Interesting comparison here by Biased BBC contributor Alan;
“A family of Jews is slaughtered, literally, and in the most cold blooded way. The BBC did not report it and a search of there news site will turn up only three reports….and note one headline….suggests a just cause for killing the Fogel family…they were ‘West Bank Settlers’.
On the other hand black teenager, Trayvon Martin, is shot in America and there is report after report after report….and this is only the first page shown here.
Look for yourselves.
Guess we know where the BBC\’s sympathies lie.
17 April 2011
Fogel murders: Israel arrests two Palestinian teenagers Middle East / 17 April 2011 … service, Shin Bet, have not formally linked the PFLP to the planning of the attack on the Fogels. With the lifting of the gagging order, though,…
29 March 2011
Fogel murders: Israeli army ‘detains 60 Palestinians’
Middle East / 29 March 2011
… as they searched for the killers of a settler family, the local Palestinian council said. The Fogels and three of their young children were stabbed…
14 March 2011
Mahmoud Abbas condemns West Bank settler family murders Middle East 14 March 2011 Palestinians. Officials said the assailants cut through a fence around the settlement of Itamar and entered the Fogels’ home, stabbing to death…
10 April 2012
Trayvon Martin: George Zimmerman launches website US & Canada NEW 4 hours ago George Zimmerman says on his homepage that the incident has forced him abandon to his home, job and family. He shot 17-year-old Trayvon Martin… No hearing for George Zimmerman, says state prosecutor NEW 4 hours ago The lawyer for Trayvon Martin\’s family told BBC Radio 5 live that he was ‘cautiously optimistic’ that the prosecutor will make an arrest.
9 April 2012
Trayvon Martin: Prosecutor decides against grand jury US & Canada 9 April 2012 … neighbourhood watchman should be tried for shooting dead unarmed black teenager Trayvon Martin. Angela Corey says her office is still investigating… Tulsa shooting rampage suspects in court US & Canada / 9 April 2012 … amid continued protests over the death of Trayvon Martin, an unarmed black teenager who was killed by a neighbourhood watch volunteer in Florida…
29 March 2012
Trayvon Martin: George Zimmerman’s father speaks out US & Canada 29 March 2012 The father of the man who shot and killed unarmed black teenager Trayvon Martin says his son was attacked and threatened before opening fire.
CCTV of man accused of killing Trayvon Martin
29 March 2012
New video footage has emerged of the man accused of killing an unarmed teenager in Florida.
Neighborhood Watch trailer scrapped after shooting Front Page 29 March 2012 … in the US over fears they are insensitive. It comes after the shooting of unarmed black teenager Trayvon Martin in Florida, last month. He was… Trayvon Martin: CCTV shows George Zimmerman after shooting
29 March 2012
Images emerge of George Zimmerman, the man who shot and killed Florida teenager Trayvon Martin, entering a police station minutes after the shooting.
Trayvon Martin: Your view
29 March 2012
Ralph Harvey, originally from the UK now living in Fort Lauderdale, says he is surprised by the reaction of the police to Trayvon Martin\’s death.
28 March 2012
Congressman Bobby Rush wears hoodie on House floor
28 March 2012
… about racial profiling and the case of shot black teenager Trayvon Martin.
Trayvon Martin: Father dismisses claims son provoked attacker
28 March 2012
The father of Trayvon Martin, the unarmed black teenager shot dead in Orlando in Florida a month ago, has dismissed claims that his son provoked…
27 March 2012
Trayvon Martin\’s parents go to Capitol Hill US & Canada / 27 March 2012 The parents of Trayvon Martin, a black teenager gunned down in Florida last month, have attended a congressional forum on racial profiling. The…
26 March 2012
Trayvon Martin: Sanford rally over Florida shooting US & Canada / 26 March 2012 Large crowds have gathered in Florida for a rally to mark a month since unarmed black teenager Trayvon Martin was shot and killed. Civil rights… In pictures: Trayvon Martin demonstrations Front Page / 26 March 2012 People have been demonstrating in the US over what they say is the injustice over the killing of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin.. …
25 March 2012
Trayvon killer, George Zimmerman, ‘in fear of his life’
25 March 2012
George Zimmerman, the neighbourhood watch patroller in Florida who shot to death the unarmed black teenager Trayvon Martin, “is in fear of his…
24 March 2012
News tweets: Deadly hoodies and political games Magazine / 24 March 2012 … to hoodies 🙁 TV producer Jenny Johnson ( @JennyJohnsonHi5 ) after media personality Geraldo Rivera said that Trayvon Martin’s hooded sweatshirt…
23 March 2012
Sanford’s week in the spotlight amid Trayvon protests
23 March 2012
… where thousands have protested the shooting of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin by a town watch patrolman.
