Professor Brian Cox, of Stargazing Live, claims BBC types checked international guidelines on contact with aliens before he passed radio waves through the atmosphere of a planet. This was in case alien discovery triggered public riots. But the boyish prof doesn’t have to probe space to find aliens. He should check out some of his Corporation minders and have a peek at the 1956 movie, Invasion Of The Body Snatchers. His co-star, Dara O Briain, doesn’t always look the full shilling, either.
Amusing juxtaposition just now on BBC 5 Live after yet another Vic Derbyshire slot playing nursemaid to yet another dollop of emotive female ‘victim’ whingeing about the Justice System – ‘it’s so unfair’ and ‘I’m a single mother’.
(A woman who had been the victim of domestic violence had failed to turn up to give her evidence – costing the taxpayer thousands – and was sent to chokey for a bit for contempt of Court).
So the news report following this soap opera for the sisters says Mark Thompson at the Leveson claims the BBC ‘doesn’t take one person’s testimony and claim it to be news’. Yeah right.
Yes, the kind of society which CHAKRABARTI supported is that of the Islam punitive killers of the Libyan Gaddafi regime while she was a governor of the Islamic London School of Economics.
She is a hypocritical disgrace, worthy of the anti-British INBBC.
‘the BBC ‘doesn’t take one person’s testimony and claim it to be news”
Well, look at the Brodie Clark story. While it was his testimony the BBC splashed it all over the website and gave sizeable chunks of the Today programme to it. The minute other civil servants gave evidence against Clark the story dropped well off their radar.
‘Well, look at the Brodie Clark story. While it was his testimony the BBC splashed it all over the website’
So what you are saying (and a view supproted by a few others, plus the actual record) is that the BBC says it does (or in this case doesn’t do) one thing when in fact the reverse is true.
Well, that is one area where you can trust them, I guess.
‘Under BBC rules, staff are entitled to claim up to £1,900-a-month for accommodation and utilities if they relocate to Salford or are posted away from their permanent residence on attachment.’
How many Beeboids are subletting the empty home and pocketing the BBC cash at the same time? Still, I guess it’s better than jetting up and back several times a week, bringing the planet all that much closer to environmental catastrophe, right?
Hopefully it’s just a matter of time before a journalist uncovers BBC expenses largesse through Freedom of Information requests, and senior BBC executives are given the same public roasting as the MPs who abused the expenses system received.
This just-added palace will leave you £300 to spare for your water, electricity and heating (well, just water and leccy, really, as any BBC employee is entitled to collect the hot air pumped out of the news studios at Media City UK).
The most expensive rental house in my postcode is £1150 a month for a 5-bedroom detached. Presumably Coronation Street will soon have a storyline where the entire cast are priced out of their homes by trendy cosmopolitan gentrifying Beeboids?
On my way home today I heard Bacon attacking the bankers again. “Disgraceful they are getting bonuses… etc etc ad nauseum.
The argument he puts forward is that because we are going through austerity the bankers should have their bonuses cut. No one asks Bacon the obvious question, “If audience figures go down, does he get a paycut? And what is he doing to help the country through the ausertity?” Is he getting the rate for the job? Just as the bankers are?
More poweful propaganda techniques employed by the BBC Repetition, Oversimplification and Stereotyping.
As the old holocaust denier, Abbas, gets multiple pandering sycophantism, from Clegg, W Vague, soundbite Dave, (3 unwise monkeys), in London.
D Hadid Associated Press, Jan22:
Top Pally cleric, rampant antisemitism, “out of context” 😀
“Hussein is appointed to his position by the Palestinian president.
There was no immediate comment from Abbas’ office.
Hussein, who is based in Jerusalem, said his comments were taken out of context.
“I was speaking about the final signs of the day of resurrection,” Hussein said. “I did not incite, and I did not call for killing. We are not, at present, at the end of days.” (oh! … but if it was left to me eh! 😀 )
N Campbell, is all “bosom buddy” with the odious M Shafiq, (Ramadan Fnd) again … this morning, 8.45am 5live.
Supposedly, questioning him 😀 on yet another muslim, from the UK, again, follower of the “religion of peace”, again in Pakistan, who was killed in a drone attack.
why? .. Why? … WHY?? cometh the the dames bleat, as he then hilariously allows Shafiq, to obfuscate with no hindrence, into some Pakistan “poor me” victim drone.
Why? not surprised, 😀 to get anything from Shafiq, apart from gaulling excuses, is like platting fog, and yet again, either he or worse the slimy Bungalawa(MCB), are the “go to guys” for the BBC.
The fiasco of the ‘move to Salford’, has been dribbling out for some years. With the final revelation that it has seen 14 new jobs for Salford, I looked and looked in anticipation for the bBC programme about the scandal. My attention must have been elsewhere, but so far only a stony silence. Surely a programme highly critical of Thomson must be in the offing?
14 jobs for Salford locals in return for 200 million pounds of taxpayers money redistributed into the pockets of BBC Guardian readers sounds about par for the course for a Labour job creation scheme.
I am no longer able to complain to the BBC – about anything!
Dear Mr Waters,
It has been brought to my attention that since you were made subject to our expedited complaints handling procedure in October, applying to your many complaints about alleged left-wing bias, you have sent at least a further 29 emails to the BBC. Some of these have been complaints about individual reports, others follow-ups to previous correspondence and some queries about BBC procedures.
Taken overall, we cannot now consider that these additional contacts from you can be considered to be raising fresh issues of serious editorial concern. Although we acknowledge that you state that: “I provide feedback that is intended to help inform future content”, we also note that on being told we would no longer entertain complaints about left-wing bias that were not substantive, your response has been: “Is the BBC willing to consider complaints of right-wing bias made by me?”
We therefore consider that your continuing expectation that we should allocate resources to reply to all your enquiries and complaints, especially when it appears that you sought to substitute complaints about right-wing bias for those of left-wing bias, now form a disproportionate expectation both of our complaints service and the allocation we can give from licence fee resources to what are not substantive issues.
As an example of this, one of your most recent complaints, instead of making a complaint about BBC output, supplied us with a link to an article in another newspaper and the observation that you agreed with its criticisms of the BBC.
It is therefore with regret that we feel we must once again apply the expedited complaints handling procedure, this time in regard to all your complaints.
As outlined previously, for the period of two years from the receipt of this email, we will of course continue to read any complaints you submit, whether directly to production teams or via the central handling unit, but they will not be investigated unless they appear to raise a substantive issue or disclose a serious prima facie case of a breach of the Editorial Guidelines where there is a prospect that the complaint might be upheld.
While you may, of course, write to the BBC Trust within 20 working days to request an appeal against this decision, we would be grateful if you would refrain from contacting them regarding specific complaints, as we note you have done recently. Any complaints judged to be substantive will be dealt with initially at the first stage of the complaints process and then escalated accordingly. We will ensure that any outstanding complaints are dealt with appropriately.
We are sorry we have had to take this step, but for the reasons given above we do not feel that this correspondence can continue in an atmosphere of good faith and that it would be a disproportionate use of licence fee funds.
Yours sincerely
Stephanie Harris
Head of Editorial Compliance & Accountability
BBC News
…Because, as we are sure that you’re aware, we desperately need the licence money to fund our taxis, pensions, junkets abroad (and other wild happenings closer to home), super-duper salaries, and of course the move (or not) to Salford, where we have to accommodate staff in expensive places. So don’t bother us again with your pointless whingeing – it’ll make no difference, and if you persist, we’ll send the heavies round.
Mark Thompson has previously admitted that the BBC used to have a ‘massive’ left-wing bias. From the BBC’s output, it seems nothing has changed. Furthermore, the way the BBC has handled my complaints and those of other people I have corresponded with gives me the impression that it is not interested rigorous soul searching. Rather, its priority seems to be defend itself and to maintain what Peter Sissons referred to as ‘a way of thinking that is firmly of the Left’ (Source: How else does one explain the fact that there are frequently opinion pieces on the BBC news website arguing left-wing positions, but rarely (if ever) articles advocating right-wing views?
The BBC’s independence means that it can do more or less what it wants, and does not feel the need to take seriously feedback from licence payers. Indeed, less than 1 in a 1,000 complaints to the BBC are upheld or partially upheld (source: I therefore have to consider whether an appeal against your decision, or indeed any other complaint I might make were I to win such an appeal, would realistically succeed. I get the impression that they would not, so until such time as the BBC is held to account by a wholly independent third party, I will not be appealing.
Incidentally, with regards to my question about right-wing bias, I was merely seeking clarity regarding the how my complaints were being processed. Contrary to what you appear to think, I have never wasted my time or the BBC’s with frivilous complaints. I would only have made a complaint of right-wing bias if I thought there were genuine grounds for doing so (and I do not recall the last time I perceived there to be any right-wing bias in the BBC’s output).
As an example of this, one of your most recent complaints, instead of making a complaint about BBC output, supplied us with a link to an article in another newspaper and the observation that you agreed with its criticisms of the BBC.
How very dare you provide them with evidence that others are criticising the BBC! Silence, worm!
Quite. If someone writes an excellent criticism of a BBC article, why is it wrong for me to put their points to the BBC?
If Toby Young’s article had said ‘This is a brilliant piece by the BBC! 10/10’, and I’d written to the BBC to say ‘I agree with Toby Young – Keep up the the great work!’, I wonder if they’d have objected…
No, that would have made it onto Feedback. Feedback offered to retweet all tweets it receivd over a short period before its first of a new run, unsurprisingly it didn’t retweet mine…
‘we will of course continue to read any complaints you submit… but they will not be investigated..’
This.. is gold-dust. Read but ignored.. so… probably not read then. Or shown to be. Frustrating to any seeking dialogue to help them improve*, to be sure, but a clear means to blow out the licence fee, pocket £145.50pa and let them take you to court and have a field day when you see them there.
