More war mongering from the BBC. Radio 5 are rabid for it. So according to the BBC we should be starting a war to defend our photographers and reporters.
Can I just say to the BBC I wouldn’t piss on a journalist, especially one who is trying to get us involved in another war.
So now our Government are recognising the Syrian opposition, a rag-tag bunch of foriegn terrorists, insurgents and mercineries intermixed with various intelligence agents from France and the UK and America.
Who gives them the authority to represent the whole of Syria?
Islam Not BBC (INBBC) is keen not to discuss whether some of al-Shabaab Islamic jihadists in Somalia are from Britain, lest we start opposing the Somali immigrant supporters of Al Shabaab who vow to extend their jihad against we British kafirs.
“BBC East Africa correspondent Will Ross says as well as attracting jihadists from Europe and north America in recent years, the Islamist militant group has also recruited young men from across the region.
In many of the Kenyan communities close to the Somali border the poverty is deep and with few opportunities for employment, they have been lured into joining al-Shabab with promises of a better life, he says.”
Note how INBBC excuses our Islamic jihad enemies, by using the ‘poverty’ card.
“Britain’s newest and proudest export: mujahedin. The Muslims from the U.K. who are fighting in Somalia are the glorious fruits of multiculturalist relativism, unrestricted immigration, and the inability or unwillingness of British authorities to confront the prevalence of the jihad doctrine among Muslims in the U.K. ‘British Muslims recruited to fight for al-Qaeda in Somalia,’ by Sean Rayment and Colin Freeman for the Telegraph“
Presumably, the British government will consult representatives of the 100,000 plus Somalis people in UK, in places like London, Cardiff, Birmingham and Leicester too.
According to 2001 UK census, there were less than 100,000 Somali residents in Britain; in the past few years this figure has probably more than doubled to over 200,000 Somalis (according to PM Cameron yesterday). The ‘real’ figure could be nearer 250,000.
I have the impression that UK political ‘elite’ is happy to continue mass immigration from Somalia (jihadists included), to Britain as part of the rapid ongoing Islamic colonisation here.
Of course, many Somali asylum people who got to the Netherlands were unhappy in that country, so they decided to come to Britain and notably to Leicester instead.
Actually George that article from the DT from 2004 is incoorect. It claims that the reason somalians left Holland was due to their inability to work for the first 5 years.
The real reason is because Holland (As well as Denmark) clamped down on somalians who can’t be bothered to work, other than lie down think of allah and push out rug rats. This meant that they took cuts to their benefits if they did not get out of bed on a morning.
Playing the racist card they all moved lock stock and barrel to the UK where our f-ing council workers hand over benefits without checking (don’t blame the immigrants lame the lazy council workers who hand over the cash, who don’t do their job)
Since 2004 virtually the entire Somali popualtions of Denmark and Holland have upped sticks and relocated to..England.
They don’t get just the usual benefits either. My council gave a grant to Somali troublemakers, apparently in order to get them to stop causing mayhem.
Bad though the Beeb are, I hope that they don`t see Jon Snows Channel4 News of last night.
A ten minute PPB on behalf of Al Shabab, with some stoolie reporter of theirss even getting an award for his “snowjob” on behalf of the IslamSharia Party.
Despicable…but what else will we expect from the LeftLibLoonies that hog the main sewer pipe of “news and analysis”?
Obtuse or what David?
Read the BBCs website, then draw your own conclusions.
When the BBC do their best Les Dawson impression as they bustle aroung EDL, white youths and police reassuring the kebab shop owners…you just KNOW what it`s all about.
Yet the BBC have shown themselves surprisingly constipated about releasing this story since it first emerged like the turtles head at the start of the year.
This coy clucking behind the fans is typical BBC when it comes to Islamic-sanctioned grooming and sexual assaults on teenage girls with “ishoos”…and you David, claim not to see the BBC in full” join the dots mode”….yet coming across all dispassionate, whilst speaking in tongues…forked, craven and PC ones as ever!
Oh so lame and sad and really pathetic, all you have is that? You need something more convincing, try Gores film.
I dont know whether to laugh at you and your silly two words or pat you on the head.
Anyhooo menawhile back at the ranch here is a graph you may want(or not)to look at, it shows the CAGW in simple enough terms for a beeboid mind to comprehend and remember, look at the graph not around it.
As a bloke once said, when moaning, ironyfree and hypocrisy-immune, about trite patronising and glib single line debate: ‘yawn’… plus, of course, erm… <sarc off>
Probably a mixture of veggies, animal rights activists and kids protesting that unit costs of alcohol are not yet 50p as the BMA are urging upon us all.
That story, at this link, was commented on in the last Open Thread by Evil Tory. My reply may be worth repeating as it was done just before this Open Thread:
— That story is fascinating it what it doesn’t say. Why would 200 “youths” be trying to shut a takeaway? There must be reasons for these local “tensions”. Why would the owner refer to “white friends”? His name would suggest he isn’t white. Were the youths shouting “EDL” part of the 200 or were they the “white friends” protecting the business? Why did the EDL praise the youths?
If the journalist doesn’t know the answer to these questions, it’s pretty poor journalism. It’s extremely relevant to understanding what what going on, so why not tell us? —
Now that I see the Daily Mail story, I can see that it’s to do with the sex-grooming trial. But without that knowledge the story just looks odd and it’s clear the BBC is withholding pertinent information. You have to ask why.
Hang on. You said we hadn’t covered it. It was on the One and we did link it to the ongoing Liverpool case. There’s not much more you CAN say at the moment. Covering events surround court cases is always difficult. I can’t imagine you’d be terribly impressed if reporting by anybody lead to the case collapsing.
NO NO NO there is a difference between ‘mentioning it’ and covering it for christ sake. I only put the link (as I often do) because people here can read and follow the link. We do that here all the time. Stop trying to defend something you know you can’t. The BBC are in denial about Muslim rape gangs.
By the way you lot at the BBC didn’t seem to care about possible court action when trashing Andy Coulson on a daily basis did you?
Martin, I believe the judge in the Liverpool Crown Court trial(s) has imposed broadcasting restrictions so the media reports will be somewhat sketchy.
On TWaO, the reporter did allude to ‘members of the Asian community’ currently on trial in Liverpool and that the unrest in Rochdale was seemingly related. But clearly they are hamstrung in what they can report until the trials are concluded.
As I understand it, the details of the case are particularly unpleasant and I can’t say I am looking forward to the outcome.
I wonder if Mr Gregory and the BBC – subscribes to the theory amplified in the first episode of Yes Minister with regard to ‘the right to know’
“Bernard: But surely the citizens of a democracy have a right to know.”
“Sir Humphrey Appleby: No. They have a right to be ignorant. Knowledge only means complicity in guilt; ignorance has a certain dignity.”
And as we all know, if it was gangs of any other ethnicity or dogmatic conviction, grooming and abusing young girls, the BBC would be running it every 15 minuets on the news channel, radio 4 & 5 and screaming it from any rooftop they can get on.
I’ve just watched this Dispatches: Muslim rape gangs in England (look beeboids that is how to do a program title on the subject) and at 14:00 Andrew Norfolk from the Times points to the Elephant in the room;
“As each year past, these cases would crop up, involving two or more men being convicted of child sex crimes. The one thing I couldn’t help noticing every time one of these cases cropped up, was that these were Asian names.
Time and and again you hear police forces say ethnicity is utterly irreletive to this type of offending, we treat every offence on it’s own merit, if wrongdoing is taking place we will address it.
And that’s fine as well, except in any other type of crime, a pattern was staring you in the face like this. then you would say we need to understand why this is happening. And its that question, that I don’t think has ever been addressed in this country.”
Now with the BBC reluctance/failure to report on this situation we continue to have a failure by the establishment in our country to address a serious issue that is effecting the lives of people all over the nation.
“Not much more you can say at the moment ”
The defendants in Livverpool are described as “Asians ” and “local” by the BBC , nothing else .
When has the Manchester area been in Asia ?
Asia is a continent , a huge continent bigger than Europe , and more diverse , multicultural, multiethnic and any other BBC buzzword .
Many Asians and people of asian lineage (who should be correctly called English if they are born and bred here , and are integrated ) .
What is the common factor of the defendants in Liverpool ? The BBC wont say .
I’ve recently had correspondence with the Beeb on the subject of Muslim child sex gangs and there is a detectable change of tone from them, including (would you believe) the assertion that the BBC has covered ‘the preactice’ ‘extensively’.
IMO the BBC has twigged that it is bang to rights on its non-coverage of this issue.
Probably because the Mail still have to approximate to the truth, whereas the BBC are accountable to no-one but themselves…and if they want to bend the truth into so many pipe cleaners then they`ll do it to celebrate inclusion and social cohesion.
Heard Evan Davis quote “Inclusion” about unemployment and slave labour this morning…full title “Social and Economic Inclusion”, and nearly all staffed by refugees from DWP, Treasury etc as from May 2010.
Still, Evan cited them…so it must be true then!
What I understood from reading this story Rochdale takeaway attacked as youths clash with policewas that there are a group of peopel who hate takeaways, otherwise why else would they be attacking it. I deduced that EDL must stand for something to do with eating, like ‘Eating Diets Lived-In’, maybe a group sponsored by Jamie Oliver.
By way of contrast, when the Tottenham Carnival broke out last year the BBC were falling over themselves to put it in the context of the execution of St Mark of Duggan by the fascist police.
Why no interviews with ‘community leaders’ this time, hey, Auntie?
In David Gregory’s world, I’m sure the BBC – in its treatment of the Rochdale events and their context – “got it about right”. As, I’m also sure, in David Gregory’s expert estimation (he has a science qualification, after all), Richard Black – in his coverage of CAGW and “climate science” in general and approval of quasi-criminality in Fakegate in particular – “gets it about right”.
Looking at the time of DG’s comment he must have had a few minutes spare after lunch and, with the approval of his boss, lobbed a dull and superficial “correction” at the plebs. What a laugh eh!
David Gregory: first I agree that there is a balance between fully reporting an event and undermining a court case. So I’m looking forward to a FULL REPORT after the case is over (unless hell freezes over first).
But I wish you and other BBC apparatchiks would take seriously the views expressed over the censoring of reporting here on this blog. Those mysterious tales of “pizza delivery men” who carry bombs, and “youths” who create havoc by destroying their “communities”, and “bakers” who walk away from crimes free men. “British born” young men and women who are never identified and “minorities” who are only called such when they feel threatened. Now –
Do you see how opaque the issue becomes when I use only the guarded terms of the some media outlets, The result is that no-one knows what the hell the problem really is and organisations like the BBC lose credibility when cloaking the facts in a mist of political correctness. Don’t you trust the people with the truth?
Restrained by political masters and wilfull blindness you keep a sullen, sceptical public in the dark. Do you know how dangerous that is? One day, a false and inflamitory rumour will be be spun by someone with evil intent and no amount of denials from the MSM will be believed. “Why should we believe the BBC now?,” the people will say, “they only ever tell us half the story”. And they will add, as we do every day, “I wonder what REALLY happened?”
Meanwhile, I think by reading around the BBC report on “the Rochdale event” I am beginning to deduce what happened. But how sad is it that I have to do that?
“Richard Black – in his coverage of CAGW and “climate science” in general and approval of quasi-criminality in Fakegate in particular”
There is no ‘quazi’ about it. It is blatant criminality. Federal felonies: Wire fraud, ID theft, Breach of copywrite. Additionally there is a California State law breach of electronic impersonation fraud.
The BBC are still pretending that the fake document is still valid because it confirms what they all wanted to believe anyway. Truth be damned!
Apparently the Heartland Institute has called in the FBI . IMHO there was, as you say, blatant criminality – but that’s just your and my opinion. If and when Gleick is prosecuted and found guilty of the offences you list, I’m sure – great journalist that he is – Richard Black will resile from his evident approval of Gleick’s tactics and print a fulsome apology to his readers for not “getting it about right”. Actually Hell – or just the UK – will freeze over before Black or any other BBC shyster will make such an admission.
More bollocks from the BBC. Female beeboid just interviewed Carlone Lucas about the Green Party. Except I didn’t learn anything about the Greens as the female beeboid simply helped reinforce Green’s views and allowed her to attack the government for 4 minutes.
As an example Lucas claimed that the energy companies were making big profits whilst more people were in fuel poverty. Female beeboid didn’t point out that it’s Huhne’s green policies (that Lucas supports) forcing up the cost of fuel with these useless windmills and the fact they just don’t work.
Lucas claimed we don’t need nuclear energy so obvious question would have been how we generate base energy supply when wind and solar are too expensive and unreliable.
As he seem to have ‘dipped in’, Maybe Dr. Gregory can assist as possibly ‘techy stuff’ was beyond ‘the ladyees’, and especially a £96kpa market rate reader-outer talent to cover properly?
Or was he scared off from the latest snipe and run strafe by again being confronted a bit smartish by what is actually out there, as opposed to carefully crafted bubble versions of it that once beyond hone turf fall apart quite quickly?
To be fair to the BBC a many of those old folk in fuel poverty must have made a lot of man made global warming when they fought fascism in the Seond World War , what with explosives ,invasions and running back empty from a Berlin bombing run .
We all must do our bit .
Oh Lordy!
“Analysis” on Radio4 this coming Monday is all about the Republican Partys lurch to the right.
I myself will have my own BlueNun game…Tea Party, Racist, stymie of the Great Helmsmans Health Reforms, Saran Palin,Tina Fey…bullshit bingo.
Hope they`ve ran it by Fatty Mardell to ensure that its a balanced programme…
hmmm! “day-to-day coverage” of the trial had brought “TENSION” into the community” ahem … and there were “ELEMENTS” who would seek to use that for their own gain”…. “Those that seek to use what’s going on in Liverpool to further their “RACIST” agenda will be dealt with robustly ….
hello! 😀 i m sorry
what race is islam again, goodness … it sounds a bit like these grooming paedophile rapists, are about to get the el beeb full on victim treatment doesn t it…
OH! 😀
and el beebs chief muslim gobshite spouts …
“Mob rule or vigilantism is not the way we conduct ourselves in this country” M. ShafiqRamadhan Foundation. who wrote that for him 😉 ……..
unless you happen to be muslim that is … eh! … moh!
ps …
before i went off page i checked out el beebs link
Anorak … “demonising all Asians and Muslims is more akin to a blood libel than a campaign to end child abuse.”
Raping and abusing young girls seems to be quite acceptable to the BBC, just as long as the victims are white trash, infidel dogs not worthy of being called human.
The abuse of women and girls is cultural right? And we must all welcome the cultural enhancement that islam has brought to our shores, women are just asking for it anyway.
Oh and BTW if the girls had been muslim and the rapist abusers had been white then the BBC would not have worried about legal problems would they? They would in full outrage mode, white women are just not worth it.
Just google ‘Muslim rape gangs’ and see what comes up. Not that you will find much on the BBC except an article that mentions ‘Muslims’ right down the bottom of the article.
Isn’t it interesting that the BBC try to hide it with the word ‘Asian’ yet this is tarnishing Hindus and Sikhs and I’m not sure we have gangs of men from those communities doing that sort of thing, certainly not on anything like the scale we have from Muslim males who really do seem to have a problem with western society.
Police have said a disturbance which targeted a Greater Manchester takeaway was “misjudged and against innocent members of the community”. Police said there were local “tensions” over a continuing child-sex court case.The disturbance followed a protest by about 80 people, who police said were “voicing concerns in relation to some of the incidents that have been reported”…….Zeeshan Khokhar, 23, owner of Bits n Pizza, a takeaway in Market Street, said he had been verbally abused but his shop had not been damaged. Mr Khokhar said “white friends” had gone to his shop to protect him as trouble began in the afternoon…..
So the bBC report on the reason why the majority population of the Uk has said enough is enough and decided to ape the mores of Islam in which to bitch about how Islamic males lust over little girls. But then the bBC does it usual make over and thus we have the owner of the shop where (under new management) these girls were picked on by Allah’s finest. Read how his white friends came to his rescue. I wonder if those white friends were little girls under 13?
But the icing on the cake has to be how the bBC signs off the article:
The Ramadhan Foundation, which is based in Greater Manchester, has condemned the events.
Chief executive Mohammed Shafiq said: “The mindless thugs that attacked [the takeaway] and attacked the police should be ashamed of themselves, furthermore the community must allow the due process of law to be carried out.
“Mob rule or vigilantism is not the way we conduct ourselves in this country.”
