It is with numerous stories like the above where the bBC have remade America as the country which is to blame for WW2 and thus by default cannot be trusted to this day. Australians as they suck up the US are just as bad. The Nazis and Japanese can only be victims.
Welcome to the world which the bBC (and their ilk) have remade for the young of today.
I wouldn’t blame Dawkins for his family’s past but I do have to laugh at this dedicated PC er and anti-religion fanatic being on the receiving end of the slave reparation movement:
He is now facing calls to apologise and make reparations for his family’s past. Esther Stanford-Xosei, of Lewisham, south London, the co-vice chairman of the Pan-African Reparations Coalition in Europe, said: “There is no statute of limitations on crimes against humanity. “The words of the apology need to be backed by action. The most appropriate course would be for the family to fund an educational initiative telling the history of slavery and how it impacts on communities today, in terms of racism and fractured relationships.”
Tops a great week doesn`t it?
That Christian-hating gene clearly linked to his being unable to prosper from the labour of Jamaican slave labour.
Wilberforce is a hero in Christian eyes-but can see now why Dawkins and his fellow slaveship travellers so hate him.
Now then…Monbiot, Toynbee….could have fun with this couldn`t we?
Sorry but that is bolocks. Most of the slave owners would have considerd themselves to be good christians. Lots of people christian and non christian white or black will have a slave owner somewhere in their ancestry.
If we were to be held responsable for the sins of our ancestors we would all have to pay to soome and recieve from others. Where is your evidence that Dawkins hates wWilberforce?
Sorry Ron, but-to quote that Book he seems to hate “you reap what you sow”.
Of course, there`s no justification for the assorted grievance mongers of the victim industry getting at him, although funnily enough; he seems to draw an income from the estates that he inherited from those days.
Trouble is…this whole ragbag of “rights warriors” are the same ones who want to get rid of my right to a faith school if I want one…to get rid of crucifixes in crematoria…and generally get rid of Christianity, but bow down before Islam.
In a week where Dawkins presumes to tell me if I`m a Christian or not, don`t tell me that he`s not fair game. He also says that Martin Luther King was a religious secularist, and Gandhi was the same…how very dare he!
If it gets these tokenising self-loathing supremacists of science and human rights at each others throats-then fine!
Of course he doesn`t hate Wilberforce…I was just caricaturing, much as he does…but he`d not give credit to him, to Barnardo, to Shaftesbury, Varah…even MLK…for having the Christain faith without which they`d not have done the wonderful things that they did.
There are two biblical lines on “sins of the fathers”…one a curse, the other negated…and I`ll not need any exegesis from Dawkins.
Don`t worry Ron…it`s not personal and Richard is at least searching, so let God deal with it all.
Just a bit of fun, I promise!
February 12 1993 as I recall, so good as!
In BBC eyes, the “vulnerable young boys” who acted somewhat inappropriately in the perpetration of this disappointing and regrettable action are success stories.
Their secure accommodation enhanced their boys contextual value in obtaining a few GCSEs for Venables, and some certificates for Thompson-and it`s doubtful that they have got them at the schools that they were due to go to…so there!
My opinion was that RE got removed from primary education soon after this case…because the prosecution said that they`d been taught the difference between right and wrong in the previous terms work.
The state would not be falling for that one again…even though Thompson hardly attended school at the time.
The BBC probably only saw this anniversary in terms of getting Blair a good chance to be “hard on crime…harder on the causes of sanguine exuberance.
God Bless and keep poor James Bulger and his traumatised family.
If only he`d have had a mobile to hack-THEN the BBC might have shown a care for tthis appallling outrage.
How Are Ye with Stephen ‘Dimmer of the Year’ Nolan on Fri night… for ‘balance’ had a NUT nut who was given free air to attack Gove’s horrendous suggestion that during term-time school kids should be at *gasp* school.
Apparently, according to the NUT nut, this would mean poor’n’vulnerable families would not now be able to afford to go on holiday.
Not a peep out of Geesanutherpie, it was left to the other guest to point out the weaknesses in the NUT nut’s argument.
I suppose if Gove had decided instead to relax the rules on school kids going on term-time holidays, the speed-dialed NUT would have been weeping about the damaging effects on the kids’ edyookayshun’s.
Great guest, Achmakeittwomorepieswudye, and brilliantly handled.
His shows are permeated with the usual bBC/QT ratio of 5/1 bawling left wing nutters, or more hand-wringing stories from idiots he can patronise easily. Sounds a bit like V. Drearyshire, maybe there is some kind of pattern forming here – surely not? ๐
BBC-greenies prefer Unemployment (for others), to Economic Growth via SHALE GAS.
This economic report ‘Telegraph’) on U.S. economy inidicates positive role of Shale Gas:
“US economy is stepping on the gas”
“Like so many other towns and cities in America’s vast outback, Steubenville, Ohio, had become a no-hope sort of place, a town of shuttered steel mills, half boarded up arcades and rundown housing estates. The financial crisis was just another blow to a town already wracked by deindustrialisation. With unemployment running at nearly 15 per cent, many families had moved away in despair. As with much of America’s once thriving industrial heartlands, there appeared to be no future.
“But that was two years ago. Since then, a new industry has come to town, bringing investment, thousands of jobs and growing prosperity. Steubenville is one of scores of new boom towns springing up along the American Appalachians, from Ohio and Maryland, to West Virginia, Pennsylvania and New York, all of them beneficiaries of the shale gas revolution, a new technology that allows access to abundant reserves of natural gas trapped within the rock.
The results are startling. It’s not just the mini-boom in business investment. It’s also meant that for the first time in more than 40 years, the US is close to achieving its goal of energy self-sufficiency.”
“Early indications are that Europe may be no less fortunate in its reserves than the US. Current estimates are that the continent has 630 trillion cubic feet of shale; not far behind the US’s potential of 862 trillion cubic feet. Britain’s recoverable reserves are estimated at 20 trillion cubic feet, which will produce perhaps enough energy for the next 100 years. This is, to put it mildly, a claim that cannot be made about Britain’s wind farms. And this is what infuriates the environmental lobby: the discovery of shale threatens to make redundant their carefully planned, heavily subsidised plans for renewable energy. There may be no energy crisis after all. ”
The BBC are world leading experts in recycling, most of their TV schedule consists of repeats and most of their ‘science’ reports/scare stories are simply aired then repeated and repeated, look at this trash science mumbo jumbo below, you may remember this bag of lies from two years ago and its back like the proverbial bad penny. It seems the BBC allows ecofascist nutters to produce this crappola, its debunked and then its hidden away again for a while then brought out again.
Yes folks volcanic vents spew CO2 in huge quantities leading to? Well nothing actually, life goes on as normal within a few feet of the vents, life thrives outside the saturation zone, but but, if we dont drastically cut CO2 it MAY all end up in the ocean and all life will end, the end of life as we know it blah blah, be afraid be very afraid.
