Nobody would fail to feel sympathy for the family of the teenager who was stabbed to death in London’s Oxford Street during the Boxing Day sales. Who would want to see their 18 year old stabbed to death? But the BBC does test one’s patience. Just consider this…

“Seydou Diarrassouba, 18, was stabbed after a fight began in the Foot Locker sports shop near Bond Street Tube station on Monday. His family praised the “loving son and brother” who was “snatched away”. The tribute came as police raided the homes of 20 suspected gang members to “quell” related tensions.”

The way the BBC writes this one leaves out a few essential facts…

A known gangster, he (Diarrassouba) was facing trial over charges of robbery and assault by beating in relation to an alleged attack in September.On Boxing Day he is believed to have left his home on a council estate in Mitcham, South London, with other members of ABM with the intention of using the sales crush as cover for shoplifting.

WHY does the BBC deliberately erase this aspect to the background of the young man? I know it is not pleasant but it does provide genuine context. This guy was out with his gangster pals to thieve and it all went wrong. Also note the photo that they use – above. The could have used this one…but didn’t. I wonder why?

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116 Responses to BACK TO OXFORD STREET

  1. Martin says:

    The BBC igonre it because it doesn’t fit with their lefty narrative that black = good and white =bad.

    Blacks can only ever be victims.


  2. Jeremy Clarke says:

    Okay, I’ll stick my head above the parapet. I – respectfully – disagree with you, David.

    I have done some pretty reprehensible things in my life but if I die tomorrow, I hope I shall be remembered as a loving son, brother, father and friend.

    This lad was quite possibly a bad one but he could have changed and made something of his life – people can and do change. Instead he was cut down in his prime and now lies on a slab in a mortuary, leaving a grieving family behind.

    Taking this into account, I respect the BBC’s decision to downplay the less edifying aspects of this young chap’s life.


    • David vance says:

      Jeremy – I fully respect your opinion and see the point you make. I believe the BBC has a duty to point out that the young man was gang member and lost his life as a direct consequence. In doing so, it MIGHT put others from following the same folly. 


      • Jeremy Clarke says:

        You have a point, David. Handled sensibly, maybe, just maybe, some good could come from this murder.

        I guess you could interpret the BBC’s reticence in two ways: either they are keeping their powder dry ahead of a trial or exercising self-censorship in order to avoid the awkward issue of young black men and gangs.

        My eldest daughter is just three years younger than this lad and she is a sensible lass, but that doesn’t stop me worrying about her welfare and well-being. While this young man evidently got himself mixed up with some bad people, my natural reaction is one of sadness for him and his family.

        Thusly, my reply to you was driven primarily by parental instinct – no father or mother should have to bury his or her child.


        • hippiepooter says:

          I sympathise with your feelings JC, but one wonders how much the dead young gangster’s family’s Muslim teachings had to do with his life of crime.  He was apparantly regarded as a dedicated Muslim.  Not the time to investigate the angle as to whether his gangster activity was a form of ‘jihad’ for him, but for the BBC there’s never a time to do this.


    • Martin says:

      JC the point is his background almost certainly HAD SOMETHING to do with his death. The BBC should be reporting that, the job of the BBC is to report the facts and the news, if they want to include comments from the family then fine.

      THe BBC have’nt bothered to report his background and the charges he was facing, which in my view are relevant to the case.


      • Jeremy Clarke says:

        I don’t disagree with you, Martin. The gang association very probably cost Seydou Diarrassouba (yes, I used Google to spell his surname) his life.

        The BBC reports do indeed tiptoe around the gang element but their reasons for doing so may be honourable, particularly as the murder is still fresh in the memory and the family still grieving.

        On the other hand, they may be wilfully ignoring the elephant in the room – namely, that a disproportionate number of London gangs operate along ethnic lines.

        At this stage, I am prepared to give them the benefit of the doubt. But I expect it’s only a matter of time before Darcus Howe pops up on News 24 and tells me it’s all my fault.


        • Martin says:

          I never give the BBC the benefit of the doubt, they don’t deserve it.


          • Jeremy Clarke says:

            “I never give the BBC the benefit of the doubt, they don’t deserve it.”

            I’d never have guessed, Martin. πŸ™‚

            It’s weird because I want to love the BBC; I wish I could be proud of this iconic ‘brand’ that is as recognisable throughout the world as Coca Cola.

            They do some things well, but too often lose the plot. They have some terrific reporters and occasionally produce some quality programmes.

            But when I switch on the radio and listen to the preening, unfunny arses on The News Quiz or I have to endure the morose editorialising of the likes of Orla Guerin, I find it hard to feel the love.

            Delighted that Sky News’s Alex Crawford has received a gong.


            • My Site (click to edit) says:

              ROBERT BROWN; JC, you are trying to be all things to all men, big mistake. When i read your squirming attempts to be ‘magnamimous’, i think of Blackadder 4, where Flasheart is confronted by Baron Richthoven, who regales Flash with stirring and noble contests in the air, only to be cut short with a bullet from the good old Webley Mk VI, .455, and the retort from Flash of ‘What a poof!’. Nothing personal, but my view is that the stupid black kid got his deserts, and HE and no-one else has let down his family. As for the BBC, well, if a white kid had stabbed him then we would not hear the last of it. The BBC are dishonest, racist rubbish.


        • Autonomous Mind says:

          Jeremy, the BBC does not receive the licence fee in order to ‘be honourable’; but for them to deliver objective and factual reporting.

          The reporting of this story demonstrates once again an editorial bias, where facts about the victim and his circumstances are selectively omitted in an effort to colour the perception of the audience.

          The BBC is supposed to be impartial, but its editorial direction is designed to set or further various agendas.  It is not noble, it is unacceptable. There is a name for it – propaganda.


          • Jeremy Clarke says:

            Morning, AM (enjoy your blog immensely, btw) and Robert. Happy new year to you both.

            Yeah, like you I am attempting to try and understand why the BBC has omitted mention of his gang connections and outstanding robbery and assault charges.

