Electricity bills to rocket by 25% because of ‘green’ targets, says Government
Low-carbon technology ‘will not mean big bill rises’
Spot the difference. The fatcat quango the Committee on Climate Change – a supposedly ‘independent'(ho ho ho) body set up to check the government’s climate change policies, but actually stuffed with alarmist zealots – has published a report that purports to dispassionately examine the impact of these fanatical policies on fuel bills. Actually, it can’t avoid the truth completely and says through gritted teeth that some bills are going to rocket, as the first headline – from the Daily Mail – shows. But the eco freaks at the BBC have followed the Commission’s honeyed dissembling entirely and constructed a version of the story designed from beginning to end to deceive. The second headline is from the BBC website. Their reporting of the survey tells us that any fear of rising bills is totally misplaced, and in any case – as the econut head of the Committee declares – we should be grateful because the tipping of billions down the drain on renewables will lead to better “energy security”.
In reality, the report is alarmist claptrap from beginning to end. Anything from Lord Adair Turner should have such words emblazoned on the cover. The BBC have here acted like propaganda whores, recycling the same old tired lies about energy policy that they always do.
Speaking of “energy security”, I’ve often marvelled at how secure off-shore wind farms are from both air and naval attack.
The eco-fascists obviously gave this a great deal of thought.
No point in protecting wind farms, they don’t do anything…
When the wind farms become an economic headache, the owners will welcome a terrorist attack on them, as they can then collect the insurance.
It’s churnalism in all its glory: no analysis, no examination of the back-up figures, just bung it into the “news” with an”if you don’t believe us, heres the CEO of the CCC to confirm his opinion”.
BTW Sinclair established – between the interruptions – that the subsidies are (or should be, according to Monbiot) all about wealth redistribution and that Monbiot is happy to lie about “agreement” at the Durban party rally.
And your opinion of Turner is absolutely on the button. His presence in any position of authority is an indication of how low standards in public life have sunk.
At some point and sooner rather than later the regime is going to have to admit that its insane green/renewables/anti CO2 jihad can no longer be afforded.
Far from the ridiclous lies being pimped by the equally ridiculously sounding committe on climate change, the regimes policies are having a disastrous impact on not only household bills but more importantly on job creating private sector industries.
And these policies will not affect the climate by 0.0c, it will not lower CO2 levels because they are rising faster than ever even as global temperatures are dropping on a decadal scale. So these mega expensive policies designed to supposedly save the planet are actually simply destroying the UK and harming millions of ordinary people. And these scumbags hace the nerve to claim that our childrens children will curse us for not doing enough, there will be curses alright but they will curse for the insanity of the CAGW fraud.
So what does the UK get for its investment of hundreds of billions of pounds of taxpayers money?……sound of crickets chirping…..er…oh yes power shortages, thousands of frozen OAPs, misery and unemployment and conflict and power rationing as the windmills fail to deliver power to the grid.
It is like the regime is determined to smash UK industry, destroy UK jobs and worst of all murder thousands of OAPs by pursuing a deliberate policy of making energy costs so high in order to make people use less of it and keep the energy profiteers profits high.
So here we are where we are at the very edge of disaster with a regime that is determined not to listen to reason, will not stop its insane policies, as atmospheric CO2(plant food) soars and global temperatures drop and sea levels drop and polar ice caps recover the regime is going ahead with policies that are going to have no beneficial results whatsoever.
Its distressing and heart breaking to have to stand by and watch this regime destroy the UK and deliberately hurt so many people for nothing other than to enrich a few rich dirt bags. And when the CAGW fraud collpases in on itself all we will be able to say from within the wreckage of the UK is ‘well I bleedin well told you what would happen but you didnt f*ckin listen did you?’ but by then it will be too late. And not one politician will suffer, these rich scumbags will shrug and say so what? No fule poverty for this slime, no freezing to death in some tiny hovel for them eh? And as millions suffer for the actions of these bastards, they will walk away with gold plated index linked pensions and nice warm mansions from which they can laugh at the poor people as they walk by.
Ain’t that the truth Cassandra, it will collapse in the end becasue it is based on fraud, however, whilst idiots like Hulme and useful idiots like Turner are gaving influence, the rot will continue.
The lies have set back environmentalism years (what decent person doen’t care about the environment), unfortunately, as with politics sentiment can be perverted.
It’s sad that a generation are going through school stuffed with this nonsense – as if we would somehow be able to regulate the temperature on the planet.
It’s is reported (seen at Max Farquar) that the Climategate2 blogger has been raided and computers removed. It says it all about where we are now, the problem being that ‘scientists’ were deceiving the public and money was thus obtained by deception, but that somebody ‘snitched.’
How frozen OAPs and other taxpayers contribute toward Peter Hain’s heating bills –
Firms say low carbon price threatens EU green targets
The extent to which the climate change corruption has got to the boardrooms of the ‘energy’ companies is illustrated by a report in the environment section (it should be business, but curiously isn’t).
The market in carbon emissions has collapsed even in Europe where the state sponsored fixed market in emission rights is not churning out the cash the majors realise the states have promised.
So the want further state intervention to bump up the price (to save the planet’s climate, they claim).
It’s free money to the corporates. Damn the science.