Since when was ‘good faith’ going to be a defining requirement in conduct of complaints about the BBC service which, clearly, have long since given up on their side with that for the complaint to be made. This is about service contracts and Charter obligation. What is this woman… eleven? And what is this BS about not mentioning stuff to other folk????! If the whole issue is the complaints system is a multi-person rabbit warren of contradiction and misdirection, all with the option of pulling the plug… but only at their end… if any of their ‘secret’ internal conduct guidelines is breached, this demand to not make anything public or escalate other than via them* makes Douglas Adams’ ‘Beware of the Leopard’ satire look like the the FoI being mated with Wikileaks.
They have basically admitted that the whole complaint system is a silly joke they play to tick a few boxes and waste the public’s time, using the public’s money. They get paid. We do not.
Usually they either ignore or send a blow-off template piece of idiocy, but for no reason I can discern they can get their noses put out of joint and decide to pick a fight.
And when they lose… they pull a ‘take the ball away and switch off the flloodlights (we own the stadium and pay the bills)’ stunt like this?
Awesome. If in a unique kind of way.
I am awaiting the follow up to my complaint where a producer grabbed half the story, thought he had a cheap way of making a silly point, intercepted procedure and got pwned to a grovelling ‘I need more time now, conjure up a blow off that won’t blow back as bad as my last attempt.’*.
He has about 4 1/2 hrs, or 10 if he is going to claim the full ‘by Monday’ period.
I wonder what I can do to get into such illustrious company so as to be given a ‘get out of paying the fee free card’ like you have.
Other than simply asking questions and persisting until the answers make sense.
Which is what the BBC does as a ‘news’ orginsiation, isn’t it? Really… isn’t that it?
What an amazing precedent she has just set for how the BBC can now be treated by any they seek to conduct a story on, or interview with:
Don’t like the way it is heading? Simply smile and say, with regret, ‘I must once again apply my expedited complaints handling procedure, this time in regard to all your questions’.
What are they… can they do in future? Say ‘that’s different’. Why? How? Imagine Paxo vs, Howard, after the second repeat…
‘Sorry, Jeremy, you are no longer interviwing in what I consider good faith, therefore, according to my expedited procedure for handling such a line… stuff off’.
* sample: Me: “The only avenue I do seem to have to express reservations is the clearly risible BBC complaints system”.
He: ‘That, if true, would be an annoyance. As a programme producer, it is in my and Newsnight’s interest to work through your concerns and if necessary make changes. I would humbly suggest that discussing these issues with people who make the show, is a more productive process than dealing with individuals outside of its daily production.’
Bad luck, Jeff. Asking them to investigate complaints about right-wing bias is a “disproportionate expectation”. In other words, they think complaints about right-wing bias would be frivolous by definition.
Try complaining about pro-Israel bias and see how far you get.
They must have thought ‘This guy has to be taking the mickey! As if we’d ever include anything remotely right-wing in our output!’.
TBH, I’m not that bothered about the decision. This might sound horribly defeatist, but it’s not like complaints to the BBC actually achieve anything, particularly as they are accountable only to their partners-in-crime, the BBC Trust…
as all complaints to the Complaints Unit are never substantive they are all ignored anyway – it is just that now your are ignored sooner than those made by us yet to be banned.
If I wanted to complain, I’d just use a pseudonym and a fake email address, but I feel there’s little point. How do you get an unaccountable organisation with its own agenda to change its ways?
The Coalition and the Labour Party are both centre left, so it’s unlikely that either will threaten to turn off the taps unless the BBC changes its ways…
Oh dear-a few listeners of You and Yours(and there are only a few of them!)-are far from happy.
One of the topics was about Big Issue sellers being all Roma and not being homeless at all(unless you count the bosses BMW as not being a roof).
The Big Issue boss was far from happy at what she was being told. The e-mails that followed confirmed her naive compromise of the original purpose of the magazine.
But then followed a few emails from Pravda Online…how very dare the EDL get access to the airwaves…this is NOT what You and Yours should be talking about…etc, etc.
Truly if the proles are in the majority and get their two minute hates-rest assured that friendly BBC staffers will find the approved versions of Liberal truths and stuff them on the other side of the see-saw…”for balance” of course.
If you see Peter White selling the Big Issue round Portland Square…you`ll know why now!
Winifred Robinson out blagging champagne from the Tesco-self scam already I`d imagine.
Is there a speciaol dictionary where what you think something means can get truly twisted to be what the BBc and its fellow travellers have decided it should?
ROBERT BROWN; Read the dismissal of critics of the Roma woman selling the Big Issue on the BI site. Mealy mouthed crap. Do not buy the paper, show the arrogant leftie idiots what you think, bombard them with e-mails. The sellers should be indigenous folk down on their luck, NOT east european/african/others chancers who were NOT forced to come here. Get angry.
It’s so delicious that it’s worth transcribing furniture expert John Bly at some length.
‘Now you know, we hear a lot about Global Warming these days, but it’s nothing really new, we’ve had Global Warming periods before. And this bit of furniture actually reflects an earlier Global Warming period, a warm period at the end of the eighteenth century, between 1780, 1790 and 1800. Those 20-25 years were very hot and the heat allowed women to wear fashionable very thin Empire style dresses and langourously lie around on safas and so forth. In order to give them something to do in this new fashion…they wanted to write …on a table which conveniently would pull over the end of the sofa’.
I guess at least you can say in the BBC’s favour that they still allow through one or two people who know things.
BBC News Channel showed a few minutes ago a report about EU sanctions against Iran and the two aircraft carriers going through the Straight of Hormuz. The West is trying to squeeze Iran by hurting their oil ouptut because of their nuclear desires, etc. But at what cost? We’re told any reduction in Iranian oil output will cause a rise in worldwide oil prices. Thankfully, there was no time for the boilerplate about that hitting the poorest and most vulnerable hardest.
They’re talking about it in the studio again right now, talking to some City analyst. She’s saying that Europe’s phased-in sanctions will make Iran cut off oil to Europe, but Saudi Arabia will possibly help out with their reserves. Unfortunately for the BBC Narrative, though, she thinks it will be only a small rise, which won’t happen for a while yet because of these factors. Ah, well. Better luck next time, Beeboids.
But there’s one glaring omission in all BBC reporting about this issue.
If the US President wasn’t such a damn Watermelon, He wouldn’t be blocking drilling and the Keystone pipeline. He could very easily have done both, lowering oil prices in the process. He could also get his Watermelon-run EPA to reduce the strangling regulations which have caused refineries to close and prevented others from opening. But I guess he’s happy importing 10% of our oil from effing Hugo Chavez and propping up that dictatorship instead. The US could even be a net exporter sometime in the near future, thus helping keep EU and UK oil prices down.
Instead, people like me are freezing this winter because heating oil is ridiculously expensive, and will only get worse. It’s Warmist ideology that’s the worst cause of the high oil prices, not sanctions against Iran.
But the BBC will never tell you that. Most trusted news source? Yeah, right.
Not always a fan of Mr. Staines, but he get about, and useful folk find him to act in sharing as a very useful conduit of the high value we can expect from our great, good.. and market rate talents…
Now`s not the time to speculate what kind of “academics” our unis are letting loose on us.
One of them was boasting about getting online data about a suspects criminal past, and then telling the other jurors about it.
Despite all manner of warnings about doing things like this, she was found guilty and sent to jail.
Now then…Martha Kearney on “The World At One” could not let this go-surely our juries are not getting the necessary educational training perhaps?
Martha is just the kind of bluestockinged naif that comprise the BBCs current affairs payroll ballast.
Blame Dominic Grieve I think was the message…and let`s hope the poor lady gets a couple of free tickets to Hairspray as compo in due course!
They ram home this message over and over and over when you do jury duty. You’d have to be really stupid or in a coma to miss their constant warnings about researching any details of the case to which you are assigned, or revealing anything to anyone outside the jury. This person probably assumed that they were far too clever to need to pay attention to those warnings, which are really aimed at the thick plebs. Perhaps I’m being too charitable, maybe she’s just thick.
…in fact, I remember the court officials citing incidents like this specifically as an example of what can happen to those that disregard the rules. She is now that example. Just.Plain.Thick.
Islamic Jihad against non-Muslims in Constantinople, and London.
INBBC continues its Islamic propaganda against the Christians in its series ‘The Crusades’ (INBBC 2, Weds) by ignoring the 400 years of Islamic Imperialist jihad in Constantinople and the Near East, BEFORE the Christians went there to defend the Christians from the Muslim conquererors.
The series is presented by a lecturer, Mr Asbridge, from Queens College, Mile End Road, London University.
This is what going on there, as reported by Daniel Greenfield:
“But atheists no longer have to live in the Muslim world in order to be subject to Islamic rules. At Queen Mary, University of London, a public research university with roots going back nearly a thousand years, the Atheism, Secularism and Humanism Society attempted to hold a discussion on “Sharia Law and Human Rights.” The discussion came to an abrupt end when a man entered the room and warned that they would be murdered if they said anything critical about Mohammed.”
INBBC censors out killing of British jihadist in SOMALIA.
While INBBC acts like an Islamic ‘charity’ and propagandises for Britiush people to give aid to Islam jihad ridden Somalia, INBBC censors how welfare benefit Somali jihadists in Britain support the jihad in Somalia.
INBBC has NO report on this today, but ‘Independent’ and ‘Telegraph’ do:
“Al-Qa’ida official killed by drone ‘was British citizen'”
As a public broadcaster. hasn’t INBBC a duty to inform itself and we licencepayers of the Islamic jihad murder threat from such Somalis Muslims which exists inside Britain?
INBBC (on instructions from high up in the hierarchy, or is it routine political self-censorship?) refuses to report this incriminating evidence. (A differentially much worse treatment by INBBC of EDL which opposes such Muslims.)
We know that INBBC only presents an Islamic view of the Crusades (as per Wednesday TV series, BBC 2). But does this extend to not reporting ‘Muslims against Crusades’ for what it is? Apparently.
So Robert Peston delights in telling us that chief exec pay ‘exploded’ over the last 10 years. But he fails to remind of us WHO was in power at the time (remember Mandelson and “we don’t have a problem with the filthy rich”) and that it’s double standards of Liebore to now try to claim the moral high ground (something Cable pointed out in the Commons but the BBC News didn’t bother to show)
Excellent clip, thanks for linking. I love the fact that MR. Browne is not about to be fobbed off with the usual bureaucrats’ blather, and remains polite but determined to get a real answer. You can see the Euro-plank’s discomfort as he realises this. I bet he’s wishing he could say, it typical EU fashion where all things Irish are concerned, “That’s not the right question to ask, would you please reconsider and then ask the right question”.