Get that the bBC allows Muslims who can go from rapist to rioter at the drop of a Koran to opine that protesting is not how we conduct ourselves in this country. Gee wiz I wonder what the nice people at the Ramadan foundation have to say about:
Complaining about police checks at Glasgow airport
Complaining about Ray Honeyford
Threatening to behead a British soldier in Birmingham
Drug dealing
and many more
Yup the bBC feels that the idiots who have no problem playing the racist card in which to legally riot are qualified to have the last word on civilized behaviour.
No worries. Unlike the BBC’s new twitter/mobile obsession, if the space is there, the subject warrants and the content makes it worthwhile, posting to communicate accurately, fully and fairly works for me.
As opposed to getting things ‘to fit’ that are none of the above, as now produced by a £4Bpa ‘PR to agenda-message’ propaganda outfit I am somehow still expected to fund in undermining my belief sets.
What I found interesting was there wasn’t one interview with the same scum the BBC got sound bites off (SWP and other leftists arseholes who were complaining about the nasty Tories and their work experience scheme) all this week to moan about those poor kids not getting jobs.
Then the male beeboid asks for people to write in and tell them if they think that this is fair or not (or to you and me are YOU a racist).
No interviews with those losing their jobs, except for a couple of sound bites off people who “think it’s OK so long as it’s legal”
How the BBC can take totally different stances on the same issue but only when there is a chance to attack those nasty Tories.
True, they are not allowed to work freely but it isn’t an absolute prohibition on all work. There are various provisions whereby for example, self-employed working is possible and for employment, employers may be able to apply for permission for a specific job.
However, I do agree with you in the sense that I wonder why the Jobcentres who are so busily trying to get people into jobs and work schemes don’t jump on things like this and demand of these employers to explain why they are not recruiting from our own unemployed. The government should insist that they do at least advertise and interview locally and should refuse any applications for work visas if these employers have not first offered the jobs to the home workforce.
True up to a point MT , but there are still some points
1; Are these taxi drivers really self employed ?
There are lawsguidelines for this from both the NI and the taxman , are they turning a blind eye to their own rules ?
2; Apropos the above , are these Rumos going to supply their own vehicle ,, fuel, VED ,, insurance ,.breakdown cover . Are they going to choose their accountants ,pay class 3 NI, keep financial records and submit tax forms ?.
3;Are they going to choose the areas they ply their trade , the hours ,the clientele ? Can they take holidays when they wish ? Do they set the rates ?
I wasn’t saying they are self-employed. I just mentioned it as one example of how the transitional rules for Bulgarians and Rumanians don’t prohibit all working.
I appreciate what you are pointing out , MT . But if the laws were adhered to , there could not be Romanian taxi drivers here .
But this is the tip of the iceberg with the authorities not just turning a blind eye to this sort of illegal activity , but sometimes aiding and abetting it , for example issuing NI numbers and even printing government forms in languages of countries not even in the EU .
You can also see safety notices in varios factories , warehouses etc printed in such languages as Russian .
You can go to building sites , farms etc and meet Albanians , Afghanistani, Kurds etc who have come in as asylum seekers from their home countries , but once they have been given keave to stay GO ON HOLDAY TO THE COUNTRY THEY CAIM WAS PERSECUTING THEM .
This of course seems ok with our Powers That Be .
grange, the transitional arrangements are complicated and they do provide several ways in which Romanians could be working here legally: if they are self-employed or they enjoy exemption for employment in certain occupations (not including taxi drivers); or they qualify for permission under a special provision for exceptional skills or under the work permit scheme; or they have previously worked continuously for 12 months, or they are registered as vocational students on certain courses, in which case they can work full-time, or as ordinary students, who can work up to 20 hours a week in term time, or full time during vacations; or as family relatives or dependants of Romanians who have acquired rights or are registered as students, self-employed or self-sufficient. Self-employed and student registrations would account for a lot of the Romanians coming here – and Bulgarians. And of course these could be abused as well as being used legitimately.
Agree with you Millie , the rules and guidelines are muddy , but at the end of it all , the jobs of full time taxi drivers would not be open to Romanians and Bulgarians .
Just read in the Telegraph about the Roma gypsies who claimed £800 00 in benefits by fraud even as some of the gang were living in Romania .
The trouble is our officials are anonymous and obstructive . We should have names of who authorised what , when and WHY .
For instance which official issued National Insurance numbers to the above , when (was it before the accession of Romania into the EU ? ) ,and why .
The exchanges were contained in two emails leaked to the anti-monarchy group Republic, which accused the BBC of “censorship”.
Stinks to me. It’s like when the BBC get somebody to accuse them of anti-Labour coverage to make it seem they’ve been pushing the Tory agenda all along.
It does expose the fact, which we all knew already, that they’re quite capable of controlling the type of views they want to air.
The BBC have to be subtle on this one. Remember the last Jubilee? The BBC were pumping out plenty of propoganda saying it would be a flop. Yet it turned out to be a bigger event than 1977.
This burst their republican bubble, the monarchy is genuinely popular, because the public despise politicians of all colours. Tony Blair or David Cameron as Head of State? Think of a bigger nightmare Cherie Blair or Harriet Harman as Head of State.
And of course the Monarchy being rather popular, if they do insult it, there may be calls for the abolishment of the TV Licence. After all isn’t the TV Licence granted by a Royal Charter? Enough to make you go republican.
Is there any evidence of this? Or is it just another rabid conspiracy theory in which lack of evidence is touted as reinforcement of some crackpot idiocy?
If YOU were really interested in evidence, instead of pursuing your master’s agenda, then you would have realised and be appalled at just how disgustingly biased the BBC truly are, in an increasingly unethical immoral flouting of their charter, showing their real contempt for those forced to pay for it.
You are part of that contempt, and while you are safe sitting by your computer there’s nothing stopping you carrying on. I feel confident that the world you are helping to create will eventually bite you in the arse snd head, which is located anyway in the same place.
I would like to know how that piece is somehow proof that the BBC gets people to accuse it of bias. In a way that someone who isn’t a pathologically insane conspiracy theorist can understand…
Of course, you can’t show it proves anything. Because it doesn’t.
Search on this site the word ‘hacking’. Then see how much coverage the BBC gave to the topic, and what kind to see how ludicrous the claim that they didn’t give enough.
The very fact you pick and choose at what you attempt to snipe at, instead of taking EVERY example given on this site and see what conclusion you can arrive at, shows what type of agenda you have. You’re never going to waste my time engaging with you seriously because you are not interested in truth, any more than is the BBC.
Let’s put to one side for the moment that Tom Watson was criticisng the BBC for not covering phone hacking early enough, and not for not covering it at all.
The key point is that, while you claim that the BBC somehow gets people to criticise it as some sort of eflection tactic, the article you link to proves no such thing.
And as a distraction from the fact you can’t prove your ridiculous conspiracy theory, you claim I “pick and choose”. I can’t spend every hour of every day picking apart the stupidity of people like you who make baseless assertions and then get aggressive when they’re challenged. I choose instead to have a life.
You got me wrong Scott -I like challenge, you are different.
You are either bought or brainwashed to pursue the agenda you do . You have no interest in truth or what’s right or wrong – just to pursue your agenda. You’re not a challenge – you’re a foregone conclusion, and frankly you can rot in the hell of your making. I’m just telling you what I think of your mindless corruption, since you seek to further the influence of the BBC. That’s all there is to do with the likes of you. You NEVER address the facts or issues that are put quite clearly throughout this site that SHOWS CLEAR BIAS by the BBC in a repetitive and consistent manner throughout their output on the issues where they have a clear agenda.
You make my skin crawl to make us feel your sick mind – and just know when you eventually get your dues – just why you have it coming.
Just for the others who may question if there’s any validity whatsoever to your post
Tom Watson said “I would also have taken a pot shot at Lord Patten’s lugubrious speech justifying the BBC not being able to adequately investigate the phone hacking scandal.I didn’t say not covering it at all – but it’s so like you to try and twist words because either you don’t understand them well enough to begin with or you’re not really interested in facts. Also, Watson’s ‘criticism’ of the BBC came after they had lionised him for the ‘mafia boss’ slur on Murdoch, and he in turn scratched the BBC back by making it appear like they had been unreporting the matter. Like I say, you either have to be a fool or ‘one of them’ not to understand it. I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt by assuming you’re the latter.
Just a basic search of a leftie claiming the BBC is biased AGAINST Labour, how about a sure hero of yours – John Rentoul of the Independent.
Get some help explaining posts to you next time you want to attack one here.
“Had I been there [at the Society of Editors Conference] I would also have taken a pot shot at Lord Patten’s lugubrious speech justifying the BBC not being able to adequately investigate the phonehacking scandal.”
And this proves what exactly?
“…Watson’s ‘criticism’ of the BBC came after they had lionised him for the ‘mafia boss’ slur on Murdoch, and he in turn scratched the BBC back by making it appear like they had been unreporting the matter.”
So according to you; Tom Watson only agreed to critisise (Conservative Party Member) Chris Pattern as a favour to (Conservative Party Member) Chris Pattern?
interesting theory. And your proof of this is?
Ah yes:
“scum”, “You’re never going to waste my time”, “you are not interested in truth”, “You are either bought or brainwashed”, “you can rot in the hell of your making”, “You make my skin crawl”, “your sick mind”, “just know when you eventually get your dues – just why you have it coming”
Both of you IDIOTS (Because apparently neither of you can read properly) should get somebody to explain the article that I linked to above, and help you understand ALL that Watson was saying, and how ludicrous a claim it really was.
But I’m so glad you exposed yourselves the way you have, as anybody with a brain and understanding the article would see clearly what you’re about.
I notice you avoided mentioning the Rentoul article – LOL – of course you have to, and that took me one minute to find.
Keep trying to think you’re coming across as clever. Keep replying too – keeps you off the streets.
Even if Watson’s claim was “ludicrous” – I’d go for “overblown hyperbole” myself – it still isn’t proof of your ridiculous conspiracy theory. Nor is the Rentoul link you posted.
You claimed that the BBC “get someone to accuse them” of anti-Labour bias. You have yet to show anything that comes anywhere close to proving that. And because you can’t, you’re falling back on being aggressive.
Let me spell it out for the bears of very little brain amongst us: linking to people claiming the BBC has a pro-Government, or anti-Labour, bias is not proof that the BBC is colluding to generate such remarks.
I already told you idiot – to get somebody to explain the meaning of the original post of mine you sniped at.
There’s none so blind as those who WILL NOT SEE, and you’re not wasting any more of my time with your ignorance.
Bit of a revelation here on the Godawful “Any Questions” here.
The wonderful Nicki King of Isuzu may not be 100% with us, but she`s a breath of fresh air and has the audience eating out of her hand!
Lordy…even Jonathan Dimbleby is slavering…and Sarah Teater is able to catch the sidewind.
First time in years that this programme has been any good…and well done Nottingham for being sensible.
I doubt the BBC will be heading back there anytime soon!
What a question! And then we get straight away the standard Beeboid obsession and blanket smear applied whenever the word Catholic comes up, followed by fatuous question repeat, just in case we missed it the first time and just to make sure they drive home a link between abuse and no matter what else to do with the Catholic Church:
Years of sexual abuse scandals have hit the image of the Catholic Church and its priests face long hours and modest wages. So what drives the young men who want to be ordained?
I mean how could anyone possibly contemplate such a thing?
It would take years of practised stupidity to come up with a fatuous question like that. At a guess, I’d say the young men are generally not just any young men and probably not just landed from Mars and suddenly thinking, Oh, I know what: I’ll be a Catholic priest.
No, Beeboids, it’d be likely they were brought up and educated as Catholics, going to church regularly, practising their faith, attending religious schools and developing a devotion and a vocation out of all that. It’s not that hard to figure this out.
I wonder if Beeboids would write in such terms about …er… certain other religions or social groups: What on earth drives young men to be …….? How could they, when……. [Fill in the blanks according to preference].
No, the Beeboids would never do that. They have scruples when it comes to how they write about certain groups. Why the extreme delicacy in one case and the great galumphing trampling all over in another?
Imagine if a newspaper published an atricle like this.
So what drives the young people who want to join the BBC?
Years of sexual abuse scandals have hit the image of the BBC and its staff face short hours and high wages.
I actually believe the BBC is covering the sex abuse case in Liverpool to divert attention from Mr Jingle Jangle, tickets for BBC shows for sexual favours and two other un-named BBC stars from the 70’s. They have been quiet about the Liverpool problem untill now.
“2011 was a tough year, both for Centrica and our customers,” said chief executive Sam Laidlaw.
“But the strength of our integrated business and balance sheet means we’ve been able to take the lead in helping customers through these difficult times, as well as delivering growth and making the investments on which Britain’s energy future depends.”
But the BBC missed this
“Chief executive Sam Laidlaw said Government eco charges and taxes now account for 15 PER CENT of every home’s power bills.
A joy to read the thresd above.
Like tributaries flowing into the one river-and when you see the links from others like “the commentator” ,we`re all heading to the same conclusion.
The BBC is a conspiracy against the laity-and they`re increasingly ragged and threadbare in their tired prejudices and poses.
They seem not to care about whether we notice, for they don`t care anymore…but their time is drawing near.
Give them five years tops…and a bonus if we can shake them out of our pockets earlier!
‘these things tend to stick in the mouth even more when the corporation masquerades as some kind of anti-establishment think-tank, new on the scene with fresh ideas.’
Rejigging… ‘fresh ideas’ that are no more than PR as news from ‘think-tanks’ that are in fact advocacy centres the BBC approves of, yet seldom honest enough to admit or put in context, hoping folk will not notice and be seduced by the faux credibility they are trying to spin.
Having worked with more than a few of Aunty’s louche lushes, the degree of hypocrisy from their ‘don’t do as we can afford to, do as we are waving our finger you should’ schtick is getting pretty lame.
Worthwhile doing an Index of this lot.
Make Oxfam=100, then put the likes of IPPR, Demos etc on it as proportions of number of times on….%interruptions…whether there was an opposing voice given equal time in the studio and not stuck on a mobile from a carpark(that funnily enough seems to get reception problems, if it gets too honest).
Basic rule-follow the money…where does Inclusions money come from if not old Treasury, DWP types doing McBrides bidding.
Safe to say that Biased BBC/UKIP/EDL and the like are going to be 0 on the index….so we have our scale anyhoo!
i wonder if this year, they’ll have heterosexual professional male dancers on Strictly Come Dancing, rather than straight acting professional male dancers?
I noticed one thing that the press have not pointed out. Look at the photo of one of the accused, Liquat Shah. He has a massive prayer bump (look at forehead), the mark of an Islamist.
Two stories about “vulnerable children”…that would normally be top of the bill with the BBC worrywarts…but for some reason were rather skated over.
1. The State has just coughed up £1M to asylum seeking children that were locked up as adults between 2009 and 2010. They got paid then, but only now has it come to light. Now whether all those moustachioed chaps were year 9s or not is clearly dubious…but there`s a heck of an industry behind them…and the BBC would normally be spotlighting five year olds with teddy bears that were treated like Qatada…yet not too much by way of peep!
2. The Chidrens Society tell us that the late night buses are full of Kurdish kids tipped out of their bunk beds, and left to fewnd for themseives and destitute…and it`s the Governments fault according to the BBC!
Yet the report says that it was the Labour lot that caused this, since 2008 and the figures reflect that-but, as yet, no bawling out Hughes or Hodge or the like to explain this clear failure of duty of care under international law.
Anybody able to tell me why the BBC aren`t “championing” these two causes that get the BBCs gag reflex operational…wouldn`t be due to the fact that the fault lies squarely with their old Labour friends up to 2010 would it?
Course not!
“The report, by veteran commercial radio executive John Myers, is yet to be published but I’m told it reveals an extraordinary arrangement with regard to BBC staff wages.
Apparently, any employee at one of the 40 local radio stations (which employ a total of 3,000 people) who has gone five years without promotion will receive a cheque for £4,600 — which is described as ‘disappointment’ money.”
‘a cheque for £4,600 — which is described as ‘disappointment’ money.’
Way-hey! Precedent!
Given the deep trauma…waaaaay beyond ‘disappointment’ inflicted on many by the BBC’s dire output over the last few decades, I reckon each of us are in for a a huge payout.
I can see the nasty, cheap ads on SKY now… ‘Given the recent legislation about education and information mis-selling by the BBC for years, all licence fee extortees are now eligible to claim compensation. Didn’t see that coming, did ya, Aunty?’
