Good Friday arrives and the BBC Today gets stuck into one of its favourite themes – “institutional racism at the Met.” Naturally the assumption pursued is that those officers accused of racism are guilty and by way of balance we have Dr Richard Stone, who was a member of the Stephen Lawrence inquiry and who has penned an open letter to the Met Police chief commissioner, calling on him to show leadership and suggesting that that is what has been missing all along and Superintendent Leroy Logan, the founder and past chair of the Black Police Federation. Again, the clear message is guilty as charged. I guess they could not find the chair of the White Police Federation…hang on, that doesn’t exist because if it did it would be racist. But when it’s the Black Police Federation…
Like all sensible people, I find racism abhorrent, but what’s worse is the enthusiasm from some quarters, including the BBC, to somehow characterise white officers in the Met as “institutionally racist.” In itself this seems, well, racist!
On Today they satinised Red Ken’s “release” of his tax paid at just after 7 o’clock, even quoting the lie of he paid 35% on his income. (unlike Guido’s assessment he has paid 14.5%)…then no more references!!! But the racism…well they could not stop items on it…..after “Thought for the Day” they went back again….off went the radio. My wife always asks if I get so upset with the bloody program why do I switch on? Answer is the BBC are a monopoly for political review…I am interested in politics so what choice!!! One day spineless Tories will wake up….
You forgot to end your last sentence.
One day spineless Tories will wake up and vote UKIP.
“One day spineless Tories will wake up”
Not all the while they remain in their current form.
They just don’t get it:
I now hear that up to 20 officers have been suspended under investigation for saying hurtful words towards rioters; no mention of what these feral rioters were doing to provoke the alleged name-calling. You say horrible words and hurt one’s feelings you get the full force of the PC Gestapo squads chucked at you; you loot, you hurl verbal and physical abuse at all and sundry whilst running riot you hardly get a slap on the wrist.
But Merlin words are as violent as a deed, didn’t you get the memo?
I did, it’s rammed down my throat only a daily basis from every direction irrespective of the fact that its utter nonsense.
Whatever happened to the rhyme ‘sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me’?
It persuades the child victim of name-calling to ignore the taunt, to refrain from physical retaliation, and to remain calm and good-natured.
What a joke, such concepts have been thrown on to the slag heap by an increasingly vicious dogma.
Finally, the BBC failed to report the fact that the officer concerned stated ‘be proud of you skin colour, don’t hide behind it’.
More common sense advice that has no place in ‘modern’ (read staid) Britain.
People of below average intelligence do not like free speech. It is why we were much more sensitive to what people say when we are younger and why free speech is only tolerated in nations with above average IQ. So you can understand why multiculturalism is causing the deterioration of free speech in Britain.
From the snatch of the conversation I heard the whole thing was contrived “race baiting”. i.e. I’m going to put words in your mouth so you hang yourself and I can then cry foul.
Free speech is now past and we live in a police state and we may only think and say state sanctioned things.
“Finally, the BBC failed to report the fact that the officer concerned stated ‘be proud of you skin colour, don’t hide behind it’.”
I thought secretly done voice recordings were inadmisable as evidence anyway? Called entrapment, isn’t it?
“Life after Cameron”
The word is out
I’m about sick to death of hearing and reading the word racist. The only thing it indicates these days is that either a socialist white person or a bigotted ethnic are involved in pushing their agenda of hatred. Using offensive words shouldn’t be a criminal offence and to suggest that emotions like hate can be controlled by laws is just so wrong it beggars belief that the laws were passed in the first place.
I think that the reason why we never had hatred laws in the past was because Christianity taught people to forgive those who hate you. Now I am not at all religious but I am finding that I do at least uphold the moral values that all religions hold in common, unlike the penis up the arsehole morality of the left wing humanist atheist types, who wish to outlaw hatred, unless it is hatred of anyone richer and more intelligent than themselves.
‘…to suggest that emotions like hate can be controlled by laws is just so wrong it beggars belief that the laws were passed in the first place’. Not really, just part of edging ever nearer to Orwell’s 1984 dystopia – in this case , ‘thought crime’. And in case you need reminding that our lives are increasingly being controlled by fascist minority pressure groups, today supermarkets started selling ciggies from ‘under the counter’.
