LibDems can’t jump ship now, they would be annihilated in an election.
Maybe a good time for Cameron to call an election?
What is pathetic, according to the Mail, is that Cameron accepts that swathes of the BBC are biased on this but he chooses to do nothing about it.
The Prime Minister needs to remind the BBC it doesn’t have a ‘mission to explain’ – that is just an excuse for biased journalism – it has a mission to report both sides of an argument.
“Lord Patten’s role could be to take the BBC into Europe.
The BBC has more people in America than the whole of Europe. Perhaps Chris Patten will change the emphasis.”
(‘Guardian’ Feb 2011)
55 Beeboids in the US, 33 of them direct evidence of your license fee hard at work. Hilarious, yet so sad. Do any of you feel properly informed about the US?
Poor Europe, no Obamessiah to worship, so not worth the BBC’s time. Delivering quality first, indeed.
That Scottish moron ‘wee Doogie Alexander’ was given a free blow job on the BBC. Not once was he asked about the opinion polls that show the people support Cameron.
It’s like we simply don’t matter.
Time to rid us of Scotland I feel.
The oil?
They can keep it. It’s worth it to deprive Liebore of 50 automatic seats in the Commons.
“It’s like we simply don’t matter.”
We don’t matter, except as tax fodder. Remember we are the “little people”: the ones outside the charmed circle of parasites and opinion formers based (metaphorically) in Islington but crawling like lice around the power centres in Whitehall and Brussels.
On the subject of Doogie Alexander, three weekends ago – just after he had stated making noises about Labour being more Eurosceptical – I spent the weekend in Edinburgh and when I went thrugh our hotel foyer on the Friday evening I saw him (and I suddenly understood why they call him “wee”) pacing around while talking urgently into his mobile phone. I tried to earwig but the one thing I did hear him say in an urgent tone was “We can’t get drawn on specifics”. Not sure what he might have been talking about, but later that weekend I was interested to read an article by Charles Moore in the Spectator commenting that Alexander could not offer any examples of what his new policy entailed.
The other observation from the last few days I loved was Guido’s on Ed Miliband’s comment that David Cameron should have built alliances – “This is someone who couldn’t build an alliance with his own brother”
The more I read about this non-deal, the more confused I become about what actually has or hasn’t happened. Without being able to see any actual treaty, the best I can tell is that Cameron didn’t sign up to giving some European mandarins some power over Britain’s fiscal policies, and to be obligated to pour more money down the Euro toilet on demand.
Certainly nothing the BBC has said bears much resemblance to reality, but the only thing that makes real sense to me is Sarkozy’s statement that the deal was really about the 17 Euro countries re-arranging their own deal and ceding a bit of fiscal sovereignty to Euro mandarins with the help of a few other crap countries who want to join the Euro. Why any country would now want to join the Euro is beyond me.
In any case, it seems like Britain wouldn’t get any benefit out of any of it by signing up, regardless of whatever supposed extra City opt-outs Cameron might have gotten. The Euro wasn’t going to be saved by this, Britain wouldn’t gain anything by going along with the crowd, and it would probably cost the country a few more billions no matter what. The more I hear from the BBC that this was an absolute disaster, the more I think Cameron didn’t do too badly.
If “isolated” means not in the Euro or continuing to prop it up against national interest, then it’s no bad thing.
What was the alternative? The BBC, Guardian and all points left would have had Cameron agreeing to sign up (eventually) to a deal (yet to be negotiated) which would, if nothing else, have delivered the City tied hand and foot to Merkozy.
But you’re right. There was nothing on the table. This was not a “veto”. It was a sensible refusal to pre-agree a deal which hasn’t yet been made but which, whatever it is, will take no regard of the UK’s interests.
All credit to Cameron but, call me cynical, his refusal is the only way of avoiding a referendum. Even if the deal would not technically be a change in the Lisbon Treaty, had the UK’s signature been necessary the pressure on Cameron to concede a referendum on the deal would have been irresistible. Had that referendum resulted in a “no” to the deal, then pressure for the “real” in-or-out referendum would, again, have been irresistible.
