On tonight’s BBC News report on the death of Vaclav Havel the BBC not only managed a dig at Bush Jr. more than two years after he left office (now THAT’S dedication to your hatred) but also referred to the ‘Velvet Divorce’ of Czechoslovakia into the Czech Republic and Slovakia as some kind of bad thing, presumably because it was a triumph of nationalism over internationalist nonsense.
Not very subtle on the 10 O’Clock News just now. John Simpson’s report on Vaclev Havel’s death stated “Intellectually, he was head and shoulders above other political leaders” accompanied by a picture of George Bush giving him a medal.
But didn`t the likes of Havel and Sharansky regularly ring the likes of Reagan and Bush to thank them personally after their releases?
Both these dissident giants knew that the likes of Reagan and Bush did not relent until they were freed…Bush was the “dissident President”…father or son is immaterial.
Can`t imagine Obama or Sarkozy giving a stuff for Liu Xiaobo…let alone all those nameless women and Christians in Saudi or Kabul.
Which is why Reagan, Thatcher etc will be forever judged kindly for such things…whereas Blair chose to rehabilitate Gadhaffi…”good call” as they`d say
So… reading some comments, their ‘response’ to a serious series of complaints is to point folk at an online, broadcast only (she seems not to have interacted yet) self-interviewing version of Newswatch, where Helen Boaden writes, and writes… and writes… that ‘they have got it about right’?
I’ve just watched live, as the news broke of the death of Kim Jong Il….The North Korean Comrade announing the news, actually looked a little more dignified and composed, than her shocked counterpart in the BBC studio.
No solomn music leading in either…This must have come as a real bolt from the blue for our official state broadcaster.
‘Insiders, however, claimed Paxman, who also hosts the broadcaster’s popular University Challenge, does not want the set turned into “Santa’s grotto”.’
…to, double-negatively…
‘Neither spokesmen for the BBC and Paxman, who has presented Newsnight since 1989, were unavailable for comment. The BBC Breakfast hosts have also not commented further.’
Unless it’s Not the BBC ‘news’ by ‘sources who say’ on twitter. Which does seem credible.
On the matter of credibility in BBC ‘news’, Newsnight long ago let that ship sail, sink and join BBC Breakfast at the bottom of the Marinas trench, so the presence of yet more flashing lights on set, along with a limited pool of celeb guests to appeal to a ‘broader demographic’, is hardly going to make much difference.
Can I refer you all back to Wally Greeninkers link on page 2 of this thread?
Having just heard Toadys output up to the 8am news, the marvellous Ayn Rand has them all covered.
Black kids at Oxford?…not enough of them(looters and moochers)
Unmarried couples not being taxed enough/too much(who cares?)…moochers advocating on behalf of looters.
Justin and Sarah…looters disguised as moochers!
Second handers all-have a chuckle and turn radio off!
Thank you Mr Greeninker!
My only extra comment regards these periodic squits over blacks at Oxbridge and single parents being moralised or patronised etc…always reminds me of that first bag onto the carousel that no-one ever owns…and is allowed to keep going round to everyones irritation, reminding them of how long they`ve been waiting for their own.
Think that first bag is the one sent out by the sneering nastier baggage handlers who want to invoke some anger in the ratty dulled spectators.
Think I`ve got my picture for the day anyway…useless baggage with Justin and Sarah fighting over the latex gloves.
Maybe a grievance industry index to be had here…am I to be passionate about the lack of blacks at Oxbridge, or the single mums lack of history teaching instead?
Transfusion for a bleeding heart anyone?…
It’s a plain statement adverting to the perception that the Beeboid Corporation has a large, maybe disproportionate, representation of homosexuals. There’s possibly an agenda around that that is political.
It’s a statement about the Beeboid Corporation – like this one taken from the quotes featured on the right of your screen under the heading ABOUT BIASED BBC:
“The BBC is not impartial or neutral. It’s a publicly funded, urban organisation with an abnormally large number of young people, ethnic minorities and gay people. It has a liberal bias not so much a party-political bias. It is better expressed as a cultural liberal bias”,
‘Homo’ is normally a derogatory way of referring to homosexuals. Even right wing papers wouldnt write something like ‘The government has announced measures to protect homos from discrimination’! And in the context of a post complaining about there being too many homosexuals at the BBC, it’s hard to argue that ‘homo’ was being used in a neutral way…
I don’t understand why you’re so keen to defend the post. There’s no way of knowing what proportion of the BBC staff are gay (unless you have access to personnel files), and even if there are proportionally more homosexuals at the BBC than in the general population, it’s a non-issue! The likes of the Guardian would love to portray us as a bunch of intolerant bigots, so why make it easy for them? 🙂
This isn’t a newspaper or a government White Paper. Informal terms that are more conversational are common enough on a blog. I don’t think it’s unusual for people in conversation to refer to heteros and homos as shorthand. They also use tranny as informal shorthand for transsexual. I don’t think it means anything more than that. Calling someone insulting names for homosexuals I would say is derogatory.
Just because it’s not an issue in your view, doesn’t mean it isn’t an issue.
People can and do post about numbers of homosexuals at the Beeboid Corporation just as they can and do about any other group of people. You don’t have to agree any more than I have to agree with what you post. You may have noticed I don’t!
