Fine writing Bupendra…and it`s something that you`ll be able to recall to young Mohanda when you`re asked…. “and what did YOU do, when they came for the Occupy movement?”
As for me and the rest of us…we were asleep or doing something useful.
You alone can now claim that you`ve felt the sick of history upon your shoulder!
I`d get writjng that book from the frontline whilst the ages cry for their legacy to be scribed…
I was listening to Womans’ Hour this morning and heard Prue Leith criticising ‘Big Business’ and Academy Schools and being very critical of the present government and thought I would look up her politics.
Whilst nothing too obvious came up on a quick glance of how she votes I did read on Wiki that she is ‘a former director of British Rail, Safeway,Whitbread, Woolworths and the Halifax bank and is currently a non-executive director of Orient Express Hotels Ltd’.
Was she asked by Jane Garvey how she squared up her criticism of business with the directorships she holds/has held? Well I will leave that for you to guess.
Perhaps Jane Garvey’s kid glove handling of Prue Leith has something to do with the cooking diva’s connection with a certain champagne producer. (She was the Veuve Cliquot Business Woman of the Year in 1990) As we know the BBC has to stock up with more bubbly for any forthcoming events which calls for a lefty celebration.
Listening to that amazing audio again did you notice that Garvey says: “We were broadcasting from the center of London, from Broadcasting House, ALL VERY UPMARKET IN THOSE DAYS…” thus distancing herself from the ruling classes. Doesn’t THAT tell you a lot about her frame of reference and who she thinks she is? Does she really see herself as a woman of the people rather than a member of the spoilt media elite?
Is it true that initially there were no reporters at Operation Decrust apart from two Beeboids? If true, I’m wondering whether the Beeboids were embedded with the crusties for months or does the Beeb have a relationship with the police that it Leveson might be interested in.
I wouldn`t recommend listening to Becky Milligans day out with the Tory Chief Whip(The World At One 28.2.12)…but anyone who hears it can find proof-positive of the debauched, debased irrelevance of Parliament these days; as well as the quality of Topsy and Tim popinjay who`d not have a clue about the history and original purpose of Parliament.
She does however have a truffle shovel/pooper scooper for any gossip, internecine bitching that the Chief Whip might choose to pass on, and this takes up nearly all the time devoted to this crap.
It`s hard not to think that the Tories are only the bottom of the barrel, and all the BBC do is scrape it for want of actually having any public service remit anymore.
I do wonder which of these two doomed tawdry parodies of their original purpose will jump into the Thames first…being manacled together in a suicide pact means we`ll be better off without both.
At least we`d have a clear run at the real threat to our survival…and its not “climate change”
The bBC, its anti-Semitic reporting and half the story. Palestinian ‘shot dead’ in W Bank A Palestinian man has died after being injured in clashes with the Israeli army in the West Bank, Palestinian medical sources say…. Hundreds of Palestinians threw rocks after Friday prayers.Israeli police said they opened fire in the incident near Ramallah after being attacked with rocks, firebombs and fireworks.The protests came on the anniversary of a massacre at a mosque in Hebron 1994 by the Jewish settler Baruch Goldstein, who killed 29 Palestinians.
Yet again the bBC spins a story in which to ape its leftwing pro Islamic and anti-Semitic stance rather than report the real story. In this case a man is shot because he was so offended at how 18 years ago a jew decided to walk into a mosque and murder 29 people.
And here is the real reason (which the bBC doesn’t mention) why this idiot was shot dead on Sat last. A group of approximately 50 Arabs threw stones at Christian tourists and police patrols, prompted by reports in the Jordanian press of more attempts by right-wing activists to ascend to the Temple Mount. Police arrested 24 people during the day on Sunday in connection with the stone throwing. Arab press, including Palestinian and Jordanian newspapers, wrote a number of inflammatory articles about right-wing attempts to exert sovereignty over the Temple Mount, which incited worshipers to riot on Friday following weekly prayers.
So instead of commentating the murders of 29 people 18 years ago, the real reason why this idiot was shot dead was because the Arabic media has been shit stirring and the bBC mentions nothing of this, but oh how they love to attack the media British media for doing even less. The bBC anti-Semitic. Anti British, Pro-radical Islam and traitors in our midst.
Obviously some top BBC News Online editors felt that too many of you had the idea that the Greeks were lazy and non-productive. Too many eternally unemployed Greeks on display whenever the BBC reports on the riots, I guess. So they got Charlotte McDonald to put together a little propaganda piece to convince you it’s simply not true.
In fact, according to the figures dressed up by McDonald, the Greeks work harder than the Germans. The only reason Greece isn’t leading Europe, apparently, is because the poor dears simply don’t have the industrial infrastructure and manufacturing plants to compete fairly. They’re mostly self-employed and agrarian, so work much longer hours than the rest of you while not producing as much visibly.
Myth busted, right? Wrong. While reading this, I got the sense that the BBC was trying to convince me of something. Smelling an agenda, I decided to look up reality. Here’s what the BBC doesn’t want you to know about Greece.
Germans must work for 45 years to retire with full state pension. Greeks need only 35.
46% of wages in Germany are in the form of pensions. If you think that’s not sustainable, then Greece is a disaster at 80%.
Germany froze pension increases a while ago, while Greece gave a 3% rise in 2004, 4% in 2005, and 4% in 2006.
Minimum pension age for women in Germany is 65-67, depending on circumstances, the same as men. In Greece, it’s age 60. And that’s not all.
Anyone working in what the government calls a “hazardous job” can retire much eariler. There are 580 different jobs defined as such. It’s not just bomb disposal and coal miners, either. hairdressers and oboe players can retire at age 50 at 90% of their final salary.
Oh, and pastry chefs and radio continuity announcers.
This is what the Germans have to pay for to sustain. Again. I think the UK has to pony up more cash as well as part of the glorious EU agreements. And the BBC wants you to think the Greeks are harder workers than the Germans.
When I see figures such as David has shown us it makes me wonder what scope the Greek government has for ‘cuts’ – I think David has given a few opportunities that could be done without a whole lot of demonstrating.
I see the old saying about Greeks baring gifts…first picture, norks out to put off the chess competitor.
P.S. Athens bus drivers were paid 30K and also paid to turn up (bit like Euro MPs), their public sector has been even more greedy and determined evne that the UK equivalent.
PASOK Pan-Hellenic Socialist Party, or what the BBC prefers you to hear “The Greek Government” or “Greece”, like there was no other ideological issues involved. Not Greek Sociialists, just “Greeks”
The report on the clearing out of the Occupiers in London on the News Channel just now is pretty amusing. While telling us that the police were clearing out the tents, the Beeboid reporter was walking among piles and piles of garbage. Authorities were loading trash into a garbage truck behind him as he spoke of how the encampment was a “potent symbol”. The metaphor may have escaped him.
The voice crying, “This is what democracy looks like” had a distinct French accent. Poor showing, BBC.
I was shocked as saddened to see that the occupy camp has been broken up, and I am sure that you all feel the same as me :'( ?
Cry me a river on a rainy day 😀 .
The BBC are reporting this as though the occupy protest were a mass movement millions strong..hundreds of thousands..thousands…hundereds…dozens? Yes a few dozen hard left rabble somehow and for some reason get more positive and sympathetic airtime than much bigger groups. Soft focus interviews with fawning beeboids and oh so reasonable occupy protest leaders.
Nothing about the fact that most tents are empty all night, that drugs and violence were rife, that the smell and rubbish became a menace, that it was putting people off visiting St Pauls. So anyway, the EDL go on a protest march and the BBC ask the opinions of how many EDL members? Perhaps we are too busy dressing up in black uniforms and invading poland or cleaning our panzers for said invasion, perhaps because we Nazis cant speak English and the BBC cannot justify the expense of having a Nazi speaking translator?
