I got into a bit of a twitter debate with BBC Presenter Nicky Campbell yesterday. It started off with my tweet that I believed “same sex marriage is an oxymoron if you believe that Marriage is Biblically ordained”. Note the word IF. Anyway, Nicky seemed interested in this and started to pursue the subject of the Bible with me. I am an unapologetic believer in the Bible and Mr Campbell trotted out the usual inanities asked by the Atheist class. I was surprised by how many Atheists seem to follow Nicky and predictably they also wanted to join in the mocking of my Faith. It seems Christianity is all about Dinosaurs and God making the universe in the space it takes to prepare an edition of “The Big Questions”. Anyhow I moved the subject to ISLAM, and in particular the failure of his programme to tackle REAL issues like whether Islam and democracy are compatible. He responded that he has “done it, done it, done it” and so any suggestion that the Big Question does not tackle issues surrounding Islam is invalid. So, I thought I would open this issue up to B-BBC readers – what subjects would you like Nicky Campbell to cover on his programme and do you think that he treats all Faiths equally? Has he fairly dealt with the Islam issue? Please detail your views below – as I want to go back to him with some helpful suggestions. The stage is yours…
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1) What is his view regarding those Faith’s which embrace Men and Women as equalls.
2) What is his view regarding those Faith’s that don’t.
do you think that he treats all Faiths equally?
Has he fairly dealt with the Islam issue?
Please detail your views below – as I want to go back to him with some helpful suggestions, …
to be blunt/factual NO and NO …
The sunday S.O.I. (soft on islam) spot, is literally absurd.
Ex. does britain have a problem with muslims/islam?
wouldn t it be a good idea to ask?, (not on the sunday SOI slot evidently) all those non muslim communities?!? the ones who have put up with this aggressive association ideology?.
BBC 1 not a chance, we have an hour long drone on “we all feel victims” from a muslim audience??? i refer you back to the question??? … there is no excuse for such bias from Campbell
show, or his partner in crime Sunday live
Which faiths embrace men and women as equals, then? Or do you mean certain denominations?
Ask him what it is about Christianity that he doesn’t like.
Doesn’t Islam believe in the old testament from the Bible?
Regarding Campbell yes Islam and democracy and I’d like Campbell to define what a ‘moderate Muslim is’
Would Campbell also do something on Islam and homosexuality, same sex marriage etc.
Definitely their week spot – BBC loves homosexuality and loves Muslims, the fact that Islam tells Muslims to kill gays is a massive (unspoken) problem for them! The feelings are so deep and strong that I doubt the Beeb will even find a tame western token Muslim who will be prepared to say on the radio that gays are ok.
Also, the BBC always mention Christianity and Atheisism in the same programme, preferably in the same sentence. Being good Christians, I guess we just turn the other cheek. But I see no such provocative behaviour when dealing with Muslims, is that just sucking up to Muslims or is there fear for retribution?
What young Nicky should appreciate is that from the point of Islam there is a hierarchy of merit.
Those of us who are Christians or Jews (as long as we behave in a suitably deferential manner towards Muslim requirements) are granted ‘protection’ against a small contribution and walking with bowed heads and stepping off the pavement into the road if a Muslima deigns to pass.
Nicky and his ‘gay’ atheists will have a one way ticket to nearest crane hiring yard.
Does he know that?
Would hate to dare tell an Ulsterman possible Scripture verses…on this Bloody Sunday Anniversary of all days…but I`d bear in mind 1Cor 2.14 for St Nick and the following verse for yourself in this case!
Just point `em to 1Cor 7 re marriage themselves, then let them worry about whether Pauls words carry the weight of Jesus Himself…believe you me, the Twitters will be twitching and twatting about something else by then( having the attention span of 140 characters in length!).
Lifes too short, let them work out their own salvation in fear and in trembling(as if!)…by their fruits(eructations and stools more like)-we already know them!
Ask him why he and his clan are terrified of a religion that?
