I think we will see similar scenes at the BBC when Castro dies…
I noticed Joh Simpson managed a report on North Korea without mentioning the words socialist, communist or leftwing,
You’re lucky he didn’t call the regime “Thatcherite”. Back in the late eighties, die-hard neo-stalinists in the USSR were invariably described by the bbc as “right-wing” and “conservative”.
The BBC were proud of that one. Makes me laugh that lefty scum call for Clarkson to be sacked yet not one of the beeboid scumbags who did that programme walked the plank.
Tomorrw is a day for black armbands in White City. Kim never had to put up with Biased Pyongyang Broadcasting websites, or those who denied the weather was better in North Korea than the South. You have got to admit there is a lot to be admired about Kim. Sorry, may be you didn’t hear me. I said YOU HAVE GOT TO…
Well James…old Il might now be dead, but the women of North Korea will redeem the nation for the Party and its Dear-Departed Leader!
How do I know so?…well Womans Hour has some husky poppet from a Uni nearby to tell us that North Korea had more women in the workplace than anywhere else on earth(89%in 1994…sadly down to 45% now though!)
I daresay that Womans Hour wouldn`t be so rain on the parade..but not even a damp tissue will be wrung coyly from under the Beebs umbrella.
If market activity involves selling your own body parts…or selling your children…then North Korea certainly is doing something to up its GDP for the Gender Studies Units worldwide…
Poor Jane Garvey a bit gauche and clearly doesn`t get out of that kitchen much when she won`t think of such things, but when it comes to stitching up narratives and weaving yarns of socialist utopias?…why, she`s a little treasure.
Boaden,Murray, Thomson and Garvey…wouddn`t you love to sit in as they stitch crossly all day?…still Jong Ils suit looks ironed, and that pillow of his turned up fair lovely out of the whites pile eh?
Next up…the story of Mrs Jong Il, and her pattern for a nuclear silo cover/cosy!
If Hitchens idea of heaven was a celestial North Korea as he said…then I wonder if Jong-Il is lying wasted in a Washington salon and writing odes to Trotsky…or sending his excrement to the Little Sisiters of the Poor in Calcutta( no, I won`t rename it!)
Might be a good bodyswap series here eh?
I just watched University Challenge, Christmas edition, in which famous (yeah, well, sort of) graduates from the University of York and the University of Manchester competed. It was probably to be expected that, of the eight contestants, two were from the Grauniad, one from the other beeboid in-house rag, The Independent, and another from the World Health Organisation.
On the plus side, seeing the usually uber-smug Steve Richards (History, York) abjectly failing to answer correctly anything on his own subject (including questions on the House of York, for heaven’s sake) did make me laugh.
Yes, snap, even my wife unprompted commented on what a bunch oflefties they had found. And you forgot to mention York having the accustomed female stand up comedian that no-one has ever heard of.
It just goes to show that these bien peasants know next to nothing about anything let alone the subjects they are supposed to be ‘experts’ in. Maybe that’s why they are destroying the education of the poor – I always thought it was eliminating the (potential) opposition but it now seems clear. They are afraid of been eclipsed not simply competed with.
Absolutely communist. No, the female announcer wasn’t crying. No, starving North Koreans aren’t grieving. No, those weren’t the massed ranks of his faithful followers, just party members who were told to turn up. No, the BBC cameras weren’t present, just the North Korean ones. No, North Koreans weren’t deliriously happy until about 10 years ago (ie attempts at US pressure to denuclearise). No, Im not paying my annual communist party membership/license fee.
At 25 minutes, they will probably only get a) unemployed activists with time on their hands, b) egocentric self deusional nutters with a God complex (ditto) or c) tinkers messing with them.
So… perfect for a BBC ‘snapshot’ of the UK they think they represent.
My working hypothesis is that the Beeboid Corporation must be testing to find out whether it has succeeded in abolishing morality. I think it must be worried. Recent public events and pronouncements have not been entirely reassuring for the Beeboid masterminds and their grand project.
I get the sense that someone somewhere at the BBC is taking note of these comments every so often.
I`m listening to The Life Scientific as I write…and think it`s actually pretty good thus far. The occassional sideswipe, but I`m happy enough with that.
Both Winston and Al Jalili are doing their best to inform…maybe we`ll see the Global Warming tosh as the nadir of lime green Nazi massage, and things may yet get better.
Heck…even Brian Cox and O`Briain were rational and not popping at Christians all the time on yesterdays “Monkey Cage”.
Goodwill to all men…but, that said; Robin Ince will never be funny!
Quite a good yarn but written to tick as many BBC boxes as possible. First of all there was a newspaper stand with a headline that I was sure was about unemployment. Fair enough as it was set in depression hit Glasgow, but then it went for some more:
Good, honest hard-working man who is so poor that he had to send his son to the poor house just to pay for a new horse harness.
An ugly, shaven-headed extremely misogynistic professor who ignores women in his class and fights their just cause to have a Ladies toilet installed. When he had a small argument with another, more “enlightened” member of staff he called him a “Socialist”. How many tick boxes does that fulfill.
Two lady students, one who is rich so therefore doesn’t care for “women’s rights”, and the other an attractive, decent girl who is determined to fight for her rights to have a toilet. She of course is one of the main characters.
Obviously we cannot argue with her right to be treated as an equal and have facilities, but of course that is why the BBC chose such a blatant, unarguable cause that we can all support.
Not to put a spoiler on it but, of course, she got her toilet and the big joke is that it was the evil, right-wing professor whose room became the new facility. Oh the indignity of it – he even had to now share an office with one of the other professors.
I enjoyed it but am annoyed that I can see through so many BBC left-wing propaganda tricks that it takes the edge off a bit. There are two more episodes – plenty of time to bring a racial element into the script. One assumes that it will be attacks on Jews by fascists as this is set in the 1930s, and these are the only Jews that the BBC loves and defends. I wonder what other BBC tick boxes will be filled by the last episode.
As a great fan of the Herriot stories from my youth, I saw the trailers and decided not to watch as it was obvious there was box-ticking going on. Does it actually have anything to do with real Herriot or are they cashing in on the name?
It really annoys me when a period drama is written with all the main characters having today’s points of view and attitudes.
It really annoys me when a period drama is written with all the main characters having today’s points of view and attitudes.
Same here Roland. Usually I think its just poor writing (I reckon all Beeb writers have a check list of subjects that must be brought up) but other times it appears more subtle. Almost an attempt at low level brainwashing to make people think that it has always been like this and there was never a time when going to Vets school was just about learning to treat animals with no concern about the latest PC victim group.
It claimed that it was based on some notes from Herriot. However, I think it’s written with BBC “poetic” licence to tell a story in any left-wing way they wish. I did enjoy it nonetheless but like you it annoys me when all scripts, from whatever time setting, are championing the left’s causes of the last 100 years, and using today’s attitudes.
I just remembered there was a comment about Indians fighting for their independence. I can’t now remember the context but it was said as if all decent people automatically supported the Indians, whereas the general belief at the time was still strongly pro-Empire so therefore not in favour of Indian independence.
And I think politicising drama and comedy is worse than current affairs because people can be easily hoodwinked into enjoying a drama and not realise that they are being subtly indoctrinated.
How right you are Demon. I’ve watched the first two episodes and the Beeb’s agenda setting is blindingly obvious. The “Socialist/Marxist” professor is shown to be entirely reasonable, caring and sympathetic as opposed to the “reactionary right-wing” professor who portrayed as devious and mysoginistic.
You’re correct about the final episode, which I shall not be watching, as the story synopsis shows that James becomes worried the fascist sympathies of the rich female student’s family.
It seems every BBC drama has to have subtle Guardianista type propaganda written into it. Even kids’ programmes like Dr Who has not been immune to it, the left wing slant to some of the stories being about as subtle as a brick around the back of the head.
Until the nazis showed exactly what eugenics really involved in their depravity, the left were always the supporters of eugenics. Even Karl Marx wrote about the creation of a super-race and letting all unfit races die off. The only reason that they changed on it was to distance themselves from the Nazis as much as possible.
In “Adelies and Obsession” writer and historian Meredith Hooper talks about penguins
Meredith was given privileged access to the private lives of these complex little birds which provide crucial evidence of climate change.
“Records were showing a temperature rise five times the global average. A rise of almost 3 degrees centigrade during the previous 50 years. 30 years of seabird data now seem to link the lives and fates of the local Adelies with climate change”
The penguins’ plight causes Meredith to re-examine her own relationship with their habitat and Antarctica’s place within her soul.
Yeah, luv, whatevs.
Meredith, luv, we want you to do an essay for us on Antarctica and its place within your soul. And o the usual *wink wink* on climate change.
Much of INBBC is closed down for broadcasting till January, but even if it weren’t, it probably wouldn’t have reported this about Lutfur RAHMAN, Mayor of Tower Hamlets:
“Lutfur Rahman can be described as ‘extremist-backed,’ rules Press Complaints Commission (but we will publish his denials).”
Another tedious and doomed puff-piece on the Crusties of St Pauls on The Fiona Bruce Show yestereve
Eyebrows: The Occupy London demonstration has prompted a wider debate about inequality and consumerism
No it hasn’t, love but not for want of the BBC’s trying
Yoohoo Everyone Look At My Arse: Mark Easton has been asking whether the protest has caught the public mood.
No it hasn’t, love but not for want of the BBC’s trying.
Mark Easton: But can you really change the world?
Horribly Deluded Crustie: Of course
‘Sussed It’ City Geezer: Yer, as long as the people ave got their X-Factor and their cheap booze I down fink there’s gonna be much of a change, not in this country
5live, V. oh-Dear-byshire
apparently … rioters/young offenders … have been er “discriminated ” against in their institutions of reside, so
just like the frankly absurd, interviews ” wiv der occupiers”
yesterday … goodness it was painful!
This vacuous bint continues to try to make droning inconsequence for an hour into an art form. under the guise
of the some “weakest in society” palava.
Who just happen to be .. tara! anti society or lefty pseudo academics, whats the chances of that happening eh!
