Hi folks. I have been away for the past several day, across in Holland. The very first day I arrive the Government collapses! I had hoped for a similar result today but no such luck! Have the BBC been behaving themselves? I have been uncontaminated for a few days now so am gently re-emerging myself in the steaming waters of their bias! From what I can see, they want Jeremy Hunt to resign, they are worried about glaciers being “out of balance” and above all else, they really want to see the back of Rupert Murdoch! So, what’s been your preferred moment of bias of the week so far? Answers on a postcard…
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“The very first day I arrive the Government collapses! I had hoped for a similar result today but no such luck!”
— How strange that you should speak like a member of the BBC (grin).
Not so sure the lack of contamination can be guaranteed even in Holland. I understand that they have to pay for the Beeboid Corporation as part of a package under whatever licensing / payment system they have for TV.
The BBC are having a field day with the Levison Inquiry into Murdoc switching his allegiance from Labour to Conservative ( or at least that should be its title judging by the line of questioning).
Murdoc was accused of admiring Margaret Thatcher, (heinous crime that) and the BBC still can’t get over the fact that Cameron does not eat pasties. (They really think the country gives a damn.)
So all as normal I would say.
Nice to see you back.
Welcome back, DV. Did you see evidence of the massive Islamophobia and violence against Mohammedans down there that the BBC warns against happening in Britain?
On the climate change topic, Melanie Phillips has an excellent piece:
Apocalypse deferred
Been two big political interviews on the Today Programme.
Monday(?) we had Cameron. John Humphreys was in full attack dog mode, hectoring, constantly interrupting, pushing his agenda and even for Humphreys bloody rude. (I thought Cameron stood up to it quite well).
Today we had Milliband. Evan Davis cooing gently (sounded like Doris Day on steroids), had to have been the softest political Interview I’ve ever heard.
John, I thought Cameron was pathetic and John Humphreys gobbled him up.
Why can’t he stand up to these Lefty apologists for Labour and tell them in no uncertain terms their attitude and line of questioning demonstrates their bias. He gains nothing by lying down and toadying up to them. Until he takes a stand they will consider it all right to continue.
“Why can’t he stand up to these Lefty apologists for Labour ”
Simple – its because he is one. Cameron has not got a single conservative bone in his body, he is a clone of the Westminster elite. John Major was charismatic in comparison.
They never respond to interuptions because they, naively, go on Today hoping to get their message across. Responding to interupts with objections simply turns the argument to the interuptions.
Result: message lost and BBC has another story they can use to beat the Tories with.
Simple agitprop. Not so simple problem to solve.
Let’s see, what’s been happening…
A witch hunt against an 82 year old successful businessman (something to do with newspapers).
Body in a bag (something to do with pies) … oops sorry spies.
Three weeks of rain will not help the drought (wrong sort of rain apparently).
Cameron’s in trouble, (bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla etc.)
Ed Millipede said it beggars belief, (bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla).
Jeremy Hunt (something to do with BSkyB (Bloody Sky Bloke) went running with a funny grin and said something about not re-signing (I don’t know what he should have signed in the first place, sorry)!
That’s about it really. I might turn the Boring Broadcasting Clowns news on again next week to see if there is anything new.
Oh dear, I nearly forgot, as well as the National Health Service we now have the National Food Service, as lots of people are starving because of the cuts.
Oh yes, and last of all dear old Gordon Brown (remember him?), well he started a war against the 82 year old businessman (newspapers) because the businessman said he was bonkers. (no, I know that is not news)
By the way, good to have you back again.
Re the starving millions due to the cutz: I notice they haven’t done another indepth analysis of anyone’s outgoings this time. Just in case their weekly shop is full of booze and fags and they have a full sky package. They won’t be making that mistake again.
Tot ziens Mr Vance.
I believe you missed Russell Brand louchly camping it up before a purring Keith Vaz the other day in Parliament.
I`m told the esteemed MPs were keen to find out what our Russ thought about the legalisation of drugs…I`m guessing you`ll have to turn the sound up to find out…I THINK I`ve got an inkling!
Next up ….one Gary Glitter and his views on SureStart…
Welcome back David and stop press: “Georgetown faculty members skewer Paul Ryan budget plan.”
Georgetown, described as “at a top Catholic university” (aka the voice of catholic orthodoxy) is run by Jesuits, former members of the Clinton administration and liberation theologians. If Georgetown represents the Catholic Church, I am a alien from the planet Zarg. I happen to have seen Georgetown in action over the past few years as a step-son attended the school of foreign studies. It is a voice unto itself. The headline of the story should read: “Split in Catholic vote over Ryan plan.” Interesting who the BBC chooses to quote and when – in this case the “J”s are supporting a socialist agenda, so they must be important. But hey, religious complexity is something a secular organisation like the Beeb wouldn’t understand.
(FYI Ryan is a Roman Catholic.)
PS I’ve just read a nice piece on the subject of left wing Catholics on National review Online.
I am waiting for Mardell to spout about this. Its a natural for him.
Yes, and the BBC dishonestly headlined it as “Catholic leaders” skewering Ryan, in both the headline and the lead, allowing people to think it was a national group and not just people from this one school. Yet they censored all news of a real national Catholic group criticizing the President and calling for civil disobedience.
The ideologists at the BBC didn’t invite anyone of interest, (Such as an Atmospheric Physicist to talk about the Global None-Warming) with the exception of a reluctant but democratically compelled invitation to Nigel Farage. So I watched a couple of intellectuals arguing against ideology with Assange on Russia Today.
The BBC have barely mentioned it – you will not be surprised that the Levison enquiry, and the real opportunity to get Jeremy Hunt fired are taking priority over a major European Government falling.