Racism from the left-wing Daly Mail here too then:
And a few hundred other news sources:…721l721l0l5714l1l1l0l0l0l0l0l0ll1l0.
Thanks for giving me a good laugh with this though:
‘Like all sensible people, I find racism abhorrent’
Why, don’t you?
Oh dear we don’t get forced to pay for those news sources also none of other sources control 70% of the UK media so why would I give a rats about them!
Oh and your last bit was oh so predictably Mr Fry witty? you should really watch less TV and grow a personality !
BG: “Thanks for giving me a good laugh with this though:
‘Like all sensible people, I find racism abhorrent’ ”
Wow, someone who laughs at people finding racism abhorent. If you enjoy racism so much you must either be sick or left-wing (probably both).
More likely, it’s the typical prejudice from the right-on thinking Left: if you don’t agree with me, you must be a bad person. So BG probably believes that DV is a racist, or sympathizes with racist views.
You’re all missing the point that BG doesn’t seem to have even read the post, he seems to be suggesting that DV is saying the title of the BBC article is biased and he has links to show other news outlets have reported it too, but DV isn’t saying that at all. That’s why BG hasn’t replied, he’s hoping nobody notices.
I think another point, that most of us are probably noticing, is that more of these trolls are sliming out of the swamp to attack this site, David Vance in particular.
Unless there is one lamebrain attacking under a variety of aliases, it would appear to be a concerted effort. Assuming the latter to be the case it would appear that this site is really getting under their noses. Well done David V and all others who are really annoying the defenders of the indefensible.
they’re tag teams: Dez and BG have the same M.O. so do Scott and Jim D.
Jim is not the same as the rest of them, IMHO.
IMHO I think you’re wrong.
He’s taking the p”@s, and throwing the odd crumb of comfort to more well intentioned folk – smirking all the while.
A vain, puffed-up dandiprat.
I’m not. I’m interested in the subject matter. And this is a very vibrant blog. I think a bit of counter factual here and there helps the blog, don’t you? I have nothing against Mr Vance. He writes very well.
Mine too.
For me ‘troll’ is another way for saying ‘nasty piece of work’.
I wouldn’t for the life of me imagine that JD would bring up DV
[uuf! ‘overshot’!] lost an election in Belfast last year the way Scez used to seeminly every other post.
And having to post the second part of my comment I see that JD has confirmed what I think should be plainly evident to the most blinkered of ideologue here. Evidently not. Unfortunately this site does nto lack blinkered ideologues who seem to want a BBC that will impose ‘right wing political correctness’.
I agree with David P and Hippiepooter about Jim, I’ve said as much a couple of times. I don’t agree with much of what he writes but he tends to try to argue the issues and not look for minor point-scoring. Although I probably had included him in my “defenders of the indefensible” I wouldn’t have included him in the troll part of what I put.
By exchanging Pavlov’s bell for the term ‘racism’ you see the liberal media salivate. and pant for more.
To be honest I am a little concerned about Sky News as well recently, they too have been drooling over ‘racism’ and one presenter even going so far as telling the viewers that the Independent is Sky new’s ‘favourite paper’.
Dark days indeed when you cannot rely on even one tv media outlet to be balanced in it’s political position.
What ever happened to neutral news broadcasting?
Agree entirely Sir!
When will Murdochs papers and telly start to blow the BBC out of the water and leave the Guardian by means of mopping up the liberals slop buckets?
Jeff Randall for one is way too courteous to pigmies like Burnham, Byrne and Balls-Cooper…Jeff could skewer them forever and a day, and yet he`s considered and fair…why so, when the BBC are so biased and creepy?
The gentlemanly approach doesn’t work, does it? Labour stayed in power for 13 years through lies, spin, mantras and smears, seasoned with large bucketfuls of smugness and arrogance. Actually the likes of Randall and co. don’t need to stoop so low (and nor would I expect him to) – just a few more forceful reminders of the mess we’re in and who got us here will do for starters.
