Anyone watch Panorama this evening? Quite remarkable bias, even by the BBC standards. The programme was all about America’s homeless but as ever that was the subterfuge for a more subtle agenda of; 1/Chiding Obama for not being more progressive (although it was the bad Republicans in Congress that prevented him for doing what must be done – spreading the wealth around ) 2/ Presenting Republicans as cold hearted monsters who would sooner see kids eat rats …yes rats….than increase Welfarism 3/ Point out that America is a fading superstar, almost third world and 4/ Remind us how thankful we should be for the NHS.
I was also surprised to hear Vegas introduced as “the centre of capitalism” …. and then we got to hear about the people who live in the sewers. Vegas may be the centre for gambling but that is a long way from the hard endeavour of capitalism. The juxtaposition of interviews with Republican figures and images of the alleged starving was not so subtle but I am sure it did the job the BBC wanted. Programmes like this live down to our expectations of the State Broadcaster and the left wing socialist bias exuded right across the duration of the broadcast.
Why are you so surprised? I expect nothing less from the BBC and I expect absolutely nothing less from Panorama.
Ye Gods – I wonder if North Korea have a less biased/corrupt State Broadcaster than we have in the UK.
But can’t Obama just walk amongst the poor and down trodden and heal them with his love and feed them all?
Oh, He tried, but in Nov. 2010 we spurned Him like the Jews did to Jesus. Hence tonight’s Panorama special.
He forgives us….
Early in the trailer, the voice-over announces, “the numbers living in deep poverty have exploded under President Obama”. (0:45)
That is an amazing admission for the BBC.
It is, except they then tell you it’s not His fault. As usual.
He’s still trying to fix the mess He inherited, and has had to fight Republican intransigence since Nov. 2010. Yet Cameron and Osborne are somehow entirely responsible for the UK economy, even though they’ve been in power only half the time.
Bill Whittle on why it sucks to be a conservative.
It sucks to be the people that have to break the news that nothing is free.
It’s much easier and nicer to be the liberal promising you free things that actually cost money.
See my comment on the promo…sorry…preview for this on page 4 of the open thread.
So David P and Alfie call it correctly elsewhere, so I myself don`t have to listen to it.
The Beeb seem to think that Leftfield is the only field that seems to count.
Who amongst us will tell the muppets that Leftfield is meant to signify “unexpected”,…”out of the box”…that kind of thing.
Instead all we get is the death of BBC journalism-as cliched as any death of a Whitney or a Winehouse.
Is there a shrine to the unpredictable angle on any story I can visit…for the BBC are as subtle as a wet concrete sock on an elephants trunk!
They probably chose Vegas because it is full of every thing they sneer at, white , working class heterosexuals.
New York, the real centre of US capitalism would never be chosen to sneer at for the following bbc reasons
1 the thriving art scene
2 multicultural
3 large gay community
4 occupy , urban hippy movement based there
5 they have a schizoid relationship with new York. It is the gritty urban space of their islington wet dream.
6 it’s corrupt but it’s the corporate, big government type of corruption the beeb oxides love.
God I hate them. Every f ing one. (beeboids that is, not Nevadans or New Yorkers)
People at auntie describe Obama haters as anti intellectual.
They are not, they are anti smug, self righteous,closed off ,self satisfied, patronizing intellectuals.
They are not against those with great knowledge, they are against those who think they know everything.
They are not against blacks whites pinks browns yellows or even polka dots, they are against those who think someones skin colour matters.
I don’t care if Barry is effing cerise and purple striped, whatever colour he was he would still be a play acting junior common room trot tosser.
“…They are not against blacks whites pinks browns yellows or even polka dots, they are against those who think someones skin colour matters…”
Well, hold on. I’m sorry to have to say I’ve read some pretty regrettable remarks here on this very blog concerning issues of race and sexuality, many times. Which is a great shame, as I feel that kind of thing undermines the writers’ otherwise often valid arguments. Just sayin’. And, yes, I’m a gay man. Amazingly, not all of us are socialists. Funny old world, innit?
Fair comment Dogstar, I think any overt ‘ism’ comments DO undermine the whole point of this blog, not because the world is ever going to be totally homogenous in thought word and deed but because it gives trolls and ‘intellectuals’ (ahem) a reason to attack. 10 great threads re obvious BBC bias would be ignored if there is one overtly racist/homophobic/sexist/fuck-wit comment on any thread that detractors could latch onto. Look at Guido, his blog is written off as right wing (extremist?) but is in fact very libertarian attcking all political hues.
People at auntie describe Obama haters as anti intellectual.
They are not, they are anti smug, self righteous,closed off ,self satisfied, patronizing intellectuals.
They are not against those with great knowledge, they are against those who think they know everything.
They are not against blacks whites pinks browns yellows or even polka dots, they are against those who think someones skin colour matters.
I don’t care if Barry is effing cerise and purple striped, whatever colour he was he would still be a play acting junior common room trot tosser.
Anybody think it’s a coincidence that this was aired the day after The Obamessiah released His Latest Budget Plan For Us? I ask not because of their reflexive sycophancy but because it’s becoming clear now that the Soros-funded Media Matters has been coordinating not only with the White House, but with the Leftoid media.
