Why haven’t the anti-racist BBC sacked her from her regular gigs?

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With the Lawrence case omnipresent, why is the BBC so MUTE on Diane?

 Diane Abbott MP 

Tweet taken out of context. Refers to nature of 19th century European colonialism. Bit much to get into 140 characters


Billy Bragg
Daily Mail angry over Diane Abbott remarks – trust they will now demand an apology from anyone who generalises about race
8 hours ago via web 
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165 Responses to ABBOTT-GATE

  1. As I See It says:

    What is this Diane Abbott comment really about?

    When you read the twitter ‘conversation’ around this you will see Abbott was defending the term ‘community leaders’ and her motivation is clearly to make sure that she and the Labour Party will garner all of the ‘undivided’ ‘black vote’.


  2. Martin says:

    Rachel Burden on Radio 5 is desperately trying to defend Abbott, no attempt at impartiality, clearly Labour HQ have been on to Radio 5.

    Burden even tried to claim that it was a private conversation on Twitter, really? So that’s an excuse?


    • My Site (click to edit) says:

      Burden even tried to claim that it was a private conversation on Twitter’

      Please let that be recorded and shared.

      It would explain much about the BBC’s twitter training of its staff, if excuse little.

      Anyway, elsewhere we are assured that this will be ‘covered’ by the BBC. How is it being ‘covered’ thus far…?

      Uniquely, and up, it seems. If badly. I love the scent of a backfire in the morning, if they a) are in the mood to defend their fave hypocritical race hustler and b) with such idiotic attempts.


    • hippiepooter says:

      Martin, where roughly can that be heard on iplayer?


    • Llew says:

      Carole Thatcher got sacked from the One Show because of a private, off-air, non-public comment. Breath held waiting for the BBC to do the same to Abbott and sack her from the “This Week” programme. Actually I won’t risk holding my breath.


  3. thespecialone says:

    Only white people can be racist!


    • Geyza says:

      It is time that all White people stood up to that gemeralisation and started insisting on tackling all racism from all races and all communities.

      In recognising the rich tapestry of races and cultures and celebrating the differences in that diversit, I draw attentention to one BIG difference betwen white communities and non-white communities.  There is a LOT LESS racism in white communities today than there is in non-white communities.

      It is time to stamp out ALL racism in ALL communities.  When oh when will the left and the BBC even begin to recognise that such non-white racism even exists at all? let alone start to tackle it, instead of defend it?


  4. My Site (click to edit) says:

    Such a disgusting woman! Her identity changes depending on her argument. One moment there’s no such thing as British people, we have no right to an identity, and she’s as British as the rest of us, then she’s West Indian when trying to justify sending her child to a £10,000-a-year private school.

    Such a vile hypocrite, no wonder the BBC loves her.


  5. Martin says:

    Funny that the BBC seem to have a lot of Abdul’s, Mohammed’s and Imran’s on this morning.

    They forget that Abbott has form for racist comments.


  6. Jeremy Clarke says:

    Her comment – “white people love playing ‘divide and rule'” – has itself created unnecessary divisions and anger. Thusly she is behaving in much the same way as the people she is attacking.

    I guess Diane doesn’t do irony.


    • Barry says:

      “I guess Diane doesn’t do irony.”

      No. She doesn’t do the washing up either – has a white slave for that.

      Pathetic, I know. Sorry!


  7. DJ says:

    But has anyone at the BBC asked Carol Thatcher for a comment?


  8. Jeff Waters says:

    Ms Abbott has just tweeted:

    ‘Tweet taken out of context. Refers to nature of 19th century European colonialism. Bit much to get into 140 characters.’

    Yes, of course it was! 

    Is that why it was written in the present tense?



    • Jeff Waters says:

      Just came across this tweet:

      ‘Ah I see when she said ‘White people love’….she meant ’19th century European slave traders loved’….easily confused’




  9. Evil Tory says:

    Champaigne-socialist to the core


  10. Jeff Waters says:

    The BBC news website have finally written an artile about this (which is tucked away in the politics section):



    • My Site (click to edit) says:

      ‘Bit much to get into 140 characters’

      Possibly, but didn’t stop her trying to squeeze her opinon in anyway, and damn the consequences.