            I’ll just reiterate: the BBC are either treading softly in the absence of ‘official’ information – the case is shrouded in rumours and the Met have been fairly coy in their statements; or, as has been suggested here, they have deliberately air-brushed out the racial/gang element to avoid some inconvenient truths.

            If the latter is the case, then clearly the Beeb’s agenda should, rightly, be questioned.

            hippiepooter drew an interesting parallel with the BBC’s mealy-mouthed coverage of the Fogel murders, so I accept they do have previous when it comes to reporting murders. I am not giving them a free pass but trying to understand why they are doing what they are doing.

            There is probably one way to find out: ask the BBC why they have left out the details about Diarrassouba’s ‘form’. The response will be interesting.

            In other words, yes, I am sitting on the fence.


            • My Site (click to edit) says:

              ROBERT BROWN; Happy New Year JC, and thank you for your wishes too. Please understand though that this is an anti-BBC site, ‘sitting on the fence’ is not good enough. Everything they say and do is for the most part dictated by their ‘agenda’. Impartiality and ‘fairness’ does not even make it into their take on things these days, it used to, say in the forties/ fifties but no longer, alas. So, come on JC, show us some vitriol, with the bark on! Best wishes.


    • hippiepooter says:

      You make some good points JC, but how does the BBC playing down the gangster background of a murder victim with it going into overdrive into playing up the fact the Fogel family were ‘settlers’ as if they brought their murders on themselves?

      What did baby Fogel do to deserve this ‘context’.  What did any of the law abiding Fogels do?  One wouldn’t wish this young gangster’s fate upon anyone, but avoidance of the fact that he was an abject scrote has nothing to do with BBC decency and everything to do with their agenda.


      • Jeremy Clarke says:

        The BBC’s reporting of the Fogel slaughter (murder is too mundane a word) was appalling, hippiepooter. Their first piece was almost an afterthought, reported two days after the event and then revisited only when Israel arrested suspects.

        (I thought I’d repost the links just to refresh memories)

        I didn’t see any parallels between the Fogels and the chappie in Oxford Street but I see your point. My response would be that, as far as Israel is concerned, special BBC-Guardian-Fisk rules apply (i.e. if an Israeli is killed, it is Israel’s fault).


    • Barry says:

      “I have done some pretty reprehensible things in my life but if I die tomorrow, I hope I shall be remembered as a loving son, brother, father and friend. “

      Yes, but the point is, he wasn’t OUR loving son, brother, father or friend. He was a criminal who almost certainly got himself killed.

      No loss to me, frankly.


  3. London Calling says:

    bBC is under the mistaken belief that it has a mission is to promote social cohesion instead of impartially report news. Its unconscious institutional racism leads it to conclude the public can not safely be told a black man is anything other than a loving angel who wants to become a human rights lawyer.  It’s OK apparently to report on  “white trash”, but not “black trash”. Everything is to be airbrushed and sanitised, because we are not to be trusted with the facts. They hold back every race-related issue from their reports until the very last moment, because you might draw an inference or conclusion they do not like.


    • My Site (click to edit) says:

      it has a mission is to promote social cohesion instead of impartially report news.’

      Covered well by ‘mistaken belief’, but worth reiterating that the BBC’s partlality in almost all things seems to be serving social cohesion pretty poorly as folk, who are not daft, know they are being mis-informed by the establishment, and are kicking back.

      By such crass ediotrial manipulation, it is actually promoting division.

      And we have to pay £145.50 to help them promote this ‘effort’.

      With the internet the facts, including some extremes, will be the forbideeen fruit of what has been ‘left out’ will be passed around and remebered more. And I don’t think this will serve to build bridges.


  4. matthew says:

    Now come on this is a little harsh. He was a young man unfortunate enough to grow up in a ghetto but he did not deserve to die and it is quite normal to use a ‘nice’ photo to depict a dead person.

    ‘Family pays tribute to dead son’ is a perfectly reasonable article to print, albeit that the ‘Gang violence implicated in Boxing Day death’ article is shamefully missing.


    • London Calling says:

      I respectfully disagree, the place for eulogies is in the obituaries column, not the editorial. Every individual death is a tragedy, but the pattern of feral (often fatherless) black youth in criminal gangs in London and other major cities is a matter of national concern and the issue for public policy.
      I notice the quote refers to “family pays tribute” , no father mentioned. Ive checked a number of national newspaper accounts and not found a reference to a father. This case may be different but young men brought up without a significant male figure in the home is part of the gang problem. The gang provides the male role models.


      • matthew says:

        Teenage boys do not get obituaries, and I sympathise with the family at this time, it is reasonable to give their views a column, as the death of a child at age 18 is indeed tragic and to ignore that grief is wrong.

        That said, this boy was born the year Steven Lawrence died, and we are still hearing about white racists perpetrating that and it is indeed criminal that the BBC do not report on the much bigger loss of black life caused through gang crime.

        It is inappropriate to vilify this boy or to print a photo of him as a gang member on the page where his family express their grief, but equally the family — who I would not blame individually, as no doubt it is not easy growing up in these areas – the chance that the boy, growing up in say Guildford, would have turned out like this is nil — are owed a proper enquiry, Steven Lawrence style into the unchecked conditions that cause this sad waste of life.


        • RCE says:

          So every kid from his postcode is guaranteed to go on to be a violent criminal and there is no street crime in Guildford?

          Once individuals are absolved of responsibility for the crimes they commit then society is doomed.


        • dave s says:

          Classic liberal response. There is a reality waiting to be expressed but I doubt if any liberal is intellectually or emotionally equipped to handle it. I am sure some who post here know exactly what is meant by this.


        • My Site (click to edit) says:

          Believe me, there’s no shortage of criminal scum in Guildford! 
          It has a very attractive high street though.


    • Barry says:

      “He was a young man unfortunate enough to grow up in a ghetto..”

      No, he grew up in a ghetto created by thugs of his kind. 

      I was born into a family that had practically nothing, so my compassion is nil. Good riddance.


