I posted this in the football ‘racism’ thread, so apologies for any repetition, but it seems to have headed a long way south in the last hour or so. It’s just a suggestion for any BBC staff who may be viewing.
I also wonder if the black guy had called the Uruguayian “a greasy Spick”, if there would have been so much fuss? (sorry don’t know names, don’t follow football)
What we really need is a chart on the BBC website, showing us how their ‘progressive stack’ sits on that particular day. Obviously the filthy white English scum would always be at the bottom, but we need to know which group of people have most recently managed to attain the highest level of victim status. It would help BBC employees too, as they need to know who they should patronise the most.
Good luck with that. Some of us are still waiting for the BBC’s Hitler Spotters to report that members of LABOUR PEER Paul Boeteng’s family racially abused familiy members of the young, white girl his son was convicted of sexually assaulting. Don’t expect any MOTD-style discussions over the wider implications of that.
Chief White Halfoat: Racial prejudice is a terrible thing, Yossarian. It really is. It’s a terrible thing to treat a decent, loyal Indian like a nigger, kike, wop, or spic.
Gameshow Nikk on Radio 5 Wimmin, introducing Derek Hatton and Neil Hamilton…
‘With cash for questions, Neil Hamilton, you were of course a precursor of the recent expenses scandals weren’t you.’
Just for context, you understand.
Did Gameshow give us any similar ‘context’ for Degsy or were listeners just left to assume that here was A Great Hero Of The Revolution?
You can guess the answer to that one.
And of course Degsy’s tedious and predictable rant that the economic situation we are in now is reaping what Thatcher sowed because (guess what) she invented greed would never be challenged by a presenter as lightweight as Gameshow, on a station as hopeless as Radio 5 Wimmin, run by an operation as utterly utterly useless as the BBC
On the subject of ‘Gameshow’ a recent post shifted up from way down :
Move over Harriet Harman, Dame Nicky Campbell is doing your job for you, luv.
This morning on BBC Radio Grievance he is moaning yet again about ‘all those men’ up for BBC Sports Personality (sic) of the Year.
Like a hopeful virgin fresher arriving at a right-on university Nicky is wearing his feminism like a badge and feeling the injustice.
So to summarise: the BBC invents some irrelevant sports related entertainment event and then its own paid commentators agitate over the unfairness of their employer’s rules for said irrelevant sports related entertainment. Unique.
SPOTY is nothing more nothing less than yet another example of the BBC dog licking its own ****.
Sue Facelift: Steve Redgrave, five Olympic gold medals, nine world championships, a knighthood… how does BBC Sports Personality of the Year Lifetime Achievement Award rate among all these.
Steve Redgrave: (what he thinks) To be honest, Sue I couldn’t give a flying **** about it, but its some free telly time and that’s not to be sniffed at.
Steve Redgrave (what he says) Right up there with them, Sue, right up there. One of the proudest moments blah blah blah
5live V.Derbyshire. 10am. no link yet
V. oh-Dear-byshire, another hour of el beeb hysteria mongering
What would happen if someone was accused of erm … “racially aggravated assault” cue, a ridiculous line up of politically correct sops, towing the el beeb line,(one has to ask, were they reading from an idiot board?).
Just flip through to 40mins in, we have one caller, who rocks the boat
… states he can t believe what he s hearing … (so someone s life can be destroyed, by anyone with an axe to grind), and is tersely told by VD to be very careful what he says, ala, race is very delicate issue etc…
WHAT??? … then cue the news break, el beeb leads with someone refered to someone else as being “coloured”, he has been forced to a,(grovelling?) apology & this may save his career?!!
what is this babble?, i ve stated before, this greasy pole of perceived offence, & giving power to legislate on it … is the living end.
Has the BBC had its cheque from the OIC this month? 😀 , it
couldn t do any more to assist their cause, what next?
… thought police for thought crimes …
all this this follows on from N.(the p word) Campbells, drivelfest from yesterday. below
5 live Breakfast : 21/12/2011
a perfect example of nonsensical adsurdity personified
was? … some vastly overpaid footballer, offended by by another
foreign vastly overpaid footballer, over something that apparently
one of them thought they heard? ….. i know … who gives a shit?
so goes the slippery road of the offence industry.
buoyed up by hysteria, and a multitude of verbal gymnastic contortions, we have an hour long competition to see who can
be most politically correct.
I think i may even have heard the same spokesman made a laughing stock by john barnes only the other week,(as he didn t have a clue what denoted racism)
… return only to be treated as some kind of sage 😀 by nikki
(the p word) campbell,
If you legislate, over some persons perception on what is possibly offensive, you re on a hiding to nothing
What is more, the whole “offence industry” is racist itself. The only people who are allowed to be offended and who should NOT be offended by prejudice is decided on race.
To clarify. I am allowed to be offended ON BEHALF of others if they are not white. BUT I am not allowed to be offended by any derogatory, insulting, prejudice aimed at MY race, culture or heritage, because I am white English male and straight! Anyone from any race is allowed free reign to spread whatever lying and insulting bullshit about my race, culture and heritage on the BBC, and most BBC commentators would not only allow it, but join in and agree with it!
If I complain, I get the usual fobbed off ‘Go Away, we abide by diversity, yadda yadda yadda……. which in reality means, “you are white and therefore have no right to be offended (unless on behalf of a coloured/gay/Islamic/disabled etc… person) and therefore your complaint does not count!'” response.
Strange how I am left feeling completely left out of and excluded from the whole diversity agenda, unless I play my designated “acceptable” role of guilty white oppressor! I am not allowed to treated as an equal! Diversity is not very diverse, is it?
You don’t have a Culcha, a heritage or anything, really. You are not even English. Didn’t you know? You are supposed to call yourself British just in case being English might offend others, well… other Culchas. You are a nonentity. Or rather more of a non-entity, I suppose. Come to think of it, you don’t exist, do you?
Mike Saunders
James Naughtie, a Scottish broadcaster at the BBC who presents the World at One, recently had an ethnic genetic DNA test. He stated that he was terrified that he might have English genes.
Giving him some tips on his new found Englishness, Kate Fox, author of Watching the English: The Hidden Rules of English Behaviour, said that the English “social dis-ease” was fairly simple to pick up. “A politically correct euphemism would be that we are a bit socially challenged,” she said.
Listen in to the all the boring, crass stereotypes of The English in the second half. More self-loathing put-downs. Typical! :-E
It may just be a bit of fun, but imagine a similar treatment given to any other group or nationality. I would imagine the Commission For Racial Equality might take an interest.
re above post.
i believe it may be denoted as “racially aggravated offence”
i seem to recall,(i may have misheard) it being stated as “assault” though in the prog.
What an insufferably smug woman: “…our chronic social inhibitions and handicaps bordering on a subclinical combination of autism and agoraphobia…” Forgive my French but “What a load of bollocks”. On Wikipedia I find that “Kate Fox is a “social anthropologist” whose work involves research, publications, lectures and broadcasts on many aspects of human behaviour and social relations, including: social and cultural aspects of drinking; flirting and courtship; beauty and body-image; gossip; aggression, disorder and violence; young people’s attitudes and habits; individualism; the social impact of mobile phones; sex differences in risk taking; social aspects of horseracing; health scares and other health issues; celebrations; the psychology of smell and scent; manners and etiquette; the English national character and the meaning of chips.” Well, that narrows it down a bit. In other words she has trained extensively to occupy the media “standby” seat reserved for people with something to say about nothing. Ms Fox is perfect R4 material. “I say, Julian, we need someone to talk about the social impact of mobile phones – and we them now!” “I’ve just the person for you. She’s AWFULLY good and TERRIBLY funny. Give her a subject and she’ll talk about it.” Kate, The Breakfast TV sofa calls. How are you on the social implications of ingrown toenails? Perfect. We’ll see you at 7am.
Well he didn’t die in 2009, nor 2010 and by the looks of things he will see out 2011. Which is strange as with days left to live he gave a final interview in Aug of this year, Sept of this year,Oct of this year and now Dec of this year. He has outlived his mate (Gadiffi) his hero (Osma) and he has outlived the North Korean pocket dictator.
But according to the bbC this man is dying, (aren’t we all) and thus must be speaking the truth, Bets on that he is still alive this time next year?
Death bed indeed. Which is why the bbC left out any hint of how this man on deaths door had days to live when released in 2009 I quote: He was released on compassionate grounds in 2009, after being diagnosed with cancer, and returned to Libya.
So here’s a drink to next years Abdelbaset al-Megrahi Christmas day speech which the bbC will be airing instead of the Queens one.
I posted at the time at it has come true – this was a well-designed scam. “Prostate Cancer” is known in the medical profession as “always the bridesmaid, never the bride” Quite possibly Al-Megrahi did have a stage of Prostate Cancer – it is found to be present to some extent in a very high proportion of autopsies but hardly ever the cause of death. A few quacks say he has it, perfect cover for his release, well who’d have thought, he’s still alive. This was a dirty deal and the quacks connived with it.
Coming soon, the Al Megrahi Fitness Video, plus the book rights to “How I conquered Prostate Cancer”.
Instead of this incontinence and incessant leaking…couldn`t the BBC just give us a rogues gallery or pillory to be broadcast over the Lottery Draw?
At least, we`d all be able to watch the series of show trials…Carol Thatcher,Jeremy Clarkson, John Terry…but all at one and the same time.
The BBCs harping on about it…as if Terry etc gave the Stanley Boys at the Shed an attack of the vapours…is mere ongoing leakiness.
Why then are the BBCs management “hideously white”?…and any chance of a show to highlight their institutionalised racism?
Under the headline ‘Euro myths’, follwed by ‘What really caused the crisis’, the BBC has tried to explain the Eurozone crisis. What ‘myth’ has to do with it, I don’t know. It’s pretty obvious to all and sundry that the one size fits all interest rate was an accident waiting to happen.
This is how the BBC explains the problem. It was all the private sectors fault. We know which camp that view comes from.
Spot the conceptual error in this:
“There was a big build-up of debts in Spain and Italy before 2008, but it had nothing to do with governments. Instead it was the private sector – companies and mortgage borrowers – who were taking out loans. Interest rates had fallen to unprecedented lows in southern European countries when they joined the euro. And that encouraged a debt-fuelled boom.”
Dear Beeboid, it had EVERYTHING to do with governments…the euro was a political construct with a built in self-destruct mechanism.
The private sector is an economic force…if interest rates are low people borrow. If banks get cheap finance, they lend.
The environment is not created by the ‘private sector’ but by the macro decisions by governments.
I noticed that, it made my blood boil. This is a deliberate mis representation of the TRUTH. They know very well that the STATE sets interest rates and then come to the conclusion that it is the private sector that is at fault for taking advantage of artificially low interest rates. Incredible.
you know the way Fiona Bruce does that piss-boiling shake of the head whenever she wants to emphasise some PC shite or another to the hapless viewer…..
well,another thing really gets my goat…..whenever some arse of a “reporter” starts off some inane drivel in answer to a question by prefacing it with “look”
trying to give the impression that what he is saying is the absolute truth,and you the viewer are some kind of moron and it’s all so tedious having to answer such a question
there’s one guy who has just recently started to appear on the box,whose name escapes me,but whose new year’s resolution should be to leave some pies for everyone else,who is always doing this
It’s an old Soap trick – watch any soap (if you dare), and so much of the dialogue begins with one of these words: “look”, “listen”, or “so”. Predictably. reporters have cottoned on to the trick, when they’re not toadying to the newsreader by saying “that’s right, [whoever]”, or “absolutely”.
This also annoys the living dwang out of me! I first started noticing it about 3 or 4 years ago and only when some Labour stooge was on telly trying to sound intelligent. Jackboots Smiff, Balls and big bro Milipeed used to use it all the time. Now I see Clegg does it and even Cameron every now and again. To me it’s the ultimate in dismissive, pompous and holier-than-thou way of answering a question. Is it part of Common Purpose training to deal with questions to which you have no damn clue of the answer? Grrrrrrr
On Radio 5 this morning the John Terry case was the reason for a discussion of what employers shoud do if an employee is accused of a racist crime.
We had comments from organisations representing police, nurses, teachers, doctors and the BBC itself, and a head teacher and another public employees were interviewed extensively.
To represent the private sector, which employes by far the most of us including John Terry, we had a single small businessman interviewed for a short time.
How typical of the government financed and public sector BBC to think that the whole of national life revolves around public employees, with the private sector just a small add-on.
Perhaps I shouldn’t be surprised. The BBC’s junk TV service is obsessed with the fictional and real-life goings on of doctors, nurses, policemen, teachers etc etc.
“I suppose the public sector is where people are most likely to take offence.”
And to nurse grievances of all kinds.
Remember “sick building syndrome”? What happened to that? Mainly public buildings as far as I remember. Did they heal themselves or did a more appealing grievance come along?
The BBC are going after the Tory MP who attended the part in France where there was a toast to the Third Reich.
Poor Tory MP, he’s trying to dig himself out of a hole the BBC are helping him dig. He states he left after the toast was given and states that the Police investigation in France does not involved him.
This doesn’t bother Radio 5 who keep repeating his name and the Police investigation.
Serves him right that another Tory is getting slaughtered by the BBC, one day these buffoons might wake up.
Some people you can’t help. “Tory MP, Nazi regalia”? The Gift that will keep on giving? You might just think that might not go down too well once the other side have bought one of the many photos that will have been taken. I’m sure the party was a good laugh but would you want someone with such faulty judgement on the public stage? You can see them now. “Seig Heil, Vote Conservative, Seig Heil!