Consequently, I don’t know what the eurofanatics are moaning about. Cameron’s has saved – for the moment – our membership of the EU. The nutters should be celebrating. However, such is the extent of their delusion (and hatred for this country), any apparent step back (even if it’s followed by two steps forward to an “ever closer union”) is the end of the world. Unfortunately, for them, they ain’t seen nothing yet!
As far as I can tell, the only alternative was to get screwed. But the Beeboids don’t care about that: they just want the Euro saved, and apparently haven’t heard of Switzerland.
” . . and apparently haven’t heard of Switzerland.”
or Norway – although they’ll tell you that because Norway isn’t represented at the “top table” Norway (at some tremendous cost) has no opportunity to influence EU trade and regulatory directives to gain access to the EU market. True in a sense but Norway is in no worse a position vis-a-vis the EU than the UK (and the EU and Switzerland and everyone outside NAFTA) who have to observe US regulations when exporting goods and services to the US. And, of course, the WTO enforces (more or less) a level playing field for exporters and importers of most goods and services between WTO signatories. But don’t expect the BBC to tell you that: it might not look good.
Davey Camreon, you’re SO EUSupermarket. but you haven’t gone nearly fucking far enough.
In his appalling hypocritical hymn to worthless atheism, St John of Lennon did hope that ” the World will live at One(my edit, lest Yoko pile in saying that she wrote it!).
So indeed it has come to pass. Just heard the World at One and all is well.
Shaun Ley spoke to the estranged Mrs Huhne who rather thinks that it`s never good to be isolated, and she should know. Shaun worries about whether William Hague will need to make his own packed lunch next time the Eurotroughers pile in for puddings…ah bless, poor lamb(it`ll be French then!)
No matter-Shaun the sheep said they`d be going to Britains nearest natural ally…cue Riverdance and angry Irish Farmers wishing aon failte at least to the broth of a boy that stood up to Prodi etc…our Dave, the pride of Bullingdon.
The BBC had however decided that it would be the French who would be sympatetique to the Tories stance…so off to the Latin Quarter to chew the brioche with our natural allies the funky Parisiens.
You`ll never guess what THEY had to say about Cameron sitting alone on the naughty step will you?…
So there you go…let`s knit some socks or willy warmers for our Eurocrats and let Jamie and Nigella man the soup kitchens as Christmas approaches in the trenches over there.
Utter drivel…Mrs Huhne(ex) and Parisians(or was it Nicholas and Carla doing all the voices now that DSK and Lagarde are otherwise occupied?)
At this point, I laughed and turned away..but not before Huhne and his plucky Greenpeace elves and quangowanglers were to be lauded as hanging on in there until they DID get a deal…so unlike the irresponsible grown ups in Brussels, who leave us isolated, exposed and alone!
Maybe Mrs Thatcher and Carole might offer nannying services during the holidays so WE don`t have to listen to their neurotic nonsense…Marx, Jung and Siggie were meant to have been the END of history remember.
New bedwetter and thumbsucking guidelines for the higher echeleons at the BBC…and be thankful its only thumbs they`re sucking for the moment!
As well as Huhne’s ex-missus, Shaun also interviewed a professor in European Law, Professor Catherine Barnard of Trinity College, Cambridge, who wasn’t happy at Britain’s ‘isolation’ either.
Checking her profile shows she “holds a Jean Monnet chair of European Integration”, which means she can receive a grant of up to €45.000 from the European Commission. Obviously this doesn’t in any way mean that she’s been bought by the Commission (perish the thought!). Still they won’t have been unhappy at what she said on Radio 4 today.
Thanks Craig.
Didn`t Humphrys himself tell us that if you pay the Danegeld, you won`t get rid of the Dane?
So it is that anyone with Monnet, Schumann,Spinnelli (and all the other “dreamers” of Lennons ravings at the white piano) in any title or jobspec is fully signed up to the Ship of Fools that is the EU journey…how many circles of hell constitute ports of call on this cruise?
A fog of deliberate misinformation surrounds the so called ‘veto’ by Cameron, but why?
The euroslime kommissars must realise that major changes to the treaty/constitution would trip a series of referendums in member states, now bearing this in mind and also bearing in mind how crooked and deceitful the euroslime are, it may be that they are trying to avoid tripping referendums by simply putting together a series of treaties between member states.