As for the BBC, when the Tories were in opposition it was always ‘well what would you do about it?’ Now Labour are in opposition, they give them free rein to criticise every government move with no challenge whatsoever. It’s like a never-ending one-party political broadcast.
You know I am thinking increasingly in the same vein. When the Tories were in opposition rarely did any broadcaster consider their opinion but now Labour are in opposition we seem to hear nothing BUT from them.
There is no doubt that the Conservatives haven’t become experts at media spin unlike Labour and while that is admirable it’s not helping getting their central message across and I believe that broadcasters are smugly well aware of that; forget honesty and that that entails instead worship at the altar of the great lie.
The BBC love to go back to the gifts that keep on giving like “institutional racism”…being Good Friday and a skeleton staff possibly makes it all the more tempting to coast on smug and lazy cliches.
If I told the BBC that Jesus was the first Palestinian martyr in an early intifada…and that George Galloway might agree…do you think that they might then be bovvered about what the Jew on the Christian Cross might mean today?
If not, I might leave a badly spelled note and a teddy bear as a portable shrine in His honour and then tell the Beeb that he wanted to be a footballer…THEN we might get some acknowledgement of his death and what it might mean 2000+ years later.
As it is, I`m stuck with Jenni Murray worrying that Veronica suffered every bit as much as Jesus in that she`d not have got those stains out of her cloth, what with the permanent hosepipe ban and all…how the sistas suffer if only the macho men like Christ were`nt grandstanding up on that Cross…and , of course, getting to look down on women below which was the whole point of His “gesture”.
Thank God for the REAL Madonna wrestling back iconic status for girl power from that rather shrivelled misery of a mother of his eh?
Why`s it called Good Friday Beeb…how can it be when Scarman and Mc Pherson are not valued as Jesus is…until they are…the BBC will never let up.
Still-he`s been around 2000+ years and will survive the BBC somewhat…they`re fast rolling into Al Memri blended with Eurovision and Pravda…
If there can be institutional racism at a large, cumbersome organization like the Met, surely it’s possible for the BBC to also have an institutional bias of some kind. Yet one line of defense that they don’t is that the BBC is too large and cumbersome for such a thing to be possible.
There are surely the same kind of fiefdoms and management systems in both organizations, so what makes the BBC special? There are probably more higher ranking blacks in one place than the other….
There was quite a good reply on R4 news. A woman repeatedly put the case that if they were behaving this way with blacks, they will be behaving the same way with others.
The IPCC won’t help either. I’ve made one complaint myself and my brother too.
First my brother. He rang up to ask about making a complaint. Wanted to know the procedure. A week later a letter arrives, saying they have investigated, and found against him. So he wrote back, thanking them, and asking one question. Could they tell him what he had complained about? He’d never told them.
In my case it was a case of road rage of a policeman, next to Buckingham palace, [one person killed at another time at the same place, so its an accident blackspot], probably armed, refusing to show his warrant card, …
No contact from the IPCC, just we’ve found against you. So what about the lack of CCTV? We’re not talking to you, we’ve made our decision.
The IPCC is a white wash organisation. It’s there to do the establishment’s wants. So in this case, they will hang the cops out to dry. In other cases, its the reverse.
Police officers should not call black people ‘niggers’.
Obviously, if a police officer’s experience with black people is often negative, in a highly charged situation they may succumb to using a black suspect’s skin colour against them. If so they should face some form of discipline for public confidence reasons at the very least. My huge fear is that this case (these cases) will not be dealt with on its merits due to the Thought Policing that has been spearheaded by the BBC for the last 20-25 years or so.
Personally, I couldn’t care less if a Police officer has racist beliefs, so long as he doesn’t let those beliefs interfere with the way he does his job. If it does, invariabley, he shouldn’t be doing the job. That used to be the stance of the Police and ‘the powers that be’, until we went mad.
EVERYONE, repeat, EVERYONE one this planet is prejudiced in one way or another. We become that way through life’s experiences, good or bad. What the left have done is to take a natural human condition and criminalise it for their own divisive and ideological reasons.