Maybe the Guardian are bigots. They certainly don’t get my permission for what they write. And neither does Andrew Marr. The cheek of it! 😉
We can debate all day whether ‘homo’ is a derogatory term, but ltwf1964’s follow-up post demonstrates that he didn’t mean it as a term of endearment! 🙂
‘I happen to totally disagree with [homosexuals’] sexual practices’ seems pretty unambiguous! 😉
I don’t have a bee in my bonnet, btw. The Guardian is full of prejudice and bigotry masquerading as progressive, enlightened thinking. I am not holding them up as paragons of virtue! LOL!
And if people want to express controversial views, that’s their right. I just felt that this comment came across as ignorant, and used language that some people might find offensive. However, if he’d written something like ‘I believe that the BBC may have a recruitment bias against heterosexuals, for reasons of political correctness’, then that would have been a different kettle of fish (to continue the picene metaphors!). 🙂
Well, Jeff, your final paragraph shows why it is an issue. You’ve got it!
But if you are going to comment on everything that is offensive, you will be busy all day and all night. And what might be offensive to me might not be to you and so on and so on. If something might be offensive to homosexuals, above any other set of people, I wouldn’t see that as a reason to go, Nurse! Nurse! The smelling salts!
Yes, these things are subjective, and believe it or not I wasn’t massively offended by the comment! 🙂
I just think that one needs to be sensitive to others people’s sensibilities. Saying that an organisation is full to the gill with homosexuals, Asians, Jews, blacks, women, or any other group of people, without adding anything by way of clarification, is likely to cause un-necessary offence…
Also, would not these tax breaks also apply to gay couples? What’s the BBC’s problem here. I guess it’s just a knee-jerk reaction against anything that might sound the slightest bit ‘traditional’. They need to display their so-called ‘progressive’ credentials.
Had to laugh at the BBC this morning, I know it’s not hard, but today was just a cracker.
The BBC greeted me with reports of Newsreaders CRYING over the death of Kim Johnny Eel or whatever his name is.
The BBC seemed to be a bit sneery. What grown up women CRYING over the death of a murdering dictator, that sort of thing would NEVER happen with any other state broadcaster……
The BBC governors have upheld part of a complaint against a journalist who said she “started to cry” as a dying Yasser Arafat left the West Bank in 2004.
Kim Jong…I told you he was!( a joke for Jeremy Hardy…to be opened 2013 and explained carefully!)
Just thinking on Chris Hitchens referring to his imagined heaven as a celestial North Korea (a jape for the Beeboys there, ladies n gen`lmen!).Got to be a freebie research jolly for Piggott and all manner of Hitch huggers and atheists to tell us all if this is so…maybe Hitchens is there already!
If we tell them that, we can write off the airmiles…lose the buggers for Christmas…and maybe we could get them a carriage on that train that the dear Leader met his end in…some delay at Pyongyang Juction that was eh?
I`d watch it anyway…reacquaint Fatty Patten with his so outre grey pyjamas…if we let the waistband out a little at least?
Is that the Now Show a calling?…nah, thought not…too edgy and rad, man!
Don’t know if anyone else is listening ot Vikki Pollard on 5 lite, but she’s FURIOUS that people are not supporting the occupy scum or don’t understand what they are protesting about.
I’ve just started listening on iPlayer. At the very beginning she puts on an entirely too long (and unanswered) soundbite from an occupier and asked “Do you STILL support them” as if previously there was unanimous backing.
Before the 11am news, the BBC were getting a lot of negative feedback about the occupy scum. Since the 11am news it’s all be supportive, I think we know what the BBC were doing suring the news break as at least one of the callers in support of the occupy scum was in fact one himself!!!
The BBC you couldn’t make it up, well you can actually BBC.
Well done to the BBBC: this time they’ve truly outdone themselves in their ‘impartial’ politically correct reporting. The very sad case of a young Bangladeshi woman who’s brutal ignoramus of a husband cut off the fingers of her right hand (with a meat cleaver) because she dared to enrol in a college of further education.
Listen in wonder as the BBBC categorises this clearly religiously-motivated crime as ‘domestic violence’.
Another ‘but it’s on the internet’ effort, especially with its we gave the authorities ‘in its defence’ right of reply (oddly denied folk not so BBC narrative supported).
“Peddling the usual Labour snake oil, former Business Secretary Peter Mandelson sold himself on breakfast TV yesterday as the omniscient statesman and business adviser no company able to pay his high fees can be without. But why does the BBC feel it has to play the game Mandelson’s way?
Peter Mandelson used the opportunity of his appearance on breakfast TV to sell him self as the indispensable asset of any business. “Surely time could have been found to ask about a story in the Sunday Telegraph concerning himself and his company Global Counsel. He was said to have ‘touted’ for the business of Hosni Mubarak just days before the Egyptian dictator was overthrown.
“Tory MP Patrick Mercer commented: ‘You have to ask yourself why he gave such plaudits to a regime that was obviously oppressive and which, ultimately, fell at the will of the people.’
“I don’t think there is a need to ask ourselves this. ”
“As the eurozone totters, the British Broadcasting Corporation has become ever more mindful of its historic duty to defend the European project at all costs. Since David Cameron said ‘No’ in Brussels, the airwaves have been full of frightening words like ‘isolated’, ‘on the fringes’, and ‘lost in the mid-Atlantic’. The studios have been full of septuagenarians, such as Michael Heseltine and Leon Brittan, who represent the last generation of true believers.
“These propaganda efforts have not been confined to news programmes. The BBC is making a determined effort to take us back to the early, most sacred years in which the euro-religion developed its creed.”
