The bias of the BBC is often accompanied by the sheer inanity. Next week, the Today programme will have “guest editors” and one of these is the “comedian” Stewart Lee. Clearly the BBC are so excited about Stewart’s forthcoming editorial debut that they felt inclined to allow him to do an item on Today this morning. (7.42am) Stewart did not disappoint and gave us his curious opinions as to what Oliver Cromwell would think of the modern Christmas. This turned out to be a less than cloaked onslaught on how “commercialism” has killed Christmas, although last time I checked, I can’t recall Mr Lee urging a celebration of Christianity? The only good thing about this trash is that it used several excerpts from my favourite song. Sorry I have no link, nothing put up on the site yet by the BBC – have they already cleared off on holiday?
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This is a bit off topic, but it does show how the great bBC does not always see the big PC picture. The story is about gov actions and the messages these give off. On TODAY there was an item about Australia, when asylum seekers were processed on in very in remote locations, the problem was contained. The in comes a Labour gov, who procaim ‘oh how inhumain’, they are now processed on the mainland and the message has gone out and they now have an arrival epidemic on their hands.
Off course, the bBC have forgotten about anothe Labour gov nearer to home, look what actions and messages they sent out and the disaster they caused. The bBC if they were really smart would never have run the story, they are not even capable of doing labour propoganda without cocking it up.
of course it’s not pinkos like Stewart Lee who are trying to kill Christmas. Honestly the BBC don’t even care about mainatining the facade of impartiality, how else can you put someone so extremely biased as Stewart Lee in charge.
Up until recently, I had only previously heard Stewart Lee on the radio when BBC 7/4 Extra ran repeats of Lee & Herring.
I saw him on the Comedy Awards the other night, however. He really is an odd-looking bloke; he is a sort of David Gilmour/Terry Christian hybrid.
Yeah, yeah. This has nothing to do with the Today programme or BBC bias, but I had to get it off my chest. 🙂
Stewart Lee did that Jerry Springer thing about Jesus didn`t he is some capacity?
Surely then, the commercialisation of Christs life was not a problem to him as the BBC handed him its royalty cheques courtesy of the rest of us…and with no forum to prevent the blasphemy either.
When Stewart Lee is brave enough to do a similar skit on Muhammad,,,and the BBC are happy to put it on( I mean…child brides, anti-Jewish porgroms and bloodshed?…what`s not to like ratings-wise?)…then I`ll respect his right to air his depressive tendencies upon the rest of us.
Until then, he needs to stay away until the nights get brighter.
In the same vein, loved Kirsty Youngs reference to Julian Fellowes depression as ” a bit of a grump phase”…hope Marjorie Wallace and SANE are going to give her hell about that…or are they all waiting for the clocks to go forward too?
It could be worse.
Song mocking Christ pulled from Jonathan Ross’ Christmas special
According to the Grauniad Stewart Lee is a”sanctimonious prick”.
You really ought to check youre using the same songsheet fellahs!
Mind you, as a sanctimonious prick he should fit in well on the Today Programme.
Why should Lee be bothered about the real message of Christmas being hidden.
“Lee, an avowed atheist, was accused of deliberately setting out to offend religious sensibilities, a charge he vehemently denied. He went on the road in 2005 to defend the show and became both a hate figure for the religious right and their daily rags, and a hero for the godless. ”
Without the commercialisation he would not even notice Christmas.
Stewart Lee is a weapon’s grade prick.
The worst thing about Lee is how boring his act is now a days he just like Hardy and the rest of the in house ‘establishment comedians’ rehashing the same tired old rubbish from years ago every utterance and I can honestly say I have heard it !