“Beyond Borders was a Perfectly Normal Production for Radio 4″went the blurb at the finish of this afternoons drama.
And on this one occassion the BBC were not telling us porkies.
For what else would a grease gun hagiography about Jean Monnet, Robert Schumann and the other Euro charlatans be if not perfectly normal?
An everyday story of boulevardiers, faux-academics and lots of bureaucrats with lots of wargold to splash around in “The Cause”…no more of this democratic, sovereignty natio state pish…we have a Fourth Reich/Republique to build on the backs of the plebs of Euroland.
The drama was a hack job in praise of these Eurocreeps with their deceits, shenanigans and lots of main courses served by willing wenches. Sly scheming manufacturers of grand lies on the back of iron and steel quotas being innocently bandied about.
Looking forward to Nick Griffins fearless drama when he has to decide whether he dare face down the Question Time crowds at the BBC.
Perfectly Normal indeed!
Did anyone manage to make it through to the end of the execrable “Now Show”…I dipped it some way into it, and had to delouse myself soon afterwards.
In a week when an atheist dies, when Attenborough is cutting and pasting and the Euroloons are standing in the faggots and piling up their flambees, you`d have thought there`d be some humour to be had!
All I heard was some piteously awful crap about an isolated Britain now being unable to celebrate Christmas because it rejects the Euro”treaty” and an even unfunnier punk thing about Christmas shopping.
Think that this programme should be replaced by the sound of Christmad crackers being laid on the table-at least there`ll be the prospect of a joke when the 25th comes around.
No prospect of any of these Rag week Rhonas being made to attend the Bernard Manning school of Comedy when they`re shipped up to Salford is there?…Brigstocke and Henry are beginning to look-well amusing-in comparison to this unrecyclabe rubbish!
Thank you Notasheep!
I used to always turn Holmes off…not funny!
Yet this is good stuff from the heart of the Empire…not funny,but still I doff my cap to him!
At least here on Biased BBC, we can change our opinions in the light of new evidence.
You never know…something might yet be on the turn up there at the BBC!
INBBC uses Christopher HITCHENS’ criticism of Christianity, but censors out his greater criticism of Islam.
In INBBC’s censored section ‘On religion’ below, the only named religion which is criticised is Christianity.
This fits with INBBC’s ‘leftist’ political agenda of providing preferential political treatment for Islam from Hamas, through the Muslim Brotherhood, Al Jazeera and the censoring out of key aspects of the tenets of Islam such as ‘jihad’.
Today, 20:50 on BBC Radio 4
Lisa Jardine thinks selective hearing skews the debate over climate change and urges climate scientists to fully engage in a conversation with their sceptical critics. “Graphs and pie charts have evidently failed to convince. Perhaps a more discursive approach which focuses on observable change backed up by scientific evidence may be more persuasive.”
I heard this convoluted and oh-so clever stuff from Jardine.
If what she was saying is that global warming needs true science applied…then fine.
If, on the other hand she was saying that global warming is a valid faith system but requiring tweaking…then at least I`d have followed her argument at least!
As it was ,all the Eco stuff left me unsure about what she was saying!
Might give it another listen then.
She took so long to get to the point that my attention wandered and I eventually lost interest. I must look to see if there is a transcript anywhere as it is easier to do a fast skim read and still get what they are on about than it is to find the patience to listen to a meandering speaker who takes forever to work around to the point.
…Difficult as such negotiations have proved, at successive international conferences, the continued commitment of almost all the world’s nations surely points to the fact that the danger to our planet of high-level carbon emissions is a real one, on which there is widespread scientific and political agreement supported now by considerable bodies of evidence. [This surely points to a massive non sequitur]
But according to the apparently growing band of climate change sceptics, this is a pernicious illusion. Partisan science, they claim, has taken hold of politicians and the media, and their message is being transmitted so loudly that it cannot be gainsaid. The more determinedly the scientific community stands behind its global warming predictions, the more stronglythe sceptics counter that there is no longer any “balance” to the argumentand that their supposedly equally convincing views are being silenced. [Balance is primarily about the BBC’s treatment of the subject rather than the argument about the subject itself. So is this really a covert exercise in defending the broadcaster?]
Former president of the Royal Society Robert May is regularly denounced for allegedly announcing in 2006 that the case for global warming was so conclusively well proven that the BBC should stop giving climate change sceptics so much airtime in the interests of “balance”. Instead the climate sceptics have created an intricate web of their own associations and allusions, to produce their version of an alternative story which runs contrary to that of mainstream science. What Umberto Eco’s stories tell us is how comforting such quests can be. Faced with an uncertain future and declining prosperity, without religion for reassurance, what could be more comforting than to join a select band searching for the Holy Grail?
[Hah! That fits more the climate fanatics who have found a new religion. At least she does go on to admit that this could apply to them]:
Eco’s illumination of the powerful way in which we can all hear clearly that part of the story that confirms our own convictions cuts both ways.
[Unfortunately, however, it is not enough to save the sceptics from themselves and their need for religion. They are errant. The climate change religionists are merely using the wrong tactics. If only they could be more like the Great Attenborough]:
Maybe something more like a conversation is needed. That is surely why David Attenborough’s recent plea that we recognise that global warming really is happening, at the close of his series of natural history programmes on the Arctic and Antarctic, had such authority: “Polar animals are already reacting to the changes. The loss of sea ice in the north affects not just polar bears but the whole planet. When the ice vanishes, the dark sea-water that replaces it absorbs the sun’s energy, so its temperature rises,” he said.
Interesting to note, when I was searching for a manuscript of this article yesterday, I found one from 2006 in which Jardine wrote this:
One of the reasons why we find it difficult to make up our minds about climate change and global warming is that the data is so complicated. Glaciers are melting, holes are detected in the ozone layer, emission of greenhouse gases is rising, yet we have just gone through an unusually cold winter and spring is unseasonably late arriving – it is hard to get alarmed. Even a passionate advocate of the prospect of impending ecological disaster like the government’s chief scientific advisor Sir David King, cannot go so far as to say: “It will be so, that is the absolute truth of the matter.”
But then she went on to the need for testing of hypothesis or belief against the observed world (thus bringing us neatly back to Attenborough and her conclusion of 2011).
“Graphs and pie charts have evidently failed to convince. Perhaps a more discursive approach which focuses on observable change backed up by scientific evidence may be more persuasive.”
Thats exactly what they don’t want. Putting dodgy charts and graphs into the public domain is fine, but if they had to debate with a real scientist how they arrived at the figures the cat would be out of the bag.
“I have long been troubled by the systemic political and cultural bias at the BBC”
“about the effects of this distorted world view, refracted through such a uniquely influential lens upon the world, upon public discourse”
Surely the most important news right now is the Euro crisis – and the spat with the French. But no, this was relegated to item 3 of the Radio 4 midnight news. With a good helping of justification for the French idiots, and a general tone that Cameron and and the UK should be on the naughty step, we are wrong to refuse a major change that is very damaging to us.
Item 1 was – Bradley Manning. Most people in the UK don’t give a flying whatsit for him – even if they know who he is. But he got a lot of sympathetic comment – and no mention that his treason has probably caused many deaths.
Item 2 – who else but Julian Assange, again given sympathetic treatment. Most Brits would think – Why is that clown main item of the news ? – kick him out. BBC types simply cannot understand how ordinary people could have such monstrous thoughts.
“Have I got News for You” last night showed that it couldn’t recognise news, if its life depended on it. This being the BBC (or a tired format which would be shown the door, anywhere else), the subject of News International inevitably came up. Now, I’d have thought that the major related story over the last week was the revelation that St Nick Davies didn’t bother to check his facts, when he accused the NotW of deleting messages from murdered teenager Milly Dowler’s voicemail.
I could quite understand why the subject would be considered highly inappropriate for a supposed comedy programme, but to raise the subject yet again and then to ignore the only significant development of the last week shows utter arrogance..
Better to cover the story in a more respectful setting – except that the bbc has ignored it entirely, of course.
I found the part rather strange where the presenter mocked the DM for criticising the BBC for not being impartial when they’re biased themselves!?
Errrrr, we’re not forced to pay for the DM (I boytcotted the press 5 years ago), neither do they make any pretense to be impartial.
Just had a faily good show on the Bible in pop music, so stayed with Radio 4.
Wish I hadn`t…for Jackie Ashleys “Week in Westminster” was a disgrace.
The Blair Bryant Cabal was in full HawHaw mode-if that was Mrs Andrew Marrs take on the week in politics, then maybe he could take out another injunction…this time on her…she`s clearly delusional.
If Attenboroughs shows need health warnings, then how much more do we need the likes of Kellner, Ashley,Marr and Will Straw/Ben Brown “outed” as contaminated crossover goods, and not to be taken as independent.
Why all their crap about labelling supermarket goods, when nearly all their shows are riddled by incestuous meme viruses that toxify anything that they hold forth on?
Might be an idea to give us a directory on just WHO at the BBC is not affected by nepotism, by thinking that social science is still “science”… etc.
Not only Peter Day and Susan Watts is it?(and yes, I`m being gracious here!)
The perverted BBC idea of what a ‘peace activist’ is. A one sided pro ‘Palestinian’ propaganda report that hamas would love.
16 December 2011Last updated at 23:36 GMTHelp
Israeli soldiers have broken up a demonstration by hundreds of villagers and peace protesters outside the West Bank village of Nabi Saleh, a week after a protester died at a similar event.
Every week for the past three years a protest has taken place at the site against what the villagers say is the theft of their land by Jewish settlers, and almost every week the demonstrations end in violence.
Rupert Wingfield-Hayes reports from the West Bank.
Hayes starts his propaganda piece by claiming that these “peace protesters” try to get to “their fields” by trying to invade a Jewish village. ‘Look’ shouts Hayes in a hysterical voice, nobody threw stones YET and the IDF used tear gas on the mob/peaceful protestors.
Now Hayes tells us that the previous week one of the entirely peaceful “peace activists” was killed as he peacefully tried to murder IDF soldiers by throwing stones at them in an entirely peaceful way course, stones dont kill people do they? No, they are what all peaceful people use everyday on each other, why just the other day I got enraged and started hurling stones in Tescos because their Cherry Brandy was out of stock.
So a “peace protester” somehow dies at the hands of the IDF who for no reason other than trying to protect innocent Jewish civilians from a violent stone throwing bloodthirsty mob attempt to disperse these stone throwing violent thugs using tear gas. One thug tried to throw a big rock INTO the back of a IDF vehicle in order to try to kill an IDF soldier and got a tear gas round in the face, oh dear how sad 😀 .
Now Hayes talks about the “theft” of the “peaceful protesters” land but did not actually state whether the land was bought legally or not, or how it was “stolen” or ask a Jewish villager about the land, funny report that fails to ask both sides for their point of view isnt it? How can the viewer make up their mind when only one view is allowed a platform.