‘“That’s not the right question to ask, would you please reconsider and then ask the right question”.
BBC complaints stance #1
If one persists, politely and factually, then ,ove to stance #2: ‘this is over because we think you are not acting in ‘good faith’.
The BBC appears configured only to ask the ‘right’ people the ‘right’ questions.
IT is also well funded in the producer iPhone and edit suite departments to ensure the wrong people don’t get invited on or the wrong questions ever get asked of those who do.
Going back to the Radio 5 phone in this morning, the usual lefty callers were moanig about the fact wages are so low. Well Liebore could have done something about that, instead these morons happily fell for Bliar and Brown’s spin for 13 years whilst the bosses rubbed their hands at getting 1.6 million hard working east europeans to come into the country and work not only for minimum wage but often below minimum wage.
So for 13 years the lefty arseholes said nothing, yet now 18 months of a non Liebore government and they are all up in arms.
…but…but…Gordon The Great said once – ‘British jobs for British workers’. There, problem solved. Just like when he saved the world by saying he’d done so. Just like Blair created a classless society and ended the North/South divide and child poverty and so many other wonderful triumphs for social justice by merely declaring them done.
Martin, you’ve really failed to understand how this works. A re-education program awaits you.
Notice how a story about an ITV programme making errors about the IRA has been front page news all day on the BBC website. Cheeky buggers, you’d think they never made any errors let alone apologise for them
The bBC reports on how pop stars and the like cost £400,00 to visit the boys in Afghanistan. The funny thing is the bBC fail to mention how much it cost to send a so called bBC security expert to the area, you know that expert who travels by wheelchair. At least everybody else can mamage to walk on and off the plane by themselves, have a shit by themselves, have a shower, why they can even get in and out of vehicles by themselves. To be frank I wonder how much it cost the tax payer to knock up wheel chair access to the battle field?
And all he gave us was a Letts guide(circa 1971) of Sino-British relations-with added cliches about the Chinese long view-versus the British inclination to open fire from gunboats( though I might have missed the hoary old one about Opium being forced up the Chinese nostrils.
Still-to pose in silhouette by the Palace will surely get him a CD cover…pretend he`s Peter Sarsdedt!
No mention about frivolous air miles wasted re global warming though…the theme this week is NHS and Toricutz, with global warming on the Millbank Grid for when the hoi-polloi clog up the departure gates of their betters!
Feature on vitamin D deficiency on Breakfast this morning. No mention of which group is particularly affected by this and why. They did feature a family at the end of the report that gave the game away though…
just keep taking the supplement, for those who ahem!
“find themselves with cultural problems”, … to help “rectify” the problem … what supplement would they recommend, if you keep boning your 1st cousin though … eh!
Prejudices about Islam will be shaken by this show The hajj, subject of a new exhibition at the British Museum, shows that a respect for other faiths is central to Muslim tradition
The comments are about as consistantly hostile to the related article as I’ve ever seen. It’s just not going to plan – no harmony being encouraged here, they’re just not swallowing what they’re being fed this time.
A lot of these spiritual tourists are allowed to pretend that they are pilgrims.
Armstrong is Giles Fraser with more airmiles…for now.
She won`t have ever been to either Mecca or Medina, but seems to consider herself free to pronounce on haj!
As is said here-“utterly deluded”.
Adrenaline surfers in search of an aimless controversy as Christians die in burning churches in Nigerai, Indonesia etc-and well-funded by King Abdullahs useful idiots of cash dispensers in Kensington!
karen armstrong, sword of the prophet, biography of the prophet
(whose? prophet?) … both utter bilge, and a laughing stock to anyone even half objective.
why should this be any different? … its just surprising, she keeps getting away with it … (enter the guardian/bbc), how can she so devoid of factual knowledge of her subject, and still keep writing?
oh!, enter the guardian/bbc ;-D
Todays output from 8-9am this morning was pretty much all about the Tories and all this NHS/Unemployment business.
All tangled, garbled but we all got the message-“the Government don`t know whai it doin` bruv ,yeah”
I don`t recall the BBC ever spending an hour with near-on related narratives about the last lots REAL incompetence( as opposed to this lots proposed incompetencies to come).
Iraq, tax discs, Prescott, EU rebates, David Kelly,Blunkett and all thos other crap-I don`t recall these themed linked news stories being stitched together to give the idea of malice, incompetence and systemic policy failures to come.
The BBC have been trawling this rag bag of grievances around since the Observer told them the party line last Sunday.
Oh for the good old days of Labour eh?…when will the Tories clear out the barn for the rest of us?
Still no word from my new MIA Newsnight producer chum.
I await the opportunity for him to answer soem questions I need to ask about this from last night, as I awaited his previous promised reply (in vain)..
‘Tonight we look at the plight of squeezed low to middle income earners against the backdrop of a warning that they will not see their disposable income approach pre-recession levels until 2020 at best’
Interesting to note the use of ‘they’ with what is usually an all-inclusive mindset chez Aunty, where £35k indeed is beyond comprehension as a working family pre-tax income.
Now, who is ‘the Resolution Foundation’ one wonders (‘The Resolution Foundation is an independent research and policy organisation’), a ‘living wage charity’ that enjoys a Savile Row base, so seamlessly quoted by the BBC, along with the PR mantra of who again…?
More on shale gas this morning, after the deliberately sing-songy voice of Tom Fielden (who sounds like he’s addressing a bunch of children) earlier on, there was a piece with Tony Pineneedle, er Fircone, no, er Juniper, that’s it – and Lord Lawson. I have to say that Mr. Juniper (apart from being unstoppable, once launched) had the edge because he sounded so knowledgeable and convincing. Lord Lawson, on the other hand, bless him, sounded what he is, an old has-been. I’ve read his books, and I like his ideas and what he has to offer on the climate change nonsense, but he waffles, and dithers, and is no longer strong enough to forcefully and effectively put his point over. Which is a crying shame, because we need someone forceful to speak out for us (Lord Monckton, for example). The BBC, clearly, are well aware of this shortcoming, that’s why they wheel the likes of Lord Lawson on – they know he rambles too much before getting to the gist of his message, by which time the opposition has gained the upper hand. I’m sure the BBC rub their hands with glee when he accepts their invitations, they needn’t bother looking for anyone else – he is their token “denier”, so that’s all right, no bias there, then
“You and Yours” tomorrow will feature some parent who lost his son on a school adventure thing that went wrong…apparently to “debate whether the Coalition are right to want to reduce health and safety rules”
And on “The World At One” soon-Richard Branson will be “debating” with Martha in regard of legalising(or decriminalising of course!) drugs.
Hopefully he will give the BBC the correct message this time-his “loans for young entrepreneurs” stuff on Friday did NOT go down too well at Holloway Uni-who want those grants going into elbow pad research under their own “criteria funding”.
I`d love to know the genesis of this “Health and Safety” scare-did Winifred Robinson get all giddy having purloined a jereboam from the back of Budgens and avoiding detection or something?
listening to the Polly Peck saga on Views at one,and I picked up an interesting use of terminology when referring to where Asil Nadir had bogged off to to escape from the law
he went to “Turkish Cyprus” apparently
Turkish Cyprus…..I wondered where that could be
then it hit me
Occupied Northern Cyprus,where Greek Cypriots were forced to flee from Turkish aggression,and where Turks have built homes in settlements-those Settlements are considered illegal under international law although Turkey disputes this.
I didn’t really hear rhat bit……the bBC must have let it slip their minds to include it in the piece
I’m sure it”ll be put right in the 6 o’clock views,and then we’ll hear it every time the case is mentioned with boring relentless regularity I expect
Daniel Pipes is one of the foremost experts on the real goings on in the Mid-East and Muslim world from the perspective of our values.
He writes an article today, Don’t Ignore Electoral Fraud in Egypt, which I suggest reading first, telling how the Islamists in Egypt have rigged the elections there using a variety of ploys. We’ve already seen how the BBC do their best to present their ‘freedom and justice’ Muslim Brotherhood party as moderates, when they’re every bit as extremist as their supposed rivals the Salifists. We also know how anxious they are to portray Arab Spring as a ‘democratic’ process, so let’s see how, if at all, they have presented the facts that Daniel Pipes exposes. Bear in mind that any attempt to consciously and purposefully portray corruption and coercion as democratic assists the rise of terrorism, and shares responsibility for all the deaths, violence, and misery that follows in its wake.
Reading today’s article by the BBC ‘Egypts new assembly elects Muslim Brotherhood speaker”, there is absolutely no mention of any hint that these elections might be tainted. In fact it tells us Held over three phases between 28 November and 11 January, the parliamentary elections were considered the freest in Egyptian history. The only hint of ‘evil doing’ on events there by the BBC concerns the previous regime.
Since Mohammed ElBaradei is certainly one of the highest profile figures involved in events there, and who directly stepped down from contesting these elections because of ‘his perceptions that they were rigged’. He must have been hoping that the world media would focus on this, but he couldn’t have been more disappointed by that it received from the BBC. Mohamed ElBaradei will end Egypt presidency bid
Which manages to obscure and diminish the import of this by telling us
“My conscience does not permit me to run for the presidency or any other official position unless it is within a democratic framework,” he said.
The BBC’s Jon Leyne, in Cairo, says the comments are fairly damning, coming from someone with such international prestige. However, Mr ElBaradei’s critics will say he never stood much chance of becoming president, our correspondent adds. Mr ElBaradei had wanted a new constitution to be drawn up from scratch before any elections took place. Even on the liberal wing of Egyptian politics, feelings about Mr ElBaradei are very mixed, our correspondent says.
So that’s it?
You know when the BBC want to highlight a particular facet for any cause they back, they will repeat it in every article they run on the subject. Like for example, any story to do with Israel settlements has the addendum that ‘they are illegal are under international law, though Israel rejects this’.
“ think it`s funny…turning rebellion into money”
(Gospel according to St Joseph of Strummer).