AlibabaTalk_UKThe B2B MarketplaceTickets now available for @BCCConf 2012. Top speakers: Nick Clegg, Vince Cable, Ed Balls, & BBC’s Jon Sople. Book now! bit.ly/ssH4iX
Block booking?
Pienaar’s Politics? The usual BBC Pro-EU and anti-Tory.
Yesterday his Christmas Quiz was broadcast. Have you noticed how he has degenerated into something of a one trick pony? And sure enough he continues his theme of mocking the Libdems. ‘If the coalition were a marriage – who would be Basil?’ (Fawlty)
Pienaar’s interview with Vince Cable plugs away again at his favourite serious theme ‘Do you still hope to work in a coalition with Labour?’
I think even Saint Vince was a little taken aback, ‘I don’t hope….’ He bumbled.
Next we have a couple of pundits on, Tom Newton-Dunn from the Sun and Jenni Russell from the London Evening Standard who we are told ‘also writes for the Guardian’ (natch).
Europe is the theme – as if Britain’s position vis a vis the EU is our most presssing problem (most of the population think the PM ‘got it about right’ but hey, this is the Beeb.
Jenni gets away with a wonderful euphemism when talking of the Libdems difficulty as a party that ‘believe‘ in Europe. Well I had assumed that even the most swivelled-eyed of sceptics accepted that Europe exists! I think what – as a mealy-mouthed leftist – she meant was that she approves of further Federalisation or perhaps we should call it ‘pooled sovereignty’.
More interesting from a Beeb bias point of view were the so-called ‘real people‘ on Pienaar’s show.
George Atkin(?) used to be a bus driver in Eastbourne but ‘after coming on Pienaar’s Politics you quit your job to become a community radio presenter’.
This should be interesting….
John asks ‘With a clear majority for a referendum on European membership …..do you think Britain will forever be a eurosceptic country?’
‘I hope not….’ So our George’s view is not inline with 2/3 of the ‘real people’ then?
John asks how this climate of euroscepticism has come about?
‘I think it is a product of years of an enormous campaign of misinformation in the majority of the press’.
Can’t you just see the Beeb editor making a thumbs up through the glass partition? Or more to the point, George’s former mates at Eastbourne bus garage just clockinmg off after many a weary kilometer on the road toasting his words of pro-Euro wisdom by raising a celebratory mug of toscana to their former colleague?…No, me neither!
It’s encouraging that the BBC isn’t lauding L’il Kim like they will for Castro when he goes. But they could have been a little more honest about the various military attacks on South Korea and other attempts over the years, rather than just play the dangers as a perception held by others.
Hello, hello? Is that Jeremy Bowen? This the BBC here….no don’t do that – you’ve picked up now. Jez we know that’s your voice – so it’s no use pretending. Yes I know you said not to call for you for a month or so…..yes we made a note not to call you till the next Arab Spring. But Egypt has blown up again. Yeah it’s the military. No don’t get excited Jez, they haven’t invaded Israel – not yet anyway. Protesters again yeah. Yes I know you said it was all cool but people have been beaten up and killed. Look we’re sorry, you know we wouldn’t bother you if it was just the Christians. Who knows about it? Well it leaks out through the internet…..I know it’s a bloody nuisance. Wyre Davies isn’t picking up his phone. Yes, we’ve tried Katyar Adler. Look we’re sorry Jez but John Simpson has booked himself into a health spa. Look, Jez it’s not as if we’re asking you to report from Damascus….
What made me laugh is last week Newsnight had a debate with a load of ‘wimmin’ and some bird from Egypt (she had a go at the BBC on her Twitter feed afterwards). It was a totally one sided pile of crap.
Reminds me of Mason’s blog “It’s all kicking off”. Take a read and remind yourself of why Mason is a twat.
On the radio this a.m. heartbroken newsreaders wailing, the Great Leader gone, round of golf 38 under par, 11 holes in one, saved the global financial system.
Yes I thought the BBC were announcing the death of Gordon Brown.
More light relief provided by Radio 5 (ah ha ha ha barely alive, barely a)Live with Gameshow Nikk interviewing his best mate, Grey Al Darling about the mooted bankong reforms.
The way Darling was allowed to talk about the regulatory failures of the banking systems globally up to 2008 in the abstract, as though he wasn’t there. right in the middle of it all, failing to regulate.
Here we go again. RBS is getting restructured, and the Government selling its 84% stake at a loss. One key reform is that the bank have to keep more cash on hand against a rainy day.
Cue wailing and gnashing of teeth from Beeboids about how banks aren’t lending enough and are instead hoarding cash. Hugh Pym is setting up that Narrative right now on the News Channel.
One other thing: Spot the Missing Government which bought RBS and stuck the taxpayer with the bill, rather than breaking it up and doing a Bear Stearns or similar. Can’t blame Osborne for the taxpayer loss now, but the BBC will anyway.
The fact that NuLabour both set up and presided over the failed bank regulatory system has been well and truly airbrushed out of Beeb approved history.
Similarly Tory (and Libdem) spokesmen always have to remind BBC interviewers that Labour racked up the public deficit.
Furthermore I have never noticed a Beeboid acknowledge ever having heard of anyone during the boom who remortagaged their house to pay for a foreign holiday or a new car.
Nope, it was all about those bloated capitalist bankers forcing debt onto the hardworking socialistic-minded prols.