Katty Kay consorts with MSNBC and NPR, and is a friend and business partner of White House mouthpiece Jay Carney’s wife. US President editor Mark Mardell often seems to reflect the thoughts of Washington Post hacks and Politico maven, Ben Smith, and regularly links to people now known to go with Media Matters’ flow. But, as always, read for yourselves and draw your own conclusions.
Oh, and note the political affiliation of the racist who is calling His Plan For Us a “nervous breakdown on paper” and is concerned about too much spending. Somebody ask Mardell if this guy is also concerned, deep down, under the skin, about spending money on people not like him.
The BBC/Guardian/Labour connections sound simialr although currently working in opposition. The only problem is that the BBC is the “national” broadcaster paid for by the public. A look through their charter highlights how they break it EVERY DAY.
here’s the link to read all on one page (printer view: all those ads and having to go through 6 pages drives me nuts!)
Apolgies for repeating this comment but it is appropriate as a reply to both David Preiser (USA) and Martin.
Early in the trailer, the voice-over announces, “the numbers living in deep poverty have exploded under President Obama”. (0:45)
That is an amazing admission for the BBC.
It certainly was a powerful piece of propaganda. Looking at the Twittersphere (searching under ‘Panorama’) shows that it achieved what it intended to achieve, with lots of praise for the programme & attacks on the Republicans, SaveOurNHS slogans, OccupyIsGreat tweets, etc.
There’s no need for spin doctors when you’ve got BBC reporters. That said, next week‘s Panorama will be presented by Alastair Campbell. (No, really!)
As the saying goes, you couldn’t make it up.
That practically calls for a live blog right there.
Never mind wondering how many people he’s driven to drink, I don’t recall Dubya’s own battles with turps nudging ever being given quite the same respect.
Great juxtaposition of truth and lies…Las Vegas “the centre of capitalism” when in fact the polar opposite is true: flashing lights, brash and tasteless colour and noise all to make you feel good while they control you and take your money! All your money. You leave broke and with a sore head but somehow feel you had a good time…That is the leftwing utopia.
‘Anyone watch Panorama this evening?’
Yes, David.
Most of of BBC 1’s target audience of dismal, down market and dim Eastenders/cops/robbers/doctors/nurses watchers were tuned to Coronation St at the time.
Programmes like Panorama would be a waste of money even if they were well made and balanced. They have no place on a junk TV channel and are pure BBC self-indulgence.
Those living in the sewers of Las Vegas have featured before at some length perhaps on Newsnight.
Those living in the sewers of Las Vegas have featured before at some length perhaps on Newsnight.
Where they should have felt right at home with almost all present, staff and ‘guests’.
Ah, yes. That Obama budget.
“Little wonder his Republican opponents in Congress, for whom tax increases are a diabolical heresy, are raging at the plan,” says the BBC’s Adam Brookes.
How exciting. Obama is not only a tax-and-spend obsessive, he is Satan himself.
What next? Republicans to claim that Obama should be burnt at the stake?
The BBC confuses caring with their utopian beliefs and they are not the same. Desperate people living in tents need a helping hand, not a debate on which political system is to blame. The BBC should be ashamed; it has just used those poor people to serve its own fake socialist agenda, again.
I did not see the Panorama program, It is “not available in my area”. But I did examine the trailer carefully and I have an observation or two about the following section:
Leslie: “My mom eats rats”
Reporter: “Rats? Is that something you eat a lot or it just happened once?”
Leslie: “Once.”
Reporter: “Once. Is that because she ran out of food?”
Leslie nods
Reporter: “Yeah How did that make you feel?”
Leslie: “Bad”.
1. What on earth was the question that Hilary Andersson asked to illicit the answer, “My mom eats rats”. I am going to carry out an experiment tomorrow when I visit a local school to see what I have to ask to get that answer. “Does your mom eat rats?” “What’s the worst thing your mom has eaten?” “Which one of you has a mom who eats rats?” Think about it.
2. Is Andersson aware that if she had asked the question in reverse, like this: “Is that something that happened once or a lot?” the child would have answered “a lot” not “once” What was Hilary thinking? She could have had a more sensational answer. By phrasing her quesion differently she could have had a habitual eater of rats.
3. “How did that make you feel?” is my least favorite question on TV and radio.
4. About the commentary: “They got together a group of children whose families they know are struggling”. There were eight children in the group. How many children do these eight represent? If you went to ANY school (in Bristol, Birmingham, Manchester or London) I bet I could find eight children to interview and get these responses. In fact, foks, I’ve done it before. I can even make people cry on cue. Boy, am I ashamed of my past jobs!
5. One last thought on the clip: music is a very powerful tool for a filmmaker. It should NEVER, NEVER, NEVER be used to sublimely underline a point in a documentary. NEVER!
The fact is there is great hardship in the USA right now. I can quote you examples of hunger, abuse and poverty. But what no-one has the guts to say is this: it is the breakdown of family like, the absence of fathers, the problems of drink and drugs that are at the root cause. I hope Hilary Andersson made that clear in her film – however, here’s the kicker – for many years now I have not trusted Panorama. Sorry.
When I read that dialogue, I see Chris Morris. I’m so sad that the media is now beyond parody, I really liked Brass Eye.