Or perhaps the BBC would rather hand airtime to its own favoured political groups, its own client class of protesteratti?
Anyway I cant just sit aound here all day I have to pick up my jackboots and MG42 from the repair shop, Poland wont invade itself you know 😎
Have a small bet on what Newsnight will be running with tonight.
NHS being screwed further by more dubious ‘health tourists? Not too likely, despiet the orientation appeal that soem may present.
I’m in the pool for an #Occupy special, with Protest Editor Mason walking, slo-mo, supported by Laurie Penny, with a slightly dented iPhone/Pad/Pod taped to his aching heart, through the wreckage of a beloved symbol, to the strains of Barber.
The chimp paradox? … yep! were talking 5live & R.Bacon 😀
The only paradox here is that its supposed to be the “inner” chimp,
one look at Bacon, whoops! confirms it has obviously manifested outwardly 😀
That aside, interesting segment from the same psychologist who has
helped the UK cycling team to success … apart from … Bacon, who exhibiting more chimp behaviour … mimicry … (he has read the book), so keeps chipping in with soundbites from it.
Irritating, often wrong, and destroys any intellectual flow … triple whammy! … another guest can t wait to get out, well done! dickwit.
Haha, Sopel on the News Channel just now let the mask slip a bit after his co-anchor read out a quick breaking news line about the Irish getting set to vote on the EU financial compact. Sopel made a funny face, and hemmed and hawed, then rolled his eyes and mumbled something about how here we go again. He looked chagrined as he reminded us about the Irish vote on Lisbon: they voted against it, and were “told to vote again”.
So Sopel knows the deal, as does his co-anchor (I forget her name). Too bad he’s in the minority, as most of his colleagues reported that as the Irish just not understanding the issues well enough to vote in favor.
Listening to You and Yours at 12 noon Radio 4 and a long item on how we tax payers should pay for school children to attend cultural events and have the opportunity to play an instrument although it was portrayed as this wicked government not spending enough. A woman phoned in, and eventually admitting she was ‘middle class’ and ‘not poor’ but she could not afford music lessons for her little dears. She received a sympathetic hearing. She was not asked if she and her family had mobile phones, last went on holiday, etc etc. Life is about choices. Few can afford everything but only in a BBC/Labour world does everybody get it all and the government (ie other tax payers) should pay.
I am sure you will have this highlighted on the site soon – christians take a pummeling because they turn the other cheek says Thompson. If you threatened to kill people they will take it easy on your religeon. Great for impartial, unbiased reporting. And satire!
I wonder what will happen if a Christian country refuses to pay the bill for the B-BBC anymore?
Oh, FFS. Now I see the BBC angle on the Irish vote against the Lisbon, and now the expected vote against the EU budget deal. NI Beeboid Mark Simpson had that same chagrined look on his face that Sopel did. But Simpson said that the Irish Government had to go through the “embarrassing” process of making the people vote again when they didn’t get it right the first time.
He was then asked “what’s with the Irish people” that they vote against Lisbon and the last EU treaty deal, but then “dutifully” voted in favor of it the next time. Simpson’s reply was that the votes against were merely “backlash” against a Government they didn’t like at the moment. Happens all the time, apparently, just a protest vote, they don’t really mean it. So when it really counted, they voted in favor of Lisbon and the EU.
Unbelievable. Last time this happened, the BBC Narrative was that the public didn’t understand the issues well enough. Now, Simpson says, if they vote against the EU this time, it’s just a protest vote against the “severe austerity” their own Government has forced on them.
It seems that the only time the BBC approves of Democracy is when it’s Occupiers trying to shout people down.
Eryka Badu. Ever heard of her, I hadn’t. (No apologies). Apparently news worthy for the Beeboids.
Eryka claims she is a Muslim (How cooool is that!) but she has outted herself as a Mushrika. She has offended the Religion of Peace.
“Malaysia has cancelled a concert by US singer Erykah Badu after a publicity photo showed her with the Arabic word for “Allah” tattooed on her upper body.” tells us the Beeb.
Islam prohibits tattoos. And to combine this with the name of the supreme one is displaying a singular lack of knowledge of her religion.
For your information…the photo as it appeared in the Malysian press back in January.
Erykah, bad, bad girl. Back to the mudrassa, Erykah..(oh, you can’t, you’re a bird) ….or ask a real Muslimah about your faith. If you shahada’d, you’re in trouble.
Does the Wall St. Journal now have to apologize to the Malaysian Government as well for insulting Islam? They published the same photo.
The body art is clearly temporary paint for the photo. But nobody has the guts to stand up to Islamo-fascism these days, so the best the BBC can do is say, “It’s not clear whether Ms. Badu’s body art is permanent.” It’s obviously not, but saying so would mean the BBC is calling out Mohammedans for being wrong. Which they are intellectually unable to do. So they hedge. The WSJ at least says it appears to be temporary.
RGH cut and pasted from the bBC: “Islam prohibits tattoos. And to combine this with the name of the supreme one is displaying a singular lack of knowledge of her religion. “
Does anybody at the bBC even bother to read the shite they come out with? Here is something the bBC knocked out 11 days ago about Islamic tattoos:
In Pakistan’s mostly conservative society, having a tattoo can be controversial.But this has not stopped tattoos becoming the latest trend among the country’s youth.
“And to combine this with the name of the supreme one is displaying a singular lack of knowledge of her religion.”
“the supreme one”? WTF!!! This has to be a BBC Muslim online editor/writer/proof reader adding his own opinion. Needless to say he is among friends at the BBc online department.
Nothing that a good beheading or honour stabbing wont cure and I am sure the local rage filled followers of the prophet of peace are even now sharpening their butchers knives and axes in order to rev themselves up into a frenzy of justified rage.
How the bBC covers up Argentine intransigence towards the British over the falklands.
Two news stories from the bBC one for British consumption, one for South American take note of the difference in reporting: British Version:
Two cruise ships carrying almost 3,000 passengers were turned away from an Argentine port, apparently because they had visited the Falklands.The Adonia and the Star Princess are said to have been prevented from docking at Ushuaia on Monday.
But Argentina’s Naval Prefecture said the ships changed their destination and denied they were refused permission to dock at the port off Tierra Del Fuego.
British diplomats in Argentina are trying to clarify what happened. A P&0 spokeswoman said: “Following its call at the Falkland Islands on Saturday February 25, the local port authorities have not permitted Adonia to berth at Ushuaia, Argentina, today.”
A member of staff at Princess Cruises said the incident would be an issue between the captain and the port authorities.
But a spokesman for Argentina’s Naval Prefecture said: “There were no problems with the port authority and there are no problems on board the ships.”
The port authorities of the city of Ushuaia, Argentina, in the province of Tierra del Fuego, on Monday denied entry to the port city two British cruisers from the Malvinas / Falklands.Officials decided to apply this time a standard that refers to ships that do “tasks related to the exploration and exploitation of natural resources, or military vessels within the basin of the Falkland Islands continental shelfArgentina“, in interpreting included here to tourism.
According to the Argentine newspaper Página 12, the head of the Provincial Directorate of Ports, Alexander Berola, confirmed that the decision was taken following “express instructions” of the governor Fabiana Ríos, and admitted the existence of a written request made by Argentine veterans and port unions.
Berola also indicated to this newspaper that the authorities of the vessel were notified of the ban this morning as they sailed through the Beagle Channel off the Chilean city of Puerto Williams, so they had to put back on track presumably to the Chilean city of Punta Arenas .The official also said another tourist boat suffered the same fate.
