I see that the BBC 6 o’clock news managed to take a 0.9 per cent increase in sales in January story and turn it into a story about how the High Streets are struggling. I don’t even bat an eyelid on this anymore… It’s rife #justsaying
Returned from my travels around Central America yesterday. Liberals will be delighted to hear that I treated the locals with utter contempt, refused to speak Spanish, showed no respect for their culture, made no attempt whatsoever to integrate, and, whenever possible, spent my money at American owned restaurants, hostels etc.! Only joking, I’m actually a racist Nazi Fascist, as I believe in each nation’s right to sovereignty and each people’s right to maintain their culture and identity, so respect this when away . . . .
I was thrown in at the deep end with BBC propaganda, with QT being the first programme I watched. Christ, that Owen Jones is an angry little boy isn’t he! All that schreeching, his eyes wide with anger and frustration. He wouldn’t have looked out of place at a UAF riot. The balanced and non-partisan studio audience seemed to like him though.
Seems to be a trend this one.
Heard some debate about bankers on The World At One” yesterday.
Lots of bankers and the fine John Moulton were trying to tell Martha Kearney about why her views are a bit “public sectorish”, but some harpie called Ann Pettifer from the NEF kept doing an Owen and screeching over their answers…
Sense this reflex postures and false consciousness/word vomit gets them a text from Jane Bradley or Damien McBride…and certainly prevents the rest of us from being told anything that might upset us.
Guess this continual hectoring shows how “passionate” they are-as opposed to rude, arrogant and ignorant!
Not so much as bBC bias, but more about the quality of bBC defence experts. Drone-makers target Asia for growth As geo-political tensions remain, the demand for drones is set to skyrocket in Asia, and that means new players will battle with industry giants for market share. “We’ve got quite a bit of interest from Japan, Korea, Singapore, Australia, India,” says Bill Schaefer from Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems, a dominant player in the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) industry. The US company is at the Singapore Air show, showing off its wares such as the Global Hawk to potential customers. This UAV in industry parlance is a high altitude long endurance (Hale) platform.
Yeah right bBC, and here is what I read at the start of this month : Pentagon cancels Global Hawk Block 30 programme The US Department of Defence (DOD) has announced that it is planning to cancel the Global Hawk 30 programme in favour of the Lockheed Martin U-2 aircraft. The DOD made the announcement as part of a spending review on 26 January 2012.
The irony, a brand new UAV program (which has been beset with problems) is being replaced by a jet which first flew in August 1955.
As for :
“We’ve got quite a bit of interest from Japan, Korea, Singapore, Australia, India,” says Bill Schaefer from Northrop Grumman Aerospace
Really bBC? Korea has said no, too expensive, Australia has said no. India was looking at the naval version, (in 2008) yet has bought the new Boeing P-8 Poseidon, which does the very same job. New Zealand may buy the GH, yet what everybody forgets is New Zealand is skint, which is why it sold its air force off years ago. (It currently operates 6 P3 Orion’s and 2 Boeings 757s) So how they could afford a UAV which cash happy Korea said was too expensive I don’t know. Which leaves Singapore. But then the question we have to ask is why a city state with no empire to patrol would need a long range UAV designed for long distance patrols?
In fact the only people outside the US to have bought the global hawk has been Germany (Euro Hawk) and they have spent over 10 years getting their version onto the runway. Which probably explains why the US is going to go with a 57 year old jet instead of the all singing dancing GH.
Hey I’m not saying the GH is a failure, but how many people are going to go with an aircraft the US isn’t bothering with. well I suppose there is always the block 40 program
I made the mistake of listening to Front Row this evening, the first half of which turned out to be a plug for a programme on television channel Beeboid Two at 9 pm about rainforest people.
Then from 14mins 48secs to 23 48 we had an interview with American crime novelist Walter Mosley. The palpable desperation of this interviewer to bring Obama into the discussion even led him to ask Mosley if there was a bit of Obama in the character in his latest novel. Folks, this character is a criminal until his late 40s when he tries to go straight! Of course, Mosley said no, they didn’t have much in common. Oh, dear. Though he did try to come up with something…
Well, our interviewer didn’t give up there and soon he was off again, this time asking if Obama was a fan! Mosley couldn’t oblige, however and said he’d never met him. Drat! This isn’t working out, is it?
However, our intrepid interviewer had the bit between the teeth and was not going to be bested. Oh, no sir! The next throw was prefaced with a quote from Maya Angelou praising the One and asking the unfortunate Mosley his opinion on “the Obama Question”, whatever that is. Mosley didn’t seem to know what it was either. So our Beeboid, getting down to the nitty gritty, came straight out and asked him whether he wanted Obama to be re-elected. Once again, how disappointing for the Beeboid to be told by Mosley that he and the One do not have the same politics! He (the One) is middle of the road, while Mosley is progressive. Still, this desperate Beeboid found something to seize upon and cry out, “So you are hoping he will be re-elected!”
Yes – bloomin’ ludicrous. The questions had nothing to do with the book. Just repeated fishing for compliments about Obama.
What proportion of the average day on Radio 4 is skewed left ? – even programmes that have nothing to do with news and current affairs
Farming Today ?
Today programme – inclusing Thought for the Day ?
Womens Hour – depends on the presenter, but it never skews right !
Welfare bleating on You and Yours
Paddy on News at 5
The 6.30 non-comedy slot
Front Row
Plus various series such as Laurie Taylor, the Guardian/Independent people usually presenting media reviews – etc ?
And so many of the plays are formulaic leftie tosh.
I just don’t bother listening to Radio 4 these days, the endless bias is so boring.
(By the way – Radio 3 – 6pm Saturday Night for Rossini’s Barber of Seville ?)
That’s the first time in weeks that I’ve listened to Front Row and look how that turned out. It’s enough to remind me not to listen to it again. I’ve given up on the plays, don’t go for Laurie Taylor or that media review show by the Guardian man. The 6 30 “comedy” spot is to be avoided like the plague these days. Glad there is something good on Radio 3 tomorrow evening. Thanks for the reminder.
You`re right there John!
Turned on the radio for the unfunny 6.30 slot…and yet again my joy at knowing that “The News Quiz” was going in for running repairs was stalled by the fact that the bloody unfunnier ” Now Show” had shoehorned its way into the schedule.
Do these two lame stream vehicles for Oxbridge dross have a monopoly on the Friday 6.30 slot-and is there some rule that nothing funny dare be jemmied in between these two long stay bedblockers of the schedules?
Tonights was utterly pitiful…the song mocking the Queen at the end was heard in hushed silence, except for the cast.
The Competition Commission really need to look into how so many old prunes like Purvis/Taylor and Rosen manage to hang onto their beirths if mirth, when my butcher is far funnier.
The death of comedy may well be laid at Jon Holmes door or in Sandi Toksvigs briar pipe.
I do sympathise. I’m a refugee who fled the political persecution of Radio 4 and sought asylum on Radio 5. Things are pretty grim over here too, I can tell you.
Guardian Newspaper you are free to buy or not to buy. Guardian Television you are forced to buy. I picked up the Guardian briefly in Tescos, and within seconds I was screaming. Watching the bBC has much the same effect. Why should this be so?
“”Yet another inconvenient development for the ‘Islamophobia’ industry, which claims that concern about the jihad in the U.S. is unfounded or based on ‘hate.'”
INBBC has only this censored version, with its left-wing apologetics in final sentence of its account:
Honestly, doesn’t Clinton remember who his fellow travellers where back in the good old days of his college student radicalism? It was his middle class or better classmates living off mommy and daddy’s hard earned cash that’s who.
It was second item on the Radio 4 6.30am news this morning. No mention whatsoever that the man arrested is Muslim – or even that he is Moroccan, which might have helped. Nor that one of the targets he had considered was a synogogue.
Daddy Mason does an absolutely template report on Greece for Newsnight.
Austerity, riots, plight of migrants, hangs out with some interesting young lefties in a bar, lefty alliance launch a tv station, some scary talk about the rise of the right.
Back to the studio for some confused whaffle with Steph. BTW Mason on economics sounds like a fish on a bicycle. We need growth ok? (Don’t tell that to the Greenies – they said it was the last thing the West needed – remember all those couple of years ago?
That’s reminded me of something: this piece by Mason on From Our Own Correspondent is supposed to be about the Greek economy.
Who do you think Mason speaks to? Some Greeks? Don’t be silly! He goes to Greece and seeks out Mohamed and his mates from Africa and Asia who like to read Sartre and Marx. You couldn’t make it up. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b01by8mz#p00p7g90
I’m beginning to wonder whether Mason is in fact a deliberate parody.
I have to take my hat off to him for his line ‘….a white face here means either the cops, the fascists, or…..somebody bringing charity’.
(I wonder what inspired that one? A Hip-hop laden i-pod he stumbled across in the LSE student union bar?)
The man embodies leftie attitudes so completely and so earnestly and he pitches them in such cringeworthy undergraduate language that it’s no wonder the BBC made their Newsnight economics editor!
Mason concluded his piece by saying that Greeks are hoping that the solutIon might be a short and sharp period of austerity. What an ignorant fool he is. The austerity measures being prescribed are very sharp – but will obviously be prolonged if not permanent.
How can someone trained as a music teacher, with such shallow understanding of economics, someone so innumerate, be “Economics Editor” ?
I heard this. It was truly bizarre. Mason stated matter-of -factly, that one of the Mohammeds was a graduate en-route to London where he wanted to become a political analyst!?
No mention of the fact that this is illegal, he has no right to be in – or work in – Britain, or that it may be a good idea if these bogus asylum seekers actually stayed in their own country and helped to re-build and improve it for their own people.
There was one point where he said ‘The Greek left the Communists Trotskyists and ecologists’ Is that an acknowlegement that greenism is just another way for a small ‘elete’ to get more control over the rest of us?
I’m going to harp on about Paul Mason. The fact that it is this man who handles the economic brief at Newsight is a key aspect of BBC bias and wrongheadedness.
His interest is clearly not economics but politics.
On the BBC Business online section Mason boasts ‘ I cover an agenda of “people, planet and profit”
‘Born in Leigh, Greater Manchester, in 1960 he studied music and politics at Sheffield University, switching to journalism in the early 1990s.’
It doesn’t take much of a forensic analysis of his recent reports on Greece to reveal his true interests and sympathies.
You won’t find much explanation of exchange rates, productivity and capital flows.
You will hear a lot of emoting about poverty, glamourising of the left and an emphasis on the perceived plight of migrants with scary references to some concept he has about the extreme right.
‘talkin’ ’bout a revolution’
‘…rapid breakdown of certainty is having a big, but immeasurable, effect on people’s political expectations.’
This is Mason’s theme. The refrain he harps on time and time again. He’s constantly looking for a revolution. Grow up.
Paul Mason is keen to boast of his adolescent years, dancing to Northern Soul at the Wigan Casino. I can only wonder at the number of times his skull must have smashed against the dancefloor. Enough, it would seem, to have put him into a Permanent Delusionary State.
‘Dancer’ Mason is a fantasist, to the point of monomania, purporting to specialise in economics, but only really interested in propagandising the revolution in his own frothing head. That such a freak is allowed free rein, illustrates all too clearly, just how corrupt, how disinterested in truth and impartiality, the BBC has become. It now exists in a parallel universe of its own wish-fulfillment, so who better than ‘Dancer’ Mason to posture as its economics ‘guru’? And Pauly’s still out there, somewhere, rabble-rousing in the strangely empty, adolescent, ballroom of his mind. Strange man.
Col “bbc” Bob Stewart, (re-Bosnia) turns up on 5Lives V. Drearybyshire show today plugging his new show returning to Bosnia, the forgotten victims … is he refering to muslims by any chance?
A Dutch soldier is on says they themselves didn t trust the UN,(surprise, surprise) at all, interesting . At least two times, another interesting segment. el beeb bob is asked to TELL THE WHOLE TRUTH … about the muslims and their indescriminate massacres of locals, not just emphasising serbs … it is around 40 mins in. ps. The Myth of Peaceful Islam in Bosnia and the Hidden Islamic Jihad
(el beebs Col Bob) Stewart , tell the whole truth Col?, how muslims used Srebrenica. as a springboard for raiding/massacring serbs, before retreating back into the UN zone … oooeerr!
here we go again etc why do you keep avoiding fact and truth there were over 3000 armed muslims in Srebrenica. slaughtering the local serbs before the supposed “massacre” even took place … well … about bloody time … mind you as usual, he isn t even pressed on it, and just drones on about equivalence and his visit.
A Government scientist is a civil servant. It is standard practice for all civil servants to recognise that they are not entitled to spout off – relations with the press are ALWAYS handled by a Department’s press service.
What Ghosh is really banging on about is that the sensible Canadian Government has drawn back from the eco-hysteria and Warmism that charactises the UK Government. Why should it allow any of its civil servants to undermine the new policy ?
The BBC are on a bit of a downer with the Canadian Government at the moment, primarily because of an outbreak of common sense in that nation’s senate, with regard to climate alarmism. Having wholeheartedly booted out the risible Kyoto Protocol just as the wretched climate jamboree in Durban (CoP-17) was gearing up to fritter away further £billions in taxpayer funding, it’s clear why the Canadians (God bless them) have fallen out of favour with Auntie.
So we get this cheap, snide reportage from the Beeb’s finest instead – like a tesy kid sniping from the sidelines because he didn’t get his way. It’s deeply embarassing.
I’m curious; the BBC find time to write up a completely speculative, non-story about non-existent scientific censorship in Canada (must be a slow news day) but somehow they never did find the time to report on the appearance before the Canadian Senate of four top climate scientists, all of whom seriously questioned the dominant narrative of AGW to staggering effect.
That long useless essay by Ghosh is probably reckoned as a week’s “work” – for which we have to pay.
It likely costs us £20k a month including overheads and exes to keep him in Canada, if he is now stationed there. Sack him and would we really notice the difference ?
And his wikipedia entry spunds as though it has been doctored by a mate at the BBC.