The latest front to be opened by the BBC against the coalition and capitalism is the bigging up of the NAO report on so-called HMRC indulgence towards big business. On the Radio 4 8:00 News we were given a rant by Labour front organisation UKUncut (with a soundbite from an unchallenged rant on Today at around 7:10) followed, again on Today, by an interview with Margaret Hodge (a seriously rich heiress whose fortune is, I’m sure, secure in a highly efficient tax avoiding trust – although Mrs Hodge wasn’t asked anything about that). As I’ve commented before – and as Tim Worstall has posted on his blog eg http://timworstall.com/2011/12/02/so-this-entirely-buggers-the-idea-that-vodafone-owed-6-billion-doesnt-it/ – the Private Eye story which started this crusade was a crock because Vodaphone never owed the alleged £ billions in tax (although it was provided for – and written back – in its accounts) due to a European Court decision that the UK CFC legislation (under which Vodaphone was alledgedly liable) was against EU law.
The point which was ignored by the two Labour activists (Hodge/Naughtie) was that, unlike you and me, big corporate has the resources to fight HMRC all the way and, moreover, is prepared to do so. It’s not that big corporate is indulged by HMRC: it’s that the little people are victimised because they do not have the deep pockets necessary to fight HMRC crapola. Of course, this never came up (except as a failing of big corporate which has the nerve to disagree with HMRC and, worse, win the argument in the courts).
Mrs Hodge further alleged – on the basis, I suspect, that’s it’s a nice big fat round number – that “£25 billion” annually (?) is somehow owed by big corporate in unpaid taxes. No questions as to where this number came from (presumably the NAO or some UKUncut/Labour briefing paper) or any underlying factual support. I seem to remember that before this Labour love-in was broadcast it was regretted that although Today had tried to get someone from HMRC or the Treasury in to be interviewed, no-one was forthcoming. This might even be true but there are endless tax experts out there who would have been willing and able to make Mrs Hodge’s day in the sun a bit less brilliant. As it turned out, the only “impartial” source of comment was Hugn Pym. Hugh and Naughtie had the usual preliminary incest-interview whereby the stage was set for the customary BBC “sentence first – verdict afterwards” trial of those not approved of in the Narrative: this time it was those companies which only pay the tax they are obliged to pay by law.
Also the one eyed halfwit from Fife made our tax system very complicated in this 13 years of fiddling the books. The more complicated you make something, the easier it is to find legitimate loop holes.
The BBC seem to have totally airbrushed out the one eyed nutters incompetence when in charge at the Treasury.
This latest tax story is just another turd layed by Nu Liebore that the Tories are having to sort out.
…or that she referred to one of the victims as ‘extremely disturbed’ in a letter written to him, and then tried to prevent the publication of that letter with legal action. I think anyone who had endured years of sexual abuse as a child might just end up a bit disturbed, especially if you witness the people in charge at the time taking no responsibilty for any of it at all, and even throwing your distress back at you as if YOU are the problem. Blame the victim. Disgusting.
Then, in the sickest of ironies, she was appointed ‘Minister For childen’ by Blair.
And no questioning of Hodge on why she ignored the the child abuse whistle blowers when leader of Islington Council. Nor why she thought she could villify them once they became un-ignorable? I’d’ve thought the obvious hypocrasy was worth a punt. Not on Today though …
Lots of talk here about the bBC and their coverage of North Korea. Hope you realise they are just seeing how it is done so they can get it right for themselves when Thomson gets the boot!
An awful lot of comment from an awful lot of people who have neither been to North Korea, nor have anything to offer us all apart from…is it the end of the world?(prt94).
Maybe there`s an inverse proportion graphical ratio to be drawn between words expended, time allotted…and actual experience and expertise available.
Of course there are only 24 hours in the day to fill, so we might as well admire the flannel, the flatus and the flummery of the likes of Vine and Mair…for they`ll not know anymore than we do.
I did do TaeKwondo once…and had a Korean takeaway off Oxford St…so here`s my two cents!…
Why the aproximation ?
Exchange rates are never exact , as it depends on the place, time, market and trader who is doing the business . But the BBC has been indoctrinating us for years about the glorious EUro . It never tells us what any other currency is worth, even the more stable and important $ .
But “worth nearly” ? Why not say its 83 pence or 84 pence ?
A short while ago you shared a video on these pages that I found very interesting:
Louis Robinson Sorry Robin, this is off topic but I want to alert Preisser about a new youtube from Helen Boaden
Not least for the number of holes Ms. Boaden dug for herself, in particular how the BBC should not lie through its teeth on broadcast and then direct folk to a tucked away ‘clarification’ URL.
Now, I notice, it has become ‘private’.
I wonder why? And if any copies may exist that are less subject to Aunty’s oddly dual views on information and education?
That’s shocking. The license fee slaves find out about the Director of News telling staff to keep repeating talking points because they public doesn’t understand any of the issues, and the video is summarily censored.
I know this can’t be retreived via an FOIA request, as it’s protected behind the firewall of “having to do with journalism”. So anyone who didn’t see the Minister of Truth reveal their methods will never have the chance again.
I recommend that people start downloading BBC CoJ videos in case this happens again. Their discussions about their Eurozone coverage, for example.
Thanks for the Euro zone interview which shows one clear area where the BBC is going wrong, they are listening to Stephanie Flanders!
Ms Flanders have given us such gems as the Greek bail out is going well as recently as May this year when everybody else felt it was close to collapse and that the Euro zone has reponded promptly. So promptly that 18 months later its still in the same mess!
Still we are spared such insights for now as the increasingly part-time Ms Flanders posts increasingly rarely.
Given… ‘the public expects us as an independent and impartial broadcaster to hold governments and opposition parties to account.’
Not sure, cred-wise, as a reporting medium in the thick of the politico-media mix, suddenly hiding stuff that doesn’t suit… as it involves the activities of the licence fee paid national broadcaster… is helping the trust, intergrity and hypocrisy reputation much, really.
What’s odd is how this thread is still going and, with a very light touch on modding.
Guessing they see it of a safety valve of a few hundred (on the internet) vs. 60M swallowing the narrative-enhanced version via broadcast.
Whatever it is, it isn’t accurate information or balanced education.
‘the public expects us as an independent and impartial broadcaster to hold governments and opposition parties to account.’
At least she’s got a point here. Up until 1997 they felt they had a duty to hold the Government to account, between 1997 and 2010 to be fair they tried to hold the Opposition party to account, and just to show how even handed they are since 2010 it’s the government’s turn again. That’s obviously what she means when she says they hold the Government and Opposition to account – but they can only ever try one at a time.
My Site (C2E), it was censorship, plain and simple. What I’d love to know is who alerted Madame Boaden to the problem. A lurker here, a stalwart defender of the indefensible who went running to mommy, or someone elsewhere?
She displayed the BBC’s unhealthy reliance on polls, and reminded staff of the directive to repeat basic talking points. Intentional or not, that creates the impression of a Narrative. So it went down the memory hole.
‘Among our key target groups, ie August rioters and occupy protesters there was a dissappointing approval rating of 22%
However, this is offset by 95% approval from civil rights lawyers and 96% of Labour front benchers.
There is some question concerning our categorisation of certain groups in the survey. For example the results for recently imprisoned Birmingham Booksellers showed remarkable coincidence with the results for Islamic Fanatics.’
Richard ‘the queen’ Bacon has Chris Addison on, it’s another beeboid lefty love in. Trouser zips are loosened and a lot of camp maleness is very apparent in the studio.
Just as dreary is Radio 4, which sees itself as the home of edgy comedy but in reality uses licence-payers’ money to wallow in the self-satisfied prejudices and snobbery of the politically correct metropolitan elite.
This brings us to the heart of the problem: a true satirist has to be an outraged rebel against the values of the political establishment. But since Labour came to power in 1997 too many comedians have shared the same Left-wing outlook as our socialist rulers. All their rebellious fury, once so potent, has evaporated.
One thing I can guarantee, however. If Cameron makes it to No10 in a few weeks our comedians will suddenly find their rebellious streak again. (Well predicted there, but quite predictable to most of us here) A good read.
Ross Hawkins on BBC News already sticking up for Piers Morgan and the halfwit hasn’t even started giving evidence yet.
Hawknis stating that a witness who claimed Morgan knew about phone hacking was now in jail, funny that when it came to the NOTW the BBC were not interested in innocent until proven guilty.
Update on the international Warmist crackdown ona truth-seeking. Roger Tattersall is seeking libel charges against Greg Laden from Science Blogs. He’s already been soliticing legal advice about the US-abetted police seizure of his private property.
Michael “Is That a Debunked Hockey Stick in Your Pocket or Are You Just Glad to See Me” Mann retweeted Laden’s libellous screed, so Tattersall is wondering if that counts as repetition of libel. Anyone who is or knows a good lawyer might want to check it out.
Tattersall now says that a BBC reporter contacted him a few days ago about this story, but he’s put them off for now. That doesn’t explain the BBC’s total silence on this, as they can report on police incidents without speaking directly to the victim/suspect/target of police enquiries. So we know they know about it, yet have remained silent.
Also, there’s a blog I haven’t seen before (apologies if someone has posted on it and I forgot) about Richard Black’s propaganda, entitled Black’s Whitewash. The anonymous blogger points out that Black has been utterly silent on this story.
And worst of all, some idiot US Congressman has called for a crackdown on anyone who tries to disseminate climate realism.
It’s the Soviet Union all over again. Or the Inquistion. Take your pick, really.
Political move ahead of PA elections? A senior Hamas source told the London-based Arabic-language al-Hayat newspaper on Saturday that the Palestinian organization has joined the global movement of the Muslim Brotherhood.
According to the source, the move took place as early as two months ago. The expression “a branch of the Muslim Brotherhood – Palestine” has been added to Hamas’ official name – “The Islamic Resistance Movement.”
The source added that the move had nothing to do with recent changes in the Middle East following the Arab Spring.(yeah,right)
“Following thorough discussions, which lasted more than a year and a half, we saw the need to take this step as the movement is growing and there was a need to lead it to independence instead of being dependent on the Muslim Brotherhood organization inJordan.
“Hamas no longer belongs to any organization, but has become completely independent,” he said, adding that the group was now part of the global Muslim Brotherhood organization and was officially represented there.
Despite its official admission into the global organization, the source noted that Hamas would continue carrying the flag of armed resistance.
Part I – Knowing the Movement Article Two: The Link between Hamas and the Association of Muslim Brothers The Islamic Resistance Movement is one of the wings of the Muslim Brothers in Palestine. The Muslim Brotherhood Movement is a world organization, the largest Islamic Movement in the modern era. It is characterized by a profound understanding, by precise notions and by a complete comprehensiveness of all concepts of Islam in all domains of life: views and beliefs, politics and economics, education and society, jurisprudence and rule, indoctrination and teaching, the arts and publications, the hidden and the evident, and all the other domains of life.