Radio 5 had the feminist hags out just now moanig about the lack of ‘wimmin’ in the Sports Personality of the year list.
Of course the BBC fail to point out that most women are not interested in sport and most men are not interested in women playing sport (unless it’s beach volleyball). It’s just a fact.
However, what annoyed me was the female beeboid who failed to address the lack of womens sport on the BBC. Sky manage to cover plenty of it live as well. Yet the state broadcaster is whinging that we nasty men don’t want to watch the women, yet fail to address the fact the BBC could esily buy up the rights to show live female football if they wanted.
So as usual the BBC dodges the real story and points the fingers at ‘men’ and Sky.
BBC Sports Personality of the Year – an oxymoron if ever there were one, given that most sportsmen and sportswomen appear to have had charisma bypasses.
Expect a huge send-off for Saint Jonny of Wilkinson tonight.
The beeb’s idea of a woman sports personality is a gorilla-like chromosomal monster with a crop, who fancies other PT Barnum exhibits like herself. Unfortunately the majority of sportswomen aren’t like this, so I suggest that the corporation’s allegedly female executives lope off to the gym now, in order that the imbalance can be quickly rectified.
“Mr Mitchell said the aid was “not only about saving lives”.
He said it would also help prevent terrorism and disorder in Somalia which was a “direct threat” to the UK.
“There are probably more British passport holders engaged in terrorist training in Somalia than in any other country in the world”, the minister said.”
What an admission!.
What an indictment of a policy!
The multi-culti nightmare the BBC tells me I am morally obliged not merely to accept, but to applaud in all its vibrancy.
And that, RGH, is why I no longer, sadly, classify myself as British. Temporarily, I hope. If asked, I’ll say I’m a Briton, with family records stretching back long enough to convince even Bonnie Greer that I’m a good old indigenous boy.
In my north London ‘hood, so many passports have been doled out to utterly undeserving Somali lowlife that the whole concept of Britishness has been trashed, before my disbelieving eyes. I am disgusted. Having just read a book called Arnhem: The Battle for Survival, all about True Brits, showing True Grit under remorseless pressure, I turn to look out of my window, at my new ‘British’ neighbours swaggering by, hollering like retards, mouthing off to anyone in their way, emeritus professors of welfare benefit, up to their necks in class A crime, always mob-handed, violence, their first resort. And, oddly enough, I start to feel very violent myself – especially towards the white politicians & beeboid elite who’ve sold us down the River Hades, as if we were just so much insignificant untermensch.
In Mitchell’s statement ( British passport holders engaged in terrorist training) you have the perfect example of the flight from reality that has infected the entire political class. And he does not even realise it .
How can we allow ourselves to be governed by such fools?
When and how
do you even start to argue with such an idiot?
You can’t. It is pointless.
To accept that this is an acceptable state of affairs is absurd. The BBC/Guardian axis does I suppose .
In fact millions of us are getting really fed up and as is the way with the English have already made up our minds.
I think these , our idiot leaders, would do well to study the events of 1642.
Over the last few years it has become increasingly clear that the “M” word has been struck from the dictionaries of news editors. Muslims and Islam are always portrayed as victims. Their ideology, the radical politics of Jihad – is never criticized as strongly as it should be. At first it seemed that this was done on an individual story-by-story basis, but recently I think it was a deliberate policy by authorities not to inflame anti-Muslim feelings. I could understand that somewhat – but now…?
Last night on an American radio station, the host John Batchelor had a chilling interview with Seb Gorka a terrorism expert who alerted the listeners to a move by the Obama Administration to change the use of words in official documents thus blunting our ability to mount effective counter-terrorism measures against Islamofascists. The words I have just used “Jihad”, “Islamofascists” and even “terrorism” would be banned in all government documents. As Gorka points out, “How could we have ever fought the USSR with mentioning “Russia”, “Communism”, “Stalin” or “Marx”?
This had so many echoes of our discussions about the BBC and political correctness I have linked to a recording of this broadcast.
“Lawmakers Blast Administration For Calling Fort Hood Massacre ‘Workplace Violence,'” FoxNews.com
“A rose by any other name”
“Anti-Islamic Hyperventilation”
Time Magazine, Dec 8:
Exchange from hearing, Wed.
between Rep. Dan Lungren, R-Calif., and
Paul Stockton, Assistant Defense Secretary for Homeland Defense:
Terrorist threat/Hasan/Ft Hood massacre
REPRESENTATIVE DANIEL LUNGREN (R-CA): Secretary Stockton, are we at war with violent Islamist extremism?
MR. STOCKTON: No, sir. We are at war with al-Qaida, its affiliates –
REP. LUNGREN: OK, I understand that. My question is, is violent Islamist extremism at war with us?
MR. STOCKTON: No, sir. We are being attacked by al-Qaida and its allies.
REP. LUNGREN: Is al-Qaida — can it be described as being an exponent of violent Islamist extremism?
MR. STOCKTON: They — al-Qaida are murderers with an ideological agenda –
REP. LUNGREN: No, I — that’s not my question. That wasn’t my question. My question was, is al-Qaida acting out violent Islamist extremism?
MR. STOCKTON: Al-Qaida is a violent organization dedicated to overthrowing the values that we intend to advance –
REP. LUNGREN: So is it yes or no?
MR. STOCKTON: Can I hear the question again? I’ll make it as clear as I can. We are not at war with Islam. And it is not –
REP. LUNGREN: I didn’t ask that — I did not ask that, sir. I asked whether we’re at war with violent Islamist extremism. That’s my question.
MR. STOCKTON: No, we’re at war with al-Qaida and its affiliates.
REP. LUNGREN: Well, al-Qaida — how does al-Qaida define itself? Are they dedicated to violent Islamist extremism?
MR. STOCKTON: Al-Qaida would love to convince Muslims around the world that the United States is at war with Islam.
REP. LUNGREN: I didn’t say that.
MR. STOCKTON: That’s a prime propaganda tool.
MR. STOCKTON: And I’m not going to aid and abet that effort to advance their propaganda goal.
REP. LUNGREN: No, no, my question is, is there a difference between Islam and violent Islamist extremism?
MR. STOCKTON: Sir, with great respect, I don’t believe it’s helpful to frame our adversary as Islamic with any set of qualifiers that we might add, because we are not at war with Islam.
Saw a Readers Digest cover featuring Richard E Grant…and he is flagged up as “why I hate Thatcher”.
I too was an idiot in the 80s, but now she is an old lady who does not deserve the likes of Grant “inciting hatred”.
Maybe it`s time for those of us who have repented since the 80s to set up our religion as “Thatcherist”….and put the likes of Grant and the BBC out of their leftie eyries and into the courts for being ageist, sexist and Thatchophobic.
Poor lady deserves better…from Richard E Grant to Southern Cross isn`t that far is it?
We are all Thatcherists now!
British licencepayer funded Islam Not BBC (INBBC) seems quite content that the Islamic Republic of Iran is extending its global propaganda in hispanic parts of the world such as Spain and Bolivia.
It seems that as British licencepayers, we are are funding INBBC to play a politically co-ordinating role to unite Islam and the ‘left’ globally.
“Iran launches state-funded Spanish language TV channel”
Richard Bacon was up to his usual tricks today. Firstly he was broadcasting from a German market in Birmingham, so he decided to get ‘sound bites’ from the public.
So what do we get? A dopey bird calling for the end of “this capitalist Government”. So why was she shopping in a market then I wonder? Bacon of course just loved that comment.
Then the camp little lefty interviewed some bloke from the local Chamber of Commerce (I think) and Bacon ttries ot get him to slag off the Tories by teeing up a question about Cameron and his Euro veto and how it will damage our economy.
Bloke from the local CoC wasn’t having any of it though, Bacon didn’t seem impressed.
As the BBC would see it, Balls was doing it for fun, a harmless prank whereas the Tory was doing it because he is a Nazi sympathiser and party member of C17 as all Tories are, just itching to hang some blacks or muslims.
Just as Egypt descends into Islamic violence as part of INBBC’s ‘Arab Spring’, so too in Iraq, INBBC ignores plight of Christians (at Christmas), at receiving end of Islamic violence there.
“Just days ago I wrote in Human Events: ‘Nothing appears likelier in Iraq’s future than more jihadist persecution of Christians and other religious minorities, more Sunni-Shi’ite jihad, and more jockeying for power by Iran as it continues its jihad to become the leader of the Islamic world.’
“Meanwhile, Iyad Allawi apparently expected that the Americans would stay in Iraq indefinitely, cleaning up all the messes of sectarian and ethnic strife and political jockeying. But Sunni/Shi’ite and Arab/Kurd enmity are a lot older than the United States, and would never have been eradicated by the U.S., even if we stayed there 1000 years.”
“What a sad exhibition of self-deception and poor radio journalism. A taste of what will be to come should we ever have a referendum on our relationship with the EU or the USE“
I used to hate this lot and their kind…but when you compare them to the pigmies that infest all manner of political life-and ,in particular: in their abilty to coherently set out a vision that is intellectually cogent- I can only say sorr yo to them all. They have been proved correct and-even when wrong-they have been humble enough to recognise it.
Truly a golden age looking back…the occassional Hannan or Stuart are cubic zircona in the sewer pipe.
Can`t we sign up Sharansky, Kasparov or whoever in the coming transfer window coming up?…
Cj, you clearly hold true to the variously attributed quote : “Any man who is under 30, and is not a liberal, has no heart; and any man who is over 30, and is not a conservative, has no brains.”
Me? I guess I’ve always been a heartless bastard. 🙂
Naughty, naughty. Hugh Schofield just informed us (on the World Service’s News Briefing) that the French Parliament’s vote on the Armenian genocide was a mistake; Sarkozy and his allies are pandering to the sizeable Armenian vote, says Hugh.
No link, alas.
Anything that pisses off Erdogan is, by definition, a Good Thing. 🙂
Seriously ? Obviously there’s been an Armenian diaspora for ages, but are we seriously supposed to think that enough of them have coalesced dans la belle France to make it worthwhile for M. Stacked ‘Eels (et son confreres diaboliques) to ferret out dainty titbits with which to gain the allegiance of their (clearly) vast voting numbers ?
Are there no Turks in France ? Or are they simply outnumbered by the incredibly fertile Armenians ? And what is the Skibereen Eagle’s position on this ?
Come to us, O unthanked and downtrodden Sons and Daughters of the Prophet, for WE shall not have such debates as offend you ! Flee ! Flee ! from the land of awkward questions into the arms of Britannia, where you can be paid for the simple act of continuing to breathe ! With extra goodies for those of you who can’t even be arsed to do that.
Still, and seriously, it IS nice of al-Beeb to take offence on behalf of one of its favoured groups over some harsh words for their ancestors doings, rather than some other old set whose ancestors were inconveniently slaughtered in vast numbers by said doings.
“By the early 2000s, academics had estimated that the total Turkish population was between 450,000-500,000.
“Immigration flows from Turkey are currently increasing faster than flows from Algeria and Morocco.
“Thus, more recent estimates place the number of Turks between 500,000 to 600,000.
” Birth Rates:
Although the birth rates among Turks living in France has declined over the years they remain substantially higher than the French population. In 1982, the average number of children for Turks was 5.2, compared with 1.8 for the French population.”
The bBC and its mission statement to take the piss out of Christians. Tim Minchin fumes over song cut from Jonathan Ross show Comedian Tim Minchin has lashed out at ITV after his performance was cut from Jonathan Ross’s Christmas special.Writing on his website, Minchin said he had been asked to compose a song for the show and wrote a “silly, harmless” lyric comparing Jesus to Woody Allen. He claims the song – which he describes as “not very contentious” – was cut because the broadcaster feared it might generate negative press attention…. The lyrics describe Jesus as “short, Jewish and quite political/often hesitant and quite analytical,” before concluding: “Praise be to Woody Allen Jesus.”… “And then someone got nervous and sent the tape to ITV’s director of television, Peter Fincham,” he alleges. Mr Fincham, Minchin claims, “demanded that I be cut from the show… because he’s scared of the ranty… right-wing press.” So let me get this straight, a comedian who is employed by the bBC is offended (As is the bbC) when his piss-take of the figurehead of the Christian church is cut. Now, lets ask the question, would the bbC support this wanker if he wrote the song about..Mohhamed. You know that bBC which inserts “ Prophet” before him, the same bbC which insert: Holy before the Koran. No it bloody well wouldn’t, as some muslim somewhere would decide to utter ‘Allah ackba and chop off some Beeb producers head., before proceeding to slit the throats of everybody else. Yet when it comes to Christians, the bBC and Minchin BTW richard edward get a bloody haircut you look like a female sex organ.
woody allen paedo … mo ham head paedo
goodness michin,could even have got
a bit edgy there, with your associations eh!
mind you “mncing”minchin could have got
got a bit more edgy, and got r.bacon to sing it
bit more association for you, yep! both arrogant
no surprises that bbc report, contains a direct link to the the song itself … (was it given the ok, by the head of religious programming i wonder … aquil ahmed!).
look forward to “draw mohammed day” cartoons being linked for the sake of parity … always good for a laugh … eh! aquil
to be fair to Minchin he has written the absolute piss-take on relgion and in particular the i version of God with his take on I ‘so you think you’re going to die with a ten foot cock and a few hundred virgins’
Headline on the strap line on the BBC news website:
Breaking News: US House of Representatives Republicans cave in and agree to extend the payroll tax cut.