      • London Calling says:

        Where I sit in South London we are surrounded by these scum. Its common now to hear a police helicopter circling above our heads at night as they try to track the night time goings on of these estate gangs. I am sure it looks illiberal from a safe distance, but with several killings within a mile of my home I don’t feel very “liberal” towards these “postcode unfortunates”


  5. George R says:

    257 LONDON gangs (in 2007), which BBC-NUJ wants to ignore, unless it’s to blame the police and the government for the activities of such gangs.


  6. john in cheshire says:

    I’ll be visiting London next year with my young nephew, for some of the Olympic sessions (if we’ve had to pay for it, then I want to see what I’ve bought). I’m quite apprehensive given the number of visitors who will be there, and the propensity for many of our ethnic brethren for violence, lawbreaking and general anti-social behaviour. I hope I’m proven wrong, but I shall be keeping my wits about me to ensure that both my nephew and I arrive home in one piece. Prior to 1997, I wouldn’t have even considered my personal safety but I have almost been mugged twice on the tubes since then and I am very circumspect when near groups of asians (and I don’t mean Chinese by that) and blacks. Maybe if a few of the bbc employees had been exposed to the true nature of our multicultural nightmare, they’d be a little more realistic about such issues.


    • Barry says:

      I hope you have a good time. However, it’s outragious that you should have to endure these concerns over what should be an enjoyable trip.

      IMO, people should openly express their fears as often as possible. Silence plays into the hands of liberals and apologists.


  7. As I See It says:

    The BBC now operate a system of reporting apartheid – different reporting rules for different races. One only need observe their coverage of the handful of major crime stories over the Christmas period to see it. The difference is now glaringly obvious.

    The rules are generally refered to as PC. They may be unwritten but nevertheless they are there. They come from the BBC in a mixture of bias by ommission of certain stories, bias by emphasis on other stories and bias by the selection of facts and of the questions chosen or not chosen to be asked of the authorities.

    To side step the black/white cxrime issue somewhat – here is a small example of BBC reporting which typifies the problem with the BBC:

    Just now on 5 Live we have the reporting of the warnings from trading standards about illegally distilled vodka.

    The Beeboid asks ‘why are we seeing such a massive rise in this….is it just because we are all so hard up these days?’

    Now the trading standards press person has been on similar courses and has a similar understanding of the rules of PC as the Beeboid so the answer is not going to be ‘because we suddenly have so many Eastern Europeans in the UK’.

    And yet that is the true answer to the question of why there is suddenly so much home brewed vodka.

    The BBC reporter would not dream of asking a follow up question about whether the toing and froing of so many Eastern Europeans has had anything to with it. So he is complicit in a Politicaly Correct covering up of the truth.

    Now we know that he is not a news reporter eagerly digging for truth on our behalf. He is a biased servant and propagator of PC.

    And it is left up to us to watch out for the bottles of vodka with a label spelt ‘wodka’.


  8. Maturecheese says:

    On a similar theme, the young Indian boy that was shot in salford, and my condolances go out to his family, is being given the full ‘hate crime’  racist’ treatment as the perpatrator was a young white boy.  Now it may well have been so and the killer is no doubt a waste of space scumbag but there seems to be only one race that is capable of racist crimes and that is us evil whiteys. There have no doubt been racist crimes and murders committed against white youth by Black or Asian youth but they are NEVER classed as racist hate crimes.  This double standard breeds the very resentment that could potentially drive a thick young thug to do what that scumbag did.


    • john in cheshire says:

      I would point you to the horrendous torture and murder of Kris Donald in Scotlamd by a car load of muslims. A far as I am concerned the detail of what those beasts did was worse than Stephen Lawrence’s murder but who knows about it? the despicable bbc glossed over it at the time and that’s about it.


    • My Site (click to edit) says:

      Yes, on the basis that the local ‘community’ have a feeling that it may be racially motivated!?  
      The story of the white lad who was chased and fatally stabbed by a gang of blacks in E.London a few weeks back seems to have been swept nicely under the carpet though.  
      I’ve also been wondering if anyone has heard anything more about the car load of blacks that ran over the Asians in Brum during the riots? 


      • RCE says:

        My Site – the only sound from that story is the tumbleweed.


        • David Gregory says:

          There’s a very good reason that story has gone quiet. The case is active and it will eventually be heard in court sometime in the new year. While it’s unlikely a judge would worry too much about it being discussed on B-BBC they would certainly take a dim view of the BBC itself saying anything ahead of time. Mind you further in-depth discussion on here would technically be contempt and the prospect of an unlimited fine and unlimited jail time does tend to concentrate the mind. I presume as with a newspaper or indeed the BBC contempt would apply both to David and the original poster.
          I don’t have any knowledge of the stabbing in London but I do wonder if there might be some contempt angle here too?


          • As I See It says:

            Ok fair enough, let’s wait until the case has been to court. Should interesting considering the dozens and dozens of BBC stories already broadcast that have sought to mitigate and excuse the behaviour of the rioters.


            • David Gregory says:

              Once it’s all over I’ll pop back and chat about it if you like. It was an interesting one to report at the time and no doubt the court case will be interesting too.


            • My Site (click to edit) says:

              It’s the reporting of the crime initially (or lack of) that’s the real issue.


          • RCE says:

            David Gregory – “There’s a very good reason that story has gone quiet. The case is active and it will eventually be heard in court sometime in the new year. While it’s unlikely a judge would worry too much about it being discussed on B-BBC they would certainly take a dim view of the BBC itself saying anything ahead of time.”

            But that didn’t apply in the Stephen Lawrence case, did it?  Or phone hacking?


            • David Gregory says:

              It certainly should apply. I would argue we haven’t heard much about the specific cases of the 17 people arrested over phone-hacking so far. Leveson is slightly different of course, although having the enquiry before the result of the criminal investigations is an interesting idea.


              • hippiepooter says:

                DG, with an ongoing Police investigation into alleged phone hacking it didn’t stop the BBC from egging on a public inquiry that might prejudice future proceedings.

                You are making yourself look an utter fool claiming that people commenting here on how the incident was covered in the news is subjudice and contempt.