This ‘muzzling’ is particularly about a green obsession in Canada concerning fish farming, specifically salmon. The highly fluctuating populations of wild western salmon (Fraser River) are normal. The disappearance in recent seasons has been leapt upon by greens and green-sympathising scientists in GOVERNMENT EMPLOYMENT to point the finger at ‘disease’ (a virus). The return of the salmon in huge numbers should have put a stop to the green campaign. Guess what, it hasn’t.
A scientist (photogeneically blonde and not shy of the media) has moved on to the potential danger of the virus not as a proved disease (it isn’t) and despite it now being established that this virus was present in wild salmon long before the take-off of fish farming in the 1980s, is arguing that the ‘concentration’ of farmed salmon could trigger the virus into a full disease. But hasn’t.
Notice COULD.
Green conclusion. Make as much noise (and fear) as possible on the back of a campaigning scientist in the public service who provides soundbite science.
The salmon farming industry provides many jobs and is an important economic factor in the area.
Uncertainty is, of course, not good for investment or marketing…with green campaigns etc.
The ‘muzzling’ is actually to take calm down a fractious campaign.
You don’t just fire Ghosh, you first fire the person that appointed them. And in turn, the people who appointed them. And so on until you reach the top. It is the only way to hold BBC Management to account for what they have done to the organisation we have been payng them to run. The effect of fifty years of job ads in The Guardian will not be eradicated overnight. Like an end stage cancer, there may be precious little healthy tissue left when surgery is completed.
I’m sure my learned colleagues will recall that Deborah Orr, the Guardian’s chief anti-Semitic ignoramus, decided that the reason the Israelis released 1027 terrorists in exchange for Gilad Shalit was because the Israelis feel they are “chosen” and that this is obscene example of that attitude. She is apparently prejudiced and stupid enough to really believed that Netanyahu said to himself, “Let’s release as many terrorist murderers as we can for Gilad – that’ll prove that we are the chosen ones.”
Now this woman has written an article for Comment is Free on racism, maintaining that if we no longer accept that there is such a thing we will be free of it. Perhaps in an oblique way she is thereby trying to shrug off the evidence of her gross prejudice against Israelis (read Jews.)
“I broadly agree with Deb’s sentiment here, if not her colander of an argument. Perhaps the metaphor should have been ‘her Arsenal defence of an argument…’
Anywho, Deborah and her ilk (lefties) can bleat on about how we are all one race until she’s puce in the visage, the fact is that you won’t solve complex scientific conundrums simply by applying huge dollops of dogma. The universe don’t roll like dat Deb.
Have a look at David Pavett’s post near the top of this thread and answer me the REAL conundrum here – Why is Deborah Orr writing this article and not David Pavett? It’s fairly clear which of the two knows their arse from their elbow on this subject. Deborah’s writing style is that of a hair-coat wearing, 70s proto-fem, chained to a railing screaming her half baked opinions at any passer by within range. Journalism my foot.
And the railing this dumb creature is chained to is none other than Will ‘Smackhead’ Self. A union made in heaven. Before Christmas, leftopian Deb was made very aware of race, namely, her own, when a delightful black yoot referred to her as ‘A fuc!ing white bitch’. Couldn’t have happened to a nicer girl. Twitter was red hot. A bit like Deb’s boat race.
The bBC, and it’s shoddy reporting when it comes to Iran. Iran warships enter Mediterranean via Suez Canal Iranian warships have entered the Mediterranean Sea for only the second time since the 1979 revolution.The destroyer Shahid Qandi and its supply vessel Kharg have passed through the Suez Canal but their destination remains unclear.
The above story warrants an inclusion on the bBC ticker board (the one they use for braking news) yet before I went to bed last night (Around 10.30) I had read about the above from another news agency. Yet 12 hours later the bBC feels it warrants headline billing.
Then there’s the usual palaver about how the bBC’s defence experts just don’t have a clue. The bBC report: “The destroyer Shahid Qandi and its supply vessel Kharg”
Err bBC the Iranian Navy don’t have a destroyer named’ Shahid Qandi’ in fact they don’t have any destroyers period. They do have lots of smaller ships and funny enough the so called Iranian 18th Fleet which docked in Jeddah a fortnight ago, which just happen to be consist of the very same two ships in question contained according to Press TV Khark supplier and Shahid Naqdi destroyers
Well seeing as Shahid is a term used as a blessing and isn’t used by the Iranian navy let’s remove that from the equation and we are left with Nagdi and the bBC version..Qandi, not so dissimilar eh all somebody has done is change the q for g and mixed the letters around. Oh and before I forget bbC here is a picture of the sistership of the Nagdi/Qandi as in use by the Iranian navy . They belong to the Bayandor corvette class of ships. 81m long a 20mm gun as its main armament and built in 1964 for the US navy who sold them straight away.
As always from the bbC, slow on the news, incorrect information and silence when it comes to murdering Islamic regimes and their supporters.
I have managed to endure through almost a whole eddition of the ‘Now Show’ are they doing something wrong or am I? In mitigation I was at the same time reading an interesting book. can I make it through Any Questions as well?
An appalling episode of Dateline Londodn just now. One of the panel described Santorum as a ‘rightwing nutcase’ which caused much mirth among all assembled. No dissent. “You’re preching to the choir” came the reply to his extraordinary diatribe. Come to think of it, “preaching to the choir” would make a better name for the show,
If like me you have listened to this, you may have been shocked at the words chosen to conclude the iterm: ” …under investigation after animal rights activists released undercover footage that included one of his staff killing a pig with an iron bar”.
Why would they choose to end a report of a man’s death with something that goes beyond a general summary of the investigation of practices on the farm into a specific and horrific-sounding single alleged incident?
Would the BBC end a report about the death of Witny Houston by telling the truth, that she blew her God given talents on drugs, that she had it all and ended up a drug addled wreck, that she threw all the wonderful advantages of wealth and talent in exchange for crack/Coke?
And the BBC goes into balck armband mode as though this drug addled waster saved a bus load of disabled children from certain death. If ever there was a useless selfish death, if ever there was a person least deserving of any adulation it was Houston.
Guess who the Beeboids managed to shoehorn into the Saturday morning programme on Radio 4 presented by Richard Coles:
We meet Jesse Ruiz, who, as a 27-year-old law student looking for intern work in Chicago, was mentored by a young lecturer at the University of Chicago Law School – Barack Obama.
So we had from 8 mins 55 secs to 17 20 devoted to drivelling, drooling questioning of someone who knew The One and ending with inane questions as to what the man had called Obama when he went to see him in the Oval office.
What the flaming heck do they think Americans call their President?
Anyone who knows could perhaps ring in to Any Answers? 😀
Drooling and drivelling is exactly the tone of that “interview”.
Trying to puff up Obama as some kind of brilliant professor and lawyer is ridiculous. He has published nothing on law, he was not even a tenured professor (more like a part-time lecturer) and he did virtually no court work except on behalf of ACORN whom he later professed to hardly know. All his early “career” was as a political activist/crap-stirrer, after life as an undistinguished long-term student for which the BBC has never reported anything.
I don’t recall any eulogies for George Bush anywhere on the BBC. Like from fellow pilots in the Texas Air Guard, or businessmen in Texas. Can’t be bias, though.
They have a policy aim of making radio more “black” so they shove in a few black participants here and there and as many features as they can think up about Africa this and Africa that. And to meet the quota, sure enough they had a token black poet on the same programme. At first I thought the Obama sycophancy might have been for the same purpose.
However, considering recent attempts to insert some idiotic Obama worship in any programme regardless of programme topic, I am beginning to think they have adopted a separate Obama quota in addition to the black one. It looks as if there is a special drive to get programmes to do their bit for The One in election year. They are embarrassing themselves mightily in the process with their fawning.
I saw Justin Webb interview Obama when Webb was still North America “editor.” Some interview. Webb looked like a frightened rabbit caught in the great man’s headlights.
The BBC is deeply and hopelessly in love with Obama – the black left-wing superhero come to save America and the world. And even though he has not quite lived up to leftie expectations, the BBC forgive him those inadequacies by ignoring them.
Rossini’s Il Barbiere Di Siviglia
Live from The Met
The Barber of Seville is Rossini’s most popular opera. Written at lightening speed and premiered in Rome in 1816, the story is based on the first play of Pierre Beaumarchais’ trilogy, and forms a prequel to Mozart’s Marriage of Figaro.
Musical ideas and comical scenes abound as Figaro helps Count Almaviva win the hand of the lovely Rosina. But first the Count and his trusty barber must stop her guardian, Doctor Bartolo, from marrying her himself. The most celebrated moments include Figaro’s aria ‘Largo al factotum’, Rosina’s aria ‘Una voce poco fa’ and their duet ‘Dunque io son’.
More details of each Act are helpfully provided by the Beeboids. See here:
The Canadian government is accused of “muzzling” its scientists, but the government says it views science communication as a priority.
Oh those dastardly Canadians trying to keep the public in the dark about the dangers of CAGW, its “Orwellian” isnt it? That government scientists should keep out of politics and campaigning and stick to science is outrageous claims the BBC and those watermellons who for so long took advantage of their jobs to peddle a fraud based on lies.
Of course the BBC doesnt do balance, the BBC sees only one side and funily enough its the alarmist side.
I see the BBC have decided to keep quiet about the joint IRA/UAF march in Liverpool today.
Sounds like the Commies, terrorists and anarchists had the shit kicked out of them by patriots.
This is the same regional UAF group that was campaigning in favour of the drugging and raping of 12 year old white girls by Muslim peados just the other week.
The Review Show last night with Marsha-With-The-Treetrunk-Legs had a piece on a new book by Colm Toibin (sp?) which was a collection of essays ‘examining familial relationships’ of writers.
For sales-whoring reasons Colm had featured Barry One-Term as one of the writers.
We had a ‘rotation’ through pictures of some of the authors – Yeats, Thomas Mann, Tennessee Williams and (snigger) Barry One-Term peering nobly into the distance.
When we had the Barry picture, the camera lingered and then moved in for the close-up, a privilege not afforded any of the other (real) writers.
If I was Martin I would surmise that this shot was held just long enough for the producer to pull himself off. =-O
“We had a ‘rotation’ through pictures of some of the authors – Yeats, Thomas Mann, Tennessee Williams and (snigger) Barry One-Term peering nobly into the distance.”
“When we had the Barry picture, the camera lingered and then moved in for the close-up, a privilege not afforded any of the other (real) writers.”
Paranoid nonsence.
There was a video montage of ten of the writers featured in Colm Tóibín’s book (it didn’t include Yeats or Thomas Mann).
The camera “moved in for the close-up” for five of those pictured.
It “lingered” on Obama for 8 seconds; Jane Austin, Samuel Beckett, John Cheever 7 seconds each; JM Singe 9 seconds; Henry James 10 seconds.
Trying to shoehorn this into an example of “BBC bias” is as desperate as it is pitiful. ;p
Oh no dez is here and has a winner??lol god lets all give up as now all we have is the thousands of other instances of outright bias including hundereds of BBC staff twatters and comments to back us up !
Dam so we was wrong the bbc is really fox news ?
I didn’t see the programme, so can’t speak either way as to whether Yeats was shown or not (I’m not sure I would recognise hi even if he was).
But it’s notable that while you say you did see the programme, you explicitly ignored the substantive points of Dez’s post detailing the flaws he saw in Bupendra Bhakta’s summary.
Instead, you went for – oh, what’s the phrase that you and others love to trot out when you’ve been caught out and want to deflect attention? Oh yes: you went for some low-hanging fruit.
I wonder why you ignored the lion’s share of Dez’s post, and went instead for something which has no real bearing on the points under dispute?
What are we do with the youth of today? Can’t spell, can’t count, don’t know their Yeats from their Mann and wouldn’t recognise him in a photograph. Lawks, he was only a playwright as well as a poet and this boy is supposed to be an editor of a theatre magazine!
And don’t tell lies, scodez:
Instead, you went for – oh, what’s the phrase that you and others love to trot out when you’ve been caught out and want to deflect attention? Oh yes: you went for some low-hanging fruit.
I don’t love to use any such phrase and have never used it in my life. Hah. Who’s lying, eh? Cottez, caught out!
“scodez”? Really? And there was I thinking only Hippiepooter and ltwf1964 were so stupid as to believe that bilge. Obviously, I was wrong.
I note that you’ve decided to go on the attack against me rather than answer the points. And, in the process of accusing me of lying, you do what you so often do and get the facts wrong. Again. And again. And again.
So, back to the point. You saw the show or so you claim. So was BB right in saying that Obama was singled out in the montage or, as Dez says, was that a fabrication?
Contradicting yourself, now, Coddez? And lying, into the bargain! I haven’t got any facts wrong. Liar! Liar! Coddez Caught!
I was having a little fun, turning your own low methods and pathetic weapons against you to show you your pointless, fatuous, though malicious forays into this forum. Hah, Coddez Caught!
Mind, I was also helping Dez to avoid falling into error and misleading readers of this blog, since I saw the programme and saw Yeats’s handsome countenance on it but surprise, surprise, I didn’t count up the number of writers the camera zoomed to and the seconds allocated to each. I know Dez/ Coddez could do with the help to count to ten but bloody hell, I’m not in service here, you know!
I’m not sure what job title is the correct. Is it something to do with the Beeboid press cuttings? Anyway, I’m glad this further close-up of your low tricks, got through, Scodez. People here patronise you because you come on here to throw out insults, tell people they are stupid and act like the neighbourhood yob who goes around kicking the neighbours’ fence and throwing stones at their windows. You’re not so keen on what you like to dish out, though.
Quick! Change the subject. 🙂 The *point* was your job title which you accused me of getting wrong, scodez. It’s only fair that you put me right. Never mind, though…with a generous dollop of that infamous Ergo technique as employed above – well done there, Scodez! – I’d conclude that Codez is *prevaricating* so as to avoid admitting his actual job title. There.
As consolation, I suppose it is flattering to be held up as the authority on other people’s posts – although ending up simultaneously as Oracle and Prevaricator is amusing, if baffling.
Jesus wept! You’re supposed to be able to *read*. I’ve already laid it out for you above as to what I saw and can comment on – or not! Does nothing go into your thick skull? If you want more, go and bloody well watch it yourself!