1. has no power to make them do anything .
2. has no moral effect on anyone out side of the faith who chooses not to believe.
3. is having an open and damaging Dialogue inside it’s self that even non believers are allowed to stick their oars in .
4. won’t kill him burn his books threaten his public meetings or in any way I know of hurt him or his family !.
What’s with the anti-Catholic obsession of Nicky Campbell’s, with his constant, now predictable references to Catholic child abuse as if it belonged to and defined Catholicism and that was the only institution or religion where it was found?
Why do Beeboids like him sneer at Christians, calling them silly derogatory names like God botherers and even phobes while adopting a posture of extreme deference to Islam and Islamist worshippers from backward tribes in the desert or Pakistan? Isn’t that an essentially frivolous, ignorant, juvenile and irresponsible stance for employees of a public broadcaster to take and to disseminate?
What should be the extent of the role and place of minority recently imported religions which may conflict with our laws and way of life and indeed may demand that they be overridden and replaced by an alien system of theocracy and religious law?
What are or should be the limits on the freedom to practise one’s religion?
What if any are the sources of morality, if not religious teaching, belief and way of life?
What is the human and social cost of devaluing or discarding our traditional system of Christian morality and conduct which has given us a purpose, a system and civilisation, culture, learning and a sense of the value human life beyond our own ego?
Millie, in light of your comment it’ll be interesting to hear Campbell’s views on the Catholic bishops of the USA who condemmed the Obama administration from the pulpit on Sunday. Obame has told Catholic hospitals that in order to qualify for government money (which they have been given in the past) they will have to perform abortions. The subject was discussed at the highest levels of the Catholic Church (the Pope) and many Catholics who supported Obamacare (including some Bishops) say they feel betrayed.
Over to you, Nicky…
I dunno mate, those athiests can be just as rabidly dogmatic about their faith as any jihadi or catholic activist etc.
Agree Mailman. I’m an Atheist but believe everone should be allowed to believe any religion they want, as long as it doesn’t infringe on other people’s right to believe what they want.
There are some Atheists at the BBC, for instance, who feel that Christianity and Judaism (to a degree) is fair game but will praise Muslims for the depths of their beliefs. They are as intolerant as the most bigoted religion believers.
I believe that is because of the Left’s deep seated hatred of their own Western civilization – of which Christianity and Judaism are a big part – and their reverence for all non-western, the more backward the better! Of course sheer cowardice may be a factor as well.
Except of course the wet left won’t actually go and live in these Islamic shit holes. Can’t imagine a Brighton in Saudi Arabia, can you?
Exactly. They don’t hate the West, let alone have any liking for those other places and people. They only think they are supposed to like them but they don’t really.
And look how the Beeboids all love going to America. They can’t get enough of it. Of course they have to pretend to disapprove of it. And sneering seems to boost their ego and their credentials with their bosses and colleagues.
An anti-semitism runs through modern left ideology and can be seen in the ‘founding fathers’ of socialism.
Karl Marx in ‘A World without Jews’ analysed why most Jews were not interested in the working class movement of his day. He wanted Jews to cease identifying themselves as Jews first and foremost and instead adopt a more universalist outlook, which would aid their participation in the workers’ movement. Marx saw Judaism, the religion, as a barrier to developing class consciousness, so he saw a “world without Jews” as the only way the European working classes would be able to unite.
The left wants to sink itself into an oceanic feeling of ‘togetherness’ and attack anything which upsets their universalist reverie. Jews (and Christians) are an irritation. This need for the #oceanic’ is what Freud would, perhaps, argue was the ‘unease with civilisation’….the eternal romantic chafing against the rules that society evolves to enable reasonably peaceful interraction. The ‘romantic’ finds these rules a constriction to his personal narcissitic will to power and this expresses itself in a rejection of authority and bullying the easy target.