But there is a slight snag, a small detail that the BBC missed out for some reason, forgot to include that thing the BBC misses all the time, its called balance. Black smokers in the deep ocean pouring countless millions of tonnes of CO2 into the ocean every day and right there next to these huge chimneys spewing CO2 and boiling water and no current to wash the elevated CO2 away lives millions of guess what? Hard shelled grabs and mussels and hard shelled animals. ooops! turns out that the whole story is a made up scare story heavy on the MAYS & IFS & COULDS & POSSIBLYS and laced with lies and distortions. Life thrives around volcanic vents and it would take millions of years of masively increased CO2 levels which would be impossible for the atmosphere to contribute to have any effect. What the BBC fails to mention is the thousands of mile of tectonic plate boundaries under the oceans that pump CO2 into the sea in gigantic amounts. The fraudsters at the BBC want us to believe that CO2 levels will get so high in such a short time that of 0.040% atmospheric CO2 of which humans contribute around 5% and only a part of that ever enters the ocean cycle and of that small part all is used by organisms that it will suddenly kill the oceans? Are they having a laugh or what? Do they expect us to forget what we know about life around deep sea black smokers?
CO2 at less than 0.040% of the atmosphere, its a trace gas and of that tiny amount only a proportion that is not used in the lands CO2 cycle ever gets into the ocean and most of that gets absorbed into what the BBC forgets to tell us about, the long term CO2 cycle where marine organisms use the CO2 then die and deposit their CO2 material as sediment. We see the white cliffs of Dover and we see the long term CO2 cycle at work, more CO2 dissoled into the ocean means more is used by animals which then sequester it as sediment. The BBC forgets to mention this in its recycled ridiculous scare story, somehow forgets to add balance or even basic infomation in its quest to con its readers.
There is no problem with ocean acidification via CO2, there never was a problem, life in the oceans thrives on the stuff, the more there is the more it is used and the more deposited as sediment. Funny just how much information the BBC misses out, but then again this trash science is spoon fed to the BBC from CAGW fraudsters desperate for the gravy train to keep running, its lazy, its dishonest and in the end its simply futile. please read the BBC website report, it perfetly illustrates just how corrupt they have become. Have a look at this quote to see the degenerate liars in action.
“if emissions of atmospheric CO2 go unchecked and much of the that gas is absorbed into sea.”
Notice the IF and notice they give no figures and notice they rely on the scare rather than hard evidence and facts, because of course “much” means anything or nothing, it infers and the BBC are experts at getting the reader to infer what the BBC requires. Of course what the BBC doesnt mention is the land CO2 cycle and the ocean CO2 cycle which adjusts to higher and lower CO2 levels and makes use of higher CO2, plants breathe it more in and sea animals use it more so any raised levels are efficiently utilized, the BBC forgot to mention that didnt they?
Oh. look where Prescott turns up next – on ITV with that ex Beeboid. One oaf interviewing another. I won’t be watching. Can’t stand either of them.
22:00 That Sunday Night Show Series 3. Episode 7/9 Adrian Chiles is joined by guests including former deputy prime minister John Prescott and new regular panellist Frank Skinner to round up the past seven days’ biggest news stories and look to the week ahead. They browse newspapers, magazines, websites, blogs and social-networking sites for recent headline-grabbing events.
I read an article today about how BBC newsreader Moira Stuart was avoiding paying a higher rate of tax on her substantial earnings, by having set up a service company, Moira Stuart Ltd. This allows her to pay corporation tax, set at 21%, instead of the 50% top tax rate which she’d be liable for based on her income.
So I decided to do a little research to see how the BBC itself reports on the issue of tax avoidance, especially as they are so vocal with regard to opposing cuts and savings implemented by the present government, made necessary by the deficit left by the previous government.
So with the saying ‘Money Talks and Bullshit Walks’ in the back of my mind, I was certain that BBC hypocrisy was only going to be further exposed than it was already. I found a few interesting pieces that really show the ‘one rule for them’ mentality held by the BBC, and may also stimulate your own thinking about the rights and wrongs of tax avoidance.
In September 2010, the Chief Treasury Secretary, Lib Dem MP Danny Alexander, addressed the party conference, which the BBC headlined Alexander launches ‘ruthless’ tax evasion clampdown. He stated this “There are some people who seem to believe that not paying their fair share of tax is a lifestyle choice that is socially acceptable,” he said.
“Just like the benefit cheat, they take resources from those who need them most. Tax avoidance and evasion are unacceptable in the best of times but in today’s circumstances it is morally indefensible.
“We will be ruthless with those often wealthy people and businesses who think they can treat paying tax as an optional extra.” Tax evasion and avoidance cost the Treasury an estimated £14bn a year and successive governments have vowed to take action against it.
It was clear that this also directly implicated those at the BBC engaged in these practices. So in response, the next day BBC business editor Robert Peston wrote this article: Is avoiding tax immoral?, in which he asserts I am sure that many of you would agree with him. But “tax evasion” is illegal whereas “tax avoidance” is not: tax avoidance is the use of lawful devices to reduce taxable income and thus the tax payable to the Exchequer.
Now, there are plenty of individuals who see tax as just another of those irksome costs of doing business, such that they would be certifiable if they didn’t do all that’s necessary to shrink their tax bills. They would take the view that if they’re not breaking the law in reducing the tax they pay on their income, then they’re doing nothing wrong.
He goes on to cite many examples where across business this is an accepted practice, although most of his subjects are business leaders and entrepreneurs, He avoids using examples like media presenters since even he can see there’s quite a distinction. It’s clear though that he wants to justify the practice.
I haven’t checked specifically, but I’m willing to bet he didn’t feel the same on the issue of banker bonuses, which according to his supposed philosophy he should be quite okay with it.
Then in June 2011 the BBC commissioned a poll on tax avoidance for one of its upcoming programmes and were probably quite disappointed to see the results
“The Government should crack down on tax avoidance by businesses operating in the UK.”Agree: 84%Disagree: 12% Don’t know: 3%
The poll also stated: “The Government should crack down on tax avoidance by businesses, even if it causes unemployment, or some companies to leave the UK.” Agree: 60% Disagree: 34% Don’t know: 6%
This time, political editor Nick Robinson writes an article in advance of the programme Decision Time: The tax avoidance issue
He opens with With the country facing a squeeze, with tax rising and spending being cut, the demand that companies and the rich should pay what they owe grows louder and louder.
You don’t have to be one of those who occupied Topshop or Fortnum and Mason to wonder why the taxman can’t get his hands on billions of pounds shielded by offshore schemes and onshore wheezes.
But on the other hand, you may worry whether Britain really can afford to increase the taxes paid by those who create wealth and jobs and who are, after all, minimising their tax bills quite legally.
Could the final cost of a crackdown on tax avoidance be higher than the bill of letting it go on?