Now what is the truth that the BBC is so determined to hide from us? Is it likely that some Jews just turn up and steal land and the IDF turns up to protect them? Only in the fantasies of the BBC, it cannot happen because Israel is a nation built on laws like ours. Jewish settlers and their love of stealing land and the bloodthirsty IDF bent on violently crushing entirely peaceful rock throwing thugs from killing and maiming Jews in an entirely peaceful manner?
Hey presto! And we have the perfect BBC propaganda report, they must be so proud of themselves eh? No need to give the Jews a fair hearing, no need to point out that these “peace activists” are actually violent thugs with a blood lust to murder Jews. No need to explain that far from stealing land the land was purchased legally.
No need to bring up the case of the Jewish family butchered with knives is there?
The BBC would be right at home in Nazi Germany, its called a blood libel isnt it? Nasty evil inhuman Jews go round stealing land? The BBC are lying scum.
A racist blood libel and direct incitement to murder Jews.
That is what this BBC report actually is, a blood libel.
Not since the Nazis launched their BBC style ‘The eternal Jew’ has such an effort been made to demonize a race in the minds of people.
If this propaganda results in the deathh of Jews, it is entirely the fault of the BBC, entirely down to the efforts of the BBC.
One sided and hate filled and full of lies, thats another perfect BBC report done and dusted and ready to inflame the violent Jew hating thugs and killers of the region, peaceful protesters they aint.
“There is even an official mouthpiece for Second-Handers, Looters and Moochers here in the UK, namely the BBC Radio Four Today programme. Every morning, day after day, month after month, year after year, it broadcasts to the nation at its most vulnerable, people tottering round the kitchen making toast.
Its message is unambiguous: the categorical imperative that whatever that morning’s fashionable problem might be, it is the explicit responsibility of “society” in general and the state in particular to “do something” about it. Only collectivist action counts. This appalling, arguably evil message transmitted over decades has transformed the way our country runs, evidently for the worse.”
(two thirds of way down first page)
He later refers to ‘the collectivist BBC/LibDems/Blairistas.’
Nor are they in any way responsible for collecting License fees…that will be some agency, who will-of course-be “wholly independent” of our dear old wise Auntie who counsels whilst showing us her holiday snaps.
That she continues to leak all over the baskets of fruit and biscuits I somehow always ending up having to provide…why, that would be inappropriate to raise, and besides, that nice Russell Brand and friends up the road could do with a subbie…
I know that the UK state broadcaster seems intent on spinning its narrative of an ‘isolated Britain’, however here in the Netherlands all political polls support the UK’s stance.
Indeed across the border in Germany the UK position is supported by an average 70% majority in each of the polls released in the last two weeks.
The simple fact is: the Dutch and Germans despise the French, we always have, their arrogant and condescending behaviour is well known, as is their attempts to keep Germany in a tight embrace to stop any meaningful reform of Europe.
It is a simple fact of life that left-wing commentators (in the media and bloggers) love the French becuause they share the same shallow values: 1) Arrogance 2) Messiah complex 3) Lack of rational policies 4) willingness to ride roughshod over any opposing viewpoint.
The good thing is that History always shows that the left have backed the wrong horse, in this case pinning their hopes to Sarkozy was wrong, and as we are seeing their entire narrative is unravelling. I posted this comment earlier today on the DT website, it seems that the majority of other posters agree with my opinion on Sarkozy, the BBC and its messed up narrative.
The BBC have been allowed to pull a fast one here. If you watch ANY of the documentaries on say National Geographic they will often show a scene that has been CGI’d and they will always put a small caption saying ‘simulation.
It doesn’t destroy the atmosphere of the programme. The BBC are simply used to telling lies to the British people and have no morals.
Remeber Blue Peter and the fake trailer of the Queen storming out of a painting session.
Usual tosh from Dimbleby Minor and Any Questions then today!
Portillo gave a fine answer re Camerons call to return to something appproaching a Christian culture once again…to the usual tumbleweed and “you dissin mi faith?” tone of the questionner( a female schoolkid-Muslim as of right)
Fine exposition of theology on Any Answers though just now…which is usually far better than the Dimbleby Dross offered.
Paul Stafford has given me my thought for the day anyway(Any Answers..first caller!)
agreed, turning to the weekly “any drivel” isn t it….
coming from ahem “tower hamlets” 😀 (ooooh brother!).
so dumboby saying well there we are then, in this room
they do not agree with camercon that christianity should
be enhanced in this country … hello!!!
no surprises there then…(coming from what is fast becoming
a deeply problematic muslim ghetto)….
With “i fink dat der” spokeskids, who think the er… koran?? is literary
genius?? ….
“dare is uvver religions ere at der end of de day”……… hmmm stunning
Listening to EDs discussion with an Irish gentleman on Today this morning about the shock drop into negative territory of the Irish Irish he sounded quite upset that the medicine “agreed” by the “26” last week wasn’t actually working for the Irish, who had about the best chance of getting out from under. Perhaps a BBC Eurofanatic being disavowed?
On either the 12 noon news on Radio 4 or the 1pm it was reported something like ‘that the Muslim community broadly welcomed Cameron’s speech on Christianity’ as its headline. I could only assume that he was speaking to a Muslim audience somewhere as I had the radio turned low and was not listening properly. It was only on the 2pm radio 4 news did I listen more carefully and find out that it was a speech in Oxford to celebrate the publication of the King James bible. I wonder who had sufficient clout to complain and for the BBC to change their emphasis.
Mind, all government and public bodies spend a vast amount on training in data protection, health and safety and so on – and then Ministers and officials go and lose important data files in taxis or on trains or dump them in public bins.
From 6 – 9 30 on Radio 3 this evening. Oh, dear, I’ll be blubbing before the night is out.
And note it is conducted by Placido Domingo:
Puccini’s Madama Butterfly
Live from the Met
It’s never an easy life being a heroine in a Puccini opera and Cio-Cio-San (Butterfly to her friends) is no exception. The inevitable downward spiral begins when fifteen-year-old Butterfly marries American sailor Pinkerton. Denounced and cursed by her distinguished but hard-up family for giving up her ancestral religion in favour of Christianity, it’s not long before she’s left by her husband who promises to return ‘when the robins build their nests’. A single parent, courtesy of Pinkerton, Butterfly has to wait three years before she sets eyes on him again. And who can blame her if she doesn’t like what she sees: not only Pinkerton but his American wife, Kate. There’s only one way out for a Puccini heroine in a situation like this: suicide.
With its celebrated set pieces (including ‘Un bel dì’) and gripping dramatic narrative, ‘Madama Butterfly’ is one of Puccini’s greatest operas. Butterfly is a signature role for Chinese-born soprano Liping Zhang and she’s joined by leading American tenor Robert Dean as the fickle American seaman. They’re conducted by a man who knows ‘Butterfly’ from the inside – and who was no mean Pinkerton himself: Plácido Domingo.
Presented by Margaret Juntwait with guest commentator Ira Siff
Cio-Cio San….. Liping Zhang (soprano)
Suzuki….. Maria Zifchak (mezzo-soprano)
Pinkerton…..Robert Dean Smith (tenor)
Sharpless….. Luca Salsi (baritone)
Goro…..Joel Sorensen (tenor)
Prince Yamadori…..Luthando Qave (tenor)
The Bonze…..Daniel Sumegi (bass)
Yakuside…..Craig Montgomery (bass)
The Imperial Commissioner….. David Crawford (bass)
The Official Registrar….. David Lowe (bass)
Cio-Cio San’s mother….. Belinda Oswald (mezzo-soprano)
The aunt…..Jean Braham (soprano)
The cousin…..Laura Fries (soprano )
Kate Pinkerton…..Jennifer Johnson (mezzo-soprano)
New York Metropolitan Opera Orchestra and Chorus
Conductor….. Plácido Domingo.
INBBC will not recognise nor criticise the tenets of Islam which motive and inspire Muslims throughout the Middle East and the world, to press for the implementation of sharia law, via jihad where necessary.
On the other hand, BBC-NUJ is very critical of any British PM who might make a small move in favour of British national sovereignty, or to make a case for the relevance of Christian morality in Britain.
camercon is it anything more than a soundbite? … i sincerely hope so.
nothing concrete, considering the appalling pandering going on with
the odious warsi (now OIC), ie nothing to do with christianity, you know almost impossible to imagine him with an original thought.
I can t help feeling an insidious policy link coming, to whats going on over the pond, all this raising the religion up the agenda, cosy chats with the OIC on blasphemy law, all for the benefit of one in particular, ie nothing to do with christianity …. he is such an airhead lightweight … if was asked “what do you think camercon has on his mind” well theres a contradiction camercon & think … even camercon and a mind.
as for el beeb … don t forget folks, prof of indepth middle eastern politics (sic) 5live s .. erm peter allen (who?) for
“el beeb celebration of the arab spring????”
one simply has to ask, is it still … “wonderful” ,
still full of the ahem … “carnival atmosphere”
they better ask the muslim brotherhood 😀 “
If Dave does not understand the significance then he will be a fool.
Did I read this bit correctly?
“The Labour leader’s critics have highlighted a series of uninspiring performances at Prime Minister’s Questions. Ayesha Hazarika, a close advisor to the Labour leader who previously worked as a stand-up comedienne, last week left Mr Miliband’s team and will return to her previous job with Harriet Harman, the party’s deputy leader. ”
How the hell any decent Brit could vote for these “comedians” is beyond me. It takes a special type of Tory to want to model the conservatives on this shambolic lot.
All it needs is for Cameron to promise an EU referendum after an early election and Cleg and his dimwits would be sunk without trace. Maybe Dave should try the one on Clegg so he keeps his mouth shut in fute.
“Schama closed by addressing his readers as if they were schoolchildren, explaining to them condescendingly that ‘we are all – across the oceans and continents – entangled in a common destiny,’ and even quoting the ‘No man is an island’ bit from John Donne​. Nowhere in his entire piece, which was full of lofty rhetoric about the glorious triumph of European unity over ‘[r]ace, blood, soil, the markers of exclusiveness,’ was there even a passing acknowledgment that the EU is profoundly undemocratic, any mention of how EU officials (in flagrant disregard of the desires of the electorate) effectively nullified French and Dutch votes against the EU constitution, or any recognition that perhaps – just perhaps – one reason why so many Europeans look forward to a post-EU Europe is that they’re sick unto death of being lectured at by patronizing, superior types who view them, indeed, in much the way that medieval lords viewed their serfs.”
Donne was referring to the Church and Heaven not to the EU. I doubt Donne would approve of the aetheist elite running the EU.