                I guess that’s how desperate BBC apologists are getting these days.  B-BBC always knows its hit a bullseye when its gophers post the sort of remarks you’ve done.


          • My Site (click to edit) says:

            ‘I do wonder if there might be some contempt angle here too?’

            There’s a lot of it about, being held in, or not, depending.

            No doubt the law is as clear as mud, but it seems odd that nowadays even talking about talking about something can see dark threats being muttered. Depending.

            I fear that the BBC has little to get on its high horse about.

            From Richard Black’s selective watertight oversight downwards, the multiplicity of professional integrity and probity on display daily seems… variable… depending on how the topic, and outcomes suit the narrative.

            The are many good reasons for most things. The problem often arises when some reasons get through the edit suite, whilst others do not.


          • hippiepooter says:

            @ DG:-



    • cjhartnett says:

      I too noted this.
      Yes it was a crime-but within a day or so it was far more than just a crime…it had now been classified as a hate crime.
      This obviously makes all the difference to grieving relatives and will ensure an enhanced ASBO once they catch the scamps responsible, and…well you know…give them all the filthiest body language that Shami deems appropriate.
      The Salford scummers will be quaking behind the looted plasmas-but it will be mistaken for withdrawal symptoms no doubt for the defence…


    • Barry says:

      “There have no doubt been racist crimes and murders committed against white youth by Black or Asian youth”

      Yes, lists are available on the ‘net and they aren’t exactly short. The better ones include verifiable details.


  9. My Site (click to edit) says:

    Yo, um gunna rob dis here pair of trainers innit . . . . blood . . . . .


  10. My Site (click to edit) says:



  11. ian says:

    One down. (gangster I mean)


  12. Bupendra Bhakta says:

    Larger photo of the OP’s showing our loving son/ feral fugg (delete as approp) doing what may be a gangsta ‘salute’.  

    Or possibly not, I’m not au fait with gangsta salutes.


  13. London Calling says:

    Gap filled by the (extreme right wing) Daily Mail to show us the full Facebook Gangsta Salute. Some of you at home might want to practice this salute (behind closed curtains natch) for when you are next needing a little respect in Waitrose


  14. Katabasis says:

    I’m surprised none of you have brought up the recent case of the four Somali “kill that white slag” girls who were let off on the grounds that they “weren’t used to alcohol”.


  15. cjhartnett says:

    1. I for one will mourn this lads passing as long as we get two hours silence as tribute from the BBC…between 7am and 9am tomorrow morning, so we don`t have to listen to the Labour Party pillowtalk that is the ToadyShow.
    2. In a recent Labour Party survey, I believe that the 99% of all household germs interviewed think that Camilla Batmanghedghli should be employed to go up and down Oxford St on a suitably adapted Segway.
    Any “ishoos” over who gets the shoplifted goods liberated from Big Global could then be facilitated by the bloater in a way appropriate to all competing effnicities, with  the desired satisfactory outcomes so desirable to the extreme shopping community.


  16. Millie Tant says:

    Sympathy for a family is one thing and can be taken as read but that article is pure whitewash of a common criminal thug and has no place in an impartial news organisation.  Where are the helpful context and key facts about him in relation to how and why he died to balance these extravagant and emotional claims of his family?
    Is the Beeboid Corporation now nothing more than a mouthpiece for propaganda, grief-filled outpourings and one-sided interests, provided the subject of the story is one who meets the Beeboid highly selective criteria for sympathetic treatment?


    • Nota Sheep says:

      When the Fogel family were brutally murdered did the BBC report the deaths sympathetically? Of course not when they finally got around to reporting the inconvenient story they put the story firmly in context re settlers.


  17. My Site (click to edit) says:



    • RCE says:

      Deliciously un-PC.

      Or ‘hate’ as it is known in W12.


    • As I See It says:

      The museum label reads: ‘Circa 2011. Possibly an example of what was once called satire’.

      It’s confusing because the BBC practitioners of that genre have collectively moved on.


  18. hippiepooter says:

    Yes.  Context.  Absence thereof.

    Somehow with the Fogel family murder the BBC managed to find lashings of ‘context’ over the Fogels being ‘illegal settlers’.

    So much context that the completely took the murder of a Jewish family out of context.

    I take it the BBC isn’t providing any context over this dead young gangster being a committed Muslim?


  19. JohnofEnfield says:

    The bBC is gradually, inevitably, completely, losing its collective mind.

    They cannot explain the world as it is developing.

    WHY did New Labour lose the election, WHY is the British working class so anti-immigration, WHY is Obama making such a cock-up of the USA, WHY don’t the British people believe in AGW any more, WHY is a monolithic, state run, politically driven NHS getting worse even when it gets more money, WHY are there cuts in the UK when public expenditure is rising so fast? WHY do blacks join gangs and use knives and guns?

    Their analysis of all these fundamental  questions can’t make progress because they already have an agenda which tells them the answer. So all the reporting and analysis is guff & never gets to the heart of ANY problem. 

    It isn’t just these issues, it’s EVERY issue.

    Working there must be like being in the Kremlin, or more topically, in North Korea. Stultifying and in the end – Mortifying. I feel sorry for them all – until those very rare days when I get to listen or watch a complete twentyfour hours of their news output. It leaves me ranting and raving.

    It will end, it can only end, in their complete mental breakdown. We should be looking for these fundamental signs, not the day to day symptoms such as this paean to a gangster. Things like moving to Salford and expecting everyone else to travel up there with them.


    • RCE says:

      I’ve given you a like, John, but I feel no compassion whatsoever for these people.

      They are the boot that stamps on the human face forever.


      • JohnofEnfield says:

        @RCE. I was over-influenced by the sentiments of the season. If I had one wish I could have granted it would be for the return of George Orwell. (aka Blair strangely enough).  I find Animal Farm and 1984 very frightening stories but vital to understanding the dangers facing our society today. He would have been a great blogger.