I would suggest that if a copper isn’t prejudiced ( I refuse to use the emotive word “racist”) at the start of his career, he/she certainly will be upon retirement. They deal, in the main, with the dregs of society – both white and black/brown. They soon learn that many immigrants come from countries where corruption, dishonesty and a callous disregard for the suffering of others is a way of life. Spending a lifetime dealing with human scum is bound to desensitize and prejudice them towards certain groups within society. Those who climb the greasy pole of the police hierarchy have little contact with these criminal lowlifes. The only people police bosses meet are the representatives of the special interest groups who need to push their axe grinding agendas.
That,however, is not to say that makes it O.K. to succumb to that prejudice. It seems some officers have been unprofessional in their dealings with some black criminals and, if they have fallen foul of discipline regulations should be dealt with accordingly. But I can fully understand why some may blow their cool.
Today’s police are expected to behave like society’s garbage collectors, clearing the streets of the scum that prey on others without offending anyone’s sensibilities and where the limits of acceptable behaviour now border directly on the criminal. Imagine having to do that for thirty plus years without it having some adverse effect on the way you view some groups.
The biggest mistake Bernard Hogan-Howe has made is to say he will not tolerate “racism” in his officers. This will now make it all but impossible for officers to deal with ethnic criminals, and their lawyers, who will see Hogan-Howe’s comments as a green light for making spurious complaints of racism against them. In the current climate being whipped up by the media (not just the BBC), any officer being complained about will be considered guilty until proven innocent. The allegation will be evidence enough.
As for the Black Police Association, that’s just another political pressure group pursuing its own distinct agenda by creating suspicion and division within the police service which, by rights, would be banned under the existing police regulations if it was an overtly political grouping formed by white officers.
Great post Andy, I agree with very word.
It’s a simple fact that black criminals commit the worst crimes and that’s why the Police particularly dont like black criminals.
The Police are in the sorry situation they’re currently in because they are extremely limited on how they can defend themselves politically and the society they defend from crime didn’t defend them from the political assault they faced from the ethno-racist Marxist left.
No political party is going to salvage things – and turning to the likes of Nazi scum like the BNP … well, ’nuff said.
If a democratic party was formed that threw out the findings of the MacPherson Report and restored proper Policing, I would join it like a shot.
Really? Most paedophiles when their photos get published to me are white.
Says volumes about you or the media you view. The grooming of young girls by Muslims is under-reported problem.
Well as 90% of the population is white then most of any representative group who have their pictures taken will be white.
This is a common racist meme. All paedos are white so it just doesn’t matter if 75% plus of muggers aren’t.
But as we have seen (or would have done if the BBC had reported it a tad more) there are quite a few brown groomers out there.
So that 100% white figure is starting to look like what it is. A race hustlers lie.
Never mind, racist as feck Labour MP Abbott will soon be along to level things up!
Probably got her mobile switched off and the racism frenzied Beeb are phoning round all London’s Burger King’s trying to track her down.
The BBC’s main news headline is currently ‘Met attacked over racism record’.
Can anyone explain to me how unproven allegations against 8 of 31,500 Met police officers proves anything at all?
I would say that the fact that the allegations are so newsworthy shows how rare it is for the police to use racist language towards members of the public…
Imagine if one were to accuse the BBC of an institutional Left-wing bias because of blatantly biased tweets from eight BBC employees. 😮
It is an article of faith with the Beeb and fellow travellers that the police are packed with knuckle-dragging neaderthals who need replacing with social workers. Racism reports are treated as paydirt of the most welcome kind. The eagerly sought racist cause of the August riots! At last, 5 people died, 100s of acts of violence, 1000s of acts of disorder and theft. All evened up by some racist words. Whenever the riots are mentioned in future the left will have its counter. No wonder the BBC are buzzing over this.
I suggest you all read Daniel Greenfield’s latest essay on http://www.sultanknish.blogspot,com. He deals with the liberal media’s need to follow the liberal narrative rather than anything else. He is talking about the Trayon case in Florida but his comments on the nature of an accusation of racism are very perceptive. The BBC is a vital part of the liberal media and cannot act in any other way than it does. Allegations become facts because the word “racism” trumps all others. Context is ignored. There can only ever be victims set against white oppressors. If one asked a liberal commentator if anyone other than a white male could be racist I suspect the answer would be no or a qualified evasion.