Islam is exotic and unknown…not like the boring kill-joy vicar. The liberal left are mesmerised by Islam. They like its exoticism and sense its power.
The same mesmerisation that led so many otherwise decent young Germans to embrace the romanticist ‘Blood and Soil’ “Tomorrow belongs to me” intoxication of Nazism.
Jews are suspect. Don’t conform. They are the other for the young, liberal ‘idealist’ who in his arrogance believes that he is uniquely equipped to judge.
Demon1001: I debate religion all the time with people of every faith; atheists too. We agree on the big quiestions. Its on the answers we respectfully disagree.
However, in an atmosphere of corporate homogeneity, where a disenting view affects your promotion and mortgage, everyone gravitates to a single view. It is unquestioned.
In any organisation (BBC), city (San Francisco) or even country (North Korea) where a single view is presented usually by its elite class with no counter argument tolerated, bigotry is not far behind. This is probably true of ALL long established corporations – even political parties, the armed forces and, yes, churches too.
For the purposes of this blob: I don’t see the culture of the BBC changing any time soon.
This “blob”??? Sometimes I despair at my keyboard and the brain attached to the fingers that use it. Sorry.
So much do the ‘progressive’ elite of the cultural Marxist left, the bogus compassion-seekers of Beeboid-Guardianista, despise the British nation state & wish to destroy it, despite suckling greedily from its teats, they will use any means available to speed-up its burial. Having cornered the indigenous by mass-immigration, pissed all over their traditions, religion, & culture, & constantly sniped at any notion of national identity, they now go into overdrive in their championing of all things Islam. For them, it can do no wrong. Are we being Islamophobic by denying the ‘groomers’ a steady supply of ‘white meat’? Should there be a Taliban representative at the Cenotaph? These questions will come, because even the deranged have a certain internal logic.
So who better to act as a battering-ram than millions of immigrants that place loyalty to their faith far above any allegiance to their new country? In fact, often hold it in contempt. Hence the endless cosying up to people like Salma Yaqoob of Respect, the defence of Moazzam Begg, the love-ins with Mehdi ‘Kuffar dogs’ Hasan, the endless, ad nauseam, reporting of Muslim affairs be they in the UK, or abroad. The snow jobs, the constant downplaying of muslim extremism. The BBC, & the ugly truth of Islam, share a similar relationship to that between werewolves & daylight. Another horror story for our mad times.
Muslims are ‘pious’ and live in ‘Holy Cities’ and have ‘holy festivals’.
While Jews and Christians do not, apparently.
And should anyone of the latter two evince the slightest show of a tendency everso slightly critical of times and mores and dare to reference faith, God (who is a sky fairy anyway,) help them, unless it is to criticise coalition social policy or cuts which is OK ‘cos its ‘Christian’.
Muslims, however,…..are holy, pious, and entitled to the utmost reverence in their belief in Allah. (And don’t upset them by saying that Allah is a despotic sky fairy…because that would be offensive in extreme)
Do I exagerate?
I’d argue that the BBC has replaced religion – and that Nicky Campbells programe should debate that.
The BBC practices what would otherwise be described as the concept of Papal Infalibility. The BBC is it’s own judge and jury and it suppresses any critiscism. Nobody is allowed to independently challenge what the BBC ultimately decrees.
Where once religions would set the overall moral tone of what was acceptable, this role has also been usurped by the BBC whose own moral take on the world fills our waking lives 24 x 7 broadcast from every channel and genre.
So Nicky – please debate has the BBC replaced religion and is it time that the BBC’s total control over our nations morals was removed.
I’d say that Progressivism has replaced religion, in the same way that Communism replaced religion in the old Soviet countries. But yes, the BBC emobdies that.
Agreed, sir. Progress ALONE is what we should bow down to, and to those who can deliver it. Just one question – what are we progressing towards? Can anyone tell me?
Hell, perhaps?
Ask him to read and comment on this article
As we know, INBBC affords special preferential treatment for Islam, and censors/relegates criticism of it.
