Biased BBC’s Alan writes;
“Richard Bacon was onthe other day talking about the Queen’s 60th Jubilee and Andrew Marr’sprogramme about it .Bacon thought Marr too obsequious and reverential -.whatwas needed obviously was more scandal and provocative, damaging revelationsabout the Queen. However he did think the Panorama programme on US tent cities was good:
richard bacon @richardpbacon
‘That Panorama was bloody good’
The irony of the tent cities in America of unemployed people is when youcontrast them to the posturing pseuds of the Occupy tent cities. The‘Occupiers’ are anti-capitalism and business whilst those in the last resorttent cities would love a job and for capitalism to kick in again at full blast.
The BBC does love to use a programme about one thing to slip in its Marxistworld view about something else. A good example recently is this:…_Series_2_Train_Driver/
What should have been a programme about a man’s struggle to master a trainbecomes a social commentary on living conditions and business practises inPeru.
“The metals and minerals carried by this train brought new wealth to Peru andmake up 60% of its exports but this is a divided society with millions livingin poverty. Passing through one of Lima’s largest slums the train is regularlyattacked by people venting their frustration at this growing inequality.” (Really? Who says they’re not just vandals?)
The programme was run through with these sentiments attacking the miningindustry overlaid with sad music providing a soundtrack to the ‘desperateplight’ of the people….‘on this wild frontier nothing stands in the way ofthe mining industry‘……‘starting to realise that the main thing is to getthis valuable mineral to the ports to ship them off to the rich countries,China and America, not bothered about anything except getting this stuff to theports and the ships…’
Presumably before the mining industry brought massive numbers of jobs andwealth to the country they all lived in vast wealth and harmony….the influxof money for exports has curiously meant less money for Peruvians?
BBC logic suggests that industry and business are bad things, but the government isfailing to create jobs and growth which are needed to stop the youthrioting….so we need industry and business because they are good things. Immigration is good for the economy and is therefore good ….but the growingeconomy is bad for the environment and is therefore bad. Though US immigration is bad as it is ‘hoovering up’ all the world’sresources…unless of course it is poor Mexicans without whom American societywould collapse without all those maids, nannies and gardeners.
A bit off topic, but Delingpole’s blog has a bit to say about the BBC:
Heard the “tumbrils” bit.
Humphrys shouted over this that they weren`t knitting as such…merely reporting.
Can Humphrys show us where the reorting is then?…all I can see is the same bloody knitting patterns of 1997, by way of analysys.
Note too Justin Webb seeking “eye-catching headlines” from Dawkins “survey”…and Webb shouting his defence of Dawkins when Fraser has him skewered for not knowing the full title of Darwins “Origin of Species”.
The BBC are so desperarte to be impartial that they come across as mini Roland Frieslers when they`re shown for the lying leftards that they are!
Dick Bacon was at it again today, having a go at Mitt Romney and how only socialism can save America.
Dick Bacon really has dumbed down Radio 5, what with his HEat magazine moron mates as well.
The Peruvian railway show was just plain silly. The English driver was not even a freight train driver and obviously out of his depth. I very much doubt he actually had control where it mattered. A silly show to fit in with a political agenda. Typical BBC.
Yes I thought the whole thing a bit wet. Can never see the rationale behind making daft programmes of that ilk, anyway – like most “reality” programmes they’re so obviously staged and rehearsed, with everyone saying “pleased to meet you” as they coincidentally ‘encounter’ someone in the middle of nowhere, who just happened to be there.
The problem with Marxists, anarchists and left wing socialists is that they are constantly bemoaning the ‘ills of capitalism’ but spend half of their time sitting in Illy drinking expensive coffee whilst checking their (often non-existent!) emails on their £2,000 Mac pros and texting each other on their expensive iPhones. In short, they wax lyrical about the socialist fraternity and equality etc etc but when it comes to buying a round of drinks or a fight over money they make Hitler look like a pacifist!!!!
Could we please have “Toughest Place To Be A Drug Kingpin” ?
This would obviously be right up Unclean Beast Meat’s alley, and being in Ciudad Juarez would bring him that bit closer to his man-crush north of the border. *Sigh*
Oh, and we get to watch him offed by jolly Mexican banditos, too !
DV mentions “poor Mexicans without whom American society would collapse without all those maids, nannies and gardeners.”. But no-one in the media – least of all the BBC – has linked the continual influx of Mexicans with the sub-prime collapse, which did so much damage to world economies.
There have been riots going on for years in the US, because Mexicans will work for even less than blacks. Displaced from the workplace, the blacks have been defaulting on their condo mortages. When the defaults reached a peak, you then had the Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac collapse.
No way would the BBC have investigated this, because it would have been “waycist” – or rather, it would have shown up the corruption of Democrat and Republican administrations alike for taking immigration policy bribes from cheap labour loving big business.
Of course, the same kind of corruption is endemic throughout the western world, which includes the UK. And as mass immigration continues, so the thought police repression of the people gets nastier. You can tell by the titles of the television news items.
This is all very interesting but much more interesting is George Osbornes criticism of the BBCs anti business culture.
I am more concerned with Osborne’s anti business stand.
Speaking of Marr and his show on the Queen, Im actually quite enjoying it. Although I do watch each show, waiting for the “but some say” moment but by and large that hasnt happened.
What a rarity, a show worth watching on the BBC!
I saw the first one and have recorded the second. I enjoyed the first one, the only moment when I got annoyed with Marr was when after referring to every member of the royal family by their title he referred simply to “Camilla”. Why she was singled out for first name treatment I don’t know.