The result will be the same but I doubt that the elites are consciously Islamizing Europe.
There is just no real thinking ever done by the left now. No attempt to look into the future beyond next week or some left wing dream state. This affects everything that is going on in the world from the EU crisis to a nuclear Iran via societal breakdown here there and everywhere.
A real flight from reality is all the left can offer. Oh and the global warming scam which being unreal fits in well with the pathological desire to evade reality.
The West will not survive these idiots unless we can drive them from all power and influence.
The BBC has missed a crucial fact in its attempt to bend over backwards to assuage the sensibilities of Turkey and PM Erdogan. So crucial that it sinks the Turks below the waterline.
The Turkish government is incensed that the French Lower House is to vote on a proposed law making the denial of the Armenian Massacres of 1915-18 a crime.
The BBC goes to enormous lengths to present the Turkish arguments.
Statements allowed include:
“Ankara says Turks were also killed when Armenians rose up against the Ottoman Empire during World War I when Russian troops invaded eastern Anatolia, now eastern Turkey.”
“Turkey and some historians say it was part of widespread turmoil in World War I in which Muslims also died.”
The rage of the Turks is clear.
But the crucial fact is missing.
Why did Russia invade Eastern Turkey and support a national uprising among the Christian Armenians.
Clue: Why did the British send the ANZACS to Gallipoli?
The Turkish Empire was an ally of the Central Powers, Germany, Austria and Bulgaria.
The Turkish Empire was at war with Britain, France and Russia.
The Turks where closely allied with the Central Powers and undertook military action to support Germany and Russia against the Triple Entente.
Why else would Britain have acted against the Turks in Arabia and Palestine (Lawrence and Allenby), in Iraq (Kut) and from Persia (Iran).
Moslems died. So did millions. That was the nature of the First World War.
The policy to destroy the Armenians physically is a historical fact. It was an attempted Genocide in which actions were taken to liquidate human beings as a people.
The fact that Turkey was an active participant in the War. Conducted military operations in accord with its allies against the Allies and that the invasion by Russia was launched, not as some random event, but as part of a World War, is ignored.
I get the feeling that the Turks want to see themselves as innocent victims.
That is a Turkish myth. Explains why they cannot accept the culpability of the Turkish state. A culpability which the successor state, the Turkish republic, cannot shake off by denialism.
Read a Telegraph review about that awful bit of EU propaganda that I heard last Friday afternoon…and a few of us commented upon(Beyond Borders…Monnet(that`s what I want!).
Anyhoo…Gillian Reynolds says that it was rushed into commission late-October…was assisted by the EU archives in their fullness…and only just made it to air with an unfeasibly few hours or so to spare.
It seems that some bigwigs at the BBC definitely wanted this put out pronto.
If you get to hear even a few minutes of it, you`ll see why!
How many medals will we be striking up for Patten and fellow oily fish who create such Pravda-lite tosh….Saddam, Jong Il. Schuman,Monnet…who says that there`s no more heroes anymore?
Muttley for EU President!
Given the huge bureaucracy that is the BBC, what are obviously policies on promoting Islam, bashing the evil Tories, scaremongering over Global Warming etc etc etc must be written down on paper somewhere. Just imagine if that paperwork was unearthed…
Some of it was written into the Beeboid Charter by the Labour government. I am sure there are quite a few Labour weasel words and phrases in there that give the Beeboids their cue and their cover for what they are still doing to the country.
Leveson questions Piers Morgan today about press ethics – but for some reason does not ask about the major story and reason for his downfall at the Mirror : faked photos of British soldiers abusing an Iraqi.
The BBC covers Leveson proceedings today and is interested in the denial of phone hacking and whether Rupert Murdoch might be called to appear – but for some reason is not interested in Piers Morgan’s many meetings with Tony Blair.
from Piers Morgan’s diaries: “Apparently if you don’t change the standard security code that every phone comes with, then anyone can call your number and, if you don’t answer, tap in the standard four digit code to hear all your messages. I’ll change mine just in case, but it makes me wonder how many public figures and celebrities are aware of this little trick.”
Every ‘prejudice’ one might have (from the viewpoint of PC BBC) is confirmed by this study.
The CAF sought to establish a ranking around the world for societies where acts of giving money, time and help to STRANGERS are a feature of social interraction.
Repeat. Every ‘bias’ you might have is amply confirmed.
Shock horror. The usual suspects are in the top 10 places. USA at number one, with UK, Ireland, Australia at the top table.
The French and Italians are less ‘helpful to their fellow citizens in distress.
The Greeks are at number 136. No surprise there. Even grannies are not safe there.
Guess who, despite the high level of morality and the injunction to care is, tells us the Beeboid, at the bottom of the rankings.
States professing the moral superiority of their divinely established law.
I’m talking about the religion of peace where all a brothers and women have equality etc. etc.
Islamic countries are the tale end charlies. Except Qatar….who have so much cash that they don’t notice what they give away.
The Turks are in this gaggle of misers….with little time or money or imagination to conduct those daily acts of charity and kindness for their neighbours.
Ireland is the second most charitable country, Australia the third, New Zealand the fourth and UK the fifth. USA is up from fifth last year to first.
That doesn’t surprise me about Ireland as I remember reading a report some years ago comparing how much money countries gave after there had been a public appeal for some terrible disaster. It may have been the tsunami or a famine or earthquake. Anyway, what astonished me was that Ireland had given 25 times as much per head as Germany or Japan. Extraordinary. I don’t know where Gernany or Japan come on the current list. They were rich countries then and still are – although maybe not for much longer for Germany if the Eurozone does its worst.
The bBC , it’s so called defence experts and reporting from Japan. US Lockheed Martin F-35 chosen as Japan fighter jet Japan has chosen the US-made F-35 stealth fighter jet to replace its aging F-4s as the mainstay of its air defence fleet.
Aging F4 Phantoms which are the mainstay of its air defence fleet bBC? Silly me and there I was thinking that the 161 F15J Eagles (left out of 202 Japan bought) were the main stay. Japan only has 70 F4 phantoms still flying out of a purchase of 138 (of which 96 were upgraded to F-4EJ Kai status) No the Japanese decided to replace the their F4s with the indigenous F2 (a fighter based on the F16, but bigger) of which the Japanese are going to field around 94.
Analysts say it is likely to trigger more orders, including from South Korea, which is also seeking to replace its fighter fleet.
No, the Koreans have signed up with Indonesia and Turkey to build their own stealth fighter currently under the ID of F-50.(not to be confused with the Korean T-50 trainer)
The bBC , it’s so called defence experts and reporting from Japan.
The BBC article also says the F-35 was chosen “over” the Typhoon and F-18. There are schoolkids out there who know that these airframes are not comparable whatsoever. The report is complete crap – but I bet the writer is on +50k.
Here’ a story that caught my eye: US tops world charitable giving index The US has been rated as the world’s most charitable country in 2011 by the Charities Aid Foundation’s (CAF) World Giving Index, up from fifth in 2010. The Irish Republic came second, then Australia, New Zealand and the UK….. The group said the richest countries were not necessarily the most likely to give to charity – only five nations that are in the World Bank’s top 20 economies by GDP appear in the latest CAF giving index top 20.
And there was I thinking that Muslims were dictated to, by their holy book to give to charity. Well so the bBC tells me so. I wonder why no Islamic countries comes up in that article?
Giving to charity – zakat – is one of the five pillars of Islam. Unfortunately one of the uses of zakat is to finance jihadists. This can be verified by referring to any reference work on Mohammedanism and yet shariah finance, that includes an automatic deduction of zakat, is enouraged in the UK by the government! Well over 90% of ‘normal’ Islamic charity is used exclusively to help Muslims – when spent on helping non-Muslims it is usually minimal in terms of resourcesand high on proselytisation e.g. for a minor contribution to the international aid effort Muslims have built several mosques in Haiti where there were none before. Infidel charities are also assumed by many of them to be seeking converts – hence such things as the killing of aid workers by the Taliban. The Barnabus fund records instnces of western aid, such as that for the Pakistan flood vicims, being denied to local christians if distribution is left to Pakistani nationals.
yes … isn t it wonderful … when even charity has to pander to sharia, note the burgeoning abhorration red “cresent”, after all
one wouldn t want to be erm …”offensive” … as we are saving life would we …
(you don t “die” from it … then again offence/honour/cartoons … don t even start on that topic eh).
As far as Islam is concerned charity begins.(& virtually ends) at home ie … for muslims or then again propaganda to benefit … oh yea! muslims, one has to understand nothing, NOTHING! is as important as the spread of Islam… thats it folks period
That is the myopic Islamic world view … thats why Saudi s pump billions into poisonous schools – mosques – propaganda – sharia and jihad …. oh Im sorry, forgive me 😀 , i mean t to say
saving Pakistan …
The problem with zakat is that it can make one feel absolved of having to make an individual effort elsewhere. “I gave the required charity, I am a good Mohammedan, even if I do step over this person in need.”
I’ve seen ultra-orthodox Jews behave the same way.
Get that, the trial of a man who in a hissyfit, gave away his country’s secrets to Assange and the evidence against Manning shows he was in direct communication with Assange.And the bbC still plays the innocent angle for the welsh shirt lifter.
Germany calling ,Germany calling , this is the bBC.
our el beeb reporter, on jeru food, so no politics eh … oops! correction … after a couple of minutes stating
Jerusalem is a mix of armenian,jewish muslim palestinian food,
BUT … Guess Which Food I REALLY Love … (surprise surprise
our el beeb rep) … YES ITS PALLY FOOD 😀 ALL THE WAY…
off to indepth tour of pally bakery, the er LONG & ANCIENT history of the dishes etc etc etc
Having missed the programme itself I was going to watch on iplayer thinking that there might be at least an even mix about Israeli and arabic food – and for once there would be no bias. Thanks for the warning
That Radio 4 play about the start of the EU – the formation of the Iron and Steel Community. I caught the last half of it – in the background. Didn’t really listen – but it struck me as very unentertaining, very boring. Isn’t drama meant to entertain, to be interesting ? Not in the BBC’s book. (Remember that Head of Radio Drama who said the BBC needed left-slanting drama ? Not GOOD drama – it needs to be left-slanting.