“Islington girls forced into marriage at the age of nine”http://www.newenglishreview.org/blog_display.cfm/blog_id/40271Beeboids generally, but also, contradictorally (as mentioned by ‘LJ’ above) advocate homosexual ‘marriages’, although these carry a death threat in the tenets of Islam!Melanie Phillips is presented by most Beeboids as a voice in the wilderness:“The judges’ atheist inquisition”
(March, 2011)
Reply to his claim that they have covered Islam so much with “What did your Muslim guests feel about same sex marriage? And how did they react when you attacked their faith for condemning homosexuality?”
“Mr. Campbell, when are you filming the new series of your awesome show, Wheel of Fortune? And will Carol Smillie be co-presenting?”
ROBERT BROWN; Quite straightforward question for Campbell and all atheists; Where is your evidence for the non-existence of God? That should do it.
I rather think the burden of proof is on the other foot, to mix metaphors
ROBERT BROWN; LC, i disagree, all atheists do this, it’s a pathetic cop-out. As i’m somewhat agnostic in outlook, i am more honest in that i just do not know one way or the other. However, christians would point to scripture, scrolls and so on as proof while atheists just disparage all that but without proving it’s all false. Until they can, i think they should shut up and get a life, yes you, Richard Dawkins, a nazi if ever i saw one.
In fairness to Atheists it is pretty near impossible to prove a negative. However this fact should make them a little less arrogant.
1. Do you want to see Islamic law eventually in America? If not, then why not?
2. What is your position on religious profiling? Do you denounce Saudi Arabia for profiling non-Muslims and preventing them from traveling to Mecca?
3. Why do you refuse to condemn the killing of Americans in uniform?
4. Do you believe that it is wrong for Muslims to force members of another religion to pay money to Islam in the form of a jizya tax?
5. Are non-Muslims who reject Muhammad and resist Islamic rule considered to be “innocent persons” in Islam?
6. Do you believe women should have the same rights as men? Should Muslim women be free to marry whomever they choose and wear what they want?
7. Hamas has deliberately murdered hundreds of Israeli civilians, including children, and left hundreds more with physical disability, mental impairment (from brain damage) and chronic pain. They have also killed Americans. Do you condemn Hamas as a terrorist organization?
8. Do you believe in equal rights for all religions? Should religious minorities be as free to promote their faith in Muslim countries as CAIR and other Muslims do here in the West?
9. Do you believe that the punishment for adultery should be death? If not, then why not?
10. Why have you refused to condemn the Islamic Republic of Sudan for the deaths of over 200,000 Africans in the name of racial cleansing and Jihad? Would you be just as apathetic if this were a non-Muslim government killing Muslims instead?
11.Do you believe in your right to practise Islam in non Muslim countries? If so, why do you support the Islamic injunction to kill those who exercise freedom of conscience by leaving Islam?
12.Muslims are allowed to freely preach and proselytise Islam in non-Muslim Western countries. Even in Hindu majority India, Zakir Naik operates a huge Islamic dawah organisation and TV channel.
Can you name me ONE Muslim majority country in which non-Muslims can preach their religion (or lack of)? Can you name me ONE Muslim majority country in which a person like yourself would be allowed to freely operate without any fear of repercussions by the public or state?
let’s see gameshow nicky pose some of those questions the next time there is a muslim debating topic
ie every sunday morning on bbc1
Would Nicky consider debating whether or not it’s understandable for Jews and Muslims to be accused of dual loyalty?
Something for Nicky and his mates to ponder on.
Nicky and mates,
Show this and then discuss with a UK audience, please.
I’d love to see Nicky host a debate between someone who strongly believes God doesn’t exist – Richard Dawkins, say – and someone who strongly believes he does – Abu Qatada, say.
How about a debate with this guy.
If there is even the slightest indication that these guys could be on the verge of nuclearised weaponry, surely the precautionary principle suggests that eventually someone has to do something.