So Robinson wants to try and change public opinion by justifying avoidance for ‘those who create wealth and jobs’, which for the BBC is their usual self-serving agenda. Otherwise they are far from fitting that description.
I see also that while the programmed aired on the 8th of June 2011, and is still available to be listened to, the usual description that accompanies most broadcasts has been made quite neutral so nobody would know the subject material by looking at it, as the picture above shows.
In November 2011 the New Statesmen reports Tax avoidance costs UK economy £69.9 billion a year, so it looks to remain quite a contentious issue for a while.
My feeling about the subject is there may be a justification for businesses to seek ways to reduce taxes, provided those ways also serves the public. But when public servants, as those at the BBC are supposed to be, and paid for out of the public coffers, well in excess anyway of what they are truly worth, there is absolutely no justification for them to be avoiding paying their fare share of taxes- especially so when they are so instrumental in creating the same society that needs those taxes.
I also think if a poll was done specifically related to tax avoidance by BBC staff, the result would be closer to 100% opposed.
There are layers of hypocrisy with these Beeboid supposed bleeding hearts and champions of the poor rioting deprived masses and those having their maximum housing benefit curtailed to £500 a week or whatever the figure is. They put on their concerned faces and their soulful voices for the consumption of the licence-paying masses, while sticking out their well-fed hand to grab all that they can for their own consumption. Some of them could give lessons to the house-flipping expenses claimants in the House of Commons.
I think there is a point here. His ancestors (from whom he still benefits) were fierce opponents of Wilberforce. They opposed him because they were strongly in favour of slavery. If Dawkins were to reflect a little upon the fact that the abolition of slavery was largely driven by Christians he might arrive at a slightly more balanced account.
If I could trace my family back that many generations I am sure that thereb would be at least one of them who hated Wilberforce. I don’t agrree that he was telling anybody that they wre christian or not what I though he was saying was if someboby counted themself as a christian then they were. Do you know enough about his finances to know that he benefits from slavery?
And I would be very supprised if you could produce one single athiest who wou;d rather have an Islamic country. If we talk less about Islam it is because we fear a howling mob of beareded bampots turning up at our front doors.
I refuse to believe that I cannot be moral without believing in some all powerful sky god. Unless of course you count not believing in your god what ever else I do, as being imoral.
It would be helpful if you acquainted yourself with the facts Ron Todd.
The Dawkins family did not just happen to support slavery (a large number no doubt) they made their fortune from slavery (a smaller number) and they were not just opponents of the abolition of slavery, his ancestors (the family included several Members of Parliament) were amongst the foremost and last diehard opponents of the abolition of slavery.
The Dawkins estate in Oxfordshire which the family bought as a result of the profits from their plantations in Jamaica was inherited by his father, and Richard Dawkins is a part-owner of its various businesses.
I think it is significant that most of the humanitarian reforms of the C18 and C19th in this country were the result of Christian activists. Given his family history (and his opposition to Christianity) I think he could usefully reflect a little more deeply on that fact.
I am not a Christian, and I think that Dawkins is a jerk (I was reading one of his biological textbooks recently and at one point he launched off on a completely irrelevant attack on the policies of George Bush) but I do believe that history has something to teach him.
You condemn yoursel in your middle paragraph Ron.
No point in hiding in our churches as we look to our “Skygod” ,when you and the likes of Dawkins agonise.
As I said-let`s see you, or Dawkins write that survey that cheacks if Muslims are “genuine”…or was Khomeni only a “religious secularist” too.
Have the courage of your secular convictions Ron-don`t presume to hide behind ours.
And if you really think that Sawkinds had an objective and dispassionate agenda to his innocent questions-look at the survey, and tell me that bright 15 year old would`nt have written a more discriminating one?
And no, God loves us all Ron…he judges the morals, and you`re a wayfaring stranger here same as I!
What religion were those that started the transatlantic slave trade, Did none of your churches or clergy ever get mony directly or indirectly from the plantations? Why would I hid in your churches? they give me the creeps and is being afraid of a howling mob not a rational attitude.
If god does love us all why does he make life so miserable for so many of his believing subjects?
Why are they so many contradictoryb religions.
As for the survey if somebody claims that they belong to q particular religion I am happy to accept that and let the religious argue about who is a true believer a heritic or a heathen.
I wonder if his wage went down since he stopped doing the pointless topping and tailing of Panorama. Oh, I forgot: he does a quiz programme called Eggheads.
How true Millie.
How the hell does Vine get his name on a programme where he tops and tails a rusty bucket of an old hulk of a show…and get paid.
And how much?…what a gig eh?
At least George Dixon actually deigned to appear in his “Dock Green” programme…not just spout off on what was occuring as he watched from the wings!
Ah but he’s a bit of an old rusty bucket himself, reputationwise, ever since that notorious occasion when he made a show of himself on the TV prancing about in a cowboy hat and boots when he was supposed to be reporting the election results.
Thought that was John Prescott!
We`re seeing an awful lot of that Toby Jug chewing wasps aren`t we?
Don`t let anyone tell me he`s got a book out…unless it`s for colouring in.
Apparently he`s now going to be on Room 101…do you think anyone will explain the original meaning, or will he just fall onto his secretarys desk and laughing at what fools let him get away with this.
So-if it`s not a book, then it`ll be the Coronation to Gotham Citys Police Commissioner…hope the thugs and thieves of Hull are fit enough to run away from the tub of guts wrapped in Barbara Castles shower curtains!
BBC-NUJ (and Labour) want Les EBDON (pro-‘Mickey Mouse’ degrees) as government’s social engineer of education.
‘Daily Mail’ Comment:-
“Revolt over tsar
“It is hard to think of anyone less suited to heading up the Office for Fair Access – the body designed to help more poor students into higher education – than Business Secretary Vince Cable’s chosen candidate Professor Les Ebdon. Currently vice-chancellor of the University of Bedfordshire – joint 102nd out of 119 in the Good University Guide – the ‘access tsar’ says applicants from poorer homes should be admitted even if they do not have the qualifications. He believes undergraduates should be allowed to continue studying even if they fail first-year courses and he is on record defending ‘Mickey Mouse’ degrees. Poor students don’t need positive discrimination. They need good schooling. Shouldn’t David Cameron simply veto the appointment of this patronising social engineer without delay? Mr Cable and the Lib Dems would squeal with indignation at the interference but so what? Which is more important, protecting academic standards for future generations, or petty Coalition politics?”
There goes any pretence of the Tories actually giving a damn about education.
The likes of Willets are a disgrace…to say so much about all this in opposition, and then fold in the face of some empty suit from Bedford Uni, with the terrifying prospect of taking Vince Cables spats away from him…this will up end all that Gove was intending to do, and it will not be forgotten.
The squalid trade off re tuition fees being able to get repaid early is a catastrophic error…this whole section of the economy will now turn Labour-and why wouldn`t they.
All the Tories are doing is what Labour would be doing….for a “political party” to be so inept as the Tories is a new one to me.