Just like most BBC “comedy” – forget the laughs, lets just have a leftie rant each week.
Not a cheep. Seems to mirror the experience of others who have complained in the past. I believe the next step is for them to apologise for the delay in replying whilst answering a different point to the one I made.
Two of Tuesday’s front-page banner headlines in the press were that the Germans are “playing nice” with Britain, trying to pull back from the animus shown by the French, now saying that they agree that the City of London should not be an attack target.
Somehow I did not hear that as a main BBC headline. Cuts across the “Cameron is isolated” meme, I suppose.
But the BBC will play up Moody’s warning on the UK’s AAA credit rating. But will probably NOT say that Moody’s main reason for doubt is the chaos with the Euro – Oh No, they will say it is that Osborne has got his sums wrong, that the CUTS are damaging any chance of growth. Just as Labour has been saying.
Isn’t Steph Flanders past her sell-by date, how many chances do you get to call the Euro-disaster ? And Paul Mason as an Economics correspondent ? It would all be bloody laughable if it wasn’t so serious.
Having started off ‘reporting’ in a fairly measured way – http://news.sky.com/home/uk-news/article/16134505 – the peroxide sink now anchoring ‘interviewed’ the MHRA director in charge of the defective breast implant furore.
Despite measured responses, the silly cow was ratcheting up the panic claim to an idiotic degree.
Are these things also used to replace teleprompter dolly brains too?
Then, for good measure, they moved on to brain tumours from high blood pressure.
Hence pretty much stuffing the Xmas of a large % of the population as you will get zero sensible discussion now as they are all mostly on the slopes.
Talk about irresponsible.
I wonder how the dingbats are handling it over at Aunty.
Here’s the online version, which as we know can get pointed at now as a counterpoint to what they broadcast:
Trendy supply teacher Mr Nicky Campbell sits back as the class go ape about what might offend them. Don’t worry, all the noise won’t bother the rest of the school because we are far away out in the Salford annex.
You will never walk a thin red line alone as Liverpudlian grievance is heavily out trumped by assumed verbal racism.
What exactly does negrito mean in Uruguayan Spanish? – that is the most burning issue of the age folks!
Only one thing that we can all agree on here – the English are racist and arrogant – Liverpudlians, Spanish, Uruguayans and Africans are better and they rank in roughly that order.
The terrifying truth behind the so-called Arab Spring Daily Mail
oh bugger …
i was just putting the bunting out for el beebs “celebration” of the arab spring with 5live news & Peter Allen (… who?) …
who no doubt, is still revelling in the “carnival atmosphere”.
ps. i hope he doesn t, take a female reporter unaccompanied
… as “getting raped” is known to put a damper, on festivities.
How does one do that? If it streams I guess it’s capable of capture.
Wish we could get back that one Louis posted where Ms. Boaden came out with some gems, such as it not being good enough to point people at obscure URLs on the webiste to mitigate lying on mainstream broadcast. Which they are doing allllll the time…
About time I made my feelings known on the BBC’s rather ‘unique’ ‘that’s different’ approach to probing into folks’ private affairs ‘in the puiblic interest’, and the default concealement of just about anything the public has paid for when it pertains to the activities of the BBC and its personnel.
your call 5live this morning, 5 live Breakfast : 21/12/2011
a perfect example of nonsensical adsurdity personified
was? … some vastly overpaid footballer, offended by by another
foreign vastly overpaid footballer, over something that apparently
one of them thought they heard? ….. i know … who gives a shit?
so goes the slippery road of the offence industry.
buoyed up by hysteria, and a multitude of verbal gymnastic contortions, we have an hour long competition to see who can
be most politically correct.
I think i may even have heard the same spokesman made a laughing stock by john barnes only the other week,(as he didn t have a clue what denoted racism)
… return only to be treated as some kind of sage 😀 by nikki
(the p word) campbell,
If you legislate, over some persons perception on what is possibly offensive, you re on a hiding to nothing
Hear that John Tery may be accused of causing alarm to distress to any fans that heard him sounding off to Anton Ferdinand.
I for one have often found myself concerned about the fragile and sensitive young people that attend Chelsea/QPR/Millwall games….presumably Herman Ouseley, Lee Jaspers etc were all available after the game to counsel offended and vulnerable young men who demanded redress.
Any idea why Sky etc won`t let me do my lip-reading to confirm Mr Terrys guilt or otherwise…we of the hard-of hearing community are being discriminated against surely.
That I`m not actually hard of hearing…but if I perceive myself to be so, then Sky are due a visit from my brief.
Maybe that ex-mistress of his might recover the necessary memories to bang JT to rights…and get a few bob out of it too!
The biggest cut – in Labour-controlled Islington – saw the total spend down from £138,000 last year to £11,700.
The biggest spending council this year was Hackney, one of the UK’s most deprived boroughs.
The second highest spender was Conservative-run Enfield Council in north London, which parted with £90,000 – an increase of almost £40,000 on last year’s spend.
The biggest rise was in Haringey, up by £41,740, to £66,740.
So according to the bbC, the biggest spenders were the Tories, with Labour behind the biggest cuts. Really? Have a look who runs Hackney and Haringey, I wonder why the bbC left the ruling party out of the article?
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
Do we still call him Kim Jong Il, or is it now Kim Jong Dead?
Visual proof that mass indoctrination and brainwashing works. The BBC rub their hands with glee.
I think we will see similar scenes at the BBC when Castro dies…
I noticed Joh Simpson managed a report on North Korea without mentioning the words socialist, communist or leftwing,
You’re lucky he didn’t call the regime “Thatcherite”. Back in the late eighties, die-hard neo-stalinists in the USSR were invariably described by the bbc as “right-wing” and “conservative”.
It’s happening all over the western world too:
I will never forgive the bbbc for the following, worth a revisit
The BBC were proud of that one. Makes me laugh that lefty scum call for Clarkson to be sacked yet not one of the beeboid scumbags who did that programme walked the plank.
Tomorrw is a day for black armbands in White City. Kim never had to put up with Biased Pyongyang Broadcasting websites, or those who denied the weather was better in North Korea than the South. You have got to admit there is a lot to be admired about Kim. Sorry, may be you didn’t hear me. I said YOU HAVE GOT TO…
How can Kim Jong Il be dead when his Party lives on!
Well James…old Il might now be dead, but the women of North Korea will redeem the nation for the Party and its Dear-Departed Leader!
How do I know so?…well Womans Hour has some husky poppet from a Uni nearby to tell us that North Korea had more women in the workplace than anywhere else on earth(89%in 1994…sadly down to 45% now though!)
I daresay that Womans Hour wouldn`t be so rain on the parade..but not even a damp tissue will be wrung coyly from under the Beebs umbrella.
If market activity involves selling your own body parts…or selling your children…then North Korea certainly is doing something to up its GDP for the Gender Studies Units worldwide…
Poor Jane Garvey a bit gauche and clearly doesn`t get out of that kitchen much when she won`t think of such things, but when it comes to stitching up narratives and weaving yarns of socialist utopias?…why, she`s a little treasure.
Boaden,Murray, Thomson and Garvey…wouddn`t you love to sit in as they stitch crossly all day?…still Jong Ils suit looks ironed, and that pillow of his turned up fair lovely out of the whites pile eh?
Next up…the story of Mrs Jong Il, and her pattern for a nuclear silo cover/cosy!
If Hitchens idea of heaven was a celestial North Korea as he said…then I wonder if Jong-Il is lying wasted in a Washington salon and writing odes to Trotsky…or sending his excrement to the Little Sisiters of the Poor in Calcutta( no, I won`t rename it!)
Might be a good bodyswap series here eh?
I just watched University Challenge, Christmas edition, in which famous (yeah, well, sort of) graduates from the University of York and the University of Manchester competed. It was probably to be expected that, of the eight contestants, two were from the Grauniad, one from the other beeboid in-house rag, The Independent, and another from the World Health Organisation.
On the plus side, seeing the usually uber-smug Steve Richards (History, York) abjectly failing to answer correctly anything on his own subject (including questions on the House of York, for heaven’s sake) did make me laugh.
I missed that! Thanks for telling us about it. I will definitely watch it on iPlayer.
Yes, snap, even my wife unprompted commented on what a bunch oflefties they had found. And you forgot to mention York having the accustomed female stand up comedian that no-one has ever heard of.
It just goes to show that these bien peasants know next to nothing about anything let alone the subjects they are supposed to be ‘experts’ in. Maybe that’s why they are destroying the education of the poor – I always thought it was eliminating the (potential) opposition but it now seems clear. They are afraid of been eclipsed not simply competed with.
Absolutely communist. No, the female announcer wasn’t crying. No, starving North Koreans aren’t grieving. No, those weren’t the massed ranks of his faithful followers, just party members who were told to turn up. No, the BBC cameras weren’t present, just the North Korean ones. No, North Koreans weren’t deliriously happy until about 10 years ago (ie attempts at US pressure to denuclearise). No, Im not paying my annual communist party membership/license fee.
Why is the BBC wasting money on this:
BBC Lab – Test Your Morality
I started it because I was curious about the questions but was put off when I saw that I had 16 more pages to complete.
To be fair, there is an excessive amount of moralising, usually hypocritically, chez Aunty.
At 25 minutes, they will probably only get a) unemployed activists with time on their hands, b) egocentric self deusional nutters with a God complex (ditto) or c) tinkers messing with them.
So… perfect for a BBC ‘snapshot’ of the UK they think they represent.
My working hypothesis is that the Beeboid Corporation must be testing to find out whether it has succeeded in abolishing morality. I think it must be worried. Recent public events and pronouncements have not been entirely reassuring for the Beeboid masterminds and their grand project.
I get the sense that someone somewhere at the BBC is taking note of these comments every so often.
I`m listening to The Life Scientific as I write…and think it`s actually pretty good thus far. The occassional sideswipe, but I`m happy enough with that.
Both Winston and Al Jalili are doing their best to inform…maybe we`ll see the Global Warming tosh as the nadir of lime green Nazi massage, and things may yet get better.
Heck…even Brian Cox and O`Briain were rational and not popping at Christians all the time on yesterdays “Monkey Cage”.
Goodwill to all men…but, that said; Robin Ince will never be funny!