Now Cameron knows that major treaties would cause a referendum so by playing the odd man out whipping boy he has actually assisted the EU in getting complete integration without the need to change the constitution/treaty.
I could be wrong, but this sudden change from euroslime stooge to Mr Union Jack is just a little too perfect, and along with the fog of MSM shite I will withold judgement.
‘A fog of deliberate misinformation surrounds the so called ‘veto’ by Cameron’
No. Smog, as it not only obscures, but it poisons.
And Aunty is getting nailed for it.
The ‘attacks’ headline about Clegg has ‘quietly’ been ‘evolved’ (the mods don’t like folk calling it a stealth edit) to a ‘warning’.
Fol are calling them outright liars and cheats, and the posts are staying up.
I’m sure it’s been suggested before, but perhaps the time is right for the Mail, Telegraph and Sun to simultaneously run the headline ‘Biased BBC’ so that Cameron has no option but to comment. On the same day every right-minded person interviewed by the BBC should start their response with the same assertion.
Currently trying to persuade the missus that tomorrow we cancel the DD.
No getting rid of TVs or pretending anything behind closed doors.
Flat out saying ‘Enough’.
Today I have been lied to, and seen at least one attempt at discussing this outright censored.
If that doesn’t smack of a trargic historical precedent, I don’t know what does.
‘First they interpreted events, and I was moved to speak,
‘hen they referred me to the mods, and I could not complain…’
Sadly, she has a less volatile temperament, and is totting up the possible consequences to the family reputation, finances, credit record…
Cameron… you have said no once to a Hobson’s Choice (or is it Dilemma?).
Now get your head around what some folk in this country are facing, being compelled by threat to fund a propaganda enitity dedicated to undermining our free speech and democratic process.
Is the City worse off after David Cameron’s EU veto? –
How can the City be worse off?
‘The FTT is a tax on every purchase or sale of stocks or bonds or whatever financial product by a bank. Because there are millions every day, it could force banks to be more careful in their purchases or sales.’
It wouldn’t force banks to be more careful. It would force banks to relocate out of the UK, and give jobs and tax revenue to the American, Swiss or Singaporean economies…
Exactly. This isn’t “regulation” like some are spinning it. It’s a money grab, and one that will pinch the economy in the long run.
I don’t understand in what normal sense of the word Britian is ‘isolated’.
Europe will continue to trade with us as long as it’s mutually advantageous to do so.
We’re still in the EU. We haven’t pulled out of any previous treaties. All we’ve said is basically:
‘We’re not going to hand over control of our econonic matters to Brussles. We’d rather leave those decisions to people elected by the British people, if it’s all the same.’
this country was REALLY isolated in 1940 after the rest of Europe and especially the cheese eating surrender monkeys -who are trying to tell us what to do-capitulated after about half an hour
I seem to remember that we ended up saving their sorry arses in the end
some people have really short memories,don’t they?They’re capitulating to Germany all over again without do much as a shot being fired……almost like last time as it happens
it seems like the UK has a lot more traitors in the midst this time…..traitors at the heart of government it would seem
you listening Lib Dems?
call an election an consign them to the dustbin of history……along with their beloved EU
Remember Sarkozy comes from Hungarian stock – and who did the Hungarian government support in World War 2? That’s right, Adolf’s regime. So Sarkozy’s antecedents carry both collaborators with and outright supporters of Adolf Hitler.
Hey, cut Sarko some slack. He is UMP – Conservative, the French equivalent. He has a Presidential coming up. The French media are full of which Socialist is going to replace him – smooth career socialist Francois Holland, the smiling witch Segolene Royale, the dowdy lump Martine Aubrey. Merkel has already had to make a pact with the devil, the Greens over Nuclear to keep her show on the road. Berlusconi has been chopped after years of smearing by the Guardian-equivalent Left media in Italy. The Mediterranean PIGS have been Socialist governments (Spain just switched I think) . Europe is not a fixed thing. Playing the Britain vs Merkozy may be a witty pun, but it is not the story. It is all still overspending Left versus austerity Right everywhere. The Left are still playing in the national games, where there is still power to be had. They don’t want one Europe, they want one Socialist Europe.