Dawkins on Islam, in case you’re interested.
A very simple question for Campbell, do a programme on Islamic countries that are democratic, that will be the shortest programme the BBC have ever made.
Or why does the BBC never mention the M word when a story shows Muslims in their true light, but happily sticks the world Christian at the start of EVERY story that has anything to do with Christianity that puts it in a bad light?
DV, I’m trawling through your Twitter debate with NC now.
I see he asked you how old is the universe?
You might like to ask him when time began.
Regular posters here may be aware that I’m a huge fan of Nicky Campbell. Top draw sense of humour and impeccably impartial on the whole.
Not to say that he doesn’t have ‘off key moments’, but so few and far between its not worth making much fuss about.
It’s evident from listening to him that he is an ardent believer in homosexual normalisation and is an atheist.
That said though, when these subjects come up his is on the whole fair in handling them.
Viz your debate though, here’s something I’ll share.
5Live interviewed a guy investigating coincidences and they asked listeners to send in theirs.
I sent in the following:-
I work in foreign currency and gold. On New Year’s Eve a colleague of mine quoted the price of 666,30€ for a gold transaction and exclaimed “The mark of the Beast”!
Immediately after, the price that came up for me to quote for a foreign currency transaction was 666,30€.
Now if one is an atheist one will regard that as an incredible cooincidence but mere cooincidence nonetheless.
If one is a bible believing Christian, as one is, who believes the resurrection of the State of Israel heralded the beginning of the End Times, and the reign of the anti-Christ followed by the Second Coming is very close now, one might regard this as a sign, as I do.
My ‘cooincidence’ didn’t get broadcast, which isn’t something I read anything into.
You are taking the piss? The man has the sense of humour of a dead rat, his smug smarmy personality is just a no no. As I pointed out before he has a habit of cracking a shite joke then when everyone ignores it he interrupts them to repeat it once again.
He’s mentally out of his depth, luckily for him he’ usually paired with some thick bird so he doesn’t get found out very easily.
But he is a hard lefty, he admitted once being in the SNP and I don’t he’s converted to Toryism since.
He’s not impartial, far from it, he treats visiting Labour politicians like they are god, in fact as posted on here many times BEFORE the last election he treated Vince Cable like he was a god.
I could forgive Campbell for his bias if he were a good presenter, say like Simon Mayo who although a lefty is usually reasonably even handed.
Hippiepooter’s head cancer is getting worse – send the mad c*** to Dignitas.
My only question would be why spend so much time on islam when there are many other relgions practiced in this country. Does he find them to be of a lesser value or is that they would produce lower ratings.
I know the BBC is a ‘public service’ broadcaster but (from personal experience) it comes down to ratings for all of the networks. NC does like his ratings and will provoke anyone to make them higher.
Nicky Campbell has the witness not just of all antiquity, but pretty much of all history against his view of marriage. His view is a novel one to say the least, without even beginning to appeal to the Bible. He needs to think a bit harder about it, IMO.
Yes, indeed. That would be a good topic:
What interest, if any, has society in altering the meaning of marriage?
I mean a discussion topic that goes beyond one loud militant group wanting to prove a point of phantom “equality” (since there is nothing equal about it), calling people phobes or appeals to the Bible.
Has anyone made out a compelling case from the point of view of the larger society and what is that case?
And do any other groups currently outside the meaning and definition of marriage have a case for demanding an alteration to the definition of marriage? Should society countenance them?
Oh, one more thing. Whatever Nicky Campbell is argueing for, it’s not marraiage… BY DEFINITION… but rather something else.