And just in case we`ve all forgotten what the likes of Thatcher and Whitehouse did to the culcha….thank Buddha for Michael Rosen and his “Word of Mouth”.
For here we have Phil Redmond celebrating his pioneering Grange Hill scripts….and havenn`t we got a more “authentic” voice of yoof on Childrens TV these days.
And now we have a “celebration” of Skins…”hedonistic innovators” according to the Self-loathing SWP Bard of Islington.
Apparently soaps are challengin` the man, and breaking down taboos…and everybody involved(apart from Rosen) is in that creepy mid-20s region, but capable of doing impressions of chippy Bristolians, with (of course) that edgy attitude, so beloved of the rioting community who dream of TOWIE.
Hats off Rosen-thanks Redmond!
Any chance of a few CRB checks round cBBC filmsets and those commisssioning this weekend rebellion, for which decent people end up sweeping up the blood and glass.
Rosen as ever will be up in the staffroom and dreaming of the return of RD Laing!
I was just listening to Great Lives on Radio 4 with Shirley Williams and the Chair of the College of GPs, Clare Gerada. Now having met Clare once I tend to notice how frequently she is on the Radio – frequently and like this programme nothing to do with her being a doctor.
Well known for her left-wing pro Labour leanings and as she explained in this programme her feminist views – could this be why she is heard more often than any previous Chair of the GPs College?
And whilst looking at the BBC Trustees expenses…as you do … I noticed… and I know this is old news… that The Trustee for England Alison Hastings in 2008 claimed her travel to the Labour Party Conference. Now looking through several years I could not find that either Alison or any other Trustee claimed for their attendance at a Conservative Party Conference… surprising isn’t it?
Also noticed that Oct 08 to March 09 Alison managed to rack up over £12,000 of expenses in a part time job followed by a further £8,000 April 09 to Sep 09 – ie £20,000 for the year. She has managed, license payers may be pleased to note, that she has reduced them somewhat of late to just a smidgeon over £12,000 for the last year.
Here I am singing along to Hollywod Beyonds “What’s the colour of money” when I come across this bBC news article: Chapeltown pupils given lessons over ‘anger’ Primary school pupils at a Leeds school are being given anger management classes to curb bad behaviour, an Ofsted report has revealed.Staff drafted in an educational psychologist to work with children at Hillcrest Primary School in Chapeltown.There were 38 exclusions in the past year and some children are now taught in “nurture groups” while others receive anger management counselling.
Seeing as I come from the area. Well actually I don’t but nobody has heard where I am from so I simply say leeds. Here is what the bBC doesn’t tell you about the above article: Chapeltown, Leeds Chapeltown is a suburb of north-east Leeds, in West Yorkshire, England, and is the centre of the city’s British African-Caribbean community. It is approximately one mile north of Leeds city centre. In the 2001 census, Chapeltown was the only area of Leeds in which Whites were the minority
Is it racist to mention the above. Nah I’m a half-chat I can’t
BBC paean to the NHS Call the Midwife star Jenny Agutter is on the sofa and inexplicably lends a nun’s whimple to Matt Baker to put on his head (prick).
He say’s ‘It’s very liberating’.
What on earth does he mean?
Some feminist/burqa subtext?
Or is he just a prick?
There is a feminist school of thought that says women demean themselves and all women by posing for page three of the Sun.
Matt, son, you are demeaning yourself and all men. Pack it in and leave the feminism to Dame Nicky on the radio (he’s better at it).
Does John Anslows defence team know that their man is not being given his correct title of Mister…this surely tells us that the police and the BBC are most unhappy at his choosing the disapponting option that he chose to exercise?
He`ll no doubt be a bit cold and hungry, and his rights may well be being violated-those of a burger and a warm bed, as well as counselling.
Lessons have been learned, so case dismissed surely-no chance of a fair trial anyway-and he`ll get a spot on James Jones “Why we`re wrong to be harsh to murderers” series on Radio 4.
Further to Teddys Bears post above about the lack of informative news reporting from Egypt by the bBC comesthis video about how the bBCs moderate Egyptian Muslimsare clamping down on well everything. I take it the bBC shirt lifters will be giving Egypt a wide berth from now on. I just wonder how the bBC will report when Egypt cuts all ties with Isreal and starts to allow terrorists to settle in the Sinai in which to get the IDF to strike back thus allowing Muslims the world over to play the victim card and thus start the final war in which to remove Jews from the Middle East. I wonder how the bBC will report if Israel wins I wonder how the bBC will report if Israel loses. (Something tells me the bBC will blame the Jews as they are murdered in their millions by people shouting “God is great”) Silly me what am I thinking. The gay twats at the bBC will be jerking off to pictures of Mohammed as they hear of Jewish blood been spilled. Of course they will continue spreading the message that Islam is a religion of peace while looking booking holidays to the hated US of A in which to escape the homophobia imported into Europe by peaceful Muslims. I mean look at how they blame rightwing Nazis for the rise of Anti-Semitism in Germany, yet fail to see how the rising Islamic population in that country is the main reason for its growth.
For a so called world class news agency can anybody please explain why the bBC never reported how Russia sent its Navy to Syria the other week, how an cargo ship full of ammo was stopped by Cyprus heading towards Syria, How another Arms ship docked in Syria and how Russia has just sold Syria a large number of advanced trainer aircraft (which have a very good ground attack capability) You know the same bBC which made a huge song and dance about how John Simpson foundBritish ammosold to Libya during the 1960s. (funny enough watching the video again I notice the bBC have edited it in which to reflect the truth, funny how they didn’t do that at the time)
(funny enough watching the video again I notice the bBC have edited it in which to reflect the truth, funny how they didn’t do that at the time)
Be good if there was a newsniffer means to record that, and the discrepancy between what was, and what the BBC wished us to trust was the case.
Printing less than the truth at the time when the nation views what they are served up, and sending the edit kapos in later to tidy up ‘for the archive record’ come the inquiry is less than honest. Or reporting.
It is news, and does deserve significant reporting, as many others are.
However, I wonder what aspect of this story has moved the BBC to send me a special email about it..
From: BBC Breaking News Alert <>Date: 25 January 2012 10:01:23 GMTSubject: UK economy shrinks by 0.2% UK economic activity fell by 0.2% in the last three months of 2011, according to the Office for National Statistics. So Osbourne is a Tory ponce unlike Glorious Gordon.
I may have stealth editted a tad, but can change it later in case there’s adverse comment or comnplaints leading to an internal inquiry where I will carefullky decide in advance that I got it about right.
In fact, what guides them on when not to send a special may also be worth pondering too.
Isn’t Bill Gates currently pretty much at very top of the pile of BBC heroes? On the website today they have a video clip of him telling BBC World that he should pay more tax.
“Of course the BBC is sexist – but it won’t listen to a Tory woman who says so”
by Cristina Odone
“Nadine [Dorries, MP] is not Polly Toynbee. She is a Tory with Christian-ish views; she doesn’t trot out Lefty maxims in the voice of a games mistress at a posh private school. Alas, she doesn’t tick the ‘ethnically diverse’ box, either. So the BBC won’t worry about Nadine Dorries’s accusation: they can ignore it as the Right-wing ravings of a woman they suspect of being a religious zealot, if not a creationist.”
-Expect a BBC-NUJ supported ‘Occupy’ demo for tents for special treatment of Muslim Arabs.
Search Biased BBC
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An interesting comment in the Mail:-
Professor Brian Cox, of Stargazing Live, claims BBC types checked international guidelines on contact with aliens before he passed radio waves through the atmosphere of a planet. This was in case alien discovery triggered public riots. But the boyish prof doesn’t have to probe space to find aliens. He should check out some of his Corporation minders and have a peek at the 1956 movie, Invasion Of The Body Snatchers. His co-star, Dara O Briain, doesn’t always look the full shilling, either.
Read more:
Amusing juxtaposition just now on BBC 5 Live after yet another Vic Derbyshire slot playing nursemaid to yet another dollop of emotive female ‘victim’ whingeing about the Justice System – ‘it’s so unfair’ and ‘I’m a single mother’.
(A woman who had been the victim of domestic violence had failed to turn up to give her evidence – costing the taxpayer thousands – and was sent to chokey for a bit for contempt of Court).
So the news report following this soap opera for the sisters says Mark Thompson at the Leveson claims the BBC ‘doesn’t take one person’s testimony and claim it to be news’. Yeah right.
Did anyone hear the love-in on Start the Week.
Andrew Marr: Shami Chakrabarti, is this picture of Britain having a punitive culture one you recognise?
Shami Chakrabarti: Absolutely…
blah, blah, blah
Yes, the kind of society which CHAKRABARTI supported is that of the Islam punitive killers of the Libyan Gaddafi regime while she was a governor of the Islamic London School of Economics.
She is a hypocritical disgrace, worthy of the anti-British INBBC.
‘the BBC ‘doesn’t take one person’s testimony and claim it to be news”
That should probably go on to read..’the BBC has learned.. from sources who are saying..’.
Questions won’t be asked.
‘the BBC ‘doesn’t take one person’s testimony and claim it to be news”
Well, look at the Brodie Clark story. While it was his testimony the BBC splashed it all over the website and gave sizeable chunks of the Today programme to it. The minute other civil servants gave evidence against Clark the story dropped well off their radar.
‘Well, look at the Brodie Clark story. While it was his testimony the BBC splashed it all over the website’
So what you are saying (and a view supproted by a few others, plus the actual record) is that the BBC says it does (or in this case doesn’t do) one thing when in fact the reverse is true.
Well, that is one area where you can trust them, I guess.
BBC spends £11m lending London staff to regions –
‘Under BBC rules, staff are entitled to claim up to £1,900-a-month for accommodation and utilities if they relocate to Salford or are posted away from their permanent residence on attachment.’
£1,900 a month!?!
Here’s what you can get for just half that amount:
Is that not adequate at a time of austerity?
The BBC stuff wads of cash into their pockets extracted from the poor and in return they are keen to tell us how concerned they are about poverty.
Wild – The term ‘champagne socialists’ springs to mind!