I will do once I have broadband access for iPlayer. I suspect it will show that BB was indeed not telling the truth. I realise the truth is a malleable concept for you – you’re perfectly OK with telling porkies if it’s the result of being too lazy and prejudiced to find out the truth – but thankfully others have higher standards than you.
Planet Earth here. Hellooooo….Scodez, do yourself a favour and for once, take a good listen to yourself. Jeez, I’m responsible for what someone else writes and if it’s wrong, I’m “telling porkies”! How in blazes would any sane person come up with that one? That’s Loopy Loo, right there. Someone’s been on the sauce I fear.
I think BB wilfully misrepresented a BBC programme, because I trust Dez’s version of events more than his.
I think you, as someone who saw the programme, could corroborate one version or another. But whether you do or not, in the past you have shown that you don’t care too much if people, including but not limited to yourself, make factually incorrect statements. When you’ve been shown to have made statements that were false, you get all uppity and self-righteous (“it’s not a lie if I said it was true without any basis in fact and was too damned stupid to check!”). In fact, just like you’re doing now.
“But it’s notable that while you say you did see the programme, you explicitly ignored the substantive points of Dez’s post detailing the flaws he saw in Bupendra Bhakta’s summary.”
errr, no Millie highlights a major point i.e. that Yeats did appear, which tends to suggest Dez isn’t even speaking about the same programme therefore he has no substansive point.
Why did they use a picture of Barry? Shouldn’t they have used a picture of Bill Ayers? Probably not as easy to crack one off to. I mean he’s a right on lefty and all, and he bombed The Man, man, on a lot of occasions, but he’s so hideously white.
So I’m watching the news (cut across during a break on the film I am watching) and the bBC are talking about hague and his cold war speech.
And they bring out an Iranian from the LSE (iranian) who opines about how Iran is the victim, how it has always being willing to talk peace, blah,blah,lblah,
Then the bBC front man comes out with:
“What about the elephant in the room..Israel”
I was stunned even fro the bBC that was a low blow.
I am still waiting for a BBC reporter to explain in clear simple words exactly what possible territorial dispute Iran can have with Israel. What possible reason other than the implacable and irrational hatred of the Jews could motivate the Iranian leadership to wish to wipe Israel from the face of the earth.
I expect to be waiting for a long long time.
Fear we`ll be getting alot more of this drivel about Iran being surrounded by hostile neighbours and feeling isolated.
That the media would see Iran as more of a potential victim of aggression than Israel is all too obvious…let`s not discuss Ahmadinejadhs theat to wipe Israel off the map,and drive the Jews into the Med.
Really creepy this new lot of holocaust helpmeets…to equate Israel as being the bully when it`s all too clear what Iran are up to is despicable.
Where`s this Balen report so we can have a bit of background/context them Patten?
Yes, and er, no.
£147.50 is about enough to cover a beeboid enjoying a rather nice bottle of Burgundy on expenses in Islington.
No doubt during consumption the consensus will be that the BBCR4 comedy slot at 6.30 is frightfully funny.
The increasing numbers of us who refuse to pay the licence fee will hasten the day when their embarrassment is complete.
The waiter cutting their BBC credit card in half in front of them will also be frightfully funny. Better still if it’s done at 6.30 !
Not a bad week then was it?
Dawkins made to look the fake and the fool that he is…imagining pretending to know an answer to a question, when he didn`t…oh, God!
Now a good article from Jonathan Freedland reminding the CiF crowd that eugenics was a socialist/leftie idea that is at the root of leftie thinking.
The CiF crowd seem to be reeling and spitting abuse at Freedland and Fraser, so great to see them fizzing and frothing in that swivel -eyed way that was once the hallmark of the little Englander!
Thanks for the tip about the Freedland article, I hadn’t seen that one. Lots of tantrums being thrown in the comments. It’s always enjoyable when one of the lefty regulars suddenly goes off message and confronts the cosy club with some inconvenient home truths. How quickly the back-slapping turns to back-stabbing!
Wow, they just don’t like the truth do they when it’s inconvenient to their little belief system. Most of the leading campaigners for eugenics were from the left and that goes back to Marx himself who spoke about letting useless races die off. (Can’t remembert the exact quotes). It all proves that Hitler was of the left, not the right as their policies were virtually indistinguishable.
Marx advocated actively exterminating inferior races. It is what excited bien peasant Leftist progressives for a time as they sought to create their utopias. Hitler is not original in this respect. Nor was he original in his Leftist hostility to Jewish capitalists and bankers.
Can’t resist posting this – Rod Liddle’s attempt at a poem for the Met Police’s black diversity lady’s competition –
To the tune of “My favourite things”:-
Albanian gangsters with rice flails and Uzis,
Ukrainian pimps with high-cheekboned floozies,
Jamaicans with handguns, Somalis with knives
— just some of the people enriching our lives.
Jew-hating Imams from Rabat and Homs,
Stockpiling their basements with ricin and bombs,
Rich Saudi princes with cowering slaves,
Slovakian hooligans, Romanian knaves,
A fat lady from Lagos looking quite glum
With five kilos of gak stashed away up her bum,
Levantine maniacs beating up gays,
Young girls from Thailand whose skills quite amaze,
Grim Kurdish separatists from the shores of Lake Van,
Strange Russian men with a nuclear tan,
From Romford to Ruislip a myriad show
Of cultural diversity — so mind how you go.
The bBC and its black propoganda agenda Wave and tidal power need support, say MPs The government should increase support for wave and tidal power to preserve the UK’s global leadership, say MPs.The Energy and Climate Change Committee says the UK had in the past lost its early lead on wind power through lack of support, and must not make the same mistake again on marine energy.Its report recommends increasing funding and improving links between UK and Scottish programmes. Here’s a question Black isn’t asking: What happens to all the money spent on this adventure if say Scotland in 3 years time says bye,bye and goes its own way? Yup just like all the money the Uk has spent on Africa,Pakistan and wind power (A lot of it coming out of the bBCs arse) it will all be pissed down a very Black hole.
How the bBC rewrites history in which to support its leftwing bent. Latvia ‘rejects making Russian an official language’ Latvians have resoundingly rejected the option of making Russian the country’s second official language, preliminary results from a referendum indicate. About two-thirds of those registered voted, the election commission said, many more than in previous polls. The referendum, initiated by a Russian speakers’ movement, has exposed deep fault-lines in Latvia. Ethnic Russians, who make up about one-third of Latvia’s population, have long complained of discrimination… Latvia gained independence from Moscow in 1991 after half-a-century of Soviet rule. It joined the European Union in 2004.
So reading the above , do you get the impression the Latvians are treating ethnic Russians harshy? I mean the bBC does say they (Oh those Russians) have long complained of discrimination. Maybe it had something to do with how in Oct 1939 Russia (After carving up the Baltic nations with Nazis germany) read the riot act to those nations, the Nazis let it lord over and said if you don’t do as we demand we will invade. (Which they did anyway in June 1940) Only one country said no and little Finland kicked Russian arse until the sheer weight of the Russian Military forced itself onto tiny Finland. . But anyway Russia invaded and occupied the Baltic nations until 1990. And the bBC never mention just why don’t want anything to do with Russia or the people it left behind. Instead the bBC rewrites History in which to remake the victims as the aggressors and the aggressors as the victims.
The Soviet Union practised a Russification process, for many years, which consisted both of imposing the Russian language on the Baltic populations and massively importing Russian-speaking labor.
And despite the close ties and very recent history of Russian rule, now the Latvians and Lithuanians aren’t allowed to emigrate to Russia if they wanted to.
The BBC sometimes claims that if a particular edition of a programme seems biased it’s OK because it will balance out over time and over several editions of the programme. Funny how often it doesn’t turn out that way though.
Ed Stourton’s ‘Sunday‘ has dealed with the government’s benefit reforms in recent weeks by inviting its leading critics onto the programme and giving them a platform:
15 Jan: “The Archbishop of York Dr John Sentamu joins Edward to explain why the government is guilty of ‘a moral failure’ over its welfare reforms”
22 Jan: The Bishop of Ripon John Packer joins William Crawley to attack the government’s benefit cap
19 Feb: “Bishop John Packer gives us an update on the Welfare Reform Bill” (Ed Stourton didn’t exactly bust a gut to challenge him).
There have been no voices supporting the government’s welfare reforms. The former Archbishop of Canterbury Dr George Carey, for example, has not been invited to share his thoughts with Ed or William or Samira.
How is it justifiable to have only critics of a contentious proposal on week after week?
There was also an interview with an expert on Somalia who laid the blame for the country’s islamist threat squarely at the door of wicked old America:
Al-Shebab emerged about five years ago principally after an American-backed Ethiopian invasion of Somilia in late 2006 to get rid of a group of Sharia courts that were actually bringing some peace to parts of the country.
This wasn’t some hand-picked anti-American ‘independent expert’. It was BBC World Service Africa Editor Mary Harper.
‘How serious is hate crime against Muslims?’ was Ed’s next question. Kevin Bocquet’s report on the subject didn’t discuss that question (as you might have expected from the question), merely presented examples of anti-Muslim hate crimes and asserted that it was a serious problem.
The rest of the programme was unexceptional, with a balanced discussion of the “Is religion under attack from militant atheism and what role should it play in modern Britain?” question. Still, typical ‘Sunday’, which seems to be a law unto itself as regards impartiality.
How serious is Muslim hate against Jews and Homosexuals asks the BBC in an unproduced and never to be aired slot on Today .
Later in the programme we will we will have self appointed spokespeople like the Muslim Affairs Committee to give their views on the “travelling community” and vice versa . Would they accept intermarriage between themselves ?
And much later in the programme we will ask the question that everyones asking but we in the BBC have suppressed for so long —
Why the hell should ordinary folk subsidise , let alone put up with , people who at best treat us with contempt ?
And looking more widely than just this one programme, is there any Conservative equivalent on the Beeboid Corporation of the way Labourites Prescott and Alastair Campbell (Livingstone must be overdue a tour) are being recycled around the Beeboid studios, both radio and TV? I can’t think of any.
‘The BBC sometimes claims that if a particular edition of a programme seems biased it’s OK because it will balance out over time and over several editions of the programme. Funny how often it doesn’t turn out that way though. ‘
Or, as such… ever.
This daft notion of ‘balance’ is being road-tested a lot by my new and growing collection of chums form Editorial and Complaints.
Sadly, I am not buying.
If your feet are in the freezer and your head in the oven. Things are not ‘just about right’ in the middle.
Even if they do have two extremes averaging out. Which they don’t.
Yeah, I’m watching the mischievous BBC ‘Big’ Questions today for my daily dose of vomit-inducing, self-righteousness and self-congratulatory narcisism and was charmed to note that, during the well-worn BBC topic of, ‘Is Britain a Christian country?’ (the very fact that this question is posed so much on the BBC is evidence of their views!) the usual aggressive secular droids were spitting their venom on all on sundry BUT, and a big BUT, apart from the Muslims guests! When a Christian guest was speaking, he/she was heckled and scorned, BUT as soon as a Muslim member spoke they were given free reign without any interruption, the hysterical lefties were silent. Now, I wonder if the BBC would ask any sensitive questions regarding Islam? I think we all know the answer to that one.
Oh my goodness zzzzzzzzzz yawn lol! Reminds me of my Uni days when our department had to share ‘interdisciplinary’ lectures with the social science and arts humanities losers. We left early to go to the pub every time !
Ayaan Hirsi Ali is one of the brave ones, who has spoken out against the violence and oppression of Islam. She has received repeated death threats for doing so. She is also one of the few public figures willing to address the problem of the incompatibility of Islam and liberal western societies.
From her Wiki page… Ayaan Hirsi Ali stated that not just ‘radical Islam’ but ‘Islam’ must be defeated. She stated: “Islam, period. Once it’s defeated, it can mutate into something peaceful. It’s very difficult to even talk about peace now. They’re not interested in peace.”
She won’t be bullied either…
The Big Question. My big question would be why Nicky Campbell? – but I’ll leave that.
When challenged on bias the BBC reply that impartiality is ‘in their genes’, they insist that they get things ‘about right’.
I believe that the BBC is in the habit of packing audiences with left-wingers for tv debates.
Why does the comment ‘I don’t like the Tories’ get a round of applause this morning on TBQ? The discussion was one about religion.
We begin a debate about organ donation. Dame Nicky fakes neutrality but it is seems clear to me which side he is on. What is obviousand measurable is that the two opposing opening comments get two very different amounts of applause.
What I find amazing about the BBC is not just their utter contemp for anyone or thing who views the world outside of their metro-trendy liberalism but the crap they constantly come out with like, ‘we are impartial and have no views’ or ‘we don’t make value judgements’ etc etc. It’s complete nonsense as what they’re really saying is: if it is headline or news story that somehow criticises our own perspective, i.e. a story that poses a minority group or left wing cause in a negative light, then we will not apply a value judgement. Conversely, if it is a story containing anything to do with the centre-righ or right, then we will saturate it with value judgements aplenty!
Once again the ‘Captain Coward’ of politics (Nazi Ed) is given free airtime to spout his failed politics about borrowing even more (or let’s stear even nearer to the coast chaps) on the BBC with Marr verbally unzipping Nazi Ed’s flies live on air to perform a blow job.
The BBC just doesn’t give up does it? Radio 5 was full of doom and gloom over out AAA rating being cut (it’s not being cut it’s on watch if the government FAILS to carry out its deficit reduction, something the BBC doesn’t point out) even though it’s only a 30% chance and from one agency.
Funny the BBC didn’t think much of the ratings agencies when the USA got its cut.
Day by day the BBC loses its remaining credibility on the economy when it just parrots left wing politics.
The Labour Party-BBC is one of the reasons we are in a credit crisis, so they are hardly going to be reliable guides to what is going on in the economy.
I’d put the Labour Govt as one of the two MAIN reasons our economy is in very deep trouble. They drove us into huge debt, failing even the usual Keynesian idea of paying down lots of debt in the good times – and they wrecked the oversight mechanisms for UK banking – and then forced Lloyds onto the rocks.