    • Dogstar060763 says:

      John, I think you capture very much my own view of the BBC. They have become, whether by design or by indifference, disturbingly (and quietly) Orwellian in tone, in presentation, in influence. Interchangable indoctrinaire BBC drones – from high-ranking Party Officials like Humphries and Paxman, to faceless proles working in backwater local newsrooms, tirelessly parrot the inflexible dominant narratives of ‘The Corporation’, managing never to ask the right questions, managing always to pevert the agenda to suit the agreed manifesto, before presenting the finished spin as ‘news’.

      We may not have a fat lunatic with a bad haircut and his finger on the nuclear button running the country, but our State Broadcaster seems intent on fashioning its standard of journalistic integrity after those of The Dear Leader.


    • London Calling says:

      A succinct analysis, questions bBC never asked, and therefore never answer. Compared with what we are served daily by £3.2bn year corporation, very good value, so much so that I propose a Biased BBC License Fee – err, no, perhaps not.
      What people write for free is often better quality than what people write for £150k a year plus golden pension, and that the BBC can not stand or forgive, mocking bloggers as “Disgusted of Tunbridge Wells”. Well better that than “Disgusting, of White City”


    • 1327 says:

      Good post John but its not just the Beeb who are unable (unwilling ?) to answer these questions its the entire British political elite. It doesn’t seem to matter if they are Labour , Tory or Lib Dem but they appear unwilling to see the problems they are have caused by their messing with society and because of that daren’t even suggest any ways these problems can be fixed.


      • JohnofEnfield says:

        @1327. Too true. I can only hope that Cameron is positioning himself politically so that he can stay in power. Once there he can begin to drag us back to sanity. Politics after all is called “the art of the possible”. Most of the Lib Dems and all of Labour (New, Old etc) are too committed to micro-managing society. We all become criminalised under their regimes. For example, how on earth did a regulation about  the sale of goldfish get onto the statute books?


  20. cjhartnett says:

    A random dip into Radio 4 this morning had Stewart Lee being tickled by Dame Sarah about his roughing it with that charming man who used to deliver the milk…northern chappie called Mark E Smith.Clearly they drank champers out of Sarahs welly because…gosh…Mr Smith sounded tiddly!
    Then came some black ex-gangsta rapper or what`eva who`d only gone and met the Queen for wandering around the yoof an t`ing pointing them towards Benjamin Zephanaiah…luvaduck! Got an MBE or summat!
    Then came Stewart Lees hilarious skit on Thought for the Day…too dangerous to do at 7.50 apparently…well the guest editor can`t do ALL that he`d like to bring home the good rebellion can he?
    Lee worried sick about Morrissey seling out or not-my dear, we spoke about nothing else over Chrimble.
    No TV license fee for you lot anymore…once you go digital, I`ll be subscribing to hospital radio-who at least are proper hospital radio, as opposed to hospice whale musings on the crashed cars continual loop.
    For that is now radio 4 and its useless gargoyle on a pedalo that is Toady…Captain Lees turn to wear the big cap as the ship floats helplessly onto the rocks of history…abandon ship!


  21. Cassandra King says:

    “Nobody would fail to feel sympathy for the family of the teenager who was stabbed to death in London’s Oxford Street during the Boxing Day sales.”

    Except me of course.

    I dont feel any ‘sympathy’ for that wicked warped thug at all, not for his family either, they and he fully and richly deserved what came to them. In fact I go further to state openly that it is my dearest wish that many more of this garbage are sent off to hell where they belong and those that spawned this vermin suffer for years to come and beyond.

    I do feel sympathy for the victims of this scum vermin, those who had their lives ruined by their actions, the actions of jungle savages not human beings. There are tens of thousands of victims out there me included trying to put their lives back together after being victims of this kind of feral gang, some never get over it and for them my heart goes out.

    Now you may believe that I am being overly harsh, but as I lay in the gutter bleeding from being worked over and nearly killed by a gang of savages I saw the real truth of it, something that the appologists never experience as they seek to make excuses for this plague on civilisation. Until you have been a victim of this plague you simply have no idea of the reality. The savage who died and those like him have real evil in them, an evil that is beyond the comprehension of those who have not been face to face with it.


    • ian says:

      Totally agree Cassandra, and I sympathise with the ordeal these vermin put you through. The only good thing about today’s trash-first culture is that sometimes they kill each other – like the Oxford Street gangster, and like drug-dealing low-life Stephen Lawrence. Maybe they’re best all “kettled” into their own slum, surrounded with electric fencing. Far cheaper than buiding new prisons, and a zero recidivism rate after the mutual slaughter.


      • hippiepooter says:

        Ian, I’d say the people who murdered Stephen Lawrence are low-life scum.

        Its the first time I’ve come across accusations about him that you’ve made.

        If his murderers get convicted I will leap with joy.  I guess it’ll be a bad day for you.


        • ian says:


          Why would it be a bad day for me, and why would you leap with joy, if the “murderers” are convicted? Do you assume, like the Daily Mail, that a person is innocent until proven white? There is no real evidence – the police contaminated it – and neither the white–bashing MacPherson report nor the abolition of the double jeapardy rule to try and nail two whites can make up for this.

          One likely suspect was later given £100,000 compensation for police “racism” – Lawrence’s friend Duwayne Brooks, who repeatedly changed his tale of what happened. The fading memory of a once-suspected liar is no evidence either. 

          I think the accused probably are guilty, but I will not be “leaping” if they are sent down by a biased legal system. Nevertheless, all gangsters deserve  punishment, and Lawrence was no exception – there is plenty of “evidence” on Google from people living in the same neighbourhood that he was a violent drug dealer.

          No doubt you would find such evidence inadmissable. And I expect you would find this picture of Lawrence giving a black power salute inadmissible too. Unlike the bugged recording of two whites sounding like racists in private – long after the murder – which the the judge thought fit to prejudice the jury with.


        • Cassandra King says:

          One low life drug dealing scumbag is killed by a gang of low life drug dealing scumbags.

          Hooooray πŸ˜€


    • hippiepooter says:

      Cass, I got the feeling as I was reading your post you’d been a victim.

      Nevertheless, I’ve known plenty of black people who are top people.  You shouldn’t let the feral scum who attacked you make you lose your humanity (part of it at least) like they’ve thrown away theirs.