It’s a bit like:
– John Prescott campaigning about global warming whilst driving 2 jags
– Diane Abbott championing incitement to racial hatred laws, and then making offensive generalisations about white people…
– Harriet Harman advocating women-only shortlists, but then arranging for her husband to be exempted.
All animals are created equal, but some more equal than others…
You can buy a lot of cocaine for 1900 a month.
How many Beeboids are subletting the empty home and pocketing the BBC cash at the same time? Still, I guess it’s better than jetting up and back several times a week, bringing the planet all that much closer to environmental catastrophe, right?
Hopefully it’s just a matter of time before a journalist uncovers BBC expenses largesse through Freedom of Information requests, and senior BBC executives are given the same public roasting as the MPs who abused the expenses system received.
Won’t happen, all MSM journalits are in it together, most hacks would love a big BBC job, no one will shit on them.
This just-added palace will leave you £300 to spare for your water, electricity and heating (well, just water and leccy, really, as any BBC employee is entitled to collect the hot air pumped out of the news studios at Media City UK).
The most expensive rental house in my postcode is £1150 a month for a 5-bedroom detached. Presumably Coronation Street will soon have a storyline where the entire cast are priced out of their homes by trendy cosmopolitan gentrifying Beeboids?
On my way home today I heard Bacon attacking the bankers again. “Disgraceful they are getting bonuses… etc etc ad nauseum.
The argument he puts forward is that because we are going through austerity the bankers should have their bonuses cut. No one asks Bacon the obvious question, “If audience figures go down, does he get a paycut? And what is he doing to help the country through the ausertity?” Is he getting the rate for the job? Just as the bankers are?
More poweful propaganda techniques employed by the BBC Repetition, Oversimplification and Stereotyping.
As the old holocaust denier, Abbas, gets multiple pandering sycophantism, from Clegg, W Vague, soundbite Dave, (3 unwise monkeys), in London.
meanwhile back in Pallywood.
D Hadid Associated Press, Jan22:
Top Pally cleric, rampant antisemitism, “out of context” 😀
“Hussein is appointed to his position by the Palestinian president.
There was no immediate comment from Abbas’ office.
Hussein, who is based in Jerusalem, said his comments were taken out of context.
“I was speaking about the final signs of the day of resurrection,” Hussein said. “I did not incite, and I did not call for killing. We are not, at present, at the end of days.” (oh! … but if it was left to me eh! 😀 )
“out of context” where have i heard that before?
mel phillips.…/David-Cameron-Nick-Clegg-free-pass-racis…
Arab Spring huge rise in anti-Semitism, must be the bbc s “carnival” atmosphere eh!
Jerusalem Post, Jan 22
N Campbell, is all “bosom buddy” with the odious M Shafiq, (Ramadan Fnd) again … this morning, 8.45am 5live.
Supposedly, questioning him 😀 on yet another muslim, from the UK, again, follower of the “religion of peace”, again in Pakistan, who was killed in a drone attack.
why? .. Why? … WHY?? cometh the the dames bleat, as he then hilariously allows Shafiq, to obfuscate with no hindrence, into some Pakistan “poor me” victim drone.
Why? not surprised, 😀 to get anything from Shafiq, apart from gaulling excuses, is like platting fog, and yet again, either he or worse the slimy Bungalawa(MCB), are the “go to guys” for the BBC.
dismayed but not surpised.
The fiasco of the ‘move to Salford’, has been dribbling out for some years. With the final revelation that it has seen 14 new jobs for Salford, I looked and looked in anticipation for the bBC programme about the scandal. My attention must have been elsewhere, but so far only a stony silence. Surely a programme highly critical of Thomson must be in the offing?
14 jobs for Salford locals in return for 200 million pounds of taxpayers money redistributed into the pockets of BBC Guardian readers sounds about par for the course for a Labour job creation scheme.
The coke dealers are doing a roaring trade at least.
I am no longer able to complain to the BBC – about anything!
Dear Mr Waters,
It has been brought to my attention that since you were made subject to our expedited complaints handling procedure in October, applying to your many complaints about alleged left-wing bias, you have sent at least a further 29 emails to the BBC. Some of these have been complaints about individual reports, others follow-ups to previous correspondence and some queries about BBC procedures.
Taken overall, we cannot now consider that these additional contacts from you can be considered to be raising fresh issues of serious editorial concern. Although we acknowledge that you state that: “I provide feedback that is intended to help inform future content”, we also note that on being told we would no longer entertain complaints about left-wing bias that were not substantive, your response has been: “Is the BBC willing to consider complaints of right-wing bias made by me?”
We therefore consider that your continuing expectation that we should allocate resources to reply to all your enquiries and complaints, especially when it appears that you sought to substitute complaints about right-wing bias for those of left-wing bias, now form a disproportionate expectation both of our complaints service and the allocation we can give from licence fee resources to what are not substantive issues.
As an example of this, one of your most recent complaints, instead of making a complaint about BBC output, supplied us with a link to an article in another newspaper and the observation that you agreed with its criticisms of the BBC.
It is therefore with regret that we feel we must once again apply the expedited complaints handling procedure, this time in regard to all your complaints.
As outlined previously, for the period of two years from the receipt of this email, we will of course continue to read any complaints you submit, whether directly to production teams or via the central handling unit, but they will not be investigated unless they appear to raise a substantive issue or disclose a serious prima facie case of a breach of the Editorial Guidelines where there is a prospect that the complaint might be upheld.
While you may, of course, write to the BBC Trust within 20 working days to request an appeal against this decision, we would be grateful if you would refrain from contacting them regarding specific complaints, as we note you have done recently. Any complaints judged to be substantive will be dealt with initially at the first stage of the complaints process and then escalated accordingly. We will ensure that any outstanding complaints are dealt with appropriately.
We are sorry we have had to take this step, but for the reasons given above we do not feel that this correspondence can continue in an atmosphere of good faith and that it would be a disproportionate use of licence fee funds.
Yours sincerely
Stephanie Harris
Head of Editorial Compliance & Accountability
BBC News
…Because, as we are sure that you’re aware, we desperately need the licence money to fund our taxis, pensions, junkets abroad (and other wild happenings closer to home), super-duper salaries, and of course the move (or not) to Salford, where we have to accommodate staff in expensive places. So don’t bother us again with your pointless whingeing – it’ll make no difference, and if you persist, we’ll send the heavies round.
Thank you for calling…”
My reply:
Ms Harris,
Mark Thompson has previously admitted that the BBC used to have a ‘massive’ left-wing bias. From the BBC’s output, it seems nothing has changed. Furthermore, the way the BBC has handled my complaints and those of other people I have corresponded with gives me the impression that it is not interested rigorous soul searching. Rather, its priority seems to be defend itself and to maintain what Peter Sissons referred to as ‘a way of thinking that is firmly of the Left’ (Source: How else does one explain the fact that there are frequently opinion pieces on the BBC news website arguing left-wing positions, but rarely (if ever) articles advocating right-wing views?
The BBC’s independence means that it can do more or less what it wants, and does not feel the need to take seriously feedback from licence payers. Indeed, less than 1 in a 1,000 complaints to the BBC are upheld or partially upheld (source: I therefore have to consider whether an appeal against your decision, or indeed any other complaint I might make were I to win such an appeal, would realistically succeed. I get the impression that they would not, so until such time as the BBC is held to account by a wholly independent third party, I will not be appealing.
Incidentally, with regards to my question about right-wing bias, I was merely seeking clarity regarding the how my complaints were being processed. Contrary to what you appear to think, I have never wasted my time or the BBC’s with frivilous complaints. I would only have made a complaint of right-wing bias if I thought there were genuine grounds for doing so (and I do not recall the last time I perceived there to be any right-wing bias in the BBC’s output).
As an example of this, one of your most recent complaints, instead of making a complaint about BBC output, supplied us with a link to an article in another newspaper and the observation that you agreed with its criticisms of the BBC.
How very dare you provide them with evidence that others are criticising the BBC! Silence, worm!
Roland –
Quite. If someone writes an excellent criticism of a BBC article, why is it wrong for me to put their points to the BBC?
If Toby Young’s article had said ‘This is a brilliant piece by the BBC! 10/10’, and I’d written to the BBC to say ‘I agree with Toby Young – Keep up the the great work!’, I wonder if they’d have objected…
Think yourself lucky the Ministry of Truth did not arrange to have you taken away in the middle of the night and shot for not voting Labour.
No, that would have made it onto Feedback. Feedback offered to retweet all tweets it receivd over a short period before its first of a new run, unsurprisingly it didn’t retweet mine…
‘we will of course continue to read any complaints you submit… but they will not be investigated..’
This.. is gold-dust. Read but ignored.. so… probably not read then. Or shown to be. Frustrating to any seeking dialogue to help them improve*, to be sure, but a clear means to blow out the licence fee, pocket £145.50pa and let them take you to court and have a field day when you see them there.
Since when was ‘good faith’ going to be a defining requirement in conduct of complaints about the BBC service which, clearly, have long since given up on their side with that for the complaint to be made. This is about service contracts and Charter obligation. What is this woman… eleven? And what is this BS about not mentioning stuff to other folk????! If the whole issue is the complaints system is a multi-person rabbit warren of contradiction and misdirection, all with the option of pulling the plug… but only at their end… if any of their ‘secret’ internal conduct guidelines is breached, this demand to not make anything public or escalate other than via them* makes Douglas Adams’ ‘Beware of the Leopard’ satire look like the the FoI being mated with Wikileaks.
They have basically admitted that the whole complaint system is a silly joke they play to tick a few boxes and waste the public’s time, using the public’s money. They get paid. We do not.
Usually they either ignore or send a blow-off template piece of idiocy, but for no reason I can discern they can get their noses put out of joint and decide to pick a fight.
And when they lose… they pull a ‘take the ball away and switch off the flloodlights (we own the stadium and pay the bills)’ stunt like this?
Awesome. If in a unique kind of way.
I am awaiting the follow up to my complaint where a producer grabbed half the story, thought he had a cheap way of making a silly point, intercepted procedure and got pwned to a grovelling ‘I need more time now, conjure up a blow off that won’t blow back as bad as my last attempt.’*.