      A bit like any BBC ‘news’ item these days, mainly based on twitter anyway… sources say.

      Questions won’t be asked. This time.


    • LJ says:

      Yes – BUT –
      The heading is not ‘politician makes racist comment’, it is ‘MP ‘sorry’ over Twitter race comments’. Note the ‘quote marks’. That is beacuse DA never apologised. She said ‘I am sorry for offence caused’, not ‘sorry I was racist’. So that is NOT an apology.


  11. Maturecheese says:

    She should have added, whilst Black people play the Victim card.


  12. james1070 says:

    Will the BBC still employ this hate criminal?


  13. Natsman says:

    Fat, black, leftie cow.  Oooops….


  14. Barry says:

    Looking at this another way, perhaps Abbott was right – in that she is entitled to voice her opinion and we are entitled to agree/disagree/respond as we see fit. Sticks and stones.

    The issue is not Abbott, the issue is that restrictions on free speech are not applied equally.


    • My Site (click to edit) says:

      Thing is, when stuff starts getting ‘unique’, it rather falls down on the thorny issue of multiple standards.

      I am sure the BBC would agree with you in your proposal, so long as it doesn’t apply to them or those they like.

      As it is now.


      • Barry says:

        I don’t think the BBC would find much to agree with in my case. I certainly don’t think the BBC agrees with free speech – too much risk of ugly, white, knuckle dragging proles getting ideas above their station.


    • Martin says:

      Yes the left were not keen on Jeremy Clarkson’s freedom of expression were they?


    • hippiepooter says:

      Barry, noones saying ‘put her in jail’.  They’re saying her comment is racist.


      • Barry says:

        Sorry, you’ve lost me there. 
        I was commenting on her moral right to make arguably racist remarks when other people are denied that right by organisations like the BBC (cf Carol Thatcher).
        Frankly, I don’t care what she says; she’s too ridiculous to be worth listening to, but the hypocrisy is breathtaking.


    • Maturecheese says:

      Barry you are spot on, it’s the double standards that rankle.  What she said doesn’t bother me in the slightest, what bothers me greatly is the fact that if I say something similar in a public forum I, being white,  will be in trouble big time especially if I was an MP or some other type of public figure.


  15. My Site (click to edit) says:

    What could have been a ‘least-bad’ outcome of the latest race-case to grace our screens and front pages has now been totally mishandled by the all-too prevalent victimhood industry and its profit-motivated telly-addict spokepersons.

    All gleefully embraced by an Eliot Carver MSM happy for any ratings fodder, or the BBC agenda-bunnies.

    The UK media stands complcit it taking what was bad and making it worse, for their own, dire, respective ends.

    Just one I am compelled to fund in this. Hence I task them the most.


    • My Site (click to edit) says:

      I am of course referring to the legions of BBC employees seeking to push corporate narrative from the warren in a teasing leporine incarnation.


  16. Span Ows says:

    “Black people don’t divide and rule; they hack off limbs, gang rape, kill and eat the others”


    “I meant some black people do this occasionally, in some parts of the world”

    She should be saked already and if it was black/white and labour/tory reversed the BBC and the media in general would already have a tsuami of headlines and outraged shreiking.


  17. Jeff Waters says:

    Ms Abbott interviewed by Sky (when she gets interrupted by a phone call – Was it Red Ed saying ‘Stop digging?’):

    If you look at her timeline, there’s nothing to suggest that she was talking about the 19th century:!/HackneyAbbott



    • Jeff Waters says:

      Ms Abbott has since struck a more conciliatory tone, and apologised:

      I bet that will be the BBC and the Labour Party’s cue to say ‘Let’s draw a line under the matter’…



    • My Site (click to edit) says:

      Ms. Abbott has been shwon to be a worse racist than any she has forged a career taking to task, lied through her teeth, made an insane claim, and it’s all now ‘moving on’ chez Aunty.



