Well at least we now know that the BBC are able to bundle journalism in with art and literature, so as not to have to reveal what their own bias in the Middle East is by design!
If we therefore consider all BBC comment on the Middle East as “art and fiction” from now on, then none of us need be too disappointed by their lies, smears and embellishment.
Bowen might get the Nobel Prize for Fiction then…
I henceforeth nominate STEPHEN SUGAR as New Elizabethan of the year…hope Heather Brooke won`t mind.
Now-how do I do this Rickrolling thing, so I can flood the BBCs voting,…would Liz Kershaw be able to help me?
is it possible to be dismayed but,not surprised?
the bbc s rabid self-protectionism over this … no matter
what the cost,( to … US !) is in itself admission.
they are biased, are agended, it is there for all to see.
The real issue is that they are, and blatant and unconcerned.
Nice idea David, but the EU are as anti-Israel as the BBC and would enforce the ban on release of the Report, with even more stringent measures to ensure its remaining hidden with threats of prison to anyone that tried to release any information from it.
‘The BBC stressed: none of the licence fee was used. It was commercial income funded by BBC Commercial Holdings.’
This in response to the highlighting of yet another example of egregious waste by the BBC.
Just so we get it right – the licence fee (our money) gets spent wisely on palaces, seven figure salaries for bbctoptalent, six-figure taxi bills for bbctopexecutives too important to walk/ get the tube/ jump on a bus, over-manning and sundry feather-bedding.
Whereas ‘commercial income funded by BBC Commercial Holdings’ (the BBC’s own money) can just be wasted.
Some commentators/ many people/ a school of thought/ loads of texters might argue that all BBC money, ‘commercially generated’ or not, is our money.
And just for this once when it comes to some commentators et al I would agree with them.
On Today we were allowed to eavesdrop on a discussion prefaced by a scene-setting analysis (passed by the Praesidium) from Sheena on elected police commissioners. Not only was Sheena unhappy but, guess what, both protagonists were against the idea although Prescott said (quite sensibly) that although he and Labour were against the scheme, now it’s on the statute book he (and Labour) would be crazy not to participate. Prescott’s debating partner was Tim Brain, former chief constable of Gloucester and visiting professor of Criminology at Gloucestershire University. Yes, an ex-chief constable of a dysfunctional force (unless you’re not white, indigenous or Christian) and now an “academic” at a jumped up technical college is brought on as some kind of impartial expert. Unfortunately the election of a commissioner would not, I think, mean that “sh*t for” Brain and others like him would not be appointed as chief constables.
So, here yet again was the Chomskyan restriction of debate (blimey – I’m boring myself with this constant refrain) with the only pro elected commissioners remarks half-heartedly inserted by Webb (?) in a supremely unconvincing display of “impartiality”. The Today gloss quotes the remark that this is a construct made by politicians for politicians. I think we knew that already since it is an elective office. Moreover, it’s an elective office in a country where the political class (working through the major parties whose policies are effectively the same) negates any real choice at elections. In theory, I’m all for elected commissioners: in practice it’ll be the same old same old crapola except for the introduction of another raft of (expensive) kidology that the commissioner somehow “represents” the public and adds a spurious gloss to the (now defunct) notion that the police are us in uniform.
More hand-wringery on the victoria drearbyshire show today regarding jobs. Looks like the Nu-Liebor policy of getting everyone into Universities for useless Ologies is coming home to roost, 99.9% pass rates for highers? – gimme a break
Salford local radio, I mean BBC 5 Live, are busy this morning. A bullpit debate with a couple of hundred young unemployed people.
So the Beeb is keen to align itself with the views of the unemployed and those on benefits. Fair enough. If I were swanning in and out of Salford with a six-figure salary, fancy clothes and a flash motor a la Nicky Campbell, Mark Kermode, Richard Bacon et al, I’m sure I’d be anxious to sound as though I were down with the kidz.
Can’t imagine why the chippy agressive youngsters so keen to vent their anger at the capitalist system are finding it hard to find gainful employment.
General agreement up there that benefits are too low and that jobs must be created in Salford.
Funny thing….many of those the Beeb puts on the air – judging by the accents and names – must be the sons and daughters of economic migrants to Salford.
And what exactly have the BBC created in the way of opportunitiesfor local young people, by moving their mobility scooters with megaphones onto the Langworthy and the Ordsall?
No prizes for naming and shaming the prize economic migrants taking local peoples jobs…Derbyshire, Harding, Bacon and all those others..
Can only guess that they`re undercutting the rates of pay of those who might otherwise get a job waving wristbands and choreographing the lavender Revolutionary Cadre to come in the Regent Centre bus concourse.
Have we got the BBCs economic migrants wrong they…they too cheap, and shoud we not be paying them more?…or at least give VDs planes a rosewater and petals option on their kerosene?
Gaulling to see V Drearybyshire, whooping it up, for someone who got a job at Debenhams, just a tad patronising, … did she jet up there today?
and cost us again unnecessarily?, while she lays on the … “only small change shit” rhetoric.
yep! all while our unwanted Salford “money pit” … keep its sycophants, ala Bacon, VD, Panto Campo, B Turnoff etc in Guardians and Cappucchino s, and on “easy” street.
At 08:42 on Today we got a propaganda piece from “Save the Children” on extreme poverty in the sub-continent. Of course, while tugging at our heartstrings, there’s the compulsory kicking for India’s economic progress created by capitalism. Funny isn’t it that this item comes just as the DfID’s is trying to keep sending our money to an India which manifestly doesn’t want it. Well, if you were doing well, would you want your estranged grandfather sending you patronising letters containing postal orders?
And at 8.55 or so Humphrys was rather taken with Lord Michael Bates and his Olympic Truth walk from Athens to here.
No real question about Olympic Truth…Riefenstahl, Ben Jonson, dead Georgian lugers, Munich and Israeli athletes, Black Power, Zil lanes, clearing out Beijing locals-and those of Stratford for that matter…not at all!
Nor the prosecuting of butchers that put sausage rings up in their shop windows…none of that either?
No….puppies, kittens, One Love, Peace and t`ing…and no drugs wahtsoever…you got that?
And its off to Sochi after this, with the usual truth and reconciliation we`d expect from the land that gave us Sharansky, Litvenenko, Sakharov/Bonner, Solzhenitsyn and Politskaya.
Ah bless…it`s as if Dave Gahan and Howard Jones left their lyric sheets at the UN and the BBC reckon it`s better than Balen!
I heard that. Who was the awful reporter with the slow, low, subdued “you-must-believe-what-I-say-because-I-sound-so-earnest-and-believeable” delivery? I HATE that style of reporting crap with a vengeance, faux holier-than-thou bollocks that it is. There are several “reporters” guilty of that offence, including the awful Tom Fielding. I hate it. Why can’t they speak properly, clearly and sensibly?
It’s either that or the Beeboid School of Shouting. (AKA The Look-at-Me School: Giles Shoutalot, Justin Rollabout, Robert the Pest, Vine the Whine. Humphrys has a school of his own for an extreme version of that kind of swaggering self-regard.)
Its been on BBC World Service in the early hours , main item .
Save The Children ? Is this a bone fide charity relying on voluntary donations , or a false charity that recieves government money and then coincidentally produces reports which help garner support for the government`s policies ?
Together with the ‘we don’t need your aid’ comment from India last week, perhaps the following would be of interest when it comes to the post-imperial guilt traded upon by large ‘charity’ NGO’s like Save the Children.
Given the constant reports on child poverty in the UK that the BBC highlights on a regular basis, perhaps ‘Charity begins at home’ comes readily to mind.
In India, Tax Evasion Is a National Sport Uncollected taxes amount to $314 billion annually”
The latest exchange I have had with the fun factory…
— On 14 Feb 2012, at 17:47, NewsOnline Complaints wrote: Thanks for your email. You are welcome. Whoever you are. Sometimes it’s a department; other times a person. Sometimes you get a code, or what you have sent in attached; other times not. Sometimes there is a reply address, or a ‘don’t even try to reply’ statement. There appears to be an infinite number of ways for the BBC to respond, vs. the one we as licence fee compelees are steered down; all designed to obscure and distract rather than resolve. The tweet you read was automatically generated from the headline of the story. So there is no discrepancy. The NHS in Wales is devolved so it is not something that Mr Cameron has responsibility for – it is something that the Labour administration in the Welsh Assembly have responsibility for. I am, frankly, amazed. Because it is hard to credit the BBC has admitted its ‘news’ now goes out on twitter via an automated generation system that is designed more for ‘fitting the space’ than accurately reflecting the story. Telling me there is no discrepancy when there clearly is seems familiar. You may think so; I do not. Please advise to whom I may elevate my complaint. Preferably human.
While we’re at it… This e-mail (and any attachments) is confidential and may contain personal views which are not the views of the BBC unless specifically stated. Do not use, copy or disclose the information in any way nor act in reliance on it and notify the sender immediately. So you are basically trying to claim that whatever passes between us is ‘our little secret’ and needs go no further, and if it gets shared ..what? But what a BBC response contains may be personal and doesn’t count? Seriously? Half the replies I get from the BBC cheerfully advise that what I have written gets logged and shared to all and sundry. Please note that the BBC monitors e-mails sent or received. Rather a waste of time if you didn’t. Though there is a precedent with your Head of News and top level complaint executive Helen Boaden claiming that, indeed, she does not monitor complaints. Care to comment on that? Further communication will signify your consent to this. Consent to what? The previous sentence.. sure. Not sharing how messed up things are your end… no, I do not consent. Public sector accountability systems are out of control. And getting worse. Imagine if those the BBC claims as a medium to hold to account behaved in the manner attempted here?
I love the way the Beeboid loftily decreed that your correspondence is confidential. There is nothing to stop one decreeing back that it isn’t! What then, O Beeboid? Do tell.
Nothing happens in the media by accident. A million stories happen every day – but only a few are chosen. So it is of some interest that this story has appeared in the MSM and been echoed by the BBC.
“The Mormon Church has apologised for posthumously baptising the parents of Nazi-hunter Simon Wiesenthal”.
OT…ish, as I am sure Aunty is in like flint too, but wondwring what it is with 24/7 news, deaths… and ‘the community’. Especially when the clergy get their oar in, or even end up the focus.
Not to belittle a tragic death, and indeed possibly a murder, some vicar has been found dead in a rural idyll.
Now, I know our vicar (kids’ harvest festivals, etc), and a nice lady she is too. So if done in it would be unwelcome.
But to have the entire nation’s media descending on our leafy part of England to tell us the entrire community has collapsed and is in need of counselling, flown-in Bishops, etc, and endless ‘what were they like’ tripe… not so much.
I noted that the BBC were forecasting another 90,000 unemployed today, but the figure is about half that.
So we now get the BBC spininng this lie that those who are employed part time are not really employed. So this is the US model, yet the yanks have used that model for counting the unemployed for years, why didn’t the BBC ask the Liebore government to introduce it then?
Over here we call it “underemployed”. And it’s not really a lie to say that it’s a bad sign for the economy that there are too many of us. But you’re right that it’s lame for the BBC to suddenly discover its usefulness.
Forgive me if you think this is a trivial matter; I freely admit that my hatred of the Beeb may be getting the better of me. However, I believe that the BBC are rather reluctant to report England victories in cricket. I’ve noticed that when England win, the BBC news affords it 30 sec coverage, or none at all. If on the other hand we’re being beaten then they tend to have a 2-3 minute slot. Are we being punished for our colonial past? Knowing the BBC’s warped sense of things. I cannot rule it out.
The radio 5 phone in this morning was a hoot. The jock left all out in force ‘defending’ Rangers FC. Apparently they are a special case (perhaps one of the 1% BBC?) and shouldn’t be treated so harshly.
I just wonder if the owner was a Tory donor if the BBC would be so keen. All of a sudden the BBC felt the need to come down on the side of Rangers…but wait BBC, don’t we need the rich to be taxed to death to pay for all those essential public services?
Wonder if Alex Salmond will want the British taxpayer to secure the jobs of those vulnerable and fragile 30 or so players from the “footballing family”?
Or will the SNP bankroll the `Gers…show that they`re actually financially independent.
It`s not as if they`ve ever had any strong links with Europe up there is it?….but if they could learn a few songs to offend Brussels or the BBC, then I`d feel happier about nationalising them.
On the BBC’s website the 5th most viewed story is shown with the legend “unknown page”, when you click on the link it takes you to a story about Female Mutilation being rife in Egypt.
All the other stories are correctly labelled but for some strange reason this story is not!
Thanks for response, I notice the word 'muslim' has been now included once within the article, but the words 'islam', 'islamic', and 'islamist' have still not been included.