“The final text of the constitution, signed by EU leaders this past October, makes no mention of Christianity or God.Then, in the fall of 2004, shortly after the European Commission president selected his top aides, EU legislators questioned the proposed Italian commissioner, Rocco Buttiglione. Why? He was too religious.” http://www.thetrumpet.com/?q=
“In a 28 Million Euro project, the European Commission has ordered the creation of a European Diary which contains a wide range of information about the European Union. The young target group of the diary can learn about the functioning of the EU, environmental questions, individual rights of citizens, health, safety and anti-discrimination. Whereas Moslem, Jewish, Sikh and Hindu feast days are part of the calendar, no Christian feast is mentioned. Instead of Christmas there is an empty space on the 25th of December. ” http://www.europeandignitywatch.org/day-to-day/detail/article/european-commission-forgot-christian-feasts-in-an-official-european-diary.html
I could go on , with these actions of the EU, Donne would not have thanked Schama for using him as an endorsement for “aggressive secularism”.
I prefer this myself, much more apt.
“This fortress built by Nature for herself
Against infection and the hand of war,
This happy breed of men, this little world,
This precious stone set in the silver sea,
Which serves it in the office of a wall,
Or as a moat defensive to a house,
Against the envy of less happier lands,
This blessed plot, this earth, this realm, this England…”
If you don’t want to read this long and rambling essay, here’s my summary:
“If you’re a climate change sceptic, then you’re in denial, and this is caused by a psychological need to embrace non-mainstream views. Watching David Attenborough’s ‘personal voyage of discovery’ (sic) will convince you of the reality of climate change in a way that no amount of scientific evidence possibly can.”
Thanks Jeff.
I was going to give it another listen, but your precis means that I put the Christmas tree up instead of getting annoyed with clever-clogs Jardine9took fifteen miniutes to disguise what you accurately state in two sentences.
Remeber the Cameron ‘veto’? How the BBC pimped it as being something disastrous for the UK leaving us isolated and alone ans without influence blah blah?. The actual; truth is that Cameron played the euroslime game perfectly, the stage villain actually enabled the euroslime rather obstructed it,a wholly dishonest game of deception and MSM manipulation to increase his support at home. In fact Cameron has done the work of Van Rumpoy and Barrosso and Merkozy for them.
In a sentence it was another con and smoke screen put together by the euroslime comrades and the client MSM fell hook line and sinker, there was NO veto, you simply cannot veto something that does not exist, it was done to bypass the referendum lock. And now read on for the stuff the MSM f*ck nuggets missed.
It cannot be said forcefully enough, writes Booker in this week’s column, that the events surrounding David Cameron’s supposed “veto” were not what they seemed. In fact, it is hard to recall any recent political event having been so widely misreported and misunderstood.
The general belief, he tells us, is that Mr Cameron somehow “stood up for Britain” by vetoing a treaty that everyone else wanted. But there was no veto, and there could never have been one, because a veto can only apply to the final text of an EU treaty, following lengthy negotiations. No such treaty existed.
Thus do we get the synthesis of the posts on EU Referendum, with Booker taking us to the start in May 2010, when Cameron, visiting Angela Merkel in Berlin, said that he would oppose an EU treaty to set up a fiscal government for the eurozone.
But instead of stopping an EU treaty last Thursday/Friday, what happened in Brussels was precisely what Merkel and Sarkozy wanted all along. The only people in favour of such an EU version were the European Commission and Van Rompuy of the European Council. But the Merkozy were after just what Cameron allowed them to have: an intergovernmental agreement.
So, Booker concludes, the euro is not going to be saved. Cameron did nothing to protect Britain’s financial sector from the deluge of EU legislation which threatens to inflict such damage on the City. And he has not returned from Brussels as a “born-again Eurosceptic”. Just as much as Nick Clegg, remains wholly committed to Britain’s continuing membership of the EU.
All that happened in Brussels was another contorted attempt to postpone the euro’s inevitable fate and another downward lurch of the European project towards its eventual disintegration. By the time the New Year arrives, it will dawn that we are all just as much trapped in a disastrous mess as we ever were.
All we can say with any certainty is that the frustration and rage of the peoples of Europe at this whole catastrophic experiment will be greater than ever. And as this unhappy story continues, that “veto that never was” will come to seem quite irrelevant to the way it unfolds.
What is not irrelevant though, is the way the media has treated the story. Had journalists understood what a “veto” actually is, and how it applies within the context of a treaty negotiation, Cameron’s initial claim that he had “effectively wielded the veto” would have been treated for what it what – polemics.
Even Wikipedia could have helped them out here, defining the veto for us. Helpfully, it tells us that the word is Latin for “I forbid”. It is the power of an officer of the state to unilaterally stop an official action, especially enactment of a piece of legislation.
But what applies to legislation also applies to treaties. Thus, the veto in this context was the unilateral power to stop a treaty going ahead. And Booker, in defining the circumstances in which the veto applies, calls out the lie perpetrated by the media.
Oddly enough, a draft intergovernmental treaty now exists which, as we noted yesterday, is as close to an EU treaty as it is possible to be, without actually being one – covering exactly the scope that Merkel and Sarkozy wanted.
Therefore, for all the torrent of media coverage of Cameron and his heroic “standing up for Britain”, he has achieved nothing at all by way of delaying the treaty process. That much alone made his pretend veto irrelevant, but at least we are reminded of the inadequacy of the media when it comes to reporting EU matters.
I know this is not as serious as the BBC’s bias on Europe, Israel or Climate Change but an example of how my trust in the BBC is now non existant.
I am talking Strictly. Yesterday the papers were plastered with photos of Chelsee Healey (can that girl really not spell her name?). I assumed the narrative in the papers was following the BBC’s obvious one of the past week ie promote working class non-white girl to win. However she didn’t – so was it that the BBC leaked to the papers that in spite of their best efforts it was likely to be Harry – therefore put Chelsee in the papers yesterday to leave room for Harry today?
The BBC just can’t stop themselves. Radio 5 this morning with the big fat bird (Anna something) and Anita the Chin Annand were attacking the bloke who threw the scumbag off the train in Scotland. They made all sorts of excuses for him (giving him a free sound bite that was recorded on a radio station in Scotland) and clearly not impressed.
Funny thing is although they mentioned the woman on the tran in Croydon they were NOT sympathetic to her at all.
Can I put on record my thanks to those of you who put up these links…maybe one day, one of my kids will show me how to do it too?
The ones on Ayn Rand(via Charles Crawford/The Commentator) and Bruce Bawer(Frontpagemag) as put up by people here are truly electrifiying at times…and, in the case of Rands critique…very powerful indeed.
These happen for me a lot, but let these two recent ones stand as thanks to those of you with Jihadwatch, faith/israeli ones too.
You`re all stars…and not those toxic EU ones either!
The BBC denies the claim and says viewers are not necessarily made aware during programmes but that its website does contain some details of studio filming.
A spokeswoman said viewers without the internet should go to their local libraries and use the internet there’
Well that’s a bit of a risk isn’t it ?
Searching for internet enlightenment, the curious could well stumble across the day’s newspapers laying into the BBC for being a set of two-faced lying bastards.
That spokeswoman’s comment is, I presume as validated by the Telegraph, amongst many doing the rounds on the very internet the BBC seems to feel all have access to to balance out what they pump out by broadcast (only).
Not in a good, inclusive, ‘we speak for the UK’ way.
Hidden away on the news channel is ‘Click’, one of the most utterly pointless shows conceivable. Amid the shameless product placements for Apple (apparently ‘hoover’ and ‘jacuzzi’ are forbidden but ‘ipad’ and ‘ipod’ are completely acceptable) the heart of the show is the internet. So we have a tv programme that tells us about the internet.
Think about that for a moment. It is so utterly absurd and redundant it’s like having a debate about telephones via semaphore. Anyone even remotely interested in the internet gets their info from – THE INTERNET!
But the BBC is patrician still right down to its cultural marxist socks. We, the humble drones of Airstrip One, need to be told what to look for online and how to look for it. There’s no particularly egregious agenda-pushing on display but the general feel is that we need a little guidance on what’s cool and what’s not – heaven forbid we stumble upon heresy like this site!
Next week on the BBC – a discussion about 3d tv. Via carrier pigeon.
INBBC’s continual misdescription of Geert WILDERS’ politics.
A corrective (from 2008), ignored by INBBC:
[extract] –
“Why do newspapers, or the radio, or television, permit this propagandistic use of epithets for which not the slightest evidence is presented? The word ‘far right’ or ‘right-wing’ should not be used, as it has been used, to blacken the name and reputation of anyone at all who happens to grimly perceive the menace of Islam. What made Pim Fortuyn, the bemused and martyred Dutch libertine, ‘right-wing,’ as he was routinely called, so stupidly, in the French, British, American press? What? There was nothing. Was Bertrand Russell ‘right-wing’ because of how he saw Islam? Churchill — was he ‘right-wing’ or ‘far right-wing? Spinoza? Hume? John Quincy Adams? Jacques Ellul? Are they all ‘right-wing’ because they grasped the essence of Islam?
“Geert Wilders is also commonly described as a ‘populist.’ This is more accurate in the sense that he represents the vast Dutch public, the public that is unrepresented by the elites who, in the Netherlands as elsewhere in Europe, presume to decide the fates of those indigenous Infidels who are fed up with the unchecked Muslim presence, and the Muslim crime, and the Muslim finagling, and the Muslim demands for changes in the legal and political institutions that make the Dutch the Dutch. Those Infidels would have been happy to have Pim Fortuyn, the non-right-wing ‘right-wing’ Pim Fortuyn, be their standard-bearer, or Ayaan Hirsi Ali. But unfortunately, Pim Fortuyn was murdered, and Ayaan Hirsi Ali driven out of the country by death threats. Now there is only Geert Wilders, who is being described, quite inaccurately, as ‘right-wing’ in order to poison minds against him. But his bravery and his self-sacrifice are now obvious. And the word ‘right-wing’ just won’t do the trick. It just won’t perform the magic that all the appeasers of Islam, in the Netherlands, think it will. He is going to re-take the Netherlands for the Dutch. ”
The BBC can`t help themselves can they?
Like a schizophrenic curates egg!…eh?
Just as I was to comment their “European Dream” Archive on 4 programme-although skewed in the usual ways, it was a good deal more factual and open that I myself would have expected-I find the Polly Parrotfilla called the World at War…sorry “at One”.
I don`t know from what Brussels filing cabinet the Commisssioner on Tax Harmonisation came from( nor who or what he is)…but he surely got teed up to hit the usual Euro Juncker Bond guff of taxes and threats…the EU does no other these days.
What is “cringe cringe, fawn fawn” in 23 languages then?…for Shaun Lay knows most of them.