Melanie Phillips said it all so well in the Mail last week…and to make an enemy of her is fatal too!
Next stop for Elliott Dearlove is on the panel of Young Persons Question Time. Where the ‘randomly selected’ audience will scream ‘Racist’ at him for an hour!
…do you think that is a BBC camera? The “demonstration” is very weak with only a few people so a clear Union set-up, IF that is a BBC camera somebody needs to investigate.
Good to hear Clare Gerada on “The World At One” as she siad, sadly; that the NHS shambles has beome “political with a small p”.
Really Clare…and I wonder if you`d like to share with us your political party alliegancies and the last few years activity?
Why aren`t these people honest about their politics?…and why won`t the BBC ask them about them…no, don`t tell!
We all know don`t we?
Late last night Stephen Nolan was hosting a BBC radio discussion about the big boxing story. Fair enough, sport is part of the 5 Live remit.
He interupts this item to deliver a news flash confirming that Rupert Murdoch is indeed launching the Sun on Sunday and doing it next weekend. No complaints there, news is also part of the 5 Live remit.
My heart sinks when Mr Nolan eagerly adds ‘We’ll bring you some comment as soon as we can!’
I could already predict the delivery of some lefty anti-Murdoch sloganeering.
Now I have mixed feelings about Nolan. I find his accent and geneality fairly easy on the ear. I assume he is a lefty and I know that some of our friends in Ulster would like to expell him from their local airwaves. Well, I would happily take him as long at he is given in exchange for the phony over-grown school boy Richard Bacon, the micro-light weight Dame Nicky and throw in any number of second generation female plastic paddies of the Shelagh Fogarty Rachel Burdon ilk.
I digress.
Mr Nolan was as true as his word. He soon russels up Beeboid and GuardianistaSteve Hewlett on speed dial. He gives a brief comment and although not adding any new information and least avoids the delivery of the ultimate BBC money shot – Murdoch, him bad!
And that is where Twitter comes into its own. Nolan’s Beeboid team just happen to stumble across a lefty Twitter drone’s comment to be delivered in the manner of ‘some people are saying’.
“The Sun on Sunday will just be Murdoch’s News of the World in disguise”
The BBC, you may think we are biased, we couldn’t possibly comment.
And Hewlett was on “the World At One”.
Do you imagine that he gets his own room at the BBC at times like these-or at least a hammock(Prescotts underpants).
Set your watches for Roy Greenslade coming along any time soon.
The HYS pages always conform to the House Rules.Today the luvvies are rubbishing Murdoch’sproposal to launch a new sunday paper and lots of hostile comments of a personal nature are aimed at Murdoch. However, a response to the comparison of Murdoch with a tortoise was rejected as being offensive. Wonder why.
14 Minutes ago
“Like a tortoise without a shell on”
Karl Pilkington, when asked what Rupert Murdoch would look like naked. No matter on what side you are in relation to this debate I think that is something we can all relate to.
@ Can I say this about the Director General of the BBC?
Shouldn`t dear Rupert be commended for “creating jobs?”…and “investing in this countrys world-beating talent”?
The BBC would be falling over any other foreigner doing the same…
I have taken to tasking the mods on ‘referrals’ that in fact never make it to being seen at all.
These I suggest should be deemed interceptions, as they are clearly an internal imposition where the hosue rules don’t seem adequate, but tehy know the bosses wouldn’;t like to see it go through without at least a delaying action.
Also interesting are those that do make it, but get pulled PDQ.
Nothing makes media-lefties more uncomfortable than Murdoch’s success through free choice in a competitive market. “But what if people make the wrong choices? They might think the wrong thoughts. And where would that leave us, the compulsory tellytax funded unaccountable cesspit of leftwing hippies and harpies? I mean, we might have to get a proper job, and bye bye the good life in The Guardian echo-chamber.”
NW NinepenceMar 3, 18:19 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Sorry Fed Posted this a few times. (Have it on a poster behind my kitchen door) I wonder following the…
Fedup2Mar 3, 18:18 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 X misinformation prize winner – claim that the car which killed at least 2 people was driven by an afgee…
Fedup2Mar 3, 18:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Richard – always on the pulse – I think withdrawing from NATO completely would be extreme – but certainly cutting…
Richard PinderMar 3, 18:09 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Trump will probably say: (1) We will withdraw from and stop funding the NATO Military Command Structure and bureaucracy, but…
MarcoMar 3, 18:08 Weekend 1st March 2025 No more wars please we are broke and so are Europe ,the loons in parliament are deluded and I am…
Mrs KittyMar 3, 17:51 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I struggled through season 1 with him and Mr Kitty asked me if I wanted him to record season 2,…
tomoMar 3, 17:41 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I re-watched some of the Oval Office stuff – high as a kite, involuntarily sniffling – seen it before….
Fedup2Mar 3, 17:40 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Just think – if the US pulls out of NATO those RAF bases they lease can become the third /…
Fedup2Mar 3, 17:37 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 One of those โRussia propaganda ?โ Pieces – a footage of Zelenski going into number 10 Mohammed street responding to…
Richard PinderMar 3, 17:33 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 CENSORED by the BBC: Trump compares Sir Keir Stalin to Communist-China and Satanic-Biden for arresting people for praying for dead…
The drip,drip dripping of leftwing anti-American bias the bBC trots out which rewrites history
Stories of Dorset’s WWII’s black GIs sought by poet
bBC Verdict. White Americans evil
Pain and redemption of WWII interned Japanese-Americans
bBC Verdict. White Americans evil
Darwin, 1942: Remembering Australia’s ‘Pearl Harbor’
bBC verdict: Australians cowards.
P.S it’s spelt ‘Harbour’
Nazi forged bank notes hit sterling confidence, MI5 files show
bBC verdict: Even with an article about British forgeries , the bBC manage to insert an anti-American bit into it.
It is with numerous stories like the above where the bBC have remade America as the country which is to blame for WW2 and thus by default cannot be trusted to this day. Australians as they suck up the US are just as bad. The Nazis and Japanese can only be victims.
Welcome to the world which the bBC (and their ilk) have remade for the young of today.
I wouldn’t blame Dawkins for his family’s past but I do have to laugh at this dedicated PC er and anti-religion fanatic being on the receiving end of the slave reparation movement:
He is now facing calls to apologise and make reparations for his family’s past.
Esther Stanford-Xosei, of Lewisham, south London, the co-vice chairman of the Pan-African Reparations Coalition in Europe, said: “There is no statute of limitations on crimes against humanity.
“The words of the apology need to be backed by action. The most appropriate course would be for the family to fund an educational initiative telling the history of slavery and how it impacts on communities today, in terms of racism and fractured relationships.”
Tops a great week doesn`t it?
That Christian-hating gene clearly linked to his being unable to prosper from the labour of Jamaican slave labour.
Wilberforce is a hero in Christian eyes-but can see now why Dawkins and his fellow slaveship travellers so hate him.