So when it comes to informing the people who pay their wages the bBC decides on clouding the issue on if the Argentines have banned British registered ships from docking in Argentina. But for those carrying out the act, well then that’s a different story.
Oddly in complement, I have just had a comment on Newsnight’s blog banned within record time.
Another poster had referred to Mr. Paxman’s revisionism, and pondered when he was to sit down to tea with those jolly Mau Mau chappies.
I simply posted two URLs.
One from a recent BBC ‘report’, and one from the Daily Mail. No nasty images, but perhaps a different slant on these fine fellows and what they got up to. I merely highlighted the contrast.
The reason given for the banning was one of twelve, none of which could apply.
The thirteenth, more likely, is ‘shows the BBC and its complict propaganda tools (or, as I call them, ‘market rate talents’) up for the two-faced, double-standard-riven kapos they are.
So PM are pushing the heroic Syrian maquis who have helped journalists escape (I didn’t realise until now that journalists’ lives were somehow worth more than those of mere mortals, so thanks for that too, BBC).
In stark contrast to the coverage afforded US Special Forces who risk their lives rescuing dumb westerners who miscalculate the Pashtun hospitaity they will be afforded in Aghanistan; far from being revered, the BBC would like to see these brave soldiers in the dock for each and every incredibly rare mistake they make.
I was reading earlier posts that made me seasick at the thought of the cruelty which BBC scriptwriters and producers had wrought on one of our national classics.
They just can’t help themselves can they? They even do it to their own stuff.
Bleak Little Shop of Stuff transfered from radio to tv recently and the Beeb pulled off the trick of making it simultaneously unfunny and anti-capitalist in one fell swoop.
Still it was money in the pocket for David Mitchell.
I mention him because I remember his interview with Mark Lawson and the way in which he was at pains to point out that he wasn’t a Tory – just in case the BBC commissioning editors might have wondered?
Now what do you call an employer which recruits on the basis of people’s politics? There must be an ism or a phobia. Lets put a name to it – the BBC.
I too am disheartened at this turn of events in BBC drama. Plots and the opinions expressed by the characters within should be respected.
Time was when politically unacceptable stories submitted to the BBC commissioning editors were sidelined during that process. At least in those days the purity of the author’s intentions were preserved.
In the National Theatre’s production of “Nicholas Nickleby” the lefty luvvies of that other publically funded organization poured scorn on the practice re-writing Shakespeare tragedies (in this case “Romeo and Juliet”) to produce a happy ending. What’s the difference here? (Letters please to millionaire producer, Labour supporter Trevor Nunn)
As already pointed out in this blog, altering scripts is a favorite trick of Hollywood. Islamic terrorists are replaced by white racists. Military personnel are either fodder or morally blind. Nothing – no author, book or even historical fact is safe. In the case of Demi Moore’s production (in which she starred) of the literary classic “The Scarlet Letter” she was allowed to change the ending. (“Romeo and Juliet” anyone?)
BBC drama no longer reflects any truth or reality I am familiar with. But the Hampstead lefties have been at it for hundreds of years. Do you know how many people actually constituted and read that acclaimed bunch of reprobates who are supposed to represent Britain in the C19th – the “Bloomsbury Group”?
The irony is that these self-appointed arbiters of taste at the BBC and other ‘artistic’ outlets are as intellectually corrupt, morally blind and unserious as any of the predecessors they seek to condemn.
Meanwhile, I look forward to the new politically correct and doctored version of “Pride and Prejudice” – the one in which Imam Bennett marries his daughters off to “freedom fighters” with Eliza bagging a Saudi businessman with loads of dosh and a house in the British Midlands…hey, maybe I’ll submit that to the great unwashed in Broadcasting House.
Mark Mardell: “I’m inside the final assembly plant of General Motors (GM) in Flint, where after years of problems they feel they can celebrate a success story. GM as a whole has celebrated record-breaking profits of $7.6bn (£4.8bn) in 2011.”
But over at Fox News “GM filings with the SEC reveal that GM was paying 7 percent interest on a $6.7 billion TARP debt. The filings also confirm that the source of funds for GM’s debt repayments was a multibillion-dollar TARP-funded escrow account at Treasury; that means it was taxpayer money — not earnings”. <!–[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]–>
Back to Mardell: “On the assembly line (at GM) they say everyone is entitled to their views, but it is clear they don’t think much of the Republicans’ stance. No one I speak to has any doubt that the bailout was needed.”
Duh! You’re talking to GM workers, dude. Fleas vote for the dog on which they ride, don’t they?
The banks paid all their TARP money back – with interest. GM, on the other hand, was busted for using TARP money to pay the interest on…er….TARP money. Mardell doesn’t want you to know that.
Also, part of GM’s alleged profits are from government purchases of GM vehicles. One in every four hybrids was bought by the government with taxpayers’ money. GE – whose CEO is now The Obamessiah’s Jobs Czar – is buying 25,000 electric GM vehicles. Mardell doesn’t want you to know that, either, lest you start thinking maybe those nasty, crypto-racist Tea Party people might be onto something.
Bail ’em out, then use our money to pay ourselves back, I guess. What a shock.
But Mardell’s not here to actually inform you or help you understand what’s really going on. His game is to play politics, and show you that there’s a “voting issue”. Facts are irrelevant to the political game. And of course, it might make his beloved Obamessiah look bad.
“GM, on the other hand, was busted for using TARP money to pay the interest”
That’ll be busted for doing something it, and the US Treasury, were open and honest about from the off. That’s like David Vance being busted for being a rubbish politician, or David Preiser being busted for thinking that putting “(USA)” after his name makes him an expert on all things American, rather than just a regurgitator of whatever selective tidbits certain news channels lob his way in the manner of a wealthy landowner gifting bits of meat to a slobbering, lumbering, not-very-intelligent hound.
Scott, which part of the following didn’t you understand:
Sen. Chuck Grassley’s charge was backed up by the inspector general for the bailout
More importantly, the USA after my name is there at the request of people here. Not long after I started posting comments here, people requested that I do that so everyone knew where I was coming from, so to speak.
I’ll happily put my track record for getting it right and knowing what’s going on here up against yours any day of the week.
Yes and Mardell even admits that the vehicle that is putting GM back on the road is the ‘hated’ pickup and not those shitty useless electric vehicles that appear to be popular with leftist twats.
INBBC gets hack Jeremy PAXMAN to criticise the British Empire in TV series, while getting Islamic Al Jazeera’s Muslim Rageh OMAAR to laud Islamic Imperialism in INBBC TV series.
BBC-NUJ: representing the interests of illegal immigrants, with British people forced to play the role of non-consulted, financial benefactors to both illegal immigrants and to BBC-NUJ:-
“The illegal immigrants desperate to escape squalor of Britain”
Sometimes I just want to vomit over Paxman. He’s like a bad Month Python sketch (is this the £5 argument sir?) and not a very funny one.
So Paxman sneers that the nasty Tories might be going after tax payers “you might decide last years income tax rate was too low” spouts the lefty twat.
This is about closing tax loopholes you BBC bell end, something your beloved one eyed mincer from Fife failed to do in 13 years.
How often do we get Owen Jones on the BBC prattling on about closing tax loopholes?
And they are still moaning on about the “slave labour” for unemployed youngsters. They want it to fail. It makes no sense other than the pathological anti Tory BBC take on everything.
It does not seem to occur to these morons that it costs companies to administer the scheme and that dole is possibly not exactly an uplifting experience for youngsters and many would prefer to pay their way.
But then taking money from the taxpayer is what the BBC is all about.
They are probably all in mourning for the end of the St Paul’s fiasco. The middle class lefties have’nt got a clue about the world.