Again, with apologies for the formatting code splits, this time for balance (I for once think I have found a person who genuinely ‘got’ what is going down, if being powerless to do more than play his part in the relentless system attrition process):
First of all, although we are self-evidently not much closer to agreeing or getting much further on the substance of the complaint between us, I must commend you for the manner you have kindly adopted in handling it, at least your aspect.
Though it does again highlight to me the vast and varied means complaints are addressed, ranging from impersonal codes to even more impersonal (and frankly insulting) cookie cutter dismissals compared to what you have provided. I can be in no doubt you have at least read what I have written, and committed to thinking before replying.
For that, I thank you.
On 22 Feb 2012, at 13:50, xx wrote: Thanks again for your reply and sorry both that you’ve found yourself a veteran of the BBC complaints process and that – perhaps not unconnected – my own reply failed to satisfy you.
For once, I feel able to take an apology from the BBC as at least sincere. Few are. I was attempting to do more than just assert but to explain – but can see why if it reads to you as another example of “BBC employees saying BBC output is fine because BBC employees think so”/”we are right because we are” then that would be entirely maddening.
Trust me, it is. But if there is at least a concession that I can be understood as being frustrated, a step forward is made. A milestone even, given the ongoing history. I’m at least glad it didn’t fall into the snotty category.
Not at all. And as (you will/have gathered) I am less than prone to being fobbed off, those others who hide behind initial anonymity will learn, and maybe have cause to regret, it is not a productive course to pursue. Charm can ease much, though of course it can prove wearing if more substantive aims are still not met in the course of exchanges.
And whilst I can see why the “word in the market rate talent’s shell-like” does rather rely on trust (and still might not inspire much confidence that anything will change), it did at least genuinely happen and honestly does have an impact. And yes I’ll discuss this exchange with him too.
I note that, and take your word on it. But yes on the confidence in change aspect. Too many, too often, too predictable. I’ll pass this one up – to the Editorial Complaints Unit – so I hope their response will make a better fist of it than I clearly (tho unintentionally) have.
Thank you. I will take this opportunity in passing to again note the vast variety of ways these things get progressed. I have another ongoing where I have been grudgingly passed a means to progress to attempt myself, but with a dire warning on what will be achieved, and a cute deadline (20 days) that impresses not a jot, especially when I have other complaints unanswered that go back to last year. Double standards do not, as you will gather, rate highly here. But I’m not for a second trying to duck your central point. I think the speed at which journalists are now expected to comment and the pace of “news” has had an impact on how and what we report – and perhaps the need for “updates” as a result is entirely self-inflicted and we should resist in the first place.
On this… no argument. And good that you recognise this, and the pitfalls that abound in consequence.
Sorry to again allude to another complaint, but this is the central concern I have over headlines… on twitter, for mobile, online… and how they actually relate to the story in total. Being a complaint, it is not working for me, or responsible journalism, especially in areas where personal bias can sway so much on what should be objective sharing of information.
And given the BBC’s clear interest in trying to address the various byte-sized online media outlet mechanisms, this is a vast concern.
Lack of time, or space, when it comes to accuracy and clear, objective communication is, simply… no excuse.
Nick blogged based on the information he had and then updated based on further information. Could we always be slower and clearer? Probably.
Then, please, err of the side of integrity and professionalism. Not ‘probably’. For sure. But not to have done so doesn’t in itself mean he must have been guessing or biased.
I leap for the keyboard… But there I go again effectively asserting that he can be trusted and is impartial and you should just believe me. Over to the ECU…
…but you anticipate me. A mercy. And a realistic recognition of how best to proceed. Again, my thanks. Kind regards – and apologies that the process plods on from square one once more.
I think, as you likely mean it, I will take the sentiment in the good grace given.
But I will not be so forgiving with the ‘system’ if the square one plodding results, as I fear it will, and indeed is designed to do, in ending up spinning eventually in one place until the thing fizzles out. Or is deemed ‘closed’.
Again, as a veteran, I am too aware of how this is played, even at the higher levels. And it does not impress any more now than it has before.
I have pretty much accepted it is inevitable within the BBC system, up to and including the Trust, but then again I am not now pursuing these with any realistic hope of this monolithic entity caring about or seriously addressing anything internally. However, there are other avenues, and a clear written record is no bad thing to have. Box tickers do like ticked boxes.
As news investigators and gatherers, and those who claim to hold the powerful to account, you will likely appreciate the value of that process. Though maybe the odd notion of it applying as much to a well-funded public sector entity back, as much as the BBC often claims to do with others, on behalf of the public, might seem a bit of a twist.
Islam Not BBC (INBBC) is confused and inconsistent in the use of its own politically censored vocabulary.
E.g. today, INBBC does not describe a U.S pastor who burned a Koran in Florida some time ago as a ‘militant’ (which is how INBBC describes the Taliban, Boko Haram Islamic jihadists,), but as ‘HARDLINE’.
See last sentence of INBBC article, which appears to put blame for irrational deaths of these Muslims in Afghanistan on the West, as usual:
“Last year, at least 24 people died in protests across Afghanistan after a hardline US pastor burned a Koran in Florida. ”
Last November , the BBC went out of is way to point out that British war graves in Libya were not damaged during the recent insurretion. In the same month they did another piece on how the cemetaries were oases of tranquility, treated y the locals with respect:
“Key landmarks in the campaign – including Tripoli, Tobruk and Banghazi where they fell – have been in the news once again during the eight -month war to unseat Colonel Gaddafi.
As a result military tourism is expected to flourish once confidence in a new Libyan government is engendered.
During his 42-year rule, Muammar Gaddafi, whose compound stands just a few hundred metres away, ensured the Commonwealth war graves were protected. He was a military man after all.”
On Friday Libyan Muslims wrecked dozens of headstones (and from the photographs, they have also knocked the top off a memorial cross) as a protest over the Koran burning in Afghanistan. Curiously enough, the Beeb seems to have lost all interest in the subject – I can’t find any mention of the incident on their website.
He was given a sympathetic hearing in the Beeb’s supreme court of public appeal – The One Show.
BBC appointed judges, Chris Evans and that girl with a Welsh accent, considered the case for the defence and then recommended the licence paying public find Tappin definitely not liable to stand trial in the US.
Well…post Eric Joyce…that`s been TWO days where the BBC and their useful tools up in Scotland and the BMA have stayed schtum about raising the price to booze to curb binge-drinking, and prevent crime, trips to A&E, yada yada.
Howsabout guyz n gals , we
1. Raise the price of units of alcohol to £10/unit within half a mile radius of where Joyce did a Prescott.
2. Put up lots of blue tape and seal off the area as an alcohol limited area, due to its previous hate crime of sexism in displaying booze for sale that upset Angela Eagle, Fiona MacTaggert and the other luscious luvvies of the Labour Ladies Wing.
3. Bring their pensions down to half the state average , because it might be this promise of moolah forever, once they`ve left that is causing them to binge so irresonsibly.
This has been a long term problem and our national shame. I myself am glad to bring it to national attention and am happy to be called to be appointed to chair the enquiry so badly needed to stop this tragic waste of potentially great public servants!
Been so long I’d almost forgotten to bother looking.
Of course, like some bi-century Amazonian flower, it seems to close almost as soon as it has opened, and then only long enough to emit a vile perfume that attracts mostly flies.
Ceratinly most were not keen on this:
68. bobverily 17TH FEBRUARY 2012 – 16:41
The problem with Greece is the lazy no good public service. When you pay Lazy people large amounts of money to do very little it becomes a very big problem, when you are a poor country.
Bob, me old mukka, it has been a problem to poor UK licence fee extortees for a wee while too.
Nelson Mandela is looking like he’s about to shuffle off this mortal coil.
All leave cancelled at Broadcasting House and all first class flights to Jo’burg are about to be block booked (it’s the way they are funded).
Does anyone fancy joining me in a pre-emptive ‘compare and contrast’ apropos the Beeb’s coverage of this (clearly sad) event with that of any other leading figure from the same era who is also looking a little frail of late?
The ultimate catastrophe for the BBC will be Mandela’s inconsidertness to pop his clogs right in the middle of “their” coverage of this year’s Olympics.
As the BBC don’t even get simple events right, I suspect that should these two stories collide, then it will be bye-bye to any further Olympic viewing dear licence fee payers !
That’s because they believe that the success of that particular tax IS it’s punitive nature. It doesn’t have to raise large sums to succeed, just demonstrate an intent to afflict the comfortable.
What the BBC fails to tell us is that the lawyer allegedly paid by Mr Burlusconi to lie, David Mills, is the husband of the Right Honorable Tessa Jowell MP…
If he were married to a Tory frontbencher, I wonder if they’d have omitted to mention the fact.
There are times when that much vaunted BBC analysis of current affairs likes to snooze. Times when beeboids would rather the public failed to join the dots in case we were led to some conclusions which ill fit a leftist agenda.
‘Doctors say they have been “completely let down” over pensions as they decide whether to ballot for strike action.
Dr Frank Wells, a member of the British Medical Association (BMA) council, said the government had “thrown to the wind” a UK-wide deal reached three years ago.’
Could this be a motive for BMA opposition to Government health reforms?
A large dose of self-interest on the part of the saintly medics?
And another thing…..who was in power ‘three years ago’?
Might Labour have renewed their post-war policy on the Docs? “Stuff their mouths with gold”?
Saintly doctors…hm….dealing with the BMA would be an eye opener for anyone who thinks of the medical profession in the traditional reverential way that we tend to. The naked greed and sheer demanding militancy of the BMA make the likes of Bob Crowe and your average working class trade union look like mild, unassuming, timid puddy tats.
I have had the pleasure of working with the BMA and they are as you say, absolutely clear they are a Trade Union to further the interests of their Members . Hiding behind public sentiment about the white coat wearing, stethoscope-wielding saints with only patient’s interests at heart. The BMA has consistently opposed every government reform of the NHS since 1948.
Today, 18:00 – 21 30 on BBC Radio 3
Verdi’s Ernani
Live from The Met
Elvina is being forced to marry her elderly uncle Silva. Ernani is in love with her, and plans to rescue her from her fate. But when he arrives at the castle he finds Elvina with Don Carlo, the King of Spain, who has also declared his love. In Verdi’s dramatic early drama Angela Meade sings Elvina, the woman who finds herself loved by three men, leading to tragic consequences. Top Verdians Marcello Giordani, Dmitri Hvorostovsky and Ferruccio Furlanetto sing her suitors.
Presented by Margaret Juntwait with guest commentator Ira Siff.
Ernani…..Marcello Giordani (tenor)
Don Carlo….Dmitri Hvorostovsky (baritone)
Don Ruy de Silva…..Ferrucio Furlanetto (bass)
Elvira…..Angela Meade (soprano)
Giovanna…..Mary Ann McCormick (soprano)
Don Riccardo…..Adam Laurence Herskowitz (tenor)
Jago…..Jeremy Galyon (bass)
New York Metropolitan Opera Orchestra
New York Metropolitan Opera Chorus
Conductor…..Marco Armiliato.
Ah Millie, glad I`ve caught you!
Saw a bit on an opera on Leon Klinghoffer on Channel 4 News…and genuinely unsure if the music of this opera is any good.
The daughters of Mr Klinghoffer hate the idea of the opera, and that overrides any truly objective measure of its “worth”…but , like Malkovich`s opera last year…or even Jerry Springer….what constitutes a good opera.
You seem to know your stuff and I want to learn more.
Happy to be pointed in the right direction in what good opera is compared to bad.
Sorry, cj. I spent ages today writing a long screed in answer to your question and pasting in at least a dozen links to Youtube clips of favourite and famous pieces, only to lose the lot. Aaargh! My PC is a bit erratic and cuts out for no reason now and again. I’m fuming. I can’t tell you how mad I am.
Basically it was mostly Verdi’s great tragedies of which there are many, well known and well loved – Rigoletto, La Traviata, Aida, Nabucco, Don Carlo, Otello, Macbeth – and Mozart’s sublime comedies – The Marriage of Figaro, Cosi Fan Tutte, Don Giovanni – and the German The Magic Flute, with a few others from such as Bellini, Donizetti, Rossini, Bizet and Puccini. Plus the German operas by Mozart, Handel, Wagner, Richard Strauss. English: Handel, Purcell, Benjamin Britten’s Peter Grimes, and if you count light operettas, there are those of Gilbert and Sullivan. Mind, they’re not Mozart!
I will try to recreate at least some of the list from memory and post them later. I have to take a break right now.
Here’s one clip that I didn’t lose which I hope you will enjoy. And it’s courtesy of the Beeboids!
Interesting comment on Sky News pages on Koran-burning riots that wouldn’t have made it past the BBC mods:
“It must be so exiciting to be a muslim. I mean, isn’t it like your life is a constant mexican wave of rage? When all it takes is a couple of burnt out books?! There you are going about your business, trying to make a living and worried about your kids future, paying your bills, planning your holidays, hating the odd jew, cleaning your AK… and then you have to drop everything, make petrol bombs and become an enraged, brainless loon until the anger-wave is gone…. I think it must be exhausting. Definately, not constructive. Don’t they want to live in peace? Ever? Two words for you lot: anger management another two: reality check three more:take it easy”
Our government ought to say to Obama – “Your apology will embolden the enemy so more allied lives will be lost. Therefore, as you didn’t consult your allies before making such a foolhardy gaffe, we feel that we are no longer in a position to support you and we will start proceedings to bring all our troops home as soon as we can borrow a couple of aeroplanes.”
“There is a state of high alert ahead of prayers on Friday” …
hmmm that ll be a NO to an olive leaf then 😀
Apology: ‘Kill Them, Beat Them, Take Them as Prisoners,'” P Goodenough CNS News … oh dear 😀
maybe not
hey! how about W Vague, you know Warsi and her new found “bosom buddies” then … OIC Condemns Quran Burning by US Troops” Fars News Agency … oh dear!
If it helps, I am happy to offere Barak Obama by way of sacrifice out there in the Gobi desert or wherever.
Pin a Koran to his back and send him off into the wilds…would that help?
Or…if they want a bit more meat…Michale Moore is an obvious sacrifice that would prevent the Afghans from getting all PMT on the rest of us.
As is said above….anyone know what “anger management” is in the original Arabic?
I don’t normally give Stephen Nolan’s How Are Ye show the time of day, but on friday night he had ‘controversial’ (Nolan’s word) comedian Jim Davidson on.
‘The BBC couldn’t stand me because I voted Tory’.
‘Ricky Gervaise – not funny’
‘Them young leftie comedians…’
‘Eddie Izzard – what’s funny about anything he says?’
‘I got a million quid a year from The Generation Game and that stuff. But the BBC don’t care it’s not their money. If they had to raise the revenue themselves they’d be more careful with it’.
Like Nolan says, ‘controversial’ indeed.
Calling for Margaret Thatcher’s death, hating America, supporting Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad, hating Israel, shilling for the Labour Party, posting bail for IRA thugs, and sundry other staples of ‘young leftie comedians…
Never ‘controversial’.
Only ever ‘edgy’, ‘challenging’, and ‘pushing the boundaries’ and always, always, but always ‘in context’.
I’d love to know who selects the items for ‘On This Day!’
BBC ‘On This Day.’ “23rd February 1972: Palestinian hijackers who took over a Lufthansa jet two days ago release the crew at an airfield in the Yemen.”
“25th February1994 : A Jewish doctor opens fire on Palestinians praying at a mosque in Hebron, killing up to 30 people.”
This is in keeping with the Guardian ‘view’ of history.
In their section “Israel and the Middle East – Key Events”
for the year 1994 the only event shown is “1994 – Baruch Goldstein, a demented Jewish zealot in the flashpoint West Bank town of Hebron, goes beserk in the town’s most historic mosque, killing 29 Arabs with his assault rifle. “?
Amazingly ignored as key events are:
1. May 1994 – The Gaza/Jericho agreement in Cairo between Israel and the PA giving autonomy to the Palestinian Authority in those areas – Surely a Key Event
2. July 1994 – The Israel/Jordan peace treaty – Surely a Key Event
In keeping with the event they chose to include they could have also included
3. 40 Israelis murdered by demented terrorists in numerous beserk attacks throughout that year – most following the granting of autonomy to the PA?
If Moonbat wants to trouble himself about undue influence, why isn’t he worried about this? It cannot be right that an elected politicians – with a salary and expenses from the public purse – is so egregiously enriching himself.
