Biased BBC contributor Graeme writes;
“After Jihad, the premier evil that threatens our country ishomosexual fascism.
I found it striking that as strongly worded as Cardinal O’Brien’sopposition to homosexual marriage was, it was still confined within theparameters of debate set by the BBC in accordance with the ‘gay rights’ agenda. David Vance rightly states in a recent post ‘It’sas if the BBC is Stonewall’s broadcasting arm’.
Has anyone ever heard Ben Summerskill’s views challenged byPaxman, Wark, Humphrys or Naughtie as grossly intolerant oranti-Christian? Whenever I have heardBen Summerskill on TODAY or Newsnight, he is fed prompts to give him a platformto present his views, while the likes of Cardinal O’Brien face the StarChamber.
I’ve heard no churchman simply state: “I’m against homosexual marriage becausehomosexuality is a perversion and if it is normalised society will become asdepraved as Sodom and Gomorrah ’.
This is the Christian view on homosexuality, yet it isn’tpublicly expressed. If you said it onthe street you could facearrest, notbecause it’s illegal, but becausea politically motivated police officer is abusing his powers to violateyour democratic right to freedom of speech. Yet none of these ‘officers’ ever face discipline. They certainly don’t have to worry abouttheir force coming under BBC scrutiny for failing to discipline them for abusing their authority. The BBC creates the climate that encourages them to do so. Having heard Cardinal O’Brien interviewedboth by John Humphrys and Edward Stourton on TODAY and ‘Sunday’, this mostoutspoken voice against homosexual marriage nevertheless allowed himself to bepsychologically hemmed in by what the BBC deems acceptable speech, as much as Stourton and Humphrys implicitly dared himto step outside those bounds so they could slap him down as a ‘homophobe’.
As DV also stated in anotherrecent post, when he was on the BBC a while ago and called race hustlers Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, well, ‘racehustlers’, he was told he can’t say that. On the BBC conservativescan argue their case so long as they don’t do it effectively.
What was particularly disturbing about the way Stourtoncovered ‘gay marriage’ a couple of weeks ago was before he ‘interviewed’Cardinal O’Brien, he ran a lengthy piece featuring 3 ‘independent andimpartial’ experts giving their ‘different’ views on the history ofmarriage. Craig also heard it, and as I recall him inimically putting it:-
Expert one said through the centuries there have always beenfundamental changes in marriage, expert 2 said through the centuries there havealways been fundamental changes in marriage, expert 3 said through thecenturies there have always been fundamental changes in marriage and concludedthe piece with ‘gay marriage is just another fundamental change which isnothing out of the ordinary’. Cue theCardinal ..
Let’s just remind ourselves about Sodom and Gomorrah. Basically, a couple of good looking blokescame to visit Lot and his neighbours startedbanging on his door demanding to have sex with them. That’s where we’re heading and that’s wherethe BBC ’s been leading us. Until the churchmen and conservative voices(left, right or centre) put the BBC centre stage as the propaganda arm of the homosexual lobby that by forcemajeure is pushing our democracy to the precipice, opposition to this evil isonly ever going to be a feeble rearguard action at best.
If anyone is interested in seeing how the supposed ‘blog ofthe decent left’ Harry’s Place responds to the simpleChristian view on ‘homosexual marriage’, you may wish to take a look hereand here.
Hello new B-BBC! I must say God did have a good way of sorting things, nuking Sodom and Gomorrah among them.
Perhaps he got even more ingenious when he let HIV/AIDS loose.
Clever design that one which resides in the immune system itself and hits most of the right targets most of the time.
I commented yesterday on the old thread and am grateful to Graeme for making the research work available.
What I didn’t say yesterday was that I was molested at school by a master at the age of 11, along with many of my fellow pupils. As a consequence they make my skin crawl.
I have always thought that they should be registered and never allowed to fulfill roles like teaching.
Very sorry to hear what you and your schoolfriends suffered. I hope the scumbag got convicted, which means now he’ll be on a register.
It’s worth pointing out again as I did on my blog and @ Harry’s Place that while the Christian Institute research shows (and according to them a 1998 Home Office report broadly concurs) that at a minimum homosexuals are 3 times more likely to be paedophiles, CI research also shows that the majority of homosexuals aren’t paedophiles.
I’ve just tried to see if I can track down the 1998 Home Office Report, and I have done. On a quick perusal, it actually seems to put the disproportion of homosexual paedophilia far higher than the Christian Institute.
I wonder why shortly after a Labour Government came into power with it’s ‘gay rights’ agenda sweeping all before it the Home Office has stopped conducting such research?
I’m sure the BBC is going produce are hard hitting documentary explaining why any day now.
Oh, here’s the link to the report:-
Click to access fprs99.pdf
Remember, Dr Christian Raab got deselected from a Home Office Panel on Drugs because he produced a report citing disproportionate incidence of homosexual paedophilia broadly in line with the Home Office’s own research.
Thank goodness we’ve got the BBC to expose such outrages without fear or favour to anyone.
Oh, hang on …
yes, chimes with the black crime figures never being “overly reported” (whereas stop/search and other figures that they can whine about are all over the place). We know, they know, we know they know, they know we know, we know they know we know…etc.
‘The right target’
Nice. New site’s off to a flyer.
Just testing the new comments system…
just having a look at the new sit and test posting
like the look of it already……
I have visited your site previously and couldn’t work out to how to post, pathetic really.
Best wishes with the site.
I suggest you set up a political party and get under 1% of the vote and then you’ll be on the BBC all the time just like the Green Party 🙂
Well clearly the BBC and the LGF are happy in one another’s company because they co-producing now;
*looks around*
*plumps up cushions*
*sits down*
Ahhhhhh, this’ll do nicely! Nice work everyone – much appreciated.
Finally, I can see the comments while at work!!!
Nice work!