7 Responses to Test

  1. tincity says:

    Yes We Can..!!!!


  2. john says:

    Dear Leader,
    As your obedient servant, the wisdom of Kim David Jong Vance II, is coming through loud and clear.
    I am crying and wailing as I write.
    Thank-you for inventing the telephone, but can you put your mind to giving us some food next time ?


  3. Jeremy Clarke says:

    No, David, it’s not working. 🙂


  4. Millie Tant says:

    As someone who has never even learned how to text, I’m impressed!


  5. cjhartnett says:

    Can I associate myself with Comrade John above?
    Hope you`ve got a suitably tubby son somewhere as a spare…no need to ask why the rest of the nation seems deficient in the pies department over there is there?
    How many minutes…and at how many venues and for how many weeks…are we to respectfully stand in silence before the outpouring of spontaneous applause?
    Middlesbroughs bid is 5 minutes, all leisure centres in the ICI cloud cover area and for as many weeks as it takes for the rest of us to realise that Gods got his hands full with bloated, braided dictators this year!


  6. Span Ows says:

    there’s a lot of background noise and I can’t see the numbers but it seems OK.


  7. Span Ows says:

    …or (dedicated to Dom Joly)

    hello? HELLO! HELLO, No, I can’t talk now I’m posting on my blog.