But this is not any politician, but a senior Labour man – David Miliband MP. He earned, we are told, earned “a staggering £20,000 a day as an adviser for a company investing in green technology”, and was paid £70,000 for just three-and-a-half days spent working for VantagePoint CleanTech in California.
The post with the American venture capitalists is the latest in a series of lucrative part-time positions Mr Miliband has taken up since being beaten by his brother in the Labour leadership contest.
Here is another EUREF scoop about how the BBCs favourite champagne pseudo Marxist is coining it partaking in the CAGW fraud, where is the BBCs Black? Who is paying this man all this money and what influence do they get for this money? Seventy grand for 3 days ‘work’? Where is the BBC?
“stemming the tide of Islam in the West is beyond reversal…check the birth rates”
Who is responsible for this Islamophobic outburst? EDL? BNP? No, Nicky Campbell’s best friend on Twitter Mo Ansar.
Mark Steyn was dragged before the Canadian Human Rights Commission and accused of hate speech when he made exactly the same point.
to paraphrase Mr Steyn; “Little English villages have six/seven/eight thriving pubs but how many will possibly survive when those little villages become twenty/thirty percent Muslim?”
“…six/seven/eight thriving pubs”!?
“…when those little villages become twenty/thirty percent Muslim”!?
First – I don’t neccessarily agree 100% with everything he claims, but still find his analysis interesting and thought-provoking. It’s not the kind of analysis you hear in the mainstream media. We’re used to the common platitudes about ‘enrichment’, the idea that immigration and multiculturalism bring ONLY benefits to the nation, with few (if any) downsides.
Second – did you listen to it all? With the muslim population increasing at ten times the rate of the rest of the population, it won’t take that many generations for muslims to be a sizeable portion of the population in many areas of the country, as indeed they already are. If you still doubt this, look at the demographics in some of our neighbouring European countries. You don’t even need to go abroad to see that both high birth rates and mass immigration have massively changed the culture of many towns and cities in this country. Some of us commented on a previous thread in relation to a BBC programme about Islam in Luton, in which the host said that she barely recognised the town she grew up in. This is staggering when you consider that she is only 25 years old!
I might not agree that this is a problem in all areas of the country, it certainly isn’t in my neck of the woods – rural Norfolk/Suffolk – YET!. We are lucky to live in a modern western liberal democracy, and need to be concerned about the fact that some of the cultures that are growing rapidly in parts of the nation have a world view that is anything but ‘liberal'(in the true sense of the word). Mark Steyn is one of the few commentators who is willing to put his head above the parapet and discuss what for a long time has been deemed off limits. I think it’s more than welcome, and if people like Mr. Steyn help to break the taboos and allow the rest of us with deep concerns to have our say then I am grateful. The debate needs to be opened up, not closed down, it’s far too important. We ALL have a right to self-determination and the preservation of our culture.
Mathematics and demographics, and also human behaviour. As recent figures published in the London ES showed, the average percentage of children fron non-British origin in London classrooms is over 60%. This doesn’t square with the quoted anodyne 3% Muslim because there has been widespread immigration from other countries and religious backgrounds, notably Eastern Europe, India, Africa and the West Indies. Not only do some of these have large families that eat up school places, there is the issue of “white flight”. Parents would rather move than put their kids into this multiculti soup. Even Labour MPs send their kids privately. The few British kids you see desparately ape their ethnic classmates to fit in. Were talkin’ Jafaican. Our culture is being undermined by the suicidal policies of the Labour decade and the paralysed coalition, with the bBC advancing the role of the thought police.
“When the history of the decline and fall of the world’s most damaging scare comes to be written, l’affaire Gleick will only be a brief footnote. But it does suggest how desperate those who wish to keep the scare alive have become.
And where will Black and his post scientific method chums go? Back under their rocks never to be heard of again with any luck. The BBC on the other hand will be seen as one of the main propaganda outlets of the biggest money making scam in the history of the world, in fact a total reversal of their prestigeous role they played during WW2.
I never understood what the hell we were doing in Afghanistan in the first place, as I pointed out a long time ago when Bin bag Bin Laden was cornered in Tora Bora a couple of nukes should have just been dropped there (and I mean that) to finish him off.
Really need to get out of all these Countries, as for Syria, who gives a shit? One tosspot Muslim killing another, that’s GOOD NEWS, it means they’re not killing us.
Sit back put on Sky News and drink a cold beer whilst these arseholes slaughter each other, laugh as well. Dumb mothers!!
Did they really? I expect the BBC had a higger hand in this as the media wing for the far-left
“Last week, Mr Dunk, 30, was seemingly reluctant — despite a series of BBC appearances — to speak to The Sunday Telegraph about his role. He promised to call back but failed to do so.”
If you look up the word “astroturfing” you will see how the BBC conflate a small protest into a major concern for the “nation”.
Have you noticed that EVERY policy of this Government is attacked by the BBC the moment it gets announced.
Yet for the life of me I can’t ever remember the last Government getting such a grilling, did Foundation hospitals or PFI get such a grilling? I can’t ever remember seeing Gordon Brown getting a kicking for his bloated spending.
Perhaps I slept through those 13 years, I’m sure David Gregory will put me right and link me to lots of tough interviews from BBC hacks asking Brown about his off book debt (PFI) or how the NHS were going to go on strike because of Foundation hospitals.
Believe it or not but the “medical proffesion” was dead against “Foundation Hostpitals”
“The government was under intense pressure to abandon its plans for NHS foundation hospitals as the BMJ went to press on the eve of a House of Commons vote.”
But you just have to look at the tone – of the articles now that Labour are not in power. Articles portraying heckles as nice old ladies against a tyrannical government and not just a small number of rabid communists.
Excellent case study sir.
Need quite a few more of these…you`ve inspired me to do a couple of other “rolling boil” stories…in my case, from education.
I find this site to be “The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists” e-version needed for the Media Studies Revolution to come….wonder if Les “Misearables” Ebdon will santion my course here at “Wessix Uni”.
EMAs for all, bruv!
The BBC did attack New Labour when they were in government, but from an Old Labour standpoint. Needless to add when you actually get a Conservative government (even one in alliance with the Liberal Democrats) the attacks become almost hysterical.
The BBC are the broadcasting equivalent of a rigged postal ballot. They do not have a single democratic bone in their body.
On the grounds that the ends justify the means the BBC will do anything they think they can get away with between now and the next election to bring about a Labour government. Their biggest task is trying to get us to forget what it was like having a Labour government.
They only made Gordon Brown’s biographer and champion of his economic policies their business editor, and made the ex-girlfriend and fellow traveler of Brown’s right-hand man their economics editor. Not much chance of tough interrogations about a see-no-evil FSA, accounting sleight-of-hand regarding PFIs, or borrowing money with no end in sight to pay for it all when those two are seen as being above board and impartial.
World’s most respected news gathering organisation? Palestinian ‘shot dead’ in W Bank Palestinian medical sources say.That is, no one actually collaborated this but we have no problem repeating it as news.
Assuming the story is true, in a region where slaughtering demonstrators is the rule I can’t think of one example where the BBC though one death was enough for that to be the headline.
Hundreds of Palestinians threw rocks after Friday prayers. That apparently isn’t all that important as news as the BBC waits until the fifth paragraph to tell us.
The photo caption is also instructive. There were protests across Hebron on the anniversary of a 1994 mosque massacre in the city. The photograph shows a Palestinian youth with a sling (not lethal? Ask Goliath).
The massacre in in 1994 was horrific. Thirty worshippers were shot. Still neither the Jews nor anyone other than Muslims think riots are an appropriate way to commemorate such an event.
The BBC didn’t think it was worthy to mention a week ago when a mob of some 50 Palestinian Muslims stoned a group of Christian tourists atop Jerusalem’s Temple Mount on Sunday morning. Three of the Israeli police officers who acted to protect the Christian group were wounded by the stone-throwers.
Apparently also the attack is believed to have been instigated by the former Muslim mufti of Jerusalem, Ekrama Sabri, who told Palestinian media over the weekend that Jewish groups were planning to break into the mosques that occupy the holy compound and desecrate them. Sabri urged all local Muslims to protect the mosques from “the Israeli conspiracy against the city and its holy places.”
Of course it’s understandable (to cretins) that the Palis mistook Christian tourists for ultra religious Jewish zealots, they look so similar. The excuse this week is because of what happened in 1994, So what will it be next week? Whatever, we can be sure the BBC will continue to dignify the Palis actions, but not report it unless one of them is hit.
Anyway you seem equally touchy with the “matter so much” and “preoccupied” from a simple one-line comment and question. Maybe we should be worried: I am irritated by how unhideously white and English the frontline BBC news is, I mean, to be representative of the population (I know they don’t have to be) surely 75 to 80% AT LEAST would be English and white.
Just a one-line comment? Hardly. You do realise if you click on somebody’s name you can see their previous comments, don’t you?
But hey. Oh look, ltwf1964 has come out from whatever bridge he hides under.
I wonder – if gay people didn’t exist, who would Biased BBC’s resident idiots pick on to look down on in a pitiful attempt to convince themselves that they’re not as worthless as their lives would otherwise suggest?
Scott, you do realise that water is wet, don’t you? If you think that is a superfluous silly comment – much like your own – then you’d be right.
That said, with the rest of your comment you reveal a highly insecure side. Surely best not to reveal so much and limit yourself to commenting on the thread topics.
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More war mongering from the BBC. Radio 5 are rabid for it. So according to the BBC we should be starting a war to defend our photographers and reporters.
Can I just say to the BBC I wouldn’t piss on a journalist, especially one who is trying to get us involved in another war.
yes, they are certainly ramping up the rhetoric at al-beeb, every day the same thing over and over, day in, day out, it really is shameless
So now our Government are recognising the Syrian opposition, a rag-tag bunch of foriegn terrorists, insurgents and mercineries intermixed with various intelligence agents from France and the UK and America.
Who gives them the authority to represent the whole of Syria?
Islam Not BBC (INBBC) is keen not to discuss whether some of al-Shabaab Islamic jihadists in Somalia are from Britain, lest we start opposing the Somali immigrant supporters of Al Shabaab who vow to extend their jihad against we British kafirs.
“Somalia ‘air strike kills foreign al-Shabab militants'” *
( * INBBC’s militants = Islamic jihadists.)
INBBC’s pro-Islamic jihad ‘political sympathies’ indicated here:
[INBBC’s concluding excerpt]:
“BBC East Africa correspondent Will Ross says as well as attracting jihadists from Europe and north America in recent years, the Islamist militant group has also recruited young men from across the region.
In many of the Kenyan communities close to the Somali border the poverty is deep and with few opportunities for employment, they have been lured into joining al-Shabab with promises of a better life, he says.”
Note how INBBC excuses our Islamic jihad enemies, by using the ‘poverty’ card.
Muslims from UK, including converts, misunderstand Islam and travel to Somalia to wage jihad
“Britain’s newest and proudest export: mujahedin. The Muslims from the U.K. who are fighting in Somalia are the glorious fruits of multiculturalist relativism, unrestricted immigration, and the inability or unwillingness of British authorities to confront the prevalence of the jihad doctrine among Muslims in the U.K. ‘British Muslims recruited to fight for al-Qaeda in Somalia,’ by Sean Rayment and Colin Freeman for the Telegraph“
Seems our key export to the world is global instability. Oh how proud we should be.
‘London Evening Standard’:-
“Somalia, destination of choice for Britain’s would-be terrorists”
-Apparently the inevitable consequence of a UK ‘policy’ of mass immigration from Islamic countries, which are bound to include Islamic jihadists.
Somalis living in Bristol decide how much of British people’s money should be sent to Somalia war lords as ‘aid’.
Will British people be consulted by UK government on their views?
Politically benign INBBC report:-
“Bristol Somali views sought for London Conference”
Presumably, the British government will consult representatives of the 100,000 plus Somalis people in UK, in places like London, Cardiff, Birmingham and Leicester too.
Pray remind me – was Somalia in the Commonwealth ? How come we have so many here ? – and is 100,000 just a blind guess ?
“just about right”
According to 2001 UK census, there were less than 100,000 Somali residents in Britain; in the past few years this figure has probably more than doubled to over 200,000 Somalis (according to PM Cameron yesterday). The ‘real’ figure could be nearer 250,000.
I have the impression that UK political ‘elite’ is happy to continue mass immigration from Somalia (jihadists included), to Britain as part of the rapid ongoing Islamic colonisation here.
Of course, many Somali asylum people who got to the Netherlands were unhappy in that country, so they decided to come to Britain and notably to Leicester instead.
Actually George that article from the DT from 2004 is incoorect. It claims that the reason somalians left Holland was due to their inability to work for the first 5 years.
The real reason is because Holland (As well as Denmark) clamped down on somalians who can’t be bothered to work, other than lie down think of allah and push out rug rats. This meant that they took cuts to their benefits if they did not get out of bed on a morning.
Playing the racist card they all moved lock stock and barrel to the UK where our f-ing council workers hand over benefits without checking (don’t blame the immigrants lame the lazy council workers who hand over the cash, who don’t do their job)
Since 2004 virtually the entire Somali popualtions of Denmark and Holland have upped sticks and relocated to..England.
They don’t get just the usual benefits either. My council gave a grant to Somali troublemakers, apparently in order to get them to stop causing mayhem.
Bad though the Beeb are, I hope that they don`t see Jon Snows Channel4 News of last night.
A ten minute PPB on behalf of Al Shabab, with some stoolie reporter of theirss even getting an award for his “snowjob” on behalf of the IslamSharia Party.
Despicable…but what else will we expect from the LeftLibLoonies that hog the main sewer pipe of “news and analysis”?
Beeboids ignoring another story I see
Putting it on the One o’ clock news is an odd way to ignore it.
The BBC are avoiding the REAL story.
Obtuse or what David?
Read the BBCs website, then draw your own conclusions.
When the BBC do their best Les Dawson impression as they bustle aroung EDL, white youths and police reassuring the kebab shop owners…you just KNOW what it`s all about.
Yet the BBC have shown themselves surprisingly constipated about releasing this story since it first emerged like the turtles head at the start of the year.
This coy clucking behind the fans is typical BBC when it comes to Islamic-sanctioned grooming and sexual assaults on teenage girls with “ishoos”…and you David, claim not to see the BBC in full” join the dots mode”….yet coming across all dispassionate, whilst speaking in tongues…forked, craven and PC ones as ever!
Ahhh! You mentioned the “i” word, cj – something the beeb have been scrupulous to avoid in their coverage. You’re nicked for islamophobia, son.
Ah there you are I wondered where you had been hiding 😀
Enclosed below for your pleasure is a graph, look at the graph not around the graph. Looks like the computer models were wrong wrong wrong.
… and … exit stage left, followed by a bear.
Dunning. Kruger.
Dunning Kruger?
Oh so lame and sad and really pathetic, all you have is that? You need something more convincing, try Gores film.
I dont know whether to laugh at you and your silly two words or pat you on the head.
Anyhooo menawhile back at the ranch here is a graph you may want(or not)to look at, it shows the CAGW in simple enough terms for a beeboid mind to comprehend and remember, look at the graph not around it.
Dunning Kruger indeed =-O
David Gregory. Projecting.
‘Dunning. Kruger.’
As a bloke once said, when moaning, ironyfree and hypocrisy-immune, about trite patronising and glib single line debate: ‘yawn’… plus, of course, erm… <sarc off>
I only just got to David Gregory’s insightful and incisive ‘Dunning. Kruger.’ post.
To him I say ‘Milgram’.
With ‘Daily Mail’ headline (above), one gets some impression of what the street disturbances in Rochdale are about:
“Mob of 200 youths pelt police with bricks and smash up shops ‘in anger at on-going sex grooming trial'”
Read more:
With Islam Not BBC (INBBC) headline one doesn’t know why there are street disturbances:
“Rochdale takeaway disturbances: Police call for clam” (sic!)
One has to read on to 4th para, and even then one only gets a vague idea.
Probably a mixture of veggies, animal rights activists and kids protesting that unit costs of alcohol are not yet 50p as the BMA are urging upon us all.
That story, at this link, was commented on in the last Open Thread by Evil Tory. My reply may be worth repeating as it was done just before this Open Thread:
That story is fascinating it what it doesn’t say. Why would 200 “youths” be trying to shut a takeaway? There must be reasons for these local “tensions”. Why would the owner refer to “white friends”? His name would suggest he isn’t white. Were the youths shouting “EDL” part of the 200 or were they the “white friends” protecting the business? Why did the EDL praise the youths?