Surely using the phrase ‘cave in’ is a deliberate and misleading statement to attempt to spin the story towards a narrative that shows that the Republicans have been bested by the useless Democrats and there commander in chief Obama?
The big problem for Obama and his idiot friends in the left-wing press is that any possibilty of gaining a political advantage from this democrat caused mess is now dead in the water.
Obama seems to be the US version of Gordon Brown, everything he gets personally involved in turns to s..t, no wonder the opinion polls have him with such a negative approval rating.
Looking forward to more attempts from the BBC to try and spin the narrative.
Stealth edit: they changed it to “retreat” on the main page an a “climbdown” for the article itself.
Sure, the Republican leadership caved: to their own party members. Lots of Republicans wanted this done and thought it was the wrong time to grandstand. But get this: The Obamessiah also caved. He agreed (well, really Harry Reid and the Dems agreed for Him, as He’s been utterly absent from real negotiations here) to an extra bit stuck in there which forces Him to make a decision on that Keystone pipeline within 60 days, instead of punting it to after 2012 like He wanted.
That’s a much bigger victory for the Republicans than the piddling temporary payroll tax cut extension. The extension isn’t even for a full quarter, so won’t do a damn thing to ease the burden on small businesses who want to hire more people. But the Keystone deal will create tens of thousands of jobs over a couple years, plus reap huge benefits for everyone in the form of lower oil prices. And it will piss off China who would otherwise get that oil and benefit.
Not that any of the 55 astute, highy qualified Beeboids working in the US would say that. Instead, they mention the Keystone deal half way dow, but somehow it’s not as important. It is in fact much more important for reality, just less so for the political hack Beltway morons.
If we get the Keystone pipeline going, they could extend the unemployment benefits and payroll taxcut for a year for all I care. It would be huge on several levels.
I didn’t see them, Millie, but I’m thoroughly intrigued now. Could it be that Tight Fit have finally reformed as requested in my nightly prayers? Pleeze, pleeze, pleeze. 🙂
Well, I’ve replaced la belle Diane with the lil’ cartoon cutie here, ‘cos my lady love got a lot of unkind comments FROM CERTAIN PARTIES, so I don’t see any call to bring that back up.
As for Tight Fit. How can I put this delicately ? Me. Early adolescence. Denise. Julie. Not wearing much. Also raggedy lion who actually sung the blooming thing. Funny lion. Ha ha.
I personally prefer the late Karl Denver’s rendition of ‘Wimoweh’ (“Nothing to do with a bloody lion !”), but I’m guessing he wouldn’t have excited my interest in a leotard.Hope not at any rate. Ahem.
And I’m now wishing I hadn’t even thought of that. Brain bleach. Lots of, please, Santa.
Anyway, here’s Karl and his amazing acrobatic larynx at their warbling best. Merry Newtonmas all. 🙂
The bBC and how it reports on genocides committed by..Muslims.
Have you noticed how the bBC has no problem reporting genocides and such when committed by:The US, Uk and Israel. You know those outrages against humanity committed by the above three like the extrapolated figures for deaths in Iraq (which have now been widely discredited, the so called Palestinian genocide committed by the Jews against an Arab population which is one of the fast growing (and not shrinking) in the world. As for how the bBC reports on the Uk, well according to the bBC everything is the fault of the British. (I wonder if that included British people such as Binyan Mohammed?)
However, have you noticed how the bBC goes well out of its way it which to exonerate the guilty party when they happen to bend over 5 times a day.
Say like, West Pakistan when it decided to send the troops into East Pakistan and wipe out 3 million people in 1971. According to the bbC, the figures are debatable, that the Pakistani army was fighting an insurgency funded by India and America is the root of all evil.
Which brings me to how the bbC is currently reporting the Armenian genocide bill currently passing through the French parliament. According to the bBC, the figure (1.5 million) is incorrect, that the Armenians got what they deserved for rising up against… their occupiers. That this is just another example of Islamophobia and wait for it..Turkphobia.
Anybody find it interesting how the which has no problem shouting out from the highest minaret about how bad the US,UK and Israel are when it comes to genocides. Goes well out of its way in which to downplay the much larger (Actual) figures carried out by members of their beloved religion of peace and in a very large of those bBC article rewrites history in which to remake the murdering scum into the victims.
I look forward to Auntie pointing out that the ungrateful Irish got what they deserved from Cromwell for not being especially thrilled by his occupation.
BBC Teletext News, ‘Around the UK‘, ‘West Midlands’
Reports of two murders, both victims and convicted murderers are named, all fairly common British names. A Muslim man shot in the leg by a gang attempting to murder him is also named… but oh so surprisingly none of the five gang members sent to prison for terms of 20 years or more are identified.
I wonder why that is?
Slightly off-topic, but why on earth is Tom Watson of the Leveson enquiry tweeting about the poor form of Murdoch’s year and this is whilst the enquiry is still underway?
Bias perhaps and some predetermined hint as to what outcome the enquiry might lead toward?
Interesting that he’s still not mentioning Piers M after he personally grilled him yesterday…
Please spare a thought for people like me this Xmas.
All alone but for my TV licence demand as company.
Confused as to what to watch, be it German Polar Bears giving birth to little Richard Attenbrough’s in the Green room or Windfarms voting for AV, Ill still have my Beans on Richard Black Toast before the knock on the door.
However, as the BBC has concluded that Armageddon is just around the corner for you lot as well whilst there is a Conservative led government, may I take this opportunity to wish you well in trying to enjoy some of 2012.
At least you probably have a TV set to go with it. This house is currently without a box since the last one conked out. Not sure if it is worth getting a new one to go with the TV licence.
How many of the 10 nominees could you watch compete on the BBC during 2011? Not just in one UK based tournament or the Ryder Cup, but week in, week out?
The bastards have censored the Military Wives. I never saw the series, but I chased up the song on you tube. Before I saw tonight’s compilation of the series, my best moment of the you tube video was when the girls turned round and showed the back of thier T-shirts emblazoned with, “My husband fights for Queen and country….” the front showing, “…and I sing for Queen and country!” totally missing from tonight’s broadcast.
BBC strangely silent that the President is about to sign the National Defense Authorization Act, which – what a shock – further entrenches and ramps up George Bush’s policies of rendition, the indefinite detention even of US citizens, without due process of law. It was wrong when Bush did it, but when The Obamessiah takes it up a notch…..radio silence. I’m sure a few Beeboids are scowling amongst themselves, but where is the outcry now, BBC?
The Beeboids never seem to come down too hard on Him for this kind of stuff the way they did with Bush.
In the Soviet Union they had very harsh anti-homosexual laws. Why? The Soviet Union was an atheistic regime, yet had these anti-homosexual laws.
Soviet scientists discovered that there was something in the act of sodomy that did something to the brain of the victim. It made them unreliable and made them give away secrets. This is why so many soviet agents in Britain were gay.
This science is so cracked and potty that I reckon you`re onto an MSc at Wessex Uni.
Professor Richard Black would be delighted to hear more.
If I tell him it`s about a spy gene that falls from your bottom after anal sex…would that be the synopsis?
Brilliant sir!
Love to Mme Lysenko!
Alan Hansen has apologised for using the word ‘coloured’ to describe, presumably, non-white footballers. Apparently, the ‘c’ word is strictly proscribed under the Political Correctness Act, although I wasn’t aware of this.
It seems he made a ‘gaffe’ and caused offence to, quite literally, billions of people, everywhere.
But what about context? Hansen’s faux pas was purely unintentional, surely? I could understand the furore if he had resorted to pejorative, Ron Atkinson-esque language but it is patently obvious that Hansen did not intend to cause offence.
Sometimes I really do feel as if I am living in the looking-glass…
sorry jez, don t defend them, they themselves are arch orchestrators, … perpetuating this beyond ridiculous multi culti/pc Bullsh-t!, i refer you to this,(below) i posted earlier
5live V.Derbyshire. 10am. no link yet
V. oh-Dear-byshire, another hour of el beeb hysteria mongering
What would happen if someone was accused of erm … “racially aggravated assault” cue, a ridiculous line up of politically correct sops, towing the el beeb line,(one has to ask, were they reading from an idiot board?).
Just flip through to 40mins in, we have one caller, who rocks the boat
… states he can t believe what he s hearing … (so someone s life can be destroyed, by anyone with an axe to grind), and is tersely told by VD to be very careful what he says, ala, race is very delicate issue etc…
WHAT??? … then cue the news break, el beeb leads with someone refered to someone else as being “coloured”, he has been forced to a,(grovelling?) apology & this may save his career?!!
what is this babble?, i ve stated before, this greasy pole of perceived offence, & giving power to legislate on it … is the living end.
Has the BBC had its cheque from the OIC this month? 😀 , it
couldn t do any more to assist their cause, what next?
… thought police for thought crimes …
all this this follows on from N.(the p word) Campbells, drivelfest from yesterday. below
5 live Breakfast : 21/12/2011
a perfect example of nonsensical adsurdity personified
was? … some vastly overpaid footballer, offended by by another
foreign vastly overpaid footballer, over something that apparently
one of them thought they heard? ….. i know … who gives a shit?
so goes the slippery road of the offence industry.
buoyed up by hysteria, and a multitude of verbal gymnastic contortions, we have an hour long competition to see who can
be most politically correct.
I think i may even have heard the same spokesman made a laughing stock by john barnes only the other week,(as he didn t have a clue what denoted racism)
… return only to be treated as some kind of sage 😀 by nikki
(the p word) campbell,
If you legislate, over some persons perception on what is possibly offensive, you re on a hiding to nothing
Alas, the “c” word when used to describe Anton Ferdinand become somewhat nebulous. CLOWN, CRETIN, CHEAT, CRAP, CLUELESS, CLUMSY, CONCEITED and CULPABLE are but a few definitions worthy of his munificent talents.
He had no need to make an abject apology as if he had come out insulting and deliberately name-calling people. He innocently used a word that some people don’t like (incidentally, some er…”coloured” people do use it and are not offended by it), because he wasn’t aware of all the nuances and progressions in preferred word use. That’s all he needed to apologise for – using the “wrong” word.
so coloured, is a no no, black yeeaargh! what! … could have to be looked into by the black police assoc, or defended by black lawyers assoc or even represented by the black solicitors network.
“YouTube political pops” ie which politicians are watched most on YT, according to one count.
Actually I’m surprised the BBC reported this at all, because the top two are Daniel Hannan and Nigel Farage – both deeply euro-sceptic.
The Beeb explains this with a remarkable piece of positive spin:
“Proceedings in Brussels and Strasbourg are sometimes derided by UK MPs but, for YouTube users, the European Parliament seems to have a real fascination.”
Macabre fascination perhaps. Look at the comments on the Farage videos – almost ALL in support of his tirades against the EU. The Beeb goes on to tell us:
“According to one media expert, the popularity of the Hannan and Farage clips do not suggest YouTube users are necessarily anti-European but that they, and people in general, like “someone powerful being brought down a peg or two”
A primary factor in this phenomenon must be that Hannan and Farage are standing up for something, whereas most other politicians are bending over or supine instead.
Others are noticing that the BBC adjusts reality to fit the Narrative. At least this time Beeboid Nikki Fox defined these emails as “leaked” as opposed to “stolen” or “hacked”. Even though nothing has been proven at all, at least they’ve stopped pre-emptively criminalizing innocent people.
But I think Tallbloke is right about how the BBC wants to portray him and others in a less than flattering light.
Why this has been relegated to local news and not national is beyond me, considering the international scope of this story and the powers involved.
Settle down children, here’s a BBC-NUJ-Marxist fairy tale about 2011.
BBC-NUJ wheel out one of its many favourite Marxists, Eric HOBSBAWN, to make some outlandlish political assertions about the wonderful achievement of global revolutions in 2011 to keep the deluded political ‘left’ happy.
He regurgitates the misplaced notion of ‘Arab Spring’, trying not to see it as an advance for jihad and sharia political forces.
Just as Islam is not a strong point of analysis for the BBC-NUJ utopians, neither is it for Hobsbawn, whose forte is European Marxist history.
Hobsbawn, like BBC-NUJ, shows his ignorance of Islam by appearing to have been optimistic last January about ‘Arab Spring’, but now somewhat pessimistic this December about it (i.e. Islamic Winter).
And Hobsbawn ludicrously ‘admires’ illegal Occupy trivia, as does BBC-NUJ..
Ah, this misguided utopianism will bring a warm political glow to the Beeboids of the well-heeled parts of the Home Counties.
Marxist versions of history are in full swing at the moment, with Nick Clarke in the Grauniad telling us that Vaclav Havel’s “anti-communist critique contained little if any acknowledgement of the positive achievements of the regimes of eastern Europe in the fields of employment, welfare provision, education and women’s rights. Communism, for all its faults, was still a system which put the economic needs of the majority first.“
I know there are always going to be people who want an alternative or anti-establishment view, but does it always have to be the same communist-apologist rubbish…?
“Communism, for all its faults, was still a system which put the economic needs of the majority first.“
Delicious that. Typical socialist revisionism.
Which is why they built minefields and shot would-be escapees from the peasant’s and worker’s paradise.
The economic needs of the majority being met first. What a yawning gulf between the words and reality.
Communism led to the mass institutionalisation of deprivation…always blamed on the class enemy or forewign capitalists.
Socialism is intellectual bankrupt.
Hobsbawn, whose writings I took issue with at university in the 70’s…suggested he was, like Marx, a neo.Hegelian who fits his evidence to suit his theoretical construct….much to the annoyance of those charged with improving my mind, has casted a long shadow over historiography which, as the article shows, persists to this day.