Young Herriot
Quite a good yarn but written to tick as many BBC boxes as possible. First of all there was a newspaper stand with a headline that I was sure was about unemployment. Fair enough as it was set in depression hit Glasgow, but then it went for some more:
Good, honest hard-working man who is so poor that he had to send his son to the poor house just to pay for a new horse harness.
An ugly, shaven-headed extremely misogynistic professor who ignores women in his class and fights their just cause to have a Ladies toilet installed. When he had a small argument with another, more “enlightened” member of staff he called him a “Socialist”. How many tick boxes does that fulfill.
Two lady students, one who is rich so therefore doesn’t care for “women’s rights”, and the other an attractive, decent girl who is determined to fight for her rights to have a toilet. She of course is one of the main characters.
Obviously we cannot argue with her right to be treated as an equal and have facilities, but of course that is why the BBC chose such a blatant, unarguable cause that we can all support.
Not to put a spoiler on it but, of course, she got her toilet and the big joke is that it was the evil, right-wing professor whose room became the new facility. Oh the indignity of it – he even had to now share an office with one of the other professors.
I enjoyed it but am annoyed that I can see through so many BBC left-wing propaganda tricks that it takes the edge off a bit. There are two more episodes – plenty of time to bring a racial element into the script. One assumes that it will be attacks on Jews by fascists as this is set in the 1930s, and these are the only Jews that the BBC loves and defends. I wonder what other BBC tick boxes will be filled by the last episode.
As a great fan of the Herriot stories from my youth, I saw the trailers and decided not to watch as it was obvious there was box-ticking going on. Does it actually have anything to do with real Herriot or are they cashing in on the name?
It really annoys me when a period drama is written with all the main characters having today’s points of view and attitudes.
It really annoys me when a period drama is written with all the main characters having today’s points of view and attitudes.
Same here Roland. Usually I think its just poor writing (I reckon all Beeb writers have a check list of subjects that must be brought up) but other times it appears more subtle. Almost an attempt at low level brainwashing to make people think that it has always been like this and there was never a time when going to Vets school was just about learning to treat animals with no concern about the latest PC victim group.
It claimed that it was based on some notes from Herriot. However, I think it’s written with BBC “poetic” licence to tell a story in any left-wing way they wish. I did enjoy it nonetheless but like you it annoys me when all scripts, from whatever time setting, are championing the left’s causes of the last 100 years, and using today’s attitudes.
I just remembered there was a comment about Indians fighting for their independence. I can’t now remember the context but it was said as if all decent people automatically supported the Indians, whereas the general belief at the time was still strongly pro-Empire so therefore not in favour of Indian independence.
And I think politicising drama and comedy is worse than current affairs because people can be easily hoodwinked into enjoying a drama and not realise that they are being subtly indoctrinated.
The Guardian saw a preview copy and gave it rave reviews last week. All I needed to know about this programme.
I guess that now Garrow’s Law has finished the BBC need a new hero
Next up on BBC1 Chakrabarti’s Law: A compelling drama about a female human rights campaigner of Asia descent set in second century Londinium.
Any pics?
How right you are Demon. I’ve watched the first two episodes and the Beeb’s agenda setting is blindingly obvious. The “Socialist/Marxist” professor is shown to be entirely reasonable, caring and sympathetic as opposed to the “reactionary right-wing” professor who portrayed as devious and mysoginistic.
You’re correct about the final episode, which I shall not be watching, as the story synopsis shows that James becomes worried the fascist sympathies of the rich female student’s family.
It seems every BBC drama has to have subtle Guardianista type propaganda written into it. Even kids’ programmes like Dr Who has not been immune to it, the left wing slant to some of the stories being about as subtle as a brick around the back of the head.
it’s even more blatantly hilarious in episode 3
as many lefty bases covered in as short a space of time possible-
eugenics/dog breeding
“those foreigners will do anything to stay in the country”
upper class girl does the dirt on valiant socialist girl
“equality is on the march”
a useful jew
upper class family fascist supporters-yes the old false dichotomy of leftyism and fascism-really 2 sides of the same coin
it’s so blatant it’s actually farcical
Until the nazis showed exactly what eugenics really involved in their depravity, the left were always the supporters of eugenics. Even Karl Marx wrote about the creation of a super-race and letting all unfit races die off. The only reason that they changed on it was to distance themselves from the Nazis as much as possible.
BBC Radio 3 The Essay – The Antarcticans
In “Adelies and Obsession” writer and historian Meredith Hooper talks about penguins
Meredith was given privileged access to the private lives of these complex little birds which provide crucial evidence of climate change.
“Records were showing a temperature rise five times the global average. A rise of almost 3 degrees centigrade during the previous 50 years. 30 years of seabird data now seem to link the lives and fates of the local Adelies with climate change”
The penguins’ plight causes Meredith to re-examine her own relationship with their habitat and Antarctica’s place within her soul.
Yeah, luv, whatevs.
Meredith, luv, we want you to do an essay for us on Antarctica and its place within your soul. And o the usual *wink wink* on climate change.
Big Green in action and on your dollar.
Much of INBBC is closed down for broadcasting till January, but even if it weren’t, it probably wouldn’t have reported this about Lutfur RAHMAN, Mayor of Tower Hamlets:
“Lutfur Rahman can be described as ‘extremist-backed,’ rules Press Complaints Commission (but we will publish his denials).”
-by Andrew Gilligan.
For INBBC’s Cairo bureau, and its parallel universe:
“The terrifying truth behind the so-called Arab Spring”
By John R Bradley
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2076355/The-terrifying-truth-called-Arab-Spring.html#ixzz1h4It2MIc
No real shock or condemnation about these lefties burning down the Cairo library.
Another tedious and doomed puff-piece on the Crusties of St Pauls on The Fiona Bruce Show yestereve
Eyebrows: The Occupy London demonstration has prompted a wider debate about inequality and consumerism
No it hasn’t, love but not for want of the BBC’s trying
Yoohoo Everyone Look At My Arse: Mark Easton has been asking whether the protest has caught the public mood.
No it hasn’t, love but not for want of the BBC’s trying.
Mark Easton: But can you really change the world?
Horribly Deluded Crustie: Of course
‘Sussed It’ City Geezer: Yer, as long as the people ave got their X-Factor and their cheap booze I down fink there’s gonna be much of a change, not in this country
BBC – more to be pitied than mocked, really.
BBC Grievance radio.
5 Live stirring trouble oop north….
‘If you know of any young rioters who were treated badly, get in touch…..’
You mean the wimmin on there talk about anything else other than ‘my husband’, and ‘my children’?
Gameshow Nikki ‘Ed Balls Would Never Forgive Me If I Didn’t Put This One To You’ Campbell is of course an honorary wimmin.
5live, V. oh-Dear-byshire
apparently … rioters/young offenders … have been er “discriminated ” against in their institutions of reside, so
just like the frankly absurd, interviews ” wiv der occupiers”
yesterday … goodness it was painful!
This vacuous bint continues to try to make droning inconsequence for an hour into an art form. under the guise
of the some “weakest in society” palava.
Who just happen to be .. tara! anti society or lefty pseudo academics, whats the chances of that happening eh!
The latest front to be opened by the BBC against the coalition and capitalism is the bigging up of the NAO report on so-called HMRC indulgence towards big business. On the Radio 4 8:00 News we were given a rant by Labour front organisation UKUncut (with a soundbite from an unchallenged rant on Today at around 7:10) followed, again on Today, by an interview with Margaret Hodge (a seriously rich heiress whose fortune is, I’m sure, secure in a highly efficient tax avoiding trust – although Mrs Hodge wasn’t asked anything about that). As I’ve commented before – and as Tim Worstall has posted on his blog eg http://timworstall.com/2011/12/02/so-this-entirely-buggers-the-idea-that-vodafone-owed-6-billion-doesnt-it/ – the Private Eye story which started this crusade was a crock because Vodaphone never owed the alleged £ billions in tax (although it was provided for – and written back – in its accounts) due to a European Court decision that the UK CFC legislation (under which Vodaphone was alledgedly liable) was against EU law.
The point which was ignored by the two Labour activists (Hodge/Naughtie) was that, unlike you and me, big corporate has the resources to fight HMRC all the way and, moreover, is prepared to do so. It’s not that big corporate is indulged by HMRC: it’s that the little people are victimised because they do not have the deep pockets necessary to fight HMRC crapola. Of course, this never came up (except as a failing of big corporate which has the nerve to disagree with HMRC and, worse, win the argument in the courts).
Mrs Hodge further alleged – on the basis, I suspect, that’s it’s a nice big fat round number – that “£25 billion” annually (?) is somehow owed by big corporate in unpaid taxes. No questions as to where this number came from (presumably the NAO or some UKUncut/Labour briefing paper) or any underlying factual support. I seem to remember that before this Labour love-in was broadcast it was regretted that although Today had tried to get someone from HMRC or the Treasury in to be interviewed, no-one was forthcoming. This might even be true but there are endless tax experts out there who would have been willing and able to make Mrs Hodge’s day in the sun a bit less brilliant. As it turned out, the only “impartial” source of comment was Hugn Pym. Hugh and Naughtie had the usual preliminary incest-interview whereby the stage was set for the customary BBC “sentence first – verdict afterwards” trial of those not approved of in the Narrative: this time it was those companies which only pay the tax they are obliged to pay by law.
Also the one eyed halfwit from Fife made our tax system very complicated in this 13 years of fiddling the books. The more complicated you make something, the easier it is to find legitimate loop holes.
The BBC seem to have totally airbrushed out the one eyed nutters incompetence when in charge at the Treasury.
This latest tax story is just another turd layed by Nu Liebore that the Tories are having to sort out.
Did anybody ask Margaret Hodge about the years of child abuse that took place in childrens homes on her watch in Islington?
Thought not…
…or that she referred to one of the victims as ‘extremely disturbed’ in a letter written to him, and then tried to prevent the publication of that letter with legal action. I think anyone who had endured years of sexual abuse as a child might just end up a bit disturbed, especially if you witness the people in charge at the time taking no responsibilty for any of it at all, and even throwing your distress back at you as if YOU are the problem. Blame the victim. Disgusting.
Then, in the sickest of ironies, she was appointed ‘Minister For childen’ by Blair.
New Labour really are the true nasty party.