    • hippiepooter says:

      She just likes sending her children to schools started in the 19th Century. She’s an equal opportunities racist: She doesn’t want her son to mix with black children and she wants to demonise whites. She could stand on a joint BNP-Nation of Islam platform.


  18. My Site (click to edit) says:

    OK, a bit of ‘balance’.

    Here is a white BBC peroxide sink really tearing into Ken Livingstone on what he claims..

    No, really. I think she’s a £92kpa special, too.


  19. cjhartnett says:

    What do we expect of these race industry hobgoblins?
    She is merely an elected sociopath and grievance seeker…unlike those in Broadmoor or wherever.
    How many sons does she have to send to private school…how many KFC buckets with Reggae sauce does she need to pork out on as she lectures the rest of us on healthy eating…how many times does the BBC have to dip our pockets to keep her in school fees and KFCs…before we honestly say
    “what the hell else would you expect from this 24 carat hypocrite and public sector grifter?”
    At least Harman etc have their own private wealth…Abbott is scorned even in her own party as a non-achiever…whereas Harman (although thicker!) slithered all the way up the lap dancers pole at Labour HQ! 


    • Demon1001 says:

      “Harman (although thicker!) slithered all the way up the lap dancers pole”

      Ughh.  That is a horrible image.  I wish I hadn’t read that sentence.  🙁


  20. Martin says:

    Why are Liebore spinning for Abbott? On Sky Chuka Umunna said that Abbott didn’t say it because she thought she could get away with it.

    No I agree, she said it because she believes it, she’s got form, if this had been a one off she’d probably have gotten away with it, but she’s said what she’s said because it’s her views.

    She doesn’t like white people, that’s very clear.


    • Millie Tant says:

      Yes, someone posted on Guido about her previous comments:

      … She made headlines after complaining that “blonde, blue-eyed Finnish girls” in her local hospital in east London were unsuitable as nurses because they had “never met a black person before”….
      West Indian women would go to the wall for their children.’ …

      Also another poster claimed she had said of her predecessor MP that the people of Hackney don’t want to be represented by a white old man.  Have not seen that reported or corroborated elsewhere, though.

       Despite the nature of her comments,  I don’t see that electrifying word raaaacist or raaaacism mentioned in her apology or featured much at all in the media or social media discussion. It’s interesting how it seems to have been sanitised as simply “generalisation” even though it was not merely that but was derogatory and inflammatory generalisation and of course, plainly raaaaacist, which means that all the usual suspects should be screaming it from the rooftops. 

      Considering the hysteria, sackings, ponderous formal enquiries or even police prosecutions that follow any use of a derogatory term by such as Carole Thatcher (even as a crass sort of a joke in a private room), or use of a “wrong” word by a football commentator or a foul-mouthed tirade by a footballer, or an angry drunk on a train, surely no one can deny that sanctions need to follow in this case.

      I do hope that Plod of the Yard is investigating and pursuing this with its usual zeal in such cases of vile raaaacism and will keep us informed of progress in its enquiries and its proposed actions.


  21. Nick Chambers says:

    What is a ‘community leader’? It seems only ethnic minorities ever have them. The whole concept infantilises them, and creates a victim status. Anyhoo, is it wrong to mention that Abbot sent her son to a private school? Of course she doesn’t believe in private education. Oh, and I also see uber-slimeball Keith Vaz, is getting involved with the killing of Anuj Bidve. Vaz is a crook and the worst kind of opportunist.


  22. Wayne Xenocrates says:

    A different point of view.


    This whole issue of ‘speech control@ is getting completely out of hand and the media, with the Broken Biased Corp. at the forefront, is blowing this nonsense out of all proportion.  


    There was a time when racism was bad in this country and it affected people rights to accommodation and jobs but the pendulum has now swung too far the other way and selection is now under the ‘diversity’ banner, which is just plain wrong.     When people are selected for a job because they belong to a particular ethnic group rather than on ability it is obvious that an organisation will suffer commercially and in these desperate economic times is that really what the country wants?