Note the following: the BBC have masturbated constantly and all day, on-air over the story of Rebekka Wade taking into care a retired Police horse for a year…
They have dragged that story through today’s dirty narrative, even though it was made obvious quite soon that the horse was more a symbol of the light connection between News International rather than a hard-wired version that connected as much as it did with new labour (let’s not forget that connection and hence the bile against the paper that turnd against the nee labour as it did)
For me, that story has no legs, but look what the BBC came up with to close the loop:
“…the BBC have masturbated constantly and all day, on-air over the story of Rebekka Wade taking into care a retired Police horse for a year…
I agree, the horse story is complete fluff. Don’t know why the BBC have made so much of it; unless it’s to cover-up the major allegation that News International (and their police cronies) tried to disrupt any investigation into the murder of Daniel Morgan.
Who is in charge of the BBC? Oh yes; it’s a paid up member of the Conservative Party.
Yet again, Dez’s point is rather thin. Both Patten and Cameron and Patten are centre left and very much members of the political class, so that leaves the Scottish leader…
But I like this game. Please Dez, give us some more examples of how the BBC is an equal opportunities employer!
Hey Dez!
Notice that the horse (Raisa) died of “natural causes”.
Don`t believe a word!
The horse was named after Gorbachevs wife.
The Russian FSB were in full cry at the time.
I wonder if Rupert or Coulson or Vladimir for that matter were seen round Chipping Norton at the same time? And were they filling nosebags for anybody but the BBCs serial troughers?…it`s all so confusing isn`t it?
Go figure Dez…see you 2014!
Who is David Cameron’s “Director of Government Communications”? Oh yes; it’s Craig Oliver, former controller of BBC Global news, and editor of BBC News at Six and Ten.
Your point is Dez darling? The BBC recruited Allegra Stratton as thier political editor for Newsnight, she’s an out and out unwashed lefty twat, a Tory hater, since she went to Newsnight she’s done nothing but attack the Tories.
Can you remember one story on Newsnight in the last month that has attacked Labour?
Every single night the BBC has mounted an attack on the Tories and policies, that never happened in the Brown/Blair years (other than Iraq which was more about their hatred of ‘Boosh’)
“former BBC journalist and BBC Radio Scotland Producer.”
“former controller of BBC Global news, and editor of BBC News at Six and Ten”
Dezzie: Give me a clue why these are all “former” employees of the BBC. What do you think the reason they needed to seek alternative employment might be.
Fine story eh?
Clearly the BBC were treading water this morning so the wrinklies were given an iron and accompanied to the top of the 8am news, whilst Nurse Humphrys shouted loudly at them…and therefore us!
Listen BBC…patronising language was hardly the point with Shipman, with Southern Cross, with Stafford or Stepping Hill now was it?
Tell you what-let the thought crime police and Strasbourg Commissions that you`re talking up-let them wipe a bottom, give and injection, pass a bedpan or make sure the poor souls have actually eaten something…using your own hands if necessary…and then we`ll do an Orwell guide to age approprite language and the usual catch-all crap re race and sex.
We`re in really creepy territory…euthanasia and living wills at one end…Patricia Hewitts prerecorded countdowns and “making sure that the poor dears aren`t scared off by the language of assisting you to the waiting coffins.
I spotted this lunchtime serial featuring a TV actor that I have a lot of time for; Sanjeev Bhaskar. It was described as a comedy-drama and is set in a Welsh mining village in the 1960s.
I recorded it and am finding it quite enjoyable, although quite light on the comedy side. It’s a bit like All Creatures set in Wales for an incoming doctor. However, by the end of the first episode it suddenly became a typical BBC propaganda piece:
A case of small pox on a little boy who often hangs around the surgery was discovered by the doctor. I knew immediately who would get the blame (the doctor’s mother-in-law recently arrived from India) whereas it is clear as anything that the culprit is the extremist Christian Minister who has just come back from patronising Africans in Kenya. He brought with him a lot of tribal artefacts including clothes and the boy was trying them on!
The Indians are all sympathetic and will remain so. The nutcase vicar will completely disobey all instructions and will start spreading the infection because he believes God will protect him. The villagers were sympathetic and welcoming (Welsh, working class and miners) but will start blaming the Indians and will become intolerant (as they are white and Christian.) The boy’s father is a communist so he will remain sympathetic.
The first part of my predictions was borne out in episode 2 – I will be amazed if the rest don’t follow like the sheep grazing in the Welsh valleys. I could write a BBC script.
This morning on Three Chuckleheads Corpse At Their Own Jokes or as BBC likes to call it – 5 Live Breakfast – we had continuing coverage of the controversialworkexperiencescheme.
The Right To Work ‘campaign group’ – the country’s new (self-elected) Official Opposition were given top billing without of course any ‘context’. Far be it from the BBC to mention that the Work To Right group (as the chuckleheads kept calling it) is a pretrendy hard left cabal.
‘No mention of the Rebekah Wade story in The Sun’, chortles Tonight On The Big Wheel.
Yeah, mate, fancy a large media organisation cherry-picking its news stories.
Same old, same old. The mooted NHS reforms. How are they described again? Ah yes. ‘Controversial’.
I think it works something like this. The Government proposes a policy, the Labour Party/BBC axis of feeble opposes the policy, so it is ipso facto ‘controversial’.
Dopey Dez the Dimwit Droid can you search the BBC archives for me. and find the words ‘the controversial BBC license fee’.
Maybe Dez would like to comment on the separate post today showing the BBC Newsbeat interview with an ex-Page 3 girl who is extolling her new life in the US porn industry ? Sheer bloody filth.
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
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StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
For Islam Not BBC (INBBC):
Robert Spencer and Michael Coren on jolly old dhimmi England
(inc 7 min video).
Fine writing Bupendra…and it`s something that you`ll be able to recall to young Mohanda when you`re asked….
“and what did YOU do, when they came for the Occupy movement?”
As for me and the rest of us…we were asleep or doing something useful.
You alone can now claim that you`ve felt the sick of history upon your shoulder!
I`d get writjng that book from the frontline whilst the ages cry for their legacy to be scribed…
and what did YOU do, when they came for the Occupy movement?”
Cheered on on the police. 🙂
I was listening to Womans’ Hour this morning and heard Prue Leith criticising ‘Big Business’ and Academy Schools and being very critical of the present government and thought I would look up her politics.
Whilst nothing too obvious came up on a quick glance of how she votes I did read on Wiki that she is ‘a former director of British Rail, Safeway,Whitbread, Woolworths and the Halifax bank and is currently a non-executive director of Orient Express Hotels Ltd’.
Was she asked by Jane Garvey how she squared up her criticism of business with the directorships she holds/has held? Well I will leave that for you to guess.
Perhaps Jane Garvey’s kid glove handling of Prue Leith has something to do with the cooking diva’s connection with a certain champagne producer. (She was the Veuve Cliquot Business Woman of the Year in 1990)
As we know the BBC has to stock up with more bubbly for any forthcoming events which calls for a lefty celebration.
Listening to that amazing audio again did you notice that Garvey says: “We were broadcasting from the center of London, from Broadcasting House, ALL VERY UPMARKET IN THOSE DAYS…” thus distancing herself from the ruling classes. Doesn’t THAT tell you a lot about her frame of reference and who she thinks she is? Does she really see herself as a woman of the people rather than a member of the spoilt media elite?
Of course, INBBC says it can’t understand what the motivations were for these latest mass murders by Muslims in Pakistan.
2 reports:
1.) ‘Telegraph’
“Gunmen kill 18 in bus ambush in northern Pakistan”
2.) INBBC:
“Pakistan bus ambush in Kohistan ‘kills 18′”
Is it true that initially there were no reporters at Operation Decrust apart from two Beeboids? If true, I’m wondering whether the Beeboids were embedded with the crusties for months or does the Beeb have a relationship with the police that it Leveson might be interested in.