He has about 4 1/2 hrs, or 10 if he is going to claim the full ‘by Monday’ period.
I wonder what I can do to get into such illustrious company so as to be given a ‘get out of paying the fee free card’ like you have.
Other than simply asking questions and persisting until the answers make sense.
Which is what the BBC does as a ‘news’ orginsiation, isn’t it? Really… isn’t that it?
What an amazing precedent she has just set for how the BBC can now be treated by any they seek to conduct a story on, or interview with:
Don’t like the way it is heading? Simply smile and say, with regret, ‘I must once again apply my expedited complaints handling procedure, this time in regard to all your questions’.
What are they… can they do in future? Say ‘that’s different’. Why? How? Imagine Paxo vs, Howard, after the second repeat…
‘Sorry, Jeremy, you are no longer interviwing in what I consider good faith, therefore, according to my expedited procedure for handling such a line… stuff off’.
* sample: Me: “The only avenue I do seem to have to express reservations is the clearly risible BBC complaints system”.
He: ‘That, if true, would be an annoyance. As a programme producer, it is in my and Newsnight’s interest to work through your concerns and if necessary make changes. I would humbly suggest that discussing these issues with people who make the show, is a more productive process than dealing with individuals outside of its daily production.’
Bad luck, Jeff. Asking them to investigate complaints about right-wing bias is a “disproportionate expectation”. In other words, they think complaints about right-wing bias would be frivolous by definition.
Try complaining about pro-Israel bias and see how far you get.
David – Quite.
They must have thought ‘This guy has to be taking the mickey! As if we’d ever include anything remotely right-wing in our output!’.
TBH, I’m not that bothered about the decision. This might sound horribly defeatist, but it’s not like complaints to the BBC actually achieve anything, particularly as they are accountable only to their partners-in-crime, the BBC Trust…
Jeff, I guess for the most part they seriously respond only to the volume of complaints, not the quality.
as all complaints to the Complaints Unit are never substantive they are all ignored anyway – it is just that now your are ignored sooner than those made by us yet to be banned.
Deborah – Quite.
If I wanted to complain, I’d just use a pseudonym and a fake email address, but I feel there’s little point. How do you get an unaccountable organisation with its own agenda to change its ways?
The Coalition and the Labour Party are both centre left, so it’s unlikely that either will threaten to turn off the taps unless the BBC changes its ways…
Oh dear-a few listeners of You and Yours(and there are only a few of them!)-are far from happy.
One of the topics was about Big Issue sellers being all Roma and not being homeless at all(unless you count the bosses BMW as not being a roof).
The Big Issue boss was far from happy at what she was being told. The e-mails that followed confirmed her naive compromise of the original purpose of the magazine.
But then followed a few emails from Pravda Online…how very dare the EDL get access to the airwaves…this is NOT what You and Yours should be talking about…etc, etc.
Truly if the proles are in the majority and get their two minute hates-rest assured that friendly BBC staffers will find the approved versions of Liberal truths and stuff them on the other side of the see-saw…”for balance” of course.
If you see Peter White selling the Big Issue round Portland Square…you`ll know why now!
Winifred Robinson out blagging champagne from the Tesco-self scam already I`d imagine.
‘ very dare the EDL get access to the airwaves…this is NOT what You and Yours should be talking about..’
And these emails were ‘selected’ how?
Rather goes to the quaint notion of how a complaint gets progressed as per Jeff’s earlier post.
It seems somewhat akin to ducking for witchcraft.
Apparently one qualifies as homeless these days by having to share a bedroom.
Sort of a ‘blanket term’ then?
Is there a speciaol dictionary where what you think something means can get truly twisted to be what the BBc and its fellow travellers have decided it should?
ROBERT BROWN; Read the dismissal of critics of the Roma woman selling the Big Issue on the BI site. Mealy mouthed crap. Do not buy the paper, show the arrogant leftie idiots what you think, bombard them with e-mails. The sellers should be indigenous folk down on their luck, NOT east european/african/others chancers who were NOT forced to come here. Get angry.
Wonderful piece of Global Warming heresy from the BBC’s Antiques Roadshow last night.
You can watch from 13.15 here:
It’s so delicious that it’s worth transcribing furniture expert John Bly at some length.
‘Now you know, we hear a lot about Global Warming these days, but it’s nothing really new, we’ve had Global Warming periods before. And this bit of furniture actually reflects an earlier Global Warming period, a warm period at the end of the eighteenth century, between 1780, 1790 and 1800. Those 20-25 years were very hot and the heat allowed women to wear fashionable very thin Empire style dresses and langourously lie around on safas and so forth. In order to give them something to do in this new fashion…they wanted to write …on a table which conveniently would pull over the end of the sofa’.
I guess at least you can say in the BBC’s favour that they still allow through one or two people who know things.
BBC News Channel showed a few minutes ago a report about EU sanctions against Iran and the two aircraft carriers going through the Straight of Hormuz. The West is trying to squeeze Iran by hurting their oil ouptut because of their nuclear desires, etc. But at what cost? We’re told any reduction in Iranian oil output will cause a rise in worldwide oil prices. Thankfully, there was no time for the boilerplate about that hitting the poorest and most vulnerable hardest.
They’re talking about it in the studio again right now, talking to some City analyst. She’s saying that Europe’s phased-in sanctions will make Iran cut off oil to Europe, but Saudi Arabia will possibly help out with their reserves. Unfortunately for the BBC Narrative, though, she thinks it will be only a small rise, which won’t happen for a while yet because of these factors. Ah, well. Better luck next time, Beeboids.
But there’s one glaring omission in all BBC reporting about this issue.
If the US President wasn’t such a damn Watermelon, He wouldn’t be blocking drilling and the Keystone pipeline. He could very easily have done both, lowering oil prices in the process. He could also get his Watermelon-run EPA to reduce the strangling regulations which have caused refineries to close and prevented others from opening. But I guess he’s happy importing 10% of our oil from effing Hugo Chavez and propping up that dictatorship instead. The US could even be a net exporter sometime in the near future, thus helping keep EU and UK oil prices down.
Instead, people like me are freezing this winter because heating oil is ridiculously expensive, and will only get worse. It’s Warmist ideology that’s the worst cause of the high oil prices, not sanctions against Iran.
But the BBC will never tell you that. Most trusted news source? Yeah, right.
Summed up neatly here…
Not always a fan of Mr. Staines, but he get about, and useful folk find him to act in sharing as a very useful conduit of the high value we can expect from our great, good.. and market rate talents…
GuidoFawkes Guido Fawkes BBC’s director general Mark Thompson admits BBC illegally blagged DVLA data to #Leveson via @veryslickpaul
Guido gets under the skin of the left-wing establishment. I can forgive him a lot for that.
Now`s not the time to speculate what kind of “academics” our unis are letting loose on us.
One of them was boasting about getting online data about a suspects criminal past, and then telling the other jurors about it.
Despite all manner of warnings about doing things like this, she was found guilty and sent to jail.
Now then…Martha Kearney on “The World At One” could not let this go-surely our juries are not getting the necessary educational training perhaps?
Martha is just the kind of bluestockinged naif that comprise the BBCs current affairs payroll ballast.
Blame Dominic Grieve I think was the message…and let`s hope the poor lady gets a couple of free tickets to Hairspray as compo in due course!
They ram home this message over and over and over when you do jury duty. You’d have to be really stupid or in a coma to miss their constant warnings about researching any details of the case to which you are assigned, or revealing anything to anyone outside the jury. This person probably assumed that they were far too clever to need to pay attention to those warnings, which are really aimed at the thick plebs. Perhaps I’m being too charitable, maybe she’s just thick.
…in fact, I remember the court officials citing incidents like this specifically as an example of what can happen to those that disregard the rules. She is now that example. Just.Plain.Thick.
Islamic Jihad against non-Muslims in Constantinople, and London.
INBBC continues its Islamic propaganda against the Christians in its series ‘The Crusades’ (INBBC 2, Weds) by ignoring the 400 years of Islamic Imperialist jihad in Constantinople and the Near East, BEFORE the Christians went there to defend the Christians from the Muslim conquererors.
The series is presented by a lecturer, Mr Asbridge, from Queens College, Mile End Road, London University.
This is what going on there, as reported by Daniel Greenfield:
“But atheists no longer have to live in the Muslim world in order to be subject to Islamic rules. At Queen Mary, University of London, a public research university with roots going back nearly a thousand years, the Atheism, Secularism and Humanism Society attempted to hold a discussion on “Sharia Law and Human Rights.” The discussion came to an abrupt end when a man entered the room and warned that they would be murdered if they said anything critical about Mohammed.”
By Daniel Greenfield.
‘The Most Dangerous Place to be an Atheist’
“said anything critical about Mohammed.” 😀
not even neccesary the truth, about that
homophobic,backward, illiterate, jew/woman hating paedophillic murderer with a personality disorder and terrible memory
is bad enough.
INBBC censors out killing of British jihadist in SOMALIA.
While INBBC acts like an Islamic ‘charity’ and propagandises for Britiush people to give aid to Islam jihad ridden Somalia, INBBC censors how welfare benefit Somali jihadists in Britain support the jihad in Somalia.
INBBC has NO report on this today, but ‘Independent’ and ‘Telegraph’ do:
“Al-Qa’ida official killed by drone ‘was British citizen'”
As a public broadcaster. hasn’t INBBC a duty to inform itself and we licencepayers of the Islamic jihad murder threat from such Somalis Muslims which exists inside Britain?
More INBBC censorship to protect ISLAM.
INBBC (on instructions from high up in the hierarchy, or is it routine political self-censorship?) refuses to report this incriminating evidence. (A differentially much worse treatment by INBBC of EDL which opposes such Muslims.)
UK Muslim tells cops: “I’m going to cut your head off and machine gun the lot of you”
We know that INBBC only presents an Islamic view of the Crusades (as per Wednesday TV series, BBC 2). But does this extend to not reporting ‘Muslims against Crusades’ for what it is? Apparently.
Hang on, didn’t the BBC tell us last week that Muslims don’t make reference to the Crusades?