And no questioning of Hodge on why she ignored the the child abuse whistle blowers when leader of Islington Council. Nor why she thought she could villify them once they became un-ignorable? I’d’ve thought the obvious hypocrasy was worth a punt. Not on Today though …
Lots of talk here about the bBC and their coverage of North Korea. Hope you realise they are just seeing how it is done so they can get it right for themselves when Thomson gets the boot!
An awful lot of comment from an awful lot of people who have neither been to North Korea, nor have anything to offer us all apart from…is it the end of the world?(prt94).
Maybe there`s an inverse proportion graphical ratio to be drawn between words expended, time allotted…and actual experience and expertise available.
Of course there are only 24 hours in the day to fill, so we might as well admire the flannel, the flatus and the flummery of the likes of Vine and Mair…for they`ll not know anymore than we do.
I did do TaeKwondo once…and had a Korean takeaway off Oxford St…so here`s my two cents!…
“That makes the EUro worth nearly 84 pence ”
Why the aproximation ?
Exchange rates are never exact , as it depends on the place, time, market and trader who is doing the business . But the BBC has been indoctrinating us for years about the glorious EUro . It never tells us what any other currency is worth, even the more stable and important $ .
But “worth nearly” ? Why not say its 83 pence or 84 pence ?
A short while ago you shared a video on these pages that I found very interesting:
Louis Robinson
Sorry Robin, this is off topic but I want to alert Preisser about a new youtube from Helen Boaden
Not least for the number of holes Ms. Boaden dug for herself, in particular how the BBC should not lie through its teeth on broadcast and then direct folk to a tucked away ‘clarification’ URL.
Now, I notice, it has become ‘private’.
I wonder why? And if any copies may exist that are less subject to Aunty’s oddly dual views on information and education?
Having a rummage, I found this…
Jonty quite the impartial lad, eh?
At least oen gets an insight as to how BBC ‘journalists’ are ‘trained’.
Oh, and here’s another Helen of Ploy…
That’s shocking. The license fee slaves find out about the Director of News telling staff to keep repeating talking points because they public doesn’t understand any of the issues, and the video is summarily censored.
I know this can’t be retreived via an FOIA request, as it’s protected behind the firewall of “having to do with journalism”. So anyone who didn’t see the Minister of Truth reveal their methods will never have the chance again.
I recommend that people start downloading BBC CoJ videos in case this happens again. Their discussions about their Eurozone coverage, for example.
Thanks for the Euro zone interview which shows one clear area where the BBC is going wrong, they are listening to Stephanie Flanders!
Ms Flanders have given us such gems as the Greek bail out is going well as recently as May this year when everybody else felt it was close to collapse and that the Euro zone has reponded promptly. So promptly that 18 months later its still in the same mess!
Still we are spared such insights for now as the increasingly part-time Ms Flanders posts increasingly rarely.
David, Glad you saw it too, albeit briefly, pre-oblivion.
Censored? Or a mistaken release? Or a not so mistaken one <ominous SFX>? Not even sure who ‘owns’ that YouTube.
Ms. Boaden might like to explain what happened?
Given… ‘the public expects us as an independent and impartial broadcaster to hold governments and opposition parties to account.’
Not sure, cred-wise, as a reporting medium in the thick of the politico-media mix, suddenly hiding stuff that doesn’t suit… as it involves the activities of the licence fee paid national broadcaster… is helping the trust, intergrity and hypocrisy reputation much, really.
What’s odd is how this thread is still going and, with a very light touch on modding.
Guessing they see it of a safety valve of a few hundred (on the internet) vs. 60M swallowing the narrative-enhanced version via broadcast.
Whatever it is, it isn’t accurate information or balanced education.
‘the public expects us as an independent and impartial broadcaster to hold governments and opposition parties to account.’
At least she’s got a point here. Up until 1997 they felt they had a duty to hold the Government to account, between 1997 and 2010 to be fair they tried to hold the Opposition party to account, and just to show how even handed they are since 2010 it’s the government’s turn again. That’s obviously what she means when she says they hold the Government and Opposition to account – but they can only ever try one at a time.
My Site (C2E), it was censorship, plain and simple. What I’d love to know is who alerted Madame Boaden to the problem. A lurker here, a stalwart defender of the indefensible who went running to mommy, or someone elsewhere?
She displayed the BBC’s unhealthy reliance on polls, and reminded staff of the directive to repeat basic talking points. Intentional or not, that creates the impression of a Narrative. So it went down the memory hole.
BBC 5 Live audience approval figures just in……
‘Among our key target groups, ie August rioters and occupy protesters there was a dissappointing approval rating of 22%
However, this is offset by 95% approval from civil rights lawyers and 96% of Labour front benchers.
There is some question concerning our categorisation of certain groups in the survey. For example the results for recently imprisoned Birmingham Booksellers showed remarkable coincidence with the results for Islamic Fanatics.’
Disappointing for whom? Why the modifier? Disappointing for the Beeboids, perhaps?
I see the BBC gave yet another sound bite to Liberty over Plod being able to possibly shoot rioting scum.
No opposing view was allowed.
Camp male beeboid on BBC news suggested that unions who had signed up to pensions agreement had ‘sold out’
Richard ‘the queen’ Bacon has Chris Addison on, it’s another beeboid lefty love in. Trouser zips are loosened and a lot of camp maleness is very apparent in the studio.
Speaking of Chris Addison – he has a non-fan Facebook page :
BBC comedians – putting the ‘un’ in funny.
Another one that’s not too keen on Mucus Bigstroke :
Comedy’s Gone Wrong, or, The unbearable smugness of Marcus Brigstocke
(Says Stewart Lee fans welcome, though. Can’t have it all)
…and a great article here on the problem with modern British comedy :
Just as dreary is Radio 4, which sees itself as the home of edgy comedy but in reality uses licence-payers’ money to wallow in the self-satisfied prejudices and snobbery of the politically correct metropolitan elite.
This brings us to the heart of the problem: a true satirist has to be an outraged rebel against the values of the political establishment. But since Labour came to power in 1997 too many comedians have shared the same Left-wing outlook as our socialist rulers. All their rebellious fury, once so potent, has evaporated.
One thing I can guarantee, however. If Cameron makes it to No10 in a few weeks our comedians will suddenly find their rebellious streak again.
(Well predicted there, but quite predictable to most of us here)
A good read.
Ross Hawkins on BBC News already sticking up for Piers Morgan and the halfwit hasn’t even started giving evidence yet.
Hawknis stating that a witness who claimed Morgan knew about phone hacking was now in jail, funny that when it came to the NOTW the BBC were not interested in innocent until proven guilty.
Update on the international Warmist crackdown ona truth-seeking. Roger Tattersall is seeking libel charges against Greg Laden from Science Blogs. He’s already been soliticing legal advice about the US-abetted police seizure of his private property.
Michael “Is That a Debunked Hockey Stick in Your Pocket or Are You Just Glad to See Me” Mann retweeted Laden’s libellous screed, so Tattersall is wondering if that counts as repetition of libel. Anyone who is or knows a good lawyer might want to check it out.
Tattersall now says that a BBC reporter contacted him a few days ago about this story, but he’s put them off for now. That doesn’t explain the BBC’s total silence on this, as they can report on police incidents without speaking directly to the victim/suspect/target of police enquiries. So we know they know about it, yet have remained silent.
Also, there’s a blog I haven’t seen before (apologies if someone has posted on it and I forgot) about Richard Black’s propaganda, entitled Black’s Whitewash. The anonymous blogger points out that Black has been utterly silent on this story.
And worst of all, some idiot US Congressman has called for a crackdown on anyone who tries to disseminate climate realism.
It’s the Soviet Union all over again. Or the Inquistion. Take your pick, really.
wonder how long before al beeb and especially that piece of trash Bowen are all over this story like a rash?
Hamas joins Global Muslim Brotherhood
Political move ahead of PA elections? A senior Hamas source told the London-based Arabic-language al-Hayat newspaper on Saturday that the Palestinian organization has joined the global movement of the Muslim Brotherhood.
According to the source, the move took place as early as two months ago. The expression “a branch of the Muslim Brotherhood – Palestine” has been added to Hamas’ official name – “The Islamic Resistance Movement.”
The source added that the move had nothing to do with recent changes in the Middle East following the Arab Spring.(yeah,right)
“Following thorough discussions, which lasted more than a year and a half, we saw the need to take this step as the movement is growing and there was a need to lead it to independence instead of being dependent on the Muslim Brotherhood organization inJordan.
“Hamas no longer belongs to any organization, but has become completely independent,” he said, adding that the group was now part of the global Muslim Brotherhood organization and was officially represented there.
Despite its official admission into the global organization, the source noted that Hamas would continue carrying the flag of armed resistance.
Hamas was always part of the Brotherhood.
Hamas Charter (1988)
Part I – Knowing the Movement
Article Two: The Link between Hamas and the Association of Muslim Brothers
The Islamic Resistance Movement is one of the wings of the Muslim Brothers in Palestine. The Muslim Brotherhood Movement is a world organization, the largest Islamic Movement in the modern era. It is characterized by a profound understanding, by precise notions and by a complete comprehensiveness of all concepts of Islam in all domains of life: views and beliefs, politics and economics, education and society, jurisprudence and rule, indoctrination and teaching, the arts and publications, the hidden and the evident, and all the other domains of life.
E.U and British ‘political elite’ (inc INBBC) are doing all they can to speed this up:
“Europe to be Muslim by Century’s End”
Glenn Beck on Caliphate (and on ‘left’s political role),
video clip:-
The result will be the same but I doubt that the elites are consciously Islamizing Europe.
There is just no real thinking ever done by the left now. No attempt to look into the future beyond next week or some left wing dream state. This affects everything that is going on in the world from the EU crisis to a nuclear Iran via societal breakdown here there and everywhere.
A real flight from reality is all the left can offer. Oh and the global warming scam which being unreal fits in well with the pathological desire to evade reality.
The West will not survive these idiots unless we can drive them from all power and influence.
The BBC has missed a crucial fact in its attempt to bend over backwards to assuage the sensibilities of Turkey and PM Erdogan. So crucial that it sinks the Turks below the waterline.
The Turkish government is incensed that the French Lower House is to vote on a proposed law making the denial of the Armenian Massacres of 1915-18 a crime.
The BBC goes to enormous lengths to present the Turkish arguments.