Looks like the hideously white BBC has been up to its old tricks:
I wouldn`t recommend listening to Becky Milligans day out with the Tory Chief Whip(The World At One 28.2.12)…but anyone who hears it can find proof-positive of the debauched, debased irrelevance of Parliament these days; as well as the quality of Topsy and Tim popinjay who`d not have a clue about the history and original purpose of Parliament.
She does however have a truffle shovel/pooper scooper for any gossip, internecine bitching that the Chief Whip might choose to pass on, and this takes up nearly all the time devoted to this crap.
It`s hard not to think that the Tories are only the bottom of the barrel, and all the BBC do is scrape it for want of actually having any public service remit anymore.
I do wonder which of these two doomed tawdry parodies of their original purpose will jump into the Thames first…being manacled together in a suicide pact means we`ll be better off without both.
At least we`d have a clear run at the real threat to our survival…and its not “climate change”
The bBC, its anti-Semitic reporting and half the story.
Palestinian ‘shot dead’ in W Bank
A Palestinian man has died after being injured in clashes with the Israeli army in the West Bank, Palestinian medical sources say…. Hundreds of Palestinians threw rocks after Friday prayers.Israeli police said they opened fire in the incident near Ramallah after being attacked with rocks, firebombs and fireworks.The protests came on the anniversary of a massacre at a mosque in Hebron 1994 by the Jewish settler Baruch Goldstein, who killed 29 Palestinians.
Yet again the bBC spins a story in which to ape its leftwing pro Islamic and anti-Semitic stance rather than report the real story. In this case a man is shot because he was so offended at how 18 years ago a jew decided to walk into a mosque and murder 29 people.
And here is the real reason (which the bBC doesn’t mention) why this idiot was shot dead on Sat last.
A group of approximately 50 Arabs threw stones at Christian tourists and police patrols, prompted by reports in the Jordanian press of more attempts by right-wing activists to ascend to the Temple Mount. Police arrested 24 people during the day on Sunday in connection with the stone throwing. Arab press, including Palestinian and Jordanian newspapers, wrote a number of inflammatory articles about right-wing attempts to exert sovereignty over the Temple Mount, which incited worshipers to riot on Friday following weekly prayers.
So instead of commentating the murders of 29 people 18 years ago, the real reason why this idiot was shot dead was because the Arabic media has been shit stirring and the bBC mentions nothing of this, but oh how they love to attack the media British media for doing even less.
The bBC anti-Semitic. Anti British, Pro-radical Islam and traitors in our midst.
Meant to get to this earlier. Check out the BBC dishonesty in trying to convince you that the Greeks are the most industrious nation in Europe.
Are Greeks the hardest workers in Europe?
Obviously some top BBC News Online editors felt that too many of you had the idea that the Greeks were lazy and non-productive. Too many eternally unemployed Greeks on display whenever the BBC reports on the riots, I guess. So they got Charlotte McDonald to put together a little propaganda piece to convince you it’s simply not true.
In fact, according to the figures dressed up by McDonald, the Greeks work harder than the Germans. The only reason Greece isn’t leading Europe, apparently, is because the poor dears simply don’t have the industrial infrastructure and manufacturing plants to compete fairly. They’re mostly self-employed and agrarian, so work much longer hours than the rest of you while not producing as much visibly.
Myth busted, right? Wrong. While reading this, I got the sense that the BBC was trying to convince me of something. Smelling an agenda, I decided to look up reality. Here’s what the BBC doesn’t want you to know about Greece.
Germans must work for 45 years to retire with full state pension. Greeks need only 35.
46% of wages in Germany are in the form of pensions. If you think that’s not sustainable, then Greece is a disaster at 80%.
Germany froze pension increases a while ago, while Greece gave a 3% rise in 2004, 4% in 2005, and 4% in 2006.
Minimum pension age for women in Germany is 65-67, depending on circumstances, the same as men. In Greece, it’s age 60. And that’s not all.
Anyone working in what the government calls a “hazardous job” can retire much eariler. There are 580 different jobs defined as such. It’s not just bomb disposal and coal miners, either. hairdressers and oboe players can retire at age 50 at 90% of their final salary.
Oh, and pastry chefs and radio continuity announcers.
This is what the Germans have to pay for to sustain. Again. I think the UK has to pony up more cash as well as part of the glorious EU agreements. And the BBC wants you to think the Greeks are harder workers than the Germans.
When I see figures such as David has shown us it makes me wonder what scope the Greek government has for ‘cuts’ – I think David has given a few opportunities that could be done without a whole lot of demonstrating.
‘put together a little propaganda piece to convince you it’s simply not true’
I think the BBC now calls this ‘analysis’.
And the best part is.. we have to pay them to feed us this re-education and misinformation from a most trusted national treasure.
I see the old saying about Greeks baring gifts…first picture, norks out to put off the chess competitor.
P.S. Athens bus drivers were paid 30K and also paid to turn up (bit like Euro MPs), their public sector has been even more greedy and determined evne that the UK equivalent.
PASOK Pan-Hellenic Socialist Party, or what the BBC prefers you to hear “The Greek Government” or “Greece”, like there was no other ideological issues involved. Not Greek Sociialists, just “Greeks”
The report on the clearing out of the Occupiers in London on the News Channel just now is pretty amusing. While telling us that the police were clearing out the tents, the Beeboid reporter was walking among piles and piles of garbage. Authorities were loading trash into a garbage truck behind him as he spoke of how the encampment was a “potent symbol”. The metaphor may have escaped him.
The voice crying, “This is what democracy looks like” had a distinct French accent. Poor showing, BBC.
I was shocked as saddened to see that the occupy camp has been broken up, and I am sure that you all feel the same as me :'( ?
Cry me a river on a rainy day 😀 .
The BBC are reporting this as though the occupy protest were a mass movement millions strong..hundreds of thousands..thousands…hundereds…dozens? Yes a few dozen hard left rabble somehow and for some reason get more positive and sympathetic airtime than much bigger groups. Soft focus interviews with fawning beeboids and oh so reasonable occupy protest leaders.
Nothing about the fact that most tents are empty all night, that drugs and violence were rife, that the smell and rubbish became a menace, that it was putting people off visiting St Pauls. So anyway, the EDL go on a protest march and the BBC ask the opinions of how many EDL members? Perhaps we are too busy dressing up in black uniforms and invading poland or cleaning our panzers for said invasion, perhaps because we Nazis cant speak English and the BBC cannot justify the expense of having a Nazi speaking translator?
Or perhaps the BBC would rather hand airtime to its own favoured political groups, its own client class of protesteratti?
Anyway I cant just sit aound here all day I have to pick up my jackboots and MG42 from the repair shop, Poland wont invade itself you know 😎
Have a small bet on what Newsnight will be running with tonight.
NHS being screwed further by more dubious ‘health tourists? Not too likely, despiet the orientation appeal that soem may present.
I’m in the pool for an #Occupy special, with Protest Editor Mason walking, slo-mo, supported by Laurie Penny, with a slightly dented iPhone/Pad/Pod taped to his aching heart, through the wreckage of a beloved symbol, to the strains of Barber.
Or… maybe… simply more Prescott.
Don’t discount St. Giles Fraser.
“Poland won’t just invade itself” Top Form, Cassie!
Many thanks for your kind words.
Oh and just a quick reminder to all about the reality of the EDL, there are:
Jewish members
Sikh members
Black members
Hindhu members
Asian members
Women members
Gay members(ooer missus)
Everyone is welcome in the EDL.