How’s this for utter claptrap:
“”The actual occupations in most cases have not been mass protests, not the 99%, but the famous ‘stage army’ of students and counter culture. Sometimes that has found an echo in public opinion – and in the anti-Wall Street, anti-capitalist occupations, that is clearly the case.”
Outside BBC lala land and the left fantasy zone, I hardly think that the ‘occupy’ movement is seen as anything other than a bunch of losers.
The Hobsbawn view is the Beeboid view. Devoid of sense,unreal and harmful to all living things.
I would rather listen to Shaun the Sheep.
Let 2012 bring an end to their stupidity.
Hobsbawm is the medias dream apologist for anything Communist.
Think he`s on record as declaiming 1989, and his view on all things historical is of the Arnold Toynbee/Ralph Miliband variety.
Wonder how THEIR kids are getting on these days then?
Hobsbawm has learned nothing from history-but is happy to be wheeled out by the lefties because he taught most of them before they went into the media and politics.
A useful tool…and the likes of The Guardian far prefer their tools than the inconvenient truths of Havel.
My comments about their journalism were removed by the Guardian on their website….reckon that they`re fragile to these charges, so I`ll press on.
What`s the betting that the French breast implant stuff will be used by the Beeb to get at Lansley etc?…as well as imply that Europe looks after its women(despite Strauss Kahn!).
If only Cameron cared like lovely Sarkozy does…
I thought for moment that the former Scotland and Liverpool defender had called for a genocide, the reintroduction of slavery, or at least some new form of racial apartheid.
Much relieved I note…
‘Outage on Twitter after pundit calls black players ‘coloured”.
I know, it is so hard to keep up with the current nomenclature. The good news is that this may be a green light for that old football jeer ‘Who’s the b******* in black?’
Still you have to wonder where the grievance industry ably abetted by our licence funded broadcaster will have us a decade from now?
Kid to teacher: ‘So Mizzz, before Rainbow TV did people really only see the BBC in black and white?’
Teacher to kid: ‘Now then Johnnny, we don’t use that word anymore…..’
“old yer orses guvnor” i thought the celebration of people of colour, was an upwardly mobile movement? so coloured, is a no no, black yeeaargh! WHAT! … you could have to be looked into by the black police assoc, or defended by black lawyers assoc or even represented by the black solicitors network.
Let me start by quoting the Guardian (aka. BBC House Journal) to get a bit of context on the finance of solar.
“If the government offered to pay you £1,000 a year for the next 25 years, in return for an up-front investment of £12,500, you’d snap it up in a second. Well, that’s pretty much the deal on offer this week after the government finally revealed what it will pay those who install electricity generating solar panels – in and around their homes – through the new “Feed-in Tariffs” (FITs).”
With that out of the way, it is an absolute money spinner…7% return guaranteed and uprated.
It’s a no-brainer and many companies, institutions have jumped on the subsidy bandwagon.
The assumption on Richard ‘the roofer’s friend’ Black’s part is that it is a good thing.
Damn the economics. It is ideological.
Now, in response to the government’s desire to reduce the subsidy (the budget for four years worth of pump priming is nearly exhausted and retrenchment is necessary), the prospect of the curtailment of a money bonanza is causing a response by the beneficiaries of this largesse.
By the by, Germany…ecopolis….is also cutting its feed-in tariffs…for the same reason as the UK government. The uptake is too fast to be sustainable. The Germans are now taxing the subsidy to cool the market.
So, our Richard wheels on the ‘goodies’. The National Trust and the Church of England.
Off course, these organisations are ‘good’.
Mean old Coalition upsetting the worthies!
Here is the C of E’s sob story.
“A lot of churches thought it was a good opportunity to get involved, to be a good example to the local community”
Don’t mention the 7% guranteed return. The Vicar is a sensitive soul.
National Trust:
“It (the NT) is particularly concerned that in villages it owns, where communities have come together on insulation projects, enthusiasm for extending into solar power has rapidly waned.
Damn. The 7% return is under threat.
Black, of course, revels in this sanctimonious claptrap.
The NT is a business. It has finance managers on bonuses So does the C of E.
So, there is a direct, financial world operating behind the net curtains and chintz.
But, the threat to the 7% return WITH NO RISK (until now) is causing the sanctimonious to do what they are best at. Hypocrisy.
How many old widows are suffering from ‘fuel poverty’ ie inability to pay the high electicity bills because of the need to provide a ‘good’ return for solar.
The C of E will no doubt have words on this.
They will not link their ‘solar enthusiasm’ with the freezing pensioner in Stockport.
That would be too much to ask of such an unworldly benign and sensitive to human suffering organisation.
I would like to take this opportunity to wish all the contributors a very Happy Christmas and a prospersous New Year and to thank you all for the many hours of enjoyment you have given me since I discovered this site.
B-BBC Xmas quiz.
This one is for our younger contributors who are currently reading History at Oxford and Cambridge Universities.
I shall restrict it to just one question, as I imagine you will all be traumatized having had to travel home on public transport with all the plebs before being picked up by Nanny.
So : What the fuck is the purpose of that lump of concrete in the middle of Whitehall ?
Is it :
A) Something to swing off ?
B) A homage to Stephanie Flanders brain ?
C) A Health and Safety bollard ?
D) A Night Club entrance ?
E) A BBC global warming monolith ?
The answer will be revealed in the New Year.
Lest we forget, when mummy and daddy realize that they haven’t a clue either and can’t pay your way out of this one, we will remember you !
The Beeb do provide some frightening glimpses of our left-liberal cultural future. It can be quite illuminating to hear the sort of outre views expressed by BBC favourires that go unchallenged and so are, presumably, endorsed by our licence funded broadcaster.
This afternoon at about 3.30pm on Radio 5 Mark Kermode is not content to simply review the movie Girl with a Dragon Tattoo. He does a rant on the subject of how can’t see the point in this English language version. Not that he reckons it to be a bad film, it’s just that he’s generally anti-English language remakes.
‘For the future diversity of cinema’ ….we ought to…. ‘get used to multi-lingual sub-titles’…. ‘like they have in Asia’.
Simon Mayo feels no need to put the layman’s case here or indeed provide any of that old ‘BBC balance’.
Gosh that’s pretty strident Anglo-phobia wouldn’t you say? Maybe it is just Holywood that he’s got a down on? I never really understood how movie buffs hate Holywood.
Perhaps, based on Kermode’s reasoning, the original book ought not to have been translated into English. Come on you lazy prols, learn to read Swedish!
You there, licence payer and movie goer, you will put up with the subtitles – in fact there should be several sets of subtitles on the screen – all for the good of cultural diversity!
INBBC, UK Government minister, Mr MITCHELL and UK political elite miss the ‘elephant in the room’: Islamic mass immigration into UK involves nurturing Islamic jihad globally.
INBBC dutifully reports Mr Mitchell as stupidly saying British people should give aid to Somalia:
“He said it would also help prevent terrorism and disorder in Somalia which was a ‘direct threat’ to the UK.
“‘There are probably more British passport
holders engaged in terrorist training in Somalia than in any other country in the world’, the minister said.”
The stupid conclusion seems to be:
-British is right to encourage mass immigration from Islamic countries such as Somalia so that British indigenous people can provide such immigrants with financial support and enable some of such people to train as jihadists and then to back to e.g. Somalia to carry out jihad; while indigenous British people are forced to give even more of their money to people in Somalia as ‘aid’!
“East Africa famine: Minister says aid helps protect UK”
“How exactly are the people in question ‘Britons’ at all? Some or all were born there, and maybe a few like fish and chips or soccer, but in what way is their outlook on life in any recognizable sense ‘British’? These men are jihadis, plain and simple. Their outlook on life is an Islamic ones that disdains national distinctions and non-Muslim jahili polities. But Andrew Mitchell has no conceptual framework in which he can fit such people except ones that are irrelevant for any useful analysis of their motives and goals. A massive paradigm shift is needed among the British and American governing elites, but no such thing is in the offing.
“And meanwhile, what is being done in Britain itself to prevent Muslims and converts to Islam from being ‘radicalized’ to the extent that they go to Somalia to wage jihad? Nothing much beyond outreach to stealth jihadi Islamic supremacist groups who pay lip-service to anti-jihad efforts while aiding and abetting such efforts inside mosques and madrassas.”
Forgot to mention that when Bacon was on yesterday he had John Craven on. Now many know the left wing propaganda pumped out by Newsround and Craven himself.
So I cracked up when Bacon commented that most kids get their information from social media and not ‘proper’ sources of information like the BBC.
Oh dear, the BBC doesn’t really like plurality of media does it? Some people might not being getting the ‘right message’.
Also had to laugh when Bacon was going on about some of his failed TV shows, just what do TV bosses see in this camp halfwit? He makes gameshow Nikki look intellectual.
wwfcFeb 23, 14:04 Weekend 22nd February 2025 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KkalM-JP_48&ab_channel=LancashireLarks
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StewGreenFeb 23, 13:44 Weekend 22nd February 2025 UK law says a baby is British through parentage. US law says ANY baby born in the US is American…
Emmanuel GoldsteinFeb 23, 13:33 Weekend 22nd February 2025 I predict that the AfD will do much better than the msm are saying. There will be lots of people…
Fedup2Feb 23, 13:31 Weekend 22nd February 2025 I think ‘councillor Sedgwick ‘ needs to be looked at with their political control of plod – was it phone…
StewGreenFeb 23, 12:31 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Zephir at 1am quoted the Mail article So it seems that Councillor Sedgewick had some send officers around to the…
Fedup2Feb 23, 12:31 Weekend 22nd February 2025 This was a party broadcast by the Labour Party …… 77 brigade to file- community tension indicator to note …
AsISeeItFeb 23, 12:27 Weekend 22nd February 2025 View from a lawyer from across the pond “One particularly funny one from the BBC, which is the broadcasting arm…
wwfcFeb 23, 12:22 Weekend 22nd February 2025 🤣🤣🤣 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MjTnipj_XTQ&ab_channel=DailySoak
Fedup2Feb 23, 12:09 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Do you notice how differently the bBC treats religiously motivated attacks to racially motivated ones ? Those Christians beheaded in…
I posted this in the football ‘racism’ thread, so apologies for any repetition, but it seems to have headed a long way south in the last hour or so. It’s just a suggestion for any BBC staff who may be viewing.
I also wonder if the black guy had called the Uruguayian “a greasy Spick”, if there would have been so much fuss? (sorry don’t know names, don’t follow football)
What we really need is a chart on the BBC website, showing us how their ‘progressive stack’ sits on that particular day.
Obviously the filthy white English scum would always be at the bottom, but we need to know which group of people have most recently managed to attain the highest level of victim status.
It would help BBC employees too, as they need to know who they should patronise the most.
Good luck with that. Some of us are still waiting for the BBC’s Hitler Spotters to report that members of LABOUR PEER Paul Boeteng’s family racially abused familiy members of the young, white girl his son was convicted of sexually assaulting. Don’t expect any MOTD-style discussions over the wider implications of that.
Chief White Halfoat: Racial prejudice is a terrible thing, Yossarian. It really is. It’s a terrible thing to treat a decent, loyal Indian like a nigger, kike, wop, or spic.
I also wonder if the black guy had called the Uruguayian “a greasy Spick”, if there would have been so much fuss?
I’d take grave offence to that. Calling people greasy is just not on. I am reporting this use of the g word to the authotities.
You were right first time.
Gameshow Nikk on Radio 5 Wimmin, introducing Derek Hatton and Neil Hamilton…
‘With cash for questions, Neil Hamilton, you were of course a precursor of the recent expenses scandals weren’t you.’
Just for context, you understand.
Did Gameshow give us any similar ‘context’ for Degsy or were listeners just left to assume that here was A Great Hero Of The Revolution?
You can guess the answer to that one.
And of course Degsy’s tedious and predictable rant that the economic situation we are in now is reaping what Thatcher sowed because (guess what) she invented greed would never be challenged by a presenter as lightweight as Gameshow, on a station as hopeless as Radio 5 Wimmin, run by an operation as utterly utterly useless as the BBC
I heard Dame Nikki as well, it really was hopeless.
Mrs Thatcher invented `greed` ?!?
Like, what in a laboratory then poured the test tube over Britain as she flew high in an airship ?
I thought she might ring someones doorbell then run away I didnt know she was that evil .
Could this be the same Derek Hatton who became a dodgy-property-dealing capitalist swine?
On the subject of ‘Gameshow’ a recent post shifted up from way down :
Move over Harriet Harman, Dame Nicky Campbell is doing your job for you, luv.
This morning on BBC Radio Grievance he is moaning yet again about ‘all those men’ up for BBC Sports Personality (sic) of the Year.
Like a hopeful virgin fresher arriving at a right-on university Nicky is wearing his feminism like a badge and feeling the injustice.
So to summarise: the BBC invents some irrelevant sports related entertainment event and then its own paid commentators agitate over the unfairness of their employer’s rules for said irrelevant sports related entertainment. Unique.
SPOTY is nothing more nothing less than yet another example of the BBC dog licking its own ****.
Sue Facelift: Steve Redgrave, five Olympic gold medals, nine world championships, a knighthood… how does BBC Sports Personality of the Year Lifetime Achievement Award rate among all these.
Steve Redgrave: (what he thinks) To be honest, Sue I couldn’t give a flying **** about it, but its some free telly time and that’s not to be sniffed at.