If the journalist doesn’t know the answer to these questions, it’s pretty poor journalism. It’s extremely relevant to understanding what what going on, so why not tell us?
Now that I see the Daily Mail story, I can see that it’s to do with the sex-grooming trial. But without that knowledge the story just looks odd and it’s clear the BBC is withholding pertinent information. You have to ask why.
Exactly, David Gregory is a typical beeboid living in denial.
Hang on. You said we hadn’t covered it. It was on the One and we did link it to the ongoing Liverpool case. There’s not much more you CAN say at the moment. Covering events surround court cases is always difficult. I can’t imagine you’d be terribly impressed if reporting by anybody lead to the case collapsing.
NO NO NO there is a difference between ‘mentioning it’ and covering it for christ sake. I only put the link (as I often do) because people here can read and follow the link. We do that here all the time. Stop trying to defend something you know you can’t. The BBC are in denial about Muslim rape gangs.
By the way you lot at the BBC didn’t seem to care about possible court action when trashing Andy Coulson on a daily basis did you?
Martin, I believe the judge in the Liverpool Crown Court trial(s) has imposed broadcasting restrictions so the media reports will be somewhat sketchy.
On TWaO, the reporter did allude to ‘members of the Asian community’ currently on trial in Liverpool and that the unrest in Rochdale was seemingly related. But clearly they are hamstrung in what they can report until the trials are concluded.
As I understand it, the details of the case are particularly unpleasant and I can’t say I am looking forward to the outcome.
I wonder if Mr Gregory and the BBC – subscribes to the theory amplified in the first episode of Yes Minister with regard to ‘the right to know’
“Bernard: But surely the citizens of a democracy have a right to know.”
“Sir Humphrey Appleby: No. They have a right to be ignorant. Knowledge only means complicity in guilt; ignorance has a certain dignity.”
And as we all know, if it was gangs of any other ethnicity or dogmatic conviction, grooming and abusing young girls, the BBC would be running it every 15 minuets on the news channel, radio 4 & 5 and screaming it from any rooftop they can get on.
I’ve just watched this Dispatches: Muslim rape gangs in England (look beeboids that is how to do a program title on the subject) and at 14:00 Andrew Norfolk from the Times points to the Elephant in the room;
“As each year past, these cases would crop up, involving two or more men being convicted of child sex crimes. The one thing I couldn’t help noticing every time one of these cases cropped up, was that these were Asian names.
Time and and again you hear police forces say ethnicity is utterly irreletive to this type of offending, we treat every offence on it’s own merit, if wrongdoing is taking place we will address it.
And that’s fine as well, except in any other type of crime, a pattern was staring you in the face like this. then you would say we need to understand why this is happening. And its that question, that I don’t think has ever been addressed in this country.”
Now with the BBC reluctance/failure to report on this situation we continue to have a failure by the establishment in our country to address a serious issue that is effecting the lives of people all over the nation.
David, are you really that retarded or are you playing with us? The BBC didnt COVER it they COVERED IT UP.
Meanwhile back at the ranch of broken beeboid dreams, here is a graph for your enjoyment.
Look at the graph not around the graph.
“Not much more you can say at the moment ”
The defendants in Livverpool are described as “Asians ” and “local” by the BBC , nothing else .
When has the Manchester area been in Asia ?
Asia is a continent , a huge continent bigger than Europe , and more diverse , multicultural, multiethnic and any other BBC buzzword .
Many Asians and people of asian lineage (who should be correctly called English if they are born and bred here , and are integrated ) .
What is the common factor of the defendants in Liverpool ? The BBC wont say .
‘I can’t imagine you’d be terribly impressed’
This line of argument working well is it?
Pity there’s no ‘closed for comments’ button that can be pushed.
I’ve recently had correspondence with the Beeb on the subject of Muslim child sex gangs and there is a detectable change of tone from them, including (would you believe) the assertion that the BBC has covered ‘the preactice’ ‘extensively’.
IMO the BBC has twigged that it is bang to rights on its non-coverage of this issue.
Probably because the Mail still have to approximate to the truth, whereas the BBC are accountable to no-one but themselves…and if they want to bend the truth into so many pipe cleaners then they`ll do it to celebrate inclusion and social cohesion.
Heard Evan Davis quote “Inclusion” about unemployment and slave labour this morning…full title “Social and Economic Inclusion”, and nearly all staffed by refugees from DWP, Treasury etc as from May 2010.
Still, Evan cited them…so it must be true then!
What I understood from reading this story
Rochdale takeaway attacked as youths clash with policewas that there are a group of peopel who hate takeaways, otherwise why else would they be attacking it. I deduced that EDL must stand for something to do with eating, like ‘Eating Diets Lived-In’, maybe a group sponsored by Jamie Oliver.
By way of contrast, when the Tottenham Carnival broke out last year the BBC were falling over themselves to put it in the context of the execution of St Mark of Duggan by the fascist police.
Why no interviews with ‘community leaders’ this time, hey, Auntie?
In David Gregory’s world, I’m sure the BBC – in its treatment of the Rochdale events and their context – “got it about right”. As, I’m also sure, in David Gregory’s expert estimation (he has a science qualification, after all), Richard Black – in his coverage of CAGW and “climate science” in general and approval of quasi-criminality in Fakegate in particular – “gets it about right”.
Looking at the time of DG’s comment he must have had a few minutes spare after lunch and, with the approval of his boss, lobbed a dull and superficial “correction” at the plebs. What a laugh eh!
David Gregory: first I agree that there is a balance between fully reporting an event and undermining a court case. So I’m looking forward to a FULL REPORT after the case is over (unless hell freezes over first).
But I wish you and other BBC apparatchiks would take seriously the views expressed over the censoring of reporting here on this blog. Those mysterious tales of “pizza delivery men” who carry bombs, and “youths” who create havoc by destroying their “communities”, and “bakers” who walk away from crimes free men. “British born” young men and women who are never identified and “minorities” who are only called such when they feel threatened. Now –
Do you see how opaque the issue becomes when I use only the guarded terms of the some media outlets, The result is that no-one knows what the hell the problem really is and organisations like the BBC lose credibility when cloaking the facts in a mist of political correctness. Don’t you trust the people with the truth?
Restrained by political masters and wilfull blindness you keep a sullen, sceptical public in the dark. Do you know how dangerous that is? One day, a false and inflamitory rumour will be be spun by someone with evil intent and no amount of denials from the MSM will be believed. “Why should we believe the BBC now?,” the people will say, “they only ever tell us half the story”. And they will add, as we do every day, “I wonder what REALLY happened?”
Meanwhile, I think by reading around the BBC report on “the Rochdale event” I am beginning to deduce what happened. But how sad is it that I have to do that?
“Richard Black – in his coverage of CAGW and “climate science” in general and approval of quasi-criminality in Fakegate in particular”
There is no ‘quazi’ about it. It is blatant criminality. Federal felonies: Wire fraud, ID theft, Breach of copywrite. Additionally there is a California State law breach of electronic impersonation fraud.
The BBC are still pretending that the fake document is still valid because it confirms what they all wanted to believe anyway. Truth be damned!
Apparently the Heartland Institute has called in the FBI . IMHO there was, as you say, blatant criminality – but that’s just your and my opinion. If and when Gleick is prosecuted and found guilty of the offences you list, I’m sure – great journalist that he is – Richard Black will resile from his evident approval of Gleick’s tactics and print a fulsome apology to his readers for not “getting it about right”. Actually Hell – or just the UK – will freeze over before Black or any other BBC shyster will make such an admission.
No chance! He’ll laud him as a martyr to the cause. Imprissoned because he dare speak the truth.
If only Mr Black were so brave …
In the Daily Mail today – don’t know if anyone else has drawn attention to it, if so, sorry for the duplication:
Yes, but I’m sure it’ll turn out he got up early some other day, so overall he got it about right.
LOL! very good DJ.
‘give his commentary on the stricken bank’s full-year results before having had a chance to read them properly.’
Hasn’t stopped Ncik Robinswon of late; so why not Pesto?
Amazing what £4Bpa can’t fund properly.
More bollocks from the BBC. Female beeboid just interviewed Carlone Lucas about the Green Party. Except I didn’t learn anything about the Greens as the female beeboid simply helped reinforce Green’s views and allowed her to attack the government for 4 minutes.
As an example Lucas claimed that the energy companies were making big profits whilst more people were in fuel poverty. Female beeboid didn’t point out that it’s Huhne’s green policies (that Lucas supports) forcing up the cost of fuel with these useless windmills and the fact they just don’t work.
Lucas claimed we don’t need nuclear energy so obvious question would have been how we generate base energy supply when wind and solar are too expensive and unreliable.
Pathetic BBC pathetic.
Yeah and lets get fracking going while we’re at it, the less we got to rely on other parts of the world for our energy, the better.
‘Female beeboid didn’t point out..’
As he seem to have ‘dipped in’, Maybe Dr. Gregory can assist as possibly ‘techy stuff’ was beyond ‘the ladyees’, and especially a £96kpa market rate reader-outer talent to cover properly?
Or was he scared off from the latest snipe and run strafe by again being confronted a bit smartish by what is actually out there, as opposed to carefully crafted bubble versions of it that once beyond hone turf fall apart quite quickly?
To be fair to the BBC a many of those old folk in fuel poverty must have made a lot of man made global warming when they fought fascism in the Seond World War , what with explosives ,invasions and running back empty from a Berlin bombing run .
We all must do our bit .
Oh Lordy!
“Analysis” on Radio4 this coming Monday is all about the Republican Partys lurch to the right.
I myself will have my own BlueNun game…Tea Party, Racist, stymie of the Great Helmsmans Health Reforms, Saran Palin,Tina Fey…bullshit bingo.
Hope they`ve ran it by Fatty Mardell to ensure that its a balanced programme…
Not forgetting ‘talk radio’, ‘gun-totting’ and ‘milita’. Plus ‘rural’ used as a pejorative.
It’d be tempting to make a drinking game of it, but you’d totally Eric Joyced by halfway.
Rednecks – an easily despisable group so they must be lumped in .
it appears everyone will, have to “calm down dear” (have they been reading this blog 🙂 )according the bbc news
… Takeaway clashes were ‘misjudged’ oh thank goodness for that eh!
hmmm! “day-to-day coverage” of the trial had brought “TENSION” into the community” ahem
… and there were “ELEMENTS” who would seek to use that for their own gain”….
“Those that seek to use what’s going on in Liverpool to further their “RACIST” agenda will be dealt with robustly ….
hello! 😀 i m sorry
what race is islam again, goodness … it sounds a bit like these grooming paedophile rapists, are about to get the el beeb full on victim treatment doesn t it…
OH! 😀
and el beebs chief muslim gobshite spouts …
“Mob rule or vigilantism is not the way we conduct ourselves in this country” M. Shafiq Ramadhan Foundation.
who wrote that for him 😉 ……..
unless you happen to be muslim that is … eh! … moh!
ps …
before i went off page i checked out el beebs link
Anorak … “demonising all Asians and Muslims is more akin to a blood libel than a campaign to end child abuse.”
glad we know who the real victims are eh!
Raping and abusing young girls seems to be quite acceptable to the BBC, just as long as the victims are white trash, infidel dogs not worthy of being called human.
The abuse of women and girls is cultural right? And we must all welcome the cultural enhancement that islam has brought to our shores, women are just asking for it anyway.
Oh and BTW if the girls had been muslim and the rapist abusers had been white then the BBC would not have worried about legal problems would they? They would in full outrage mode, white women are just not worth it.
Poor white girls are not worth it to the BBC.
Now compare that with the death of Jill Dando ..
BBC 6 o’clock news. Protestors against Pakistani rape gangs are going t raise ‘community tension’ And the people behind the protestest are racist.
Are not gangs of Asian men raping white girls racist?
Imagine the outcry not just on the BBC but world wide if white men were gang raping underaged asian girls
Just google ‘Muslim rape gangs’ and see what comes up. Not that you will find much on the BBC except an article that mentions ‘Muslims’ right down the bottom of the article.
Isn’t it interesting that the BBC try to hide it with the word ‘Asian’ yet this is tarnishing Hindus and Sikhs and I’m not sure we have gangs of men from those communities doing that sort of thing, certainly not on anything like the scale we have from Muslim males who really do seem to have a problem with western society.
When will the BBC wake up to this?
You are right, I should not have used the word ‘Asian’ either, won’t be many Chinees men out raping little girls.
I know that others have mentioned thr reporting by the bBC about the semi-riots in Lancs but here’s my take:
Rochdale takeaway disturbances ‘misjudged’
Police have said a disturbance which targeted a Greater Manchester takeaway was “misjudged and against innocent members of the community”. Police said there were local “tensions” over a continuing child-sex court case.The disturbance followed a protest by about 80 people, who police said were “voicing concerns in relation to some of the incidents that have been reported”…….Zeeshan Khokhar, 23, owner of Bits n Pizza, a takeaway in Market Street, said he had been verbally abused but his shop had not been damaged. Mr Khokhar said “white friends” had gone to his shop to protect him as trouble began in the afternoon…..
So the bBC report on the reason why the majority population of the Uk has said enough is enough and decided to ape the mores of Islam in which to bitch about how Islamic males lust over little girls. But then the bBC does it usual make over and thus we have the owner of the shop where (under new management) these girls were picked on by Allah’s finest. Read how his white friends came to his rescue. I wonder if those white friends were little girls under 13?
But the icing on the cake has to be how the bBC signs off the article:
The Ramadhan Foundation, which is based in Greater Manchester, has condemned the events.
Chief executive Mohammed Shafiq said: “The mindless thugs that attacked [the takeaway] and attacked the police should be ashamed of themselves, furthermore the community must allow the due process of law to be carried out.
“Mob rule or vigilantism is not the way we conduct ourselves in this country.”
Get that the bBC allows Muslims who can go from rapist to rioter at the drop of a Koran to opine that protesting is not how we conduct ourselves in this country. Gee wiz I wonder what the nice people at the Ramadan foundation have to say about:
Salman Rusdie
Bradford riots
Oldham riots
Honour killings
Child grooming
Burning flags out the US embassy on the 9th of September
Burning poppies on the 11th of Nov
Abusing British soldiers on the streets of England
Attacking vicars in East London
Attacking black people in Birmingham
Murdering Kriss Donald
Blowing up London
Trying again 2 weeks later
Attacking Glasgow Airport
Complaining about police checks at Glasgow airport
Complaining about Ray Honeyford
Threatening to behead a British soldier in Birmingham
Drug dealing
and many more
Yup the bBC feels that the idiots who have no problem playing the racist card in which to legally riot are qualified to have the last word on civilized behaviour.
Apologies over the many posts but for some strange reason I keep on getting the message my post is too big.
No worries. Unlike the BBC’s new twitter/mobile obsession, if the space is there, the subject warrants and the content makes it worthwhile, posting to communicate accurately, fully and fairly works for me.
As opposed to getting things ‘to fit’ that are none of the above, as now produced by a £4Bpa ‘PR to agenda-message’ propaganda outfit I am somehow still expected to fund in undermining my belief sets.
I’m surprised Mohammed Shafiq didn’t add:
“If the filthy white kuffar slags would’ve had their faces covered, none of this would have happened!”
“Mob rule or vigilantism is not the way we conduct ourselves in this country.”
And I wonder if this hypocrite went out on demos about Rushdie and the koran burning pastor?
So on the local beeboid news we have a story about a local taxi firm recruiting from Romania and not in the UK
What I found interesting was there wasn’t one interview with the same scum the BBC got sound bites off (SWP and other leftists arseholes who were complaining about the nasty Tories and their work experience scheme) all this week to moan about those poor kids not getting jobs.
Then the male beeboid asks for people to write in and tell them if they think that this is fair or not (or to you and me are YOU a racist).
No interviews with those losing their jobs, except for a couple of sound bites off people who “think it’s OK so long as it’s legal”
How the BBC can take totally different stances on the same issue but only when there is a chance to attack those nasty Tories.
Missed again by the BBC !
Romanians are in the EU but at present not allowed to work in the UK .
How can someone openly advertise for an illegal activity and not be afraid of the authorities ?
Where are the Immigration Service , Border Control , police , Department of Work and Pensions , HMRC , Home Office , FCO .
Where`s the trade unions and Labour party ?
Where is the media – especially the BBC ?
If someone advertised red diesel for road use would that be ok with the authorities ?
True, they are not allowed to work freely but it isn’t an absolute prohibition on all work. There are various provisions whereby for example, self-employed working is possible and for employment, employers may be able to apply for permission for a specific job.