So Robert Peston delights in telling us that chief exec pay ‘exploded’ over the last 10 years. But he fails to remind of us WHO was in power at the time (remember Mandelson and “we don’t have a problem with the filthy rich”) and that it’s double standards of Liebore to now try to claim the moral high ground (something Cable pointed out in the Commons but the BBC News didn’t bother to show)
I imagine BBC News top talent pay “exploded” over the last 10 years as well.
How about union bosses? NHS bosses? Head teachers in faliing schools?
Useless, arrogant, lazy NHS GP’s on an average of £110,000 a year (the highest in Europe)?
This is how people should attack the Beeb,guardian,EU etc
10 out of 10 for vincent browne,I’ll vote for this brown every time.
love it!
Excellent clip, thanks for linking. I love the fact that MR. Browne is not about to be fobbed off with the usual bureaucrats’ blather, and remains polite but determined to get a real answer. You can see the Euro-plank’s discomfort as he realises this. I bet he’s wishing he could say, it typical EU fashion where all things Irish are concerned, “That’s not the right question to ask, would you please reconsider and then ask the right question”.
One comment on Notasheep’s blog nails it…
Can you, for one moment, imagine a BBC journalist, defending British taxpayer’s interests, posing such difficult questions to an EU official – ever!
In a word, no.
‘“That’s not the right question to ask, would you please reconsider and then ask the right question”.
BBC complaints stance #1
If one persists, politely and factually, then ,ove to stance #2: ‘this is over because we think you are not acting in ‘good faith’.
The BBC appears configured only to ask the ‘right’ people the ‘right’ questions.
IT is also well funded in the producer iPhone and edit suite departments to ensure the wrong people don’t get invited on or the wrong questions ever get asked of those who do.
Those of you who like your geographers red and your findings known in advance have a treat in store at 9pm Wednesday night on Radio 4..
Yes its Danny Dorling looking at the Domesday Reloaded project. Anyone want to bet its all Thatch’s fault ?
Going back to the Radio 5 phone in this morning, the usual lefty callers were moanig about the fact wages are so low. Well Liebore could have done something about that, instead these morons happily fell for Bliar and Brown’s spin for 13 years whilst the bosses rubbed their hands at getting 1.6 million hard working east europeans to come into the country and work not only for minimum wage but often below minimum wage.
So for 13 years the lefty arseholes said nothing, yet now 18 months of a non Liebore government and they are all up in arms.
…but…but…Gordon The Great said once – ‘British jobs for British workers’. There, problem solved. Just like when he saved the world by saying he’d done so. Just like Blair created a classless society and ended the North/South divide and child poverty and so many other wonderful triumphs for social justice by merely declaring them done.
Martin, you’ve really failed to understand how this works. A re-education program awaits you.
And the ‘end to boom and bust’. At least that’s half right – they certainly abolished ‘boom’.
Notice how a story about an ITV programme making errors about the IRA has been front page news all day on the BBC website. Cheeky buggers, you’d think they never made any errors let alone apologise for them
The BBC’s reporting of the IRA didn’t need errors, deliberate pandering got the job done quite satisfactorily.
Afghanistan trips by celebrities cost over £400,000 in 2011
The government spent more than £400,000 on sending celebrities to visit soldiers in Afghanistan last year, the Ministry of Defence (MoD) has said.
The bBC reports on how pop stars and the like cost £400,00 to visit the boys in Afghanistan. The funny thing is the bBC fail to mention how much it cost to send a so called bBC security expert to the area, you know that expert who travels by wheelchair. At least everybody else can mamage to walk on and off the plane by themselves, have a shit by themselves, have a shower, why they can even get in and out of vehicles by themselves. To be frank I wonder how much it cost the tax payer to knock up wheel chair access to the battle field?
‘The funny thing is the bBC fail to mention how much it cost to send a so called bBC ‘
I believe we funded Newsnight to send Mr. Paxman to China to ‘report’, being he’s so vital to be there to do so ‘n all.
And all he gave us was a Letts guide(circa 1971) of Sino-British relations-with added cliches about the Chinese long view-versus the British inclination to open fire from gunboats( though I might have missed the hoary old one about Opium being forced up the Chinese nostrils.
Still-to pose in silhouette by the Palace will surely get him a CD cover…pretend he`s Peter Sarsdedt!
No mention about frivolous air miles wasted re global warming though…the theme this week is NHS and Toricutz, with global warming on the Millbank Grid for when the hoi-polloi clog up the departure gates of their betters!
How much does the BBC spend covering a drug infested pop festival every 2 years?
Feature on vitamin D deficiency on Breakfast this morning. No mention of which group is particularly affected by this and why. They did feature a family at the end of the report that gave the game away though…
I thought the same thing – this is the second time (in two months) that they have plugged this. Slow news day?
just keep taking the supplement, for those who ahem!
“find themselves with cultural problems”, … to help “rectify” the problem … what supplement would they recommend, if you keep boning your 1st cousin though … eh!
Mass rebellion at CIF underway!
Prejudices about Islam will be shaken by this show
The hajj, subject of a new exhibition at the British Museum, shows that a respect for other faiths is central to Muslim tradition
The comments are about as consistantly hostile to the related article as I’ve ever seen. It’s just not going to plan – no harmony being encouraged here, they’re just not swallowing what they’re being fed this time.
Do have a look, I expect it’s a kick into reality for some about the views of many.
Hat-tip –
‘respect for other faiths is central to Muslim tradition‘
Clearly the person who wrote that has never been to a Muslim country.
A lot of these spiritual tourists are allowed to pretend that they are pilgrims.
Armstrong is Giles Fraser with more airmiles…for now.
She won`t have ever been to either Mecca or Medina, but seems to consider herself free to pronounce on haj!
As is said here-“utterly deluded”.
Adrenaline surfers in search of an aimless controversy as Christians die in burning churches in Nigerai, Indonesia etc-and well-funded by King Abdullahs useful idiots of cash dispensers in Kensington!
karen armstrong, sword of the prophet, biography of the prophet
(whose? prophet?) … both utter bilge, and a laughing stock to anyone even half objective.
why should this be any different? … its just surprising, she keeps getting away with it … (enter the guardian/bbc), how can she so devoid of factual knowledge of her subject, and still keep writing?
oh!, enter the guardian/bbc ;-D
Any bits of rubble from the Buddhas of Bamiyan on display?
i dont think i’ve ever read such a deluded article.
Todays output from 8-9am this morning was pretty much all about the Tories and all this NHS/Unemployment business.
All tangled, garbled but we all got the message-“the Government don`t know whai it doin` bruv ,yeah”
I don`t recall the BBC ever spending an hour with near-on related narratives about the last lots REAL incompetence( as opposed to this lots proposed incompetencies to come).
Iraq, tax discs, Prescott, EU rebates, David Kelly,Blunkett and all thos other crap-I don`t recall these themed linked news stories being stitched together to give the idea of malice, incompetence and systemic policy failures to come.
The BBC have been trawling this rag bag of grievances around since the Observer told them the party line last Sunday.
Oh for the good old days of Labour eh?…when will the Tories clear out the barn for the rest of us?
Still no word from my new MIA Newsnight producer chum.
I await the opportunity for him to answer soem questions I need to ask about this from last night, as I awaited his previous promised reply (in vain)..
‘Tonight we look at the plight of squeezed low to middle income earners against the backdrop of a warning that they will not see their disposable income approach pre-recession levels until 2020 at best’
Interesting to note the use of ‘they’ with what is usually an all-inclusive mindset chez Aunty, where £35k indeed is beyond comprehension as a working family pre-tax income.
Now, who is ‘the Resolution Foundation’ one wonders (‘The Resolution Foundation is an independent research and policy organisation’), a ‘living wage charity’ that enjoys a Savile Row base, so seamlessly quoted by the BBC, along with the PR mantra of who again…?—ed-miliband
The BBC seems to see fit in not supplying much context.
More on shale gas this morning, after the deliberately sing-songy voice of Tom Fielden (who sounds like he’s addressing a bunch of children) earlier on, there was a piece with Tony Pineneedle, er Fircone, no, er Juniper, that’s it – and Lord Lawson. I have to say that Mr. Juniper (apart from being unstoppable, once launched) had the edge because he sounded so knowledgeable and convincing. Lord Lawson, on the other hand, bless him, sounded what he is, an old has-been. I’ve read his books, and I like his ideas and what he has to offer on the climate change nonsense, but he waffles, and dithers, and is no longer strong enough to forcefully and effectively put his point over. Which is a crying shame, because we need someone forceful to speak out for us (Lord Monckton, for example). The BBC, clearly, are well aware of this shortcoming, that’s why they wheel the likes of Lord Lawson on – they know he rambles too much before getting to the gist of his message, by which time the opposition has gained the upper hand. I’m sure the BBC rub their hands with glee when he accepts their invitations, they needn’t bother looking for anyone else – he is their token “denier”, so that’s all right, no bias there, then
“You and Yours” tomorrow will feature some parent who lost his son on a school adventure thing that went wrong…apparently to “debate whether the Coalition are right to want to reduce health and safety rules”
And on “The World At One” soon-Richard Branson will be “debating” with Martha in regard of legalising(or decriminalising of course!) drugs.
Hopefully he will give the BBC the correct message this time-his “loans for young entrepreneurs” stuff on Friday did NOT go down too well at Holloway Uni-who want those grants going into elbow pad research under their own “criteria funding”.
I`d love to know the genesis of this “Health and Safety” scare-did Winifred Robinson get all giddy having purloined a jereboam from the back of Budgens and avoiding detection or something?
listening to the Polly Peck saga on Views at one,and I picked up an interesting use of terminology when referring to where Asil Nadir had bogged off to to escape from the law
he went to “Turkish Cyprus” apparently
Turkish Cyprus…..I wondered where that could be
then it hit me
Occupied Northern Cyprus,where Greek Cypriots were forced to flee from Turkish aggression,and where Turks have built homes in settlements-those Settlements are considered illegal under international law although Turkey disputes this.