True. No mention today at all of who decided it was a good idea to buy RBS instead of breaking it up and selling it. No mention of who “encouraged” Lloyds (down more than 4% today) to absorb HBOS, or who bent the rules to make it happen.
Robert Peston is also applying the airbrush. Oh, and it all started in America. His biography subject is glaringly absent. Same goes for his post on Northern Rock, where the taxpayers are set lose like 40% of their investment. Osborne must be out of his mind, but who created this situation? Peston should be more honest, as his conflict of interest is well known.
A different News Online report does mention that Labour did it, but there’s no voice critical of doing so in the first place. Labour is allowed to criticize selling the one NR division off, but nobody seems to be interested in explaining why it’s still such a disaster.
No mention that the US TARP “bailouts” were all repaid – even the ones to European banks – with interest. Even the US Government’s stake in Citigroup was sold at a small profit. Why no such luck in the UK? Where’s the astute BBC analysis on that score, with all these high-profile, highly-paid editors? Who was best-placed again? I forget.
Mardell’s blog post about the heroic Bradley Manning focused exclusively on telling you the defense strategy that the trial is rigged from the start and is unfair.
Will his next report be written to emphasize the other side? Or will all his reports be spun from the heroic Manning’s point of view from now on? After all, he’s there to give you his opinion on things, not specifically inform.
Found myself listening to 5 Live after midnight last night.
Bloke called Stephen Nolan.
To be fair, he managed to scoff at the well-oiled Keith Vaz in regard of his Home Office Committee recommendations.
1. No hoods or balaclavas to need removal…apparently the police will know who they are, so why bother with antagonising the poppets?
2. None of that curfew stuff either…might they not all be looking for Proust that late at night in Ordsall?
Well…looking for their dads or Jeremy Kyle anyway!
Nolan had an open door to kick in, but managed only a scratching at the door post…still, compared to Radio 4; he wasn`t awful!
No time for a full diatribe, but this Stephanie “Two Eds” Flanders appearance at the BBC CoJ from Dec. 8 is very revealing. It was done before the recent Cameron Isolated the UK deal, so can’t blame her for being wrong again when she predicts it will go okay.
But still, what a mess. I feel sorry for “Two Eds” in a way, as she has to explain this convoluted series of carnival-grade contortions to people who understand about as much of this as my four year-old nephew does. However, her attempt shows her mindset. Printing money can possibly save the day if it goes through the right channels. I guess this wasn’t the time or place to mention that at least five countries never reined in their spending anywhere near enough, which is why it took a crisis before they’d listen.
I hate to beat the Titanic metaphor to death here, but one does get the impression that she’s watching the Euro mandarins rearrange the deck chairs and thinks that it just might work if they get the seat covers to look right.
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Eddy BoothFeb 23, 11:21 Weekend 22nd February 2025 ‘You don’t forget a place like that’ Starmer says after frontline Ukraine trip https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/c8j0yje9pr3t 10:46 Wow he’s really brave doing…
On tonight’s BBC News report on the death of Vaclav Havel the BBC not only managed a dig at Bush Jr. more than two years after he left office (now THAT’S dedication to your hatred) but also referred to the ‘Velvet Divorce’ of Czechoslovakia into the Czech Republic and Slovakia as some kind of bad thing, presumably because it was a triumph of nationalism over internationalist nonsense.
Not very subtle on the 10 O’Clock News just now. John Simpson’s report on Vaclev Havel’s death stated “Intellectually, he was head and shoulders above other political leaders” accompanied by a picture of George Bush giving him a medal.
But didn`t the likes of Havel and Sharansky regularly ring the likes of Reagan and Bush to thank them personally after their releases?
Both these dissident giants knew that the likes of Reagan and Bush did not relent until they were freed…Bush was the “dissident President”…father or son is immaterial.
Can`t imagine Obama or Sarkozy giving a stuff for Liu Xiaobo…let alone all those nameless women and Christians in Saudi or Kabul.
Which is why Reagan, Thatcher etc will be forever judged kindly for such things…whereas Blair chose to rehabilitate Gadhaffi…”good call” as they`d say
So… reading some comments, their ‘response’ to a serious series of complaints is to point folk at an online, broadcast only (she seems not to have interacted yet) self-interviewing version of Newswatch, where Helen Boaden writes, and writes… and writes… that ‘they have got it about right’?
And going well, one can tell.
Applicable to BBC-Patten-EU, I think:
“For years the Europhiles have claimed the intellectual high ground.
Now they look stupid, and that’s why they’re lashing out at Britain.”
I’ve just watched live, as the news broke of the death of Kim Jong Il….The North Korean Comrade announing the news, actually looked a little more dignified and composed, than her shocked counterpart in the BBC studio.
No solomn music leading in either…This must have come as a real bolt from the blue for our official state broadcaster.
Not the far-left Kim Jong Il, I see?
Jeremy Paxman a ‘scrooge for banning Christmas tree from Newsnight set’ – http://www.telegraph.co.uk/topics/christmas/8964990/Jeremy-Paxman-a-scrooge-for-banning-Christmas-tree-from-Newsnight-set.html
Interesting that Paxo is allowed to make that call – I’d have thought it would up to producers and senior management…
A little intrigued hwo one gets from…
‘Insiders, however, claimed Paxman, who also hosts the broadcaster’s popular University Challenge, does not want the set turned into “Santa’s grotto”.’