Steve Redgrave (what he says) Right up there with them, Sue, right up there. One of the proudest moments blah blah blah
BBCCollege BBC CoJo What will be the big stories for 2012? BBC correspondents give their views bbc.in/updIYD
5live V.Derbyshire. 10am. no link yet
V. oh-Dear-byshire, another hour of el beeb hysteria mongering
What would happen if someone was accused of erm … “racially aggravated assault” cue, a ridiculous line up of politically correct sops, towing the el beeb line,(one has to ask, were they reading from an idiot board?).
Just flip through to 40mins in, we have one caller, who rocks the boat
… states he can t believe what he s hearing … (so someone s life can be destroyed, by anyone with an axe to grind), and is tersely told by VD to be very careful what he says, ala, race is very delicate issue etc…
WHAT??? … then cue the news break, el beeb leads with someone refered to someone else as being “coloured”, he has been forced to a,(grovelling?) apology & this may save his career?!!
what is this babble?, i ve stated before, this greasy pole of perceived offence, & giving power to legislate on it … is the living end.
Has the BBC had its cheque from the OIC this month? 😀 , it
couldn t do any more to assist their cause, what next?
… thought police for thought crimes …
all this this follows on from N.(the p word) Campbells, drivelfest from yesterday. below
5 live Breakfast :
a perfect example of nonsensical adsurdity personified
was? … some vastly overpaid footballer, offended by by another
foreign vastly overpaid footballer, over something that apparently
one of them thought they heard? ….. i know … who gives a shit?
so goes the slippery road of the offence industry.
buoyed up by hysteria, and a multitude of verbal gymnastic contortions, we have an hour long competition to see who can
be most politically correct.
I think i may even have heard the same spokesman made a laughing stock by john barnes only the other week,(as he didn t have a clue what denoted racism)
… return only to be treated as some kind of sage 😀 by nikki
(the p word) campbell,
If you legislate, over some persons perception on what is possibly offensive, you re on a hiding to nothing
you couldn t make it up
What is more, the whole “offence industry” is racist itself. The only people who are allowed to be offended and who should NOT be offended by prejudice is decided on race.
To clarify. I am allowed to be offended ON BEHALF of others if they are not white. BUT I am not allowed to be offended by any derogatory, insulting, prejudice aimed at MY race, culture or heritage, because I am white English male and straight! Anyone from any race is allowed free reign to spread whatever lying and insulting bullshit about my race, culture and heritage on the BBC, and most BBC commentators would not only allow it, but join in and agree with it!
If I complain, I get the usual fobbed off ‘Go Away, we abide by diversity, yadda yadda yadda……. which in reality means, “you are white and therefore have no right to be offended (unless on behalf of a coloured/gay/Islamic/disabled etc… person) and therefore your complaint does not count!'” response.
Strange how I am left feeling completely left out of and excluded from the whole diversity agenda, unless I play my designated “acceptable” role of guilty white oppressor! I am not allowed to treated as an equal! Diversity is not very diverse, is it?
You don’t have a Culcha, a heritage or anything, really. You are not even English. Didn’t you know? You are supposed to call yourself British just in case being English might offend others, well… other Culchas. You are a nonentity. Or rather more of a non-entity, I suppose. Come to think of it, you don’t exist, do you?
heres the link, the usual lefty hysterical pap for at least 45 mins,(goodness! that long), before the first objective call
Join up…
Force the BBC to treat England and the English fairly
This comment on that site…
Mike Saunders
James Naughtie, a Scottish broadcaster at the BBC who presents the World at One, recently had an ethnic genetic DNA test. He stated that he was terrified that he might have English genes.
Leads me to Google and come up with this…
Giving him some tips on his new found Englishness, Kate Fox, author of Watching the English: The Hidden Rules of English Behaviour, said that the English “social dis-ease” was fairly simple to pick up.
“A politically correct euphemism would be that we are a bit socially challenged,” she said.
Listen in to the all the boring, crass stereotypes of The English in the second half. More self-loathing put-downs. Typical! :-E
It may just be a bit of fun, but imagine a similar treatment given to any other group or nationality. I would imagine the Commission For Racial Equality might take an interest.
Nice, good to see my uncle left a comment recently!
re above post.
i believe it may be denoted as “racially aggravated offence”
i seem to recall,(i may have misheard) it being stated as “assault” though in the prog.
What an insufferably smug woman: “…our chronic social inhibitions and handicaps bordering on a subclinical combination of autism and agoraphobia…”
Forgive my French but “What a load of bollocks”.
On Wikipedia I find that “Kate Fox is a “social anthropologist” whose work involves research, publications, lectures and broadcasts on many aspects of human behaviour and social relations, including: social and cultural aspects of drinking; flirting and courtship; beauty and body-image; gossip; aggression, disorder and violence; young people’s attitudes and habits; individualism; the social impact of mobile phones; sex differences in risk taking; social aspects of horseracing; health scares and other health issues; celebrations; the psychology of smell and scent; manners and etiquette; the English national character and the meaning of chips.”
Well, that narrows it down a bit. In other words she has trained extensively to occupy the media “standby” seat reserved for people with something to say about nothing. Ms Fox is perfect R4 material.
“I say, Julian, we need someone to talk about the social impact of mobile phones – and we them now!”
“I’ve just the person for you. She’s AWFULLY good and TERRIBLY funny. Give her a subject and she’ll talk about it.”
Kate, The Breakfast TV sofa calls. How are you on the social implications of ingrown toenails? Perfect. We’ll see you at 7am.
I see the bBC has aired the latest in a line of final death-bed videos from Abdelbaset al-Megrahi. Yes the man who had days left to live in 2009 is still in the words of the Simple minds “Alive and kicking”.
Well he didn’t die in 2009, nor 2010 and by the looks of things he will see out 2011. Which is strange as with days left to live he gave a final interview in Aug of this year, Sept of this year,Oct of this year and now Dec of this year. He has outlived his mate (Gadiffi) his hero (Osma) and he has outlived the North Korean pocket dictator.
But according to the bbC this man is dying, (aren’t we all) and thus must be speaking the truth, Bets on that he is still alive this time next year?
Death bed indeed. Which is why the bbC left out any hint of how this man on deaths door had days to live when released in 2009 I quote:
He was released on compassionate grounds in 2009, after being diagnosed with cancer, and returned to Libya.
So here’s a drink to next years Abdelbaset al-Megrahi Christmas day speech which the bbC will be airing instead of the Queens one.
I posted at the time at it has come true – this was a well-designed scam. “Prostate Cancer” is known in the medical profession as “always the bridesmaid, never the bride” Quite possibly Al-Megrahi did have a stage of Prostate Cancer – it is found to be present to some extent in a very high proportion of autopsies but hardly ever the cause of death. A few quacks say he has it, perfect cover for his release, well who’d have thought, he’s still alive. This was a dirty deal and the quacks connived with it.
Coming soon, the Al Megrahi Fitness Video, plus the book rights to “How I conquered Prostate Cancer”.
Instead of this incontinence and incessant leaking…couldn`t the BBC just give us a rogues gallery or pillory to be broadcast over the Lottery Draw?
At least, we`d all be able to watch the series of show trials…Carol Thatcher,Jeremy Clarkson, John Terry…but all at one and the same time.
The BBCs harping on about it…as if Terry etc gave the Stanley Boys at the Shed an attack of the vapours…is mere ongoing leakiness.
Why then are the BBCs management “hideously white”?…and any chance of a show to highlight their institutionalised racism?
Under the headline ‘Euro myths’, follwed by ‘What really caused the crisis’, the BBC has tried to explain the Eurozone crisis. What ‘myth’ has to do with it, I don’t know. It’s pretty obvious to all and sundry that the one size fits all interest rate was an accident waiting to happen.
This is how the BBC explains the problem. It was all the private sectors fault. We know which camp that view comes from.
Spot the conceptual error in this:
“There was a big build-up of debts in Spain and Italy before 2008, but it had nothing to do with governments. Instead it was the private sector – companies and mortgage borrowers – who were taking out loans. Interest rates had fallen to unprecedented lows in southern European countries when they joined the euro. And that encouraged a debt-fuelled boom.”
Dear Beeboid, it had EVERYTHING to do with governments…the euro was a political construct with a built in self-destruct mechanism.
The private sector is an economic force…if interest rates are low people borrow. If banks get cheap finance, they lend.
The environment is not created by the ‘private sector’ but by the macro decisions by governments.
Conceptual fail.
I noticed that, it made my blood boil. This is a deliberate mis representation of the TRUTH. They know very well that the STATE sets interest rates and then come to the conclusion that it is the private sector that is at fault for taking advantage of artificially low interest rates. Incredible.
And the government created the incenvtive for banks to lend to people who could never pay it back.
Just doing a piece for my site on the BBC/Sky F1 deal
Can anyone confirm the slaries of Mark Thompson and Barbara Slater (head of sport)?
Also any other major ludicrous spends I could point out.
Some info here: click on the name you want from the A-Z list and it will bring up details about the person and their salary.
Also this article gives some more detail about Thompson’s salary (and how it has changed / been reduced) over the last couple of years.
you know the way Fiona Bruce does that piss-boiling shake of the head whenever she wants to emphasise some PC shite or another to the hapless viewer…..
well,another thing really gets my goat…..whenever some arse of a “reporter” starts off some inane drivel in answer to a question by prefacing it with “look”
trying to give the impression that what he is saying is the absolute truth,and you the viewer are some kind of moron and it’s all so tedious having to answer such a question
there’s one guy who has just recently started to appear on the box,whose name escapes me,but whose new year’s resolution should be to leave some pies for everyone else,who is always doing this
It’s an old Soap trick – watch any soap (if you dare), and so much of the dialogue begins with one of these words: “look”, “listen”, or “so”. Predictably. reporters have cottoned on to the trick, when they’re not toadying to the newsreader by saying “that’s right, [whoever]”, or “absolutely”.
Didn’t Tony Blair always say Look…? Look, Jeremy…
Maybe he was the one who started it.
This also annoys the living dwang out of me! I first started noticing it about 3 or 4 years ago and only when some Labour stooge was on telly trying to sound intelligent. Jackboots Smiff, Balls and big bro Milipeed used to use it all the time. Now I see Clegg does it and even Cameron every now and again. To me it’s the ultimate in dismissive, pompous and holier-than-thou way of answering a question. Is it part of Common Purpose training to deal with questions to which you have no damn clue of the answer? Grrrrrrr
On Radio 5 this morning the John Terry case was the reason for a discussion of what employers shoud do if an employee is accused of a racist crime.
We had comments from organisations representing police, nurses, teachers, doctors and the BBC itself, and a head teacher and another public employees were interviewed extensively.
To represent the private sector, which employes by far the most of us including John Terry, we had a single small businessman interviewed for a short time.
How typical of the government financed and public sector BBC to think that the whole of national life revolves around public employees, with the private sector just a small add-on.
Perhaps I shouldn’t be surprised. The BBC’s junk TV service is obsessed with the fictional and real-life goings on of doctors, nurses, policemen, teachers etc etc.
BBC’s junk TV service
that’s actually a good description for them
heres the link, the usual lefty hysterical pap for at least 45 mins,(goodness! that long), before the first objective call
I suppose the public sector is where people are most likely to take offence. Those in the private sector tend to have proper jobs to get on with.
Except overpaid football stars who feel the need to run to Mummy instead of dishing out a sore tackle when the ref isn’t looking.
“I suppose the public sector is where people are most likely to take offence.”
And to nurse grievances of all kinds.
Remember “sick building syndrome”? What happened to that? Mainly public buildings as far as I remember. Did they heal themselves or did a more appealing grievance come along?
I think “bullying” and “stress” might have displaced it.
“A taste for champers! Cuts-hit BBC ran up a £366,000 bill on alcohol in five years (despite the fact it has been told to axe 2,000 jobs)”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2077149/BBC-splashes-435k-alcohol-years-despite-told-axe-2-000-jobs.html#ixzz1hGgtcmNp
The BBC are going after the Tory MP who attended the part in France where there was a toast to the Third Reich.
Poor Tory MP, he’s trying to dig himself out of a hole the BBC are helping him dig. He states he left after the toast was given and states that the Police investigation in France does not involved him.
This doesn’t bother Radio 5 who keep repeating his name and the Police investigation.
Serves him right that another Tory is getting slaughtered by the BBC, one day these buffoons might wake up.
Has there been a mention of Ed Balls’ Nazi jollities…
Some people you can’t help. “Tory MP, Nazi regalia”? The Gift that will keep on giving? You might just think that might not go down too well once the other side have bought one of the many photos that will have been taken. I’m sure the party was a good laugh but would you want someone with such faulty judgement on the public stage? You can see them now. “Seig Heil, Vote Conservative, Seig Heil!
Radio 5 had the feminist hags out just now moanig about the lack of ‘wimmin’ in the Sports Personality of the year list.
Of course the BBC fail to point out that most women are not interested in sport and most men are not interested in women playing sport (unless it’s beach volleyball). It’s just a fact.
However, what annoyed me was the female beeboid who failed to address the lack of womens sport on the BBC. Sky manage to cover plenty of it live as well. Yet the state broadcaster is whinging that we nasty men don’t want to watch the women, yet fail to address the fact the BBC could esily buy up the rights to show live female football if they wanted.
So as usual the BBC dodges the real story and points the fingers at ‘men’ and Sky.
BBC Sports Personality of the Year – an oxymoron if ever there were one, given that most sportsmen and sportswomen appear to have had charisma bypasses.