President Obama says teenager’s death a ‘tragedy’
23 March 2012
US President Barack Obama has said the “tragedy” of an unarmed black teenager shot dead in Florida should prompt some national soul-searching.
Trayvon Martin: Obama says teenager’s death a tragedy US & Canada 23 March 2012 … shot dead in Florida should prompt some national soul-searching. The death of Trayvon Martin, 17, gunned down by a neighbourhood watchman, who…
Obama: Trayvon Martin death ‘a tragedy’
23 March 2012
As an investigation gets under way into the shooting of an unarmed black teenager in Florida, the US President was asked to comment on the case.
Who would the BBC blame if a Palestinian killed a black teenager – Israel or the Republicans?
I would sort of defend the BBC on this one by pointing out that the murder of the Fogel family wasn’t anything like the national media frenzy, with the accompanying demagoguery and protests, but we all know they censored news of it entirely until called out on it in a national newspaper. So the BBC doesn’t deserve any defense here.
There was a ‘national media frenzy’ over the Fogels…in Israel…. with massive coverage for obvious reasons.
A highly politicised killing in a highly charged area of the world and the BBC ignore it.
However they did race over to check how the family of a suicide bomber was doing after he blew himself up along with some Israelis….no idea what the Israelis thought because the BBC didn’t ask….’THE BBC: “A FAMILY IN MOURNING”
BBC1 TV news yesterday carried a clip, “A family in mourning.” One might have imagined it would concern the family of one of the five victims of Friday’s suicide attack in Tel Aviv, perhaps Yael Orbach, for example, who was due to be married in three weeks time.
But, true to form, the BBC’s used its enormous public funds and host of reporters, to instead show the mourning of the family of the suicide bomber.
The BBC appears to think it is more appropriate to sympathetically show the perpetrator rather than the victims who were targeted for death merely for being Israeli Jews.’
and it’s not the only time….
Elusive Peace: Israel and the Arabs (2005)
BBC/PBS Documentary
Produced and Directed by Norma Percy
150 minutes
‘As with so many previous BBC documentaries on the Middle East, the latest effort, Elusive Peace, is yet another wasted opportunity.’
‘The documentary, which was shown in the U.S. in slightly shortened form by the Public Broadcasting Service, also manages to interview not a single victim of a Palestinian suicide bombing.’
I know there was a big noise in Israel, but nothing like what happened in the US. Still no excuse for the BBC to censor all news of it until their noses were rubbed in it, though.
‘I would sort of defend the BBC on this one by pointing out that the murder of the Fogel family wasn’t anything like the national media frenzy’
You go onto explain, but as this is precisely the excuse the BBC are trying on across a variety of other topics, I am less keen on the ‘give ’em a pass as some others didn’t either’ approach.
Like the ‘I see the BBC didn’t..’ open goal to the cherry vultures, and with negative proving complications too, this is an area of comparison very tricky to ‘prove’ factually.
However, as Alan goes on to cite in example, what they do get excited about on specific basis is hard to reconcile with what they don’t… yet I seem to recall lack of specifics generating a passionate apologist outpouring based on the BBC referring to ‘the issue’… ‘in the round’. The precedent of pointing out a vague overview… somewhere… being used to excuse highlight tribal selectivity on focussed personal stories to support a narrative is, at best, distasteful.
The BBC attitude to the Fogel family from the start of their limited coverage was that the family deserved to be butchered because they were a) Jews and b) settlers. They got what was coming to them, no description of the grotesque nature of the murders from the BBC, almost as if the family somehow just died. This was done to overtly minimise the disgust for the killers and any empathy for the victims, and then the Fogel family was forgotten. The BBC has always gone to great lengths to support the ‘Palestinian’ Arab land grabbers and settlers, the narrative that they are the eternal victims must not be contradicted and the Fogel family were the fly in the ointment for the BBC, they showed the savage side of the BBCs approved victims and the reality of what Israel faces every day.
If you are a BBC approved victim you can rely on the BBC to move heaven and earth to protect and nurture that victimhood status, the BBC has its approved victims and its set of villains, its black and white and their can be no shades of grey allowed. The BBC has become nothing more than a childs pantomime with the audience encouraged to boo and jeer at the approved stage villain and cheer and empathise with the cult approved hero and victim.
What INBBC censors globally on ISLAM:-
“The Clash of Civilizations Has New Venues”
by Dr. Laina Farhat-Holzman.
It was the BBC’s attitude over the Fogel family that finally convinced me that the organisation was not worth saving in any shape or form. State or privatised. Sometimes you have to draw the line. I remember reading Daniel Greenfield’s superb article on the killing of the family on his blog Sultan Knish. It made me actually sick.
The anti-Israel BarbaricBrainwashingCorporation at its sickeningly biased best!