To be a liberal, as I understand it nowadays, is to follow without question a narrative which must always overide reality and objective truth.
We saw this clearly over the Toulouse shootings when the carefully constructed liberal narrative was mugged by the reality. So it becomes a non event that never really happened or has to be spun in a way so as to confuse the reality.
The Met police case is a gift to this liberal world view. They will make the most of it because they have to.
sorry it should be .com for sultan knish
Leftists have constructed their ‘post-modern reality’, where truth and objectivity doesn’t exist, and the only evil that exists is people who say evil exists.
They truly are Satan’s little helpers.
I believe that all these “racism” accusations stem from last summer’s riots…or should we now be referring to those diturbances as demonstrations? Each and everyone of these scumbag oiks had a mobile phone on which to record and film anything they wanted. Of course they wouldn’t be thick enough to record themselves goading the tired, beaten up copper who arrested them. Just his response.
Please remember what this useless filth inflicted on London last summer and now they’re griping over some unpleasant words. Decent people died in those “demonstrations.” Businesses were burnt to the ground. Young women jumped out of fire bombed buildings.We should have shot them!
With you all the way till the last sentence. Simply unBritish.
Dr Richard Stone is a prime example of a man in the corridors of power via academia who has taken it upon himself to castigate the whites for their attitude. He has launched himself into this field of endeavour first of all through the Stephen Lawrence inquiry and now participates in many minorities programmes. He has published a 100 page whinge blaming all Muslim problems on the Whites, the Establishment and discrimination both intentional and unintentional…apparently we are innately racist, we just don’t know it…after all you are guilty of racism if the other person thinks he is being discriminated against…seems fair to me. Apparently the test is when they chuck you into a pond and you float you are guilty, if you sink and drown you are innocent.
His report on Islamophobia is a 100 page condemnation of the indigenous population whilst exonerating the Muslims of all blame for their condition. The report’s language and all encompassing conclusions could not be better designed to make Muslims believe the hype that they are victims and legitimise a turn to extremism…..some quotes from the report…’Muslims are an easy target because we are visibly different, and people always need some focus for their hatred’. (who says we hate Muslims?.)
….’We have been on an emotional rollercoaster watching our Muslim brothers die. It makes us feel like cannon fodder’. Says a Muslim solicitor sat in his office in the UK, and….
…’I have 50 clients sitting in cells right now for one reason and one reason only: they are Muslim’.
…..’Today, Britain’s 1.6 million Muslims are living on a diet of death, hypocrisy and neglect that is traumatising and radicalising an entire generation‘. Just a sample of the deadly hate filled tripe that exudes from this travesty of a report.
Just remember folks as you walk down the street and see a white person, think ‘racist’…after all ‘Racism, Islamophobia and anti-semitism are in the minds of white people, in the institutions, organisations and cultures they mould and lead’.
The whites are pilloried remorselessly and trashed with impunity and what is ultimately worse this assassination of a whole race is accepted by the Establishment in their attempt not to offend the minority who are held up as eternal victims and paragons of virtue and used as a justification for special treatment to them.
The report builds on Muslim paranoia and suggests Islamophobia in every newspaper report or TV broadcast with coded references to Muslims, their intelligence, morals or culture and suggests that if you are a critic of Islam you are suffering some sort of mental sickness or aberration, are mentally unstable and that a critic of Islam is condemning all Muslims…the underlying perception of the British peoples message to Muslims is that ‘you don’t belong here’.
Click to access islambook.pdf
I got as far as no Muslim is ever anti Semitic and gave up. Tell that to the Ayatollahs in Iran. Thanks anyway.
On the matter of the Met. Perhaps the force should completely give up on stop and search. Withdraw from boroughs where they might offend a local even inadvertently. This is obviously a greater crime than drugs, guns and knives. London is resilient so they keep telling us and will probably cope with minimal policing. At least the liberal elites will feel better about it. The residents might not but since when have they ever really been consulted.