So a qualified hats off to Tusa…and a beret with a Wehrmacht badge for wee Shaun…makes me pine for Wolfie Smith, who might,at least; have given our Euro Commissar more problems than UnderLay did!
I have just read the review of the sunday papers on ceefax. One mention each for the Times,Indy,Star and Mirror, two each for the Telegraph and Express but no less than FOUR for the Observer. And the Mail?…. Zilch, even though the Mail sell seven times as many copies as the Observer. No Guardian bias there then,evidently.
Early one morning just as the sun was rising I didn’t hear a maiden singing in the valley below. Instead, this morning I heard an edition of radio 4’s profile of Peter Higgs, the only physicist with his own bosun.
Elderly but brilliant theoretical physics genius Mr. Higgs might be suffering from savant syndrome. His eccentric behaviour, lack of practical abilities and dysfunctional personal relationships were treated with amused admiration. Samira Ahmed is obviously a great admirer.
To the BBC his former membership of the CND and Greenpeace movements are worthy attributes, and were described affectionately, but it became clear that these noble qualities were mere appetisers to what for the BBC would be his most compelling attribute. A principled refusal to attend an important prizegiving ceremony because it was held in Israel.
The Sunday Programme, radio 4.
Querulous Ying-Tong chanting, then: “Obviously Islam teaches us to work in harmony with others for the common good so it is our common destiny that we should work together [and ah] EastEnders. It is also imperative that we work for equality, justice, fairness, [dendidoo] we are all the creation of one God and we are one human race” trilled Mohammed Abdul Bari, chairman of the East London Mosque trust. This puff piece was about a demo by the multicultural civic action group ‘Citizens UK’. Yes indeedy.
Next, I was shocked, shocked, that the Telegraph is not only indistinguishable from the BBC these days, but has published something today that could easily grace the Guardian. Adrian Blomfield has written a huge article comprising so many Guardian/BBC slurs, innuendoes and churnalisms that I can’t help wondering if he’s been consorting with the BBC’s Jerusalem Jeremiahs.
I see Honest Reporting has beaten me to it. As this isn’t the place to dwell on non-BBC related material I won’t deconstruct it here, but I’m sure someone somewhere will do so.
Thanks Sue.
Normally it`s the sainted Craig that lets us know what “Sunday” has been putting out whilst the rest of us lie in…so thanks for doing the rota.
This kind of programme ought to be a rallying point re Camerons views, the Saudis beheading a “witch” and the theology or otherwise of Iran getting the nuclear bomb…honest,letting the facts speak for themselves and citing sources…like “In Our Time”.
Yet all we get are Piggotts and Stourtons instead.
“… I was sentenced for the crime of collaboration with terrorism, and I did collaborate with the MRTA. I have never been a leader, nor a militant. I have never participated in acts of violence nor of bloodshed, nor have I killed anyone. And what I would like to clarify here is that I know that my mere participation, even though it was secondary in one incident, if it contributed to the violence in society, I am deeply sorry and I regret it .”
Answer. Lori Berenson in her own words.
“The daughter of university professors from New York, she travelled to Central and South America in the 1990s.
During her travels, she is believed to have made contact with the Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement.”
The BBC is giving a reasonable amount of coverage to the death of Vaclav Havel.
But not once have I heard the BBC mention Havel’s most passionate recent crusading – against the nonsense of Global Warming. I am sure they will continue to cover that up. Mustn’t rock the boat.
“Yet there is certainly no love lost between the two men. Mr Havel has described Mr Klaus, a notoriously prickly Eurosceptic and champion of climate-change doubters, as “utterly unbearable”. A staunch free-marketeer, Mr Klaus served as prime minister under Mr Havel, who believes his reforms in the mid-1990s brought about “gangster capitalism”. http://www.economist.com/blogs/easternapproaches/2011/02/v%C3%A1clav_havel
Hilary is apparently surprised … you d have thought she d have asked the OIC & muslim bro. about that wouldn t you … after all the close talks they ve been having in DC, perhaps too busy pushing forward for a blasphemy law …
soooo excited it must have slipped her mind entirely 😀
“Clinton says women sidelined in Egypt transition,” AFP
Yahoo news has been showing this article on their MidEast webpage for some hours now, about an incident yesterday, but no sign of it on the equivalent BBC website. Yet when settlers put graffiti on a West Bank mosque it immediately becomes an international incident for the BBC and invariably held for days on its MidEast site. Somehow property damage is far more provoking than violence for the BBC, particularly when its done against Muslims than by them.
Often, it’s seeing how another media outlet covers a story, that shows just how blatantly twisted is the BBC narrative, doing its best to conceal the truth. This story has been running for a few hours now by AP 6 soldiers among dead; Syria weighing observers
BEIRUT (AP) — Armed clashes erupted in Syria Sunday, killing at least 15 civilians and six government troops, activists said. Isolated and faced with a possible civil war, Syria appeared to be bending toward allowing Arab League observers in as a step toward ending the conflict. The Al-Arabiya TV channel said it had information from the Qatari prime minister that Syrian President Bashar Assad will sign an observer deal but gave no further details. Last month Syria agreed to an Arab League plan but balked at its implementation. The foreign minister of Oman, speaking to reporters ahead of a Gulf Cooperation Council meeting in Saudi Arabia, also said Sunday he is “optimistic” that Syria will sign the protocol within 24 hours “and save the Arab world from foreign intervention.” The Arab League has given Syria until Wednesday to sign a protocol to allow observers into the country, or else it will likely turn to the U.N. Security Council for action to try to end the deadly violence against regime opponents. Syria’s state-run news agency SANA quoted Assad Sunday as saying in front of an Iraqi delegation that Syria has “dealt positively with proposals presented because it’s in (Syria’s) interest for the world to know what is happening in Syria.” Syria has in the past said it would accept to have the monitors but then placed conditions that were rejected by the Arab League.
There’s more to the article but one sees in the first few paragraphs the important and relevant points that show what is going on there.
Despite hours passing since AP reported today’s deaths, the only article showing on the BBC website is this one from yesterday. Even without today’s deaths, notice the contrast in the opening lines. Syria crisis: Iraq’s Falah Fayadh ‘positive’ on talks
An Iraqi delegation led by National Security adviser Falah al-Fayadh says it has held “positive” talks in Syria aimed at ending the violence there. Mr Fayadh was trying to broker a deal based on Arab League proposals, and said he would update the group at a meeting in Cairo on Wednesday.
Meanwhile, Syria’s main opposition group held a conference in Tunisia. The Syrian National Council is trying to present itself as a government-in-waiting set to replace Bashar al-Assad. Pressure is mounting on the Syrian president to end the violence that the UN says has taken more than 5,000 lives since March. Widespread anti-government protests encouraged by the Arab Spring triggered a harsh crackdown that has brought regional and international condemnation.
But after months of bloodshed and no sign of the regime falling, some Syrians have taken up arms in a bid to remove President Assad. Security forces killed at least 24 people on Saturday, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said, most of them in the central province of Homs, a centre of anti-government protests.
The Local Co-ordination Committees, a group which organises and documents anti-government protests, said 40 people were killed, including eight former soldiers killed in clashes with the Syrian army.
It continues on, but notice how far down the article one gets before the most important aspects to the goings on in that country – at least 24 more have died yesterday – and there’s nothing POSITIVE about that – despite the headline. With all the talks and meetings and opinions of everyone being quoted – the deaths go on on a daily basis, Assad squirms every which way to carry on his violent reprisals, and the BBC do their best to conceal that fact.
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
BBC-NUJ-EU: is pro-CLEGG, and anti-CAMERON.
It does not explore how deeply entrenched Clegg is with the E.U at all levels (rather like the BBC-NUJ-EU itself), but the ‘Daily Mail’ has this:
“The treachery of Nick Clegg: Deputy PM and Lib Dem ministers plot to rally business chiefs against Cameron after Europe veto”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2074725/Nick-Clegg-Lib-Dem-plot-lobbyist-rally-business-chiefs-Cameron.html#ixzz1giRH7eQ7
The London local news team were swooning over the Occupy Everywhere (except a place of work) scum yesterday. A truly sickening scene.
“except a place of work”
Or a bathroom.
They should all be charged with loitering within tent(s)
“Beyond Borders was a Perfectly Normal Production for Radio 4″went the blurb at the finish of this afternoons drama.
And on this one occassion the BBC were not telling us porkies.
For what else would a grease gun hagiography about Jean Monnet, Robert Schumann and the other Euro charlatans be if not perfectly normal?
An everyday story of boulevardiers, faux-academics and lots of bureaucrats with lots of wargold to splash around in “The Cause”…no more of this democratic, sovereignty natio state pish…we have a Fourth Reich/Republique to build on the backs of the plebs of Euroland.
The drama was a hack job in praise of these Eurocreeps with their deceits, shenanigans and lots of main courses served by willing wenches. Sly scheming manufacturers of grand lies on the back of iron and steel quotas being innocently bandied about.
Looking forward to Nick Griffins fearless drama when he has to decide whether he dare face down the Question Time crowds at the BBC.
Perfectly Normal indeed!
bbc 5live drive, ran a short trailer for peter allen s, ( who?) … wait for it!
the el beeb “celebration of the arab spring????”
one simply has to ask, is it still … “wonderful” ,
still full of the ahem … “carnival atmosphere”
they better ask the muslim brotherhood 😀
BBC News : It’ the end of the world, power cut on Old Compton Street.
Had to laugh about that one, they had a ten minute piece about it.
Wind turbines a bit slow to kick in, were they?
Did anyone manage to make it through to the end of the execrable “Now Show”…I dipped it some way into it, and had to delouse myself soon afterwards.
In a week when an atheist dies, when Attenborough is cutting and pasting and the Euroloons are standing in the faggots and piling up their flambees, you`d have thought there`d be some humour to be had!
All I heard was some piteously awful crap about an isolated Britain now being unable to celebrate Christmas because it rejects the Euro”treaty” and an even unfunnier punk thing about Christmas shopping.
Think that this programme should be replaced by the sound of Christmad crackers being laid on the table-at least there`ll be the prospect of a joke when the 25th comes around.
No prospect of any of these Rag week Rhonas being made to attend the Bernard Manning school of Comedy when they`re shipped up to Salford is there?…Brigstocke and Henry are beginning to look-well amusing-in comparison to this unrecyclabe rubbish!
Actually I was shocked by the John Holmes piece attacking The Guardian. The audience did not seem to appreciate it!
Last year, Holmes did a piece on The Now Show in which he described himself as “agnostic” on global warming.
We live in hope.
Thank you Notasheep!
I used to always turn Holmes off…not funny!
Yet this is good stuff from the heart of the Empire…not funny,but still I doff my cap to him!
At least here on Biased BBC, we can change our opinions in the light of new evidence.
You never know…something might yet be on the turn up there at the BBC!