    Similarly the paranoia over people’s comments and ideas is also very very wrong.  Whether it’s a footballer shouting at another player, a load mouthed uneducated woman on a train (still in prison by the way), an MP with half a brain and no idea of British history or even people from a political party you disagree with, it is just plain wrong.


    To try and control people’s day to day comments smacks of The N. Korean Great Leaders or Gadhafi at his worst.  It is not fair play; it is not the Great Britain I knew and it will all end just as Enoch said it would.  In fact it already is.  I may well be splashing into the wind but I honestly believe that this country and especially it’s so called political leaders are brainwashed and beyond help.  We need a good dose of realism from leaders with a proper sense of right wrong and who know what a work ethic is but they are as rare as the proverbial hen’s teeth nowadays.


    • Roland Deschain says:

      I for one have no interest in controlling Ms Abbott’s comments.  If she wants to say something stupid, let her, and confirm to all how stupid she is.

      I think most of the “outrage” is simply payback for the times the left have howled “racist” for some innocuous, if unwise comment.  My outrage is not at Ms Abbott but at the hypocrisy of the BBC (and others) who evidently hold white people to higher standards than black.


      • David Vance says:

        That  is also my view. I support her right to speak even if in doing so she betrays her inner racist  =-O


        • hippiepooter says:

          I support her right to speak too, it’s not unlawful to make racist comments, only to incite racial hatred.  However, unless the Labour Party wish to be represented by a racist they should expel her.  I wouldn’t want someone representing the Tory Party if they were big on condemning racism against people of their own skin colour and quick to be racist about people who aren’t.


    • Span Ows says:

      It’s all very well saying we agree with her right to say it blah, blah, blah BUT no white person WOULD EVER get away with what she says so I DO NOT agree wth her right to say it UNTIL we all have the same right!


  23. My Site (click to edit) says:

    Guess who is near guranteed another gig on Newsnight to explain about context:

    billybragg Billy Bragg Daily Mail angry over Diane Abbott remarks – trust they will now demand an apology from anyone who generalises about race
    One of the hive under threat for what they have actually said and done? Quick, reach for the Daily Mail!


    • Reed says:

      Isn’t it so boring and predictable. Whenever the left get in a fluster, the knee jerks and out comes the ‘Daily Mail’ sneer. I guess we do the same with The Guardian to a certain degree. The difference, I suppose, is that at the BBC the Guardian opinion is the house opinion, whereas the Mail-type outlook is only ever put forward as a cue to the selectively invited lefties to remind everyone of every opinion that ought to be declared ‘socially unacceptable’.

      Great article here about competitive Daily Mail hating…

      Of all the tiresomely self-satisfied rituals played out daily on social networks, competitive Daily Mail-hating is surely the most fatuous and infuriating. But why do the chattering classes hate the Daily Mail so much? The reasons they give – its xenophobia, its materialism, its supposed bigotry – are much less compelling than the real reason: the Mail routinely mocks employees of the BBC, the liberal press and the public sector and makes a speciality out of revealing their salaries and expense claims. That is unforgivable – the Primrose Hill equivalent of what the Catholic church calls the Sin Against the Holy Ghost.
      In a way, the Daily Mail is a victim of its own brilliant marketing strategy: by appealing to so many middle-class anxieties, it has become shorthand for a whole range of gauche impulses that the snobbish Left likes to sneer at. Mock the Mail and you are mocking the entire value systems of its brassy, aspirational readers – in a manner every bit as mean-spirited as the paper’s own supposed attitude.

      Worth a read in full.


  24. Betty Swollocks says:

    If this was a Tory and not fatty Abbott, this story would be BBC headlines for weeks I thinks.


  25. George R says:

    How does this sound to BBC-NUJ and Ms Abbott? Racist?:

    ‘Black people love playing “divide and rule”.

    ‘We should not play their game.’