…to, double-negatively…
‘Neither spokesmen for the BBC and Paxman, who has presented Newsnight since 1989, were unavailable for comment. The BBC Breakfast hosts have also not commented further.’
Unless it’s Not the BBC ‘news’ by ‘sources who say’ on twitter. Which does seem credible.
On the matter of credibility in BBC ‘news’, Newsnight long ago let that ship sail, sink and join BBC Breakfast at the bottom of the Marinas trench, so the presence of yet more flashing lights on set, along with a limited pool of celeb guests to appeal to a ‘broader demographic’, is hardly going to make much difference.
Not much danger of Paxman being confused with Santa, is there?
Can I refer you all back to Wally Greeninkers link on page 2 of this thread?
Having just heard Toadys output up to the 8am news, the marvellous Ayn Rand has them all covered.
Black kids at Oxford?…not enough of them(looters and moochers)
Unmarried couples not being taxed enough/too much(who cares?)…moochers advocating on behalf of looters.
Justin and Sarah…looters disguised as moochers!
Second handers all-have a chuckle and turn radio off!
Thank you Mr Greeninker!
My only extra comment regards these periodic squits over blacks at Oxbridge and single parents being moralised or patronised etc…always reminds me of that first bag onto the carousel that no-one ever owns…and is allowed to keep going round to everyones irritation, reminding them of how long they`ve been waiting for their own.
Think that first bag is the one sent out by the sneering nastier baggage handlers who want to invoke some anger in the ratty dulled spectators.
Think I`ve got my picture for the day anyway…useless baggage with Justin and Sarah fighting over the latex gloves.
Maybe a grievance industry index to be had here…am I to be passionate about the lack of blacks at Oxbridge, or the single mums lack of history teaching instead?
Transfusion for a bleeding heart anyone?…
Another day another Tory policy being attacked by the BBC. This time it’s a tax break for marriage getting torn apart by the mostly gay left wing BBC.
Can you imagine if Cameron had proposed a tax break for homosexuals? The BBC would have been delighted.
the bbc is stuffed to the gills with homos
it would have been party time all round
or would that be party time all reach-around?
Re – ‘The bbc is stuffed to the gills with homos’ –
I don’t care what the sexual orientation of the people working at the BBC is. My only complaint is with their political bias.
With respect, comments like that make it easy for critics of this site to paint us all as right-wing bigots.
It’s a plain statement adverting to the perception that the Beeboid Corporation has a large, maybe disproportionate, representation of homosexuals. There’s possibly an agenda around that that is political.
Re: ‘It’s a plain statement’ – No, it isn’t.
It used emotive language which some people may find offensive and homophobic. ‘Stuffed to the gills’ is hardly neutral language.
Re: ‘Beeboid Corporation has a large, maybe disproportionate, representation of homosexuals’.
Two points:
A. Who cares if it does? Are homosexuals less capable of producing impartial, high quality programming in your view?
B. What evidence is there that there are a disproportionate proportion of homosexuals amongst the BBC’s 22,000 staff?
It’s a statement about the Beeboid Corporation – like this one taken from the quotes featured on the right of your screen under the heading ABOUT BIASED BBC:
“The BBC is not impartial or neutral. It’s a publicly funded, urban organisation with an abnormally large number of young people, ethnic minorities and gay people. It has a liberal bias not so much a party-political bias. It is better expressed as a cultural liberal bias”,
Andrew Marr
the Daily Mail, Oct 21st, 2006.
Stuffed to the gills is another way of stating the same as above and is not offensive language.
Millie –
Sorry, but ‘Stuffed to the gills with homos’ isn’t neutral language! Do you think it’s respectful to refer to homosexual people as homos?
And do you think Andrew Marr is qualified to comment on the sexuality of 22,000 people?
It’s just like referring to people as heteros, short for heterosexuals.
It’s not as if someone was insulting, name-calling or verbally abusing homosexuals. Which I have seen, incidentally, but not in this particular case.
‘Homo’ is normally a derogatory way of referring to homosexuals. Even right wing papers wouldnt write something like ‘The government has announced measures to protect homos from discrimination’! And in the context of a post complaining about there being too many homosexuals at the BBC, it’s hard to argue that ‘homo’ was being used in a neutral way…
I don’t understand why you’re so keen to defend the post. There’s no way of knowing what proportion of the BBC staff are gay (unless you have access to personnel files), and even if there are proportionally more homosexuals at the BBC than in the general population, it’s a non-issue! The likes of the Guardian would love to portray us as a bunch of intolerant bigots, so why make it easy for them? 🙂
Have you got a bee in your bonnet? 😀
This isn’t a newspaper or a government White Paper. Informal terms that are more conversational are common enough on a blog. I don’t think it’s unusual for people in conversation to refer to heteros and homos as shorthand. They also use tranny as informal shorthand for transsexual. I don’t think it means anything more than that. Calling someone insulting names for homosexuals I would say is derogatory.
Just because it’s not an issue in your view, doesn’t mean it isn’t an issue.
People can and do post about numbers of homosexuals at the Beeboid Corporation just as they can and do about any other group of people. You don’t have to agree any more than I have to agree with what you post. You may have noticed I don’t!
Maybe the Guardian are bigots. They certainly don’t get my permission for what they write. And neither does Andrew Marr. The cheek of it! 😉
I find the term “homophobic” to be totally insulting and offensive-not to mention completely invented by homosexual fascists
I’m not in fear of homosexuals
i happen to totally disagree with their sexual practices
“I find the term “homophobic” to be totally insulting…”
How do you feel about calling muslims “dune coons”? Would that be perfecrly ok acording to you?