The other core reason was Democrat policies in the US to force banks to give mortgages on hopeless cases and let Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac wreck the whole idea of sensible morgage lending, with Obama and key Dem “oversight” chairmen who blocked action on Fannie and Freddie being main recipients of their campaign funding. Never mentioned by the BBC, of course – it was all Bush’s fault.
It’s a good point that in places like Haiti and other 3rd world places they seem to have a habit of sitting around and waiting for someone else to sort out the mess for them (note they still manage the time to breed though) yet if you look at both Europe, Russia and Japan after WW2 people (including women and children) were using their bare hands to sort out the rubble (and many European cities were in a worse state than Haiti was) and start to rebuild society.
It’s another example that aid just doesn’t work for the most part,
Considering the scale of the destruction, isn’t it incredible how such a diverse, multicultural society can pull together and recover so quickly…oh…wait…
How the bBC, reports, sensationalise’s and downplays the ugly scene of two Black brawling British boxers (Outside the ring) who between them brought shame and disgust to the nobel art of British boxing. bBC Version Guardian version
Reading both versions, I have to ask myself why the bBC article lacks a journalists touch. Christ it lacks the touch of somebody who did English. The guardian article in contrast to the ‘sensationalist’ tabloid clone the bBC regurgitates as a news article is what I (and everybody else) expects in a news article . An article which reports the news factually, without hype in a chronological order. Maybe the bbC should stick to what it does best, defending Islamic terrorists instead of trying to actually reporting the news.
I wonder if the only reason why the bBC has sombody reporting on this story is it love’s the vision of a man on his knees after getting battered in the ring.
The BBC still have not got over the awful shock of seeing a white heavy weight boxing champ. it upsets their mental state and balance. Just not supposed to happen is it?
Whites are supposed to be inferior to blacks arent they? The BBC has spent so long overlooking and forgiving the terrible behaviour of black boxers since Cassius Clay(and no I have never used his slave name and never will). The BBC shows its in built hard wired racism.
BBC-NUJ’s continuing political campaign against all things MURDOCH.
Here’s BBC-NUJ (with anonymous, Labour compliant interviewer) asking BBC-NUJ’s ‘Minister against Murdoch’, Labour’s Mr Bryant, yet again, what “WE” can do against Murdoch.
A report about ‘fracking’ on the BBC website. Compared to much of the beeb’s output, the article is relatively balanced (though it repeats, without caveats, the discredited claim about fracking causing tap water to ignite). However, I take issue with the headline – “Fracking Contamination Downplayed”. The use of ‘downplayed’ is clear editorialising – it implies that a real effect is being deliberately de-emphasised by the AAAS.
Surely a neutral headline would be “Fracking Contamination ‘Overstated'” with the use of quote marks to show that this wasn’t the bbc’s opinion but that of the AAAS.
The article is a shining beacon of probity and balance compared to the disgraceful piece of advocacy “Shale gas may be worse than coal” (note the absent quote marks!) linked in the fracking article sidebar.
Could it be a coincidence that the fracking article is written by a Jonathan Amos, while the shale gas one by increasingly egregious eco advocate Richard Black?
It is a rhetorical strategy. If the BBC were to admit they are a propaganda outfit for the Left people would question their entitlement to funding (as Leftists grow old and fat money is pretty much the only thing that interests them) but it is their Leftism which is what draws them to the BBC because of its public sector entitlement mentality.
The BBC are a dead weight on our culture. They are completely uninterested in reality. The direct analogy is with the Soviet Union. All that matters to them is tax farming the peasants and issuing certificates of correct ideological thinking.
Nice post, Wild. My old English teacher used to describe the TV as ‘the idiot box’; designed to keep us stupid, to stop us from thinking about things too much. Fed on a diet of utter crap, the hope must be that individuals don’t ever think beyond the pacifying drivel served up, nightly
One would imagine the BBC – given their own enthusiasm for promoting their alleged ‘distinctiveness’ and ‘impartiality’ – might choose to appeal to higher intellects, alternative views…
Alas. BBC news has become just as shallow and vacuuous as any other ‘infotainment’ found across the commercial channels. ‘Smiling’ George Alagiah looks more smug and less sincere every time I see him delivering the BBC-approved version of events. While we’re at it, let’s not even mention the utter road crash that is Breakfast News on the BBC.
Often, I find it more useful to consider what the BBC is NOT reporting that what it is. Such an exercise can be a sobering lesson in the real meaning of ‘impartiality’. Perhaps the fact The Corporation seems incapable – or just plain unwilling – to acknowledge it’s obvious political, social bias is something we will never change – sadly, we certainly cannot refuse to pay for it.
I tend to agree with you, Wild, that the BBC doesn’t have to care how it is perceived; it operates like a fiefdom, accountable only to itself, refusing to engage with its critics, whilst free to propagandize at will.
In the end, though, all empires, however mighty and impervious, eventually fall. All of them. History is very clear about this. That’s something well worth hanging on to.
“Britain’s newest and proudest export: mujahedin. The Muslims from the U.K. who are fighting in Somalia are the glorious fruits of multiculturalist relativism, unrestricted immigration, and the inability or unwillingness of British authorities to confront the prevalence of the jihad doctrine among Muslims in the U.K. ‘British Muslims recruited to fight for ‘al-Qaeda’ in Somalia,’ by Sean Rayment and Colin Freeman for the Telegraph”
“Somalia leaders reach agreement on re-shaping politics”
A joy to read all the above…bit like 24/7 perpetual ooze from the BBC and their chummies when you read them in sequence.
Good of Dez to major on minors as he is prone to do, whether it was 9 nanoseconds or not Dez wiould not have been the point-yet he`d be off to Strasbourg if he could.
Thanks in particular to all the “Big Question/Sunday” posts…saves me a lot of ulcer remedies for later.
It`s been a good week as Dawkins, Jones, Toynbee, Hutton, Freedland, Phillips Baggiani rip each other to shreds in that classically vulpine way of the ruling atheist elite.
Seems that they hate each other more than God, so that ought to scare anyone relying on these secular saints to man the barricades when Islam comes to town on its red, black and green horses!
The liberal project is going the same way as the Euro or global warming…and , much as I think Giles Fraser to be a twerp: he turns out to have been the winner of my “Golden Cleric” Award for eviscerating Dawkins…and so the other, even thicker dominoes fall into line ,and thence to ground.
Time to clear the secular bullring and let them torment each other via their articles…and Moira Stewart might yet be the BBCs Derek Conway-that brough the whole stack of cards down on MPs in 2008/9.
As I said, a good week!…and Rupert will be out on Sundays too!
Reasons to be Cheerful…1,2,..3
cj, and there was Paddy O’Connell not hearing what he wanted to hear about the Murdochs on thie morning’s Broadcasting House.
The lead subject was the Leveson Inquiry (again). Quite why that was the lead subject is beyond me, but then I don’t think like an obsessive BBC producer.
They’d booked the right guest (bias-wise) in Sir Harold Evans, as he’s usually one of Rupert’s sternest critics. Unfortunately for Paddy, “Harry” (as he called him) kept going off message and complimenting members of the Murdoch family. Paddy didn’t sound as if he was enjoying hearing those nice things one bit and very firmly interrupted to change the subject after Evans started saying something interesting but complimentary about James Murdoch.
Paddy then invited ‘BH’ listeners to send in their suggestions for ‘Sun on Sunday’ headlines. Whether there were some simply funny ones or not, Paddy chose to read out those emails that were most insulting to the new paper.
He wasn’t done with the Murdochs even then. Lord Ian Blair of the Met was doing the paper review and Paddy decided to depart from the paper review format to ask him about whether his phone had been tapped by the ‘News of the World’. #obsessed
Only got the end of this one Craig!
Ian Blair was worried about the Tories being a bit penal in attitude to the riots of last summer…not waiting for the Scarmans or MacPhersons to excuse the behaviour using the social wroker vernacular, so beloved of Sir/Lord Blair or whatever he`s going by today.
I`m guessing that the businesses that got burned out last August would have shown a little understanding in allowing Blair to sweep the evidence under the shagpile(Prescott weave), and so let the little darlings off scot-free.
Worked for his goons re De Menezes didn`t it?
Blair also fretted at the Observers story that emergency vehicles won`t be allowed to use the Zil Lanes reserved for the “Olympic Family” this summer-scaremongering and a non-story according to Blair.
Since then , I`ve read the story-and how Blair can say that it`s something about nothing is beyond me.
I`m guessing that he`s going to have a good Olympics then-well worth a check!
I could have sworn I saw Sir/ Lord Ian Blair on some Beeboid television programme this morning. Can’t remember what, though. Possibly the Big Questions or Sunday Politics. Is he being given the Studio Tour as well as Campbell and Prescott? Perhaps he’s on double time for Sunday working, which might account for his excellent work rate from studio to studio all in a single morning.
Anyone else noticed that when Cameron or Osborne make a statement on the economy, the BBC ALWAYS likes to give us at least one (often two) opposing views for ‘balance’
But notice how every time the BBC report Nazi Ed’s comments there is no opposing view offered or statement, just as if somehow Nazi Ed is right and that’s the end of the debate.
No mention that it was HIS running of the economy with the one eyed twat from Fife that got us into this mess in the first place.
Would the BBC ask the Captain ‘Coward’ from the Italian cruise ship to give advice on how the Captain of the Titanic should have done his job better?
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I see that the BBC 6 o’clock news managed to take a 0.9 per cent increase in sales in January story and turn it into a story about how the High Streets are struggling. I don’t even bat an eyelid on this anymore… It’s rife #justsaying
Returned from my travels around Central America yesterday.
Liberals will be delighted to hear that I treated the locals with utter contempt, refused to speak Spanish, showed no respect for their culture, made no attempt whatsoever to integrate, and, whenever possible, spent my money at American owned restaurants, hostels etc.!
Only joking, I’m actually a racist Nazi Fascist, as I believe in each nation’s right to sovereignty and each people’s right to maintain their culture and identity, so respect this when away . . . .
I was thrown in at the deep end with BBC propaganda, with QT being the first programme I watched.
Christ, that Owen Jones is an angry little boy isn’t he! All that schreeching, his eyes wide with anger and frustration. He wouldn’t have looked out of place at a UAF riot.
The balanced and non-partisan studio audience seemed to like him though.
Seems to be a trend this one.
Heard some debate about bankers on The World At One” yesterday.
Lots of bankers and the fine John Moulton were trying to tell Martha Kearney about why her views are a bit “public sectorish”, but some harpie called Ann Pettifer from the NEF kept doing an Owen and screeching over their answers…
Sense this reflex postures and false consciousness/word vomit gets them a text from Jane Bradley or Damien McBride…and certainly prevents the rest of us from being told anything that might upset us.
Guess this continual hectoring shows how “passionate” they are-as opposed to rude, arrogant and ignorant!
Not so much as bBC bias, but more about the quality of bBC defence experts.
Drone-makers target Asia for growth
As geo-political tensions remain, the demand for drones is set to skyrocket in Asia, and that means new players will battle with industry giants for market share. “We’ve got quite a bit of interest from Japan, Korea, Singapore, Australia, India,” says Bill Schaefer from Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems, a dominant player in the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) industry. The US company is at the Singapore Air show, showing off its wares such as the Global Hawk to potential customers. This UAV in industry parlance is a high altitude long endurance (Hale) platform.
Yeah right bBC, and here is what I read at the start of this month :
Pentagon cancels Global Hawk Block 30 programme
The US Department of Defence (DOD) has announced that it is planning to cancel the Global Hawk 30 programme in favour of the Lockheed Martin U-2 aircraft. The DOD made the announcement as part of a spending review on 26 January 2012.
The irony, a brand new UAV program (which has been beset with problems) is being replaced by a jet which first flew in August 1955.
As for :
“We’ve got quite a bit of interest from Japan, Korea, Singapore, Australia, India,” says Bill Schaefer from Northrop Grumman Aerospace
Really bBC? Korea has said no, too expensive, Australia has said no. India was looking at the naval version, (in 2008) yet has bought the new Boeing P-8 Poseidon, which does the very same job. New Zealand may buy the GH, yet what everybody forgets is New Zealand is skint, which is why it sold its air force off years ago. (It currently operates 6 P3 Orion’s and 2 Boeings 757s) So how they could afford a UAV which cash happy Korea said was too expensive I don’t know. Which leaves Singapore. But then the question we have to ask is why a city state with no empire to patrol would need a long range UAV designed for long distance patrols?
In fact the only people outside the US to have bought the global hawk has been Germany (Euro Hawk) and they have spent over 10 years getting their version onto the runway. Which probably explains why the US is going to go with a 57 year old jet instead of the all singing dancing GH.
Hey I’m not saying the GH is a failure, but how many people are going to go with an aircraft the US isn’t bothering with. well I suppose there is always the block 40 program
What’s not to like about dronesthatkillinnocentpeople.
1. They drop Hellfire missiles on terrorists/ extremists/ radicals/whatevs.
2. They annoy the hell out of the BBC and fellow-travellers.
I made the mistake of listening to Front Row this evening, the first half of which turned out to be a plug for a programme on television channel Beeboid Two at 9 pm about rainforest people.
Then from 14mins 48secs to 23 48 we had an interview with American crime novelist Walter Mosley. The palpable desperation of this interviewer to bring Obama into the discussion even led him to ask Mosley if there was a bit of Obama in the character in his latest novel. Folks, this character is a criminal until his late 40s when he tries to go straight! Of course, Mosley said no, they didn’t have much in common. Oh, dear. Though he did try to come up with something…
Well, our interviewer didn’t give up there and soon he was off again, this time asking if Obama was a fan! Mosley couldn’t oblige, however and said he’d never met him. Drat! This isn’t working out, is it?
However, our intrepid interviewer had the bit between the teeth and was not going to be bested. Oh, no sir! The next throw was prefaced with a quote from Maya Angelou praising the One and asking the unfortunate Mosley his opinion on “the Obama Question”, whatever that is. Mosley didn’t seem to know what it was either. So our Beeboid, getting down to the nitty gritty, came straight out and asked him whether he wanted Obama to be re-elected. Once again, how disappointing for the Beeboid to be told by Mosley that he and the One do not have the same politics! He (the One) is middle of the road, while Mosley is progressive. Still, this desperate Beeboid found something to seize upon and cry out, “So you are hoping he will be re-elected!”