Now then…Monbiot, Toynbee….could have fun with this couldn`t we?
Sorry but that is bolocks. Most of the slave owners would have considerd themselves to be good christians. Lots of people christian and non christian white or black will have a slave owner somewhere in their ancestry.
If we were to be held responsable for the sins of our ancestors we would all have to pay to soome and recieve from others. Where is your evidence that Dawkins hates wWilberforce?
Sorry Ron, but-to quote that Book he seems to hate “you reap what you sow”.
Of course, there`s no justification for the assorted grievance mongers of the victim industry getting at him, although funnily enough; he seems to draw an income from the estates that he inherited from those days.
Trouble is…this whole ragbag of “rights warriors” are the same ones who want to get rid of my right to a faith school if I want one…to get rid of crucifixes in crematoria…and generally get rid of Christianity, but bow down before Islam.
In a week where Dawkins presumes to tell me if I`m a Christian or not, don`t tell me that he`s not fair game. He also says that Martin Luther King was a religious secularist, and Gandhi was the same…how very dare he!
If it gets these tokenising self-loathing supremacists of science and human rights at each others throats-then fine!
Of course he doesn`t hate Wilberforce…I was just caricaturing, much as he does…but he`d not give credit to him, to Barnardo, to Shaftesbury, Varah…even MLK…for having the Christain faith without which they`d not have done the wonderful things that they did.
There are two biblical lines on “sins of the fathers”…one a curse, the other negated…and I`ll not need any exegesis from Dawkins.
Don`t worry Ron…it`s not personal and Richard is at least searching, so let God deal with it all.
Just a bit of fun, I promise!
Did Jamie Bulger die on the same day as Whitney Houston 19 years ago. Not heard any coverage.
February 12 1993 as I recall, so good as!
In BBC eyes, the “vulnerable young boys” who acted somewhat inappropriately in the perpetration of this disappointing and regrettable action are success stories.
Their secure accommodation enhanced their boys contextual value in obtaining a few GCSEs for Venables, and some certificates for Thompson-and it`s doubtful that they have got them at the schools that they were due to go to…so there!
My opinion was that RE got removed from primary education soon after this case…because the prosecution said that they`d been taught the difference between right and wrong in the previous terms work.
The state would not be falling for that one again…even though Thompson hardly attended school at the time.
The BBC probably only saw this anniversary in terms of getting Blair a good chance to be “hard on crime…harder on the causes of sanguine exuberance.
God Bless and keep poor James Bulger and his traumatised family.
If only he`d have had a mobile to hack-THEN the BBC might have shown a care for tthis appallling outrage.
Can we have a new open thread please?
“BBC pays £1.8million legal bill to help keep stars’ pay confidential”
Read more:
Yes and those same scum beeboids daily prattle on about “big pay” and “bonuses” for bankers.
the weekly countryfile sweepstake pays out on 10 mins
yep-took just 10 mins for the climate change church of propaganda to get it’s mention in
it’s relentless isn’t it?Except the masses are finally beginning to wake up….those of them with a capacity for abstract thought anyway
rules out eastenders viewers obviously ๐
A counter to BBC-NUJ’s political support for LIVINGSTONE:-
“Ken Livingstone’s ranting down the years: your cut-out-and-keep guide ”
By Andrew Gilligan.
How Are Ye with Stephen ‘Dimmer of the Year’ Nolan on Fri night… for ‘balance’ had a NUT nut who was given free air to attack Gove’s horrendous suggestion that during term-time school kids should be at *gasp* school.
Apparently, according to the NUT nut, this would mean poor’n’vulnerable families would not now be able to afford to go on holiday.
Not a peep out of Geesanutherpie, it was left to the other guest to point out the weaknesses in the NUT nut’s argument.
I suppose if Gove had decided instead to relax the rules on school kids going on term-time holidays, the speed-dialed NUT would have been weeping about the damaging effects on the kids’ edyookayshun’s.
Great guest, Achmakeittwomorepieswudye, and brilliantly handled.
could you guys not keep hold of pie scoffer of the decade instead of letting him set his fat arse on a chair in bBC belfast 5 days a week?
a complete onion head
His shows are permeated with the usual bBC/QT ratio of 5/1 bawling left wing nutters, or more hand-wringing stories from idiots he can patronise easily. Sounds a bit like V. Drearyshire, maybe there is some kind of pattern forming here – surely not? ๐
No SAUDI Olympics. Will INBBC say why?
Saudi Arabia nixes women in Olympics
Wonder if they`ll be sending a Paralymic team comprising those who fell victim of sharia law?
BBC-greenies prefer Unemployment (for others), to Economic Growth via SHALE GAS.
This economic report ‘Telegraph’) on U.S. economy inidicates positive role of Shale Gas:
“US economy is stepping on the gas”
“Like so many other towns and cities in America’s vast outback, Steubenville, Ohio, had become a no-hope sort of place, a town of shuttered steel mills, half boarded up arcades and rundown housing estates. The financial crisis was just another blow to a town already wracked by deindustrialisation. With unemployment running at nearly 15 per cent, many families had moved away in despair. As with much of America’s once thriving industrial heartlands, there appeared to be no future.
“But that was two years ago. Since then, a new industry has come to town, bringing investment, thousands of jobs and growing prosperity. Steubenville is one of scores of new boom towns springing up along the American Appalachians, from Ohio and Maryland, to West Virginia, Pennsylvania and New York, all of them beneficiaries of the shale gas revolution, a new technology that allows access to abundant reserves of natural gas trapped within the rock.
The results are startling. It’s not just the mini-boom in business investment. It’s also meant that for the first time in more than 40 years, the US is close to achieving its goal of energy self-sufficiency.”
And ‘The Spectator’ had this recently:
“The Shale Revolution”
“Early indications are that Europe may be no less fortunate in its reserves than the US. Current estimates are that the continent has 630 trillion cubic feet of shale; not far behind the US’s potential of 862 trillion cubic feet. Britain’s recoverable reserves are estimated at 20 trillion cubic feet, which will produce perhaps enough energy for the next 100 years. This is, to put it mildly, a claim that cannot be made about Britain’s wind farms. And this is what infuriates the environmental lobby: the discovery of shale threatens to make redundant their carefully planned, heavily subsidised plans for renewable energy. There may be no energy crisis after all. ”
Shale gas – a nasty Republican, Rabid, Right Wing fuel. (see also nuclear power).
Wind, on the other hand, a cosy, cuddley, fair, pretrendy leftie fuel withavitalparttoplayintheoverallenergymix
The BBC are world leading experts in recycling, most of their TV schedule consists of repeats and most of their ‘science’ reports/scare stories are simply aired then repeated and repeated, look at this trash science mumbo jumbo below, you may remember this bag of lies from two years ago and its back like the proverbial bad penny. It seems the BBC allows ecofascist nutters to produce this crappola, its debunked and then its hidden away again for a while then brought out again.