Just for the record , when was the last time the Now Show was not po faced half witted and bogoted ?
INBBC uses Christopher HITCHENS’ criticism of Christianity, but censors out his greater criticism of Islam.
In INBBC’s censored section ‘On religion’ below, the only named religion which is criticised is Christianity.
This fits with INBBC’s ‘leftist’ political agenda of providing preferential political treatment for Islam from Hamas, through the Muslim Brotherhood, Al Jazeera and the censoring out of key aspects of the tenets of Islam such as ‘jihad’.
Alternatively, Christopher Hitchens on Islam:
Next on:
Today, 20:50 on BBC Radio 4
Lisa Jardine thinks selective hearing skews the debate over climate change and urges climate scientists to fully engage in a conversation with their sceptical critics. “Graphs and pie charts have evidently failed to convince. Perhaps a more discursive approach which focuses on observable change backed up by scientific evidence may be more persuasive.”
Scientists to use more ‘jesuitical’ techniques?
Sure. You know, old school Jesuits: controlling governments, influencing the dogma, pushing tneir religious beliefs on the masses…
I heard this convoluted and oh-so clever stuff from Jardine.
If what she was saying is that global warming needs true science applied…then fine.
If, on the other hand she was saying that global warming is a valid faith system but requiring tweaking…then at least I`d have followed her argument at least!
As it was ,all the Eco stuff left me unsure about what she was saying!
Might give it another listen then.
She took so long to get to the point that my attention wandered and I eventually lost interest. I must look to see if there is a transcript anywhere as it is easier to do a fast skim read and still get what they are on about than it is to find the patience to listen to a meandering speaker who takes forever to work around to the point.
Ah, the Beeboids have finally got around to putting it on the web page.
…Difficult as such negotiations have proved, at successive international conferences, the continued commitment of almost all the world’s nations surely points to the fact that the danger to our planet of high-level carbon emissions is a real one, on which there is widespread scientific and political agreement supported now by considerable bodies of evidence.
[This surely points to a massive non sequitur]
But according to the apparently growing band of climate change sceptics, this is a pernicious illusion. Partisan science, they claim, has taken hold of politicians and the media, and their message is being transmitted so loudly that it cannot be gainsaid.
The more determinedly the scientific community stands behind its global warming predictions, the more strongly the sceptics counter that there is no longer any “balance” to the argument and that their supposedly equally convincing views are being silenced.
[Balance is primarily about the BBC’s treatment of the subject rather than the argument about the subject itself. So is this really a covert exercise in defending the broadcaster?]
Former president of the Royal Society Robert May is regularly denounced for allegedly announcing in 2006 that the case for global warming was so conclusively well proven that the BBC should stop giving climate change sceptics so much airtime in the interests of “balance”.
Instead the climate sceptics have created an intricate web of their own associations and allusions, to produce their version of an alternative story which runs contrary to that of mainstream science.
What Umberto Eco’s stories tell us is how comforting such quests can be. Faced with an uncertain future and declining prosperity, without religion for reassurance, what could be more comforting than to join a select band searching for the Holy Grail?
[Hah! That fits more the climate fanatics who have found a new religion. At least she does go on to admit that this could apply to them]:
Eco’s illumination of the powerful way in which we can all hear clearly that part of the story that confirms our own convictions cuts both ways.
[Unfortunately, however, it is not enough to save the sceptics from themselves and their need for religion. They are errant. The climate change religionists are merely using the wrong tactics. If only they could be more like the Great Attenborough]:
Maybe something more like a conversation is needed. That is surely why David Attenborough’s recent plea that we recognise that global warming really is happening, at the close of his series of natural history programmes on the Arctic and Antarctic, had such authority:
“Polar animals are already reacting to the changes. The loss of sea ice in the north affects not just polar bears but the whole planet. When the ice vanishes, the dark sea-water that replaces it absorbs the sun’s energy, so its temperature rises,” he said.
Interesting to note, when I was searching for a manuscript of this article yesterday, I found one from 2006 in which Jardine wrote this:
One of the reasons why we find it difficult to make up our minds about climate change and global warming is that the data is so complicated. Glaciers are melting, holes are detected in the ozone layer, emission of greenhouse gases is rising, yet we have just gone through an unusually cold winter and spring is unseasonably late arriving – it is hard to get alarmed.
Even a passionate advocate of the prospect of impending ecological disaster like the government’s chief scientific advisor Sir David King, cannot go so far as to say: “It will be so, that is the absolute truth of the matter.”
But then she went on to the need for testing of hypothesis or belief against the observed world (thus bringing us neatly back to Attenborough and her conclusion of 2011).
So while she appeared relatively open minded in 2006, by 2011 she has been well and truly converted.
“Graphs and pie charts have evidently failed to convince. Perhaps a more discursive approach which focuses on observable change backed up by scientific evidence may be more persuasive.”
Thats exactly what they don’t want. Putting dodgy charts and graphs into the public domain is fine, but if they had to debate with a real scientist how they arrived at the figures the cat would be out of the bag.
Update for BBC-Democrat, re-Obama/Biden chum:- CORZINE
“‘Super Tense Moment’ Occurs When Jon Corzine Is Served Papers During His Hearing Recess”
Patten will be pleased at this BBC-EU political bias:-
“The Brussels Broadcasting Corporation’s Eurofest weekend – what’s Cameron going to do about this biased BBC propaganda?”
By Nigel Jones
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2074947/The-Brussels-Broadcasting-Corporations-Eurofest-weekend–whats-Cameron-going-biased-BBC-propaganda.html#ixzz1gjSoVMpG
In Memoriam, my courageous brother Christopher, 1949-2011
By Peter Hitchens
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2075133/Christopher-Hitchens-death-In-Memoriam-courageous-sibling-Peter-Hitchens.html#ixzz1gjUcSsSG
the irreplacable Mel Phillips …
i think shes got El BBC s number 😀
Daily Mail
“I have long been troubled by the systemic political and cultural bias at the BBC”
“about the effects of this distorted world view, refracted through such a uniquely influential lens upon the world, upon public discourse”
Jeez, the BBC is really off the rails.
Surely the most important news right now is the Euro crisis – and the spat with the French. But no, this was relegated to item 3 of the Radio 4 midnight news. With a good helping of justification for the French idiots, and a general tone that Cameron and and the UK should be on the naughty step, we are wrong to refuse a major change that is very damaging to us.
Item 1 was – Bradley Manning. Most people in the UK don’t give a flying whatsit for him – even if they know who he is. But he got a lot of sympathetic comment – and no mention that his treason has probably caused many deaths.
Item 2 – who else but Julian Assange, again given sympathetic treatment. Most Brits would think – Why is that clown main item of the news ? – kick him out. BBC types simply cannot understand how ordinary people could have such monstrous thoughts.
What BBC-Patten-EU avoids:
“Isolated? No. Now the whole world’s our oyster”
By Simon Heffer
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2075339/Isolated-No-Now-worlds-oyster.html#ixzz1gkRGlURi
“Have I got News for You” last night showed that it couldn’t recognise news, if its life depended on it. This being the BBC (or a tired format which would be shown the door, anywhere else), the subject of News International inevitably came up. Now, I’d have thought that the major related story over the last week was the revelation that St Nick Davies didn’t bother to check his facts, when he accused the NotW of deleting messages from murdered teenager Milly Dowler’s voicemail.
I could quite understand why the subject would be considered highly inappropriate for a supposed comedy programme, but to raise the subject yet again and then to ignore the only significant development of the last week shows utter arrogance..
Better to cover the story in a more respectful setting – except that the bbc has ignored it entirely, of course.
I found the part rather strange where the presenter mocked the DM for criticising the BBC for not being impartial when they’re biased themselves!?
Errrrr, we’re not forced to pay for the DM (I boytcotted the press 5 years ago), neither do they make any pretense to be impartial.
Just had a faily good show on the Bible in pop music, so stayed with Radio 4.
Wish I hadn`t…for Jackie Ashleys “Week in Westminster” was a disgrace.
The Blair Bryant Cabal was in full HawHaw mode-if that was Mrs Andrew Marrs take on the week in politics, then maybe he could take out another injunction…this time on her…she`s clearly delusional.
If Attenboroughs shows need health warnings, then how much more do we need the likes of Kellner, Ashley,Marr and Will Straw/Ben Brown “outed” as contaminated crossover goods, and not to be taken as independent.
Why all their crap about labelling supermarket goods, when nearly all their shows are riddled by incestuous meme viruses that toxify anything that they hold forth on?
Might be an idea to give us a directory on just WHO at the BBC is not affected by nepotism, by thinking that social science is still “science”… etc.
Not only Peter Day and Susan Watts is it?(and yes, I`m being gracious here!)
The perverted BBC idea of what a ‘peace activist’ is. A one sided pro ‘Palestinian’ propaganda report that hamas would love.
16 December 2011 Last updated at 23:36 GMT Help
Israeli soldiers have broken up a demonstration by hundreds of villagers and peace protesters outside the West Bank village of Nabi Saleh, a week after a protester died at a similar event.
Every week for the past three years a protest has taken place at the site against what the villagers say is the theft of their land by Jewish settlers, and almost every week the demonstrations end in violence.
Rupert Wingfield-Hayes reports from the West Bank.
Hayes starts his propaganda piece by claiming that these “peace protesters” try to get to “their fields” by trying to invade a Jewish village. ‘Look’ shouts Hayes in a hysterical voice, nobody threw stones YET and the IDF used tear gas on the mob/peaceful protestors.
Now Hayes tells us that the previous week one of the entirely peaceful “peace activists” was killed as he peacefully tried to murder IDF soldiers by throwing stones at them in an entirely peaceful way course, stones dont kill people do they? No, they are what all peaceful people use everyday on each other, why just the other day I got enraged and started hurling stones in Tescos because their Cherry Brandy was out of stock.
So a “peace protester” somehow dies at the hands of the IDF who for no reason other than trying to protect innocent Jewish civilians from a violent stone throwing bloodthirsty mob attempt to disperse these stone throwing violent thugs using tear gas. One thug tried to throw a big rock INTO the back of a IDF vehicle in order to try to kill an IDF soldier and got a tear gas round in the face, oh dear how sad 😀 .
Now Hayes talks about the “theft” of the “peaceful protesters” land but did not actually state whether the land was bought legally or not, or how it was “stolen” or ask a Jewish villager about the land, funny report that fails to ask both sides for their point of view isnt it? How can the viewer make up their mind when only one view is allowed a platform.
Now what is the truth that the BBC is so determined to hide from us? Is it likely that some Jews just turn up and steal land and the IDF turns up to protect them? Only in the fantasies of the BBC, it cannot happen because Israel is a nation built on laws like ours. Jewish settlers and their love of stealing land and the bloodthirsty IDF bent on violently crushing entirely peaceful rock throwing thugs from killing and maiming Jews in an entirely peaceful manner?