  26. George R says:

    “Was Diane Abbott’s tweet racist?”

    (by Toby Young)  


    • My Site (click to edit) says:

      Highest rated commenets erased and thread closed.

      The Telegraph joiuns the BBC and Graun as a pillar of the PC establsihment.

      Not in a good way.


      • D B says:

        My father, who is in his 80s, has been a Telegraph reader for decades but has finally stopped buying it. I’ve signed him up for the online puzzles section so he can print the crosswords every day, which is all he really bought it for as he had grown heartily sick of it as a newspaper. I think the final straw was the Boxing Day edition’s treatment of the Xmas church bombings in Nigeria – a crappy little report hidden away on page 25.

        Many of the hacks – environment, science, TV/film reviewers, and even sports – are more Guardianista than some Guardian journalists.


        • Nota Sheep says:

          Even I am debating returning to The Times, a paper I have long boycotted because of the links between Murdoch and China.


  27. Will says:

    Although they do identify Abbot as “Shadow Health Minister” one has to get below the fold to see that she is connected to “Labour”


  28. Martin says:

    Have the Unions demanded she be sacked yet as they did with Clarkson?


  29. ltwf1964 says:

    just on the news at one

    “time to draw a line under it and move on”

    course it is ……coruse it is

    hope Carol Thatcher takes them to court for sacking her when fatso abbott re-appears on the three seat sofa taking up two thirds of it

    the fat lardy oxygen thief


  30. Natsman says:

    Perhaps her twitter moniker should be “HackneyedAbbot”…


  31. D B says:

    @georgegalloway George Galloway I am appearing on Richard Bacon show just after 2pm this afternoon BBC Radio Five Live on the Diane Abbott brouhaha


  32. D B says:

    Three of the pro-Abbott callers on the R5L phone-in this morning were Labour student activists.

    “Kanja” = @Kanjasessay (twitter profile “NUS Black Students’ Officer.”)
    “Imad” = @imif  aka Imad Faghmous  (twitter profile “Labour Student,Academic affairs officer at UBU, Learning and teaching junkie, African, Human Rights Activist.”)
    “Aaron” = @Aaron_Kiely (twitter profile: “NBSA [National Black Students Alliance], & SBL [Student Broad Left] @nusUK Executive member, @nusBSC activist. @HackneyAbbott & @SalmaYaqoob are my heroes. Left-wing anti-racist, anti-imperialist.)

    This tweet indicates that they’re quite matey:

    @Aaron_Kiely Aaron Kiely
    Listening to @bbc5live and hearing @imif @kanjasesay defend @HackneyAbbott – trying to get on myself to speak as well.

    Given the number of calls that show must take it’s quite an achievement for all of them to get on air. Sympathetic call-screener?


    • My Site (click to edit) says:

      Sympathetic call-screener?’

      Maybe just the views ‘they’ want to hear?


    • Louis Robinson says:

      Good work, DB.

      By the way, producers/shows sometimes have contact books of callers to previous programmes just in case the subject at hand produces no response. it is not uncommon for producers to call OUT if they feel the program needs “balance”.


      • D B says:

        Kofi Mawuli Klu, introduced as a representative of “think tank” Panafriindaba, seemd to be exactly the sort of “call OUT” you describe, Louis. He was critical of Abbott, but only because she was distracting from the real issue – namely the 99% versus the 1%.

        And what exactly is Panafriindaba all about? Er, this:

        “PANAFRIINDABA emphasizes Self-Conscientization, Self-Determination and Self-Empowerment in its promotion of grassroots initiatives of Pan-Afrikan Community Regeneration for Sustainable World Development, particularly those aimed at challenging Afriphobia and other forms of Global Apartheid Racism and securing Respect for Afrikan Human and Peoples’ Rights within the Reparations context of Holistic Planet Repairs in furtherance of Global Justice for all.”

        And R5L has him on its contact list.


        • D B says:

          I’ve just noticed from my link above that the NUS Black Students Campaign is also featured on that website.