However, I do agree with you in the sense that I wonder why the Jobcentres who are so busily trying to get people into jobs and work schemes don’t jump on things like this and demand of these employers to explain why they are not recruiting from our own unemployed. The government should insist that they do at least advertise and interview locally and should refuse any applications for work visas if these employers have not first offered the jobs to the home workforce.
True up to a point MT , but there are still some points
1; Are these taxi drivers really self employed ?
There are lawsguidelines for this from both the NI and the taxman , are they turning a blind eye to their own rules ?
2; Apropos the above , are these Rumos going to supply their own vehicle ,, fuel, VED ,, insurance ,.breakdown cover . Are they going to choose their accountants ,pay class 3 NI, keep financial records and submit tax forms ?.
3;Are they going to choose the areas they ply their trade , the hours ,the clientele ? Can they take holidays when they wish ? Do they set the rates ?
That`s along the lines a taxman asks a Briton .
I wasn’t saying they are self-employed. I just mentioned it as one example of how the transitional rules for Bulgarians and Rumanians don’t prohibit all working.
I appreciate what you are pointing out , MT . But if the laws were adhered to , there could not be Romanian taxi drivers here .
But this is the tip of the iceberg with the authorities not just turning a blind eye to this sort of illegal activity , but sometimes aiding and abetting it , for example issuing NI numbers and even printing government forms in languages of countries not even in the EU .
You can also see safety notices in varios factories , warehouses etc printed in such languages as Russian .
You can go to building sites , farms etc and meet Albanians , Afghanistani, Kurds etc who have come in as asylum seekers from their home countries , but once they have been given keave to stay GO ON HOLDAY TO THE COUNTRY THEY CAIM WAS PERSECUTING THEM .
This of course seems ok with our Powers That Be .
grange, the transitional arrangements are complicated and they do provide several ways in which Romanians could be working here legally: if they are self-employed or they enjoy exemption for employment in certain occupations (not including taxi drivers); or they qualify for permission under a special provision for exceptional skills or under the work permit scheme; or they have previously worked continuously for 12 months, or they are registered as vocational students on certain courses, in which case they can work full-time, or as ordinary students, who can work up to 20 hours a week in term time, or full time during vacations; or as family relatives or dependants of Romanians who have acquired rights or are registered as students, self-employed or self-sufficient. Self-employed and student registrations would account for a lot of the Romanians coming here – and Bulgarians. And of course these could be abused as well as being used legitimately.
Agree with you Millie , the rules and guidelines are muddy , but at the end of it all , the jobs of full time taxi drivers would not be open to Romanians and Bulgarians .
Just read in the Telegraph about the Roma gypsies who claimed £800 00 in benefits by fraud even as some of the gang were living in Romania .
The trouble is our officials are anonymous and obstructive . We should have names of who authorised what , when and WHY .
For instance which official issued National Insurance numbers to the above , when (was it before the accession of Romania into the EU ? ) ,and why .
BBC? Biased? Surely not…
The exchanges were contained in two emails leaked to the anti-monarchy group Republic, which accused the BBC of “censorship”.
Stinks to me. It’s like when the BBC get somebody to accuse them of anti-Labour coverage to make it seem they’ve been pushing the Tory agenda all along.
It does expose the fact, which we all knew already, that they’re quite capable of controlling the type of views they want to air.
The BBC have to be subtle on this one. Remember the last Jubilee? The BBC were pumping out plenty of propoganda saying it would be a flop. Yet it turned out to be a bigger event than 1977.
This burst their republican bubble, the monarchy is genuinely popular, because the public despise politicians of all colours. Tony Blair or David Cameron as Head of State? Think of a bigger nightmare Cherie Blair or Harriet Harman as Head of State.
And of course the Monarchy being rather popular, if they do insult it, there may be calls for the abolishment of the TV Licence. After all isn’t the TV Licence granted by a Royal Charter? Enough to make you go republican.
“when the BBC get somebody to accuse them…”
Is there any evidence of this? Or is it just another rabid conspiracy theory in which lack of evidence is touted as reinforcement of some crackpot idiocy?
If YOU were really interested in evidence, instead of pursuing your master’s agenda, then you would have realised and be appalled at just how disgustingly biased the BBC truly are, in an increasingly unethical immoral flouting of their charter, showing their real contempt for those forced to pay for it.
You are part of that contempt, and while you are safe sitting by your computer there’s nothing stopping you carrying on. I feel confident that the world you are helping to create will eventually bite you in the arse snd head, which is located anyway in the same place.
Here’s one example scum – I don’t expect you to reply now, but to move on and try to snipe somewhere else in your typical fashion.
Tom Watson attacks BBC’s Nick Robinson over phone hacking
I would like to know how that piece is somehow proof that the BBC gets people to accuse it of bias. In a way that someone who isn’t a pathologically insane conspiracy theorist can understand…
Of course, you can’t show it proves anything. Because it doesn’t.
Search on this site the word ‘hacking’. Then see how much coverage the BBC gave to the topic, and what kind to see how ludicrous the claim that they didn’t give enough.
The very fact you pick and choose at what you attempt to snipe at, instead of taking EVERY example given on this site and see what conclusion you can arrive at, shows what type of agenda you have. You’re never going to waste my time engaging with you seriously because you are not interested in truth, any more than is the BBC.
Let’s put to one side for the moment that Tom Watson was criticisng the BBC for not covering phone hacking early enough, and not for not covering it at all.
The key point is that, while you claim that the BBC somehow gets people to criticise it as some sort of eflection tactic, the article you link to proves no such thing.
And as a distraction from the fact you can’t prove your ridiculous conspiracy theory, you claim I “pick and choose”. I can’t spend every hour of every day picking apart the stupidity of people like you who make baseless assertions and then get aggressive when they’re challenged. I choose instead to have a life.
Grr. “Criticising”. “Deflection tactic”.
You got me wrong Scott -I like challenge, you are different.
You are either bought or brainwashed to pursue the agenda you do . You have no interest in truth or what’s right or wrong – just to pursue your agenda. You’re not a challenge – you’re a foregone conclusion, and frankly you can rot in the hell of your making. I’m just telling you what I think of your mindless corruption, since you seek to further the influence of the BBC. That’s all there is to do with the likes of you. You NEVER address the facts or issues that are put quite clearly throughout this site that SHOWS CLEAR BIAS by the BBC in a repetitive and consistent manner throughout their output on the issues where they have a clear agenda.
You make my skin crawl to make us feel your sick mind – and just know when you eventually get your dues – just why you have it coming.
Just for the others who may question if there’s any validity whatsoever to your post
Tom Watson said “I would also have taken a pot shot at Lord Patten’s lugubrious speech justifying the BBC not being able to adequately investigate the phone hacking scandal. I didn’t say not covering it at all – but it’s so like you to try and twist words because either you don’t understand them well enough to begin with or you’re not really interested in facts. Also, Watson’s ‘criticism’ of the BBC came after they had lionised him for the ‘mafia boss’ slur on Murdoch, and he in turn scratched the BBC back by making it appear like they had been unreporting the matter. Like I say, you either have to be a fool or ‘one of them’ not to understand it. I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt by assuming you’re the latter.
Just a basic search of a leftie claiming the BBC is biased AGAINST Labour, how about a sure hero of yours – John Rentoul of the Independent.
Get some help explaining posts to you next time you want to attack one here.
Teddy Bear,
So Tom Watson said;
“Had I been there [at the Society of Editors Conference] I would also have taken a pot shot at Lord Patten’s lugubrious speech justifying the BBC not being able to adequately investigate the phonehacking scandal.”
And this proves what exactly?
“…Watson’s ‘criticism’ of the BBC came after they had lionised him for the ‘mafia boss’ slur on Murdoch, and he in turn scratched the BBC back by making it appear like they had been unreporting the matter.”
So according to you; Tom Watson only agreed to critisise (Conservative Party Member) Chris Pattern as a favour to (Conservative Party Member) Chris Pattern?
interesting theory. And your proof of this is?
Ah yes:
“scum”, “You’re never going to waste my time”, “you are not interested in truth”, “You are either bought or brainwashed”, “you can rot in the hell of your making”, “You make my skin crawl”, “your sick mind”, “just know when you eventually get your dues – just why you have it coming”
Or in other words:-
“I don’t have any proof.”
Teddy Bear: In other words, your inability to prove your ridiculous conspiracy theory is somehow a character flaw on my part.
You really aren’t capable of justifying your statement at all, are you?
Both of you IDIOTS (Because apparently neither of you can read properly) should get somebody to explain the article that I linked to above, and help you understand ALL that Watson was saying, and how ludicrous a claim it really was.
But I’m so glad you exposed yourselves the way you have, as anybody with a brain and understanding the article would see clearly what you’re about.
I notice you avoided mentioning the Rentoul article – LOL – of course you have to, and that took me one minute to find.
Keep trying to think you’re coming across as clever. Keep replying too – keeps you off the streets.
Even if Watson’s claim was “ludicrous” – I’d go for “overblown hyperbole” myself – it still isn’t proof of your ridiculous conspiracy theory. Nor is the Rentoul link you posted.
You claimed that the BBC “get someone to accuse them” of anti-Labour bias. You have yet to show anything that comes anywhere close to proving that. And because you can’t, you’re falling back on being aggressive.
Let me spell it out for the bears of very little brain amongst us: linking to people claiming the BBC has a pro-Government, or anti-Labour, bias is not proof that the BBC is colluding to generate such remarks.
I already told you idiot – to get somebody to explain the meaning of the original post of mine you sniped at.
There’s none so blind as those who WILL NOT SEE, and you’re not wasting any more of my time with your ignorance.
Bit of a revelation here on the Godawful “Any Questions” here.
The wonderful Nicki King of Isuzu may not be 100% with us, but she`s a breath of fresh air and has the audience eating out of her hand!
Lordy…even Jonathan Dimbleby is slavering…and Sarah Teater is able to catch the sidewind.
First time in years that this programme has been any good…and well done Nottingham for being sensible.
I doubt the BBC will be heading back there anytime soon!
A comment from 2008, in which INBBC is referred to:
“UK: Muslim Rape Spree Against Infidel Women Continues”
Look at this for the title of an article.
Why do men become Catholic priests?
What a question! And then we get straight away the standard Beeboid obsession and blanket smear applied whenever the word Catholic comes up, followed by fatuous question repeat, just in case we missed it the first time and just to make sure they drive home a link between abuse and no matter what else to do with the Catholic Church:
Years of sexual abuse scandals have hit the image of the Catholic Church and its priests face long hours and modest wages. So what drives the young men who want to be ordained?
I mean how could anyone possibly contemplate such a thing?
It would take years of practised stupidity to come up with a fatuous question like that. At a guess, I’d say the young men are generally not just any young men and probably not just landed from Mars and suddenly thinking, Oh, I know what: I’ll be a Catholic priest.
No, Beeboids, it’d be likely they were brought up and educated as Catholics, going to church regularly, practising their faith, attending religious schools and developing a devotion and a vocation out of all that. It’s not that hard to figure this out.
I wonder if Beeboids would write in such terms about …er… certain other religions or social groups: What on earth drives young men to be …….? How could they, when……. [Fill in the blanks according to preference].
No, the Beeboids would never do that. They have scruples when it comes to how they write about certain groups. Why the extreme delicacy in one case and the great galumphing trampling all over in another?
Imagine if a newspaper published an atricle like this.
So what drives the young people who want to join the BBC?
Years of sexual abuse scandals have hit the image of the BBC and its staff face short hours and high wages.
I actually believe the BBC is covering the sex abuse case in Liverpool to divert attention from Mr Jingle Jangle, tickets for BBC shows for sexual favours and two other un-named BBC stars from the 70’s. They have been quiet about the Liverpool problem untill now.
Tip of the iceberg.
Not to mention the various drugs scandals at the Beeboid Corporation!
Imagine a Beeboid headline:
So what drives young men to drugs?
Not likely to see that. Beeboids take it for granted and don’t question it.
Their headline would likely be:
Why don’t we legalise drugs for young men?
So what drives young men to drugs?
An Audi?
“2011 was a tough year, both for Centrica and our customers,” said chief executive Sam Laidlaw.
“But the strength of our integrated business and balance sheet means we’ve been able to take the lead in helping customers through these difficult times, as well as delivering growth and making the investments on which Britain’s energy future depends.”
But the BBC missed this
“Chief executive Sam Laidlaw said Government eco charges and taxes now account for 15 PER CENT of every home’s power bills.
And he warned environmental costs could DOUBLE to £160 per household per year by 2015. He asked: “Is that right in the current climate?”
Now why did the BBC not report that?
‘Now why did the BBC not report that?’
New guidelines: dumb-down and misinform.
It’s a Charter obligation.
About the Beeboids’ chums:
1.) ‘The Guardian’
2.) The Labour Party.
Have to enjoy a few of the comments!
A joy to read the thresd above.
Like tributaries flowing into the one river-and when you see the links from others like “the commentator” ,we`re all heading to the same conclusion.
The BBC is a conspiracy against the laity-and they`re increasingly ragged and threadbare in their tired prejudices and poses.
They seem not to care about whether we notice, for they don`t care anymore…but their time is drawing near.
Give them five years tops…and a bonus if we can shake them out of our pockets earlier!
Re-INBBC’s political enthusiasm to report its Obamessiah’s apologies to President Karzai, here is a somewhat different apology:
A real apology to Karzai on behalf of all free Americans
(inc 4 min video clip).
Brilliant clip…thanks George!
And a Friday night special offer to Beeboids:
“Have you been drinking, Auntie?”
‘these things tend to stick in the mouth even more when the corporation masquerades as some kind of anti-establishment think-tank, new on the scene with fresh ideas.’
Rejigging… ‘fresh ideas’ that are no more than PR as news from ‘think-tanks’ that are in fact advocacy centres the BBC approves of, yet seldom honest enough to admit or put in context, hoping folk will not notice and be seduced by the faux credibility they are trying to spin.
Having worked with more than a few of Aunty’s louche lushes, the degree of hypocrisy from their ‘don’t do as we can afford to, do as we are waving our finger you should’ schtick is getting pretty lame.
Worthwhile doing an Index of this lot.
Make Oxfam=100, then put the likes of IPPR, Demos etc on it as proportions of number of times on….%interruptions…whether there was an opposing voice given equal time in the studio and not stuck on a mobile from a carpark(that funnily enough seems to get reception problems, if it gets too honest).
Basic rule-follow the money…where does Inclusions money come from if not old Treasury, DWP types doing McBrides bidding.
Safe to say that Biased BBC/UKIP/EDL and the like are going to be 0 on the index….so we have our scale anyhoo!
i wonder if this year, they’ll have heterosexual professional male dancers on Strictly Come Dancing, rather than straight acting professional male dancers?
You mean like every other year? I should think so.
More evidence from THAT court case:
“‘Bring your younger friends next time’: What alleged child abuse gang member ‘told 15-year-old victim'”
Read more:
I noticed one thing that the press have not pointed out. Look at the photo of one of the accused, Liquat Shah. He has a massive prayer bump (look at forehead), the mark of an Islamist.
It should be a bullet hole.
Perhaps that’s where his brain was removed?
Or where a faulty one was put in.
Two stories about “vulnerable children”…that would normally be top of the bill with the BBC worrywarts…but for some reason were rather skated over.
1. The State has just coughed up £1M to asylum seeking children that were locked up as adults between 2009 and 2010. They got paid then, but only now has it come to light. Now whether all those moustachioed chaps were year 9s or not is clearly dubious…but there`s a heck of an industry behind them…and the BBC would normally be spotlighting five year olds with teddy bears that were treated like Qatada…yet not too much by way of peep!
2. The Chidrens Society tell us that the late night buses are full of Kurdish kids tipped out of their bunk beds, and left to fewnd for themseives and destitute…and it`s the Governments fault according to the BBC!
Yet the report says that it was the Labour lot that caused this, since 2008 and the figures reflect that-but, as yet, no bawling out Hughes or Hodge or the like to explain this clear failure of duty of care under international law.
Anybody able to tell me why the BBC aren`t “championing” these two causes that get the BBCs gag reflex operational…wouldn`t be due to the fact that the fault lies squarely with their old Labour friends up to 2010 would it?
Course not!
Dear BBC,
‘I saw last Sunday’s Dilbert, and thought of you..’
For some reason.