      I dont know the gangster kid’s family, but it’s only decent to give them the benefit of the doubt and feel sorry for them over the pain of losing a son.

      I have far more sympathy for what you’ve suffered that what this violent thug suffered.


      • Span Ows says:

        hippiepooter I agree that we shouldn’t generalise. A non-white person can and often are be people that are a joy to know, a credit to emulate. same goes for religions etc etc. However, Ian’s point should not be so easily dismissed although I know that is hard following the years of treating this case as somehow different to dozens of others every year. If you need to dig below the glittered polished surface you find more than enough to tarnish the gilt altar that has been built up around the events: first would be SL’s friend who was with him that night, Duwayne “We don’t need the fucking police” Brooks, if you can get a cigarette wrapper between him and the thugs stabbing each other this week I’d be surprised.


        • Span Ows says:

          I may be wrong, this is interesting:

          “One of the aims of the book is to make his friend real again, to separate him from the saintly mythology and the ‘Lawrence industry’. Duwayne presents Steve (he never knew him as Stephen) as a young man caught between two very different worlds; between the overbearing ambition of his parents, particularly his mother, Doreen, and the more independent life that Duwayne and his friends represented.”


      • Cassandra King says:

        I was attacked by a white gang, colour does not come into it Hippie. They are the scum dregs of the earth, they are all the same under the first layer of skin.

        There is no difference between the packs of hyenas that roam our streets, swagger like lords of the road, bullying cowards who would burst into tears and beg for mercy if they were served the treatment they give others from the safety of the pack.

        Cololur and race doesnt come into it, they are the same vermin with the same evil intent, the same cowardice, the same ugly black souls. I dont buy into the forgiveness and turn the other cheek ideolgy. Its that kind of mindset that has released these animals onto our streets.


        • Millie Tant says:

          Was that a street robbery attack you suffered, Cassandra or a violent attack for no reason other than the thuggery of a cowardly gang? I was mugged once but fortunately not injured at all. They were only interested in money.


          • Cassandra King says:

            I just happened by and chanced upon a crime in progress and intervened and got a trip to hospital and months of pain as a result. I was advised that by fighting back I could myself be charged with assault if one of the gang made a complaint =-O . even though all the gang had multiple convictions and I have never been in trouble with the police. Oh and advice to leave the area, which was nice and helpful plus an NHS that treated me like a drug addict for wanting pain relief.

            To top it all off a got a letter from victim support with a form asking me 20 questions of my ethinicity and how satisified I was with this one letter, now that really made my day I can tell you, did I want to meet the thugs who battered me? Sing cumbya and hold hands or something, and that was all. Time off work nobody gave a shit and all the paperwork got lost so no compenstation and after months off work lost my job and home and almost my sanity and had to start again from scratch.

            And my story is just one among thousands and thousands and I got off lightly, many simply top themselves.


        • hippiepooter says:

          Noted Cass.  
          I do believe in forgiveness.  I aske my Father in Heaven forgiveness as I forgive those who sin against me.  
          My Father in Heaven only forgives me if I’m repentant.  
          Turn the other cheek doesn’t mean someone shouldn’t be prosecuted for having struck you in the first place.  
          If the scum who put you through the ordeal you suffered are genuinely sorry, they’d be prepared to take the full consequences of their actions.  
          I hope if caught they receive the type of tough sentencing the Courts meted out for the riots.


          • Cassandra King says:

            Thanks for the kind words.

            I no longer believe in forgiveness, I want revenge and justice, its for God to forgive not me, it is for society to give this vermin a real reason to beg for forgiveness.

            These hyenas feed on the fear of their victims, to be truly redeemed in this world they need to feel the real fear they inflict, only then can they have a chance of earthly redemption.


    • My Site (click to edit) says:

      ROBERT BROWN;Read the posts by Jeremy at the front Cassie, and see what you, and we, are up against. Take him by the hand and lead him around these evil areas, see if he is ‘reasonable’ at the end.


  22. cjhartnett says:

    Turns out that my rappin` and blinging bud is the cousin of the murderers of Damilola Taylor…name of Preddie…which did ring a distant bell at the time once Sarah had slavvered all over this dark and lovely young person.
    When I heard the Labour Party werre unhappy about an award in the Honours List, I thought that-just this once-they might have hit on something!
    Imagine my delight at not having to change my mind about them…they aren`t too happy at some banker getting an award.
    Preddies MBE or what`eva is safe…unlike the likes of Damilola Taylor.
    Maybe the next Peckham ChillZone/Housing Benefits/Drug safe house planned might be named in honour of young Preddie…just so none of us will forget who created the Damilola Taylor industry in shrines and sentiment since November 2000.
    Seems that his dad is somewhat negative towards all this…but hey you guys, surely it`s time to move on…
    Ian Brady to get the “Wainwright award” for services to fell walking perhaps?…what a country…and what a BBC and political shower of shite!


    • Millie Tant says:

      What I find even more astonishing than the fact of his getting an award at all, is that he got not an MBE but an OBE! Now, that really is taking the pee.
      It is an insult to all the people who have laboured mightily and with distinction in fields such as medicine who are the typical recipients of the OBE after many years of real achievement and dedicated service in their profession. I am really disappointed in the PM letting that through. It’s a bad error of judgement on his part.


  23. 1327 says:

    The question that is always on my lips when one of these vermin is killed (or more usually kills someone) is who the f**k let them into MY country ?

    Seriously why was this person or his family allowed into the UK and why ? 


  24. cjhartnett says:

    Aother random dip into the Radio4 schedule finds me listening to Griff Rhys Jones talking about his new programme where he claimed to have climbed Ben Nevis in the series.
    Turns out that he didn`t…and he blames the Daily Mail for doing an Attenborough on him.
    We get a ska Cuban band and some cringeworthy amateur interviews with Antipodean comics an actress  in the “Maggie Thatcher” film…who is a better daughter in the film that Carole would seem to be in real life(according to Clive Anderson who is the ringmaster of this show).
    At least Ned Sherrin had a bit of class unlike the likes of Arthur Smith who pad out this hopeless vehicle of a programme.
    Reckon the Bee Gees had Clive banged to rights way back…and that he went to the same private school as Portillo is possibly the only reason why he still leeches off the license fee payer.
    My point…morning noon or night…24/7…is this continual sneering at the likes of Thacher/Mail readers all that they can come up with?