Hi Millie
We can debate all day whether ‘homo’ is a derogatory term, but ltwf1964’s follow-up post demonstrates that he didn’t mean it as a term of endearment! 🙂
‘I happen to totally disagree with [homosexuals’] sexual practices’ seems pretty unambiguous! 😉
I don’t have a bee in my bonnet, btw. The Guardian is full of prejudice and bigotry masquerading as progressive, enlightened thinking. I am not holding them up as paragons of virtue! LOL!
And if people want to express controversial views, that’s their right. I just felt that this comment came across as ignorant, and used language that some people might find offensive. However, if he’d written something like ‘I believe that the BBC may have a recruitment bias against heterosexuals, for reasons of political correctness’, then that would have been a different kettle of fish (to continue the picene metaphors!). 🙂
Well, Jeff, your final paragraph shows why it is an issue. You’ve got it!
But if you are going to comment on everything that is offensive, you will be busy all day and all night. And what might be offensive to me might not be to you and so on and so on. If something might be offensive to homosexuals, above any other set of people, I wouldn’t see that as a reason to go, Nurse! Nurse! The smelling salts!
Yes, these things are subjective, and believe it or not I wasn’t massively offended by the comment! 🙂
I just think that one needs to be sensitive to others people’s sensibilities. Saying that an organisation is full to the gill with homosexuals, Asians, Jews, blacks, women, or any other group of people, without adding anything by way of clarification, is likely to cause un-necessary offence…
…and believe it or not I wasn’t massively offended by the comment!
After all that, now he tells me! =-O
Nicely swerved! 😉
Jeff, I agree totally.
Also, would not these tax breaks also apply to gay couples? What’s the BBC’s problem here. I guess it’s just a knee-jerk reaction against anything that might sound the slightest bit ‘traditional’. They need to display their so-called ‘progressive’ credentials.
Had to laugh at the BBC this morning, I know it’s not hard, but today was just a cracker.
The BBC greeted me with reports of Newsreaders CRYING over the death of Kim Johnny Eel or whatever his name is.
The BBC seemed to be a bit sneery. What grown up women CRYING over the death of a murdering dictator, that sort of thing would NEVER happen with any other state broadcaster……
The BBC governors have upheld part of a complaint against a journalist who said she “started to cry” as a dying Yasser Arafat left the West Bank in 2004.
Her comments “breached the requirements of due impartiality”, they ruled
Kim Jong…I told you he was!( a joke for Jeremy Hardy…to be opened 2013 and explained carefully!)
Just thinking on Chris Hitchens referring to his imagined heaven as a celestial North Korea (a jape for the Beeboys there, ladies n gen`lmen!).Got to be a freebie research jolly for Piggott and all manner of Hitch huggers and atheists to tell us all if this is so…maybe Hitchens is there already!
If we tell them that, we can write off the airmiles…lose the buggers for Christmas…and maybe we could get them a carriage on that train that the dear Leader met his end in…some delay at Pyongyang Juction that was eh?
I`d watch it anyway…reacquaint Fatty Patten with his so outre grey pyjamas…if we let the waistband out a little at least?
Is that the Now Show a calling?…nah, thought not…too edgy and rad, man!
Don’t know if anyone else is listening ot Vikki Pollard on 5 lite, but she’s FURIOUS that people are not supporting the occupy scum or don’t understand what they are protesting about.
She’s SHOUTING at people live on air.
She’s furious that people are not supporting them?
I wonder how she’d react if she knew what I really think of them?
I’ve just started listening on iPlayer. At the very beginning she puts on an entirely too long (and unanswered) soundbite from an occupier and asked “Do you STILL support them” as if previously there was unanimous backing.
Before the 11am news, the BBC were getting a lot of negative feedback about the occupy scum. Since the 11am news it’s all be supportive, I think we know what the BBC were doing suring the news break as at least one of the callers in support of the occupy scum was in fact one himself!!!
The BBC you couldn’t make it up, well you can actually BBC.
Well done to the BBBC: this time they’ve truly outdone themselves in their ‘impartial’ politically correct reporting. The very sad case of a young Bangladeshi woman who’s brutal ignoramus of a husband cut off the fingers of her right hand (with a meat cleaver) because she dared to enrol in a college of further education.
Listen in wonder as the BBBC categorises this clearly religiously-motivated crime as ‘domestic violence’.
I despair.
How’s the fuming here I wonder, Arab springing-wise, I wonder?
I am sure the cherry vultures would oblige, but it is tucked away amongst all that ‘dictators we like’ stuff.
Another ‘but it’s on the internet’ effort, especially with its we gave the authorities ‘in its defence’ right of reply (oddly denied folk not so BBC narrative supported).
Actually, it’s proving hard to decide which rioters and riot police Auntie likes as justified, and doesn’t like as deserving all they get, isn’t it?
Guessing those unarmed women strippers and beaters were flawless, then?
“Mandy’s fans at the BBC “
(by Peter McKay)
“Peddling the usual Labour snake oil, former Business Secretary Peter Mandelson sold himself on breakfast TV yesterday as the omniscient statesman and business adviser no company able to pay his high fees can be without. But why does the BBC feel it has to play the game Mandelson’s way?