“Now there’s a bonus for deadbeats”
By Kelvin Mackenzie
“The report, by veteran commercial radio executive John Myers, is yet to be published but I’m told it reveals an extraordinary arrangement with regard to BBC staff wages.
Apparently, any employee at one of the 40 local radio stations (which employ a total of 3,000 people) who has gone five years without promotion will receive a cheque for £4,600 — which is described as ‘disappointment’ money.”
Read more:
‘a cheque for £4,600 — which is described as ‘disappointment’ money.’
Way-hey! Precedent!
Given the deep trauma…waaaaay beyond ‘disappointment’ inflicted on many by the BBC’s dire output over the last few decades, I reckon each of us are in for a a huge payout.
I can see the nasty, cheap ads on SKY now… ‘Given the recent legislation about education and information mis-selling by the BBC for years, all licence fee extortees are now eligible to claim compensation. Didn’t see that coming, did ya, Aunty?’
I’ve been disappointed by the BBC for years, so where is my cut?
Again, with apologies for the formatting code splits, this time for balance (I for once think I have found a person who genuinely ‘got’ what is going down, if being powerless to do more than play his part in the relentless system attrition process):
First of all, although we are self-evidently not much closer to agreeing or getting much further on the substance of the complaint between us, I must commend you for the manner you have kindly adopted in handling it, at least your aspect.
Though it does again highlight to me the vast and varied means complaints are addressed, ranging from impersonal codes to even more impersonal (and frankly insulting) cookie cutter dismissals compared to what you have provided. I can be in no doubt you have at least read what I have written, and committed to thinking before replying.
For that, I thank you.
On 22 Feb 2012, at 13:50, xx wrote:
Thanks again for your reply and sorry both that you’ve found yourself a veteran of the BBC complaints process and that – perhaps not unconnected – my own reply failed to satisfy you.
For once, I feel able to take an apology from the BBC as at least sincere. Few are.
I was attempting to do more than just assert but to explain – but can see why if it reads to you as another example of “BBC employees saying BBC output is fine because BBC employees think so”/”we are right because we are” then that would be entirely maddening.
Trust me, it is. But if there is at least a concession that I can be understood as being frustrated, a step forward is made. A milestone even, given the ongoing history.
I’m at least glad it didn’t fall into the snotty category.
Not at all. And as (you will/have gathered) I am less than prone to being fobbed off, those others who hide behind initial anonymity will learn, and maybe have cause to regret, it is not a productive course to pursue. Charm can ease much, though of course it can prove wearing if more substantive aims are still not met in the course of exchanges.
And whilst I can see why the “word in the market rate talent’s shell-like” does rather rely on trust (and still might not inspire much confidence that anything will change), it did at least genuinely happen and honestly does have an impact. And yes I’ll discuss this exchange with him too.
I note that, and take your word on it. But yes on the confidence in change aspect. Too many, too often, too predictable.
I’ll pass this one up – to the Editorial Complaints Unit – so I hope their response will make a better fist of it than I clearly (tho unintentionally) have.
Thank you. I will take this opportunity in passing to again note the vast variety of ways these things get progressed. I have another ongoing where I have been grudgingly passed a means to progress to attempt myself, but with a dire warning on what will be achieved, and a cute deadline (20 days) that impresses not a jot, especially when I have other complaints unanswered that go back to last year. Double standards do not, as you will gather, rate highly here.
But I’m not for a second trying to duck your central point. I think the speed at which journalists are now expected to comment and the pace of “news” has had an impact on how and what we report – and perhaps the need for “updates” as a result is entirely self-inflicted and we should resist in the first place.
On this… no argument. And good that you recognise this, and the pitfalls that abound in consequence.
Sorry to again allude to another complaint, but this is the central concern I have over headlines… on twitter, for mobile, online… and how they actually relate to the story in total. Being a complaint, it is not working for me, or responsible journalism, especially in areas where personal bias can sway so much on what should be objective sharing of information.
And given the BBC’s clear interest in trying to address the various byte-sized online media outlet mechanisms, this is a vast concern.
Lack of time, or space, when it comes to accuracy and clear, objective communication is, simply… no excuse.
Nick blogged based on the information he had and then updated based on further information. Could we always be slower and clearer? Probably.
Then, please, err of the side of integrity and professionalism. Not ‘probably’. For sure.
But not to have done so doesn’t in itself mean he must have been guessing or biased.
I leap for the keyboard…
But there I go again effectively asserting that he can be trusted and is impartial and you should just believe me. Over to the ECU…
…but you anticipate me. A mercy. And a realistic recognition of how best to proceed. Again, my thanks.
Kind regards – and apologies that the process plods on from square one once more.
I think, as you likely mean it, I will take the sentiment in the good grace given.
But I will not be so forgiving with the ‘system’ if the square one plodding results, as I fear it will, and indeed is designed to do, in ending up spinning eventually in one place until the thing fizzles out. Or is deemed ‘closed’.
Again, as a veteran, I am too aware of how this is played, even at the higher levels. And it does not impress any more now than it has before.
I have pretty much accepted it is inevitable within the BBC system, up to and including the Trust, but then again I am not now pursuing these with any realistic hope of this monolithic entity caring about or seriously addressing anything internally. However, there are other avenues, and a clear written record is no bad thing to have. Box tickers do like ticked boxes.
As news investigators and gatherers, and those who claim to hold the powerful to account, you will likely appreciate the value of that process. Though maybe the odd notion of it applying as much to a well-funded public sector entity back, as much as the BBC often claims to do with others, on behalf of the public, might seem a bit of a twist.
Islam Not BBC (INBBC) is confused and inconsistent in the use of its own politically censored vocabulary.
E.g. today, INBBC does not describe a U.S pastor who burned a Koran in Florida some time ago as a ‘militant’ (which is how INBBC describes the Taliban, Boko Haram Islamic jihadists,), but as ‘HARDLINE’.
See last sentence of INBBC article, which appears to put blame for irrational deaths of these Muslims in Afghanistan on the West, as usual:
“Last year, at least 24 people died in protests across Afghanistan after a hardline US pastor burned a Koran in Florida. ”
BBC-EU has recently admitted it was politically over-enthusiastic in its first reporting of the setting up of the Eurozone.
Cue: Nigel FARAGE (10 min video)
Merkel: “If Greece leaves the euro, it will be the end of our European project”
“I’m not a hardline Eurosceptic, but even I can see that the BBC is biased in its reporting of the eurozone crisis” (Dec 2011)
(by Cristina Odone)
Why… on earth.. is that thread ‘closed for comments’ now?
An homage to Aunty?
Last November , the BBC went out of is way to point out that British war graves in Libya were not damaged during the recent insurretion. In the same month they did another piece on how the cemetaries were oases of tranquility, treated y the locals with respect:
“Key landmarks in the campaign – including Tripoli, Tobruk and Banghazi where they fell – have been in the news once again during the eight -month war to unseat Colonel Gaddafi.
As a result military tourism is expected to flourish once confidence in a new Libyan government is engendered.
During his 42-year rule, Muammar Gaddafi, whose compound stands just a few hundred metres away, ensured the Commonwealth war graves were protected. He was a military man after all.”
On Friday Libyan Muslims wrecked dozens of headstones (and from the photographs, they have also knocked the top off a memorial cross) as a protest over the Koran burning in Afghanistan. Curiously enough, the Beeb seems to have lost all interest in the subject – I can’t find any mention of the incident on their website.
Mail report at:
No David Gregory will come on to tell you you’re wrong.
The anonymous Beeboids who live on our licence fees and imagine themselves to be independent and universal defence lawyers excelled last night.
This was in their support of the case of Christopher Tappin who fought extradition to the US to face charges of illegal arms exports to Iran.
He was given a sympathetic hearing in the Beeb’s supreme court of public appeal – The One Show.
BBC appointed judges, Chris Evans and that girl with a Welsh accent, considered the case for the defence and then recommended the licence paying public find Tappin definitely not liable to stand trial in the US.
Outrageous bias and advocacy.
Thoughtless Anti-Americanism.
Well…post Eric Joyce…that`s been TWO days where the BBC and their useful tools up in Scotland and the BMA have stayed schtum about raising the price to booze to curb binge-drinking, and prevent crime, trips to A&E, yada yada.
Howsabout guyz n gals , we
1. Raise the price of units of alcohol to £10/unit within half a mile radius of where Joyce did a Prescott.
2. Put up lots of blue tape and seal off the area as an alcohol limited area, due to its previous hate crime of sexism in displaying booze for sale that upset Angela Eagle, Fiona MacTaggert and the other luscious luvvies of the Labour Ladies Wing.
3. Bring their pensions down to half the state average , because it might be this promise of moolah forever, once they`ve left that is causing them to binge so irresonsibly.
This has been a long term problem and our national shame. I myself am glad to bring it to national attention and am happy to be called to be appointed to chair the enquiry so badly needed to stop this tragic waste of potentially great public servants!
First rule of the Labour Party Fight Club: The BBC don’t talk about Fight Club
Mr. Mason running a monthly now?
Been so long I’d almost forgotten to bother looking.
Of course, like some bi-century Amazonian flower, it seems to close almost as soon as it has opened, and then only long enough to emit a vile perfume that attracts mostly flies.
Ceratinly most were not keen on this:
68. bobverily
17TH FEBRUARY 2012 – 16:41
The problem with Greece is the lazy no good public service.
When you pay Lazy people large amounts of money to do very little it becomes a very big problem, when you are a poor country.
Bob, me old mukka, it has been a problem to poor UK licence fee extortees for a wee while too.
Nelson Mandela is looking like he’s about to shuffle off this mortal coil.
All leave cancelled at Broadcasting House and all first class flights to Jo’burg are about to be block booked (it’s the way they are funded).
Does anyone fancy joining me in a pre-emptive ‘compare and contrast’ apropos the Beeb’s coverage of this (clearly sad) event with that of any other leading figure from the same era who is also looking a little frail of late?
The ultimate catastrophe for the BBC will be Mandela’s inconsidertness to pop his clogs right in the middle of “their” coverage of this year’s Olympics.
As the BBC don’t even get simple events right, I suspect that should these two stories collide, then it will be bye-bye to any further Olympic viewing dear licence fee payers !
From the Telegraph:
50p tax rate ‘failing to boost revenues’
From the Wall St. Journal:
David Cameron’s Tax Lesson
A 50% tax rate yields less revenue than advertised.
From AccountingWeb:
Lagerberg: 50% rate fails to deliver
BBC: ZZzzzzzzz. We’d rather not discuss the failure of a policy we support that turns out to be strictly punitive.
That’s because they believe that the success of that particular tax IS it’s punitive nature. It doesn’t have to raise large sums to succeed, just demonstrate an intent to afflict the comfortable.
Berlusconi trial: Judges throw out corruption case –
What the BBC fails to tell us is that the lawyer allegedly paid by Mr Burlusconi to lie, David Mills, is the husband of the Right Honorable Tessa Jowell MP…
If he were married to a Tory frontbencher, I wonder if they’d have omitted to mention the fact.
There are times when that much vaunted BBC analysis of current affairs likes to snooze. Times when beeboids would rather the public failed to join the dots in case we were led to some conclusions which ill fit a leftist agenda.
‘Doctors say they have been “completely let down” over pensions as they decide whether to ballot for strike action.
Dr Frank Wells, a member of the British Medical Association (BMA) council, said the government had “thrown to the wind” a UK-wide deal reached three years ago.’
Could this be a motive for BMA opposition to Government health reforms?
A large dose of self-interest on the part of the saintly medics?
And another thing…..who was in power ‘three years ago’?
Might Labour have renewed their post-war policy on the Docs? “Stuff their mouths with gold”?
Saintly doctors…hm….dealing with the BMA would be an eye opener for anyone who thinks of the medical profession in the traditional reverential way that we tend to. The naked greed and sheer demanding militancy of the BMA make the likes of Bob Crowe and your average working class trade union look like mild, unassuming, timid puddy tats.
I have had the pleasure of working with the BMA and they are as you say, absolutely clear they are a Trade Union to further the interests of their Members . Hiding behind public sentiment about the white coat wearing, stethoscope-wielding saints with only patient’s interests at heart. The BMA has consistently opposed every government reform of the NHS since 1948.
They were also vehemently against the setting up of the NHS in the first place, I believe.
There goes that label of ‘progressive’ that the left like to lay claim to.
The unions and the left – the real forces of conservatism. =-O
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Verdi’s Ernani
Live from The Met
Elvina is being forced to marry her elderly uncle Silva. Ernani is in love with her, and plans to rescue her from her fate. But when he arrives at the castle he finds Elvina with Don Carlo, the King of Spain, who has also declared his love. In Verdi’s dramatic early drama Angela Meade sings Elvina, the woman who finds herself loved by three men, leading to tragic consequences. Top Verdians Marcello Giordani, Dmitri Hvorostovsky and Ferruccio Furlanetto sing her suitors.
Presented by Margaret Juntwait with guest commentator Ira Siff.
Ernani…..Marcello Giordani (tenor)
Don Carlo….Dmitri Hvorostovsky (baritone)
Don Ruy de Silva…..Ferrucio Furlanetto (bass)
Elvira…..Angela Meade (soprano)
Giovanna…..Mary Ann McCormick (soprano)
Don Riccardo…..Adam Laurence Herskowitz (tenor)
Jago…..Jeremy Galyon (bass)
New York Metropolitan Opera Orchestra
New York Metropolitan Opera Chorus
Conductor…..Marco Armiliato.
Ah Millie, glad I`ve caught you!
Saw a bit on an opera on Leon Klinghoffer on Channel 4 News…and genuinely unsure if the music of this opera is any good.
The daughters of Mr Klinghoffer hate the idea of the opera, and that overrides any truly objective measure of its “worth”…but , like Malkovich`s opera last year…or even Jerry Springer….what constitutes a good opera.
You seem to know your stuff and I want to learn more.
Happy to be pointed in the right direction in what good opera is compared to bad.
Otello – far better than Aida.
Snap! I picked a clip from Otello for cj.
John Adams, Death of Klinghoffer.
Fine, moving, by one of Americas best post-modern composers
Sorry, cj. I spent ages today writing a long screed in answer to your question and pasting in at least a dozen links to Youtube clips of favourite and famous pieces, only to lose the lot. Aaargh! My PC is a bit erratic and cuts out for no reason now and again. I’m fuming. I can’t tell you how mad I am.
Basically it was mostly Verdi’s great tragedies of which there are many, well known and well loved – Rigoletto, La Traviata, Aida, Nabucco, Don Carlo, Otello, Macbeth – and Mozart’s sublime comedies – The Marriage of Figaro, Cosi Fan Tutte, Don Giovanni – and the German The Magic Flute, with a few others from such as Bellini, Donizetti, Rossini, Bizet and Puccini. Plus the German operas by Mozart, Handel, Wagner, Richard Strauss. English: Handel, Purcell, Benjamin Britten’s Peter Grimes, and if you count light operettas, there are those of Gilbert and Sullivan. Mind, they’re not Mozart!
I will try to recreate at least some of the list from memory and post them later. I have to take a break right now.
Here’s one clip that I didn’t lose which I hope you will enjoy. And it’s courtesy of the Beeboids!
Interesting comment on Sky News pages on Koran-burning riots that wouldn’t have made it past the BBC mods:
“It must be so exiciting to be a muslim. I mean, isn’t it like your life is a constant mexican wave of rage? When all it takes is a couple of burnt out books?! There you are going about your business, trying to make a living and worried about your kids future, paying your bills, planning your holidays, hating the odd jew, cleaning your AK… and then you have to drop everything, make petrol bombs and become an enraged, brainless loon until the anger-wave is gone…. I think it must be exhausting. Definately, not constructive. Don’t they want to live in peace? Ever? Two words for you lot: anger management another two: reality check three more:take it easy”
Perfect excuse to abandon Afghanistan to it’s people. The place is not worth the life of a single British soldier.
Our government ought to say to Obama – “Your apology will embolden the enemy so more allied lives will be lost. Therefore, as you didn’t consult your allies before making such a foolhardy gaffe, we feel that we are no longer in a position to support you and we will start proceedings to bring all our troops home as soon as we can borrow a couple of aeroplanes.”
I heard a female journalist from CBS talking from Kabul to SKY News and, quote :
Yes the rioting still continues five days on after the incident where US soldiers burnt copies of the Koran and some other rubbish.
Got to laugh haven’t you ?
If the comments there are representative of feelings in the UK public at large (and I suspect they are) there’s one hell of a backlash coming.
“When all it takes is a couple of burnt out books?!”