This is wrong. Hollande won the vote of the party caucas and is their candidate. There is no debate now about which candidate.
About BBC-EU dozy hero, CLEGG:-
“Clegg had his chance to stop Cameron. He didn’t take it.”
If Cameron is “isolated” by being in a minority in Europe – why isn’t the BBC “isolated” for agreeing with the 19% minority (according to Yougov) who don’t support Cameron?
Trying to get #BuggerBritainCrew trending on Twitter.
Why is the BBC news website still leading with the ‘Clegg says veto bad for Britain’ headline, next to a picture of Mr Cameron with an expression like a dead fish?
That was this morning’s news! Has nothing happened in the world during the past 12 hours?
BTW, does anyone know what Labour would have done had they been in government? They’ve been awfully shy about declaring their position…
All the Labour dopes can say is that they’d have been better negotiators, and pretend that Merkozy would have given them that waiver for the City. As if.
As the EU plays a dangerous game in the Middle East – weak on Iran and terrorists like Hamas – it is worth noting how young the anti-Israel indoctrination of children starts. (And here in the UK, endless BBC spin also has an indoctrinating effect on public perception of the Middle East)
Big business deeply troubled by Cameron’s veto –
A bit of a misleading headline, unless Mr Peston has psychic powers and knows that big business generally is feeling deeply troubled…
It appears that spoke to the CEOs 3 large companies and the head of the CBI. That hardly qualifies him to talk about how big business generally is feeling!
The only thing he wrote that I agree with is the following:
‘Everything I’ve just written could turn out to be wholly irrelevant – not even as useful as tomorrow’s wrapping for fish and chips’.
Blimey, the BBC’s finest must be felling pretty isolated themselves.
Just read Nick Robinson’s latest attempt at a rallying cry to the nation – home page no less,, and from the look of the comments so far he, and his line of attck, has again been slapped down as hard as all the rest.
By the people he claims to speak for.
Desperate stuff.
The link doesn’t work for me; I get a 404 Error message. I wonder if the Beeb have decided to pull it because it was not getting the response they wanted. đŸ˜€
My bad. The comma was too close…
But no, the response has not be to Aunty’s taste.
Any more than it has on Mr. Pestopn’s latest ‘effort’
Are the BBC now just writing (and having to stealth edit) the most damaging headlines they can think of to the UK for purely petty tribal reasons, and hoping folk won’t notice the actual facts, or that the prsmises they are trying to spin so obvious?
Try again… if this fails, just ditch the extra stuff after the number. No idea how that creeps in as it doesn’t ‘show’ on what’s printed
The question is, the Tory party MUST have seen the lies and attacks from the BBC over the last few days, will they also finally grow a pair and sort out the BBC?
I understand that a key reason Cameron stood firm was that the UK is now moving towards much higher capital requirements for banks – to improve their prudence and hence their likely stability. The French and Germans don’t want such high limits – their banks could never meet them without huge pain, they would rather carry on the charade of protecting undercapitalised banks. (Let alone the banks in other EU countries).
If Cameron had assented, we could not set our own capital requirements.
Now that is not too complicated an issue. If I am right – and if it is a hugely important issue – why hasn’t the BBC mentioned it ? Is it because it casts France and Germany as the bad guys and the UK as the white suit ?
So-called commentators at the BBC should spell out the truth: if the European leaders had any sense they would be planning to split the Euro (under cover of the Xmas and New Year holiday) into at least two separate currancies – North and South Euroland.
If they don’t do this another big Euro-busting bail out will be required in the spring.
Are Peston, Robinson, Flanders et al bind to this or do their political preferences prevent them speaking the truth?
Radio 5 and Dame Nikki in FULL Tory hate mode this morning.
Dame Nikki rightly having a go at the boss of the FSA, but why no mention of the persons(s) who gave us the FSA in the first place?
An outdated socialist organisation that has no relevance in todays world. Its a tax on all of us to feed a left wing agenda that has grown far too large. We should cut it to 1 channel, 1 world service and 1 radio station and that’s it. Impartiality of opinion should be closely monitored as they dont seem to be able to regulate themselves.