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device
-----Original Message-----
From: NewsOnline Complaints <newsonline.complaints@bbc.co.uk>
Date: Wed, 15 Feb 2012 11:40:37
To: xxxxx
Subject: RE: Complaint
Mr Gowland,
Thank you for your email. This arose through an oversight in that the high-profile of this story might have led to the presumption that readers would be aware of Abu Qatada's religious affiliation. We have now made this clear. However, it is worth noting that the report did include phrases such as "spiritual head of the mujahideen in Britain", "jihadi" and "He is banned from attending a mosque, leading prayers", as well as photos and video, so we do not think many of our readers would have been in doubt that he is a Muslim.
Best wishes,
BBC News website
-----Original Message-----
From: xxxxx
Sent: 13 February 2012 19:00
To: NewsOnline Complaints
Subject: Complaint
{Title:} Mr
{First Name:} James
{Last Name:} Gowland
{Under 13:} No
{Email:} haweythetoon@hotmail.com
{Postcode:} NE12
{Location:} England
{Feedback Type:} I would like to... Make a complaint
{Complaint type:} BBC News (TV Radio Online)
{Complaint about:} BBC News Online
{Complaint category:} Poor quality
{Contacted before:} No
{Contacted again reason:}
{Reference case number:}
{Complaint title:} Words islam and muslim not mentioned
{Complaint:} An article about and Islamic extremist preacher/cleric is
produced without the words Islam or Muslim being mentioned even once within
the article? How is this possible?
{URL:} http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-17012448
{Reply:} Yes
This e-mail (and any attachments) is confidential and may contain personal views which are not the views of the BBC unless specifically stated.
If you have received it in error, please delete it from your system.
Do not use, copy or disclose the information in any way nor act in reliance on it and notify the sender immediately.
Please note that the BBC monitors e-mails sent or received.
Further communication will signify your consent to this.
Is the Beeboid Corporation telling us that means anything to most people in the UK? Doesn’t sound like anything I know about in the UK although I have heard of that m word in connection with certain foreign parts.
Well, the veggies at Farming Today will be happy. The farmer villified in this one-sided report of alleged cruelty to pigs has shot himself. http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/console/b01by7bm
I actually just listened to this a second time because I kept thinking I misinterpreted it. I did not. The anti-meat activist (read: animal rights activist) actually did say that their undercover operative wasn’t responsible for neglecting the piglets or for doing anything cruel because “it would have happened anyway”. If this was the frame-up job it appears to be, how can she know? Sows squash piglets sometimes, and farmers have to watch out for it. Even I’ve heard of this. But the operative just sat back and let it happen because it makes good film, apparently.
Amusing yet sad bit at the end was when the woman from the PIg Association missed the Narrative the Beeboid was pushing. The oh so concerned host thought she was setting it up by saying,”There does seem to be undercover cases like this that come out from time to time…”
The spokesewoman replied, “Yes, as you say, these cases are very rare…” Oops. Off-message! Get back on script!
In other words, these things are very rare, and Anna Hill tried to push a lie. And now this poor guy has killed himself because of what just might be a frame-up. I don’t suppose that will ever be investigated.
And the farmer was interviewed on some Beeboid programme called Look East. I presume that’s a regional TV programme. So just how much coverage did the Beeboid Corporation give to this?
Between the undercover animal equality people, the Beeboid Corporation (other media?) and the RSPCA he obviously must have felt under unbearable pressure and likely to be facing prosecution. It’s just tragic.
I heard this, and just cant`t help feeling that the BBCs stall is set out with its usual subtlety.
The BBC won`t be happy until we`re all as obsessed by “Babe” as they were when they were eschewing meat.
The likes of Animal Equality seem to have only the one drum…whereas the poor farms and farmers have to cope with all manner of pressures that these “charities” care nothing about.
These are the type who will rejoice over the death of the farmers, but insist of a full ritual burial for any piglet that doesn`t make it!
INBBC/Newsnight’s Ms Lloyd-Roberts backtracks further away from its utopianism of a year ago to the negative reality of the Islamic repression of women in Egypt, including the continuance of the practice of female genital mutilation (fgm).
“Female genital mutilation rife in Egypt despite ban”
Ms Lloyd-Roberts is very quick to say that it is not only in Islamic countries that fgm is practiced; but she is slow to say how prevalent a practice it is in so many Islamic countries.
Did anyone hear this afternoon’s play on Radio 4? It was a truly appalling piece about a family of working class racists, one of whom had planted a nail bomb in a Muslim shop. I mean it happens all the time doesn’t it?! Radio 4 had a similar play on just over a month ago, but on that occasion it was a racist organisation bombing Muslims. Our friends at the Beeb seem quite determined to potray members of “the religion of peace” as oppressed victims living in a constant state of siege. They are promoting a perverted and wicked propaganda. Shame on them!
I plan to make a film of outraged citizens planting nail bombs in every BBC studio in the country. I don’t know if I can afford to pay the actors, though…
Yes, it was the last of a trilogy.
The first had a thick white EPL fooball player (hard to imagine) charged with raping an under age girl.
The second was a black gang member charged with murder who had an identical twin who was far from identical.
But the third, as you say Jeff, took us to new BBC depths.
Overall, the Post found that $3.9 billion in federal grants and financing flowed to 21 companies backed by firms with connections to five Obama administration staffers and advisers.
I caught a bit of Vikki Pollard’s bollocks this morning, first question to Tory Minister was “Can you survive on £67 a week”
Of course what he should have said in reply was “well perhaps if they didn’t have to spend the equivalent of three weeks of benefits to pay their TV licence and fund your salary Victoria it might be a bit easier for them”
but of course he just took it from the BBC as usual, can’t ever remember Ed Testicles or the one eyed twat from Fife being asked the same question when in power.
Does that £67 include a case of 20oz cans of Special Brew and 2 packs of smokes a day, plus a few pints with the lads on Friday? If so, then, yeah, I could do it.
David, I’m sure you know but for any other reader from outside the UK, nobody, just nobody has to live on 67 pounds a week. A whole series of other ‘benefits’ come into play….housing benefit, council tax relief etc, etc….leading to the absurd situation that often it is a rational decision to go on welfare for some disinclined to make that bit of effort such as getting up in the morning.
Yes, RGH, it’s a joke, I know. And for the record, I would never touch Special Brew with a ten foot pole, as I’m a real ale man (plus the US extra hoppy stuff). I don’t smoke, either, but living in NYC with Nanny Bloomberg’s insane taxes, I could make a nice profit selling 200 smokes a week.
Absolute hatchet job on the Heartland Institute by Richard Black. The guy sounds totally loopy. Black appears to have done no checking – and it appears that some of the documents he refers to are fake. He is already having to update his slobbering rush to judgment.
The sums involved at the Heartland Institute are chickenfeed to the amount of funding the Warmists get. Al Gore’s funding alone was over $300 million ! But of course Black would never talk about funding for Warmists.
In his initial article it appears that Black slimed Antony Watts of WattsUpWithThat – implying that the Heartland Institute supports his blog. In fact the Institute gave some specific funding for a complex project of data analysis. Black neglected to contact Watts before rushing to print with his damaging claim – although he and Watts have previously dealt with each other.
What is ludicrous is that Black tries to equate the leak this week of Heartland Institute documents with ClimateGate I and II. The Heartland stuff sounds partly forged – and there seems nothing nefarious in anything that may be there. Whereas the ClimateGate emails were genuine – and demonstrated “scientists” (and BBC personnel) up to their necks in abusing science.
I would not be surprised if there is some legal action to follow. In the meantime – Black and journalists at the Guardian rushed to print without any attempt to verify or explore what they charged Watts and others with.
BBC and Guardian journalism = sod the bother of fact-checking, just slime the opposition
Did anyone else catch Dame Nikki interviewing Dennis MacShane this morning?
This is one of the grubbiest politicians going yet Dame Nikki treated him like royalty, Macshane was on to defend the Euro and the EU corruption, which of course this vile sleaze bag happily did.
funny that Dame Nikki only brings up sleaze when it involves Tory politicians.
I hate this McShane…an albino Keith Vaz.
Yet he supports Israel as I recall-I`m sure he wrote something good about this a while back…so I`m confused.
Will the BBC do a programme about the likes of me, so conflicted…and will they pay for my CBT, if I can find a therapist?
Media Induced Schizoid Disorder…worth a Blue Badge surely?
Wait till you hear this: he used to be a Beeboid radio reporter and presenter!
Eight years as a BBC reporter ended abruptly after MacShane telephoned the phone-in programme he worked on under a false name because no listeners were phoning. Unfortunately, he called the leading Conservative politician Reginald Maudling a crook. Maudling threatened to sue, and the BBC fired MacShane.
Have to like this comment, as much for what it promises..
’22. minuend
15TH FEBRUARY 2012 – 21:55
The New York Times is to issue an apology and a retraction of their story, The rush to comment without confirmation of authentication has the potential to ruin a few journalists careers.’
It must be great to have so few worries at the BBC, when this trail of bleeding stumps from all over the world trumps the crises we`re told about the rest of the time by the same BBC.
This in not to belittle the real tragedies contained, but resent the BBC deciding for me who I need to worry about, and their cynical techniques to elicit the correct response.
I`ve been worrying about dear Dickie Dawkins and the onset of Alzheimers since Tuesday…that Myleene Klass couldn`t find a tuned piano in Dhaka from yesterday…and now I`ve got to worry about all this today?
All this…and no Islam, no corruption, no excesses in the BBC canteen-wasting food and the like…all symptoms and no causes as ever at the BBC.
In India, Tax Evasion Is a National Sport Uncollected taxes amount to $314 billion annually
“As Rama Murthy completes the sale of his apartment in the Indian city of Hyderabad, he accepts from the buyer a bag full of rupees—part of the purchase price the tax man will never see. “Almost 40 percent of the sale price I got in hard cash,” says Murthy, 39, who works at a software company. “It’s illegal, but it’s rampant in India to avoid paying tax.”
India loses 14 trillion rupees ($314 billion) from tax evasion annually, depriving it of funds for investment in roads, ports, and power, says Arun Kumar, author of The Black Economy in India.”
i ve just heard a newsflash, either R4 or 5live …
theres been a traffic accident, not here but
in gaza or israel
a school bus, has collided with, (booo hiss), an israelli army truck …
so far some children, are reported tragically dead.
well very sad most certainly, traffic accidents always are.
but stop press … interrupting a show to report it?
and no not traffic news either?
i know i know … just like me …
waiting on the biased spin , oops i mean follow up,
sorry i was thinking aloud … lets see how it pans out.
I signed up for BBC ‘breaking news’ emails ages ago.
Along with the ticker tapes and red banners on the online pages, it has alwasy intrigued what has excited them to the point of stopping all presses and, equally, what often seem not to troubel their pretty little heads.
I once emailed back to ask.. ‘And this bit of slow news tribal PR was worthy of filling my inbox how?”
Never got a reply. I think it went to Helen Boaden’s ‘special’ ‘I see no critiques’ address.
Palestinian children die in crash
hmmm … “the lorry driver an israelli/arab ” emphasis on that i suppose.” . He said it was one of the most serious road accidents involving Palestinians????? in a long time”………….so stop all the presses at the bbc obviously? … any road accidents with loss of life of jewish people/children recently … or at all… I ve just put in … israelli children road accident … nothing … israelli children dead … nothing … hmmmmm
There was radio slience on the BBC – at first, until they were called to account – when the Fogel family was murdered in cold blood. Yet when it comes to an accidental death of darling Palestinians…..
But, in order to ‘liberate’ the text of the BBC report from the ‘associations’ ie. ‘Israeli-truck, it is wise to look at the original AFP report.
Perhaps, Israeli registered truck would be more in keeping with cautious, high-minded journalism.
This was available from AFP report (which adds another level of reality) as reported by Ninenews.au
“Family members of some of the injured children told AFP the bus passengers were from a Palestinian school in Anata in east Jerusalem and were going on an outing to Ramallah.
They also said the truck driver, who was injured, is a Palestinian from the eastern sector of the city.”
So, to defuse stereotypes, the BBC could have told its world audience that an Israeli-registered truck driven by a Palestinian crashed into the Palestinian-registered school bus carrying Palestinian students.
A woman on Radio 5 just claimed that she has to miss meals, so she can feed her kids. I’m sorry, but I just don’t believe you. A 25kg sack of spuds costs £6; get off your lazy arse and peel a few and stop blaming the ‘cuts’/Tories/society/Capitalism/Thatcher/Rod, Jane and Freddy.
I frequently hear this story in one form or another on the BBC (Look North a few weeks ago had an item on food banks to help people starving because of Tory cuts).. not only big bags of potatoes, but porridge oats with milk, or lentils etc etc there is cheap healthy food available.
It depends on her circumstances. There are people who have a tough time paying the bills and feeding the family. They may be on low wages and we all know how astronomically high utility bills and council tax have become and how food prices have shot up in the last couple of years.