Simply ask him why the BBC has covered up the massive Muslim paedophile scandel which is happening up and down the country-THEY SIMPLY HAVEN’T REPORTED, END OF!. Ask him why it’s ok for Have I Got News For You and Mock the Week to make fun of Christianity but not Islam. And inform him of the countless evidence from former BBC employees such as Ben Elton and Peter Scissons concerning the BBC’s utter terror and cowardice at confronting the Nazism of fundamentalist Islam. You could also ask him why they call the BNP party and the EDL racist but refuse to do such like with Muslims who preach hatred towards non-Muslims and gay people. It seems it is racist to say anywthin towards Islam but they can do anything they like.
Found this on an old blog site, don’t agree with all of the article but our blogger here has Dame nikki bang on, here’s the Nikki bit.
And then there’s Nicky Campbell.
Some people’s egos are large enough to change the fate of nations – Franco, Stalin, ‘Papa Doc’ Duvalier, etc. Other people’s egos are like a force of nature, pulsating around them like a perverse Van Allen belt, attracting cutlery to their eyebrows and causing televisions to moiré as they pass. And then there is the ego of Nicky Campbell, which is sufficiently powerful to generate temporal rifts in the time-space continuum, allowing conversants access to a parallel universe in which our Nicky really is a superhuman hybrid of Paxman, Frost, Humphreys, and Mayo. And perhaps he is, albeit one that’s been lobotomised within an inch of catatonia, because whenever I listen to Five Live Breakfast I tend to come away with the overriding sensation that there’s no subject on which Nicky Campbell doesn’t know sod all.
No, that’s unfair. Naughty roomybonce. “Sod all” is a tad too strong. Perhaps it would be more accurate to say “not quite enough.” Part of me thinks Nicky Campbell prides himself on not knowing ‘quite enough’ about virtually everything, because he thinks that maintaining such a woeful shared level of knowledge keeps him in touch with the common man. He’s convinced he’s got his finger on the public’s pulse, and that it’s his job to be their champion in the ongoing battle with the dark forces of power.
For example, after the publication of Lord Stevens’ report on ‘corruption’ in the Premiership, Nicky interviewed a suit from the League’s PR department, and it was obvious from the off that our Nicky would be unshakeable in his everyman belief that corruption was endemic in football. ‘Endemic’, was, in fact, the buzzword for the entire interview.
“Surely the bung culture has become so endemic in the ‘beautiful game’ that every transfer must involve a little brown envelope in some shape or form?”
“Well no, the report clearly states that out of the 362 transfers Lord Stevens’ team investigated, only 17 were found to be ‘questionable’. That is a relatively small percentage and in no way indicates that the game itself is corrupt. Lord Stevens himself, in fact, went out of his way to say that the game was clean.”
“But the fact that it’s so endemic, that so much goes on under the table, so much is unaccountable, with no records kept….there’s no way this report could possibly have complete access to all the facts, is there?”
That’s what I like about Nicky. He never lets ‘facts’ get in the way of his instincts. It’s what makes him such a woeful sub-paxo arse-babbler, but it’s also what makes him the God of the Phone-In. I still remember ‘Central Weekend Live’ and Nicky’s faultless ability to unleash the blow-dried hoards of chav hell on each unsuspecting guest. Oh yes, his savvy handling of topical debates was why he was brought to the station in the first place, so c’mon bigwigs, yank Nicky off brekkie and put him back where he belongs, corralling the telephonic cretins of the nation beneath his flag of feckless outrage. “Was Diana murdered?”, “Is eating fruit really better for you than eating sausages?” The hot topics just keep coming, and who better to lob those boiling news babies into Joe Public’s slavering, clapping seal-mouth than Nicky Campbell, the man with his mucky fingers in the moral conscience of the nation.
At least then we’ll be spared the doomsday machine that is Victoria Derbyshire. “Today’s phone-in is about the sun: it rises in the morning, and sets in the evening, but is it good for you?”
I’m going back to bed.
Beautifully written comedy gold.
Would do to go on Jeremy Vines CV too, so efficient too!
“But is it good for?”
Spookily, in a ‘pop science’ piece today, the BBC presents….
Who, What, Why: Is the Earth getting lighter?