Link to the iPlayer: http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/console/b01by9lx
Yes – bloomin’ ludicrous. The questions had nothing to do with the book. Just repeated fishing for compliments about Obama.
What proportion of the average day on Radio 4 is skewed left ? – even programmes that have nothing to do with news and current affairs
Farming Today ?
Today programme – inclusing Thought for the Day ?
Womens Hour – depends on the presenter, but it never skews right !
Welfare bleating on You and Yours
Paddy on News at 5
The 6.30 non-comedy slot
Front Row
Plus various series such as Laurie Taylor, the Guardian/Independent people usually presenting media reviews – etc ?
And so many of the plays are formulaic leftie tosh.
I just don’t bother listening to Radio 4 these days, the endless bias is so boring.
(By the way – Radio 3 – 6pm Saturday Night for Rossini’s Barber of Seville ?)
That’s the first time in weeks that I’ve listened to Front Row and look how that turned out. It’s enough to remind me not to listen to it again. I’ve given up on the plays, don’t go for Laurie Taylor or that media review show by the Guardian man. The 6 30 “comedy” spot is to be avoided like the plague these days. Glad there is something good on Radio 3 tomorrow evening. Thanks for the reminder.
You`re right there John!
Turned on the radio for the unfunny 6.30 slot…and yet again my joy at knowing that “The News Quiz” was going in for running repairs was stalled by the fact that the bloody unfunnier ” Now Show” had shoehorned its way into the schedule.
Do these two lame stream vehicles for Oxbridge dross have a monopoly on the Friday 6.30 slot-and is there some rule that nothing funny dare be jemmied in between these two long stay bedblockers of the schedules?
Tonights was utterly pitiful…the song mocking the Queen at the end was heard in hushed silence, except for the cast.
The Competition Commission really need to look into how so many old prunes like Purvis/Taylor and Rosen manage to hang onto their beirths if mirth, when my butcher is far funnier.
The death of comedy may well be laid at Jon Holmes door or in Sandi Toksvigs briar pipe.
I do sympathise. I’m a refugee who fled the political persecution of Radio 4 and sought asylum on Radio 5. Things are pretty grim over here too, I can tell you.
all i can say is-
you guys must be complete masochists
subjection to that relentless wall-to-wall leftard crap is tamtamount to audio waterboarding
Guardian Newspaper you are free to buy or not to buy. Guardian Television you are forced to buy. I picked up the Guardian briefly in Tescos, and within seconds I was screaming. Watching the bBC has much the same effect. Why should this be so?
INBBC censors reference to Islamic jihad near US Capitol.
Whereas ‘Jihadwatch’ has this:
Muslim arrested on way to U.S. Capitol for jihad suicide mission
“”Yet another inconvenient development for the ‘Islamophobia’ industry, which claims that concern about the jihad in the U.S. is unfounded or based on ‘hate.'”
INBBC has only this censored version, with its left-wing apologetics in final sentence of its account:
“FBI ‘anti-terror’ arrest near US Capitol”
Related issue for censoring INBBC:
Spencer: Sentencing the Underwear Bomber — and the persistent unreality of jihad analysis
Honestly, doesn’t Clinton remember who his fellow travellers where back in the good old days of his college student radicalism? It was his middle class or better classmates living off mommy and daddy’s hard earned cash that’s who.
It was second item on the Radio 4 6.30am news this morning. No mention whatsoever that the man arrested is Muslim – or even that he is Moroccan, which might have helped. Nor that one of the targets he had considered was a synogogue.
BBC – masters of disinformation.
if he had been a jew…..
well you get the picture
What’s a Greek urn? – About two quid a week.
Daddy Mason does an absolutely template report on Greece for Newsnight.
Austerity, riots, plight of migrants, hangs out with some interesting young lefties in a bar, lefty alliance launch a tv station, some scary talk about the rise of the right.
Back to the studio for some confused whaffle with Steph. BTW Mason on economics sounds like a fish on a bicycle. We need growth ok? (Don’t tell that to the Greenies – they said it was the last thing the West needed – remember all those couple of years ago?
That’s reminded me of something: this piece by Mason on From Our Own Correspondent is supposed to be about the Greek economy.
Who do you think Mason speaks to? Some Greeks? Don’t be silly! He goes to Greece and seeks out Mohamed and his mates from Africa and Asia who like to read Sartre and Marx. You couldn’t make it up.
I’m beginning to wonder whether Mason is in fact a deliberate parody.
I have to take my hat off to him for his line ‘….a white face here means either the cops, the fascists, or…..somebody bringing charity’.
(I wonder what inspired that one? A Hip-hop laden i-pod he stumbled across in the LSE student union bar?)
The man embodies leftie attitudes so completely and so earnestly and he pitches them in such cringeworthy undergraduate language that it’s no wonder the BBC made their Newsnight economics editor!
Mason concluded his piece by saying that Greeks are hoping that the solutIon might be a short and sharp period of austerity. What an ignorant fool he is. The austerity measures being prescribed are very sharp – but will obviously be prolonged if not permanent.
How can someone trained as a music teacher, with such shallow understanding of economics, someone so innumerate, be “Economics Editor” ?
‘How can someone trained as a music teacher, with such shallow understanding of economics, someone so innumerate, be “Economics Editor” ?’
Due to the unique way the BBC is hiring..
I heard this. It was truly bizarre. Mason stated matter-of -factly, that one of the Mohammeds was a graduate en-route to London where he wanted to become a political analyst!?
No mention of the fact that this is illegal, he has no right to be in – or work in – Britain, or that it may be a good idea if these bogus asylum seekers actually stayed in their own country and helped to re-build and improve it for their own people.
Are political analysts in short supply in the UK ?
There was one point where he said ‘The Greek left the Communists Trotskyists and ecologists’ Is that an acknowlegement that greenism is just another way for a small ‘elete’ to get more control over the rest of us?
nail struck on head there Ron
Kelvin MacKenzie has this, (unlike BBC-NUJ), on ‘The Sun’:
“Arrests are the real scandal”
Kelvin MacKenzie also has this in ‘Daily Mail’ (scroll down):
“Another typically implausible sob story from the BBC”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2102781/News-International-Arrests-real-scandal.html#ixzz1mgbeamBW
‘neither the interviewer nor the programme’s producers hadn’t filled in the missing gaps in her life story.’
Grammar aside, this is telling if unsuprising on the BBC’s iPhone vox pop squad, and commitment to the full story over telling tales.
Unique is as unique does.
‘Google declined to provide further comment to the BBC.’
Odd, given the ex-BBC Newsnight editor is their PR head.
I wonder if Richard Black has a view on this as a response..
(unverified – more than the BBC can manage)
“I have given them an opportunity to deny explicitly that some of the contents are real, and they have not done so – ergo, they are real.”
It’s the economy, stupid.
I’m going to harp on about Paul Mason. The fact that it is this man who handles the economic brief at Newsight is a key aspect of BBC bias and wrongheadedness.
His interest is clearly not economics but politics.
On the BBC Business online section Mason boasts ‘ I cover an agenda of “people, planet and profit”
Note how he sloganises and notice that his slogan wouldn’t be out of place scralled on a placard next to an occupy the city tent.
Read it and weep.
About Paul
‘Born in Leigh, Greater Manchester, in 1960 he studied music and politics at Sheffield University, switching to journalism in the early 1990s.’
It doesn’t take much of a forensic analysis of his recent reports on Greece to reveal his true interests and sympathies.
You won’t find much explanation of exchange rates, productivity and capital flows.
You will hear a lot of emoting about poverty, glamourising of the left and an emphasis on the perceived plight of migrants with scary references to some concept he has about the extreme right.
‘talkin’ ’bout a revolution’
‘…rapid breakdown of certainty is having a big, but immeasurable, effect on people’s political expectations.’
This is Mason’s theme. The refrain he harps on time and time again. He’s constantly looking for a revolution. Grow up.
Paul Mason is keen to boast of his adolescent years, dancing to Northern Soul at the Wigan Casino. I can only wonder at the number of times his skull must have smashed against the dancefloor. Enough, it would seem, to have put him into a Permanent Delusionary State.
‘Dancer’ Mason is a fantasist, to the point of monomania, purporting to specialise in economics, but only really interested in propagandising the revolution in his own frothing head. That such a freak is allowed free rein, illustrates all too clearly, just how corrupt, how disinterested in truth and impartiality, the BBC has become. It now exists in a parallel universe of its own wish-fulfillment, so who better than ‘Dancer’ Mason to posture as its economics ‘guru’? And Pauly’s still out there, somewhere, rabble-rousing in the strangely empty, adolescent, ballroom of his mind. Strange man.
Corrupt is the right word.
if Mason didn’t exist,you genuinely could not make a character like him up
it’s beyond parody
Col “bbc” Bob Stewart, (re-Bosnia) turns up on 5Lives V. Drearybyshire show today plugging his new show returning to Bosnia, the forgotten victims …
is he refering to muslims by any chance?
A Dutch soldier is on says they themselves didn t trust the UN,(surprise, surprise) at all, interesting .
At least two times, another interesting segment.
el beeb bob is asked to TELL THE WHOLE TRUTH … about the muslims and their indescriminate massacres of locals, not just emphasising serbs … it is around 40 mins in.
The Myth of Peaceful Islam in Bosnia and the Hidden Islamic Jihad
http://www.bbc.co.uk/i/b01bycgs/ heres the link.
(el beebs Col Bob) Stewart , tell the whole truth Col?, how muslims used Srebrenica. as a springboard for raiding/massacring serbs, before retreating back into the UN zone … oooeerr!
here we go again etc why do you keep avoiding fact and truth
there were over 3000 armed muslims in Srebrenica. slaughtering the local serbs before the supposed “massacre” even took place
… well … about bloody time … mind you as usual, he isn t even pressed on it, and just drones on about equivalence and his visit.
BBC-greenie’s politically edited version of CANADA.
Beeboids rarely acknowledge the existence of CANADA, let alone report on it.
So when it does report on Canada, it’s on the BBC’s political agenda only, as in the following long, one-sided piece:
“Canadian government is ‘muzzling its scientists'”
(by Pallab Ghosh, BBC Science correspondent)
A Government scientist is a civil servant. It is standard practice for all civil servants to recognise that they are not entitled to spout off – relations with the press are ALWAYS handled by a Department’s press service.
What Ghosh is really banging on about is that the sensible Canadian Government has drawn back from the eco-hysteria and Warmism that charactises the UK Government. Why should it allow any of its civil servants to undermine the new policy ?
The BBC are on a bit of a downer with the Canadian Government at the moment, primarily because of an outbreak of common sense in that nation’s senate, with regard to climate alarmism. Having wholeheartedly booted out the risible Kyoto Protocol just as the wretched climate jamboree in Durban (CoP-17) was gearing up to fritter away further £billions in taxpayer funding, it’s clear why the Canadians (God bless them) have fallen out of favour with Auntie.
So we get this cheap, snide reportage from the Beeb’s finest instead – like a tesy kid sniping from the sidelines because he didn’t get his way. It’s deeply embarassing.
I’m curious; the BBC find time to write up a completely speculative, non-story about non-existent scientific censorship in Canada (must be a slow news day) but somehow they never did find the time to report on the appearance before the Canadian Senate of four top climate scientists, all of whom seriously questioned the dominant narrative of AGW to staggering effect.
Not a word from the BBC. Not. One. Word.
Funny, that.
That long useless essay by Ghosh is probably reckoned as a week’s “work” – for which we have to pay.
It likely costs us £20k a month including overheads and exes to keep him in Canada, if he is now stationed there. Sack him and would we really notice the difference ?
And his wikipedia entry spunds as though it has been doctored by a mate at the BBC.
This ‘muzzling’ is particularly about a green obsession in Canada concerning fish farming, specifically salmon. The highly fluctuating populations of wild western salmon (Fraser River) are normal. The disappearance in recent seasons has been leapt upon by greens and green-sympathising scientists in GOVERNMENT EMPLOYMENT to point the finger at ‘disease’ (a virus). The return of the salmon in huge numbers should have put a stop to the green campaign. Guess what, it hasn’t.
A scientist (photogeneically blonde and not shy of the media) has moved on to the potential danger of the virus not as a proved disease (it isn’t) and despite it now being established that this virus was present in wild salmon long before the take-off of fish farming in the 1980s, is arguing that the ‘concentration’ of farmed salmon could trigger the virus into a full disease. But hasn’t.
Notice COULD.
Green conclusion. Make as much noise (and fear) as possible on the back of a campaigning scientist in the public service who provides soundbite science.
The salmon farming industry provides many jobs and is an important economic factor in the area.
Uncertainty is, of course, not good for investment or marketing…with green campaigns etc.
The ‘muzzling’ is actually to take calm down a fractious campaign.
how did he get to canada?
presumably to reduce his carbon footprint,he swam,or took a rowing boat?
what’s that you say?First class ticket on BA?
isn’t that a gas guzzling climate changing monster?
yes it is,but we’re beeboids…..do as we say,not as we do
You don’t just fire Ghosh, you first fire the person that appointed them. And in turn, the people who appointed them. And so on until you reach the top. It is the only way to hold BBC Management to account for what they have done to the organisation we have been payng them to run. The effect of fifty years of job ads in The Guardian will not be eradicated overnight. Like an end stage cancer, there may be precious little healthy tissue left when surgery is completed.
I’m sure my learned colleagues will recall that Deborah Orr, the Guardian’s chief anti-Semitic ignoramus, decided that the reason the Israelis released 1027 terrorists in exchange for Gilad Shalit was because the Israelis feel they are “chosen” and that this is obscene example of that attitude. She is apparently prejudiced and stupid enough to really believed that Netanyahu said to himself, “Let’s release as many terrorist murderers as we can for Gilad – that’ll prove that we are the chosen ones.”
