You want to listen to this if you think the BBC is unbiased in how it covers the topic of Scottish Independence! They even find someone “who is going to have a party” when Lady Thatcher dies. It seems that Scotland “is fairer, more democratic and more tolerant” than England. I am sure Alex Salmond appreciates what the State Broadcaster is doing. Listen all the way through, if you dare. The BBC does condemn Scotland for being “too white”, however, so not 100% pro SNP.
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My main fear about Scottish independence, is that England will still end up bankrolling them. We will never know the truth until it actually happens; the BBC of course will never reveal anything of worth.
Don`t the Scots eat fatty food too much, booze too much for the BBCs Health Correspondents then?
Their bad eating and drinking habits surely set a terrible example, and so it is probably best that we go our separate ways!
The BBC is playing a game here. It will agitate in accordance with the Gramscian agenda but when it comes to the crunch they will throw their weight behind Scotland remaining in the union; the Labour party ceases to be viable without Scottish seats, and the BBC knows it.
No, no, no.
The EU wants the UK broken up into manageable portions. England must NOT exist AFATAC.
The BBC will always act against this country’s interest, even with labour in power.
They always agitate for Scotitish independance and go out of their way to annoy the Sweaties when every they can. Pushing them and pushing then until the yell ‘Freeeeeeedom’ and neck another fried mars bar.
I will be breaking out the Macallan when the old witch pops her clogs. Her sneering and patronising towards Scotland has ensured that the remnants of her party will remain toxic in Scotland for as long as the nuclear waste does.
‘We English, who are a marvellous people, are really very generous to Scotland.’
Margaret Thatcher in the Times, 12 February 1990.
Read more here.
It is a great sadness to me that she will not be able to comprehend our forth coming independece as she now thinks she is a tea pot, such a shame.
I agree with Duncan that National Socialism is the only path for Scotland.
I admit that some of our intellectuals flirted with Anglophilia for a while, but we should reject them and return back to the inward looking, bigoted, and impoverished backwater we once were.
What have the English ever done for us? What is wrong with a feudal system, run by a great leader and his self-serving authoritarian friends.
Eastern Europe (for example Hungary) should be our model, not the horrible, nasty, Scotophobic English.
It is no secret that anybody with any talent got out of Scotland years ago.
We should be allowed to gently decline into the miserable, bitter, and backward country we were before the English started ruining things with their shopkeeper talk of limited government, low taxation, and free trade.
The irony is, Duncan, that the Scottish (like the Irish), had a considerably disproportionate hand in that greatest of British endeavours, the empire. There is not a major city in the commonwealth that does not owe a building or bridge to the endeavours of a Scottish engineer. Scottish regiments are quite rightly renowned as amongst the bravest and most distinguished in our collective history.
Which makes your nation’s current dual addiction to English taxpayer subsidies and Afghan heroin all the more tragic.
And on the subject of political leaders departing this mortal coil; your man Salmond needs to get a move on. He’s carrying a few spare lbs and can’t be far off reaching your third-world life expectancy.
Very true. Although I must admit that I find the (mainly) Scottish habit of carrying around a mental list of achievements, ready to be disgorged at a moment’s notice, just a little bit childish.
Any part of the UK could do the same – it just seems a bit silly and defensive to do so. The sad fact is that most of these UK achievements, and the Scottish ones in particular, are mainly in the past.
Not suprising that you feel that way Duncan if you use the Times as your beacon of truth.
Of course there is possibility that they misquoted or simply made that quote up is there Duncan?
Just remember that Alec believes work makes you free. So no sloping off down the bookies for you chummy!
What a big man you are Duncan!
An old lady in her twilight years, who has never done you any real harm-and you want her dead!
I had no time for her when I was a callow idiot like yourself way back in the 80s…but then I learned that she had principles and did try to make things better…and in some ways she did!
One thing you`ll be needing to learn is a little humanity-she is no longer your problem, but your views show that she is far the better human being-even in her reduced state-that you seem to be at the minute.
If only you`d aim a little of all that bile at the Salmonds, Sturgeons, Martins, Browns and all those “left-leaning Scots” who have been eating away at your country for far longer than she ever did.
Scotland is a great country-thank God you represent them no better than Tommy Sheridan does!
It seems that Scotland “is fairer, more democratic and more tolerant” than England.
Shame they still practice segregation in the schools. Even Alabama ended that nearly 60 years ago.
I did read in the Times (blah blah Murdoch rag etc etc) that 270,000 Scots net net pay tax to The Exchequer. The other 5 million are on the take.