Expect a huge send-off for Saint Jonny of Wilkinson tonight.
The beeb’s idea of a woman sports personality is a gorilla-like chromosomal monster with a crop, who fancies other PT Barnum exhibits like herself. Unfortunately the majority of sportswomen aren’t like this, so I suggest that the corporation’s allegedly female executives lope off to the gym now, in order that the imbalance can be quickly rectified.
Ten gaffes by the Obama administration (which you probably won’t have seen on the BBC):
British. This is what British means to some folk.
“Mr Mitchell said the aid was “not only about saving lives”.
He said it would also help prevent terrorism and disorder in Somalia which was a “direct threat” to the UK.
“There are probably more British passport holders engaged in terrorist training in Somalia than in any other country in the world”, the minister said.”
What an admission!.
What an indictment of a policy!
The multi-culti nightmare the BBC tells me I am morally obliged not merely to accept, but to applaud in all its vibrancy.
Sorry. It really upset me to read that.
Oh dear. So the Somali ICBM programme has been making considerable progress?
And that, RGH, is why I no longer, sadly, classify myself as British. Temporarily, I hope. If asked, I’ll say I’m a Briton, with family records stretching back long enough to convince even Bonnie Greer that I’m a good old indigenous boy.
In my north London ‘hood, so many passports have been doled out to utterly undeserving Somali lowlife that the whole concept of Britishness has been trashed, before my disbelieving eyes. I am disgusted. Having just read a book called Arnhem: The Battle for Survival, all about True Brits, showing True Grit under remorseless pressure, I turn to look out of my window, at my new ‘British’ neighbours swaggering by, hollering like retards, mouthing off to anyone in their way, emeritus professors of welfare benefit, up to their necks in class A crime, always mob-handed, violence, their first resort. And, oddly enough, I start to feel very violent myself – especially towards the white politicians & beeboid elite who’ve sold us down the River Hades, as if we were just so much insignificant untermensch.
In Mitchell’s statement ( British passport holders engaged in terrorist training) you have the perfect example of the flight from reality that has infected the entire political class. And he does not even realise it .
How can we allow ourselves to be governed by such fools?
When and how
do you even start to argue with such an idiot?
You can’t. It is pointless.
To accept that this is an acceptable state of affairs is absurd. The BBC/Guardian axis does I suppose .
In fact millions of us are getting really fed up and as is the way with the English have already made up our minds.
I think these , our idiot leaders, would do well to study the events of 1642.
Over the last few years it has become increasingly clear that the “M” word has been struck from the dictionaries of news editors. Muslims and Islam are always portrayed as victims. Their ideology, the radical politics of Jihad – is never criticized as strongly as it should be. At first it seemed that this was done on an individual story-by-story basis, but recently I think it was a deliberate policy by authorities not to inflame anti-Muslim feelings. I could understand that somewhat – but now…?
Last night on an American radio station, the host John Batchelor had a chilling interview with Seb Gorka a terrorism expert who alerted the listeners to a move by the Obama Administration to change the use of words in official documents thus blunting our ability to mount effective counter-terrorism measures against Islamofascists. The words I have just used “Jihad”, “Islamofascists” and even “terrorism” would be banned in all government documents. As Gorka points out, “How could we have ever fought the USSR with mentioning “Russia”, “Communism”, “Stalin” or “Marx”?
This had so many echoes of our discussions about the BBC and political correctness I have linked to a recording of this broadcast.
The question remains: who is driving these initiatives?
louise i posted this quite a while earlier from time magazine etc
Human Events “Obama’s Anti-Terror Plan Protects the Threat’s Identity, from Author Robert Spencer
“Anti-Islamic Hyperventilation….,” Time Magazine,
“Lawmakers Blast Administration For Calling Fort Hood Massacre ‘Workplace Violence,'” FoxNews.com
“A rose by any other name”
“Anti-Islamic Hyperventilation”
Time Magazine, Dec 8:
Exchange from hearing, Wed.
between Rep. Dan Lungren, R-Calif., and
Paul Stockton, Assistant Defense Secretary for Homeland Defense:
Terrorist threat/Hasan/Ft Hood massacre
REPRESENTATIVE DANIEL LUNGREN (R-CA): Secretary Stockton, are we at war with violent Islamist extremism?
MR. STOCKTON: No, sir. We are at war with al-Qaida, its affiliates –
REP. LUNGREN: OK, I understand that. My question is, is violent Islamist extremism at war with us?
MR. STOCKTON: No, sir. We are being attacked by al-Qaida and its allies.
REP. LUNGREN: Is al-Qaida — can it be described as being an exponent of violent Islamist extremism?
MR. STOCKTON: They — al-Qaida are murderers with an ideological agenda –
REP. LUNGREN: No, I — that’s not my question. That wasn’t my question. My question was, is al-Qaida acting out violent Islamist extremism?
MR. STOCKTON: Al-Qaida is a violent organization dedicated to overthrowing the values that we intend to advance –
REP. LUNGREN: So is it yes or no?
MR. STOCKTON: Can I hear the question again? I’ll make it as clear as I can. We are not at war with Islam. And it is not –
REP. LUNGREN: I didn’t ask that — I did not ask that, sir. I asked whether we’re at war with violent Islamist extremism. That’s my question.
MR. STOCKTON: No, we’re at war with al-Qaida and its affiliates.
REP. LUNGREN: Well, al-Qaida — how does al-Qaida define itself? Are they dedicated to violent Islamist extremism?
MR. STOCKTON: Al-Qaida would love to convince Muslims around the world that the United States is at war with Islam.
REP. LUNGREN: I didn’t say that.
MR. STOCKTON: That’s a prime propaganda tool.
MR. STOCKTON: And I’m not going to aid and abet that effort to advance their propaganda goal.
REP. LUNGREN: No, no, my question is, is there a difference between Islam and violent Islamist extremism?
MR. STOCKTON: Sir, with great respect, I don’t believe it’s helpful to frame our adversary as Islamic with any set of qualifiers that we might add, because we are not at war with Islam.
well … HO HO HO! one and all.
arab spring – obama policy (the gift that just keeps giving)
Trying to put Humpty together again.
“Clinton cleaning up after Obama’s Middle East policy,”
Daily Caller
The “Jewish lobby”?
Saw a Readers Digest cover featuring Richard E Grant…and he is flagged up as “why I hate Thatcher”.
I too was an idiot in the 80s, but now she is an old lady who does not deserve the likes of Grant “inciting hatred”.
Maybe it`s time for those of us who have repented since the 80s to set up our religion as “Thatcherist”….and put the likes of Grant and the BBC out of their leftie eyries and into the courts for being ageist, sexist and Thatchophobic.
Poor lady deserves better…from Richard E Grant to Southern Cross isn`t that far is it?
We are all Thatcherists now!
British licencepayer funded Islam Not BBC (INBBC) seems quite content that the Islamic Republic of Iran is extending its global propaganda in hispanic parts of the world such as Spain and Bolivia.
It seems that as British licencepayers, we are are funding INBBC to play a politically co-ordinating role to unite Islam and the ‘left’ globally.
“Iran launches state-funded Spanish language TV channel”
Some political context on Bolivia, which INBBC doesn’t provide:
Report: Bolivia becoming a hotbed of Islamic “extremism”
Richard Bacon was up to his usual tricks today. Firstly he was broadcasting from a German market in Birmingham, so he decided to get ‘sound bites’ from the public.
So what do we get? A dopey bird calling for the end of “this capitalist Government”. So why was she shopping in a market then I wonder? Bacon of course just loved that comment.
Then the camp little lefty interviewed some bloke from the local Chamber of Commerce (I think) and Bacon ttries ot get him to slag off the Tories by teeing up a question about Cameron and his Euro veto and how it will damage our economy.
Bloke from the local CoC wasn’t having any of it though, Bacon didn’t seem impressed.
The BBC won’t bother to repost the picture of Ed Scrotum in his Nazi uniform, but I’ll put it here just to remind beeboids.
As the BBC would see it, Balls was doing it for fun, a harmless prank whereas the Tory was doing it because he is a Nazi sympathiser and party member of C17 as all Tories are, just itching to hang some blacks or muslims.
‘Repost’ – are you sure the BBC have ever published that photo?
Just as Egypt descends into Islamic violence as part of INBBC’s ‘Arab Spring’, so too in Iraq, INBBC ignores plight of Christians (at Christmas), at receiving end of Islamic violence there.
Raymond Ibrahim: Iraq’s Christians Near Extinction
A view about Islam not understood by INBBC:
Iraq: Jihadis murder 60 people in multiple bombings; former PM says US left job unfinished
[Opening excerpt]:
“Just days ago I wrote in Human Events: ‘Nothing appears likelier in Iraq’s future than more jihadist persecution of Christians and other religious minorities, more Sunni-Shi’ite jihad, and more jockeying for power by Iran as it continues its jihad to become the leader of the Islamic world.’
“Meanwhile, Iyad Allawi apparently expected that the Americans would stay in Iraq indefinitely, cleaning up all the messes of sectarian and ethnic strife and political jockeying. But Sunni/Shi’ite and Arab/Kurd enmity are a lot older than the United States, and would never have been eradicated by the U.S., even if we stayed there 1000 years.”
Tebbitt on Hesteline on Today on Radio 4:
“What a sad exhibition of self-deception and poor radio journalism. A taste of what will be to come should we ever have a referendum on our relationship with the EU or the USE“
I used to hate this lot and their kind…but when you compare them to the pigmies that infest all manner of political life-and ,in particular: in their abilty to coherently set out a vision that is intellectually cogent- I can only say sorr yo to them all. They have been proved correct and-even when wrong-they have been humble enough to recognise it.
Truly a golden age looking back…the occassional Hannan or Stuart are cubic zircona in the sewer pipe.
Can`t we sign up Sharansky, Kasparov or whoever in the coming transfer window coming up?…
Cj, you clearly hold true to the variously attributed quote :
“Any man who is under 30, and is not a liberal, has no heart; and any man who is over 30, and is not a conservative, has no brains.”
Me? I guess I’ve always been a heartless bastard. 🙂
Naughty, naughty. Hugh Schofield just informed us (on the World Service’s News Briefing) that the French Parliament’s vote on the Armenian genocide was a mistake; Sarkozy and his allies are pandering to the sizeable Armenian vote, says Hugh.
No link, alas.
Anything that pisses off Erdogan is, by definition, a Good Thing. 🙂
oh! … but schofield is not pandering to a sizeable lefty/muslim el beeb narrative then 😀 ,
compared to hugh what does sarcozy know eh!
“Sizeable Armenian vote” ?
Seriously ? Obviously there’s been an Armenian diaspora for ages, but are we seriously supposed to think that enough of them have coalesced dans la belle France to make it worthwhile for M. Stacked ‘Eels (et son confreres diaboliques) to ferret out dainty titbits with which to gain the allegiance of their (clearly) vast voting numbers ?
Are there no Turks in France ? Or are they simply outnumbered by the incredibly fertile Armenians ? And what is the Skibereen Eagle’s position on this ?
Come to us, O unthanked and downtrodden Sons and Daughters of the Prophet, for WE shall not have such debates as offend you ! Flee ! Flee ! from the land of awkward questions into the arms of Britannia, where you can be paid for the simple act of continuing to breathe ! With extra goodies for those of you who can’t even be arsed to do that.
Still, and seriously, it IS nice of al-Beeb to take offence on behalf of one of its favoured groups over some harsh words for their ancestors doings, rather than some other old set whose ancestors were inconveniently slaughtered in vast numbers by said doings.
From ‘Wikipedia’:
On Turks in France-
“By the early 2000s, academics had estimated that the total Turkish population was between 450,000-500,000.
“Immigration flows from Turkey are currently increasing faster than flows from Algeria and Morocco.
“Thus, more recent estimates place the number of Turks between 500,000 to 600,000.
” Birth Rates:
Although the birth rates among Turks living in France has declined over the years they remain substantially higher than the French population. In 1982, the average number of children for Turks was 5.2, compared with 1.8 for the French population.”
And, of course, additionally, in total, there are over 5 million Muslims in France, as a possible bloc Islamic vote in next year’s elections.
The bBC and its mission statement to take the piss out of Christians.
Tim Minchin fumes over song cut from Jonathan Ross show
Comedian Tim Minchin has lashed out at ITV after his performance was cut from Jonathan Ross’s Christmas special.Writing on his website, Minchin said he had been asked to compose a song for the show and wrote a “silly, harmless” lyric comparing Jesus to Woody Allen. He claims the song – which he describes as “not very contentious” – was cut because the broadcaster feared it might generate negative press attention…. The lyrics describe Jesus as “short, Jewish and quite political/often hesitant and quite analytical,” before concluding: “Praise be to Woody Allen Jesus.”… “And then someone got nervous and sent the tape to ITV’s director of television, Peter Fincham,” he alleges. Mr Fincham, Minchin claims, “demanded that I be cut from the show… because he’s scared of the ranty… right-wing press.”
So let me get this straight, a comedian who is employed by the bBC is offended (As is the bbC) when his piss-take of the figurehead of the Christian church is cut.
Now, lets ask the question, would the bbC support this wanker if he wrote the song about..Mohhamed. You know that bBC which inserts “ Prophet” before him, the same bbC which insert: Holy before the Koran.