  25. London Calling says:

    Since the bBC will not give us any background information on this “active case” I will make a guess from the name Seydou Diarrassouba that the password that opens the door from Africa to the UK is “Commonwealth”. One word, no spaces. Our wealth, shared in Common for their benefit. Merely a guess. That is what happens when the news media won’t investigate. Guessing. Delighted to be corrected.


    • Buggy says:

      The Ivory Coast isn’t in the Commonwealth. So that’s not the reason.

      Ex-French colony. And you have to pass through or over or around France from la Cote d’Ivoire to get to us lucky inhabitants of crowded Blighty.

      Why would you do that ? What COULD be our magnetic attraction to the would-be immigrant ?

      And so the mystery deepens.  πŸ˜‰

      If it’s possible for the great and the good wot run this ‘ere site, could we possibly have a wider range of ‘smilies’ as some sort of “Oh, but you shouldn’t have !” New Year’s gift ? Maybe with animations too ? ‘Cos I could have made this post so much better had I but access to a “Scratching-my-chin-in ironic confusion” number right there. Thanks in advance. πŸ™‚


      • London Calling says:

        Thank you for information I was unable to find from our national broadcaster Buggy. We hear a lot of francophone African here in South London, as well as Pidgin. Seems many keys open our doors.


  26. John Anderson says:

    The feral youth stabbed in Oxfortd Street attended Rutlish School in Wimbledon.  Lots of girls from immigrant families on the same estates in Mitcham attend the two girls’ schools in Wimbledon.

    Between them all they have dragged down the discipline level and therefore the attainment levels of all those schools.  It happens that my eldest granddaughter attends one of the schools – 2 of my daughters had achieved excellent A level results there years ago,  but the A level and GCSE results have now fallen right down.   My granddaughter’s own education has already been damaged by the permanently unruly behaviour of those kids.  But if you raise it as an issue with the staff,  there is always the response that we must be inclusive,  we must accept diversity.

    As others have said – when were we asked whether we wanted all this diversity ?   There has been overall a severe disbenefit from heavy immigration from Africa – but still it continues. 

    The stabbing evidently resulted from a fight between 2 black gangs that had gone to Oxford Street determined to thieve.  And when gangs meet,  they fight.  And black gangs carry knives.   They are old enough to know the risks.  If they choose to take such risks,  I can’t feel much too much sympathy if the result is a death.   Parents and families should stop their sons joining the gangs.  If they don’t – they should know what might happen.  Spare us the false eulogies.


  27. The Cattle Prod of Destiny says:

    .. But if you raise it as an issue with the staff, there is always the response that we must be inclusive, we must accept diversity. …

    Well why not?  WTF is wrong with diversity?  Do you really want to live in a country where everyone is of the same class, conviction or colour?  Really?

    Where the teachers are wrong is the racist assumption that ‘coz dey is blakk innit’ is an excuse for bad behaviour.  It aint.  It is a betrayal of the decent and honest.

    The problems we have at the moment are down to culture not race.  The ruling classes (mainly on the left but including some Tories) have accepted that some shite cultures are just as valuable as English culture.  They are not, never have been, nor ever will be.  We need to row back from rights and entitlement to rights and responsiblities.  The shitehounds that run around stabbing and shooting need squashing visibly and with a will to defeat them.

    The BBC, where this thread started, need to be reminded of that.  Rather than filling the airwaves with excuses and pandering to shite cultures they should be expressing what is honest, decent and lawful.

    It’s a joke of course.  Just not a very funny one in a Blackstoke stylee.


    • dave s says:

      Such is the stranglehold of the liberal left on the teaching trade that it is futile to oppose the orthodoxy. The only answer is to leave the schools and flee the cities. This is happenning and if you live in the shires you know it .It will soon become a flood and maybe then even the liberal media and our useless politicians will realise something is wrong.


    • John Anderson says:


      It is race

      When my daughters did well in their A Levels there were children from Mitcham at the school.   But not black,  they tell me.  Different now

      What should I believe – PC crap or my daughters who don’t lie

      I am pissed off with the politeness.  I haven’t been involved in the violence Cassandra has suffered – but I have seen lots of outragious behaviour by black teenagers.  Girls as well as boys.

      Is it racist to say this ?


      • Cassandra King says:

        In a just world these gangs of jackals would be made to feel the terror and fear they so happily inflict on others, in fact it is essential that they do get to experience it.

        Take a big field enclosed with 20ft high razor wire electrified fencing and place a thousand gang bangers in there with a machete and place a million quid outside and make it known that the last one alive in the field gets the cash and go free. Its time we showed them what fear is really like.


        • London Calling says:

          Subject to 50% higher income rate tax deduction, natch. Time we showed them what being a tax payer feels like too.


      • hippiepooter says:

        “Is it racist to say this?”


        Many black people say exactly the same thing.


    • Maturecheese says:

      I should point out that even before mass immigration we already lived in a diverse country so justifying mass immigration on the grounds of diversity is false.


      • Millie Tant says:

        Yes, exactly. It’s a weasel word whose purpose is something other than its apparent and literal meaning. It’s supposed to indoctrinate you so that you do not think for yourself or exercise any independent judgement of government, events or policies that affect you, your family or your country.  Instead, all you are required to do is repeat the d word like a mantra. Hear it often enough, see it often enough, say it often enough and eventually, it seems self-evidently a right and proper thing, indeed the only possible thing.


    • Barry says:

      “The problems we have at the moment are down to culture not race.”  
      We’re hearing this a lot now. I can’t help feeling that it’s just another way of avoiding facing up to the facts, and the problems that we’ve inflicted upon ourselves.  
      I haven’t fallen victim to gang violence either. However, my sister in law lives in a country which is 60% black, has one of the highest per capita GDPs in the world, but she has two large dogs for protection. Different country, same problem, same excuses.