A rainbow nation of patriots who are risking a great deal to make a small individual stand. So dont believe the lies about the EDL.
Oh and BTW the big strapping lads at the front can and will and do protect the elderly and women and infirm against the scumbag UAF.
The chimp paradox? … yep! were talking 5live & R.Bacon 😀
The only paradox here is that its supposed to be the “inner” chimp,
one look at Bacon, whoops! confirms it has obviously manifested outwardly 😀
That aside, interesting segment from the same psychologist who has
helped the UK cycling team to success … apart from … Bacon, who exhibiting more chimp behaviour … mimicry … (he has read the book), so keeps chipping in with soundbites from it.
Irritating, often wrong, and destroys any intellectual flow … triple whammy! … another guest can t wait to get out, well done! dickwit.
Haha, Sopel on the News Channel just now let the mask slip a bit after his co-anchor read out a quick breaking news line about the Irish getting set to vote on the EU financial compact. Sopel made a funny face, and hemmed and hawed, then rolled his eyes and mumbled something about how here we go again. He looked chagrined as he reminded us about the Irish vote on Lisbon: they voted against it, and were “told to vote again”.
So Sopel knows the deal, as does his co-anchor (I forget her name). Too bad he’s in the minority, as most of his colleagues reported that as the Irish just not understanding the issues well enough to vote in favor.
Listening to You and Yours at 12 noon Radio 4 and a long item on how we tax payers should pay for school children to attend cultural events and have the opportunity to play an instrument although it was portrayed as this wicked government not spending enough. A woman phoned in, and eventually admitting she was ‘middle class’ and ‘not poor’ but she could not afford music lessons for her little dears. She received a sympathetic hearing. She was not asked if she and her family had mobile phones, last went on holiday, etc etc. Life is about choices. Few can afford everything but only in a BBC/Labour world does everybody get it all and the government (ie other tax payers) should pay.
I am sure you will have this highlighted on the site soon – christians take a pummeling because they turn the other cheek says Thompson. If you threatened to kill people they will take it easy on your religeon. Great for impartial, unbiased reporting. And satire!
I wonder what will happen if a Christian country refuses to pay the bill for the B-BBC anymore?
Oh, FFS. Now I see the BBC angle on the Irish vote against the Lisbon, and now the expected vote against the EU budget deal. NI Beeboid Mark Simpson had that same chagrined look on his face that Sopel did. But Simpson said that the Irish Government had to go through the “embarrassing” process of making the people vote again when they didn’t get it right the first time.
He was then asked “what’s with the Irish people” that they vote against Lisbon and the last EU treaty deal, but then “dutifully” voted in favor of it the next time. Simpson’s reply was that the votes against were merely “backlash” against a Government they didn’t like at the moment. Happens all the time, apparently, just a protest vote, they don’t really mean it. So when it really counted, they voted in favor of Lisbon and the EU.
Unbelievable. Last time this happened, the BBC Narrative was that the public didn’t understand the issues well enough. Now, Simpson says, if they vote against the EU this time, it’s just a protest vote against the “severe austerity” their own Government has forced on them.
It seems that the only time the BBC approves of Democracy is when it’s Occupiers trying to shout people down.
Eryka Badu. Ever heard of her, I hadn’t. (No apologies). Apparently news worthy for the Beeboids.
Eryka claims she is a Muslim (How cooool is that!) but she has outted herself as a Mushrika. She has offended the Religion of Peace.
“Malaysia has cancelled a concert by US singer Erykah Badu after a publicity photo showed her with the Arabic word for “Allah” tattooed on her upper body.” tells us the Beeb.
Oh dear. A no, no.
Islam prohibits tattoos. And to combine this with the name of the supreme one is displaying a singular lack of knowledge of her religion.
For your information…the photo as it appeared in the Malysian press back in January.
Erykah, bad, bad girl. Back to the mudrassa, Erykah..(oh, you can’t, you’re a bird) ….or ask a real Muslimah about your faith. If you shahada’d, you’re in trouble.
From the BBC link:
Officials say the photo of Ms Badu in The Star newspaper was “an insult to Islam”.
If they think that’s an insult to Islam they should hear what I have to say about it.
Does the Wall St. Journal now have to apologize to the Malaysian Government as well for insulting Islam? They published the same photo.
The body art is clearly temporary paint for the photo. But nobody has the guts to stand up to Islamo-fascism these days, so the best the BBC can do is say, “It’s not clear whether Ms. Badu’s body art is permanent.” It’s obviously not, but saying so would mean the BBC is calling out Mohammedans for being wrong. Which they are intellectually unable to do. So they hedge. The WSJ at least says it appears to be temporary.
RGH cut and pasted from the bBC:
“Islam prohibits tattoos. And to combine this with the name of the supreme one is displaying a singular lack of knowledge of her religion. “
Does anybody at the bBC even bother to read the shite they come out with? Here is something the bBC knocked out 11 days ago about Islamic tattoos:
In Pakistan’s mostly conservative society, having a tattoo can be controversial.But this has not stopped tattoos becoming the latest trend among the country’s youth.
“And to combine this with the name of the supreme one is displaying a singular lack of knowledge of her religion.”
“the supreme one”? WTF!!! This has to be a BBC Muslim online editor/writer/proof reader adding his own opinion. Needless to say he is among friends at the BBc online department.
Nothing that a good beheading or honour stabbing wont cure and I am sure the local rage filled followers of the prophet of peace are even now sharpening their butchers knives and axes in order to rev themselves up into a frenzy of justified rage.
She should have had it tattooed on her arse. Then she could ‘moon’ the moon jockeys.
How the bBC covers up Argentine intransigence towards the British over the falklands.
Two news stories from the bBC one for British consumption, one for South American take note of the difference in reporting:
British Version:
Two cruise ships carrying almost 3,000 passengers were turned away from an Argentine port, apparently because they had visited the Falklands.The Adonia and the Star Princess are said to have been prevented from docking at Ushuaia on Monday.
But Argentina’s Naval Prefecture said the ships changed their destination and denied they were refused permission to dock at the port off Tierra Del Fuego.
British diplomats in Argentina are trying to clarify what happened. A P&0 spokeswoman said: “Following its call at the Falkland Islands on Saturday February 25, the local port authorities have not permitted Adonia to berth at Ushuaia, Argentina, today.”
A member of staff at Princess Cruises said the incident would be an issue between the captain and the port authorities.
But a spokesman for Argentina’s Naval Prefecture said: “There were no problems with the port authority and there are no problems on board the ships.”
South American version:
The port authorities of the city of Ushuaia, Argentina, in the province of Tierra del Fuego, on Monday denied entry to the port city two British cruisers from the Malvinas / Falklands.Officials decided to apply this time a standard that refers to ships that do “tasks related to the exploration and exploitation of natural resources, or military vessels within the basin of the Falkland Islands continental shelfArgentina“, in interpreting included here to tourism.
According to the Argentine newspaper Página 12, the head of the Provincial Directorate of Ports, Alexander Berola, confirmed that the decision was taken following “express instructions” of the governor Fabiana Ríos, and admitted the existence of a written request made by Argentine veterans and port unions.
Berola also indicated to this newspaper that the authorities of the vessel were notified of the ban this morning as they sailed through the Beagle Channel off the Chilean city of Puerto Williams, so they had to put back on track presumably to the Chilean city of Punta Arenas . The official also said another tourist boat suffered the same fate.
So when it comes to informing the people who pay their wages the bBC decides on clouding the issue on if the Argentines have banned British registered ships from docking in Argentina. But for those carrying out the act, well then that’s a different story.
The bBC, the traitors in our midst.
So, in ‘news’ these days, we get the BBC ‘version’.
Or the truth.
