Just wanted to make you aware that thanks to the sterling work of All Seeing Eye there is now a CONTACT US tab for you to send messages/tips/suggested posts/guest posts to me. There is also an FAQ tab for questions you may have.
The new site is performing very well. I am pleased about all the new names commenting here and since we have switched over to this platform, there have been 110,000 views of the site, with over 10,000 in just one day alone. I hope you are liking it, it seems to speed along, and the debate seems pretty hot.
Thanks to you all.
Thanks David!
If anyone has any questions or suggestions or feedback then please get back to me on the usual address or via David using the Contact Us tab.
This is a community blog and is run by you as readers so please keep talking to us and we’ll respond as fast as we can.
The new faster server David refers to has been funded by YOUR donations and every penny from our tip-jar has gone on hardware to make our site better. Please keep your support ongoing and if we do then the strongest crusading site on the ‘web will carry on hitting our target.
Great stuff. Funny how you miss little things about the horrible Blogspot, like not being able to like your own post, knowing which posters had “liked” a post, how to upload your avatar without compromising your identity via other blogs on WordPress, and the ability to delete and correct your own post after publishing it.
But its a better platform no doubt, and its great to see all posts not just those in the country you are in. Google deathwish.
Well done ASE. One step closer to demolishing the bBC
WordPress is far from perfect but it’s better than what we have moved away from
The country-specific thing was a nightmare but Echo (the comments) have said they are killing the service in 6 months time. Needed to move or lose the whole site.
I thought that I would give you my feedback on new site, for what it’s worth.
Better than old: Quicker to load. Easier to comment and after changes slightly easier to track and read other’s comments. I liked simplicity of old look.
Worse than old: The preview of each article is too small so browsing is harder and slower (this is the biggie for me). Can’t see who has liked a comment (a minor matter but I used to find interesting). New look is growing one me and does look more ‘professional’.
Overall: An improvement to a great site and one that deserves wider readership.
Thanks for that NotASheep.
The preview is easy enough for me to change. It was set that size to improve front page loading speed but I’m happy to change it if that’s the consensus.
The ‘Liked’ thing I’m looking at already. Slightly harder on this new system as one of the common requests was a comments system that didn’t require registration. The payback for that is a loss of a full list of Likes.
It’s a compromise, I guess. But I will improve what we have this week as much as possible.
Thanks again for the feedback.
I’ve just put the Post preview size up from 50 to 70 words. Let me know if that is better for you.
70 words is better, 150 would be better still 😉
On old site having to click to read whole article was the exception now it is the rule. Having said that I will, I am sure, get used to it.
It’s a trade-off. Longer articles are easier to scan but take longer to load when people read the site on a mobile phone or with limited bandwidth.
I’m happy to experiment a bit and find a comfortable balance. As always, though, these things end up being a compromise. Let me mess around with things and see what works.
David and team, congratulations on the new site, which I think is an improvement and clearly generating more comments (largely due to the excellent articles posted.)
Something I would dearly love to see, is Biased BBC finding a way to communicate its content to a far wider audience, for example in the way that the Taxpayers Alliance has done.
Possibly this is a subject for a post in its own right – throw it open to the commenters and ask for suggestions !
– An easy way to link BBBC stories to other blogs commentors read.
– A commentor with the time to send out a daily / weekly synopsis of topics covered to other media outlets
– A campaign aimed at getting BBBC a right of reply on bbc air time.
– a techie commentor able to tabulate biased bbc staff tweets over a period of time.
Just my wish list !!! Great work guys.
Perhaps it’s my device, but when viewing this site on an iPod, I can read the articles ok, but when I click on the tab to see the comments it just shuts Safari down.
My iPod did this up until last week (not just with B-BBC but across a range of sites). Regrettably it was a Settings -> General -> Reset job in the end.
I’ve just checked now though; B-BBC is working fine on it. Sorry but it’s looking like it’s your bit of kit this time….
Thanks ASE. I look at this site on my desk top 99.9% of the time anyway, so not a major problem.
Keep up the good work,
I feel the new site is an improvement on the previous one. May I make a request for a facility from a previous site – recording unread comments? Helps to avoid a lot of tedious scrolling, particularly on the Open Threads.