          The Media and Culture Initiative website – the one-stop shop for all your race-related lazy BBC researcher needs.


        • Jeremy Clarke says:

          “PANAFRIINDABA emphasizes Self-Conscientization, Self-Determination and Self-Empowerment in its promotion of grassroots initiatives of Pan-Afrikan Community Regeneration for Sustainable World Development, particularly those aimed at challenging Afriphobia and other forms of Global Apartheid Racism and securing Respect for Afrikan Human and Peoples’ Rights within the Reparations context of Holistic Planet Repairs in furtherance of Global Justice for all.” 

          Nice, pithy mission statement. I just love the random use of caPital Letters.


          • Roland Deschain says:

            Just what the f*ck is that all supposed to mean?  You’d think the first response would be “What are you jabbering about?” not “We must give this man a call”.


            • D B says:

              Some of the greatest mission statements ever written can be found on that web page.

              CHECK IT OUT!


              • Jeremy Clarke says:

                Thanks, DB.

                I now feel, like, really really dynamized and Empowered, and I hereby make it my Priority commitment to help fellow Changemakers to make concerted Positive Action in enacting Self-Determinization, and unifying public consciousness in the furtherance of Global Rationalization and more Cheese.

                I am now awaiting a call from Five Live.


        • John Horne Tooke says:

          Afrikan” ?? Afriphobia?? Is this person for real. Has he invented a different Arica than the one on the map? Is African a new race?
          These people should get an education and not be invited onto trivialised BBC “political” debates.


        • London Calling says:

          Afriphobia?  Pretentious tosser. This man will go far. Hundreds of NGOs, charities, quangos, international development agencies all looking for the authentic victim-voice of Africa. I’d have more time for him talking about tribal racism, tribal genocide, Mugabe, the Dictators and their swiss bank accounts, and all the real ills of Africa, it sure isn’t Afriphobia.


    • Llew says:

      Pre-arranged phone calls I expect.


  33. cjhartnett says:

    Dear old Martha Kearney on the World At One accuses Nick Clegg of “seeing this as a political opportunity”
    As if that`s a bad thing!
    Still a neighbouring Labour MP…Meg Hillyer(but who else?) adotped the Hewitt defence and talked awful slowly to me about contexts and we grunts out here not having the chance to have spoken to Dianne Abbott frequently…there`s clearly no problem…oh, look they`re taking down the drapes in the Lawrence Enquiry Room…let`s go there instead…please!
    Wouldn`t we all be sad if the BBC was NOT so predictable/crass/stupid/obvious on any chosen topic?…like Billy Bass…what else can it say these days?


  34. hippiepooter says:

    Towards the end some coloured bigot made the comment:-

    ‘Anyone offended by the comment is a racist’.

    Sublime.  Worth the license fee alone.


  35. Jeff Waters says:

    This is the BBC’s article on this story –

    The BBC don’t make it clear that Ms Abbott didn’t apologise immediately, but was defiant in an interview with Sky this morning – see

    According to the Guardian, the call was from Red Ed, and you have to wonder if the change of heart was due to Red Ed instructing her to eat humble pie…



  36. james1070 says:

    Look how Fatty Abbott blames people for malicious interpretation of her racist comments. She claims that her comments were about 19th century colonialism, yet her comments are in the present tense.

    Anyway Red Ed phoned half way through the interview to cancel it.


    • Number 7 says:

      I wonder what Millipede said?

      “Shut the f*** up you stupid cow”

      Just a suggestion!!!!


      • John Horne Tooke says:

        I wonder what Millipede said? 

        “We have to get the white working class back on board for the next election – can you tone it down a touch? “


  37. noggin says:

    obfuscate – deny – then do a disappearing act.

    aahhh! the old “i ll just get this call” trick.

    mind you, being an  obnoxious racist twat is not
    inciting hatred … soooo,  that must be alright then 😀

    i await the next time the shoe is even half on the other foot 😀
    just for comparison ;-D


  38. Jeremy Clarke says:

    What is interesting about the BBC News article is that they give prominence to Diane Abbott’s apology and Chukka Umunna’s defence. Her critics are relegated to about the 98th paragraph and even then Keith Vaz has the last word.