I didn’t really hear rhat bit……the bBC must have let it slip their minds to include it in the piece
I’m sure it”ll be put right in the 6 o’clock views,and then we’ll hear it every time the case is mentioned with boring relentless regularity I expect
or maybe not
Daniel Pipes is one of the foremost experts on the real goings on in the Mid-East and Muslim world from the perspective of our values.
He writes an article today, Don’t Ignore Electoral Fraud in Egypt, which I suggest reading first, telling how the Islamists in Egypt have rigged the elections there using a variety of ploys.
We’ve already seen how the BBC do their best to present their ‘freedom and justice’ Muslim Brotherhood party as moderates, when they’re every bit as extremist as their supposed rivals the Salifists. We also know how anxious they are to portray Arab Spring as a ‘democratic’ process, so let’s see how, if at all, they have presented the facts that Daniel Pipes exposes. Bear in mind that any attempt to consciously and purposefully portray corruption and coercion as democratic assists the rise of terrorism, and shares responsibility for all the deaths, violence, and misery that follows in its wake.
Reading today’s article by the BBC ‘Egypts new assembly elects Muslim Brotherhood speaker”, there is absolutely no mention of any hint that these elections might be tainted. In fact it tells us Held over three phases between 28 November and 11 January, the parliamentary elections were considered the freest in Egyptian history. The only hint of ‘evil doing’ on events there by the BBC concerns the previous regime.
Since Mohammed ElBaradei is certainly one of the highest profile figures involved in events there, and who directly stepped down from contesting these elections because of ‘his perceptions that they were rigged’. He must have been hoping that the world media would focus on this, but he couldn’t have been more disappointed by that it received from the BBC.
Mohamed ElBaradei will end Egypt presidency bid
Which manages to obscure and diminish the import of this by telling us
“My conscience does not permit me to run for the presidency or any other official position unless it is within a democratic framework,” he said.
The BBC’s Jon Leyne, in Cairo, says the comments are fairly damning, coming from someone with such international prestige.
However, Mr ElBaradei’s critics will say he never stood much chance of becoming president, our correspondent adds.
Mr ElBaradei had wanted a new constitution to be drawn up from scratch before any elections took place.
Even on the liberal wing of Egyptian politics, feelings about Mr ElBaradei are very mixed, our correspondent says.
So that’s it?
You know when the BBC want to highlight a particular facet for any cause they back, they will repeat it in every article they run on the subject. Like for example, any story to do with Israel settlements has the addendum that ‘they are illegal are under international law, though Israel rejects this’.
Here they don’t even bother to mention it at all.
I’ve been looking for the story below on the BBC website. i can’t seem to find any mention….I’ve no idea as to why…
“ think it`s funny…turning rebellion into money”
(Gospel according to St Joseph of Strummer).
And just in case we`ve all forgotten what the likes of Thatcher and Whitehouse did to the culcha….thank Buddha for Michael Rosen and his “Word of Mouth”.
For here we have Phil Redmond celebrating his pioneering Grange Hill scripts….and havenn`t we got a more “authentic” voice of yoof on Childrens TV these days.
And now we have a “celebration” of Skins…”hedonistic innovators” according to the Self-loathing SWP Bard of Islington.
Apparently soaps are challengin` the man, and breaking down taboos…and everybody involved(apart from Rosen) is in that creepy mid-20s region, but capable of doing impressions of chippy Bristolians, with (of course) that edgy attitude, so beloved of the rioting community who dream of TOWIE.
Hats off Rosen-thanks Redmond!
Any chance of a few CRB checks round cBBC filmsets and those commisssioning this weekend rebellion, for which decent people end up sweeping up the blood and glass.
Rosen as ever will be up in the staffroom and dreaming of the return of RD Laing!
I was just listening to Great Lives on Radio 4 with Shirley Williams and the Chair of the College of GPs, Clare Gerada. Now having met Clare once I tend to notice how frequently she is on the Radio – frequently and like this programme nothing to do with her being a doctor.
Well known for her left-wing pro Labour leanings and as she explained in this programme her feminist views – could this be why she is heard more often than any previous Chair of the GPs College?
And whilst looking at the BBC Trustees expenses…as you do … I noticed… and I know this is old news… that The Trustee for England Alison Hastings in 2008 claimed her travel to the Labour Party Conference. Now looking through several years I could not find that either Alison or any other Trustee claimed for their attendance at a Conservative Party Conference… surprising isn’t it?
Also noticed that Oct 08 to March 09 Alison managed to rack up over £12,000 of expenses in a part time job followed by a further £8,000 April 09 to Sep 09 – ie £20,000 for the year. She has managed, license payers may be pleased to note, that she has reduced them somewhat of late to just a smidgeon over £12,000 for the last year.
Here I am singing along to Hollywod Beyonds “What’s the colour of money” when I come across this bBC news article:
Chapeltown pupils given lessons over ‘anger’
Primary school pupils at a Leeds school are being given anger management classes to curb bad behaviour, an Ofsted report has revealed.Staff drafted in an educational psychologist to work with children at Hillcrest Primary School in Chapeltown.There were 38 exclusions in the past year and some children are now taught in “nurture groups” while others receive anger management counselling.
Seeing as I come from the area. Well actually I don’t but nobody has heard where I am from so I simply say leeds. Here is what the bBC doesn’t tell you about the above article:
Chapeltown, Leeds
Chapeltown is a suburb of north-east Leeds, in West Yorkshire, England, and is the centre of the city’s British African-Caribbean community. It is approximately one mile north of Leeds city centre. In the 2001 census, Chapeltown was the only area of Leeds in which Whites were the minority
Is it racist to mention the above. Nah I’m a half-chat I can’t
Toe curling intro to BBC’s the One Show tonight.
BBC paean to the NHS Call the Midwife star Jenny Agutter is on the sofa and inexplicably lends a nun’s whimple to Matt Baker to put on his head (prick).
He say’s ‘It’s very liberating’.
What on earth does he mean?
Some feminist/burqa subtext?
Or is he just a prick?
There is a feminist school of thought that says women demean themselves and all women by posing for page three of the Sun.
Matt, son, you are demeaning yourself and all men. Pack it in and leave the feminism to Dame Nicky on the radio (he’s better at it).
Does John Anslows defence team know that their man is not being given his correct title of Mister…this surely tells us that the police and the BBC are most unhappy at his choosing the disapponting option that he chose to exercise?
He`ll no doubt be a bit cold and hungry, and his rights may well be being violated-those of a burger and a warm bed, as well as counselling.
Lessons have been learned, so case dismissed surely-no chance of a fair trial anyway-and he`ll get a spot on James Jones “Why we`re wrong to be harsh to murderers” series on Radio 4.
Further to Teddys Bears post above about the lack of informative news reporting from Egypt by the bBC comes this video about how the bBCs moderate Egyptian Muslims are clamping down on well everything. I take it the bBC shirt lifters will be giving Egypt a wide berth from now on.
I just wonder how the bBC will report when Egypt cuts all ties with Isreal and starts to allow terrorists to settle in the Sinai in which to get the IDF to strike back thus allowing Muslims the world over to play the victim card and thus start the final war in which to remove Jews from the Middle East.
I wonder how the bBC will report if Israel wins
I wonder how the bBC will report if Israel loses. (Something tells me the bBC will blame the Jews as they are murdered in their millions by people shouting “God is great”)
Silly me what am I thinking. The gay twats at the bBC will be jerking off to pictures of Mohammed as they hear of Jewish blood been spilled. Of course they will continue spreading the message that Islam is a religion of peace while looking booking holidays to the hated US of A in which to escape the homophobia imported into Europe by peaceful Muslims. I mean look at how they blame rightwing Nazis for the rise of Anti-Semitism in Germany, yet fail to see how the rising Islamic population in that country is the main reason for its growth.
For a so called world class news agency can anybody please explain why the bBC never reported how Russia sent its Navy to Syria the other week, how an cargo ship full of ammo was stopped by Cyprus heading towards Syria, How another Arms ship docked in Syria and how Russia has just sold Syria a large number of advanced trainer aircraft (which have a very good ground attack capability)
You know the same bBC which made a huge song and dance about how John Simpson found British ammo sold to Libya during the 1960s. (funny enough watching the video again I notice the bBC have edited it in which to reflect the truth, funny how they didn’t do that at the time)
(funny enough watching the video again I notice the bBC have edited it in which to reflect the truth, funny how they didn’t do that at the time)
Be good if there was a newsniffer means to record that, and the discrepancy between what was, and what the BBC wished us to trust was the case.
Printing less than the truth at the time when the nation views what they are served up, and sending the edit kapos in later to tidy up ‘for the archive record’ come the inquiry is less than honest. Or reporting.
But unique. Definitely unique.
I thought it was the BBC carpark. For ‘balance’.
It is news, and does deserve significant reporting, as many others are.
However, I wonder what aspect of this story has moved the BBC to send me a special email about it..
From: BBC Breaking News Alert <>Date: 25 January 2012 10:01:23 GMTSubject: UK economy shrinks by 0.2%
UK economic activity fell by 0.2% in the last three months of 2011, according to the Office for National Statistics. So Osbourne is a Tory ponce unlike Glorious Gordon.
For more carefully selected ‘news’ and editted details:
I may have stealth editted a tad, but can change it later in case there’s adverse comment or comnplaints leading to an internal inquiry where I will carefullky decide in advance that I got it about right.
In fact, what guides them on when not to send a special may also be worth pondering too.
Isn’t Bill Gates currently pretty much at very top of the pile of BBC heroes? On the website today they have a video clip of him telling BBC World that he should pay more tax.
“Of course the BBC is sexist – but it won’t listen to a Tory woman who says so”
by Cristina Odone
“Nadine [Dorries, MP] is not Polly Toynbee. She is a Tory with Christian-ish views; she doesn’t trot out Lefty maxims in the voice of a games mistress at a posh private school. Alas, she doesn’t tick the ‘ethnically diverse’ box, either. So the BBC won’t worry about Nadine Dorries’s accusation: they can ignore it as the Right-wing ravings of a woman they suspect of being a religious zealot, if not a creationist.”
BBC report:
“London 2012: Tents banned from Games venues”
-Expect a BBC-NUJ supported ‘Occupy’ demo for tents for special treatment of Muslim Arabs.