Oddly in complement, I have just had a comment on Newsnight’s blog banned within record time.
Another poster had referred to Mr. Paxman’s revisionism, and pondered when he was to sit down to tea with those jolly Mau Mau chappies.
I simply posted two URLs.
One from a recent BBC ‘report’, and one from the Daily Mail. No nasty images, but perhaps a different slant on these fine fellows and what they got up to. I merely highlighted the contrast.
The reason given for the banning was one of twelve, none of which could apply.
The thirteenth, more likely, is ‘shows the BBC and its complict propaganda tools (or, as I call them, ‘market rate talents’) up for the two-faced, double-standard-riven kapos they are.
Incredible…..schizoid news reporting.
Best traditions of Pravda.
(And the Muslim Brotherhood website…Ihkwanweb)
So PM are pushing the heroic Syrian maquis who have helped journalists escape (I didn’t realise until now that journalists’ lives were somehow worth more than those of mere mortals, so thanks for that too, BBC).
In stark contrast to the coverage afforded US Special Forces who risk their lives rescuing dumb westerners who miscalculate the Pashtun hospitaity they will be afforded in Aghanistan; far from being revered, the BBC would like to see these brave soldiers in the dock for each and every incredibly rare mistake they make.
Funny that.
‘the heroic Syrian maquis who have helped journalists escape’
Zay vill say zis only vunce (well, ad nauseam if it’s hive fodder)…. ‘Nous sommes unique!’
I was reading earlier posts that made me seasick at the thought of the cruelty which BBC scriptwriters and producers had wrought on one of our national classics.
They just can’t help themselves can they? They even do it to their own stuff.
Bleak Little Shop of Stuff transfered from radio to tv recently and the Beeb pulled off the trick of making it simultaneously unfunny and anti-capitalist in one fell swoop.
Still it was money in the pocket for David Mitchell.
I mention him because I remember his interview with Mark Lawson and the way in which he was at pains to point out that he wasn’t a Tory – just in case the BBC commissioning editors might have wondered?
Now what do you call an employer which recruits on the basis of people’s politics? There must be an ism or a phobia. Lets put a name to it – the BBC.
Re: “The Cruel Sea”.
I too am disheartened at this turn of events in BBC drama. Plots and the opinions expressed by the characters within should be respected.
Time was when politically unacceptable stories submitted to the BBC commissioning editors were sidelined during that process. At least in those days the purity of the author’s intentions were preserved.
In the National Theatre’s production of “Nicholas Nickleby” the lefty luvvies of that other publically funded organization poured scorn on the practice re-writing Shakespeare tragedies (in this case “Romeo and Juliet”) to produce a happy ending. What’s the difference here? (Letters please to millionaire producer, Labour supporter Trevor Nunn)
As already pointed out in this blog, altering scripts is a favorite trick of Hollywood. Islamic terrorists are replaced by white racists. Military personnel are either fodder or morally blind. Nothing – no author, book or even historical fact is safe. In the case of Demi Moore’s production (in which she starred) of the literary classic “The Scarlet Letter” she was allowed to change the ending. (“Romeo and Juliet” anyone?)
BBC drama no longer reflects any truth or reality I am familiar with. But the Hampstead lefties have been at it for hundreds of years. Do you know how many people actually constituted and read that acclaimed bunch of reprobates who are supposed to represent Britain in the C19th – the “Bloomsbury Group”?
The irony is that these self-appointed arbiters of taste at the BBC and other ‘artistic’ outlets are as intellectually corrupt, morally blind and unserious as any of the predecessors they seek to condemn.
Meanwhile, I look forward to the new politically correct and doctored version of “Pride and Prejudice” – the one in which Imam Bennett marries his daughters off to “freedom fighters” with Eliza bagging a Saudi businessman with loads of dosh and a house in the British Midlands…hey, maybe I’ll submit that to the great unwashed in Broadcasting House.
Mark Mardell: “I’m inside the final assembly plant of General Motors (GM) in Flint, where after years of problems they feel they can celebrate a success story. GM as a whole has celebrated record-breaking profits of $7.6bn (£4.8bn) in 2011.”
But over at Fox News “GM filings with the SEC reveal that GM was paying 7 percent interest on a $6.7 billion TARP debt. The filings also confirm that the source of funds for GM’s debt repayments was a multibillion-dollar TARP-funded escrow account at Treasury; that means it was taxpayer money — not earnings”.
<!–[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]–>
Back to Mardell: “On the assembly line (at GM) they say everyone is entitled to their views, but it is clear they don’t think much of the Republicans’ stance. No one I speak to has any doubt that the bailout was needed.”
Duh! You’re talking to GM workers, dude. Fleas vote for the dog on which they ride, don’t they?
The banks paid all their TARP money back – with interest. GM, on the other hand, was busted for using TARP money to pay the interest on…er….TARP money. Mardell doesn’t want you to know that.
Also, part of GM’s alleged profits are from government purchases of GM vehicles. One in every four hybrids was bought by the government with taxpayers’ money. GE – whose CEO is now The Obamessiah’s Jobs Czar – is buying 25,000 electric GM vehicles. Mardell doesn’t want you to know that, either, lest you start thinking maybe those nasty, crypto-racist Tea Party people might be onto something.
Bail ’em out, then use our money to pay ourselves back, I guess. What a shock.
But Mardell’s not here to actually inform you or help you understand what’s really going on. His game is to play politics, and show you that there’s a “voting issue”. Facts are irrelevant to the political game. And of course, it might make his beloved Obamessiah look bad.
“GM, on the other hand, was busted for using TARP money to pay the interest”
That’ll be busted for doing something it, and the US Treasury, were open and honest about from the off. That’s like David Vance being busted for being a rubbish politician, or David Preiser being busted for thinking that putting “(USA)” after his name makes him an expert on all things American, rather than just a regurgitator of whatever selective tidbits certain news channels lob his way in the manner of a wealthy landowner gifting bits of meat to a slobbering, lumbering, not-very-intelligent hound.
Scott, which part of the following didn’t you understand:
Sen. Chuck Grassley’s charge was backed up by the inspector general for the bailout
More importantly, the USA after my name is there at the request of people here. Not long after I started posting comments here, people requested that I do that so everyone knew where I was coming from, so to speak.
I’ll happily put my track record for getting it right and knowing what’s going on here up against yours any day of the week.
“Mardell’s not here to actually inform you or help you understand what’s really going on. His game is to play [Leftist] politics”
BBC Current Affairs in a nutshell.
‘but it is clear they don’t think much of…’
There are no so aurally enhanced as those who are only tuned to one message.
Flint, Michegan?
Isn`t this one of Michael Moores parishes?
Any connection there I wonder?
Yes and Mardell even admits that the vehicle that is putting GM back on the road is the ‘hated’ pickup and not those shitty useless electric vehicles that appear to be popular with leftist twats.
One of the pleasures of my life is parking my Hummer on top of a G-Wiz.
Sorry, officer, never saw it, too small. And that was a Hopey-Changey inside it, you say. Ah well. It’s an ill wind.
As a counter to Beeboid Jeremy PAXMAN’s anti-British Empire tirade, here is historian Prof Niall FERGUSON’s:-
‘EMPIRE: How Britain made the Modern World – Why Britain?’
Video series. Part 1 here:
Also a book of the same title as above.
INBBC gets hack Jeremy PAXMAN to criticise the British Empire in TV series, while getting Islamic Al Jazeera’s Muslim Rageh OMAAR to laud Islamic Imperialism in INBBC TV series.
BBC-NUJ: representing the interests of illegal immigrants, with British people forced to play the role of non-consulted, financial benefactors to both illegal immigrants and to BBC-NUJ:-
“The illegal immigrants desperate to escape squalor of Britain”
Don’t blame them, I’d like to piss off as well.