    A small thing, I know, but given that Diane is BBC ‘talent’, one might be forgiven for thinking they are circling the wagons.

    It was a fairly obnoxious remark and her apology was hilariously unconvincing but I can’t say I, as a white man, was offended. Diane was playing dog-whistle politics and she was rightly called out on it.

    And it’s always fun to see a politician squirm. 🙂


    • Merlin says:

      I think the unbearble woman is playing a dangerous game when someone of her politicial rank makes such discrimiatory comments; how can a lady of her office get away with insulting the majority ethnic make up of this country? This is worrying indeed and paints a bad picture of the future to come in this country. She simply has to go!


  39. cjhartnett says:

    I am white.
    I perceive it to be racist-and under MacPherson rules, then that is all the police need to know.
    I am racially offended and demand this BBC fat hack be sacked.
    It is all over now the fat lady has croaked once too often…
    I`d prefer Holloway to Styal…but any dream will do!


    • My Site (click to edit) says:

      The headmaster of the school Diane Abbott’s son attends reckons any accusation of racism is an absurdity, but I thought anything was racist if someone perceives it as such. And it seems a few might be so minded.

      Hence, are there two rules in play here? Especially the ‘foot in mouth to boot on othe foot’ one? Just askin’


    • Millie Tant says:

      Yes, so you need to hot-foot it over to your local cop shop and if you don’t get any joy, perhaps you can round up a few hundred layabouts and surround the place… failing any of that, I am sure an e-mail explaining that you perceive yourself to be racially offended and deeply hurt by these comments should rouse the local plod from their afternoon slumbers and see them spring into action with all the speed of a man with his trousers on fire.  


      • Corran Horn says:

        I find it hard to believe that plod would even bother to take the complaint. It’s more likely they would threaten to do you for wasting police time, because as we all know black people can’t be racist!


        • Jeff Waters says:

          Corran –

          On the contrary, I emailed my local constabulary, and they’ve forwarded my complaint to the Met (whilst suggesting that I also make a complaint to the Labour Party).



          • Corran Horn says:


            I am glad to find out someone has done so and I do hope the Met will take action on your complaint.

            I think my first comment came from my cynical side as even now the BBC & Labour are saying we need to draw a line and move on.

            But as we all know if this had been a white Tory MP the howls of condemnation coming from broadcasting house and Labour HQ would be so deafening peoples ears would be bleeding.


            • London Calling says:

              All we need now is pictures of Abbot attending a Nazi theme costume party in which she turns up in white face wearing a toothbrush moustache, and complains people just have no sense of humour nowadays.  Better still, a Labour Party costume party at which she turns up wearing a sofa pretending to be a racist Labour MP…aw shucks…


    • John Horne Tooke says:

      A hate incident is defined as:

      “Any incident which may or may not constitute a criminal offence that is perceived by the victim, or any other person, as being motivated by prejudice or hate.”|Hate+Incidents


      • My Site (click to edit) says:

        Ta very much.

        That will serve to wind up the next set of hypocrites I encounter online.

        Factually, of course.

        No sign of the Cherry Vultures today. What do we reckon? Field trip?


  40. ltwf1964 says:

    can’t we all put in a complaint and get the race hustler industry investigating?

    would make for a lot of fun


  41. Merlin says:

    I see the British Brainwashing Corp has aptly let this important story gradually and quitely slip down the scale of importance on its website! Disgraceful! Anyone from outside viewing this country would be forgiven for thinking that it has an anti-white, anti-British agenda.  When a politician of her rank can openly slur the majority of the people living in the country I genuinely fear for my children and grandchildren!


    • Millie Tant says:

      And when the head of the “rights” commission sees fit to crow about no longer having just cheery pink-and-white faces around the table at Christmas, you know that something is rotten in the state of the country.