Now this woman has written an article for Comment is Free on racism, maintaining that if we no longer accept that there is such a thing we will be free of it. Perhaps in an oblique way she is thereby trying to shrug off the evidence of her gross prejudice against Israelis (read Jews.)
This woman almost makes BBC hacks seem reasonable.
Thanks for posting that link. It’s an interesting article.
“Gary Lineker says footballers shouldn’t be paid more than nurses (and yes, he does get £2m a year from the BBC for Match of the Day)”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2102950/Gary-Lineker-blasts-footballers-wages–doesnt-2m-Match-Day-salary.html#ixzz1mjYfcZ4s
I chuckled at this comment from the Deborah Orr thread:
18 February 2012 11:25AM
“I broadly agree with Deb’s sentiment here, if not her colander of an argument. Perhaps the metaphor should have been ‘her Arsenal defence of an argument…’
Anywho, Deborah and her ilk (lefties) can bleat on about how we are all one race until she’s puce in the visage, the fact is that you won’t solve complex scientific conundrums simply by applying huge dollops of dogma. The universe don’t roll like dat Deb.
Have a look at David Pavett’s post near the top of this thread and answer me the REAL conundrum here – Why is Deborah Orr writing this article and not David Pavett? It’s fairly clear which of the two knows their arse from their elbow on this subject. Deborah’s writing style is that of a hair-coat wearing, 70s proto-fem, chained to a railing screaming her half baked opinions at any passer by within range. Journalism my foot.
F (must try harder)”
And the railing this dumb creature is chained to is none other than Will ‘Smackhead’ Self. A union made in heaven. Before Christmas, leftopian Deb was made very aware of race, namely, her own, when a delightful black yoot referred to her as ‘A fuc!ing white bitch’. Couldn’t have happened to a nicer girl. Twitter was red hot. A bit like Deb’s boat race.
Orr “a hair-coat wearing 70s proto-fem, chained to a railing screaming her half baked opinions at any passer by within range.”
That’s what I call writing.
The bBC, and it’s shoddy reporting when it comes to Iran.
Iran warships enter Mediterranean via Suez Canal
Iranian warships have entered the Mediterranean Sea for only the second time since the 1979 revolution.The destroyer Shahid Qandi and its supply vessel Kharg have passed through the Suez Canal but their destination remains unclear.
The above story warrants an inclusion on the bBC ticker board (the one they use for braking news) yet before I went to bed last night (Around 10.30) I had read about the above from another news agency. Yet 12 hours later the bBC feels it warrants headline billing.
The bBC informs you that its destination is unknown, Yet Press TV is reporting that their two ships have docked..in Syria. Now just like when the Russian fleet docked in Syria the bBC appear reticent from reporting about the friends of Syria. (Including Jeremy Bowen)
Then there’s the usual palaver about how the bBC’s defence experts just don’t have a clue. The bBC report:
“The destroyer Shahid Qandi and its supply vessel Kharg”
Err bBC the Iranian Navy don’t have a destroyer named’ Shahid Qandi’ in fact they don’t have any destroyers period. They do have lots of smaller ships and funny enough the so called Iranian 18th Fleet which docked in Jeddah a fortnight ago, which just happen to be consist of the very same two ships in question contained according to Press TV
Khark supplier and Shahid Naqdi destroyers
Well seeing as Shahid is a term used as a blessing and isn’t used by the Iranian navy let’s remove that from the equation and we are left with Nagdi and the bBC version..Qandi, not so dissimilar eh all somebody has done is change the q for g and mixed the letters around. Oh and before I forget bbC here is a picture of the sistership of the Nagdi/Qandi as in use by the Iranian navy . They belong to the Bayandor corvette class of ships. 81m long a 20mm gun as its main armament and built in 1964 for the US navy who sold them straight away.
As always from the bbC, slow on the news, incorrect information and silence when it comes to murdering Islamic regimes and their supporters.
The screen dump for the above bBC misinformation news fest:
I have managed to endure through almost a whole eddition of the ‘Now Show’ are they doing something wrong or am I? In mitigation I was at the same time reading an interesting book. can I make it through Any Questions as well?
The worlds biggest media empire is discussing the Murdoch media conglomerate. But I am hanging on in there.
An appalling episode of Dateline Londodn just now. One of the panel described Santorum as a ‘rightwing nutcase’ which caused much mirth among all assembled. No dissent. “You’re preching to the choir” came the reply to his extraordinary diatribe. Come to think of it, “preaching to the choir” would make a better name for the show,
was that swivel eyed jew hater Atwan on again?
a regular on that panel of idiots
Done it, a bit like eating a strong vindaloo done more as a trial of endurance than for the enjoyment of the fare.
Ref the tragic death of a pig farmer which we discussed on an earlier open thread.
Beeboids report the death of a pig farmer or stick it to a dead farmer?
Farming Today: 16 February:
At 43 secs in:
If like me you have listened to this, you may have been shocked at the words chosen to conclude the iterm: ” …under investigation after animal rights activists released undercover footage that included one of his staff killing a pig with an iron bar”.
Why would they choose to end a report of a man’s death with something that goes beyond a general summary of the investigation of practices on the farm into a specific and horrific-sounding single alleged incident?
Would the BBC end a report about the death of Witny Houston by telling the truth, that she blew her God given talents on drugs, that she had it all and ended up a drug addled wreck, that she threw all the wonderful advantages of wealth and talent in exchange for crack/Coke?
And the BBC goes into balck armband mode as though this drug addled waster saved a bus load of disabled children from certain death. If ever there was a useless selfish death, if ever there was a person least deserving of any adulation it was Houston.
Aretha couldn’t make the funeral.
BBC News24 have blocked off all of next week.
Guess who the Beeboids managed to shoehorn into the Saturday morning programme on Radio 4 presented by Richard Coles:
We meet Jesse Ruiz, who, as a 27-year-old law student looking for intern work in Chicago, was mentored by a young lecturer at the University of Chicago Law School – Barack Obama.
So we had from 8 mins 55 secs to 17 20 devoted to drivelling, drooling questioning of someone who knew The One and ending with inane questions as to what the man had called Obama when he went to see him in the Oval office.
What the flaming heck do they think Americans call their President?
Anyone who knows could perhaps ring in to Any Answers? 😀
Drooling and drivelling is exactly the tone of that “interview”.
Trying to puff up Obama as some kind of brilliant professor and lawyer is ridiculous. He has published nothing on law, he was not even a tenured professor (more like a part-time lecturer) and he did virtually no court work except on behalf of ACORN whom he later professed to hardly know. All his early “career” was as a political activist/crap-stirrer, after life as an undistinguished long-term student for which the BBC has never reported anything.
I don’t recall any eulogies for George Bush anywhere on the BBC. Like from fellow pilots in the Texas Air Guard, or businessmen in Texas. Can’t be bias, though.
They have a policy aim of making radio more “black” so they shove in a few black participants here and there and as many features as they can think up about Africa this and Africa that. And to meet the quota, sure enough they had a token black poet on the same programme. At first I thought the Obama sycophancy might have been for the same purpose.
However, considering recent attempts to insert some idiotic Obama worship in any programme regardless of programme topic, I am beginning to think they have adopted a separate Obama quota in addition to the black one. It looks as if there is a special drive to get programmes to do their bit for The One in election year. They are embarrassing themselves mightily in the process with their fawning.
I saw Justin Webb interview Obama when Webb was still North America “editor.” Some interview. Webb looked like a frightened rabbit caught in the great man’s headlights.
The BBC is deeply and hopelessly in love with Obama – the black left-wing superhero come to save America and the world. And even though he has not quite lived up to leftie expectations, the BBC forgive him those inadequacies by ignoring them.
if they weren’t leftiist atheists,I would begin to think they look on the One as the messiah,here to save us all in spite of ourselves
For anyone who’s interested,
Jazz Record Requests is on Radio 3 at 5 00 pm
Opera from 6 – 9 30 pm:
Rossini’s Il Barbiere Di Siviglia
Live from The Met
The Barber of Seville is Rossini’s most popular opera. Written at lightening speed and premiered in Rome in 1816, the story is based on the first play of Pierre Beaumarchais’ trilogy, and forms a prequel to Mozart’s Marriage of Figaro.
Musical ideas and comical scenes abound as Figaro helps Count Almaviva win the hand of the lovely Rosina. But first the Count and his trusty barber must stop her guardian, Doctor Bartolo, from marrying her himself. The most celebrated moments include Figaro’s aria ‘Largo al factotum’, Rosina’s aria ‘Una voce poco fa’ and their duet ‘Dunque io son’.
More details of each Act are helpfully provided by the Beeboids. See here:
Sorry if this has already been posted, but Blacks response is breathtaking!
Check out the comment at Feb 17, 2012 at 1:46 PM by Mike Haseler;
I guess when you are in a hole that is protected by the BBC trust you can do what ever you like with complete disregard to the actual BBC guidelines.
BBC news giving us live coverage of a pop singers funeral. The media greatly overestimate how much interest the rest of us have in them.
Is it … cos she is black.
Now some of my best blacks are friends.
I don’t believe they like being patronised by the BBC in this manner.
Canada ‘muzzling its scientists’
The Canadian government is accused of “muzzling” its scientists, but the government says it views science communication as a priority.
Oh those dastardly Canadians trying to keep the public in the dark about the dangers of CAGW, its “Orwellian” isnt it? That government scientists should keep out of politics and campaigning and stick to science is outrageous claims the BBC and those watermellons who for so long took advantage of their jobs to peddle a fraud based on lies.
Of course the BBC doesnt do balance, the BBC sees only one side and funily enough its the alarmist side.
I see the BBC have decided to keep quiet about the joint IRA/UAF march in Liverpool today.
Sounds like the Commies, terrorists and anarchists had the shit kicked out of them by patriots.
This is the same regional UAF group that was campaigning in favour of the drugging and raping of 12 year old white girls by Muslim peados just the other week.
The Review Show last night with Marsha-With-The-Treetrunk-Legs had a piece on a new book by Colm Toibin (sp?) which was a collection of essays ‘examining familial relationships’ of writers.
For sales-whoring reasons Colm had featured Barry One-Term as one of the writers.
We had a ‘rotation’ through pictures of some of the authors – Yeats, Thomas Mann, Tennessee Williams and (snigger) Barry One-Term peering nobly into the distance.
When we had the Barry picture, the camera lingered and then moved in for the close-up, a privilege not afforded any of the other (real) writers.
If I was Martin I would surmise that this shot was held just long enough for the producer to pull himself off. =-O
True story a propos thick legs.
I once went with my mate Raz to the Pillar of Hercules pub in Greek Street.
‘They named the pub after the barmaid’s legs’, he said in what he imagined was a whisper.
Could we get served 🙁
Bupendra Bhakta,
“We had a ‘rotation’ through pictures of some of the authors – Yeats, Thomas Mann, Tennessee Williams and (snigger) Barry One-Term peering nobly into the distance.”
“When we had the Barry picture, the camera lingered and then moved in for the close-up, a privilege not afforded any of the other (real) writers.”
Paranoid nonsence.
There was a video montage of ten of the writers featured in Colm Tóibín’s book (it didn’t include Yeats or Thomas Mann).
The camera “moved in for the close-up” for five of those pictured.
It “lingered” on Obama for 8 seconds; Jane Austin, Samuel Beckett, John Cheever 7 seconds each; JM Singe 9 seconds; Henry James 10 seconds.
Trying to shoehorn this into an example of “BBC bias” is as desperate as it is pitiful. ;p
Oh no dez is here and has a winner??lol god lets all give up as now all we have is the thousands of other instances of outright bias including hundereds of BBC staff twatters and comments to back us up !
Dam so we was wrong the bbc is really fox news ?
I think scez is suffering from a bit of gay bar frustration at the minute
Quick, change the subject!
“thousands of other instances…”
Quick, change the subject!
According to Dez/cott (who loves to fling out accusations of lying):
There was a video montage of ten of the writers featured in Colm Tóibín’s book (it didn’t include Yeats or Thomas Mann).
Wouldn’t want to mislead anyone, would you, Dez by posting nonsense?
I watched this programme and the photo sequence did include Yeats. There he was, instantly recognisable, large as life and looking fine and dandy.
Who’s lying, according to your own er… reasoning, Dez?
I didn’t see the programme, so can’t speak either way as to whether Yeats was shown or not (I’m not sure I would recognise hi even if he was).
But it’s notable that while you say you did see the programme, you explicitly ignored the substantive points of Dez’s post detailing the flaws he saw in Bupendra Bhakta’s summary.
Instead, you went for – oh, what’s the phrase that you and others love to trot out when you’ve been caught out and want to deflect attention? Oh yes: you went for some low-hanging fruit.
I wonder why you ignored the lion’s share of Dez’s post, and went instead for something which has no real bearing on the points under dispute?
What are we do with the youth of today? Can’t spell, can’t count, don’t know their Yeats from their Mann and wouldn’t recognise him in a photograph. Lawks, he was only a playwright as well as a poet and this boy is supposed to be an editor of a theatre magazine!
And don’t tell lies, scodez:
Instead, you went for – oh, what’s the phrase that you and others love to trot out when you’ve been caught out and want to deflect attention? Oh yes: you went for some low-hanging fruit.
I don’t love to use any such phrase and have never used it in my life. Hah. Who’s lying, eh? Cottez, caught out!
“scodez”? Really? And there was I thinking only Hippiepooter and ltwf1964 were so stupid as to believe that bilge. Obviously, I was wrong.
I note that you’ve decided to go on the attack against me rather than answer the points. And, in the process of accusing me of lying, you do what you so often do and get the facts wrong. Again. And again. And again.
So, back to the point. You saw the show or so you claim. So was BB right in saying that Obama was singled out in the montage or, as Dez says, was that a fabrication?
Contradicting yourself, now, Coddez? And lying, into the bargain! I haven’t got any facts wrong. Liar! Liar! Coddez Caught!
I was having a little fun, turning your own low methods and pathetic weapons against you to show you your pointless, fatuous, though malicious forays into this forum. Hah, Coddez Caught!