As soon as those illegal immigrants arrive, they discover that England is full of bloody immigrants, and want to bugger off but can’t.
We’re stuck in the middle of a migration feedback loop here.
Newsnight appears to be going to attack the Tories for closing banks tax loopholes!!!!!!!!
The BBC really is desperate.
The BBC, the Bullshit Broadcasting Corporation
Sometimes I just want to vomit over Paxman. He’s like a bad Month Python sketch (is this the £5 argument sir?) and not a very funny one.
So Paxman sneers that the nasty Tories might be going after tax payers “you might decide last years income tax rate was too low” spouts the lefty twat.
This is about closing tax loopholes you BBC bell end, something your beloved one eyed mincer from Fife failed to do in 13 years.
How often do we get Owen Jones on the BBC prattling on about closing tax loopholes?
And they are still moaning on about the “slave labour” for unemployed youngsters. They want it to fail. It makes no sense other than the pathological anti Tory BBC take on everything.
It does not seem to occur to these morons that it costs companies to administer the scheme and that dole is possibly not exactly an uplifting experience for youngsters and many would prefer to pay their way.
But then taking money from the taxpayer is what the BBC is all about.
They are probably all in mourning for the end of the St Paul’s fiasco. The middle class lefties have’nt got a clue about the world.
Note the following: the BBC have masturbated constantly and all day, on-air over the story of Rebekka Wade taking into care a retired Police horse for a year…
They have dragged that story through today’s dirty narrative, even though it was made obvious quite soon that the horse was more a symbol of the light connection between News International rather than a hard-wired version that connected as much as it did with new labour (let’s not forget that connection and hence the bile against the paper that turnd against the nee labour as it did)
For me, that story has no legs, but look what the BBC came up with to close the loop:
Alfie Pacino,
“…the BBC have masturbated constantly and all day, on-air over the story of Rebekka Wade taking into care a retired Police horse for a year…
I agree, the horse story is complete fluff. Don’t know why the BBC have made so much of it; unless it’s to cover-up the major allegation that News International (and their police cronies) tried to disrupt any investigation into the murder of Daniel Morgan.
Who is in charge of the BBC? Oh yes; it’s a paid up member of the Conservative Party.
Like it.
Kinda tells you all you need to know about the real Tories and their motives.
Chris Patten is about as much a Tory as I am a Labour voter Dez.
Yet again, Dez’s point is rather thin. Both Patten and Cameron and Patten are centre left and very much members of the political class, so that leaves the Scottish leader…
But I like this game. Please Dez, give us some more examples of how the BBC is an equal opportunities employer!
Hey Dez!
Notice that the horse (Raisa) died of “natural causes”.
Don`t believe a word!
The horse was named after Gorbachevs wife.
The Russian FSB were in full cry at the time.
I wonder if Rupert or Coulson or Vladimir for that matter were seen round Chipping Norton at the same time? And were they filling nosebags for anybody but the BBCs serial troughers?…it`s all so confusing isn`t it?
Go figure Dez…see you 2014!
Who is David Cameron’s “Director of Government Communications”? Oh yes; it’s Craig Oliver, former controller of BBC Global news, and editor of BBC News at Six and Ten.
Your point is Dez darling? The BBC recruited Allegra Stratton as thier political editor for Newsnight, she’s an out and out unwashed lefty twat, a Tory hater, since she went to Newsnight she’s done nothing but attack the Tories.
Can you remember one story on Newsnight in the last month that has attacked Labour?
Every single night the BBC has mounted an attack on the Tories and policies, that never happened in the Brown/Blair years (other than Iraq which was more about their hatred of ‘Boosh’)
Who is the Scottish Conservative leader? Oh yes; it’s Ruth Davidson, former BBC journalist and BBC Radio Scotland Producer.
Says more about the modern “conservative” party than the BBC imo.
“former BBC journalist and BBC Radio Scotland Producer.”
“former controller of BBC Global news, and editor of BBC News at Six and Ten”
Dezzie: Give me a clue why these are all “former” employees of the BBC. What do you think the reason they needed to seek alternative employment might be.
Compassion ‘key’ to elderly careThe article’s summary says:
‘Being compassionate should be as important as being clever when it
comes to the recruitment of staff to care for the elderly, experts say.’
How much are these experts paid to come up with statements of the bleeding obvious like this?!?
And why is this currently the BBC news website’s main story???
Fine story eh?
Clearly the BBC were treading water this morning so the wrinklies were given an iron and accompanied to the top of the 8am news, whilst Nurse Humphrys shouted loudly at them…and therefore us!
Listen BBC…patronising language was hardly the point with Shipman, with Southern Cross, with Stafford or Stepping Hill now was it?
Tell you what-let the thought crime police and Strasbourg Commissions that you`re talking up-let them wipe a bottom, give and injection, pass a bedpan or make sure the poor souls have actually eaten something…using your own hands if necessary…and then we`ll do an Orwell guide to age approprite language and the usual catch-all crap re race and sex.
We`re in really creepy territory…euthanasia and living wills at one end…Patricia Hewitts prerecorded countdowns and “making sure that the poor dears aren`t scared off by the language of assisting you to the waiting coffins.
Indian Doctor
I spotted this lunchtime serial featuring a TV actor that I have a lot of time for; Sanjeev Bhaskar. It was described as a comedy-drama and is set in a Welsh mining village in the 1960s.
I recorded it and am finding it quite enjoyable, although quite light on the comedy side. It’s a bit like All Creatures set in Wales for an incoming doctor. However, by the end of the first episode it suddenly became a typical BBC propaganda piece:
A case of small pox on a little boy who often hangs around the surgery was discovered by the doctor. I knew immediately who would get the blame (the doctor’s mother-in-law recently arrived from India) whereas it is clear as anything that the culprit is the extremist Christian Minister who has just come back from patronising Africans in Kenya. He brought with him a lot of tribal artefacts including clothes and the boy was trying them on!
The Indians are all sympathetic and will remain so. The nutcase vicar will completely disobey all instructions and will start spreading the infection because he believes God will protect him. The villagers were sympathetic and welcoming (Welsh, working class and miners) but will start blaming the Indians and will become intolerant (as they are white and Christian.) The boy’s father is a communist so he will remain sympathetic.
The first part of my predictions was borne out in episode 2 – I will be amazed if the rest don’t follow like the sheep grazing in the Welsh valleys. I could write a BBC script.
This morning on Three Chuckleheads Corpse At Their Own Jokes or as BBC likes to call it – 5 Live Breakfast – we had continuing coverage of the controversialworkexperiencescheme.
The Right To Work ‘campaign group’ – the country’s new (self-elected) Official Opposition were given top billing without of course any ‘context’. Far be it from the BBC to mention that the Work To Right group (as the chuckleheads kept calling it) is a pretrendy hard left cabal.
‘No mention of the Rebekah Wade story in The Sun’, chortles Tonight On The Big Wheel.
Yeah, mate, fancy a large media organisation cherry-picking its news stories.
Same old, same old. The mooted NHS reforms. How are they described again? Ah yes. ‘Controversial’.
I think it works something like this. The Government proposes a policy, the Labour Party/BBC axis of feeble opposes the policy, so it is ipso facto ‘controversial’.
Dopey Dez the Dimwit Droid can you search the BBC archives for me. and find the words ‘the controversial BBC license fee’.
I’ll be waiting.
Melanie Phillips taking another swipe at the SWP-BBC
Maybe Dez would like to comment on the separate post today showing the BBC Newsbeat interview with an ex-Page 3 girl who is extolling her new life in the US porn industry ? Sheer bloody filth.