Peter Mandelson used the opportunity of his appearance on breakfast TV to sell him self as the indispensable asset of any business.
“Surely time could have been found to ask about a story in the Sunday Telegraph concerning himself and his company Global Counsel. He was said to have ‘touted’ for the business of Hosni Mubarak just days before the Egyptian dictator was overthrown.
“Tory MP Patrick Mercer commented: ‘You have to ask yourself why he gave such plaudits to a regime that was obviously oppressive and which, ultimately, fell at the will of the people.’
“I don’t think there is a need to ask ourselves this. ”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2075848/Eurozone-crisis-Its-France-Germany-hate-Europe.html#ixzz1gzFw79qb
“The BBC makes a meal of the EU dream.
Charles Moore reviews Beyond Borders (Radio 4). ”
[Opening excerpt]:
“As the eurozone totters, the British Broadcasting Corporation has become ever more mindful of its historic duty to defend the European project at all costs. Since David Cameron said ‘No’ in Brussels, the airwaves have been full of frightening words like ‘isolated’, ‘on the fringes’, and ‘lost in the mid-Atlantic’. The studios have been full of septuagenarians, such as Michael Heseltine and Leon Brittan, who represent the last generation of true believers.
“These propaganda efforts have not been confined to news programmes. The BBC is making a determined effort to take us back to the early, most sacred years in which the euro-religion developed its creed.”
AlibabaTalk_UK The B2B Marketplace Tickets now available for @BCCConf 2012. Top speakers: Nick Clegg, Vince Cable, Ed Balls, & BBC’s Jon Sople. Book now! bit.ly/ssH4iX
Block booking?
Pienaar’s Politics? The usual BBC Pro-EU and anti-Tory.
Yesterday his Christmas Quiz was broadcast. Have you noticed how he has degenerated into something of a one trick pony? And sure enough he continues his theme of mocking the Libdems. ‘If the coalition were a marriage – who would be Basil?’ (Fawlty)
Pienaar’s interview with Vince Cable plugs away again at his favourite serious theme ‘Do you still hope to work in a coalition with Labour?’
I think even Saint Vince was a little taken aback, ‘I don’t hope….’ He bumbled.
Next we have a couple of pundits on, Tom Newton-Dunn from the Sun and Jenni Russell from the London Evening Standard who we are told ‘also writes for the Guardian’ (natch).
Europe is the theme – as if Britain’s position vis a vis the EU is our most presssing problem (most of the population think the PM ‘got it about right’ but hey, this is the Beeb.
Jenni gets away with a wonderful euphemism when talking of the Libdems difficulty as a party that ‘believe‘ in Europe. Well I had assumed that even the most swivelled-eyed of sceptics accepted that Europe exists! I think what – as a mealy-mouthed leftist – she meant was that she approves of further Federalisation or perhaps we should call it ‘pooled sovereignty’.
More interesting from a Beeb bias point of view were the so-called ‘real people‘ on Pienaar’s show.
George Atkin(?) used to be a bus driver in Eastbourne but ‘after coming on Pienaar’s Politics you quit your job to become a community radio presenter’.
This should be interesting….
John asks ‘With a clear majority for a referendum on European membership …..do you think Britain will forever be a eurosceptic country?’
‘I hope not….’ So our George’s view is not inline with 2/3 of the ‘real people’ then?
John asks how this climate of euroscepticism has come about?
‘I think it is a product of years of an enormous campaign of misinformation in the majority of the press’.
Can’t you just see the Beeb editor making a thumbs up through the glass partition? Or more to the point, George’s former mates at Eastbourne bus garage just clockinmg off after many a weary kilometer on the road toasting his words of pro-Euro wisdom by raising a celebratory mug of toscana to their former colleague?…No, me neither!
‘I think it is a product of years of an enormous campaign of misinformation in the majority of the press’.
Right answer, wrong question.
It’s encouraging that the BBC isn’t lauding L’il Kim like they will for Castro when he goes. But they could have been a little more honest about the various military attacks on South Korea and other attempts over the years, rather than just play the dangers as a perception held by others.
Hello, hello? Is that Jeremy Bowen? This the BBC here….no don’t do that – you’ve picked up now. Jez we know that’s your voice – so it’s no use pretending. Yes I know you said not to call for you for a month or so…..yes we made a note not to call you till the next Arab Spring. But Egypt has blown up again. Yeah it’s the military. No don’t get excited Jez, they haven’t invaded Israel – not yet anyway. Protesters again yeah. Yes I know you said it was all cool but people have been beaten up and killed. Look we’re sorry, you know we wouldn’t bother you if it was just the Christians. Who knows about it? Well it leaks out through the internet…..I know it’s a bloody nuisance. Wyre Davies isn’t picking up his phone. Yes, we’ve tried Katyar Adler. Look we’re sorry Jez but John Simpson has booked himself into a health spa. Look, Jez it’s not as if we’re asking you to report from Damascus….
What made me laugh is last week Newsnight had a debate with a load of ‘wimmin’ and some bird from Egypt (she had a go at the BBC on her Twitter feed afterwards). It was a totally one sided pile of crap.
Reminds me of Mason’s blog “It’s all kicking off”. Take a read and remind yourself of why Mason is a twat.
Paul ‘Hasn’t posted since the 9th’ Mason? That one?
Do see what you mean though. Probably a mercy he’s ‘off’.
‘Newsnight’ Beeboids have finished broadcasting now until 3 January, 2012; they need all that time to recover from the stress of 2011.