Hey presto! And we have the perfect BBC propaganda report, they must be so proud of themselves eh? No need to give the Jews a fair hearing, no need to point out that these “peace activists” are actually violent thugs with a blood lust to murder Jews. No need to explain that far from stealing land the land was purchased legally.
No need to bring up the case of the Jewish family butchered with knives is there?
The BBC would be right at home in Nazi Germany, its called a blood libel isnt it? Nasty evil inhuman Jews go round stealing land? The BBC are lying scum.
A racist blood libel and direct incitement to murder Jews.
That is what this BBC report actually is, a blood libel.
Not since the Nazis launched their BBC style ‘The eternal Jew’ has such an effort been made to demonize a race in the minds of people.
If this propaganda results in the deathh of Jews, it is entirely the fault of the BBC, entirely down to the efforts of the BBC.
One sided and hate filled and full of lies, thats another perfect BBC report done and dusted and ready to inflame the violent Jew hating thugs and killers of the region, peaceful protesters they aint.
Charles Crawford takes a sideswipe at the BBC in an article on the Commentator site:
“Ayn Rand would have backed Cameron’s stand against the EU’s ‘second-handers’ ”
“There is even an official mouthpiece for Second-Handers, Looters and Moochers here in the UK, namely the BBC Radio Four Today programme. Every morning, day after day, month after month, year after year, it broadcasts to the nation at its most vulnerable, people tottering round the kitchen making toast.
Its message is unambiguous: the categorical imperative that whatever that morning’s fashionable problem might be, it is the explicit responsibility of “society” in general and the state in particular to “do something” about it. Only collectivist action counts. This appalling, arguably evil message transmitted over decades has transformed the way our country runs, evidently for the worse.”
(two thirds of way down first page)
He later refers to ‘the collectivist BBC/LibDems/Blairistas.’
‘Other offences for which people were imprisoned include non-payment of fines for…’
Guessing there was not space in the online page for what that 5% slice was for?
Must be nice to have control of the edit suite when also suffering from an irony by-pass. Let’s give it a whirl…
The BBC is not responsible for the content
Nor are they in any way responsible for collecting License fees…that will be some agency, who will-of course-be “wholly independent” of our dear old wise Auntie who counsels whilst showing us her holiday snaps.
That she continues to leak all over the baskets of fruit and biscuits I somehow always ending up having to provide…why, that would be inappropriate to raise, and besides, that nice Russell Brand and friends up the road could do with a subbie…
I know that the UK state broadcaster seems intent on spinning its narrative of an ‘isolated Britain’, however here in the Netherlands all political polls support the UK’s stance.
Indeed across the border in Germany the UK position is supported by an average 70% majority in each of the polls released in the last two weeks.
The simple fact is: the Dutch and Germans despise the French, we always have, their arrogant and condescending behaviour is well known, as is their attempts to keep Germany in a tight embrace to stop any meaningful reform of Europe.
It is a simple fact of life that left-wing commentators (in the media and bloggers) love the French becuause they share the same shallow values: 1) Arrogance 2) Messiah complex 3) Lack of rational policies 4) willingness to ride roughshod over any opposing viewpoint.
The good thing is that History always shows that the left have backed the wrong horse, in this case pinning their hopes to Sarkozy was wrong, and as we are seeing their entire narrative is unravelling. I posted this comment earlier today on the DT website, it seems that the majority of other posters agree with my opinion on Sarkozy, the BBC and its messed up narrative.
Is there any indication that he Dutch wont trade with us if we get further “isolated ” in EUrope ?
The BBC have been allowed to pull a fast one here. If you watch ANY of the documentaries on say National Geographic they will often show a scene that has been CGI’d and they will always put a small caption saying ‘simulation.
It doesn’t destroy the atmosphere of the programme. The BBC are simply used to telling lies to the British people and have no morals.
Remeber Blue Peter and the fake trailer of the Queen storming out of a painting session.
It must be in their genes, Martin
Usual tosh from Dimbleby Minor and Any Questions then today!
Portillo gave a fine answer re Camerons call to return to something appproaching a Christian culture once again…to the usual tumbleweed and “you dissin mi faith?” tone of the questionner( a female schoolkid-Muslim as of right)
Fine exposition of theology on Any Answers though just now…which is usually far better than the Dimbleby Dross offered.
Paul Stafford has given me my thought for the day anyway(Any Answers..first caller!)
agreed, turning to the weekly “any drivel” isn t it….
coming from ahem “tower hamlets” 😀 (ooooh brother!).
so dumboby saying well there we are then, in this room
they do not agree with camercon that christianity should
be enhanced in this country … hello!!!
no surprises there then…(coming from what is fast becoming
a deeply problematic muslim ghetto)….
With “i fink dat der” spokeskids, who think the er… koran?? is literary
genius?? ….
“dare is uvver religions ere at der end of de day”……… hmmm stunning
Did my ears deceive me this morning.
Listening to EDs discussion with an Irish gentleman on Today this morning about the shock drop into negative territory of the Irish Irish he sounded quite upset that the medicine “agreed” by the “26” last week wasn’t actually working for the Irish, who had about the best chance of getting out from under. Perhaps a BBC Eurofanatic being disavowed?
On either the 12 noon news on Radio 4 or the 1pm it was reported something like ‘that the Muslim community broadly welcomed Cameron’s speech on Christianity’ as its headline. I could only assume that he was speaking to a Muslim audience somewhere as I had the radio turned low and was not listening properly. It was only on the 2pm radio 4 news did I listen more carefully and find out that it was a speech in Oxford to celebrate the publication of the King James bible. I wonder who had sufficient clout to complain and for the BBC to change their emphasis.
How the Beeboid Corporation spends / wastes our money on a compulsory Manual Handling Awareness training course and other nonsense:
‘Colossal waste of time and money’: BBC criticised over training video that’s like something from The Office
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2075446/Colossal-waste-time-money-BBC-criticised-training-video-thats-like-The-Office.html#ixzz1goKduFO1
Mind, all government and public bodies spend a vast amount on training in data protection, health and safety and so on – and then Ministers and officials go and lose important data files in taxis or on trains or dump them in public bins.
From 6 – 9 30 on Radio 3 this evening. Oh, dear, I’ll be blubbing before the night is out.
And note it is conducted by Placido Domingo:
Puccini’s Madama Butterfly
Live from the Met
It’s never an easy life being a heroine in a Puccini opera and Cio-Cio-San (Butterfly to her friends) is no exception. The inevitable downward spiral begins when fifteen-year-old Butterfly marries American sailor Pinkerton. Denounced and cursed by her distinguished but hard-up family for giving up her ancestral religion in favour of Christianity, it’s not long before she’s left by her husband who promises to return ‘when the robins build their nests’. A single parent, courtesy of Pinkerton, Butterfly has to wait three years before she sets eyes on him again. And who can blame her if she doesn’t like what she sees: not only Pinkerton but his American wife, Kate. There’s only one way out for a Puccini heroine in a situation like this: suicide.
With its celebrated set pieces (including ‘Un bel dì’) and gripping dramatic narrative, ‘Madama Butterfly’ is one of Puccini’s greatest operas. Butterfly is a signature role for Chinese-born soprano Liping Zhang and she’s joined by leading American tenor Robert Dean as the fickle American seaman. They’re conducted by a man who knows ‘Butterfly’ from the inside – and who was no mean Pinkerton himself: Plácido Domingo.
Presented by Margaret Juntwait with guest commentator Ira Siff
Cio-Cio San….. Liping Zhang (soprano)
Suzuki….. Maria Zifchak (mezzo-soprano)
Pinkerton…..Robert Dean Smith (tenor)
Sharpless….. Luca Salsi (baritone)
Goro…..Joel Sorensen (tenor)
Prince Yamadori…..Luthando Qave (tenor)
The Bonze…..Daniel Sumegi (bass)
Yakuside…..Craig Montgomery (bass)
The Imperial Commissioner….. David Crawford (bass)
The Official Registrar….. David Lowe (bass)
Cio-Cio San’s mother….. Belinda Oswald (mezzo-soprano)
The aunt…..Jean Braham (soprano)
The cousin…..Laura Fries (soprano )
Kate Pinkerton…..Jennifer Johnson (mezzo-soprano)
New York Metropolitan Opera Orchestra and Chorus
Conductor….. Plácido Domingo.
So it’s all about one parent families then?
A bit like saying that Wagner’s Ring is all about short, black people.
“The BBC’s myth-makers serve up a double helping of propaganda.Whether it’s polar bears or social workers, all is not as it seems at the BBC. ”
(by Christopher Booker)
EGYPT and INBBC’s ‘Arab Spring’/ Islamic Winter.
In this misleading cryptic summary of 2011, INBBC’s Mark URBAN wrongly states:
“This year will be remembered as the year of the Arab Spring,”
This is ‘SKY NEWS’ today:
“Nine Dead After Second Day Of Cairo Clashes”
INBBC will not recognise nor criticise the tenets of Islam which motive and inspire Muslims throughout the Middle East and the world, to press for the implementation of sharia law, via jihad where necessary.
On the other hand, BBC-NUJ is very critical of any British PM who might make a small move in favour of British national sovereignty, or to make a case for the relevance of Christian morality in Britain.
camercon is it anything more than a soundbite? … i sincerely hope so.
nothing concrete, considering the appalling pandering going on with
the odious warsi (now OIC), ie nothing to do with christianity, you know almost impossible to imagine him with an original thought.
I can t help feeling an insidious policy link coming, to whats going on over the pond, all this raising the religion up the agenda, cosy chats with the OIC on blasphemy law, all for the benefit of one in particular, ie nothing to do with christianity …. he is such an airhead lightweight … if was asked “what do you think camercon has on his mind” well theres a contradiction camercon & think … even camercon and a mind.
as for el beeb … don t forget folks, prof of indepth middle eastern politics (sic) 5live s .. erm peter allen (who?) for
“el beeb celebration of the arab spring????”
one simply has to ask, is it still … “wonderful” ,
still full of the ahem … “carnival atmosphere”
they better ask the muslim brotherhood 😀 “
For INBBC’s Cairo bureau:
The Failure of Secular and Liberal Egyptians
“David Cameron’s treaty veto delivers poll bounce, but voters want a referendum”
If Dave does not understand the significance then he will be a fool.
Did I read this bit correctly?
“The Labour leader’s critics have highlighted a series of uninspiring performances at Prime Minister’s Questions. Ayesha Hazarika, a close advisor to the Labour leader who previously worked as a stand-up comedienne, last week left Mr Miliband’s team and will return to her previous job with Harriet Harman, the party’s deputy leader. ”
How the hell any decent Brit could vote for these “comedians” is beyond me. It takes a special type of Tory to want to model the conservatives on this shambolic lot.