By Charlotte McDonald
Charlotte’s question sets my science teeth on edge. At school our physics teacher made us intone the mantra:
“Mass is not weight, weight is not mass”
Of course as ‘weight’ cannot be mass….ask Galileo…or why does a 12 stone astronaut ‘weigh’ 4 stone on the moon.
Great, she’s going to inform us all that the two terms are not interchangeable. Valuable teaching moment to inform.
Does she heck.
The whole text refers to increases and loss of mass by the earth which is correct. Never ‘weight’ until the last sentence where she tells us:
“So taking into account the gains and the losses, Dr Smith reckons the Earth is getting about 50,000 tonnes lighter a year, which is just less than half the gross weight of the Costa Concordia, the Italian cruise liner, that ran aground recently.
Opportunity missed.Not weight, but mass has been gained.
12 year olds used to learn that.
But then the loss of hydrogen….(Oh, dear we are losing hydrogen and might lose the oceans )
“Clearly, compared to the immense size of the world, this is a tiny difference, a loss of just 0.000000000000001%.
Should we be worried?
It may seem a small amount, but is the world in danger of running out of hydrogen?”she asks.
Of course, she gets global warming in. But not the fundamental concept that the earth has mass but not weight and cannot be weighed at all as weight is the measurement within a gravity field of the mass of an object. Use of ‘weight’ was sloppy.
The BBC. Should we be worried? Answers on a postcard.
Some of you might remember a long time ago I was trying to remember a BBC programme where Dame Nikki helps convice some silly proles that we should be in the Euro, it wsa a few years ago.
Came across this article, you might want to have a browse through.
Click to access 29_Minotaur_fullreport_EuropeAndUs.pdf
Surely the really big question for Dame Nikki and the rest of the BBC is why people who claim their Christian beliefs lead them to oppose to gay marriage are crazed Jesus Freaks, but people who claim their Christian beliefs lead them to oppose a welfare cap are the conscience of the nation?
Because the theology of the BBC coupled with its infallibility in questions of faith and morals ex cathedra Broadcasting House, requires it as an article of faith that the latter are ‘Christian’ and the former are ‘bigots’.
The creationist statement “All men are created equal” is also at the core of atheist left wing egalitarian ideology. If you think mankind was not created because evolution through the process of natural selection and survival of the fittest, produces diversity not equality. Then surely any intelligent and reasonable person should agree that both Creationism and Atheist left wing egalitarianism are both bullshit because they originate from the same root, the Christian religion. Instead we should just celebrate diversity because equality is just religious and ideological dogma, and therefore bullshit.
“…celebrate diversity”. Ugh! That’s one of Labour’s weasel phrases used to indoctrinate the populace. Suddenly in the 1990s, people everywhere in government and establishment started spouting this and it quickly became a mantra. I remember wondering at the time what it was that people used to say before they were given this formula and I couldn’t remember. Neither could they. That is the effect of propaganda if repeated often enough. It amazes me that people still say it. You won’t catch me at it. <shudder>
I remember that before celebrating diversity, the left dreamed of a future world of identical clones. So for me celebrating diversity is more realistic than that ideological dream, because it means celebrating the reality of inequality. Although I must admit that the idea of celebrating everyone I meet in the street that is not my identical twin or clone is a very strange and loony idea that only a left wing moron would actually do.
Heh. Exactly! A strange and loony thing. 😀
Campbell, why do people like you refer to “The Prophet” Mohammed, but never “The Lord” Jesus Christ?
Equally why do they never refer to ‘Holy Week’ or the ‘Holy Father’ or the ‘Holy Mass’ or ‘Holy Matrimony’ the ‘Holy City’….OK, I’m RC…but you get my point ..that’s what we say.
I’ll get really flustered if I hear them referring to the ‘Prophet’ Jesus pbuh.
Then I’d know it’s five to midnight.