Yes folks volcanic vents spew CO2 in huge quantities leading to? Well nothing actually, life goes on as normal within a few feet of the vents, life thrives outside the saturation zone, but but, if we dont drastically cut CO2 it MAY all end up in the ocean and all life will end, the end of life as we know it blah blah, be afraid be very afraid.
But there is a slight snag, a small detail that the BBC missed out for some reason, forgot to include that thing the BBC misses all the time, its called balance. Black smokers in the deep ocean pouring countless millions of tonnes of CO2 into the ocean every day and right there next to these huge chimneys spewing CO2 and boiling water and no current to wash the elevated CO2 away lives millions of guess what? Hard shelled grabs and mussels and hard shelled animals. ooops! turns out that the whole story is a made up scare story heavy on the MAYS & IFS & COULDS & POSSIBLYS and laced with lies and distortions. Life thrives around volcanic vents and it would take millions of years of masively increased CO2 levels which would be impossible for the atmosphere to contribute to have any effect. What the BBC fails to mention is the thousands of mile of tectonic plate boundaries under the oceans that pump CO2 into the sea in gigantic amounts. The fraudsters at the BBC want us to believe that CO2 levels will get so high in such a short time that of 0.040% atmospheric CO2 of which humans contribute around 5% and only a part of that ever enters the ocean cycle and of that small part all is used by organisms that it will suddenly kill the oceans? Are they having a laugh or what? Do they expect us to forget what we know about life around deep sea black smokers?
CO2 at less than 0.040% of the atmosphere, its a trace gas and of that tiny amount only a proportion that is not used in the lands CO2 cycle ever gets into the ocean and most of that gets absorbed into what the BBC forgets to tell us about, the long term CO2 cycle where marine organisms use the CO2 then die and deposit their CO2 material as sediment. We see the white cliffs of Dover and we see the long term CO2 cycle at work, more CO2 dissoled into the ocean means more is used by animals which then sequester it as sediment. The BBC forgets to mention this in its recycled ridiculous scare story, somehow forgets to add balance or even basic infomation in its quest to con its readers.
There is no problem with ocean acidification via CO2, there never was a problem, life in the oceans thrives on the stuff, the more there is the more it is used and the more deposited as sediment. Funny just how much information the BBC misses out, but then again this trash science is spoon fed to the BBC from CAGW fraudsters desperate for the gravy train to keep running, its lazy, its dishonest and in the end its simply futile. please read the BBC website report, it perfetly illustrates just how corrupt they have become. Have a look at this quote to see the degenerate liars in action.
“if emissions of atmospheric CO2 go unchecked and much of the that gas is absorbed into sea.”
Notice the IF and notice they give no figures and notice they rely on the scare rather than hard evidence and facts, because of course “much” means anything or nothing, it infers and the BBC are experts at getting the reader to infer what the BBC requires. Of course what the BBC doesnt mention is the land CO2 cycle and the ocean CO2 cycle which adjusts to higher and lower CO2 levels and makes use of higher CO2, plants breathe it more in and sea animals use it more so any raised levels are efficiently utilized, the BBC forgot to mention that didnt they?
‘Jacuzzi vents’ model CO2 future
A UK scientist studying volcanic vents in the ocean says they hold a grave warning for future marine ecosystems.
Oh. look where Prescott turns up next – on ITV with that ex Beeboid. One oaf interviewing another. I won’t be watching. Can’t stand either of them.
22:00 That Sunday Night Show
Series 3. Episode 7/9 Adrian Chiles is joined by guests including former deputy prime minister John Prescott and new regular panellist Frank Skinner to round up the past seven days’ biggest news stories and look to the week ahead. They browse newspapers, magazines, websites, blogs and social-networking sites for recent headline-grabbing events.
I read an article today about how BBC newsreader Moira Stuart was avoiding paying a higher rate of tax on her substantial earnings, by having set up a service company, Moira Stuart Ltd. This allows her to pay corporation tax, set at 21%, instead of the 50% top tax rate which she’d be liable for based on her income.
Now I also know there are many BBC executives and ‘celebrities’ who do exactly the same, and have been doing it for a while. This article from 2009 tells of similar actions by their staff then – Top BBC presenters at centre of tax dodging row as they snub contracts to remain ‘freelance’
So I decided to do a little research to see how the BBC itself reports on the issue of tax avoidance, especially as they are so vocal with regard to opposing cuts and savings implemented by the present government, made necessary by the deficit left by the previous government.
So with the saying ‘Money Talks and Bullshit Walks’ in the back of my mind, I was certain that BBC hypocrisy was only going to be further exposed than it was already. I found a few interesting pieces that really show the ‘one rule for them’ mentality held by the BBC, and may also stimulate your own thinking about the rights and wrongs of tax avoidance.
In September 2010, the Chief Treasury Secretary, Lib Dem MP Danny Alexander, addressed the party conference, which the BBC headlined Alexander launches ‘ruthless’ tax evasion clampdown. He stated this
“There are some people who seem to believe that not paying their fair share of tax is a lifestyle choice that is socially acceptable,” he said.
“Just like the benefit cheat, they take resources from those who need them most. Tax avoidance and evasion are unacceptable in the best of times but in today’s circumstances it is morally indefensible.
“We will be ruthless with those often wealthy people and businesses who think they can treat paying tax as an optional extra.” Tax evasion and avoidance cost the Treasury an estimated £14bn a year and successive governments have vowed to take action against it.
It was clear that this also directly implicated those at the BBC engaged in these practices. So in response, the next day BBC business editor Robert Peston wrote this article: Is avoiding tax immoral?, in which he asserts
I am sure that many of you would agree with him. But “tax evasion” is illegal whereas “tax avoidance” is not: tax avoidance is the use of lawful devices to reduce taxable income and thus the tax payable to the Exchequer.
Now, there are plenty of individuals who see tax as just another of those irksome costs of doing business, such that they would be certifiable if they didn’t do all that’s necessary to shrink their tax bills. They would take the view that if they’re not breaking the law in reducing the tax they pay on their income, then they’re doing nothing wrong.
He goes on to cite many examples where across business this is an accepted practice, although most of his subjects are business leaders and entrepreneurs, He avoids using examples like media presenters since even he can see there’s quite a distinction. It’s clear though that he wants to justify the practice.
I haven’t checked specifically, but I’m willing to bet he didn’t feel the same on the issue of banker bonuses, which according to his supposed philosophy he should be quite okay with it.
The classic case of tax avoidance at the BBC was John Simpson – who elected to “live” in Eire, saving huge amounts of tax.
Excellent Sir!Thank You…since 2009 eh?
Then in June 2011 the BBC commissioned a poll on tax avoidance for one of its upcoming programmes and were probably quite disappointed to see the results
“The Government should crack down on tax avoidance by businesses operating in the UK.”Agree: 84%Disagree: 12%
Don’t know: 3%
The poll also stated:
“The Government should crack down on tax avoidance by businesses, even if it causes unemployment, or some companies to leave the UK.”