But no doubt MARDELL will find time to tell us that his Obamessiah needs a ‘little break’ too:
“A $4 MILLION vacation: Separate flights, luxury hotels and plenty of golf… the price of Obama’s annual Hawaiian holiday soars”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2075958/Obamas-annual-holiday-Hawaii-costs-4m.html#ixzz1h0Umciv6
It must be stressful for Beeboids to try invent any assertion for their propaganda on e.g.:
E.U, Obama, Manning, Miliband, UKUNCut, Occupy, Arab Spring, climate.
On the radio this a.m. heartbroken newsreaders wailing, the Great Leader gone, round of golf 38 under par, 11 holes in one, saved the global financial system.
Yes I thought the BBC were announcing the death of Gordon Brown.
More light relief provided by Radio 5 (ah ha ha ha barely alive, barely a)Live with Gameshow Nikk interviewing his best mate, Grey Al Darling about the mooted bankong reforms.
The way Darling was allowed to talk about the regulatory failures of the banking systems globally up to 2008 in the abstract, as though he wasn’t there. right in the middle of it all, failing to regulate.
Kim Jong Il would have been proud.
Here we go again. RBS is getting restructured, and the Government selling its 84% stake at a loss. One key reform is that the bank have to keep more cash on hand against a rainy day.
Cue wailing and gnashing of teeth from Beeboids about how banks aren’t lending enough and are instead hoarding cash. Hugh Pym is setting up that Narrative right now on the News Channel.
One other thing: Spot the Missing Government which bought RBS and stuck the taxpayer with the bill, rather than breaking it up and doing a Bear Stearns or similar. Can’t blame Osborne for the taxpayer loss now, but the BBC will anyway.
The fact that NuLabour both set up and presided over the failed bank regulatory system has been well and truly airbrushed out of Beeb approved history.
Similarly Tory (and Libdem) spokesmen always have to remind BBC interviewers that Labour racked up the public deficit.
Furthermore I have never noticed a Beeboid acknowledge ever having heard of anyone during the boom who remortagaged their house to pay for a foreign holiday or a new car.
Nope, it was all about those bloated capitalist bankers forcing debt onto the hardworking socialistic-minded prols.
True. No mention today at all of who decided it was a good idea to buy RBS instead of breaking it up and selling it. No mention of who “encouraged” Lloyds (down more than 4% today) to absorb HBOS, or who bent the rules to make it happen.
Robert Peston is also applying the airbrush. Oh, and it all started in America. His biography subject is glaringly absent. Same goes for his post on Northern Rock, where the taxpayers are set lose like 40% of their investment. Osborne must be out of his mind, but who created this situation? Peston should be more honest, as his conflict of interest is well known.
A different News Online report does mention that Labour did it, but there’s no voice critical of doing so in the first place. Labour is allowed to criticize selling the one NR division off, but nobody seems to be interested in explaining why it’s still such a disaster.
No mention that the US TARP “bailouts” were all repaid – even the ones to European banks – with interest. Even the US Government’s stake in Citigroup was sold at a small profit. Why no such luck in the UK? Where’s the astute BBC analysis on that score, with all these high-profile, highly-paid editors? Who was best-placed again? I forget.
The BBC makes a meal of the EU dream – http://www.telegraph.co.uk/comment/columnists/charlesmoore/8965045/The-BBC-makes-a-meal-of-the-EU-dream.html
Mardell’s blog post about the heroic Bradley Manning focused exclusively on telling you the defense strategy that the trial is rigged from the start and is unfair.
Will his next report be written to emphasize the other side? Or will all his reports be spun from the heroic Manning’s point of view from now on? After all, he’s there to give you his opinion on things, not specifically inform.
Found myself listening to 5 Live after midnight last night.
Bloke called Stephen Nolan.
To be fair, he managed to scoff at the well-oiled Keith Vaz in regard of his Home Office Committee recommendations.
1. No hoods or balaclavas to need removal…apparently the police will know who they are, so why bother with antagonising the poppets?
2. None of that curfew stuff either…might they not all be looking for Proust that late at night in Ordsall?
Well…looking for their dads or Jeremy Kyle anyway!
Nolan had an open door to kick in, but managed only a scratching at the door post…still, compared to Radio 4; he wasn`t awful!
No time for a full diatribe, but this Stephanie “Two Eds” Flanders appearance at the BBC CoJ from Dec. 8 is very revealing. It was done before the recent Cameron Isolated the UK deal, so can’t blame her for being wrong again when she predicts it will go okay.
But still, what a mess. I feel sorry for “Two Eds” in a way, as she has to explain this convoluted series of carnival-grade contortions to people who understand about as much of this as my four year-old nephew does. However, her attempt shows her mindset. Printing money can possibly save the day if it goes through the right channels. I guess this wasn’t the time or place to mention that at least five countries never reined in their spending anywhere near enough, which is why it took a crisis before they’d listen.
I hate to beat the Titanic metaphor to death here, but one does get the impression that she’s watching the Euro mandarins rearrange the deck chairs and thinks that it just might work if they get the seat covers to look right.
Sheena on the 10 o’clock “news” shilling for occupy London again
has it caught the public’s imagination?
ermmmmm no Mark,it hasn’t actually,but thanks for trying anyway
has it caught the public’s imagination?
Nope. I imagine it’s the occupiers who have probably caught something. 🙂