Wednesday dawns and time for a new one of these since the Monday one is bursting at the seams. Looks like you have been able to discern plenty of bias from the State Broadcaster so once more the floor is yours…see how quickly you can fill this up.
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Jerusalem, making of a holy city
Prog 2
starts by lots of Christians/Jews robbing? destroying? their predecessors, of their past …
but then paradoxically states “the deliberate preservation” of the ruins on the temple mount?
A new movement came from the Arabian desert … 1800 miles away … there is a deliberate pushing of a narrative here,
ie that allows all “the children of Abraham” ? to re-connect?? with Jerusalem, (what! through Islam? jest surely)
re-ethereal music, lots of stating the erm “final prophet” the absurd “ I had a dream, about Jerusalem” of moh …
how muslims cleared away the ruins of the temple mount ?? (ie no preservation) … for the “final ?? revelation” of Islam.
Then flips, to the Crusades?, any reasons?? … no not important, lots of bias Crusaders bad /Muslims good etc.
To be honest I d seen enough of this nonsense by then … must be BBC history as opposed actual history. I m sick and tired of ignorance, bias, and fake expertise.
“the deliberate preservation” of the ruins on the temple mount?
Any mention of the Muslims who now control it deliberately destroying archaeological evidence of the Jewish presence?
Credit to Today for hosting the spat between Liberal Democrat peer Lord Oakeshott and Conservative MP George Eustice on the recent events in Brussels. Oakeshott showed himself up for the petulant idiot that he is and (par for the course) relied on ad hominem abuse of Cameron (and Eustice) to make his “argument” that we should go to a 21st century Canossa to plead for forgiveness from the EU before it’s too late to get back to the “top table”. What a prat!
Except the fact that the UK has been asked to help out with negotiations pretty much puts the lie to the BBC’s “Isolated Britain: No Place At The Table” Narrative.
BBC-NUJ politically endorses the 26 against the 1 on th Euro issue, and thereby BBC-NUJ rationalises the inordinate attention it gives to getting foreign interests to criticise the British Tory PM, whom BBC-NUJ opposes anyway.
“Former British Ambassador Charles Crawford applauds David Cameron’s willingness to see Britain ‘isolated.'”
“There is even an official mouthpiece for Second-Handers, Looters and Moochers here in the UK, namely the BBC Radio Four Today programme. Every morning, day after day, month after month, year after year, it broadcasts to the nation at its most vulnerable, people tottering round the kitchen making toast.
Its message is unambiguous: the categorical imperative that whatever that morning’s fashionable problem might be, it is the explicit responsibility of ‘society’ in general and the state in particular to ‘do something’ about it. Only collectivist action counts. This appalling, arguably evil message transmitted over decades has transformed the way our country runs, evidently for the worse.”
Indeed! The BBC (and a lot of the paper press) has lost sight of (or just ignores) the fact that we’re always in negotiation with our “partners” in the EU. In a normal political relationship you win some, you lose some. In this relationship – within the EU – it’s a one way street which started with the Monnet declaration of “principle” (endorsed by Peter Thorneycroft which is surprising considering that he later became a keen supporter of Mrs T) that the electorates of Western Europe must never know the ultimate destination (because they’d never knowingly support it).
In other words we always lose a bit of sovereignty in every negotiation unless we absolutely refuse to play ball. This is never acknowledged by EUfanatics (and seems to be ignored – or hardly mentioned – even by “professional” EUsceptics). And, of course, it rarely – if ever – gets an airing on the BBC because it would undermine Monnet’s overarching strategy of creating and maintaining popular ignorance: the usual BBC tactic concerning any part of its Narrative.
(by Leo McKinstry)