The bBC, and how it invents anti-Semitic stories to feed its hatred towards the jew. West Bank crash: ‘Eight’ Palestinian children killed At least eight Palestinian children have been killed in a collision between a school bus and an Israeli lorry on a road in the West Bank.
Reading the above do you get the impression the nasty hook nosed jews are killing infants now. By using Israeli lorries to run them down.But hang what’s this I find a little further down. The lorry driver, an Israeli-Arab, was injured
Israeli Arab bBC, but somebody who lives in the West bank, why that would make him a Palestinian. Which is why right at the bottom of the article the bBC quote: He said it was one of the most serious road accidents involving Palestinians in a long time.
Yes right at the end of the article the bBC finally admit that there was nothing Kosher about this story. Yet their first paragraph exposes how drip by drip they demonise the Jew to the great unwashed.
The bBC the reason why anti-Semitism is rife in the UK.
Here are a few screen dumps taken from the bBC world, bBC Middle East and finally from the article. I’m sure the bBC will edit the article to ensure that they don’t get taken to court. You know like they always do.
I looked into it a bit more and came across this October 2007 BBC report about the decision to allow him to stay. The BBC said:
“An Asylum and Immigration Tribunal upheld a ruling which blocked moves by the Home Office to deport the man, who cannot be named for legal reasons.”
But reporting the same case at the same time, I also found these: Telegraph: “ Mohammed Kendeh, 20, who has admitted indecently assaulting 11 women, was assessed by the Home Office as being at “high risk” of reoffending.” Express: “Mother-of-two Gabrielle Browne, 42, said she was “disgusted” by the ruling, which means Mohammed Kendeh will not be booted out and sent back to his native Sierra Leone
Victim Gabrielle Browne quoted in the Express article: “I was a victim of Kendeh and I did not want anyone else to go through the ordeal I went through. Kendeh must be laughing at the law.”
So the question is, did the Telegraph, Express and the victim breach an order forbidding the naming of the offender, did the BBC tell a blatant lie or did the BBC make an honest mistake? Place your bets.
As an aside, the BBC report fails to mention that the daft judge, Sir Henry Hodge, is the husband of the then Labour minister Margaret Hodge. Unnecessary background information that readers do not need to know,, I expect.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-south-yorkshire-17057553 “Organiser Lee Maguire said he was expecting at least 100 people to attend “as a mark of the community’s respect and remembrance”. “When something like this happens the whole community all pull together. “We went through the miners’ strike and it is coming from that sort of background that means when it comes to something like this we’re all united.” Might not be pure BBC bias but what sort of fuckwit makes a comment like that re a stabbed teenager? The local press – of said community – didn’t feel they needed to add superfluous propaganda, they had similar quotes from Lee but didn’t add the miner bit: Organiser Lee Maguire: “What has happened is disgusting and even though it happened in one area, the whole on Doncaster is feeling the pain. “I just wanted to do something so people could have somewhere to pay their respects and show Casey’s family that we are thinking of them. http://www.doncasterfreepress.co.uk/news/doncaster-news/candle_lit_vigil_for_casey_lyanne_kearney_to_be_held_tonight_at_elmfield_park_war_memorial_1_4254336
Of all the issues, and there are many, most likely to get me to pull the DD and have my ‘see you in court’ moment, it is the BBC’s dedication to inflaming the very tensions it feeds off and pretends to be concerned about.
Dear Mr Mardell, Ms Kay and others at BBC America,
In the next few weeks you will be tempted to repeat these comments from the Washington Post’s Jennifer Rubin:
“Yesterday”, Rubin says, “I speculated on some of the reasons Rick Santorum has problems with women voters. This interview from a few year back sure isn’t going to help”
You will say it like this: “now there are even claims that Rick Santorum hates women”.
To make your life easier and in order to save you valuable time I have reprinted a transcript of what Santorum says in the interview Rubin quoted. It is followed by a YOUTUBE clip of the exchange:
Here are Santorum’s words in context: “This is from a personal point of view, from a governmental point of view I support title 10 I guess it is, and have voted for contraception and although I don’t think it works, I think it’s harmful to women,I think it’s harmful to our society to have a society that says that sex outside of marriage is something that should be encouraged or tolerated particularly among the young.
I think it has… we’ve seen very, very harmful long term consequences to our society. Birth control enables thatand I don’t think it is a healthy thing for our country.”
So you can see he is talking about the effect of free sex on society – not any antipathy towards women. And Mardell, Kay, Beeboids in general, you can relax! Santorum has also underlined if he is President he will not make contraception compulsory, order Latin to become the official language of the USA or stop BBC employees screwing around.
BBC-NUJ is keen to publicise US actor Mr PENN’s support for Argentina against Britain; but BBC-NUJ censors out criticism of him by a British person, such Mr WESTON:-
“‘Sean Penn’s an idiot and a fool’: Falklands hero Simon Weston hits back at bleeding heart actor’s explosive remarks on disputed islands.”
It got a fleeting mention on the PM programme a minute ago…but I think the impression was that some polar bears will rue the day that we took out the Environmental Warrior on some piffling mix-up about who was driving all of ten years ago…hardly perjury now is it?…oh, wait!
Next item up concerned civil servants getting bungs and dodgy arrangements for salaries when working for |the State.
Eddie Mairs memory or research team aren`t helping the wee chap…for he seems to think that it all blew up a few weeks ago with this Ed Lester(see…bloody `Ed` again?)
I rather thougth that this scam was rolled out by Labour en bloc, and after trialling it with John Birt in particular way back…but hey, what would I know?
No point in asking how Paxman, Dimblebys and the like are getting paid by the BBC is there?…no, thought not!
OK then-what of the small fry like Eddie Mair then?…no?…
Of course, without the vast verification resources enjoyed by the BBC, or indeed the extensive intel on tap from Mark Mardell, I cannot testify to the accuracy of all of it, or indeed any, so if anything is incorrect, let me just claim I may have posted it via my mobile for your twitter pages, and if an automated do-dad introduced any factual errors.. too bad.
So here I am having a butchers at the news and here is what I find on the bBC:
Remember that article about the vehicle RTA in the West Bank which the bBC shouted out from the highest minarets at morning and lunch time prayer that children had been killed by an Israeli vehicle. Well true to form they’ve remove the Israeli tag. Funny how often they repeat this tactic of slandering jews as evil for a few hours then conveniently remove the Jewish tag. Hands up how many times they (The bBC) have done so with a so called religion of peace. Which brings me onto the next subject.
So the bBC has knocked an article about the growing trend of attacks on the clergy , yet and a big yet there is one demographic in the UK which goes well out of its way in which to not only attack Christians but men of the cloth. Funny enough unlike the above article where with no evidence whatsoever the bBC slander the jews, the bBC with lots of evidence of the people behind attacks on the church in East London conveniently omit that statistic. A statistic I should add where in English the attackers openly have this to say to followers of Christianity in East London.
“This should not be a church, this should be a mosque, you should not be here”.
Talking about attacking in English, has anybody seen this bBC fun-fest of article by a bBC reporter about Argentinean dock workers and how they are going to boycott English ships flying flags of convenience and on the chart shown the camera spends an inordinate amount of time centred on the flag of Georgia, err bBC it may be similar to the flag of England but it’s another country whatsoever. Which brings me to the presenter, the bBC is funded by the British taxpayer, which means its main audience is..the people who pay its way. Now if that is so why does the bBC have a spic cunt who can’t speak f-ing English presenting their latest anti-british broadcast. It’s one thing having an anti-british org telling us how great allah, gays,black gangs and doing drugs is, it’s another having them pay some spic twat who can’t be understood.
Which bring me to Richard Black the bBC doomsayer who has found evidence of dark dealings by the people who have proved him wrong, time and time again. Personally I don’t give a shit what this dickhead thinks , but why is the bBC allowing him to promote his political mindset I quote:
Richard Black @BBCRBlack
Turning vegetarian en masse would save UK equal to half vehicle emissions, study concludes
I’m sorry, but isn’t the bbC meant to be apolitical?
That people is what 5 minutes of the bBC got me, I haven’t mentioned the article of where an old couple murdered in the Black country and the bbC doesn’t mention the killer who was jailed a Kilelr I should add who belongs to a growing number of eastern European thugs committing crimes in the Uk, be it burying girlfriends in the woods of Huddersfield, murdering girls in Surrey, Scotland or even getting blown up in Boston the bbC still hasn’t managed to join the dots when it comes to crimes committed in the Uk and the non English nature of the people carrying them out.
Remind me again why I pay my TV licence.
A fine synopsis , and a complete dogs dinner of prejudices served up by the BBC.
Where do we start with this one?…murderer of the girl in Doncaster seeking sanctuary in a mental health charity shop/drop-in zone?
Huhne in court, but “perjury” being left on the bench next to “Muslim” or “Tevez”?
An “Israeli” truck kills Palestinian kids?…surely German or Japanese truck with an Israeli Arab driving it?….despicable smear, as if the exhaust pipe had been circumcised.
Polish murderer of “no fixed abode”…but that`s all we`ll tell you?
It`s a full-time job keeping up with the riddling endemic evils and prejudices of the Godawful clapped out scum that drag the name of poor old Reith through the cesspits every day.
Didn`t notice it. As I`ve said before, I am fired by the broad direction of travel that the BBC seems intent on taking for the rest of us.
I therefore am weak on specifics, and this site is a broad church.
Pounce is correct in seeing the many layered, tangled web ofcontradictions and hypocrisies that comprise nealy all BBC current affairs output.
You tend not to bother with thse concerns, but delight in slipping the occasional ballbearing out of a side pocket; just to create aimless controversies.
There is no mind of the beehive here as far as I can tell, and none of us will take you to court for not paying for received liberal tropes and postures…so if I were you I`d be worrying about Prescotts free publicity that pounces vocabulary.
Remember Dez, that the BBC find excuses for wannabe underpants bombers, for rioters, for drug addicted murders and anti-English types as a matter of course…so being a good BBC ally, couldn`t you find it in your heart to allow pounce his “somewhat colourful” but well-intentioned views?
I for one have already drawn a line under it all, and moved on!
Pounce-as ever-has “got it just about right”…but thank you Dez for your helpful and appropriate concerns nonetheless!
“So the bBC has knocked an article about the growing trend of attacks on the clergy… yet there is one demographic in the UK which goes well out of its way in which to not only attack Christians but men of the cloth… the bBC with lots of evidence of the people behind attacks on the church in East London conveniently omit that statistic.
You have no “statistic” – apart from a feeble attempt to link the murder of a vicar in Thornbury with an attack on Canon Michael Ainsworth by a couple of drunken youths in 2008. Had the attackers been described as “white” the story would of ended there; but because they were described as “Asian” – then it’s seized upon by the usual suspects, as nothing to do with “drunken youths”, but all about “Muslims attacking Christians”.
But as Canon Ainsworth’s wife said;
“the attack took place in a part of the church’s grounds in which youths were known to congregate.
She added: ‘Quite clearly there are mindless individuals in every community, quite often under the influence of drink or drugs, that engage in random acts of violence. The community organisations here are very shocked.’
Interfaith relations in the area are ‘very good’ she said, adding: ‘We have had very strong messages of support from East London mosque and Tower Hamlets mosque.’ http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/1581937/Canon-Ainsworths-wife-shocked-by-attack.html
Or as Canon Michael Ainsworth himself said;
“I shall not be drawn into comment by the national media. They have their own agendas, as have the bloggers, both professional and amateur, who are using the story for their own ends and drawing bizarre, mainly racist, conclusions.” http://www.churchtimes.co.uk/blog_post.asp?id=54054
Or as The East London Mosque said;
“The youths who attacked Canon Michael need to be brought to justice. We have become increasingly concerned about antisocial behaviour amongst a minority of youth, particularly the rise of alcohol related incidents. We should not let such dreadful incidents detract from the hard work of communities in Tower Hamlets to create social harmony. Rather, we should increase our efforts to tackle these problems.” http://www.eastlondonmosque.org.uk/uploadedImage/pdf/Local%20Priest%2017.03.2008.pdf
Dez’s post completely omits any reference to the rather telling “This should not be a church, this should be a mosque” that accompanied the beating of Canon Ainsworth meted out by these ‘Asians’. Nothing to do with Muslims attacking Christians; no sir-ee!
There is also the delectable passivity – aboslutely lapped up by the brain-dead such as Dez, so dim that he quotes it without even realising the import – in the Mosque’s attempt to blame it on the alcohol; ‘It’s not the people who did it, you see? It’s the alcohol; if the alcohol was banned, then these things wouldn’t happen!’
Kind of tautology on track record, really, but worth further filleting of what he has neglected to get his head around, providing yet another fine metaphor for the BBC’s finest work.