No it bloody well wouldn’t, as some muslim somewhere would decide to utter ‘Allah ackba and chop off some Beeb producers head., before proceeding to slit the throats of everybody else. Yet when it comes to Christians, the bBC and Minchin BTW richard edward get a bloody haircut you look like a female sex organ.
woody allen paedo … mo ham head paedo
goodness michin,could even have got
a bit edgy there, with your associations eh!
mind you “mncing”minchin could have got
got a bit more edgy, and got r.bacon to sing it
bit more association for you, yep! both arrogant
no surprises that bbc report, contains a direct link to the
the song itself … (was it given the ok, by the head of religious
programming i wonder … aquil ahmed!).
look forward to “draw mohammed day” cartoons being linked
for the sake of parity … always good for a laugh … eh! aquil
Isn’t Bacon’s name offensive of itself to the wackier adherents of the RoP ? Most reactionary and unhelpful of him to persist with it IMHO.
He should be renamed “Dick Unclean Beast Meat” forthwith.
Allahu Akbar.
to be fair to Minchin he has written the absolute piss-take on relgion and in particular the i version of God with his take on I ‘so you think you’re going to die with a ten foot cock and a few hundred virgins’
Let him offend, I say 😎
now i can t wait to see THAT, highlighted in the bbc report 😀
Headline on the strap line on the BBC news website:
Breaking News: US House of Representatives Republicans cave in and agree to extend the payroll tax cut.
Surely using the phrase ‘cave in’ is a deliberate and misleading statement to attempt to spin the story towards a narrative that shows that the Republicans have been bested by the useless Democrats and there commander in chief Obama?
The big problem for Obama and his idiot friends in the left-wing press is that any possibilty of gaining a political advantage from this democrat caused mess is now dead in the water.
Obama seems to be the US version of Gordon Brown, everything he gets personally involved in turns to s..t, no wonder the opinion polls have him with such a negative approval rating.
Looking forward to more attempts from the BBC to try and spin the narrative.
Stealth edit: they changed it to “retreat” on the main page an a “climbdown” for the article itself.
Sure, the Republican leadership caved: to their own party members. Lots of Republicans wanted this done and thought it was the wrong time to grandstand. But get this: The Obamessiah also caved. He agreed (well, really Harry Reid and the Dems agreed for Him, as He’s been utterly absent from real negotiations here) to an extra bit stuck in there which forces Him to make a decision on that Keystone pipeline within 60 days, instead of punting it to after 2012 like He wanted.
That’s a much bigger victory for the Republicans than the piddling temporary payroll tax cut extension. The extension isn’t even for a full quarter, so won’t do a damn thing to ease the burden on small businesses who want to hire more people. But the Keystone deal will create tens of thousands of jobs over a couple years, plus reap huge benefits for everyone in the form of lower oil prices. And it will piss off China who would otherwise get that oil and benefit.
Not that any of the 55 astute, highy qualified Beeboids working in the US would say that. Instead, they mention the Keystone deal half way dow, but somehow it’s not as important. It is in fact much more important for reality, just less so for the political hack Beltway morons.
If we get the Keystone pipeline going, they could extend the unemployment benefits and payroll taxcut for a year for all I care. It would be huge on several levels.
What are those lunatics in loin cloths yelling about, on Beeboid One? I had to turn off the sound.
I didn’t see them, Millie, but I’m thoroughly intrigued now. Could it be that Tight Fit have finally reformed as requested in my nightly prayers? Pleeze, pleeze, pleeze. 🙂
Dear oh dear, Buggy. First the Dianne Abbott confession, now this revelation. Seek help, my friend. 😉
Well, I’ve replaced la belle Diane with the lil’ cartoon cutie here, ‘cos my lady love got a lot of unkind comments FROM CERTAIN PARTIES, so I don’t see any call to bring that back up.
As for Tight Fit. How can I put this delicately ? Me. Early adolescence. Denise. Julie. Not wearing much. Also raggedy lion who actually sung the blooming thing. Funny lion. Ha ha.
I personally prefer the late Karl Denver’s rendition of ‘Wimoweh’ (“Nothing to do with a bloody lion !”), but I’m guessing he wouldn’t have excited my interest in a leotard.Hope not at any rate. Ahem.
And I’m now wishing I hadn’t even thought of that. Brain bleach. Lots of, please, Santa.
Anyway, here’s Karl and his amazing acrobatic larynx at their warbling best. Merry Newtonmas all. 🙂
Incidentally, I’d never realised that Robin Van Persie was the lead ‘singer’ (sic.) with Tight Fit prior to his Arsenal heroics.
TBH, I never realised Tight Fit actually had a bloke in it. He he.
The bBC and how it reports on genocides committed by..Muslims.
Have you noticed how the bBC has no problem reporting genocides and such when committed by:The US, Uk and Israel. You know those outrages against humanity committed by the above three like the extrapolated figures for deaths in Iraq (which have now been widely discredited, the so called Palestinian genocide committed by the Jews against an Arab population which is one of the fast growing (and not shrinking) in the world. As for how the bBC reports on the Uk, well according to the bBC everything is the fault of the British. (I wonder if that included British people such as Binyan Mohammed?)
However, have you noticed how the bBC goes well out of its way it which to exonerate the guilty party when they happen to bend over 5 times a day.
Say like, West Pakistan when it decided to send the troops into East Pakistan and wipe out 3 million people in 1971. According to the bbC, the figures are debatable, that the Pakistani army was fighting an insurgency funded by India and America is the root of all evil.
Or even like how after 6000 people have been murdered in Syria, the bBC still parrots the line that the government is fighting terrorism. Anybody ever hear them use that excuse for say..Israel?
Which brings me to how the bbC is currently reporting the Armenian genocide bill currently passing through the French parliament. According to the bBC, the figure (1.5 million) is incorrect, that the Armenians got what they deserved for rising up against… their occupiers. That this is just another example of Islamophobia and wait for it..Turkphobia.
Anybody find it interesting how the which has no problem shouting out from the highest minaret about how bad the US,UK and Israel are when it comes to genocides. Goes well out of its way in which to downplay the much larger (Actual) figures carried out by members of their beloved religion of peace and in a very large of those bBC article rewrites history in which to remake the murdering scum into the victims.
I look forward to Auntie pointing out that the ungrateful Irish got what they deserved from Cromwell for not being especially thrilled by his occupation.
What a fun bag of worms they’re opening here.
BBC Teletext News, ‘Around the UK‘, ‘West Midlands’
Reports of two murders, both victims and convicted murderers are named, all fairly common British names. A Muslim man shot in the leg by a gang attempting to murder him is also named… but oh so surprisingly none of the five gang members sent to prison for terms of 20 years or more are identified.
I wonder why that is?
Slightly off-topic, but why on earth is Tom Watson of the Leveson enquiry tweeting about the poor form of Murdoch’s year and this is whilst the enquiry is still underway?
Bias perhaps and some predetermined hint as to what outcome the enquiry might lead toward?
Interesting that he’s still not mentioning Piers M after he personally grilled him yesterday…
Please spare a thought for people like me this Xmas.
All alone but for my TV licence demand as company.
Confused as to what to watch, be it German Polar Bears giving birth to little Richard Attenbrough’s in the Green room or Windfarms voting for AV, Ill still have my Beans on Richard Black Toast before the knock on the door.
However, as the BBC has concluded that Armageddon is just around the corner for you lot as well whilst there is a Conservative led government, may I take this opportunity to wish you well in trying to enjoy some of 2012.
At least you probably have a TV set to go with it. This house is currently without a box since the last one conked out. Not sure if it is worth getting a new one to go with the TV licence.
Not to be reported by INBBC?:
“French Muslim jailed for punching nurse who tried to remove wife’s burqa during childbirth.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2077529/French-Muslim-jailed-punching-nurse-tried-remove-wifes-burqa-childbirth.html#ixzz1hJS3LXGl
CAVENDISH wins; despite BBC’s historically weak TV coverage of
Le Tour de France, and of cycle racing generally.
How many of the 10 nominees could you watch compete on the BBC during 2011? Not just in one UK based tournament or the Ryder Cup, but week in, week out?
The bastards have censored the Military Wives. I never saw the series, but I chased up the song on you tube. Before I saw tonight’s compilation of the series, my best moment of the you tube video was when the girls turned round and showed the back of thier T-shirts emblazoned with, “My husband fights for Queen and country….” the front showing, “…and I sing for Queen and country!” totally missing from tonight’s broadcast.
Adendum; “My husband protects Queen and country.”
Is INBBC interested in this question?:-
“How can we remain silent while Christians are being persecuted?”
(by Fraser Nelson)
BBC strangely silent that the President is about to sign the National Defense Authorization Act, which – what a shock – further entrenches and ramps up George Bush’s policies of rendition, the indefinite detention even of US citizens, without due process of law. It was wrong when Bush did it, but when The Obamessiah takes it up a notch…..radio silence. I’m sure a few Beeboids are scowling amongst themselves, but where is the outcry now, BBC?
The Beeboids never seem to come down too hard on Him for this kind of stuff the way they did with Bush.
The BBC still can’t get the Bradley Manning story straight (no pun intended). They say:
Private Manning, 24, is accused of leaking huge amounts of classified information to Wikileaks while working in Iraq as a US Army analyst.
No, he’s accused of illegally hacking into secure files,illegally downloading classified information and giving it to a third party.
The CRU emails, though, are “stolen” and “hacked”. Words have meaning, and a purpose. The Beeboids know this all too well.
Naturally, the bulk of the article is given to the defense point of view.
In the Soviet Union they had very harsh anti-homosexual laws. Why? The Soviet Union was an atheistic regime, yet had these anti-homosexual laws.
Soviet scientists discovered that there was something in the act of sodomy that did something to the brain of the victim. It made them unreliable and made them give away secrets. This is why so many soviet agents in Britain were gay.
Now, I thought this theory was mumbo jumbo.
However with Ms Bradley?
This science is so cracked and potty that I reckon you`re onto an MSc at Wessex Uni.
Professor Richard Black would be delighted to hear more.
If I tell him it`s about a spy gene that falls from your bottom after anal sex…would that be the synopsis?
Brilliant sir!
Love to Mme Lysenko!
newsbrooke Heather Brooke I see the #BBC falls for this non story, put abt by LGA, a taxpayer-funded lobby group NOT covered by #foi: bbc.co.uk/news/uk-163023…
In defence of the BBC… =-O
Alan Hansen has apologised for using the word ‘coloured’ to describe, presumably, non-white footballers. Apparently, the ‘c’ word is strictly proscribed under the Political Correctness Act, although I wasn’t aware of this.
It seems he made a ‘gaffe’ and caused offence to, quite literally, billions of people, everywhere.
But what about context? Hansen’s faux pas was purely unintentional, surely? I could understand the furore if he had resorted to pejorative, Ron Atkinson-esque language but it is patently obvious that Hansen did not intend to cause offence.
Sometimes I really do feel as if I am living in the looking-glass…
sorry jez, don t defend them, they themselves are arch orchestrators, … perpetuating this beyond ridiculous multi culti/pc Bullsh-t!, i refer you to this,(below) i posted earlier
5live V.Derbyshire. 10am. no link yet
V. oh-Dear-byshire, another hour of el beeb hysteria mongering
What would happen if someone was accused of erm … “racially aggravated assault” cue, a ridiculous line up of politically correct sops, towing the el beeb line,(one has to ask, were they reading from an idiot board?).
Just flip through to 40mins in, we have one caller, who rocks the boat
… states he can t believe what he s hearing … (so someone s life can be destroyed, by anyone with an axe to grind), and is tersely told by VD to be very careful what he says, ala, race is very delicate issue etc…
WHAT??? … then cue the news break, el beeb leads with someone refered to someone else as being “coloured”, he has been forced to a,(grovelling?) apology & this may save his career?!!
what is this babble?, i ve stated before, this greasy pole of perceived offence, & giving power to legislate on it … is the living end.
Has the BBC had its cheque from the OIC this month? 😀 , it
couldn t do any more to assist their cause, what next?
… thought police for thought crimes …
all this this follows on from N.(the p word) Campbells, drivelfest from yesterday. below
5 live Breakfast :
a perfect example of nonsensical adsurdity personified
was? … some vastly overpaid footballer, offended by by another
foreign vastly overpaid footballer, over something that apparently
one of them thought they heard? ….. i know … who gives a shit?
so goes the slippery road of the offence industry.
buoyed up by hysteria, and a multitude of verbal gymnastic contortions, we have an hour long competition to see who can
be most politically correct.
I think i may even have heard the same spokesman made a laughing stock by john barnes only the other week,(as he didn t have a clue what denoted racism)
… return only to be treated as some kind of sage 😀 by nikki
(the p word) campbell,
If you legislate, over some persons perception on what is possibly offensive, you re on a hiding to nothing
you couldn t make it up
Yesterday, 11:27
ie … bud, when it suits they love it!
Anyone at the BBC like to take a stab at what the ‘c’ in the above web address may stand for.
Meh, should have said ‘guess’ rather than ‘stab’ there.
Pejorative *DONT_KNOW*
Alas, the “c” word when used to describe Anton Ferdinand become somewhat nebulous.
CLOWN, CRETIN, CHEAT, CRAP, CLUELESS, CLUMSY, CONCEITED and CULPABLE are but a few definitions worthy of his munificent talents.
He had no need to make an abject apology as if he had come out insulting and deliberately name-calling people. He innocently used a word that some people don’t like (incidentally, some er…”coloured” people do use it and are not offended by it), because he wasn’t aware of all the nuances and progressions in preferred word use. That’s all he needed to apologise for – using the “wrong” word.
so coloured, is a no no, black yeeaargh! what! … could have to be looked into by the black police assoc, or defended by black lawyers assoc or even represented by the black solicitors network.