Mind, I was also helping Dez to avoid falling into error and misleading readers of this blog, since I saw the programme and saw Yeats’s handsome countenance on it but surprise, surprise, I didn’t count up the number of writers the camera zoomed to and the seconds allocated to each. I know Dez/ Coddez could do with the help to count to ten but bloody hell, I’m not in service here, you know!
“I havent got any facts wrong. Liar! Liar!”
Well, apart from getting my job title wrong. Something that’s easy to check, if you hadn’t been too busy trying to be patronising.
Why is it that Biased BBC’s most incompetent commenters are also it’s most pompous?
I’m not sure what job title is the correct. Is it something to do with the Beeboid press cuttings? Anyway, I’m glad this further close-up of your low tricks, got through, Scodez. People here patronise you because you come on here to throw out insults, tell people they are stupid and act like the neighbourhood yob who goes around kicking the neighbours’ fence and throwing stones at their windows. You’re not so keen on what you like to dish out, though.
So, back to the point, which remains unanswered while you try to slag off anybody who stands up to you.
Was BB lying when he said that Obama was given preferential treatment in the montage?
All this prevarication rather suggests that you believe he was, but are reluctant to admit it.
Quick! Change the subject. 🙂 The *point* was your job title which you accused me of getting wrong, scodez. It’s only fair that you put me right. Never mind, though…with a generous dollop of that infamous Ergo technique as employed above – well done there, Scodez! – I’d conclude that Codez is *prevaricating* so as to avoid admitting his actual job title. There.
As consolation, I suppose it is flattering to be held up as the authority on other people’s posts – although ending up simultaneously as Oracle and Prevaricator is amusing, if baffling.
Millie, you said you saw the programme. So can you corroborate BB’s claims, or not?
That’s the real point here. It’s not about you, much as your ego would like to think it is.
Jesus wept! You’re supposed to be able to *read*. I’ve already laid it out for you above as to what I saw and can comment on – or not! Does nothing go into your thick skull? If you want more, go and bloody well watch it yourself!
I will do once I have broadband access for iPlayer. I suspect it will show that BB was indeed not telling the truth. I realise the truth is a malleable concept for you – you’re perfectly OK with telling porkies if it’s the result of being too lazy and prejudiced to find out the truth – but thankfully others have higher standards than you.
Planet Earth here. Hellooooo….Scodez, do yourself a favour and for once, take a good listen to yourself. Jeez, I’m responsible for what someone else writes and if it’s wrong, I’m “telling porkies”! How in blazes would any sane person come up with that one? That’s Loopy Loo, right there. Someone’s been on the sauce I fear.
Did I say that? No.
I think BB wilfully misrepresented a BBC programme, because I trust Dez’s version of events more than his.
I think you, as someone who saw the programme, could corroborate one version or another. But whether you do or not, in the past you have shown that you don’t care too much if people, including but not limited to yourself, make factually incorrect statements. When you’ve been shown to have made statements that were false, you get all uppity and self-righteous (“it’s not a lie if I said it was true without any basis in fact and was too damned stupid to check!”). In fact, just like you’re doing now.
Still going on the one-string harp, Loopy, making no sense at all. Keep at it, though. In a few centuries, you might figure it out.
“But it’s notable that while you say you did see the programme, you explicitly ignored the substantive points of Dez’s post detailing the flaws he saw in Bupendra Bhakta’s summary.”
errr, no Millie highlights a major point i.e. that Yeats did appear, which tends to suggest Dez isn’t even speaking about the same programme therefore he has no substansive point.
Quick, change the subject.
I don’t think Scodez knows what explicitly means. According to him, I explicitly ignored! 😀
Millie Tant,
“I watched this programme and the photo sequence did include Yeats.”
Yes, you are right. I stand corrected and appologise for my error.
Fair play, Dez. It’s a dangerous game, correcting other people’s errors.
*fap fap fap fap fap*
Why did they use a picture of Barry? Shouldn’t they have used a picture of Bill Ayers? Probably not as easy to crack one off to. I mean he’s a right on lefty and all, and he bombed The Man, man, on a lot of occasions, but he’s so hideously white.
“crack one off”
Quick, change the subject!
So I’m watching the news (cut across during a break on the film I am watching) and the bBC are talking about hague and his cold war speech.
And they bring out an Iranian from the LSE (iranian) who opines about how Iran is the victim, how it has always being willing to talk peace, blah,blah,lblah,
Then the bBC front man comes out with:
“What about the elephant in the room..Israel”
I was stunned even fro the bBC that was a low blow.
I am still waiting for a BBC reporter to explain in clear simple words exactly what possible territorial dispute Iran can have with Israel. What possible reason other than the implacable and irrational hatred of the Jews could motivate the Iranian leadership to wish to wipe Israel from the face of the earth.
I expect to be waiting for a long long time.
Fear we`ll be getting alot more of this drivel about Iran being surrounded by hostile neighbours and feeling isolated.
That the media would see Iran as more of a potential victim of aggression than Israel is all too obvious…let`s not discuss Ahmadinejadhs theat to wipe Israel off the map,and drive the Jews into the Med.
Really creepy this new lot of holocaust helpmeets…to equate Israel as being the bully when it`s all too clear what Iran are up to is despicable.
Where`s this Balen report so we can have a bit of background/context them Patten?
This 6.30 “comedy slot ” ?? My radio just plays socialist sneering slots . Is it because I dont pay the telly tax ?
Yes, and er, no.
£147.50 is about enough to cover a beeboid enjoying a rather nice bottle of Burgundy on expenses in Islington.
No doubt during consumption the consensus will be that the BBCR4 comedy slot at 6.30 is frightfully funny.
The increasing numbers of us who refuse to pay the licence fee will hasten the day when their embarrassment is complete.
The waiter cutting their BBC credit card in half in front of them will also be frightfully funny. Better still if it’s done at 6.30 !
Not a bad week then was it?
Dawkins made to look the fake and the fool that he is…imagining pretending to know an answer to a question, when he didn`t…oh, God!
Now a good article from Jonathan Freedland reminding the CiF crowd that eugenics was a socialist/leftie idea that is at the root of leftie thinking.
The CiF crowd seem to be reeling and spitting abuse at Freedland and Fraser, so great to see them fizzing and frothing in that swivel -eyed way that was once the hallmark of the little Englander!
Thanks for the tip about the Freedland article, I hadn’t seen that one. Lots of tantrums being thrown in the comments. It’s always enjoyable when one of the lefty regulars suddenly goes off message and confronts the cosy club with some inconvenient home truths. How quickly the back-slapping turns to back-stabbing!
Wow, they just don’t like the truth do they when it’s inconvenient to their little belief system. Most of the leading campaigners for eugenics were from the left and that goes back to Marx himself who spoke about letting useless races die off. (Can’t remembert the exact quotes). It all proves that Hitler was of the left, not the right as their policies were virtually indistinguishable.
Marx advocated actively exterminating inferior races. It is what excited bien peasant Leftist progressives for a time as they sought to create their utopias. Hitler is not original in this respect. Nor was he original in his Leftist hostility to Jewish capitalists and bankers.
Can’t resist posting this – Rod Liddle’s attempt at a poem for the Met Police’s black diversity lady’s competition –
To the tune of “My favourite things”:-
Albanian gangsters with rice flails and Uzis,
Ukrainian pimps with high-cheekboned floozies,
Jamaicans with handguns, Somalis with knives
— just some of the people enriching our lives.
Jew-hating Imams from Rabat and Homs,
Stockpiling their basements with ricin and bombs,
Rich Saudi princes with cowering slaves,
Slovakian hooligans, Romanian knaves,
A fat lady from Lagos looking quite glum
With five kilos of gak stashed away up her bum,
Levantine maniacs beating up gays,
Young girls from Thailand whose skills quite amaze,
Grim Kurdish separatists from the shores of Lake Van,
Strange Russian men with a nuclear tan,
From Romford to Ruislip a myriad show
Of cultural diversity — so mind how you go.
He missed the chimney sweeps dancing on rooftops, good ol’ Lunnon Town, no more.
if homosexuality and socialism didn’t exist, the BBC would be fucked
that would bhe scez putting the ropes up then 😎
I’ve thought about that one long and hard (pardon the expression!) – if homosexuality didn’t exist, I suspect that the BBC wouldn’t be fucked…
The bBC and its black propoganda agenda
Wave and tidal power need support, say MPs
The government should increase support for wave and tidal power to preserve the UK’s global leadership, say MPs.The Energy and Climate Change Committee says the UK had in the past lost its early lead on wind power through lack of support, and must not make the same mistake again on marine energy.Its report recommends increasing funding and improving links between UK and Scottish programmes.
Here’s a question Black isn’t asking:
What happens to all the money spent on this adventure if say Scotland in 3 years time says bye,bye and goes its own way?
Yup just like all the money the Uk has spent on Africa,Pakistan and wind power (A lot of it coming out of the bBCs arse) it will all be pissed down a very Black hole.
How the bBC rewrites history in which to support its leftwing bent.
Latvia ‘rejects making Russian an official language’
Latvians have resoundingly rejected the option of making Russian the country’s second official language, preliminary results from a referendum indicate. About two-thirds of those registered voted, the election commission said, many more than in previous polls. The referendum, initiated by a Russian speakers’ movement, has exposed deep fault-lines in Latvia. Ethnic Russians, who make up about one-third of Latvia’s population, have long complained of discrimination…
Latvia gained independence from Moscow in 1991 after half-a-century of Soviet rule. It joined the European Union in 2004.
So reading the above , do you get the impression the Latvians are treating ethnic Russians harshy? I mean the bBC does say they (Oh those Russians) have long complained of discrimination. Maybe it had something to do with how in Oct 1939 Russia (After carving up the Baltic nations with Nazis germany) read the riot act to those nations, the Nazis let it lord over and said if you don’t do as we demand we will invade. (Which they did anyway in June 1940) Only one country said no and little Finland kicked Russian arse until the sheer weight of the Russian Military forced itself onto tiny Finland. . But anyway Russia invaded and occupied the Baltic nations until 1990. And the bBC never mention just why don’t want anything to do with Russia or the people it left behind. Instead the bBC rewrites History in which to remake the victims as the aggressors and the aggressors as the victims.
The Soviet Union practised a Russification process, for many years, which consisted both of imposing the Russian language on the Baltic populations and massively importing Russian-speaking labor.
Weaponizing the Russian language in Latvia again
And despite the close ties and very recent history of Russian rule, now the Latvians and Lithuanians aren’t allowed to emigrate to Russia if they wanted to.
The BBC sometimes claims that if a particular edition of a programme seems biased it’s OK because it will balance out over time and over several editions of the programme. Funny how often it doesn’t turn out that way though.
Ed Stourton’s ‘Sunday‘ has dealed with the government’s benefit reforms in recent weeks by inviting its leading critics onto the programme and giving them a platform:
15 Jan: “The Archbishop of York Dr John Sentamu joins Edward to explain why the government is guilty of ‘a moral failure’ over its welfare reforms”
22 Jan: The Bishop of Ripon John Packer joins William Crawley to attack the government’s benefit cap
19 Feb: “Bishop John Packer gives us an update on the Welfare Reform Bill” (Ed Stourton didn’t exactly bust a gut to challenge him).
There have been no voices supporting the government’s welfare reforms. The former Archbishop of Canterbury Dr George Carey, for example, has not been invited to share his thoughts with Ed or William or Samira.
How is it justifiable to have only critics of a contentious proposal on week after week?
There was also an interview with an expert on Somalia who laid the blame for the country’s islamist threat squarely at the door of wicked old America:
Al-Shebab emerged about five years ago principally after an American-backed Ethiopian invasion of Somilia in late 2006 to get rid of a group of Sharia courts that were actually bringing some peace to parts of the country.
This wasn’t some hand-picked anti-American ‘independent expert’. It was BBC World Service Africa Editor Mary Harper.
‘How serious is hate crime against Muslims?’ was Ed’s next question. Kevin Bocquet’s report on the subject didn’t discuss that question (as you might have expected from the question), merely presented examples of anti-Muslim hate crimes and asserted that it was a serious problem.
The rest of the programme was unexceptional, with a balanced discussion of the “Is religion under attack from militant atheism and what role should it play in modern Britain?” question. Still, typical ‘Sunday’, which seems to be a law unto itself as regards impartiality.
you have a better resistance to feeling violently ill by listening to this stuff than i ever could
as time goes on,my loathing for the bbc grows stronger by the day
How serious is Muslim hate against Jews and Homosexuals asks the BBC in an unproduced and never to be aired slot on Today .
Later in the programme we will we will have self appointed spokespeople like the Muslim Affairs Committee to give their views on the “travelling community” and vice versa . Would they accept intermarriage between themselves ?
And much later in the programme we will ask the question that everyones asking but we in the BBC have suppressed for so long —
Why the hell should ordinary folk subsidise , let alone put up with , people who at best treat us with contempt ?
And looking more widely than just this one programme, is there any Conservative equivalent on the Beeboid Corporation of the way Labourites Prescott and Alastair Campbell (Livingstone must be overdue a tour) are being recycled around the Beeboid studios, both radio and TV? I can’t think of any.
‘The BBC sometimes claims that if a particular edition of a programme seems biased it’s OK because it will balance out over time and over several editions of the programme. Funny how often it doesn’t turn out that way though. ‘
Or, as such… ever.
This daft notion of ‘balance’ is being road-tested a lot by my new and growing collection of chums form Editorial and Complaints.
Sadly, I am not buying.
If your feet are in the freezer and your head in the oven. Things are not ‘just about right’ in the middle.
Even if they do have two extremes averaging out. Which they don’t.
dame nikki has dawkins on the big questions asking if britain is a christian country
well,no it isn’t
it’s a liebore induced multi cultural dung pit,promoted by anti british left wing quislings at the bbc
there-an hour saved to put on something else we can actually watch without feeling the need to projectile vomit at the screen
laugh?I almost paid the licence tax!!