I also notice that Clegg is again slagging off Conservative policies, policies I may add that was in their manifesto.
All it needs is for Cameron to promise an EU referendum after an early election and Cleg and his dimwits would be sunk without trace. Maybe Dave should try the one on Clegg so he keeps his mouth shut in fute.
SCHAMA, now US domiciled,US Democrat, Obama-worshipper and BBC-NUJ political chum has piece telling us British people and others to love the E.U.
Bruce Bawer responds (2 page article):
“Selling EU Serfdom to the Masses”
(by Bruce Bawer)
“Schama closed by addressing his readers as if they were schoolchildren, explaining to them condescendingly that ‘we are all – across the oceans and continents – entangled in a common destiny,’ and even quoting the ‘No man is an island’ bit from John Donne​. Nowhere in his entire piece, which was full of lofty rhetoric about the glorious triumph of European unity over ‘[r]ace, blood, soil, the markers of exclusiveness,’ was there even a passing acknowledgment that the EU is profoundly undemocratic, any mention of how EU officials (in flagrant disregard of the desires of the electorate) effectively nullified French and Dutch votes against the EU constitution, or any recognition that perhaps – just perhaps – one reason why so many Europeans look forward to a post-EU Europe is that they’re sick unto death of being lectured at by patronizing, superior types who view them, indeed, in much the way that medieval lords viewed their serfs.”
‘No man is an island’
Donne was referring to the Church and Heaven not to the EU. I doubt Donne would approve of the aetheist elite running the EU.
“The final text of the constitution, signed by EU leaders this past October, makes no mention of Christianity or God.Then, in the fall of 2004, shortly after the European Commission president selected his top aides, EU legislators questioned the proposed Italian commissioner, Rocco Buttiglione. Why? He was too religious.”
“In a 28 Million Euro project, the European Commission has ordered the creation of a European Diary which contains a wide range of information about the European Union. The young target group of the diary can learn about the functioning of the EU, environmental questions, individual rights of citizens, health, safety and anti-discrimination. Whereas Moslem, Jewish, Sikh and Hindu feast days are part of the calendar, no Christian feast is mentioned. Instead of Christmas there is an empty space on the 25th of December. ”
I could go on , with these actions of the EU, Donne would not have thanked Schama for using him as an endorsement for “aggressive secularism”.
I prefer this myself, much more apt.
“This fortress built by Nature for herself
Against infection and the hand of war,
This happy breed of men, this little world,
This precious stone set in the silver sea,
Which serves it in the office of a wall,
Or as a moat defensive to a house,
Against the envy of less happier lands,
This blessed plot, this earth, this realm, this England…”
A Point of View: Climate change and craving a cause – http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-16215244
If you don’t want to read this long and rambling essay, here’s my summary:
“If you’re a climate change sceptic, then you’re in denial, and this is caused by a psychological need to embrace non-mainstream views. Watching David Attenborough’s ‘personal voyage of discovery’ (sic) will convince you of the reality of climate change in a way that no amount of scientific evidence possibly can.”
Thanks Jeff.
I was going to give it another listen, but your precis means that I put the Christmas tree up instead of getting annoyed with clever-clogs Jardine9took fifteen miniutes to disguise what you accurately state in two sentences.
The coolest start to summertime in Sydney for 51 years, or how about Brisbane’s Coldest December day in 123 years
But remember everybody, the BBC and their alarmist gang have already got this one covered: “It’s Just weather”.
Remeber the Cameron ‘veto’? How the BBC pimped it as being something disastrous for the UK leaving us isolated and alone ans without influence blah blah?. The actual; truth is that Cameron played the euroslime game perfectly, the stage villain actually enabled the euroslime rather obstructed it,a wholly dishonest game of deception and MSM manipulation to increase his support at home. In fact Cameron has done the work of Van Rumpoy and Barrosso and Merkozy for them.
In a sentence it was another con and smoke screen put together by the euroslime comrades and the client MSM fell hook line and sinker, there was NO veto, you simply cannot veto something that does not exist, it was done to bypass the referendum lock. And now read on for the stuff the MSM f*ck nuggets missed.
It cannot be said forcefully enough, writes Booker in this week’s column, that the events surrounding David Cameron’s supposed “veto” were not what they seemed. In fact, it is hard to recall any recent political event having been so widely misreported and misunderstood.
The general belief, he tells us, is that Mr Cameron somehow “stood up for Britain” by vetoing a treaty that everyone else wanted. But there was no veto, and there could never have been one, because a veto can only apply to the final text of an EU treaty, following lengthy negotiations. No such treaty existed.
Thus do we get the synthesis of the posts on EU Referendum, with Booker taking us to the start in May 2010, when Cameron, visiting Angela Merkel in Berlin, said that he would oppose an EU treaty to set up a fiscal government for the eurozone.
But instead of stopping an EU treaty last Thursday/Friday, what happened in Brussels was precisely what Merkel and Sarkozy wanted all along. The only people in favour of such an EU version were the European Commission and Van Rompuy of the European Council. But the Merkozy were after just what Cameron allowed them to have: an intergovernmental agreement.
So, Booker concludes, the euro is not going to be saved. Cameron did nothing to protect Britain’s financial sector from the deluge of EU legislation which threatens to inflict such damage on the City. And he has not returned from Brussels as a “born-again Eurosceptic”. Just as much as Nick Clegg, remains wholly committed to Britain’s continuing membership of the EU.
All that happened in Brussels was another contorted attempt to postpone the euro’s inevitable fate and another downward lurch of the European project towards its eventual disintegration. By the time the New Year arrives, it will dawn that we are all just as much trapped in a disastrous mess as we ever were.
All we can say with any certainty is that the frustration and rage of the peoples of Europe at this whole catastrophic experiment will be greater than ever. And as this unhappy story continues, that “veto that never was” will come to seem quite irrelevant to the way it unfolds.
What is not irrelevant though, is the way the media has treated the story. Had journalists understood what a “veto” actually is, and how it applies within the context of a treaty negotiation, Cameron’s initial claim that he had “effectively wielded the veto” would have been treated for what it what – polemics.
Even Wikipedia could have helped them out here, defining the veto for us. Helpfully, it tells us that the word is Latin for “I forbid”. It is the power of an officer of the state to unilaterally stop an official action, especially enactment of a piece of legislation.
But what applies to legislation also applies to treaties. Thus, the veto in this context was the unilateral power to stop a treaty going ahead. And Booker, in defining the circumstances in which the veto applies, calls out the lie perpetrated by the media.
Oddly enough, a draft intergovernmental treaty now exists which, as we noted yesterday, is as close to an EU treaty as it is possible to be, without actually being one – covering exactly the scope that Merkel and Sarkozy wanted.
Therefore, for all the torrent of media coverage of Cameron and his heroic “standing up for Britain”, he has achieved nothing at all by way of delaying the treaty process. That much alone made his pretend veto irrelevant, but at least we are reminded of the inadequacy of the media when it comes to reporting EU matters.
I know this is not as serious as the BBC’s bias on Europe, Israel or Climate Change but an example of how my trust in the BBC is now non existant.
I am talking Strictly. Yesterday the papers were plastered with photos of Chelsee Healey (can that girl really not spell her name?). I assumed the narrative in the papers was following the BBC’s obvious one of the past week ie promote working class non-white girl to win. However she didn’t – so was it that the BBC leaked to the papers that in spite of their best efforts it was likely to be Harry – therefore put Chelsee in the papers yesterday to leave room for Harry today?
The BBC just can’t stop themselves. Radio 5 this morning with the big fat bird (Anna something) and Anita the Chin Annand were attacking the bloke who threw the scumbag off the train in Scotland. They made all sorts of excuses for him (giving him a free sound bite that was recorded on a radio station in Scotland) and clearly not impressed.
Funny thing is although they mentioned the woman on the tran in Croydon they were NOT sympathetic to her at all.
Sky News
“A bad year for Labour with poor leadership”
Can you imagine THAT EVER being said on the BBC?
BBC management memo to editing suite ‘News Highlights of 2011’
‘What do you mean you can’t find any footage to show Ed Miliband as an effective leader of the opposition and potential Prime Minister in waiting?’
‘Well try running some film backwards, or show something shot in a Dutch zoo.’
Can I put on record my thanks to those of you who put up these links…maybe one day, one of my kids will show me how to do it too?
The ones on Ayn Rand(via Charles Crawford/The Commentator) and Bruce Bawer(Frontpagemag) as put up by people here are truly electrifiying at times…and, in the case of Rands critique…very powerful indeed.
These happen for me a lot, but let these two recent ones stand as thanks to those of you with Jihadwatch, faith/israeli ones too.
You`re all stars…and not those toxic EU ones either!
BBC accused of routine ‘fakery’ in wildlife documentaries – http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/tvandradio/bbc/8963053/BBC-accused-of-routine-fakery-in-wildlife-documentaries.html
The BBC denies the claim and says viewers are not necessarily made aware during programmes but that its website does contain some details of studio filming.
A spokeswoman said viewers without the internet should go to their local libraries and use the internet there’
Well that’s a bit of a risk isn’t it ?
Searching for internet enlightenment, the curious could well stumble across the day’s newspapers laying into the BBC for being a set of two-faced lying bastards.
That spokeswoman’s comment is, I presume as validated by the Telegraph, amongst many doing the rounds on the very internet the BBC seems to feel all have access to to balance out what they pump out by broadcast (only).
Not in a good, inclusive, ‘we speak for the UK’ way.
Two comments on his life:
1.) Bruce Bawer (in 2008):
Why We Need More Leaders Like Vaclav Havel
2.) BBC-NUJ today:
“Obituary: Vaclav Havel”
RIP Mr Havel, a true statesman and democrat.
Hidden away on the news channel is ‘Click’, one of the most utterly pointless shows conceivable. Amid the shameless product placements for Apple (apparently ‘hoover’ and ‘jacuzzi’ are forbidden but ‘ipad’ and ‘ipod’ are completely acceptable) the heart of the show is the internet. So we have a tv programme that tells us about the internet.
Think about that for a moment. It is so utterly absurd and redundant it’s like having a debate about telephones via semaphore. Anyone even remotely interested in the internet gets their info from – THE INTERNET!
But the BBC is patrician still right down to its cultural marxist socks. We, the humble drones of Airstrip One, need to be told what to look for online and how to look for it. There’s no particularly egregious agenda-pushing on display but the general feel is that we need a little guidance on what’s cool and what’s not – heaven forbid we stumble upon heresy like this site!
Next week on the BBC – a discussion about 3d tv. Via carrier pigeon.
INBBC’s continual misdescription of Geert WILDERS’ politics.