“completely omits any reference to the rather telling “This should not be a church, this should be a mosque” that accompanied the beating of Canon Ainsworth”
Dez is indeed right and I was wrong. The attack on the Canon was, in fact, accompanied by the words “fucking priest”; it was during a completely separate but freqent act of vandalism on the church that it was shouted “This should not be a church, this should be a mosque.”
Until Dez corrected me on this I didn’t realise quite how bad the situation is in Tower Hamlets (and I won’t even mention the anti-gay leaflet distribution industry); so thanks for putting me right, Dez.
Only problem is that this undermines even further your “nothing to see here” complacency, me old chum!!! :-[
“…it was during a completely separate but freqent act of vandalism on the church that it was shouted ‘This should not be a church, this should be a mosque.’ ”
Wrong again RCE. There are no reports of anyone vandalising the church whilst shouting “this should be a mosque”.
A homobigot like Scez loves seeing violence inflicted on Christians and, like his Gramscian, homobigot chums at the BBC will do all they can to cover up for the Muslims who carry out these attacks to ensure they’re perptuated.
“…has anybody seen this bBC fun-fest of article by a bBC reporter about Argentinean dock workers and how they are going to boycott English ships flying flags of convenience and on the chart shown the camera spends an inordinate amount of time centred on the flag of Georgia…”
Not even in in the furthest reaches of anyone’s psychotic imagination could this be described as spending; “an inordinate amount of time centred on the flag of Georgia”.
Or mistaken. The camera focuses on the chart and the Georgia flag stands out, we don’t know what the cameraman thought but it’s a moot point however because the chart includes the flags of Germany and France too so of no importance unless Argetina is planning WW3.
These trolls won’t admit alternative possibilities such as being mistaken or taking a different view of something. You think you are having a normal exchange of opinion so you point out the existence of alternatives and it is then you discover they are not interested in what is true or not. I used to think they were too stupid to grasp the concept but it soon becomes apparent that they are malevolent and don’t want to. That is their whole point.
“I suppose you like to post under at least two identities here because you lament how few people there are willing to defend BBC bias.”
You’ve been told before, hippiepooter, in ways that even a seven year old whose head had been run over by a steamroller could understand, that Dez and I are not the same person.
I realise that you live in a fantasy world all the time, and won’t believe a word of this – that’s fine. Just don’t expect your stupid little postings to carry any weight with anyone who’s intelligent enough to realise that you’re an idiot.
At the risk of being arrested by the cliche police ‘Methinks he doth protest too much’.
I’m sure you’re able to appreciate Scez, that like any bigot, whether it be a homobigot like you, a leftopath, like you, or a racist bigot like Nick Griffin, or an anti-semite bigot like Nick Griffin and you, I dont place a dreadful amount of store in your integrity.
Like all bigots, when your number is rumbled, your default position is extreme unpleasantness and violence of language which according to your faith in evil any reasonable person can be intimidated by.
Ah, there it is. Nearly every time I post, along comes ltwf1964 to aim his abuse in my direction. (I note above he called Dez someone else’s “pet troll”, with apparently no sense of irony.)
And in this case, calling me anti-Semitic is perfectly acceptable because he calls me a “Beeboid” and apparently that’s the same thing.
I can tell you after seeing your ugly beeboid head on the pic you insist on using,that i’m a much bigger man than you think fella-and about a hundred times easier to look at
you’re a useless prick
a boil on the face of society
a pain in the arse
a trolling prick
a left wing retard
an oxygen thief
a general pain in the arse
now fuck off some where your prattish self is appreciated-I’m positibe it’s nowhere I would want to be seen
insulting enough for you,or would you really like me to get going? 🙂
obviously you have no idea what an internet troll boy actually is…..it’s a wanker like yourself who posts shite against the ethos of the website he insists on infecting
Now, would you care to explain why it’s okay to call me anti-Semitic? Or, instead of behaving like an adult, are you going to continue being a foul-mouthed childish idiot?
I note that ltwf1964 is obviously struggling to explain why he thinks it’s okay for hippiepooter to call me anti-Semitic.
And hippiepooter is strangely silent on why pointing out that he is often, and repeatedly, wrong in his assertion Dez and I being the same person makes me a “homobigot” and an anti-Semite.
There’s always the possibility that he realises how much he’s humiliated himself. But then again, that would involve a level of self-awareness that he’s never previously shown…
I see Stephen Fry is returning to the stage after his scooting off to Belgium way back. Must have been a crap play eh?
Anyway it will run for three weeks…but Stephen will run after three days I`d expect.
Now do I get tickets for London…or his one-man play in Brussels I wonder?
Not exactly brilliant, but fair to say that Jeremy Hardy or Sandi Toksvig won`t be buying them, so let these self-satisfied pearls of brilliance be my gift to you all!
Works for Russell Howard!
BBC 1 are showing the movie Battle in Seattle tonight.
Now, assuming for a moment that the BBC were not a constant source of leftist propaganda, suppose that they became one and try to imagine how their schedules might change.
I saw this film a couple of years ago on BBC2. It’s one of the most one-sided pieces of propaganda you’re likely to see this side of a Michael Moore ‘documentary’. All of the protesters are depicted as well meaning and righteous defenders of the common good, whereas all of the ‘powers that be’ are arrogant, uncaring, dishonest oppressors. Pure anti-capitalist agitprop, that shows no intention of being balanced right from the outset. Crap.
‘Bad Gateway’ = more complaints that the BBC will never receive as people lose interest and have to do other things (such as earn a living without taking £140 quid a year off hard-working families who want to own a tv).
And I note that they impose a 20-day time limit on second complaints if unhappy with the first complaint; I wonder if that’s as flexible as their 10 working day target to reply?
Well, as it is a joke I now tend to treat BBC complaints as such and have fun with it.
The archive is now swelling fit to burst and will be a pleasure to share in court.
Have to say, the ‘tech problems’ is a new, and further unwelcome twist to the ‘system’:
1) Sorry we are late
2) It didn’t happen
3) Oh, you can prove it did? It didn’t happen that way.
4) Oh, OK… but we evolved it so it looked like it didn’t happen
5) You’re showing ‘bad faith’, be careful
6) Tech issues!
7) Well, you could try Helen Boaden’s dead email
8) Or Chris Patten
9) Sucker! We got paid for all this; you spent your own time
10) This has been entered in a log that no one will read and nothing will be done about
11) Ain’t being ‘unique’ grand?
12) Off skiing now. Again.
What about “I’m happy”? Or “We’re happy”. I’ve had many a good laugh over your exchanges with Beeboids, not least those where they took a sudden and unexpected turn into a philosophical discourse on the nature of happiness, who is happy and whose happiness matters or doesn’t. Great philosophers from Socrates to the present day have pondered the very same. 😀
Right now at 10:10 we have as the top story of the BBC news website:
UK and France In Civil Nuclear Deal.
Underneath as substories we have ‘UK nuclear subsidies ‘unlawful’ and ‘Nuclear power has ‘small support”. [note both negative]
The main story is factual, and has a comments field underneath. People seem to be broadly in support of the direction at the moment. (Very good news).
The two substories are written by Richard Black. Interestingly, the ‘Nuclear power has small support’ when clicked opens a story ‘Nuclear power gets little public support worldwide’. It goes on to say only the UK and USA buck the trend in this official BBC sponsored ‘poll’. Well, that top level news headline isn’t quite right is it BBC, but it looks good on the main page? Who exactly did you poll?
The second story ‘subsidies unlawful’, is all about a group ‘Energy Fair’ group (who the hell are they?) with an argument that nuclear is in fact subsidised. Now, that may or may not be true, but surely it would of been better to balance this article with some proper quantitative analysis of all the power generation technologies, cost of ownership, capacity and risk (economic, service reliability and safety)? Instead they’ve based an article on a one sided dumb argument. BTW it starts ‘Green energy campaigners are….’ Oh, and the first picture is of course from Fukushima 🙂
ZephirFeb 23, 06:23 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Or this: “Illegal immigrant who stabbed wife to death wins right to stay in Britain after arguing he might have…
ZephirFeb 23, 06:21 Weekend 22nd February 2025 And, no doubt, another item the racist, sexist bbc will be hiding: “Syrian refugee who stepped in to stop Islamist…
ScrobleneFeb 23, 05:58 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Brilliant piece, Atlas – thank you! I didn’t think that our country would be such a soft touch after the…
ScrobleneFeb 23, 05:47 Weekend 22nd February 2025 I guess that was all down to Blair’s desperation to lower the unemployment figures by getting the kids into any…
JohnCFeb 23, 02:35 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Hostages were chained, starved, kept in pitch black; some return almost unresponsive https://www.timesofisrael.com/hostages-were-chained-starved-kept-in-pitch-black-some-return-almost-unresponsive/ ‘Hamas made 2 hostages not going free…
ZephirFeb 23, 01:20 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Well, well: “The BBC has been accused of attempting a ‘cover-up’ over a Gaza documentary narrated by the son of…
ZephirFeb 23, 01:11 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Greater Manchester Police said last night: ‘We spoke to the woman for six minutes to advise she was the subject…
ZephirFeb 23, 01:08 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Police knocked on her door in Stockport within 48 hours of receiving a complaint, in contrast to how they have…
ZephirFeb 23, 01:07 Weekend 22nd February 2025 It seems the far left are routinely doing this now, and police seem complicit, and, of course it’s the far…
taffmanFeb 23, 00:44 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Lucy Pevensey Think of all the money that you have saved over all those years .
“Independent journalism requires honest and open internal debate free from external pressures. This ruling enables us to continue to do that”
errr…the BBC’s statement on how honest and open debate is being stifled by the BBC!
Well at least we now know that the BBC are able to bundle journalism in with art and literature, so as not to have to reveal what their own bias in the Middle East is by design!
If we therefore consider all BBC comment on the Middle East as “art and fiction” from now on, then none of us need be too disappointed by their lies, smears and embellishment.
Bowen might get the Nobel Prize for Fiction then…
I henceforeth nominate STEPHEN SUGAR as New Elizabethan of the year…hope Heather Brooke won`t mind.
Now-how do I do this Rickrolling thing, so I can flood the BBCs voting,…would Liz Kershaw be able to help me?
is it possible to be dismayed but,not surprised?
the bbc s rabid self-protectionism over this … no matter
what the cost,( to … US !) is in itself admission.
they are biased, are agended, it is there for all to see.
The real issue is that they are, and blatant and unconcerned.
Too bad this can’t be taken to the EU courts. After all, the BBC respects them more than the UK Supreme Court when it comes to Abu Qatada.
Nice idea David, but the EU are as anti-Israel as the BBC and would enforce the ban on release of the Report, with even more stringent measures to ensure its remaining hidden with threats of prison to anyone that tried to release any information from it.
Ah, you’re right Demon. I didn’t consider that.
I guess this means that the stupid all-powerful Jewish Lobby can only control the US.
Expect more of this.
‘The BBC stressed: none of the licence fee was used. It was commercial income funded by BBC Commercial Holdings.’
This in response to the highlighting of yet another example of egregious waste by the BBC.
Just so we get it right – the licence fee (our money) gets spent wisely on palaces, seven figure salaries for bbctoptalent, six-figure taxi bills for bbctopexecutives too important to walk/ get the tube/ jump on a bus, over-manning and sundry feather-bedding.
Whereas ‘commercial income funded by BBC Commercial Holdings’ (the BBC’s own money) can just be wasted.
Some commentators/ many people/ a school of thought/ loads of texters might argue that all BBC money, ‘commercially generated’ or not, is our money.
And just for this once when it comes to some commentators et al I would agree with them.
Back when I used to do business with BBC Worldwide, I was given the impression that this money wasn’t supposed to cross over like this.
Ah yes – the fantasy that is hypothecation.
On Today we were allowed to eavesdrop on a discussion prefaced by a scene-setting analysis (passed by the Praesidium) from Sheena on elected police commissioners. Not only was Sheena unhappy but, guess what, both protagonists were against the idea although Prescott said (quite sensibly) that although he and Labour were against the scheme, now it’s on the statute book he (and Labour) would be crazy not to participate. Prescott’s debating partner was Tim Brain, former chief constable of Gloucester and visiting professor of Criminology at Gloucestershire University. Yes, an ex-chief constable of a dysfunctional force (unless you’re not white, indigenous or Christian) and now an “academic” at a jumped up technical college is brought on as some kind of impartial expert. Unfortunately the election of a commissioner would not, I think, mean that “sh*t for” Brain and others like him would not be appointed as chief constables.