Statements allowed include:
“Ankara says Turks were also killed when Armenians rose up against the Ottoman Empire during World War I when Russian troops invaded eastern Anatolia, now eastern Turkey.”
“Turkey and some historians say it was part of widespread turmoil in World War I in which Muslims also died.”
The rage of the Turks is clear.
But the crucial fact is missing.
Why did Russia invade Eastern Turkey and support a national uprising among the Christian Armenians.
Clue: Why did the British send the ANZACS to Gallipoli?
The Turkish Empire was an ally of the Central Powers, Germany, Austria and Bulgaria.
The Turkish Empire was at war with Britain, France and Russia.
The Turks where closely allied with the Central Powers and undertook military action to support Germany and Russia against the Triple Entente.
Why else would Britain have acted against the Turks in Arabia and Palestine (Lawrence and Allenby), in Iraq (Kut) and from Persia (Iran).
Moslems died. So did millions. That was the nature of the First World War.
The policy to destroy the Armenians physically is a historical fact. It was an attempted Genocide in which actions were taken to liquidate human beings as a people.
The fact that Turkey was an active participant in the War. Conducted military operations in accord with its allies against the Allies and that the invasion by Russia was launched, not as some random event, but as part of a World War, is ignored.
I get the feeling that the Turks want to see themselves as innocent victims.
That is a Turkish myth. Explains why they cannot accept the culpability of the Turkish state. A culpability which the successor state, the Turkish republic, cannot shake off by denialism.
That is genocide, Mr. Erdogan.
I wrote:
“The Turks where closely allied with the Central Powers and undertook military action to support Germany and Russia against the Triple Entente. “
Should say:
“The Turks where closely allied with the Central Powers and undertook military action to support Germany and Austria against the Triple Entente. ”
Read a Telegraph review about that awful bit of EU propaganda that I heard last Friday afternoon…and a few of us commented upon(Beyond Borders…Monnet(that`s what I want!).
Anyhoo…Gillian Reynolds says that it was rushed into commission late-October…was assisted by the EU archives in their fullness…and only just made it to air with an unfeasibly few hours or so to spare.
It seems that some bigwigs at the BBC definitely wanted this put out pronto.
If you get to hear even a few minutes of it, you`ll see why!
How many medals will we be striking up for Patten and fellow oily fish who create such Pravda-lite tosh….Saddam, Jong Il. Schuman,Monnet…who says that there`s no more heroes anymore?
Muttley for EU President!
Given the huge bureaucracy that is the BBC, what are obviously policies on promoting Islam, bashing the evil Tories, scaremongering over Global Warming etc etc etc must be written down on paper somewhere. Just imagine if that paperwork was unearthed…
It’s called the BBC Style Guide. Plus various videos from the BBC College of Journalism (when they’re not censored, that is).
It’s called the BBC Style Guide. Plus various videos from the BBC College of Journalism (when they’re not censored, that is).
Newsniffer would have a ball.
Some of it was written into the Beeboid Charter by the Labour government. I am sure there are quite a few Labour weasel words and phrases in there that give the Beeboids their cue and their cover for what they are still doing to the country.
Amendment and addenda for INBBC on this case:
Amendment to INBBC headline from:
“US man found guilty of aiding al-Qaeda”
‘Jihadist found guilty of aiding al-Qaeda.’
Addenda from ‘Jihadwatch’ on the jihadist, Tarek MEHANNA:
Boston: Tarek Mehanna guilty of misunderstanding Islam, supporting al-Qaeda
The following seems to be a very vague, short mention by INBBC. Does that mean it’s about Muslim/Islam? Oh yes.
“Man held on suspicion of having ‘terror document'”
or, in political translation:
“Muslim held on suspicion of having ‘terror document.'”
I wonder if we can learn more from the ‘Daily Mail’ and from ‘Jihadwatch’ than we can from Islam Not BBC?:
UK: Muslim student arrested at Birmingham Airport on suspicion of misunderstanding Islam
Leveson questions Piers Morgan today about press ethics – but for some reason does not ask about the major story and reason for his downfall at the Mirror : faked photos of British soldiers abusing an Iraqi.
The BBC covers Leveson proceedings today and is interested in the denial of phone hacking and whether Rupert Murdoch might be called to appear – but for some reason is not interested in Piers Morgan’s many meetings with Tony Blair.
Are the interests of the British public being served by the Beeb or are they following a political and corporate agenda of their own?
from Piers Morgan’s diaries:
“Apparently if you don’t change the standard security code that every phone comes with, then anyone can call your number and, if you don’t answer, tap in the standard four digit code to hear all your messages. I’ll change mine just in case, but it makes me wonder how many public figures and celebrities are aware of this little trick.”
US tops world charitable giving index
Every ‘prejudice’ one might have (from the viewpoint of PC BBC) is confirmed by this study.
The CAF sought to establish a ranking around the world for societies where acts of giving money, time and help to STRANGERS are a feature of social interraction.
Repeat. Every ‘bias’ you might have is amply confirmed.
Shock horror. The usual suspects are in the top 10 places. USA at number one, with UK, Ireland, Australia at the top table.
The French and Italians are less ‘helpful to their fellow citizens in distress.
The Greeks are at number 136. No surprise there. Even grannies are not safe there.
Guess who, despite the high level of morality and the injunction to care is, tells us the Beeboid, at the bottom of the rankings.
States professing the moral superiority of their divinely established law.
I’m talking about the religion of peace where all a brothers and women have equality etc. etc.
Islamic countries are the tale end charlies. Except Qatar….who have so much cash that they don’t notice what they give away.
The Turks are in this gaggle of misers….with little time or money or imagination to conduct those daily acts of charity and kindness for their neighbours.
Check if you like.
Its all here.
Love it if the BBC would name and shame the scrooge nations for our information.
PS Israel is the highest ranking in its neighbourhood.
Ireland is the second most charitable country, Australia the third, New Zealand the fourth and UK the fifth. USA is up from fifth last year to first.
That doesn’t surprise me about Ireland as I remember reading a report some years ago comparing how much money countries gave after there had been a public appeal for some terrible disaster. It may have been the tsunami or a famine or earthquake. Anyway, what astonished me was that Ireland had given 25 times as much per head as Germany or Japan. Extraordinary. I don’t know where Gernany or Japan come on the current list. They were rich countries then and still are – although maybe not for much longer for Germany if the Eurozone does its worst.
The bBC , it’s so called defence experts and reporting from Japan.
US Lockheed Martin F-35 chosen as Japan fighter jet
Japan has chosen the US-made F-35 stealth fighter jet to replace its aging F-4s as the mainstay of its air defence fleet.
Aging F4 Phantoms which are the mainstay of its air defence fleet bBC? Silly me and there I was thinking that the 161 F15J Eagles (left out of 202 Japan bought) were the main stay. Japan only has 70 F4 phantoms still flying out of a purchase of 138 (of which 96 were upgraded to F-4EJ Kai status) No the Japanese decided to replace the their F4s with the indigenous F2 (a fighter based on the F16, but bigger) of which the Japanese are going to field around 94.
Analysts say it is likely to trigger more orders, including from South Korea, which is also seeking to replace its fighter fleet.
No, the Koreans have signed up with Indonesia and Turkey to build their own stealth fighter currently under the ID of F-50.(not to be confused with the Korean T-50 trainer)
The bBC , it’s so called defence experts and reporting from Japan.
The BBC article also says the F-35 was chosen “over” the Typhoon and F-18. There are schoolkids out there who know that these airframes are not comparable whatsoever. The report is complete crap – but I bet the writer is on +50k.
Here’ a story that caught my eye:
US tops world charitable giving index
The US has been rated as the world’s most charitable country in 2011 by the Charities Aid Foundation’s (CAF) World Giving Index, up from fifth in 2010. The Irish Republic came second, then Australia, New Zealand and the UK….. The group said the richest countries were not necessarily the most likely to give to charity – only five nations that are in the World Bank’s top 20 economies by GDP appear in the latest CAF giving index top 20.
And there was I thinking that Muslims were dictated to, by their holy book to give to charity. Well so the bBC tells me so. I wonder why no Islamic countries comes up in that article?
That’s why Muslim charities were in the forefont of helping out with the flooding in Pakistan last year…er…..
Just as the word “Taliban” means “student”, so “charity” can mean “terrorist group”.
Giving to charity – zakat – is one of the five pillars of Islam. Unfortunately one of the uses of zakat is to finance jihadists. This can be verified by referring to any reference work on Mohammedanism and yet shariah finance, that includes an automatic deduction of zakat, is enouraged in the UK by the government! Well over 90% of ‘normal’ Islamic charity is used exclusively to help Muslims – when spent on helping non-Muslims it is usually minimal in terms of resourcesand high on proselytisation e.g. for a minor contribution to the international aid effort Muslims have built several mosques in Haiti where there were none before. Infidel charities are also assumed by many of them to be seeking converts – hence such things as the killing of aid workers by the Taliban. The Barnabus fund records instnces of western aid, such as that for the Pakistan flood vicims, being denied to local christians if distribution is left to Pakistani nationals.
You can find out all about zakat (ha ha) at:
yes … isn t it wonderful … when even charity has to pander to sharia, note the burgeoning abhorration red “cresent”, after all
one wouldn t want to be erm …”offensive” … as we are saving life would we …
(you don t “die” from it … then again offence/honour/cartoons … don t even start on that topic eh).
As far as Islam is concerned charity begins.(& virtually ends) at home ie … for muslims or then again propaganda to benefit … oh yea! muslims, one has to understand nothing, NOTHING! is as important as the spread of Islam… thats it folks period
That is the myopic Islamic world view … thats why Saudi s pump billions into poisonous schools – mosques – propaganda – sharia and jihad …. oh Im sorry, forgive me 😀 , i mean t to say
saving Pakistan …
The problem with zakat is that it can make one feel absolved of having to make an individual effort elsewhere. “I gave the required charity, I am a good Mohammedan, even if I do step over this person in need.”
I’ve seen ultra-orthodox Jews behave the same way.
Germany calling ,Germany calling , this is the bBC.
Bradley Manning case hears of secret computer files
Read the above article from the bBC news website. After reading it, do you fully understand what the Article is all about, or that in all of that smokescreen of an article the real story aired was this:
WikiLeaks Suspect Bradley Manning ‘Was In Direct Contact With Julian Assange’
Get that, the trial of a man who in a hissyfit, gave away his country’s secrets to Assange and the evidence against Manning shows he was in direct communication with Assange.And the bbC still plays the innocent angle for the welsh shirt lifter.