“I will be breaking out the Macallan when the old witch pops her clogs.”
Duncan is a blot on humanity. A kind of person who should not be allowed to walk the streets. There are probably people in Broadmoor who have more compassion than this psychotic.
I presume he is not allowed out after dark. Especially during the week when he will need to reserve all his mental powers to tackle the rigours of the sink estate comprehensive where he goes. Or maybe he has to get up early on a Friday to pick up his social security, part funded by the whole of the UK. It must be one or the other as I cannot believe that anyone would employ such a bitter and twisted moron.
This Scotsman walked into a petrol station and said,
‘Gees a boatle o’ yon antifreeze’.
‘No, Duncan’, says the attendant, ‘ye’re just goanie drink it’.
‘No I’m no’, says Duncan, ‘ma pal needs it fur his motor’.
‘Alright’, says the attendant, ‘Ah’ll believe you this time. Whit size would ye want?’
‘Two leeter’, says Duncan, ‘and could ye gie me a cauld wan fae the frudge’.
π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π
Socialism seeps out of Scotland like toxic waste.
I don’t know why Duncan is so anti-English. If the referendum for Scottish Independence was also held in England, he would get his wish without any doubt.
Except for the caveat that the EU would still run Scotland, independent or not. Lets face it a country like Scotland could not survive without its handouts from the UK or the EU.
Of course if Scotland does not want to be part of the UK they would have to insist that they are not given any English money that is taken from us into the massive EU pot.
I respect true independance but not the weasily political type that substitutes one paymaster for another.
Independance –
“The state or quality of being independent; freedom from dependence; exemption from reliance on, or control by, others; self-subsistence or maintenance; direction of one’s own affairs without interference.”
Are you sure you know for what you ask?
Oh to be independent frpm whinging, grasping Celts.
Scotland more ‘open and egalitarian’? Hmmmm.
More open – but MOST immigrants end up in England – chiefly the south-east.
More egalitarian – of course they can afford all that ‘social justice’ with the greater per-head spending they are afforded, but we English can’t.
Duncan nice comment there! so got any more childish ‘if I say that that will rile them ‘ student union belters or just the same dribbling about old slights, old wars and long dead angers, well still your rock may have a future sad it will be lived in the past but then again if ‘brain hurt ‘ made by a Aussie is you fave film then there is no hope for all the ex pat rich Scots coming home soon !
Oh and on the day you get your wish Dunc then I will crack open a bottle of Tescos own blend £9 a bottle and that wonderful feeling of the same buzz but a lot less money of my goes north HAHA!!
It’s obnoxious people like Duncan that cause English resentment with their sheer bigotedness and their reaction when people retaliate is to go completely unacceptable. As was proved on the other thread there are a fair number of Scots who do not think the same as him, and these are the ones that I will feel sorry for when Scotland gets their “independence”. It’s such a shame that it’s the Duncans who seem to think they are representing the “True” Scotland and are the ones with the loudest mouths.
Scotland is a lovely country, and we share 300 proud years of history, to which both countries (as well as Wales and Ireland) contributed, and I will be sad when the break-up occurs: but I’m now at the point of wanting it to happen as soon as possible.
I didn’t get beyond reading Dungcan’s first post. No interest in trolls.
I don’t come on here to debate, I come on here to mock. And occasionally to pity.
Can only be a coincidence that BBC and Scotland/ West Albania have recently built themselves palaces at our expense.
No ‘making do and mend’ there eh.
Well I’m glad you all got that of your chests, I trust you all feel much better.
No wonder English beer tastes like pee and is called bitter.
I really feel sorry for you guys. A nation of Huns, enslaved by Rome and conquered by the French, no wonder you call them Normans. What really eats you is depsite all your aggression and posturing Scotland has prevailed, and you will shortly all be back where you started, up to your nostrils in war debts. Karma.
What you don’t seem to understand is that we ‘ve been laughing at you. This site existed well before you came along and will continue to do so. You have failed to make a difference, or have an impact on anything whatsoever.
And don’t try to make too much of a virtue out of Scotland having (almost) been left alone for 2000 years either. This was because, as now, hardly anybody with any ambition or intelligence wants to live there, including many of your own.
Actually, Barry, I DO want to live here, regardless of people like Duncan. There’s equally obnoxious to be found south of the border.
English beer tasting like pee? Clearly he’s never tried Tennents. Looks and smells the same going in as coming out. Can’t confirm the taste, though apparently Duncan would be able to.
Been quietly following this and the other Scottish thread. Duncan, and many of his compatriots, are far from quiet and they reap what they sow. Of course some people want to live there but Scotland has been haemorrhaging talent for years, and it shows.