So, here yet again was the Chomskyan restriction of debate (blimey – I’m boring myself with this constant refrain) with the only pro elected commissioners remarks half-heartedly inserted by Webb (?) in a supremely unconvincing display of “impartiality”. The Today gloss quotes the remark that this is a construct made by politicians for politicians. I think we knew that already since it is an elective office. Moreover, it’s an elective office in a country where the political class (working through the major parties whose policies are effectively the same) negates any real choice at elections. In theory, I’m all for elected commissioners: in practice it’ll be the same old same old crapola except for the introduction of another raft of (expensive) kidology that the commissioner somehow “represents” the public and adds a spurious gloss to the (now defunct) notion that the police are us in uniform.
‘ a discussion prefaced by a scene-setting analysis (passed by the Praesidium) from Sheena on elected police commissioners.’
Presumably abuse of executive power in sexual harrassment of staff was ‘off the table’… as it were?
More hand-wringery on the victoria drearbyshire show today regarding jobs. Looks like the Nu-Liebor policy of getting everyone into Universities for useless Ologies is coming home to roost, 99.9% pass rates for highers? – gimme a break
P.S. There will soon be plenty of jobs once the military draft starts
Salford local radio, I mean BBC 5 Live, are busy this morning. A bullpit debate with a couple of hundred young unemployed people.
So the Beeb is keen to align itself with the views of the unemployed and those on benefits. Fair enough. If I were swanning in and out of Salford with a six-figure salary, fancy clothes and a flash motor a la Nicky Campbell, Mark Kermode, Richard Bacon et al, I’m sure I’d be anxious to sound as though I were down with the kidz.
Can’t imagine why the chippy agressive youngsters so keen to vent their anger at the capitalist system are finding it hard to find gainful employment.
General agreement up there that benefits are too low and that jobs must be created in Salford.
Funny thing….many of those the Beeb puts on the air – judging by the accents and names – must be the sons and daughters of economic migrants to Salford.
And what exactly have the BBC created in the way of opportunitiesfor local young people, by moving their mobility scooters with megaphones onto the Langworthy and the Ordsall?
No prizes for naming and shaming the prize economic migrants taking local peoples jobs…Derbyshire, Harding, Bacon and all those others..
Can only guess that they`re undercutting the rates of pay of those who might otherwise get a job waving wristbands and choreographing the lavender Revolutionary Cadre to come in the Regent Centre bus concourse.
Have we got the BBCs economic migrants wrong they…they too cheap, and shoud we not be paying them more?…or at least give VDs planes a rosewater and petals option on their kerosene?
Gaulling to see V Drearybyshire, whooping it up, for someone who got a job at Debenhams, just a tad patronising, … did she jet up there today?
and cost us again unnecessarily?, while she lays on the … “only small change shit” rhetoric.
yep! all while our unwanted Salford “money pit” … keep its sycophants, ala Bacon, VD, Panto Campo, B Turnoff etc in Guardians and Cappucchino s, and on “easy” street.
Didn’t we hear a couple months ago that there were complaints that the BBC move to Salford hadn’t created any jobs for the locals like they promised?
The “move” just created grumbles from London staff about all that commuting to slagheap land.
At 08:42 on Today we got a propaganda piece from “Save the Children” on extreme poverty in the sub-continent. Of course, while tugging at our heartstrings, there’s the compulsory kicking for India’s economic progress created by capitalism. Funny isn’t it that this item comes just as the DfID’s is trying to keep sending our money to an India which manifestly doesn’t want it. Well, if you were doing well, would you want your estranged grandfather sending you patronising letters containing postal orders?
And at 8.55 or so Humphrys was rather taken with Lord Michael Bates and his Olympic Truth walk from Athens to here.
No real question about Olympic Truth…Riefenstahl, Ben Jonson, dead Georgian lugers, Munich and Israeli athletes, Black Power, Zil lanes, clearing out Beijing locals-and those of Stratford for that matter…not at all!
Nor the prosecuting of butchers that put sausage rings up in their shop windows…none of that either?
No….puppies, kittens, One Love, Peace and t`ing…and no drugs wahtsoever…you got that?
And its off to Sochi after this, with the usual truth and reconciliation we`d expect from the land that gave us Sharansky, Litvenenko, Sakharov/Bonner, Solzhenitsyn and Politskaya.
Ah bless…it`s as if Dave Gahan and Howard Jones left their lyric sheets at the UN and the BBC reckon it`s better than Balen!
I heard that. Who was the awful reporter with the slow, low, subdued “you-must-believe-what-I-say-because-I-sound-so-earnest-and-believeable” delivery? I HATE that style of reporting crap with a vengeance, faux holier-than-thou bollocks that it is. There are several “reporters” guilty of that offence, including the awful Tom Fielding. I hate it. Why can’t they speak properly, clearly and sensibly?
It’s either that or the Beeboid School of Shouting. (AKA The Look-at-Me School: Giles Shoutalot, Justin Rollabout, Robert the Pest, Vine the Whine. Humphrys has a school of his own for an extreme version of that kind of swaggering self-regard.)
The report about poverty was from Mike Thompson.
Its been on BBC World Service in the early hours , main item .
Save The Children ? Is this a bone fide charity relying on voluntary donations , or a false charity that recieves government money and then coincidentally produces reports which help garner support for the government`s policies ?
… support for the opposition’s policies surely. 😉
With most of that “charity”s money never leaving the country, it should be renamed “bugger the children”
Together with the ‘we don’t need your aid’ comment from India last week, perhaps the following would be of interest when it comes to the post-imperial guilt traded upon by large ‘charity’ NGO’s like Save the Children.
Given the constant reports on child poverty in the UK that the BBC highlights on a regular basis, perhaps ‘Charity begins at home’ comes readily to mind.
In India, Tax Evasion Is a National Sport Uncollected taxes amount to $314 billion annually”
This has not been going well for the DG:
Since it tipped the ton, even worse, so a few stormtroopers have been dispatched to mount a defence.
Interested in the lastest:
121. At 11:25 15th Feb 2012, _marko wrote:
There’s more analysis here:
I do note that this ‘analysis’ is by the BBC, but also in URL link lacks the question mark.
I also note that, for any seeking to offer a counter view, currently there is this:
Sorry, Comment posting is not available at the moment.
Unique. If a worry.
Employment and unemployment in UK.
How can employment and unemployment go up at the same time?
correct link as George’s is broken:
The latest exchange I have had with the fun factory…
On 14 Feb 2012, at 17:47, NewsOnline Complaints wrote:
Thanks for your email.
You are welcome. Whoever you are. Sometimes it’s a department; other times a person. Sometimes you get a code, or what you have sent in attached; other times not. Sometimes there is a reply address, or a ‘don’t even try to reply’ statement.
There appears to be an infinite number of ways for the BBC to respond, vs. the one we as licence fee compelees are steered down; all designed to obscure and distract rather than resolve.
The tweet you read was automatically generated from the headline of the story. So there is no discrepancy. The NHS in Wales is devolved so it is not something that Mr Cameron has responsibility for – it is something that the Labour administration in the Welsh Assembly have responsibility for.
I am, frankly, amazed.
Because it is hard to credit the BBC has admitted its ‘news’ now goes out on twitter via an automated generation system that is designed more for ‘fitting the space’ than accurately reflecting the story.
Telling me there is no discrepancy when there clearly is seems familiar. You may think so; I do not. Please advise to whom I may elevate my complaint. Preferably human.
While we’re at it…
This e-mail (and any attachments) is confidential and may contain personal views which are not the views of the BBC unless specifically stated.
Do not use, copy or disclose the information in any way nor act in reliance on it and notify the sender immediately.
So you are basically trying to claim that whatever passes between us is ‘our little secret’ and needs go no further, and if it gets shared ..what? But what a BBC response contains may be personal and doesn’t count? Seriously? Half the replies I get from the BBC cheerfully advise that what I have written gets logged and shared to all and sundry.
Please note that the BBC monitors e-mails sent or received.
Rather a waste of time if you didn’t. Though there is a precedent with your Head of News and top level complaint executive Helen Boaden claiming that, indeed, she does not monitor complaints. Care to comment on that?
Further communication will signify your consent to this.
Consent to what? The previous sentence.. sure. Not sharing how messed up things are your end… no, I do not consent.
Public sector accountability systems are out of control. And getting worse.
Imagine if those the BBC claims as a medium to hold to account behaved in the manner attempted here?
I love the way the Beeboid loftily decreed that your correspondence is confidential. There is nothing to stop one decreeing back that it isn’t! What then, O Beeboid? Do tell.
Mr PENN, useful idiot for Argentina and for BBC’s global cultural empire:
“Sean Penn should return his Malibu estate to the Mexicans”
In the great scheme of things, and interesting take on matters Middle Eastern here…
I started disconcerted by the missing question mark in the URL, and it went downhill from there.
Nothing happens in the media by accident. A million stories happen every day – but only a few are chosen. So it is of some interest that this story has appeared in the MSM and been echoed by the BBC.
“The Mormon Church has apologised for posthumously baptising the parents of Nazi-hunter Simon Wiesenthal”.
Conclusion: the BBC must be betting on Mitt Romney facing Obama. Time to get the knives out.
No joy on the Balen Report
Court rejects BBC Israel bias report appeal
Though I suppose the BBC won’t be covering that.
OT…ish, as I am sure Aunty is in like flint too, but wondwring what it is with 24/7 news, deaths… and ‘the community’. Especially when the clergy get their oar in, or even end up the focus.
Not to belittle a tragic death, and indeed possibly a murder, some vicar has been found dead in a rural idyll.
Now, I know our vicar (kids’ harvest festivals, etc), and a nice lady she is too. So if done in it would be unwelcome.
But to have the entire nation’s media descending on our leafy part of England to tell us the entrire community has collapsed and is in need of counselling, flown-in Bishops, etc, and endless ‘what were they like’ tripe… not so much.
Get a grip, media.
I noted that the BBC were forecasting another 90,000 unemployed today, but the figure is about half that.
So we now get the BBC spininng this lie that those who are employed part time are not really employed. So this is the US model, yet the yanks have used that model for counting the unemployed for years, why didn’t the BBC ask the Liebore government to introduce it then?
Over here we call it “underemployed”. And it’s not really a lie to say that it’s a bad sign for the economy that there are too many of us. But you’re right that it’s lame for the BBC to suddenly discover its usefulness.
By ‘to suddenly discover’ you mean of course ‘to click on the email labeled From The Office of Ed Balls.
Or maybe Flounders was tipped the wink when she popped round Ed’s for cocoa.
Forgive me if you think this is a trivial matter; I freely admit that my hatred of the Beeb may be getting the better of me. However, I believe that the BBC are rather reluctant to report England victories in cricket. I’ve noticed that when England win, the BBC news affords it 30 sec coverage, or none at all. If on the other hand we’re being beaten then they tend to have a 2-3 minute slot. Are we being punished for our colonial past? Knowing the BBC’s warped sense of things. I cannot rule it out.
Or it may just be their customary relish for doom and gloom. It may have become so ingrained that they don’t even realise that they are doing it.
The radio 5 phone in this morning was a hoot. The jock left all out in force ‘defending’ Rangers FC. Apparently they are a special case (perhaps one of the 1% BBC?) and shouldn’t be treated so harshly.
I just wonder if the owner was a Tory donor if the BBC would be so keen. All of a sudden the BBC felt the need to come down on the side of Rangers…but wait BBC, don’t we need the rich to be taxed to death to pay for all those essential public services?
Wonder if Alex Salmond will want the British taxpayer to secure the jobs of those vulnerable and fragile 30 or so players from the “footballing family”?
Or will the SNP bankroll the `Gers…show that they`re actually financially independent.
It`s not as if they`ve ever had any strong links with Europe up there is it?….but if they could learn a few songs to offend Brussels or the BBC, then I`d feel happier about nationalising them.
On the BBC’s website the 5th most viewed story is shown with the legend “unknown page”, when you click on the link it takes you to a story about Female Mutilation being rife in Egypt.
All the other stories are correctly labelled but for some strange reason this story is not!
“spiritual head of the mujahideen in Britain”
Is the Beeboid Corporation telling us that means anything to most people in the UK? Doesn’t sound like anything I know about in the UK although I have heard of that m word in connection with certain foreign parts.
Nice to see they are pushing the ‘don’t tell anyone’ notion… like that seems to be working for ’em 🙂
Well, the veggies at Farming Today will be happy. The farmer villified in this one-sided report of alleged cruelty to pigs has shot himself.
It feels wrong to “like” this, but you know what I mean. Sad.
The Beeboids really went for this and kept going on and on and on. It’s terrible that the farmer shot himself.
I actually just listened to this a second time because I kept thinking I misinterpreted it. I did not. The anti-meat activist (read: animal rights activist) actually did say that their undercover operative wasn’t responsible for neglecting the piglets or for doing anything cruel because “it would have happened anyway”. If this was the frame-up job it appears to be, how can she know? Sows squash piglets sometimes, and farmers have to watch out for it. Even I’ve heard of this. But the operative just sat back and let it happen because it makes good film, apparently.