  42. joseph sanderson says:

    I have heard on some BBC radio shows that Abbott can sometimes be a bit emotive and silly!, my god the woman is a Cambridge graduate who was one of the politicians put forward to be Labours candidate for London Mayor.

    The most striking thing about this story is how the BBC is presenting her words, to begin with they were perfectly happy to accept her claims that she was being maliciously attacked, than went that line of defence failed they accepted her claims that her words were taken out of context, than when tediously that line failed they accepted her defence that she was talking about the past!, even though her twitter message clearly uses the present tense (Í’m Dutch and could clearly see she was lying), then finally we hear that the heroic Ed has given her a strong telling off and she then gives an apology.

    Now had this been a dare I say it white person making such accusations we would have been treated to wall to wall coverage of Black Guardian journalists demanding sackings, with no doubt some references to Enoch Powell.


  43. davejan says:

    they were quick to get rid of carol thatcher,why so slow with this? sorry racist comments only work one way.


  44. My Site (click to edit) says:

    Now, there’s a thing…


    “Would be useful if #newsnight sought the views of a black man who isn’t an ex gang member. Surprisingly, they do exist.”

    Not sure if Paul Mason & crew’s speed dials run to the lifelong law abiding.

    Guessing also they may not be getting this lady on as ‘relevant’ to their foresnic ‘analysis’ of the case tonight.


  45. Jeff Waters says:

    Tweet from Telegraph columnist Toby Young:

    ‘Was booked by #Newsnight to debate @HackneyAbbott tonight with Darcus Howe, but just been dumped. Wonder who the bigger beast is?’



    • My Site (click to edit) says:

      Please Lord, let it be Starkey, Douglas Murray or, better still, Mark Steyn via video link.
      I love nothing more than watching pseudo-intellectual left-wing cranks being destroyed by these people.

      I’ll be interested to see if Trevor Phillips’ race gestapo show any interest in the complaints. I think we know that they care not one bit about the indigenous population. 


    • My Site (click to edit) says:

      Oh, what fun.

      Newsnight has such form at hole digging this may prove a treat.

      Now, they could diffuse much by getting on a bright, fair, lucid, heavyweight.

      In which case Abbott is toast. Along with most of her support squad from Mehdi & Samira at the New Statesman to most of the BBC (probably in the same room, with Polly and George and Ted & Alice).

      Or they could drag up a frothing extreme 3-letter acronym lightweight to make Darcus look good, and forever sink any chance of the BBC being trusted for seeking light over heat. And they are toast.

      My kind of sarnie.


    • Martin says:

      It will be someone sympathetic to Abbott, she probably refused to take part unless it was.

      I’m guess it will be Portaloo.


      • Jeff Waters says:

        My money would be on Bonnie Greer!


        • Martin says:

          Or Jessie Jackson, you know someone that the BBC consider ‘impartial’

          Or perhaps George Galloway or Billy Bragg.

          Thing is it probably will be one of those.


  46. cjhartnett says:

    Did I see that those convicted of murdering Stephen Lawrence are to get their sentences reviewed by the Attorney general or whoever, and “after a complaint by a member of the public”-being “too lenient” I`m sure!
    I didn`t know that justcie was more a case now of playing your cards right and phoning a friend so the “court of public opinion” gets to trump “Yer Honour”.
    Was this something that Harriet Harman left for us in the kitty litter tray before she sneaked out of office?
    Can I ask for Fatty Abbott to get two months on the Holloway treadmill…and who do I ask?


  47. Anders Thomasson says:

    That ghastly, horrible Abbott woman is likely relishing the attention. She is a publicity whore.


  48. jeff says:

    Try to imagine similar remarks from a right wing Conservative MP and change the words “white” for “black”. The Tory’s arse wouldn’t touch the ground and our beloved Beeb would be first in line offering him a last fag and a blindfold.
     She has to go!


  49. Martin says:

    You’d think Liebore would know when to stop digging, now Lee Jasper is out in force for Abbott, a bit like getting a reference from Hitler on your CV.