Yeah, I’m watching the mischievous BBC ‘Big’ Questions today for my daily dose of vomit-inducing, self-righteousness and self-congratulatory narcisism and was charmed to note that, during the well-worn BBC topic of, ‘Is Britain a Christian country?’ (the very fact that this question is posed so much on the BBC is evidence of their views!) the usual aggressive secular droids were spitting their venom on all on sundry BUT, and a big BUT, apart from the Muslims guests! When a Christian guest was speaking, he/she was heckled and scorned, BUT as soon as a Muslim member spoke they were given free reign without any interruption, the hysterical lefties were silent. Now, I wonder if the BBC would ask any sensitive questions regarding Islam? I think we all know the answer to that one.
These dripping wet appeasers would be the first to die under Islamic law too:
Oh my goodness zzzzzzzzzz yawn lol! Reminds me of my Uni days when our department had to share ‘interdisciplinary’ lectures with the social science and arts humanities losers. We left early to go to the pub every time !
Ayaan Hirsi Ali is one of the brave ones, who has spoken out against the violence and oppression of Islam. She has received repeated death threats for doing so. She is also one of the few public figures willing to address the problem of the incompatibility of Islam and liberal western societies.
From her Wiki page…
Ayaan Hirsi Ali stated that not just ‘radical Islam’ but ‘Islam’ must be defeated. She stated: “Islam, period. Once it’s defeated, it can mutate into something peaceful. It’s very difficult to even talk about peace now. They’re not interested in peace.”
She won’t be bullied either…
The Big Question. My big question would be why Nicky Campbell? – but I’ll leave that.
When challenged on bias the BBC reply that impartiality is ‘in their genes’, they insist that they get things ‘about right’.
I believe that the BBC is in the habit of packing audiences with left-wingers for tv debates.
Why does the comment ‘I don’t like the Tories’ get a round of applause this morning on TBQ? The discussion was one about religion.
We begin a debate about organ donation. Dame Nicky fakes neutrality but it is seems clear to me which side he is on. What is obviousand measurable is that the two opposing opening comments get two very different amounts of applause.
Packed audiences – it’s what they do.
What I find amazing about the BBC is not just their utter contemp for anyone or thing who views the world outside of their metro-trendy liberalism but the crap they constantly come out with like, ‘we are impartial and have no views’ or ‘we don’t make value judgements’ etc etc. It’s complete nonsense as what they’re really saying is: if it is headline or news story that somehow criticises our own perspective, i.e. a story that poses a minority group or left wing cause in a negative light, then we will not apply a value judgement. Conversely, if it is a story containing anything to do with the centre-righ or right, then we will saturate it with value judgements aplenty!
Once again the ‘Captain Coward’ of politics (Nazi Ed) is given free airtime to spout his failed politics about borrowing even more (or let’s stear even nearer to the coast chaps) on the BBC with Marr verbally unzipping Nazi Ed’s flies live on air to perform a blow job.
The BBC just doesn’t give up does it? Radio 5 was full of doom and gloom over out AAA rating being cut (it’s not being cut it’s on watch if the government FAILS to carry out its deficit reduction, something the BBC doesn’t point out) even though it’s only a 30% chance and from one agency.
Funny the BBC didn’t think much of the ratings agencies when the USA got its cut.
Day by day the BBC loses its remaining credibility on the economy when it just parrots left wing politics.
The Labour Party-BBC is one of the reasons we are in a credit crisis, so they are hardly going to be reliable guides to what is going on in the economy.
I’d put the Labour Govt as one of the two MAIN reasons our economy is in very deep trouble. They drove us into huge debt, failing even the usual Keynesian idea of paying down lots of debt in the good times – and they wrecked the oversight mechanisms for UK banking – and then forced Lloyds onto the rocks.
The other core reason was Democrat policies in the US to force banks to give mortgages on hopeless cases and let Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac wreck the whole idea of sensible morgage lending, with Obama and key Dem “oversight” chairmen who blocked action on Fannie and Freddie being main recipients of their campaign funding. Never mentioned by the BBC, of course – it was all Bush’s fault.
Well thats an improvement for the BBC because usually they say its Thatchers fault .
Thatcher, Reagan, Bush….all the same to the BBC…just glance backwards in time and blame the nearest right-wing bogeyman.
O.T, but here’s Japan and Haiti, one year on. Compare and contrast:
It’s a good point that in places like Haiti and other 3rd world places they seem to have a habit of sitting around and waiting for someone else to sort out the mess for them (note they still manage the time to breed though) yet if you look at both Europe, Russia and Japan after WW2 people (including women and children) were using their bare hands to sort out the rubble (and many European cities were in a worse state than Haiti was) and start to rebuild society.
It’s another example that aid just doesn’t work for the most part,
Japan gives me hope that whatever the socialists do to destroy Britain, then it can recover. Perhaps just annexed regions, but it’s possible.
More of those remarkable before and after photos from Japan.
Considering the scale of the destruction, isn’t it incredible how such a diverse, multicultural society can pull together and recover so quickly…oh…wait…
How the bBC, reports, sensationalise’s and downplays the ugly scene of two Black brawling British boxers (Outside the ring) who between them brought shame and disgust to the nobel art of British boxing.
bBC Version
Guardian version
Reading both versions, I have to ask myself why the bBC article lacks a journalists touch. Christ it lacks the touch of somebody who did English. The guardian article in contrast to the ‘sensationalist’ tabloid clone the bBC regurgitates as a news article is what I (and everybody else) expects in a news article . An article which reports the news factually, without hype in a chronological order. Maybe the bbC should stick to what it does best, defending Islamic terrorists instead of trying to actually reporting the news.
I wonder if the only reason why the bBC has sombody reporting on this story is it love’s the vision of a man on his knees after getting battered in the ring.
All I can say is “what would Henry Cooper have thought of this?”.
Though it’s not quite right given the story in question, this joke from Ross over on DV’s other blog ‘A Tangled Web’ made me laugh:
“I don’t know why people are knocking Britain’s heavyweights- they never hurt anyone.”
The BBC still have not got over the awful shock of seeing a white heavy weight boxing champ. it upsets their mental state and balance. Just not supposed to happen is it?
Whites are supposed to be inferior to blacks arent they? The BBC has spent so long overlooking and forgiving the terrible behaviour of black boxers since Cassius Clay(and no I have never used his slave name and never will). The BBC shows its in built hard wired racism.
BBC-NUJ’s continuing political campaign against all things MURDOCH.
Here’s BBC-NUJ (with anonymous, Labour compliant interviewer) asking BBC-NUJ’s ‘Minister against Murdoch’, Labour’s Mr Bryant, yet again, what “WE” can do against Murdoch.
(2 min video clip.)
Oh my how I’m going to enjoy watching this unfold…
A report about ‘fracking’ on the BBC website. Compared to much of the beeb’s output, the article is relatively balanced (though it repeats, without caveats, the discredited claim about fracking causing tap water to ignite). However, I take issue with the headline – “Fracking Contamination Downplayed”. The use of ‘downplayed’ is clear editorialising – it implies that a real effect is being deliberately de-emphasised by the AAAS.
Surely a neutral headline would be “Fracking Contamination ‘Overstated'” with the use of quote marks to show that this wasn’t the bbc’s opinion but that of the AAAS.
The article is a shining beacon of probity and balance compared to the disgraceful piece of advocacy “Shale gas may be worse than coal” (note the absent quote marks!) linked in the fracking article sidebar.
Could it be a coincidence that the fracking article is written by a Jonathan Amos, while the shale gas one by increasingly egregious eco advocate Richard Black?
Hello Pierre.
I didn’t notice you’d made exactly the same point as me when I posted immediately below you.
Great minds and all that!
‘Fracking contamination downplayed’
An interesting use of the verb to downplay.
Some research claims that fracking isn’t particularly harmful.
That isn’t downplaying. It’s an opinion.
Does the BBC think that this research has been done by ‘deniers’ who need to make light of the actual damage done by facking?
That’s certainly the impression given by the use of this word.
It is a rhetorical strategy. If the BBC were to admit they are a propaganda outfit for the Left people would question their entitlement to funding (as Leftists grow old and fat money is pretty much the only thing that interests them) but it is their Leftism which is what draws them to the BBC because of its public sector entitlement mentality.
The BBC are a dead weight on our culture. They are completely uninterested in reality. The direct analogy is with the Soviet Union. All that matters to them is tax farming the peasants and issuing certificates of correct ideological thinking.
Nice post, Wild. My old English teacher used to describe the TV as ‘the idiot box’; designed to keep us stupid, to stop us from thinking about things too much. Fed on a diet of utter crap, the hope must be that individuals don’t ever think beyond the pacifying drivel served up, nightly
One would imagine the BBC – given their own enthusiasm for promoting their alleged ‘distinctiveness’ and ‘impartiality’ – might choose to appeal to higher intellects, alternative views…
Alas. BBC news has become just as shallow and vacuuous as any other ‘infotainment’ found across the commercial channels. ‘Smiling’ George Alagiah looks more smug and less sincere every time I see him delivering the BBC-approved version of events. While we’re at it, let’s not even mention the utter road crash that is Breakfast News on the BBC.
Often, I find it more useful to consider what the BBC is NOT reporting that what it is. Such an exercise can be a sobering lesson in the real meaning of ‘impartiality’. Perhaps the fact The Corporation seems incapable – or just plain unwilling – to acknowledge it’s obvious political, social bias is something we will never change – sadly, we certainly cannot refuse to pay for it.
I tend to agree with you, Wild, that the BBC doesn’t have to care how it is perceived; it operates like a fiefdom, accountable only to itself, refusing to engage with its critics, whilst free to propagandize at will.
In the end, though, all empires, however mighty and impervious, eventually fall. All of them. History is very clear about this. That’s something well worth hanging on to.
INBBC relegates the impact of SOMALI Islamic jihad on Somalia and on Britain.
Muslims from UK, including converts, misunderstand Islam and travel to Somalia to wage jihad
“Britain’s newest and proudest export: mujahedin. The Muslims from the U.K. who are fighting in Somalia are the glorious fruits of multiculturalist relativism, unrestricted immigration, and the inability or unwillingness of British authorities to confront the prevalence of the jihad doctrine among Muslims in the U.K. ‘British Muslims recruited to fight for ‘al-Qaeda’ in Somalia,’ by Sean Rayment and Colin Freeman for the Telegraph”
“Somalia leaders reach agreement on re-shaping politics”
A joy to read all the above…bit like 24/7 perpetual ooze from the BBC and their chummies when you read them in sequence.
Good of Dez to major on minors as he is prone to do, whether it was 9 nanoseconds or not Dez wiould not have been the point-yet he`d be off to Strasbourg if he could.
Thanks in particular to all the “Big Question/Sunday” posts…saves me a lot of ulcer remedies for later.
It`s been a good week as Dawkins, Jones, Toynbee, Hutton, Freedland, Phillips Baggiani rip each other to shreds in that classically vulpine way of the ruling atheist elite.
Seems that they hate each other more than God, so that ought to scare anyone relying on these secular saints to man the barricades when Islam comes to town on its red, black and green horses!
The liberal project is going the same way as the Euro or global warming…and , much as I think Giles Fraser to be a twerp: he turns out to have been the winner of my “Golden Cleric” Award for eviscerating Dawkins…and so the other, even thicker dominoes fall into line ,and thence to ground.
Time to clear the secular bullring and let them torment each other via their articles…and Moira Stewart might yet be the BBCs Derek Conway-that brough the whole stack of cards down on MPs in 2008/9.
As I said, a good week!…and Rupert will be out on Sundays too!
Reasons to be Cheerful…1,2,..3
cj, and there was Paddy O’Connell not hearing what he wanted to hear about the Murdochs on thie morning’s Broadcasting House.
The lead subject was the Leveson Inquiry (again). Quite why that was the lead subject is beyond me, but then I don’t think like an obsessive BBC producer.
They’d booked the right guest (bias-wise) in Sir Harold Evans, as he’s usually one of Rupert’s sternest critics. Unfortunately for Paddy, “Harry” (as he called him) kept going off message and complimenting members of the Murdoch family. Paddy didn’t sound as if he was enjoying hearing those nice things one bit and very firmly interrupted to change the subject after Evans started saying something interesting but complimentary about James Murdoch.
Paddy then invited ‘BH’ listeners to send in their suggestions for ‘Sun on Sunday’ headlines. Whether there were some simply funny ones or not, Paddy chose to read out those emails that were most insulting to the new paper.
He wasn’t done with the Murdochs even then. Lord Ian Blair of the Met was doing the paper review and Paddy decided to depart from the paper review format to ask him about whether his phone had been tapped by the ‘News of the World’. #obsessed
Only got the end of this one Craig!
Ian Blair was worried about the Tories being a bit penal in attitude to the riots of last summer…not waiting for the Scarmans or MacPhersons to excuse the behaviour using the social wroker vernacular, so beloved of Sir/Lord Blair or whatever he`s going by today.
I`m guessing that the businesses that got burned out last August would have shown a little understanding in allowing Blair to sweep the evidence under the shagpile(Prescott weave), and so let the little darlings off scot-free.
Worked for his goons re De Menezes didn`t it?
Blair also fretted at the Observers story that emergency vehicles won`t be allowed to use the Zil Lanes reserved for the “Olympic Family” this summer-scaremongering and a non-story according to Blair.
Since then , I`ve read the story-and how Blair can say that it`s something about nothing is beyond me.
I`m guessing that he`s going to have a good Olympics then-well worth a check!
I could have sworn I saw Sir/ Lord Ian Blair on some Beeboid television programme this morning. Can’t remember what, though. Possibly the Big Questions or Sunday Politics. Is he being given the Studio Tour as well as Campbell and Prescott? Perhaps he’s on double time for Sunday working, which might account for his excellent work rate from studio to studio all in a single morning.
Anyone else noticed that when Cameron or Osborne make a statement on the economy, the BBC ALWAYS likes to give us at least one (often two) opposing views for ‘balance’
But notice how every time the BBC report Nazi Ed’s comments there is no opposing view offered or statement, just as if somehow Nazi Ed is right and that’s the end of the debate.
No mention that it was HIS running of the economy with the one eyed twat from Fife that got us into this mess in the first place.
Would the BBC ask the Captain ‘Coward’ from the Italian cruise ship to give advice on how the Captain of the Titanic should have done his job better?