Amusing yet sad bit at the end was when the woman from the PIg Association missed the Narrative the Beeboid was pushing. The oh so concerned host thought she was setting it up by saying,”There does seem to be undercover cases like this that come out from time to time…”
The spokesewoman replied, “Yes, as you say, these cases are very rare…” Oops. Off-message! Get back on script!
In other words, these things are very rare, and Anna Hill tried to push a lie. And now this poor guy has killed himself because of what just might be a frame-up. I don’t suppose that will ever be investigated.
And the farmer was interviewed on some Beeboid programme called Look East. I presume that’s a regional TV programme. So just how much coverage did the Beeboid Corporation give to this?
Between the undercover animal equality people, the Beeboid Corporation (other media?) and the RSPCA he obviously must have felt under unbearable pressure and likely to be facing prosecution. It’s just tragic.
I heard this, and just cant`t help feeling that the BBCs stall is set out with its usual subtlety.
The BBC won`t be happy until we`re all as obsessed by “Babe” as they were when they were eschewing meat.
The likes of Animal Equality seem to have only the one drum…whereas the poor farms and farmers have to cope with all manner of pressures that these “charities” care nothing about.
These are the type who will rejoice over the death of the farmers, but insist of a full ritual burial for any piglet that doesn`t make it!
Is this true ?
Did a farmer attacked by the Farming Programme shoot himself ?
INBBC/Newsnight’s Ms Lloyd-Roberts backtracks further away from its utopianism of a year ago to the negative reality of the Islamic repression of women in Egypt, including the continuance of the practice of female genital mutilation (fgm).
“Female genital mutilation rife in Egypt despite ban”
Ms Lloyd-Roberts is very quick to say that it is not only in Islamic countries that fgm is practiced; but she is slow to say how prevalent a practice it is in so many Islamic countries.
‘Jihadwatch’ (2007)
Cultural abdication: Western feminists hesitate to decry female genital mutilation
Did anyone hear this afternoon’s play on Radio 4? It was a truly appalling piece about a family of working class racists, one of whom had planted a nail bomb in a Muslim shop. I mean it happens all the time doesn’t it?! Radio 4 had a similar play on just over a month ago, but on that occasion it was a racist organisation bombing Muslims. Our friends at the Beeb seem quite determined to potray members of “the religion of peace” as oppressed victims living in a constant state of siege. They are promoting a perverted and wicked propaganda. Shame on them!
I plan to make a film of outraged citizens planting nail bombs in every BBC studio in the country. I don’t know if I can afford to pay the actors, though…
Yes, it was the last of a trilogy.
The first had a thick white EPL fooball player (hard to imagine) charged with raping an under age girl.
The second was a black gang member charged with murder who had an identical twin who was far from identical.
But the third, as you say Jeff, took us to new BBC depths.
The Washington Post finally gets around to reporting something about an issue on which I posted here three months ago:
Federal funds flow to clean-energy firms with Obama administration ties
Overall, the Post found that $3.9 billion in federal grants and financing flowed to 21 companies backed by firms with connections to five Obama administration staffers and advisers.
BBC: ZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
I caught a bit of Vikki Pollard’s bollocks this morning, first question to Tory Minister was “Can you survive on £67 a week”
Of course what he should have said in reply was “well perhaps if they didn’t have to spend the equivalent of three weeks of benefits to pay their TV licence and fund your salary Victoria it might be a bit easier for them”
but of course he just took it from the BBC as usual, can’t ever remember Ed Testicles or the one eyed twat from Fife being asked the same question when in power.
Does that £67 include a case of 20oz cans of Special Brew and 2 packs of smokes a day, plus a few pints with the lads on Friday? If so, then, yeah, I could do it.
David, I’m sure you know but for any other reader from outside the UK, nobody, just nobody has to live on 67 pounds a week. A whole series of other ‘benefits’ come into play….housing benefit, council tax relief etc, etc….leading to the absurd situation that often it is a rational decision to go on welfare for some disinclined to make that bit of effort such as getting up in the morning.
Yes, RGH, it’s a joke, I know. And for the record, I would never touch Special Brew with a ten foot pole, as I’m a real ale man (plus the US extra hoppy stuff). I don’t smoke, either, but living in NYC with Nanny Bloomberg’s insane taxes, I could make a nice profit selling 200 smokes a week.
Wow Newsnight finally waking up to the fact Greece is being shafted by the Sauerkrauts.
Of course if Greece defaults gets it’s own currency back and starts to grow, that will only encourage others to do the same.
I wonder what old Adolf Merkel will so if her great takeover plan starts to go south?
Absolute hatchet job on the Heartland Institute by Richard Black. The guy sounds totally loopy. Black appears to have done no checking – and it appears that some of the documents he refers to are fake. He is already having to update his slobbering rush to judgment.
The sums involved at the Heartland Institute are chickenfeed to the amount of funding the Warmists get. Al Gore’s funding alone was over $300 million ! But of course Black would never talk about funding for Warmists.
In his initial article it appears that Black slimed Antony Watts of WattsUpWithThat – implying that the Heartland Institute supports his blog. In fact the Institute gave some specific funding for a complex project of data analysis. Black neglected to contact Watts before rushing to print with his damaging claim – although he and Watts have previously dealt with each other.
What is ludicrous is that Black tries to equate the leak this week of Heartland Institute documents with ClimateGate I and II. The Heartland stuff sounds partly forged – and there seems nothing nefarious in anything that may be there. Whereas the ClimateGate emails were genuine – and demonstrated “scientists” (and BBC personnel) up to their necks in abusing science.
I would not be surprised if there is some legal action to follow. In the meantime – Black and journalists at the Guardian rushed to print without any attempt to verify or explore what they charged Watts and others with.
BBC and Guardian journalism = sod the bother of fact-checking, just slime the opposition
Bishop Hill is on the case.
And Bishop Hill also posts the huge scale of UK taxpayer funbding of climate “research”
So the Heartland info was obtained via fraud, eh? Will the BBC be rushing to report this as a criminal act? Stolen or leaked, BBC?
‘Black appears to have done no checking’
‘Watertight oversight’ seems to be a fluid concept.
‘until we can ensure that watertight oversight is in place.’
Did anyone else catch Dame Nikki interviewing Dennis MacShane this morning?
This is one of the grubbiest politicians going yet Dame Nikki treated him like royalty, Macshane was on to defend the Euro and the EU corruption, which of course this vile sleaze bag happily did.
funny that Dame Nikki only brings up sleaze when it involves Tory politicians.
I hate this McShane…an albino Keith Vaz.
Yet he supports Israel as I recall-I`m sure he wrote something good about this a while back…so I`m confused.
Will the BBC do a programme about the likes of me, so conflicted…and will they pay for my CBT, if I can find a therapist?
Media Induced Schizoid Disorder…worth a Blue Badge surely?
Wait till you hear this: he used to be a Beeboid radio reporter and presenter!
Eight years as a BBC reporter ended abruptly after MacShane telephoned the phone-in programme he worked on under a false name because no listeners were phoning. Unfortunately, he called the leading Conservative politician Reginald Maudling a crook. Maudling threatened to sue, and the BBC fired MacShane.
Have to like this comment, as much for what it promises..
’22. minuend
15TH FEBRUARY 2012 – 21:55
The New York Times is to issue an apology and a retraction of their story, The rush to comment without confirmation of authentication has the potential to ruin a few journalists careers.’
Today was up to its usual standard this morning: more poverty in India, followed by gays in Uganda.
I’m sure that on the Clapham Omnibus they talk of little else.
Meanwhile, the segment about transvestities in Tehran appears to still be stuck in the editing suite….
It must be great to have so few worries at the BBC, when this trail of bleeding stumps from all over the world trumps the crises we`re told about the rest of the time by the same BBC.
This in not to belittle the real tragedies contained, but resent the BBC deciding for me who I need to worry about, and their cynical techniques to elicit the correct response.
I`ve been worrying about dear Dickie Dawkins and the onset of Alzheimers since Tuesday…that Myleene Klass couldn`t find a tuned piano in Dhaka from yesterday…and now I`ve got to worry about all this today?
All this…and no Islam, no corruption, no excesses in the BBC canteen-wasting food and the like…all symptoms and no causes as ever at the BBC.
In India, Tax Evasion Is a National Sport Uncollected taxes amount to $314 billion annually
“As Rama Murthy completes the sale of his apartment in the Indian city of Hyderabad, he accepts from the buyer a bag full of rupees—part of the purchase price the tax man will never see. “Almost 40 percent of the sale price I got in hard cash,” says Murthy, 39, who works at a software company. “It’s illegal, but it’s rampant in India to avoid paying tax.”
India loses 14 trillion rupees ($314 billion) from tax evasion annually, depriving it of funds for investment in roads, ports, and power, says Arun Kumar, author of The Black Economy in India.”
No further comment required, I think.
Mumsnet on the line again.
That line being… the cuts!!!!!!
Lots of Mumsnet on media action in complement; I am sure the latter highlighting the affiliations of the Mumsnet hiearchy.
Personally, I am less convinced where Mum’s eating lunch rate vs. other priorities, especially given the predeliction for fad diets to emulate Posh.
Also not sure what is being spouted by the talking heads on the box is quite what I am reading in the comments.
And yes, SKY, that includes you, you ratings-focussed piece of unprofessional…
There is a worrying report from BBC Liverpool today.
‘….13 confirmed and 16 suspected cases….’
‘….parents and GPs (are being asked) to do all they can to ensure that children are fully protected….’
Oh, hold the front page…..it’s a measles outbreak….
‘A measles outbreak has been declared on Merseyside after six people required hospital treatment, the Health Protection Agency (HPA) has said’.
i ve just heard a newsflash, either R4 or 5live …
theres been a traffic accident, not here but
in gaza or israel
a school bus, has collided with, (booo hiss), an israelli army truck …
so far some children, are reported tragically dead.
well very sad most certainly, traffic accidents always are.
but stop press … interrupting a show to report it?
and no not traffic news either?
i know i know … just like me …
waiting on the biased spin , oops i mean follow up,
sorry i was thinking aloud … lets see how it pans out.
I signed up for BBC ‘breaking news’ emails ages ago.
Along with the ticker tapes and red banners on the online pages, it has alwasy intrigued what has excited them to the point of stopping all presses and, equally, what often seem not to troubel their pretty little heads.
I once emailed back to ask.. ‘And this bit of slow news tribal PR was worthy of filling my inbox how?”
Never got a reply. I think it went to Helen Boaden’s ‘special’ ‘I see no critiques’ address.
Palestinian children die in crash
hmmm … “the lorry driver an israelli/arab ” emphasis on that i suppose.” .
He said it was one of the most serious road accidents involving Palestinians????? in a long time”………….so stop all the presses at the bbc obviously? … any road accidents with loss of life of jewish people/children recently … or at all… I ve just put in … israelli children road accident … nothing … israelli children dead … nothing … hmmmmm
There was radio slience on the BBC – at first, until they were called to account – when the Fogel family was murdered in cold blood. Yet when it comes to an accidental death of darling Palestinians…..
Sympathy to the families of the young people.
But, in order to ‘liberate’ the text of the BBC report from the ‘associations’ ie. ‘Israeli-truck, it is wise to look at the original AFP report.
Perhaps, Israeli registered truck would be more in keeping with cautious, high-minded journalism.
This was available from AFP report (which adds another level of reality) as reported by Ninenews.au
“Family members of some of the injured children told AFP the bus passengers were from a Palestinian school in Anata in east Jerusalem and were going on an outing to Ramallah.
They also said the truck driver, who was injured, is a Palestinian from the eastern sector of the city.”
So, to defuse stereotypes, the BBC could have told its world audience that an Israeli-registered truck driven by a Palestinian crashed into the Palestinian-registered school bus carrying Palestinian students.
Those are the facts as reported by AFP.
Horrible accident on a notorious stretch of road.
What unbelievable scum the BBC are in their reporting on Israel
‘Israeli registered truck would be more in keeping with cautious, high-minded journalism. ‘
What was it called again, by Richard Black of all people.. ‘wateright oversight’?
A woman on Radio 5 just claimed that she has to miss meals, so she can feed her kids. I’m sorry, but I just don’t believe you. A 25kg sack of spuds costs £6; get off your lazy arse and peel a few and stop blaming the ‘cuts’/Tories/society/Capitalism/Thatcher/Rod, Jane and Freddy.
I frequently hear this story in one form or another on the BBC (Look North a few weeks ago had an item on food banks to help people starving because of Tory cuts).. not only big bags of potatoes, but porridge oats with milk, or lentils etc etc there is cheap healthy food available.