Agree: 60%
Disagree: 34%
Don’t know: 6%
This time, political editor Nick Robinson writes an article in advance of the programme Decision Time: The tax avoidance issue
He opens with
With the country facing a squeeze, with tax rising and spending being cut, the demand that companies and the rich should pay what they owe grows louder and louder.
You don’t have to be one of those who occupied Topshop or Fortnum and Mason to wonder why the taxman can’t get his hands on billions of pounds shielded by offshore schemes and onshore wheezes.
But on the other hand, you may worry whether Britain really can afford to increase the taxes paid by those who create wealth and jobs and who are, after all, minimising their tax bills quite legally.
Could the final cost of a crackdown on tax avoidance be higher than the bill of letting it go on?
So Robinson wants to try and change public opinion by justifying avoidance for ‘those who create wealth and jobs’, which for the BBC is their usual self-serving agenda. Otherwise they are far from fitting that description.
I see also that while the programmed aired on the 8th of June 2011, and is still available to be listened to, the usual description that accompanies most broadcasts has been made quite neutral so nobody would know the subject material by looking at it, as the picture above shows.
In November 2011 the New Statesmen reports Tax avoidance costs UK economy £69.9 billion a year, so it looks to remain quite a contentious issue for a while.
My feeling about the subject is there may be a justification for businesses to seek ways to reduce taxes, provided those ways also serves the public. But when public servants, as those at the BBC are supposed to be, and paid for out of the public coffers, well in excess anyway of what they are truly worth, there is absolutely no justification for them to be avoiding paying their fare share of taxes- especially so when they are so instrumental in creating the same society that needs those taxes.
I also think if a poll was done specifically related to tax avoidance by BBC staff, the result would be closer to 100% opposed.
There are layers of hypocrisy with these Beeboid supposed bleeding hearts and champions of the poor rioting deprived masses and those having their maximum housing benefit curtailed to £500 a week or whatever the figure is. They put on their concerned faces and their soulful voices for the consumption of the licence-paying masses, while sticking out their well-fed hand to grab all that they can for their own consumption. Some of them could give lessons to the house-flipping expenses claimants in the House of Commons.
The BBC protects the public interest by spending lots of public money to prevent the interest of its public finding out just how much the BBC spends.
BBC pays £1.8million legal bill to help keep stars’ pay confidential
Yes, imagine if commercial broadcasters new that Jeremy Vine was on only £1.25m a year for a lunchtime radio show and topping and tailing Panorama.
How fast they would swoop.
Apologies to Mr Mark Thompson – I hope I haven’t let the cat out of the bag.
I think there is a point here. His ancestors (from whom he still benefits) were fierce opponents of Wilberforce. They opposed him because they were strongly in favour of slavery. If Dawkins were to reflect a little upon the fact that the abolition of slavery was largely driven by Christians he might arrive at a slightly more balanced account.
If I could trace my family back that many generations I am sure that thereb would be at least one of them who hated Wilberforce. I don’t agrree that he was telling anybody that they wre christian or not what I though he was saying was if someboby counted themself as a christian then they were. Do you know enough about his finances to know that he benefits from slavery?
And I would be very supprised if you could produce one single athiest who wou;d rather have an Islamic country. If we talk less about Islam it is because we fear a howling mob of beareded bampots turning up at our front doors.
I refuse to believe that I cannot be moral without believing in some all powerful sky god. Unless of course you count not believing in your god what ever else I do, as being imoral.
It would be helpful if you acquainted yourself with the facts Ron Todd.
The Dawkins family did not just happen to support slavery (a large number no doubt) they made their fortune from slavery (a smaller number) and they were not just opponents of the abolition of slavery, his ancestors (the family included several Members of Parliament) were amongst the foremost and last diehard opponents of the abolition of slavery.
The Dawkins estate in Oxfordshire which the family bought as a result of the profits from their plantations in Jamaica was inherited by his father, and Richard Dawkins is a part-owner of its various businesses.
I think it is significant that most of the humanitarian reforms of the C18 and C19th in this country were the result of Christian activists. Given his family history (and his opposition to Christianity) I think he could usefully reflect a little more deeply on that fact.
I am not a Christian, and I think that Dawkins is a jerk (I was reading one of his biological textbooks recently and at one point he launched off on a completely irrelevant attack on the policies of George Bush) but I do believe that history has something to teach him.
Not you obviously.
You condemn yoursel in your middle paragraph Ron.
No point in hiding in our churches as we look to our “Skygod” ,when you and the likes of Dawkins agonise.
As I said-let`s see you, or Dawkins write that survey that cheacks if Muslims are “genuine”…or was Khomeni only a “religious secularist” too.
Have the courage of your secular convictions Ron-don`t presume to hide behind ours.
And if you really think that Sawkinds had an objective and dispassionate agenda to his innocent questions-look at the survey, and tell me that bright 15 year old would`nt have written a more discriminating one?
And no, God loves us all Ron…he judges the morals, and you`re a wayfaring stranger here same as I!
What religion were those that started the transatlantic slave trade, Did none of your churches or clergy ever get mony directly or indirectly from the plantations? Why would I hid in your churches? they give me the creeps and is being afraid of a howling mob not a rational attitude.
If god does love us all why does he make life so miserable for so many of his believing subjects?
Why are they so many contradictoryb religions.
As for the survey if somebody claims that they belong to q particular religion I am happy to accept that and let the religious argue about who is a true believer a heritic or a heathen.
And if you all have the courage of your convictions how come I am the only one putting my real name up?
That is your choice.
I wonder if his wage went down since he stopped doing the pointless topping and tailing of Panorama. Oh, I forgot: he does a quiz programme called Eggheads.
How true Millie.
How the hell does Vine get his name on a programme where he tops and tails a rusty bucket of an old hulk of a show…and get paid.
And how much?…what a gig eh?
At least George Dixon actually deigned to appear in his “Dock Green” programme…not just spout off on what was occuring as he watched from the wings!
Ah but he’s a bit of an old rusty bucket himself, reputationwise, ever since that notorious occasion when he made a show of himself on the TV prancing about in a cowboy hat and boots when he was supposed to be reporting the election results.
Thought that was John Prescott!
We`re seeing an awful lot of that Toby Jug chewing wasps aren`t we?
Don`t let anyone tell me he`s got a book out…unless it`s for colouring in.
Apparently he`s now going to be on Room 101…do you think anyone will explain the original meaning, or will he just fall onto his secretarys desk and laughing at what fools let him get away with this.
So-if it`s not a book, then it`ll be the Coronation to Gotham Citys Police Commissioner…hope the thugs and thieves of Hull are fit enough to run away from the tub of guts wrapped in Barbara Castles shower curtains!