A corrective (from 2008), ignored by INBBC:
[extract] –
“Why do newspapers, or the radio, or television, permit this propagandistic use of epithets for which not the slightest evidence is presented? The word ‘far right’ or ‘right-wing’ should not be used, as it has been used, to blacken the name and reputation of anyone at all who happens to grimly perceive the menace of Islam. What made Pim Fortuyn, the bemused and martyred Dutch libertine, ‘right-wing,’ as he was routinely called, so stupidly, in the French, British, American press? What? There was nothing. Was Bertrand Russell ‘right-wing’ because of how he saw Islam? Churchill — was he ‘right-wing’ or ‘far right-wing? Spinoza? Hume? John Quincy Adams? Jacques Ellul? Are they all ‘right-wing’ because they grasped the essence of Islam?
“Geert Wilders is also commonly described as a ‘populist.’ This is more accurate in the sense that he represents the vast Dutch public, the public that is unrepresented by the elites who, in the Netherlands as elsewhere in Europe, presume to decide the fates of those indigenous Infidels who are fed up with the unchecked Muslim presence, and the Muslim crime, and the Muslim finagling, and the Muslim demands for changes in the legal and political institutions that make the Dutch the Dutch. Those Infidels would have been happy to have Pim Fortuyn, the non-right-wing ‘right-wing’ Pim Fortuyn, be their standard-bearer, or Ayaan Hirsi Ali. But unfortunately, Pim Fortuyn was murdered, and Ayaan Hirsi Ali driven out of the country by death threats. Now there is only Geert Wilders, who is being described, quite inaccurately, as ‘right-wing’ in order to poison minds against him. But his bravery and his self-sacrifice are now obvious. And the word ‘right-wing’ just won’t do the trick. It just won’t perform the magic that all the appeasers of Islam, in the Netherlands, think it will. He is going to re-take the Netherlands for the Dutch. ”
“Fitzgerald: Geert Wilders, right-wing politician”
“Far-right scents opportunity in euro crisis”
By Anna Holligan BBC News, The Hague.
“The Left Is Seldom Right”
Two-page interview on the theme.
I think ‘the bemused and martyred Dutch libertine’ above shoud have read: ‘the bemused and martyred Dutch libertarian’!
The BBC can`t help themselves can they?
Like a schizophrenic curates egg!…eh?
Just as I was to comment their “European Dream” Archive on 4 programme-although skewed in the usual ways, it was a good deal more factual and open that I myself would have expected-I find the Polly Parrotfilla called the World at War…sorry “at One”.
I don`t know from what Brussels filing cabinet the Commisssioner on Tax Harmonisation came from( nor who or what he is)…but he surely got teed up to hit the usual Euro Juncker Bond guff of taxes and threats…the EU does no other these days.
What is “cringe cringe, fawn fawn” in 23 languages then?…for Shaun Lay knows most of them.
So a qualified hats off to Tusa…and a beret with a Wehrmacht badge for wee Shaun…makes me pine for Wolfie Smith, who might,at least; have given our Euro Commissar more problems than UnderLay did!
I have just read the review of the sunday papers on ceefax. One mention each for the Times,Indy,Star and Mirror, two each for the Telegraph and Express but no less than FOUR for the Observer. And the Mail?…. Zilch, even though the Mail sell seven times as many copies as the Observer. No Guardian bias there then,evidently.
Early one morning just as the sun was rising I didn’t hear a maiden singing in the valley below. Instead, this morning I heard an edition of radio 4’s profile of Peter Higgs, the only physicist with his own bosun.
Elderly but brilliant theoretical physics genius Mr. Higgs might be suffering from savant syndrome. His eccentric behaviour, lack of practical abilities and dysfunctional personal relationships were treated with amused admiration. Samira Ahmed is obviously a great admirer.
To the BBC his former membership of the CND and Greenpeace movements are worthy attributes, and were described affectionately, but it became clear that these noble qualities were mere appetisers to what for the BBC would be his most compelling attribute. A principled refusal to attend an important prizegiving ceremony because it was held in Israel.
The Sunday Programme, radio 4.
Querulous Ying-Tong chanting, then: “Obviously Islam teaches us to work in harmony with others for the common good so it is our common destiny that we should work together [and ah] EastEnders. It is also imperative that we work for equality, justice, fairness, [dendidoo] we are all the creation of one God and we are one human race” trilled Mohammed Abdul Bari, chairman of the East London Mosque trust. This puff piece was about a demo by the multicultural civic action group ‘Citizens UK’. Yes indeedy.
Next, I was shocked, shocked, that the Telegraph is not only indistinguishable from the BBC these days, but has published something today that could easily grace the Guardian. Adrian Blomfield has written a huge article comprising so many Guardian/BBC slurs, innuendoes and churnalisms that I can’t help wondering if he’s been consorting with the BBC’s Jerusalem Jeremiahs.
I see Honest Reporting has beaten me to it. As this isn’t the place to dwell on non-BBC related material I won’t deconstruct it here, but I’m sure someone somewhere will do so.
Thanks Sue.
Normally it`s the sainted Craig that lets us know what “Sunday” has been putting out whilst the rest of us lie in…so thanks for doing the rota.
This kind of programme ought to be a rallying point re Camerons views, the Saudis beheading a “witch” and the theology or otherwise of Iran getting the nuclear bomb…honest,letting the facts speak for themselves and citing sources…like “In Our Time”.
Yet all we get are Piggotts and Stourtons instead.
Who said the following:
“… I was sentenced for the crime of collaboration with terrorism, and I did collaborate with the MRTA. I have never been a leader, nor a militant. I have never participated in acts of violence nor of bloodshed, nor have I killed anyone. And what I would like to clarify here is that I know that my mere participation, even though it was secondary in one incident, if it contributed to the violence in society, I am deeply sorry and I regret it .”
Answer. Lori Berenson in her own words.
“The daughter of university professors from New York, she travelled to Central and South America in the 1990s.
During her travels, she is believed to have made contact with the Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement.”
My emphasis.
Who is the BBC trying to kid?
The BBC is giving a reasonable amount of coverage to the death of Vaclav Havel.
But not once have I heard the BBC mention Havel’s most passionate recent crusading – against the nonsense of Global Warming. I am sure they will continue to cover that up. Mustn’t rock the boat.
John is that correct? I thought it was Vaclav Klaus .
“Yet there is certainly no love lost between the two men. Mr Havel has described Mr Klaus, a notoriously prickly Eurosceptic and champion of climate-change doubters, as “utterly unbearable”. A staunch free-marketeer, Mr Klaus served as prime minister under Mr Havel, who believes his reforms in the mid-1990s brought about “gangster capitalism”.
I doubt Havel and Klaus were in the same club.
You are correct – I confused Havel with Klaus
Hilary is apparently surprised … you d have thought she d have asked the OIC & muslim bro. about that wouldn t you … after all the close talks they ve been having in DC, perhaps too busy pushing forward for a blasphemy law …
soooo excited it must have slipped her mind entirely 😀
“Clinton says women sidelined in Egypt transition,” AFP
will it be in el beebs celebration of the arab spring?
I see the BBC is running a <a href=”http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-16203507“>puff piece</a> for the sort of renewable society they see us living in in the future…
Yahoo news has been showing this article on their MidEast webpage for some hours now, about an incident yesterday, but no sign of it on the equivalent BBC website. Yet when settlers put graffiti on a West Bank mosque it immediately becomes an international incident for the BBC and invariably held for days on its MidEast site. Somehow property damage is far more provoking than violence for the BBC, particularly when its done against Muslims than by them.
Notice too how the Yahoo article details other similar attacks and the results of them, something we never get from the BBC when the victims are Israelis.
Horrific Video: Arabs Surround Jewish Man, Beat Him With Rocks
Often, it’s seeing how another media outlet covers a story, that shows just how blatantly twisted is the BBC narrative, doing its best to conceal the truth.
This story has been running for a few hours now by AP
6 soldiers among dead; Syria weighing observers
BEIRUT (AP) — Armed clashes erupted in Syria Sunday, killing at least 15 civilians and six government troops, activists said. Isolated and faced with a possible civil war, Syria appeared to be bending toward allowing Arab League observers in as a step toward ending the conflict.
The Al-Arabiya TV channel said it had information from the Qatari prime minister that Syrian President Bashar Assad will sign an observer deal but gave no further details. Last month Syria agreed to an Arab League plan but balked at its implementation.
The foreign minister of Oman, speaking to reporters ahead of a Gulf Cooperation Council meeting in Saudi Arabia, also said Sunday he is “optimistic” that Syria will sign the protocol within 24 hours “and save the Arab world from foreign intervention.”
The Arab League has given Syria until Wednesday to sign a protocol to allow observers into the country, or else it will likely turn to the U.N. Security Council for action to try to end the deadly violence against regime opponents.
Syria’s state-run news agency SANA quoted Assad Sunday as saying in front of an Iraqi delegation that Syria has “dealt positively with proposals presented because it’s in (Syria’s) interest for the world to know what is happening in Syria.”
Syria has in the past said it would accept to have the monitors but then placed conditions that were rejected by the Arab League.
There’s more to the article but one sees in the first few paragraphs the important and relevant points that show what is going on there.
Despite hours passing since AP reported today’s deaths, the only article showing on the BBC website is this one from yesterday. Even without today’s deaths, notice the contrast in the opening lines.
Syria crisis: Iraq’s Falah Fayadh ‘positive’ on talks
An Iraqi delegation led by National Security adviser Falah al-Fayadh says it has held “positive” talks in Syria aimed at ending the violence there.
Mr Fayadh was trying to broker a deal based on Arab League proposals, and said he would update the group at a meeting in Cairo on Wednesday.
Meanwhile, Syria’s main opposition group held a conference in Tunisia.
The Syrian National Council is trying to present itself as a government-in-waiting set to replace Bashar al-Assad.
Pressure is mounting on the Syrian president to end the violence that the UN says has taken more than 5,000 lives since March.
Widespread anti-government protests encouraged by the Arab Spring triggered a harsh crackdown that has brought regional and international condemnation.
But after months of bloodshed and no sign of the regime falling, some Syrians have taken up arms in a bid to remove President Assad.
Security forces killed at least 24 people on Saturday, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said, most of them in the central province of Homs, a centre of anti-government protests.
The Local Co-ordination Committees, a group which organises and documents anti-government protests, said 40 people were killed, including eight former soldiers killed in clashes with the Syrian army.
It continues on, but notice how far down the article one gets before the most important aspects to the goings on in that country – at least 24 more have died yesterday – and there’s nothing POSITIVE about that – despite the headline. With all the talks and meetings and opinions of everyone being quoted – the deaths go on on a daily basis, Assad squirms every which way to carry on his violent reprisals, and the BBC do their best to conceal that fact.