“…get off your lazy arse and peel a few”
But then she’d get RSI.
I would stick my neck out and guess that most people on benefits are solid Labour voters.
I would be amazed if:
a) this idea were ever contradicted by an opinion poll
b) anyone dared/bothered to conduct such an opinion poll.
Therefore the current political battleground is over the opinion held by the non-benefit collecting voters.
I have a feeling that the more the BBC promote the interests of people on welfare the more the rest of us lose patience.
It depends on her circumstances. There are people who have a tough time paying the bills and feeding the family. They may be on low wages and we all know how astronomically high utility bills and council tax have become and how food prices have shot up in the last couple of years.
‘A woman on Radio 5 just claimed that she has to miss meals, so she can feed her kids.’
Ah, I wondered how long it would take the Mumsnet effect to make it from the Gaurdian royalty pages of its owner to the BBC.
I posted a link earlier today of the pages on the site this was run up the flagpole.
Oddly, the person the BBC has chosen seems unrepresentative of the majority even there.
The bBC, and how it invents anti-Semitic stories to feed its hatred towards the jew.
West Bank crash: ‘Eight’ Palestinian children killed
At least eight Palestinian children have been killed in a collision between a school bus and an Israeli lorry on a road in the West Bank.
Reading the above do you get the impression the nasty hook nosed jews are killing infants now. By using Israeli lorries to run them down.But hang what’s this I find a little further down.
The lorry driver, an Israeli-Arab, was injured
Israeli Arab bBC, but somebody who lives in the West bank, why that would make him a Palestinian. Which is why right at the bottom of the article the bBC quote:
He said it was one of the most serious road accidents involving Palestinians in a long time.
Yes right at the end of the article the bBC finally admit that there was nothing Kosher about this story. Yet their first paragraph exposes how drip by drip they demonise the Jew to the great unwashed.
The bBC the reason why anti-Semitism is rife in the UK.
Strange, isn’t it?
Israelis “die” but Palestinians are always “killed”.
Here are a few screen dumps taken from the bBC world, bBC Middle East and finally from the article. I’m sure the bBC will edit the article to ensure that they don’t get taken to court. You know like they always do.
the gulf news (nothing kosher link): “Israeli and Palestinian firefighters…” (under the photo) clearly no agenda like the BBC.
After the satisfactory resolution (finally) of this appalling case
Sex attack victim wins nine-year battle to see immigrant deported
I looked into it a bit more and came across this October 2007 BBC report about the decision to allow him to stay. The BBC said:
“An Asylum and Immigration Tribunal upheld a ruling which blocked moves by the Home Office to deport the man, who cannot be named for legal reasons.”
But reporting the same case at the same time, I also found these:
Telegraph: “ Mohammed Kendeh, 20, who has admitted indecently assaulting 11 women, was assessed by the Home Office as being at “high risk” of reoffending.”
Express: “Mother-of-two Gabrielle Browne, 42, said she was “disgusted” by the ruling, which means Mohammed Kendeh will not be booted out and sent back to his native Sierra Leone
Victim Gabrielle Browne quoted in the Express article: “I was a victim of Kendeh and I did not want anyone else to go through the ordeal I went through. Kendeh must be laughing at the law.”
So the question is, did the Telegraph, Express and the victim breach an order forbidding the naming of the offender, did the BBC tell a blatant lie or did the BBC make an honest mistake? Place your bets.
As an aside, the BBC report fails to mention that the daft judge, Sir Henry Hodge, is the husband of the then Labour minister Margaret Hodge. Unnecessary background information that readers do not need to know,, I expect.
“Organiser Lee Maguire said he was expecting at least 100 people to attend “as a mark of the community’s respect and remembrance”.
“When something like this happens the whole community all pull together.
“We went through the miners’ strike and it is coming from that sort of background that means when it comes to something like this we’re all united.”
Might not be pure BBC bias but what sort of fuckwit makes a comment like that re a stabbed teenager?
The local press – of said community – didn’t feel they needed to add superfluous propaganda, they had similar quotes from Lee but didn’t add the miner bit:
Organiser Lee Maguire: “What has happened is disgusting and even though it happened in one area, the whole on Doncaster is feeling the pain.
“I just wanted to do something so people could have somewhere to pay their respects and show Casey’s family that we are thinking of them.
BBC Radio have been giving me an emotive newsflash to the effect:
‘Palestinian children in a school bus killed in colision with an Isreali truck’.
Gosh!….my first thought was to assume it was an IDF truck. Might Hamas retaliate?
Sky has the more measured headline ‘West Bank bus crash’.
As details begin to emerge it appears there are no Arab/Israeli conflict issues involved.
Are the Beeb trying to spark something off?
‘Are the Beeb trying to spark something off?’
Of all the issues, and there are many, most likely to get me to pull the DD and have my ‘see you in court’ moment, it is the BBC’s dedication to inflaming the very tensions it feeds off and pretends to be concerned about.
Dear Mr Mardell, Ms Kay and others at BBC America,
In the next few weeks you will be tempted to repeat these comments from the Washington Post’s Jennifer Rubin:
“Yesterday”, Rubin says, “I speculated on some of the reasons Rick Santorum has problems with women voters. This interview from a few year back sure isn’t going to help”
You will say it like this: “now there are even claims that Rick Santorum hates women”.
To make your life easier and in order to save you valuable time I have reprinted a transcript of what Santorum says in the interview Rubin quoted. It is followed by a YOUTUBE clip of the exchange:
Here are Santorum’s words in context: “This is from a personal point of view, from a governmental point of view I support title 10 I guess it is, and have voted for contraception and although I don’t think it works, I think it’s harmful to women, I think it’s harmful to our society to have a society that says that sex outside of marriage is something that should be encouraged or tolerated particularly among the young.
I think it has… we’ve seen very, very harmful long term consequences to our society. Birth control enables that and I don’t think it is a healthy thing for our country.”
So you can see he is talking about the effect of free sex on society – not any antipathy towards women. And Mardell, Kay, Beeboids in general, you can relax! Santorum has also underlined if he is President he will not make contraception compulsory, order Latin to become the official language of the USA or stop BBC employees screwing around.
I hope you did email that!
BBC-NUJ’s ‘accidental’ or ‘Freudian’ slip?:-
“Scottish Independence: BBC Caption Accidentally Breaks-Up United Kingdom”
BBC-NUJ is keen to publicise US actor Mr PENN’s support for Argentina against Britain; but BBC-NUJ censors out criticism of him by a British person, such Mr WESTON:-
“‘Sean Penn’s an idiot and a fool’: Falklands hero Simon Weston hits back at bleeding heart actor’s explosive remarks on disputed islands.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2100858/Sean-Penns-idiot-fool-Falklands-hero-Simon-Weston-hits-back.html#ixzz1mZ4wXye1
So Chris Huhne was in court today, well from listening to the BBC you’d not have known.
Imagine if it had been a Tory in court!!!
Well it’s not like he’s short of fans.
He’s covered the whole bloody country with them.
It got a fleeting mention on the PM programme a minute ago…but I think the impression was that some polar bears will rue the day that we took out the Environmental Warrior on some piffling mix-up about who was driving all of ten years ago…hardly perjury now is it?…oh, wait!
Next item up concerned civil servants getting bungs and dodgy arrangements for salaries when working for |the State.
Eddie Mairs memory or research team aren`t helping the wee chap…for he seems to think that it all blew up a few weeks ago with this Ed Lester(see…bloody `Ed` again?)
I rather thougth that this scam was rolled out by Labour en bloc, and after trialling it with John Birt in particular way back…but hey, what would I know?
No point in asking how Paxman, Dimblebys and the like are getting paid by the BBC is there?…no, thought not!
OK then-what of the small fry like Eddie Mair then?…no?…
This doing the rounds..
Of course, without the vast verification resources enjoyed by the BBC, or indeed the extensive intel on tap from Mark Mardell, I cannot testify to the accuracy of all of it, or indeed any, so if anything is incorrect, let me just claim I may have posted it via my mobile for your twitter pages, and if an automated do-dad introduced any factual errors.. too bad.
This almost passed me by which, considering the odd linkages that exist within our public sector politico media estate, should not suprise anyone…
‘Guido imagines there are plenty of mandarins fretting about their accounting today. And BBC news presenters…’
So, what’s the betting for Newsnight this evening then? Something waaaaaay over the over side of the world?
So here I am having a butchers at the news and here is what I find on the bBC:
Remember that article about the vehicle RTA in the West Bank which the bBC shouted out from the highest minarets at morning and lunch time prayer that children had been killed by an Israeli vehicle. Well true to form they’ve remove the Israeli tag. Funny how often they repeat this tactic of slandering jews as evil for a few hours then conveniently remove the Jewish tag. Hands up how many times they (The bBC) have done so with a so called religion of peace. Which brings me onto the next subject.
So the bBC has knocked an article about the growing trend of attacks on the clergy , yet and a big yet there is one demographic in the UK which goes well out of its way in which to not only attack Christians but men of the cloth. Funny enough unlike the above article where with no evidence whatsoever the bBC slander the jews, the bBC with lots of evidence of the people behind attacks on the church in East London conveniently omit that statistic. A statistic I should add where in English the attackers openly have this to say to followers of Christianity in East London.
“This should not be a church, this should be a mosque, you should not be here”.
Talking about attacking in English, has anybody seen this bBC fun-fest of article by a bBC reporter about Argentinean dock workers and how they are going to boycott English ships flying flags of convenience and on the chart shown the camera spends an inordinate amount of time centred on the flag of Georgia, err bBC it may be similar to the flag of England but it’s another country whatsoever. Which brings me to the presenter, the bBC is funded by the British taxpayer, which means its main audience is..the people who pay its way. Now if that is so why does the bBC have a spic cunt who can’t speak f-ing English presenting their latest anti-british broadcast. It’s one thing having an anti-british org telling us how great allah, gays,black gangs and doing drugs is, it’s another having them pay some spic twat who can’t be understood.
Which bring me to Richard Black the bBC doomsayer who has found evidence of dark dealings by the people who have proved him wrong, time and time again. Personally I don’t give a shit what this dickhead thinks , but why is the bBC allowing him to promote his political mindset I quote:
Richard Black @BBCRBlack
Turning vegetarian en masse would save UK equal to half vehicle emissions, study concludes
I’m sorry, but isn’t the bbC meant to be apolitical?
That people is what 5 minutes of the bBC got me, I haven’t mentioned the article of where an old couple murdered in the Black country and the bbC doesn’t mention the killer who was jailed a Kilelr I should add who belongs to a growing number of eastern European thugs committing crimes in the Uk, be it burying girlfriends in the woods of Huddersfield, murdering girls in Surrey, Scotland or even getting blown up in Boston the bbC still hasn’t managed to join the dots when it comes to crimes committed in the Uk and the non English nature of the people carrying them out.
Remind me again why I pay my TV licence.
Stop paying it.
A fine synopsis , and a complete dogs dinner of prejudices served up by the BBC.
Where do we start with this one?…murderer of the girl in Doncaster seeking sanctuary in a mental health charity shop/drop-in zone?
Huhne in court, but “perjury” being left on the bench next to “Muslim” or “Tevez”?
An “Israeli” truck kills Palestinian kids?…surely German or Japanese truck with an Israeli Arab driving it?….despicable smear, as if the exhaust pipe had been circumcised.
Polish murderer of “no fixed abode”…but that`s all we`ll tell you?
It`s a full-time job keeping up with the riddling endemic evils and prejudices of the Godawful clapped out scum that drag the name of poor old Reith through the cesspits every day.
“A fine synopsis , and a complete dogs dinner of prejudices served up by the BBC”
“spic cunt”
Didn`t notice it. As I`ve said before, I am fired by the broad direction of travel that the BBC seems intent on taking for the rest of us.
I therefore am weak on specifics, and this site is a broad church.
Pounce is correct in seeing the many layered, tangled web ofcontradictions and hypocrisies that comprise nealy all BBC current affairs output.
You tend not to bother with thse concerns, but delight in slipping the occasional ballbearing out of a side pocket; just to create aimless controversies.
There is no mind of the beehive here as far as I can tell, and none of us will take you to court for not paying for received liberal tropes and postures…so if I were you I`d be worrying about Prescotts free publicity that pounces vocabulary.
Remember Dez, that the BBC find excuses for wannabe underpants bombers, for rioters, for drug addicted murders and anti-English types as a matter of course…so being a good BBC ally, couldn`t you find it in your heart to allow pounce his “somewhat colourful” but well-intentioned views?
I for one have already drawn a line under it all, and moved on!
Pounce-as ever-has “got it just about right”…but thank you Dez for your helpful and appropriate concerns nonetheless!