BBC-NUJ, as Labour Party surrogate, contradictorally wants tax cuts and tax increases:
“Ed Balls suggests Budget tax cut options”
‘Daily Mail’:
“Green taxes add 15% to your energy bills: Government finally admits how much more families pay to meet emissions targets”
Read more:
BBC-NUJ (and Labour) want Les EBDON (pro-‘Mickey Mouse’ degrees) as government’s social engineer of education.
‘Daily Mail’ Comment:-
“Revolt over tsar
“It is hard to think of anyone less suited to heading up the Office for Fair Access – the body designed to help more poor students into higher education – than Business Secretary Vince Cable’s chosen candidate Professor Les Ebdon.
Currently vice-chancellor of the University of Bedfordshire – joint 102nd out of 119 in the Good University Guide – the ‘access tsar’ says applicants from poorer homes should be admitted even if they do not have the qualifications.
He believes undergraduates should be allowed to continue studying even if they fail first-year courses and he is on record defending ‘Mickey Mouse’ degrees.
Poor students don’t need positive discrimination. They need good schooling.
Shouldn’t David Cameron simply veto the appointment of this patronising social engineer without delay?
Mr Cable and the Lib Dems would squeal with indignation at the interference but so what? Which is more important, protecting academic standards for future generations, or petty Coalition politics?”
(Scroll down)
Read more:
“Ebdon confirmed as university access chief”
There goes any pretence of the Tories actually giving a damn about education.
The likes of Willets are a disgrace…to say so much about all this in opposition, and then fold in the face of some empty suit from Bedford Uni, with the terrifying prospect of taking Vince Cables spats away from him…this will up end all that Gove was intending to do, and it will not be forgotten.
The squalid trade off re tuition fees being able to get repaid early is a catastrophic error…this whole section of the economy will now turn Labour-and why wouldn`t they.
All the Tories are doing is what Labour would be doing….for a “political party” to be so inept as the Tories is a new one to me.
Melanie Phillips said it all so well in the Mail last week…and to make an enemy of her is fatal too!
BBC-NUJ, apparently censoring this to further its political agenda:
“A seven-year-old branded a bigot. How on earth have we come to this? ”
By Melanie Phillips
Read more:
Clearly he should be sat in front of CBBC and more brainwashing carried out.
Next stop for Elliott Dearlove is on the panel of Young Persons Question Time. Where the ‘randomly selected’ audience will scream ‘Racist’ at him for an hour!
Islam Not BBC(INBBC) censors out this on Islamic jihadists in British jails:
UK jailhouse jihad: Terrorists log on to “” to preach hate and violence from prison
But INBBC has this against the English Defence League, which opposes Islamic jihadists:
“Greater Manchester Police may seek EDL march ban”
From English Defence League website:
National Demonstration: 25th February 2012, Hyde, Greater Manchester
Perhaps I missed it but Lord Carey’s comments about gay marriage (and a poll showing MOST oppose gay marriage) seems to be MIA on the BBC.
Funny as normally when the church is attacking bankers the BBC can’t wait to run it as a top story.
“He was greeted by shouts of “shame” and one woman refused to stand aside, saying: “I’ve had enough of you.””
Or perhaps …
“Don’t think for a second that June Hautot was some innocent old dear, she is in fact a former union rep and organiser for “Keep NHS public”.
…do you think that is a BBC camera? The “demonstration” is very weak with only a few people so a clear Union set-up, IF that is a BBC camera somebody needs to investigate.
Good to hear Clare Gerada on “The World At One” as she siad, sadly; that the NHS shambles has beome “political with a small p”.
Really Clare…and I wonder if you`d like to share with us your political party alliegancies and the last few years activity?
Why aren`t these people honest about their politics?…and why won`t the BBC ask them about them…no, don`t tell!
We all know don`t we?
John Pienaar just confessed that the man seen just before the shouty woman outside no. 10 was in fact a BBC producer.
Give us the news and spare us the comment.
Late last night Stephen Nolan was hosting a BBC radio discussion about the big boxing story. Fair enough, sport is part of the 5 Live remit.
He interupts this item to deliver a news flash confirming that Rupert Murdoch is indeed launching the Sun on Sunday and doing it next weekend. No complaints there, news is also part of the 5 Live remit.
My heart sinks when Mr Nolan eagerly adds ‘We’ll bring you some comment as soon as we can!’
I could already predict the delivery of some lefty anti-Murdoch sloganeering.
Now I have mixed feelings about Nolan. I find his accent and geneality fairly easy on the ear. I assume he is a lefty and I know that some of our friends in Ulster would like to expell him from their local airwaves. Well, I would happily take him as long at he is given in exchange for the phony over-grown school boy Richard Bacon, the micro-light weight Dame Nicky and throw in any number of second generation female plastic paddies of the Shelagh Fogarty Rachel Burdon ilk.
I digress.
Mr Nolan was as true as his word. He soon russels up Beeboid and Guardianista Steve Hewlett on speed dial. He gives a brief comment and although not adding any new information and least avoids the delivery of the ultimate BBC money shot – Murdoch, him bad!
And that is where Twitter comes into its own. Nolan’s Beeboid team just happen to stumble across a lefty Twitter drone’s comment to be delivered in the manner of ‘some people are saying’.
“The Sun on Sunday will just be Murdoch’s News of the World in disguise”
The BBC, you may think we are biased, we couldn’t possibly comment.
And Hewlett was on “the World At One”.
Do you imagine that he gets his own room at the BBC at times like these-or at least a hammock(Prescotts underpants).
Set your watches for Roy Greenslade coming along any time soon.
The HYS pages always conform to the House Rules.Today the luvvies are rubbishing Murdoch’sproposal to launch a new sunday paper and lots of hostile comments of a personal nature are aimed at Murdoch. However, a response to the comparison of Murdoch with a tortoise was rejected as being offensive. Wonder why.
14 Minutes ago
“Like a tortoise without a shell on”
Karl Pilkington, when asked what Rupert Murdoch would look like naked. No matter on what side you are in relation to this debate I think that is something we can all relate to.
@ Can I say this about the Director General of the BBC?
—————Rejected within 4 minutes.
Shouldn`t dear Rupert be commended for “creating jobs?”…and “investing in this countrys world-beating talent”?
The BBC would be falling over any other foreigner doing the same…
‘Rejected within 4 minutes’
I have taken to tasking the mods on ‘referrals’ that in fact never make it to being seen at all.
These I suggest should be deemed interceptions, as they are clearly an internal imposition where the hosue rules don’t seem adequate, but tehy know the bosses wouldn’;t like to see it go through without at least a delaying action.
Also interesting are those that do make it, but get pulled PDQ.
Nothing makes media-lefties more uncomfortable than Murdoch’s success through free choice in a competitive market.
“But what if people make the wrong choices? They might think the wrong thoughts. And where would that leave us, the compulsory tellytax funded unaccountable cesspit of leftwing hippies and harpies? I mean, we might have to get a proper job, and bye bye the good life in The Guardian echo-chamber.”