I’m thinking of marketing Koran loo paper. Would it sell, do you think?
Would I live long enough to enjoy the profits?
I’d buy it.
I’d use it.
Barack Obama apology to Afghanistan over Koran burning BBC … yep! after all of the handwringing apologies, by every spineless wonder, every lie-down shitehawk surrender monkey, lead by that wan-er in chief.
In the name of erm “understanding”, of overall “social cohesion”, of showing “respect” for the ahem … “great???” faith
etc etc etc.
well… its bound to work?? .. you know … religion of peace and all that jazz … so
why do we find this in that report? …
“There is a state of high alert ahead of prayers on Friday” …
hmmm that ll be a NO to an olive leaf then 😀
Apology: ‘Kill Them, Beat Them, Take Them as Prisoners,'”
P Goodenough CNS News … oh dear 😀
maybe not
hey! how about W Vague, you know Warsi and her new found “bosom buddies” then …
OIC Condemns Quran Burning by US Troops”
Fars News Agency … oh dear!
well then. at least the UN … UN site ablaze in Afghan protest
ahhh! feel the love … looks like pandering to a psychopathic ideology doesn t work , who da thought it 😀
If it helps, I am happy to offere Barak Obama by way of sacrifice out there in the Gobi desert or wherever.
Pin a Koran to his back and send him off into the wilds…would that help?
Or…if they want a bit more meat…Michale Moore is an obvious sacrifice that would prevent the Afghans from getting all PMT on the rest of us.
As is said above….anyone know what “anger management” is in the original Arabic?
As someone once said on Radio 5 (before getting cut off) “It’s a good job they don’t drink they’re barking mad as it is”
the same could be said of anyone who works at the BEEB
INBBC on Islamic jihad murders of U.S officers in Kabul.
Note how INBBC avoids describing the killer of the U.S army officers as a murdering Islamic jihadist.
Instead, INBBC decides to downgrade the Islamic jihad murders as ‘the shootings’.
And there’s not even a court case about all this in Liverpool to be used as an excuse.
INBBC: forever claiming to be even-handed between the West and the Taliban.
I don’t normally give Stephen Nolan’s How Are Ye show the time of day, but on friday night he had ‘controversial’ (Nolan’s word) comedian Jim Davidson on.
‘The BBC couldn’t stand me because I voted Tory’.
‘Ricky Gervaise – not funny’
‘Them young leftie comedians…’
‘Eddie Izzard – what’s funny about anything he says?’
‘I got a million quid a year from The Generation Game and that stuff. But the BBC don’t care it’s not their money. If they had to raise the revenue themselves they’d be more careful with it’.
Like Nolan says, ‘controversial’ indeed.
Calling for Margaret Thatcher’s death, hating America, supporting Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad, hating Israel, shilling for the Labour Party, posting bail for IRA thugs, and sundry other staples of ‘young leftie comedians…
Never ‘controversial’.
Only ever ‘edgy’, ‘challenging’, and ‘pushing the boundaries’ and always, always, but always ‘in context’.
I’d love to know who selects the items for ‘On This Day!’
BBC ‘On This Day.’
“23rd February 1972: Palestinian hijackers who took over a Lufthansa jet two days ago release the crew at an airfield in the Yemen.”
“25th February1994 : A Jewish doctor opens fire on Palestinians praying at a mosque in Hebron, killing up to 30 people.”
See a pattern here?
And people try to defend the BBC as an unbiased organisation.
This is in keeping with the Guardian ‘view’ of history.
In their section “Israel and the Middle East – Key Events”
for the year 1994 the only event shown is
“1994 – Baruch Goldstein, a demented Jewish zealot in the flashpoint West Bank town of Hebron, goes beserk in the town’s most historic mosque, killing 29 Arabs with his assault rifle. “?
Amazingly ignored as key events are:
1. May 1994 – The Gaza/Jericho agreement in Cairo between Israel and the PA giving autonomy to the Palestinian Authority in those areas – Surely a Key Event
2. July 1994 – The Israel/Jordan peace treaty – Surely a Key Event
In keeping with the event they chose to include they could have also included
3. 40 Israelis murdered by demented terrorists in numerous beserk attacks throughout that year – most following the granting of autonomy to the PA?
This is wrong – by Richard…
<img src=”” border=”0″/>
If Moonbat wants to trouble himself about undue influence, why isn’t he worried about this? It cannot be right that an elected politicians – with a salary and expenses from the public purse – is so egregiously enriching himself.
But this is not any politician, but a senior Labour man – David Miliband MP. He earned, we are told, earned “a staggering £20,000 a day as an adviser for a company investing in green technology”, and was paid £70,000 for just three-and-a-half days spent working for VantagePoint CleanTech in California.
The post with the American venture capitalists is the latest in a series of lucrative part-time positions Mr Miliband has taken up since being beaten by his brother in the Labour leadership contest.
Here is another EUREF scoop about how the BBCs favourite champagne pseudo Marxist is coining it partaking in the CAGW fraud, where is the BBCs Black? Who is paying this man all this money and what influence do they get for this money? Seventy grand for 3 days ‘work’? Where is the BBC?
“stemming the tide of Islam in the West is beyond reversal…check the birth rates”
Who is responsible for this Islamophobic outburst? EDL? BNP? No, Nicky Campbell’s best friend on Twitter Mo Ansar.
Mark Steyn was dragged before the Canadian Human Rights Commission and accused of hate speech when he made exactly the same point.
In fact, that brief Twitter exchange is a Mark Steyn column waiting to happen.
Mark Steyn talks about those demographics in this interview. It doesn’t make for comfortable viewing.
to paraphrase Mr Steyn; “Little English villages have six/seven/eight thriving pubs but how many will possibly survive when those little villages become twenty/thirty percent Muslim?”
“…six/seven/eight thriving pubs”!?
“…when those little villages become twenty/thirty percent Muslim”!?
Current Muslim population of the UK:
And you take this guy seriously!?
Hi Dez,
First – I don’t neccessarily agree 100% with everything he claims, but still find his analysis interesting and thought-provoking. It’s not the kind of analysis you hear in the mainstream media. We’re used to the common platitudes about ‘enrichment’, the idea that immigration and multiculturalism bring ONLY benefits to the nation, with few (if any) downsides.
Second – did you listen to it all? With the muslim population increasing at ten times the rate of the rest of the population, it won’t take that many generations for muslims to be a sizeable portion of the population in many areas of the country, as indeed they already are. If you still doubt this, look at the demographics in some of our neighbouring European countries. You don’t even need to go abroad to see that both high birth rates and mass immigration have massively changed the culture of many towns and cities in this country. Some of us commented on a previous thread in relation to a BBC programme about Islam in Luton, in which the host said that she barely recognised the town she grew up in. This is staggering when you consider that she is only 25 years old!
I might not agree that this is a problem in all areas of the country, it certainly isn’t in my neck of the woods – rural Norfolk/Suffolk – YET!. We are lucky to live in a modern western liberal democracy, and need to be concerned about the fact that some of the cultures that are growing rapidly in parts of the nation have a world view that is anything but ‘liberal'(in the true sense of the word). Mark Steyn is one of the few commentators who is willing to put his head above the parapet and discuss what for a long time has been deemed off limits. I think it’s more than welcome, and if people like Mr. Steyn help to break the taboos and allow the rest of us with deep concerns to have our say then I am grateful. The debate needs to be opened up, not closed down, it’s far too important. We ALL have a right to self-determination and the preservation of our culture.
Looks like we can add mathematics to the list of ‘Things Dez Clearly Doesn’t Understand’.
“The Muslim population has grown from 1.65 million to 2.87 million since 2001, say researchers. What does this mean for liberal Britain? ”
(by Damian Thompson, Dec 2010)
Look inside Christopher Caldwell’s book:
‘Reflections on the Revolution in Europe: Immigration, Islam and the West’ (Penguin, 2010).
Mathematics and demographics, and also human behaviour. As recent figures published in the London ES showed, the average percentage of children fron non-British origin in London classrooms is over 60%. This doesn’t square with the quoted anodyne 3% Muslim because there has been widespread immigration from other countries and religious backgrounds, notably Eastern Europe, India, Africa and the West Indies.
Not only do some of these have large families that eat up school places, there is the issue of “white flight”. Parents would rather move than put their kids into this multiculti soup. Even Labour MPs send their kids privately. The few British kids you see desparately ape their ethnic classmates to fit in. Were talkin’ Jafaican.
Our culture is being undermined by the suicidal policies of the Labour decade and the paralysed coalition, with the bBC advancing the role of the thought police.
“When the history of the decline and fall of the world’s most damaging scare comes to be written, l’affaire Gleick will only be a brief footnote. But it does suggest how desperate those who wish to keep the scare alive have become.
More importantly, however, it should focus our attention once again on the fact that we are still being presented with by far the biggest bill in history, to counter a threat that never actually existed.”
And where will Black and his post scientific method chums go? Back under their rocks never to be heard of again with any luck. The BBC on the other hand will be seen as one of the main propaganda outlets of the biggest money making scam in the history of the world, in fact a total reversal of their prestigeous role they played during WW2.
I never understood what the hell we were doing in Afghanistan in the first place, as I pointed out a long time ago when Bin bag Bin Laden was cornered in Tora Bora a couple of nukes should have just been dropped there (and I mean that) to finish him off.
Really need to get out of all these Countries, as for Syria, who gives a shit? One tosspot Muslim killing another, that’s GOOD NEWS, it means they’re not killing us.
Sit back put on Sky News and drink a cold beer whilst these arseholes slaughter each other, laugh as well. Dumb mothers!!
You’re a great loss to the diplomatic corps. 😀
“Tiny band of left-wing radicals bring jobs policy to its knees”
Did they really? I expect the BBC had a higger hand in this as the media wing for the far-left
“Last week, Mr Dunk, 30, was seemingly reluctant — despite a series of BBC appearances — to speak to The Sunday Telegraph about his role. He promised to call back but failed to do so.”
If you look up the word “astroturfing” you will see how the BBC conflate a small protest into a major concern for the “nation”.
Yes and the BBC are now claiming that the opposition came (I quote) “from the public”
No it didn’t it was stirred up by the BBC giving airtime to a bunch of unwashed drug taking socialist scum who have no political mandate.
Even Labour kept quiet on the schmene as they supported it.
Janet Daley on how the BBC “got it about right”:
“a series of BBC appearances”
Policy by PR.
Yours, and paid for by you, at just £4Bpa.
‘how the BBC conflate a small protest into a major concern for the “nation”‘
Well, they do speak for us.
Have you noticed that EVERY policy of this Government is attacked by the BBC the moment it gets announced.
Yet for the life of me I can’t ever remember the last Government getting such a grilling, did Foundation hospitals or PFI get such a grilling? I can’t ever remember seeing Gordon Brown getting a kicking for his bloated spending.
Perhaps I slept through those 13 years, I’m sure David Gregory will put me right and link me to lots of tough interviews from BBC hacks asking Brown about his off book debt (PFI) or how the NHS were going to go on strike because of Foundation hospitals.
Yes indeed Martin.
This is the oppostion to the “Foundation Hositals” during Labours destructive years.
“Opponents of the plans claim they will create a two-tier NHS with non-foundation hospitals losing out.”
Even the link to
“Fears over impact of NHS changes”
Is a quite mild mannered “critism”
Now read this and show me the “balance”
Believe it or not but the “medical proffesion” was dead against “Foundation Hostpitals”
“The government was under intense pressure to abandon its plans for NHS foundation hospitals as the BMJ went to press on the eve of a House of Commons vote.”
No doubt the BBC supporters will say the BBC were balanced with articles like this
But you just have to look at the tone – of the articles now that Labour are not in power. Articles portraying heckles as nice old ladies against a tyrannical government and not just a small number of rabid communists.
Excellent case study sir.
Need quite a few more of these…you`ve inspired me to do a couple of other “rolling boil” stories…in my case, from education.
I find this site to be “The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists” e-version needed for the Media Studies Revolution to come….wonder if Les “Misearables” Ebdon will santion my course here at “Wessix Uni”.
EMAs for all, bruv!
The BBC did attack New Labour when they were in government, but from an Old Labour standpoint. Needless to add when you actually get a Conservative government (even one in alliance with the Liberal Democrats) the attacks become almost hysterical.
The BBC are the broadcasting equivalent of a rigged postal ballot. They do not have a single democratic bone in their body.
On the grounds that the ends justify the means the BBC will do anything they think they can get away with between now and the next election to bring about a Labour government. Their biggest task is trying to get us to forget what it was like having a Labour government.
I don’t remember the BBC opposition to Foundation hospitals being 24/7 wall to wall across the beeboid output.
They only made Gordon Brown’s biographer and champion of his economic policies their business editor, and made the ex-girlfriend and fellow traveler of Brown’s right-hand man their economics editor. Not much chance of tough interrogations about a see-no-evil FSA, accounting sleight-of-hand regarding PFIs, or borrowing money with no end in sight to pay for it all when those two are seen as being above board and impartial.
Next you’ll be trying to claim BBC staff were moonlighting during elections, mainly, if not exclusively, for one politicial hue.
At least we can be assured of Paul Mason’s objectivity.
World’s most respected news gathering organisation?
Palestinian ‘shot dead’ in W Bank
Palestinian medical sources say. That is, no one actually collaborated this but we have no problem repeating it as news.
Assuming the story is true, in a region where slaughtering demonstrators is the rule I can’t think of one example where the BBC though one death was enough for that to be the headline.
Hundreds of Palestinians threw rocks after Friday prayers. That apparently isn’t all that important as news as the BBC waits until the fifth paragraph to tell us.
The photo caption is also instructive. There were protests across Hebron on the anniversary of a 1994 mosque massacre in the city. The photograph shows a Palestinian youth with a sling (not lethal? Ask Goliath).
The massacre in in 1994 was horrific. Thirty worshippers were shot. Still neither the Jews nor anyone other than Muslims think riots are an appropriate way to commemorate such an event.
The BBC didn’t think it was worthy to mention a week ago when
a mob of some 50 Palestinian Muslims stoned a group of Christian tourists atop Jerusalem’s Temple Mount on Sunday morning. Three of the Israeli police officers who acted to protect the Christian group were wounded by the stone-throwers.
Apparently also the attack is believed to have been instigated by the former Muslim mufti of Jerusalem, Ekrama Sabri, who told Palestinian media over the weekend that Jewish groups were planning to break into the mosques that occupy the holy compound and desecrate them. Sabri urged all local Muslims to protect the mosques from “the Israeli conspiracy against the city and its holy places.”
Of course it’s understandable (to cretins) that the Palis mistook Christian tourists for ultra religious Jewish zealots, they look so similar. The excuse this week is because of what happened in 1994, So what will it be next week? Whatever, we can be sure the BBC will continue to dignify the Palis actions, but not report it unless one of them is hit.
how many BBC employees are members of ?
Why does it matter so much, Jon? You do seem rather preoccupied about gay people. Is it because you worry they’re having more fun than you?
maybe he hates gay people (like God does?)
Anyway you seem equally touchy with the “matter so much” and “preoccupied” from a simple one-line comment and question. Maybe we should be worried: I am irritated by how unhideously white and English the frontline BBC news is, I mean, to be representative of the population (I know they don’t have to be) surely 75 to 80% AT LEAST would be English and white.
Just a one-line comment? Hardly. You do realise if you click on somebody’s name you can see their previous comments, don’t you?
But hey. Oh look, ltwf1964 has come out from whatever bridge he hides under.
I wonder – if gay people didn’t exist, who would Biased BBC’s resident idiots pick on to look down on in a pitiful attempt to convince themselves that they’re not as worthless as their lives would otherwise suggest?
Scott, you do realise that water is wet, don’t you? If you think that is a superfluous silly comment – much like your own – then you’d be right.
That said, with the rest of your comment you reveal a highly insecure side. Surely best not to reveal so much and limit yourself to commenting on the thread topics.
I’m insecure? Ha!
I see Biased BBC commenters’ renowned inability to register any sort of self-awareness is as prevalent as ever.
…why be so preoccupied about us?
I think Dez answered your question as to who we would “pick on” in his pithy 4-point complete philsophy of B-BBC in the last OT, Scott!
hi mong boy
good to see one half of the weekend wankers making an appearnace
at least you’re consistent
a tramp…..but consistent 😎
he just doesn’t like sodophiles
good lad Jon
“You do seem rather preoccupied about gay people ”
So does the BBC .
They all seem to share a passion for pushing shit uphill.