Germany calling ,Germany calling , this is the bBC.
My sentiments exactly!
jerusalem on a plate bbc4
our el beeb reporter, on jeru food, so no politics eh … oops! correction … after a couple of minutes stating
Jerusalem is a mix of armenian,jewish muslim palestinian food,
BUT … Guess Which Food I REALLY Love … (surprise surprise
our el beeb rep) … YES ITS PALLY FOOD 😀 ALL THE WAY…
off to indepth tour of pally bakery, the er LONG & ANCIENT history of the dishes etc etc etc
oh brother – off switch…
Having missed the programme itself I was going to watch on iplayer thinking that there might be at least an even mix about Israeli and arabic food – and for once there would be no bias. Thanks for the warning
Deborah my dear … it might get a lot better … i just couldn t ahem “stomach” 😀 any more.
That Radio 4 play about the start of the EU – the formation of the Iron and Steel Community. I caught the last half of it – in the background. Didn’t really listen – but it struck me as very unentertaining, very boring. Isn’t drama meant to entertain, to be interesting ? Not in the BBC’s book. (Remember that Head of Radio Drama who said the BBC needed left-slanting drama ? Not GOOD drama – it needs to be left-slanting.
Just like most BBC “comedy” – forget the laughs, lets just have a leftie rant each week.
The BBC is beyond salvation, I fear.
Calling Roland Deschain:
Have you had anything masquerading as feedback on your complaint about Fatty Mardell’s hatchet job on Newt Gingrich (12 Dec R4 Today)?
Not a cheep. Seems to mirror the experience of others who have complained in the past. I believe the next step is for them to apologise for the delay in replying whilst answering a different point to the one I made.
I wonder if they even read the complaints or listen/read the stuff complained about.
I’d put money on that!
Is the bBC becoming the new Daily Mail?
How many times have you heard somebody opine about Daily Mail readers? The people who do so are usually left of centre and laugh at how crap the news coverage is from the Daily Mail.
Here are a few headlines from the world renowned bBC:
‘HMRC were brutal and ruined me’
More tea Vickers?
I’m not sending Christmas cards to Tories, says Cable
Lady Gaga fans hit by hack attack
Deep fried butter served in Edinburgh
How to roll a Cuban cigar (It seems that to the left smoking is ok when promoted by a marxist society)
Thousands arrive for club party
Tell, how the hell can anybody slate the DM when the bBC comes out with crap like the above?
Two of Tuesday’s front-page banner headlines in the press were that the Germans are “playing nice” with Britain, trying to pull back from the animus shown by the French, now saying that they agree that the City of London should not be an attack target.
Somehow I did not hear that as a main BBC headline. Cuts across the “Cameron is isolated” meme, I suppose.
But the BBC will play up Moody’s warning on the UK’s AAA credit rating. But will probably NOT say that Moody’s main reason for doubt is the chaos with the Euro – Oh No, they will say it is that Osborne has got his sums wrong, that the CUTS are damaging any chance of growth. Just as Labour has been saying.
Isn’t Steph Flanders past her sell-by date, how many chances do you get to call the Euro-disaster ? And Paul Mason as an Economics correspondent ? It would all be bloody laughable if it wasn’t so serious.
‘Isn’t Steph Flanders past her sell-by date, how many chances do you get to call the Euro-disaster ? And Paul Mason as an Economics correspondent ? ;
There are some videos of BBC Editors playing their trae::
There was also one of Helen Baoden, but it went ‘private’. Id’ watch these while you can.
In case that unique way the BBC is trusted gets another censorship knock.
On sell-out dates, Mason, last I saw, posted on Dec. 9, and closed at 25 comments.
Deep fried butter served in Edinburgh
Hadn’t come across that one. I must make this request of my local chippy.
Grant will be pleased. I see they use IrnBru batter. That may be enough to convince him not to leave the country.
Just switched of SKY in disgust again.
Having started off ‘reporting’ in a fairly measured way – http://news.sky.com/home/uk-news/article/16134505 – the peroxide sink now anchoring ‘interviewed’ the MHRA director in charge of the defective breast implant furore.
Despite measured responses, the silly cow was ratcheting up the panic claim to an idiotic degree.
Are these things also used to replace teleprompter dolly brains too?
Then, for good measure, they moved on to brain tumours from high blood pressure.
Hence pretty much stuffing the Xmas of a large % of the population as you will get zero sensible discussion now as they are all mostly on the slopes.
Talk about irresponsible.
I wonder how the dingbats are handling it over at Aunty.
Here’s the online version, which as we know can get pointed at now as a counterpoint to what they broadcast:
Heads exploding like Scanners does not, at least seem. to have reached the BBC as yet.
My Site
Perhaps the peroxide sink you referred to had a vested interest, so to speak?
I have no idea what you could possibly mean:)
Nothing such as you describe in the Sky link above, as far as I can see/ hear.
‘Nothing such as you describe in the Sky link above, as far as I can see/ hear’
If referring to my post, the ‘report’, as linked, was pretty neutral. It is a story, and people deserve to be aware.
What I described is what I saw, live, thereafter, in the studio.
Kay ‘you didn’t see that’ Burley-wise, I am happy for this to be proven by presentation of that footage.
Otherwise, you are going to have to take my word for it.
If referring to my post, the ‘report’, as linked, was pretty neutral.
Yes and yes.
BBC Radio Grievance
Trendy supply teacher Mr Nicky Campbell sits back as the class go ape about what might offend them. Don’t worry, all the noise won’t bother the rest of the school because we are far away out in the Salford annex.
You will never walk a thin red line alone as Liverpudlian grievance is heavily out trumped by assumed verbal racism.
What exactly does negrito mean in Uruguayan Spanish? – that is the most burning issue of the age folks!
Only one thing that we can all agree on here – the English are racist and arrogant – Liverpudlians, Spanish, Uruguayans and Africans are better and they rank in roughly that order.
Mixed feelings! O:-) I haven’t been able to access bbc.co.uk for the last 24 hours.
The terrifying truth behind the so-called Arab Spring Daily Mail
oh bugger …
i was just putting the bunting out for el beebs “celebration” of the arab spring with 5live news & Peter Allen (… who?) …
who no doubt, is still revelling in the “carnival atmosphere”.
ps. i hope he doesn t, take a female reporter unaccompanied
… as “getting raped” is known to put a damper, on festivities.
Quick… the barricades… and interview an #Occupy ‘victim’!
Or… more critically:
‘Why is Uruguay shocked by Suarez’s ban?’
Educate and inform? Confuse and misdirect, more like.
Give the girl credit, she knows that whatever she says she’s golden.
Oh, great. If “Two Eds” predicts improvement, we’re surely screwed. I’ll be stocking up on canned goods and household protection.
I think this has been mentioned before…
Asking about public mood on a blog, and then making it broadcast only… class.
Can’t have the wrong kind of people being asked, as you may not get the answers needed for Helen Boaden’s next tractor stat speech.
I see the Minister of Truth starts off with poll results again. I’ve downloaded all of these in case any of it goes down the memory hole.
How does one do that? If it streams I guess it’s capable of capture.
Wish we could get back that one Louis posted where Ms. Boaden came out with some gems, such as it not being good enough to point people at obscure URLs on the webiste to mitigate lying on mainstream broadcast. Which they are doing allllll the time…
I know what I saw. I think you were one of few who saw it too.
Then… ‘watertight oversight’.
It would be great to point at a non-nukable version and ask what, exactly, she doesn’t have to say about that.
Apropos eveything ‘n all, I have made note of this:
About time I made my feelings known on the BBC’s rather ‘unique’ ‘that’s different’ approach to probing into folks’ private affairs ‘in the puiblic interest’, and the default concealement of just about anything the public has paid for when it pertains to the activities of the BBC and its personnel.
As one doors closes…
Channel 4 News is just BBC-lite.
I notice too from that article that his predecessor is Labour stooge ‘Lord’ Puttnam. It’s a comfy little closed shop, isn’t it.
your call 5live this morning,
5 live Breakfast :
a perfect example of nonsensical adsurdity personified
was? … some vastly overpaid footballer, offended by by another
foreign vastly overpaid footballer, over something that apparently
one of them thought they heard? ….. i know … who gives a shit?
so goes the slippery road of the offence industry.
buoyed up by hysteria, and a multitude of verbal gymnastic contortions, we have an hour long competition to see who can
be most politically correct.
I think i may even have heard the same spokesman made a laughing stock by john barnes only the other week,(as he didn t have a clue what denoted racism)
… return only to be treated as some kind of sage 😀 by nikki
(the p word) campbell,
If you legislate, over some persons perception on what is possibly offensive, you re on a hiding to nothing
you couldn t make it up
Hear that John Tery may be accused of causing alarm to distress to any fans that heard him sounding off to Anton Ferdinand.
I for one have often found myself concerned about the fragile and sensitive young people that attend Chelsea/QPR/Millwall games….presumably Herman Ouseley, Lee Jaspers etc were all available after the game to counsel offended and vulnerable young men who demanded redress.
Any idea why Sky etc won`t let me do my lip-reading to confirm Mr Terrys guilt or otherwise…we of the hard-of hearing community are being discriminated against surely.
That I`m not actually hard of hearing…but if I perceive myself to be so, then Sky are due a visit from my brief.
Maybe that ex-mistress of his might recover the necessary memories to bang JT to rights…and get a few bob out of it too!
The bBC news version of a Christmas carol.
The bBC compares those councils which have cut the most and spent the most on frivolous Christmas lighting.
Festive light spend cut by up to 90% in parts of London.
Council spending on Christmas lights and decorations in London has been cut this year by up to 90%.
The biggest cut – in Labour-controlled Islington – saw the total spend down from £138,000 last year to £11,700.
The biggest spending council this year was Hackney, one of the UK’s most deprived boroughs.
The second highest spender was Conservative-run Enfield Council in north London, which parted with £90,000 – an increase of almost £40,000 on last year’s spend.
The biggest rise was in Haringey, up by £41,740, to £66,740.
So according to the bbC, the biggest spenders were the Tories, with Labour behind the biggest cuts. Really? Have a look who runs Hackney and Haringey, I wonder why the bbC left the ruling party out of the article?