I was born in Stirling and lived in Scotland for 30 years – there’s a deeply unpleasant, self righteous (Calvinistic?) streak running through the place. A widely held, instinctive feeling that any form of success is not quite right. This, for me, rules out any question of returning.
“A widely held, instinctive feeling that any form of success is not quite right. This, for me, rules out any question of returning.”
Ohh I think we can manage with out you, given your views on Stirling. I’m sure they will be relieved.
No wonder your fellow Scots in the other thread disowned you. You are an embarrassment to them and to your country.
For some one so insignificant (according to the Sassunach Supremacists on here) I have certainly cranked your handles. What a sad bunch of inbreds you have become. No wonder England is so despised the world over, you have so earned it. Cameron is the perfect example. Scotland has a lot to answer for in the Cameron clan. Why are you so unable to find a pure bred English WASP politician to whip you all in to shape? Oh I forgot there are none.
Pip pip, missing you already.
The moron still lurks.
Duncan – you are making us look ridiculous. The only “handles cranked” have been yours. Go away.
This blog is about the BBC – an organisation that is far more capable of “cranking handles” than you are, so don’t overestimate your impact.
And, by the way, England receives a hell of a lot of visitors for a country so despised. And if it hadn’t been so successful in luring Scots, Scotland might be in a healthier state than it is.
He’s not making you look ridiculous, only himself. He doesn’t represent the decent people of Scotland – only the ones whose huge egos are matched by the chips on their shoulders.
I still like Scotland, and the Duncans of this world won’t put me off it.
Shaw John… I stumbled on to this god awful colony from a mention it got on some time ago, when someone mentioned they had been here and left disgusted with the anti Scottish racist bigotry here in, I decided to have a look and watched it for a while as it ebbed and flowed. Mainly my interest was in the BBC case as the BBC in Scotland are so blatantly anti SNP it is a scandal. Except it won’t be as the MSM in Scotland is mostly owned by English companies. The ‘Subsidised Scots’ myth now embedded in English psyche as resentment builds is as true in Scotland as it is in England. It has been perpetrated by the hostility of the English owned press. And it is based on lies and propaganda. England is slowly realising what it is like to have a democratic deficit as devolution has taken hold. If I were English I would be campaigning for an English parliament. Not spitting insults and racist abuse at the Scots as this site and many other forums based in England are now doing. Jock baiting has become the English national sport.
If as you seem to want me to believe you are a Scot like me, how you cannot see the insults and racist abuse smeared on this forum and many others I could link you to, just defies understanding. No Scot reading that vile stuff could be any thing other than revolted. Your bleating about me making “us” look ridiculous is very spurious given what I have just said. I have responded in kind to the racist abuse spat at me.
One abuser accused me of making anti English remarks on Twitter. I challenged him to show me them. He had the good grace to admit that he could not and withdrew his abusive remark. Time and again we see people ranting about the Scots hating the English and Alex Salmond is supposed to be the most anti English of us all. I have challenged many people on the forums to provide the evidence for that vile slur, and guess what? Not one has been able to. It is pure mythology.
What seems to get up the nose of the supremacists on here, is that Scottish posters and bloggers shoot down their lies and mythology time after time. Listen to Alex Salmonds speech tonight and post the anti English remarks on here. The little Englander mindset is that if these bloody Jocks dare to criticise Westminter then it is anti English because in their minds that is the English parliament. It is not. The English parliament ceased to exist in 1707 along with the Scottish one. Get over it. It is the UK parliament.
I say supremacists because this site reads like the English chapter of the KKK. With it’s anti Scottish, Welsh, Irish, ranting.
You say this blog is about the BBC, true and this thread is about Scotland. Your request for me to “go away,” seems very juvenile. I will post here when I feel like it. Trying to silence Scottish opinion is a very BBC trait, their time in Scotland is limited.
Your point about England luring Scots is well made. In 1707 Scotland had 20% of the UKs population, now it is 8.5% or so, hardly a ringing endorsement for a successful union. Scotland instantly became a much more indebted country after the union and stayed that way for the past 300 years. Even Daniel Defoe the English propagandist could find no benfit to Scotland from the union. It was ever thus. The population is rising again thanks to the SNPs good government.
The flow of young Scots out of our country is being reversed. Since the SNP took office almost all the social indicators are pointing upwards and rising. Child poverty remains a huge problem that will take generations to eradicated. The latest research shows us that poverty and poor health is stamped on your DNA even before you are born. Scotland has had decades of grinding poverty in some areas.