In these ‘challenged’ times, any source of cash is welcome…even if it comes from a fixed, manipulated market.
In this context, follow the money, or cui bono is entirely the right question to ask.
The BBC is in the thick of this.
To be read in conjunction with above…..rigged markets and corporatism at their finest. Saving the planet ain’t as profitable …so reduce the supply of credits to boost the price seems to be the watchword.
Like demolishing houses to raise the house prices elsewhere.
Pure distortion…and at the end of the day, the consumer pays.
Reuters) – ” European Union and U.N.-backed carbon prices plunged to new record lows on Wednesday, beset by worries about Europe’s economic turmoil and uncertainty about a future global climate pact.
Carbon prices have shed more than 60 percent since June, as Europe’s worsening debt crisis dented demand at a time when the EU emissions trading scheme, the world’s biggest carbon market, is oversupplied with hundreds of millions of permits.”
Isn’t Adair Turner the same bloke who championed the UK joining the Euro? I seem to remember him on Newsnight a couple of months ago being ripped a new a***hole by Peter Oborne and later having to admit he was wrong. With his record, and being also a New Labour placeman, why should we believe anything this quangocrat tells us?
“At each stage the opponents of the euro have forecast disasters which have never happened and always looked unlikely. The eurosceptics constantly underestimated the competence of the Europeans and their ability to organise things properly.”
Adair Turner, 2002.
He has acknowledged (in October 2011), that he was wrong.
He could hardly do otherwise given the turn of events.
Wasn’t Adair Turner the one who put the state pension age up? Wonder how much he’ll be getting and when….
Ah yes, and as chairman of the “regulatory” FSA he let the banks over-lend and crash because they were represented on the FSA board…nice lttle bonus there Turner….
If the bBC can pretend the planet is warming and pretend that renewables are a good thing, I am just thinking I might just only pretend to pay the license fee. If pretending is good enough for them, let them be on the receiving end of pretense.
Careful, they’ll pretend to send the pretend heavies round…
It’s only going to cost every one around a hundred quid a year extra, Huhney said so…
The bBC license fee is “only” £145 or whatever. So added together with Looney Hunes only £100, that’s only £245 per household extracted by force. If you try to do that here on the street in South London its called mugging. Its against the law, and the judge isn’t likely to take into account you mugged a pensioner of “only” £245.
The Guardian as well as Delingpole have published pieces about the US Justice Dept. collaborating with UK authorities in the crushing of dissent about Warmsim. Still nothing on the BBC website. I haven’t been watching the News Channel at all today, so don’t know if they’ve mentioned it.
The Warmists get the last word in the Guardian piece, naturally, so we’ll see if the BBC picks up the same Narrative. It’s a bit frightening if they can just walk in and take your stuff and copy your personal data simply because someone else posted a link on your blog.
This ties right in with the totalitarian attitude and overriding of the rule of law with the looming Stop Internet Piracy Act. You can get busted just because someone else does something about which you had no idea and over which you had no control. Surely someone posting a link on one’s blog isn’t anything remotely like receiving stolen goods. The former is involuntary. But now the law sees no difference. And I bet we know which side the BBC will be on, simply because of ideology. The dangers of this religious belief are clear.
Yet St. Julian is a hero for freedom.
If you dare break stories about climate change on the blogosphere….You’ll have your computer siezed….In England…..Today!!!!
Rumours are the Warmists would have to invade Russia if they wanted to stop the leaks.
Lord Monckton says he’s preparing fraud charges against the ClimateGate scientists, and encourages everyone to help him sort through all the emails to find evidence.
Fmr. Thatcher advisor Lord Monckton to pursue fraud charges against Climategate scientists: Will present to police the case for ‘numerous specific instances of scientific or economic fraud’
that is excellent news, i am sure there will be willing hands
ps. how great it would be to also have a debate, on national tv
moncton would tear these pseudosci s a new one.
hence he won t be el beeb anytime soon 😀
re examples below
ps this person seems extremely vacuous, is it Black in a wig? 😀
Seems to me the CCC figures are nonsense:
The aim is to generate 30% of energy without CO2 by 2020 right? So let’s be generous* and assume wind/solar/nukes will cost 3x as much as gas or coal on average over the period.
So 30% x 3 + 70% = a 160%. So a 60% increase over and above today’s costs. I make that £780 on an average bill of £1300. But the CCC say only £110. Seriously?
* Of course the CCC alarmists helpfully ignore the likely impact of shale gas. They go on about the 75% increase in bills from 2004 to 2010 – but fail to mention that the US NG prices actually dropped from 30% over this period due to shale.
Incidentally 2004 was clearly cherry picked as the start year for comparison (see page 11). Bills were unusually low that year which makes the 75% increase since then seem more dramatic. Clearly they’re trying to exaggerate past hikes to play down the future hikes to pay for their scam. Bills were actually higher in 2001 – and that would have been a better start year for a 10 year comparison.
I’m not quite sure how they’re fiddling the figures to get £110. One obvious dodge is they’re not including the cost to the grid of incorporating fluctuating wind power – cost of keeping stations on standby, cost of new pylons to connect remote subsidy farms to the grid etc.
One thing is certain – they’ll go to any lengths to warp and distort the truth to play down the outrageous costs of their scam. Lying filth.