“So the bBC has knocked an article about the growing trend of attacks on the clergy… yet there is one demographic in the UK which goes well out of its way in which to not only attack Christians but men of the cloth… the bBC with lots of evidence of the people behind attacks on the church in East London conveniently omit that statistic.
You have no “statistic” – apart from a feeble attempt to link the murder of a vicar in Thornbury with an attack on Canon Michael Ainsworth by a couple of drunken youths in 2008. Had the attackers been described as “white” the story would of ended there; but because they were described as “Asian” – then it’s seized upon by the usual suspects, as nothing to do with “drunken youths”, but all about “Muslims attacking Christians”.
But as Canon Ainsworth’s wife said;
“the attack took place in a part of the church’s grounds in which youths were known to congregate.
She added: ‘Quite clearly there are mindless individuals in every community, quite often under the influence of drink or drugs, that engage in random acts of violence. The community organisations here are very shocked.’
Interfaith relations in the area are ‘very good’ she said, adding: ‘We have had very strong messages of support from East London mosque and Tower Hamlets mosque.’
Or as Canon Michael Ainsworth himself said;
“I shall not be drawn into comment by the national media. They have their own agendas, as have the bloggers, both professional and amateur, who are using the story for their own ends and drawing bizarre, mainly racist, conclusions.”
Or as The East London Mosque said;
“The youths who attacked Canon Michael need to be brought to justice. We have become increasingly concerned about antisocial behaviour amongst a minority of youth, particularly the rise of alcohol related incidents. We should not let such dreadful incidents detract from the hard work of communities in Tower Hamlets to create social harmony. Rather, we should increase our efforts to tackle these problems.”
Dez’s post completely omits any reference to the rather telling “This should not be a church, this should be a mosque” that accompanied the beating of Canon Ainsworth meted out by these ‘Asians’. Nothing to do with Muslims attacking Christians; no sir-ee!
There is also the delectable passivity – aboslutely lapped up by the brain-dead such as Dez, so dim that he quotes it without even realising the import – in the Mosque’s attempt to blame it on the alcohol; ‘It’s not the people who did it, you see? It’s the alcohol; if the alcohol was banned, then these things wouldn’t happen!’
‘Dez’s post completely omits’
Kind of tautology on track record, really, but worth further filleting of what he has neglected to get his head around, providing yet another fine metaphor for the BBC’s finest work.
Correct, My Site. Dez is the perfect metonym of the BBC.
“completely omits any reference to the rather telling “This should not be a church, this should be a mosque” that accompanied the beating of Canon Ainsworth”
It didn’t accompany the beating.
Dez is indeed right and I was wrong. The attack on the Canon was, in fact, accompanied by the words “fucking priest”; it was during a completely separate but freqent act of vandalism on the church that it was shouted “This should not be a church, this should be a mosque.”
Until Dez corrected me on this I didn’t realise quite how bad the situation is in Tower Hamlets (and I won’t even mention the anti-gay leaflet distribution industry); so thanks for putting me right, Dez.
Only problem is that this undermines even further your “nothing to see here” complacency, me old chum!!! :-[
“…it was during a completely separate but freqent act of vandalism on the church that it was shouted ‘This should not be a church, this should be a mosque.’ ”
Wrong again RCE. There are no reports of anyone vandalising the church whilst shouting “this should be a mosque”.
Dez; I hereby present 1 x report on said church being vandalised by someone shouting “This should not be a church, this should be a mosque”:
It’s not been your week, has it?
A homobigot like Scez loves seeing violence inflicted on Christians and, like his Gramscian, homobigot chums at the BBC will do all they can to cover up for the Muslims who carry out these attacks to ensure they’re perptuated.
Thank you for highlighting Scez how Stockholm Syndrome exists just as much among Christians in East London as it does in Bethlehem.
“…has anybody seen this bBC fun-fest of article by a bBC reporter about Argentinean dock workers and how they are going to boycott English ships flying flags of convenience and on the chart shown the camera spends an inordinate amount of time centred on the flag of Georgia…”
You are referring to this report:
Argentina’s transport union to delay British ships in ports
Not even in in the furthest reaches of anyone’s psychotic imagination could this be described as spending; “an inordinate amount of time centred on the flag of Georgia”.
Or, in other words – you’re lying.
Cue much huffing & puffing…
you have a little pet troll boy
“Or, in other words – you’re lying.”
Or mistaken. The camera focuses on the chart and the Georgia flag stands out, we don’t know what the cameraman thought but it’s a moot point however because the chart includes the flags of Germany and France too so of no importance unless Argetina is planning WW3.
These trolls won’t admit alternative possibilities such as being mistaken or taking a different view of something. You think you are having a normal exchange of opinion so you point out the existence of alternatives and it is then you discover they are not interested in what is true or not. I used to think they were too stupid to grasp the concept but it soon becomes apparent that they are malevolent and don’t want to. That is their whole point.
Scez: “Cue much huffing & puffing… ”
Ooh, what an enfant terrible you are Scez.
I suppose you like to post under at least two identities here because you lament how few people there are willing to defend BBC bias.
Having said that, I did find Margarita Rodriguez’ report, albeit heavily accented but nonetheless intelligible, to be pretty straight reporting.
As far as your shared keeness to bury under the carpet the violent Muslim persecution of the Church in East London goes though, well, read above.
“I suppose you like to post under at least two identities here because you lament how few people there are willing to defend BBC bias.”
You’ve been told before, hippiepooter, in ways that even a seven year old whose head had been run over by a steamroller could understand, that Dez and I are not the same person.
I realise that you live in a fantasy world all the time, and won’t believe a word of this – that’s fine. Just don’t expect your stupid little postings to carry any weight with anyone who’s intelligent enough to realise that you’re an idiot.
It reminds me of Mr. Benn, “As if by magic, Scott appeared”
At the risk of being arrested by the cliche police ‘Methinks he doth protest too much’.
I’m sure you’re able to appreciate Scez, that like any bigot, whether it be a homobigot like you, a leftopath, like you, or a racist bigot like Nick Griffin, or an anti-semite bigot like Nick Griffin and you, I dont place a dreadful amount of store in your integrity.
Like all bigots, when your number is rumbled, your default position is extreme unpleasantness and violence of language which according to your faith in evil any reasonable person can be intimidated by.
My faith teaches me something different.
Bless. Call Hippiepooter out on his delusions and he ends up calling you anti-Semitic.
What a pathetic piece of drivel.
beeboid/anti semitism
it’s in the genes
much like you have some blokes hand inside your jeans on a saturday night
Ah, there it is. Nearly every time I post, along comes ltwf1964 to aim his abuse in my direction. (I note above he called Dez someone else’s “pet troll”, with apparently no sense of irony.)
And in this case, calling me anti-Semitic is perfectly acceptable because he calls me a “Beeboid” and apparently that’s the same thing.
What a sad, sad little man you must be, ltwf1964.
I can tell you after seeing your ugly beeboid head on the pic you insist on using,that i’m a much bigger man than you think fella-and about a hundred times easier to look at
you’re a useless prick
a boil on the face of society
a pain in the arse
a trolling prick
a left wing retard
an oxygen thief
a general pain in the arse
now fuck off some where your prattish self is appreciated-I’m positibe it’s nowhere I would want to be seen
insulting enough for you,or would you really like me to get going? 🙂
obviously you have no idea what an internet troll boy actually is…..it’s a wanker like yourself who posts shite against the ethos of the website he insists on infecting
Yup, a sad little man alright.
Now, would you care to explain why it’s okay to call me anti-Semitic? Or, instead of behaving like an adult, are you going to continue being a foul-mouthed childish idiot?
nite nite troll boy
off you go and chase some hairy arse somewhere you tedious balloon
“i’m a much bigger man than you think fella”
Annoyingly that video won’t play on my iPad.
I note that ltwf1964 is obviously struggling to explain why he thinks it’s okay for hippiepooter to call me anti-Semitic.
And hippiepooter is strangely silent on why pointing out that he is often, and repeatedly, wrong in his assertion Dez and I being the same person makes me a “homobigot” and an anti-Semite.
There’s always the possibility that he realises how much he’s humiliated himself. But then again, that would involve a level of self-awareness that he’s never previously shown…
“Annoyingly that video won’t play on my iPad.”
The Vilage People – ‘Macho Man’
Of course itwf1964 (“I’m not afraid of homosexuals”) won’t get the joke but that just makes it even funnier.
A brief synopsis of his last two posts:
team troll’s other idiot
scott not humping your slack arsehole last night then? LOL
Good morning, ltwf1964. Have you worked out a defence as to why you believe hippiepooter’s accusation of me as anti-Semitic is acceptable?
Or are you just going to “LOL” at your own pathetic comments and illustrate what an unpleasant character you are?
More terrible infant, hippie, than enfant terrible!
I see Stephen Fry is returning to the stage after his scooting off to Belgium way back. Must have been a crap play eh?
Anyway it will run for three weeks…but Stephen will run after three days I`d expect.
Now do I get tickets for London…or his one-man play in Brussels I wonder?
Not exactly brilliant, but fair to say that Jeremy Hardy or Sandi Toksvig won`t be buying them, so let these self-satisfied pearls of brilliance be my gift to you all!
Works for Russell Howard!
BBC 1 are showing the movie Battle in Seattle tonight.
Now, assuming for a moment that the BBC were not a constant source of leftist propaganda, suppose that they became one and try to imagine how their schedules might change.
They wouldn’t need to change by much.
I saw this film a couple of years ago on BBC2. It’s one of the most one-sided pieces of propaganda you’re likely to see this side of a Michael Moore ‘documentary’. All of the protesters are depicted as well meaning and righteous defenders of the common good, whereas all of the ‘powers that be’ are arrogant, uncaring, dishonest oppressors. Pure anti-capitalist agitprop, that shows no intention of being balanced right from the outset. Crap.
BBC breakfast views on the “crisis at the Sun”
wheele on “media commentator”Steve hewlett for some profound opinion forming for the viewer
ahhhh,but dear viewer,horror of horrors,the beeboids aren’t being completely transparent
did it slip their lefty tiny minds that our Steve is a Guardian hack?
must have-after all it was early on a friday morning after a long hard week’s propagandising
He’s also a Beeboid! I believe that long hard week’s propagandising includes presenting a programme on Radio 4 about the media.
‘Bad Gateway’ = more complaints that the BBC will never receive as people lose interest and have to do other things (such as earn a living without taking £140 quid a year off hard-working families who want to own a tv).
And I note that they impose a 20-day time limit on second complaints if unhappy with the first complaint; I wonder if that’s as flexible as their 10 working day target to reply?
Well, as it is a joke I now tend to treat BBC complaints as such and have fun with it.
The archive is now swelling fit to burst and will be a pleasure to share in court.
Have to say, the ‘tech problems’ is a new, and further unwelcome twist to the ‘system’:
1) Sorry we are late
2) It didn’t happen
3) Oh, you can prove it did? It didn’t happen that way.
4) Oh, OK… but we evolved it so it looked like it didn’t happen
5) You’re showing ‘bad faith’, be careful
6) Tech issues!
7) Well, you could try Helen Boaden’s dead email
8) Or Chris Patten
9) Sucker! We got paid for all this; you spent your own time
10) This has been entered in a log that no one will read and nothing will be done about
11) Ain’t being ‘unique’ grand?
12) Off skiing now. Again.
What about “I’m happy”? Or “We’re happy”. I’ve had many a good laugh over your exchanges with Beeboids, not least those where they took a sudden and unexpected turn into a philosophical discourse on the nature of happiness, who is happy and whose happiness matters or doesn’t. Great philosophers from Socrates to the present day have pondered the very same. 😀
Duly noted, and self kicked for not including. If happily.
Right now at 10:10 we have as the top story of the BBC news website:
UK and France In Civil Nuclear Deal.
Underneath as substories we have ‘UK nuclear subsidies ‘unlawful’ and ‘Nuclear power has ‘small support”. [note both negative]
The main story is factual, and has a comments field underneath. People seem to be broadly in support of the direction at the moment. (Very good news).
The two substories are written by Richard Black. Interestingly, the ‘Nuclear power has small support’ when clicked opens a story ‘Nuclear power gets little public support worldwide’. It goes on to say only the UK and USA buck the trend in this official BBC sponsored ‘poll’. Well, that top level news headline isn’t quite right is it BBC, but it looks good on the main page? Who exactly did you poll?
The second story ‘subsidies unlawful’, is all about a group ‘Energy Fair’ group (who the hell are they?) with an argument that nuclear is in fact subsidised. Now, that may or may not be true, but surely it would of been better to balance this article with some proper quantitative analysis of all the power generation technologies, cost of ownership, capacity and risk (economic, service reliability and safety)? Instead they’ve based an article on a one sided dumb argument. BTW it starts ‘Green energy campaigners are….’ Oh, and the first picture is of course from Fukushima 🙂