Wonder what Nicky would have to say about this:
Occupy Providence Throws Condoms At Catholic School Girls
He supports the Occupiers, and is against Catholic teachings on birth control…..
“..What you have is people who think that the best way to eliminate rational thought, the best way to eliminate the attempt to be right, is to work always to prove that right isn’t right and to prove that wrong isn’t wrong. You see this in John Lennon’s song “Imagine”: “Imagine there’s no countries.” Not imagine great countries, not imagine defeat the Nazis, but imagine no religions, and the key line is imagine a time when anything and everything that mankind values is devalued to the point where there’s nothing left to kill or die for.”
Wonderful article, JHT. Thanks for posting.
Managed to find the video version of that article here.
Indeed – I watched this chap years ago and he really sums up what rational people are up against. This type of 1960s hippy thinking has become the norm through the whole of our political elite.
Brilliant article, it shows how far the decent people have allowed the destroyers to take over. Very worrying but hope when someone is able to articulate the problem so well.
Know I`m late to the party, but this is a brilliant analysis!
Thanks for posting-and well worth publicising it here on a Thread that makes it a must-read!
The rest of us need to read this!
Thank you Mr Tooke
Did anyone else catch Dame Nikki on his favourite subject this morning? (homosexuality), he got into an argument with some woman who was on because she offered some sort of service about putting gays back on the right track so so speak. Poor old Dame Nikki, crap TV and radio presenter BUT it appears he’s an expert on genetics and DNA, well we wanked on about this and homosexuality.
I’m impressed and there was me just thinking he’s a pint sized left wing twat.
you were right Martin
you were right
I’m impressed and there was me just thinking he’s a pint sized left wing twat
You’re wrong – I always thought he was quite tall. However, the rest is right.
interesting that the one caller, whose opinion was, that HE might be uncomfortable showering with gay footballers/intimidated if it was a gay football team, and what about HIS possible intimidation, his perceived upset, surprise surprise he was completely vilified, but you know …
who has to have paramount acceptance?
virtually the number, on deegree of upset?
whose intimidation/upset has to take precedence?
who plays god so to speak?
oh the slippery slope of the offence/phobia industry
Why has every programme on the BBC have to be political. Its getting to a point that ne matter which channel or whatever time of the day, the BBC is putting out its political messages.
What needs to happen (short of selling it off) is for the BBC to be cut down drastically. It should have one radio channel and one TV channel. That is all it needs to “inform, educate and inform”. Even the Nazis did not have this monoply for its propaganda. Its got to a point where our airwaves are stuffed with childish voices “putting the message out”. It is not information or education and it certainly does not inform.
“To compel a man to furnish contributions of money for the propagation of opinions which he disbelieves and abhors, is sinful and tyrannical.”
Thomas Jefferson
I used to really like Radio 4. Now, every programme is tainted with its political and social agenda. Was it always like this and I didn’t notice? I don’t know. Radio 3 is another station that is infected. I am heartily sick of the Beeboid relentless propaganda.
I notice the BBC are going after Cameron for getting rid of Fred the shred’s knighthood, funny as I seem to remember the bug eyed halfwit in Nu Liebore was the one demanding Fred’s gong be taken off him.
The default settings of what is promptly weighed in on, whilst complemented by what is carefully avoided, is not even subtle any more.
If the BBC and its legions of market rates, microphone toters or ‘interviewers’ can’t be presented with this ridiculous double standard and desire to have it all ways, but in one direction only, the Government has only itself to blame.
I’d accord the BBC some value as jackals winnowing out the weak, but as they are leaving the lamest of the herd alone in hope of using them as puppets to control… no mercy.
I am not having policy set and the country run by champagne socialists to suit niche agendas and discreditted, bankrupting social manipulation using populist propaganda funded with my money.
As a wise man said, and was recently appositely quoted by another:
“To compel a man to furnish contributions of money for the propagation of opinions which he disbelieves and abhors, is sinful and tyrannical.”
Thomas Jefferson.