More Euro misreporting…
“YouTube political pops” ie which politicians are watched most on YT, according to one count.
Actually I’m surprised the BBC reported this at all, because the top two are Daniel Hannan and Nigel Farage – both deeply euro-sceptic.
The Beeb explains this with a remarkable piece of positive spin:
“Proceedings in Brussels and Strasbourg are sometimes derided by UK MPs but, for YouTube users, the European Parliament seems to have a real fascination.”
Macabre fascination perhaps. Look at the comments on the Farage videos – almost ALL in support of his tirades against the EU. The Beeb goes on to tell us:
“According to one media expert, the popularity of the Hannan and Farage clips do not suggest YouTube users are necessarily anti-European but that they, and people in general, like “someone powerful being brought down a peg or two”
They really are in dreamworld…
‘the popularity of the Hannan and Farage clips do not suggest YouTube users are necessarily anti-European ‘
This media expert… not Ms. Boaden perchance?
On matters dremworld vs. this planet, she has form.
And is in charge of our nation’s public sector ‘news’ output.
A primary factor in this phenomenon must be that Hannan and Farage are standing up for something, whereas most other politicians are bending over or supine instead.
Tallbloke’s BBC News East interview on Climategate 2 gets the beeboid spin treatment.
Others are noticing that the BBC adjusts reality to fit the Narrative. At least this time Beeboid Nikki Fox defined these emails as “leaked” as opposed to “stolen” or “hacked”. Even though nothing has been proven at all, at least they’ve stopped pre-emptively criminalizing innocent people.
But I think Tallbloke is right about how the BBC wants to portray him and others in a less than flattering light.
Why this has been relegated to local news and not national is beyond me, considering the international scope of this story and the powers involved.
Settle down children, here’s a BBC-NUJ-Marxist fairy tale about 2011.
BBC-NUJ wheel out one of its many favourite Marxists, Eric HOBSBAWN, to make some outlandlish political assertions about the wonderful achievement of global revolutions in 2011 to keep the deluded political ‘left’ happy.
He regurgitates the misplaced notion of ‘Arab Spring’, trying not to see it as an advance for jihad and sharia political forces.
Just as Islam is not a strong point of analysis for the BBC-NUJ utopians, neither is it for Hobsbawn, whose forte is European Marxist history.
Hobsbawn, like BBC-NUJ, shows his ignorance of Islam by appearing to have been optimistic last January about ‘Arab Spring’, but now somewhat pessimistic this December about it (i.e. Islamic Winter).
And Hobsbawn ludicrously ‘admires’ illegal Occupy trivia, as does BBC-NUJ..
Ah, this misguided utopianism will bring a warm political glow to the Beeboids of the well-heeled parts of the Home Counties.
“Eric Hobsbawm on 2011: ‘It reminds me of 1848…’”
An alternative view of 2011, which BBC-NUJ avoids:
“After the Arab Spring”
A 2-page interview with John BRADLEY.
Marxist versions of history are in full swing at the moment, with Nick Clarke in the Grauniad telling us that Vaclav Havel’s “anti-communist critique contained little if any acknowledgement of the positive achievements of the regimes of eastern Europe in the fields of employment, welfare provision, education and women’s rights. Communism, for all its faults, was still a system which put the economic needs of the majority first.“
I know there are always going to be people who want an alternative or anti-establishment view, but does it always have to be the same communist-apologist rubbish…?
“Communism, for all its faults, was still a system which put the economic needs of the majority first.“
Delicious that. Typical socialist revisionism.
Which is why they built minefields and shot would-be escapees from the peasant’s and worker’s paradise.
The economic needs of the majority being met first. What a yawning gulf between the words and reality.
Communism led to the mass institutionalisation of deprivation…always blamed on the class enemy or forewign capitalists.
Socialism is intellectual bankrupt.
Hobsbawn, whose writings I took issue with at university in the 70’s…suggested he was, like Marx, a neo.Hegelian who fits his evidence to suit his theoretical construct….much to the annoyance of those charged with improving my mind, has casted a long shadow over historiography which, as the article shows, persists to this day.
How’s this for utter claptrap:
“”The actual occupations in most cases have not been mass protests, not the 99%, but the famous ‘stage army’ of students and counter culture. Sometimes that has found an echo in public opinion – and in the anti-Wall Street, anti-capitalist occupations, that is clearly the case.”
Outside BBC lala land and the left fantasy zone, I hardly think that the ‘occupy’ movement is seen as anything other than a bunch of losers.
“Stage army”. I like that, will probably steal it and use it in future.
The Hobsbawn view is the Beeboid view. Devoid of sense,unreal and harmful to all living things.
I would rather listen to Shaun the Sheep.
Let 2012 bring an end to their stupidity.
“Communism, for all its faults, was still a system which put the economic needs of the majority first.“
There’s a typo in there.
“Communism, for all its faults, was still a system which put the economic needs of party apparatchiks first.“
That’s better.
Hobsbawm is the medias dream apologist for anything Communist.
Think he`s on record as declaiming 1989, and his view on all things historical is of the Arnold Toynbee/Ralph Miliband variety.
Wonder how THEIR kids are getting on these days then?
Hobsbawm has learned nothing from history-but is happy to be wheeled out by the lefties because he taught most of them before they went into the media and politics.
A useful tool…and the likes of The Guardian far prefer their tools than the inconvenient truths of Havel.
My comments about their journalism were removed by the Guardian on their website….reckon that they`re fragile to these charges, so I`ll press on.
What`s the betting that the French breast implant stuff will be used by the Beeb to get at Lansley etc?…as well as imply that Europe looks after its women(despite Strauss Kahn!).
If only Cameron cared like lovely Sarkozy does…
definition of a communist
someone who has **** all,and who wants to give me half of it
Cock up on the BBC diversity training front!
I thought for moment that the former Scotland and Liverpool defender had called for a genocide, the reintroduction of slavery, or at least some new form of racial apartheid.
Much relieved I note…
‘Outage on Twitter after pundit calls black players ‘coloured”.
I know, it is so hard to keep up with the current nomenclature. The good news is that this may be a green light for that old football jeer ‘Who’s the b******* in black?’
Still you have to wonder where the grievance industry ably abetted by our licence funded broadcaster will have us a decade from now?
Kid to teacher: ‘So Mizzz, before Rainbow TV did people really only see the BBC in black and white?’
Teacher to kid: ‘Now then Johnnny, we don’t use that word anymore…..’
“old yer orses guvnor”
i thought the celebration of people of colour, was an upwardly mobile movement?
so coloured, is a no no, black yeeaargh! WHAT! … you could have to be looked into by the black police assoc, or defended by black lawyers assoc or even represented by the black solicitors network.
Richard Black, again. Sorry.
Let me start by quoting the Guardian (aka. BBC House Journal) to get a bit of context on the finance of solar.
“If the government offered to pay you £1,000 a year for the next 25 years, in return for an up-front investment of £12,500, you’d snap it up in a second. Well, that’s pretty much the deal on offer this week after the government finally revealed what it will pay those who install electricity generating solar panels – in and around their homes – through the new “Feed-in Tariffs” (FITs).”
With that out of the way, it is an absolute money spinner…7% return guaranteed and uprated.
It’s a no-brainer and many companies, institutions have jumped on the subsidy bandwagon.
The assumption on Richard ‘the roofer’s friend’ Black’s part is that it is a good thing.
Damn the economics. It is ideological.
Now, in response to the government’s desire to reduce the subsidy (the budget for four years worth of pump priming is nearly exhausted and retrenchment is necessary), the prospect of the curtailment of a money bonanza is causing a response by the beneficiaries of this largesse.
By the by, Germany…ecopolis….is also cutting its feed-in tariffs…for the same reason as the UK government. The uptake is too fast to be sustainable. The Germans are now taxing the subsidy to cool the market.
So, our Richard wheels on the ‘goodies’. The National Trust and the Church of England.
Off course, these organisations are ‘good’.
Mean old Coalition upsetting the worthies!
Here is the C of E’s sob story.
“A lot of churches thought it was a good opportunity to get involved, to be a good example to the local community”
Don’t mention the 7% guranteed return. The Vicar is a sensitive soul.
National Trust:
“It (the NT) is particularly concerned that in villages it owns, where communities have come together on insulation projects, enthusiasm for extending into solar power has rapidly waned.
Damn. The 7% return is under threat.
Black, of course, revels in this sanctimonious claptrap.
The NT is a business. It has finance managers on bonuses So does the C of E.
So, there is a direct, financial world operating behind the net curtains and chintz.
But, the threat to the 7% return WITH NO RISK (until now) is causing the sanctimonious to do what they are best at. Hypocrisy.
Black is on hand to keep the pot boiling.
Forget to add the crucial bit.
How many old widows are suffering from ‘fuel poverty’ ie inability to pay the high electicity bills because of the need to provide a ‘good’ return for solar.
The C of E will no doubt have words on this.
They will not link their ‘solar enthusiasm’ with the freezing pensioner in Stockport.
That would be too much to ask of such an unworldly benign and sensitive to human suffering organisation.
I would like to take this opportunity to wish all the contributors a very Happy Christmas and a prospersous New Year and to thank you all for the many hours of enjoyment you have given me since I discovered this site.
Will BBC-NUJ censor the word Eid, and substitute the words: an Arab holiday?
“War on Christmas: Is the festival under attack?”
B-BBC Xmas quiz.
This one is for our younger contributors who are currently reading History at Oxford and Cambridge Universities.
I shall restrict it to just one question, as I imagine you will all be traumatized having had to travel home on public transport with all the plebs before being picked up by Nanny.
So :
What the fuck is the purpose of that lump of concrete in the middle of Whitehall ?
Is it :
A) Something to swing off ?
B) A homage to Stephanie Flanders brain ?
C) A Health and Safety bollard ?
D) A Night Club entrance ?
E) A BBC global warming monolith ?
The answer will be revealed in the New Year.
Lest we forget, when mummy and daddy realize that they haven’t a clue either and can’t pay your way out of this one, we will remember you !
The Beeb do provide some frightening glimpses of our left-liberal cultural future. It can be quite illuminating to hear the sort of outre views expressed by BBC favourires that go unchallenged and so are, presumably, endorsed by our licence funded broadcaster.
This afternoon at about 3.30pm on Radio 5 Mark Kermode is not content to simply review the movie Girl with a Dragon Tattoo. He does a rant on the subject of how can’t see the point in this English language version. Not that he reckons it to be a bad film, it’s just that he’s generally anti-English language remakes.
‘For the future diversity of cinema’ ….we ought to…. ‘get used to multi-lingual sub-titles’…. ‘like they have in Asia’.
Simon Mayo feels no need to put the layman’s case here or indeed provide any of that old ‘BBC balance’.
Gosh that’s pretty strident Anglo-phobia wouldn’t you say? Maybe it is just Holywood that he’s got a down on? I never really understood how movie buffs hate Holywood.
Perhaps, based on Kermode’s reasoning, the original book ought not to have been translated into English. Come on you lazy prols, learn to read Swedish!
You there, licence payer and movie goer, you will put up with the subtitles – in fact there should be several sets of subtitles on the screen – all for the good of cultural diversity!
INBBC, UK Government minister, Mr MITCHELL and UK political elite miss the ‘elephant in the room’: Islamic mass immigration into UK involves nurturing Islamic jihad globally.
INBBC dutifully reports Mr Mitchell as stupidly saying British people should give aid to Somalia:
“He said it would also help prevent terrorism and disorder in Somalia which was a ‘direct threat’ to the UK.
“‘There are probably more British passport
holders engaged in terrorist training in Somalia than in any other country in the world’, the minister said.”
The stupid conclusion seems to be:
-British is right to encourage mass immigration from Islamic countries such as Somalia so that British indigenous people can provide such immigrants with financial support and enable some of such people to train as jihadists and then to back to e.g. Somalia to carry out jihad; while indigenous British people are forced to give even more of their money to people in Somalia as ‘aid’!
“East Africa famine: Minister says aid helps protect UK”
But ‘Jihadwatch’ is in touch with reality:
“Britons” streaming into Somalia to train for jihad
[‘Opening extract]:
“How exactly are the people in question ‘Britons’ at all? Some or all were born there, and maybe a few like fish and chips or soccer, but in what way is their outlook on life in any recognizable sense ‘British’? These men are jihadis, plain and simple. Their outlook on life is an Islamic ones that disdains national distinctions and non-Muslim jahili polities. But Andrew Mitchell has no conceptual framework in which he can fit such people except ones that are irrelevant for any useful analysis of their motives and goals. A massive paradigm shift is needed among the British and American governing elites, but no such thing is in the offing.
“And meanwhile, what is being done in Britain itself to prevent Muslims and converts to Islam from being ‘radicalized’ to the extent that they go to Somalia to wage jihad? Nothing much beyond outreach to stealth jihadi Islamic supremacist groups who pay lip-service to anti-jihad efforts while aiding and abetting such efforts inside mosques and madrassas.”
Forgot to mention that when Bacon was on yesterday he had John Craven on. Now many know the left wing propaganda pumped out by Newsround and Craven himself.
So I cracked up when Bacon commented that most kids get their information from social media and not ‘proper’ sources of information like the BBC.
Oh dear, the BBC doesn’t really like plurality of media does it? Some people might not being getting the ‘right message’.
Also had to laugh when Bacon was going on about some of his failed TV shows, just what do TV bosses see in this camp halfwit? He makes gameshow Nikki look intellectual.