    • RCE says:

      Diversity as a goal is wrong because it is meaningless other than in its destruction of the status quo.

      A group of people can include rapists, thieves, bigamists and white supremacists; its diversity over a group of law-abiding, liberal Christians does not make it any ‘better’.


      • Barry says:

        RCE – very true.

        And it’s strange how all black can be diverse whereas all white is racist.


        • RCE says:

          Barry – Indeed.  And I’ll buy a bacon sandwich and pint of beer for anyone who can find anything remotely diverse about Islam.


  28. As I See It says:

    Maybe we can watch this new one as a test case for BBC reporting….

    All I know so far is a one liner from BBC Radio London:

    ‘A man was shot dead in the early hours (I think they said at 4.30am) in Farringdon’.


    • As I See It says:

      Iknow absolutely nothing more although a quick google of ‘Farringdon man shooting’ did bring up this 2003 story:

      Detectives have named a man shot dead in a car chase outside a nightclub in central London.

      Jason Fearon, 26, of Silvertown, east London was found dead, with a bullet wound to the head, in a crashed Audi TT in Clerkenwell, on Easter Monday.
      Shots were fired between the Audi and another car, during a chase which followed a shooting at Turnmills nightclub in Clerkenwell at 0230 BST’.


      • As I See It says:

        Just to give some background to that 2003 story….

        Turnmills was hosting an R&B night at which Radio One’s DJ Spoony and Lisa Maffia from So Solid Crew were billed to appear.’

        (That will be BBC Radio One – give youreselves a plug Beeboids!)

        ‘Between six and eight men are believed to have forced their way into the club, which was hosting an event organised by R&B promoters Twice As Nice.


         ‘Police say they are keeping an open mind about what caused the attack.

        (That was probably the most pointless and at the same time the most typically BBC line in the story)

        ‘Scotland Yard has confirmed detectives from Operation Trident, the specialist unit which looks into gun crime within London’s black community, have joined the investigation.

        (And at last we have the merest hint of some context – aside from all that R&B)


        • As I See It says:

          Ok here we go, nothing on BBC News 24 (just Olympics and a death in Luton, oh and keeping the story of the Indian student shot in Salford bubbling we learn two cops are going to India to talk to his family and we get a reminder that the cops haven’t ruled out it being a RACE CRIME) but online BBC London has this on the London shooting:

          ‘A 22-year-old man has been shot dead in central London, the Metropolitan Police (Met) said.

          ‘Police said a man in his 20s had been arrested on suspicion of murder. No further information about the incident was immediately available’.

          Well go to it intrepid BBC news hounds!


          • London Calling says:

            Interesting they have no qualms about naming the type and  manufacturer of the car involved (country of origin) , but they can’t bring themselves to report the same level of detail about the people involved.


  29. grangebank says:

    Now whoever is caught will be sentenced to “life” imprisonment .

    Now if you were visiting from another planet , where countries are run sensibly and not by Monty Pythons like the UK , you would hear the verdict of ….”he must serve 15 years” …. (very often less ) and naturally think that the state will allow the criminal scum 15 years to contemplate then put him to death .
    That would be civilised , despite what the Gramscians , Guardianistas ,druid archbishop of canterbury  and other liberal/left warped minds say .


  30. cjhartnett says:

    I accept your concerns above about education being “differently achieved and abled” due to uncontrolled immigration.
    You migh think that there is a problem…and , of course: you have the right to say so(for now-you Xenophobes!!) but a lovely young mand from the IPPR called Matt Kavanagh says that it is our fault for restricting immigration, or being all Migration Watch and Toryish(as if!) about this delicate matter.
    Basically open the borders, let `em in(did`nt Sir Pauls himself urge this as policy?) and shut the f*** up unless you want a Bible shoved up where the sun don`t shine.
    A Koran in French/Arabic translation will be offered as a more constructive alternative for those who will “get with the programme”


  31. My Site (click to edit) says:

    ‘Specialist gun crime unit’ or ‘Specialist black gun-crime unit’?

    Shameless.  It’s just like the removal of the word ‘Israeli’ from the name of the hospital in which Socrates died; an editorial decision designed to deliberately mislead and obfuscate in order to fulfill an ideological agenda.


  32. As I See It says:

    Here we are…from the BBC…

    ‘A man has been arrested following the fatal shooting of a 22-year-old man in central London, the Metropolitan Police (Met) said.’

    And some sympathy from the Beeb…..

    ‘A friend of the victim, who gave his name only as Leon and visited the scene to lay a bouquet, said: “He was just a humble person who loved life.’

    Associated Press…

    ‘The victim, who was named locally as Aaron and described as “a humble person who loved life”, was found suffering from gunshot wounds in Clerkenwell, London, and pronounced dead just after 5am.

    ‘Next of kin have been informed of the death and a post-mortem examination will be held at St Pancras mortuary.’


    • As I See It says:

      I wonder ….are ‘the community’ wanting the police to treat this as a ‘hate crime’?

      Are the Beeb interested whether there might be a ‘racial motive’?


  33. As I See It says:

    Indian student Anuj Bidve story still front page of BBC Online and regularly in TV and radio bulletins.

    And yet the Beeb have nothing on Mohammed Adan Nurr, 35, found dead at a flat in Spitalfields, east London, on Friday 23 December 2011.

    Detectives believe he was attacked the previous evening near the juntion of Hanbury Street and Daplyn Street.
    Mr Nurr, a Somalian national, then returned home to Arthur Deakin House on Woodseer Street.

    No interest BBC?
    Detectives launched a murder investigaion and are appealing for anyone with information to contact the incident room….

    No public concern, no helping a police appeal for help?

    Two men have been arrested and charged – still not news?

    Oh, perhaps we have the answer here…

    Shahidul Islam, 18 [28/5/93], of Hanbury Street, and Abdul Qayum, 18 [18/1/93], of Hobsons Place, Spitalfields, were both charged with murder on January 1, 2012.